Surfing tutorial: Improving your paddling Part 1 Surf Coach Mo'e from talks about the 5 most common paddling errors, and how to correct them! Paddling is the most important skill in increasing your wave count and session endurance when beginning to learn to surf.

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Surf 12 years ago 230,847 views Surf Coach Mo'e from talks about the 5 most common paddling errors, and how to correct them! Paddling is the most important skill in increasing your wave count and session endurance when beginning to learn to surf.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing tutorial: Improving your paddling Part 1

Kael Molo
Kael Molo - 6 years ago
It's 2018 and i just saw this but thanks man. A lot of my previous surf instructors told me i had to do burst of fast powerful strokes and I always get tired doing that. This is more efficient
Silverchromed - 6 years ago
Katy Perry sucks
Silverchromed - 6 years ago
Mang Led McGee
Mang Led McGee - 7 years ago
Dirty dog
G0dspelronin - 7 years ago
Hey brother, just wanted to say thank you for this vid. I have shoulder injuries and the technique you described has helped me immensely on paddling. I do not fatigue and very little pain now...oss
Tyler Martin
Tyler Martin - 8 years ago
rule #4 super helpful for me I have been rocking a lot when paddling because i do a breast stroke.. gotta work on it thanks bruh
Jo-Ann Langseth
Jo-Ann Langseth - 8 years ago
I'm 71 and just started surfing -- the first time out I did phenomenally...Rode wave #1 (recommended by my teacher, of course) all the way in (standing), but then the second and third times out experienced a backslide, mainly performing squats & messy wipe-outs...I have decades of windsurfing experience, so it wasn't surprising that I'd catch on pretty fast. This paddling clip was tremendously helpful -- thanks! -- as I was, of course, going about it shallowly and frantically....Although I'm a seventy-one-year-old female, as soon as he said "penetration," I was thinking along the same lines as he, and felt that a comment was probably on its way.
Yesterday, 9/26, I went out for the last time this year -- last time because although thermal inertia ensured warm water, the air was freezing, and I was shivering so much that I think it affected my performance.
HDSurfTV - 8 years ago
Jo-Ann Langseth Well done!
sunset mx 65
sunset mx 65 - 8 years ago
Ňøtøriü - 8 years ago

10. comment for Surfing tutorial: Improving your paddling Part 1

Vinityy AJ
Vinityy AJ - 8 years ago
I know I heard that too!!!
Brwnna Stilinski
Brwnna Stilinski - 8 years ago
bom se rua se pelo menos legendado em brasileiro
Joel Loza
Joel Loza - 8 years ago
Big help thanks brotha!
mark - 10 years ago
This is great, Except #3penitration.
If you paddle as you describe, the first part of your stroke is pushing down and backward in the water and the last part is pushing upward.
Both of these movements are inefficient and neither of these is using the full efficiency of your stroke to move your forward through the full range of motion.

The proper technique is to bend the elbow with it high but in the water and keep the surface of the hand wrist and forearm perpendicular to the water surface as you pull back. This provides the greatest surface area and the highest efficiency. This is the technique developed with CFD and countless hours of computer work by the best coaches and swimmers on the planet.
One more tip. Keep your hands relaxed and a space between all your fingers of about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. This is proven in computational fluid dynamics to be significantly more efficient than holding your fingers together (which also burns more energy and can cause hand cramps especially in cold water)
Marcel R.
Marcel R. - 7 years ago
mark sundberg that cold water tip, went surfing today in cold water, my hands cramped up, couldnt move my pinky
Rob Manser
Rob Manser - 9 years ago
+rk kr I'm a total novice at surfing, but I have had a huge amount of swimming (front crawl) coaching with underwater cameras etc, so can answer your question with respect to that. If you Google you'll surely find loads - key things to look for to answer your question are "high elbow" or "straight arm" (and watch You Tube videos of swimmers with good technique, such as Rebecca Addlington or Sun Yang), but do bear in mind that it takes more time than you'd think to master, not everyone does crack it (it depends on flexibility, age etc) and weirdly, what you think you're doing and what you're actually doing are often completely different, which is why I'd recommend coaching and if possible with an underwater camera. As for fluid dynamics, there have been a number of studies done with interesting results, again look on Google, for example keeping your fingers open and relaxed actually catches more water and propels you forward more than bunching your fingers up. If you're based in the UK just e-mail me and I can put you in touch with a great coach.
Swavek Zykus
Swavek Zykus - 10 years ago
Every little bit helps, valid comments, thanks for sharing!
rk kr
rk kr - 10 years ago
Thanks for the information! I was wondering if you could share more on where I can maybe find an example of applied fluid dinamics to swimming and surfing since it is kind of hard to just picture a better technique! B )
79sellis - 10 years ago
I'm a beginner and just bought a 7'4 Modern Blackfish board. I was ridding long boards before so paddling out was no problem. Today I was slapped in the face with the challenge of paddling out on a shorter board. This video has given me some very valuable tips to use the next time I'm out. Thanks bro.
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 10 years ago
Great informative video my man!
Jared Earl
Jared Earl - 10 years ago
I've always just made a "C" shape when i paddle and pull my hands underneath my board. Then I kick really hard, that usually works pretty well for me, I am also on a short board. Which is also probably a little bit too small for me.
Brian Hubbard
Brian Hubbard - 10 years ago
*butterfly not breast stroke
Jake Yu
Jake Yu - 10 years ago
ahahahahaahahahaha penetration i love coach mo'e
.turd - 10 years ago

