The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 221

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Most popular comments
for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

nandofigueira2005 - 7 years ago
The first time I heard this song, I thought it was sung by a black singer.
Sol Cutta
Sol Cutta - 7 years ago
So ahead of its time.. Who would have known that in the 80s this would become the sound of psychobilly and known by any scooter boy in Britain.. Excellent.. Amazing.. Brilliant.. Awesome.. And all those kinda words..
Игорь Папенков
Игорь Папенков - 7 years ago
Andrew Wedge
Andrew Wedge - 7 years ago
Over 8 thousand know about this bird and sadly 218 don't. I pity them poor fools.
Wayne Johanson
Wayne Johanson - 7 years ago
Peter Griffins favorite song
PhattyMcBoomBoom - 7 years ago
unplugs jukebox
"That's annoying."
Roudy Yates
Roudy Yates - 7 years ago
Could this be considered the first punk song?
Ron Scott
Ron Scott - 7 years ago
Who's the singer's name.
Ryan Ravina
Ryan Ravina - 7 years ago
Ron Scott steve wahrer who passed away on this date but in 1989 of throat cancer
Pro1er - 7 years ago
Now that's music!

10. comment for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

Accro Body
Accro Body - 7 years ago
I always think its a punk garage band end of '70s play that song cause its was a big hit in the punk Bar
Flinker,s Flork
Flinker,s Flork - 7 years ago
Matheus Andrade
Matheus Andrade - 7 years ago
and I was thinking it was a song by Ramones LOL
Luis Coig
Luis Coig - 7 years ago
This man is so very crazy
johnny aa
johnny aa - 7 years ago
AS you can see in this video only one member of the group is performing. From what I read the tight folks at Bandstand would only spring for one roundtrip ticket from Minneapolis. Consequently the rest of the band only got watch this on TV.
anthony belcher
anthony belcher - 7 years ago
Awesome song
Rodolfo Panti
Rodolfo Panti - 7 years ago
Yo vine por que lo escuche en padre de familia :v
Charles Jannuzi
Charles Jannuzi - 7 years ago
They seemed to have mashed up two Rivingtons' tunes for a different song but still not very original in many ways.
Esteban Palafox
Esteban Palafox - 7 years ago
Padre de familia todo un loquillo :v
Justin Fentroy
Justin Fentroy - 7 years ago
I'd ride up the street bumping this

20. comment for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

Fernando Perez
Fernando Perez - 7 years ago
don't care, love the song
Julio Augusto
Julio Augusto - 7 years ago
I guess this proves that there was shit music in the 60's too
DRock6906 - 7 years ago
"Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?"
Real WeAreAllAmericans
Real WeAreAllAmericans - 7 years ago
No wonder they were defeated in the Vietnam War.
Dankrick Star
Dankrick Star - 7 years ago
Well guys we missed out on 1963 where the marijuana was fucking insane
Koen Maeyaert
Koen Maeyaert - 7 years ago
AbFab!!! These guys were rocking!
seosaphjarvinen - 7 years ago
HAHAHAHA!!! how awful is this.
juan castellanos robles
juan castellanos robles - 7 years ago
great song
Steven s
Steven s - 7 years ago
Great, great Bandstand memory!!!! The Trashmen rool.
TheStapleGunKid - 7 years ago
Why aren't the rest of the band members in this? Do they have stage fright or something?

30. comment for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

Steve Seifer
Steve Seifer - 7 years ago
Bill Armstrong
Bill Armstrong - 7 years ago
This is bloody awful.
Daniel da Silva Martins
Daniel da Silva Martins - 7 years ago
Eu tenho esse LP! Era do meu pai.
PEDRO Pb - 7 years ago
Só rasgadão...mar grande.......i é dessa mesmo birdddddd
wkruit1 - 7 years ago
At least this song made a Dutch comedian famous...!
Matthew Morgan
Matthew Morgan - 7 years ago
Megatron 43
Megatron 43 - 7 years ago
holy crap surfin bird ahhhh
M. P.
M. P. - 7 years ago
Family Guy sucks donkey dick.
Mark Mars
Mark Mars - 7 years ago
That's a creepy bird asf
Sandra Culter
Sandra Culter - 7 years ago
Awesome drums and bass!
jakethekinkster - 7 years ago
So, who wants to say the aliens haven't landed?

They're here. :-()
Danilo Asbell
Danilo Asbell - 7 years ago
Full Metal Jacket anyone?
Ted Baxter
Ted Baxter - 7 years ago
Imagine what the parent's thought when they saw their kids practicing this in a garage?
David Nissim
David Nissim - 7 years ago
How on earth did this song become such a hit?
bodensick - 7 years ago
So cool it hurts. It is so far out there, so in your face, so "who you lookin' at". Love it.
[ Content Deleted ]
[ Content Deleted ] - 7 years ago
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?!
VANNIVEZ - 7 years ago
what's the word?
Jey-Key Stone
Jey-Key Stone - 7 years ago
Great song!
Gannon Roberts
Gannon Roberts - 7 years ago
Steve Ward of the Trashmen is a lying sack of shit. The Rivingtons did it first. Dick Clark should have done his homework.
SUPER COOL - 7 years ago
Я один русский?

50. comment for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

Rene Ortiz
Rene Ortiz - 7 years ago
Peyote brought me here........... WAT A TRIP !!! ........................
Grace Frieson
Grace Frieson - 7 years ago
nigga was on crack
Ryan Ravina
Ryan Ravina - 7 years ago
R.I.P Steve Wahrer
Manly Man
Manly Man - 7 years ago
This is the skrillex of the 1960s
Kelly02895 - 7 years ago
Dick Clark "One of the biggest novelties of late '63" Brian "No, Dick. Don't!!!"
Dick Johnson
Dick Johnson - 7 years ago
Well, It Didn't Take Me Long To Learn The Words.
Bogus Mogus
Bogus Mogus - 7 years ago
The bird used to be a chick
Professor Fez
Professor Fez - 7 years ago
He taught Michael Jackson everything he Knew...
Ty Windham
Ty Windham - 7 years ago
Am I The Only One Here Just Because Of Family Guy?
Frank DiElsi
Frank DiElsi - 7 years ago
A few weeks later the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan and that was it for the Trashmen.
Ray Warner
Ray Warner - 7 years ago
Totally Rad...
bluecatky - 7 years ago
Family Guy brought me here. I can't hear this song anymore without picturing Peter Griffin's fat ass dancing to the song.
tubbychubby1 - 7 years ago
what bird ? what word ?, you young people and your crazy music
spikedpsycho - 7 years ago
I suddenly have the urge to napalm Vietnamese bridges now
Mad Planet
Mad Planet - 7 years ago
I'll take this over ANY cRAP
any day
styldsteel1 - 8 years ago
Hell said white men can't dance?
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 8 years ago
What does the fox say?
Joel Z Sheridan (comedy)
Joel Z Sheridan (comedy) - 8 years ago
Charlie don't surf. Best line best song for that scene
Kathy Grimm
Kathy Grimm - 8 years ago
I remember when this came out. I still love it.
McNabbulous - 8 years ago
180 people have heard the word.
Jared Basso
Jared Basso - 8 years ago
Tide Bleach
Tide Bleach - 8 years ago
I wonder how the audience first felt about this.
chicago913 - 8 years ago
Andre Miranda
Andre Miranda - 8 years ago
Certo mano!!!!!
NeverTalkToCops1 - 8 years ago
This is what small kids invent, every day. They just don't get copyrights and royalties. Baupa ooma ma ma, bappa oo mau mau...
mike hutchings
mike hutchings - 8 years ago
I am impressed
Zipri - 8 years ago
это мать его топ!
Fakeknike87 - 8 years ago
I've just listened to The Rivingtons version of Birds the Word.
Dustin Rusher
Dustin Rusher - 8 years ago
Is that you John Wayne? is this me?
Kapok Kecik_ Lil Axe
Kapok Kecik_ Lil Axe - 8 years ago
They should be named The Birdmen!
Allan Survo
Allan Survo - 8 years ago
178 people don't know about the bird
J Bautista
J Bautista - 7 years ago
Allan Survo correction, 216 for today 1/22/18
Crimson Dragon
Crimson Dragon - 7 years ago
210 people know The Trashmen didn write this song.
leighahmke - 7 years ago
Allan Survo Well, it's not our fault they suck.
King Jonesy
King Jonesy - 7 years ago
Benjamin Garcia
Benjamin Garcia - 8 years ago
Damm surfing bird I said one blue dot not two.Now surfing bird is acting funny and silly. I like surfing bird song
heffo and juff
heffo and juff - 8 years ago
He looks like is having convulsions!
Κωνσταντίνα/7j games
Κωνσταντίνα/7j games - 8 years ago
thiw is....called.................. REAL rock n roll
gerry3x - 8 years ago
Cocaine is a helluva drug
Nej - 8 years ago
im confused when does he eat garbage
gogosfan1000 - 8 years ago
I heard this on FAMILY GUY...did not know its a real
Steve Seifer
Steve Seifer - 8 years ago
Wanna hear another strange sound? Go to Screamin Jay Hawkins' "I put a spell on you". It's on YouTube. I think its from 1956
Rene Ortiz
Rene Ortiz - 8 years ago
Bird is1960's Code for LSD.
Rene Ortiz
Rene Ortiz - 8 years ago
Wats ufdt ???
Must be today's code for some new and improved mind tripper !
Trashmen also had Trashwoman behind the scenes, Ha.
noelle griffis
noelle griffis - 8 years ago
Rene Ortiz ufdt
Aboring Fart
Aboring Fart - 8 years ago
Why did they give the nobel prize for literatorture to Dylan?
Zorig - 8 years ago
bird is a word guys
gremmiehodad - 8 years ago
Wish the whole band was there!
katmacaz - 8 years ago
Haha peeps are still watching this! Love it
Elijah Brown Wolf
Elijah Brown Wolf - 8 years ago
I didn't know this song was from the 60s
DMiyash248 - 8 years ago
I never knew this thin white dude was the singer. I don't know why, but I always thought Wolfman Jack sang this song duh.
DanTDrac - 8 years ago
Wow, what an oldie. I remember hearing that as a kid...
Bomberdog 613
Bomberdog 613 - 8 years ago
I'm here because of family guy
Phil Mann
Phil Mann - 8 years ago
What will his kids think if they ever stumble across this video...
ogredad55 - 8 years ago
Phil Mann: As old as this song is, you should be asking, "What will his grand-kids think?" Ha! I've always thought this song was the Greatest! Me and my best buddy used to drive around in his convertible, with this song blasting away!
al capone
al capone - 8 years ago
what the hell!!! ok bird is the word!!
behemoth 666
behemoth 666 - 8 years ago

