Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

In perhaps the most iconic moment from the series, Simon Reeve takes a shot at surfing the world's longest wave with the encouragement of the comically named 'Lunatic Stanley'. Awesome surf footage from the BBC.

Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC sentiment_very_dissatisfied 236

Surf 16 years ago 382,981 views

In perhaps the most iconic moment from the series, Simon Reeve takes a shot at surfing the world's longest wave with the encouragement of the comically named 'Lunatic Stanley'. Awesome surf footage from the BBC.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

C SMITH - 10 years ago
3:37  "He's done it!....."What?" ....."HaHaHaHa"_____.  
Woh! Riveting stuff there BBC.... (lol) 
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
you mean brownwash wave! usually whitewash
MrArtigentz1 - 11 years ago
Brazil! My homeland!
mia wick
mia wick - 11 years ago
If you want to surf a 1 hour wave,why not come to Munich? There you can find a wave in the river Isar in the english garden,that is always in 1 place^^ Here some videos : /watch?v=CSoYFHn1W5M /watch?v=fFQKP5z6OcA It is an artificial wave, but since it is in a river the conditions are changing all the time, which makes it much more fun then usual artificial waves.I know even some pro´s use it for training,since it is an artifical wave that behaves like a natural wave,which is pretty unique ^^
Erick Massa Sprengel
Erick Massa Sprengel - 12 years ago
pororoca in Brazil... nice.!
David Grant
David Grant - 12 years ago
how was he preparing for the worst
Matthew Manzano
Matthew Manzano - 12 years ago
that fucken sucked my 3 year old sister can do that my dog might even be able to do that
Aidan Isik
Aidan Isik - 12 years ago
I never knew water was brown.
roadrunnermakmak - 13 years ago
where is the wave???

10. comment for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

kevin gazeau
kevin gazeau - 13 years ago
mousseuse ....
eduardo camilio
eduardo camilio - 13 years ago
LOL that shitty wave is full of shit ! haha
4ztorienTheAwsome - 13 years ago
@Stratocaster05 whats the point of riding a longboard down a long road? The same reason, fun and excitement. lol
Nightfawx - 13 years ago
does long mean flat?
Hannah Morrison
Hannah Morrison - 13 years ago
I would've used a longboard.
Jose Riascos
Jose Riascos - 13 years ago
thumbs up the comment below me
ALPENTALBC - 13 years ago
What a couple of mary's. There was no 'barrel'. This is the dumbest thing I've seen BBC do.
izzmasta5tousand - 14 years ago
Vinny Jacobs
Vinny Jacobs - 14 years ago
this is soooo silly!
adrianshus - 14 years ago
bbc sucks

20. comment for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

James Cummings
James Cummings - 14 years ago
defo not convinced about the inclusion of the word 'iconic' in the description... I would have said more like 'shockingly uncool' and 'really bad wave' and 'poor choice of surfboard' and a few other things i just realised i cant actually be bothered to write in here.... Just as well Human Planet redeemed the BBC's surf rep (along with the amazing super slo mo HD underwater stuff on another show....)
T - 14 years ago
why would they send these two douchebags to do this interview, so retard.
Manaf&Art - 14 years ago
Green Lane
Green Lane - 14 years ago
should've brought a longboard.
itay guetta
itay guetta - 14 years ago
Fim de Abril
Fim de Abril - 14 years ago
Nice production for a poor pororoca surf video. Just search YouTUbe and you'll find some real pororoca surfing. - 14 years ago
@cbirds22 u can wash ur filthy face in it
damon79 - 14 years ago
Chill out. I was taking the piss. You should check that Third World attitude of yours dude. Then again, I'd be pissed off too if I had to shit in the same water that I drink. Plus you're only 17. Still a little baby that hasn't seen the world yet. Aaawh... little baby needs to travel to understand what I am talking about. Bye bye little baby. Excuse me if I don't reply to what will be a lame retaliation, I am not going to argue with someone whose balls only dropped a few years ago.
Jack Kashitski
Jack Kashitski - 14 years ago
I'm sure that I can think of something else to do
Áron Perger
Áron Perger - 14 years ago
shit colored water... that's just uggly!

