Taghazout Surf

...this video got removed before, due to some kind of error, this is a reupload... My friends and I spent over 3 weeks in Morocco, surfing. This is a short film about our experience there. Enjoy! my blog: www.livealife.pl contact: liveablog@gmail.com instagram: @livealifepl snapchat: mosakson

Taghazout Surf sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Surf 8 years ago 31,683 views

...this video got removed before, due to some kind of error, this is a reupload... My friends and I spent over 3 weeks in Morocco, surfing. This is a short film about our experience there. Enjoy! my blog: www.livealife.pl contact: liveablog@gmail.com instagram: @livealifepl snapchat: mosakson

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Most popular comments
for Taghazout Surf

janisfilmt - 7 years ago
Really good vid man!
Micha L
Micha L - 7 years ago
what a nice movie... really enjoyed it
Brauch KeenHawaii
Brauch KeenHawaii - 7 years ago
very cool film man
Henri de Corbiac
Henri de Corbiac - 7 years ago
Man your film is an absolute delicious piece of perfection, for i guess, an absolut perfect spot to ride and place to be... Congrats ;)
4321jacob1234 - 7 years ago
what is the spot at 7:30 and the one at 9:09??
4321jacob1234 - 7 years ago
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 7 years ago
7:30 - Tamri, 9:09 - this is on the beach in Taghazout village, i don't know if it even has a name, and it worked only once in whole month for like 2 hours
Sebastián - 7 years ago
when where you there? wich month?
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 7 years ago
Sebastian S. October
Lauri Tõnisson
Lauri Tõnisson - 7 years ago
This is some inspiring stuff !
Emil S. Hansen
Emil S. Hansen - 7 years ago
Very nicely put together. I really enjoyed watching the whole thing.
punkbeforeyou - 7 years ago
Tracks list PLEASE.

10. comment for Taghazout Surf

Duckey - 7 years ago
@Mosak Marcin
Hi Man, Great video! Really helpful.
Two Questions:
1. How much did it cost from Agadir Airport to Taghazout transport?
2. At what period date/time was this video shot? I'm coming in December and need to know what's the weather like there from 9.12.-23.12.
Thank you!
Joshua Palomares
Joshua Palomares - 7 years ago
I will be there 19.12-02.01 I hope a beginner surfer like me can enjoy my time.
Mouad Abousalem
Mouad Abousalem - 7 years ago
Duckey best time to come for surfing is in november and december
Duckey - 7 years ago
How colder? What is the best time to be there? October or December? or maybe November? :D
Sorry for bother, I'm just checking when is the best time in regards to nice weather and decent waves?
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 7 years ago
hey, from Agadir to Taghazout i think a taxi was 150 MAD, but im not sure. The video was shot in october. It was hot! December will be colder of course, but the waves should be bigger
m_platnezr - 7 years ago
jak z dronem? można latać?
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 7 years ago
m_platnezr nie mozna podobno, tak nas ostrzegali. Ale nie wiem na 100%
Ibra Dell
Ibra Dell - 7 years ago
beautiful video ..
Xant - 7 years ago
Amazing video! Thanks for inspiring me to visit Morroco soon :)!
Salim Es-sbane
Salim Es-sbane - 7 years ago
really nice job !!!!!
keep going ;)
Jeronimo - 7 years ago
great movie about surf holiday in Taghazout!
Manuel Tröndle
Manuel Tröndle - 7 years ago
hey man, nice video !! Really enjoyed it. Could you tell me which spot it is at 8:13 min?
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 7 years ago
thanks. And the spot - it's called Banana Point or Banana Beach, South of Taghazout
Dalal Yagoubi
Dalal Yagoubi - 8 years ago
I love this! Makes wanna go back to Taghazout boho surf life <3
ysnkanakro - 8 years ago
itsfairman - 8 years ago
Awesome Video. Now: Wanderlust.

20. comment for Taghazout Surf

White Soul
White Soul - 8 years ago
Wow, Twoje produkcje są naprawdę bardzo wysokiej jakości.Mam nadzieję, że się kanał kiedyś rozwinie, bo na to zdecydowanie zasługujesz :)
VJ Thomas
VJ Thomas - 8 years ago
Oh my gosh you have awesome shots! What camera did you use please?
VJ Thomas
VJ Thomas - 8 years ago
AlucarD - 8 years ago
VJ Thomas at the end
Citizen Sqra
Citizen Sqra - 8 years ago
Cześć jak dostaliście się do tej miejscowości bezpośrednio samolotem czy jakoś kombinowaliście ?
HA AB - 7 years ago
Teraz jest Warszawa => Agadir (wizz air)
Be me/not a daily volg.
Be me/not a daily volg. - 7 years ago
Przez brukselę :D
Citizen Sqra
Citizen Sqra - 8 years ago
Dzięki a polecasz jeszcze jakieś w miarę tanie miejsce do zatrzymania się tam na miejscu
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 8 years ago
tak, mysmy ryanairem przez berlin chyba, trzeba poszukać, czasem są bardzo tanie połączenia
Citizen Sqra
Citizen Sqra - 8 years ago
Dzieki ale tego co widze strasznie drogie bilety jakimis tanim liniami tam lecieliscie ?
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 8 years ago
samolotem do Agadiru, 30 min od tej wioski to jest
Your Journey Studio
Your Journey Studio - 8 years ago
Boskie, śliczne!
OOPS!sidedown - 8 years ago
Baaaardzo mi się podoba! Fragment od 4:26 z tą muzą robi robotę! A tego Voigtlandera już Ci zazdroszczę :P
Arijit Roy Chowdhury
Arijit Roy Chowdhury - 8 years ago
Reupload.. Relike.. Awesome video..
Ja ŻemSobie
Ja ŻemSobie - 8 years ago
Marcin powiesz proszę jak dobierasz muzykę do filmów, może masz jakieś triki, gdzie szukasz utworów? super filmik :D
Ja ŻemSobie
Ja ŻemSobie - 8 years ago
a jest możliwość, żebyś może podrzucił jakąś swoją ulubioną playlistę? :P
Mosak Marcin
Mosak Marcin - 8 years ago
Używam Spotify i tworzę sobie playlisty potencjalnych utworów które kiedyś może użyję w filmie ;) I potem je przeglądam i jak mi pasuje. Z reguły muzyka której używam to też ta której aktualnie słucham, albo w podróży słuchałem
Kurs na Wschód
Kurs na Wschód - 8 years ago
Najs wideojob :)

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