100. comment for The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

Charles McCrimmon
Charles McCrimmon - 8 years ago
Oh, you haven't heard?....
Left anti pc
Left anti pc - 8 years ago
I want everybody know the bird is the word
Jujuj dude
Jujuj dude - 8 years ago
Jujuj dude
Jujuj dude - 8 years ago
Timofey Bogachev
Timofey Bogachev - 8 years ago
Luqman Nazery
Luqman Nazery - 8 years ago
What's the word again? Didn't catch that
Pratik Gedam
Pratik Gedam - 8 years ago
KingAndrew5000 - 8 years ago
rock n roll !!
kari pasanen
kari pasanen - 8 years ago
haaa.i l like this . my one favourite
Manfredo Jorge
Manfredo Jorge - 8 years ago
Family Guy song
colin oakes
colin oakes - 8 years ago
any song that peter griffin loves is a hit in my books
Yandere Chan
Yandere Chan - 8 years ago
Omg...This is old as fuck...
james vivada
james vivada - 8 years ago
this dude's awesome strange but awesome lmfao
soda tea alien
soda tea alien - 8 years ago
Family Guy anyone? ^-^
michael myers
michael myers - 8 years ago
lol love to see him sing ans dance likt that today
Mr.Youtube - 8 years ago
Cant, he's been dead for 27 years :/
Suappo1 - 8 years ago
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
Muhammad Damariadi
Muhammad Damariadi - 8 years ago
is it just me just search this song after watch family guy
Josh Baldwin
Josh Baldwin - 8 years ago
I love it this is on family guy
TheShizue777 - 8 years ago
Dick Clark, it's still very big in 2016. Love this and love watching that guy dance.
Orlando Medina
Orlando Medina - 8 years ago
Kevin L.
Kevin L. - 8 years ago
waykoolrecords - 8 years ago
I bought this song on a 45 record when it came out with my allowance money. I was only 10 years old. I still dig it today. Too bad when this did this video that they didn`t show the whole band instead of just the lead singer.
reffoelcnu alouncelal
reffoelcnu alouncelal - 8 years ago
I'd rather hear Peter sing it
hal weirich
hal weirich - 8 years ago
me too!
Mark Rocovich
Mark Rocovich - 8 years ago
How many of you out there bought the album that this hit was on???? The group was posed in a auto junkyard with their instruments....i wish i had kept it....
Donati2151233 - 8 years ago
The bird took control of his brain...that's it
nevanf alternate
nevanf alternate - 8 years ago
Family guy anyone?
Michael64Guitars - 8 years ago
This is quite weird but cool song and I remember it since I was a kid. I thing it has been a very hard to "sing" or show or what ever using playback techniques.
aspenrebel - 8 years ago
I can't believe I thought of this song AND found it. I was watching a ventriloquist with a bird dummy.  I started thinking "bird, bird, bird......", then recalling some song that did that for lyrics in a song. So I can't believe I found this. I haven't heard this in ages!!!!  Wow!! This is great stuff!!!
Dan Underwood
Dan Underwood - 8 years ago
Who says white guys can't dance?  I am completely 100% serious that that dance is the best ever.  Serious as erectile dysfunction
Mark Jo
Mark Jo - 8 years ago
gracias a los ramones conozco esta cancion yo, y tantos otros jovenes en el mundo
Mad Mark
Mad Mark - 8 years ago
the bird is the word
Mad Mark
Mad Mark - 8 years ago
palladin3694 - 8 years ago
Full Metal Jacket brought me here
NEEDJONATE PVP - 8 years ago
family guy
Owen Peacock
Owen Peacock - 8 years ago
I didn't know heroin and cocaine were legal in 1963
Simo Saarinen
Simo Saarinen - 8 years ago
Stolen from black people...
SRT8Driver - 8 years ago
hehe yea, nice try!
Rylan Sargent
Rylan Sargent - 8 years ago
optimat prime
optimat prime - 8 years ago
decades ahead with the song, the sound and the show! Wow! a tv musicality diamond!
larry H
larry H - 8 years ago
as he said   dick breath?he  is out of mr westmullers breathing?  tarzen    forgive my spelling  ,  trash  this is   but   history it made
larry H
larry H - 8 years ago
wtf            noooo     oooo   mowwww   mmowwww    hes    hesss    white ,   not
Trevor Brown
Trevor Brown - 8 years ago
Load of rubbish
ItIsObvious - 8 years ago
Great memories, and quite popular in 1963! Dig It!
Jericho Welsin
Jericho Welsin - 8 years ago
Came here from that anime kik bot
Rusty Nickels
Rusty Nickels - 8 years ago
That mofo dances like Pee-Wee.
Colin MacKenzie
Colin MacKenzie - 8 years ago
yes he did
Rusty Nickels
Rusty Nickels - 8 years ago
+Colin MacKenzie - Pee-Wee went back in time and taught that guy how to dance.
Colin MacKenzie
Colin MacKenzie - 8 years ago
Other way around....
Erica K
Erica K - 8 years ago
song stealing creeps
Max Power
Max Power - 8 years ago
You a phothographer ???
Eddy G
Eddy G - 8 years ago
I looked up the name of the base players and found out thetown he lived in. I called him and talked to him in the 80`s.Dal Winslow
joseph1 - 8 years ago
every body knows that the bird is the word
5p1cy n4ch0
5p1cy n4ch0 - 8 years ago
how the fuck is not suffocating singing this.
John Fugazzi
John Fugazzi - 8 years ago
This is Steve wahrer, the drummer of The Trashmen and the vocalist on Surfin' Bird. I guess the rest of the band was back in Minneapolis.
Funtime Springs Trap
Funtime Springs Trap - 9 years ago
Moon Pie
Moon Pie - 9 years ago
As a young kid I thought this was the coolest song.
1st time I saw the trashmen but looks more like the tashMAN to me
Tomkat 56
Tomkat 56 - 9 years ago
i cant hear this song again without visionising peter griffin
Peebles - 9 years ago
is that guy ok?
A very influential singing style! Love it. Saw this band on a Rockabilly car show.
wavygr - 9 years ago
wher was the rest of band?
oldwhippersnapper3 - 9 years ago
Too intellectual.
straa raff
straa raff - 9 years ago
NEVER has a song been made that makes so much sense as this one
David Fransen
David Fransen - 9 years ago
I think the song means giving the finger. Flip the bird is saying fuck you
Tomas Duarte
Tomas Duarte - 9 years ago
whos here because family guy?
João Alencar
João Alencar - 9 years ago
melhor música
dannass555 - 9 years ago
Peter Griffen brought me here
CM1299 - 9 years ago
"I came here to meet people of an accident and exotic culture...and kill them" -Pvt. Joker
cimetfan63 - 7 years ago
It's moop not mope.
enna1913 - 8 years ago
"Ancient", not "accident", you mope.
WytZox1 - 9 years ago
And decades later Morris Day and Time did a sexy new dance called The Bird! ☺
Lynne Mitchell
Lynne Mitchell - 9 years ago
aft7676 - 9 years ago
The Trashmen - the first one hit wonders in music history
david m
david m - 9 years ago
peter griffin awsome
Wyldkat Lefunk
Wyldkat Lefunk - 9 years ago
This is what I think of when old timers say "back in my day music was better, these days music is just a bunch of noise."
Daniel Crane
Daniel Crane - 9 years ago
who all came to this video because they seen it on Family Guy?
genius mchaggis
genius mchaggis - 9 years ago
+Daniel Crane
not me. i knew the song in 63. the beach boys did it in 64 too. i "seen" it on family guy as well.
rick aushey
rick aushey - 9 years ago
That blinking bird don't even surf.
Aleksey Pavlov
Aleksey Pavlov - 9 years ago
нашего Гаргушу напоминает
Cristiano S.Pires
Cristiano S.Pires - 9 years ago
influenciou os Ramones
Leana Jo
Leana Jo - 9 years ago
One of the strangest songs ever, but it's a great classic. Love it!
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+Me meow I know papa oh mow mow and birds the word. They didn't even give the rivingtons credit at first. It was only until after when the rivingtons lawyers pressed for copyright that they did
Me meow
Me meow - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 They mashed two songs together and created this
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+Leana Jo M. They took the song from the rivingtons
Bob DeGraw
Bob DeGraw - 9 years ago
i love the Bird
Pawknee123 - 9 years ago
Anyone know the story behind this song?
Did he like birds?
Maximilian Dummnichtswürdigkerl
Maximilian Dummnichtswürdigkerl - 9 years ago
In Russia, that is called hard bass
Skye the Cloud
Skye the Cloud - 9 years ago
I should have never put this in speed 2...
River Hutchins
River Hutchins - 9 years ago
the bird is totally the word
Christian Hernandez
Christian Hernandez - 9 years ago
family guy brought mě here
Play Amazing Guitar
Play Amazing Guitar - 9 years ago
I like the part of Dick Clark's interview where he asks the guy about the origins of the song and the band name and the Trash man stated "we came up with it while looking through a stack of records". It's so awesome that the guy could look 50 years in the future and make sure he told the truth about the Rivingtons and their song...'Bird is the Word". The Youtube time machine strikes again.
Luis Tapia
Luis Tapia - 9 years ago
way ahead of his time! Awesome
Jack Niner
Jack Niner - 9 years ago
go watch the alternative ending because he says fucking
Tron Cunningham
Tron Cunningham - 9 years ago
damn bird is a word didnt know that
ana rainbow
ana rainbow - 9 years ago
I want the stuff that he was on :D :D but this is awesome!
ana rainbow
ana rainbow - 9 years ago
I want the stuff that he was on :D :D but this is awesome!
Greg Wallace
Greg Wallace - 9 years ago
I'm reading Tim Riley's biography of John Lennon and he writes about these strange groups from the early to mid 60's: The Trashmen, The Troggs, Sam The Sham etc... so I had to check them out on YouTube. I've heard these records many times before and thought they were weird and they are in a strangely enchanting way. This is perhaps the strangest of the bunch.
611sheep - 9 years ago
"...and we, the four of of us in the group, did write the song."

