Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach
Surf 12 years ago 946,533 views
Get barreled The "Wedge" is an abnormality of a wave that occurs once or twice a summer in Newport Beach, California. Normally a bodysurfing spot too dangerous to surf, Jamie O'Brien challenged these waves during a massive south swell on September 1, 2012. This unique surf session showcased the extraordinary talent of one the world's top surfers at one of the most legendary breaks in the US. Watch the battle and hear from the master himself. Also check out our exclusive series featuring Jamie O'brien, Who is J.O.B. 2.0, as he lives the life of a professional surfer: ___________________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
10. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach
20. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach
The first time I surfed it with my dad holding me I was 5 months old. The first time I paddled out and surfed it all by myself was when I was 16 months old. It was during the famous Galapagos Island Storm in the Summer of '97. Waves were 15-20 feet (Hawaiian), and I was surfing a 2'8" ...Lost Fish that was shaped for me by Biolos. Ask the locals about it---they'll tell you. To this day they all talk bout the little baby fresh out of diapies that used to own Newport from W to 54th street. They all know the tale of the toddler that charged only the biggest set waves. The little baby from Lido that would show up for the gnarliest storms.
They talk about the time when I was 2 year old and saved little Timmy Roberts from drowning. Yup, my second summer season (when I was just 2 1/2 yeas old) and rescued local 12 year old Timmy Roberts from the rocks at the Wedge. He got sucked out in the rip (he was on the beach with his older brother building sand castles when a big ol' rogue clean up wave rolled through, washing him out to sea). Luckily I was there and able to drag him to safety, because even the lifeguards were scared to go out that day. Yup, lifeguards up and down the California coast still talk about that text book rescue. Many call it the greatest ocean rescue in California history.
Anyways, after that, I maybe surfed the wedge another 8 or 9 times over the next 5 years during only the biggest and best days.
After that I retired from surfing, which was just before my 8th birthday. I figured I had done all there was to do in surfing by then, so I hung up the wetsuit to concentrate on perfecting the martial arts.
The specific martial arts disciplines I've focused on since retiring from surfing are Capoeira, Touchless Ryukyu Kempo Karate, and of course Parkour.
Through synergy, I've molded Parkour and Capoeira together, and am now able to scale the highest buildings, and jump upwards of 50 feet in a single leap (while spinning, flipping, and twisting through the air). I have worked tirelessly to combine the ruthless beauty of the Capoeira and Parkour I've learned over the years with fighting disciplines like Wing Chun and most importantly, Touchless Karate (of which I'm a master level mind fighter under the tutelage of George Dillman) to create what can only be described as the most dangerous fighting style ever imagined.
With this style I've created, I have the ability to knock entire gangs of attackers unconscious with only my mind (by disrupting their Qi) while I climb buildings and jump over houses. I have learned to throw energy balls that are not only able to disrupt the life-force of individual attackers, but are able to engulf entire buildings in subsonic sound waves that send anyone inside into a state of catatonic paralysis. Recently I was downtown when I saw from a distance an older woman have her purse snatched. After jumping over 4 lanes of traffic and climbing a 6 story building, I was able to get within 100 yards of the degenerate thief. That was close enough to use a mind attack on him. I used a subsonic Qi pulse to send the purse-snatcher flying through the air and into a bunch of trash cans. I then was able to grab ahold of the purse with my mental tractor beam and fly the purse back through the air (over 1/4 of a mile) to the rightful owner who was standing on the corner with a crowd in shock. She thought God himself reached down to help her. What I showed that day was just a small sampling of the powers I've learned under Master Dillman's watchful eyes.
Master Dillman's training gave me the confidence and tools I needed to begin to develop my own personal fighting style. Today, after years of hard work, my style has finally progressed to the point it's at today, where I no longer need to even touch my adversaries to incapacitate them. I can take on entire cities with this no touch technique, and when I combine it with Parkour and Capoeira, no man or woman alive (outside of Master Dillman) has the skills to match me.
I use speed, agility, and my Qi (which I use to create an aura around me that acts as an energy-forcefield) to stop mechanical weapons from being able to touch me. There is no better defense than making yourself impossible to hit with hands or weapons. Whether it is a knife, spear, kick, punch, bullet, lamborghini, headbutt, saw blade, hammer, or prison shank, it cannot penetrate the Qi forcefield my mind is able to construct around me. I compare it to the protective green shield the alien ships had around them in the movie 'Independence Day'. Nothing could touch those alien ships, no matter if it was a bullet, a missile, a fighter jet, or a nuclear weapon. It's the same with me.
Once a year I put on an exhibition in the desert where I allow individuals from the public to fire machine guns at me. The bullets just bounce off me and fall harmlessly to the ground, because of the energy forcefield that surrounds me. It takes perfect Qi and a clear mind to create such a strong mental forcefield..
Master Dillman has also taught me that with great power comes great responsibility. And I don't take the power I've been blessed with lightly. I know that I have a great responsibility and that the helpless, like you you tubers reading this, need me to protect you.
Lastly, for all of you young people out there considering No Touch Fighting, remember what I just said. With great power comes great responsibility. You will become the most dangerous version of yourself, so make sure you understand what comes along with that --- the expectations and responsibility. Your mind will be the ultimate weapon.
So, if this sounds good to you, just send me $9999.99 (by money order or Western Union) and you too can be on your way to becoming the greatest version of yourself.
30. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach
It really doesn't look to be a fun ride, just a challenge.
Just a thought.
I guess may be you meant I could eat a load of Richard's wife's pussy. If she was better looking than your mother, I may be tempted, but I am not into eating another man's meal, so I would forego the offer. Besides, my wife's cooking is fantastic.
However, your sister just told me, the reason you are so cranky about everything at the moment, is the last time you tried to get it on with her, you experienced impotence. You just could not get it up to please her . Your lovely sister said she tried to console you, and said that you could maybe try again but in the meantime you could continue practicing with your cousin, and then this is what really upset you, your Uncle Richard caught you with your cousin Tommy, and now your are afraid your genitals may end up in his handbag. dear dear, what a predicament.
/▌ all over Youtube
/ \ so he can take over and take down Google+
50. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach
100. comment for Surfing The Wedge with Jamie O'Brien - Red Bull Wedge Sessions in Newport Beach