Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Alana Surfer Girl (Season 3, episode 5): Pro surfer Alana Blanchard opens up about her relationship with Australian pro surfer Jack Freestone—how they met, the challenges of dating and surfing, how they support each other, and the good times! Alana loves her fans and shares why they should love Jack, too. He seems like a great guy, what do you think? New episodes of "Alana Surfer Girl' release every Monday on Network A. Watch the entire "Alana Surfer Girls" series: Years Around The Sun "Miles Away" Ecstasy "Frnds 4Lyf" Exhale: Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+:

Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 403

Surf 11 years ago 2,144,906 views

Alana Surfer Girl (Season 3, episode 5): Pro surfer Alana Blanchard opens up about her relationship with Australian pro surfer Jack Freestone—how they met, the challenges of dating and surfing, how they support each other, and the good times! Alana loves her fans and shares why they should love Jack, too. He seems like a great guy, what do you think? New episodes of "Alana Surfer Girl' release every Monday on Network A. Watch the entire "Alana Surfer Girls" series: Years Around The Sun "Miles Away" Ecstasy "Frnds 4Lyf" Exhale: Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Kelly Watts
Kelly Watts - 7 years ago
Lennert Hamm
Lennert Hamm - 7 years ago
Where did you surfed??
Michelle Jarni
Michelle Jarni - 7 years ago
Why doesn’t he say a word?
Gustavo Perez
Gustavo Perez - 7 years ago
I gotta try this
Kristin South
Kristin South - 7 years ago
Alana has a bf??? EWWWW
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 7 years ago
Kristin South husband, and a baby
Alfons Grizzly
Alfons Grizzly - 7 years ago
She Thinks she is good looking, NOT, her face är round like a plate, she has enourmous jaws... her jawline are repulisive
Juan Ernesto
Juan Ernesto - 7 years ago
I wanna be there
Samurai Angel
Samurai Angel - 7 years ago
Alana you belong to me..forget about your boyfriend.
Luke B
Luke B - 7 years ago
isn't alana friends with soul surfer girl or am i dumb

10. comment for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Caras kitty
Caras kitty - 7 years ago
Soul Surfer!
Natalie Frandsen
Natalie Frandsen - 7 years ago
cXilion - 7 years ago
can he speak for himself too? :D
Carter Hamilton
Carter Hamilton - 7 years ago
butter face
Helya Parsa
Helya Parsa - 7 years ago
He looks like Tristin Tales in some angels.
John Perrott
John Perrott - 7 years ago
I watched it for Alana. She's a babe.
Rguha Liolrm
Rguha Liolrm - 7 years ago
who else is watching this thinking that the thumbnail was great but the title that included "boyfriend Jack Freestone" was a downer?
Donald Duck
Donald Duck - 7 years ago
Name on the First song
William Griffin
William Griffin - 7 years ago
this look like Huntington beach pier to anyone else but me ???
lukeharris800 - 7 years ago
1:16 didn't know Freestone had a foot fetish

20. comment for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Teisy Saenz
Teisy Saenz - 7 years ago
Zebulon B
Zebulon B - 7 years ago
Stedman Graham
Truman Lawton
Truman Lawton - 7 years ago
They would make the most beautiful kids.
NZScruffy - 7 years ago
Wow... she is an awesome woman, and such a cute chilled out couple. lol love it.
gracielynnstanferd - 7 years ago
alana girl your so lucky. Jack is very handsome and cute.
El Jefe Grind
El Jefe Grind - 7 years ago
i ship them
Don Peterson
Don Peterson - 7 years ago
her waterloo is yet to come so enjoy and remember NOW
Maria Pia
Maria Pia - 7 years ago
I don't get the awful energy from some of the comments. So what if she has a boyfriend? She is happy and wants to share that with someone else. They're in the same vibe so they share life together. End of the story.
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 8 years ago
War Planner
War Planner - 8 years ago
I think I diabetic coma from the sugar overload..y'know..

30. comment for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Ayanni Fleming
Ayanni Fleming - 8 years ago
surfing looks cool, it want to learn because i love swimming so this would probably be similar
Julia L
Julia L - 8 years ago
Julia L
Julia L - 8 years ago
*looks up his age*... oh wait..damn.. too young LOL :D
arthur moraes
arthur moraes - 8 years ago
Alguem sabe o nome dessa musica no começo?
Abandoneddreams - 8 years ago
How do some people get so blessed with not only an attractive guy but someone who is so down to earth and cares so much ?!
Giovanna Santiago
Giovanna Santiago - 7 years ago
Julia L
Julia L - 8 years ago
idk, must have done lots of good things in a life before. Wish That was me!!! He's drop dead gorgeous :D
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
i absolutely love this i hope i will marry a guy just like jack
Savanna Phillips
Savanna Phillips - 8 years ago
I am giving some of my surf boards if y'all want some
jade - 8 years ago
Savanna Phillips oh really I would love one but how much
Lashiba - 8 years ago
I'd love one happily
Savanna Phillips
Savanna Phillips - 8 years ago
I am Bethany and Alana's best friend we love surfing that's our life
NetRiverside - 8 years ago
Vain ugly mother fckrs...fake as gender change.
Gem Diamondgirl76
Gem Diamondgirl76 - 8 years ago
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
Joie Amper
Joie Amper - 8 years ago
who the fuck wants to watch this gay shit.
Evan Olbricht
Evan Olbricht - 8 years ago
Cool video
aza hiphopski
aza hiphopski - 8 years ago
I'm gonna learn to surf.
debee xing
debee xing - 8 years ago
i thought it would say with Bethany Hamilton
John von Horn
John von Horn - 8 years ago
Imagine a dude that's so cool he's surfing on his sofa in a reclined position enjoying a beer and watching a tv that is also independently surfing.