No, you arranged it. The Rivingtons wrote both the songs you used, just fyi.

Still a good arrangement though
Rob Dedert
Rob Dedert - 9 years ago
Did you or did you not heard?
Mirza Allgood
Mirza Allgood - 9 years ago
oh you haven't heard that the bird is the word
flak jac
flak jac - 9 years ago
this 1 stuck with me even tho I was 4-5 when I heard it,i was hip 2 it then,it didn't sound like what was on the radio then,pre beetles
John Lemmon
John Lemmon - 9 years ago
best song ever written! Especially the lyrics. Ira Gershwin eat your heart out.
Menkent Dk
Menkent Dk - 9 years ago
Battlefield Vietnam
H asnen
H asnen - 9 years ago
Epic song with Epic interview!
Evil Kienevel
Evil Kienevel - 9 years ago
better song compare song nowadays
Dave the pond guy
Dave the pond guy - 9 years ago
what kind of drugs do you have to be on to write a song like this in 63
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
They didn't write it the rivingtons did.
optimat prime
optimat prime - 8 years ago
a precursor drug of Psychobilly! the former users underwent convulsive strains with attendant verbal burst outs! Nice!
Bryt25 - 9 years ago
+Dave the pond guy  It's what you wrote when you stopped taking drugs...
LógicaEntropía - 9 years ago
I was just thinking the same shit sjdjdjdkjshdjffjfjjshdjdkdjjsjrjf
gertjan van der meij
gertjan van der meij - 9 years ago
Have you all heard that BIRD is THE word ?
Merciless M
Merciless M - 8 years ago
+gertjan van der meij According to my calculations BIRD is equal to or greater than THE WORD
gertjan van der meij
gertjan van der meij - 9 years ago
+314rft XD
314rft - 9 years ago
+gertjan van der meij As if Peter griffin didn't make that clear enough already...
J. Edwards
J. Edwards - 9 years ago
Wow, this is deep
Nathan wall show
Nathan wall show - 9 years ago
I like
VITRIOL 93, 93/93
VITRIOL 93, 93/93 - 9 years ago
1:35 hahahaha this is what happens when you snort some coke right after going on stage. Be safe people!!!
T.H.E. Outlaw
T.H.E. Outlaw - 9 years ago
They didn't write the song. It was a mash-up and rearrangement of "Papa Oom Mow Mow" and "The Bird's the Word" by The Rivingtons.
Just Sarah
Just Sarah - 7 years ago
Rylan Sargent
Rylan Sargent - 8 years ago
Who cares? I came here for the Trashmen version. Fuck the original.
Ram Ram
Ram Ram - 9 years ago
+T.H.E. Outlaw thanks!
T.H.E. Outlaw
T.H.E. Outlaw - 9 years ago
+Dr. Eric Geffner's Free Gambling addiction
Well the Rivingtons did sue the Trashmen for plagiarism and won the case. That's why the song is now credited as being written by the Rivingtons (Al Frazier, Carl White, Sonny Harris, Turner Wilson Jr.).
Dr. Eric Geffner's
Dr. Eric Geffner's - 9 years ago
+T.H.E. Outlaw oh wow thank you! would never have figured this out, of course once again we see how music was stolen without any acknowedgement
Houstom Ribeiro
Houstom Ribeiro - 9 years ago
br carai
PJ Riverdale
PJ Riverdale - 9 years ago
From one of the early west coast AB shows. Again, thanks to our friends at ABC for the poor film transfer.
ursula lego
ursula lego - 9 years ago
JJrocknroll1 - 9 years ago
ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word
Majdys - 9 years ago
oh man, so much drugs, but it's brilliant anyway!!!
Peas InOurThyme
Peas InOurThyme - 9 years ago
+M. Loupakovskij probably not as Mexican reefer wasn't that good and acid wasn't much around yet.
ursula lego
ursula lego - 9 years ago
..the first recording? Whhhowaawhahwahawawa
Crut4 - 9 years ago
sandshred gaming
sandshred gaming - 9 years ago
who else only watched this because they saw family guy
Barney Classics
Barney Classics - 7 years ago
sandshred gaming me I love family guy
Raap123 - 9 years ago
Not me but because FMJ, and Andre van Duin nieuw oogst
314rft - 9 years ago
Oakeshott - 9 years ago
The origin of beat boxing?
Богдан Мандрійчук
Богдан Мандрійчук - 9 years ago
аааааа прёёёт
The Arcadinator
The Arcadinator - 9 years ago
To think everyone was starting to drop LSD around this time.
Francisco Serrano
Francisco Serrano - 9 years ago
I was 12 and remember that crazy song.. LOL
MustObeyTheRules - 9 years ago
One of the worst songs ever written without a doubt.
Jeff Lucky
Jeff Lucky - 9 years ago
Full Metal Jacket. One of the, if not THE greatest, war movies.
Charles Jannuzi
Charles Jannuzi - 7 years ago
Check out Hamburger Hill, actually a better film in many ways.
Clowntrooper - 7 years ago
What about mash, appocplase now, full metal jacket, saving private ryan or hacksaw ridge?
Jay Bird
Jay Bird - 9 years ago
+Jeff Lucky Full Metal Jacket is by FAR my favorite movie of all time. I grew up watching it, which gave me a lot of inspiration
Best Beast
Best Beast - 9 years ago
+Jeff Lucky Just watching it.
David Waltzer
David Waltzer - 9 years ago
Actually the band has a really cool sound, Nice the guitar,
JustAMetalHead - 9 years ago
+David Waltzer They stole a bunch of songs from a group called the rivingtons or something.
Heroborg - 9 years ago
bahgat salah
bahgat salah - 9 years ago
+Heroborg Ba-ba-ba-ba-bird-bird-bird-ba-ba-babird Ba-ba-ba-ba-bird-bird-bird-ba-ba-babird Ba-ba-ba-ba-bird-bird-bird-ba-ba-babird Ba-ba-ba-ba-bird-bird-bird-ba-ba-babird
Withering i
Withering i - 9 years ago
I thought this was shite when it came out and my opinion hasn't changed over the decades.
chris dav
chris dav - 9 years ago
I guess I would actually have to give a f *ck, but since I have a real life some f*cking song, and  other peoples put downs and attempts at insults and other bullshit  just don't f*cking matter  so don't waste both your and my time.  have a nice day
Peas InOurThyme
Peas InOurThyme - 9 years ago
+chris dav Thanks. Kisses.
Amane Abdella
Amane Abdella - 7 years ago
rick22908 - 9 years ago
+Zoe Garcia Yes in dee deeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ty  Butler
Ty Butler - 9 years ago
Me to
honk donk
honk donk - 9 years ago
Ramones did It better
NANO-Nils - 9 years ago
I wish I was there, and pleaze give me one a Timemachine... huhaaaaaa
Mark Brown
Mark Brown - 9 years ago
If you noticed the mix in the audience on American Bandstand you wouldn't see a lot of racism and that's what we watched in homes all across the country (at that same time there were big changes on the way about fairness and equality especially in some parts of the country)
Ultimate Shazam
Ultimate Shazam - 9 years ago
Family guy :3
silvermaschinereiner - 9 years ago
Andy Densmore
Andy Densmore - 9 years ago
That was pee wee Herman doing surfing bird when he was with the trashmen
jay bee
jay bee - 9 years ago
this is shit!! of the highest order.
Zelousmarineinspace - 9 years ago
Yeah, your comment is
TheOldOakSyndicate - 9 years ago
I'm eatin' up every word...
john mcclintock
john mcclintock - 9 years ago
+TheOldOakSyndicate ................................................ " TURD " is a word.................................................
314rft - 9 years ago
Announcer: Where do you see yourself in 45 years?
Trashmen: Hopefully not FamilyGuy...
Liam Palmer
Liam Palmer - 7 years ago
314rft great, nice joke (sarcasm)
Something Bad Network
Something Bad Network - 7 years ago
acctually it neen almost over 50 years since this particular song came out
My name is Chelsea
My name is Chelsea - 7 years ago
314rft jjjjj
Henry Ramsey
Henry Ramsey - 7 years ago
RIP Dick Clark. OMG he was so young back then they called him "America's oldest teenager" he never
seemed to age. He hosted Bandstand and was still hosting it when I was a kid.
RetroGuy76 - 8 years ago
+Varsha Patel Me?  I hope in Heaven because I'll be dead!  
Yandere Chan
Yandere Chan - 8 years ago
hahahahahah XDDDD
Omg yes! lmao!
Marina Garcia Solorzano
Marina Garcia Solorzano - 9 years ago
up up and away... or I´ll be  buying my stairway to haven!!
Varsha Patel
Varsha Patel - 9 years ago
Where do you self in 45 years time
RetroGuy76 - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia Solorzano You can still dance like that at 63?  Wow...good for YOU!  That's pretty amazing!
314rft - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia Solorzano Luckily I'm still 15, so i have time to forge that crazy guy inside.
Randall Johnson
Randall Johnson - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia Solorzano I surely understand what you're talking about.
Marina Garcia Solorzano
Marina Garcia Solorzano - 9 years ago
+Michael Stefano maybe your are talking about my bad English, but if you don´t understand me, I am sorry, perhaps another people do!
Marina Garcia Solorzano
Marina Garcia Solorzano - 9 years ago
michael stefano: this song is the combination of two great success songs: the number one is Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow, sang by the Rivingtons and the second     The Bird's The World -  sang by the same: The Rivingtons
Michael Stefano
Michael Stefano - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia Solorzano Does anyone understand what this means?
314rft - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia Solorzano Hopefully you make it to 100! =D
Marina Garcia Solorzano
Marina Garcia Solorzano - 9 years ago
+314rft I danced this song millions times! since 52 years ago until today, the family guy you talk about, must be the one on t.v. because over the course in this lifetime when you get old (I am 63 years old) you separate the home responsibilities, and that crazy dude you forge inside, when you are teen, is going to stay with you until you die, or become 100 years old!
UncleBob - 9 years ago
UncleBob - 9 years ago
Hey "Hairy Testicles", quit licking your own balls,which are probably as white and smooth as your pompous moral bullshit. Wow, they stole this three chord gem and made a couple hundred bucks, damn them all to hell!! It was the '50s,everybody stole from everybody, and sometimes for the better. I would much rather hear Elvis rip out " Hound Dog" than that fat old bag Big Mama Thornton(who probably stole the song from somebody else;I mean come ON its not a lyric marvel,just another shitty 2 -line blues that everyone genuflects to because it was "po'ol Nigra sharecroppers song", or some bullshit.." Go listen to Kanye West, you are clearly way too sophisticated for this hoi polloi bunch. Or better yet, just go fuck yourself and GOOGLE all the bands who stole this...composition and made LOADs of cash of it.
Márk Màrki
Márk Màrki - 9 years ago
A ma-dár, a madár az ász IGEN A ma-madár, a madár az ász
Sjimbwow - 9 years ago
The guy is plain lying saying that they WROTE the song :| They just stole 2 songs of The Rivingtons and combined it. Lmao how lame.
RockLives4u - 9 years ago
+DollabiIIz2 You are dead wrong, If you do not have the facts do not make up your own facts..Jeez
Sjimbwow - 9 years ago
Hello again Sir Dummy,
My melody? My way? Again, I'm talking about the Rivingtons. Not about black and white. Im a white person from the Netherlands, you dummy. You are not a rational person and apparently you have some weird sick twists in your mind, so im stopping here. There is no discussion possible with your kind of people. Now go suck some nice cocks from your KKK buddies, you guys love that shit. 
Sjimbwow - 9 years ago
+DollabiIIz2 again, melody dummy.. 
Sjimbwow - 9 years ago
+DollabiIIz2 Dear piece of cancer, 
what the fuck are you talking about? Im talking about the Rivingtons and The Trashmen. Not about black and white. Sad how youre trying to put me in a corner of 'black supremacist' while I never mentioned any of this. I'm not gonna put ANY effort in proofing you something. People who want to know just search for The Rivingtons and find out. 
Sjimbwow - 9 years ago
+DollabiIIz2 Dear fucktard, 
A song consists more than words you know. A melody maybe? Nevertheless, it's stolen and he says he wrote it so it's a lie. You're pretty stupid sir. 
Mark Parham
Mark Parham - 9 years ago
+Sjimbwow I hear that. Although I also enjoy this version, it does make me sad to think of its history.
Michael Hammer
Michael Hammer - 9 years ago
this guy is the best ever. dang how did he make those sounds. that would be a workout. i know he was not singing live, but even so that would be tough to do.
jeffrogue - 9 years ago
So every cover song is theft? Nope. They made a better version. That's the music biz, it's not about race.
Jore Juslin
Jore Juslin - 9 years ago
surfaava lintu se on silloin surfing bird missä mama
Jore Juslin
Jore Juslin - 9 years ago
wee everybody ...
KMK7355 - 9 years ago
Compare this to Green Onions or what The Beatles were doing. This is trash pure and simple.
KMK7355 - 9 years ago
This song is awful and I remember it when it came out.
I Love Taylor Swift
I Love Taylor Swift - 9 years ago
Peter: That’s odd. I thought that would be big news.

