The Now: Curren Caples

When you're named after Tom Curren, you'd better have a knack for drawing interesting lines in the water. But while 18-year-old Curren Caples is more than proficient at punting and carving across his local breaks, it's his skills on a skateboard that have landed him in the spotlight. He turned pro last year, filmed a video part for Flip Skateboards, and won a gold medal in Skateboard Park at X Games Munich. His life is one fast-paced balancing act between water and concrete. Music: The Silents "Night Crawl" Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

The Now: Curren Caples sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Surf 10 years ago 622,316 views

When you're named after Tom Curren, you'd better have a knack for drawing interesting lines in the water. But while 18-year-old Curren Caples is more than proficient at punting and carving across his local breaks, it's his skills on a skateboard that have landed him in the spotlight. He turned pro last year, filmed a video part for Flip Skateboards, and won a gold medal in Skateboard Park at X Games Munich. His life is one fast-paced balancing act between water and concrete. Music: The Silents "Night Crawl" Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

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Most popular comments
for The Now: Curren Caples

Carter KW
Carter KW - 6 years ago
I live in Ventura!!!!!!!!!
RGA - 6 years ago
Why this dude dye his hair
ErgoCogita - 6 years ago
This video should now be called "The Then".
bailey surfs
bailey surfs - 6 years ago
I want this dudes hair
daniel giraldo
daniel giraldo - 7 years ago
very nice transfer
bailey surfs
bailey surfs - 7 years ago
Dopest hair ever
Krazie Gracie
Krazie Gracie - 7 years ago
Her looks like brennan donnelly
Jaden R
Jaden R - 7 years ago
He did a grind where i go to school
Skye Sholty
Skye Sholty - 7 years ago
does anybody know where the spot is at 2:31? I wanna go there so bad

10. comment for The Now: Curren Caples

taradead - 7 years ago
dudes got style for days...and everything else. World Class.
tim storment
tim storment - 7 years ago
57seconds....where in the hell is that skatepark?? Ventura?? Anyone
Avril Stacy
Avril Stacy - 7 years ago
Live in the Now, but keep your eyes and ears open.
Max Maulhardt
Max Maulhardt - 7 years ago
2:45 my high school
Max Maulhardt
Max Maulhardt - 7 years ago
Crystaal Calixxx
Crystaal Calixxx - 7 years ago
my dream fucking boy . oh my god.
Nick Erite
Nick Erite - 7 years ago
"Oh look at this dude, is that Dane???" Hahaha so sick
Enrique Lafita
Enrique Lafita - 7 years ago
curren what do you like more surfing or scateboarding
ilya m.
ilya m. - 7 years ago
this was hella dope
ThePoKeMaSt3r95 - 7 years ago
The next jay from the lords of dog town
Ethan Orweller
Ethan Orweller - 7 years ago
Subscribe to my channel Ethan Orweller

20. comment for The Now: Curren Caples

jpra64 - 7 years ago
he skates super clean, awesome style and also with surfing.
Kyada_the_crafty - 7 years ago
Kid has everything, but he is gonna die from a head injury at the height of his career because he doesn't wear a helmet
Mr Fantastic
Mr Fantastic - 7 years ago
Kyada_the_crafty Lol Helmets
Act Odd
Act Odd - 7 years ago
Am I the only that gets confused at what he says sometimes I'm not hating I think he's super rad but sometimes I'm very confused at what he's trying to say
Angelo Nathan
Angelo Nathan - 8 years ago
want him
Nick Nguyen
Nick Nguyen - 8 years ago
this shit has been puzzling me for the fucking longest time but how is this physically possible? @0:30
David Kooyman
David Kooyman - 8 years ago
sometimes reall really really good surfer skater crossovers can use their "steeze" to magically disappear and reappear about 30-60feet further away. amazing!!
gulfsurfco - 8 years ago
Sometimes the waves erode the beach shore and make like a mini cliff. You stand on the edge of the little sand cliff and it just crumbles and you just kinda ride it down to the waters edge. I've never seen them more than like 3 or 4 feet.
Downtime Media
Downtime Media - 8 years ago
walkway down the middle of the beach, he's skating down it
Kiba Time
Kiba Time - 8 years ago
Iam born in ohio to❤❤
nomoreluke - 8 years ago
Have to say, I'm not a massive fan. Definitely a better skater than he is a surfer but he always seems to be style over substance... He looks good but nothing he does is progressive at all. He got ridiculously overscored at the X Games, especially his first run. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on him and no doubt he's a talented kid but he needs to up his game a bit in my opinion.
yobitch - 8 years ago
lol fuck off
SmashingKinpumps - 8 years ago
swearrrr to god some guys just have perfect lives. good looking, talented, and the riches that come with being pro. jesus could u ask for anything more
Eric S
Eric S - 8 years ago
dat dig bick
Lame Nitro
Lame Nitro - 8 years ago
so he turned pro at 17? i thought he was pro this whole time - like at the early berrics text yo self thing with louie
Lukeena Hemmings
Lukeena Hemmings - 8 years ago
He's such a babe <3

