Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

Subscribe here: A breathtaking video shows the moment four models enjoy surfing wearing nothing but meticulously painted wetsuits. At first glance, they look like any stunning women enjoying a sunny day surfing at the Manhattan beach. But a closer look reveals models Jovan Gonzalez, Taujma Hall, Kristin Lee and Morgan Sliff are not wearing Neoprone but are stunningly painted with colours. The women had stripped off for renowned body paint artist Paul Roustan from Los Angeles in USA. The surfing girls, painted in blue, black and white bodysuits are wearing nothing but carefully covering the modesty in strapless thongs and pasties. **Please contact to licence this content** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact video(at) Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website:

Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits sentiment_very_dissatisfied 605

Surf 7 years ago 1,636,822 views

Subscribe here: A breathtaking video shows the moment four models enjoy surfing wearing nothing but meticulously painted wetsuits. At first glance, they look like any stunning women enjoying a sunny day surfing at the Manhattan beach. But a closer look reveals models Jovan Gonzalez, Taujma Hall, Kristin Lee and Morgan Sliff are not wearing Neoprone but are stunningly painted with colours. The women had stripped off for renowned body paint artist Paul Roustan from Los Angeles in USA. The surfing girls, painted in blue, black and white bodysuits are wearing nothing but carefully covering the modesty in strapless thongs and pasties. **Please contact to licence this content** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact video(at) Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

Angelsfury - 7 years ago
Aaaaand go fuck yourselves surfers. Seriously go out there all dangly. Even cavemen knew to cover their dangly shit. Feminism doesn't rewrite historical sensibility.
João Fonseca
João Fonseca - 7 years ago
Elliot Carthage
Elliot Carthage - 7 years ago
0:07 & 1:09 reveal they are not actually naked. They are simply topless. Naked vaginas depict lip folds even when painted. Fabric is far thicker than paint & camel toe forces its way through even fabric. There is no way either of those females is naked below the belt. Freeze it & observe for yourselves. Thumbs down for a click bait title. Next these people with paint guy surfers, & claim the testicles don't hang due to the paint too. Either do it for real or shut up about it, enough of the scheme & click bait bullshit. The naked body isn't vulgar, stop with the pranks.
Arma Lol
Arma Lol - 7 years ago
598 Feminist cunts dislikes
Paul Robinson
Paul Robinson - 7 years ago
I knew I should of got into painting.
gibbs1966 - 7 years ago
I love women but did not understand why they had too do this
LarsJ1977 - 7 years ago
Look closely and you can see sand getting in EVERYWHERE!
The Hundredth Monkey
The Hundredth Monkey - 7 years ago
something smells fishy
Syed Opie
Syed Opie - 7 years ago
Cant saw the pwusseh.

10. comment for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 7 years ago
If I do this neighbours call police
Edly Li
Edly Li - 7 years ago
Isn't that illegal?
Sikamikaniko - 7 years ago
720p? Uh thanks
Thirtiesguy - 7 years ago
Women showing the one and only asset they have, their body.
rigo Hernandez
rigo Hernandez - 7 years ago
Damn where was I that day
Berzerk Troll
Berzerk Troll - 7 years ago
Guys do that it's prison time. Females A fucking okay.
camelpissflavour - 7 years ago
on american telly they don't show nipples and they bleep swear words
Hindu Goat
Hindu Goat - 7 years ago
lame... hold the camera STILL and zoom in

make a shot that last more than 1 second
phill van
phill van - 7 years ago
wow where is this beach?????
Bryan Holman
Bryan Holman - 7 years ago
It's El Segundo and Manhattan Beach for half of the shots.
I'm Green
I'm Green - 7 years ago
Whores like showing off.nothing new...

