Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

Improve Your Surfing In 5 Easy Steps - Megan's Beach & Jungle Yoga channel Learning how to pop up on a surfboard can be challenging. Learning to pop up on a shortboard even more! In this surf lesson, Surf Coaches shows you the fundamentals of the shortboard pop up so you can master it on a smaller surfboard and move on with your surfing progression!

Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 89

Surf 11 years ago 581,923 views

Improve Your Surfing In 5 Easy Steps - Megan's Beach & Jungle Yoga channel Learning how to pop up on a surfboard can be challenging. Learning to pop up on a shortboard even more! In this surf lesson, Surf Coaches shows you the fundamentals of the shortboard pop up so you can master it on a smaller surfboard and move on with your surfing progression!

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

DEMONATIC TUBE - 6 years ago
Hi ki’illi if that’s how you spell your name you’ve done great at surfing!
Robert Becker
Robert Becker - 6 years ago
Thanks for the Vid! Got my first taste of waves yesterday and need to work on this. Big waves coming in a few days need to practice this. Loved the video, especially explaining how to protect the board on sand. Surf Coach for another win!
Ralph Ramirez
Ralph Ramirez - 6 years ago
Don't need no stinking pad!
kyle watts
kyle watts - 6 years ago
Thxxxxxxx, very awesome
Michael Haas
Michael Haas - 6 years ago
Thanks. Impressed by the little surfer.
Bangko Bangko
Bangko Bangko - 6 years ago
Never seen a pop up like this!
ijcn0jir3nvjn3fjcifn - 6 years ago
Shut up dude
Hi Megan
Ocean Stewart
Ocean Stewart - 6 years ago
Just got my new board yesterday its a 5'11, but I've been riding 7+ so struggled today this is really informative!
Mentawai Surf
Mentawai Surf - 6 years ago
Thanks for the lesson. Watch video mentawai surf

10. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

James Taylor
James Taylor - 6 years ago
That’s to slow, just use your back to pop up straight to your feet
Surf Mexico & Travel
Surf Mexico & Travel - 6 years ago
I have to thank you bro, because I've been surfing for 5 years and 50% of the time I hit the board with my knee (it is like a reflex) however, I will try the bent right leg with foot resting on the traction pad
Steve Fowler
Steve Fowler - 6 years ago
Megan is a total babe...
Tyler Buxton
Tyler Buxton - 6 years ago
Not how your supposed to pop up bc when u get to bigger waves it take to long to pop up
matthew owens
matthew owens - 6 years ago
damn that chick is hot
dave moore
dave moore - 6 years ago
megan, can I pop in for a pop up?
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 6 years ago
shove the tip in pop right up
Cal - 6 years ago
You’re all pervs
Anthony Jaswinski
Anthony Jaswinski - 6 years ago
Good lesson, but it's lying, not laying. You lie on a board. Chickens lay eggs.
- grammatical surfer
guitaristinseattle - 6 years ago
Megan is a babe!!!

20. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

Ted Suzuki
Ted Suzuki - 6 years ago
great teacher,great location. keep on surfing!!
Slime master
Slime master - 7 years ago
great video the advise helped me a lot 2261 Australia thanks
lukeadelic edits
lukeadelic edits - 7 years ago
Instructions unclear, dick cought in toaster
Sam Bowden
Sam Bowden - 7 years ago
Youre a legend helped me so much
ibendan - 7 years ago
very intersting and usefull tuto , thanks
brunodz1 - 7 years ago
Didnt help, couldnt pay atention on the board
Jago Bouffler
Jago Bouffler - 7 years ago
nice belt, did a dress one with that ;)
CootMcGyver GetawayDriver
CootMcGyver GetawayDriver - 7 years ago
Step one: keep knees bent
Step two: Megan
Step three: Megan
Step Megan: Megan
Light House
Light House - 7 years ago
Haters hating on people learning to shortboard with this "cheating" technique... if this is how some want to learn to surf let it be.. why all the hate!
hahagotcha!!!! - 7 years ago
Mmmmmmmmmmm...... Megan.......

30. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

DiaperJuice_ 48
DiaperJuice_ 48 - 7 years ago
All of these comments are about Magan lol
skatefulfill - 7 years ago
This doesn't seem to make sense. When you drop in, the board is falling and you just just swing into it. Its a fluid movement that takes into account the momentum going forward and falling, and the flex of the body to get the legs up and onto the board. There is no time to bring your foot forward the way they are talking about. Think about it. When you drop in, you hit the board hard with both feet, this is why a used board is covered with little dings on the deck.