Brian: You thought what would be big news?

Peter: Well, there seems to be an absence of a certain ornitholigical piece, a headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety

Brian: What are you talking about?

Peter: Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard.

Brian: Heard what?

Stewie: Brian DON’T!!!...
314rft - 9 years ago
+I Love Taylor Swift Bird, bird, bird. Bird is the word!
Oilsmoke Jones
Oilsmoke Jones - 9 years ago
Did Dick Clark ever really fool the kids..???
dennis kressler
dennis kressler - 9 years ago
days of filterless cigs and JFK
Sirnation - 9 years ago
i came here from family guy
Bill Craig
Bill Craig - 9 years ago
Dan Rather ("What's The Frequency, K'nith?") Or Paul Revere?

And yeah, I KNOW it's "Kenneth". Just having some fun witcha 'all!

BOSS 69 - 9 years ago
O Yeak...Surfin Bird!!! !!! ..i I LOVE THIS!
brad whittier
brad whittier - 9 years ago
Full Metal Jacket
Timothy Umpleby
Timothy Umpleby - 10 years ago
Mac Proctor
Mac Proctor - 10 years ago
The bird is a great tune for telling people off
Ed Bishop
Ed Bishop - 10 years ago
When I was a kid living in (or is that on?) Staten Island, I'll never forget the first time I heard "Surfin' Bird," which was one of those few teen hits so demented and frantic that my mother wasn't sure what the hell it was, but I loved it, still do. Nobody really makes genuine novelty numbers anymore, but back in 1963 they were everywhere though few became million-sellers like this one did, and on a small Minnesota label. As for ripping off the what? Back then we knew who they were, and we dug their stuff, too, and as for 'stealing from blacks,' Ringo once said, 'everybody nicks from somebody' or something like that, and it's true. Unless you believe the Platters invented their kind of ballad-pop, or the Flamingos' "I Only Have Eyes For You" was written and produced by blacks. Color should be a non-issue when it comes to music, there are too many cooks involved in the making of every stew to pick it to pieces. Either you dig the music or you don't; personally, I adhere to the 'steak to the plate' philosophy: if I love it I don't care where it came from or what was done to get it to me (beyond personal interest, that is). It either works for you or it doesn't.
314rft - 9 years ago
+Ed Bishop That was wise.
JohnnyBuschi - 10 years ago
1:28 "Well, everybody fuckin' knows about the bird."
Terry Brennan
Terry Brennan - 10 years ago
I am ashamed that you are ashamed to be white. I have never been mean, nasty or rude to a person because of the colour of their skin. For Christ's sake, you are racist by trying not to be racist. If someone or something is not up to standard - say it. Judge things on their merits not by some do-gooder attitude that you must right the wrongs of the past. We are just passing through.
kotoko Popo
kotoko Popo - 10 years ago
Are you kidding me, I swore I thought he was having a seizure, and why no one is helping me, they watched him slurping like a slog, that's human cruelty ???
Vu Kinh
Vu Kinh - 10 years ago
he is so handsome in the pompadour :))
TheFreakiestShow27 - 10 years ago
I can't stop thinking about Peter Griffin !!!! :D
Arturo Suarez
Arturo Suarez - 10 years ago
#Coke is a very powerful drug.
Michael Leach
Michael Leach - 10 years ago
9 9 0p799 915ish let
Jora Lebedev
Jora Lebedev - 10 years ago
Minnesota surf music.  Passionate, weird.  'nuff said.
Tairy Hesticles
Tairy Hesticles - 10 years ago
I'm so ashamed to be white right now. Especially considering they stole this song from a black doo-wop band.
Dick  Tracy
Dick Tracy - 9 years ago
+Tairy Hesticles lol
Tairy Hesticles
Tairy Hesticles - 9 years ago
No, this group literally stole two songs from a different band, made money from it, and did not give the original artists credit. It's not an issue of two artists in the same genre, it's a blatant rip off of the same song.
Elder Mountain
Elder Mountain - 9 years ago
+Tairy Hesticles cubans never heard rap but they sang it at the same time rappers did who were black, mozart was deaf and never heard the other composers, think with not the mind, but learn from the soul - artists are artists there is nothing new under the sun... only the moon. Cash sang later a Presley song both good.... Its all art.
ThouArtOfWar - 9 years ago
+GamerNato They did steal it were sued an loss this is a combination of The Rivingtons songs Bird is the word and papa mow mom. You should probably research things before speaking..
Denied Suicide
Denied Suicide - 9 years ago
+Tairy Hesticles Now ur ashamed?!?!?! Lol

