Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

For my latest series, go here: Bali is a little island with a big problem - it's drowning in trash. In this short film, host & pro-surfer, Kyle Thiermann, shows the good, the bad, and the ugly of Indonesia and what we can do to restore it to the pristine, tropical paradise it once was. Subscribe to my channel: Follow me on instagram: Find me on Facebook: Connect with me on Twitter: Get more meaningful entertainment at: Music By: Song "All I Got" By Nick Handley Good orgs to connect with:

Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 133

Surf 11 years ago 845,504 views

For my latest series, go here: Bali is a little island with a big problem - it's drowning in trash. In this short film, host & pro-surfer, Kyle Thiermann, shows the good, the bad, and the ugly of Indonesia and what we can do to restore it to the pristine, tropical paradise it once was. Subscribe to my channel: Follow me on instagram: Find me on Facebook: Connect with me on Twitter: Get more meaningful entertainment at: Music By: Song "All I Got" By Nick Handley Good orgs to connect with:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

Scott Gorman
Scott Gorman - 6 years ago
Been there in 85...pristine then, so sad what has happened. The entire Pacific Islands are turning into trash heaps. Plastic has to be curtailed they have no resources right now to cope with it. Take a look at "Plastic Oceans" on Netflix....Damn!!!!! Now at 64 Im even worried to surf the Pacfic or eat the fish any longer due to the Japanese nuke blowing up. Yes Mother Natural can fix alot of stuff but are we excellerating it way to fast for her to recoupe? Think SS water bottles instead of the plastic throwaway! The ocean is our life line. Peace out everyone!
Sam sam
Sam sam - 6 years ago
Come to malaysia.. there are many beautiful beach in malaysia..malaysia also is the one most clean country in asia..
#malaysia truly asia
Alfonso Fernandez de Miguel
Alfonso Fernandez de Miguel - 6 years ago
White trhash
TheMozzaok - 6 years ago
Gee, I wonder who is to blame??? LAZY, over entitled western surfers???? I mean, when I surfed there 40 years ago the only building on the cliff, was the temple. We rode a motorbike, or caught a local tut tut to ulu, and back, and stayed in lodgings in Kuta, Sanur, or Denpasar. Firkin greedy crooked governments, and pricks with too much money caused this. Ferk you all, Paradise Lost. You found Paradise and turned it into your local mini mall, disrespectful fwits.
Matt Symmonds
Matt Symmonds - 7 years ago
I lived and surfed here for six months nearly thirty years ago and ear infections were rife then. Balinese used the beach as a glorified toilet. As for all the whining from tourists and surfers about how sad it is don't you see the irony in that?
Arya Pambudi
Arya Pambudi - 7 years ago
Respect man, we need more people like you, I hope the effort doesn't stop there
Austin Oldfield
Austin Oldfield - 7 years ago
I hate humans...
Vermillion 303
Vermillion 303 - 7 years ago
The poorer the country, the less they care about environment.
Ramadhan Ardiansyah
Ramadhan Ardiansyah - 7 years ago
what a disgusting country
TheMozzaok - 6 years ago
What do you suggest Ramadhan, chop off a few heads to inspire them to clean up? Maybe just ban decadent western dogs? I mean tribal people have always lived in absolute peace with their fellow man, and complete harmony with nature.

10. comment for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

Shane Walter
Shane Walter - 7 years ago
We need a worldwide cleanup
SHANE SWEENEY - 7 years ago
says the Californian from the most 3/d state in the world--------hypocrytes
T- REX - 7 years ago
what happened to the 350 angry turtle hunters and their families? job placement? homeless?
Susan Dinardo
Susan Dinardo - 7 years ago
What's the cure for plastic but recycle!
Susan Dinardo
Susan Dinardo - 7 years ago
ship it back to land
Auliya Zahrul Atiq
Auliya Zahrul Atiq - 7 years ago
Jack Christian
Jack Christian - 8 years ago
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 7 years ago
Jack Christian how about the trash epidemic in indo as a whole. Are surfers responsible for that too? Such a simplistic way of breaking down a complex problem that is equal parts corporate, culture and growth.
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 8 years ago
I was there ten years ago....The locals said most of the trash was coming from Sumatra. The Balinese people have no control over Sumatra....
Global warming???.....What a joke. We, as a species, can't even keep a couple of beaches from catastrophe. How the fuck are we gonna protect a WHOLE PLANET?
ayvarbdn - 8 years ago
Good job dude.
Aaron Mayer
Aaron Mayer - 8 years ago
Actually, turtle trading is still an often commited crime on Bali. Although it went back a little bit, the extinction of several sea turtle species is still an acute problem!!! Turtle-slaughtering at zero, that I don´t laugh ...

20. comment for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine - 8 years ago
Love your channel man! great videos.
Judy Pine
Judy Pine - 8 years ago
Walked into the water at Double 6 beach to be surround by plastic bags. Wrapped around my legs, I first thought it was jellyfish, but when I looked down I saw plastic bags as far as the eye could see. I scooped up as many as I could carry and took them up to the beach, but eventually just gave up and left the beach.
Andjelka Banicevic
Andjelka Banicevic - 8 years ago
Brian Patrick
Brian Patrick - 8 years ago
Why doesn't Kelly Slater do something about it?
Zach - 9 years ago
Thank you for raising awareness concerning this issue. Much respect!
Robert Banea
Robert Banea - 9 years ago
Shark :'(
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 9 years ago
He calls it perfect shape but it's good shape. That's because he's from California.
Keyboard Dancers
Keyboard Dancers - 9 years ago
Bali is just one tiny part of Indonesia. Indonesia has a culture of shitting in its own backyard. It tries to keep most of the more obvious polluting behaviour out of sight of the tourists in Bali. It burns forests for palm oil (a key component in shit like Doritos for example) and the resultant smog causes atmospheric mayhem for its neighbour, Singapore. Indonesia is destroying its own environment through agricultural degradation and non-existent waste management policies (and incidentally killing it's own people with some of the most unregulated tobacco markets in the world). Yet the news about Indonesia's destructive behaviour is very muted and their government wants it to stay that way (they really really hate criticism on this subject).
Melpheos1er - 9 years ago
Nice to see some people trying to save those heavenly locations
Daniel Vivarelli
Daniel Vivarelli - 9 years ago
God stuff. I haven't read the 314 comments here but if it hasn't been mentioned already it's worth checking out The Ocean Cleanup TED talk ... search YouTube for "How the oceans clean themselves by Boyan Slat" or something along those lines. Probably the best solution I've seen to making a massive dent in the massive amounts of plastic and if you care about the oceans it's really worth a watch. Best.