20. comment for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

Ty B
Ty B - 7 years ago
Ho's gonna ho...
HalfBlood 990
HalfBlood 990 - 7 years ago
gets a boner
artiew87 - 7 years ago
im not mad at the one with the big full titties. the others need to wear a bra of something, those flapjacks don't look appealing.
狗Ynnnk - 7 years ago
Fuck the guy who came with the idea of waterproof paining !
joedsavage - 7 years ago
I'm almost positive I saw brush.
D: - 7 years ago
I don't know how I'd feel about having paint on my vag.
Max Freedom
Max Freedom - 7 years ago
dream job
Oz Osborne
Oz Osborne - 7 years ago
awsom painting looks so so real but id be rely tempted to use water based paint next time lol
Dragon Skunk
Dragon Skunk - 7 years ago
Stupid sexy Flanders!
Law sux
Law sux - 7 years ago
ill bring the sex wax

30. comment for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

JR - 7 years ago
whores, whoring. Nothing to see here.
Oldmanfunky - 7 years ago
Those clothes do not flatter you at all! It should be a dress or nothing! I happen to have no dress in my cabin.
MrMudNugget - 7 years ago
Futurama spray on bikini
Abang Tranung
Abang Tranung - 7 years ago
all these people are going back to prehistoric era...
from being naked then covered by leaves...then a piece of knitted wools and all that....then we have name it...but these people are back to their ancient time.....dehumanisation.
Visionery1 - 7 years ago
Riviere Marc
Riviere Marc - 7 years ago
if nobody said it i ll never know good job great artist
Constitution 2nd amendment
Constitution 2nd amendment - 7 years ago
They did this so sharks would not choke on their bikinis.
The Owner
The Owner - 7 years ago
Sorry, had to =>
Constitution 2nd amendment
Constitution 2nd amendment - 7 years ago
Thanks grammar Nazi lol
The Owner
The Owner - 7 years ago

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
I bet they didn't make the paint water-proof :^)
Road Racer
Road Racer - 7 years ago
I'm getting an erection.
John Thom
John Thom - 7 years ago
I approve this message.
Nirmal Mathew
Nirmal Mathew - 7 years ago
What is the music playing?
Korii Effenberger
Korii Effenberger - 7 years ago
Best video on the internet lol brilliant idea
J.E. Excavator Operator
J.E. Excavator Operator - 7 years ago
holy mother of moses!!  god i love women
DAVID JONES - 7 years ago
Calm down Dumbass
Calm down Dumbass - 7 years ago
I would masterbate but, I don't have enough money to buy a microscope...
pkbjorn35 - 7 years ago
"Nothing but" is a lie and Clickbait. For that you get a thumb down.
FOXBODY 351W - 7 years ago
Lucky paint.
Chucky Conan
Chucky Conan - 7 years ago
at times like this you wish the inventor of waterproof paints never born
Reverse - 7 years ago
Fantastic Video..
harsha Sri
harsha Sri - 7 years ago
now the question is how do you take it off. looks like salt water cant clean it

