Thanksgiving Surf Session
Surf 11 years ago 248,651 views
Los Angeles surfers had something extra to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, a new swell. Videographer Brad Jacobson caught up with Chris Wells, Cheyne Magnusson, Marcelo Malinco,Wil Reid, Conor and Kyle Beatty, Michael Luhrsen, Angelo Luhrsen,Randy Meistrell, Tracey Meistrell,Jamie Meistrell, Matt Meistrell, Steve Howe, Scott Johnsen, Austin Hall and others throughout the South Bay on Friday, November 29th. These videos are made possible through the continued support from Manhattan Beach Toyota. More Civic Couch Productions: Subscribe: Facebook: Instagram: Each week Civic Couch produces videos interviews, surfing, virtual tours and more! Thanks for watching.
10. comment for Thanksgiving Surf Session
i surf with a 4/3 wetsuit,boots and sometimes a helmet in southern brazil winter
20. comment for Thanksgiving Surf Session
the hollywood pro sound library - take me to the mountain
30. comment for Thanksgiving Surf Session
Dolphins luv to surf, they like the sensation of being pushed by the water - that's why you see them in front of boats riding the wake.
they have horizontal tail fins
that was a shark (it was vertical)
but they are pretty chill as you could see in the vid