30. comment for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

neilandfi - 14 years ago
@aznboyz345 It's a tidal bore. Google search a few images of them, because some get pretty big.
neilandfi - 14 years ago
@Xattheend But they don't. Better examples of this wave to be found if you search for "Serginho Laus" or his channel "Serginholaus". He is THE man when it comes to tidal bore surfing. This is crap by comparison.
Nicolas Acosta
Nicolas Acosta - 14 years ago
bbc fuck off!!!
YOURPENGUY - 14 years ago
@dpowderhound Энергіі ў цяперашні час бясплатна. 1896 Землятрус Санрику цунамі Японіі, цалкам магчыма, можа лічыцца самым смяротным выпускаюцца электрамагнітных Ніколы Теслы сейсмічных падзей. Гэтая катастрофа, што Тэсла зрабіў левы вялікае ўражанне на гісторыі Японіі. Падчас фестывалю Сінт 15 Чэрвень 1896 землятрус у ўзбярэжжа Санрику, Японіі ацэньваецца ў 8,5 бала па шкале Richer
meow kittens
meow kittens - 14 years ago
shit you guys are annoying
andoman121 - 14 years ago
This is possibly the worst film documentary EVER. Did anyone else see a shot of the face at 3:06? The made one of the nicest, longest rights in the world look like a doo doo infested wall of white water. This is what you get when kooks get a camera
Adrian - 14 years ago
shit...nobody has videotaped when i was surfing tsunami. . . :p
woods9447 - 14 years ago
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! he rode white water!
damon79 - 14 years ago
I feel sorry for those third world countries. It's bad enough that they live in poverty and slums. Poor bastards don't even have real waves either.
Henrique Arroyo
Henrique Arroyo - 14 years ago
@jacaldevilla i think everybody knows that here in brazil maybe it's in geography books the colors of the two rivers don't mix for a while, making a half dark and half brown river
DeVoNiSrEtArDeD - 14 years ago
"it feels loike, woird howrse clewring theyre wey down the reever"
bilbo baggins
bilbo baggins - 14 years ago
Russell Neill
Russell Neill - 14 years ago
Ja Cal
Ja Cal - 14 years ago
@brejeiro where did you get that explanation?
Cid Arruda
Cid Arruda - 14 years ago
It's colored because this wave is in the origin of amazon river, which is the mix of black river and solimoes river! The black river, as the the name says, is very dark, because there are in it a large sum of organic and mineral material and the the solimoes is a kind of redish river. That's why is colored!
Lu Cam
Lu Cam - 14 years ago
jajaja son unos muertos !
Gustavo Munoz
Gustavo Munoz - 14 years ago
Jack Kashitski
Jack Kashitski - 14 years ago
@kaic808 The crocodiles can swallow 14 year old's much easier than these guys.
Myacono - 14 years ago
@cbirds22 But that water is purer than your tap water
Kaimana Cornelio
Kaimana Cornelio - 14 years ago
i would bodyboard dat an im only 14

50. comment for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

gingernutbumchin - 14 years ago
Its called the Pororoca. There are better docos of this wave. They were in a small part of the wave. There are way begger parts where the wave breaks along perfect. Worth checking
cristian ortiz
cristian ortiz - 14 years ago
@neilandfi You're Right
neilandfi - 14 years ago
@thyrebel Ok, this section is crap, and there's no WAY I'm going to defend their surfing..not possible. but this wave, when things are set up right, can be clean and in excess of 5 metres on the face. Search the and ye shall find evidence. Tidal bores are crazy, this one, and the chinese one ( which gets even bigger) are off the scale of crazy, and extremely powerful.
Manasa Sovaki
Manasa Sovaki - 15 years ago
3:02 hahahaha serious face
mikeymikey112 - 15 years ago
Agree, whas a kooks. What a bigger board?
Jacob uaduSson
Jacob uaduSson - 15 years ago
dpowderhound - 15 years ago