50. comment for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

Video cruzer
Video cruzer - 7 years ago
Hey siri, what is the name for a female pedophile that milks 8 year old boys and drinks their cum?
Corey Soze
Corey Soze - 7 years ago
Someone did really good work on making those wetsuits look real as possible.
JOALAZEL AZEL - 7 years ago
Wooooow!!! Hermosoooo videooo
mynameis bob
mynameis bob - 7 years ago
0:08 :)
igloo productions
igloo productions - 7 years ago
The blurring is fucking gay.
Corey - 7 years ago
Bring your son to the beach day right?
Corey - 7 years ago
Dam water proof paint
David Johnson
David Johnson - 7 years ago
Kinda lame
Big D
Big D - 7 years ago
if these sluts want a reason to be naked. then come to my bed room
Leo - 7 years ago
I was hoping that the paint would wash off
Chiraq TookaPack
Chiraq TookaPack - 7 years ago
I really don't understand these videos
conmigo carolina del norte
conmigo carolina del norte - 7 years ago
Better hope the fish do not bite they might be missing something they need.
Gaming With Achilles
Gaming With Achilles - 7 years ago
Paul Roustan aka cocoa puff aka Dr. Strangelove. He's become such an amazing artist. keep up the good work pauly
Elsa Debroglie
Elsa Debroglie - 7 years ago
Hey look, painted whores. Good for them.
Techxxz - 7 years ago
Not my proudest fap.
mines2000 - 7 years ago
Must have felt very freeing....
ser Å
ser Å - 7 years ago
Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 7 years ago
Cool video, cool ladies, cool body paint, cool idea!
Ed Dorvil
Ed Dorvil - 7 years ago
You had me at "Women wear nothing"
bruce cockinson
bruce cockinson - 7 years ago
and women wonder why men are jerks and gauk at every womans breasts and ass..... cause yall like the attention.. thats why whores..
bruce cockinson
bruce cockinson - 7 years ago
bruce cockinson
bruce cockinson - 7 years ago
shut up.. mr nice guy
commenter78 - 7 years ago
idiot. a man doesnt have to be a jerk because a woman wants attention.
Ginger Allen
Ginger Allen - 7 years ago
this is a new low for women how much more can women do to disrespect them self
bruce cockinson
bruce cockinson - 7 years ago
it would be cool to fuck them in their painted wet suits
Kal El
Kal El - 7 years ago
Salty crotch
Adil Yildiz
Adil Yildiz - 7 years ago
I want to be their surfboard
c0uchsl0uch - 7 years ago
i want to buttfuck her
Overlord - 7 years ago
Next time use thick women with big breasts. It'll be more noticeable and pleasing to the eye.
Brett Moore
Brett Moore - 7 years ago
Why didn't they use water based paint
Jeff Beck
Jeff Beck - 7 years ago
Look good to me ! Sitting in my bathtub and now a periscope just broke the surface
commenter78 - 7 years ago
ummm dont get electrocuted, people have died dropping their electronics in the bathtub.
jou jou
jou jou - 7 years ago
lmao :D
john doe
john doe - 7 years ago
They should be more honest and just do porn flicks.
P G - 7 years ago
So... this is ok with the Millions of Tribal Belief Muslim Refugees being imported to Europe and the States? So why do they slap Women not wearing Bras under Heavy Sweaters? This is the same thing but no sweater? Double Standard! What is this some Religion based on Random Mythology???
nick mcarr
nick mcarr - 7 years ago
Isn't all religion based on random mythology? It is.
Heppoify - 7 years ago
If I was a woman I would play with myself all day long
i hate snakeu
i hate snakeu - 7 years ago
Heppoify of course you would
GuardKZ - 7 years ago
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
Joe True
Joe True - 7 years ago
I wish I was a air brush artist
Joseph A.W
Joseph A.W - 7 years ago
Great, #easytorape
skeets - 7 years ago
Wonders how long it takes the paint to wash off
velveetaslingshot - 7 years ago
I bet their buttholes taste like saltwater taffy.
7Earthsky - 7 years ago
They must have to scrub their pussies hard in the shower with a lot of soap and get themselves all soapy and slippery down there and,,,and,,all wet and soapy ....i need to fap.
joe momma
joe momma - 7 years ago
America loves their hoes...and these slurs are lined up and ready to get turned out. they are all pretty much slurs now. girls don't hide anything
Dr Magus
Dr Magus - 7 years ago
disappointing the swimsuits didn't wash off
criztu - 7 years ago
Hi, I'm a Pornhub admin and what is this?
Xtra Stupid
Xtra Stupid - 7 years ago
What beach is that were is it and when will they be there again
vinman1029 - 7 years ago
So this is why fish smell.
Stevey Irwin
Stevey Irwin - 7 years ago
hahaha how are your nipples feeling after this??
David Penprase
David Penprase - 7 years ago
thank ya'll for that video. good vid
zac uk
zac uk - 7 years ago
so..whats the point of this again !?
Ivan Hardon
Ivan Hardon - 7 years ago
can I be one of the painters please
iBFP - 7 years ago
nothing but moral degeneracy
ADAM COPSON - 7 years ago
I don't see this in skegness!!!
mixyguy6 - 7 years ago
what's the big deal , before evolving these whores were naked and living with apes but humanity and civilization put clothes on them...but they want to go back to their ape era ...good luck!

