LETS GET A MILLION LIKES FOR TRAMPOLINE SURFING!!!!! SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : SHIRTS : FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: Twitter: SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: 2ND CHANNEL↓ JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: | EdWiener: | Turner: | Pierce: About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! TRAMPOLINE SURFING IN A HURRICANE!!! | JOOGSQUAD PPJT JoogSquad PPJT

TRAMPOLINE SURFING IN A HURRICANE!!! | JOOGSQUAD PPJT sentiment_very_dissatisfied 769

Surf 8 years ago 954,348 views

LETS GET A MILLION LIKES FOR TRAMPOLINE SURFING!!!!! SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : SHIRTS : FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: Twitter: SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: 2ND CHANNEL↓ JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: | EdWiener: | Turner: | Pierce: About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! TRAMPOLINE SURFING IN A HURRICANE!!! | JOOGSQUAD PPJT JoogSquad PPJT

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Most popular comments

Bw WB - 7 years ago
Where is the hurricane xd
R62A 4 TRAIN FAN - 7 years ago
Koryon Plays
Koryon Plays - 7 years ago
Y'all may do dumb stuff but as long as it makes us happy watching and u happy doing it and that is what matters most besides dying trying to do it or having critical damage
James Gardner Vids
James Gardner Vids - 7 years ago
What is ppjt
James Madeley
James Madeley - 7 years ago
How deep is your pool
Owen Rulyak
Owen Rulyak - 7 years ago
they did this on my birthday
Andrew Edwards
Andrew Edwards - 7 years ago
Diane M Kuchins
Diane M Kuchins - 7 years ago
Emmy Nelson
Emmy Nelson - 7 years ago
watch 8:03


Reed Byford
Reed Byford - 7 years ago
Thumbs up if you liked this video before it even started because of the title!
Birkisnirki - 7 years ago
Indoesmoke 420
Indoesmoke 420 - 7 years ago
Crazy shit
Mike Tate
Mike Tate - 7 years ago
Paddlers need to keep paddling and shift weight forward
Caleb VanTil
Caleb VanTil - 7 years ago
This is like The Pirates of the Caribbean only better
Sam Phelps
Sam Phelps - 7 years ago
JOOGSQUAD Freedom Floatilla !!!!
Zachary Johnson
Zachary Johnson - 7 years ago
I would be surprised if this works you can't surf ever with your nose underwater
1618033 - 7 years ago
my life sucks
Willman H.
Willman H. - 7 years ago
Hey that's my bday
Social Bleach
Social Bleach - 7 years ago
1000 likes if they should cross the ocean in that


GFTW - 7 years ago
GFTW - 7 years ago
I ment 8:21
GFTW - 7 years ago
Martin Gomez
Martin Gomez - 7 years ago
Zachary Bennett
Zachary Bennett - 7 years ago
Can I be a part of your squad?
zzmattzz11 - 7 years ago
Do this at the Jersey shore with those waves you'll go flying
LOGAN Mcloughlin
LOGAN Mcloughlin - 7 years ago
come on guys we can make it to a million likes come like diz fucking video
Caleb Ferguson27
Caleb Ferguson27 - 7 years ago
10:20 LOL
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy - 7 years ago
This is the life! Be careful out there guys!
That poor girl. Wasted.
Darkness 4444
Darkness 4444 - 7 years ago
I hate people that ask for likes on their comments

like if you agree
Brandon Harbaugh
Brandon Harbaugh - 7 years ago
when the intermission is ten times better than the main subject lol


Core Craft
Core Craft - 8 years ago
They should just be called the chilly suit trampoline squad.
The Fearsome Foursom
The Fearsome Foursom - 8 years ago
Your such a savage
Landon Not-Swafford
Landon Not-Swafford - 8 years ago
this is why I love these huys, they remind me that there are other idiots like me in the world...
lance barrilleaux
lance barrilleaux - 8 years ago
The dudesons and joogsquad the best !
MaNbArIN - 8 years ago
Wuli bear
Wuli bear - 8 years ago
Dat. ass. 1:54
ZeroRiot - 8 years ago
how does it feel when a youtuber that was smaller than you and was but wasnt copying your trampoline vs series grow quicker than you and i think 1 or 2 months will go by and he will be bigger than you
SstealthH - 8 years ago
15:35 you idiots don't even know how to use a green screen
SstealthH - 8 years ago
smoke weed while dressed as a trampoline while eating a tazer while sucking as a penis like if you agree
SstealthH - 8 years ago
you're actually retarded
Isaiah Coleman
Isaiah Coleman - 8 years ago
this was filmed on my birthday
Chad hillegas Gaming
Chad hillegas Gaming - 8 years ago
That's really a hurricane u pussy
Unqstqpable - 8 years ago
ooh 2003'th comment meh year b-d october 7th is date of release omg lol
Erinwh31 - 8 years ago
pepper and evil orange my fishes died :( pls can you put a fishy in the comments to join them
Random Kid
Random Kid - 8 years ago
Mr joogquad can u do it with liquid nitrogen
Michael Thats Me
Michael Thats Me - 8 years ago
Flaming Penguin06
Flaming Penguin06 - 8 years ago
Check out my last vid n try not to laugh
DopeDiamond04 - 8 years ago
clemens dotson
clemens dotson - 8 years ago
were is the hurricane?
nick anthony
nick anthony - 8 years ago
sick edit


Zethomnu - 8 years ago
500 likes and i'll slit my wrist
A&A Squad eilliams
A&A Squad eilliams - 8 years ago
jump off the top of the roof then in the trampoline and then to the pool
Grayskull - 8 years ago
Hayden Hill
Hayden Hill - 8 years ago
you guys are the best keep on doing what yall do best
Juanita Bryant
Juanita Bryant - 8 years ago
Justin Taylor
Justin Taylor - 8 years ago
wish this was my life
Sam - 8 years ago
CHALLENGE tie a rope to ur house lead it out to the ocean and do this but 24 hr challenge
Simmer for Life
Simmer for Life - 8 years ago
Aren't you guys scared of the sharks
Sean kirk
Sean kirk - 8 years ago
Joog squad logic: let's go try and kill ourselves for views B.C. Views=money
Leonardo Glaynner
Leonardo Glaynner - 8 years ago
I don't know how this video didn't get 1 milion likes, omg. It was amazing.
