Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

More big wave action just a CLICK away: Puerto Escondido is the mecca for meaty beach break barrels and broken boards. When the swell buoys light up, it's game time - big waves chargers around the world flock to the wave to test their might against one of the heaviest breaks in the country. Greg Long, Shane Dorian, and Coco Nogales caught it on a BIG and unforgiving summer day, and after a few broken boards and some epic barrels, this video is the result. So sit back, relax, and enjoy mind surfing one of the gnarliest waves in the big wave world. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Surf 10 years ago 203,753 views

More big wave action just a CLICK away: Puerto Escondido is the mecca for meaty beach break barrels and broken boards. When the swell buoys light up, it's game time - big waves chargers around the world flock to the wave to test their might against one of the heaviest breaks in the country. Greg Long, Shane Dorian, and Coco Nogales caught it on a BIG and unforgiving summer day, and after a few broken boards and some epic barrels, this video is the result. So sit back, relax, and enjoy mind surfing one of the gnarliest waves in the big wave world. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

BigAl - 7 years ago
that last waveeee sonnnnnn
Polymeric Spaceage Electron Syncopation
Polymeric Spaceage Electron Syncopation - 7 years ago
Dorian's 15' airdrop into the bowl...amazing
RYAN CROWL - 7 years ago
name of beach? nombre de la playa? calzarillo?
ESGAR MONTALVO - 9 years ago
What airlines fly to Puerto Escondido?
Skrillozillion - 8 years ago
vivaaerobus is the best international flights
Alejandra Santillanes
Alejandra Santillanes - 9 years ago
Juan Rivera
Juan Rivera - 9 years ago
omg what a drop at the end of the vidio
h2omanz - 9 years ago
soflippincharginrad..tanslate,, insane!
En Cee
En Cee - 9 years ago
what song is this?
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 9 years ago
1979 April 10 th Brian Rapp captain jjmoon surf team longboarder waterways Robbie Dick surfboards 19 and Derek Caballero 19 my best friend and fear and loathing roommate entrada drive live state beach SURF Easter vacation holy hollady bungalows via marano biggest waves ever on film my Niikon canmmera 36 shots colore kotecrome rules drank San megal dark beers philippeans and loved blowfish tacos canyonlocalfilmscom
45revolut1on - 9 years ago
How does it get THAT big there

10. comment for Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

Carlos Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez - 9 years ago
El nido del surf, pto esc oax.. Lo malo es que se está perdiendo la esencia con otras variantes que se le han estado dando,ésta magnífica disciplina es de fuerza y equilibrio y a la postre da buen físico por las constantes rutinas..pero a hora la fuerza la están adquiriendo de otras fuentes.. de un helicóptero de motos acuáticas o de un remo las mejores usansaz se están perdiendo
Darren Macgregor
Darren Macgregor - 10 years ago
Went to puerto in december.  LOVE the place!
Alex Khouri
Alex Khouri - 10 years ago
shane dorian is a legend
David Ebert
David Ebert - 10 years ago
Heavy wipouts would snap me in two
Taylor Adamcik
Taylor Adamcik - 10 years ago
Shane fucking Dorian
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
holy shit, what more could you want..
raul castilla
raul castilla - 10 years ago
Ernani Ferrari Rampinelli
Ernani Ferrari Rampinelli - 10 years ago
David Lopez
David Lopez - 10 years ago
Because here in México we have more than tacos and burritos... 
Joseph Gallo
Joseph Gallo - 10 years ago
I know, I love it. And the seafood is fresh and the beers are inexpensive. Great culture.
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 10 years ago
+Joseph Gallo big waves and all the tequila that you can drink
Joseph Gallo
Joseph Gallo - 10 years ago
And beautiful women.
てつお - 10 years ago
Name of the song please?!