There's a bunch to be ashamed about except this.
Tairy Hesticles
Tairy Hesticles - 10 years ago
It was a joke. This shit is corny as hell, and its not even originally theirs. Its stolen material from black musicians during a time when that was the norm. I'm not actually ashamed to be white because of this, but it is quite embarrassing.
Karl Kunz
Karl Kunz - 10 years ago
so and why exactly are you ashamed of beeing white now? how is a band stealing a song conected to that?
Tairy Hesticles
Tairy Hesticles - 10 years ago
How so? Same rhythm, same words...I don't think they really changed anything.
Kayleigh Hinsley
Kayleigh Hinsley - 10 years ago
Surfin' Bird kinda combines Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow and The Bird's the Word, both Rivingtons songs, but the actual "Surfin' Bird" bit is original.
Tairy Hesticles
Tairy Hesticles - 10 years ago
The Rivingtons performed pretty much this exact song in 1962. Its call Papa-Oom-Mow. Educate yourself.
GamerNato - 10 years ago
yep stole it from a doo-wop band...
AAAALLL the way back in 1963 at which time i doubt the band you are referring to was even born
chris dav
chris dav - 10 years ago
Sorry but family guy has actually made me hate to even hear more than 5 seconds of the song
Ziomaletto - 7 years ago
Try to listen Sodom's cover of this one. Maybe you'll find this one better.
Zig Zag
Zig Zag - 9 years ago
+James Patterson Well said!!! I bought this when I was a kid in London and played it non-stop until my parents hid it!
James Patterson
James Patterson - 9 years ago
+chris dav My main reaction to this twerp's opinion is pity. Kids today have forgotten how to be kids. Maybe society forces them to grow up without ever having had a real childhood.
DevilJin - 9 years ago
+chris dav man such a whiny ass
benski tv
benski tv - 9 years ago
+chris dav lol calm down
Dominique Pilon
Dominique Pilon - 9 years ago
Nobody need your fucking opinion it just a song get a life sheesh if u don't like it don't listen to it
Fastrac - 10 years ago
The greatest musical Artist of all time.
 A treasure to the music industry.
His artistic music made me feel something that resonated within me - Joy
A true genius……
ThouArtOfWar - 9 years ago
Wouldn't label him the greatest while basically covering The Rivingtons songs. Its not like he wrote it himself he didn't.
lonny haze
lonny haze - 10 years ago
Our wedding song thank you
iamtheblackwizard88 - 10 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen, Acid. That is all.
WOODBINEXX .john r - 10 years ago
truly awful
fjohnson747 - 10 years ago
Christ, white people in the early '60s were just weird. Between the dance styles and the vocal style here when they were allegedly 'cutting loose', they still managed to convey a distinct sense of being repressed. No soul, no groove, at all.
KMK7355 - 9 years ago
Hey Oilsmoke explain Green Onions then?
Oilsmoke Jones
Oilsmoke Jones - 9 years ago
+fjohnson747 transitioning away from post WWII Eisenhower dogma wasn't easy..or that quick..took 10 years, Vietnam, JKF, civil rights, various illicit stimulants...general political awareness..and I forget what else..and besides they say if you can remember the '60's you weren't there..
lux - 10 years ago
ya dont say.... 
W. Epaminondas Adrastus Blab
W. Epaminondas Adrastus Blab - 10 years ago
The EARLY 60s? Most white folks hadn't even discovered the hard drugs yet. Things were just going to get waaaaay worse! 
william lynch
william lynch - 10 years ago
ten years ago you'd get locked up for acting like that, now, you get shot. lol but I dig it anyway!!
dishsoapful brule
dishsoapful brule - 10 years ago
The Trashmen = true talent. This guy performs!
Michael Fiorillo
Michael Fiorillo - 10 years ago
Weird, tribal America...
herb garble
herb garble - 10 years ago
Peter Griffin would say yes to this.
kenkram1 - 10 years ago
The original Surfer Dude song ....
Quintin Smith
Quintin Smith - 10 years ago
Is he not talking about "flipping THE bird" (middle finger) in this song?
André - 10 years ago
Янис Хозяинов
Янис Хозяинов - 10 years ago
Old gangam style
2210gwest - 10 years ago
this takes me back
TheBluRayGeek - 10 years ago
Is that you John Wayne is this me?
Start the cameras it's Vietnam the movie!
Dominic Lacosta
Dominic Lacosta - 7 years ago
Joker can be John Wayne I’ll be a HORSE
Adolf H.
Adolf H. - 10 years ago
+Bryan Desjardins "I know! We'll let the gooks play the indians!"- Animal Mother
Bryan Desjardins
Bryan Desjardins - 10 years ago
"I'll play Ann Margaret -- yeah, but who will play the indians?"
Andreas Redi Kurniawan
Andreas Redi Kurniawan - 10 years ago
upvote for Full Metal Jacket reference :)
btw nice song :)
lucyluvs clutch
lucyluvs clutch - 10 years ago
Pink flamingos!!
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 10 years ago
Ba ba ba hu ma ma ma ba ba hu ma ma
Lala the Dullahan
Lala the Dullahan - 10 years ago
Still better than popular music these days. 
Lala the Dullahan
Lala the Dullahan - 10 years ago
+D3thM4sh33n Fools!!! Everyone must hear the message of the bird!!!
D3thM4sh33n - 10 years ago
Fools! This is way better.
Jefferson - 10 years ago
it's all about the 'unpopular' lesser know music.
Kayleigh Hinsley
Kayleigh Hinsley - 10 years ago
David Wells
David Wells - 10 years ago
i love this song,best song every from the trashmen,surfing bird is funny song.
Дима Дима
Дима Дима - 10 years ago
Jakartaman - 10 years ago
I remember this song very well in early '64. I couldn't believe how crazy it was ( and still is ) when I first heard it, but it's one of those songs that's so bad it's actually good. If that makes sense. Which of course it probably doesn't. lol
MagdaXA - 10 years ago
It does makes sense to me!!  Still, it was unsual for that time !
Dani Sanchez
Dani Sanchez - 10 years ago
Jajajajajajajanajanajaja buena cancion jajJaja
painfulllsound - 10 years ago
epic, elvis who?
AMAL S KUMAR - 10 years ago
peter griffin brought me here :P
Kun Chien
Kun Chien - 10 years ago
i know that many people used to be afraid of colored people, back then, but this is just ridiculous!
Josef Zack
Josef Zack - 10 years ago
i remember this song as a kid.  i wonder then, and still do now, just how in the world did he make his voice sound like.  special sound effects , if it even existed back then, was in its infancy.  hahaha  listening to this song, and watching this dude still makes me smile.  thanks for posting this one here.  it excited every one i knew once upon a time.
Emily Koleos
Emily Koleos - 10 years ago
Hey turn on the cameras this is Vietnam the movie!!!!
Николай  Зудин
Николай Зудин - 10 years ago
Ну и пиздец!!))))
Denied Suicide
Denied Suicide - 9 years ago
+Николай Зудин Yes Ikr!
Антон Медведев
Антон Медведев - 10 years ago
+Patrick Patrikovich Хорошая крыша летает сама))
Димон Димоныч
Димон Димоныч - 10 years ago
Угу, наркота в то время была что надо!
George Vreeland Hill
George Vreeland Hill - 10 years ago
Dick Clark ...
I know your out there.
Please turn the clock back to these better times.
Benoit Vanhees
Benoit Vanhees - 10 years ago
His mom surely will have been proud of her son... A Kindergarten megahit... Did he got a girlfriend with this ?
soldier of love
soldier of love - 10 years ago
the late(alas) Steve Wahrer drummer of the trashmen!
Adam Kraker
Adam Kraker - 10 years ago
'F' Family Guy!  I was born and raised in Minneapolis (hometown of the Trashmen) and we had this record.  I was in first grade, 1963, and was nuts about it!  The Trashmen recorded on the 'Garrett' record label.  If you have one of the original 45's it says Minneapolis, MN right on it.  It ranked number 4 on the Billboard 100.  Very popular.  I understand it is still a major hit in Brazil for some reason.  Then the new year came along and in February 1964, on Ed Sullivan, came the Beatles and the British Invasion.  Everything changed and hair just kept getting longer until Disco, Rap and Hip Hop ruined everything.  Anyway, we had another local band called the Castaways and in 1965 they did a song called 'Liar, Liar'.  It was recorded on the 'Soma' record label which was started by a guy named 'Amos' something or other and he just spelled his name backwards.  That 45 also say Minneapolis, MN on it.  You know "Liar, Liar Pants On Fire'.  It was big enough to make Hollywood and was done in some of those 1960's beach movies.  Very popular, ranked number 12 on the Billboard 100.  Debra Harry of 'Blondie' did a version of it years later.  Both The Trashmen and The Castaways recorded in Minneapolis and their records were done on local labels and were pressed in Minneapolis.  Total LOCAL packages that went national.  That doesn't happen anymore.  There is no such thing as regional record companies anymore.  It's totally Corporate and pre-packaged now which is why everything sounds the same and we're still hammered with the same Rap and Hip Hop crap we've been listening to for over ten years. 
gremlinjr2 - 7 years ago
Got a few 45s of this . But I'm Not too far from the CITIES .... up in Moorhead/Fargo .. :) ....
Got a few on GARRET ...... Stupid and Funny stuff . :D
Tigguy - 10 years ago
Doesn't appear Ritalin was available then?
lucyluvs clutch
lucyluvs clutch - 10 years ago
Ariel Martin
Ariel Martin - 10 years ago
this is punk as fuck
Schopunkhauer - 7 years ago
Ariel Martin this is so accurate !
empresarioPP1972 - 10 years ago
bom demais....viagem no tempo...história da música
Renata Sandve
Renata Sandve - 10 years ago
Orlando Medina
Orlando Medina - 10 years ago
Eduardo - 10 years ago
Esse cara é um bosta...
Eduardo - 10 years ago
Xavier LaFlamme
Xavier LaFlamme - 10 years ago
Esse cara é um bosta? kkk Essa música é uma das músicas estilo Surf rock mais conhecidas no mundo! Você que é um bosta! :l
gustavo castrillo
gustavo castrillo - 10 years ago
family dad bring me here!!
Ted 1
Ted 1 - 10 years ago
guy too
Ice "Frosty" Raven - 10 years ago
what if this song was added on fallout 4?
Zelousmarineinspace - 9 years ago