The justification seems to be that this will evolve into a normal popup. I don't think its a good idea to learn a bad habit in the hopes that it will become a good habit. How about some slow motion video with voice over analysis of what is really happening.
Jerry Zhan
Jerry Zhan - 7 years ago
Enjoying the view down there buddy??
Water Melon TV
Water Melon TV - 7 years ago
that's what i been doing till now as i never sticked to any special rules before :)
stinking Mutation198
stinking Mutation198 - 7 years ago
thanks dude its help a lot
Nicole Laszlo
Nicole Laszlo - 7 years ago
So, I made the mistake (sort of) of getting a 6'10 board (I'm 5'5" and a little under 130) so my feet are always off the board. And while on ideal days I can pop up the "normal" way, if there's any bumps I'm screwed. Pop ups don't happen. So, thank you. This video has tremendously helped my morale and I hope to try it soon.
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
You need allot of practice!!!!You better learn how to pop up, before you start teaching!!!
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
Pop low and loose!!!!When you stick the knee out you slowing down the board!!!!
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
No wrong!!!! Pop right to your feet !!!! You crawling!!!
1Lepera - 8 years ago
cant wait to try it out!!!
Jake Muniak
Jake Muniak - 8 years ago
Great stuff, cheers!
angel bermudez
angel bermudez - 8 years ago
im 5'10 150 pounds what boards would fit me the best a 5'11 or a 6'2 ?
Liz & Lena H
Liz & Lena H - 8 years ago
angel bermudez 5'11 if you want a board sorta like a short board but if you get a 6'2 it will be counted as a long board! I'm 5'6 and have a 5'8 board so it's a bit big for me
Angel Stevens
Angel Stevens - 8 years ago
Great video - informative and straightforward, but the camera shooting was really frustrating! Hah quite a few times im just wishing it was aimed a bit lower to actually see the demonstration better, but that aside, really helpful!
Student, Leopold Lemoine
Student, Leopold Lemoine - 8 years ago
oh sorry didn't see in their videos that they did a vid together
Student, Leopold Lemoine
Student, Leopold Lemoine - 8 years ago
are there to coaches in isurftribe
this one and the other coach but their never in the same vid
Paddy le Blanc
Paddy le Blanc - 8 years ago
All I saw there was Megan.
Jason Hu
Jason Hu - 8 years ago
How do u do a super dirty pit-dog tube stance?
TheNatureScapes - 8 years ago
nice life style costa brah
Don Han
Don Han - 8 years ago
keep your leg more on the board when you pop it up so it doesnt really hit the water
Jochem Lambers
Jochem Lambers - 8 years ago
i'm a very tall guy 6'7" and not super flexible...
My board is a 7'6", and during pop-up my feet are sticking out.
This video really helped me a lot!! Thanks guys

50. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

Ronsonmobile - 8 years ago
Hey! What kind of shirt is the black hang loose tribal tshirt that you're wearing in this video? Who makes it? Really cool shirt Thanks!
אסף אפרים
אסף אפרים - 8 years ago
hard to concentrate with her on the background..
it's a double work to learn and deny your sense
i'll do my best though. thank you both. :*
SUZYYY2013 - 8 years ago
What ever happened to this guy? He seemed cool....Anyone know why he's not in any recent vids?
Mikhail Wingate
Mikhail Wingate - 8 years ago
Video helped a lot! Also if Megan is single.. Marry me.
aricruz - 8 years ago
I'm having trouble sitting on a shortboard. it's 5'8". is that a normal issue? are they meant to not be sat on?
Braddah Jay
Braddah Jay - 8 years ago
5'7 and can sit on my small 38inch fuckin body board. Do you believe that i can still do a drop knee with that kine small
Brad Szalach
Brad Szalach - 8 years ago
Gothgoldielocks - 8 years ago
I'm 6'1 and sit on my 48 inch body board it's all about practice
djft6944 - 8 years ago
No kidding me too lol it drives me crazy!!!
Matt Kingsley
Matt Kingsley - 8 years ago
Its all about balance, im 6'2 and can sit on my beater board which is only 54 inches
Anthony siracuse
Anthony siracuse - 8 years ago
just find the balance point. do it enough and it will come to you. move foward or back incrementally
ken zhong
ken zhong - 8 years ago
Thanks to you guys I can catch plenty waves now. This is, I think the easiest to pop up on a shortboard. I ride 6'0 and been surfing for almost 3 months now. BTW, how tall is Megan. She looks pretty tall?
Minke Keus
Minke Keus - 8 years ago
I can surf a bit, but i learned it with some lessons. I want to buy my own board, and i saw a shortboard 6"8. Is that a good one to buy?
xowk - 8 years ago
+Minke if this is your first board, 6'8" might frustrate you. if you're in the us, i recommend just going to costco and buying the $99 foamboard (you can return/exchange for whatever reason). and keep an eye out on craigslist for longboards under $80~100.
Rick Becker
Rick Becker - 8 years ago
hi, i'm a second year surfer i can borrow a short board. i can surf straight but i dindt did Any turns. should i rent e bigger foam board or should i borrow that shord board?
Jake Taylor
Jake Taylor - 8 years ago
Yeah.. Megen. you almost had steeve but he pulled a hammy right?
Alison Evan
Alison Evan - 9 years ago
Nick Manfredi
Nick Manfredi - 9 years ago
nice guys!
Lauren Holbrook
Lauren Holbrook - 9 years ago
Do you know the best place to order 'cheap' good quality short boards?
Sean Marroquin
Sean Marroquin - 8 years ago
djft6944 - 8 years ago
Yeah eBay local pickup ;)
Peter Bowman
Peter Bowman - 9 years ago
Never thought about this until I stubbed my toe popping up....broken! Ouch! No surf for me and gotta pay attention to back foot next time!
Hunter Ball
Hunter Ball - 9 years ago
I just got a 6 3 and I have trouble standing up any tips
Samy Castillo
Samy Castillo - 9 years ago
Nobody could explain this to me before.
Thankyou x1000
Jeff Hewitson
Jeff Hewitson - 9 years ago
Brilliant for a beginner, quick question I have got a short board and I'm just a short board and the chicken wing pop up a good way to start?
Riley Tanner
Riley Tanner - 8 years ago
+Jeff Hewitson nah m8
Tyg. oh
Tyg. oh - 9 years ago
Can you also just do a normal pop-up
how to prank with ghillie guys camlon and oscar
how to prank with ghillie guys camlon and oscar - 9 years ago
this is great I was having loads of trouble now I'm poping up great my board is 5'5 real hard but I'm pretty young and it fittes me good but I thought I didn't until I saw this vidio
Theodore Burtis
Theodore Burtis - 9 years ago
This helped me so much!
lachlan dudley
lachlan dudley - 9 years ago
Just a quick question. I have been looking for advice on this chicken-wong pop-up method. Some have been saying that it is ultimately a way to form a bad habit instead of just trying ot bring both feet through your arms (i.e. having both feet airborne as your arms support your weight). With this said, the chicken wing method (if you can do it fluid) seems like a great way of getting up on a shorty. What are your thoguths on this Surf Coaches, as you get better with the chicken wing does it turn into a more fluid double airborne style mode?
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+lachlan dudley Basically when you get good at the chicken wing if you do it right it will eventually evolve into a normal popup
Sven Meyer
Sven Meyer - 9 years ago
Awesome, this video was helping a lot.
Thanks for that
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Sven Meyer Glad to hear it. Anything in particular that helped the most?
GeorgeElliasVideos - 9 years ago
yup, this is the video that helped you guys. thanks!
Gabriel Tepasse
Gabriel Tepasse - 9 years ago
Megan is hot
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 9 years ago
great video thank you...surfing longboards for many years,now trying shorts,been very difficult.
Going to try this hope it works out
Sophie Taylor
Sophie Taylor - 9 years ago
I'm 15 is there anyway I could become a pro surfer if I put in the time? Your videos are the best and thanks for the help!! (:
Sophie Taylor
Sophie Taylor - 9 years ago
+Surf Coaches Thank you for your help! I really needed to know that!!! You guys are the best!!!
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Sophie Taylor Hi Sophie, I would say it is a lot more possible for a girl at that age then it would be for a boy. A lot of the top girl surfers didn't really start surfing until 12-14 years old, where as boys it was around 6-10. You would still have a few years to make up, but yes it could be done but you would have to take a very intelligent approach, meaning not just go out and surf all day.
Aside from surfing a minimum of 20 hours per week, every step forward would need to be about developing proper technique and focusing related skills and goals every session etc.
This would be just a rough idea of things to think about
20 hours minimum surfing every week in a variety of waves and conditions if possible
Begin working with a real surf coach who can break down your surfing and expedite your learning curve
Watching surfing movies for at least an hour every day especially the WSL events so you become familiar with the contest setup
Surf specific training regimen 4-5 days a week that would include strength, flexibility and balance as well as surf simulation exercises such as indo-board and dry land simulation.
Skateboarding like a surfer when you can't surf
Enter contests as much as you can to understand heat strategy etc. It's not always the best surfers that win heats, but many times the smarter surfer.
Surf with people that surf at a higher level to lift your level.
And of course continuously work on your mental game and most importantly believe you can do it no matter what anyone says.
Roberto Z
Roberto Z - 9 years ago
Great vids! Can you make a video when is the right time to buy a shortboard, what needs to be mastered on the fun board, and which shortboard. Thanks !
Duncan out back
Duncan out back - 9 years ago
mate i totally love your style, and its a f*** cool vid. its kind of what i do aswell. Duncz.
Stefan Campbell
Stefan Campbell - 9 years ago
THIS is the technique I have needed! Thank you so much! I have really just been getting down laying my front leg on the board and back foot on the pad which you can ride on but do not have as much control... No matter what I tried I just could not get the the front foot on. Thanks again.
