Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

Get barreled The "Wedge" is an abnormality of a wave that occurs once or twice a summer in Newport Beach, California. Normally a bodysurfing spot too dangerous to surf, Jamie O'Brien challenged these waves during a massive south swell on September 1, 2012. This unique surf session showcased the extraordinary talent of one the world's top surfers at one of the most legendary breaks in the US. Watch the battle and hear from the master himself. Also check out our exclusive series featuring Jamie O'brien, Who is J.O.B. 2.0, as he lives the life of a professional surfer: ___________________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach sentiment_very_dissatisfied 132

Surf 12 years ago 946,533 views

Get barreled The "Wedge" is an abnormality of a wave that occurs once or twice a summer in Newport Beach, California. Normally a bodysurfing spot too dangerous to surf, Jamie O'Brien challenged these waves during a massive south swell on September 1, 2012. This unique surf session showcased the extraordinary talent of one the world's top surfers at one of the most legendary breaks in the US. Watch the battle and hear from the master himself. Also check out our exclusive series featuring Jamie O'brien, Who is J.O.B. 2.0, as he lives the life of a professional surfer: ___________________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

Daniel May
Daniel May - 6 years ago
Crappy wave
SPUDS CARY - 6 years ago
I guess that is why it is so crowded, people like the Wedge because of its power and giant tubes.
surfnskate76 - 6 years ago
Can we please stop with all this Hawaiian measuring crap? 10 ft is 10 ft. It doesn't matter what part of the world you're in. When I hear people say stupid things like 10 foot Hawaiian it makes me want to smack them upside their head. I'm at least glad we don't hear dumbasses trying to measure the wave from the back anymore. That was the stupidest s*** ever.
captmack007 - 6 years ago
Try it with the supsquatch
john mazuera
john mazuera - 6 years ago
Wedge chewed homeboy up lol
Homefront - 6 years ago
I am from the 1980’s era, when It was mostly body surfers
SPUDS CARY - 6 years ago
Homefront I was a regular there during the 80’s and bodyboarders were harassed by the minute if they showed up, it was a great time to be a bodysurfed at the Wedge, remember when it was really big I would be out with maybe only 10 guys at the most sometimes less, but hundreds on the beach watching with an Ambulance parked waiting on the dirt above the lifeguard tower.
Takezo San
Takezo San - 6 years ago
its a wave for bodyboarders , the ninja turtles of the sea
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
I saw 3 largest waves bigger than the others and one swallowed a surfer.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
The newport beach is huge rock beach on California, though it uses swells from the surf.
なサブチャンネルケフラちゃんねる - 7 years ago
Lars Poen
Lars Poen - 7 years ago
I've been watching absolute dynamite surfers tackle these waves for the last 25 years. It's weird to me that Red Bull sticks a pro in the water and he tries to explain the dangers of the wedge. Stay home fool, I put my eyes and money on the guys that do this for the love. I always make it a point to approach these wedge surfing derelicts and thank them as it feels like they're surfing for me and my fellow spectators

10. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

Stephanie Reeves-Mata
Stephanie Reeves-Mata - 7 years ago
Sharry Webb
Sharry Webb - 7 years ago
is job Doug Stanhope's child?
JIMJAMSC - 7 years ago
Its a great first wave to break some teeth, crack some rips and snap a spine. Guards are right there to pull you out of the sand and in no time your head will be bolted still to a halo brace unit. Then you can watch surfing vids 24/7.
Luke George
Luke George - 8 years ago
So according to redbull, talking about the wedge is surfing the wedge.....
BeniLolWorld - 8 years ago
uhau great edition!! good video YEAH!!
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
Surfing wedge is so fucking annoying with all the fuckin Spongers. They should have hours of blackball. Hours for surfers. And then hours for Spongers.
Nick K
Nick K - 8 years ago
not sure how that is answering your initial problem...
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
Nick K put some sandbags out there and give the wave an artificial reef, thus giving it better shape. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter. Closes too fast to tussle over it.
Nick K
Nick K - 8 years ago
Wedge is 85% spongers 15% surfers. How will that work out?
southrules - 8 years ago
Wtf was this lame shit
Brian Mulligan
Brian Mulligan - 8 years ago
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 8 years ago
+Seb_s L yeah I am! haha cool let me know if you have any questions

20. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

Seb_s L
Seb_s L - 8 years ago
Ho Stevie! No joke your everywhere btw hoping to get a mouth mount they look really good
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
Fuckin nuts
Burt N
Burt N - 9 years ago
very respectable , he rush and comes out smiling!
Jake Mcnerney
Jake Mcnerney - 9 years ago
I catch waves like that and I'm 11
Ben Rosenberg
Ben Rosenberg - 9 years ago
J.O.B. is my favorite surfer. It's not even because of how good he is; he just has a good attitude about everything
tahven modisette
tahven modisette - 9 years ago
jun rolndo
jun rolndo - 9 years ago
There shouldn't ever be a negative comment on any of J.O.B. stuff u fools.. Dude can shred anything and everything !!
Federico Nespega
Federico Nespega - 10 years ago

kaleb alaimo
kaleb alaimo - 10 years ago
Who is the youngest to surf the wedge?
Patrick - 7 years ago
I am the youngest to ever surf it. It was even recognized by the city of Newport Beach back in both the late 90s and again in the early 2000s. In 1999, when I was 3 years old the mayor declared me a "local treasure" at one of the monthly city hall meetings. The next time was in I believe 2003, that's when I was given the key to the city at 7 years old, all for my accomplishments in surfing.

