Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Amazing FC!!! :O GG them trills were brutal! -- Watch live at Check out some amazing products that help me stream from Elgato

Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Surf 8 years ago 69,823 views

Amazing FC!!! :O GG them trills were brutal! -- Watch live at Check out some amazing products that help me stream from Elgato

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Most popular comments
for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Davey hasslehoff
Davey hasslehoff - 7 years ago
Thx for wrecking my system dicknose
Moon Man
Moon Man - 7 years ago
kallum menzies
kallum menzies - 7 years ago
What is wrong with me, i can do the second solo almost perfect but barely get past the first solo?
Kylekanzler - 7 years ago
Let's do this! aggressively slaps guitar
ChorozRed - 7 years ago
Also happens on Guitar Hero 3....*Harsh darnit Activision!*
Loko 312
Loko 312 - 7 years ago
As if the gh3 version wasn't hard enough.
Thomas Dank
Thomas Dank - 7 years ago
I once got 99% on this on rb2, then again I was a kid just bashing buttons, missed I think 2 notes at the stupidest place
Jack Mountain
Jack Mountain - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, well I can FC this on a real guitar
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 7 years ago
Would you recommend buying most of the DLC songs just to try out and imrpove?

10. comment for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Pat Emmons
Pat Emmons - 8 years ago
can you do metropolis part 1 the miracle and the sleeper
Rhea Silhouette
Rhea Silhouette - 8 years ago
This is bullshit. This songs trills are complete bullshit
Julian Mercante
Julian Mercante - 8 years ago
That song was in GH arcade
michael s
michael s - 8 years ago
Dude you need to stop saying the Lord's name in vain so much, I'm very religious and I won't allow myself to continuing watching when you do that. I have to fast forward every time you do that, and I'm missing the video because of your language. I don't care about cursing, please just don't put the word, "God," in there.
Precutting - 7 years ago
michael s Dude come down. So what if he says that I know it’s not good but hey we all do things that are not good anyway if you cant stand it just unsub and stop watching
Hong Lasagna
Hong Lasagna - 7 years ago
michael s god damn dude
michael s
michael s - 8 years ago
Dude you need to stop saying the Lord's name in vain so much, I'm very religious and I won't allow myself to continuing watching when you do that. I have fast forward every time, and I'm missing the video because of your language.
Fusion Kush
Fusion Kush - 8 years ago
do you only use three fingers most of the time?
Itachi Susanoo
Itachi Susanoo - 8 years ago
CODwarrior1000 - 8 years ago
the reason you fucked up at the solo is because you weren't jerking off hard enough
Miguel Corona
Miguel Corona - 8 years ago
nerd consíguete una vida
NZ_FAME - 8 years ago
fuck yea! nice dude!

20. comment for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Armanite Rock Ironbond
Armanite Rock Ironbond - 8 years ago
He sounds exicted while playing but when you look at his eyes he looks like he's the embodiement of zero fuc giveage
Nick Bolty
Nick Bolty - 8 years ago
Could you please play the 2112 suite, the whole 20 minute version, sometime? Loved to see that done 100 percent!
Ui Hirasawa
Ui Hirasawa - 8 years ago
You should do a Meshuggah song if there is one that can be done
Evan Nguyen
Evan Nguyen - 8 years ago
Can someone tell me when he got glasses?
Jeppe Espenhein
Jeppe Espenhein - 8 years ago
Holy fucking shit George. Imagine if they charted this song for GHTV, it would litteraly be the hardest song in the game..eeeeeeeee
Pops Plays
Pops Plays - 8 years ago
How do you play RB4 with the Guitar Hero Guitar?
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 8 years ago
I dare you to fc through the Fire and flames blind folded
Iammoney_45 - 8 years ago
Cody Nakagawa not quite the same, he did it with super small notes, you could see them if they were exactly on the beat line, and you could see the beat lines to help with timing. not quite blindfold cause he wouldn't see anything then. still impressive
Cody Nakagawa
Cody Nakagawa - 8 years ago
Sasuke Uchiha i mean.. He already did one with invisible notes so basically already done.
Jolly Meme Giant Of the North
Jolly Meme Giant Of the North - 8 years ago
Crushing day?
Hopz aM
Hopz aM - 8 years ago
honestly want to see you play slow ride on easy
Micheal Treude
Micheal Treude - 8 years ago