30. comment for The Now: Curren Caples

Quentin h
Quentin h - 8 years ago
Ventura represent #moorparkskatepark
Rich Link
Rich Link - 8 years ago
1 love breda!!
scarypotter777 - 8 years ago
Holding it down for the 805
os kraness
os kraness - 9 years ago
hey jay adams
Jason Yost
Jason Yost - 9 years ago
That was mean' I'm sorry Curren.
Yusuf Zulfi
Yusuf Zulfi - 9 years ago
so pablo , malto , rieder and curren walk into a bar.....
Yusuf Zulfi
Yusuf Zulfi - 8 years ago
+BumbaiiSAUCEyou lmaoooo. boy 20 be looking like 14
kaaimea mckee
kaaimea mckee - 8 years ago
Hey curren can I see an id
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 9 years ago
0:56 - 1:06 Pretty much my life
Nathan McKenzie
Nathan McKenzie - 9 years ago
love this guy. I wonder if he snowboards. Bet he kills it on one too
Crunchy Kyle
Crunchy Kyle - 9 years ago
a well behaved jay adams.. NEW GEN
taradead - 7 years ago
jay was a pos
Reeve - 7 years ago
choco late
choco late - 9 years ago
0:52 what physics are those ??!??!?!?
jakilli - 9 years ago
soo good
ΛLΛΠ 1993
ΛLΛΠ 1993 - 9 years ago
ive been skating for 10 years now, and i want to start surfing. anyone know any good spots in the 805 area? I live in santa barbara.
Master of reality Luke
Master of reality Luke - 9 years ago
+tgshark1 Tiger Shark fun boards are also a good alternative
Tiger Shark
Tiger Shark - 9 years ago
+Alan Rueda call up some surf shops for a couple private lessons, surfing is a progressive sport, it's not as easy as the pros make it look. Start on a long board.
sonickills23 - 9 years ago
and he drives an S5 what a beast
Sam Brearley
Sam Brearley - 9 years ago
0:18 holy fuck
Herman Melville
Herman Melville - 9 years ago
Talented kid.
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
Dude. What the fuck. That trick at 0:51 and at the very end... this kid is lightweight like a feather... catches so much air and gets so much fucking speed. Quintessential southern California skater surfer. Yeah, I would have guessed Huntington as well for sure.
herp derp
herp derp - 9 years ago
sickk dude
Arief Ramadhan
Arief Ramadhan - 9 years ago
gloom cloud
gloom cloud - 9 years ago
Your fucking amazing!!!please be my best friend
auldsk8r - 9 years ago
He reminds me a bit of Jay Adams.
taradead - 7 years ago
not at all
javieralejandrx - 7 years ago
auldsk8r more like Stacy