I could easily work in advertising. Don't steal this idea! Respect the idea, people.
Batman Kills
Batman Kills - 8 years ago
John von Horn cool
okayemma - 8 years ago
Raegen Doan
Raegen Doan - 8 years ago
That's Beathany Hamiltons friend
TheSlsurferboy - 8 years ago
Nah, has nothing to do with the fact that she's a world tour surfer, and she models for two of the biggest surf companies in the entire world, Rip Curl and Reef. But ya Bethany is totally the reason...
Christine Phillips
Christine Phillips - 8 years ago
Yeeah, Bethany is also the only reason why Alana is famous
Min Janna
Min Janna - 8 years ago
I would prefer surfing in a wave pool
TheNeilBernardShow - 8 years ago
"...and her boyfriend..." haha
BoardSport Freaks
BoardSport Freaks - 8 years ago
What a great video !
We we´re in Bali for a few weeks and made a video which was very sophisticated..
Wanna go back there after this !
Greetings from germany :)

50. comment for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Alona Blankcherd
Alona Blankcherd - 8 years ago
i love you alona
teodora peeva
teodora peeva - 8 years ago
Brian Mulligan
Brian Mulligan - 8 years ago
Jeff A may MAY be a better athlete. I think Jeff would rather have me at QB than at WR and he at QB. Maybe because he is a better WR.
pepino735 - 8 years ago
alanas marketing
dave smaith
dave smaith - 8 years ago
that valley girl voice is soooo effing annoying. How can any guy stand listening to that? Oh I know.....the guy has an IQ of 90 too.
john biggins
john biggins - 8 years ago
just fall off more
Marcel Lirette
Marcel Lirette - 8 years ago
death threats?? wtf man
Bailee Cotrone
Bailee Cotrone - 8 years ago
I want to start surfing!! Iv'e been hearing that longboards are good to start off as?? Is that true? Oh and what surfboard does Alana have?
Brink - 8 years ago
Bailee Cotrone Hey I have been surfing for four years now so I would say I am good. I have surfed in the Canary Islands and it was fun but the first time I ever first I used a 7ft foamie for three or four sessions and now I am on a 5ft7. Alana surfs a 5ft8 or a 6ft. I hope this helps and I hope you get some good surf session
Smilsey - 8 years ago
+PhrasenmaeherUltra haha.. Why name is Alanah not alana in real, but I really want to follow Alana's foot steps :)
Kawaii Grommet
Kawaii Grommet - 8 years ago
Yeah, long foamie boards are good
PhrasenmaeherUltra - 8 years ago
Start with a malibu/funboard. Alana has a shortboard. Have fun.
Chip Pee
Chip Pee - 8 years ago
He's ugly as fuck can I be ur Kauai boyfriend Alana?
Dark Shadows Alpha
Dark Shadows Alpha - 8 years ago
Nice skills
Maddie Kim
Maddie Kim - 8 years ago
I want to go surfing so badly
ROY - 8 years ago
I would love surfing, but im to afraid about 'sharks'
blessed one
blessed one - 7 years ago
hippopotamus kills more humans each year than sharks do, just go surf where there are no sharks like portugal, bali, sri lanka
Mateo Membrila
Mateo Membrila - 7 years ago
Hannah H some of the most in the world
Hannah Hutagalung
Hannah Hutagalung - 7 years ago
same here. I live in Indonesia and I wanna surf in Bali, but then the shark thing is always the thing that people use to scare me not to try surfing. Are Bali's waves dangerous?
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 7 years ago
yeah we pretty much k now that
ROY - 7 years ago
we know, we all know. the earth know, we even see her movie :)
Kisha Kwlwl
Kisha Kwlwl - 7 years ago
Alana's best friend lost an arm because of a shark.. if u guys don't know :).
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
i am here for you roy
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
it is okay as long as you are with someone that you feel safe with not wityh someone you don't feel safe with
sky blue
sky blue - 8 years ago
+ROY Seriously mate, I just hope you will do what you love, because that's all that matters in life :) And is very unlikely you'd get killed by a shark. There are million other things that could kill you more easily. It's not good to live in fear, it's possible to free yourself from it - by facing whatever scares you. I have skydived and I was shitting my pants, but I did it, and it was the best feeling ever!
ROY - 8 years ago
+sky blue
lol u rly kind.  'and if a shark kills you, at least you died doing what you love' now i wont surfing anymore. thx dude !
sky blue
sky blue - 8 years ago
If you really want to surf, do it. We only live once, and if a shark kills you, at least you died doing what you love. You lived.
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
you are totally right nathan
+Nathan Pro
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
i don't think it was off topic you are fine. it be different if you are like oh and the food here is great but can i have your number so i can call you when i move there
ROY - 8 years ago
+samantha montgomery
i deleted my message, it was off topic from surfing :) why not, maybe ;)
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
i will be living there when i am older maybe i can get your phone number and call you when i live there so you can come and visit we can be surfing buddies. p.s. will you be my friend
ROY - 8 years ago
+samantha montgomery
lol me and you we're too far away to do this, but maybe one day who know i'll come to Hawai :D
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
it is okay i will go with you
ROY - 8 years ago
+Nathan Pro
well i never know, thx for info.
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
+ROY frances has some of the best waves in the world
ROY - 8 years ago
+samantha montgomery
i never surfing and i lives in France. actually i do ! only on snow xD
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
i will go surfing with you roy where do you live
GoldCoastFishingTV - 8 years ago
ROY trust me when your out there you don't even think about them
ROY - 8 years ago
+samantha montgomery
ok. im okey to try surfing only if u come with me and to protect me :D
samantha montgomery
samantha montgomery - 8 years ago
you don't have to be afraid shark attacks are very rare
ROY - 8 years ago
lol there is 45k species of spiders, imagine how many they are on Earth.. normal there is more death with spider or snake than shark. human lives on earth not in water.. shark is the only predator to attack you in ocean. there is crocrodile too but not everywhere so you can avoid them.
Elodie nora
Elodie nora - 8 years ago
ROY sammmee
SURF SLIMES - 8 years ago
Joseph Legg . I live their too!! I love surfing
JosephRC - 8 years ago
it depends where u live for example in southern califronia there are no deadly sharks or sharks that cause you harm
ROY - 8 years ago
you only need one bite from a white shark or tiger shark to loose an arm or a leg.. its not a little shark who scare me. so no thx !
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
its funny since righting my previous comment i've encountered 4 (not all confirmed) sharks. its just one of the risks you take while surfing and its totally worth it
Pit bros
Pit bros - 8 years ago
Trust me I am only 15 and have already been swimming next to sharks it is only the bad things the scare you there is so much fun to have in the ocean it is a beautiful place don't let a couple sharks scare you surfing is so much fun you should just get out there and give it a go!!!!!
Nekorrid - 8 years ago
Same goes for me......I want to be a surfer but I'm afraid of sharks,drowning and being eat by a wave
Kawaii Grommet
Kawaii Grommet - 8 years ago
sharks are the least of your worries trust me!
GeckoDan - 8 years ago
+ROY 2015 had 98 shark attacks. None of them were in France. 30 of them were in Florida, lucky me lol. There were more deaths by spiders, dogs, and lightning than sharks.
ROY - 8 years ago
no i'm from France, but when i see all of this massive attack on french TV, it scared me a lot. i always wanted to try surfing, but now i dont know :P
Kevin Dugay
Kevin Dugay - 8 years ago
Oh snap is that where you're from?
ROY - 8 years ago
depends where you are living. in Réunion 'french island' more than 18 attack and more than 7 death in one years. wasnt a simple attack, the bulldog and tiger shark, they completly eated thss guys on the beach.
Kevin Dugay
Kevin Dugay - 8 years ago
Don't let fear stop you, you're actually 75x more likely to be hit by lightning than die from a shark attack
Kyle Teeter
Kyle Teeter - 8 years ago
Luckiest guy on the planet.
Julia L
Julia L - 8 years ago
BikeLovinMike - 8 years ago
Death threats, because he has a beautiful girl friend, i say way to go dude, not i,m going to kill you.
AK Foo
AK Foo - 8 years ago
hes hott af.....
shrooms - 8 years ago

