Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

In case you think it's always paradise in Hawaii... Our Family Cookbook: We are a LARGE family simply LIVING THE DREAM. Mom and Dad have SIX wonderful children. Shari 15, Chad 13, Abby 11, Julie 9, Russell 7, Eve 5. SUBSCRIBE HERE: Get to know us. Watch HERE: INSTAGRAM: 8Passengers CONTACT INFO: PO BOX 628 SPRINGVILLE, UT. 84663 Music: family vlog, family vlogger

Surfing Sisters of Hawaii sentiment_very_dissatisfied 254

Surf 6 years ago 497,264 views

In case you think it's always paradise in Hawaii... Our Family Cookbook: We are a LARGE family simply LIVING THE DREAM. Mom and Dad have SIX wonderful children. Shari 15, Chad 13, Abby 11, Julie 9, Russell 7, Eve 5. SUBSCRIBE HERE: Get to know us. Watch HERE: INSTAGRAM: 8Passengers CONTACT INFO: PO BOX 628 SPRINGVILLE, UT. 84663 Music: family vlog, family vlogger

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

8 Passengers
8 Passengers - 6 years ago
So proud of our kids for tackling the challenge of surfing. It’s wasnt easy, but they did it and they had fun in the process! What is something challenging you want to tackle this new year?
Oliver L
Oliver L - 6 years ago
8 Passengers I started surfing when I was 6 years old if you keep on going and push through you will get better
Sama Obaid
Sama Obaid - 6 years ago
Don't feel embarrassed ruby it's fine
Kira Loney
Kira Loney - 6 years ago
I live in Hawaii/ Maui
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
Driving. I'm 14 and 1/2. Dad has already bought me my car and I need to practice how to drive it. It's a old 1961 VW and I'm scared.
Soccer_and_ Pups
Soccer_and_ Pups - 6 years ago
KyVlogs btw they were on a slant
Hannah Harvey
Hannah Harvey - 6 years ago
i surf
Mary eisel
Mary eisel - 6 years ago
Get better it cursive and typing
Pavan Kaur
Pavan Kaur - 6 years ago
Eat healthy food
Jesselynn Marquez
Jesselynn Marquez - 6 years ago
I went to Hawaii for my 15th birthday in July and that's when the volcanoes were erupting and I was on the same island as that volcanoe and it was really smokey and foggy during the night and early in the morning. Now it looks so beautiful and clear. Hope you have a good time.
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
+Silver Moon Studios SURFING! We have a surfing team at my school. Go HPA!
Faith Amber Lumbo
Faith Amber Lumbo - 6 years ago
Something challenging that i am doing this year is surfing. I have been competing this year.
pop games
pop games - 6 years ago
I've gone surfing before.
Safa Mohammed
Safa Mohammed - 6 years ago
Alyssa Stinnette
Alyssa Stinnette - 6 years ago
I want all A's so I can go to Hawaii and I also want to learn how to wakeboard!! I know how to kneeboard but wake boarding looks so fun
Nicole Flynn
Nicole Flynn - 6 years ago
8 Passengers, Rudy please don't fee embarrassed telling us about you getting lost. We are all your YouTube family and we all love you. I'm so glade that the lady you asked for help was so nice and helped you by letting you use her phone so you could call Kevin.
Silver Moon Studios
Silver Moon Studios - 6 years ago
VOLLEYBALL! Ive always been amazed and it just so happens that my school has a volleyball team ;))
Lisa B.
Lisa B. - 6 years ago
8 Passengers I hope you are feeling better by now Ruby. You are the sweetest person. Your trip looks wonderful despite all the not so fun stuff you described. I get lost all the time. Especially in new places.
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
Change. Any kind of change. I'm not too good at change and taking big risks---outside of surfing that is---and I need to embrace more change in my life, Grandma says. She also wants grand-babies. HA! Like that is going to happen in the next 30 years! Not.
Mercy Okoro
Mercy Okoro - 6 years ago
Algebra 1 ..i'm pushing it!
Steph Treds
Steph Treds - 6 years ago
8 Passengers i allways go surfing its like my fav you guys did really good. xx
Lemon Head
Lemon Head - 6 years ago
So there are a lot of 5 yr old kids of vloggers and eve just seems off. Have you had her evaluated at all? She seems to be about 2 yrs behind. Not to mention being in left field. Why don’t you put more time into her and less time vlogging? Seems like greed has taken over and Eve is just falling through the cracks. Time to have a wake up call Mama!!!
Chase E
Chase E - 6 years ago
8 Passengers Ik that the flu is going around again really bad so hopefully y’all don’t have that
Marla Sturgill
Marla Sturgill - 6 years ago
Eating healthier in 2019, btw your thumbnail of Abby & Julie is too cute... Julie is going to be tall...
R.L. Angus
R.L. Angus - 6 years ago
+gymnasticsfangirl 301 same!
Amy Scott
Amy Scott - 6 years ago
Praying that everyone is feeling better and no one has strep.
Maisie Connolly
Maisie Connolly - 6 years ago
8 Passengers iiiiiii.
Caitlin Carr
Caitlin Carr - 6 years ago
eating healthy and being myself
Kayla Graffaham
Kayla Graffaham - 6 years ago
Keep a routine
Hannah Byas
Hannah Byas - 6 years ago
To do really well at university/polytech and hope you all feel better
Colin McCullough
Colin McCullough - 6 years ago
Bench 225
Cheyenne Blankenship
Cheyenne Blankenship - 6 years ago
8 Passengers what Hawaiian island are you on?
Jade Walters
Jade Walters - 6 years ago
8 Passengers congrats on 2 million
Adventures from Hawaii Mack
Adventures from Hawaii Mack - 6 years ago
8 Passengers Yes I surf every other day because I live in Hawaii
Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson - 6 years ago
8passengers I’m in Hawaii and I just surfed yesterday!
gymnasticsfangirl 301
gymnasticsfangirl 301 - 6 years ago
I want to tackle my mental blocks in gymnastics and work on my spanish
kayla frey
kayla frey - 6 years ago
my grama has dementia I am so sad
Lily Flower
Lily Flower - 6 years ago
I want to eat healthy because I’m 2018 I ate really unhealthy u also want to get a.s in school
LMSA Friends
LMSA Friends - 6 years ago
8 Passengers I was at that same beach
Kayleigh Cox
Kayleigh Cox - 6 years ago
8 Passengers I luv your videos
Rachael Davies
Rachael Davies - 6 years ago
hope you get well soon ruby your an amazing mom dont worry every single vacation i go on i get sick bad but dont let it ruin your time with your amazing family....i know your sick but can we please see a hawaii house tour before you leave. XXXXX
Hayley Grimes
Hayley Grimes - 6 years ago
Straight A's and Skiing.
Juliet Merchant
Juliet Merchant - 6 years ago
8 Passengers at 7:30 if you look on the bottom right of the board and you watch that clip there was a dolphin or shark fin I think it was a dolphin but Chad was right next to it
stan prestwich
stan prestwich - 6 years ago
Drew’s Channel I’ve been on so many planes just try your hardest and try to overcome it it’s not scary
Jane Leplastrier
Jane Leplastrier - 6 years ago
8 Passengers ruby oh my gosh that would have been so scary
Jake Parker
Jake Parker - 6 years ago
Try to exercise more
Mini Raphael
Mini Raphael - 6 years ago
Ruby please don't feel bad abt getting lost, trust me I have absolutely no sense of direction sonetime and just completely blank out and I have lived in this place for two years now
Star makes gacha life's
Star makes gacha life's - 6 years ago
i hope you feel better ruby
Vita Lalu
Vita Lalu - 6 years ago
Ruby listen to me to get lost in a town you were first time is NOT EMBERASING
Drew’s Channel
Drew’s Channel - 6 years ago
I want to get over my fear of planes which is silly because I was born in California and moved to Texas. But I’m scared of planes so I want to try to get over it.
the 7 passengers on boards familly
the 7 passengers on boards familly - 6 years ago
Hope you fell better,have a great day,smile from cami
Anna D
Anna D - 6 years ago
I went surfing when I was seven, eight, and nine
Digital scribbler
Digital scribbler - 6 years ago
I want learn to code.
Charlotte Alderson
Charlotte Alderson - 6 years ago
8 Passengers Get better at French
Emma Bond
Emma Bond - 6 years ago
8 Passengers you guys are literally the best!
KyVlogs - 6 years ago
8 Passengers the thumb nail is soo cute Wow Julie is taller than Abby
Jolika Janssen
Jolika Janssen - 6 years ago
I want to have straight a's and eat healthy! (First)
Chloe Hand
Chloe Hand - 6 years ago
I'm going grand canarya to do surfing
Alexis Rodriguez
Alexis Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Abby is one year younger than me
Martin Chalmers
Martin Chalmers - 6 years ago
Ha ha your going to be very ill
Tristyn Booth
Tristyn Booth - 6 years ago
I went to Hawaii a few months ago and went to the Polynesian cultural center and I surfed to
Darlene Niyonzima
Darlene Niyonzima - 6 years ago
i have been surfing and i live in hawaii
C raig
C raig - 6 years ago
Where did Abbey and Julie get their swimsuits? They're so cool!
Valeria Chavez
Valeria Chavez - 6 years ago
Omg 4:50 Chad in the back round was so mean to his sister
Tania balas
Tania balas - 6 years ago
I've been surfing seems I was 3
Like if you have to

