Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions
Surf 8 years ago 99,833 views
► CLICK for more big wave surfing: It's been called Mad Monday. Mega. Massive. Whatever. Though it wasn't quite as mind-blowing as the June 2012 swell that sidelined the world tour and gave the big-wave elite a full day of prime air time, May 23 was still a day for the Cloudbreak history books. But not for all the best reasons. You may recall that the day opened up with the near-drowning of big-wave ironman, Aaron Gold. The incident shook up Greg Long, Mark Healey, Francisco Porcella, and the other men who'd shown up for a piece of 20-foot Cloudbreak, but, as Gold would have expected, it didn't stop them from regrouping and going. Lucky for us, filmer Jaiden Maclean was there with his drone, zipping the line-up all day. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here: Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions
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30. comment for Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions
thanks :)
Sorry for the ignorance, just curious