THE SURFER’S BODY #3 | Improve Your Balance For Surfing | Exercises & Tutorials

Improve your balance for surfing. In this video Kale Brock goes through some important lessons when it comes to improving one's balance on the wave. The Surfer's Body is a series where we dissect various pillars of surfing performance which can be worked on, enhanced and optimised outside of the water. Covering various disciplines such as yoga, strength training, dynamic movement flow & more, this series aims to give the viewer actionable tools to increase their FUN time out in the ocean with improved surfing performance. In today's video, Kale Brock (@kalesbroccoli) delves into the idea of balance and investigates where it actually comes from with a surf-specific perspective. Utilising Swiss ball training and dynamic movements, Kale shares some interesting insights into land-based exercises for surfing performance. Be sure to subscribe to the channel, hit the like button & let us know what else you want to see on the show! LINKS Join kale on Instagram or Youtube @kalesbroccoli SmoothStar Surf Trainers -- Use the discount code HOWTORIP to receive a free tee shirt with your surf trainer! JR Surfboards use the discount code HOWTORIP to get 25% off accessories when ordering a new board Big thanks to Balanced Studio for letting us use their facility when making this video @balancedstudio -- for more!

THE SURFER’S BODY #3 | Improve Your Balance For Surfing | Exercises & Tutorials sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Surf 5 years ago 9,118 views

Improve your balance for surfing. In this video Kale Brock goes through some important lessons when it comes to improving one's balance on the wave. The Surfer's Body is a series where we dissect various pillars of surfing performance which can be worked on, enhanced and optimised outside of the water. Covering various disciplines such as yoga, strength training, dynamic movement flow & more, this series aims to give the viewer actionable tools to increase their FUN time out in the ocean with improved surfing performance. In today's video, Kale Brock (@kalesbroccoli) delves into the idea of balance and investigates where it actually comes from with a surf-specific perspective. Utilising Swiss ball training and dynamic movements, Kale shares some interesting insights into land-based exercises for surfing performance. Be sure to subscribe to the channel, hit the like button & let us know what else you want to see on the show! LINKS Join kale on Instagram or Youtube @kalesbroccoli SmoothStar Surf Trainers -- Use the discount code HOWTORIP to receive a free tee shirt with your surf trainer! JR Surfboards use the discount code HOWTORIP to get 25% off accessories when ordering a new board Big thanks to Balanced Studio for letting us use their facility when making this video @balancedstudio -- for more!

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Most popular comments
for THE SURFER’S BODY #3 | Improve Your Balance For Surfing | Exercises & Tutorials

Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 5 years ago
Thanks for tuning in guys!! What sort of training are you guys doing in the gym for you're surfing?
Sam O’Brien
Sam O’Brien - 5 years ago
maybe do a video about how the number fins on your board affects performance? (single fins boards, twin, thruster and quad kinda thing)
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 5 years ago
Epic stuff
sicaferal - 5 years ago
ty guys another great video, high end techniques :) cheers from Brazil!
Carmencita2017 Day
Carmencita2017 Day - 5 years ago
Awesome video. Very impressed!
Pranjal Saxena
Pranjal Saxena - 5 years ago
So theirs alot of people out their saying that these type of exercises can hurt you rather than help you due to stability issues in certain muscles? Is this true?
Phil Watson
Phil Watson - 5 years ago
Definitely if you've never tried balancing on a Swiss ball you can get injured falling off break a wrist.

Kale has likely practiced this many times to get to a point where he can press a weight overhead but there is a high risk for little reward.

I would rather stick to a single leg deadlift or a split squat with a bench supporting your back foot (Bulgarian split squat). This challenges your balance and develops your leg strength but without the high risk of wiping out.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
Possibly? But instability is cured by training - it may just need to be more isolated to work specifically on those areas before introducing holistic approach. This is why you work with a good trainer :)
Connor Pearson
Connor Pearson - 5 years ago
Activate the banana! In the states, theres also the indo board. You could make your own. Its a tube with a flat board on top.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
Yeah I know the ones :) also helpful
ty h
ty h - 5 years ago
Hey Kales! what do you think that si the best condition of the training ball. I mean, full or air or a little bit less inflated?
For me is easy get on my knees but when it comes to the squat...
Anyway, Great videos! It a sorrow that I discovered you after leaving Avalon. Beutifull place!
Johnny Kuehl
Johnny Kuehl - 5 years ago
Great video as usual. Really appreciate this as a surfer with very limited surfing opportunities that struggles to maintain the requisite conditioning.

10. comment for THE SURFER’S BODY #3 | Improve Your Balance For Surfing | Exercises & Tutorials

Jim McCarley
Jim McCarley - 5 years ago
Cool man, good stuff for this endless winter were having here.
gandalf587 - 5 years ago
Fun day in the office then? ;)
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
M Ravitch
M Ravitch - 5 years ago
+How to Rip I'm overweight and in terrible physical health compared to pretty much all surfers but I'm working on it. I had a trainer teach me to do squats on the bosu ball. It was a bitch at first; my legs were shaking like mad. But I've gotten good at it. Shit, if I can do it at 44 and a hundred pounds, it may not be the safest thing. But neither is surfing, really.
Anyway, I can get on and off a bosu without help now. That said, it helps to stand facing a wall on either the bosu or the ball. I used that as a crutch until I was able to do it on my own. You can put your hands against the wall for support at first and when you lose your balance. Works really well until you get the hang of it. Starting on the bosu was a good suggestion, Kale.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
Hey Phil!! Thanks for your comment - I disagree but that’s okay :)
AussieBattler - 5 years ago
Bloody good. I'm getting a bosu ball
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
Super good investment
HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 5 years ago
Efhreim Sibuea
Efhreim Sibuea - 5 years ago
Verry cool bro, regards form Indonesia
TMF toomuchfun
TMF toomuchfun - 5 years ago
Another great video Kale!
How to Rip
How to Rip - 5 years ago
Thanks grommet!!

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