I think the point is that it's in a river- yes, sort of boring, but still pretty insane wave in fresh water
John Sumner
John Sumner - 15 years ago
Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...Lets war old school PFD's and ride in a boat, surf for 10 secs. then quit and ride more in the boat............SPORTS FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AussieBloke108 - 15 years ago
wasnt a waste.... if it was actually valuable you wouldnt be on the computer right now.
cristian ortiz
cristian ortiz - 15 years ago
you're right, but you have to admit it's crazy how far out they are and how much white wash there is, it's almost like being at cortez bank in CA
jhhfgh - 15 years ago
@1crow and their reaction were anooying as hell too
1crow - 15 years ago
how fu@#ing stupid, they spend more footage on reaction shots
Smolchy79 - 15 years ago
its only a special wave because u can ride it for miles over an hour on one wave. Not because its a big wave you morons.
dudleygarramone - 15 years ago
Check the puss on the boat driver 3:02 looks like he want to throw the two nerds in P.F.D 's overboard
Robert Richards
Robert Richards - 15 years ago
Yawn.......English people are such drama-queens
Carlos Malaga
Carlos Malaga - 15 years ago
Paumonsu - 15 years ago
@XxSkiburxX it's brown because it's full of minerals that's why it's full of jungle
adventuresinbelieving - 15 years ago
adventuresinbelieving - 15 years ago
e voce? onde surfa - in your bathtub i bet! lol
Factual Fiction
Factual Fiction - 15 years ago
two over excited girls, you suck
Rosa Sakhi
Rosa Sakhi - 15 years ago
Escapetehfate - 15 years ago
thats crap
renato sjr
renato sjr - 15 years ago
Tinham que colocar bons surfistas ai,esses são mt ruins d surf para um documentário da BBC.
BM - 15 years ago
Its the POROROCA, the amazon's river longest wave
galen davis
galen davis - 15 years ago
how often???? every full moon?
BSJW - 15 years ago
why does this wave carry on for so long?
Andrea Zanolini
Andrea Zanolini - 15 years ago
You are great!! Nice job!!
Rebecca M S
Rebecca M S - 15 years ago
yea i did. i tought im gonna die :P was reaaally cool!
Andrea Zanolini
Andrea Zanolini - 15 years ago
You surfed this wawe???? :O
Rebecca M S
Rebecca M S - 15 years ago
thasts sooo cool the wave is not really big but STROOONG i did it once
Raoul0Duke78 - 15 years ago
wankers, waste of time.
Tory Knoepfel
Tory Knoepfel - 15 years ago
i dont know... maybe if they were riding the face it would be better..
Afik Mazon
Afik Mazon - 15 years ago
lol preparing for the worst
NoPain - 15 years ago
its high tide
gaura - 15 years ago
how is the wave caused?
SierraKilo9 - 15 years ago
SierraKilo9 - 15 years ago
and a tow-on to a decent section.
ponchoso - 15 years ago
nickolas233 - 15 years ago
they should of used something like 8'-9' range
nickolas233 - 15 years ago
shit looks nasty
superdonyoungy - 15 years ago
These aren't a true representation of British surfers LOL, this wave has to be the worlds longest straighthander.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith - 15 years ago
off the tampon .....smacked the lip and a mud shark
Haka Lau
Haka Lau - 15 years ago
adamgoe - 15 years ago
more like idiot british guys fail at surfing
slick57690 - 15 years ago
More like the world longest white wash ride
Jonathan F
Jonathan F - 15 years ago
McDavid4755 - 15 years ago
lol at 3:00 looks like the guy is like dam these people talk to much and needs to stfu lol
David Kirkland
David Kirkland - 15 years ago
Peter Michael Benninga
Peter Michael Benninga - 15 years ago
what an idiot that presenter, he has absolutly NO idea!!!!!
Luke Bear
Luke Bear - 15 years ago
Lequinhozzz, I did not say the water was polluted, it is not me. I was agreeing to Cadenp123 that the life jackets were hilarious.