camera skills
dim sum
dim sum - 8 years ago
Why you write in the title that she got a boyfriend?
Willow L.
Willow L. - 8 years ago
So all the horny desperate losers don't start typing weird things
DhariVoros - 9 years ago
This is spam so dont read it...but i just started vlogging and honestly have no idea whether or not its good. And if I dont spam then i dont get any input. So if you could check me out and let me know what you think that would be amazing!!!
Traffic Lights Are Racist And Mysogynistic
Traffic Lights Are Racist And Mysogynistic - 9 years ago
What happened to the world? when did surfing become an episode of "The Hills'??
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 9 years ago
Still surfing the long board at 63 years old. Not as aggressive, and not as fast as I was back in the day. Retired a coastal community and still get out on the water as much as I can. Just have fun Alana and Jack, it brings back lots of good old memories for me when I was your age guys. PEACE!!
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 8 years ago
If you wish to begin surfing, forget about Alana's board. You not only have to be an accomplished surfer having surfed often for years, but also need to be extremely athletic. Alana surfs various shorts.
Bailee Cotrone
Bailee Cotrone - 8 years ago
I want to start surfing!! Iv'e been hearing that longboards are good to start off as?? Is that true? Oh and what surfboard does Alana have?
Bill H
Bill H - 9 years ago
ahhhhhhh I wish there were waves right now!
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 9 years ago
I watched Jack freestone casually paddle back out into the lineup through 8 to 10ft backdoor pipeline waves in the 2015 Pie masters heats.He duck dived 8 or 9ft of whitewater on a couple just looked unfazed and calm as he did it. Hes a waterman for sure, if his ability matches his confidence in big surf he will go along way in surfing in the future. having a girl like this seems appropriate for him.
cartrice2010 - 9 years ago
I would love to meet you one day Alana, you're such a beautiful young woman and an inspiration!!
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 9 years ago
have you ever swam?
Ramona Flowers
Ramona Flowers - 9 years ago
I miss california so bad wtf am I doing living in Chicago. I miss places like this :(
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 7 years ago
well, i have surfed in Chicago. 2 ft shore break Lake Michigan. lady lifeguard asked me if i was OK at 7 in the Morning. i was taking an appraisal class at the Drake Hotel. hohoho I spent many nites in Ramona in my days. what have i not done?
DeadKatBounce - 7 years ago
I felt the exact same as you for so many years I had been living in Chicago, wanting to move back to California. Just moved to Ventura, CA two months ago and went surfing today. So happy here. You can do it too!
Jack Straw
Jack Straw - 8 years ago
I feel you as my company sent me from Chicago and Lincoln Park to work and live in Newport Beach for two years. I got the engineering contractors license and put it in my name. They called me back to Chitown as it became too busy and they needed me back. I regret not saying, 'no thanks Im staying here' and going to work for Bechtel or starting my own company. However, at 24 yo I didn't know better. I love Chitown, don't get me wrong, but you can't go up to Mountain High and snow ski in the morning and be back at The Wedge, or Huntington Pier, in the late afternoon to surf.... Im just saying, I miss SoCal!!!!! Any yong kids take heed and live for your dreams. No regrets as far as meeting people (great girls) however, SoCal can't compare to the people from Chitown as far as down to earth caring people as you will in the Midwest big cities!!!! I'll never forget those two years but In-And- Out can't live up to The Wiener Circle when your young and dumb!! LOL. If you're under 40, I'd say move back, or get your ass to where you want to be! With a great wife and kids at 50, Im well established and can live my dreams by visiting, going to my old haunts - Las Brisas for cocktails at dusk in Laguna and surf anywhere....
César Kohl
César Kohl - 9 years ago
+Karla sheryniele just move back
Master Chief
Master Chief - 9 years ago
I just watched insects fight how to fuck did i landed here...
MAT T - 9 years ago
Lucky bastard!
박리옹 - 9 years ago
아웅 부럽다
Isabella Lucia
Isabella Lucia - 9 years ago
is he a christian
Alittlebitnuts2day - 9 years ago
Dump the chump and let's hump!
Brock McClain
Brock McClain - 9 years ago
Sound like a plan, me and you should kidnapped her and raped her azz!
ZnoDs Gaming - Gameplay -
ZnoDs Gaming - Gameplay - - 9 years ago
Bravo5656 - 9 years ago
what board is that? It's sick
HollyRose AJ
HollyRose AJ - 9 years ago
i wish i could surf. and i was just wondering how is bethany going for you?
Harold Reyes
Harold Reyes - 9 years ago
Two sweet
Brian .C
Brian .C - 9 years ago
I'm falling in love with you
josie corso
josie corso - 9 years ago
make more alana videos!!! i love her so much!! i surf too
Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend - 9 years ago
2:42 - I wonder how many times her boyfriend licks her butt - she has the sweetest ass in the business.
J. Montrice
J. Montrice - 9 years ago
Dear Jehovah, Give me a Relationship like this.
Blane Rowland
Blane Rowland - 9 years ago
This guy is a dick and made millions of guys hate their life
vic vega
vic vega - 9 years ago
Ever tried pot? Nah
Fallen Knightingale
Fallen Knightingale - 9 years ago
are there any hawaians left in hawai or are they all white now
Storm Warning
Storm Warning - 9 years ago
Mainly Japanese Americans.
Tizz aaa
Tizz aaa - 9 years ago
That the Joint! Yumz!!!
sandreas5 - 9 years ago
who else is watching this and wishes they could surf?
Random Peep
Random Peep - 7 years ago
Henry Bubble Which part of Australia do you live in?
cookiesandcream - 7 years ago
Henry Bubble Yeah, right. That explains why surf comps and top pro surfers are in/from Australia. Check out the WSL past and current rankings. There's definitely a lot of good beaches in Australia where you can shred. Dunno about you bro
HZ_7 Savage
HZ_7 Savage - 7 years ago
I surf can do what this girl can I’m not kissing I swear.
Sally R
Sally R - 7 years ago
Yes! Me too
cocoarecords - 7 years ago
fratze187 word
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
anyone can surf.... do it. mice were once lions. their are harder things in life!
Hey Now!
Hey Now! - 7 years ago
And Chow...
Adam Hajo
Adam Hajo - 8 years ago
VonKatTV HD - 8 years ago
sandreas5 I can surf I went surfing today
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 8 years ago

