Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

► Get the full story here: Want to be one of the best big wave surfers in the world? Then we hope you've been taking some notes from Natxo González this past year. The 21-year-old Basque surfer has been strategically ping-ponging around the globe, chasing the biggest swells the both hemispheres have had to offer. So when the charts turned purple off the Irish coast earlier this year, González was there. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland sentiment_very_dissatisfied 45

Surf 7 years ago 213,914 views

► Get the full story here: Want to be one of the best big wave surfers in the world? Then we hope you've been taking some notes from Natxo González this past year. The 21-year-old Basque surfer has been strategically ping-ponging around the globe, chasing the biggest swells the both hemispheres have had to offer. So when the charts turned purple off the Irish coast earlier this year, González was there. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

Robert MacLennan
Robert MacLennan - 7 years ago
SDBARTENDER1 - 7 years ago
Cold and gnarly.
Makes pipeline look like a day at the kiddie pool.
Maria Clara
Maria Clara - 7 years ago
SDBARTENDER1 Bahahahahaha
Brian Meehan
Brian Meehan - 7 years ago
Much respect to all of these chargers. Crazy waves!
Robbie C. Williamson
Robbie C. Williamson - 7 years ago
07maitai - 7 years ago
Charging hard.
Godwin Ogabo
Godwin Ogabo - 7 years ago
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 7 years ago
Just watched Ben Gravy surfing an 8ft wave on a 9ft lame...This video shows how you earn respect in the big/heavy wave arena.
t mac
t mac - 7 years ago
Too bad the bloomin Irish r all too drunk to surf it.
Bubu Lollie
Bubu Lollie - 7 years ago
song an video just beautiful and amazing !

10. comment for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

K _E
K _E - 7 years ago
Wave looks like if Teahupoo and Mavericks had a kid
Iain Peterson
Iain Peterson - 7 years ago
astonishing film!
Have a great evening :)
Xabier Merino
Xabier Merino - 7 years ago
Ese natxooo!!
Loretta Mccaffrey
Loretta Mccaffrey - 7 years ago
the song is "ENERGY" by Here and Now I LOVE this song! it is a English band.
H20Spy - 7 years ago
Solid charging going on here! Some of those rvial much of the worlds best and biggest.
Dick McCockrod
Dick McCockrod - 7 years ago
...damn, just damn...
LIAM - 7 years ago
It is ireland I saw waves like that in ireland and sometimes it is sunny
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 7 years ago
Kevlar Canuck
Kevlar Canuck - 7 years ago
A phenomenon of beauty... There should be more of this in my life.

20. comment for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

Folk Kraft
Folk Kraft - 7 years ago
when they're taking the trouble to paddle / not tow, any chance they editor could actually show them paddling in / popping up ?
KaNaKa Detective
KaNaKa Detective - 7 years ago
That left is GNARLY
Mihail Maximov
Mihail Maximov - 7 years ago
Red Bull let's make it serious. Give me a name of the song, or I never gonna buy your drinks again.
Abel Harbour
Abel Harbour - 7 years ago
Looks like Aileen at the Cliffs of Moher.......any prizes for knowing that? Anything? .......Forget it I don't need you guys anyway!........But I am right so that's all that matters.......

oh come on at least an acknowledgement!
56 degrees north
56 degrees north - 7 years ago
Aileens. PMPA. Mullaghmore.
leaky arms
leaky arms - 7 years ago
Its three different spots.
Ελλη νικά
Ελλη νικά - 7 years ago
yesfrat b knowin
yesfrat b knowin - 7 years ago
heavy as fuk
waaa waaa
waaa waaa - 7 years ago
uggghhh Ireland is a sick nasty nation of sick people. your society is just disgusting in everything it does to its citizens. the day Ireland is no more will be a good day .
ali bell
ali bell - 7 years ago
I wonder can he sense we don't give a toss what he thinks ..
leaky arms
leaky arms - 7 years ago
Nah, secretly he loves us. I can sense these things.
ali bell
ali bell - 7 years ago
waaa waaa .. chill
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
Braxton - 7 years ago
I bet that water is cold as hell
Alessandro Z
Alessandro Z - 7 years ago
name of song please. it's not Darude Sandstom or Rebecca Black