Luke Wright
Luke Wright - 8 years ago
Should do a prank where your wgering a baseball cap and like a button up shirt and every time you see a cop you run for your life and freak out all action movie like to where they see you sketch out and and try too get them too chase you but when they bust you you did nothing. my buddy did one similar it was FU*KING EPICALLY hilarious omg... do it squad!!
EBA - 8 years ago
how you not scared of their being a tide and it drifting away
Ella Miller
Ella Miller - 8 years ago
you should full your pool up with like 200 hundred or something bath bombs :)
hilton kamps
hilton kamps - 8 years ago
there's no wind
epicgaming 2
epicgaming 2 - 8 years ago
im ganna report your channel
Maboy Vanturee
Maboy Vanturee - 8 years ago
you should make the picture at the back of your chanel be a screenshot of the moment in 10:53
Maboy Vanturee
Maboy Vanturee - 8 years ago
or 14:07
Penis boy Gang
Penis boy Gang - 8 years ago
1:54 pretty much got stuck there cause of the vid blessing me
MysteryMoose - 8 years ago
You guys should do a trampoline video with nettles!!!! Like if you agree :D
Ryan G
Ryan G - 8 years ago
nipslip at 10:03 like halfway thru the baloon thing
Mees Van der horst
Mees Van der horst - 8 years ago
you should change your name to braile surfing and do more videos like this
LezRowl - 8 years ago
Mees Van der horst wtf does braile mean
Lúcio - 8 years ago
Where do you live its so Beautiful :D
rachel makaowski
rachel makaowski - 8 years ago
Mr.Meeseeks Pretty sure he lives in south Florida
Amr sadek
Amr sadek - 8 years ago
Thats actually so awsome
Richard Phelps
Richard Phelps - 8 years ago
you guys should skim with a quad towing you
Richard Phelps
Richard Phelps - 8 years ago
where in florida are you guys? I'm from west palm beach and grew up on juno beach.
Letsile Kgoladisa
Letsile Kgoladisa - 8 years ago
Where do you live
j. lemmis
j. lemmis - 8 years ago
one of the best videos of you so far! really had to laugh out at some points
Tyler Conner
Tyler Conner - 8 years ago
Look at this caveman
Felicity Carnes
Felicity Carnes - 8 years ago
I want a body like her am i right ladies
noah scott
noah scott - 8 years ago
more 24 hour challenges
Everett Shipp
Everett Shipp - 8 years ago
What is the song called wen the second surf session starts?
Kara Taylor
Kara Taylor - 8 years ago
Simply Sierra
Simply Sierra - 8 years ago
That looks so fun. Did it ever tip over?
Veronica Cervantes
Veronica Cervantes - 8 years ago
tell me where you live I live in Salton Sea Beach and I'm at my mom's visiting at Desert Hot Springs
Laura W. Miller
Laura W. Miller - 8 years ago
I mean joogsqad
Laura W. Miller
Laura W. Miller - 8 years ago
Joogsqad i found a sight with your name on it Josh sqaid
Kierstyn Snyder
Kierstyn Snyder - 8 years ago
We're do you live in Florida I want to meat you
Mary Sharp
Mary Sharp - 8 years ago
My son wants to join
Tommy Glover
Tommy Glover - 8 years ago
Rain drop drop top do your hair because it looks like a soggy mop
Plumpstery - 8 years ago
hey you have a really nice climate where you live I'm not trying to be creepy but like what state or town do you live in because i might want to move there
Ashley Gordon
Ashley Gordon - 8 years ago
Those peeps were like HALP HALP crushed by waves
Jasmine White
Jasmine White - 8 years ago
My favorite video ❤️❤️❤️❤️ my first video I ever saw from your guys so definitely my favorite ❤️❤️❤️
Kris Vag
Kris Vag - 8 years ago
Do you have a sexual fetish for trampolines or something?
The1 And Only M
The1 And Only M - 8 years ago
First Song??
̶Ð̶Ø̶P̶Є - 8 years ago
song please
Ari R
Ari R - 8 years ago
I hate when he said fellow people of the goo squad
Gymnast at Heart
Gymnast at Heart - 8 years ago
Anybody else click the the like button before watching?
Naz - 8 years ago
joogsquad ppjt is now the greatest youtube channel
Ian kearns
Ian kearns - 8 years ago
1:54 DAT ASS
Luna Frejda
Luna Frejda - 8 years ago
Lincoln productions
Lincoln productions - 8 years ago
Out here in North Dakota the closest thing to this is ice


anugrah asp
anugrah asp - 8 years ago
Alxqx The Goat
Alxqx The Goat - 8 years ago
MrRainbow !
MrRainbow ! - 8 years ago
How is this possible
Hdhd - 8 years ago
You don't care about me I'm anthony
Jemm Muller
Jemm Muller - 8 years ago
your sunsets god damn
SupremeChase - 8 years ago
dude she fucked up so many times
Foxy Fnaf
Foxy Fnaf - 8 years ago
Sense it's winter now and it's freezing outside and your pool is most likely frozen when it's frozen enough get your hose and spray it down the next day do the same again and again if it fills up too early redo it and empty the pool a lil and keep on adding layers until the later of ice is as big as the person with the biggest head that persons head then Stand on the ice and maybe surf on it I dunno put a trampoline on it have some fun XD
Kyle Strange
Kyle Strange - 8 years ago
you are fucking craze
charlie rigby
charlie rigby - 8 years ago
Akae Vlogs
Akae Vlogs - 8 years ago
Ily guys sm you guys are so amazing and its ridiculous to know that we live in the same city lmao
Carlos Acuña Muñoz
Carlos Acuña Muñoz - 8 years ago
song 10:43?? please
Sean and Suzanne P.
Sean and Suzanne P. - 8 years ago
Was this hurricane Matthew?
Karlie - 8 years ago
I'm mad that I live in garbage Minnesota and the "craziest" thing we do is sled of the roof
HrZn Voltage
HrZn Voltage - 8 years ago
Karlie Ifthisis Same here in Iowa lmao
TWrecks - 8 years ago
i mean the hurricane wasn't too bad it was pretty fun i wish the news didn't over exaggerate it though the winds felt good
cole clausing
cole clausing - 8 years ago
At 10:00 I was dying
Clorox bleach
Clorox bleach - 8 years ago
that sun set tho
Izzy & Bissy ME
Izzy & Bissy ME - 8 years ago
I hate watching these videos because it reminds me how boring my life is but I can't help myself
̶Ð̶Ø̶P̶Є - 8 years ago
song plz
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 8 years ago
Fun Fact: A trampoline never used to be called a trampoline it was called a jumpoline until your mom jumped on it. sub me if you even slightly laughed and you know you did cuz I cried when I first heard that and it took me a second to get it but I was in tears
Paul Rakestraw
Paul Rakestraw - 8 years ago
Milko DnA
Milko DnA - 8 years ago
Ayy, do one golf course air horn prank once again. All you MUST do is honk at the top of someone's swing...
