TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them Our learn to surf better premium website dedicated to beginners and intermediates get 10% off all surf accessories with this code "Surf20" where it all started This is the 3rd video in our series of how to pop up on a surfboard. In this master your popup video we show the most common mistake that new surfers make and explain how to fix them. In the first surfing pop up video we demonstrated 2 classic popup techniques this was one of our first YouTube vids and the one that made us. You can see we have come a long way. In the second how to popup video we focused on transitioning to a short board and how to modify the popup to stand on surfboard specifically a short-board

TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them sentiment_very_dissatisfied 293

Surf 9 years ago 465,608 views Our learn to surf better premium website dedicated to beginners and intermediates get 10% off all surf accessories with this code "Surf20" where it all started This is the 3rd video in our series of how to pop up on a surfboard. In this master your popup video we show the most common mistake that new surfers make and explain how to fix them. In the first surfing pop up video we demonstrated 2 classic popup techniques this was one of our first YouTube vids and the one that made us. You can see we have come a long way. In the second how to popup video we focused on transitioning to a short board and how to modify the popup to stand on surfboard specifically a short-board

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Most popular comments
for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

Isaac Watkis
Isaac Watkis - 6 years ago
What the fuck this kid should be a Burger King foot lettuce meme number 10
Richard Donohue
Richard Donohue - 6 years ago
He is scaring me
Finojet Rudd
Finojet Rudd - 6 years ago
Shut up you dickheads. He’s just a kid
Jewelian Presser-King
Jewelian Presser-King - 6 years ago
thet kid was surfing the biggest log i have ever seen
Can Dle
Can Dle - 6 years ago
Why his dad feed him cocane
Angus Productions
Angus Productions - 6 years ago
Thanks man very helpful
Ankit Malhotra
Ankit Malhotra - 6 years ago
Man the kid rocks
Sam Lau
Sam Lau - 6 years ago
100% of the comments are about the kid.
Silkaz7 - 6 years ago
that kid is funny haha.

10. comment for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

shaun rinker
shaun rinker - 6 years ago
Little kids have the worst style.
Lay xo
Lay xo - 6 years ago
The kid is being a carefree kid y’all r weird
Crish Life
Crish Life - 6 years ago
that boy is sooooo funny i would like to be friends with him
Tech Bat
Tech Bat - 6 years ago
All pros pop diffrent....I'm done clicking this sound as if newbies didn't do those things they would be perfect.
..come on.
Jonathan Ian
Jonathan Ian - 6 years ago
This kid must be retarded!
Skeptical Port
Skeptical Port - 6 years ago
What beach is that
DAX TAYLOR - 6 years ago
the kid is a devil
Martini - 6 years ago
the kid is scaring me
CALEB TRACY - 6 years ago
Demon child
dan tsy
dan tsy - 6 years ago
The kid is so cringe I had to thumbs down. The dude is cool, the kid is cringe

20. comment for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

amelia williams
amelia williams - 6 years ago
but a horse can go straight if it’s head is towards the right or left?? but i do get it
Need4Height - 6 years ago
Good tips the kid has downy though
Julio Gomez
Julio Gomez - 6 years ago
This family is awesome. They are sharing with you their time and their experience. Saludos from Puerto Rico.
Rgfgbgdvfb - 6 years ago
I wanna hear this kid say number 15
Tristan Cooper
Tristan Cooper - 6 years ago
You think your so good (the kid)
Michael Bondy
Michael Bondy - 6 years ago
The kid is too funny! Number twoooooooooooo..........
sid chawla
sid chawla - 6 years ago
This Kid is annoying
Ryan McKinney
Ryan McKinney - 6 years ago
Kid makes e wanna kill myself
Morgan is my name
Morgan is my name - 6 years ago
the kid is the best ha ha
sexy spidey
sexy spidey - 6 years ago