30. comment for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Another Bleeping Gaming Channel!
Another Bleeping Gaming Channel! - 8 years ago
Is this the first fc for this song?
Avo - 8 years ago
He was literally beating the shit out of his guitar
Nathan Jackson
Nathan Jackson - 8 years ago
This man needs to play Hocus Pocus by Focus. I would pay to see that.
Supergummytaco - 8 years ago
Am i the only one who wanted him to choke on the last note? XD
wilmo - 8 years ago
hey George how did you get your wired guitar to connect to your xbox one? I tried with mine and it didn't work please help
RebelKicks1247 - 8 years ago
George I saw that you FCd Caprici Di Diablo on RB4
Jonah Shewbridge
Jonah Shewbridge - 8 years ago
Why tf do people waste their time playing these stupid games when they could go out and learn how to play and actually guitar like honestly wtf
Dylan Combs
Dylan Combs - 8 years ago
Jonah Shewbridge Why do people click on videos just to leave hate when they can do anything else in the world
Rozzer - 8 years ago
Oh finally I'm in a video
CryptoGamer - 8 years ago
How did you get the timing down on rock band the timing is fucking cancer and why I don't play it
MrStone125 - 8 years ago
+Chibi Chubbs well I mean what else am I suppose to say, he probably enjoys watching the game, just hates playing it :U
Chibi Chubbs
Chibi Chubbs - 8 years ago
+MrStone125​​ Oh shit, watch out ladies and gentlemen! We have a smartass here!
MrStone125 - 8 years ago
I don't see what you're getting at with that comment. They are here to watch the video
Chibi Chubbs
Chibi Chubbs - 8 years ago
Why are you here?
SSBane - 8 years ago
LeafGreenHD - 8 years ago
amazing bro keep up the good work
Xsellenze - 8 years ago
Did he strum with his elbow on the second solo??
Jasper Unbekannt
Jasper Unbekannt - 8 years ago
Could you go for an Undefinied Paradioxes fc? megapeng allready fc'd it, but i'd like you to fc it aswell :D
Mr. NormalPuff
Mr. NormalPuff - 8 years ago
first freebird was your best fc then green grass and high tides then this
Mr. NormalPuff
Mr. NormalPuff - 8 years ago
and then ttfaf

then whatever
Dogeyy Doge
Dogeyy Doge - 8 years ago
U should do some rings of Saturn songs if there are any..
PMSings - 8 years ago
How is George playing RB4? On a console? I know he plays GH3 on pc, but as far as I know there isnt a rock band for pc?
little_dude - 8 years ago
that scream
ElSwazzyy - 8 years ago
Sick FC Dude <3
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
So is The Game No Strums next? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Baku o
Baku o - 8 years ago
I am pleased to say I was there (QUINNY97)

50. comment for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

KlutchKwonDo - 8 years ago
killer1one1 - 8 years ago
Gogo ttfaf ;)
Super Adventure BrosConJhoan
Super Adventure BrosConJhoan - 8 years ago
What is the name of that song?
Max Hammerum
Max Hammerum - 8 years ago
Play more of this!
The Elite Onyx General
The Elite Onyx General - 8 years ago
Sorry I missed the stream George been very busy recently I'll catch one soon though if I can.