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Stefan Campbell Glad it helped.
Fábio Hart
Fábio Hart - 9 years ago
I just think it's so much more fun when megan shows the techniq !!
sappysport215 - 9 years ago
Sergio Lafayete Cerutti
Sergio Lafayete Cerutti - 6 years ago
You are sick, man.
humanature - 6 years ago
Smh, but...
djft6944 - 8 years ago
Daniel Tomlin
Daniel Tomlin - 9 years ago
I am making the transition from a 7ft4 board to a shorter board, I'm 6ft so roughly what size shortboard should I be looking at?
Parker Hilton
Parker Hilton - 9 years ago
I am also 6ft, I have a 6ft 3in short board and its a great size. It's just a perfect fit for my height and yours alike. I think of you went with a 6ft 3in board or maybe a little bitter you'd fit it great! Really great maneuvering ability with the board I have right now. More personal preference but thought I'd share my two cents with my own experience.
Daniel Tomlin
Daniel Tomlin - 9 years ago
+Mihai Pruna alright thanks man, good luck with the board btw
Mihai Pruna
Mihai Pruna - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tomlin I'm shorter than you and after riding a 7ft4 board I am having trouble popping up on a 6ft3 board, I'm sure I'll get it eventually but I would recommend something longer for you.
maupz - 9 years ago
Great tips! Pura vida!
Suzie Duffy
Suzie Duffy - 9 years ago
I've been surfing for about half a year now, I learnt on an 8ft board and my pop up was fine on that as i could use my toes. I've got a 6"8 fish now and my pop up has definitely gone down hill, it's a lot slower and I find it much more difficult to get my front (left) foot in the right place. It's stopping me from surfing down the Line and turning etc and it's really frustrating! Do you have any advice?
EpIc BuNnY007
EpIc BuNnY007 - 9 years ago
dude nice teaching it was nice and easy to understand keep doing what your doing
R. E.E.
R. E.E. - 9 years ago
Love it! I am gonna teach a friend and that really help me to explain! Thx!!!!!!
DreamWarrior - 9 years ago
I'm a beginner using a 6'1 board and I haven't tried this but it seems like a great method
laufer Omer
laufer Omer - 9 years ago
tnk man you realiy help me
Yhago Oliveira
Yhago Oliveira - 9 years ago
Best coach video ever! it helped me so much!
Ross Cauvel
Ross Cauvel - 9 years ago
would you still use this technique for steep drops?  Right now, I pop at once and land with both feet in place. But, sometimes I don't end up in the sweet spot, or sometimes off balance. So, I'm tempted to try this. Do you have any advice for an advanced surfer trying this technique?
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Ross Cauvel Yes ultimately this technique will be used every time, as you become more advanced the 2 steps become so quick it would appear one movement. For me I find my biggest problem with my feet off is when I don't get a good paddle in or I am taking a late drop, so check our paddle vids to sharpen that area.
Also keep nice and compressed hands on (this is a fraction of a sec) until you know your feet are solid then straight into the first pump.
Nathan Zubkoff
Nathan Zubkoff - 9 years ago
Hey I have a 54" beater can you make a video on how to pop up. Thanks...
Tina - 9 years ago
Hi! My name is Tina and Im from Florida! I just started surfing literally 2 days ago, I bought a short board because I really think I can start out on that instead of a longboard. Should I have bought a longboard? I have experience with skateboarding and have pretty good balance so I think I can do it! This video really helped!
SoSickWidit - 9 years ago
+Tina G I recommend the $100 wavestorm 8' board from Costco for your current purposes
Joannes Figueroa
Joannes Figueroa - 9 years ago
+Tina G Good luck Tina, I'm definitely in the same boat as you and I knew the challenge I was getting into going in on a 6'8" from a 9' but knowing is way different from experiencing. Got wrecked out there my first day but it's a learning experience with a steep curve. It's definitely going to take time, persistence and don't forget caution because those little ones will buck you hard. I'm stoked for the challenge. Best of luck!
Tina - 9 years ago
That's awesome! Thank you!
mike kong
mike kong - 9 years ago
Surfing is really, REALLY hard! That's why we talk about learning on a long board! To give you a break and to give you a chance to learn before getting too frustrated and giving up. Anyway, glad you finally got to try it! I did the same thing you did and stuck with the shortboard despite what everyone told me. Over 20 years and 4 continents later I still don't ride longboards until I HAVE to because the waves are too small. That said, at least give the longboard a try so you can feel the difference. It's so much easier. Good luck and enjoy the ride!
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+mike kong Well said.
Benji Brookes
Benji Brookes - 9 years ago
That was if course when I bought my shortboard
Benji Brookes
Benji Brookes - 9 years ago
That is so true I skate and surf so I thought they would both mix we'll for balence related but I was wrong. Half the time I was body boarding more than surfing I found it really hard to get to my feet but over a long period if time I managed to learn to stand up
mike kong
mike kong - 9 years ago
+Tina G Hi Tina, I did and thought the same thing you did when I started surfing over 20 years ago. You can learn on a shortboard, but you'll learn a lot faster on a longer board. Having a longboard will allow you to get into waves a lot easier, catch more waves, and generally surf more. The more waves you catch and the more actual surfing you do, the faster you will get better. For me, I ended up sticking out my learning on a shortboard and did ok, but I had a friend start on a longer board and watched him get good really fast--plus, the habits and techniques he learned from riding a longer board made him surf better when he transitioned to shortboards. Long story short, you can learn on a shortboard, but you can learn a lot faster and better on a longboard. Hope that helps and hope you stuck with it!
plasticspine - 9 years ago
Give us an update
Were you able to pop up ??
I rented an 8' softop and it was super easy to pop up
So I bought an odysea stump soft 5' because I can't transport a big board
Haven't tried to ride it yet but hoping I can pop up on it
Jack Lazenby
Jack Lazenby - 9 years ago
Been a surf coach for a long time and this cheater way is for people who want quick results in shortboarding not long term success. This creates a bad habit, you have to jump both feet and plant at the same time unless you want wobbly surfing.
Jacob F
Jacob F - 9 years ago
Totally agree with u.. I was always taught to arch back and "use knees" to hold some weight and throw ur back end under before you release your arms
dema mdq
dema mdq - 9 years ago
I start surfing and i stand up like that.. but i watch some of the locals, and they do it with a jump, they dont go with the back foot first and then the front foot.. they jump with the both foots at once..
Santiagués :3
Santiagués :3 - 6 years ago
dema mdq the correct way is to first go with the back foot and then go with the front foot
LTawesomesauce - 7 years ago
dema mdq you're right they don't waste time with a chicken wing. You have to be fast, this guy explains it well
Fakametjehaarlijn - 7 years ago
dema mdq 2 years since.. how r u doin now? With surfing and stuff
dema mdq
dema mdq - 7 years ago
Yes they do it really fast so it seems like that !!!
dema mdq
dema mdq - 7 years ago
Hi : First sorry for the english :) Wow 1 year since this !!