30. comment for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

VIJAY ECR - 7 years ago
Bro iam instead. but that bord very costly pls help mee iam tamilnadu chennai ecr thiruvanmiyur
Dalan Singson
Dalan Singson - 7 years ago
Man... I read back through the comments. Everyone is too harsh on the young blood. I think they forgot what it's like to be a kid and not give a ____. Besides, I bet most of the stinkers leaving crappy comments weren't half as cool as that kid at his age.
Sabse Sabse
Sabse Sabse - 7 years ago
This kid made me lose brain cells
79pejeperro - 7 years ago
What's wrong with the kid? Oh, he's a kid, he's behaving like a kid!!! Oh! Really!!!???
Great tips and fuck haters
Jewelian Presser-King
Jewelian Presser-King - 7 years ago
Daniel Bartley
Daniel Bartley - 7 years ago
Jewelian Presser-King You're on crack of you can't spell crack.
Jewelian Presser-King
Jewelian Presser-King - 7 years ago
That kid is so on oracle
Annabelle Bocock
Annabelle Bocock - 7 years ago
There is somthing wrong with that kid like actually
مجلة المراة المغربية لالة ملاك
مجلة المراة المغربية لالة ملاك - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Hidalgo
Rodrigo Hidalgo - 7 years ago
2:25 "Yeah you don't wanna look like a crap or something".... What? Hahaaa
tilen selko
tilen selko - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Hidalgo *crab
JP McPherson
JP McPherson - 7 years ago
That kid must have stayed under too long
Adri N
Adri N - 7 years ago
the kid is mad cringy
tomer bibi
tomer bibi - 7 years ago
All of this things are obvious
Alex Perrin
Alex Perrin - 7 years ago
the dude on the left is a creep
De Allen's
De Allen's - 7 years ago
jp the fantastic
jp the fantastic - 7 years ago
All the stuf that you sou are mistakes
Sailor Barsoom
Sailor Barsoom - 7 years ago
Yep, I made most or all of these errors the only time I've been surfing. Then again it was my 50th birthday and I'd never so much as touched a surfbord before that day, so I think I did OK considering. But if I had the chance I'd watch this video again and then get out there and work on my pop-up.
Andrew Gutierrez
Andrew Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one the thought the kid killed the vid.
Saeed Abduljabar
Saeed Abduljabar - 7 years ago
Where you guys located and how much for lessons...
glyn Robertson
glyn Robertson - 7 years ago
found this useful thanks
ByVRM20 - 7 years ago
Can somebody smash that kids head?