30. comment for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

XavoniuM - 9 years ago
Im in i donesia,and im agree what you said,people start to trash into the see,pu tmhe smoke to the sea and weird thing put out to the see.People in indonesia also trash in the land and doesn't have to pay or anything.I hope the president added a new rules to make indonesia clean.
torry nerheim
torry nerheim - 9 years ago
I like my women on the trashy side? not my waves. This Vid reminds me of storm surfing in SD @ several breaks back in the seventies when the Tijuana Slues infected a good number of beaches for a unbearable 40 plus miles; & to top it off some breaks were pumping 4-7 foot. With the  desire to enjoy good waves we entered the water, beaches posted do not enter situation, the smell wrenching  your gut was you guessed it! The point is man has no care when their on the money side of what you witness in the video. With all the money made and no care, when costs like pollution control come into it, makes you sick ha, well surfers can stay away or get involved trouble is most surfers short on $ and it don't include paying for the rich fu..kers to get richer. Make demands surfers if no one makes the effort then stop giving your $ to these assholes!
torry nerheim
torry nerheim - 9 years ago
I took that first statement from a song but still I have vested interest in this worlds ecology, survival being the first, then my were once children and my grand children and not excluding all the other children of the world!
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
The waves crashing at 2:24 look scary as fuck
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
In the top left corner
Felix Theodore
Felix Theodore - 9 years ago
I'm in Indonesia
L Smith
L Smith - 9 years ago
Sometimes I have to curse Modernism. Most of the time, because people only care about the dollar, precious things are destroyed.
L Smith
L Smith - 9 years ago
+Placido Pax thank you sir..
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
So fuckin sad, and so common in the way overdeveloped messes that were once pristine paradise"s:(. The almighty dollar is destroying yet another country. Ime glad i got to surf it when it was still unspoilt:/ Now i go farther afield to get it good, i have not returned to Bali for over a decade, its fucked, there are so many places to go, but the sheep always seem to crowd out places like Bali, and other"surf camps" in Indo:/ I avoid them like the plague!  Its a good thing that most surfers seem to flock together in some places, instead of using some initiative and going to uncrowded perfection, not that far away from this hole:/
Kyle Roy
Kyle Roy - 9 years ago
yew!!!!  I surfed Uluwatu and went down those steps!!!
Also went to Karinas right after that
BoBo Aremania
BoBo Aremania - 9 years ago
Semoga video ini membuka mata masyarakat dan pemerintah akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan kita
tokenbasteln - 9 years ago
+BoBo Aremania ich weiß was du meinst...
himmelsturmerIX - 9 years ago
Indonesia have such a enormous tourism potential. To bad the country is corrupt as fuck.
Mollygaga42 - 9 years ago
Don't the Indonesians have any commonsense to realise what the fuck the problems are.
egale fly
egale fly - 9 years ago
kyle, nowadays there are garbage bank in denpasar, bali. I think you can find one and adopt the bank for your role model to collect the garbage. just google in 'bank sampah di bali' and find local to translate. I think it can work for you.
ryan dika
ryan dika - 9 years ago
My country ;"((
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
+ryan dika You have my sympathy:(
cooper thomson
cooper thomson - 10 years ago
wats the song at 1:13
DeansVideoClips - 10 years ago
Does a dirty poor country with little scope for work make the people not care about their environment or is the environment dirty and the country poor because of the attitude of the people?
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes OK I'll put you on the list as a possible crew member contact... 
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
No probs man:) If your on a "voyage" then, i want on board,lol
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes Send me a message when you go - if I have set off on my voyage by then I can drop by and say hello!
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
Yep, ive seen a couple of "follow me" types, getting one of them too..when their finally available. They will pass laws for sure, but they wont stop them..i hope:)
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes I hate that my computer does that too... if I start writing a long comment I transfer it to notepad and save it first... The quadcopter sounds like a lot of fun! Hurry up and enjoy it before they ban it under the terrorism act won't you... have you seen the new type that follow you and film you while you are surfing, snowboarding, etc... they are also waterproof... June 'next' year so you are a year away from your trip... it's good to have something to look forward to.
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
. SHIT, bloody computer just lost my comment:/ About June next year, taking a Phantom quadcopter drone cam this time, never really risked such things before:)
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes  Well if you find me there you have certainly convinced me it's the place to not miss out a ride on a board (with lots of mozzie repellent of course).  When will you be there?
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
Sailing, is THE best way to surf Indo, hundreds of prime breaks..nobody there:)  Nias is THE most underdeveloped break ive found, even after  35  years, its only achieved a very small industry based on surf. While places like "the Mentawai"s" have been fucked completely, Nias stays  remote and quiet most of the year! The Mozzies have a big hand in this. Cerebrsal Malaria is no joke, itr can kill you in days, and back then it was three days to a Hospital in Medan. Now you can fly from Medan, and drive to the bay, much easier than a ferry, then a small boat all the way doiwn round to Lagrundri! It can get a bit crowded during peak season, well, i would"nt call it crowded:/ "Relatively" crowded compared to 35 years ago:/ There is a lot do see if its flat[rare] too! It is the "perfect", wave, no doubt:)
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes Sounds like a dream! After seeing it on Google I thought it's so unusually perfect that it won't be long until it is so overcrowded that there will be no room to surf! I have a board but I acquired it in 1979! It is broken and I have been planning to fix it since that time! Life got very busy and demanding and so it's still broken... perhaps this summer I will repair it... So if I do get over there with a board I will most certainly be a pest! Anyway I will be there for a sailing adventure perhaps...