100. comment for Surfing Women Wear Nothing But Painted Wetsuits

masmls02 - 7 years ago
The only haters on here is the Fat girls or guys that are married to fat ass women that are jealous and want to talk shit
masmls02 - 7 years ago
commenter78 yea u r probably one of the hot chubby girl there are a LOT of women that are over weight but they don't realize how hot they are and I'm not being a smart ass either
commenter78 - 7 years ago
im fat, im not jealous and im actually defending them.
Juanita Pridgeon
Juanita Pridgeon - 7 years ago
Illuminati aqi
Illuminati aqi - 7 years ago
I want to see guy doing this... didnt see pussy here
Wrong Hole
Wrong Hole - 7 years ago
I Don't understand what is so special about this video?
Artem Angelov
Artem Angelov - 7 years ago
подтяните купальнички, обвисли :(
Christopher Bell
Christopher Bell - 7 years ago
I don't believe they are all just painted wetsuits.
santos borom
santos borom - 7 years ago
bad camera angles
Richard Groux
Richard Groux - 7 years ago
y a vraiment des hommes très malins et des femmes très connes sur cette terre...
spanatribe - 7 years ago
That's so hot & erotic
Jack  Burnham
Jack Burnham - 7 years ago
So what...
Tucker - 7 years ago
Only stopped by to see if they wash off, still look good though.
AD Urpina
AD Urpina - 7 years ago
awesome video!
Felippeppers - 7 years ago
waterproof paint can't take a shower
ravinn ravinn
ravinn ravinn - 7 years ago
Every nude woman not the same as our finger prints
Raksmey Chan
Raksmey Chan - 7 years ago
TericNoah - 7 years ago
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...................................they just paint over the cooch?
hunter chew
hunter chew - 7 years ago
TericNoah that's what I'm wondering. I really aren't sure
Nig Crusher
Nig Crusher - 7 years ago
just fapped
Nig Crusher
Nig Crusher - 7 years ago
aw man. you got me.
Verd - 7 years ago
Nig Crusher Virgin
Neil Pullan
Neil Pullan - 7 years ago
Now do men an see what happens
Adams World
Adams World - 7 years ago
Jimmy Torres
Jimmy Torres - 7 years ago
i made that water a little more dirtyer that day
Bill Murray
Bill Murray - 7 years ago
Hey Now!
mummyswallowsthelot - 7 years ago
I'd like to be the guy that has to shave all these woman & then rub moisturiser into there shaven slits!!
NY FAN - 7 years ago
so that's why ocean smells fishy
iiwatcher - 7 years ago
If you pay close attention you can see some pussy @ 0:53.
iiwatcher - 7 years ago
Your gay tranny fantasies are getting the best of you.
ostreds - 7 years ago
looks like a dick hanging out.....
GasVibe Curst
GasVibe Curst - 7 years ago
"What? The fuck you mean sand in my vagina?"
Prevenger - 7 years ago
Not sure how I got here but definitely not complaining
FUCT - 7 years ago
Dumb sluts, almost every girl is a thot now a days so I'm not really surprised anymore.
MarvelWeiner - 7 years ago
Who ever raised these 'he man woman haters' in the comments, please come get them of the internet...
Matdogg2k - 7 years ago
The water is going to come to life like in the movie Moana
Anto - 7 years ago
easier without tits...
e40cally - 7 years ago
Titts.....that is all
What tits? They're all flat
Billy Shears
Billy Shears - 7 years ago
...makes it easier for Trump to grab
Kamijo Touma
Kamijo Touma - 7 years ago
I'd probably call the police and get them arrested. Then film the arrest and upload it on youtube to make a few bucks.
white walker
white walker - 7 years ago
the future is here
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Zlatan Ibrahimovic - 7 years ago
Well that was nice
burmesebeef - 7 years ago
a shark will rape them and that is how the little mermaid was born
Sam C
Sam C - 7 years ago
Te Rima Whakatau
Te Rima Whakatau - 7 years ago
guess what my girlfriend is getting for christmas lol
Jaden Lee
Jaden Lee - 7 years ago
Te Rima Whakatau Yes?
Boom Doom
Boom Doom - 7 years ago
I wonder how they painted the vagina part?
I wanna be a painter now
Bass Red
Bass Red - 7 years ago
If they spread it open, is it pink inside?
CaptainNightvale - 7 years ago
Could you paint some skin on those wetsuits?
Mr#1 - 7 years ago
Pretty sexiest. No guys?
Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter - 7 years ago
Great .. now I have to jerk off
Mehmet Özgur
Mehmet Özgur - 7 years ago
better than porn
WhoIsTheRoach - 7 years ago
You are welcome sir.
김동훈 - 7 years ago
Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila
Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila - 7 years ago
Ikr virgins should burn in hell for jerking it right man?
+Alex Hunter Oh whoops lol
+Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila Looking at a single chick and you automatically need to beat your meat? Fucking really? Only kids are like that and you fucking know it
Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter - 7 years ago
Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila You're a dumbass everyone does
+Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila Did you seriously upvote your own comment?
Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter - 7 years ago
A Random Chicken you're fucking retarded .. it was a joke and everyone jerks
Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila
Imperial Senator Avitus Livius Aquila - 7 years ago
A Random Chicken Lmao yeah only virgins jerk off ammiright? Stupid virgins.
commenter78 - 7 years ago
did you jerk off?
Valoro85 - 7 years ago
Alex Hunter
lol, 15 year olds ...
Virgin lmao
Josean 718
Josean 718 - 7 years ago
No wedgies i guess!
ATG777 ATG - 7 years ago
Why paint a swimsuit on just go a fucking nude beach!
Mekose - 7 years ago
It's not naked when you're wearing pasties and panties.
Sloth55Chunk - 7 years ago
Probably got mad nipple jiff
Larry McNeely
Larry McNeely - 7 years ago
That's a great idea! The shark won't have anything to choke on while it eats them... LOL
I've changed
I've changed - 7 years ago
Do not go any further, it is a complete shit show down there!
Apache Warrior
Apache Warrior - 7 years ago
Painted assholes.
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 7 years ago
I'd eat them out right out the ocean!
Mr M
Mr M - 7 years ago
If men did this, we would be labeled perverts, creeps, nasty, pedophiles, losers...and so on. When women do this, they are expressing their freedom and are teaching other women to be strong and proud of their bodies, and to feel beautiful and all happy inside. NOT......stupid shameless attention whores.
oneBAMF FYS - 7 years ago
they're naked woman. and they're hot. just say thank you. and be about your day
Bobby The Chicken
Bobby The Chicken - 7 years ago
commenter78 women have god damn boobs on their chest maybe that's why they use them for baby milk and are used ALOT in sex men dont have breast on their chest yes they have nipples because every man started as a female and grew nipples but they are still WAY different from a woman's boobs
commenter78 - 7 years ago
+adrien Not if he wears a thong.
Adrien SMITH
Adrien SMITH - 7 years ago
King Muj yeah because if a guy did this you could see his dick swinging around
judy green
judy green - 7 years ago
King Muj show full body w
commenter78 - 7 years ago
+king muj I rather be a pussified male than an idiotic beastialize male like yourself.
MarvelWeiner - 7 years ago
This brought out all the menists XD
Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 7 years ago
true but i'm not complaining.
Anewvoice - 7 years ago
He's right. This is just more demoralizing of humanity. Whores are a piss poor role model for young girls today.
Steve T
Steve T - 7 years ago
Nope, he's quite obviously aware of the double standard between genders... and he's 100% correct.
FOXBODY 351W - 7 years ago
King Muj Your obviously gay.
Reverse - 7 years ago
They do world bodypainting festival Austria.. Men and Women..
TechAddict - 7 years ago
true. if a man walks naked with a body paint he'll be not only called pervert or ... but he will be punished or gets kicked by public or the police
Jerry Maldonado
Jerry Maldonado - 7 years ago
King Muj true
Jason Knows
Jason Knows - 7 years ago
Who Butt Hurt You? ;)
occams99 - 7 years ago
I think we know the answer to that MarvelWeiner. She had four beautifully sculpted legs covered in the softest white down, caressing the most luscious, juicy, pink oasis any man of the hill folk had ever dreamt of. To think in her presence was unthought of. She didn't walk so much as strut, yeah, she was all bitch but I just couldn't get her off my mind...
MarvelWeiner - 7 years ago
But who hurt you? ;p
Mr M
Mr M - 7 years ago
Occams99 so you're implying a mans' private parts are junk? And are you also implying that a man walking/running around naked on a beach is a clown? Well you just proved my point dipshit. Nice double standards.