10. comment for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

THE SmitShow
THE SmitShow - 6 years ago
The view at 1:04 (classic Hawaii). Does it get much better than that!?
Samaya Morris
Samaya Morris - 6 years ago
I never went surfing before! I really want to learn. My only set back is I question my swimming skills in water that is constantly moving. It’s different than swimming in a pool. I always wanted to got to Hawaii!
Piper Zeilinger
Piper Zeilinger - 6 years ago
I am a surfer and a skater
BZ FROG W1ZARD - 6 years ago
I have been surfing since I was 5
Maddie Bailey
Maddie Bailey - 6 years ago
Nope never been
Rachel. Kelly
Rachel. Kelly - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing before it takes practice and patience when there’s no waves and it might not be some people’s cut of tea
Marcky Marc And The Funky Bunch
Marcky Marc And The Funky Bunch - 6 years ago
I go surf like every weekend I'm pretty good but if there are any surfers in the comments they are kinda kooks in this video


Marley Rose Quinn
Marley Rose Quinn - 6 years ago
That honestly is not even that bad, trust me. I live in Oahu and getting lost is nothing to be embarrassed about. By the way, I love your channel
Emma Adams
Emma Adams - 6 years ago
i want to go surfing
Kelsie Equestrian
Kelsie Equestrian - 6 years ago
Yep I go surfing a fare bit although i live right near the beach in Australia

20. comment for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

Niwaduwata - 6 years ago
nice family
Amelia Grenz
Amelia Grenz - 6 years ago
I have been serving it's so much fun
Luisa Oakden
Luisa Oakden - 6 years ago
Annie Linsell
Annie Linsell - 6 years ago
It is so irresponsible of the parent to not get chad to put sun cream on because he could get skin cancer!
Kyle Fong
Kyle Fong - 6 years ago
No but I want to
Elli Crafts
Elli Crafts - 6 years ago
" No! You wont be able! WE CAN BE TRIPLETS"
Molly Thorner
Molly Thorner - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing at Bicheno
Katie Crook
Katie Crook - 6 years ago
I love surfing I do it once a year xx
Emily Ireland
Emily Ireland - 6 years ago
no but i really want to
AnneMarie - 6 years ago
You guys went to the same beach as my family did

30. comment for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

Alex Gonzales
Alex Gonzales - 6 years ago
We went to the Marriot which had an amazing beach
Abbiegail Cruz
Abbiegail Cruz - 6 years ago
No I haven't
Michelle Sweet
Michelle Sweet - 6 years ago
Meee I love surfing
applejuice - 6 years ago
well if chad gets tanned and burnt,well so seeing as that cloth towel is over his face,like i could him having a deep tan and then his face is super light compared to his body 3.10 well if u tan easily like me
applejuice - 6 years ago
I'm like a deep sleeper,so even if roosters crow,I would still be sleeping and not notice ahahah 0.27
Ryan De Jong
Ryan De Jong - 6 years ago
I have never gone surfing before
Madilyn Bonham
Madilyn Bonham - 6 years ago
I have not been surfing but my brother loves it
Ellie Witthaus
Ellie Witthaus - 6 years ago
I absolutely love Abby and Julie’s swimsuits!!! They are so cute!❤️ love you guys!
Lola Holmes
Lola Holmes - 6 years ago
I felt so bad when ruby told the story of her getting lost I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dascia Ferris
Dascia Ferris - 6 years ago
Where is Ruby’s swim suit from?
Claire Paquette
Claire Paquette - 6 years ago
What a beautiful experience for your whole family. Would love to do something like this with my family. Who know maybe next year? Love watching your videos and thanks for sharing. OMG when you said you got lost I can totally relate to that . When I was in Rome I just went to use the washroom and the others I was with were waiting in the hall of the mall for me , well I couldn't find my way back to them. I landed in the men's washroom ( so embarrassing) but finally found them. I totally panicked so know exactly how you felt. I have no sense of direction so it has nothing to do with dimentia or anything like that so don't feel bad.
Rylee Payton
Rylee Payton - 6 years ago
I surf all the time!!! Once surged with a professional!!
Its your girl Jill
Its your girl Jill - 6 years ago
If your in Hawaii you should see Ava Jules!
Sydney Coburn
Sydney Coburn - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your lost story and I am not saying that in a funny or mean way, I felt the spirit and I know that the Lord sent people to help us. Get feeling better I hope you don't have strep. Love you guys.
Aoife Doherty
Aoife Doherty - 6 years ago
11:36 i love these hawaii videos!!!!!!
Cara Barnes
Cara Barnes - 6 years ago
Where about are they in Hawaii ! I would love to go
Natelie Revell
Natelie Revell - 6 years ago
I have
dohenson - 6 years ago
Mia Bear
Mia Bear - 6 years ago
I go surfing with my dad it’s so fun!
Sally Croft
Sally Croft - 6 years ago
Wish there was mo re footage of the children attempting attempting to surf.

50. comment for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

Sara G
Sara G - 6 years ago
I'm that guy paddling at 7:27 LOL
Tatum Gram
Tatum Gram - 6 years ago
Salma Elprince Life
Salma Elprince Life - 6 years ago
Ruby while she is talking she really sounded like she was about to cry, and she did
Kira Loney
Kira Loney - 6 years ago
I live in Hawaii
Nathan Konopczak
Nathan Konopczak - 6 years ago
hope you get better <3 <3love your videos
Arthesa Drake
Arthesa Drake - 6 years ago
I sure do love you all Ruby. Hoping you’re much better now, since it’s a whole week later! Love the Hawaii vlogs! Don’t be embarrassed, neither you nor Kevin. I totally understand you getting lost and Kevin deserves highest honours for trying so hard at surfing! You are all awesome!
Sarah Kennedy
Sarah Kennedy - 6 years ago
I am a surfer
Brinley Tirner
Brinley Tirner - 6 years ago
Also when I went to Oahu my condo was in walking distance too and like my house was 300 feet away from the temple
Corrupt_ Btw
Corrupt_ Btw - 6 years ago
I’ve surfed for around 2 weeks in a row
cara's leven
cara's leven - 6 years ago
Kesley has the same swiming suite
Emi Hose
Emi Hose - 6 years ago
Yes I live in Hawaii
Emi Hose
Emi Hose - 6 years ago
Yes I live in Hawaii
Andie Jane Jenkins
Andie Jane Jenkins - 6 years ago
I feel bad on Eve chad was like stop coughing
Jenna Noelle Haywood
Jenna Noelle Haywood - 6 years ago
I haven't been surfing but I want to try.I love your Hawaii videos!
Bryan Patterson
Bryan Patterson - 6 years ago
I love surfing, when I get to.
Keiirah Alexxandra
Keiirah Alexxandra - 6 years ago
Don’t feel bad about getting lost and everybody getting sick. It’s okay. You’ve been under a lot of pressure lately. You’re on an island and unless you’ve got super memory, not body expects you to be perfect. The adrenaline was kicking in and you we going to feel scared and anxious. It happens. But don’t let that ruin your vacation. You’re in paradise
Leah’s Channel
Leah’s Channel - 6 years ago
The picture of Abby and Julie is gorgeous
Kelly Rogers
Kelly Rogers - 6 years ago
What a great lesson to always return to Christ when you're lost. Maybe God was sending you a reminder. We all do silly things
Tmather E
Tmather E - 6 years ago
Ruby don’t let the kids burry there fit in the sand it can be very dangerous there a types of worms that live in the sand and crawl under the skin search it up plz it can be very dangerous!!!
Maureen Schlifske
Maureen Schlifske - 6 years ago
If you guys like surfing you should watch a movie called the soul surfer I think it’s a really cool movie but a little scary at one part that the little kids shouldn’t watch
Sophia Brooke
Sophia Brooke - 6 years ago
Eve screaming “ and now we getta be twins!!!!!”
Charlotte Davies
Charlotte Davies - 6 years ago
4:44 chad was so mean to Eve she can cough if she wants
jana ksibati
jana ksibati - 6 years ago
The surf in bali is great the waves were so great however the beach was so polluted :(
Savannah Melia Lytal
Savannah Melia Lytal - 6 years ago
i am a surfer and i find it so cool that you had the oppertunity to do this with your kids ! <3
Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Nuggets - 6 years ago
I used to go surfing every day, until around 3 years ago where I started to steer towards boogie boarding due to me nearly drowning. Recently one of my close friends was boogie boarding and stood up later to fall off doing like a front flip and landing on a rock therefore breaking his back and me and 2 other of my close friends had to paddle him into safety. He still wears his brace and broke 7 of his vertebrae’s in the top quarter of his back. So yeah I used to surf but I’m now a swimmer and boogie boarded. Love you guys
Tips And guide in uae
Tips And guide in uae - 6 years ago
Tay Tay
Tay Tay - 6 years ago
Why was chad like stop coughing
Erin Williams
Erin Williams - 6 years ago
I live near a beach so I surf everyday! xox
Alina Paleka
Alina Paleka - 6 years ago
That's ko'olina I live in hawaii
Chloe Fukumitsu
Chloe Fukumitsu - 6 years ago
I live in Hawaii come visit meeee
Stella Pinckney
Stella Pinckney - 6 years ago
I have been to this exact same beach and we surfed there❤️ btw I love you guys and I live really close to you guys and I want to meet you guys so badly please answer this you don’t know how much it would mean to me
johanna chan
johanna chan - 6 years ago
u shouldn't be embarrassed its ok cause I got lost in the store and started crying cause i couldn't find my mom and turns out she was in the next aisle over
Dylan Tyler
Dylan Tyler - 6 years ago
i have been surfing about twice! you should definitely go to Sydney Australia
canucktunes - 6 years ago
Saline nasal mist. Great for post nasal drip, allergies and other issues.
sophia Clemente
sophia Clemente - 6 years ago
Yes I have so much fun
CutePeanutToys CPT
CutePeanutToys CPT - 6 years ago
Y'all did great surfing! Haha... anyways to answer your question, yes, I do surf! My dad actually started surfing when he was about 12 and he surfs to this day. He is the one who taught me and I just got on my hard top and I am super happy because I am getting better! Hope y'all had fun!
GymnastForEva - 6 years ago
Hope u get better soon
GymnastForEva - 6 years ago
Iv been surfing in Devon its tough
Marie Louise
Marie Louise - 6 years ago
Eve: coughs
Marcos  Peraza
Marcos Peraza - 6 years ago
I have
Katelynn Moyer
Katelynn Moyer - 6 years ago
No I’ve never been surfing because i live in pa, but I’ve been boogie boarding
Sierra Robinson
Sierra Robinson - 6 years ago
At 7:31 who else thought they saw a shark in the bottom right corner?!?
FROSTY WALKER - 6 years ago
4:21 Chad lol
Lily O reilly
Lily O reilly - 6 years ago
Poor ruby
Lily O reilly
Lily O reilly - 6 years ago
I love Abby and Julie's swimsuits. Where did you get them
Football Star
Football Star - 6 years ago
Chad is a good surfer
dfpg10 - 6 years ago
Surprised she let Chad go without sunscreen in the Hawaiian sun, considering the skin cancer that runs in the family.
Raging Kitty
Raging Kitty - 6 years ago
Because I go on a holiday that’s the only time
Raging Kitty
Raging Kitty - 6 years ago
I started surfing 2 years ago and only surf about 7 times a year
Mona saad
Mona saad - 6 years ago
Get better soon ❤️