The thing you NEVER want to do is put your knees, first you are going to get hurt, also you are taking too much time to stand up like you say.. In easy waves, yes you can take off like that, but when waves goes bigger or faster, you are not going to make it!

Knee is out of question don t do it anymore :)

Well the Take off:

You have to do it like the guys on the video.
You have to put your back foot on the grip and then the front foot, the fastest you can.
If you take too much time you most likely are going to fall.

Also what board do you ride ?? If you are riding a shortboard like the one on the vid, is going to be hard for you because you are learning..
I will recommend something with more volume, more thicker, a bigger board so you can stand up more easily

The best way to learn it is go surfing and keep going.... Surfing is all about consistency.. The last winter i was out of water like a month, and the first days i was surfing again i was having hard times :/

Once you are getting fun you are going to learn.. Don t worry to do everything perfect, just stand up like i tell you, dont worry if you fall or you are doing it slow.. The important is to stand up like that and never with the knees.

Sorry if i didn t make it clear, but is hard to explain something like that in not my native language :(

Please ask me anything.
Dalila Kal
Dalila Kal - 7 years ago
Hi Dema, can you please tell me how you've improved since then, which technique you used, was it chicken wing, or simply putting your back knee first, then evolving it to a perfect pop up? I would Appreciate if you could share that with me.. actually my popup always goes with my knee, which make me lose a lot of time.. thank you, have a great day ! :)
Deluxe Pineapple
Deluxe Pineapple - 8 years ago
they probably don't 'jump' as they do slide, which looks like a jump. maybe I'm wrong, but you never want your feet to leave the board.
dema mdq
dema mdq - 9 years ago
+Barack Cohen hey barack!! yes i understand whay are you saying.. anyway hah this comment of mine was like 4 months ago.. now im doing the take off pretty well, with a really fast jump and then doing the bottom turn and surfing a little .. slow improvement but having a lot of fun haha cheers!!!
Barack Cohen
Barack Cohen - 9 years ago
+dema mdq
You can't really jump without having support under your legs (which is the case with shortboards) unless you have some crazy upper body strength that most surfers don't have.
If they're doing it with a jump, they're not riding a shortboard
Cjw615 - 9 years ago
upper body strength
Gina Sulprizio
Gina Sulprizio - 9 years ago
Very helpful and clear video! Thanks!
GeckoCkCkCk - 9 years ago
Thanks!!  Wow.  Thank you so much for giving the keys to popping up on a short board.
Keegan bennett
Keegan bennett - 9 years ago
Thanks heaps this video has helped me heaps. cheers :)
james shepherd
james shepherd - 9 years ago
Been using this on my longboards, So much easier for lazy weekend sessions
Ben Schiffer
Ben Schiffer - 10 years ago
I had a sneaking suspicion that you guys were based in Costa...which was confirmed when the instructor said "all over Costa Rica..." Any chance you're in the Santa Teresa area? I've still got a week and a half left here and would love some shortboard instruction in the water.
Let me know if you can help.
bonto - 10 years ago
Wow, no wonder I kept nose diving. I was never using my back foot to pop up.
DiegoHesz - 10 years ago
Very good video , I had not found a video to explain as well as standing on the short board , I started training! thanks for the video! remains so!

100. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard

Gonzalo Madero
Gonzalo Madero - 10 years ago
Excellent video man!! It`s perfect for my situation right now. I had recently buy a 6`2 and im afraid i cannot pop up and fail. But this motivate me a lot. 
Noel-The She-Male
Noel-The She-Male - 10 years ago
great video thanks for the tips.
Paul Galvin
Paul Galvin - 10 years ago
Hey, can you tell me if you have a video on where to position yourself on your board? i have a 9'1" longboard, and last weekend a mate told me that I should have my toes touching the tail of the board. that is way further back than I have been when paddling onto waves. I am past being a beginner surfer, but still have a long way to go, so any help is great! Thanks, Paul.
Helcio Silva
Helcio Silva - 10 years ago
It seems an excellent style. Can it be applied to longboards too? I'm asking you because I am learning on that kind of board. I'm a little overweight :)
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Helcio Silva Ive found that this technique works on any type board!
cyrus wong
cyrus wong - 10 years ago
I like the way you teaching, nice and clear, but your camera man need to found some good tutorial video like you about how to record a good video
Metal4ever \33/
Metal4ever \33/ - 10 years ago
Nice techinique and so, buut,  When i was having trouble trying to make the transition to the short board, I couldnt do that pop up in 2 moves, and then I found out the real pop up on shortboard with the knees at the same time and now I can drop. But love your lessons. Sometimes, a technique will work for some and won't for others. The thing is, try to find the one that better fits you. Keep up the good work!
Abubacar Ashrap
Abubacar Ashrap - 6 years ago
Carla Ornelas
Carla Ornelas - 10 years ago
I love the tutorials, but you need a better camera person. Everytime you were showing the technique the camera person was focused on the wrong thing, and for me being and unexperienced surfer visual makes more sense.
djft6944 - 8 years ago
He focused on Megan just fine
Brad Adamson
Brad Adamson - 10 years ago
Thanks for the great videos, Over the christmas break we have been surfing 7 of the the last eight days, (the whole family my wife and 2 grommies)  have been practicing their "chicken wings" on the floor using making tape on the carpet as a pretend stringer!
Great to have the short board video too as the kids are on 6 foot soft tops and their feet can be just off the back.
Long live the chicken wing, Just subscribed and very greatfull, cheers Brad in Christchurch NZ.  : )
Kelly Cormier
Kelly Cormier - 10 years ago
kingsurf Surf school
kingsurf Surf school - 10 years ago
Love your style dude! wise words of wisdom that make loads of sense. Might have to share your vids with our coaches here. Cheers
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+kingsurf Surf school of course!  I would love that.....keep plugged in as well, we will be offering training for other coaches in the future!
Fabricio Alvarado
Fabricio Alvarado - 10 years ago
Hey bro thanks for the video really helpful for me, I'm learning at playa grande, guanacaste. pura vida
I have one question, how can I redirect the board before make the pop up, u know for take the right or the left, is there a trick? Pura Vida!!
Thalia Broadstock
Thalia Broadstock - 10 years ago
Why is it important to not grab the rail?
Thalia Broadstock
Thalia Broadstock - 10 years ago
Ahh thanks!
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Thalia Broadstock it is ok for your hands to touch the rails, but when beginners grab the rails, they have a tendency to pull themselves up, usually resulting in landing on your knees...we want to push our bodies up to get the pop off the board
Adina Spahn
Adina Spahn - 10 years ago
Alex Antonian
Alex Antonian - 10 years ago
ive surfed probably around 20 hours and my popup is almost mastered. Do you think I could use an average joe surfboard  if i went a little larger on the volume side to help with paddling, and stability.
Alex Antonian
Alex Antonian - 10 years ago
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Alex Antonian I like to tell our students, that you can start moving down to smaller size boards, when the larger ones become easy for you to paddle, pop up, and stay stable on.  so yes, if you are feeling good on what youre on now, I would say absolutely give it a try!
David Fooks
David Fooks - 10 years ago
Since this technique will work on any board why learn the "beginner" technique at all? You could save yourself the hassle of having to relearn your popup.
David Fooks
David Fooks - 10 years ago
+Surf Coaches I'm still getting started surfing (I have about 8 weeks in the water). I would like to eventually be on a short board. Which popup technique should I be using?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+David Fooks the truth is, these are techniques that are proven and that work, but most surfers tend to blend them together to find one that works for them and their board , body type etc....i have had many surfers who have come to shaka that have surfed for years, but still struggled on pop ups...i would show them the other method, and instead of asking them to change, they just incorporate a few things in to their old pop up, and it can change everything
Throttle Junkie Adventures
Throttle Junkie Adventures - 10 years ago
were do i get that t shirt?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
Michael Alvarez
Michael Alvarez - 10 years ago
Great videos guys. I've learnt so much and this video helped me get standing a lot quicker than I thought
Luis Alonso Barahona
Luis Alonso Barahona - 10 years ago
QUESTION for the ones that know... What are your thoughs on putting a noseguard and tailguard on your board? Will it have any negative effect on the drag?
Luis Alonso Barahona
Luis Alonso Barahona - 10 years ago
Thanks a lot! That's awesome news. I am a tico, at first I didn't know you guys were based in CR, but when I realize it I was stoked! Pura vida
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Luis Alonso Barahona honestly...I think that is a great idea....the amount of drag you will encounter will be so small you will never even notice it...and...I know of many great surfers (including a high level professional) that not only uses a nose guard, but also uses the protec fins that put a small amount of plastic over the sharp edges of the fin, and it doesn't seem to effect the surfing at all
Nix Noonan
Nix Noonan - 10 years ago
seriously - you always use your knees for at least 5 seconds before you get to your feet.  You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