50. comment for The Now: Curren Caples

Helmner - 9 years ago
I think Caples got the absolute dopest style in skateboarding together with Luan :D such flow and style
kenneth merced calo
kenneth merced calo - 8 years ago
Dylan Rieder
Planet Jupiter
Planet Jupiter - 9 years ago
I like him, he seems determined, relaxed, friendly and - most importantly - content with his life. Respect bro
Yiannis - 9 years ago
Seriously flip really does have the best team, especially the young guns like Caples Lopez and Gonzalez are insanely well rounded....I love they shred everything way gnarly curren is nuts he looks like he surfs good I heard surfing takes years just to ride decent I'm astonished...
Johnny Boy
Johnny Boy - 9 years ago
Don't forget luan
Jon The Great
Jon The Great - 9 years ago
Curren, Louielo, Gonzales, Alex, Nordberg and Berger what a team! Young and talented as they say
Jesus Adonay
Jesus Adonay - 9 years ago
the best guy ! I can t believe it !
Jocelyn Bolding
Jocelyn Bolding - 9 years ago
I just love him.... Is that weird?
badbear53 - 9 years ago
What type of surfboard does curren have
Max Hardisty
Max Hardisty - 9 years ago
0:50 that transfer is ridiculous!!
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
Right? That didn't even look real. Jesus. lol
Roberta L
Roberta L - 9 years ago
Pensa num muleke profissa ! hahaha
Fritzee - 9 years ago
what a talented eye candy!
if I were a woman... :D
joemchang - 9 years ago
There are very few people who are good at both sports, he's very lucky he can hang in both places
130world - 9 years ago
Always had respect for him for some reason
Torin Lance
Torin Lance - 9 years ago
I love the way he surfs
Fraser Considine
Fraser Considine - 10 years ago
Curren has the best life ever
Aaron Summers
Aaron Summers - 10 years ago
your fucking crazy good at skating and surfing man !
Oberweener Austin
Oberweener Austin - 10 years ago
So fucking gnarly
Chip yard
Chip yard - 10 years ago
He makes skating boarding beautiful, even when he's being gnar. His 3 part is joy.
wehec - 10 years ago
didnt know keira knightley could surf/skate that well 
Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan - 10 years ago
he's gonna be the next Sheckler type good looking cute "bro" opposite style than Dylan but also SOTY in the future. Both Dylan and Curren have a chance to with SOTY, but Dylans killing it right now, but people don't focus on that when they just are too jealous of his model status looks and huge pop/talent. Caples has those as well but needs to thrash more.
Chip yard
Chip yard - 10 years ago
Curren, Dylan and Shecks are all different and great skaters. The SOTY comment is weird, and Dylan has been quiet recently - if I'm wrong please point me in the right direction.
max kuchuk
max kuchuk - 10 years ago
That 50-50 down the BIG rail was dope!
birddogfreemann - 10 years ago
Charles Coulson
Charles Coulson - 10 years ago
Kid has insane speed and flow, gnarly speed flow 9000matic.
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
Seriously, though. How does he go so fast? Is it because he's light as a feather? He gets noticeably more speed than other skaters I watch.
SometimesSidewayz HB
SometimesSidewayz HB - 10 years ago
Thats me
Robert Jamond
Robert Jamond - 10 years ago
I'm from Ventura
Ian Burke
Ian Burke - 10 years ago
Yo subscribe to me for surfing and snowboarding vids, Ill subscribe back!
sk8 hhh
sk8 hhh - 10 years ago
Current rips !!!
VIsubby - 10 years ago
Dude jus keep riding your EPIC to watch
in your style
Jeff Cummings
Jeff Cummings - 10 years ago
Ojai bowl. Love that park. I remember Mullen and I skated there when it was just a mini ramp and really bad asphalt.
Gnarly footage Curren.
Chris Henwood
Chris Henwood - 10 years ago
straight ripping !!
gnarley bros
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
styyyyleeee at its finest
SURFER - 10 years ago
Last year, +Curren Caples  turned pro for Flip Skateboards, won a gold medal at X Games Munich, and still made time to punt and carve at his local break.

#TheNow presented by +VISSLA :
Jackson Hendricks
Jackson Hendricks - 8 years ago
SURFER and I can't even get a text back smh
Kayo Fernandes
Kayo Fernandes - 10 years ago
NorthOCkook - 10 years ago
Saw him at Emma wood one day surfing with Nathaniel Curran and Sage Erickson. Sage is such a babe
Reeve - 9 years ago
+NorthOCkook hahahahahhaha blanchard takes da cake dough
adventuresinbelieving - 10 years ago
does he drive a Curren?  - he sufs and skates real nice.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+adventuresinbelieving If sex is a pain in the ass, then you're doing it wrong..
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+adventuresinbelieving Oh, you're straight? Well, so is spaghetti until it gets hot and wet.
TheDiegorojas2000 - 10 years ago
Your gay
vaper bing
vaper bing - 10 years ago
He is so beautiful
taradead - 7 years ago
I've seen better...but I'm happy for you
vaper bing
vaper bing - 9 years ago
+Seven Foot Pelican I was actually looking at his photos of him currently, but I do miss his long wavy hair
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
He looks better clean cut now than with the shaggy hair.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 9 years ago
Sorry I never responded? Send more messages haha
vaper bing
vaper bing - 9 years ago
They really have nicknamed him 'The beautiful child'? That is so cute! +Christopher Matson Thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it
Sup Dew
Sup Dew - 9 years ago
Oh and by the way, some other pros in skateboarding have a nickname for him...It is the beautiful child! So you almost hit it spot on!
Sup Dew
Sup Dew - 9 years ago
This whole conversation thing that happened between you two fuckers! It is absolutely beautiful!! I have never seen such magical harmony on YouTube before! Much love from United States the state of Oregon! Lmao!!!
vaper bing
vaper bing - 9 years ago
Haha thank you for looking up where I live. Always nice that people appreciate other places. There are many skateboarders here, but no so many surfers. There are lots of people here that love to wake board, kitesurf, or sail. I'm sorry to hear about your injury. 
Cool! I'll send you an email and ask you what Australia's like, because I really want to go there!
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
Awesome. Do you get good surf waves there? You probably are missing out cause I checked that place and it looks like it gets good waves.