Shelby carter
Shelby carter - 8 years ago
how deep is that pool
Shelby carter
Shelby carter - 8 years ago
you guys do such amazing things!
Coach Larry
Coach Larry - 8 years ago
I got a popsocket from your store on Thursday when will it come
Dextra - 8 years ago
What is this song
Patrick McLachlan
Patrick McLachlan - 8 years ago
you should make a sail boat out of a trampoline
Cookie Monstaa19
Cookie Monstaa19 - 8 years ago
this is the first video I've watched and I'm just wondering are they stoners?
Zak Roberts
Zak Roberts - 8 years ago
Loved it
Alexander Hanus
Alexander Hanus - 8 years ago
07:53 Hold on my love, I'll save you!!!!!!!
Dilated1367 - 8 years ago
he wanted 1,000,069 likes and he did not get that many views
Legend Cox
Legend Cox - 8 years ago
I've got a social experiment idea, put people on hold in person. Strike up a conversation, and put them on hold, then start another conversation with another person then putting them on hold, and go back to the first person.
Titan slayer Gaming
Titan slayer Gaming - 8 years ago
Nice booty who ever that girl was
shp0ngle - 8 years ago
I'm new to this channel, but this channel seems awesome. Where is this?
Hawaii? I'm from scandinavia, so we don't really have these skies...
Beautiful waves and stuff. ;) Thanks.. If anyone knows where this is
pleas do tell. ;) Peace out
edit: I heard close to florida.. Alright. Good to know.. Beautiful nature over there!
ReganMarcelis - 8 years ago
I don't want to be like the "U.F.O" spotter but WTF is in the sky at 00:14 to 00:16 it does not look like a kite, seems a bit high too. Out of galaxy fans? ...Or you guys have a drone camera?..
Josh Frank
Josh Frank - 8 years ago
ReganMarcelis drone
Everett Field
Everett Field - 8 years ago
do not dislike like the video
Will Lorimer
Will Lorimer - 8 years ago
Where's the hurricane
ColinPlayz - 8 years ago
Holy hell
HIPHOP TV - 8 years ago
whats the song called in the beginning ?
Harry The Tuxedo
Harry The Tuxedo - 8 years ago
My brothers, I am on Kidney Dialysis 15 hours a week and your youtube channel sure does make my time go by better. Reminds me of when I was younger..............FFS, I wish I was 25 years younger, Thanks everyone.................Peace Out!!!!!!! Harry
Kaelee Nichole
Kaelee Nichole - 8 years ago
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 8 years ago
AvaGrase Mar
AvaGrase Mar - 8 years ago
You are horrible. Nice Raman noddle hair
Tacoabundence - 8 years ago
When is the 24 hours on a trampoline in the ocean happening?
ihatesigningupforsht - 8 years ago
strap a sail and a rudder on that bitch and have a trampoline surf sail boat
salvador hernandez
salvador hernandez - 8 years ago
9:16 nice
Aviation Expert69
Aviation Expert69 - 8 years ago
what a hurricane lol
William Leonard
William Leonard - 8 years ago
I enjoy your Vlogs a lot! Do you enjoy Vlogs? Then check out my YouTube channel where I make videos from Miami, Florida. Check out my recently uploaded CHEATING PRANK ON GF. Please subscribe for more.
Nikola Pancic
Nikola Pancic - 8 years ago
ok i geave u
ashlyn FirSoadMgmt
ashlyn FirSoadMgmt - 8 years ago
I would have popes my sled
jack coucoules
jack coucoules - 8 years ago
Galaxy tea
Qse VorTex
Qse VorTex - 8 years ago
When i watch this im thinking is flip diving the game
aideno style
aideno style - 8 years ago
Don’tActCool Pls
Don’tActCool Pls - 8 years ago
Who came here from Faze Rug
Braiden Andriske
Braiden Andriske - 8 years ago
What's the song at 10:30
Harrison Cripps
Harrison Cripps - 8 years ago
whats the song at the start?
Noah Mathews
Noah Mathews - 8 years ago
i have that exact tramp
venomstriker - 8 years ago
You guys are crazy but really inspireing
NELSoN - 8 years ago
madalyn newport
madalyn newport - 8 years ago
,Hurricane MAtthew?
Papa Dart
Papa Dart - 8 years ago
okay okay, lets be honest, these guys have the perfect life
Late night memes
Late night memes - 8 years ago
Video starts at 0.00
Thunder - 8 years ago
dat ass doe
Carson Hughes
Carson Hughes - 8 years ago
You are so cool
Extreme Productions
Extreme Productions - 8 years ago
do the same thing but with 7 stories
Casual Gamer
Casual Gamer - 8 years ago
You know what's coming...... Tramp vs Tramp on paddle boards
Victor Lee
Victor Lee - 8 years ago
Does he smoke weed
Tide Detergent
Tide Detergent - 8 years ago
you should do this in the cabo san lucas waves
Pull Up
Pull Up - 8 years ago
What's the name of the song
Dominic Lalonde
Dominic Lalonde - 8 years ago
F you
10,000 Subcriber Without Videos
10,000 Subcriber Without Videos - 8 years ago
Whats the song at 1:10
10,000 Subcriber Without Videos
10,000 Subcriber Without Videos - 8 years ago
Emir Engevold
Emir Engevold - 8 years ago
24 hauors
Connor Miller
Connor Miller - 8 years ago
How many trampolines do you have
Too Free
Too Free - 8 years ago
Thank me later
Mia Quinonez
Mia Quinonez - 8 years ago
F you
Colin Kukas
Colin Kukas - 8 years ago
Lanzenreiter Galaxis
Lanzenreiter Galaxis - 8 years ago
And I thought the lawn chair surfing was crazy!
Tobias Ottem
Tobias Ottem - 8 years ago
That looks so fun!
Berg Power
Berg Power - 8 years ago
Like als je Nederlands bent
Lotte Vos
Lotte Vos - 8 years ago
Lotte Vos
Lotte Vos - 8 years ago
Girls in my class love the gut that did the intro
MSK Gamer M
MSK Gamer M - 8 years ago
Worlds best video
Ella Archer
Ella Archer - 8 years ago
Make a pool out of a trampoline
Rees StCyr
Rees StCyr - 8 years ago
11\2\16 happy 22nd birthday jack
Darth Pootus
Darth Pootus - 8 years ago
8:07 You're Welcome!