The first time I surfed it with my dad holding me I was 5 months old. The first time I paddled out and surfed it all by myself was when I was 16 months old. It was during the famous Galapagos Island Storm in the Summer of '97. Waves were 15-20 feet (Hawaiian), and I was surfing a 2'8" ...Lost Fish that was shaped for me by Biolos. Ask the locals about it---they'll tell you. To this day they all talk bout the little baby fresh out of diapies that used to own Newport from W to 54th street. They all know the tale of the toddler that charged only the biggest set waves. The little baby from Lido that would show up for the gnarliest storms.

They talk about the time when I was 2 year old and saved little Timmy Roberts from drowning. Yup, my second summer season (when I was just 2 1/2 yeas old) and rescued local 12 year old Timmy Roberts from the rocks at the Wedge. He got sucked out in the rip (he was on the beach with his older brother building sand castles when a big ol' rogue clean up wave rolled through, washing him out to sea). Luckily I was there and able to drag him to safety, because even the lifeguards were scared to go out that day. Yup, lifeguards up and down the California coast still talk about that text book rescue. Many call it the greatest ocean rescue in California history.

Anyways, after that, I maybe surfed the wedge another 8 or 9 times over the next 5 years during only the biggest and best days.

After that I retired from surfing, which was just before my 8th birthday. I figured I had done all there was to do in surfing by then, so I hung up the wetsuit to concentrate on perfecting the martial arts.

The specific martial arts disciplines I've focused on since retiring from surfing are Capoeira, Touchless Ryukyu Kempo Karate, and of course Parkour.

Through synergy, I've molded Parkour and Capoeira together, and am now able to scale the highest buildings, and jump upwards of 50 feet in a single leap (while spinning, flipping, and twisting through the air). I have worked tirelessly to combine the ruthless beauty of the Capoeira and Parkour I've learned over the years with fighting disciplines like Wing Chun and most importantly, Touchless Karate (of which I'm a master level mind fighter under the tutelage of George Dillman) to create what can only be described as the most dangerous fighting style ever imagined.

With this style I've created, I have the ability to knock entire gangs of attackers unconscious with only my mind (by disrupting their Qi) while I climb buildings and jump over houses. I have learned to throw energy balls that are not only able to disrupt the life-force of individual attackers, but are able to engulf entire buildings in subsonic sound waves that send anyone inside into a state of catatonic paralysis. Recently I was downtown when I saw from a distance an older woman have her purse snatched. After jumping over 4 lanes of traffic and climbing a 6 story building, I was able to get within 100 yards of the degenerate thief. That was close enough to use a mind attack on him. I used a subsonic Qi pulse to send the purse-snatcher flying through the air and into a bunch of trash cans. I then was able to grab ahold of the purse with my mental tractor beam and fly the purse back through the air (over 1/4 of a mile) to the rightful owner who was standing on the corner with a crowd in shock. She thought God himself reached down to help her. What I showed that day was just a small sampling of the powers I've learned under Master Dillman's watchful eyes.

Master Dillman's training gave me the confidence and tools I needed to begin to develop my own personal fighting style. Today, after years of hard work, my style has finally progressed to the point it's at today, where I no longer need to even touch my adversaries to incapacitate them. I can take on entire cities with this no touch technique, and when I combine it with Parkour and Capoeira, no man or woman alive (outside of Master Dillman) has the skills to match me.

I use speed, agility, and my Qi (which I use to create an aura around me that acts as an energy-forcefield) to stop mechanical weapons from being able to touch me. There is no better defense than making yourself impossible to hit with hands or weapons. Whether it is a knife, spear, kick, punch, bullet, lamborghini, headbutt, saw blade, hammer, or prison shank, it cannot penetrate the Qi forcefield my mind is able to construct around me. I compare it to the protective green shield the alien ships had around them in the movie 'Independence Day'. Nothing could touch those alien ships, no matter if it was a bullet, a missile, a fighter jet, or a nuclear weapon. It's the same with me.

Once a year I put on an exhibition in the desert where I allow individuals from the public to fire machine guns at me. The bullets just bounce off me and fall harmlessly to the ground, because of the energy forcefield that surrounds me. It takes perfect Qi and a clear mind to create such a strong mental forcefield..

Master Dillman has also taught me that with great power comes great responsibility. And I don't take the power I've been blessed with lightly. I know that I have a great responsibility and that the helpless, like you you tubers reading this, need me to protect you.

Lastly, for all of you young people out there considering No Touch Fighting, remember what I just said. With great power comes great responsibility. You will become the most dangerous version of yourself, so make sure you understand what comes along with that --- the expectations and responsibility. Your mind will be the ultimate weapon.