Ярослав Отпущенников
Ярослав Отпущенников - 9 years ago
+Joshua Verdugo so sooon, november 2015
Joshua Verdugo
Joshua Verdugo - 10 years ago
When is fallout 4 coming out?
Ярослав Отпущенников
Ярослав Отпущенников - 10 years ago
Therion Exú Rei
Therion Exú Rei - 10 years ago
Which was hes age in this interview?
boy tango
boy tango - 10 years ago
rock degente  simple
Jay Porks
Jay Porks - 10 years ago
Dedicating my entire podcast this week to Surfin' Bird and it's impact on Punk Rock. I swear to the sweet baby jesus.
IconFly - 10 years ago
They don't write them like that any more. The lyrics are so deep and moving.
Soman Hamid
Soman Hamid - 10 years ago
My penis goes deep when its moving lol
RonHoward - 10 years ago
This guys invented the punk music. 
Imperator - 7 years ago
D MAN - 7 years ago
I was just thinking the same thing earlier today RonHoward! Punk rock in 63! If y'all haven't yet, look up "Talk Talk" by Music Machine, from 66 I believe. Some more early signs of punk rock.
Arthur Digby Sellers
Arthur Digby Sellers - 8 years ago
DK definitely took something from these guys. Jello practically sounds just like this guy. Ha
notasgood - 9 years ago
In England the sex pistols were the ones to introduce punk
Oilsmoke Jones
Oilsmoke Jones - 9 years ago
+RonHoward ahead of their time, too inventive for their time..thinking would have done better in the late '60's early 70's..
boiazul25 - 10 years ago
TruthSeekingMissile - 10 years ago
Michael Hammer
Michael Hammer - 10 years ago
bad azz song. love it.
Leonard Yu
Leonard Yu - 10 years ago
My head was full of this song for an entire day! This is soooooooo addictive!
B Donor
B Donor - 10 years ago
The song that defined "garage band"....
Kat B
Kat B - 10 years ago
he's insane
deadpool40876117 - 10 years ago
I don't know why but this. Is the catchiest song I've ever heard
oagrimsrud oagrimsrud
oagrimsrud oagrimsrud - 10 years ago
Its fake
Carlo Aldo
Carlo Aldo - 10 years ago
Is Dick Clarke around anymore?
ncisducky4ever - 10 years ago
A good 14 years or so before The Ramones and other punk bands....great song and a great punk influence.
Mateus Teixeira
Mateus Teixeira - 10 years ago
Como não se lembrar de Peter Griffin dançando essa música e chateando todo mundo?
FAMILY GUY episódio 8.2 (2º Episódio da 8ª Temporada - A Volta de Jesus),em que,depois de seu disco ser destruído por Brian e Stewie,Peter encontra Jesus como vendedor de loja de discos (tem até o pôster do prisma do Pink Floyd).
SouthJerseySol - 10 years ago
It's right up there with Papa-Oh-Mau-mau.....
KIM das Schweinchen schlau Un o.O
KIM das Schweinchen schlau Un o.O - 10 years ago
das ist für meine Freunde aus Bayern 
habt ihr schon gehört das Wort ist der Vogel
ElBeast - 10 years ago
wenn dann "Vogel ist das Wort" Was natürlich eine überragende Übersetzung ist
diani schmitz
diani schmitz - 10 years ago
Que isso meu deus kkkk
Boa D. Hancock
Boa D. Hancock - 10 years ago
Why is he not dancing like Peter Griffin. :)
Юрий Шакин
Юрий Шакин - 10 years ago
тупо +100500
Donati2151233 - 10 years ago
Wow! Those guys can really surf!
Nicolás Moreno
Nicolás Moreno - 10 years ago
Chuck Berry like this video.
andrew baker
andrew baker - 10 years ago
family guy brings you hear oh for god sake what brought me here it was nastoiga
Fernando Lopez
Fernando Lopez - 10 years ago
el pajoro es.........................................................LA CLAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jojo Janssen
Jojo Janssen - 10 years ago
uhmm, was song about a bird ??

Mariana Urb
Mariana Urb - 10 years ago
Gente , genia que sube estos videos!!!!! gracias!!
Jonathan Sura
Jonathan Sura - 10 years ago
im here because of family guy!! O_O
Kurd Mode
Kurd Mode - 10 years ago
20 years younger than me!! Hahah love it
tall guy
tall guy - 10 years ago
great song
Ciorchinele Suprem
Ciorchinele Suprem - 10 years ago
meth is a hell of a drug
OutdoorsMan101 - 11 years ago
Family Guy brought me here!
303430 - 11 years ago
I could watch this dude do his "bird dance" all day long!!
303430 - 11 years ago
and I was born in late "64"
Ilja Smjaglikow
Ilja Smjaglikow - 11 years ago
Capt Wess
Capt Wess - 11 years ago
Absolut coole Song... and choreografie  Nice... NICE
lol idk
lol idk - 10 years ago
R u dutch
koji tadokoro
koji tadokoro - 11 years ago
It's mad, but there is good
senorisgrig - 11 years ago
The song was a hybrid of the roving tons song and the song the bird is the word they combined them added a bunch of weird things to it to make it surfin bird, so they kind of wrote it
Martin Bailey
Martin Bailey - 11 years ago
Craig Forester
Craig Forester - 11 years ago
Still really big in 2014!
crazydaysful - 11 years ago
That liar said he wrote that song...The Rivingtons first song that song and sings it excessively better.  That damn thief and liar.
Steffen König
Steffen König - 10 years ago
Well your right, but the original song is a different style and the trashmen even made it faster, sillier and freaked out.
I like both Versions. However back in the day, many white rock'n'roll/surf/beat bands took black music and made it accessible to a white audience. But I guess, you already know this...
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+zipzednada my gosh do you people who make these comments have a brain?!    The guy is not just copying the song in which there is nothing wrong with that....the guy is saying he wrote/created the song in which is a lie.
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+Kanaric can't move to Rwanda because America IS MY COUNTRY and definintely not yours you dumb poverty need to run to our America for the better life foreign non-american but wanna be American ASSHOLE!
Kanaric - 10 years ago
just fuck off and move to Rwanda so you can be ethnically cleansed. 
crazydaysful - 11 years ago
Terrible version of the original song.
Matt2047 - 10 years ago
+mrob75 I agree with everything your saying, I guess this guy's just looking for a fight lol. The blacks greatly influenced rock'n'roll but I would say that towards 1959 or possibly as early as 1957, that Rock'n'roll was probably no longer considered black music since there were so many whites impacting the genre. Lol just look at the 60s (1960-1966, I mean) rock'n'roll pretty much became white music.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
Oh, come on now, LOL...that argument of "whites copying blacks but couldn't" is purely subjective on your part.  MANY, MANY white artists patterning themselves after black artists and adding their own country flavor to music is timeless...Ever heard of a man named "Elvis"?
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75    you replied to commentor named Cagadotar that they wrote a very informative post....Well it still does not negate the fact that country accent which is southern accent,  blues, rock and roll which is also rock ..was purely and only invented by black americans and the whites copied trying to sound like the blacks but could not and they have their version of our music.  So cut the crap out and accept the facts.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
That is true...Very informative post!
cagadotar - 10 years ago
+mrob75 what we know as country today came from country blues. Poor whites worked along side poor blacks who were playing blues. White artists were often playing the same songs. Take a look at Dick Justice and Luke Jordan for a prime example of this situation. They were both coal miners who worked together and played together in the mine camps. Luke Jordan taught Dick Justice to play Cocaine Blues, which went on to be his most famous song.