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
+DeansVideoClips Words cant describe properly what has resulted from a perfect conjunction of conditions, its one of those rare flukes, a perfect reef in a sheltered bay that catches swells just right to produce one of the best barrels on the planet! Its totally predictable in that it will never throw up a closeout section in front of you, , its either a super fast, very steep wall, with barrel sections, or a full on barrel from the moment you make the drop:) 7 seconds deep in there is common on a good swell! At 8 feet plus, its very serious shit, and because its so easy to paddle in to the lineup, a lot of guys find themselves over their head,lol. Back in the 80s when i first went, you surfed it alone, or with a handful of others on a crowded day:) Its still pretty good even now, but keep away from peak season [shoulder season is good], and there are much cheaper places to stay than surf camps! Dont commit to anything, if you go, just arrive, look about, and find a guesthouse that will work for you. The vids on youttube ive seen, are never "perfect" Nias, but its so good it does not have to be to be even close to that to break well! This wave is just...something else,lol The mozzies are DEADLY by the way, so be very careful!! I hope you get there man, you will never forget it:)
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
+DeansVideoClips Words cant describe properly what has resulted from a perfect conjunction of conditions, its one of those rare flukes, a perfect reef in a sheltered bay that catches swells just right to produce one of the best barrels on the planet! Its totally predictable in that it will never throw up a closeout section in front of you, , its either a super fast, very steep wall, with barrel sections, or a full on barrel from the moment you make the drop:) 7 seconds deep in there is common on a good swell! At 8 feet plus, its very serious shit, and because its so easy to paddle in to the lineup, a lot of guys find themselves over their head,lol. Back in the 80s when i first went, you surfed it alone, or with a handful of others on a crowded day:) Its still pretty good even now, but keep away from peak season [shoulder season is good], and there are much cheaper places to stay than surf camps! Dont commit to anything, if you go, just arrive, look about, and find a guesthouse that will work for you. The vids on youttube ive seen, are never "perfect" Nias, but its so good it does not have to be to be even close to that to break well! This wave is just...something else,lol The mozzies are DEADLY by the way, so be very careful!! I hope you get there man, you will never forget it:)
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
Oh Wow I see what you mean - just looking at KeyHole surf camp the waves are amazing!
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes I did have a look on google but will have a look for Lagrundi Bay... sounds like paradise!
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
Basically..We are doomed:/ So enjoy it while it lasts:) Nias is the best, most predictable wave ive come across. When its really perfect, its glass cylinders up to 15 feet, 7 seconds deep in the barrel on a good one. Very shallow[more so since the tsunami uplift of the reef], but machine perfect, spinning down the reef. Paddle out with a ciggie f you want, its that easy... love the place:) On google earth, you can zoom right in on Lagrundi bay, and see its perfect setup in action!
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes Yes, It seems to be a destructive pattern that will keep going until it has completely destroyed itself like a cancer... we need white blood cells to fight it but like you say a protest doesn't seem to make a difference now or in years gone by... I moved to the country to get away from the madness until it catches up with me... Our only hope is the internet... it is the first time in the history of the world that everyone's voice can get out there for little cost... Until the corporations find a way to control it... I noticed how the new apple Ipad is being used in all the schools and it seems to shelter the kids from the internet... perhaps this could be the beginning of the end... Nais looks like a nice Island - I spend a lot of time looking at remote island and it's my dream to sail to one one day... looking for a sailboat right now actually... inspecting one in a few hours... might sail to Nais!
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes Well you don't seem to be that kind of person - I know I'm not... I threw a banana skin out of the car once and the odd apple core but that's about it!! I like money very much especially for the power it gives you... the power to make a positive difference... trouble is all the people with the drive to make the money seem to do it at the expense of others and therefore will naturally be the selfish greedy type. I think if someone was talking about us they would probably be calling us tree hugging do gooders... I have no idea why those sort of people get attacked - makes no logical sense to me!
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
Probably, but they would be talking about the total mess we have made of this planet,lol...and the waste..greed etc:) 
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes I have to agree with you on that... sad thing is somewhere there are two people like you and I having the same conversation about us!! lol
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
I dunno man, people are a pretty fucked up bunch in general,lol..In one way or another:/
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes I wonder if their is a study on it ie the psychology behind it... I remember reading about when the English landed in India they said they were a dishevelled people who seemed to lack in pride and organisational abilities (or some statement to that effect) they just seemed to be that way naturally...

The Australian Aborigines are the same in that they naturally are a nomadic people and not homemakers - I respect their culture, it's just that I think each race has evolved differently with it's own inert way of being...

There is a saying that if you divided up all the money in the world evenly and handed it out equally to the population then after while it would end up in the same hands... I think the same for races of people... if you divided the world up into neat parcels of land with the same climate and resources and gave each country a fresh and equal start I believe they would probably end up in the same condition (over time)...

