The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015

Wipeouts never get old. Performance surfing grows by leaps and bounds every year, but eating shit has essentially remained the same for decades. But we never, ever tire of watching it and hearing the stories behind it. Because, and here's the thing: surfers are generally horrible when it comes to talking about their own surfing. But they are amazing when recounting almost dying. Not sure why, but it's true. Greatest Wipeouts is a Surfline original series showcasing death-defying surfing wipeouts, near-death experiences and heaviest waves of all time. Subscribe: Check out all the videos in the Greatest Wipeouts series here: Live streaming surf cams, surf reports, forecasts, videos, photos, travel information, and up to the minute news. Surfline premium members get access to long range forecasts and unlimited HD cam streams from around the globe.

The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Surf 9 years ago 144,102 views

Wipeouts never get old. Performance surfing grows by leaps and bounds every year, but eating shit has essentially remained the same for decades. But we never, ever tire of watching it and hearing the stories behind it. Because, and here's the thing: surfers are generally horrible when it comes to talking about their own surfing. But they are amazing when recounting almost dying. Not sure why, but it's true. Greatest Wipeouts is a Surfline original series showcasing death-defying surfing wipeouts, near-death experiences and heaviest waves of all time. Subscribe: Check out all the videos in the Greatest Wipeouts series here: Live streaming surf cams, surf reports, forecasts, videos, photos, travel information, and up to the minute news. Surfline premium members get access to long range forecasts and unlimited HD cam streams from around the globe.

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Most popular comments
for The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015

Den Boe
Den Boe - 7 years ago
Multiple, jagged, breaks in the waves.
SDBARTENDER1 - 7 years ago
I cant believe these guys are alive.
SDBARTENDER1 - 7 years ago
1:03 one of the heaviest wipeouts I've ever seen.
Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump - 7 years ago
Shipsterns is so shady
Foxxgod - 7 years ago
I was caught in a very big wave on my board during vacation. My dumbass just fell backwards on purpose thinking it was Cool. i was pulled in all sorts of directions I couldnt even control my own movements
guido dee
guido dee - 7 years ago
How come Brad Domke looks like Alanis Morissette.
Elisheval - 7 years ago
y do ppl surf shipsterns? it seems unsurfable.... "steps" they call them, God tripping up surfers is more like it.
WHITE_KATANA - 7 years ago
0:37 That should be a meme xD
zherlevi - 7 years ago
Play at 0.25 speed lol
we'll call you k
we'll call you k - 8 years ago
putting yourself in that position ,for that moment, is like nothing else ... God helped you. now go help others

10. comment for The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015

Suspicious Lucas
Suspicious Lucas - 8 years ago
God I remember a wave just a little bit taller than me crashed on my stomach flipping me over then I got up another wave just wiped me upside down so scary but these guys got it 999999 times worse
HyTz Vorkkz
HyTz Vorkkz - 8 years ago
Life lesson: Don't surf Shipsterns
ScotSpeed - 8 years ago
from what i've seen, if you surf shipstern's, then you deserve a good wipeout.
dileo DJD
dileo DJD - 8 years ago
I'm amazed that none had a broken neck or back, neither concussion or severe bruising! remarkable considering the power of those beasts. one dude there be like "I went to try get another wave after that" WTF are his balls made of!!!
Libranitus Johnson
Libranitus Johnson - 8 years ago
I was in three feet of water (southern cali) look at women on the beach, and BLAM! Got smoked by a wave that was enough to be over my head, hurt like hell (felt like a backbuster) flipped tossed turned this way and that underwater! Remember not knowing which way was up and that was scary. It sucked my class ring off of my finger. And that was a four foot wave!!! I can't imagine what a 20' wave would do!!!
sahil saiyad
sahil saiyad - 7 years ago
Libranitus Johnson
Anonymous Ano
Anonymous Ano - 8 years ago
Awesome vids. We are eagerly waiting for the 2016 version.
Griller Memstar
Griller Memstar - 8 years ago
what on earth are you supposed to do when there are like 5 waves breaking in one wave, besides wipeout
Who is P.O.V 2.0
Who is P.O.V 2.0 - 7 years ago
Griller Memstar
Pepper - 7 years ago
I was sadly held down by 4 waves in a row in Teahupoo. I went to drop down into the wave and some cheeky cunt drops in front of me. I had to choose between either crashing right into him, or leaping off my board. I would rather not worry about accidentally killing someone or being hit by their board. I can feel where mine is based on the tug of the leash but not anyone else's. Also hitting the reef was another concern. I almost died. I am so lucky to have came up JUST IN TIME on the 3rd wave to get a small little breath in.

I fully believe no one can survive a 5 BIG WAVE wipe out unless they have gone through extensive and vigorous training specially for massive wipeouts. The waves were probably around 14ft-16ft with 18 footers occasionally and a 4 wave hold down almost killed me. Imagine those waves at 20ft? Fucking forget it. I wouldn't be typing this out. I've been to Teahpoo countess times. I haven't been back since.

And that my friends is why you never take the first wave!

