Surfing the Waves of Change - Surfing the Waves of Change is an animation exploring the idea of community resilience using the metaphor of a surfer to explain how communities can make themselves more resilient in these changing times. This project is supported by The Carnegie UK Trust, Comhar Media Fund and Trocaire. Animation By: Ben McDonald Music and soundtrack by: Conor Mc Manamly

Surfing the Waves of Change sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Surf 13 years ago 34,582 views - Surfing the Waves of Change is an animation exploring the idea of community resilience using the metaphor of a surfer to explain how communities can make themselves more resilient in these changing times. This project is supported by The Carnegie UK Trust, Comhar Media Fund and Trocaire. Animation By: Ben McDonald Music and soundtrack by: Conor Mc Manamly

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Most popular comments
for Surfing the Waves of Change

Vlaid65 - 11 years ago
how to build a better drone.
Vlaid65 - 11 years ago
Horrible, just horrible.
Mark Berger
Mark Berger - 11 years ago
Great video! For more info, read the free book, "The Great Waves of Change" at GreatWavesOfChange (dot) org.
Tuan Anh Nguyen
Tuan Anh Nguyen - 11 years ago
It's brilliant! I would love to put up the Vietnamese subtitles into this clip. How could I do so? Thanks for creating it!
Sarah Le Breton
Sarah Le Breton - 11 years ago
aproximately... or approximately
Skibum Willy
Skibum Willy - 12 years ago
Watch “Occupying Chairlifts” on youtube, a simple rule tweak on inheritance ends up changing the direction and purpose of modern human life! Here’s a fair way to transition forward, something specific we can demand, protest for, and adopt ourselves! Spread it around! If this isnt the best answer, at least we’re thinking about what might be. What if we were really just this close to having it work right? Oh yeah, it's a Ski movie thing. Watch “Occupying Chairlifts” on Youtube!
JSC1401 - 12 years ago
Flat-dwellers and homeless immigrants, grow your own vegetables ;p Actually I loved this clip (except for the "music").
DoNNieSoB - 12 years ago
Are there any english subtitles available? Not the caption ones! This is truly inspiring and MUST be shared as much as possible with friends and relatives! Can someone please add English subs so that we can more easily translate them in other languages?? Thanks A LOT!!!
chizb79 - 12 years ago
Wow!, I surf and I found about peak oil and the limits to growth last year, now I'm into permaculture. This video really touched me.
PabloKul - 12 years ago
Spanish subs sent to davie.

10. comment for Surfing the Waves of Change

PabloKul - 12 years ago
Done. lready submitted the to resilience.cultivate to be uploaded. Saludos!
PabloKul - 12 years ago
Working in spanish subtitles.
soulwaves20000 - 12 years ago
@alanzulch learn what? are you serious???
soulwaves20000 - 12 years ago
change what? change how? Resources are scarce, all states and societies are corrupt and evil, we need to learn to live on very little, and that's happenning, since more and more ppl r out of work and there's less money...
Stefano Perna
Stefano Perna - 13 years ago
very interesting! are there also italian subtitles? where can i find these, eventually?
brbkittentime - 13 years ago
gorgeous and informative.
Tito Lopes
Tito Lopes - 13 years ago
Perfect and extremely clear and well done. thanks a lot for this great movie. Can be a fantastic tool for spreading the idea of trasition. Good look for you...
Paul Brennan
Paul Brennan - 13 years ago
Well done to all in making this film, Future Proof Kilkenny are delighted to show it as part of our Green Screen season, Tues Nov 8 Details: on our website future proof kilkenny .org
Lisette Schuitemaker
Lisette Schuitemaker - 13 years ago
Love your definitions of social, bonding, bridging and linking capital ! Very useful for us to send to prospects for the Transition2Resilience course - GREAT ! with LOVE xxx
budgethemusicsponge - 13 years ago
Excellent dude!!!

20. comment for Surfing the Waves of Change

Alan Zulch
Alan Zulch - 13 years ago
Outstanding! Everyone the world over can learn from this.
TransitionWhatcom - 13 years ago
Thank you so much for this, it's really excellent!

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About Surfing the Waves of Change

The "Surfing the Waves of Change" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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