Just as races are different in appearances with some exceptions to the rule I believe the same about the brain, I think it is also similar in nature with exceptions to the rule (if that makes any sense)... 
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
True to some extent:(. They dont seem to have much pride in their environment. It looks that way to us, but they know nothing different to compare it to.. Living in a bamboo hut, with a dirt floor, but check out the kids going to school in Thailand for example...immaculate!!! Spotlessly clean in their uniforms!!  Its a strange contradiction...I just dont get it, pride in appearance, but not their environment:/
DeansVideoClips - 9 years ago
+TheZacdes Yes the wealthy seem to bleed all the third world countries don't they... oftentimes they have enough wealth to fix a lot of the problems and still have enough money left over to be wealthy. Sadly I still have the opinion that people who are from 3rd world countries tend not to take pride in their own back yards - regardless of what their 'leaders' take from them. They don't seemed to be bothered by the litter in the streets or the filth in their own homes... When they are fortunate to get a new life in a new country they seem to behave the same way. There is nothing to stop all the locals from getting together and cleaning up their own streets together instead of relying on others to do it for them so I do hold them responsible a great deal for their current situation.
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
+DeansVideoClips Its not a matter of "not caring", its the greedy dogs that have the power that make suit "them", that is the problem:(
william waddell
william waddell - 10 years ago
next time maybe leave out the crack 
Ryad Arlan
Ryad Arlan - 10 years ago
Thanks Kyle, Great video. Should be able to fine companies of the waste we find. Make all business, companies, people aware they are doing this and can be held accountable. I think we should go to land fills and sort the rubbish and deliver it back to the companies who made/sold it. Also All landfill can be turned into raw materials for processing instead of digging up natural resources, BUT adding to this we should create more efficient, refined, uses for the waste.

Good work, Can I join you guys? I cant get any comms out cause im behind gov monitoring for emailing world embassies.

This message will probably get deleted.
Ryad Arlan
Ryad Arlan - 9 years ago
+Kyle Thiermann Welcome Kyle, what you do means a lot to me.
Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 9 years ago
+Ryad Arlan thanks Ryan. Means a lot to me.
Rhys Malelak
Rhys Malelak - 10 years ago
Actually how the habit of throwing away rubbish started a long time ago. Because the people of Indonesia used to use natural  things instead of plastic to carry their food etc. So this meant that they could just throw the leaves because it was biodegradable. But when plastic was introduced the Indonesians kept the habit and  threw away the plastic not knowing the consequences.
St. Mark
St. Mark - 6 years ago
what a lame ass excuse.
Ryan Nicholas
Ryan Nicholas - 10 years ago
I live in indonesia
Thomas Emerson
Thomas Emerson - 10 years ago
Whats that song at 4:50??????
marshall886 - 10 years ago
Why are you not interviewing the ministry of the environment or the municipal authorities responsible? There is not official position represented in this video.

