Surfing the Greatest Pointbreak on the Planet | Filmers @ Large: Jeffreys Bay
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CLICK for more highlights of Filmers @ Large: For a short time this past July, before Mick Fanning's shark encounter at the iconic pointbreak, all anyone at South Africa's Jeffreys Bay could talk about how was great the Top 34 were surfing. Julian Wilson and Mick Fanning were standouts in the freesurf sessions and took their form to the podium, while Jordy Smith, Adriano de Souza, Kolohe Andino, Michel Bourez had individual moments of sheer brilliance too. Kolohe's filmer of choice, Noah Alani, rolled with Brother throughout Africa to film the world's elite strutting their stuff. Sit back and soak up the smooth and powerful performances of the Top 34, at the greatest pointbreak on the planet. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
There may be sharks every where, but when I ask you to come for a swim in the place with the most shark attacks on record, then you may not be so keen any more.
When you sitting on a surfboard and a cloud blows across in front of the sun and the shadow moves over you and the water turns from blue to grey................... you shit yourself......... every single time.
My brother took me to see Jaws 1 in November one year and I still went surfing in that December, trust me it took balls of steel to go in there after watching that Jaws movie.
It affected me so much, I was only a kid at the time, that I even used to panic in a swimming pool and race to the side and jump out, so if you that intimidated in a swimming pool, try imagine what it took to go out into the sea, where you jump off the rocks on the point and paddle out so far that people on the beach are the size of ants, it was scary man, but when you young you have the stupid idea that "It cant happen to me" now that I am an old man I wont even put my big toe in the sea.
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