Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
Surf 11 years ago 581,923 views
Improve Your Surfing In 5 Easy Steps - Megan's Beach & Jungle Yoga channel Learning how to pop up on a surfboard can be challenging. Learning to pop up on a shortboard even more! In this surf lesson, Surf Coaches shows you the fundamentals of the shortboard pop up so you can master it on a smaller surfboard and move on with your surfing progression!
Hi Megan
10. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
- grammatical surfer
20. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
Step two: Megan
Step three: Megan
Step Megan: Megan
30. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
The justification seems to be that this will evolve into a normal popup. I don't think its a good idea to learn a bad habit in the hopes that it will become a good habit. How about some slow motion video with voice over analysis of what is really happening.
this one and the other coach but their never in the same vid
My board is a 7'6", and during pop-up my feet are sticking out.
This video really helped me a lot!! Thanks guys
50. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
it's a double work to learn and deny your sense
i'll do my best though. thank you both. :*
Nobody could explain this to me before.
Thankyou x1000
Thanks for that
Going to try this hope it works out
Aside from surfing a minimum of 20 hours per week, every step forward would need to be about developing proper technique and focusing related skills and goals every session etc.
This would be just a rough idea of things to think about
20 hours minimum surfing every week in a variety of waves and conditions if possible
Begin working with a real surf coach who can break down your surfing and expedite your learning curve
Watching surfing movies for at least an hour every day especially the WSL events so you become familiar with the contest setup
Surf specific training regimen 4-5 days a week that would include strength, flexibility and balance as well as surf simulation exercises such as indo-board and dry land simulation.
Skateboarding like a surfer when you can't surf
Enter contests as much as you can to understand heat strategy etc. It's not always the best surfers that win heats, but many times the smarter surfer.
Surf with people that surf at a higher level to lift your level.
And of course continuously work on your mental game and most importantly believe you can do it no matter what anyone says.
Also keep nice and compressed hands on (this is a fraction of a sec) until you know your feet are solid then straight into the first pump.
Were you able to pop up ??
I rented an 8' softop and it was super easy to pop up
So I bought an odysea stump soft 5' because I can't transport a big board
Haven't tried to ride it yet but hoping I can pop up on it
The thing you NEVER want to do is put your knees, first you are going to get hurt, also you are taking too much time to stand up like you say.. In easy waves, yes you can take off like that, but when waves goes bigger or faster, you are not going to make it!
Knee is out of question don t do it anymore :)
Well the Take off:
You have to do it like the guys on the video.
You have to put your back foot on the grip and then the front foot, the fastest you can.
If you take too much time you most likely are going to fall.
Also what board do you ride ?? If you are riding a shortboard like the one on the vid, is going to be hard for you because you are learning..
I will recommend something with more volume, more thicker, a bigger board so you can stand up more easily
The best way to learn it is go surfing and keep going.... Surfing is all about consistency.. The last winter i was out of water like a month, and the first days i was surfing again i was having hard times :/
Once you are getting fun you are going to learn.. Don t worry to do everything perfect, just stand up like i tell you, dont worry if you fall or you are doing it slow.. The important is to stand up like that and never with the knees.
Sorry if i didn t make it clear, but is hard to explain something like that in not my native language :(
Please ask me anything.
You can't really jump without having support under your legs (which is the case with shortboards) unless you have some crazy upper body strength that most surfers don't have.
If they're doing it with a jump, they're not riding a shortboard
Let me know if you can help.
100. comment for Surfing Lessons: How to Pop Up on a Shortboard
Great to have the short board video too as the kids are on 6 foot soft tops and their feet can be just off the back.
Long live the chicken wing, Just subscribed and very greatfull, cheers Brad in Christchurch NZ. : )
I have one question, how can I redirect the board before make the pop up, u know for take the right or the left, is there a trick? Pura Vida!!
hey I'm 5'10 and a beginner I surfed two waves with a large 8 foot board, but I only have a 6 foot foam board and I'm 5'10 do you think i could realistically learn with this board or upgrade to a bigger board?
Also my local beach has some good barrels.
The beach is Secret Harbor Western Australia.
If you watch some of the videos on YouTube could you recommend anything?
Cheers from WA
Now the question: Is it a problem if I'm doing the 1 step technique on shortboards but instead of using my toes to stand up in the beginning I'm using my knees on the tail pad?
On any off shore wind day, big waves or small, you have to be up quickly, so if you can pop up the proper way you have far more chance of making the drop.
Is it a good idea to practise of learn to surf on a longboard or Malibu then surf on a short board?