Stezah - 8 years ago
ramen noodle hair
Jayden Jones
Jayden Jones - 8 years ago
SMURF GOD - 8 years ago
Gotta do a meet up soon. Me and my friends r from st Pete
Max Mufa
Max Mufa - 8 years ago
Bouncy castle out on the water video like if you agree
TW BMX - 8 years ago
can you do a ufc or a fight on it last man standing
Tommy Tntlife
Tommy Tntlife - 8 years ago
How could you not like this?!
redstone aus
redstone aus - 8 years ago
The fact I can get it right away with a lot more fun and addicting and I don't think that it was not immediately available to all of them in my head and a lot more fun and. Lol that was a troll I was hitting the bottons on the side
Evan Wohlart
Evan Wohlart - 8 years ago
Tanners better
Mitchell Brown
Mitchell Brown - 8 years ago
Domanique Rosales
Domanique Rosales - 8 years ago
Is that your real hair.?
Lucas Miner
Lucas Miner - 8 years ago
how deep was that water in the ocean
Zaastro Luck
Zaastro Luck - 8 years ago
IEXOTIC GAMER - 8 years ago
I fucking hate you
Warren DeLong
Warren DeLong - 8 years ago
hope you die jack
Sidney Isaac
Sidney Isaac - 8 years ago
Carson Stroman
Carson Stroman - 8 years ago
Yamera Childress
Yamera Childress - 8 years ago
I love them <3
Footballforlife 17
Footballforlife 17 - 8 years ago
Go back to pranks
Footballforlife 17
Footballforlife 17 - 8 years ago
You suck
Footballforlife 17
Footballforlife 17 - 8 years ago
Scorpio YT
Scorpio YT - 8 years ago
Caleb Harris
Caleb Harris - 8 years ago
Dominic Mattox
Dominic Mattox - 8 years ago
Chris Trice
Chris Trice - 8 years ago
sup savages
CoyoteStarCraft69 Austyn Brigman
CoyoteStarCraft69 Austyn Brigman - 8 years ago
ok i live in Florida and three weeks ago there was no hurricane what hurricane was about to hit!?!?!
ClownProductionZ - 8 years ago

elloitscaroline 1
elloitscaroline 1 - 8 years ago
Is it just me or am I the only one who has realized that there's literally usually no waves where he lives even when there's a hurricane they're not big or anything
oshun - 8 years ago
badass in the making 7:47
Jman Sang
Jman Sang - 8 years ago
9:02 why he sagging? lol
ALL VIDEOS - 8 years ago
very cool
Madeleine Slack
Madeleine Slack - 8 years ago
Julius Thome
Julius Thome - 8 years ago
Is there a joogsquad winter-pause ??
Jack M
Jack M - 8 years ago
Do a floating slip n slide like if you agree
Uk Motorvlogs
Uk Motorvlogs - 8 years ago
I can not be the only one who replayed the part where her nice ass came on
Glitch the robot!
Glitch the robot! - 8 years ago
Ridle me this! how many fricken trampolines do u guys have in total
Snake Slayer
Snake Slayer - 8 years ago
Wow that was sick please could you make a video on two trampoline in the water ?????And please could you say my name in the video MICHAEL THOMASkeep up all the good work
Jeremy Schumacher
Jeremy Schumacher - 8 years ago
What's the names of both of the songs?
Ellie Beck
Ellie Beck - 8 years ago
Hey you should totally do a meet and greet??? Anyway please reply ily +joogsqauad
Kurtis Riley
Kurtis Riley - 8 years ago
Almost at 666,666 likes come on m8's
Garrett Davis
Garrett Davis - 8 years ago
Felix Nagel
Felix Nagel - 8 years ago
Ocd with the blue protection around the trampoline. Anyone else the same?
Rafael Johnson
Rafael Johnson - 8 years ago
What's the song?
Adam Pennington
Adam Pennington - 8 years ago
This is my FAVORITE ONE so far!
niBBa Femili
niBBa Femili - 8 years ago
is that girl his gf?
Susie SawKlipp
Susie SawKlipp - 8 years ago
5k likes and he should cut his hair
Jen Itals
Jen Itals - 8 years ago
Awesome video man, what's the music at 1:20 ?
MasterAce - 8 years ago
double trampoline surfing on top of each other!
BottleFlips_Anything - 8 years ago
You should do this with the stilted trampoline then put on a motor
Sean Brobston
Sean Brobston - 8 years ago
Best video in a while! This is Epic
hitting_things_with _broken_trees
hitting_things_with _broken_trees - 8 years ago
I had a dollar for every trampoline I would have an accurate mimic of what's actually in my bank account about 8$
PNW HS Bassing
PNW HS Bassing - 8 years ago
Do this at the wedge
DareToDoom - 8 years ago
jeez your stupid
Jose Francisco
Jose Francisco - 8 years ago
what song is playing i like it
SUP richie
SUP richie - 8 years ago
RedBull waikiki is next
ig::: yeayearichie
joe nodden
joe nodden - 8 years ago
most random video ever
Toxzii - 8 years ago
What the music in 3:00 i liked it :D
Blake - 8 years ago
thats so fucking cool
Winston Kenyon
Winston Kenyon - 8 years ago
looks rediculously fun!
Chase W
Chase W - 8 years ago
I'm a newbie
Chase W
Chase W - 8 years ago
anyone that subs me I will sum back
Bible Readers
Bible Readers - 8 years ago
yo check out me and my friends channel if you want. joogsquad
inspired us so we make similar videos.
magma popcorn
magma popcorn - 8 years ago
AZ Studios you guys latest video looked dope I subbed :)
Lord of The Ducks !!
Lord of The Ducks !! - 8 years ago
Matias Mingo
Matias Mingo - 8 years ago
Jamie Obrien needs to do this
Captain Katie
Captain Katie - 8 years ago
We don't get hurricanes in where I live in California but I know it's stupid to say this looks fun specially during a hurricane when the water is hella crazy
marvin flores
marvin flores - 8 years ago
name of the girl?
Valdemar Foster
Valdemar Foster - 8 years ago
They will never get 1 mil likes on a video
Ahnab 123
Ahnab 123 - 8 years ago
he asks for like 1000,000 likes and he gets 36 thousand
JP_ G - 8 years ago
dress as a clown and run at people
MythicalYT Island
MythicalYT Island - 8 years ago
Is that Cali!