Yes I surf alot but not right now because I have an injury. I come from Australia on the east coast. msg me @ if you like.
vaper bing
vaper bing - 10 years ago
Haha, you are very welcome! I don't surf, I wish to learn so, do you surf? I come from Curaçao, an island in the Dutch Caribbean. Where do you come from +Raughing outRoud ? :)
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
+vaper bing Thanks for responding and with the extra detail :)
Do you surf? and what country do you come from?
vaper bing
vaper bing - 10 years ago
I thought no one would ask me this question +Raughing outRoud Happy you asked. His hair, his hair is a beautiful blonde brown color. The type of blonde as a result of being in the sea salt water a lot; his hair strands soaking up and absorbing that sea salt water, making his hair even blonder (also with help of the sun. This is a fact by the way). His beautiful wavy hair framing his face.
His face is beautifully, or handsomely sculpted. You cannot forget about his rich tan, you could tell by the rich, concentrated tan, that he is out in the sun a lot; be it when skateboarding or surfing.
He is legit a handsome young man, not even joking.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
What does that mean specifically? 
Lana Soskic
Lana Soskic - 10 years ago
TeeOneOG - 10 years ago
favorite skater!
scubawithatuba - 10 years ago
Saw him skating Ojai once. Dude has steez!
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
One of my favorite cities in the Golden State :-)
Preston Berk
Preston Berk - 10 years ago
Sick! Stoked on the new kids that surf and skate. Rad style
L Dupree
L Dupree - 10 years ago
Incredible talent.  Only wish he'd wear a helmet.  Sorry, it's the dad in me....
parraphrase - 7 years ago
hahahah. Funny how Dadland changes you eh...
SevenFoot Pelican
SevenFoot Pelican - 9 years ago
gettinnapkins - 10 years ago
i can't decide fully, but i think Caples is the illest cat currently riding boards. dude is giving the legends a run for their money. sick tricks, unreal style, and humility for days. a grom with mad wisdom for his age.
B. Brooks
B. Brooks - 7 years ago
Steve Siz
Steve Siz - 10 years ago
If it weren't for Skate Street, he'd be a pro surfer!!  
Crunchy Kyle
Crunchy Kyle - 8 years ago
+hweenmask bruh curren is pulling out back 3's out of his ass/ doing huge frontside airs...bruh he could deff compete with alot of dudes like evan geiselman. Not saying he would win/ but he is deff am status in surfing.
Andrew Tuma
Andrew Tuma - 9 years ago
+hweenmask you don't have to go on tour to be pro or get a paycheck times are changing free surfing is a huge part of surfing now
Steve Siz
Steve Siz - 9 years ago
Yes.. if you compare his skinny ass to those guys its a no brainer.  But i have skated with Curren and knew him since he was like 7 years old.  He had natural skate talent. i would not doubt if he surfed instead of skated with all his friends back then, he would be a ripper (and probably not so skinny)  Its obviously hypothetical, but his dad owned a surf shop (right next to the skate park) and his dad knew all the surf guys in the area to influence him... of course its a what if.. the only reason Curren wins stuff is that people just happen to like his current style ( which is in style now..a mix of transition and street; there are so many better people out there at skating, he is just lucky. 
hweenmask - 9 years ago
do you even watch the wtc? probably not
Steve Siz
Steve Siz - 9 years ago
how do you know? Seeing how his dad owned a surf shop and his talent and amount of dedication he puts in, he would have been extremely talented, and perhaps pro
hweenmask - 9 years ago
+Steve Siz if he was to be a pro surfer i dont think he'd ever make the tour, he's too weak
Jocky Rohnson
Jocky Rohnson - 10 years ago
Nordik - 10 years ago
Naughty - 10 years ago
great guy with alot of talent
ICCVIDEOS - 10 years ago
This kid rips.
nicolemschmidt93 - 10 years ago

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