50. comment for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

OME Productions
OME Productions - 7 years ago
Omar Boukhriss
Omar Boukhriss - 7 years ago
nuuuuuuuuuuumberrrrrrrrrrrrr 88888888888888888
Dallas Seaborn
Dallas Seaborn - 7 years ago
never surfed on a board. hopefully i will recall all this info when i go grab some gnar wave !!
SpoonfulofSuga - 7 years ago
When you're not doing any of these yet you still can't do it....
Tonky - 7 years ago
This kid is so fucking creepy
UniVurse - 7 years ago
What's with everyone hating on Atua?! He can surf better than you guys so stop the hate already
Sailor Barsoom
Sailor Barsoom - 7 years ago
Since the general idea is that "everybody looooves children!" some people decide that it's cool to hate on every kid they see.
That kid sucks! See how wonderfully contrarian I am?
Gavin McClaren
Gavin McClaren - 7 years ago
UniVurse r u sure he can surf better than me I don't think so
alfie rowe
alfie rowe - 7 years ago
Someone give this kid a beer
kyle schmid
kyle schmid - 7 years ago
That kid is hilarious
kyle schmid
kyle schmid - 7 years ago
That kid
Leish - 7 years ago
Great duo! Thanks for the tip guys
defmud80 - 7 years ago
It is annoying but he's just being a kid
dimitris mixalitsis
dimitris mixalitsis - 7 years ago
Adrianlo Lopez
Adrianlo Lopez - 7 years ago
no dislike
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 7 years ago
tHis is not only instructive but fun to watch. YOu guys work well together.
drew - 7 years ago
Fools wanna make that kid feel bad so they can feel better sleeping at night.  He's just a normal kid and probably a better surfer than the haters.
problemchild1187 - 7 years ago
Why is everyone ragging on the kid!!!? There's nothing wrong with him cmon man y'all negative as hell
shaun rinker
shaun rinker - 6 years ago
Cause little kids like that are cringy as hell.
Miguel Baptista
Miguel Baptista - 7 years ago
he is not autistic lol
Drew Stahl
Drew Stahl - 7 years ago
He has something called autism. The  internet loves to make fun of it. It is sad but true. This kid is autistic tho srsly.
MoseDabeast123 - 7 years ago
Why does his dad sound like h3h3 productions
Nicole Jarel
Nicole Jarel - 7 years ago
Great info, Atua was making me laugh the entire time.
jaym - 7 years ago
you dont want to look like a crab or something
The Henry
The Henry - 7 years ago
The boy reminds me of Carl Gallagher from "Shameless" and the dude reminds me of Mike Chang from SixPack Shortcut lol
Reece Mulholland
Reece Mulholland - 7 years ago
is this kid retarded
drew - 7 years ago
hey but aw wetadded.  Get back on the bus kid.
itsJJ - 7 years ago
ATUA MOE is making me cringe
itsJJ - 7 years ago
cringe fest
curlybro7 - 7 years ago
Number 3 is my problem. I'll get that fixed.
Eazyyy_ - 7 years ago
Veronica McCumber
Veronica McCumber - 7 years ago
Wow so glad I watched this, I am notorious for trying to use my knees! Thanks guys! :)
Emanuel Herrerias
Emanuel Herrerias - 7 years ago
Thanks so much
Keep up the great work
Started surfing this year and trying to make it out to Tofino each weekend.

I thought rock climbing was the greatest, but now I realize surfing is!
Khine Thinn
Khine Thinn - 7 years ago
The fuck!
Khine Thinn
Khine Thinn - 7 years ago
Seriously, this kid is retarded. So disgusting.
henochparks - 7 years ago
javier francisco toledo aleman
javier francisco toledo aleman - 7 years ago
michael sibilia
michael sibilia - 7 years ago
Cam - 7 years ago
I leanred a lot from this video haha thanks
Lucas mccall
Lucas mccall - 7 years ago
but its fun to fall off the board when surfing I'm a profencianal at nose diving now lol
Con Aspel
Con Aspel - 7 years ago
That kid annoys me so much
Brodie John
Brodie John - 7 years ago
number 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Nanz Boldimage667
Nanz Boldimage667 - 7 years ago
nice demo
Justin Y.
Justin Y. - 7 years ago
This kid is definitely on crack right now
Fayez Surf
Fayez Surf - 7 years ago
what about this kid
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
ok thanks. i learnt more from this as opposed to vids showing me how to pop up. maybe the kid should go into acting .
Johann Blangy
Johann Blangy - 7 years ago
a lot of...(how can i call this shit) people..
Aidan Schaff
Aidan Schaff - 8 years ago
"Don't want to look like a crab or something"... hahahaha
Fanny cacilie
Fanny cacilie - 8 years ago
The boy is really funny :)) Thank you for the tips
Kyis V.
Kyis V. - 8 years ago
"2Pac spotted ALIVE - Raw footage" would have been a better title
Cruzify Kilby
Cruzify Kilby - 8 years ago
that kid is on drugs???!!!wtf
Felix The Cat
Felix The Cat - 8 years ago
this guy sounds like evan from h3h3
Zlat - 8 years ago
Fucking cringey kid
Rodrigo Moulia
Rodrigo Moulia - 8 years ago
surfing culture can be bad for your ego..poor kid
Patrice C.
Patrice C. - 8 years ago
The kid is smart, involved, inventive, entertaining, a 13yo with craziness, happy in his life and hilarious. Can't you see that, and smile?
xian mate
xian mate - 8 years ago
Does it help if i know how to longboard
Mr. Everything
Mr. Everything - 8 years ago
kids cringey