50. comment for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

marshall886 - 10 years ago
There is needs to be paradigm shift away from the model we have of tourism. It is a two edged sword, people go there because it is cheap. The  regulations available to fix up and prevention externality like pollution are met by the taxes of the people. Indonesia is a poor country struggling with corruption.Much need funds are lost to corruption.Perhaps it needs the problem to grow to the extent that it starts hurting tourist trade to force the hand of the authorities to fix it.
The other alternative is a departure tax that is administered by a third party from the government, who fixes the problem for them or start paying the people in tourism first world wages.
Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 9 years ago
+marshall886 Couldn't agree more.
D J - 10 years ago
ima luh
ima luh - 10 years ago
thank you,,,
22techies - 10 years ago
lets talk about how hot the narrator is....
Phumlani Mbabela
Phumlani Mbabela - 10 years ago
Great initiative.
jm seven
jm seven - 10 years ago
perfect waves to learn on!
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
thats nasty
LMSTactical - 10 years ago
Outstanding video and valiant effort. Thank you for spreading this important message. 
Sean Stone
Sean Stone - 10 years ago
Good job guys...
sava matsis
sava matsis - 10 years ago
good on ya bro it will take time and education not to mention money, which is hard with the government corruption. But a big part of it is the locals when you come surfing in my country we clean up your rubbish cause my government cares! I been surfing indo for more than twenty years and it is really changing for the worse all because of greed. way off the beaten track with no tourists I have seen mountains of rubbish on pristine beaches, this needs to be taught to the local children they need to be shown whats happening and how to stop it blun blun ble
djuragan cheleng
djuragan cheleng - 10 years ago
thank you for your attention everyone :D
i live far far away from bali
but i know this is a trash problem is a complicated issue
hopefully we can think of the best solution for this T,T
tq salam
TheMijify - 10 years ago
Man for the trash tubes, those are some pretty clean breaking waves...
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 10 years ago
Fuck Humans
GregMartha Copeland
GregMartha Copeland - 10 years ago
i have lived there
Tyler Newman
Tyler Newman - 10 years ago
voice is soo high
Kaleigh Larson
Kaleigh Larson - 10 years ago
Matt fox I tots agree!!!!!
oye banget
oye banget - 10 years ago
The problem is the habit. So if anyone here is happen to be anywhere in Indonesia and talk to the locals or tourists perhaps and meet them or even see them throwing wastes. Please do talk about the trash problems to encourage the people's awareness. That's the simple thing that someone can do. I believe it will make a difference, not fast but it will ... thank you.
The Guy That's Done Everything
The Guy That's Done Everything - 10 years ago
3 years ago I had a small healthy scare (but I’m ok).  I decided to make a bucket list of the 200+ things I want to do before I die. I’m on a mission to finish the list, show people anything is possible and one day be remembered as The Guy That's Done Everything.  What is something you’ve always wanted to do?  Maybe my channel can help motivate you to get out there one day and finally do it!  That’s the whole reason I created it, plus any $ the channel makes on advertisements I will be spending on random strangers and the less fortunate!  Helping them to do things they’ve always wanted to do.  Thanks for reading, if you like the channel make sure you subscribe
Paul Blake
Paul Blake - 10 years ago
One way or another change will happen! Better we change now, like FSC and Indonesia. Then compel nature to take charge, force feeding our own toxic waste, down our toxic throats.                        Doc Blake
miya Coltman
miya Coltman - 10 years ago
ive been to bali its a beautiful place ive the trash tubes first hand and  it needs to stop, mankind are ruining this beautiful world #surfersagainstsewage  
Joy B
Joy B - 10 years ago
Having just visited Bali, I sadly saw heaps of trash at Jasri beach. A friend snorkelled at white beach and said the trash in the water was terrible. I dived and saw trash. Its so sad in such a beautiful environment.
LeroyRifkin - 10 years ago
looks pretty clean to me
Elevenstrings V
Elevenstrings V - 10 years ago
it´s because these countries, like india, indonesia, people there are just dirty. They are like gipsies here in europe. They don´t care, it´s  their lifestyle.
Kristine Willems
Kristine Willems - 10 years ago
Ok, this is Bali … ever visited Cyprus ? Turtle Beach ? Same sad story ...
Matthew Cormac
Matthew Cormac - 10 years ago
whats the song playing at 8:54?
MyFacefaceface - 10 years ago
well i used to wake the morning..before the rooster crowe..searching for soda bottles to get myself some dough..brought em down to the corner..down to the country store..cashed em in and give my money to a man named curtis lowe
soldaliberdade13 - 10 years ago
so many possible solutions here, one of which would be limiting amount of visitors to the island (think the incredible Fernando do Noronha in Brasil - epic waves and really well protected natural environment), requiring visitors to take out with them the trash they bring in (think Everest), stopping the sale of single use water bottles (and putting in ceramic filters).... great project, but even bigger changes can happen in Bali! 
wave122101 - 10 years ago
get rid of the surfers first let eco rest...
Pharozos - 10 years ago
How are surfers the problem?
bukueOner - 10 years ago
Coco DeVille
Coco DeVille - 10 years ago
Why does it seem humanity in those regions are such slobs? Throw em in jail!!
2012mcr - 10 years ago
Great message, very informative, I shared!
lacey - 10 years ago
oh dear, clean your backyard.
Roberto Marroquin
Roberto Marroquin - 11 years ago
my englis is baat only espik thi is one work esplendit good congratuletion BOB. 
Roberto Marroquin
Roberto Marroquin - 11 years ago
teanls you so muchs for alll the thema comentarius tanks BOB.
Connor Robertson
Connor Robertson - 11 years ago
Great work Curtis Lowe. Would love to be apart of this great movement.
Keita Yabu
Keita Yabu - 11 years ago
Nice wave but rubbish everywhere Indonesia . We do not eat fish also ! 
annabelle - 11 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the song at 1.50?
Povilas Kaminskas
Povilas Kaminskas - 10 years ago
Bottom feeders - lovers can be friends
K9 Reign
K9 Reign - 11 years ago
True History of Marijuana Full Movie..copy n paste and watch this movie here on youtube.   Watch it and then ask yourself if Hemp would help the world get rid of all those plastic containers and trash.   I can't believe how many uses Hemp has and how it would clean up this earth.   Farmers all around the world should be aloud to grow Hemp.  Watch the movie save the surf, and earth !!!
J Anthony
J Anthony - 11 years ago
Public education, until the Indonesian public begins to clean up and not litter, it is a futile problem. I went there in 2004 after the Tsunami and it is a beautiful place for sure. It is also the most heavily populated country in the world for Islam. And believe me, there is a large percentage who hate Americans and are radical.
Franst. - 11 years ago
5:07 Uluwatu :D
shinukism shnuck
shinukism shnuck - 11 years ago
5:57   see the snatch on the right
marshall886 - 10 years ago
I am looking at the waves.Eyes front soldier!
The Rogue Scholars Podcast
The Rogue Scholars Podcast - 10 years ago
Cole - 11 years ago
can someone post a link to the ending song? i cant find it
OfficialIMVUMusicVid - 11 years ago
who would party until 10am XD that's hardcore
Hana K
Hana K - 11 years ago
i think you got wrong information here..bali is different from other island in indonesia especially its tradition and culture..1 thing for sure they dont trash because they believe in karma or something like that (in their religion),urbanization and geographical location is the problem
maegap96 - 11 years ago
are you joking Hana ? I have been three times to Bali and its literally a trash dump ... every person there just throws their trash on the floor .. every water works is covered with 1 foot thick of plastic trash and every business dumps trash in the ocean .. every hauling company dumps it in the ocean ... Google search by image "Bali Trash" ... the only tradition and culture in Indonesia is fuck everyone else hard and smile a lot. karma my ass,  since when in the history of mankind has Muslim or Hindu ever gave one shit about anything except their own personal wallet? ~ unless they can sell their trash for money then they will throw it into the ocean forever and ever ...
MultiDickbreath - 11 years ago
I was in Kuta January 2014. There's trash allmover the beach and in the water. Could not continue to surf, had bloody plastic bags wrapped around my arms and legs. Go there and find out yourself. Also the side streets are filled with trash. See for yourself. I have worked with Bali resorts for 6 years, nothing has changed. people are very lay back. Because Bali is the second to largest revenue earner for Indonesia, they don't feel the need to improve because money is rolling in. They are all in it for themselves. Even beaches in Tanah Lot in Bali has shit in the water.
Herne Wacke
Herne Wacke - 11 years ago
really good story and commentary....never been to bali ...closest was Hawaii, but one day..
Al Prescott
Al Prescott - 11 years ago
Kelly Slater seems like a real friggin douche bag. THEY will have to do something about the trash problem or "I" will not be able to surf here. What a tool!
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 11 years ago
you guys have to come visit the beaches of Nazaré in Portugal, limpid waters with killer waves (only for men with balls of steel) 
you can check "Nazaré surf Portugal" here on you tube.