20. comment for Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

RobloxGamplay - 10 years ago
There tsunamis
rabie rabo
rabie rabo - 10 years ago
song name thx
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Those are some crazy waves and crazy surfers and crazy wipe outs.
Franklin Dattein
Franklin Dattein - 10 years ago
Shane's massive airdrop!
Dillon Martin
Dillon Martin - 10 years ago
just came here to see these dummies get slammed. glad they gave us a few shots of it lol
J Shepgaming
J Shepgaming - 10 years ago
Oh hell nahhhhhh.
Niklas Gindler
Niklas Gindler - 10 years ago
richard reddy
richard reddy - 10 years ago
most of them have a vest that is inflated by pulling a cord and a c02 can fills  the vest fast and the float straight to the top......still very deadly
MrAdamson07 - 10 years ago
can someone who surfs explain to me what happens when you wipe out on waves like these?
surfinmuso - 7 years ago
U pray.
Time To Try
Time To Try - 7 years ago
MrAdamson07 you will get sucked over the crashing part and be held down so deep for like a minuet
12,812,961 views - 7 years ago
you get lifted up by the wave then youget dumped back down and get held under water
Gabrielle Andres
Gabrielle Andres - 8 years ago
I've surfed this wave and it's so heavy...When waves are heavy like this you can't even leash your board. It's a liability. Your board can literally kill you. When waves like this happen you just have to keep your head under water until the set subsides, then you swim sideways.
La Literatura es Vida
La Literatura es Vida - 10 years ago
+Robert Palmer You're knarly for for even paddling out and trying. I can barely paddle out most places on the Southern Pacific coast of México. 
Robert Palmer
Robert Palmer - 10 years ago
Sand goes in your nose and shoots out of your ears. I paddled into that lineup one time and got hammered. The point was fun though.
Bob Gnarley
Bob Gnarley - 10 years ago
Also 15-18 seconds doesnt sound like a long hold down until you realize these waves tend to come in sets of up to 5-8 waves each perfectly spaced out about 15-18 seconds. In other words as soon as you go for a breath of air you have another massive wave landing on your head.
Bob Gnarley
Bob Gnarley - 10 years ago
Just try to imagine several busloads of water landing on you and driving your head into the sandbar. You can try to fight it but your best bet is to stay as calm as possible while reserving oxygen and let the energy dissipate.
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 10 years ago
when a wave like this crushes on you , you better be calm bro cause you are gonna have a bad time 
Boindil1 - 10 years ago
We aint talking about seconds. Big Wave surfers train to hold their breath for other 5 minutes. And even these waves wont let you go after a couple of seconds..
Kestrel - 10 years ago
never wiped out in waves anywhere near this big and still been scared. so much power that you can feel even when a big wave just passes underneath you. ive heard if you wipe out badly in waves this big it can feel like being in a car crash
Benjamin T Maltby
Benjamin T Maltby - 10 years ago
Fortunately Puerto is a sand bottom, but it can still thrash you.  The exploding wave can stun and disorient you.  You must be able to relax and hold your breath until the wave energy subsides.  
J Shepgaming
J Shepgaming - 10 years ago
Dude, that's so crazy and scary looking. You know that's like hitting concrete right? Not only that, but it holds you under the water. Could keep you under longer than 15 seconds sometimes. And 15 seconds don't sound like a lot, but when you're under getting hit by waves it is a long time. 
Dirtboxhor - 10 years ago
You get crushed and die.
effllmm - 10 years ago

30. comment for Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

Luis Fernando Marcet Yarrow
Luis Fernando Marcet Yarrow - 10 years ago
Arriba Peru!!
MrJaydyn12 - 10 years ago
Those dudes are nutty!!!
Noah Garza
Noah Garza - 10 years ago
orgulloso de vivir en este paraíso del surf llamado puerto escondido oax!!
lukas antonio corvalan ponce
lukas antonio corvalan ponce - 10 years ago
Ken Hall
Ken Hall - 10 years ago
these guys should get a medal for just being able to paddle out to the line-up!
culierclover2 - 10 years ago
Where was the gopro footage
But still awsome ( don't wanna be a hater)
mochamad muchlis
mochamad muchlis - 10 years ago
Inline Downhill Vancouver
Inline Downhill Vancouver - 10 years ago
Wow, that is a scary break.
Gerhard Jahn
Gerhard Jahn - 10 years ago
So fucking gnarly!
james mikolic
james mikolic - 10 years ago
Holy shit! You guys have balls. Nice video.
Delamthedestroyer - 10 years ago
So much more entertaining watching guys tackle these kinds of waves under their own steam than the usual tow in footage thats everywhere these days.
ghargreaves2 - 10 years ago
How the fcuk dose Shane Dorian survive that take off and drop!!!! Absolute Hero
WINNERnotLOSING - 10 years ago
sereneturmoil - 10 years ago
I normally couldn't be less interested in or care less about surfing. But there's something undeniably awesome about big wave surfing.
Julian Pasco
Julian Pasco - 10 years ago
good stuff
ohhroach - 10 years ago
Brad Domke
Cuban Dude 87
Cuban Dude 87 - 10 years ago
Dorians wave was nuts!
Double O Repper
Double O Repper - 10 years ago
Fernandro - 10 years ago
Puro OAXACA!!!
mistic mind
mistic mind - 10 years ago
wooowww, beast

50. comment for Surfing massive waves in Puerto Escondido

PeedOnMyRug - 10 years ago
big dawg 69
big dawg 69 - 10 years ago
incoming tsunami
Hugo Clark
Hugo Clark - 10 years ago
It's not the size if the wave it's the way you ride it
berniedmj m
berniedmj m - 10 years ago
You guys should sponsor that dude brad domke!! He got towed into these beast on a skim board & made it!!
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Yea, and to add to what you said, he usually goes finless. 
Gaetan Tringham
Gaetan Tringham - 10 years ago
Roman Izaboss
Roman Izaboss - 10 years ago
This was much better that J-bay contest!!
lucas machado
lucas machado - 10 years ago
toberg94 - 10 years ago
Shane Dorian you're an absolute monster!!
Roman Izaboss
Roman Izaboss - 10 years ago
That late take off......DAMN!
Fbi Abo
Fbi Abo - 10 years ago
song pls ?
Axel Florence
Axel Florence - 10 years ago
1:42 :o !!!
Esteban Vargas
Esteban Vargas - 10 years ago
Dropping in like a boss!
Inline Downhill Vancouver
Inline Downhill Vancouver - 10 years ago
Yep, just barely!
TritonEffect - 10 years ago
under 300 club
T. Surfista
T. Surfista - 10 years ago
Nani - 10 years ago
Storm waves are the shit!
Blake Johnson
Blake Johnson - 10 years ago

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