I wouldn't say it's easy. It's extremely difficult. Gotta have the timing the body strength and the balance. Sometimes it can be easy to catch a wave but other times it can be easy to fuck up too.
Parker - 8 years ago
anyone can surf , its easy .. like riding a bike .... but these people want you to believe they are like super humans
its easy try it
sandreas5 - 8 years ago
i wish +RaKe Reacts 
Anal Deadbeat
Anal Deadbeat - 8 years ago
i live right next to snapper rocks and dbah
its soooo good
Henry Bubble
Henry Bubble - 8 years ago
I can surf pretty good .... but we don't have that nice waves in australia
sayerman - 9 years ago
+sandreas5 this comment just made my night ahaha
Greenery Productions
Greenery Productions - 9 years ago
+RB Hayek sorry for my comment.....good luck with ur photography, i really hope to get an housing 4 my camera 1 day
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 9 years ago
+Greenery Productions

and you're clearly an asshole so we both learned something today.
Greenery Productions
Greenery Productions - 9 years ago
+RB Hayek ur an idiot. poser
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 9 years ago
I'm not great or as hot as Alana, but I still look decent doing it. Trying to get an underwater shot but Southern California isn't that good under the water.
Storm Warning
Storm Warning - 9 years ago
Nor Stump
Nor Stump - 9 years ago
It's the best. I'm not very good but I love it
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 9 years ago