And i have the right to comment and express my opinion on the video. Or did you just want pussified males and feminists commenting and praising these women? I hope to see your daughter in the future naked on the beach dressed in paint and i will fuck her hard like i fuck my goats. And she will go ' BaaaAaaaaAaa Baaa aaAAAAaa'
occams99 - 7 years ago
Why, after watching this video, would you possibly write that comment? If you want to watch some clown's junk flapping around at the beach I'm sure there are plenty of sites you could check out. Maybe you should change your screen-name to Queen Muj. With a name like Muj you might even be a filthy haji. Maybe you'd rather paint a goat?!?
Hal - 7 years ago
I'd happily volunteer to paint her, and clean the painting after the shooting session
Hal - 7 years ago
King Muj men cannot hide our... equipment under a coat of painting
MarvelWeiner - 7 years ago
why'd you all bother clicking on the video if it offends you? jackasses ;p
Lazy - 7 years ago
OMFG WTF your right man, lot of girls already be doing freaky shit on cam.
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive - 7 years ago
King Muj it's a manipulation technique lol the more we encourage woman to do this, the more we can manipulate them into getting nude for the camera.
Lazy - 7 years ago
commenter78 so If I wanted to wear something so tight that my Dong is pretty much about to fall out it makes it ok? don't get me wrong, I think it's hot these girls are surfers but wouldn't want my kids if I had any in public like that.
bruce cockinson
bruce cockinson - 7 years ago
theres sum things women do that men cant vice versa.... 2 men make out its gross and sickening... 2 women do it and its hot and sexy.. thats just how it goes
commenter78 - 7 years ago
+king muj You are an idiot. If you havent realized it yet men goes shirtless all the time showing their nipples and they are not called any names. But if women do it then they are called names.
Big E
Big E - 7 years ago
King Muj