So, if this sounds good to you, just send me $9999.99 (by money order or Western Union) and you too can be on your way to becoming the greatest version of yourself.
Alex Cameron
Alex Cameron - 7 years ago
Surfed it when it was 2
Bum Fights
Bum Fights - 9 years ago
+Gio Turzo sage burke
kaleb alaimo
kaleb alaimo - 10 years ago
fair enough, was keen to try and beat the record ahaha
Gio Turzo
Gio Turzo - 10 years ago
I think this 14 year old went out once. Forgot his name.
kaleb alaimo
kaleb alaimo - 10 years ago
yeah haha whoops. :P
Gio Turzo
Gio Turzo - 10 years ago
kids under 10 go to the wedge lol. You mean youngest to surf a big day?
kaleb alaimo
kaleb alaimo - 10 years ago
how old is he?
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
i think gunter
Rob E
Rob E - 10 years ago
Where is the surfing?
Rob E
Rob E - 10 years ago
thank you
J - 10 years ago
Jimbo - 10 years ago
+Trent Dunlop Newport Beach
Trent Dunlop
Trent Dunlop - 10 years ago

30. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

Black Angel Bodyboarder
Black Angel Bodyboarder - 10 years ago
JOB legend! How the hell can the ocean be overrated?? What planet are these retards on???
wulf67 - 10 years ago
Cut back and smack the lip, you dicks!
Carter Duss
Carter Duss - 10 years ago
The waves are richaos... Shut the fuck up kids
Wiz topher
Wiz topher - 10 years ago
Brenden Moore
Brenden Moore - 10 years ago
I know that kid .... He's a turd
Travis Butler
Travis Butler - 10 years ago
less slow mo please
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
hi got a brend new scooter my neme is joel stanton come boogin with me slutz cunts
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
potassium cunts
romain lamoulie
romain lamoulie - 10 years ago
Best image of surfer pro spirit, !
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
gotta get my drone out there next swell!
Dave DeMaio
Dave DeMaio - 10 years ago
The Wedge is way over rated, these days 12 year old kids are taking offon the side wave and pulling into the close out shacks and popping out the back like it was nothing… I can't wait till one of them gets hurt and its all over the news and all we hear about is how dangerous the place is and yada yada…. its going to happen- mark my word….its inevitable… too many kooks, too many barneys in the way because you can walk out to the peak on some days… and we'll all get to see it because ther are 20,000 gopros in the water everyday with everyomne of them wanting to be Lark Clittle or what ever that guys name is who shoots shore break pictures…wow what a concept….if everyone happens to learn about what PR can do for you we'll be bombarded with kids being profileed for taking pictures of  tiny waves with "amazing cameras".. be gone!
Burmese -
Burmese - - 8 years ago
what you mean by barneys ? sorry english is not my first language, thank you.
Jet Nassar
Jet Nassar - 10 years ago
I have surfed wedge on a big big day like that and it is overrated you will probably wipe out and it hurts and if you really think about it you are there to ride the wave not get hurt by it. It was dumb of me to go out that day.
Sam Cobbin
Sam Cobbin - 10 years ago
the most overrated wave on the planet
Lars Poen
Lars Poen - 7 years ago
Sam Cobbin you eat Choda Sauce
Matthew C
Matthew C - 8 years ago
totally understood. thats why i hate going to places like rincon, trestles, and malibu. such bad breaks and waves right? youre a kook and a half bud
DAV. - 8 years ago
Sam Cobbin Fuck it is! It's fun as shit, dude.
Kevin Obrien
Kevin Obrien - 10 years ago
+Sam Cobbin cali has shit waves? Go check out ghost tree or mavs. Some of the biggest in the world bro...
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
Its not that they are shit waves its just that they are fun and kind of crazy thats all
Sam Cobbin
Sam Cobbin - 10 years ago
+ryan simons Then you should know better than anyone how shit it is. Perhaps you're too used to surfing shit waves and haven't ventured further than California's arsehole...You should get out more.
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
I surfed it the day before as well as the same day job was there.  You can probably see me out there... red hurley wetsuit.  I actually live a mile from this place and go there very often.  Is that  enough experience dude cause im pretty sure it is.
Sam Cobbin
Sam Cobbin - 10 years ago
+ryan simons I have surfed it. Last years winter swell. So unlike you I'm speaking from experience. Who's the bitch now?
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
id like to see you out there bitch
Scott James
Scott James - 10 years ago
used to live in san diego. live on Oahu now, frequently at my buddie's by sunset beach, north shore. Used to bodyboard before switching to surfing and I can tell you out all the waves ive ridden on anything, wedge would be/was funnest bodyboarding and bodysurfing wave hands down. on a big swell its got north shore power, but in socal.
kidsdose - 10 years ago
Overrated to surf.  The wedge is for sponging, bodysurfing and insane for skimming when its smaller.
Sam Cobbin
Sam Cobbin - 10 years ago
You're* a gay cunt.
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
i know right
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
I have never understood why people like this wave, its such a shit quality wave.
Basketball4 you
Basketball4 you - 7 years ago
thank you!!! waves like cloudbreak need to be more popular
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
It's just the gnarly factor. I go surf it to get pounded and just have fun. I know it's a not the best quality shape, but it's really just for the rush and to be rolled around by the power of the water. I've only made 1 wave there. I've gotten bucked and pitched like 7 times. It's actually good training for hollow wave drops/getting in very early.
Igna GC
Igna GC - 9 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK hey! ive just found a place where u can literally go and talk to yourself! go check it
Igna GC
Igna GC - 9 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK u probably have 10-14 years old... u insult people for no reason.
Jarrett Thompson
Jarrett Thompson - 9 years ago
Jealus bruh?
kaveh1985 - 9 years ago
+Molo mono well said
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Molo mono hodads dodnt get it
Molo mono
Molo mono - 9 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK For surfers i agree the attraction far to be found, but to bodyboarders and especially skimboarders this wave is extremely nice. Bodyboarders get to ride a huge slab and they can jump on the backwash to do aerial tricks. And skimboarders can surf the backwash straight into the barrel of a big wave.
SOTHICK RICK - 9 years ago
How MAD is this guy ^^^
magorkel - 9 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK  go back to 909ville
SOTHICK RICK - 9 years ago
Your moms a HOEDAD, because she cranks alota DICK.
magorkel - 9 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK what a fucking hodad,
Sir Shartsalot
Sir Shartsalot - 9 years ago