-Elite (The guy who always asks one too many questions :)
Jones Fan
Jones Fan - 8 years ago
should have left in the 101 pound donation
josh boulton
josh boulton - 8 years ago
holy fuck i can't even get close to that on either guitar or guitar hero
Vicente Eduardo
Vicente Eduardo - 8 years ago
Is he playing in the pc or console?
acastleb615 - 8 years ago
Assuming this is Xbox one,
how is he using a Xbox 360 guitar on the one?
acastleb615 - 8 years ago
Mr Toasty thank you sir
Mr Toasty
Mr Toasty - 8 years ago
acastleb615 Legacy Adapter.
woobiehastelly - 8 years ago
Sick FC George my man!
Nick Barrie
Nick Barrie - 8 years ago
What's George's best FC?
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+LeafGreenHD fuck I forgot about that devil FC lol
LeafGreenHD - 8 years ago
TTFAF 125% I think im not sure he got cool fcs as the turbo bumblebee speeded up which I cant do also tdwdtg 110%
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
I think he has a RB3 (or 4) TTFAF FC
I dunno if thats what he considers his best tho
But I won't call it bad
Because RB engine
Mackelroy McJohnstonson
Mackelroy McJohnstonson - 8 years ago
you should play Miles of Machines! i saw it on one of your setlists before
Valkore_ - 8 years ago
I was there hahah
iStay Rushing
iStay Rushing - 8 years ago
My nigga Real savage Alf fcd this ages ago on here tbh
JessePlaysDrums - 8 years ago
leaderboard wipes are cool eh?
Just another random channel
Just another random channel - 8 years ago
I heard that if you type a comment, he'll reply.. COME ON SATAN! Oh sorry was that the wrong comment? I meant come on George.
Tyler - 8 years ago
So, there was a way you were hitting that solo after all.
Tyler Wadleigh
Tyler Wadleigh - 8 years ago
I was there for this
BigGiga - 8 years ago
i love you pls reply
GrrLags - 8 years ago
You're my favorite!
Matthias D'Altrui
Matthias D'Altrui - 8 years ago
please play "Nunca Me Faltes"
Rudle - 8 years ago
Is this one of those DLC songs from earlier titles that have a opportunity to transfer to the new one?
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+JosJuice k
JosJuice - 8 years ago
No, this song was available before RB3 was released.
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
I think it's from 3
JosJuice - 8 years ago
SanicPL - 8 years ago
Sounds a bit differen than the time i played it on Guitar Hero 3
Thats probably because you hit every note in the solo..
Screen Screechers
Screen Screechers - 7 years ago
SanicPL I fc’d it

On easy
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL But I'm Hardwired for this ;(

okay fine
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Right
lets just stop
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL They'll make a mann out if it eventually.
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus this chain consisted of like fucking 40 comments
it was a good chain real good
maybe even the best.
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL rip chain, will not be missed
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus k
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Same, but I'm just going to say that In The End, we got One Step Closer to being the Battery that runs the earth.
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Right im running out of fucking ideas XD
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Dancin' in the desert like it's B.Y.O.B!
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus That'll be such a Satch Boogie!
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL I'll make sure to do so when I go Surfing With The Alien.
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Watch out if there are any Spiderwebs!
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Speaking of weekends, imma go live it up at the Hotel California!
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Its just going to be an Another Song about the Weekend
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL I Want It All!
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus We Are The Champions of this comment chain!
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL I'll get A Little Piece Of Heaven for my One life that has passed
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus The only way up is thorugh The Stairway to Heaven
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL The Trail Of Broken Hearts is flying free.
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus I guess it was just a Bad Romance.
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL I would say I'll be Buried Alive, but my Mercyful Fate prevents that
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Hope your Bat Country was proud of your well being
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL This goodbye goes out to The One I Love
AlphaDragonn - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus God dammit you ruined what you started
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus That will be A Day To Remember
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL :( I'll go kms in a Ring Of Fire
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus you blew it
you fucking blew it
chain is over guys.. you can go home now
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Heh, maybe they don't quite Smells Like Teen Spirit ;)

kill me, that was imperfect
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus dad looks back at us
... Teenagers
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL I'm Sweating Bullets, but I promise you that I'm Breaking The Habit of insanity slowly but surely!
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Are you crazy! They would need to go Through the Fire and Flames to beat that! Are you out of your mind!?
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Operation Ground And Pound, commence!
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus You want peace? Prepare For War.
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Well, then... This Day We Fight.
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Yeah. it was a bad idea. Everything became a Chemical Warfare.
It felt like everyone just went full on Sudden Death
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Did they bring the American Idiot?
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Quick! SHHH!! The Seven Nation Army is coming!
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Welcome To The Family, son. It's your fuckin' Nightmare, 'cause it's Almost Easy.

