The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO

A hundred miles from the nearest ocean, Kelly Slater has developed something radical and new that could forever change the future of surfing. #RealSports Subscribe to the HBO YouTube Channel: Don’t have HBO? Order Now: Like on Facebook: Official Site: Get More HBO: Get HBO GO: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Like on Instagram: Subscribe on Tumblr: Official Site:

The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

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A hundred miles from the nearest ocean, Kelly Slater has developed something radical and new that could forever change the future of surfing. #RealSports Subscribe to the HBO YouTube Channel: Don’t have HBO? Order Now: Like on Facebook: Official Site: Get More HBO: Get HBO GO: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Like on Instagram: Subscribe on Tumblr: Official Site:

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Most popular comments
for The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO

Saint Christopher
Saint Christopher - 7 years ago
kelly slater porked my wife. consider him good as dead
bob miller
bob miller - 7 years ago
too "perfect" of a wave...thats no fun. 1/2 the fun of surfing is not knowing what the next wave will be exactly...the unpredictabiliy and randomness of it all.....that machine takes all the excitement and intensity out of it. .....might be fun to ride once or twice...then....just .boring.
raindogred - 7 years ago
Kelly invite Ben Gravy to the wave pool..
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 7 years ago
The Tom Brady of Surfing.
Brad2Penske - 7 years ago
Jim Ronsivalli that’s not a compliment
TheOldSargeSays - 7 years ago
Yep. When I'd mention Slater and people would ask, "Who's Kelly Slater?"
I'd reply that Tiger Woods is the Kelly Slater of golf or that Michael Jordan was the Kelly Slater of basketball.
They'd have to think on that for a second or two but once it dawned on them they'd want to know more about him.
Garth Seagrave
Garth Seagrave - 7 years ago
I'm a soul surfer man, but this kinda thing just may provide land lubbers, the disabled, and people with mental illness some respite..
Mitchell McAleer
Mitchell McAleer - 7 years ago
love it, wave pool, smart, like tractor....
MKK Properties
MKK Properties - 7 years ago
There is no future of surfing, it hasn't changed since the inception, u ride a wave period! End of story, fuck already!
JaiLeeSurf - 7 years ago
I'm guessing you don't surf- nothing wrong with that. Look up a board from the 20s and check out the foil surfboards made today. Tow-in surfing? We're riding waves today that would never have been attempted even 20 years ago. Guys were wearing wool sweaters instead of wetsuits in the 50s. No leashes. No competing. I could go on and on.
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
I don't dislike Kelly. I just kinda got more into the whole ...LOST surf scene. Heavy thrash/punk surf and party and go to work and do it all over again. Guys like Wardo, Archie, Andy Irons... they would wake up, surf, party down, surf, party some more, surf some more... then do it all over again. Kelly always had that preppy attitude... i'm not hating just saying i didn't really enjoy his style. Baywatch probably had something to do with that. But you never seen him at a party either. And i do respect that now that i'm older because look at where Kelly is at... still winning titles... Look at where the ...LOST crew went... we don't even fuckin know? lol... Andy Irons is dead (some say O.D. some say he died in his sleep of natural causes, he did have xanax in his system but it wasn't more than usual). Matt Archibold is still surfing but even he got burnt out for a while there. Respect to Kelly 4 sure.. but i honestly think he won some of those titles just because of his name...
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
Please tell the doctor that next time he prescribes you something that could save your life. this planet needs less people like you.... Kelly slater is intelligent i will give you that... Intelligent at cheating!
hexoonable - 7 years ago
LOL drugs are so over rated. I've done them before and will take surfing over them any day of the week. People who do drugs are usually braindead, boring and are trailer trash. Kelly Slater is intelligent and knows how to have fun without frying his brain.
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
you proved my point by the way... kelly is what almost 50... there is no way in hell he should be smashing comps out with kids in their 30's that are in their prime. it's fucking impossible. just proves my point more... he is constantly handed titles because of his name and hollywood status.