As a former bodyboarder in socal, I can answer why I liked the wedge. It's because of its hollowness and size. On a south swell, it is easily one if not the largest waves along the entire California coast. I wanted the largest and most powerful waves I could find. The wedge is a adrenalin junky magnet. Another reason it gets a lot of notoriety is the show it provides to people from the shore. You pretty much have to go to hawaii to see such large waves breaking so close to shore. For many, it's the largest waves they've ever seen. You can feel the waves shake the ground when it's big.
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer lol! so true. ignore da asswipe
Matthew B
Matthew B - 10 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK It is the best skim boarding wave that I have ever seen.  I'm not a big fan of those who surf it although they have balls.
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
have you ever been there, its legendary for a fucking reason i was out there during this swell and the power this wave has is insane.
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
+kidsdose That makes perfect sense, American education at it's best. 
kidsdose - 10 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK Your a faggot, rick.
Brendan Cashman
Brendan Cashman - 10 years ago
+SOTHICK RICK Calling it a shit quality wave is unfair. It's a very fun wave at the right size and forms beautiful a-frame waves. In my teens I skimmed and bodyboarded Wedge often. +Chris DeBari When Wedge is small it will break fairly close to the shore. When it gets overhead or bigger it breaks in deeper water.  
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
No worries FUCK FACE, pretty gnarly right......... see what I did there, DUMB CUNT.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
And thank you for using the words "dumb cunt" and "fuck face".  Unlike me, Your impressive brain power is evident for all to see.
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
I can't deal with you anymore, you simply don't have the brain power to know what I am saying, you keep skipping around the question, GL to you though and thumbs up for using the word "gnarly", you are obviously a very experienced surfer.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
You wondered why people like the Wedge.  The reason is because it is gnarly as fuck.  That might not be a reason for you to like something, but it explains why other people like it.  You see, there's this big world out there with "other people".  These "other people" aren't you.  I know you understand this a little, since in your first post, you actually wondered about these "other people".  So, that is the explanation you were asking about.  Now you can slide your head back up your ass and pretend your turds are the universe.
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
Hey dumb cunt, what you said ISN'T AN EXPLANATION, I do surf 100% better then you, so smoke a thick rick 9" motherfucking dick.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
I already said, if you don't understand the explanation, go back to your video games.  If you knew waves/surfing, you'd understand.
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
"Gnarly as fuck", isn't a explanation fuck face.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
Nobody said otherwise.  I said it is gnarly as fuck and that is why it attracts so much attention.  If you don't understand this explanation, go back to playing your video games.
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
Its only famous for being famous, its shit shape and a short bumpy ass ride.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
Because it is gnarly as fuck.  Sometimes that is reason enough.
Fomingo12 - 10 years ago
Shiet videoo bodyboard is best
GoDz GnaRLz
GoDz GnaRLz - 11 years ago
Nice wave
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
yeah fukcing oath you dumb white cunt
D D - 11 years ago
More surfing less talking.
Kai Leeper
Kai Leeper - 11 years ago
they put me in dangerous situation, and i like the situation. HA!
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
you also like dick
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 11 years ago
what a shitty wave
ryan simons
ryan simons - 10 years ago
fuck you. enough said.
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
+Feeling to get Rekt m8 just stfu kook and stop commenting
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
so you're a body boarder...   stfu
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
+Feeling to get Rekt m8 Yes quite frequently. This wave is a piece of shit close out. But i guess if close-outs is what you prefer then you might like this. You sound like a body boarder. Because I would imagine Body Boarders would think this wave is good
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
+Feeling to get Rekt m8 It's a shitty wave
alejandro rodriguez
alejandro rodriguez - 11 years ago
and after a surf session at the wedge.....a fkng good slice of pizza at laventinas!!!!
Leslie Horwinkle
Leslie Horwinkle - 11 years ago
Ok, we know wedge can be surfed......but with all the hassles surfers give BB'ers about being in line-ups, shouldn't we give them a place where THEY don't have to worry about boards crashing their heads when it gets crowded?
It really doesn't look to be a fun ride, just a challenge.
Just a thought.
psynapsurfa technoshaman
psynapsurfa technoshaman - 11 years ago
What is the thing in the water from the aerial view at around 1 minute
Igna GC
Igna GC - 9 years ago
+psynapsurfa technoshaman perfection. a big aplause for u men.. thats what i call to shut the fuck up a 12 year old kid.
psynapsurfa technoshaman
psynapsurfa technoshaman - 10 years ago
+Luke Johns  Dick is the short form of the name Richard? Do you mean Richard?  As in Richard's cunt?  I thought Richard was a man with male genitalia.  So if by cunt you mean female genitalia,  Richard might not have a  cunt.  How would Richard get   female genitalia in a bag?  Maybe Richard is a serial killer who mutilates his victims. Possibly your Uncle Richard by the sounds of it.  
I guess may be you meant I could eat a load of Richard's wife's pussy. If she was better looking than your mother, I may be tempted, but I am not into eating another  man's meal, so I would forego the offer.  Besides, my wife's cooking is fantastic.
However,  your sister just told me, the reason you are so cranky about everything at the moment, is the last time you tried to get it on with her, you experienced impotence. You just could not get it up to please her . Your lovely sister  said she tried to console  you, and said that you could maybe try again but in the meantime you could continue practicing with your cousin, and then this is what really upset you,  your Uncle Richard caught you with your cousin Tommy, and now your are afraid your genitals may end up in his handbag.  dear dear, what a predicament.
Luke Johns
Luke Johns - 10 years ago
eatt a bag of dicks cunt
psynapsurfa technoshaman
psynapsurfa technoshaman - 11 years ago
oh ok.  thankyou.
GriffinSharp - 11 years ago
it's just kelp
Troy Bailey
Troy Bailey - 11 years ago
☻/ This is Bob . Copy and paste him
/▌ all over Youtube
/ \ so he can take over and take down Google+

50. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

opaka paka
opaka paka - 11 years ago
your whole "i fuckin know everything" attitude is annoying.
hanns merie'
hanns merie' - 11 years ago
how the fuck do u land if ur faLLING HEAD FIRST. i cant even surf the shore break when its like 5 feet . becuz i almost broke my fucking neck one time. very easy to do becuz you forget how shallow it is when ur mind is just focused on catching a wave.
RasMike - 11 years ago
A island ho came to the main land, cali ,and all the bros were smashing her and she said ,and I quote" You cali boyz got da big dicks" AND she measured from the back. 100% true story, real talk.
RasMike - 11 years ago
cont. from below. Now at 43 sec, he is only slightly crouched so lets call that 5 feet. there is room for 2 1/2 more of him above and hes not quite at the bottom so id call that 15 to 18 feet, cali style and very close to actually height.
RasMike - 11 years ago
Old ass argument. It all depends if you choose macho by claiming its small when its bigger than u say or macho by claiming its bigger than u actually rode. If you take a photo right at the beginning ,when guy is at the bottom, and measure it, you get a big claim when the middle and end are much smaller. Lets look at the biggest set on this vid....
Isaac Olivera
Isaac Olivera - 11 years ago
He gets free boards anyway.
Superbased Taskforceagent
Superbased Taskforceagent - 11 years ago
he seems down to earth to me.
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
prbably herps..
connar reeves
connar reeves - 11 years ago
Wow i'd like to try this but cant really swim lol lmco
CptBaggins - 11 years ago
looks like such a shit wave.
JaxBeach2NewportBch - 11 years ago
From JoB
JaxBeach2NewportBch - 11 years ago
I always get a vibe of snobby, arrogant, and better than the rest,
M Sawyer
M Sawyer - 11 years ago
Or maybe the distance from the moon to the top of the wave ??
M Sawyer
M Sawyer - 11 years ago
I think we should measure it in inches or square footage
Justin Walters
Justin Walters - 11 years ago
Man I saw a guy die out there a few summers ago, waves were like 20 ft high and he got slammed into the rocks
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
I actually use the face of the wave. If I can stand two 6ft people on top of each other on the wave then the wave must be 12ft. If the wave is is head height on a 6ft person then the wave must be about 6-8ft high. Also if you consider vernacular a big word then I feel terribly sorry for you. However if use too much common sense let me know and sorry for any confusion. Once again a haole talking out of their ass. I think everybody should follow Hawaii's way of measurement since we invented it.
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
Lol for reals yeah
tjaramillo83 - 11 years ago
Typically, many people from the mainland (such as myself) will call a wave by the height of its face. when in Hawaii and other places will judge it by the height of the back. Not rocket science, just different vernacular.......Did I use too big of words ? sorry for any confusion
tjaramillo83 - 11 years ago
then why are you talking(typing)
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
lol sorry I was continuing your comment about Hawaii. I heard a small boy the other day talking about 8ft faces when the waves were only 2-4ft. Me and my friends were all laughing.
superskim1 - 11 years ago
seriously i know exactly what you are talking about i just didn't understand your last comment lol
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
No we have beach similar to this on Lanai. I hate when people say 20ft when it's barely 10ft. We had 15ft+ come in this past May I'm curious to hear what Cali surfers would call it. I hear them talk about 20ft waves and you know they're talking out their ass.
George Contreras
George Contreras - 11 years ago
Great way to fuck up your board seems stupid but ive never surfed it so i really cant talk
superskim1 - 11 years ago
have you been to the beach before?
corpuscollossus - 11 years ago
I love the phrase 'ten foot Hawaiian'. I was amped for some waves today but it was only 6 foot Glaswegian.
lestliness - 11 years ago
Ol J.O.B. has got balls of steel.
bdonbdsful - 11 years ago
get well soon jamie
sam Mc
sam Mc - 11 years ago
Dont surf the wedge...
skydiverzvideos - 11 years ago
1:32 straight into the ocean
calihapa - 11 years ago
According to what I learned in my U.S. history class, the Indians were glad to see us and thankfully gave us their land.
Kelly Slater Jr.
Kelly Slater Jr. - 11 years ago
thts were its at, i ve been there...such a great place
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
Says who cite your sources. According to what I've learned in college in my Hawaiian studies classes Hawaiian started surfing. Using old Koa boards.
Brenden Kaaikala
Brenden Kaaikala - 11 years ago
Where the waves break people in half.
colindominy - 11 years ago
Yep .. The Dirty Old Wedge .. nothing much has changed .. since the early 60s .. everybody is STILL getting hammered ....
shane marz
shane marz - 11 years ago
whats the guy punching at 0;50
Tiki Godzilla
Tiki Godzilla - 11 years ago
He doesnt get one good wave.
Life on a lid
Life on a lid - 11 years ago
what a load of rubbish.. money not well spent red bull
calihapa - 11 years ago
You suck dick.
Chase Low
Chase Low - 11 years ago
You're annoying
AndyHarpist - 11 years ago
I think that they should paddle a bit faster so they can ride the surfing boards better.
superskim1 - 11 years ago
no u probably have never been to hawaii
chrisb1953 - 11 years ago
Less talk and more actual surfing would have improved this video.
Sinan Kocadag
Sinan Kocadag - 11 years ago
Awesome waves!! Nice vid.
cfactorstout - 11 years ago
NIce video
gatsu38 - 11 years ago
take 1/3 this waves, welcome to italy.
lilbuddhanic - 11 years ago
does he need an aspirin or some vitamin C?
regard60 - 11 years ago
yeah but "hawaiian" style did come from hawaii but you might aswell just say 10 foot swell because you can have a 1 foot swell and a 1 foot face or a 3 foot face so measuring it from the back can be misleading
Tim Kirkwood
Tim Kirkwood - 11 years ago
I live in England and we measure it from the back. We call it swell height though... May as well be worldwide style
Morgan Butler
Morgan Butler - 11 years ago
It's just how they say it here. That's like saying 'brah' and 'dude' are annoying. You seem to be easily annoyed.
regard60 - 11 years ago
hawaiian style? i live in australia and we also measure the height of a wave from the back so its not only the hawaiians who measure it from the back

100. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach

sm00thcharacter - 11 years ago
lol capitalism hater that has a computer and internet access spotted
Tyler Winn
Tyler Winn - 11 years ago
Jamie is sick
chase - 11 years ago
ya wedge only happens once a year, and its during winter. So dont come down here.
calihapa - 11 years ago
On top of all this, since we are on the subject of surf history, did Hawaiian's plan on surfing becoming a corporate sponsored sport and would the original surfer's approve of what the sport has become? No, and this red bull shit is just a step in the wrong direction for surfing. You know the 100's of people that flock to Oahu every winter? You can thank companies like Red Bull. Can we at least agree on that.
calihapa - 11 years ago
No, some guy, I forgot his name... a white guy, introduced surfing in California in early 1900's as a publicity effort for a railroad connecting LA to Huntington, and yes he was from Hawaii. How I know all this is bc I volunteered at the surf history museum in HB. Duke was born 1890 and died in the 60's. No disrespect, if I ever went to Hawaii I would not even think twice about telling Hawaiian's how to be Hawaiian. It just sucks that what we call 30 feet, Jamie is calling 10.
808heenalu808 - 11 years ago
if it wasnʻt for Duke Kahanamoku, one of the Hawaiians who saved the sport of heʻenalu from missionary ignorance and extinction as well as spread the sport all over the world as an ambassador of aloha, you would have never heard about surfing....oh and he measured waves "Hawaiian style"
calihapa - 11 years ago
First surfers were from the Southern Polynesian regions. Hawaiians were part of the first surfers, but definitely not the first surfers, and definitely not the inventors. Of course the Westerner's believe the Hawaiians were the first because half of us don't even know what Polynesians are, so we group them into Hawaiians, and needless to say, Hawaiians will claim it too. And actually the first observed surfer's were in Tahiti.
calihapa - 11 years ago
You not knowing your surf history is annoying.
808heenalu808 - 11 years ago
you complaining about the way the people who invented surfing measure the waves is annoying
Nirvezz - 12 years ago
^ Jaci Romney
Derek D'Orsi
Derek D'Orsi - 12 years ago
a surf board dosnt belong at the wedge, get the fuck out jamie
sevenrats - 12 years ago
Excuse me? How was I a douche about it? The Wedge is not in Hawaii. All I'm saying is that the Hawaiian method doesn't make any sense when you're talking about the actual break. It makes sense when you refer to the swell.
sevenrats - 12 years ago
yeah yeah yeah. And the easter bunny is coming next week too.
sevenrats - 12 years ago
But there's no point in saying it that way. If you see the buoy data it says the swell heights and you know when you get to the beach the faces will be bigger than that. Standing on the beach looking at 10 foot faces is 10 foot. Who cares what the swell heights are then?
sevenrats - 12 years ago
Then say 20 foot face. Nobody surfs the back of the wave. If you get pitched off the lip you fall 20 feet onto your head. It's 20 feet.
sevenrats - 12 years ago
Austin Baird
Austin Baird - 12 years ago
job is such a douche
shane marz
shane marz - 12 years ago
50 secs in theres a guy on top of the wave an it looks like hes punching someone or somthing.
calihapa - 12 years ago
Hey what size penis do you have? "1 inch hawaiian." Just messin with you man
Ashton Kubo
Ashton Kubo - 12 years ago
Why? I just means 20 foot face...
Scott Ehlert
Scott Ehlert - 12 years ago
what is the name of the last song and artist? i love it
Alec Pydde
Alec Pydde - 12 years ago
"A body surfer calling a surfer a kook! LOL" but same with a boogie boarder, a good surfer can do both of those things easily
Invhertz x
Invhertz x - 12 years ago
hes a bodysurfer you have no board when you do that :/
J_marie - 12 years ago
2:03 mauli ola
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 12 years ago
Dude, you are a great entertainer. I can see the people there love you for it. Thanks!
stevejones420 - 12 years ago
The Wedge is for Body Surfing , riding a board there is one of the lamest things I have ever seen. Pro or not the board riders are kooks in the classic sense.
wagwag9 - 12 years ago
not judging,but you don't put a surfer star in a video making that stuf, kids is gona think it is alright..
