Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

► CLICK for more big wave surfing: It's been called Mad Monday. Mega. Massive. Whatever. Though it wasn't quite as mind-blowing as the June 2012 swell that sidelined the world tour and gave the big-wave elite a full day of prime air time, May 23 was still a day for the Cloudbreak history books. But not for all the best reasons. You may recall that the day opened up with the near-drowning of big-wave ironman, Aaron Gold. The incident shook up Greg Long, Mark Healey, Francisco Porcella, and the other men who'd shown up for a piece of 20-foot Cloudbreak, but, as Gold would have expected, it didn't stop them from regrouping and going. Lucky for us, filmer Jaiden Maclean was there with his drone, zipping the line-up all day. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here: Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Surf 8 years ago 99,833 views

► CLICK for more big wave surfing: It's been called Mad Monday. Mega. Massive. Whatever. Though it wasn't quite as mind-blowing as the June 2012 swell that sidelined the world tour and gave the big-wave elite a full day of prime air time, May 23 was still a day for the Cloudbreak history books. But not for all the best reasons. You may recall that the day opened up with the near-drowning of big-wave ironman, Aaron Gold. The incident shook up Greg Long, Mark Healey, Francisco Porcella, and the other men who'd shown up for a piece of 20-foot Cloudbreak, but, as Gold would have expected, it didn't stop them from regrouping and going. Lucky for us, filmer Jaiden Maclean was there with his drone, zipping the line-up all day. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here: Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

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Most popular comments
for Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

clarkewi - 7 years ago
Gorgeous. Hypnotic.
SanFranciscoBay - 7 years ago
1:57 watch the surfer slide off his board at the last moment and make it through a big pitching lip.
shane brady
shane brady - 7 years ago
Swell directions a bit off, the barrrls are not very makeable:/
Aiden CURTIS - 8 years ago
Del Singh
Del Singh - 8 years ago
how gorgeous is this.
Sofi Dural
Sofi Dural - 8 years ago
Hopefully helped all those asking about the music. Check out Ben Fowler on FB or check out the S.o.R.B channel on YouTube. Everything under the alias Wide Sky is his stuff. This track is All I See.
Seba OG
Seba OG - 8 years ago
I wish I could surf. I live in Florida it's impossible
Ian Roux
Ian Roux - 7 years ago
Kelly Slater is from Florida...
MichelAngelo - 8 years ago
does anyone knows song name?
Melvinnn11 - 8 years ago
thats a beautiful wave.

10. comment for Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

ExtonGraphics - 8 years ago
ohhhmygod so beautiful
Otto Felix
Otto Felix - 8 years ago
What's the song?!
Alexandre Mundim
Alexandre Mundim - 8 years ago
Song? Shazam/Soundcloud doesn't work
James Hennessy
James Hennessy - 8 years ago
surfing in the middle of the ocean?
Break the Chain
Break the Chain - 8 years ago
Great footage.
Lynn Grant
Lynn Grant - 8 years ago
Who is the song from?
Sofi Dural
Sofi Dural - 8 years ago
Ben Fowler. Writes for red bull under Wide Sky. This track is All I See. His FB here..
luke cross
luke cross - 8 years ago
Craig surfed these sized waves on a 5'4.... Wouldn't exactly call it "XXL"
Ryan Stelly
Ryan Stelly - 8 years ago
WOW! BAD ASS!!!!!!!!
Nicholas Dey
Nicholas Dey - 8 years ago
anyone know the song on this vid?
Sofi Dural
Sofi Dural - 8 years ago
Ben Fowler. Writes for red bull under Wide Sky. This track is All I See. His FB here..
Josh Sharp
Josh Sharp - 8 years ago
nothing came up. tried at least 20 times
Unheimliche - 8 years ago
shazam it
chumbag - 8 years ago
If you Sxbscrbe to me you'll get 25 Sxbscrbrs back! Just reply done

Theo Last
Theo Last - 8 years ago

20. comment for Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

MountKeverest - 8 years ago
Nice footage
Nikhal Dore
Nikhal Dore - 8 years ago
Quirin Neumann
Quirin Neumann - 8 years ago
i am so jealous
Champagne Pironi
Champagne Pironi - 8 years ago
Beautiful! I love the drone work, I could watch this all day!
Burkhalter Media
Burkhalter Media - 8 years ago
Wow cheers from Switzerland
Agam Kurnia
Agam Kurnia - 8 years ago
Vitamin Sea
Aiden CURTIS - 8 years ago
Cool ckweesh
Chris Jr
Chris Jr - 8 years ago
fritz - 8 years ago
this looks so beautiful
hackjilton - 8 years ago
I could watch this forever
اسد العراق
اسد العراق - 8 years ago

30. comment for Surfing XXL Cloudbreak from 'Mad Monday' in Fiji: Drone Footage | Sessions

vincentage - 8 years ago
Job 6?
Rafe Schaberg
Rafe Schaberg - 8 years ago
Luis Devantier
Luis Devantier - 8 years ago
+Sofi Dural
thanks :)
Rafe Schaberg
Rafe Schaberg - 8 years ago
yeah rip
Luis Devantier
Luis Devantier - 8 years ago
doesn't work
Unheimliche - 8 years ago
shazam it
Luca Sconzo
Luca Sconzo - 8 years ago
Music by?
Sofi Dural
Sofi Dural - 8 years ago
Ben Fowler. Writes for red bull under Wide Sky. This track is All I See. His FB here..
Sea_ulcer - 8 years ago
I got it from the Red bull media library for the edit mate
Luca Sconzo
Luca Sconzo - 8 years ago
+Unheimliche shazam don't find it lol
Unheimliche - 8 years ago
shazam it
James Porter
James Porter - 8 years ago
Went surfing this morning, and was surfing about 4 foot waves. Even some of those were intimidating, can't even imagine this crap. These guys have balls of steel. Respect!
James Porter
James Porter - 8 years ago
+IronLionNZ well there's just so much force and energy behind waves. I had a nasty wipeout too. The front of my board nose dived into the sand, flipping it, but my ankle strap got caught in the fins and I was flipped with it. That sucked bad
IronLionNZ - 8 years ago
I'm not a surfer so this question is probably pretty stupid but why is it rough though? The bigger waves are more understandable but 4 foot waves? I don't understand

Sorry for the ignorance, just curious
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
when is who is job 6.0 coming out?
Nick ward
Nick ward - 8 years ago
right! its been soon long
Bruce Pinkman
Bruce Pinkman - 8 years ago
Truth Seeker Educational Documentary channel
Truth Seeker Educational Documentary channel - 8 years ago
annoying music
Taylor Artymus
Taylor Artymus - 8 years ago
the dude that unliked this has issues...
Finbar Mccann
Finbar Mccann - 8 years ago
+neck blach 9 dudes
Swendeezy - 8 years ago
aze aze
aze aze - 8 years ago
Shit, you are so deep man. So deep that you found oil.
John Simmons
John Simmons - 8 years ago
Remember when you had to have a helicopter to get these shots?
Fims Trailers VF / VOST
Fims Trailers VF / VOST - 8 years ago
Katelijne - 8 years ago
Raffzyy - 8 years ago
thats pretty sick
Martí Barbena i Triola
Martí Barbena i Triola - 8 years ago
ya men
MTB Today
MTB Today - 8 years ago
5 minute club
Swendeezy - 8 years ago
Kenny RocketLeague
Kenny RocketLeague - 8 years ago
Nice VID
LVBrother's - 8 years ago
first comment
Harambe - 8 years ago
0 comment swag

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