Youre very right.

There is a double standard in society and it has to stop
Martinez Roger
Martinez Roger - 7 years ago
King Muj ,Thats because we're animals !
Jessica Hubler
Jessica Hubler - 7 years ago
King Muj you were born naked. Shit so was I
i hate snakeu
i hate snakeu - 7 years ago
King Muj those women GOT CALLED whores! And there's sixty people agreeing with the guy who said that! so you're wrong
Lucky_Daanth - 7 years ago
King Muj you do have a valid point.
Jugurtha33 - 7 years ago
King Muj stop your whinging and grow a pair.
J Peach
J Peach - 7 years ago
would love to see a gaping vagina on a board
DVY Nice Guy
DVY Nice Guy - 7 years ago
Good job using water proof paint, dummy.
Edzel Mejia
Edzel Mejia - 7 years ago
Marcus De Villiers
Marcus De Villiers - 7 years ago
Like the great American president said. Greb em by the pussy.
Explorror - 7 years ago
Broody Stranger
Broody Stranger - 7 years ago
And this is why women sink low.
NukeExploitz - 7 years ago
where do I sign up to be a painter
Daniel Fields
Daniel Fields - 7 years ago
Bella the cockatoo
Bella the cockatoo - 7 years ago
chick at 0:52 is not a female lol
Hokey Wolf
Hokey Wolf - 7 years ago
I wish they had used a water based paint!
BlyndSDragon - 7 years ago
disapointed... not impressed.
Glenn Billings
Glenn Billings - 7 years ago
The SHARKS don't care what they are wearing.
The will eat them anyway.
Clothes or no clothes.
John Davidson
John Davidson - 7 years ago
Is that water based paint?
goodnewscrew - 7 years ago
where can I get this job?
Azure. Wrath
Azure. Wrath - 7 years ago
Freaks... time some pervert try and grab and feel on dat ass then its a prob
BlueskiN1980 - 7 years ago
This video made me paint a hand on my dick
tranlanga mingo
tranlanga mingo - 7 years ago
those cracks gotta be painted rigorously
Ascended333Masters - 7 years ago
pathetic americans so incessant on propulsive nudity
artiew87 - 7 years ago
then don't watch.
I'm Scared
I'm Scared - 7 years ago
dude they're just naked
Aranis Rios
Aranis Rios - 7 years ago
Anchares I don't care what you are going to say about me but you don't have to hate Americans because they did nothing wrong to the like of you so can you just shut up k thanks for being such a sweet heart.
Anchares - 7 years ago
Aranis Rios fuck american... Russia will destroy them
Aranis Rios
Aranis Rios - 7 years ago
God what is wrong about Americans they do many things for us so you shut up because no one want to hear your whinig just because you have nothing to do with your pathetic life (and I'm sorry that I'm NOT sorry that if I said something too harsh).
occams99 - 7 years ago
Hey Mystical Bluestone, without the Americans you would have been born a Nazi.
commenter78 - 7 years ago
you havent showed your naked torso ever?
nakedfaves - 7 years ago
Dear Sam Jackson,