100. comment for TOP 10 Surfing Popup Mistakes & How To Fix Them

Thomas Rebotier
Thomas Rebotier - 8 years ago
Pretty good except for #10. Look up Kelly Slater vids, or for that matter look up your own vid at 3:15 to 3:20: the kids hands are NOT level. That 3-6 inches difference lets you position sideways so much faster it's indispensable in some waves...
Bass JB
Bass JB - 8 years ago
Thomas Rebotier when the trainee is Kelly Slater, they can be excused hahah
salvador rovero
salvador rovero - 8 years ago
Edward Woodrow
Edward Woodrow - 8 years ago
good tips
Louise Moyle
Louise Moyle - 8 years ago
Was taught to use my knees and now I've been surfing for like 4 years and I still can't stop
Joana Casaca
Joana Casaca - 7 years ago
Louise Moyle omg me too
Stacy Witfill
Stacy Witfill - 8 years ago
Great video thank you
kJ Fox
kJ Fox - 8 years ago
Your kids cute
Polica Y
Polica Y - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips;)
Hari R
Hari R - 8 years ago
wow . nice
Patrick Quick
Patrick Quick - 8 years ago
Can't watch this vid. I want to punch that kid!
C Reccardi
C Reccardi - 8 years ago
Hah! standing up too tall at first...Thank You, can't wait to correct!
madhouse skateboard
madhouse skateboard - 8 years ago
use full, thanks
Zoe Delane
Zoe Delane - 8 years ago
This is really helpful thanks
Hugo Mac
Hugo Mac - 8 years ago
Stop talking so weirdly. Eg. Nnnuuuuummmmbbbeeeerrrrrrr 8888888888888888888888
Henry Laird
Henry Laird - 6 years ago
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 7
Ryan Jeong
Ryan Jeong - 8 years ago
I like that little guy lol
ES P - 8 years ago
Ruthless little kid man
Toni Demarco
Toni Demarco - 8 years ago
"you might look like a crab or something"
Gernhart Reinballern
Gernhart Reinballern - 8 years ago
give this Kid his medicine
Hugo Mac
Hugo Mac - 8 years ago
Kids got a problem?
Sebastiaan de Beer
Sebastiaan de Beer - 8 years ago
Xbox gaming 123 nope just really funny
Bober4u - 8 years ago
Irritating kid
Irreverente II
Irreverente II - 8 years ago
Really good explained. I have felt very indentify with all mistakes described.
Christina Rodriguez
Christina Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Great video!!!!! I watched anther and it was helpful but this explains what will happen if u do things incorrectly. It really explains why there is such a need for technique.
Ger Bear Sarubbi
Ger Bear Sarubbi - 8 years ago
The kid is spazed and crazed
Aidan Purcell
Aidan Purcell - 8 years ago
The kid is so annoying y is he saying the number so weird and he like nodding so weirdly when he showing the wrong things
Daniel Bartley
Daniel Bartley - 7 years ago
Aidan Purcell lol Atua used to be so cringey
Urbie LateNight Gaming Adventure
Urbie LateNight Gaming Adventure - 8 years ago
this is grt ;) I have problem pop up!
mia vaida
mia vaida - 8 years ago
hahahah the kid is hilarious
Nicholas Hollyoak
Nicholas Hollyoak - 8 years ago
Mad vid! That last wave he caught was a cracker!
DocPegLegRed - 8 years ago
Thank you very much
Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson - 8 years ago
Grabbing the rails has always been my worst habit
Mogg - 8 years ago
2:25 the kid says that we look like idiots when were doing that mistake but...DID YOU EVER HEARD YOU TALK . sorry i needed to do that but still great vid!
Mogg - 8 years ago
Yeah ur right i shouldnt have posted that coment . the video was actualy pretty useful (if thats how u spell it)
RonnieBavs - 8 years ago
He didn't say that at all XD
Mogg - 8 years ago
i know im portuguese
lapopofighting - 8 years ago
still not as bad as your english
Michael Stenger