100. comment for Surfing Sisters of Hawaii

Jessica Parish
Jessica Parish - 6 years ago
I love how real you make your videos, you talk about things that other YouTubers hide. Life isn’t always great and it’s not perfect and I love that you show that.
HAYLEY - 6 years ago
I have been surfing lots of times
Leyland Austin
Leyland Austin - 6 years ago
I surf every day and I live in Florida and I do surf competitions
Loveday Trott
Loveday Trott - 6 years ago
im lucky because i live near the coast in england so i go surfing for most of the summer time
Andrew Morton
Andrew Morton - 6 years ago
No i never been serfing. I not very good at swiming realy. You look as tho you r having a great time.
eddie cruz
eddie cruz - 6 years ago
Braelyn Diggs
Braelyn Diggs - 6 years ago
Chads laugh at 5:14
Harper Donaldson
Harper Donaldson - 6 years ago
It is a Christian church
Ruby Smith
Ruby Smith - 6 years ago
i have never been surfing before but it is number one on my bucket list! And this year i want to learn how to play the ukulele this year oh ya I've always wanted to say my name is Ruby too but you will probably never read this.
Harper Donaldson
Harper Donaldson - 6 years ago
Tonight as in on Friday
Harper Donaldson
Harper Donaldson - 6 years ago
If you are in Hawaii
Harper Donaldson
Harper Donaldson - 6 years ago
You should go to anchor church tonight or on Sunday
Ava Laws
Ava Laws - 6 years ago
My sister got lost in Wisconsin Dells! It was so horrifying
Tove Svensson
Tove Svensson - 6 years ago
The story of Ruby getting lost was so funny! Could happen to anyone. ❤️
Powder Princess
Powder Princess - 6 years ago
My grandma has a 3rd home in Florida, so I surf a lot.
Humay Tanirverdi
Humay Tanirverdi - 6 years ago
I’ve never surfed but I really want to
Katie Turner
Katie Turner - 6 years ago
I have never been surfing! But I want to.
Hadley Stetson
Hadley Stetson - 6 years ago
Yes I am really good I love surfing. We went to Hawaii in August 19 threw September 2 and there were 2 hurricanes and we managed to stay safe and had a great time even tho we could not do all activities that we planned. ps we were on Lani Kauai
Hadley Stetson
Hadley Stetson - 6 years ago
spelled kawaii wrong
atlastre - 6 years ago
my wife s salutations
Lolo GymGirl
Lolo GymGirl - 6 years ago
I did surfing early In the morning at typhoon lagoon in the wave pool
Karyn Rapp
Karyn Rapp - 6 years ago
Nicole Vincent
Nicole Vincent - 6 years ago
You were probably disorientated because you're ill, so you probably were getting a fever
Mahea Persad
Mahea Persad - 6 years ago
I have a surf board but I'm to scared to surf
Dakota Warne
Dakota Warne - 6 years ago
you have a new subscriber!
Jashua Romero
Jashua Romero - 6 years ago
Just me
Richard Boele
Richard Boele - 6 years ago
Yes and I have a disability
Georgia Lewis
Georgia Lewis - 6 years ago
have u guys met JesssFam. their also in Hawaii
Eva Casey
Eva Casey - 6 years ago
I have been surfing since I was 8 years old and I love it! You guys should definitely keep surfing it is something u can carry out through life and an awesome hobby to have!
Pauline Stehle
Pauline Stehle - 6 years ago
haha I’ve gone surfing before but it didn’t go very well haha I did manage to stand up but that’s pretty much it haha
zebra Zeva
zebra Zeva - 6 years ago
I've been sufing
zebra Zeva
zebra Zeva - 6 years ago
Is it warm in the sea
Duck Man
Duck Man - 6 years ago
Chad I thought I was gonna tan without sunscreen and I got second degree as a result
Catlin Ashlock
Catlin Ashlock - 6 years ago
I’ve never been surfing!☹️
Zoeyy Pug
Zoeyy Pug - 6 years ago
you may be laughing at ruby but put your self in that situation would u like to be lost, no
Rosetta Corpus
Rosetta Corpus - 6 years ago
Love to you Ruby,your the greatest...
Louie Kaufline
Louie Kaufline - 6 years ago
Hannah_ 24
Hannah_ 24 - 6 years ago
What’s behind chad while he’s surfing at 7:30
Sarah May
Sarah May - 6 years ago
When Ruby cried ,...... I cried...... she is my idle
Libbie Vrins
Libbie Vrins - 6 years ago
I'm a pro surfer
Sydney Elizabeth
Sydney Elizabeth - 6 years ago
Go to one of those other coves/ beaches down past the Disney resort they have less people
Herbie Herbert
Herbie Herbert - 6 years ago
I have been surfing before
Megan Healy
Megan Healy - 6 years ago
Its also ironic because my family flew to Utah from fl on Christmas to ski in deer valley and it was our first snowy Christmas. It was beautiful with the mountains everywhere
Megan Healy
Megan Healy - 6 years ago
Lol, just watched the video where u told the kids about Hawaii and heard chad say it is not Christmas without snow. I live in Florida and Christmas usually is in the 70s and we swim!! How’s that Christmas for you chad? Lol
Krystina Jimenez
Krystina Jimenez - 6 years ago
I would love to go surfing! I never have before I live in NY
Isabels Island
Isabels Island - 6 years ago
Ruby you shouldent be ashamed nobody is the perfect mother
B Rocks17
B Rocks17 - 6 years ago
Hope you had a good time.
KEALOHA Cockett - 6 years ago
OMG Ur in Hawaii I live in Hawaii hopefully I get to meet u guys
Aylee Jarvie
Aylee Jarvie - 6 years ago
When you get back from Hawaii can you guys go skiing with The LeRoys?
Elizabeth Colburn
Elizabeth Colburn - 6 years ago
i dont put on suncreen on only becuse every time i do i get a sunbrune that last a week there are times when i get red and it stings a litte but its gone in about two days
Love Yourself
Love Yourself - 6 years ago
Ruby I get that posting negative things is hard but a vlog is meant to share your life
and making everything look perfect is not your real life and maybe when you look back you might want to share memories and not all memories are perfect but if this is how you like your vlogs then keep them that way
Magalie Leblanc
Magalie Leblanc - 6 years ago
You are lucky to do this trip and hope you'll get well soon.
Me in front of my door I have about 4 feet of snow. Your videos are making me dream to go on vacation ❤️
Lawson Bradley
Lawson Bradley - 6 years ago
Oh ruby I’m so sorry! My grandfather has dementia. Good luck...
Mr. 550th cenrtury Bryten
Mr. 550th cenrtury Bryten - 6 years ago
Wow, so much is going on in your family and yet I' d admit, , at your home in Utah, I'm only 45 min away and I went near you guys in October cuz we had to go to the missionary Mall, because my sister is leaving on an LDS mission to New York
Lucia Hartman
Lucia Hartman - 6 years ago
I was in Hawaii Two days ago From Maya Hartman
Ms. Davis
Ms. Davis - 6 years ago
Bellows is the best beach on Oahu!
Lisa And Jaya
Lisa And Jaya - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing since I was 4 and I could stand up when I was 4 and a half
Poppy Graham
Poppy Graham - 6 years ago
I have been surfing
Reilly D
Reilly D - 6 years ago
Chad is a cute kid
Kenley Arner
Kenley Arner - 6 years ago
I like how chad was laughing at his mom lol when she was crying ... he’s such a jerk h
Kenley Arner
Kenley Arner - 6 years ago
Leila Vierra
Leila Vierra - 6 years ago
I have been surfing before in france
Brooklyn Widdess
Brooklyn Widdess - 6 years ago
I have surfed also in Hawaii it was awesome!
Bryan Williams
Bryan Williams - 6 years ago
How long can you do a hand stan
Amy Polewarczyk
Amy Polewarczyk - 6 years ago
will2190 will2190
will2190 will2190 - 6 years ago
I love your vlogs u guys should try a challenge or something I think it would be fun!!
Maisie Voevodin
Maisie Voevodin - 6 years ago
Me and my family in Australia go surfing every weekend
kyra kenney
kyra kenney - 6 years ago
I’ve never even Been to a beach
Tanner Diehl
Tanner Diehl - 6 years ago
I promise I will like this comment