*Someone has to do something for this beautiful Indonesia beach.
John Sanchez
John Sanchez - 11 years ago
Bravus36 - 11 years ago
Maybe in 2500 will be a plastic ocean...

Because the sea are our trash...

This is badly :/
Equalizer - 11 years ago
Could you please sign this petition and try and pass it on to as many people as possible please. The Governor of Bali won't do anything unless he gets 1 million signatures and is calling the rubbish a "natural phenomenon".

100. comment for Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes

kjcramer49 - 11 years ago
so much for progress westerners and there money wrecked it 
T bender
T bender - 11 years ago
Did anyone see macock
Danny G
Danny G - 11 years ago
Shouldn't be hard to get the Hindu's onboard since they believe in reincarnation.  Which in turn would mean that good stewardship and conservation of the earth that they plan to return to makes sense.  
nooki1102 - 11 years ago
not many people have the brains to realize once the damage is done its too late,, only one chance.
zainul patience
zainul patience - 11 years ago
respect kyle 
Claire Bear
Claire Bear - 11 years ago
Tweeted, Facebook, Blogged, Shared.  Thanks Kyle & Friends!
dougie howser
dougie howser - 11 years ago
The most important video about  bali surfing made yet. Don't piss or pollute your treasure. I have been and the pollution is shocking, do we want to surf in poop and plastic bags ? Aussies must play a huge part of this reformation. Please for yourself and your kids and the Balinese people, help change.
alejandro corpeño
alejandro corpeño - 11 years ago
What a pitty. We humans destroy everything thats beautiful...
Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 11 years ago
Most of the Music in the video is by:
The song "All I Got" By Nick Handley
Povilas Kaminskas
Povilas Kaminskas - 10 years ago
+Adave Bucox to download aswell... enjoy :D
Adave Bucox
Adave Bucox - 10 years ago
I cannot find the tune that starts at 07:42!
Vincent Serano
Vincent Serano - 11 years ago
xwhite2020 - 11 years ago
What a fucken shit hole
nugraha teguh ginting
nugraha teguh ginting - 11 years ago
this trash thing actually just happened once a year usually jan-march when the current coming from java. actually this trash are not from bali. i surfed in these trash before i use to live in bali for 8 yrs. and there is also time once a year where u surfed literally in fish chunks also during jan- march lotsa death fish rotten n scatters in teh water.
tsuyoshi satou
tsuyoshi satou - 11 years ago
nfitz92691 - 11 years ago
so sad what tourism and money does to people. building hotels and cutting through rivers. :( 
Elison Rittger
Elison Rittger - 11 years ago
putang ina ninyo!!!
Elison Rittger
Elison Rittger - 11 years ago
whoever is getting benefited from this little island and is making millions from it should do something about it. Like professional surfers, resort owners that are leaching from the island, ASP, big clothing corporation like quiksilver, billabong, etc. Because they are the ones who are making millions from surfing in this beautiful place. You biatches want the beach clean and surf able? Clean it up yourself and build them a sewer system or recycling system! But ofcourse you guys don't give a fuck because too big of a problem for you guys it's governments job right!? 
Austin Oldfield
Austin Oldfield - 7 years ago
Pro surfers don’t make shit in comparison to other sports.... the companies that make the boards wet wetsuits should... like billabong, spyder, sector nine, body glove and other companies that turn billions of dollars of profits
larryjohnny - 7 years ago
Yes, add surfer magazine and other zines that sell pictures of these tubes as a staple of their issues. We all want to see the big waves in the mags.. They should help out with articles about it at the minimum. I stopped my subscriptions to these glorified merchandise catalogs. Like everything else it's corrupt!
Elison Rittger
Elison Rittger - 11 years ago
thats from brooks small resort it all goes to the ocean!!
ReptialianOverLord - 11 years ago
Maybe instead slaughtering millions of innocent turtles they should of chosen the filthy race of humans instead.... Place is to magical to have that much garbage,what a shame
Jose Luis Droguett
Jose Luis Droguett - 11 years ago
Leo James
Leo James - 11 years ago
Thanks man!
adityo pratomo
adityo pratomo - 11 years ago
Negara gua ini :(
jimmy jay
jimmy jay - 11 years ago
song at 7:30  please?
Franz dd
Franz dd - 11 years ago
And this dude actually finds a broken board in the garbage at 4.20...
Franz dd
Franz dd - 11 years ago
This hypocrite surfers make me sick...i vergot about all the broken Boards and Plastik shit related to that in the ozean. What heappens to these boards anyway...

You guys probably never thought of it that way...because thats no fun anymore.
Franz dd
Franz dd - 11 years ago
Why do surfers act as if they care for nature. They obviously dont. The boards are made of Plastic and they put plastic on the boardy so they ar not slippery ( wax<). Boardshort ans shit are mad of plastic to. If you dont live on the spot area you have to travel a airplane. WTF. Look at the ASP world series...what has it to do with nature.

And why all this...because surfing is fun...Fuck that.