in the United States........more than 40.

on the rest of the planet combined.............more than 200.

OH and just for everybodys sake...............Denmark has only 2 beaches in the entire country where nudity is forbidden and there are more nudist gathering locations in France and Greece combined than most of the rest of the planet combined.
HotPockets - 7 years ago
Mystical Bluestone Just saying, comparing America to Nazis doesn't make your argument wrong, if anything it just makes it worse.
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson - 7 years ago
how many nude beaches in the US stupid? Now how many elsewhere lol stupid comment
Ascended333Masters - 7 years ago
nakedfaves- 'act of driving forward'
nakedfaves - 7 years ago
Benjamin Kaiser
Benjamin Kaiser - 7 years ago
Dammit dad, why can't you just be proud of us for once!
Jack Hack
Jack Hack - 7 years ago
All the world is obsessed with us because we're Americans. If it wasn't for us, your pathetic little lives would have nothing to talk about. I hope it doesn't hurt your widdle feelings...poor non-Americans.
paul beckelman
paul beckelman - 7 years ago
God help us
Alejandro Bermea
Alejandro Bermea - 7 years ago
they should allow girls to go like this in school. honestly i think this should become the new fashion and at least 60% of the woman should use this.
Mister Sir
Mister Sir - 7 years ago
BlazinRaisin - 7 years ago
How to sneak some Tits into YouTube 101
Wild Fire
Wild Fire - 7 years ago
superb tits on the 3rd girl
Tony Rosales
Tony Rosales - 7 years ago
Yup I seen it too it's not the girl in black it was the tranny in blue and pink he was surfing and it popped out the left one gross.
TxAmerican - 7 years ago
I thought I Taw a Putty Tat!
Myownopinion - 7 years ago
can they move less? both the camera and the modes should move less so that i can study this new technology...
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 7 years ago
bosun ,
bosun , - 7 years ago
I can't paint for crap but I would love to practice practice practice
José Dourado
José Dourado - 7 years ago
watch out girls I'm a shark. I'll bite you gently
Reinaldo Padilla
Reinaldo Padilla - 7 years ago
and the black man got his dick painted too,right
apburner1 - 7 years ago
Having gash covers makes this pointless.
Kim - 7 years ago
Meh.. Girls had pasties on. WTF !
Korishan - 7 years ago
Technically, from what I saw, they were NOT nude. They had those little sticky pads covering their areas. The only thing that "wasn't" covered was their butt crack. So, "NUDE" in the title is completely misleading.
However, with that said, that is some AWESOME body paint. I didn't know that the pain could be so well done that even rough waves and boards don't rub it away!
jsil - 7 years ago
"Ward, have you seen the Beaver"? :)
xv70 1
xv70 1 - 7 years ago
men should do the same
shiit winds
shiit winds - 7 years ago
+Madman0001 we have sensative jewels that would, without a doubt, get smashed in the process. unless you have no balls.
Madman0001 - 7 years ago
Sure you can, tuck it in between your butt cheeks .
TheUnderGroundEra - 7 years ago
I've surfed straight naked before, it's fun as hell
commenter78 - 7 years ago
what do you mean? paint a shirt over the torso?
nakedfaves - 7 years ago
We already do at nude beaches and winter time clothing optional health club pool parties...............except we don't need body paint we just go naked.
Amethyst - 7 years ago
shiit winds Darn.
shiit winds
shiit winds - 7 years ago
we wouldn't be able to hide our dicks.
Amethyst - 7 years ago
Damage - 7 years ago
Daniele Lim
Daniele Lim - 7 years ago
imagine if there was a guy version of this... :/
Daniele Lim
Daniele Lim - 7 years ago
nothing to see here
Daniele Lim
Daniele Lim - 7 years ago
dont mind the painted dick and balls
Berry O
Berry O - 7 years ago
Aw man, i live 5mins away from there. I wouldve been in the back ground fapping.
onlythewise1 - 7 years ago
cool usa stating to mature like europe
DANIEL OMING SR - 7 years ago
0:52 i saw her ball drop
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive - 7 years ago
MoontownMoss that's fine with me
MoontownMoss - 7 years ago
They are in now. They normally swell at this point. We'll have to stay like this for about 20mins till they relax. Is that cool?
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive - 7 years ago
MoontownMoss OK, I'm ready
MoontownMoss - 7 years ago
I could stuff them into your vagina.
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive
Probably the sexiest Guinea pig alive - 7 years ago
MoontownMoss yes you can.
T00H1GH T0FLY - 7 years ago
DANIEL OMING SR omg fucking gold
ostreds - 7 years ago
TS surfer?
Matdogg2k - 7 years ago
It's Caitlyn Jenner
Bass Red
Bass Red - 7 years ago
HAHAH oh shit...
Berry O
Berry O - 7 years ago
DANIEL OMING SR it was sand all up in that cucci
789 765
789 765 - 7 years ago
DANIEL OMING SR that was just weird lighting and her tendon
MoontownMoss - 7 years ago
I cant stuff my balls into my vagina
DANIEL OMING SR - 7 years ago
jed black that girl
jed black
jed black - 7 years ago
what! girls have balls in them?
MoontownMoss - 7 years ago
yeah , wtf was that?
Uchiha Hikaku
Uchiha Hikaku - 7 years ago
So why did they do this?
Sean M
Sean M - 7 years ago
Having pasties isn't exactly nude
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 7 years ago
So must not be water-based paint. how do they get it off??
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 7 years ago
Vince Ruland
Vince Ruland - 7 years ago
Ethan The Boy Detective soap could be fun. More of a hands on job. Might be more fun to use the bed sheets to wipe it off during rigorous activities
The Trio
The Trio - 7 years ago
Ethan The Boy Detective welcome to the USA
Ethan The Boy Detective
Ethan The Boy Detective - 7 years ago
No ones heard of soap.. holy shit
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 7 years ago
Acetone might be rough on the most intimate of areas.
The Trio
The Trio - 7 years ago
acetone or nailpolish remover
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
lead paint, yuk.
Richard L
Richard L - 7 years ago
I would volunteer to find a way !
NCF8710 - 7 years ago
Gasoline on a rag.
Yes Sure
Yes Sure - 7 years ago
The Time Prince
The Time Prince - 7 years ago
Pat McCann burn it off.
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 7 years ago
Jerk it off?
Vince Ruland
Vince Ruland - 7 years ago
Pat McCann you lick it off
Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys
Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys - 7 years ago
they can ride my board anytime
Nikhil Parker
Nikhil Parker - 7 years ago
The Mad King Aerys II Targaryen wow your funny dude
Richard Martin
Richard Martin - 7 years ago
are we talking a Brillo pad at landing strip bars at Boulder
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell - 7 years ago
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
Shadows, fast filming, awkward positioning, fuck this bullshit. Thumbs down.
WOMENSMMA TALK - 7 years ago
Oops I dont belong on this dide of youtube...
James Kelman
James Kelman - 7 years ago
Damn! Why can't I have any artistic talent?!
Balls Mcgee
Balls Mcgee - 7 years ago
excuse me ma'am but your vagina is showing lol
Nikhil Parker
Nikhil Parker - 7 years ago
Balls Mcgee how is that funny?
1911indi - 7 years ago
stupid that when porn is so prevalent, you have to put censor bubbles on these athletes ... hey assholes, body paint is ART !!!
Kamijo Touma
Kamijo Touma - 7 years ago
He probably did and they probably rolled back the server to before he destroyed their little lego fort.
Serious Black
Serious Black - 7 years ago

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