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
You obviously didn't read my comments. And yes... its no secret kelly is handed titles just fucking google it... i'm not the first person to say this. it happens dude. if i remember i stated just a couple comps where the judges over scored kelly. you can get mad at me all u want... but it's a fact. I was saying i highly doubt kelly partied down with ...LOST. go watch Archie: Built for speed. and tell me kelly slater had anything to do with partying with those dudes with proof that he was there!
Mark Muller
Mark Muller - 7 years ago
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ you're an absolute idiot! You think doing drugs, guzzling alcohol and fucking yourself up, day in and day out is cool? Gives you cred? You moron! All it does is fuck your life up...... as for your ridiculous comments about Slater winning titles just because of his name or status - you're a double moron. The guy earned everyone of those titles as the freakish talent he was. The fact that he is still competing and winning now in his 40s...... there is only one word to describe it - respect!
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
When someone has that many titles and wins, it has to be more than luck from the judges.... He is over scored in every competition because of his Hollywood fame or a female judge has an infatuation with him. He doesn't push surfing to it's limits like Jamie O'Brien or Zoltan Torkos... Don't see them being handed world titles wins left, right, and center. Look at the Volcom pipe pro in 2016... rigged completely. Bruce irons surfed circles around Slater!!! busting aerials exiting the same barrels with a shorter board. Even JOB out surfed Salter in that one but still only got 2nd. Then the year after where was Slater? not there... 2012 in Santa Cruz... handed another free title. can't say he hasn't been gifted titles... it's common knowledge. It's like trying to say O.J. was innocent... No he wasn't.. the LAPD sucks when it comes to doing their job. There is a reason Kelly gets HBO interviews like this and so many people dislike him is not based on his talent... it's based on the fame of his name.
JaiLeeSurf - 7 years ago
coming from a kid who doesn't respect an 11-time world champ because he's not cracked out.
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
It's people like you that are the reason children are eating tide pods....
JaiLeeSurf - 7 years ago
don't care enough to entertain you. carry on
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
So you are like really vague on this little story of yours bro... Where was this party? at the ...LOST house in San Clemente? was any actual member of ...LOST crew there? what exactly is ...LOST party style? You got my attention... i'm ready for storytime. LMFAO.
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
Well isn't this a coincidence... because i know a few dudes from the O.G. ...LOST Crew from San Clemente. I grew up in Long Beach I been surfing about half the time you have, give or take a year. Yeah, Kelly's intelligent. I'll give ya that. Doesn't mean he's stealthy... And when you say you seen Kelly party ...LOST style, excuse me while i call bullshit. I highly fucking doubt Slater has ever broken down muscle relaxers with whiskey and shot that up because he couldn't get anymore dope either PHYSICALLY get the fuck off the couch to go to the dopemans house... or didn't have the money to do it... He couldn't hold a flame to Archie or Fletch... Hell, even Wardo... and Wardo back then was more of a drinker than anything. The craziest thing i ever seen Slater do was surf a fucking wooden door to a house... while he was wearing a business suit... THATS Slaters idea of a party. Not cocaine, booze, pills, needles, and groups of beach blanket bimbo's.... I don't have to respect shit...
JaiLeeSurf - 7 years ago
I get it but... as someone who's grown up surfing in CFL for 30+ years I've seen Kelly party Lost style. He's incredibly intelligent therefore stealthy. Gotta respect that.

10. comment for The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO

will martin
will martin - 7 years ago
I like surfing!! A lot: I can't stand B Gumbal dick head ///
Stand up for GOOD
Stand up for GOOD - 7 years ago
Wave pools in every city !!
Malcolm Marriott
Malcolm Marriott - 7 years ago
It's only one wave: how do you make $$ from that. Great surfer man
showtime951 - 7 years ago
Go back watch story again.
If you have the same response after 2nd viewing, go back watch again.
Do this only a maximum of three times (viewing).