André - 8 years ago
Boring shiit
Whiplasher XTREME_16
Whiplasher XTREME_16 - 8 years ago
I can tell u like hiphop. It's in literally every video, I will have music vids/hiphop!
WadSquad - 8 years ago
what happened to Ansley
WadSquad - 8 years ago
were has she been
jordan lit
jordan lit - 8 years ago
haricane anytime now
Daniel Zilio
Daniel Zilio - 8 years ago
1 million likes = never will happen/impossible to happen/0% of chance of happening/will take one eternity
Dallas6 - 8 years ago
Ive never been in a ocean is it cold or warm
AlexPecha - 8 years ago
Did u really just ask this lol how dumb can u be oceans temperatures depend on location and weather climate.
Manbutnotman Films
Manbutnotman Films - 8 years ago
ICrazyFlash on the west coast it depends on the weather but it's usually on the colder side but u easily get used to it
Ryan Watts
Ryan Watts - 8 years ago
ICrazyFlash which ocean are you talking about?
Dryrazor - 8 years ago
ICrazyFlash depends on weather and temperature of your area
hilchinga - 8 years ago
Hide and Tweak
Hide and Tweak - 8 years ago
the colours are so magic at 6:20
Troy Kirkley
Troy Kirkley - 8 years ago
If I flew out there would U guys let hang with you?? I can do all the flips and stuff on tramps u guys are awesome
charlottaayyye - 8 years ago
hey i live really close to u and i wanna learn how to surf so badly lmao i wish u could teach me xD
Crypta Gamer115
Crypta Gamer115 - 8 years ago
LOOK AT 8:20
kaj paget
kaj paget - 8 years ago
Please Gyro a skim board, or build a kite board size, surfboard with gyro stabilizer. Please. Thanks for your vids.
Fishytoe - 8 years ago
it'd be cool if joog could reply, right now, I broke my leg, and I can't do anymore trampoline stunts. Still subbed tho Joog
niemannd - 8 years ago
4:25 What is the white in the background?
Xxxkickboyxxx - 8 years ago
Do wicked sh*t XD like fu*ckin surfing in a fuc*ing hurricane BITCHES #BIGDICKDAVE
Jordan S
Jordan S - 8 years ago
Pause at 1:55 for a small ass
ƬψƬ༻Betta - 8 years ago
was kinda expecting someone to get lost out to sea. Lol.
Vlog Epicness
Vlog Epicness - 8 years ago
I used to Trampoline Surf during Hurricanes when I was a kids. J/K lol
IronKangFTW - 8 years ago
I hate the intro
Squichy - 8 years ago
This is the best idea you had
Activat e
Activat e - 8 years ago
Make a small shack on the surf able trampoline and bring some paddles and you have to try to survive one night (you can bring whatever snacks and or drinks you want) please do this
Ryan Batista
Ryan Batista - 8 years ago
10:46 what song is that
It's_Me66 - 8 years ago
Who has crazier ideas: Joogsquad or romanatwood
Alexa Lorraine
Alexa Lorraine - 8 years ago
why are you always doing some stuid shit
Kubilay Muz
Kubilay Muz - 8 years ago
Hi joogsquad reply plz
EmkutisxD - 8 years ago
HURRICANE means tornado?
Dasquirrelgames Aj
Dasquirrelgames Aj - 8 years ago
13:07 he is a cheeto
MarkThomas Fan
MarkThomas Fan - 8 years ago
You should surf on the high trampoline
sivan rottelman
sivan rottelman - 8 years ago
this is stupid
J Pres
J Pres - 8 years ago
what song is in the round 2 at sunset
SprellPrell - 8 years ago
were the fuck do they live?
layupjay TM
layupjay TM - 8 years ago
How deep is ur pool
MasterOfCookiez - Fortnite & More
MasterOfCookiez - Fortnite & More - 8 years ago
Are there sharks there? I don't know where they live
the bros
the bros - 8 years ago
omg your still alive
virus464 - 8 years ago
came back to watch again :)
Boris Tarnopolski Boris
Boris Tarnopolski Boris - 8 years ago
nice view on 1:53
Cryptic - 8 years ago
Stranger things.... 1:10
Eric Darkes
Eric Darkes - 8 years ago
@JOOGSQUAD PPJT This video made it to TMZ
Maribel Rodriguez
Maribel Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Eric Darkes i saw it too!
Claire Mcmanus
Claire Mcmanus - 8 years ago
absolutely love your videos , love your lifestyle !!
horatio smith
horatio smith - 8 years ago
u guys r so cool !
Kameron Graves
Kameron Graves - 8 years ago
The whole video i was thinking when is a shark coming??
matthew - 8 years ago
yo I remember when you had less then a 250,000. now almost at 2.5 mil your videos are awesome bro
Lindevej74 - 8 years ago
pokemon go
RyS Avox
RyS Avox - 8 years ago
Imagine the people on the beach watching this lol
Chace  Kosloski
Chace Kosloski - 8 years ago
when are you gonna start doing pranks
MKstylz86 - 8 years ago
What's a hurricane??????????????
F1R3 JUICE - 8 years ago
Whats that song in the beggining
hulk B
hulk B - 8 years ago
Dalton Adkins
Dalton Adkins - 8 years ago
Videos would be better if you would stop useing the same music
Order Forms
Order Forms - 8 years ago
1:54 she likes turns so the camera sees her butt lol
tony Zinati
tony Zinati - 8 years ago
Wow just wow
Jamie Bratcher
Jamie Bratcher - 8 years ago
what part of Florida is that that's pretty lit
Liquid Cancer69
Liquid Cancer69 - 8 years ago
admit it everyone wants to live like this
SstealthH - 8 years ago
Liquid Cancer69 I admit it, I'd rather die than live like this.
2 Second Videos
2 Second Videos - 8 years ago
Electro Wizard Samee
Geonexy - 8 years ago
+Liquid Cancer69 I admit it, I don't wanna live like this
theKgamer - 8 years ago
Who ever sub get nothing
Izaiah Peralta
Izaiah Peralta - 8 years ago
Add my snapchat Izaiah_323
Jaidenn Butler
Jaidenn Butler - 8 years ago
Song at 1:13?
Jonathan Samet
Jonathan Samet - 8 years ago
OMG its a cat 3 hurricane you fukn pussy grow a pair.