Jonathan Penfield
Jonathan Penfield - 12 years ago
So quick to judge, threw it to a fan???
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 12 years ago
Looks like a really shitty closed out wave.
David Straub
David Straub - 12 years ago
nice leash bro
ShakeNBake188 - 12 years ago
Get pitted bro!
apple19781093 - 12 years ago
Leslie Horwinkle
Leslie Horwinkle - 12 years ago
Ok, I've seen it "surfed" in a few vids so it can be done......but I still fail to see the point. "Because it's there'? Looks to be most fun bodysurfed or boogied.
calihapa - 12 years ago
"10 foot Hawaiian" That shit's annoying...
Justin Lee
Justin Lee - 12 years ago
hes tossing that broken piece to the camera man
Adrian Macabeo
Adrian Macabeo - 12 years ago
Damn...... great explanation bro!
Austin Baird
Austin Baird - 12 years ago
sounds like such a tool in this
Boogie 8806
Boogie 8806 - 12 years ago
measuring wave height hawaiian style is measuring the open ocean height of the swell. so 10 foot hawaiian = 10 feet of pure open ocean swell. Now once that swell hits a beach, reef, point, sandbar whatever the energy and swell of the ocean is displaced upwards and the height of the face of the wave increases to double (roughly) the open swell height. so 10 foot hawaiian equates to a 20 foot face. back of the wave is the term used referring to back set.
Todd Watson
Todd Watson - 12 years ago
i want that time i spent watching this back..
David Sakara
David Sakara - 12 years ago
10ft hawaiian refers to the wave size as viewed from behind the wave while 10ft here in california refers to the wave size as viewed from in front of the wave.
marko308 - 12 years ago
And pineapple
marko308 - 12 years ago
10ft Hawaiian is a 10ft roll with ham and cheese! Deeeeeer
alleneh - 12 years ago
I remember when it was just us bodysurfers at The Wedge, before we ever saw a boogie board or knew what one was... then one day George Greenough showed up with his "body board" and things began to change fast after that. NEVER thought I'd ever see it surfed.
Aaron Goodman
Aaron Goodman - 12 years ago
thanks! actually i thought this was the standard way of measuring surf. I grew up in Southern California and this is how all the adults in my family told us to measure the wave, and also how the lifeguards would measure it. But hawaii is rad, and is a culture founded on the ocean, so i guess its hawaiian in origin.
Aaron Goodman
Aaron Goodman - 12 years ago
what does he mean by 10ft hawaiian? If a buy a roll of measuring tape at Home Depot in Los Angeles, is it no good when im in Hawaii? Is there a converter i can buy? Hopefully someone can read this and give me the rude condescending answer im looking for. PS, im a kook.
Renato Fonte
Renato Fonte - 12 years ago
See Chad Barba surfing wedge!!
Mac MiIIer
Mac MiIIer - 12 years ago
i think my neighbors are fucking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keawe long
keawe long - 12 years ago
Stop talking like you haoles know what your talking about & ps, 10 feet hawaiian is 20 ft. you gotta times it by 2.. -__-
HBCult - 12 years ago
1:50. that did not look good.
Víctor González
Víctor González - 12 years ago
If you wanna see someone really shredding at WEDGE just watch the video: WEDGE time of year by kookkevin (a.k.a. Nalani Visual Gardens).
Gerrs824 - 12 years ago
15 to 20 which is very rare, early 80's had the best
Gerrs824 - 12 years ago
growing up at the wedge, those pics were unworthy
The Great Gazoo
The Great Gazoo - 12 years ago
All the haters that say the wedge isnt gnar can take it from one of the best Hawaiian surfers saying different.
Video Channel
Video Channel - 12 years ago
Board surfing the wedge?
NewportLocalBra - 12 years ago
Stoke to see his good attitude. Sometimes the waves jack up and look really big. I remember that day though and there weren't any 20 foot waves rolling in.
Matt VanHaaften
Matt VanHaaften - 12 years ago
You aren't paying attention... He said "...I'd say 10 feet Hawaiian ONE set was and I wanted one so bad but I was in the wrong spot..." and the wave pictured then is pretty damn close to that. Keep in mind, Jamie is about 6'1" so using him as a size reference you can easily see waves were solid 4-6 foot Hawaiian on average and I'm sure a few sets came in that were bigger like he said. He's just stoking on a fun session.