David Fooks
David Fooks - 10 years ago
+Surf Coaches So true. I learned using my back knee. It has taken me nearly 4 weeks to unlearn it.
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Nix Noonan this is a tutorial for beginner surfers...I have been teaching for over 12 years, and you cannot teach someone to use their knees in the beginning...otherwise they will use it as a crutch and develop bad habits...
JH Westo
JH Westo - 10 years ago
congratulations Kealy on your first barrel, great work....
Sanjay Chaudhary
Sanjay Chaudhary - 10 years ago
Has anyone actually done this quickly after dropping in? I'm transitioning to a fish and wonder if I should practice this or the prone (cobra) pop up.
Sanjay Chaudhary
Sanjay Chaudhary - 10 years ago
Nice, I'll keep practicing this on dry land. Feels very different (harder) not using my feet to spring up... 
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Sanjay Chaudhary good question....this is another method, and some people use one, some people prefer the other...for me...for most waves I typically use a little bit of a combination of both...I have seen great surfers just do the prone (cobra) pop up, and others just use the one in this video
Ali Moosa
Ali Moosa - 10 years ago
nice video but try to keep camera lens little lower to the surfboards. would like to see more of pop up videos on waves.
Héctor Rabadán
Héctor Rabadán - 10 years ago
Whats the measure of the shortboard? 5,9?
Drew Tsosie
Drew Tsosie - 10 years ago
Thanks man so stoked to surf today!
Nancy  Rodriguez
Nancy Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Does this actually work cause I heard people saying it doesnt and it should be made in only 1 move?
Fire_Jockey - 10 years ago
I've never surfboard before but I really want to get in to it (I have experience longboarding and snowboarding). However, I don't want to start with a longboard, but rather a shortboard. Is there any shortboard recommendations?
Jasper van Loo
Jasper van Loo - 10 years ago
Or if you wanna go straight to the "cool" board with a Sharp nose, much rocker and really short, go buy big sunglasses, a baggy boardshort and a crème of self-browning to walk over the boulevard for the chicks and go practise faaaaar away from the others and i hear About a year of ten of you cought your own wave, i guess that you thrown your board in a corner of the garage
Jasper van Loo
Jasper van Loo - 10 years ago
You get really Some trouble with paddeling and timing thenn, if you wanna go short, buy a fat fish with LOADS of volume with quad settup, that give's you an extra boost for paddeling, if you're timing becomes perfect, you can starting downgrading your volume (if you start with a bigger fish (6.4) go to 6.1 fish, going to a 6.1 hybrid, to a shortboard (start there with the bigger ones, round 6.4, cuz they are narrower and have more rocker, so paddeling is harder) hope this helps! :D
TheSoccerrox8 - 10 years ago
thank you! this helped so much!!
Juan pedro Venegas
Juan pedro Venegas - 10 years ago
Megan is so hot man, and big!!!
MrBoJangles - 10 years ago
Megan is a hotty with a naughty body.
Andreas Graham
Andreas Graham - 10 years ago
hey maybe this is a stupid question, but im really new to surfing. I have a 7 foot foam board. but my feet still kinda hang off the end, so i cant really pop with my feet. would i still use this technique to pop up? im assuming yes but figured id ask any ways. thanks
SkaterKrew krew
SkaterKrew krew - 10 years ago
+Surf Coaches
 hey  I'm 5'10 and a beginner I surfed two waves with a large 8 foot board, but I only have a 6 foot foam board and I'm 5'10 do you think i could realistically learn with this board or upgrade to a bigger board?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
thats exactly what this pop up is for!
KingofAqua - 10 years ago
Awesome thanks so much:)
Christo64100 - 10 years ago
thank you man !! you help me so much !! great video :)
KingofAqua - 10 years ago
Great Video! I have a 6'2 fish but no tail pad can I still use this technique or will it not work as well? Thanks:)
howtokravmaga - 10 years ago
Just add enough WAX instead in the right spot, the right amound will give you enough traction  :D
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
It will definitely still work without a tail pad...the tail pad just provides some extra grip, as well as a marker for exactly where your foot is on the board, but it will work without a pad!
Eric K.
Eric K. - 10 years ago
If I'm 6ft and my board is 7'3 where should my feet be while laying down on my board?
Slendy1 - 10 years ago
I always nose dive when ever I catch a wave with a short board I don't know why ?
James Gabb
James Gabb - 10 years ago
Been surfing for 10+ years, bought a 6'6 thruster with almost zero buoyancy and got so frustrated with popping up I nearly traded it in for a quad fish. This video made an enormous difference and now I'm loving it. Cheers guy!
Martin Pavlovič
Martin Pavlovič - 10 years ago
Thank you from Slovakia - Europe... going to catch some waves in Cape Verde
Robert Walters
Robert Walters - 10 years ago
great !!! who taught you that old school technique ???
Stephan Tanguay
Stephan Tanguay - 10 years ago
Interesting technique
thomas campa
thomas campa - 10 years ago
thanks from France!
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 10 years ago
dammit why do I have to endure a 30 second commercial to see this?
Fabricio Alvarado
Fabricio Alvarado - 10 years ago
if u use chrome there is an extension that block all the advertisements is called AdblockPlus
Heinrich van Heerden
Heinrich van Heerden - 10 years ago
Great lesson man... thumbs up from Cape Town, South Africa.
Heinrich van Heerden
Heinrich van Heerden - 10 years ago
Great lesson man... thumbs up from Cape Town, South Africa.
Pablo Latapi
Pablo Latapi - 10 years ago
First of all thank you for your amazing videos. Second, I've seen this technique work for a lot of people and since I started doing it I catch way more waves, I was just wondering if this can be used in really steep waves? Thanks!
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
It definitely can!  The pop up just needs to be really efficient in steeper waves!
Thomas Knights
Thomas Knights - 10 years ago
I surf foamies and would like to move onto fiber glass. I'm around 5ft 3ish and 50kg would you recommend a long fiberglass board or a short board.
Also my local beach has some good barrels.
The beach is Secret Harbor Western Australia.
If you watch some of the videos on YouTube could you recommend anything?
Cheers from WA