30. comment for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

Ane Estevez
Ane Estevez - 7 years ago
The name of this song PLEASE!!
Koi Shooter
Koi Shooter - 7 years ago
Some the most intense waves I've ever seen anyone paddle in on.
808 Kamakazi
808 Kamakazi - 7 years ago
Amazing Lads
jeff schnablegger
jeff schnablegger - 7 years ago
I've been on that beach and put my feet in the water. Do I get any points for that?
Ben Miz
Ben Miz - 7 years ago
Christ that water looks cold!!! Dark and cold. Pull a few barrels, sneak up to the local for a stout to warm up = happy days.
Winter Blitz
Winter Blitz - 7 years ago
Felt like waves of Conor McGregor
The German
The German - 7 years ago
Fighting Irish
C Moon
C Moon - 7 years ago
that headland is no joke,good filmography
Jenee Rogers
Jenee Rogers - 7 years ago
Sharon Tommi
Sharon Tommi - 7 years ago
Just got back from Ireland and our tour guide said the Irish didn't start surfing the waves there until they started watching Baywatch! For real?
Mark T
Mark T - 7 years ago
Sharon Tommi no that’s true, CJ and Mitch are saints here in Ireland we have a bay watch national holiday
John Anderson
John Anderson - 7 years ago
U r literally retarded and so weird for lying about something like that
Kale Christianson
Kale Christianson - 7 years ago
damn, nasty girl
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 7 years ago
gnarly drop 2:05
Edmund Snyder
Edmund Snyder - 7 years ago
I thumbed up my own comment to get the ball rollin
Gilligan 369
Gilligan 369 - 7 years ago
2:06, must have toes like Dorian
jasonlajoie - 7 years ago
Those are some monster waves!
Arturo Esquina
Arturo Esquina - 7 years ago
This song is vomitus
Adrian Bauza
Adrian Bauza - 7 years ago
Why is there no link or description to the song credit on this vid? What gives, RedBull? LOL @ the Sandstorm comments, but seriously... everyone's asking about it. Help us out!
Erwin de Visser
Erwin de Visser - 7 years ago
Big dream of mine to surf something like this!! next year i'll take a trip up there!
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
please dont!!!!
mkri96 - 7 years ago
Conquering the waves of Ireland is quite the achievement man, there are some monstrous size and temperament to those waves, big love to the surfers
mako nakamoto
mako nakamoto - 7 years ago

