Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
Surf 11 years ago 2,242,172 views
Get barreled May 13th, 2013 will go down as a memorable day in the Tahitian history books. Watch as Tahitian demi-god Raimana Van Bastolaer rode on some of the swell's best and biggest waves, along with professional surfers Maya Gabeira, Carlos Burle and others that were brave enough to take off on what's knows as the heaviest wave in the world. _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
10. comment for Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
great film!
have a great evening :)
20. comment for Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
like with swords,
30. comment for Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
50. comment for Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
It`s like being washed in a super powerful washing machine. Many times you think that there is no way you can hold your breath any longer but somehow you do... Your limbs are stretched and pulled apart with violence and you really are absolutely helpless for very long seconds. Sometimes you get back to the surface just in time, or at list it feels so.
I hope I gave you an idea of how things work for a surfer."
This is one of the comments i saw. Credits to +KSA Saami
----> It's amazing.It`s like being washed in a super powerful washing machine. Many times you think that there is no way you can hold your breath any longer but somehow you do... Your limbs are stretched and pulled apart with violence and you really are absolutely helpless for very long seconds. Sometimes you get back to the surface just in time, or at list it feels so.
I hope I gave you an idea of how things work for a surfer.
It`s like being washed in a super powerful washing machine. Many times you think that there is no way you can hold your breath any longer but somehow you do... Your limbs are stretched and pulled apart with violence and you really are absolutely helpless for very long seconds. Sometimes you get back to the surface just in time, or at list it feels so.
I hope I gave you an idea of how things work for a surfer.
Sorry but English is not my first language.
100. comment for Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo
Let me share to you–
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See how dumb that shit sounds?
And knowing how to swim is recommended,
And stick with the 1 or 2 meter first, For that i dont think you really need the life jacket if you know how to swim
Else just wear it so you are sure about it.
I am no surfer but i jumped from 2 lessons of snowboarding to the 2nd and 3rd years experienced people,
And i have felt how strong water is even if i know how to swim its a tough fight against the waves.
And most of all have fun.
1:39 so close
+hidde harms
Much respect to you people!
From exp
2. do u not know what a W is
Plus, many people have a tough time with change, and they are afraid that if Kelly doesn't win another title it will somehow ruin surfing? I'm not saying I understand how they think, but I just know why they are aggressive and ignorant, they fear change, they fear the unknown. I too think Gabby is a nice kid, and he will be the champ soon, if not this year!
It is a good time to be alive even with all of the fucker up shit with wars and greed, there are still many people like you and I who can bridge the space between two cultures and become like brothers only over the internet, I just think that we need to work harder on making the world better for everyone and then things will become so positive Earth will be amazing.
I will talk to you tomorrow Marcos...Aloha, Chuckie Boy!
We both have lots in common , mainly the ocean and the likes about it. You just like me are born by the sea ,.you in Hawai and I in Rio. Even work, you in commecial fishing and I in commercial cargo shipping. My job has been for many years working for a shipping line company owners based in German . Dealing with break bulk cargo for our heavy lifts ships. Lots of dealing and B.S with it , like a war every fucking day. Had a power boat for many years while was married and had a house in Angra . Angra is one of the best place on earth and I say that with Knowledge since i been fortunatelly enough to travel almost our entire planet. It is a place that has 365 islands in a 50 miles coast .Check it out on the net and you will have a better ideia. The place is call Angra dos Reis....awsome. Anyway remenber that i told you that the kid is special , i was sure he would loose to Kelly in the final but he keeps digging out deeper than i thought. I see the comments on the ASP site and i really do not understand why so many people don`t like us Brazilians . Know one thing for sure . if they all would come here to visit our country they would change their minds in a single day . LOL They all have something bad to say about Gabe , that he can`t do whatever like Kelly does , or can`t take barrels like J.J and I say come on guys. He is just 20 and just start surfing these type of waves and doing pretty well by the way. You saw what he did in Tahiti right. He learns fast and learns very well, and you can be sure that he is going to make Pipe as if was his backyard LOL. I have an eye to see things my friend and when I say something with so much emphasis usually i am right. Anyway I am happy to see a Brazilian , but not any brazilian .talking about Medina specially. He deserves all that because he is a really nice kid as a person and a hell of a surfer.
Since you are learning to be a train conductor see if you also learn to if you can learn the TGV. That would be cool and the money is even better...
Great contest finally! I was so happy to come home from work and see that the waves hadn't dropped again, and were in fact bigger!
Looks like Gabby may be the 1st Brazilian Champ, congrats man! He surfed really well, and I was glad he finally started taking the bombs, and even got one wipeout to feel the real power. I don't think it would have been as satisfying for him to win without ever getting to know the real Teahupoo, eh?
I love the fact you are getting a boat, I am a sailor too, and can run lines, tack upwind, haul a mainsail or run the jib whatever. Plus I know how to fix boats too, and worked in a shipyard for a few years, doing everything from fiber-glassing to welding stainless steel railings...even mechanical, electrical, and plumbing are no big deal to me, and I don't mind getting dirty! Even let me know if you want help inspecting any prospective boats for hidden damage or corrosion, I can scuba dive under the hull and inspect it and climb into the bilge and check that too, LOL!
In Hawaii you have to know about boats, it is like second nature to many of us. I worked on both snorkel tour boats and also commercial fishing boats, so even though I am now a farmer, it is something I will never forget, just like surfing.
