Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence

Short raw clip of a surfer taking advantage of the amazing conditions thanks to the Bioluminescence blue waves that hit San Diego! Surfer: Joel Puckett (mad props!). More footage can be found here: For media inquiries and to discuss licensing video...please send requests to: Copyright Man's Best Media 2011.

Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Surf 13 years ago 433,769 views

Short raw clip of a surfer taking advantage of the amazing conditions thanks to the Bioluminescence blue waves that hit San Diego! Surfer: Joel Puckett (mad props!). More footage can be found here: For media inquiries and to discuss licensing video...please send requests to: Copyright Man's Best Media 2011.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence

Christian Flores
Christian Flores - 6 years ago
What lens and camera are you using? 70-200mm f2.8 is isn’t cutting it for me
Ristyan yesf
Ristyan yesf - 10 years ago
this is the work of phytoplancton
B. Constable
B. Constable - 10 years ago
We see the irreversible effects on aquatic wildlife every season that the red-tide hits. Not the least is the slow and certain attack on brain functions of harbor seals. It takes about 4-5 days to watch this sad event play out. I am a wildlife biologist with the USDA and have watched this too many times. Sorry to destroy a dream but yes....this is a toxic bloom and a nasty one too.
rad fourrunner
rad fourrunner - 6 years ago
Any little thing comon people can do to help?
omagine - 11 years ago
doesn't need to be deep. You can just swim around near the shore, and the plankton are there too.
pyukichukii - 12 years ago
im so dying to see and touch those :(:(:(
Najib Eau
Najib Eau - 12 years ago
how often does this happen? remarkable!
Bizen D
Bizen D - 12 years ago
haha Now i'm legit curius xD
Xeno Saya
Xeno Saya - 12 years ago
Almost like in AVATAR :) I love our planet.
La Porta D
La Porta D - 12 years ago
Caught that working on it....

10. comment for Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence

LimitedWard - 12 years ago
Look up dinoflagellates on wikipedia. It explains their bioluminescent properties.
zedmelody - 12 years ago
wtf this is crazy...
Brandon Bush
Brandon Bush - 13 years ago
Sex noises starting at 0:07
ohlolololololollol - 13 years ago
This is absolutely amazing, I wish I was aware of it while it was happening :( Why doesn't this have more views?
oneironaut alien
oneironaut alien - 13 years ago
@guitarruler1453 The microorganisms emit light in response to stress, such as when a wave crashes into the shore, a surfboard slashes through the surf, or a kayaker's paddle splashes the water. The result is a wickedly cool glowing ocean."
happysomeday09 - 13 years ago
Very cool! This phenomenon is caused by bio luminescent phytoplankton called dinoflagellates!
Jason Lund
Jason Lund - 13 years ago
Thank you for sharing.. Been wanting to show people this for some time now..
Khiem N
Khiem N - 13 years ago
"A recent report by Discovery News has provided an answer. According to marine biologist Jorge Ribas, the glowing is caused by a massive red tide, or algae bloom, of bioluminescent phytoplankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum. The microorganisms emit light in response to stress, such as when a wave crashes into the shore, a surfboard slashes through the surf, or a kayaker's paddle splashes the water. The result is a wickedly cool glowing ocean."
brightside - 13 years ago
PLANCTON. that's the answer! no toxic or biologic residuals. :P
Daniels - 13 years ago
@shamz0rz no, the effect is caused by planctons.

20. comment for Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence

O QUE EU FIZ - 13 years ago
avatar mode?
Dyonissis Zoes
Dyonissis Zoes - 13 years ago
When god wants you to surf at night...
1TonTaco - 13 years ago
I was in the water last night till 9pm its still going on but not as bright pretty cool though.
SunnyD003 - 13 years ago
I was in oceanside tonight. You can still after the blue. It isn't as bright, but its still there. Its amazing and beautiful.
RWAXDAHL - 13 years ago
THIS WAS GREAT ! What is the song at the end ?
LetmeTAXthat - 13 years ago
Tron Surfing
levineandrew100 - 13 years ago
@kierunkowskaz It's just plankton that emits light. An organism that can emit light is called bioluminescence. I'm only in 7th grade and even I know that!
Cody Rauscher
Cody Rauscher - 13 years ago
yo, do you have any idea how far up the coast thats goin on from SD, i live in manhattan beach and im SERIOUSLY tryin to go
marlene711 - 13 years ago
Is this still going on?
crazytolo90 - 13 years ago
@kierunkowskaz mate youa re officially stupid!!!!

30. comment for Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence

BlacksBeachSunsets - 13 years ago
Congrats on making the front page of CNN yesterday!
kierunkowskaz - 13 years ago
i would check radioactivity before jumping in to it ..... FUKUSHIMA!!!!!!!!!!
S Chan
S Chan - 13 years ago
very cool!
skylilly1 - 13 years ago
This is so beautiful, I wish I could have been there...very cool....
fuzzy123 - 13 years ago
@museblock fortunately, the dinoflagellates in San Diego are nontoxic. Most other areas in the world are toxic.
SleepingJake - 13 years ago
Too cool.
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@yellowwproductions shot of the Oceanside Pier.
Yellow Productions
Yellow Productions - 13 years ago
Very cool. What beach was this at?
museblock - 13 years ago
Cool to see but stupid to do. You can get very sick from swimming in water with dinoflagellates in it: Respiratory issues, muscles cramps, gastrointestinal complications, nausea and vomiting, headaches and even memory loss. It's cool to see but don't swim in it.
Joseph Youdliketoknow
Joseph Youdliketoknow - 13 years ago
@mykoalaz okay but think...if you get it from shellfish that have already digested it whats it gonna due if its ingested directly? just sayoin" be safe! I hope im wrong, just check first!
slayer10ful - 13 years ago
scary !!!!!!!
FCastillo000 - 13 years ago
that's dope!
Joseph Youdliketoknow
Joseph Youdliketoknow - 13 years ago
umm.......he could get very very sick. we get red tide all the bueno. jus sayin
FatTonyCologino - 13 years ago

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The "Surfing the Red Tide in San Diego - Bioluminescence" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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