Michael Stenger - 8 years ago
Thank you! I was out this AM...a beginner...I need to 'pop-up'!
Ryan McClure
Ryan McClure - 8 years ago
This great, When i start doing these it normally means I'm tired or just a kook?
Claudia Wortham
Claudia Wortham - 8 years ago
Thank you so much this was really helpful:)
MUSTYMATTslh - 8 years ago
Funny to look at the beginning cus it says Surf Coaches
Irshad Khan
Irshad Khan - 8 years ago
Awesome video..thank you sir
Al Paca
Al Paca - 8 years ago
Laughed my ass of, this little guy is hilarious. Awesome video XD
Henry Rowbotham
Henry Rowbotham - 8 years ago
Kids annoying
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
Henry Rowbotham he's trying to be funny biatch don't be mean he's 13
Zach One
Zach One - 7 years ago
He's just a kid, you gotta loosen up..
Alice Fernandes
Alice Fernandes - 8 years ago
you are awesome!!!!Mahalo
Richard Ong
Richard Ong - 8 years ago
Mahalo guys for this awesome video!
sxrbgefwdsacd dscdscs
sxrbgefwdsacd dscdscs - 8 years ago
what's wrong with this kid.... hahaha
feelsoezy - 8 years ago
man this kid is killing me
david nisbet
david nisbet - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is that kid annoying
TommyTwobats - 8 years ago
THanks. I've tried to surf three times over the past 15 years. Never got passed the going-straight-on-the-white-water stage.
TAZAKKA ANNISA - 8 years ago
Dat kids face is annoying
sxrbgefwdsacd dscdscs
sxrbgefwdsacd dscdscs - 8 years ago
+TAZAKKA ANNISA i agree with U haha
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall - 8 years ago
I can't stand the pop up practice on the deck with the mat under the board how to ruin your board 101 !
Surferkids J
Surferkids J - 8 years ago
I wish I watched this video before I started surfing
BradsonMan - 8 years ago
Lol thought this was cs go surf
Caleb N.
Caleb N. - 8 years ago
these graphics are insane!
Tina - 8 years ago
that kid is gonna give me nightmares lol
Steve T
Steve T - 7 years ago
Cheers for this, I have been researching "beginners surfing tips" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Feyvid Surfers Semitist - (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my neighbour got great success with it.
koreaflyfisher - 8 years ago
Music choise done while on LSD?
よよよ - 9 years ago
Cat's Eye
Cat's Eye - 9 years ago
There are two important errors missing, pushing too close to the nose, or too close to the tail, both makes you sink and fall (close to the nose makes falling more interesting though, with a nice catapult style on bigger waves)... ;)
MUSTYMATTslh - 9 years ago
Great vid, ill check out your website
zapp utopia
zapp utopia - 9 years ago
thank you so much for this video, it actually made a big difference in my surfing as I'm 16 and a beginner surfer. thanks to this video I managed to fix a major mistake of looking down and caught my very fight unbroken wave! thx a lot!!
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+zapp utopia Thats awesome! Super glad it helped. Make sure to check some of our other vids, tons of hidden gems for beginners
Galen Weinstein
Galen Weinstein - 9 years ago
Did anyone else hear the kid fart at 5:47
VENOM - 8 years ago
The video ends at 5:47 but
Martin G.
Martin G. - 9 years ago
+Tolga Atalay
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 9 years ago
good video pity about the kid
Ransom Soderberg
Ransom Soderberg - 9 years ago
Great popup tutorial made me be able to stand up first time :P
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 9 years ago
There's a lot of insanity behind that kids eyes
Lucky Duck