It's hard to learn but is so worth it.
krishna's ki rasoi
krishna's ki rasoi - 9 years ago
Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen - 9 years ago
These two need to go make a porno together. They'd make a fortune.
xybersurfer - 9 years ago
+carlos siendones you tool
carlos siendones
carlos siendones - 9 years ago
+Robert Jensen if you would be a man you would give your apologies to this lady
Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen - 9 years ago
+Maya Kisilov Suck my cock you whore.
Maya Kisilov
Maya Kisilov - 9 years ago
What an idiot. Just shut up.
lucas t
lucas t - 9 years ago
where is the surfing zzzz
Elle Jannotta
Elle Jannotta - 9 years ago
relationship goals
deathmast403 - 10 years ago
i think they got my name wrong in the title
Rod Mighty
Rod Mighty - 10 years ago
anyone know the track title at 1:06 ? Thx !
Eric Velasquez
Eric Velasquez - 10 years ago
whats the name of the song at the start?
Lexi Gray
Lexi Gray - 10 years ago
Years Around the Sun - Miles Away (think this is the acoustic version) :)
Owen Odonnell
Owen Odonnell - 10 years ago
OpTic_Fraxzz YT
OpTic_Fraxzz YT - 10 years ago
yes, we get it you're hot but seriously this is pathetic, oohhh, let's stare at the pretty couple and buy their stupid shit, commom people, we're better than this.

100. comment for Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath - 10 years ago
C'mon get over it. Enjoy your life. The ocean is for every body.
Cat Brown
Cat Brown - 10 years ago
I don't understand why people are hating on Alana Blanchard! No she is not stuck up and bitchy! Shes very inspiring and I look up to her. If you don't like her then stop watching the videos with her in it...come on guys get some brains. And to everyone who IS a fan of Alana I love you<3
Nicole Jarel
Nicole Jarel - 8 years ago
I feel the same way. I hoped to see more positive comments. I think it just comes from jealously. She is not stuck up; she has such a cool mellow vibe. She seems down to earth.
Professional Pilot Training
Professional Pilot Training - 10 years ago
good at dropping in on people too
DennisK - 10 years ago
She's so cocky and up her own ass I really don't like Alana. Thinks she's perfect
Mateo Chaboya
Mateo Chaboya - 10 years ago
Whats the song at 1:09??????!!please help!
Keith K.
Keith K. - 10 years ago
Anayone else love the song?
Ersel Sensoy
Ersel Sensoy - 9 years ago
+Keith K. Darude - sandstorm
Samantha H
Samantha H - 10 years ago
+kat kar it's called ectasy by Frnds 4 lyf :)
kat kar
kat kar - 10 years ago
Love the song...who sings it and the Title?
JIMJAMSC - 10 years ago
MR PLAYLIST - 10 years ago
nick clay
nick clay - 10 years ago
Dylan Skarston
Dylan Skarston - 10 years ago
new season?
Dima Davidson
Dima Davidson - 10 years ago
Очень классное видео, обажаю сёрфинг!!!!
SurfToTheLimit - 10 years ago
Wow this video is amazing. I am in love with it.
Mak Muk Was Right
Mak Muk Was Right - 10 years ago
this was a snooze fest. the guy looks and acts like a bimbo. grow some balls and get your ho in line.
ariatna diaz
ariatna diaz - 10 years ago
I have been brought up in a surfer family with surfing friends and aunties, teachers etc and my world, the one in which i grew up has barely anything to do with what it has become today. Surf has been capitalist and has been turned shallowishly into a stupid and hedonist trend. It used to be a fulfilling, peacefully and cheerfully way of life, and the people in sich world were adventurous but very warm and down earth people. Now everywhere i go , any beach, get to gether , surf pub the only thing u see are vain and self centered and shallow and cold. Thank u media and thank u quicksilver for ruining a chance to make a better world. Thanks for turning it all into another shitty capitalist and phony thing and adjusting it into the kind of world you praise.
David Hawley
David Hawley - 9 years ago
+ariatna diaz you're welcome
Brad Gray
Brad Gray - 10 years ago
yea dood zone that shit out do your thing
Barry Purr
Barry Purr - 10 years ago
true, there is still hope brew eh, keep on cheifin
bodyboardingpanama - 10 years ago
Paradise ! , make a video in Panama !
BATTLEFIELD X - 10 years ago
I maybe like only 3% of the girls in the world ! Fk idk why xD also 3% of the humans (: ..shity engilsh I know )(:
BATTLEFIELD X - 10 years ago
Just another bitch like any other bitch .. She dont know how to talk ! Jesus !:/
potionanimation - 10 years ago
Thats pretty sweet, all the best to both. xx Wake up grommets, she's taken.
JJ - 10 years ago
Lucky blessed woman!
Sade Mains
Sade Mains - 10 years ago
Alana in love soul surfer
gabriel jimenez
gabriel jimenez - 10 years ago
goodwilj - 10 years ago
Do these two have a real job?
Prollow - 10 years ago
Professional athlete is a job lol
goodwilj - 10 years ago
Is it just me or do these two really look like brother and sister.
Miro Garaj
Miro Garaj - 10 years ago
Who know????????
Miro Garaj
Miro Garaj - 10 years ago
Name of song 1:07
touchmymidas - 10 years ago
How did he land that at 3:00? It seems like the board should have ripped out??!?
Alana bradley
Alana bradley - 10 years ago
We have the same name Alana
Jonakio gy
Jonakio gy - 10 years ago
which camera do you use for these underwater images?
Sarah Akbar
Sarah Akbar - 10 years ago
Most Prob a GoPro, thats what I use for my underwater shots!
JTJ skates
JTJ skates - 10 years ago
Both of u a legends !
Kale Freilinger
Kale Freilinger - 10 years ago
What happened to the good ole days when Alana Blanchard videos had no dudes, no talking and plenty of shots of her ass. 
Skyler Delvy
Skyler Delvy - 10 years ago
When he's massaging her feet= the dream
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
but Alana I thought you said I was your boyfriend!??
videobuoy buoy
videobuoy buoy - 10 years ago
She says "like" and awful lot...........
Mimi Brown
Mimi Brown - 7 years ago
videobuoy buoy
ChadSesh - 10 years ago
ikr... that shit is fucking annoying.
Annie Chen
Annie Chen - 10 years ago
what is this crap?
Lee Auto
Lee Auto - 10 years ago
cabo verde best place for surfing
Navarro Elan
Navarro Elan - 10 years ago
Benedict Paliwoda
Benedict Paliwoda - 10 years ago
Ken and Barbie : Barbies of the Sea