I've been surfing for 10 years and never did something so fucking awful happen to me. Oh but the cunt that cut me off? He was fine. It's one thing to wipe out because of a mistake you made. But I did because this little shit thought I would somehow have enough room behind him. (because what even is surfers etiquette, am I right?)
tankmaster1018 - 7 years ago
You either jump the lip and hope to god you recover and don't hit another, or you crash. Haha I've only seen 2 people drop one of those "waves inside the big wave" at Shipsterns without eating shit. With that spot, you just have to hope you get lucky and don't hit one of those lips. There are more then a few waves I've seen there that are just completely unridable by even the best surfers so you just have to get lucky that your wave isn't insane.
Tiwers - 8 years ago
I remember i was at el Moro and a giant set of 8 foot waves (I'm just 11) and I got clobbered by all 3. I remember my eyes just getting pulled back at an extraordinary speed and my body doing crazy flips. I finally made it out of the water and luckily I had fins on. (I'm not too strong of a swimmer) and another day where I was going over a 5 footer sideways and the the backwash that day made the lip wiggle so I was stuck in the lip getting pounded. I sat onshore for most of the day.
Pepper - 7 years ago
When I was 11 I had the EXACT same thing happened. I stopped surfing for a year, and I'm very disappointed at myself for letting it get to me. Now I'm 21 and I surf every day possible. My biggest wipe out was on an 18ft wave and honestly it STILL doesn't compare to the crippling fear I felt when I was 11 even though the waves were 6-8ft.
Tiwers - 8 years ago
Conor Sheridan yeah it was a rough day. One day when I paddled out super far there was a giant slab 2ft tall already 100yds out
Conor Sheridan
Conor Sheridan - 8 years ago
DoritoBros. That had to be a rouge set. I go to el Moro and the biggest I've seen is 6
Pierson Burbach
Pierson Burbach - 8 years ago
Nice new vid
corpuscollossus - 8 years ago
Tyler at the end there calls his wave a '15 footer'. That's 25-30 surely?
NinjaDylan - Surfing and More!
NinjaDylan - Surfing and More! - 8 years ago
he most likely means the swell and the face of a wave is double that most of the time

20. comment for The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015

My Skin Is Black
My Skin Is Black - 9 years ago
Fuck that.
jay dubya
jay dubya - 9 years ago
I don't know how these guys surf Shipstern's when it's big....unpredictable steps, sucking, steep, critical. Just seems way suicidal.
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 9 years ago
Biggest wave of my life was 12' Sunset. Biggest wipe out was 15' Waimea. ..... While neither of those are wimpy and both are indelibly etched in my brain..... They don't even come close to these crazy, sick nightmares. I hope everyone survives 2016's best of the worst because one thing is for sure. ....Somebody IS gonna make a mistake at some point and IS gonna have to pay a price.
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 8 years ago
+george mira
You definitely took "it" further than I and in a better time period
Although I never reached your level, in my 4 years of the north shore I was able to push my personal limits further than I ever dreamed. Not three trips over the falls..... but scared and laughing at the same time. A form of hysteria, were you're laughing and nothing is funny.....just so intense that your mind is overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing your experiences in a way that made me feel like I was there too.
george mira
george mira - 8 years ago
my favorite wipeouts were at Pipeline, splatted by the lip, going peacefully up the elevator, crashing down again, three times.
The measure of a good fun wipeout seems like: three times over the falls finishing with a look at the next wave tossing right in front of you. Those days were probably max 16 feet, but you generally called it 12. unlike now, when 16 feet is 25 and 20, 60.
Pipeline was good on those days and years when no one was there, no crowd, no camera, but a brother and a friend or two. Getting barreled on 2/3 of the waves, firehosed out. Once when a Japanese camera crew showed up (there was no Japanese surfing at the time - only boards literally bolted on Tokyo cars), the interviewer asked (and you could tell he did not have enough english to understand any answer) "how do you feel?"
I said if I never live another day, this will have been enough.
But the reason was in great part, because it was not a crazy hating crowd, just some brothers living life, clean with a clean empty beach.

Bigger wipeouts in bigger waves at other places, with foam enough that when one finally surfaces, you have to have air, and inhale the foa, coughing until you have to hold your breaththrough the next; but the bad ones were always the 4-6 foot waves into 2-3 feet or less water (not Pipeline. just some other places where coral heads and mussels surfaced) with face-smashes and stitches.

Enjoy your motorsports and fistpumping. Surfing's not about that - it's proper humility and no fate. Heart is the only thing you pump. CUrious, the safety . . . .
Because you will never know me, I can tell about nearly being blown alone across the southern ocean, making my choices about life - no one on the black bouldered shore. You don't need witnesses to surf, and maybe it's better without.
Did you ever notice how those gay little colored & numbered jerseys look like imitation football "heroes?" Ever noticed how cradled you feel with the motorized insurance constantly in your thoughts, severing you forever from reality? You will never laugh and puke at the same time, and that is a poor fate.
J L Sky Media
J L Sky Media - 9 years ago
Some of these guys would have been having water come out their noses for like a month!.
sahil saiyad
sahil saiyad - 7 years ago
Cameron David
Cameron David - 9 years ago
Stoked you guys pulled brad up!
Olsak - 9 years ago
This is so immersive, thanks ! Much respect.
Арсений Буров
Арсений Буров - 9 years ago
I think you should do more of these... Pleease:)

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About The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015

The "The Best (As in Worst) Surfing Wipeouts of 2015" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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