You promised
Natalie Mank
Natalie Mank - 6 years ago
I hope you get better soon!
Natalie Mank
Natalie Mank - 6 years ago
I love your channel so much. Your channel makes me so hard to the point people look at me weirdly but i don't care because it's such a great channel!
Amberlyn Ponce
Amberlyn Ponce - 6 years ago
Oh Ruby, that’s not embarrassing. You’re in a place that’s not familiar. I got lost jogging in my own neighborhood when I was in high school. When I finally figured out how to get back home, the sun was setting and my mom was getting in her car to come looking for me.
Mary eisel
Mary eisel - 6 years ago
Feel better soon you are awesome.
Haha why do u cry? Whats wrong
AlejandroJERUH Maeda
AlejandroJERUH Maeda - 6 years ago
Happy 2M subscribers
Piper Murray
Piper Murray - 6 years ago
i've never been surfing but i have been boogie boarding in hawaii
Charli R
Charli R - 6 years ago
I have I live at Bondi beach in Australia
Fabian Family
Fabian Family - 6 years ago
eve is getting so big!!!!
Jess G
Jess G - 6 years ago
Fran DeFilio
Fran DeFilio - 6 years ago
And Ruby....its NEVER embarrassing to ask for help!! I learned the hard way too...the worst they can say is no!!
Milly Sparrow
Milly Sparrow - 6 years ago
But why did she cry?
Ciara x
Ciara x - 6 years ago
I went surfing before, and I got caught under a wave and ended up getting turned upside down and biffed it at the bottom of the ocean thinking that was the way to the top lol, but it was a fun experience to learn to surf. If that’s not embarrassing idk what is. Feel better soon ruby!
Tessa Walter
Tessa Walter - 6 years ago
Eve is so cute and I think she has grown up and matured a lot!! Good job Eve!
Brittany Works
Brittany Works - 6 years ago
Bless you don't cry
Amaya Risco
Amaya Risco - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing! It’s so fun! The hardest part is finding the perfect wave.
Maisie Hay
Maisie Hay - 6 years ago
I go surfing every weekend
Eylul khalifeh
Eylul khalifeh - 6 years ago
I would love to be in Hawaii right now :(
nicole spaziani
nicole spaziani - 6 years ago
i used to surf but then I almost (ALMOST!!!) got bit by a shark but my dad smacked its gills and swam away but now I'm terrified of the ocean
Maya Lech
Maya Lech - 6 years ago
I surf ayyeeeeee
Jenny Robinson
Jenny Robinson - 6 years ago
Hot tea with lemon,honey,vinegar
Sarah Deane
Sarah Deane - 6 years ago
I have been surfing
Tine Boo
Tine Boo - 6 years ago
Idc what you say it’s the trout that matters you have lots of people that love you and that person that helped cause you were lost she was my mother she is the most kind person and I was with a freind at the beach and she to,d me that you were here in I. Like notttttt fareeeeee then she said that you were lost and I’m like omg is she ok and she said yes then I saw you posted a vid about it and so I wached it and just thought I’d tell you so I hope you all feel better soon
Lola Hill-Jones
Lola Hill-Jones - 6 years ago
I taught myself how to surf, we had an incident, and I cut and scarred the inside of my mouth
Katrina MT
Katrina MT - 6 years ago
Hope you guys are feeling better and enjoying Hawaii!!
Blanca Navarro
Blanca Navarro - 6 years ago
I cried when you said you got lost that feeling of not knowing where you're at it's horrible.. a child or an adult it's just a bad feeling.
Makia Vander Velde
Makia Vander Velde - 6 years ago
i’m from hawaii
Brayden Dock
Brayden Dock - 6 years ago
I have gone surfing
J B - 6 years ago
Why madam crys all the time?
Just eat pizza Everyday
Just eat pizza Everyday - 6 years ago
How old is chad
Jesselynn Marquez
Jesselynn Marquez - 6 years ago
I went to Hawaii for my 15th birthday in July and that's when the volcanoes were erupting and I was on the same island as that volcanoe and it was really smokey and foggy during the night and early in the morning. Now it looks so beautiful and clear. Hope you have a good time.
Mega Maggot
Mega Maggot - 6 years ago
I have
skylar lehua
skylar lehua - 6 years ago
yeah, I actually live in hawaii. been surfing many times
Kayla Marie
Kayla Marie - 6 years ago
Julie : sweetest
Chad : fittest
Shari : smartest
Abby. : most prissy
Russel : most caring
Eve : most adventurous
Music Girl
Music Girl - 6 years ago
Eve looks so much like Julie!
Holly & Ava Haskett
Holly & Ava Haskett - 6 years ago
i have not been surfing.... iv only been to the Bahamas and Florida I probably could have surfed though, i'm to scared.
Mary Brauer White
Mary Brauer White - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing before! I love y’all so much!
PerrieLove - 6 years ago
Sheri and Eve look so alike it’s so cute
Stephanie B
Stephanie B - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing but these waves look so much easier to surf on lol. The water was so dark and ruff it was scary haha
charlotte mallentjer
charlotte mallentjer - 6 years ago
I’ve never been surfing but i’ve also never went to a country where i could go surfing
Hey Guys It’s Emma
Hey Guys It’s Emma - 6 years ago
I love Hawaii!!
50 Gif
50 Gif - 6 years ago
When is eve going to do a viedo with the lol dolls
Carter Gale
Carter Gale - 6 years ago
I went to Hawaii and I got lost
Nikki Kroll
Nikki Kroll - 6 years ago
No i have not
ItzCupidz - 6 years ago
You know the secret beach usually has nude people otherwise I think it’s a different secret beach
Deidre Koehler
Deidre Koehler - 6 years ago
We raised our kids in San Diego and our son is not just a sponsored skateboarder, who fortunately gets to travel the world doing what he loves. (Although the pay is horrid!) He is also an awesome surfer!
Charlie McElwee
Charlie McElwee - 6 years ago
The only surfing I've done is on the web.
Dancinghoney A
Dancinghoney A - 6 years ago
Love y’all, hope you feel better soon ruby. Yes I love watching all stuff and trips too where y’all go like Hawaii, and other places too.
Julia Bryant
Julia Bryant - 6 years ago
I have! Make a wish granted my wish to meet Bethany Hamilton and surf with her!!
The Nahfa Family 369
The Nahfa Family 369 - 6 years ago
Abby I just realized that your birthday is a day before mine!
Lucie Duerr
Lucie Duerr - 6 years ago
I’ve gone surfing
Alexis' Life
Alexis' Life - 6 years ago
No I have not been surfing. But I have been bugy board riding
aria p
aria p - 6 years ago
King crab Chad
HoopsterKy Youtube
HoopsterKy Youtube - 6 years ago
9:26 to 9:30 Shari looks so much like Eve!
Madison Hom
Madison Hom - 6 years ago
Have you tried the shaved ice there? If not you’d should. I personally think it’s so good
Psych Fan
Psych Fan - 6 years ago
