1,286 likes 231,909 views 9 years ago
www.getwindsurfing.com Thanks for watching our coaching video we hope that it has helped you with your windsurfing....
1,056 likes 133,402 views 7 years ago
TWS (http://www.tws-windsurf.com) Freemove Technique Series is a series of instructional videos. We teamed up with...
227 likes 58,929 views 8 years ago
A series of instructional videos - TWS (http://www.tws-windsurf.com) Wave Technique Series together with wave world...
201 likes 53,728 views 8 years ago
Fourth episode of TWS (http://www.tws-windsurf.com) Technique Series - a series of short instructional videos to...
298 likes 50,053 views 7 years ago
Over 2 years ago I (Ben Proffitt) decided to try and challenge myself to see how fast i could go! I really wanted to...
198 likes 45,599 views 8 years ago
First episode of TWS (http://www.tws-windsurf.com) Technique Series - a series of short instructional videos to...
1,286 likes 231,909 views 9 years ago
www.getwindsurfing.com Thanks for watching our coaching video we hope that it has helped you with your windsurfing....
The "The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978)." video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978).
20. comment for The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978).
oh ja haha man das allemaal lang geleden
30. comment for The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978).
Ook leuk hoe Iwan (Spooky) en Esther op het laatst gewoon doorgaan met dansen en hij haar dan omhelst. Geeft wel de goede sfeer onderling een beetje weer.
Nee joh; Esther die is pas lekker, laten we 't daar op houden ;)
Je weet het beter dan Esther zelf xD? estheronline.nl/over-esther/
Dit is Esther dus wel. Dit was voor de Dolly Dots. Als je haar blijkbaar niet herkent en mij niet gelooft: uit wikipedia:''De frontman van de groep werd de Zaandijker Nico Fontijn en hij werd bijgestaan door Paul Braaksma, Iwan Groeneveld, Patrick Elalouf en de drie danseressen Esther Oosterbeek, Marijke Meyer en Cathy Leonupun''.
Guy with moustache at the end finds the whole thing hilarious.
50. comment for The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978).
100. comment for The Surfers - Windsurfing (1978).