Drea' Lps
Drea' Lps - 8 years ago
I'd do it. Lol
Drea' Lps
Drea' Lps - 8 years ago
Looks like fun to surf on a trampoline
Tre Scatti
Tre Scatti - 8 years ago
the music is always amazing on your videos Jack
Exquisite blood
Exquisite blood - 8 years ago
you guys are bad ass! rock on!
Freshly Squeezed OJ
Freshly Squeezed OJ - 8 years ago
Worst editing, NA
BuddyN - 8 years ago
You smell like a pet store.
Bryan Munoz
Bryan Munoz - 8 years ago
That ass tho at 6:07
Richard A
Richard A - 8 years ago
how much weight can a surf board hold?
Blackninja50057 - 8 years ago
What's the song called at 11:00?
Genz-_- DJ
Genz-_- DJ - 8 years ago
Anybody else like that view on 8:07 xD
Genz-_- DJ
Genz-_- DJ - 8 years ago
And 8:21
Legend 305
Legend 305 - 8 years ago
I think I cloud get from Cuba to Miami with that
The RainbowUnicorn
The RainbowUnicorn - 8 years ago
Brendan Johnston
Brendan Johnston - 8 years ago
First song ?
Evan tube the Second
Evan tube the Second - 8 years ago
Im sexy and i show it
Im sexy and i show it - 8 years ago
Now put a kite on it!
Sam Cross
Sam Cross - 8 years ago
whats the music called
Lisa Addicoat
Lisa Addicoat - 8 years ago
Don't worry it's just a joke
Lisa Addicoat
Lisa Addicoat - 8 years ago
Legend has it that if you shut up the world would be a better place
Dinopanda Is KEWL
Dinopanda Is KEWL - 8 years ago
Just realised this has 420 dislikes
Danu Brillian
Danu Brillian - 8 years ago
its crazy
Gewoon Nienke
Gewoon Nienke - 8 years ago
Like als je Nederlands ben
Nolan Chancey
Nolan Chancey - 8 years ago
i wonder how deep that pool is lmfao
Connor Angell
Connor Angell - 8 years ago
man how much weed do these guys smoke to come up with this crazy stuff
JACKSON LUMINO - 8 years ago
just sayin its ur fault for getin kicked in the head u shouldent have been under it but cool idea
Mackenzie Malcolm
Mackenzie Malcolm - 8 years ago
Rather than the Joogsquad who else do yall think would go surfing on trampolines in a hurricane? To be honest I have no Idea...
Carson James
Carson James - 8 years ago
Where do you live
Christian Mario
Christian Mario - 8 years ago
Could you do duct tape trampoline
Jordan Orr
Jordan Orr - 8 years ago
OMG I wish I could do that
Brandon Parrish
Brandon Parrish - 8 years ago
That's so cool your my biggest fan
Miranda J
Miranda J - 8 years ago
How many times have y'all been stung by jelly fish
gaige hetzel
gaige hetzel - 8 years ago
do the human bubbles in the ocean
gaige hetzel
gaige hetzel - 8 years ago
do the human bubbles in the ocean
Sydney Crystal
Sydney Crystal - 8 years ago
When you did the zoom in of all the people's faces when she tried to jump into the bubble I laughed so much
#Dyl - 8 years ago
hey guys, you should stack 3 tramps on paddle boards and surf 3 tramps! keep up the good work!
Daniel A
Daniel A - 8 years ago
Genius. Props Joog
Never Ending Rain
Never Ending Rain - 8 years ago
i liked this video cause of 1:54 lol I'm a simple man
Will Brown
Will Brown - 8 years ago
put an engine on it
Tori Richardson
Tori Richardson - 8 years ago
11:02 the sky look awesome
spyty06 - 8 years ago
how many idiots dose it take to change a light bulb
WhyCantIGetADamnedLife - 8 years ago
When you thought Joogsquad couldn't get more intense and cool... :D
zach lewis
zach lewis - 8 years ago
9:38 he capped it
Ludmila Kondratovich
Ludmila Kondratovich - 8 years ago
How deep is your pool
Daniel Swan
Daniel Swan - 8 years ago
Guys, your vídeo got played in a costa Rica newd channel calles repretel, fuck them Up cause i'm pretty sure they didn't ask for permisio and they used a lot of content
Andrew Heidorn
Andrew Heidorn - 8 years ago
What kind of trampoline?
Matej Bogat
Matej Bogat - 8 years ago
Omg that girl's ass... Yeaa
NSGG Trickshots
NSGG Trickshots - 8 years ago
You guys should do more pranks
G3cko Games
G3cko Games - 8 years ago
1:55 the girl shows her ass but why
the whither skeleton y
the whither skeleton y - 8 years ago
this looks "bounty''
RootZ - 8 years ago
RootZ - 8 years ago
Kate G
Kate G - 8 years ago
So in love with the footage you take at the beach
mercanerie98 - 8 years ago
Tilly Bryan
Tilly Bryan - 8 years ago
they should totally attach a boat to it and rag it in the sea, that would be sick
SERGIO MENDES - 8 years ago
best ideia of 2016
Kimi Gomez
Kimi Gomez - 8 years ago
hi I'm 12 and it's my b day it would be awesome if u reply
SstealthH - 8 years ago
Kimi Gomez kys
Kimi Gomez
Kimi Gomez - 8 years ago
Stickman Animator
Stickman Animator - 8 years ago
Kimi Gomez happy birthday fam
Cat 3 28
Cat 3 28 - 8 years ago
My dad said if I get 211 subs and 100 likes I'll get a Xbox
Anna Huffman
Anna Huffman - 8 years ago
Omg did u go surfing during hurricane mathew
DCtrigger ICE
DCtrigger ICE - 8 years ago
rawshannon - 8 years ago
What country do these lads live in anyone know???
dustyGT - 8 years ago
Geonexy - 8 years ago
+dustyGT Your internet is garbage
Jelte Hoekstra
Jelte Hoekstra - 8 years ago
dustyGT or you mean slomo or you just have shit internet
Thomas Fata
Thomas Fata - 8 years ago
Do trampoline on the surf boards in the pool
Connor S
Connor S - 8 years ago
Trampoline Sail Boat!!!!!!!!
ClutchTheGreat - 8 years ago
i hate joog squAD i miss the old them all they do is trampoline vids i ahte them
ThinkNow - 8 years ago
Oh my god i just realized that metagorda has better waves then your beach
Army Metro
Army Metro - 8 years ago
your videos are so entertaining
Army Metro
Army Metro - 8 years ago
wait this is the begining of hurricane matthew?
