Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity

Website: Full Training Program: Full Flexibility Program: Surf "fitness" is really just about improving your athletic capacity. If you're a more capable human in terms of movement, mobility, and strength, you can apply those attributes to your time in the water. I cover some of the major fundamental exercises to truly help improve your body, so you can improve your surfing. Nail these basics so you can progress to high level dynamic training.

Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Surf 8 years ago 89,245 views

Website: Full Training Program: Full Flexibility Program: Surf "fitness" is really just about improving your athletic capacity. If you're a more capable human in terms of movement, mobility, and strength, you can apply those attributes to your time in the water. I cover some of the major fundamental exercises to truly help improve your body, so you can improve your surfing. Nail these basics so you can progress to high level dynamic training.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity

david f
david f - 6 years ago
Thanks for everything you do chief,peace&love from Boston,Ma
Gienne Riordan Van Engelen
Gienne Riordan Van Engelen - 6 years ago
Thanks mate! You are awesome.
Kaffka Judkins
Kaffka Judkins - 6 years ago
Thanks for posting! Very useful. Form is key!
Lisa R.
Lisa R. - 7 years ago
hey, what alternative exercises could I try when I don't have the equipment for chin-ups or other kinds of pull-ups?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
you need to do some type of pulling exercises, and for that you need some type of equipment.  invest in a  pair of olympic rings.  they're $30
wolfneck - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Oliver Bramley
Oliver Bramley - 7 years ago
This video helped me a lot, I used it in conjunction with this surfing workout plan, and it really helped me to get started improving my 'athletic capacity' as a surfer. Thanks Chris!
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 7 years ago
Very well described Chris, I'm a 52 year old who's never surfed, but I'm starting your exercises today, in the hope that I can give myself a chance to surf when I go to Fuerteventura next May. I'll let you know how it goes. Stay cool.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
enjoy that trip!  training will just give you a buffer zone, so that you can practice the actual skill of surfing.  too many new surfers are encumbered by a body that isn't up to speed, so it wears out far before they've actually had enough actual practice time in the water.
Farez Rahman
Farez Rahman - 7 years ago
Nice. A gym instructor introduced me to mobility exercises and I can see the benefits in the water last week after a long summer break. So good to see you doing the same sort of training in the context of surfing. I think my main weakness now is paddling into waves and not getting up solidly - which of those exercises mentioned would you recommend I spend more time on? Thanks dude! (ps will be in Bali for a few months soon too).
Yuri Boyka
Yuri Boyka - 7 years ago
His body is like mine to be honest. I surf and I've done a lot of these workouts and it actually helps.

10. comment for Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity

Herbivore Beauty
Herbivore Beauty - 7 years ago
such a great video, thanks for improving my surf workouts
MaserHouse - 7 years ago
Chris, great set of exercises, very well explained, upper and lower body, nice job and thanks for putting this together
TenaciousTO - 7 years ago
I used to surf as a teenager but then kind of lost it due to a severe tibialis posterior injury. Picked it up again about 1,5 year ago but struggling with physique and weight loss required. Physically been like a friggin yo-yo and then BAM there goes the tibialis again. Ever since recovering, I've been watching your video's and incorporating a lot of the exercises and techniques you display in your video's. You've become an inspiration man.
I can't believe you've been doing this for almost six years on YouTube. I understand that this must be a portion of how you make ends meet at the end of the month but I just want to show my gratitude and appreciation for the free stuff that you put on here as well as on the blog. Hope to see some more news stuff in the future. Enjoy Bali!
The Swole Surfer
The Swole Surfer - 7 years ago
Killer! I should prob incorporate some of these in my workout.
Harold Fitness
Harold Fitness - 7 years ago
Bali ?
Harold Fitness
Harold Fitness - 7 years ago
nice olace, i would like to leave, i m going 3 time
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
yep! just got back about a month ago. just spent the last 3 weeks in the ments
Harold Fitness
Harold Fitness - 7 years ago
good job !
Joao da Silva
Joao da Silva - 7 years ago
Excellent video! Thanks! My PT in NY is great, but I'll tell him to watch it!.. Wish you were on the E Coast.
Sonia Baricak
Sonia Baricak - 7 years ago
This is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. !!!
Toby Wigley
Toby Wigley - 7 years ago
Just look and learn much more about it from Unflexal workouts.
Alanna Ballew
Alanna Ballew - 7 years ago
I am sure you will find great workouts instructions on Unflexal workouts. That insane how it is good for sane :D

20. comment for Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity

Trena Pickel
Trena Pickel - 7 years ago
I bought instruction from Unflexal and I learned about workouts.
Paulo Alberto
Paulo Alberto - 7 years ago
hey man whats´s up Cris! do you have something specific for someone that made a acl surgery to improve the recovery?? I´ve been watching your videos and till now I couldn´t find anything about that cuz in many videos you say if you feel pain to not do the exercises!! really nice your channel!! sorry about my writing in english!! thanx
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
yeah, I don't touch on many rehab topics, because it needs to be individualized, that's just the nature of the human body. one basic, you need to bring up your hamstring strength. for specifics, reach out and we can line up some online consultation regarding your recovery. cheers.
Roberto paniagua
Roberto paniagua - 7 years ago
ill try all of 'em today at the gym.
do you think weight lifting works too?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
depends on what type of "weight Lifting" you do. strength and power based compound movements, for sure.
Liam Rodriguez
Liam Rodriguez - 8 years ago
thank you so much! I realized that I am unfortunately pretty limited....but now I am going to work on it.
aloha from France
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
cool man! constant application of improving the body, seeing what works for you, and finding what makes you feel like you're moving well, in life and the water.
Max Pieters
Max Pieters - 8 years ago
This is superb thanks Chris
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
for sure max. just some smart training for those interested in improvement
Etay levi
Etay levi - 8 years ago
u r awesome! tnx!
David Kim
David Kim - 8 years ago
excellent video yet again
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
thanks man!
Alpaca Hats
Alpaca Hats - 8 years ago
Love your videos Chris, great to see a new one up. Thanks!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
cool! glad to hear it. I'll have some more coming in a week or two
Fernando Velloso Neto
Fernando Velloso Neto - 8 years ago
Thanks for all the helpful videos. Would love some tips on stretches so I can crouch on a surfboard without lifting the heel of the back foot. It seems really weird and strenuous on the knees and hips! (I know you have videos on squats, but im talking about that weird surf crouch where you drop the back knee, but still have to keep the back foot flat)
Demarkuz kuzin
Demarkuz kuzin - 8 years ago
Thanx Chris U really help a lot..
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
much appreciated

30. comment for Surfing Workouts - Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing & Athletic Capacity

Patrick Barber
Patrick Barber - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff as always. Your video quality has become way better in the recent months as well. If you are ever looking for a good but relatively cheap sound recording option look up the Rode Smart Lav. They are like $75 and boost sound quality way up. Keep up the good work!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
i'll google it now. thanks!
Andrew Bryant
Andrew Bryant - 8 years ago
Very clear and well explained exercises, I'm sure these will help with my surfing! Thanks from Cornwall, UK!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
cool. get after it. it's simply using training (smart training) to expand your available movement competency and then you can apply that ability to skill acquisition in the water.
Luke Roman
Luke Roman - 8 years ago
dig these well explained and shown def subscribed to ur channel!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
right on! thanks
Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing your wisdom :)
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
happy to help. I hope you apply it well.

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