god I just need to stop don't I
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus But even if i manage to do it. 2nd Sucks..
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL Don't worry, you can cross this New Divide and say "this is What I've Done!"
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Nah. Even tho i still didnt manage to pass TTFAF i just need to remind myself that i should have No More Sorrow if it comes to being unable to beat a song
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+AlphaDragonn ok
AlphaDragonn - 8 years ago
no please i need more puns stay
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
+SanicPL depends, did you shoot for the Power And Glory or did you expect to fail The Game?

I'll see myself out
SanicPL - 8 years ago
+Necrobones Plus Hey. atleast i passed it
that counts. eh?
Necrobones Gaming
Necrobones Gaming - 8 years ago
damn son
XxsilvercrestxX - 8 years ago
where to get new guitars
Nitroausome - 8 years ago
iBeScratcher FCd this on RB4 I believe. Either way, amazing job!
PHiiLZ - 8 years ago
i wasnt online for that, dang it
Oskari Strandman
Oskari Strandman - 8 years ago
Finally you did this song omg yes!
MerkRampage - 8 years ago
Now, Crushing Day....
Lolle man
Lolle man - 8 years ago
joe satriani
juaniusm - 8 years ago
have you ever tried playing rocksmith?
SH Sorrow
SH Sorrow - 8 years ago
Ukog has always been the best player in these games. Great job man.
Trystan - 8 years ago
G FUCKING G George! I heard that you are considered the BEST gh player in the world! Keep er' goin'!
Zelm Moriya
Zelm Moriya - 8 years ago
wheres gary fc :V
where is it
ShadowWolf Speedruns
ShadowWolf Speedruns - 8 years ago
rock band rivals is so cool!
Guitar Freek369
Guitar Freek369 - 8 years ago
Your chat is cancer lmao
Hopecaster - 8 years ago
Speaking of those trills being... BRUTAL... ;) Wink wink nudge nudge
So Original
So Original - 8 years ago
I love his reactions to hitting a trill.
GHmasterlord342 - 8 years ago
I can't fc rock band 4 version for life. If I took all my time then I could probably do the gh3 version. But rock band is 2 hard for me.
Venntrical - 8 years ago
He didn't include the 101£ donation
MayneeGH - 8 years ago
Some say Danny already FC'd it.. Kappa good stuff George.
Andrew Hooven
Andrew Hooven - 7 years ago
On RB4?
AlphaDragonn - 8 years ago
l love your profile pic
drepfawx - 8 years ago
eh what
Roofne telvin
Roofne telvin - 8 years ago
You have win the World Cyber Game in 2008 ?
Zykelator - 8 years ago
I dont understand why people dont just tap that with one hand. I know rb engine is different, but even in gh the same happens. I can easily 100% first solo with by tapping with index and middle finger.
Noxus - 8 years ago
UKOGmonkey you got lucky on the YO RB trill transition LMFAO you ghost noted a green and still FCed. That luck is pretty ham
MrBobMarley - 8 years ago
How have I only just found out what his name is I'm ashamed
Garrythemod - 8 years ago
We love you George and me and the hole chat went INSANE when you did it! GOOD JERB :kappa: NO but seriously good job :)
Trendcrave - 8 years ago
100th like
ಠ_ಠ - 8 years ago
Hey, that's pretty good
Heavy Metal Jesus
Heavy Metal Jesus - 8 years ago
This song gives me bad memories from when we would've coop FC'd it but I choked like an idiot on Bass... FeelsBadMan

Still, fucking great job man, knew you could do it c:
DrkDeathroned - 8 years ago
omg i was in this stream :)
WoodrowReviews - 8 years ago
Holy shit that was insane
Caesar McDio
Caesar McDio - 8 years ago
George rarely replies after 10 min upload mark is passed is it true?!?

