Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

Roy and Sean Johnson are the original night riders. While most surfers chase the sun, the father and son duo are fueled by twilight, surfing under the stars. Sean grew up in Malibu, surfing on homemade boards that his dad shaped for him. Using discarded or broken surfboards that Roy found on the beach, Roy’s innovative designs helped formulate his son’s surfing experiences. Roy’s latest design, LED surfboards, enables Sean to beat the crowds and hit the waves after dark. With only the stars and a tricked-out board to guide him, surfing has never been so Zen. This Great Big Story was made in partnership with Valero: SUBSCRIBE: This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big world with all manner of creatures, large and small. Come with us to faraway places as we explore our great big planet and meet some of its wildest inhabitants. This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world. Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: Make our acquaintance on Facebook: Give us a shout on Twitter: Come hang with us on Vimeo: Visit our world directly:

Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Surf 6 years ago 90,763 views

Roy and Sean Johnson are the original night riders. While most surfers chase the sun, the father and son duo are fueled by twilight, surfing under the stars. Sean grew up in Malibu, surfing on homemade boards that his dad shaped for him. Using discarded or broken surfboards that Roy found on the beach, Roy’s innovative designs helped formulate his son’s surfing experiences. Roy’s latest design, LED surfboards, enables Sean to beat the crowds and hit the waves after dark. With only the stars and a tricked-out board to guide him, surfing has never been so Zen. This Great Big Story was made in partnership with Valero: SUBSCRIBE: This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big world with all manner of creatures, large and small. Come with us to faraway places as we explore our great big planet and meet some of its wildest inhabitants. This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world. Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: Make our acquaintance on Facebook: Give us a shout on Twitter: Come hang with us on Vimeo: Visit our world directly:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

Erin Carter
Erin Carter - 6 years ago
Don’t more sharks come out at night?
Rogan Weiss
Rogan Weiss - 6 years ago
great video well made. ive known sean for 10+ years. he is an absolute class act in and out of the water and one of the nicest most humble individuals. maximum respect
Brodie Bennett
Brodie Bennett - 6 years ago
Surf's up dude!
NoThrottle 2
NoThrottle 2 - 6 years ago
Up Next: Car with full LED coat driving of the road blinds driver and causes GTA like car crash
buy Skyrim for the 100th time
buy Skyrim for the 100th time - 6 years ago
Is this JonTron blonde cousin?
Mike Leslie
Mike Leslie - 6 years ago
Sean is the Reiji to his dad’s Sei.
anshul bhatia
anshul bhatia - 6 years ago
Tina Marie Farmer
Tina Marie Farmer - 6 years ago
amazing story!
Vincent Famulag
Vincent Famulag - 6 years ago
Its scary as hell ... U don't know what is lurking down there..

10. comment for Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

Patricia Burke
Patricia Burke - 6 years ago
What a wonderful father, son relationship! Take care and stay safe. Those boards look beautiful. I’ve heard the sharks tend to come around sunrise and sunset. I’m not sure. I sure hope you check it out before surfing! It would be interesting to study sharks reactions to this board in an aquarium setting. Hopefully, the lights would frighten them away. Thanks for sharing this great story!
Ian Vischansky
Ian Vischansky - 6 years ago
What an awesome glimpse into a great father son relationship!
Ian Vischansky
Ian Vischansky - 6 years ago
Wow I love love love this channel
Some Bloke
Some Bloke - 6 years ago
Looks like Razor might want to invest in this
An Alt
An Alt - 6 years ago
he said ficken. this is unacpetable /s
An Alt
An Alt - 6 years ago
why would people throw boards out
Neil :}
Neil :} - 6 years ago
Who the fuck gonna save him if he dislocates his arm or knee?? As they say you can shout as much you want but nobody will be here to help.....
SilentReflection101 - 6 years ago
This has so many levels of NOPE written all over it. Dark water, dark sky, can't see predators, can't see potential hazards, and my thasalophobia is completely peaked.
Around The Good World
Around The Good World - 6 years ago
Awesome content once again! You're such a great inspiration for my channel. Keep it up :)
Kerry Li
Kerry Li - 6 years ago
It's cool but he needs his dad or someone around all the time in case of emergencies like shark attack...
Rafael Bennett
Rafael Bennett - 6 years ago
Kerry Li or if he got slammed into a rock or something. If he fell and smashed his head on a rock he would probably die

