Surfing in Newquay vlog, weekend with friends!

Hey Guys, so a few weekends ago, Oli and I went down to Newquay with some friends of ours. We had a great time catching up with everyone. They decided it would be a great idea to go surfing (in the actual sea) I thought they were crazy! But apparently, winter wetsuits are quite warm. Hope you enjoy our little adventure. Plus a massive thank you to the guys at the who made the day really fun! As always if you have any questions then please get in touch. If you want to see more from me. Please come see me at my website or follow me on Instagram. #fionalundy If you want to see a collection of my favourite things and where you can get them, then check out.

Surfing in Newquay vlog, weekend with friends! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Surf 7 years ago 1,131 views

Hey Guys, so a few weekends ago, Oli and I went down to Newquay with some friends of ours. We had a great time catching up with everyone. They decided it would be a great idea to go surfing (in the actual sea) I thought they were crazy! But apparently, winter wetsuits are quite warm. Hope you enjoy our little adventure. Plus a massive thank you to the guys at the who made the day really fun! As always if you have any questions then please get in touch. If you want to see more from me. Please come see me at my website or follow me on Instagram. #fionalundy If you want to see a collection of my favourite things and where you can get them, then check out.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing in Newquay vlog, weekend with friends!

Thomas Cooper
Thomas Cooper - 6 years ago
more about your cool friends please!
Fiona Lundy
Fiona Lundy - 6 years ago
I will see what I can do Mr Cooper, I might even have to interview the inspirational people in my life.....
Oliver Grey
Oliver Grey - 7 years ago
It really wasn't very cold in the sea, and it was really fun. Will be doing it again for sure!
Fiona Lundy
Fiona Lundy - 7 years ago
It really was a great weekend.xx
TheChinFace - 7 years ago
Super fun video! would love to see more about your friends!
Fiona Lundy
Fiona Lundy - 7 years ago
I will see if I can get more them all next time.

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The "Surfing in Newquay vlog, weekend with friends!" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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