Lucky Duck - 9 years ago
there are a few of these I have s hard time with. centering and looking! ahhhhh good video
Gabriel Barella
Gabriel Barella - 9 years ago
Really good vid, thanks for these tips... Hello from Brazil!
Gino Pinela
Gino Pinela - 9 years ago
lmfao dis nigga
McLoven - 9 years ago
lol that kid is loving himself.
nickGTFX - 9 years ago
Great video guys. I've falling into the trap of going to my knees when popping up. Do you have a fix for it? I've done dry land practice but It doesn't translate into the water.
Henry Bartz
Henry Bartz - 6 years ago
Solstice - 6 years ago
I do the same thing.. this is 2 years later so do you guys have any advice?
Jacob F
Jacob F - 9 years ago
I have the same exact problem.. I get kinda nervous when i feel the wave take me and i see the drop and i just pop up staight to both knees at the same time facing forward
Le Chat
Le Chat - 9 years ago
ok the number one is litteraly me !! thx for the video :)
Eduardo Fagundes
Eduardo Fagundes - 9 years ago
9 and 10 is something i need get improve
mr loose dingo
mr loose dingo - 9 years ago
that kid is on crack
shaun rinker
shaun rinker - 6 years ago
That kid is the cringiest kid I've ever seen.
Jacob Tostado
Jacob Tostado - 6 years ago
Ur all pricks
Candice Woollaston
Candice Woollaston - 7 years ago
mr loose dingo you don't know how right you are
Luke Sacco
Luke Sacco - 7 years ago
Shut up
Irene McGinley
Irene McGinley - 7 years ago
He is the definition of cringe
Irene McGinley
Irene McGinley - 7 years ago
drew - 7 years ago
dude your mom was on crack.  didn't she ever tell you not to insult a kid?  or you grew up that way oh I get it.  carry on.
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
He's just a happy kid. You probably don't know what that's like.
Discharge Summary
Discharge Summary - 7 years ago
mr loose dingo so Am I
Fernando Azeredo
Fernando Azeredo - 7 years ago
Or on shrooms
Joshua Davis
Joshua Davis - 7 years ago
Everything that kid does makes me cringe
South African Gaming Mafia's
South African Gaming Mafia's - 7 years ago
100% true
Indie Sindie
Indie Sindie - 7 years ago
Gustavo Leal
Gustavo Leal - 8 years ago
Kirill Kamudo
Kirill Kamudo - 8 years ago
haha the kid is hilarious, make the video!
Extreme Outdoors Q15
Extreme Outdoors Q15 - 9 years ago
+Owen Davidson lol
Owen Davidson
Owen Davidson - 9 years ago
You dont wana look like a crab or something
Shaka - 9 years ago
+mr loose dingo HAHAHHAHA! Agreed.
Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson - 9 years ago
Simon McDonough
Simon McDonough - 9 years ago
Great video, very helpful, thank you
JP McPherson
JP McPherson - 7 years ago
Simon McDonough you’re too fat to surf
djbods - 9 years ago
I've only surfed two good seasons since I began and I already knew all this lol
Greg Polansky
Greg Polansky - 9 years ago
Hahaha, been having problems with a lot of these. Great video!
mayble cheng
mayble cheng - 7 years ago
Greg Polansky I
SurfingwithBen - 8 years ago
The longer, thicker and wider board the easier it'll be to learn.
Greg Polansky
Greg Polansky - 8 years ago
+jeffrey Benoit how are you?
Guitarman 109o0
Guitarman 109o0 - 8 years ago
Aziza Williams
Aziza Williams - 8 years ago
Venir Lekha longboards
Greg Polansky
Greg Polansky - 8 years ago
longboards! no doubt. The more float the better for beginners.
Venir Lekha
Venir Lekha - 8 years ago
+iSURFTRIBE what's better for beginners? Long boards or performance boards?
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Greg Polansky thanks! More to come
Captain Freddy
Captain Freddy - 9 years ago