Stop surfing if you really care
Franz dd
Franz dd - 11 years ago
Sure..the boards are made in china so..the polution is chinas problem eeey?!
raindogred - 11 years ago
This is bandaid stuff. What you should do is start a campaign to boycott Bali surf trips untill the Balinese, local federal or state government provides rubbish disposal for the people of Bali. You fix up one problem here, but how do you stop all the trash which gets swept out of rivers into the ocean, up the road - then ends up on the foreshore at Ulu's. A massive education/advertising campaign targeted at the Indonesian people to take their mess with them. What is it with those fricken toothpaste tubes, plastic diapers and crap piled up on Kuta's rank and its right through out Indo. But what are the locals supposed to do when there are no tips provided, bins or publicly funded collected services???????? 
raindogred - 11 years ago
I'm not writing off the attempt of waste disposal, any step in the right direction is good, but it has to come from the Balinese/Indonesian people through education and the Government needs to lead. Hit them where it hurts most - the hip pocket. Then things might change??
Silvano Scotto
Silvano Scotto - 11 years ago
Silvano Scotto
Silvano Scotto - 11 years ago
Silvano Scotto
Silvano Scotto - 11 years ago
Augusto Bat
Augusto Bat - 11 years ago
nice job guys, people who care about nature and environment will take the lead of a process to eliminate these kind of situations in poor countries. And we'll still have clean perfect waves
Justin Weston
Justin Weston - 11 years ago
song at 1:18?
flyingfishmusicX - 11 years ago
Ever been to Java? we went there on a surf trip (southern java), trash 8ft high piles on the beaches, had to dodge syringes and nappies on the beach. filthy as hell. I will not go back. disgusting.
Ryan O'Donnell
Ryan O'Donnell - 11 years ago
Hey guys if you like this series go help me out and subscribe to mine. I'm an up and coming surfer and I'm making a youtube series about how i live and where i shred. It would mean a lot thanks!!
john francone
john francone - 11 years ago
first song???? that is sick, also great vid
altaimountain - 11 years ago
Bali is too overpopulated. 4 million people and 2 million tourists every year. Plus corruption, all Bukit peninsula is a giant construction site putting concrete boxes of hotels everywhere.  The water is slimy and there is not enough of it already and they keep beuilding. New airport in the north. GWK in the south. Golfcourts next to directional temples. Insane traffic around the clock. Its seriously getting fucked.
Sk'2500 - 11 years ago
Tracklist please!
Sk'2500 - 11 years ago
1:18 song?
Paul Ricco
Paul Ricco - 11 years ago
"I went to clean up Bali"...jumps on boat to Mentawais, which are a main rubbish problem.
The only solution is to burn the rubbish. Show them how to do it safely...problem solved
Lucas Buendia
Lucas Buendia - 11 years ago
as the video said, if you burn trash the smoke is bad for your health and destroys the ozone.
Tommy Sparrow
Tommy Sparrow - 11 years ago
What are the songs used in the video?
Jeliza Perez
Jeliza Perez - 11 years ago
can someone tell me the music used here? its great!
Finn Pfluger
Finn Pfluger - 11 years ago
whats the song at 7:47
Joe Hallam
Joe Hallam - 11 years ago
What do you expect from a muslim country? Australia should invade and then teach them how to live and appreciate what they have.

David Korst
David Korst - 11 years ago
yo the famous trash tube photo is from java
Sloth55Chunk - 11 years ago
Nothing like catchin a sweet barrel and having a shitty ol diaper hit your face
TheBillCreek - 11 years ago
Oh man, does anybody know the song at around 9 mins? It makes me very happy.
JasperB80 - 11 years ago
Bottom Feeder? The title's of the songs please?
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 11 years ago
what is the name of the beat during the first session?!?!
JasperB80 - 11 years ago
Still no one with the title's from the music in this vid?
smiles1969able - 11 years ago
i watched this whole vid just to see surfing in trash !!
Daniel Donda
Daniel Donda - 11 years ago
me too.
HB Cool Kids
HB Cool Kids - 11 years ago
i have a buddy thats named Curt he surfs and lives in Bali i was just like lol when i heard that. and also i hope the pollution there gets better
ben teske
ben teske - 11 years ago
yunsmoka - 11 years ago
I love the choice of beats for the surf scenes
Legit Bro
Legit Bro - 11 years ago
Thats nasty but cool
martin espuma
martin espuma - 11 years ago
LunoEcotecto - 11 years ago
Nice video amigo, I like your interviewing Q&A. It's nice to see others DOing for our environment. Personally I have participated in ocean clean-up at my beaches in Panama. Check out my interview with local boy from fisherman village.
Translation, he says why the hooks and nets are bad for the turtles. Keep up the good work.
Leo James
Leo James - 11 years ago
Hi all!  First off, big ups to Kyle Thiermann and the Surfing for Change team for creating this video and bringing awareness to such an important issue!  I'm sorry it took me a while to respond about the music, I have been offline on travel!  I produced all the music in the video but the last song (guitar strumming beat before the credits).  I go by Bottom Feeder. The song at 1:13 is titled "Lovers Can Be Friends", the song at 7:00 is titled "Wobblebobblehead", and the song at 7:40 is titled "Paranormal".  All these songs are now on my Soundcloud, along with many others.

Here is a link to my music:

Like my FB page:

I am also in a hip hop group called Minions of the Moon, here is a link to our music:

You can purchase our new CD titled "The Good Life" here:

Thanks for liking the music and watching the video!  Please share both and buy our CD!!! YAH!
martin espuma
martin espuma - 11 years ago
What's the song at 7:40???
Leo James
Leo James - 11 years ago
Check my comment at the top!  Thanks for liking the music, watching the video and your support in general!
Maritza Barreto
Maritza Barreto - 11 years ago
Amis hijos les gusta el surfing..
Maritza Barreto
Maritza Barreto - 11 years ago
Amis hijos les gusta el surfing..
skulBegar - 11 years ago
beats beats beats. what are these beats...someone?
Leo James
Leo James - 11 years ago
Check my comment at the top!  Thanks for liking the music, watching the video and your support in general!
Mark Denny
Mark Denny - 11 years ago
first session song? anyone? please
Leo James
Leo James - 11 years ago
Check my comment at the top!  Thanks for liking the music, watching the video and your support in general!
Sam Barnett
Sam Barnett - 11 years ago
its some remix of i go crazy by paul davis but i cant find the remix i want it so bad
sushimamba7 - 11 years ago
it's crazy how polluted Bali has become. It used to be relatively clean first time I went there 20 years ago. Back then the only way into Uluwatu was on a little dirt track with a motorbike with no hotels on the cliffs.
AlphaCole - 11 years ago
Joshua Parry
Joshua Parry - 11 years ago
Song @ 1.30? Pretty dopeski
agus sby
agus sby - 11 years ago
thx for video guys,,,we hope the goverment more care with this problem in Bali especially. yea as we know every rainy, trash coming from rivers.
Arianna Barroso
Arianna Barroso - 11 years ago
Song: Yes-R - Mijn Pad (Instrumental)
Shastina Free
Shastina Free - 11 years ago
Thanks SO Much Kyle - for caring enough to share this and to work on this project - to keep paradise, a Paradise !!! - Wishes for All Goodness! (from - AGracefulQuantumLeap)
misterveryze - 11 years ago
My first time in Indo was in 2000 and I couldn't believe the trash especially after a rain. I had hoped it got better but apparently not.
myntyd - 11 years ago
the trash problem is so sad
Miriam Eulert
Miriam Eulert - 11 years ago
Wow, amazing work guys!
Gary Castle
Gary Castle - 11 years ago
good job bringing that problem to light for u tube, saw it in mentawais last year boat trip floating debree everwhere, they got to start some where! Now how about the texas size floating trash ball from Japan in our Pacific ocean, I have the plan no money and nobody listens to me, i might move to the otherside of the problem....
Lori Armstrong
Lori Armstrong - 11 years ago
~~~><)))^< ~ thank you ~
fallenbird99 - 11 years ago
Great video
conor27 - 11 years ago
still cleaner than new jersey
Fadil Madjid
Fadil Madjid - 11 years ago
OMG :(((
berniedmj1 - 11 years ago
wha?!? where did i say no partying? you can still party, just don't get drunk as hell! otherwise, you'll be waking up in the same bed with a lady-boy & wondering why your butt hurts!! hahaha
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 11 years ago
Good job guys!! Must protect and preserve Bali at all costs!!
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 11 years ago
so no partying = No trash? -wow
berniedmj1 - 11 years ago
Since INDO is a party town, I think the problem is, "partying until 10am" Like so, when drunk... you don't care what happens until you're sober. so in the mean time of being drunk as hell... everything goes out the window... Literally & Liter-fully.
Daynes_4kCinema - 11 years ago
Santa Cruz for the win!!
BeetzBum - 11 years ago
cool video good editing. surf looks like a blast!
mistic mind
mistic mind - 11 years ago
those were good boards in the surf shop damnnnnnnnn son lady is gangster
Jordi Rodz
Jordi Rodz - 11 years ago
whats the songs in the video
martin espuma
martin espuma - 11 years ago
The song that's at the end and at 7:40 I need that song!
Unjust28 - 11 years ago
there are two parts when they are surfing
Sorin Alexandrescu
Sorin Alexandrescu - 11 years ago
For the rubbish problem I think high temperature burners built in Japan would work. They burn even pet bottles to almost nothing, no dioxin, very little ash. Smoke coming out of the burner' chimney is completely clear. Japan had a similar problem about 20 years ago, they had so much dioxin in the Tokyo bay water that fish started mutating... It's much better now
martin espuma
martin espuma - 11 years ago
What's the song when there surfing!
amg170sports - 11 years ago
Keep clean keep surfing
mja2035 - 11 years ago
This is the way to get things done. You have to start somewhere.
red pollard
red pollard - 11 years ago
keep doing what your doing Kyle, your a great surfer, and even better human being. thanks for building awareness.
kgb assassin025
kgb assassin025 - 11 years ago
this is a very good video. and what a great place to tell the world than youtube
Makauele Português
Makauele Português - 11 years ago
Nice job, what is the tune? humans are trash, period!
Waterways Surf Adventures
Waterways Surf Adventures - 11 years ago
Great cause! Keep up the good work Kyle!
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
Please stop multiplying yourselves! sooner or later my remote island Africa will be crowded everywhere as-well!!!!!!!!
ingmarschu - 11 years ago
Mamute - 11 years ago
Great Job!!! Just came back from Bali, and it was really a shame. So much dirt, and I started to feel more afraid of drinking the water(sea) than cutting myself with the reef! If you guys need music for soundtrack, please check our channel for the original songs. Let us know if you are interested in using it, would be great to help the project! Cheers!!
atsdesigns - 11 years ago
keep up the good work man.. what a killer thing to do and get involved with.. so stoked on how tons of SC natives are impacting bali, indo and all over the world with getting involved! makes me so proud! keep it up!
Matt Myers
Matt Myers - 11 years ago
Not only do you pack bombs at Lakey's you pack your trash too! ;)
Michael Soft
Michael Soft - 11 years ago
Kyle, Michael from Rockwoods here. You are awesome! Will you come across HK anytime? If so do let me know!!
Mrblueghosty - 11 years ago
surf on brahhh!
BOARDWORLD - 11 years ago
Posted on Boardworld
Wave Tribe
Wave Tribe - 11 years ago
Great work Kyle, very stoked and inspired by your report.
Clitcare GmbH
Clitcare GmbH - 11 years ago
I went to Bali last winter and i was shocked about all the rubbish! I kept my plastic bottle to refill - you just have to ask! So instead of using 120 bottles for two month, i used 6....
Tighe Melville
Tighe Melville - 11 years ago
stoked you made this movie kyle. you brought to light some important issues facing indonesia and the surf tourism economy that has grown there. next time I go back to bali i'm bringing a reusable bag with me!
donny728 - 11 years ago
What is song title at 07:41?

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The "Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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