KS688 - 12 years ago
kai mancaruso
kai mancaruso - 12 years ago
didnt have to pay for a fish tail
kyle windsor
kyle windsor - 12 years ago
that commercial about mexicans with guns fucking makes me mad
Green Power Ranger Swag
Green Power Ranger Swag - 12 years ago
Are you being sarcastic?
corbin g
corbin g - 12 years ago
i love where i live, wedge to san clemente all day surf everyday u can
An Tran
An Tran - 12 years ago
Wedge is so fun :)
moailine - 12 years ago
It looks like very dangerous... Great video...!
thiago passarela
thiago passarela - 12 years ago
muito bom..\o/
squidatsea - 12 years ago
Didnt see him get one good wave
goodalwaysworks - 12 years ago
always a crowd at the wedge with waves like this. And this is why.
Renan Girotto Meirelles
Renan Girotto Meirelles - 12 years ago
00:37 "They wanna put me in a dangerous situation...and I LIKE this situation."
Duke Meister
Duke Meister - 12 years ago
Cool...When I was like, 13, I remember Dick Dale coming with a leopard on a leash and at least 2 HOT gals to watch. The guys who could ride the monsters used to hold the wannabes under water until they agreed to swim back between sets. No alcohol on beach was posted but Red Mountain wine was $1.50 a gallon. It was sitting in a lot of folks coolers. Life guard stand? Used to be NB lifeguards - NOT liable for the WEDGE. That was posted too. Great times! thanks for lettin me know it lives.
Santiago Vargas
Santiago Vargas - 12 years ago
Whats the name of the song at 1:38? Not really sure if it is a song but I like it.:3
Original-Gaming Network
Original-Gaming Network - 12 years ago
It still gets big. Got huge last year.
MSCNnation - 12 years ago
yeah i know.even when there is no swell there are still some waves out there
poseidonam - 12 years ago
How are you getting those ariel shots? xp2 quadcopter?
Duke Meister
Duke Meister - 12 years ago
Check out ENDLESS SUMMER— for footage of THE WEDGE! This was a medium day....or maybe it doesn't break like it used to. There was NO 2 or 3 feet of water when big set came in. They had to summersault BACK into wave was only way to survive. Grew up there and saw many crippled and necks snapped trying.
sealsponge - 12 years ago
once or twice a summer? Wedge breaks every south swell...
Neal Zumbro
Neal Zumbro - 12 years ago
10 feet from the back da wave!
Jonathan Bouic
Jonathan Bouic - 12 years ago
Wow that's a big PC screen you must have here my friend
johnsonbrereton - 12 years ago
YTMsg - 12 years ago
Our Lord JESUS CHRIST is the Light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Follow Jesus and you will be saved !
officechronic - 12 years ago
i love job
GromMedia - 12 years ago
Little JP gets thrashed at 0:50 seconds. Go Jason! LOL
Samarn Habeemamud
Samarn Habeemamud - 12 years ago
Sehr gut Spot .
element509 - 12 years ago
If your trolling. Yes that is pretty damn hardcore. If not disregard this.
netzerish - 12 years ago
i've def slammed a few times at the wedge
Tramaine Van Putten
Tramaine Van Putten - 12 years ago
Tramaine Van Putten
Tramaine Van Putten - 12 years ago
That was fun
thenameisnudsen - 12 years ago
no you didn't
DrewJC25 - 12 years ago
It cant be 10 feet on your screen, thats impossible. I doubt it could be even more than a foot high.
mick manning
mick manning - 12 years ago
not even job can surf this shit
kobe bryant
kobe bryant - 12 years ago
showed the same waves like 10 times
James Roberson
James Roberson - 12 years ago
MsAngus3339 - 12 years ago
get some "nice" waves
Cole Herndon
Cole Herndon - 12 years ago
Please, please make more Wedge sessions every time its big!
ohhroach - 12 years ago
JOB is the man
donkeyshowjoe - 12 years ago
wriswith01 - 12 years ago
lestliness - 12 years ago
Ugh the Wedge... your nards have to be huge to deal with that thing. It's a fucked up wave determined to pile drive you into rock and sand.
Kriztyle - 12 years ago
this is just stupid. sorry -_-
Johannes Jørgensen
Johannes Jørgensen - 12 years ago
Marcus Wolf
Marcus Wolf - 12 years ago
this dude is crazy :D
Elementalitie - 12 years ago
hi guys i need a like it's my first time trying for likes and i would like it to be a positive experience thank you
EverythingisFire - 12 years ago
I still have to check that place out. I usually swim out there.
HoughCAN - 12 years ago
sick video
MOtE358 - 12 years ago

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