Still cool that they are passionate about the same sports. Rock on!
dumpsterdude - 10 years ago
Sausage free surfing videos only please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baby bro
baby bro - 10 years ago
"cause i have so many guy fans" me me me
restingfish - 10 years ago
2:50 Daaaaaaaaaamn
James Thomas
James Thomas - 10 years ago
that 360 air tho!
Kevin Delosreyes
Kevin Delosreyes - 10 years ago
Why are you guys going crazy over one girl? There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Bibi Landin
Bibi Landin - 10 years ago
00950w - 10 years ago
Whatta nice couple.
Robert - 10 years ago
Stoked when your chick gets the wave of the day..... and stoked when jealous guys see you take her home. Lucky guy
XDMay HemDX - 10 years ago
Austin Collins Media
Austin Collins Media - 10 years ago
what is this video shot with?
Stew Matter
Stew Matter - 10 years ago
Damn you Jack freestoneeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stew Matter
Stew Matter - 10 years ago
Damn you Jack freestoneeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CVRO KXCIEMBV - 10 years ago
dreeeeam couple 
True ve
True ve - 10 years ago
Don't see a happy ending there. 
Sparkles - 10 years ago
Does water like that not taste like salt? Because I saw Alana opened her mouth all big in the water
Mila Alexander
Mila Alexander - 7 years ago
Haley it's salt but you get used to it in your mouth and eyes
Will Jakicevich
Will Jakicevich - 10 years ago
damm they seem happy togther! I wish I was a pro, im awhile to go! LOOK OUT HURELY 
The Stig
The Stig - 10 years ago
stop being dix guys they look super happy. id love to share my passion with my lover 
metalcoreskates - 10 years ago
she is so hot!!       too bad she comes dead last in almost every surf event
Alexia Kirkman
Alexia Kirkman - 10 years ago
XBAR Fitness
XBAR Fitness - 10 years ago
Boyfriend!? What's all this "one in a million" stuff:) 
Trumpenstein - 10 years ago
Hows the breakup working out for you honey?
Idan Arie
Idan Arie - 10 years ago
where is it?
helgevig - 10 years ago
1:55 "he gets a lot of death threats" ??? wtf is wrong with ppl..
A. Mévius
A. Mévius - 10 years ago
Sleepyunicorn - 10 years ago
MusingsofaJay♡ - 10 years ago
he needs stronger sunblock tho..
Jemma Mendes
Jemma Mendes - 10 years ago
Isn't Alana BFF with Bethany Hamilton
SoulsHunter - 10 years ago
yup.... my life sux......
Mr76Blitz - 10 years ago
pacatcacat - 10 years ago
So sad
Wax Mop
Wax Mop - 10 years ago
Know why she's pro and hes joe?

Tits, ass, vagina, legs.