100. comment for Surfing the world's longest wave - BBC

elpsurfer - 15 years ago
The BBC are core surfers
Siouxton Stoorvogel
Siouxton Stoorvogel - 15 years ago
Luke Bear
Luke Bear - 15 years ago
I thought I was the only person who saw that!
srwboy - 15 years ago
LOL! They failed badly!
Gustavo Rabelo
Gustavo Rabelo - 15 years ago
no, pororoca : The pororoca is a tidal bore, with waves up to 4 meters high that travel as much as 13 kilometers inland upstream on the Amazon River. Its name comes from the indigenous Tupi language, where it translates into "great destructive noise". It occurs at the mouth of the river where river water meets the Atlantic Ocean. The phenomenon is best seen in February and March. (Wikipedia)
bigeMe - 15 years ago
sucks to be you haha
Picaro1 - 15 years ago
I can not hear it(seem like they are talking), and I have checked all of my equipment and other videos do have audio.
enrico masiero
enrico masiero - 15 years ago
bbc sucks
Max Libbey
Max Libbey - 15 years ago
sweet if you were water skiing
wavesfromhell - 15 years ago
2huntnfish - 15 years ago
too chopy, shoulda used a long board and tow .
Exthox - 15 years ago
As long as theres no coral in shallow water...ur ok....damn i tried surfing over coral in spain got stung by a jellyfissh and cut up my leggs
muhd dzar
muhd dzar - 15 years ago
minitari - 15 years ago
yes it is THAT god
59FIFTYMAX - 15 years ago
how can he afford a surfboard?
Oklinhos - 15 years ago
LoL i like the translation ^^ "você olha, ta papocando mermo la no meião, e é ela que vem" = " you see something, that´s the wave coming" HUAAHUhuauhahuahua
jjs4you2 - 15 years ago
This English guy is just a bit to excited for what is happening here. Stick him in a small boat on the edge of the channel at Teahupoo on a 20' day. He would need a diaper change!
Daniel Valentine
Daniel Valentine - 15 years ago
indigo4fox - 15 years ago
24K of Adrenaline ha ha ha ha!!!!
Lee Chaffe
Lee Chaffe - 15 years ago
why didnt they surf on the side?
nivanth103 - 15 years ago
be better if he fell
KLongva - 15 years ago
thats what the title of the god dam video says moron
RAUL BARRERA - 15 years ago
super LOL !!!!
Alex Dowling
Alex Dowling - 15 years ago
haha brown wash!
Gabriel Abella
Gabriel Abella - 15 years ago
can that be called a wave !! cause to me thats no the surfing thats only wash
BeNmAyBeRrY127 - 15 years ago
that sucks ass, the other one is way better, its like 3 foot and not just white wash
neilandfi - 15 years ago
Never heard of Tom Blake holding any record.Only 3 people have held that record in the past 20 years or so, Sergio Laus, Dave Lawson , and Steve King. Currently held by Sergio, at around 7 miles.
Kavlatin - 15 years ago
gonna quit surfing after seeing those geeks. OMG. aaa
Fabio P
Fabio P - 15 years ago
make sure that next time yu guys talk about something yu at least google it, and by the way, dirty water?? this is the biggest clean and pure water river in the world,
yubazubee - 15 years ago
I love the translator....he's like...what am I doing here????
neilandfi - 15 years ago
Chicama is a great wave, and must be the longest normal wave in the world, but it can't compete with any of the tidal bores. Even the Severn Bore is over 20 miles long. But several of the Pororoca and the Chinese Quiantang Bore run for a much longer distance
saddamdontsurf - 15 years ago
they took the wrong boards. couple of 9'6" tanks could have gone for miles.
Andrew Mclean
Andrew Mclean - 16 years ago
nice fucking life jackets you losers. you just let everyone know your clueless and un-researched by lowering your self like that. come oon. two clowns go poo-poo. that would be as interesting as this. there have been many films done on this wave so maybe next time take some real surfers and knowledged reporters that have a clue.
Taylors Lane
Taylors Lane - 16 years ago
still pretty cool! imagine a never ending wave!
ThatEbonyChick1 - 16 years ago
lets see you do better fuckwhit
pkoch05 - 16 years ago
That was stupid. Thers a much better bideo called Pororaoca.
markie mark
markie mark - 16 years ago
its only white wash, what a waste of time. thats not the point of surfing
bradlez996 - 16 years ago
It's on the Amazon in Brazil. Its called the Pororoca. Google search it dude, it's no bullshit, but you share the wave with piranha. Although in JBay, you get sharks and crocodiles don't you.
Lorenz028 - 16 years ago
is that "surfing" ? to stand on the board on a "wave" like that..
scr33nlook3r - 16 years ago
no shit it was long not big
CorvusCelius - 16 years ago
oops not americans sweedish people lol why would a sweedish person call the britsh you n000b
CorvusCelius - 16 years ago
why are americans jelous of english people?
Nek Fe
Nek Fe - 16 years ago
Pretty dumb jumping into a wave like this without any experience whatsoever, considering the dangerous currents, the wall of brown water, flotsam and debree, crocs ffs... british retardation...
Chad Muñoz
Chad Muñoz - 16 years ago
Bob Jones
Bob Jones - 16 years ago
they wernt fucking pro surfers it took them like 15 sec to stand up and they coudnt stay on for more than like 40 sec
WhiteShark125 - 16 years ago
I wouldn't even want to touch that water.
neilandfi - 16 years ago
The thing with tidal bores is that they roll on for miles. So if you don't like one section, just wait . There will be a bank somewhere up ahead that'll change the shape of the wave. When people say my local wave (Severn bore) is shit, I ask them "which bit?", because no way do they know the whole run, and every spot. To understand them, throw away your ocean knowledge and start again. The first step to learning is to realise you have something to learn.
Circa PCs
Circa PCs - 16 years ago
waist. high. mush... not a wave
madmiguelh2o - 16 years ago
worlds longest closeout
Thomas Ujdur
Thomas Ujdur - 16 years ago
should be titled the worlds shittest wave. Not even worth getting we if you ask me
aciverson84 - 16 years ago
in the other videos they really surf it... Surfing the amazon is the title
neilandfi - 16 years ago
It's not even the longest wave. That's in China..another tidal bore. Why didn't these guys just move on until they found a clean section? What was the point of paddling into that giant mush? I like bore surfing, but this isn't a particularly good example.
Robert B
Robert B - 16 years ago
thats the most lame thing ive ever seen, who really cares about a giant wave of whitewash???, or should i say brown wash
el niko
el niko - 16 years ago
que quilombo este video una mierda!!
R H - 16 years ago
what a bunch a maroons... thats what u call idiots in brit right?
tankak47 - 16 years ago
"we didnt do very well..". NO SHIT?
toribaby2005 - 16 years ago
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 16 years ago
This is a tidal surge, not so much a wave. It never breaks, it just pushes in.
Adil el harrif
Adil el harrif - 16 years ago
vinesboyseventysix - 16 years ago
Dimitri Nakos
Dimitri Nakos - 16 years ago
That was a horrible waste of time....
pacificisle628 - 16 years ago
that's RAD!!!

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