50. comment for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

Adam Brown
Adam Brown - 7 years ago
Does that last guy ever ride out clean? That must be painful.
Rolf Torsteinson
Rolf Torsteinson - 7 years ago
this is great!!now feel to drop some waves!!inspiring
Andy Lindley
Andy Lindley - 7 years ago
What area of Ireland was this filmed?
eamonn hourihane
eamonn hourihane - 7 years ago
Andy Lindley probably co clare on the west coast. Its gets some of the biggest waves in world
MARCELLO6859 - 7 years ago
Without watercraft for rescue??? You are too crazy, but very brave!!!
Naxo Suárez
Naxo Suárez - 7 years ago
ollieskins - 7 years ago
Holy cow! I wouldn't even paddle out in that!
Ole Stout
Ole Stout - 7 years ago
Thats fast
jmk jmk
jmk jmk - 7 years ago
Ohhh brutality
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
Where is ze Vave?
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
Thompson BMX
Thompson BMX - 7 years ago
Ireland has waves!!!! WOW.
eamonn hourihane
eamonn hourihane - 7 years ago
Thompson BMX it's in the north Atlantic dumbass
Johnny oneye
Johnny oneye - 7 years ago
Thompson BMX also palm trees in Dublin
Peter Gannon
Peter Gannon - 7 years ago
Yes we're an island surrounded by water.... You must be an uneducated yank or aussie
4 GOD - 7 years ago
Why tackle big waves when u can't ride em
YouTube Zone
YouTube Zone - 7 years ago
emmcey - 7 years ago
Thomas Judson
Thomas Judson - 7 years ago
Red bull or anyone else know the name of the song or where you can listen to it please? Great video GREAT song!!!
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Rebecca Black - Friday
TheVirtualLab - 7 years ago
Feel this energy indeed
Plentziatik - 7 years ago
Con un par de huevos natxoo
Yonatan Inbar
Yonatan Inbar - 7 years ago
The Savagecabbage
The Savagecabbage - 7 years ago
Id be shitin myself
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
truly awesome heavy wipeouts I like the stripe board design
gtflyer - 7 years ago
Mad props to the guys out there riding waves...
berniedmj m
berniedmj m - 7 years ago
His striped board looks like a wavestorm
johnathan H
johnathan H - 7 years ago
What is this song called i can't find it
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
john hopkins Darude - Sandstorm
minch333 - 7 years ago
woah! Didn't know you got waves like that in Ireland
Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
minch333 you can even get bigger waves lol
Tony Stokes
Tony Stokes - 7 years ago
that wave looks even nastier than usual
Oside Sharky
Oside Sharky - 7 years ago
Looks like a wavestorm
MrDeer - 7 years ago
The song is Darude Sandstorm
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
Oside Sharky I would say it's a Sandstorm
James Hennessy
James Hennessy - 7 years ago
Get confused when people are surprised that we surf in Ireland, must link them this video.
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 7 years ago
CyberCrafter - 7 years ago
I want to try this so much
surfclimbcycle - 7 years ago
CyberCrafter hope you got a hell thick wetsuit mate.
Eirik Sørgård
Eirik Sørgård - 7 years ago
Pliz! Name of the song!!!
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
Eirik Sørgård Darude Sandstorm;-)
Ink Tonic
Ink Tonic - 7 years ago
momo benani
momo benani - 7 years ago
momo benani
momo benani - 7 years ago
Please I need a song for this video help me
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Katy Perry I kissed a girl
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
momo benani Benny Hill theme song
cottie101 - 7 years ago
these guys have balls
Mihail Maximov
Mihail Maximov - 7 years ago
Name of the song please.
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Rebecca Black - Friday
J Dog
J Dog - 7 years ago
Dennis Maartens
Dennis Maartens - 7 years ago
yea whats the song name?
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
Dennis Maartens Darude - Sandstorm
Ashfaque Fahim
Ashfaque Fahim - 7 years ago
How can you not put the name of the song?
Ducati Drew
Ducati Drew - 7 years ago
MrDeer You got me with that weak
Robert MacLennan
Robert MacLennan - 7 years ago
Ashfaque Fahim use Shazam
jose pepe martinez
jose pepe martinez - 7 years ago
It's energy by here and now
Augusto Rafael Garrido Huergo
Augusto Rafael Garrido Huergo - 7 years ago
Stupidity, carelessness or selfishness
John Jacob
John Jacob - 7 years ago
Just google some of the lyrics... it sounds like M83 with a lot of singing though
Luca DESHAYES ANGELUCCI - 7 years ago
Ashfaque Fahim i dont now what is it
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
Ashfaque Fahim No dude it's Benny Hill theme
Ashfaque Fahim
Ashfaque Fahim - 7 years ago
I thought it was Darude Sandstorm
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Rebecca Black - Friday
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 7 years ago
Burkhalter Media
Burkhalter Media - 7 years ago
john martin
john martin - 7 years ago
those are those 100 ft waves
sensi please
sensi please - 7 years ago
huge n powerful nonetheless tho!!
sensi please
sensi please - 7 years ago
i hope your kidding...
Freedom Freerunning
Freedom Freerunning - 7 years ago
you need to put a message at the end of the video encouraging your viewers to comment, include a good question! It could mean more of a loyal audience for the red bull brand!
Freedom Freerunning
Freedom Freerunning - 7 years ago
nice and inspiring!!
Михаил Головихин
Михаил Головихин - 7 years ago
who know this song?
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Rebecca Black - Friday
12345678948789pk - 7 years ago
whats the soundtrack?
MrDeer - 7 years ago
no it's Darude Sandstorm
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
12345678948789pk Benny Hill theme
Seba OG
Seba OG - 7 years ago
What am I doing with my life.
Kevlar Canuck
Kevlar Canuck - 7 years ago
I wonder this myself... Why am I not doing that? I mean the surfing part... I already got the jacking off part down.
jimbo jones
jimbo jones - 7 years ago
pretty sure u jacked off today, and then things went downhill from there?
Ricardo Nuñez C.
Ricardo Nuñez C. - 7 years ago
surf and farm dude...
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 7 years ago
Be a farmer.  Who's going to produce the prime food?
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Seba OG I get it
Emile Allams
Emile Allams - 7 years ago
I had a freeze
Eric haskell
Eric haskell - 7 years ago
Tubular. Totally.
Achilles Edi Corleone
Achilles Edi Corleone - 7 years ago
That's amazing. Those waves are incredible. I'm tired of these baby waves in the Caribbean. I need to get up on a few of those
Ping Pong Il
Ping Pong Il - 7 years ago
Achilles Edi Corleone bring your wetsuit, or the water will freeze your balls off
Tim McCarthy
Tim McCarthy - 7 years ago
Achilles Edi Corleone Unbelievable waves over here on the west coast but it sure ain't any Caribbean water ❄❄
Craig Harte
Craig Harte - 7 years ago
Nah that's not Ireland it was sunny in a few shots
Basic Bitch
Basic Bitch - 7 years ago
It's a joke haha
Ezra Malzbender
Ezra Malzbender - 7 years ago
Pink Guy dude the hottest you get is like in the 20's
Edit: celcius
yon shaish
yon shaish - 7 years ago
been to Dublin and i can say that the sun works there too
Marcio Rattes
Marcio Rattes - 7 years ago
+Ganyang Malingsial u dumb as hell
Henry Bambridge
Henry Bambridge - 7 years ago
Who's the song by????
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Rebecca Black - Friday
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
Henry Bambridge Benny Hill theme
Christopher - 7 years ago
teapau vibes
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 7 years ago
so nuts!
UY-SEBA - 7 years ago
These people are insane