The iconic banjo of (predominantly white) bluegrass music actually has roots in Africa. Slaves would fashion banjos after the traditional African instrument using what they had on hand.
DiamorphineDeath - 10 years ago
+crazydaysful It's funny how I'm not seeing a single white person or actually anyone else of differing races in your feed. I think your hatred runs a little deeper than this got some issues to sort out bud 
DiamorphineDeath - 10 years ago
This is rad, grow up dude
ratsassy - 10 years ago
Here is a copy from Wikipedia for all you whiners. You people sound so immature. It's a great song, no matter who wrote it.: This led to the group being signed to Garrett Records with the single being quickly released. It reportedly sold 30,000 copies in its first weekend[2] before going on to national success, reaching #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. Wahrer was originally credited as the song's writer, but that was changed to the Rivingtons (Al Frazier, Carl White, Sonny Harris, and Turner Wilson Jr.) after the group successfully sued The Trashmen for plagiarism
mrob75 - 10 years ago
Oh, boy...Just when I heard it all...Blacks invented "country"....LMBOFF!  :--) 
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75  The Country accent was invented by the slaves in the beginning of this country - that country way of talking is the way the slaves would sound -- slavery was in the South and that's why the south speaks "country" and the white slave owners started to sound like the slaves because they were so intertwined with the slaves - and that's where the whites got that accent from. Rock and Roll is all black music and invented by black people.  You all know this, and I'm not going to respond to your lying bullshit comments anymore on trying to exalt white people no matter what.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
Oh, come on now, your claim is outrageous.  You are discounting white country music in your thinking....Rock and Roll was a combination of music...Not necessarily all black. 
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75 you are a fool and a liar.  White people have always enjoyed and copied our music since the days of slavery - black music is no less than 95% of the music that was invented by America.  White peoples style of singing (other than where the first whites were from which is England) their style of songs were based on black america's style - the only thing is the Whites cannot sing or sound like the blacks so they made the watered-down versions. You whites should be thankful that black americans created awesome music that you copied and enjoyed instead of your own.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
O.K. You said a mouthful so I will outline one of the points you made that is untrue:   You said that "white people liked black music and copied it"  In the 1950s we lived under "Jim Crow" laws....Most whites listened to white music and most blacks listened to black music.  White people did not like black music and the other way around (again, most)  When savvy record producers (white) tapped into black music and spun it into white music by white artists, as lily white as the sound may have been, white audiences were introduced to a "taste" of black music (although watered down)  As Jim Crows became abolished, white interest in black music grew.  You should be flattered that black music was eventually mainstreamed into the music world and enjoyed by all. 
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75  you say that garbage that whites copying soul music made soul music popular or otherwise it would have stayed "hidden"...YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR WHITE MIND!  You evil whites will do anything to down play black people's creations and awesomeness and then exalt your white selves no matter what.  Our music was created when we were first brought here for slavery and the whites enjoyed it and listened to it and THEN started to copy it...OUR music was popular without you and became the most copying music in the world without you whites.  Black America's music is too awesome to be ISOLATED..but on the other hand your white music is still Isolated because it boring as hell...nobody copies your music so if you listening to black music made black music popular than why is not white music poplular.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
+crazydaysful Actually it was "white cover versions" of songs that introduced whites to soul music...Without these covers, soul music may have stayed as a completely isolated genre of music.
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75 you say that lousy version of copying the Rivingtons sold millions of copies --- Well, you whites bought those millions of copies because your taste in music is not that good.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
Again, it is an original...combining the Rivingtons and Red Pryock into a new record at the time.  You may not like it and you'd have to call millions stupid as this sold millions of records.  :--) 
crazydaysful - 10 years ago
+mrob75 this version is a damn copycat of The Rivington's original song and a terrible one at that.   You are stupid.
mrob75 - 10 years ago
This (((is))) the original song! It's an original combination of the Rivington's and Red Prysock. 
ThePanzer235 - 11 years ago
Me i say, we are not born in the good moment ...
MrChillin65 - 11 years ago
just say NO to drugs lol...
Jameel Rawls
Jameel Rawls - 11 years ago
what's your drunk uncle doing on t.v.
dan childers
dan childers - 11 years ago
detroitghost - 11 years ago
Came here because of Family Guy. Just finished watching a rerun of Family Guy and had to look it up.
Antonio Amaral
Antonio Amaral - 11 years ago
Demais cara...
jeepster4u2003 - 11 years ago
I used to dance to this in the 60's; no wonder my hips are fucked up.
Kai Deschain
Kai Deschain - 11 years ago
so catchy lol
TypicalGirls - 11 years ago
It seems Paul Reubens made a couple bucks off this guy, no?
Afro samurai
Afro samurai - 11 years ago
1:41 They should start using this footage for every anti drug campaign advert the government puts out. It might start to sink in then 
Luis Vergara
Luis Vergara - 11 years ago
Family guy rules!!!
Sami, The Agnostic
Sami, The Agnostic - 11 years ago
informative song
Артём Верещагин
Артём Верещагин - 7 years ago
You know about the bird already...
Elsa Grollich
Elsa Grollich - 11 years ago
Alex H
Alex H - 11 years ago
guys, on august 5th 2014, we all need to go down to a beach and bring something that plays music loudly and just jam out to  this song
RPM11111 - 11 years ago
You simply must be on some sort of stimulant drug or possessed in some way to perform like that!
tbcass - 11 years ago
The first Punk song.
slaywee - 11 years ago
Family Guy
Eric Portnoy
Eric Portnoy - 11 years ago
Amazing! before Los Saicos "Demolicion"! Ramones cover is where I first heard this around '78.
Олег Иванов
Олег Иванов - 11 years ago
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-oom-oom-oom
Oom-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-a-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Well, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow...
Carissa Bergerson
Carissa Bergerson - 11 years ago
A masterpiece!
ShiceTea2 - 11 years ago
Eric Mueller
Eric Mueller - 11 years ago
"Worst song ever?!" You kiddin' me? This is the ultimate rockin' tune, dude! TURN IT UP! I dare you to ride along the California coast on a sunny day with ALL your windows down and sing it at the top of your lungs. If you do, nothing will ever bother you again, for now YOU... are the Surfin' Bird! Can I get a WITNESS!
Kylar and Leilani Taylor
Kylar and Leilani Taylor - 7 years ago
Eric Mueller 2
Harold Price
Harold Price - 7 years ago
I actually like the wife hates it.....
Saverio Rabitti
Saverio Rabitti - 8 years ago
+1 bro
Mark Santiago
Mark Santiago - 8 years ago
+David Ginn Those are the lyrics to...
David Ginn
David Ginn - 8 years ago
Da Da Da...
WytZox1 - 9 years ago
+Eric Mueller ~> Anyone who thinks this is worst song ever never heard Disco Duck or Alone Again Naturally or anything by Barely Manenough. ♣ ☺
Richard Mason
Richard Mason - 9 years ago
+Eric Mueller Yes! I am a witness!!!
berzerker1100 - 9 years ago
+Eric Mueller sign me up ! bro.
HypnoticPhantom - 10 years ago
+Eric Mueller Oh my brother, testify!
frank ferro
frank ferro - 10 years ago
+Glyn Richards WELL, HE/SHES  NOT  WRONG.
Glyn Richards
Glyn Richards - 10 years ago
My friend thinks this is the most annoying song ever!
Shel Feldman
Shel Feldman - 10 years ago
Mark Santiago
Mark Santiago - 10 years ago
You got a WITNESS here bro.
Slash, the Godfather
Slash, the Godfather - 11 years ago
Not ultimate. But since Full Metal Jacket everybody knows it.
you right men
Hhue Hue hue
Hhue Hue hue - 11 years ago
Eric Zhang
Eric Zhang - 11 years ago
The beat is ok 
Calvin Maynard
Calvin Maynard - 11 years ago
I don't think it's any exageration to call this the stupidest song in rock'n'roll. Ever.
Calvin Maynard
Calvin Maynard - 11 years ago
Good point!
ifthethunderdontgetya ™³²®©
ifthethunderdontgetya ™³²®© - 11 years ago
I don't think it's any exaggeration to say that you have no clue.
sectionmaker - 11 years ago
surfers rule!
Anna Baldwin
Anna Baldwin - 10 years ago
Wow! Better get out the way-back machine for this one, eh? hehehe
Eli Garcia
Eli Garcia - 11 years ago
This is what cocaine dose the first time you try it.
Eli Garcia
Eli Garcia - 11 years ago
If we never got hip hop in the us we would have seen this type of music evolve foe the worst.lmfao
frans7451 - 11 years ago
First punk song ever!
Costin Pitulice
Costin Pitulice - 7 years ago
More like first industrial metal song lol:) I can really picture Rammstein or Laibach singing this !
Carl Maison
Carl Maison - 10 years ago
Do you think Beethoven might have had safety pins running from his nose to ears then;)
Ben Tyreman
Ben Tyreman - 10 years ago
what about beethoven?
Carl Maison
Carl Maison - 11 years ago
No way mate, listen to the Phantom - Love Me, this tune was decades beyond its time
sahbi rezig
sahbi rezig - 11 years ago
family guy lol peter griffin 
Лев Дмитриев
Лев Дмитриев - 11 years ago
[хуйня все на марш несогласных вот у нас реально весело
Квентин Бурантино
Квентин Бурантино - 11 years ago
Ничего себе его колбасит!
Getsuga Tenshō
Getsuga Tenshō - 11 years ago
God damn it! Do I love everything about this or what!
Steve Chism
Steve Chism - 11 years ago
Absolutely the worst song ever . EVER. Makes "Honey' by Bobby Goldsboro look like Beethoven's Fifth..Peter Griffin's favorite  song.  Heehee !
Roel040 - 11 years ago
Battlefield Vietnam bitches
paulo balls
paulo balls - 11 years ago
muito louco
scott walker
scott walker - 11 years ago
drugs Aint cool kids
Miguel Reynoso
Miguel Reynoso - 11 years ago
Full metal jacket was first before family n reminds me of joker cowboy rafterman an animal lover 
Sean Will
Sean Will - 11 years ago
+saber wolfe that's what I meant lol 
saber wolfe
saber wolfe - 11 years ago
erm, it's Animal Mother
Sean Will
Sean Will - 11 years ago
animal lover is such a great character, I love Stanley Kubrik as a director and I don't think anyone could have done that movie ant better.