20. comment for Surfing tutorial: Improving your paddling Part 1

cWeeks1992 - 10 years ago
Awesome tips! Thanks!
Ricardo Correia
Ricardo Correia - 10 years ago
Great stuff. All 5 advices are valid for me. Specially openning the legs to balance.
Jon Tyson
Jon Tyson - 10 years ago
What if your board is wider than your shoulders??  Then you're kinda stuck doing a forearm paddle.
brian takumi
brian takumi - 10 years ago
thanks bro _m/
J.C Rodríguez
J.C Rodríguez - 11 years ago
Lol, at the "penetration" remark. Cool tips!
Mark Hernandez
Mark Hernandez - 11 years ago
"Penetration haha!"
Ryan Harkin
Ryan Harkin - 11 years ago
Haha Penetration is good (y)
MisterDel - 11 years ago
I know guys and girls in their 40s who are still struggling with some fundamentals like this, if you stick to techniques you learned at swimming school you're going to tire yourself out really quick. Don't tell them I said it but I think at that age any way to decrease your aches and pains is appreciated ;) Thanks for the video mate!
Wes Gaster
Wes Gaster - 10 years ago
I'm 51 yrs young just started surfing and the principles are so relative to the Ninjutsu (Bujinkan) I teach that they compliment each other. Bringing Martial Artists into Surfing is very satisfying. Domo Arigato Gozaimas! SENSEI Doug Martin SanDan Bujinkan Yamakarasu Dojo, Dover, New Hampshire USA.
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
Welcome to the family!
nikesh nihar
nikesh nihar - 11 years ago
if you boys wish to get ripped prompt without spending a single another minute in the gym, then you should check out this video COOK46.COM Sometimes the only choice you had was to go through.
Jamster 07
Jamster 07 - 7 years ago
nikesh nihar STFU

30. comment for Surfing tutorial: Improving your paddling Part 1

popyocherryXD - 11 years ago
very useful tips, thanks a lot
Avelovinit - 11 years ago
that explains it! thank you sooooo much!!
Johan Betancourt
Johan Betancourt - 11 years ago
penetration is key
rachellefiriro - 11 years ago
Great video! thanks!
iSURFTRIBE - 11 years ago
We have some people coming to Shaka and learning to surf in their 50s, and completely hooked . 40 is the new 25 & 50 is the new 35.
Mister D
Mister D - 11 years ago
Great tips! I shall absorb these tips and will remember to penetrate :P
Del Xsi
Del Xsi - 11 years ago
I started at 35 years old but had dreamed of surfing since I was in my early teens! I grew up in an area where NOBODY I knew surfed. I never even saw or heard of anyone doing it. Eventually, I moved to SoCal and spent a decade of doing things not related to surfing. Still didn't know anyone who surfed. Then my friend started surfing at age 38. I expressed interest in learning and he took me out. Got hooked up with a small crew - all ages, shapes, sizes - of men and women. Good times!
timothy brittain
timothy brittain - 11 years ago
I've been surfing 6 months I'm pretty good but the whole time I haven't been paddling deep enough fml
King31395 - 11 years ago
Fantastic tutorial! I've had the trouble of having my arms getting tired way too early - you just pointed out my problem. Thanks a lot for posting this!
King31395 - 11 years ago
No. Not even remotely too old.
kris130186 - 11 years ago
haha 20 is still a kid! I'm 27 and i've only been surfing 4 years
Matthew Glynn
Matthew Glynn - 11 years ago
thanks for this video it is very informative.
djknucklez1 - 11 years ago
Penetration! lol
Midi Chlorians
Midi Chlorians - 12 years ago
Awsome hope it helps!
Larry Hanley
Larry Hanley - 12 years ago
great tips! . . thanks

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