20. comment for Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

Minephoria YT
Minephoria YT - 6 years ago
the beach at night is such a different experience
Bennie the Pooh
Bennie the Pooh - 6 years ago
I can’t go into the ocean at night. Isn’t that when sharks are hunting?
Adib An Nur
Adib An Nur - 6 years ago
Could it be that sharks get away seeing the led lights flashing different colors?
Efren Chen
Efren Chen - 6 years ago
Ezehelm Not really. Most are moon jellies and there are relatively few near shore
Ezehelm - 6 years ago
Aren't jellyfish stings a bigger risk?
Efren Chen
Efren Chen - 6 years ago
Bennie the Pooh No help. Harsh currents. Possibly riptides. California water gets scary
Bennie the Pooh
Bennie the Pooh - 6 years ago
Dipi4pinoy what’s a bigger problem?
Neil :}
Neil :} - 6 years ago
Dipi4pinoy fair enough
Dipi4pinoy - 6 years ago
Sharks are the least of your problems if you go out in the ocean at night
Scott Hayes
Scott Hayes - 6 years ago
shark food indeed, silly californians
Kelly Cobb
Kelly Cobb - 6 years ago
Smart! Shark feeding time!
the poliaster
the poliaster - 6 years ago
Im the 1000th view this is satisfying
yeet master
yeet master - 6 years ago
its his wite male privlage
yeet master
yeet master - 6 years ago
every thing
Dipi4pinoy - 6 years ago
yeet master lol wth does that have to do with the video?
Kintsugi G
Kintsugi G - 6 years ago
Nice! 02:41 I'm pretty sure we are the aliens. Not to this planet but once we start physically exploring new galaxies we will be.
Rosie - 6 years ago
Ocean at night scares me.
Sonia Paesch
Sonia Paesch - 6 years ago
ThatOneFish - 6 years ago
Early squad
Rem R
Rem R - 6 years ago
Yey new video

30. comment for Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

dgs25 dj
dgs25 dj - 6 years ago
Gregor-Mattias Froš
Gregor-Mattias Froš - 6 years ago
This looks really fcking cool!
Neil :}
Neil :} - 6 years ago
Hanni Get shark insurance first.
BigBoiBenzo - 6 years ago
real talk..I survived cancer twice while having half of my face amputated in the process.. a tumor destroyed my jaw and changed everything I once knew.. I decided to start my own channel to inspire others who feel ugly and not good enough for this world..I moved to Barcelona to build a new life. I want to show others that it's all about positivity and energy.. and that with the right mindset, you can overcome any mental or physical hurdle if u just learn to love yourself! positive energy trumps any physical shell! go check me out and subscribe if u want to help me reach my goal of helping others who lack self-love.. it would mean the world to me!!
Mo Hussein
Mo Hussein - 6 years ago
First time I've followed 'one of these.' All the best brother...
BigBoiBenzo - 6 years ago
Hayabusa Fun thank u brother. wishing u a wonderful day.
Kintsugi G
Kintsugi G - 6 years ago
BigBoiBenzo Keep it up brother. Glad to hear.
Madison Meyer
Madison Meyer - 6 years ago
Okay I haven’t lost hope in humanity this is awesome
Max wagner
Max wagner - 6 years ago
More take me there videos please I loved them
KS CON - 6 years ago
I go surfing but I don’t think I could go night surfing because there are sooo many sharks where I’m from
Ethan Woodward
Ethan Woodward - 6 years ago
Lol not first
KromiumGaming - 6 years ago
Icefyre Dragon
Icefyre Dragon - 6 years ago
This looks effin awesome !!!
Team Taylor
Team Taylor - 6 years ago
Who Dat12
Who Dat12 - 6 years ago
Who Dat12
Who Dat12 - 6 years ago
I mean first
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna !
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna ! - 6 years ago
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna !
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna ! - 6 years ago
Check top comment
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna !
TheCringeWorthyLifeOfBrianna ! - 6 years ago
Carter Ragsdale
Carter Ragsdale - 6 years ago

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About Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves

The "Surfing the Night, Lighting Up the Waves" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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