If you still have the same or "anywhere in the solar system similar" viewpoint, you are going to need to make more serious immediate neural modifications. Allow me to design this plan considering both time and budget constraints, thus maximizing your time to spend your newfound greenbacks on exotic cars, Bali surf trips, breakfast buffets, and women from every country that ends in "bikini".

Either enroll in a "Business" course; Google "ways to make $$"; or if there is still one in your area, try a "Library". Ask the "Librarian" to help you locate a book or periodical on "Entrepreneurship". Mr. Marriott, you are on your way!

Your welcome and good luck.
P.S. Maybe look into building and operating Hotels and Resorts, I usually have a pretty good sense with this kind of thing.
c turner
c turner - 7 years ago
you ever watch bowling on television?
Robi Vikking
Robi Vikking - 7 years ago
Guy Ralls
Guy Ralls - 7 years ago
Slater's Ritalin comment is priceless!
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - 7 years ago
the future of dick
phu cue
phu cue - 7 years ago
The bottom line is this ! If it swells .........ride it !!!!! Whooooooooo!!!!!
mlanson303 - 7 years ago
I'd fly to Florida for this wave.
Kevin V.
Kevin V. - 7 years ago
It's weird nobody ever mentions the public surf park in Austin, TX called NLand Surf Park. Look it up! It's pretty amazing.
mlanson303 - 7 years ago
doesn't look right. too small, junky shape?
belletollz - 7 years ago
amazing surfer and amazing feat he has accomplished, but i hope it is not the "future of professional surfing". i'm sure it is fun to surf, but for me nowhere near as fun as the real thing to watch. Watching the beauty of the ocean, watching the surfers assess the waves to choose which one might produce the best ride, the whole scene--a machine will never have the feel of all that. i'm glad that slater said it was a "branch".
Gabriel Barrena Rodríguez
Gabriel Barrena Rodríguez - 7 years ago
yea, it´s a resource for those who don't get the chance to live near a surf spot, to practice and surf during those long months far from the ocean.

20. comment for The Future of Surfing | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO

dasright1905 - 7 years ago
What a great individual kelly is !!! Kelly is always looking to make things better. I appreciate that . Thatt would be my dream to build a wave pool if I had the resources to do so all those who speak out against him is kooks who dont even know to surf in 20 years its probably going to be even better.
adam lorden
adam lorden - 7 years ago
ye man what a hero!
Saad Nabil
Saad Nabil - 7 years ago
That's appropriate!
rss313 - 7 years ago
Nice segment. During the first wave ranch bit they mention theres an artificial reef under the artificial waves -- my question would be is that as dangerous to surfers as real reefs can be?
showtime951 - 7 years ago
I worked with the Research & Development Team for a little over 8 months, I'm sorry it was the Safety Advisory Committee for 9 months. I really didn't remember feeling my body or skull hitting the artificial reef even one time. Wait, my assistant is telling me it happened twice or 16 times.
Anyway, let Pa and Grandma know I miss them too. And give Rocky a hug, I love that dog.
I know the Persian Gulf is a long ways from Bloomington, but if any kin are coming to Persia they can stay with me!
Happy Thanksgiveng, Walter
Steve Simko
Steve Simko - 7 years ago
My surfing accidents mostly happen on small days,yeah but someone will get hurt. Board smack them hopefully nothing serious. (If it hasn't yet)
magentawave - 7 years ago
You can still get hurt slamming your head into the bottom on small days. (Obviously it's worse if it's a rock or coral reef.) I surfed chest to head high waves today near low tide and there was only 3' of water over the reef so you definitely didn't want to let yourself get pitched over the handlebars.
IIIIIbarcodeIIIII - 7 years ago
nah, reefs are only dangerous if the wave is so large that it pulls water up off the reef (in front of the face) to the extent that the rider will slam the bottom if they go over the falls. Which is why they're good: open ocean swell encountering an upstart chunk of coral makes for tall, steep faces.

This is more like an engineered sand bar with a comparatively small wave.

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