Ruby , Please don't feel bad about getting lost as it can happen to anyone especially traveling to be in new areas . When I went to London, England for the first time so I thought I would be smart sign up for a bunch of tour groups so I would be around a bunch of people along with having a tour guide . So then one day the 2nd bus to pick me up to go to the 2nd tour group was late getting to get the Victoria Station so then the only tour bus that was available was the bus tour I had already went too which i didn't want to go on again so I was stuck at Victoria Station trying to figure out how to use their bus routes . I decided I would stop at the Natural History Museum after I got on the bus just to do something different so I got dropped off alone there with the time that the bus would return to that bus stop so I thought ok that will be fine. I should have requested someone show me around and return me back to the previous door I came into the museum. instead I went in there alone looking at the beautiful museum stuff and it was a huge museum also. After awhile I decided it was getting closer for the bus to show up that I tried to find the door I came into the museum instead I kept going out the wrong door over and over . I even thought maybe if I followed the class group of kids out of the door it would lead me to the right door which it was another wrong door . I even had asked front desk for help they had no answer for me I did finally find the right door and got on the bus back to the hotel.
Molsters Molsworth
Molsters Molsworth - 6 years ago
Are you really going to have daimenture (can’t spell it sorry)
Molsters Molsworth
Molsters Molsworth - 6 years ago
Wait your going to have... of was that fake....
veronica peters
veronica peters - 6 years ago
When I went to Hawaii I literally stayed in that same exact area!! Its so pretty. You guys should try snorkeling in a place called "Sharks Cove" there wasn't any sharks but there were schools and schools of beautiful fish!
Elisabeth Van lingen
Elisabeth Van lingen - 6 years ago
I went surfing on siargao island in the Philippines it was super fun
Tina and Ash
Tina and Ash - 6 years ago
I get to go to Hawaii in 2 weeks I
DB Life
DB Life - 6 years ago
Sorry that happened to you and grateful for husbands like Kevin. We're on vacation with our kids and we all got Stomach Flu; it was horrible. We are better now and heading home today.
Mariell Rygg
Mariell Rygg - 6 years ago
You might get sick because you’ve drank water from the spring. In some countries you can’t drink water from the spring, but instead from water bottles:)
Braxton Newbold
Braxton Newbold - 6 years ago
You guys can’t take your pocket knives on the plane
melissa kehoe
melissa kehoe - 6 years ago
We should call chad chad the king crab
Georgia Bombers
Georgia Bombers - 6 years ago
tima - 6 years ago
I got lost in Walmart
Giselle Murillo Murillo
Giselle Murillo Murillo - 6 years ago
Be carefull you forgeting where you are, are signs of alzheimer, that happened to a aunt once, turned out it was alzheimer...........1 like one pray for them, so that they can have a wonderfull vacaciones, and that dosent happen again
Emma Murray
Emma Murray - 6 years ago
Dont worry your not the only one because me and my big whole family plus cosins 3 people got sick
Natalee Rager
Natalee Rager - 6 years ago
You guys need to drop no lots of water during the day
Peyton Norton
Peyton Norton - 6 years ago
Yessss I love surfing! It is my life!
shahlaa rahman
shahlaa rahman - 6 years ago
can we have some more clips of the children surfing its really fun watching them!
Chloe Deckert
Chloe Deckert - 6 years ago
I can say I have been surfing. It probably helps that I live in Australia. also this is so random but Julie really takes me as the kind of person to be a surfy girl and live in Hawaii.
Michele Badey
Michele Badey - 6 years ago
Abdirahman Abdallah Year 7
Abdirahman Abdallah Year 7 - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing but i fell down like an 10 times by the way my name is Aliyah Cadar
Person Girl
Person Girl - 6 years ago
I’m allergic to sunscreen so I wear it and get a rash all over my body or don’t and have a chance of getting sunburnt
Zephyr2K - 6 years ago
Chad thinks he’s to cool for sunscreen but when he’s older he won’t be to cool for skin cancer!!!
momo world
momo world - 6 years ago
+Aimee W grammar*
Infinite Vids
Infinite Vids - 6 years ago
Atiqah DoesIt
Atiqah DoesIt - 6 years ago
My mom told me dat if u eat chicken eggs.....u wont hv dimensia
Dermot Kerr
Dermot Kerr - 6 years ago
Ruby I think you should be telling Chad to wear sun cream you are the mum!! he's only 13, shari only 15/16 still kids. After your father and sister having skin cancer scare youse need to be more careful. .just saying. Skin burning/going red is sooooo dangerous. X neatty
Henna S
Henna S - 6 years ago
I went surfing before in Portugal when I was 15 and 16, it was sooo much fun!!
Michelle - 6 years ago
lmfao ruby
Danny Danny
Danny Danny - 6 years ago
4:45 The Millers have 2 kids with Strep :-'(
bryan tabujara
bryan tabujara - 6 years ago
Happy new year!! I really hope to see you guys when I go back to honolulu!! Anyways hope you guys had fun on your trips today! ❤️❤️
Zoe Rigby
Zoe Rigby - 6 years ago
oh Ruby, I hope you feel better soon! and yes I have been surfing before xx
Hanri - 6 years ago
I've never been surfing because I am TERRIFIED of the ocean. I'd rather just wade in hip-depth water
Yarin Yako
Yarin Yako - 6 years ago
Why was chad laughing it was sad
Molly Egan
Molly Egan - 6 years ago
I've been surfing once in bali
DinoDo - 6 years ago
Anyone know where Abby and Julie got there swimsuits from?
DinoDo - 6 years ago
Hannah Byas thank you ☺️
Hannah Byas
Hannah Byas - 6 years ago
savage unicorn
savage unicorn - 6 years ago
Abby and Julie's matching swimsuits are so cute
Ryan Fry
Ryan Fry - 6 years ago
Do you know when abby is supposed to get her braces on?
Ashley Oligario
Ashley Oligario - 6 years ago
Is Julie taller than abby? Like wow!
Clash Of Clans & Clash Royale Gameplay!
Clash Of Clans & Clash Royale Gameplay! - 6 years ago
Don’t be embarrassed Ruby! I’m sure plenty of us have gotten lost in a foreign country!
Mac Beppu
Mac Beppu - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing cause I live in Hawai’i
David clark Mccall
David clark Mccall - 6 years ago
I hope you feel better soon you are in my thought's and prayer's
Aisling Spofford
Aisling Spofford - 6 years ago
I hope you're feeling better Ruby.
The Hawaii videos are great, you'll all have such amazing memories!
Kindi Jansen-Leika
Kindi Jansen-Leika - 6 years ago
Get better soon❤️❤️
Jaeley Gonsalves
Jaeley Gonsalves - 6 years ago
What part of Hawai’i?
Emily Hunt
Emily Hunt - 6 years ago
I haven't been surfing, but I REALLY want to!!
Gioia Alyshia
Gioia Alyshia - 6 years ago
Heyy I just want to say that it is normal to get lost when you're on vacation because you see so much new things that you can forget your way
Paridon's Gaming
Paridon's Gaming - 6 years ago
Sharp Life
Sharp Life - 6 years ago
I get lost everywhere
Dennis Narayan
Dennis Narayan - 6 years ago
I've been surfing
Elizabeth T
Elizabeth T - 6 years ago
I love the Hawaii videos!! Looks like an amazing time
Hunter Kalashnikov
Hunter Kalashnikov - 6 years ago
Aww Ruby, I just love you. When I was pregnant last year, I went shopping with my mom and sister.. And I got separate from them in the mall & I got so panicked! I finally got the nerve to ask a woman for her phone to call my mom. I’m 26 years old. I was in tears. I understand exactly how you felt, so don’t even feel silly for sharing!!
Nataly Saucedo
Nataly Saucedo - 6 years ago
IDk y but I just think Julie is cuter like a look freaking cute!!!! I wish that if I ever have a daughter she will look like her.
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
creepy as hell. considering you can't have kids look like her
Kenzie Bokon
Kenzie Bokon - 6 years ago
Ruby: Were all very sick