Ristyan yesf
Ristyan yesf - 10 years ago
why perfect girlfriends go only with perfect boyfriends ? :( 
man , that law of nature sucks 
Adi Francs
Adi Francs - 10 years ago
what is the name of the song at 1:06. Thanks
Leo Abc
Leo Abc - 10 years ago
abajo del agua lentro como salamandra al piano ¬¬.. afuera lo pienso 2 veces
Eduardo Guillen
Eduardo Guillen - 10 years ago
someone can tell me the name of the band thats sounds like the beginning of the video
Alexia Kirkman
Alexia Kirkman - 10 years ago
Years around the sun miles away
Michael Wilt
Michael Wilt - 10 years ago
The man who made sure freindzone wouldnt happen
Salvador Sanchez
Salvador Sanchez - 10 years ago
Hey jack, how does it feel that the entire male surfing community wants to smack your face
Dans Surf Report
Dans Surf Report - 10 years ago
Free/New app in app stores now Dans Surf Report
It will notify you when the waves are the size you want them also has beach temperatures etc, Thanks for any support!
wthdidusay - 10 years ago
1 minute of surfing crappy waves and 4 minutes of B.S. no one cares about. Crap video.
dirk diggler
dirk diggler - 10 years ago
why do surf videos always have the crappiest music
Adam - 10 years ago
there's always gotta be a boyfriend 
Alexander Leonard
Alexander Leonard - 7 years ago
seriously. what decent looking woman doesn't have one in the pocket and several others waiting in line?
Meo Bridger
Meo Bridger - 7 years ago
Don't worry lads, I'm gonna wipe him out this weekend
Numz - 9 years ago
+Adam i saw u comment on that fletcher shredability video lmao im following u
Bryan Tan
Bryan Tan - 10 years ago
Why not boyfriends? "Ass" here. I can put the s in 'boyfriends'.
colin ig
colin ig - 10 years ago
tryhardnoob - 10 years ago
Damn you Jack Freestone... You lucky bastard.
pacatcacat - 10 years ago
This is sad
SavageShoreCreations - 10 years ago
Should be retitled "Surfing with Alana Blanchard and world's luckiest man"
Pat Riley aka Island Mountain Pat
Pat Riley aka Island Mountain Pat - 10 years ago
Here's to you Jack :-) Peace!!! ISLAND SURFER GIRL - Island Mountain Pat
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
She is so happy in the video !!! That's how life is!! :) :) :) :) :)
Mike I
Mike I - 10 years ago
i support both their  surfing, i hope they find themselves, after all $$$ i$nt interested in them and they can inspire at another level. more relatable.
Anup Baria Vision
Anup Baria Vision - 10 years ago
she's just pure hottnesss!!!
Roy Mustang
Roy Mustang - 10 years ago
54 people are jealous :)
Ariel A
Ariel A - 10 years ago
Que lindo como le debe dar matraca a Alana!!!
Claudiz Perales
Claudiz Perales - 10 years ago
U mad him look so good together
Adrian de Moraes Gonçalves
Adrian de Moraes Gonçalves - 11 years ago
Song at 0:9???
ben salter
ben salter - 11 years ago
i wonder if he realises his tattoo has a spelling mistake? not TOO bright i assume. Epic fail.
The White Banana
The White Banana - 11 years ago
i'm jalous of him :(
Armand Mato
Armand Mato - 11 years ago
I think he's gay?
Andres Miguel Airabella
Andres Miguel Airabella - 11 years ago
Song at 1:06 ??
Paige Hoyt
Paige Hoyt - 7 years ago
frnds 4 lyf by ecstacy
Janice Nyam
Janice Nyam - 11 years ago
Aww so cute! love alana
Honeysucklebommie - 11 years ago
I dont like the word like anymore.
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
whats the song? ive heard it but dont know the name
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
oh didnt see that! thank you
Nathan Sinnott
Nathan Sinnott - 11 years ago
the names of the songs are in the bottom left of the video when they start
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
i dont need a girlfriend that surfs, just one that films me surfing from the beach ! hahaha. or both! even better
SanFranciscoBay - 11 years ago
2:40 is a good example of the mechanics of how to do a duck dive. Shows her, forward speed, extending her arms and pushing the nose of the board under water, using her right knee/shin/foot to drive the board underwater, and using her left leg to sweep backwards which pushes her underwater.
Besrit Selemon
Besrit Selemon - 11 years ago
Alana you did great
scott m
scott m - 11 years ago
jack needs food & some weights...looks like a 130lb surfing noodle
Marc Mesnard
Marc Mesnard - 11 years ago
does someone know the song at @1:07?:)
saprissa26 - 11 years ago
She's cute yes, but she's just one more and I've seen lots better looking than her.
Cameron Owen
Cameron Owen - 11 years ago
I honestly went from Car Drifting to this lol how do you think that came about :)
Michael Francis
Michael Francis - 11 years ago
Dame Surf on baby
808BURN3RS - 11 years ago
she doesnt have any lips i dunno why she is considered the hottest surfing chick. I have seen many good looking women surfers at Makaha and Waikiki
Shade Hurdman
Shade Hurdman - 11 years ago
jacks the man and this shows true maturity as they both support eachother they are blessed now leave um alone
Amber Markou
Amber Markou - 11 years ago
I find it funny how people are commenting and calling him gay I mean if u watched the video it's pretty abvious he isn't
LPS theplumpuppy
LPS theplumpuppy - 11 years ago
Wait? What happend to her bestie Bethany?
Barney B rebel
Barney B rebel - 11 years ago
is jack on the asp?
Frank O.F. Johnson
Frank O.F. Johnson - 11 years ago
Who plays the song, and what is the name of the song?
nathan sullivan
nathan sullivan - 11 years ago
miles away by years around the sun
Narkan - 11 years ago
She has a boyfriend ? Fuck ! Dislike
Colby Paradiso
Colby Paradiso - 11 years ago
It's such a happy video though!
Arcalion - 11 years ago
now i just need a surfer girlfriend
Argar Thomas
Argar Thomas - 7 years ago
^^ Better love story than twilight
Arcalion - 8 years ago
im here
pwline - 8 years ago
hahaha I need a surfer boyfriend but well I'm living in Paris soo yeah
Lisa - 10 years ago
+virtue696 bro if you "need to get away" from her and/or you're scared she's better than you at something,, it's probably not working. lol
Mari Ela Sara
Mari Ela Sara - 10 years ago
why be with sombody that you wanna get away from? but maybe you re kidding also - the thing with "be the man" sounds too ridiculous to be true, seriously
Arcalion - 10 years ago
aint a big deal man
AquaCentauri - 10 years ago