Great video thanks, really helped me a lot. Hey kiddo don't worry about any negative comments you are really cool!
Sofia Selgrad
Sofia Selgrad - 9 years ago
Mahalo :) it's a great video¡ greetings from Venezuela
Joshua Scholtz
Joshua Scholtz - 9 years ago
the guys
Joshua Scholtz
Joshua Scholtz - 9 years ago
the guys
NorthOCkook - 9 years ago
Hey what's wrong with that kid?
Jacob Tostado
Jacob Tostado - 6 years ago
Nothing u prick
Mashy - 7 years ago
That kids a legend he’s just having some fun generally what kids do
Luke Jabulani Reid
Luke Jabulani Reid - 7 years ago
That kid is amazing.
jerry suzuki
jerry suzuki - 7 years ago
Your son annoys me too!
drew - 7 years ago
If you said tat about my son I'd be pissed.  Since you have no family values I figure it's just a character defect.
angelikmayhem - 8 years ago
+NorthOCkook He's busy being awesome.
Benji Brookes
Benji Brookes - 9 years ago
I don't understand how you can bruise your knees when using them to pop up?
Greg Tjosvold
Greg Tjosvold - 9 years ago
Any tips for old guys like me who are a tad ahem round? :) Working on losing the gut, but in the mean time I find it hard to pull my legs through and the belly gets in the way. Ideas?
John Anderson
John Anderson - 6 years ago
Greg Tjosvold you need to do a big big push with your hands to pop up powerfully and give yourself more space - and go low carb to lose gut
Vanessa Fujiki
Vanessa Fujiki - 9 years ago
this is very helpful Mahalo
Jasper van Loo
Jasper van Loo - 9 years ago
what kind of traction pad is that? never seen such a short one
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Jasper van Loo Its actually called a half pad. I had never seen one either until I got that board. Great for training the back foot to move back, reason I bought it.
luiz henrique salonski da Silva junior
luiz henrique salonski da Silva junior - 9 years ago
Great videao,keep them coming(i suggest backhand tips)
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+luiz henrique salonski Cool, we will put it on our list and come up with something useful. Thanks
caroline j
caroline j - 9 years ago
This was so helpful omg. It clued me in to stuff I didn't even know I was doing! Thanks so much :) plus, that kid is so freaking funny
Jim - 9 years ago
All good stuff - thanks for all the help.. Good to see Atua more involved & having fun!
Reppercent - 9 years ago
+Jim Daniell creep
Reppercent - 9 years ago
+Jim Daniell creep
LachyBalboa1 - 9 years ago
That kid is so funny
Peter Bennett
Peter Bennett - 7 years ago
It’s ok he’s vegan
Aleksey Gureev
Aleksey Gureev - 7 years ago
Malik - 7 years ago
LachyBalboa1 no
Casse Vite
Casse Vite - 9 years ago
Like this love this. You guys rulee
Lacrosseprodigy - 9 years ago
What happened to Brent?
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+Lacrosseprodigy He will be back, as soon as the novelty of snowboarding and getting a beer belly wears off.
Cathryn Weisenhaus
Cathryn Weisenhaus - 9 years ago
So helpful! Thank you!!!
Surfnboy -Fortnite Mobile
Surfnboy -Fortnite Mobile - 9 years ago
Awesome video but still waiting on the generating speed video :)
Matityah - 9 years ago
Too much goofing around but otherwise very informative. Thanks.
Phil Chipman
Phil Chipman - 9 years ago
Goofing is good!
iSURFTRIBE - 9 years ago
+icerasta Thanks, I have to let Atua be Atua or else making these vids wouldn't be fun for him.
lee - 9 years ago
They were fine! Atuas hilarious leave them alone
Surfnboy -Fortnite Mobile
Surfnboy -Fortnite Mobile - 9 years ago
I like the goofing around! It shows his personality!! Lol

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