Eve: coughs


Eve: looks at Chad coughs anyway
Kenzie Bokon
Kenzie Bokon - 6 years ago
Erika Arn omg chill I know
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
it was a joke.
bee - 6 years ago
Ruby you are in a new place you have never been. It's not embarrassing.
Patrick Horgan
Patrick Horgan - 6 years ago
I can't believe Sheri threw her mom under the bus! lol!
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
Lachlan Cooperwhite
Lachlan Cooperwhite - 6 years ago
I am the best surfer I. My country
Lachlan Cooperwhite
Lachlan Cooperwhite - 6 years ago
I am
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
highly doubtful
Corrine - 6 years ago
I think you’re too hard on your self: you don’t live in Hawaii, so getting disoriented is perfectly normal. I hope you all are feeling better & enjoying your vacation!
ItzCupidz - 6 years ago
I surfed when I was like 2-5 then when I got into my preteens I hated to get wet. I still do
Lucille Ward
Lucille Ward - 6 years ago
Aww Ruby don't be embarrassed it happens to everyone, I LOVE SURFING and I am blessed with where I live (Taranaki, New Zealand) there are so many surf breaks all around the coast. I love watching your videos your family is so cute.
Addi Yates
Addi Yates - 6 years ago
If your sill sick get tested for n1h1
ItzCupidz - 6 years ago
Even in paradise bad still happens P.S.if you don’t know what I just said it’s from a commercial
ItzCupidz - 6 years ago
You should go to cinnamons in Kailua where you went to target they have a amazing breakfast but try to go there early because it gets pretty crowded I recommend the red velvet pancakes
ItzCupidz - 6 years ago
Oh and if you do go bring some change because I think there are parking meters
monkacorn squad
monkacorn squad - 6 years ago
Not to brag but I'm a really good surfer
Angie's Life
Angie's Life - 6 years ago
I was in Oahu as well and I think I saw you guys at dole plantation. Btw I love ur videos
Alexis Stanphill
Alexis Stanphill - 6 years ago
i have not ever surfed before but i really want to.
bubble_playez - 6 years ago
Dam your having the time of your life lol
that girl eve
that girl eve - 6 years ago
I mean idk much but when I'm abroad my mum tells me to drink bottled water and not tap.hope it helped
Acacia Kirkpatrick
Acacia Kirkpatrick - 6 years ago
Aww ruby you should never feel embarrassed about anything, and love your family and the vlogs :)
T K - 6 years ago
i’ve never been surfing but i would love too !!
laurie stewart
laurie stewart - 6 years ago
Don't feel bad Ruby! I can get lost inside of a paper bag! I call it directionally challenged.
kskc1234 - 6 years ago
Ruby, these videos have been so much fun to watch. Hope you guys got to feeling better before you returned home.
Stefan Uttam
Stefan Uttam - 6 years ago
Americans know how to have breakfast
Megan Mills
Megan Mills - 6 years ago
What Island are you guys on?
Ëlîø - 6 years ago
Ruby! Try not to feel bad about it! I went on a family trip to Bali 4 months ago and did LITERALLY the exact same thing.there was a temple and a little market just up the hill so as a thanks I decided I’d buy stuff to make my mum a nice breakfast, and I ended up getting lost and found my self on what felt like a never ending windy road, it was frustrating and embarrassing..I had to end up calling my mum to come find me (I ended up 40 minuets away walking distance) and I felt like my thank you was ruined because she still had to get up and go out in the morning. But the people who we were renting the house from we’re so kind and were telling me how the last people who came to stay also got lost and they had to go find them.. which made me feel a little less embarrassed. Mum gave me a hug and told me she was very grateful and that it’s the thought that counts. Xx In the end I still got to make her breakfast
William Foster
William Foster - 6 years ago
Is it bad that I cleared my throat for her but then nothing happened?
William Foster
William Foster - 6 years ago
Erika Arn I know it wouldnt have but it bugged me to the point where I felt i had to do something about it
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
of course nothing would happen. you aren't bright
Alyssa Stinnette
Alyssa Stinnette - 6 years ago
Also, you guys should go to California! Or like a resort in Mexico!
Alyssa Stinnette
Alyssa Stinnette - 6 years ago
I want to have all A's so I can go to Hawaii!! I also want to learn how to surf and wakeboard! I already know how to kneeboard
Kayla Newton
Kayla Newton - 6 years ago
Are they back I live in Oahu
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
how the hell would they show them in hawaii if they were back
myview - 6 years ago
Oh Ruby, no worries. Every vacation comes with at least one catastrophe! There was four of us and we still got hopelessly lost! Chalk it up to the “spice “ of the vacation.
Three days before one of my most long awaited trips, my son, who was to go with me,came down with a fever of 102! We did go and had the time of our lives. But those tree days before the trip and the first two days on the ship he was resting and drinking all the fowl concoctions I gave him without one complaint.
Drink ginger tea and any spicy hot food you can find. It’ll make you feel better in no time.
MontiR Aruba
MontiR Aruba - 6 years ago
Ruby, get well soon!! Hello from Monti & Lillian in Cedar City
Sup Bro
Sup Bro - 6 years ago
I tried to surf in San Diego
Rock - 6 years ago
You're sick and swimming in the cold water, no wonder you're sick. Get well son.
Angel Hnatyszyn
Angel Hnatyszyn - 6 years ago
I went surfing
NikkiS42 - 6 years ago
That breakfast is huge! Feel better Ruby!
elly. rapp
elly. rapp - 6 years ago
I have been surfing and i imagine i would be like Kevin!!!!
Bella Hennen
Bella Hennen - 6 years ago
Debbie Morgan
Debbie Morgan - 6 years ago
Ruby, don't be so hard on yourself. You are sick and away from home. If you had been at home you would not have gotten lost, you would know exactly where you to go. Bless your heart. God bless you! Big hugs! Praying that you all feel better soon!
Emily Bahu
Emily Bahu - 6 years ago
8:38-8:43 that’s literally me with my brothers.
Deanna Reinhardt
Deanna Reinhardt - 6 years ago
I love how real you keep your videos,
Dollgirl 7
Dollgirl 7 - 6 years ago
i did surfung for school sport but it was only for twice
karbear26 - 6 years ago
Awe Ruby I have the worst sense of direction I would have gotten lost too! That was so nice of Kevin not to make you feel bad about getting lost!
Dollgirl 7
Dollgirl 7 - 6 years ago
oh ruby are you ok
Erika Arn
Erika Arn - 6 years ago
Julia Barton
Julia Barton - 6 years ago
Get well soon Ruby!❤️
monadomaster 77
monadomaster 77 - 6 years ago
I think it’s good to show the emotional parts bc it just shows how we are all human beings
Mani Javanbakht
Mani Javanbakht - 6 years ago
I went to a beach once, I tried to surf, and the water was so strong that it tured my ear drum, I had to stay in the Hospital for 2 days to be sure I was Ok, I hope I doesn't happen to you guys
lizzielevinson - 6 years ago
ive been surfing mnay many times. i love surfing, that is why im going to college on the coast of Flordia. My parents have learned to plan trips around the places that have good surfing. it took me a a week in hawaii to learn to surf. love yall!! keep it going strong and a happy new year.
Gracie Ruth
Gracie Ruth - 6 years ago
When I was I Hawaii the roosters were so bad we had too move hotels
Kelsey Davis
Kelsey Davis - 6 years ago
I’m not Mormon but I respect so much about your beliefs. When you were so emotional about being lost I couldn’t help but get emotional too. What a testimony that every time you were lost you went back to the temple. Those words spoke to be because God wants is to always find our way to him when we are lost! Thank you for being so raw. I hope I’m at least half the mama as you are!
Anusha - 6 years ago
It's okay Ruby , nothing to be embarrassed it's fine to get lost in a diff city and not find it way back. We don't think any differently of you , you are an amazing mom and a beautiful person inside out.❤❤
Jillian Dilbeck
Jillian Dilbeck - 6 years ago
What city/area did you stay in? We are headed to Oahu in 6 months! Cannot wait
angie goalie
angie goalie - 6 years ago
Hi my name is Angelique and I’ve been till while my sister is a local there it was amazing You’re at the same beach I was
HTTYD-How to Train your Dragon
HTTYD-How to Train your Dragon - 6 years ago
KK’s Wrld
KK’s Wrld - 6 years ago
I’ve been surfing and I have my own surf board!
Kim Cirrone
Kim Cirrone - 6 years ago
This is why I just love your vlogs so much. I was watching and started thinking to myself, wow they just always have it all together and always do everything so perfectly, how could I ever live up to that and what am I doing wrong. Then right after I was thinking that you cut to yourself and explaining how everything isn't always perfect. Which I know in my mind no one is perfect, but you just make it look all so easy. Sharing the hard times was just what I needed to hear to remind me that it's ok to not be perfect all the time. It's more how you work through it that matters. You work through things so nicely it helps so many people. Thank You!
The Ricker Fam
The Ricker Fam - 6 years ago
Hugs to you Ruby !!! So hard to be sick on Vaca!!! Get some rest when you can !!
Rachel Gibson
Rachel Gibson - 6 years ago
Sorry but I am laughing at Ruby crying. No reason to be emotional. No reason to be embarrassed either. Strange place for the first time. It's easy to get turned around.
Stella Anne
Stella Anne - 6 years ago
Get well soon
Lexia Aaliyah
Lexia Aaliyah - 6 years ago
i have been surfing and is so much fun
Gracie Harper
Gracie Harper - 6 years ago
That chicken they filmed in the beginning was not a rooster. It was a hen. It doesn't have a crow on the top of its head.
lauren emelia
lauren emelia - 6 years ago
I always wanted to be a surfer when i was younger but I don't live close to the sea so I haven't been able to learn
Lexie Giordano
Lexie Giordano - 6 years ago
i miss surfing!! they did good
Shantel Simmonds
Shantel Simmonds - 6 years ago
Ive never been surfing but I want to go
Ally Katt17
Ally Katt17 - 6 years ago
Nothing to feel ashamed about i get lost all the time and have to ask for help
Shantel Simmonds
Shantel Simmonds - 6 years ago
I love your family so much!
Jacey Robson
Jacey Robson - 6 years ago
i went surfing in hawaii and costa rica super fun!!!
Kimberly Jachimek
Kimberly Jachimek - 6 years ago
I surf everyday!
Josh Cherry
Josh Cherry - 6 years ago
It looks like your losing your voice ruby
ctoyota88 - 6 years ago
Ruby growing up my mom has always had a poor since of direction and a bad memory. It is very easy to get turned around in an unfamiliar area. My mom and I take day trips all the time and we get lost all the time. I'm better at remembering the way we came for some smaller towns but we've had to turn around and look up gps multiple times. I think this kinda scared you because you were alone without a way to contact and on top of those emotions you're sick which just makes things feel worse. This has happened to so many of us so don't feel embarrassed, you're not alone!
GavinASMR - 6 years ago
I don’t tan. I just burn and go back to really pale. I want to surf someday and go to Hawaii. It looks so fun there.
Julie Williamson