I will see you around the web, and check out my videos, I am learning to become a machinist in my spare time and am making videos about it :)
Aloha my friend...out to the fields, Chuckie
Well as far liking white cocks I really don`t know...heheh LOL. One think I learn in life is that you can never have a opinion of a person til you really meet that person .Misconception happens a lot . Two of my best friends i use to hate them, and the feeling was mutual . It ttook years for us really see each other and be friends. One died in L.A few years ago , some guy punch him in the head from behind and broke is neck . He was in a bar and a fight broke out and he was not part of it so he never saw it coming and that is why his neck broke . Anyway Strider in my view is just a bad and not impartial commentator as he should be . Is just funny that my brother told me he is an asshole and he had to hold back not to kick his ass.but still my brother opinion not my. Anyway remenber that I told you the kid would be worl champ this year and his path is getting clear with Parko , Fanning and the always got there Taj all out.LOL. JJ shred yesterday like Medina. Those two will rule surf for the next ten guess. Cool that you are a handman as far sailing goes , that way I don`t have to do all the work. No wories the boat that I will be buying pretty much can sail buy itself. we just kick back have a beer and enjoy the view listening Jimmi Hendrix.
What a dummy, he is an OK announcer..just OK, but he is hard to look at, looks like he did drugs or something? His face is like a cabbage, no? I wish they would bring back Shane Dorian, he was the best announcer they ever had, but at least GT is gone, that guy was annoying!
I had to watch all on replay yesterday because it is when we have our farmer's market. It was pretty amazing stuff, Gabriel never fell even once, and "the Hog" said some really good things about the kid too, he has respect and lost with pride...I wish he had one more wave to make a better fight. It isooking good for GM's world champ race though, maybe Gabriel will keep the yellow all year?
I also love sailing bro, and know how to run a Mainsail or a Jib, and can fiberglass patch, repair hardwood, weld stainless steel railings, run electrical and plumbing bilge pumps...everything! I worked on tour boats and fishing boats for 8 years on Kauai. We really need to hook up for sure!!!
We will stay in touch and maybe I can come help you inspect and transport your sailboat when you buy it, that would be very cool. I fix everything and have a good eye how to stay away from hidden dangers.
Talk to you soon...Aloha, Chuckie
Are you on,,,,had lunch yesterday with my brother and mention Strider on a coversation. Guess what...hehehe. He told me that few years ago he had a problem with him surfing Pipe.You know my brother and he is a really nice and zen guy , it is really hard to take him out of his way, I mean to make him angry and willing to fight.. is hard . Specially when he knows that he can literally eat the guy ass . So I know that was Strider being a jerk ,he was lucky because he knows my brother and also that he goes to Hawaii every winter and he is a really good friend and always stay at João Mauricio´s house . João is Kiron dad , guess you know who they are.Anyway guess he has something against Brazilians, good that he backed up otherwise he would have is ass sore til today HEHEHE,,,who cares right? Just mention that because my brother was laughing really hard during lunch. Dude wait in a couple of years I`ll be going to Florida buy my 43 or bigger Benetau sailboat and will ring you up to meet me and go down surf Puerto Rico , Guatemala the whole central America. Did not mention to you that I am an american resident and plan to buy the boat and fix residence on the Virgin Islands...Will be my retirement.
I think he is still nervous in his job, and he isn't the best commentator, but he is better than the guy who interviewed all of the surfer after heats that used to wear all of those funny hats and act like a dork. I'm glad he isn't around anymore, I don't miss Dave Wassel either, even though he is my highschool friend, he was just too talkative and weird for my he F'ed up with the Tahiti boys on the jetski a couple of years ago, so they cut him loose, LOL!
Talk to you tomorrow, I hope the contest runs, I'm getting anxious!
Another layday,,,,One question : Who is that guy Strider the square headed blonde that is totally against the Kid....hehe. Never heard or saw him , just now as a commentator for ASP. You know the one sitting on the right.
See you online irmão grande...Aloha, Chuckie
I too am very proud of the friendship we created from a disagreement, I think it shows that I am growing up a little and can take good advice when it is given to me. It was easy when it came from someone with a level head like yourself, and for that I thank you. You have helped me grow, and that is all anyone can ever hope to do in life, right?
We will certainly keep in touch, and if you ever plan a trip somewhere, maybe we can make arraignments to meet and go surfing, have a meal, and maybe a cool drink?
Too bad for the lull in Medina's heat, but he looked good also, he at least caught one of the two big waves, with the Tahitian getting tossed over the falls hard! I saw a black square in the air above the white-wash that looked like the end of his leash, check the replay of that wipeout, it was heavy!
Is that insane or what? Maverick is a walk on the park compare to this. The kid did good but it was a little flat his heat. Always will stick for good people as yourself. Funny what start on a stupid razz turn out to find a new friend. Let´s keep in touch and may the best surfer win. M.F is looking sharp.
Aloha my brother, and thank you again for sticking up for me, for calling me your friend, and also for being such a gentelman and saying I come from good blood, you are a great guy. Mahalo and see you in the mix during the there a comments section on the Billabong site? I would love a link to talk story with you during the event...we can razz each other, LOL!
Chuck from Knolltop Farms
----------------->!!!!!! show the followups on guys who get crashed upon. or attach camera to them. i want to see what happens to them. doesnt it hurt? or get close to death?