Next time on Dragon Dank Zzzzz

100. comment for Surfing With The Alien!! ~ 100% FC ~ RB4

Mika is Shy
Mika is Shy - 8 years ago
George you might need to do an updated Satch Boogie for rock band 4!
Gaven Musch
Gaven Musch - 8 years ago
please tell me how to get better george
Ikaru123 - 8 years ago
good trills george!
Gaven Musch
Gaven Musch - 8 years ago
good job bro
x Fulmy
x Fulmy - 8 years ago
hello Monkey :] <33
Andrew Ritieni
Andrew Ritieni - 8 years ago
damn bitch
iTredd - 8 years ago
that was amazing
Kehstrah G
Kehstrah G - 8 years ago
Everytime George uploads I get a boner
IzzyValen - 8 years ago
You're not fucking human...
Maybe you're the alien that he was surfing with
Kaihan 75
Kaihan 75 - 8 years ago
+Plexity I agree! Brilliant comment.
[RS] Plexity
[RS] Plexity - 8 years ago
this deserves waaaay more likes
AZZA - 8 years ago
Legend is if your early...

Read more
Kermy106 - 8 years ago
I'm NOT Gay But 5$ Is 5$...
Dumbfist - 8 years ago
Lets put that statement to a test <3
Kehstrah G
Kehstrah G - 8 years ago
Kermy106 $5 man you're cheap
Awanui Thompson-Ruka
Awanui Thompson-Ruka - 8 years ago
Have to love Joe Satriani man, congrats too George
Braedon Waddell
Braedon Waddell - 8 years ago
Looking forward to more FCs on RB4 :)
Nathan Salzillo
Nathan Salzillo - 8 years ago
HeyGuys, nice one George
maple ebm
maple ebm - 8 years ago
why do i keep missing the streams
Leapy - 8 years ago
please reply!!
Wolf - 8 years ago
Nicely done George
jazziel esaú castro balbuena
jazziel esaú castro balbuena - 8 years ago
hi George, I'm a new subscriber from Mexico, and I like your channel and content, congrats, you got a very nice channel, keep working hard, sorry for my bad English
FlyBoy - 8 years ago
jazziel esaú castro balbuena you have better English than most educated adults in first world English countries.
jazziel esaú castro balbuena
jazziel esaú castro balbuena - 8 years ago
alfonso perez-canto tienes razón, guitar hero ya no es lo mismo, ahora yo también prefiero rb
jazziel esaú castro balbuena
jazziel esaú castro balbuena - 8 years ago
ntate123 well, thanks dude, I guess, the school help me to learn English a few
alfonso perez-canto
alfonso perez-canto - 8 years ago
yo soy de Chile y este tipo me motivó a comprarme RB4, antes jugaba guitar hero pero como que la empresa se fue un poco a la mierda...
XenotheWise135 - 8 years ago
The be honest... I've seen native born speakers type worse than that. Worry not friend XD
Anthony Beaumont
Anthony Beaumont - 8 years ago
Aleksi Helenius
Aleksi Helenius - 8 years ago
nice fc
Jonesy - 8 years ago
George hug me
quinnsane - 8 years ago
I heard if you're quick, he'll reply.. c'mon George!
Chibi Chubbs
Chibi Chubbs - 8 years ago
+Another Meme Channel also kudos m8 you like ff
Chibi Chubbs
Chibi Chubbs - 8 years ago
+Another Meme Channel No m8 I've had this profile picture since June, and I can't say you stole it because I've just met you and this isn't even a picture of me. You shouldn't be saying "my" either, retard. I pretended to be you just because I thought it was funny finding a person with the same profile pic as me. Can you even take a simple joke?
Xsellenze - 8 years ago
If he was seriously trying to prank you he would've changed his name too.
quinnsane - 8 years ago
gg, you stole my picture and pretended to hate him for me. you must lead one intense life.
Chibi Chubbs
Chibi Chubbs - 8 years ago
jk i fucking hate you ukog
TKxWeatherman - 8 years ago
quinnsane - 8 years ago
i love you man.
will k
will k - 8 years ago
funny comment
DraKon12 Gt
DraKon12 Gt - 8 years ago
Natural 255
Natural 255 - 8 years ago
First i guess

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