100. comment for Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

shinda_c.o.r.e - 7 years ago
@1:27 ffffffffffffuuuuudge!
Ryan Plethra
Ryan Plethra - 7 years ago
I feel like that when I have to take a loooooong crap
719Moto Mx
719Moto Mx - 7 years ago
Md Rafi
Md Rafi - 7 years ago
Loser that person who has choose dislike
EnderZ Dank
EnderZ Dank - 7 years ago
That song Is lovely
MrDeer - 7 years ago
Here are the lyrics, love that song :

(Yeah, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ark)
Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein' everything, the time is goin'
Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

Read more: Rebecca Black - Friday Lyrics | MetroLyrics
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
EnderZ Dank Yeah yeah Darude Dandstorm is the best
Rémi Lamusse
Rémi Lamusse - 7 years ago
kushagra niranjan
kushagra niranjan - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the song name
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
MrDeer :-D
MrDeer - 7 years ago
I think you're wrong, it does sound like Darude Sandstorm but the lyrics don't match.
The song is Rebecca Black - Friday
vybtom1 - 7 years ago
It's Darude Sandstorm
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 7 years ago
Thank you...
danboarder - 7 years ago
kushagra niranjan (not Astralis - Moonwalk) --- Actually that's what Shazam identified but it's not correct. @RedBull can you help? Thanks!
men_mic_zel - 7 years ago
love it
Logic Gaming
Logic Gaming - 7 years ago
Cleyton Barbosa bruh
Patrick Flannery
Patrick Flannery - 7 years ago
Cleyton Barbosa it's not in Brazil lol
Evan Defreitas
Evan Defreitas - 7 years ago
Yea bro
Trey Shaffer
Trey Shaffer - 7 years ago
Gta_Snipz 1
Gta_Snipz 1 - 7 years ago
Trey Shaffer
Trey Shaffer - 7 years ago

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About Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland

The "Surfing the monstrous Waves of Ireland" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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