smoovboov - 11 years ago
surfing cat killed surfing bird !THE END!
Joe Rose
Joe Rose - 11 years ago
Tyler Wolfe, how can your aunt be married to Steve Wahrer? He died almost 25 years ago...R.I.P. Do you mean she was married to him?
FinnStar - 11 years ago
Doctor Who started in 1963
Tyler Wolfe
Tyler Wolfe - 11 years ago
My aunt is married to this guy. Hahaha! 
123 123
123 123 - 11 years ago
Beautyful old HD
sunglasesatnight - 11 years ago
this is quite possibly most genius thing any human ever made
Lps Wandering Kitty
Lps Wandering Kitty - 11 years ago
Heather Heidebrink
Heather Heidebrink - 11 years ago
remember peter in family guy singing this song
bolog - 11 years ago
Hmm... that's odd.... I thought that would be big news... there seems to be an absence of a certain ornithological piece...a headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety; it was my understanding that everyone had heard....
bolog - 11 years ago
Sunfadedlovejaded - 11 years ago
Ricardo Zucru
Ricardo Zucru - 11 years ago
Full Metal Jacket
Stonerchick - 11 years ago
Eric L
Eric L - 11 years ago
whatever drugs he was on? I will take 3
Fredrik B
Fredrik B - 11 years ago
Probably none haha, do you know where he was born? 
Ernesto Arias
Ernesto Arias - 11 years ago
Family Guy brought me here.
Tiago Cunha
Tiago Cunha - 11 years ago
Amaya Lightfoot
Amaya Lightfoot - 11 years ago
Joseph Howard
Joseph Howard - 11 years ago
I cant help think that this guy is an early version of the singer for the B52's.  Even sounds like him.
jkdbjjconnection - 11 years ago
50 years later and it's still a good song
Ken Adams
Ken Adams - 11 years ago
I still wonder if Dick Clark knew about The Bird? Hahaha!!! This is Awesome! Peace and TY...I say that because did DC ever let anyone sing live or just lip sync?
Bob Jones
Bob Jones - 11 years ago
60s, I'm so sorry.
anthony83ah - 11 years ago
Peter Griffin knows the bird is the word!
Алексей Богатов
Алексей Богатов - 11 years ago
1 нах
james garrity
james garrity - 11 years ago
I dont know why, but when I hear this song, it makes want to get into a tank and lay waste to a city. am I the only one who feels this way?
John Gonzalez
John Gonzalez - 11 years ago
suena punky :D
MrSmith - 11 years ago
this guy is a punk wearing a suit
megadroidnblastoids - 11 years ago
love it
shango02005 - 11 years ago
My Nephews made me make this my ringtone two years ago. It hasn't been changed since. My mind is now fucked.
rushmore IV
rushmore IV - 11 years ago
What a song to lip synch to.
yumi churri
yumi churri - 11 years ago
jajaja acid never left us sucker !
ISeeYou - 11 years ago
I wish I had been around at those times
UltraJerryLP - 11 years ago
Bird Bird is the World
Lukeeiiee - 11 years ago
Have you heard about the bird?
ákos Kornyik
ákos Kornyik - 11 years ago
Fauna09 - 11 years ago
A madár az ász! :)
John Casper
John Casper - 11 years ago
This came out the last year I was at school. The dance, known to schoolkids as "The Birdie" became popular for a short time.
kevinseveneleven - 11 years ago
Songs made in this century typically have more than 3 words.
Nick Valenzi
Nick Valenzi - 11 years ago
roverone - 11 years ago
cant be any worse than the shit they play today
Kevin Lambert
Kevin Lambert - 11 years ago
How is this even a song? Horrendous.
vanderley3 - 11 years ago
amazing how all these oldie bands were able to fade away like that at the end on stage
agustocnq - 11 years ago
Manito arriba si estas aqui por Padre de Familia lol xD
MIke Gear
MIke Gear - 11 years ago
Steve Raymond
Steve Raymond - 11 years ago
we all know bird is a word now shut up mr 1963
jlucguitar - 11 years ago
un précurseur
brian x
brian x - 11 years ago
Arturo MON
Arturo MON - 11 years ago
Petrr griffi
Michael McGehee
Michael McGehee - 11 years ago
Well elven I was 13 when this hit the airwaves and it really seemed too work for some unknown reason? Now that I'm 63 I try not too show my grandchildren this video!!!
Patrik Dankó
Patrik Dankó - 11 years ago
Family guy <3 Like if you agree!!!
Thomas Kovarik
Thomas Kovarik - 11 years ago
How does nobody knows what the word is
Felix Roscher
Felix Roscher - 11 years ago
Sodom FTW!!!!
frother - 11 years ago
The one trash man
YazanSuper - 11 years ago
i wish i was born in the sixties
elvenwishes - 11 years ago
I was only 2 when this came out but have loved this for what seems like forever... I remember my parents bought me the greatest hits of the 60's, 70's and this was on the record and I think I drove everyone crazy playing this... Love it still....
Frankie Reyes
Frankie Reyes - 11 years ago
You're cool.
EroticVultures - 11 years ago
I know this from the Cramps not Family guy.
sirslice - 11 years ago
Dick asks; "Where did you meet?" The perfect answer would have been; "The dump."
sirslice - 11 years ago
The other "trashmen" were on strike.
omar mahmod
omar mahmod - 11 years ago
lol man hhhhhhhhhhh
Jasmine N.
Jasmine N. - 11 years ago
Moises Alves
Moises Alves - 11 years ago
bigoldinosaur - 11 years ago
Have any of you heard?
Eden Lotringer
Eden Lotringer - 11 years ago
Peter Griffin do this much better
juan pablo
juan pablo - 11 years ago
this is thrash metal
Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins - 11 years ago
What's the word again?
RapMexic0 - 11 years ago
Abner García
Abner García - 11 years ago
65 People didn't hear that the bird is the word xD
Rickey Phillips
Rickey Phillips - 11 years ago
Pink flamingos indeed.
halloranedward - 11 years ago
brian don't !
DrSaaS - 11 years ago
Top Hat Bonez
Top Hat Bonez - 11 years ago
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bird bird bird. Bird is the word!
DakotaLove - 11 years ago
Nonekbone tone
Nonekbone tone - 11 years ago
whatever space aged shit these guys were smoking needs to be passed to the masses!!!!
iNickZen - 11 years ago
It was my understanding that everyone had heard...
Letaut Arcu
Letaut Arcu - 11 years ago
Bird bird bird bird bird bird bird
Martin Schou
Martin Schou - 11 years ago
Heard what?
javier mulato
javier mulato - 11 years ago
like si estas aqui por padre de familia
Malakai Brown
Malakai Brown - 11 years ago
Lois and bonnie hates it and everyone in qoughog hate it
Tim Paretti
Tim Paretti - 11 years ago
Can you imagine what that would sound like if he WAS'NT lip sinking???!!!
Вера - 11 years ago
Бля,они леганда!!!! Наши говноеды нервно курят в сторонке!!!!
Martin N
Martin N - 11 years ago
Damn you, Peter Griffin!!!
lucas montoya
lucas montoya - 11 years ago
topik5 - 11 years ago
Incredible - best song ever !!!!
Nadja Volkova
Nadja Volkova - 11 years ago
cruisebumify - 11 years ago
This is so funny!
leokeil - 11 years ago
Was DIck Clark really unaware of The Rivingtons' "The Bird's The Word" and "Papa Oom Mow Mow"?
Ragnar Danneskjöld
Ragnar Danneskjöld - 11 years ago
This dance didn't become popular until the Summer of Love, especially the free Freak Out concerts at Golden Gate Park.
Ömer Güngören
Ömer Güngören - 11 years ago
this video must be saved as world history
Jessica Paola Reyes Rosas
Jessica Paola Reyes Rosas - 11 years ago
My favorite forever!!!!!!!!!!!
Malagith - 11 years ago
Nice Quality!
William Hale
William Hale - 11 years ago
i just came because family guy
Doll Empire Club by Sheila
Doll Empire Club by Sheila - 11 years ago
1963 Impala
Slyte Lee Acidic
Slyte Lee Acidic - 11 years ago
He' out of breath in the interview! nO DOUBT! LOL
Slyte Lee Acidic
Slyte Lee Acidic - 11 years ago
No description needed! it speaks for its self! LOVE it! I remember seeing it on tv when I was 9 .loved it then and still do.I remember my parents reaction to it too!
JamesTKirkCobain - 11 years ago
Trashmen or Trashman? I'm just seeing one guy up there.
RottingDiego - 11 years ago
the lyrics are so deep and hard to remember
matthias66 - 11 years ago
This is some weird shit. But the German thrash metal band Sodom does a badass cover of this song on their album "M16". Check out if you like heavy metal!
axel.y.brian XD
axel.y.brian XD - 11 years ago
family guy ;)
BXDGames - 11 years ago
lol D+ Adorei :D Essa Musica é Fantastica :D
jasonpp1973 - 11 years ago
Pink Flamingos used the song too!
Geebageeba1222 - 11 years ago
Just read that this was a ripoff of TWO (2) songs of The Rivingtons - Papa Oom Mow Mow and The Bird's the Word. If you listen to these on iTunes it's indisputable. When I heard this over and over in the early 60's I was appalled. Hated it. Now that I know it's a ripoff I'm even more disheartened. And it was immortalized in Full Metal Jacket, etc. This singer on Am Bandstand had the nerve to say that they composed this themselves. Lying liars who LIE!
Sharon Race Miller
Sharon Race Miller - 11 years ago
worst lip sync EVER.great song
Jeff Rohrer
Jeff Rohrer - 11 years ago
This is the first ever PUNK music, period! Trashman = pure awesome!
Yasmina Hill
Yasmina Hill - 11 years ago
Listen Richie Lopez shut your Dumas s
Coolio? - 11 years ago
Probably the only way your dumb ass hater rage.
Richie Lopez
Richie Lopez - 11 years ago
Probably the only way your dumb ass found this
Jacob Garcia
Jacob Garcia - 11 years ago
Yasmina Hill
Yasmina Hill - 11 years ago
thomas Lessard
thomas Lessard - 11 years ago
love this!
jenjess12 - 11 years ago
looks like hes having a seizure
jenjess12 - 11 years ago
time machine
Nate Fontana
Nate Fontana - 11 years ago
I Want What They're Smoking
Duke Feist
Duke Feist - 11 years ago
the BIRD is the word.....Surfin Bird BLUGPONY
paulsack21 - 11 years ago
62 people have not heard about the bird.
Ricardo Ramirez
Ricardo Ramirez - 11 years ago
this hilarious repetitive awesome song is far more entertaining than all the shitty pop music that is forced upon the weak minds of this world !
Zede - 11 years ago
Он курил марихуану с детства. Тупняк, однако прикольно.
699backstab - 11 years ago
Fucking AWEEESOME!!!!!!!!!
macgregor Lachapelle
macgregor Lachapelle - 11 years ago
how did someone get this video from 1963
Stefano cucciolo
Stefano cucciolo - 11 years ago
:-) grande
ansonia1976 - 11 years ago
Great song...crappy video
jOaN mArQuEz
jOaN mArQuEz - 11 years ago
yeahhhhhh hey you fat ass griffin the bird is the word!!!
bluGpony - 11 years ago
Could anyone tell me what is the word?
Eddie Cesc
Eddie Cesc - 11 years ago
Escolteu la versió de WADE CURTISS & THE RHYTHM ROCKERS,esta molt bé.
Dan Parker
Dan Parker - 11 years ago
The best use of this song is in Full Metal Jacket, definitely
Larry Hart
Larry Hart - 11 years ago
this song is cool the first time I heard this I went wild I have never been the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahora voy por vos
Ahora voy por vos - 11 years ago
maldito ladri..! jejejeje bird´s is to word..!!
Jesus Ivan
Jesus Ivan - 11 years ago
que eran esos pinches bailes raros de antes!! O.O
Pillipino Pranz
Pillipino Pranz - 11 years ago
this is an awesome fuckin song, quit your bitchin. not my fault you dont get it.
Johncerebro - 11 years ago
Rock And Roll químicamente puro, santo remedio contra el frío que azota a mi pueblo. ¡Dinamita pura!, elixir de larga vida.

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About The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)

The "The Trashmen - Surfing Bird (1963)" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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