Its not all that good bro, you wanna surf to get away form shit but if she surfs to you got no place to hide.. you want a chick who likes the beach but surfs? baa, what if shes better than you? you wont even be the man anymore...
Andrew Pratt
Andrew Pratt - 11 years ago
Weet-Bix Towel :) Poud to be Australian
The Lizards Adelaide
The Lizards Adelaide - 11 years ago
ryan p
ryan p - 11 years ago
much respect
HotSauceStain - 11 years ago
I'd still drink her dirty bath water while she had the flu
nxtvctm - 10 years ago
+jimmy poo Says the man with name 'Jimmy poo'.  
jimmy poo
jimmy poo - 11 years ago
you are one messed up dude 
Jonathon Wong
Jonathon Wong - 11 years ago
Does anyone know what kind or style of headphones Jack wears in 3.36? 
Jessica Cavanagh
Jessica Cavanagh - 11 years ago
At the start Jack had a brickes crack. :/
Alex M
Alex M - 11 years ago
Does someone know what is her board ?
Alex M
Alex M - 11 years ago
Thank you guys ! :)
manchesterunitedpro - 11 years ago
her typical short board is a rookie not a DFR
nathan sullivan
nathan sullivan - 11 years ago
she rides an al merrick DFR  i think a 5'10 not 100% sure on that
Idle566 - 11 years ago
in this vid channel islands by al merrick
Francis Laplante
Francis Laplante - 11 years ago
The boyfriend thing keeps me going !
MzR0xyy - 11 years ago
I TOTALLY SHIP JALANA!! cutest most perfect couple! love them! <3
Dan Marina
Dan Marina - 11 years ago
You're a legend Jack, no hate from me only admiration
Thomas Kruger
Thomas Kruger - 11 years ago
Shamon Walker
Shamon Walker - 11 years ago
Jack is dope
JoRog1992 - 11 years ago
What's the name of the song between the two listed songs? 
Karl Walton
Karl Walton - 11 years ago
Jack Freestone might just be the luckiest man on the planet! Only he really knows for sure. Alana is quite the catch my man, hang on to that one! Or, toss her back for the rest of us? Not likely.
utUBEr00001 - 11 years ago
aaaand that's the end of that series...
Juliana Garreau
Juliana Garreau - 11 years ago
They look very close to each other, it's nice to see both of them happy and in love. Jack seems to be very supportive indeed. A couple who surfs together is wicked ! 
Travis199fmx - 11 years ago
I hate u jack
Aussie_enduro - 11 years ago
Major let down. Should have never released this footage. So many dreams have been crushed hahaha. I dont even want to watch it.
Aussie_enduro - 11 years ago
Major let down. Should have never released this footage. So many dreams have been crushed hahaha. I dont even want to watch it.
Joe Espo
Joe Espo - 11 years ago
That's crazy how he gets death threats.. that's funny cause its an actual thing but its not. Lol. But yeah Alana.. I think you might just have a handful of guy fans. ;)
berniedmj m
berniedmj m - 11 years ago
What I noticed ever since jack hooked up with Alana, I don't see anything on jack in mags or videos anymore. Nothing on his contest results nor any free surf videos. Just jack & Alana, Alana, Alana & maybe jack. Hahaha!!!
Annelyse Martinez
Annelyse Martinez - 11 years ago
I want to hear with voice
lulu's h e a r t
lulu's h e a r t - 11 years ago
now it must've been over a year of a relationship full of traveling together and apart and they are still going strong. that is so damn rare with two pro surfers. somehow their love gives me happiness actually. awesome humans!
Willow DeGeek
Willow DeGeek - 11 years ago
Luxeee - 11 years ago
fuckin Jack man. Don't get me wrong though he is a really good surfer 
Madison Young
Madison Young - 11 years ago
Awh this is so sweet! :) And I can't wait for the day they do an episode about Alana's hair! Lol. They probably won't. And if they do, it'll last like a minute haha! Like if you want them to do an episode all about her beauty!! :) Seriously, like workouts, how she does her hair, makeup- everything! I love watching her surf, but this is actually a really cool idea :)
dtizzle - 11 years ago
yea, he must work out...
RubberBandPistol - 11 years ago
Wow, thanks for shattering the delusion. Now let me return the favor, your Dad wasn't your Mom's first. That whore.
Kasterey - 11 years ago
It's not that I want to kill him, it's that I don't want him to exist...
Cole - 11 years ago
Bogdan - 11 years ago
gfimpen - 11 years ago
Boyfriend? My fantasy is ruined :<
Yun Zhou
Yun Zhou - 10 years ago
+Jack Young No worries. Just boyfriend, not husband. Even husband could become ex. :)
Jack Young
Jack Young - 11 years ago
Dude we all felt the pain when we read the word "boyfriend" in the title +gfimpen
thatswhatshevlogged - 11 years ago
Theyare adorable
T Oliver
T Oliver - 11 years ago
You guys are soo cute! Love you guys!
Yinyues - 11 years ago
<3 sweet. He looks perfect for her
09Mrsubaru - 11 years ago
I know hes straight becuz hes with her but he looks so gay
Dan Watson
Dan Watson - 7 years ago
09Mrsubaru I
Alexander Leonard
Alexander Leonard - 7 years ago
hey now, cant help the face his parents gave him. It may make him a "pretty boy", but ill give the guy props for not ending up in the usual line of work (modeling, aka, standing around, looking fly, but essentially being a waste of good oxygen). Every breath a model breathes could be a breath a surfer, wiping out, could use to continue to inspire the rest of us to conquer those waves that'd kill anybody else.
lee coates
lee coates - 7 years ago
bit like subaru drivers do you enjoy hair dryers to lmfao
IceWarrior101 - 10 years ago
So you checked him out huh? Well then I guess you're gay. Takes one to know one.
cat intensifies
cat intensifies - 10 years ago
Lol dude your just jealous! :D (I am)
taylor rogers
taylor rogers - 11 years ago
This song always brightens my day (:
ErickMS - 11 years ago
Alana <3 
Drew Doodoo
Drew Doodoo - 11 years ago
You are Loved
You are Loved - 11 years ago
John Sarti
John Sarti - 11 years ago
<3 Alana Blanchard
Paco Ibarra / Tofu Drift Van
Paco Ibarra / Tofu Drift Van - 11 years ago
You lost me at "boyfriend".....
BVCvono071 - 7 years ago
Paco Ibarra Aaliyah see
James Godbolt
James Godbolt - 11 years ago
Death threats...stay classy world.
GregoCatal - 11 years ago

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About Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305

The "Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack Freestone Ep. 305" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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