Julie Williamson - 6 years ago
Don't feel bad about getting lost Ruby! When I was in high school I took a trip to France with my orchestra. I wasn't supposed to, but I tried to walk back to the hotel alone from a building we had been walking to and from for week. Somehow I got lost, in France, and I didn't know any French! I kept going up to people in the street asking if they spoke English in hopes I could find someone who could help me. Somehow, by the grace of God, I stumbled back onto a road I knew and made it back. Scary and embarrassing experience!
Robo Man 2019
Robo Man 2019 - 6 years ago
How long will you be in Hawaii?
Georgia Hailey
Georgia Hailey - 6 years ago
Sheri looks so much like Ruby. And I think Eve is gonna look like Ruby as well.
Holly Stone
Holly Stone - 6 years ago
Stop crying
Bear - 6 years ago
I used to work at a surf school! I love surfing. When it's not too cold I still go out for a few hours a day!
Joanne Prokos
Joanne Prokos - 6 years ago
I am from Australia and I surf nearly everyday it’s an a zing feeling it’s like I’m free and I can let all of my feelings and it’s such an amazing excperience
Little Dance Corner
Little Dance Corner - 6 years ago
Are you going to do sth bcz of 2 million subs?
Rock - 6 years ago
Nice video.
Maddy Howell
Maddy Howell - 6 years ago
The busy beach you guys went to after breakfast was right in front of the Disney resort alhuni ❤️
Patricia Hawkins
Patricia Hawkins - 6 years ago
Soo ,you went out of your own state on vacation and you got lost. That ain't dementia. Next time use the maps on your phone. It will tell you where you are and give directions if you tell it to.
Samuel DG
Samuel DG - 6 years ago
See ya at school tomorrow Chad.
Twin Spirit
Twin Spirit - 6 years ago
I've been surfing once
Gaby Medina
Gaby Medina - 6 years ago
sasha martinez
sasha martinez - 6 years ago
no i havent
Emily Nuila
Emily Nuila - 6 years ago
Where do u get you’re swim suits
Mindy Bruns
Mindy Bruns - 6 years ago
Never been surfing. Hawaii is my dream vacation!!
Julia Halverson
Julia Halverson - 6 years ago
that surfer coach’s daughter is so cute
Skylar Cat
Skylar Cat - 6 years ago
I live on oahu so I always go to the beach, but I don't go surfing that often.
Hyper Drones
Hyper Drones - 6 years ago
I like to wake surf!! If that counts!!
America Morales
America Morales - 6 years ago
I haven’t gone surfing but it sounds so cool and amazing that I want to try it like right now
Karson Adkins
Karson Adkins - 6 years ago
I go surfing.
Keith Merklin
Keith Merklin - 6 years ago
I live where the water is warm. So I go to the beach all the time and I love to surf all the time.
The G and j life
The G and j life - 6 years ago
Yes I go surfing every day after school
Dog Lover
Dog Lover - 6 years ago
I have been surfing at coco beach
Summer Williams
Summer Williams - 6 years ago
When Abby said something about the top on chads eyes who thought bird box
Lukas David Brown
Lukas David Brown - 6 years ago
I go surfing all the time, guys probably won’t read this but do you guys ski or snowboard
Alexis Wiig
Alexis Wiig - 6 years ago
I go surfing most days if there are waves because it’s summer in New Zealand right now
Alana Oishi
Alana Oishi - 6 years ago
You should go to Matsumoto’s Shaved Ice in Haleiwa, Hawaii. It’s the best. In the area that it’s in, it has lots of little cute shops.
Jessica Vandevender
Jessica Vandevender - 6 years ago
Ruby you take Alka-Seltzer plus pills you fill better by next
DemPinaqqlesღ - 6 years ago
Hi it’s my birthday :D yay 8 passengers
Julia Violet
Julia Violet - 6 years ago
I love surfing it’s one of my favourite things I went the summer of 2018 to Tofino B.C and I was quite good at it I also lone boogie boarding and I’m quite skinny and the waves were really big so it was so I went really far fun we also went with family friends!
Ky's life
Ky's life - 6 years ago
i have a story to tell but FIRST like this comment. So, one Tuesday afternoon, i was was walking home from school because it was the last day of school for Christmas break. I walk up to the door step and knock on the door and no one would answer so i start to bang even harder to show that I was serious because, i thought my brother was just trying to play a joke on me or something. I started looking for a key but couldnt find one, i was scared. i then ran over to my back yard where my dog was and hid behind my house so i wouldnt get kidnapped. i waited and waited and waited for my mom to get off of work so i could get into my house but she was taking for ever and got home at about eight pm. so, i ran to my neighbor's house and asked to called my mom to come and unlock the door because ive been locked out for about an two hours now and they says yes. after i called the let me watch tv until my mom came home and eventually she did and i got to get into my house. moral of the story is to never leave your keys at home like i did.
Taylor Wibberley
Taylor Wibberley - 6 years ago
I have a beach house in Bethany Beach Delaware so I surf all summer!
harberbodipiperRuby - 6 years ago
lucky, i wand to go to hawwi so bad forever
Beth Taylor
Beth Taylor - 6 years ago
I used to surf every summer in Cornwall and Devon up until 2 years ago !! I miss it so much! So easy to tan when surfing and so much fun!
Also ruby don’t feel bad about getting lost! We all have our moments ! X
Jai Baumann
Jai Baumann - 6 years ago
In organ when I was like six I went boogie boarding
Madeline vlogs
Madeline vlogs - 6 years ago
I am sick with the flu
Shore Kuhns
Shore Kuhns - 6 years ago
I live in Hawaii what part of Hawaii are you guys in
Nicole Parker
Nicole Parker - 6 years ago
I have been surfing
Tink Staudacher
Tink Staudacher - 6 years ago
On a longboard ,when you pop up... you should be more towards thecenter of the board, knees bent slightly. I love surfing, it's like water aerobics. Totally good for a workout. I mean when you master a wave, it's like being in control of the ocean, then reality hits when you totally get worked. Lol, and Kevin never get discouraged, through him all things are possible.... I hope you all feel better, natural remedy, coconut milk and a little ginger.
Madeline vlogs
Madeline vlogs - 6 years ago
I like ruby's swim suit/top it looks very nice
December Star Studios
December Star Studios - 6 years ago
I've been surfing in Hawaii twice in two days because my Dad and I went and then the next day my brother and I went.
chloe gist
chloe gist - 6 years ago
I learned to surf last summer
Ali & Emma Vlog's
Ali & Emma Vlog's - 6 years ago
Was I the only one who started laughing when ruby was eating a orange
Grace Hansen
Grace Hansen - 6 years ago
Is the water warm!
Caroline _Sings
Caroline _Sings - 6 years ago
i used to live in hawaii so ive been surfing
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
I'm Hawaiian (Born on O'ahu) with Danish and Irish descent. We've lived in Hawaii all my life, and I can tell that you are missing the whole spirit of Aloha which also means love, compassion, kindness and grace. Its literal Hawaiian definition is “The presence of (Divine) breath.” It is taken from Alo = presence, front, or face and Hâ = breath. ... In Hawaiian culture, the spirit of aloha goes well beyond a simple greeting. It is a way of life. You went to the temple. For you that was your destination. You accomplished it. But you missed the mystical spirit of Ahoha. It's not the destination, Ruby, its the journey. For mother Pelé, her mission was for your to humble yourself and connect with people during your journey to and from the temple. To breathe in the Hâ, the gift of love and fellowship while you were lost and squeaking sick. Slow down Mrs. Franke. Make connections with all people during your journey to and from wherever you go. When you feel yourself slow down---unworried about being lost---then you will understand the spiritual meaning of Hawaii. You are sick right now, seek out a herbalist there and discover how your Chi is out of wack. Your chakras are just of out of line. You've come 8,000+ miles from Utah and went about hurrying from place to place see it all fast, when all your body needed was to slowdown, meditate and let someone else take care of the kids. Lean on your husband, that is what he is for. I am sure you don't need any 14-year-old boy to tell you all this. Besides, I think you're a SUPER DUPER MOM!
roottoor boattaob
roottoor boattaob - 6 years ago
Justin Metcalfe also ur not hawaiian if you’re of danish and irish decent... you’re danish and irish.
J&E Precision Logistics
J&E Precision Logistics - 6 years ago
+Justin Metcalfe uh ok
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
+J&E Precision Logistics I had to look it up. Uh, no. I'm me. But thanks.
J&E Precision Logistics
J&E Precision Logistics - 6 years ago
You kinda look like the guy from sixteen candles
Dolls&Me123 - 6 years ago
I havent been surfing but i want to
Janealyn Kealoha-Asuncion
Janealyn Kealoha-Asuncion - 6 years ago
I didn't know they were in oahu !
Alicia Tulloch
Alicia Tulloch - 6 years ago
I have not gone surfing which is weird cause I live in Australia where it is warm a lot of the time and the beach is 10 mins away and my resolution is to be fit
Keira Evans
Keira Evans - 6 years ago
yes i have been surfing
William Weaver
William Weaver - 6 years ago
I have been surfing ( the boards are too big)
Cole Zajkowski
Cole Zajkowski - 6 years ago
Its funny how Chad is yelling at eve for coffing while ruby is talking
Natalie Meadows
Natalie Meadows - 6 years ago
Lindsay Allison
Lindsay Allison - 6 years ago
Aww Ruby don't feel bad, it's easy to get turned around in a foreign place. Hope you feel better soon.
joni perreira
joni perreira - 6 years ago
I live in Hawaii
SkyeLight - 6 years ago
iv'e been surfing in Hawaii Maui it is really easy once you get the hang of it.
Delilah Goldstein
Delilah Goldstein - 6 years ago
i surf a lot and its fun
Zali Riding
Zali Riding - 6 years ago
Chad is literally the exact same person as my brother he Evan looks the same as him and has the same personality
Geogymnastics Love
Geogymnastics Love - 6 years ago
I've been surfing I'm training to be a life guard in Astralia
JABIE780 - 6 years ago
Oh Ruby! Getting lost is not embarrassing! The same thing happened to me on vacation one year!
Haley Jade
Haley Jade - 6 years ago
I have a horrible sense of direction Ruby so I totally understand! Your scenery is different so it’s harder to get around on land your not used to
Liv Teresa
Liv Teresa - 6 years ago
surfing is on my bucket list!
Carissa Ulmer
Carissa Ulmer - 6 years ago
I miss Hawaii so much I loved seeing and feeding the wild birds and chickens I rescued a wild chicken and brought her all the way to Tennessee with us
Fluffy Queen Isabella
Fluffy Queen Isabella - 6 years ago
Ruby try gargling salt water it may help xo get better soon
chloe owen
chloe owen - 6 years ago
i am a surfer and i live in australia!
Elle Froio
Elle Froio - 6 years ago
Your swimming at a Disney resort I went there last April
Awesomeroomvlogs - 6 years ago
My grandma's the one that helped you she was born in Hawaii
Amanda Rahn
Amanda Rahn - 6 years ago
Is chad your
Annie Wozniak
Annie Wozniak - 6 years ago
Did anybody else notice that the beach the found is next to/part of Disney’s aulani resort?
Its Just Shy
Its Just Shy - 6 years ago