Green Red
Green Red - 8 years ago
That tramp is now one big pile of rust
Abdulan Sacrid
Abdulan Sacrid - 8 years ago
Spend a night in the see on the surf/trampoline
Abdulan Sacrid
Abdulan Sacrid - 8 years ago
Mm Mm
Mm Mm - 8 years ago
واصخ ين
Jacob Guccione
Jacob Guccione - 8 years ago
Does anyone know why jacks social media is mustycarlos
Jess and livs fabulous day Jess Liv
Jess and livs fabulous day Jess Liv - 8 years ago
this was my birthday October 6th I wish I could get at least 1 or 2 likes or someone telling me happy birthdAy I turned 12
Jess and livs fabulous day Jess Liv
Jess and livs fabulous day Jess Liv - 8 years ago
this was my birthday October 6th I wish I could get at least 1 or 2 likes or someone telling me happy birthdAy I turned 12
Hamish Stubbs
Hamish Stubbs - 8 years ago
JOB would of done it at pipe lol
sydney - 8 years ago
"There's like... 30 MPH winds right now from the we figured, we're gonna put two paddleboards on this trampoline and go trampoline surfing!" LOL
Strange Eagle
Strange Eagle - 8 years ago
I would love to come surf with y'all it would be so fun!!
Mateusz Zdeb
Mateusz Zdeb - 8 years ago
12 foot tramp vs surfboard vs hurricane should be next
Imaniya 101
Imaniya 101 - 8 years ago
Hope for the recovers from hurricane Matthew
MegaJordos - 8 years ago
Credit Chuki in the description!!
rEEpS oNe
rEEpS oNe - 8 years ago
go the joogsquad you gnarly bunch yewwwwwww!!!!!
Cenzo Senerchia
Cenzo Senerchia - 8 years ago
1:54, nice ass but peep the cardboard cut out checking her out
Cenzo Senerchia
Cenzo Senerchia - 8 years ago
She can bounce on me anytime she wants
Bleach - 8 years ago
Surf the stilted trampoline
Carson Taylor
Carson Taylor - 8 years ago
1:55 thank me later
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly - 8 years ago
yall are crazy lmao looks so fun
Marissa Watts
Marissa Watts - 8 years ago
Ryan Munson
Ryan Munson - 8 years ago
I agree with the clown idea
Richard G
Richard G - 8 years ago
Can I Have 100 Or More Likes I Appreciate it And Sub if want
DaPeAceMaKerX - 8 years ago
What's the song at 3:30
Skylar Sauer
Skylar Sauer - 8 years ago
Put that trampoline in your pool
John Almodovar
John Almodovar - 8 years ago
My girl friend got a bigger ass then that she got a Lamborghini behind her with a Lamborghini engine sticking out
SLINGSHOTBROS - 8 years ago
so cool
Robert Watson
Robert Watson - 8 years ago
Do the clown prank.
GetReady2Smash - 8 years ago
it looks like a sea plane
Apocalypse92 - 8 years ago
now that I think about it I'm surprised jacks doesn't have any tattoos
briggsie kilborne
briggsie kilborne - 8 years ago
got to love a hot girl who sends it
Jacob pascual
Jacob pascual - 8 years ago
Fleshkiller -tauqir
Fleshkiller -tauqir - 8 years ago
Do 15 back flips before touching the trampoline
Will Stevens
Will Stevens - 8 years ago
What's the name of the best/song near the end when jack is surfing with the trampoline and a sun rise ? (13:00)
Robert Musgrove-Murphy
Robert Musgrove-Murphy - 8 years ago
Turn the rectangular shaped trampoline into a boat and jump off
Aidan Wilcox
Aidan Wilcox - 8 years ago
This is by far my all time favorite video ever it have the two things I love in one
Zynxo - 8 years ago
I like how at 1:54 she just offers to show her ass. Thank you
Maeya A Cheesebro
Maeya A Cheesebro - 8 years ago
what was that music in the background
MegaJordos - 8 years ago
KXG Gaming 47 it's a beat from Chuki Beats, I think pride
Jordan Reed
Jordan Reed - 8 years ago
Wow you are so good at Editing maybe better then Casey nestiat
Jay Teqqq
Jay Teqqq - 8 years ago
What camera do you use
bTango - 8 years ago
Aims for 1,000,069 likes and gets around 30,000
Mia and Lgs channel
Mia and Lgs channel - 8 years ago
at 13:36 what is that red thing in the sky
Josh Atkinson
Josh Atkinson - 8 years ago
The gimbal on your drone is terrible. The footage is so shaky
50 Stitches Steel
50 Stitches Steel - 8 years ago
whos the hotty in the white bikini?
SuperDuckyGames - 8 years ago
who else screen capped that butt
Arek Pelc
Arek Pelc - 8 years ago
Pause on 1:55 your welcome
TrueDat - 8 years ago
1:53 dat ass
TzT Cobra
TzT Cobra - 8 years ago
Trampoline surfing in a hurricane! Calm seas.
84neilbone - 8 years ago
You won't catch me all the way out that far not when shark are out their and I am white.
Jiggly - 8 years ago
OMG do a trampoline full of bubbles XD
Macy T
Macy T - 8 years ago
pause on 3.23! whats that thing in the water on the right in the back???
Sandra Martins
Sandra Martins - 8 years ago
sou portugues ee
BlackPianoCoverz - 8 years ago
EVERYONE like this comment if you want Jaime Obriens to do this on his channel aswell!
hamish turner
hamish turner - 8 years ago
Do a skim video please
Adamlix Galbis
Adamlix Galbis - 8 years ago
I like these videos more then in videos where u hurt yourself..
Brendon Urie Forehead Daddy
Brendon Urie Forehead Daddy - 8 years ago
best wishes to all of you
Ethan Kugler Games
Ethan Kugler Games - 8 years ago
Do trampoline parkour
Gamer123 - 8 years ago
is he dead cause he didn't post yesterday
andres verdugo
andres verdugo - 8 years ago
kehris yeeerd
kehris yeeerd - 8 years ago
here before it goes viral
Thunder Pika
Thunder Pika - 8 years ago
I enjoy your videos so much, Mr. Joog. I love you guys so much and I hope you stay safe from the hurricane. I'll be praying. Your videos really brightens up my spirit! Thank you for that. You guys mean a lot to me :D
Parkour Teens227
Parkour Teens227 - 8 years ago
Song plz!
