The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO
Surf 7 years ago 56,839 views
A hundred miles from the nearest ocean, Kelly Slater has developed something radical and new that could forever change the future of surfing. #RealSports Subscribe to the HBO YouTube Channel: Don’t have HBO? Order Now: Like on Facebook: Official Site: Get More HBO: Get HBO GO: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Like on Instagram: Subscribe on Tumblr: Official Site:
I'd reply that Tiger Woods is the Kelly Slater of golf or that Michael Jordan was the Kelly Slater of basketball.
They'd have to think on that for a second or two but once it dawned on them they'd want to know more about him.
10. comment for The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO
If you have the same response after 2nd viewing, go back watch again.
Do this only a maximum of three times (viewing).
If you still have the same or "anywhere in the solar system similar" viewpoint, you are going to need to make more serious immediate neural modifications. Allow me to design this plan considering both time and budget constraints, thus maximizing your time to spend your newfound greenbacks on exotic cars, Bali surf trips, breakfast buffets, and women from every country that ends in "bikini".
Either enroll in a "Business" course; Google "ways to make $$"; or if there is still one in your area, try a "Library". Ask the "Librarian" to help you locate a book or periodical on "Entrepreneurship". Mr. Marriott, you are on your way!
Your welcome and good luck.
P.S. Maybe look into building and operating Hotels and Resorts, I usually have a pretty good sense with this kind of thing.
20. comment for The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO
Anyway, let Pa and Grandma know I miss them too. And give Rocky a hug, I love that dog.
I know the Persian Gulf is a long ways from Bloomington, but if any kin are coming to Persia they can stay with me!
Happy Thanksgiveng, Walter
This is more like an engineered sand bar with a comparatively small wave.