Also secrets beach is the first turn you take when you enter Ko Olina you shouldn’t have to walk over rocks to get there
Savanna Callaway
Savanna Callaway - 6 years ago
I haven’t gone surfing
Its Just Shy
Its Just Shy - 6 years ago
If you guys a eat shrimp you should try romys in kahuku they have the best on island
JUST BEING NIRE !!!!!! - 6 years ago
Surfing is so fun!! I went in Sanya!
Its Just Shy
Its Just Shy - 6 years ago
Please be careful surfing in north shore it’s so dangerous this time of year
Ange Liz
Ange Liz - 6 years ago
Julie is so beautiful and I love how she’s pretty quiet and keeps to herself and she’s very talented but she doesn’t rub it in her siblings face.
Grace Jefferson
Grace Jefferson - 6 years ago
Don’t worry I get lost a lot and it is kind of funny.
MyOliviawalter1 - 6 years ago
Ruby that was not embarrassing you have never been to hawaii. Don't feel embarresed
Savanna Callaway
Savanna Callaway - 6 years ago
That’s weird I had a temp of 101.6 and I had strep
Lachlan Hill
Lachlan Hill - 6 years ago
I have been surfing before, I have a finer glass surfboard and I love surfing
Living Life To The Fullest
Living Life To The Fullest - 6 years ago
love you ruby, never be imbaraced i can tell you the same thing happened to me in hawaii just a few months ago
Megan Fish
Megan Fish - 6 years ago
I went surfing in Australia this summer! It was amazing! Would definitely do it again!
Adele bollenhagen
Adele bollenhagen - 6 years ago
Oh ruby dont get upset ur in a place ur not familiar with and ur not feeling to good. Dont beat yourself up to much. I agree with Kevin it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Rest up and enjoy ur family on that wonderful island
Celeste - 6 years ago
ruby you weren’t lost, you were just exploring and didn’t know it
Evie Gardner
Evie Gardner - 6 years ago
I can’t believe you have 2 million subscribers I’ve been watching you since 50 thousand and I adore yours and your sisters channels ❤️
Jess DO IT
Jess DO IT - 6 years ago
I hope you guys stay careful I've been to Hawaii once and the waves get hugeeee!
Boyz Partlow
Boyz Partlow - 6 years ago
We've only been Boogie boarding
unicornbuckaroo booboo
unicornbuckaroo booboo - 6 years ago
Ruby its not embarising you are not used to Hawaii and thats fine love you
carol moulsdale
carol moulsdale - 6 years ago
Don’t fill imbarist
Taryn Beverley
Taryn Beverley - 6 years ago
I live in Australia and surf everyday I'm not doing dance or netball after school in winter it's so fun
Katie John
Katie John - 6 years ago
I went surfing in Bali
Melissa Gallimore
Melissa Gallimore - 6 years ago
Hope you feel better soon Ruby
Ethan Ekeberg
Ethan Ekeberg - 6 years ago
Wish you luck ruby
Ethan Ekeberg
Ethan Ekeberg - 6 years ago
No but I want to
sieactress - 6 years ago
I surf everyday, I live in Australia.
William o donovan
William o donovan - 6 years ago
I never suff
William o donovan
William o donovan - 6 years ago
How do u get ride of a cold & a sore throat
Hannah Gordon
Hannah Gordon - 6 years ago
Ruby, you are in Hawaii. You don’t live in Hawaii, I know people that get lost in the town they live in!!!!!
Fatima Maarafi
Fatima Maarafi - 6 years ago
I’ve never been surfing but I really want to
Kyra Anderson
Kyra Anderson - 6 years ago
edwings hogarth
edwings hogarth - 6 years ago
hi dont feel bad, the first time i went on a vacation i got lost just going down stairs feel better
Jah Hansley
Jah Hansley - 6 years ago
Sean Houghton
Sean Houghton - 6 years ago
Try a short board chad
Sonia Cabral
Sonia Cabral - 6 years ago
I have not
candrerc25 - 6 years ago
Cutest photo of Julie and Abby ever.
Tracy Bazzie
Tracy Bazzie - 6 years ago
You can tell Chad never gets in trouble!
Sarah Wikander
Sarah Wikander - 6 years ago
i've never been surfing but i really want to go!
Schlemmer 21
Schlemmer 21 - 6 years ago
is that their first time surfing?! they’re so good!!!
Tracy Bazzie
Tracy Bazzie - 6 years ago
Sometimes when you are sick it effects your mind! Don’t think your crazy Ruby! I love you all!
reese uilani
reese uilani - 6 years ago
yes ! i live in oahu and i’m mormon as well! i’ve been in laie so many times and i feel so blessed to be able to live in such an amazing area. so fun to see you guys having fun and spending time with your family!
Montana Morgan
Montana Morgan - 6 years ago
I live in Australia and I go surfing or swimming almost everyday in summer and every week in winter with wet suites. Love you guys.
Isabel Gilmore
Isabel Gilmore - 6 years ago
Yes I have surfed because I live in Australia
B Reams
B Reams - 6 years ago
Ruby you have the right to get lost it’s a different place. Honestly Is I stay in a store to look can lose my car in the parking lot.
Teeontaunicorn_vlogs *****
Teeontaunicorn_vlogs ***** - 6 years ago
I haven’t been surfing
beliberxoxo - 6 years ago
My brother is a surfer. We live in Spain
Allison Plzak
Allison Plzak - 6 years ago
Squishyxxlover Kawii
Squishyxxlover Kawii - 6 years ago
Hi ruby I don’t know if you noticed on your video named I’m so sorry I left a comment can you please reply to the comment thanx love you
The Arctic Sparrow
The Arctic Sparrow - 6 years ago
I had strep throat once and I went to the doctors and the doctor didn’t even have to do the swab test thingy it was so bad they could literally see it.
Mallory Greene
Mallory Greene - 6 years ago
Congratulations on 2 million!
fluffyunicorn farts
fluffyunicorn farts - 6 years ago
I haven't been surfing but I've been paddle boarding which is better at a calm body of water
Olivia Askew
Olivia Askew - 6 years ago
i go
Issy Krystal
Issy Krystal - 6 years ago
Why did they throw up? Was it because you guys have been in the sun too much or you guys just need to be careful of what you eat?
Celia Rose
Celia Rose - 6 years ago
Don’t feel embarrassed!!❤️❤️
Charlotte G
Charlotte G - 6 years ago
I went surfing in Honolulu, Hawaii last summer! It’s so fun but I wasn’t that good at it
Amy Murphy
Amy Murphy - 6 years ago
Ruby. Don’t be embarrassed we are all here to support you Get better soon Love you guys
Kate F.
Kate F. - 6 years ago
You’re probably not going to scroll down this far but Sherry and eve look so similar you should show a picture of Sherry when she was younger and put it next to eve
Kate F.
Kate F. - 6 years ago
Hannah Byas yeah I realized after I typed it that I did it wrong I was voice typing so yeah but thank you
Hannah Byas
Hannah Byas - 6 years ago
Stormy Stevenson
Stormy Stevenson - 6 years ago
No I have not been so fun ghetto Ruby
tennis freak
tennis freak - 6 years ago
Laainabug - 6 years ago
where is that rainbow bathing suit from?
Phoebe C
Phoebe C - 6 years ago
How is she crying about telling a story of how she got lost!?
Abigail13 - 6 years ago
Good luck ruby!!! I hope u and all the kids feel better , none likes being sick on vacation❤️
Miss Lucky
Miss Lucky - 6 years ago
When i was in Hawaii last year for my moms Birthday me and my mom were so sick with the flu someone on the plane was sick and we got sick coughing a lot and couldn't eat and Also throwing up too it was horrible we had to stay in our room the Dr said we were contagious and we got medicine to take I hope you guys feel better soon sucks to be on vacation and sick we couldn't enjoy our time hopefully next time will be better
Zoe Sheakley
Zoe Sheakley - 6 years ago
Post more!
liliana friedberg
liliana friedberg - 6 years ago
im dead
Luca Van Hamburg
Luca Van Hamburg - 6 years ago
Ya i am a champion for my country for my age at surfing and i am 12
Erin Smith
Erin Smith - 6 years ago
Kyleigh Ann
Kyleigh Ann - 6 years ago
why did you start them off on such big boards I am originally from New Jersey and even I know for younger kids a tad smaller board is easy to start.
donna pitt
donna pitt - 6 years ago
If nothing surfing at all
Sasa Sa
Sasa Sa - 6 years ago
Yes I have suffered
Alina Sanchez
Alina Sanchez - 6 years ago
I Ben to that beach
Erin Smith
Erin Smith - 6 years ago
Ruby. Chad and keven should have a better how can stay on the serfbord the longest
Mikayla Weaver
Mikayla Weaver - 6 years ago
Praying for you guys to get better and not to get sick.
Virginia Hyland
Virginia Hyland - 6 years ago
I have been to the aulani resort and i am going again this year
Erin Smith
Erin Smith - 6 years ago
Ruby can I have a shout out
AliceCullen0890 - 6 years ago
You got lost while on vacation that’s not a big deal!
Penny Lulich
Penny Lulich - 6 years ago
Ruby, lots of people get lost in conditions like you were in on this video. Even young people. Don't let it bother you. You're fine. Also, you are sick. Crying like that is exactly what I do when I'm really sick. I hope you see a doctor. Take care of yourself.
Madeleine Hughes
Madeleine Hughes - 6 years ago
I went on a surfing camp with my class and it was so good we went surfing 3 days straight and the surf school there taught us everything!!!
Polly Gato
Polly Gato - 6 years ago
I get lost when I travel all the time!! It's easy to do. Don't you feel bad about that. The internal compass is messed up. I'm glad a nice lady helped you and sorry you are all sick! Surfing is harder to learn as an adult because of body size, so no making Kevin feel bad either.
Iza - 6 years ago
The minutes between 4.12-7.00 in this video were my favorite part. Not because I think it was embarrassing for Ruby or something like that. But because it was real. And that is what I love about vlogs the most, when they are real. I don't come here for a picture perfect video... I mean if everything would be perfect, it would mean, that everything is fine...always. But life does't work like that, so I really appreciate the real moments in your videos. Anyways, I wish you all the best and a great and happy new year. <3
lilly coombes
lilly coombes - 6 years ago
I surf twice a week and live 2 minutes from the beach on the south coast of Australia
Kaylee Johnstone
Kaylee Johnstone - 6 years ago
I always go surfing
Victor Marian
Victor Marian - 6 years ago
I always throw up in holidays
Janine Martinelli
Janine Martinelli - 6 years ago
I have never but I have been body surfing!
ashley morris
ashley morris - 6 years ago
U dont live there so if u get lost thats not embarrassing
Kylie Mae
Kylie Mae - 6 years ago
No I have not been surfing..i haven't even been to a beach
Tiffany Morris
Tiffany Morris - 6 years ago
no i have not been surfing
Suzanne Hewitt
Suzanne Hewitt - 6 years ago
Aww poor Ruby it's o.k. it's life.
Katie Leonard
Katie Leonard - 6 years ago
I Went to Hawaii Honolulu in the summer and I went surfing and it was very fun
Damara Holloway
Damara Holloway - 6 years ago
I always surf when I go to Bali not really other places but I do surf alot
Waynne DA derp
Waynne DA derp - 6 years ago
Omg Julie and Abby's bathing suits are so adorable! Where did you get them? Love you guys❤
Edo - 6 years ago
Abby is sooooo pretty! She’s also such an amazing surfer for just a couple days. When I began to learn how to surf, it took me sooo many tries to get up on my board. Abby is a natural.
Shivani Kanthaskaran
Shivani Kanthaskaran - 6 years ago
I'm loving these videos
William hall
William hall - 6 years ago
I get lost in my own neighborhood dont feel bad
Jess Zitta
Jess Zitta - 6 years ago
Yep I went surfing with my school

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The "Surfing Sisters of Hawaii" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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