Going Deep
Going Deep - 10 years ago
Cheers from Noosa for the sweet vid :D
Francisco Valdivia
Francisco Valdivia - 10 years ago
Sweet bro! Cheers from Cali \,,/
Renê Baldissera
Renê Baldissera - 10 years ago
Hey guys! First of all, your channel is awesome, thanks for the surf tips!
Now the question: Is it a problem if I'm doing the 1 step technique on shortboards but instead of using my toes to stand up in the beginning I'm using my knees on the tail pad?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
Thanks for the question....This video is a guideline on how to get started popping up on a shortboard, but it is possible to use different or modified techniques.... are you able to get up quickly and efficiently using your technique?  If so, then it isn't a problem, but if you are slow to get up, then I would say yes, it is a problem to use your knees.
Paolo Manuel Soler
Paolo Manuel Soler - 10 years ago
This is so helpful. I've been surfing for 16 years and have had trouble with my shortboard pop ups. This technique is definitely something I'm going to try on my next surf sesh. Do you mind if I share this video on my surf school's page?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
no problem! share away!
Neal johnson
Neal johnson - 10 years ago
good tutorial. Now I know where my feet should be
Goes Cobain
Goes Cobain - 10 years ago
thanks so much for the lessons .this a great video.
Kamaro - 10 years ago
Can I ask you what watch is that you're wearing? (the guy)
pouchy316 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the great videos, in particular this one! I have a question--is it possible to use this technique on faster and bigger waves? I always have problems popping up the "normal" way and can't get my L foot forward enough (regular footed). This technique seems like it would help a lot!
J L Sky Media
J L Sky Media - 10 years ago
What size board do you use?. If you are on too small a board you just make it really hard for yourself to get the pop up action smooth. Fitness is a big thing too, if you can swim 400 metres non stop (without a board) you are fit enough but the rest comes with commitment and practice.
On any off shore wind day, big waves or small, you have to be up quickly, so if you can pop up the proper way you have far more chance of making the drop.
Deborah Redwood
Deborah Redwood - 11 years ago
Didnt realise I could use the chicken wing on a short board, nor did I realise I needed to put one leg on the pad at the back, that makes life easier! thanks guys
sirenadannie - 11 years ago
Thank you for this! I've been nose diving a while ago. lol. Will try this technique next time! 
Brian McGuinness
Brian McGuinness - 11 years ago
I've been surfing a long time and I never knew that trick. I'm gonna try it next time out.
Nick Torres
Nick Torres - 11 years ago
Thanks for the tips!!!!
dexterpolyester - 11 years ago
Really helpful brother, thanks!
Gabs577 - 11 years ago
Keep doing these videos!!! :)
ART AUD VISU Ben Hur - 11 years ago
Excellent lesson good vibes from Brazil !!
iSURFTRIBE - 11 years ago
Thanks Brazil! Hope to visit some day.
Jack Dawson
Jack Dawson - 11 years ago

Is it a good idea to practise of learn to surf on a longboard or Malibu then surf on a short board?
iSURFTRIBE - 11 years ago
Yes, for sure, we do cover that in our other popup video. This video is more for people moving down to a smaller board
yourfaceisonfire - 11 years ago
This is tops guys, thanks for the tips. Off to go try them out for the first time!
iSURFTRIBE - 11 years ago
Right on, lets us know how it goes.

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