Jeffery Rains
Jeffery Rains - 8 years ago
start a vlog channel
Corey Bates
Corey Bates - 8 years ago
i ion know what's goin on ayeeeee git git git git
Rustlin' Bustlin
Rustlin' Bustlin - 8 years ago
first person to surf a trampoline in possible waves from a hurricane lol
jzbosley - 8 years ago
Lightning _88
Lightning _88 - 8 years ago
Love the vids !!! Can I get some stickers?
Da'travion Gates
Da'travion Gates - 8 years ago
surfboard trampoline vs cliff
Luno Radio
Luno Radio - 8 years ago
13:09 jacks skin looks bright orange lol
Adam Miles Vlogs
Adam Miles Vlogs - 8 years ago
i hope your all ok in the hurricane and be safe joogsquad
Luno Radio
Luno Radio - 8 years ago
Is jack still with ainsley
Thriller 526
Thriller 526 - 8 years ago
hey joig me and my family need your prayers... I am in Virginia and we are trapped in hurricane mathew. Please we need your prayers.
Thriller 526
Thriller 526 - 8 years ago
Keshav Ummat
Keshav Ummat - 8 years ago
you guys should do ding dong ditch clown
Oramac NU
Oramac NU - 8 years ago
The hurricane is right over me now
The Progeny
The Progeny - 8 years ago
God Dam Hippies
Brave Cat
Brave Cat - 8 years ago
was this hurricane a joke or something? in the video it barely seemed like a hurricane, and by now its already well past florida, and if the hurricane even hit his area at any point, his house and neighborhood wouldnt even be there. And I believe he lives on the east coast of florida, obviously by the beach right?
AlecChrz - 8 years ago
no he lives on the Gulf Coast so nothing is happening, yet...
Savannah LoveLane
Savannah LoveLane - 8 years ago
Bailey townsend
Bailey townsend - 8 years ago
Comment how old you are and what your snapchat is and I will add you
Maharsh Patel
Maharsh Patel - 8 years ago
Who thinks they should do the trampoline surfing with a jet ski
Kai Jachim
Kai Jachim - 8 years ago
Where's ansly jack???
ned180 - 8 years ago
Do a clown video
Colton Busch
Colton Busch - 8 years ago
Livin like larry
colin holley
colin holley - 8 years ago
What does PPJT mean?
Tierra Lee
Tierra Lee - 8 years ago
this was absolutely amazing!
Matthew Stone
Matthew Stone - 8 years ago
Zombie Playz
Zombie Playz - 8 years ago
GirlyGirl24 - 8 years ago
angelo salada
angelo salada - 8 years ago
can you give me a cap pls
Meme Theory
Meme Theory - 8 years ago
1 M likes? yea rite...
ABBA - 8 years ago
5 trampolines on top of each other and then the 12ft all while serfing on them. PEOPLE LIKE IF YOU WANT TO SEE IT
Zaxh - 8 years ago
1:55 Thank me later
Zaxh - 8 years ago
1:55 Thank me later
Tea Time
Tea Time - 8 years ago
trampoline vs eggs
Tea Time
Tea Time - 8 years ago
eggs vs trampoline
rachel tedder
rachel tedder - 8 years ago
hurricane matthew hit on 10/7
Matthew 10:7 says
"Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near."
Ty Willson
Ty Willson - 8 years ago
I'm so glad ur alive.
Maze Shadow
Maze Shadow - 8 years ago
shouldn't they be boarding their Windows instead of this?
Janachy Acosta
Janachy Acosta - 8 years ago
Where does he live
Dave Podrebarac
Dave Podrebarac - 8 years ago
Awesome flipping stuff on the top of your trap in the water
STANGS NATIONS_1 - 8 years ago
Say a prayer for Florida and give them 1,0000 likes on their video and keep it up with your videos on YouTube bros.
Everest Samter
Everest Samter - 8 years ago
Good luck my fried
Vegang Fursuiter
Vegang Fursuiter - 8 years ago
That's so cool
Brian Harrell
Brian Harrell - 8 years ago
You need to get a giant surf board made like the giant skateboard from Jackass and you and all your squad surf
HBK FAN - 8 years ago
This looks like so much fun
Mya mii
Mya mii - 8 years ago
Kiddy pool beach wars: blow up kiddy pools put it in the water and last one standing wins
mrsalmonman 98
mrsalmonman 98 - 8 years ago
Skip to 1:53, thank me later.
Andrew Ty
Andrew Ty - 8 years ago
Yo u goona die
Infinity- Medusaa
Infinity- Medusaa - 8 years ago
The Epic Ninja
The Epic Ninja - 8 years ago
JoogSquad I Dare you too Have a Paintball Gun War It will get tons of subscribers! I promise.
Magnus Boesen
Magnus Boesen - 8 years ago
There is Big Reasons to give this videos likes!
Boy The Golden
Boy The Golden - 8 years ago
more ass plz
CDKE - 8 years ago
There's 333 dislikes
GeoFS Avation Pilot
GeoFS Avation Pilot - 8 years ago
Do a video on bathing in Nutella like if you want them to do it
ryan - 8 years ago
What is the first song that is so soothing
CuinnPlayz - 8 years ago
Jack Can You Do The Salt And Ice Challenge
WereBakedFreestyles - 8 years ago
Waiting to see if this man is ok
D-FULT - 8 years ago
JOOGSQUAD get the hell out of Florida! Now because if you think staying in Florida when the hurricane hits is a good idea well your wrong you should have left before the hurricane even started. I send a prayer to you but I dont even think that would even matter
das Dilemma
das Dilemma - 8 years ago
wie kann man sich nur so hart gönnen?
Madison Hughes
Madison Hughes - 8 years ago
# in the next video I am only 8years old.
Madison Hughes
Madison Hughes - 8 years ago
hey dude I just found you and I love your videos now so please give me a shout out# please and thank you
Nic Dubbioso
Nic Dubbioso - 8 years ago
he is doing this on my birthday
Lappen Master
Lappen Master - 8 years ago
Dude... she got aaaaaass
Lappen Master
Lappen Master - 8 years ago
8:04 thanks for the Slow motion! He knows!
Sang Connolly
Sang Connolly - 8 years ago
Hurricane Matthew?
MRS. SqUidd
MRS. SqUidd - 8 years ago
the first attempt was the best
Warrdogg33 - 8 years ago
What's that girls name
Mitch Herode
Mitch Herode - 8 years ago
Most genius idea since the idea of an idea
ll HaWk ll 7
ll HaWk ll 7 - 8 years ago
Have they ever been attacked by a shark behind there house at that beach
Ross’s Channel
Ross’s Channel - 8 years ago
Like this and hurricane Mathew will go

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