The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

You will not believe your eyes !!! Hello we are the Radical Rodents, the coolest and hippest mice in the world. We are all mad keen surfers and as far as we know are the only rodents in the world that surf, which would make us the world's smallest surfers. Our names are Chopsticks, Bunsen, Harry & Curly and we have been surfing for over 3 years. We love living here up in sunny Queensland because we get to surf most of the year as the water is warm and the weather is mild. Also there are lots of stinking rich folk with massive boats that deliver the waves which we long to ride. We mainly surf in rivers and estuarys as we are only very tiny, but as you will see we get some very nice waves indeed and on the weekends when the boats are out it is very consistent. To all you brave mice out there at home who think this sounds like a groovy idea, please do not try this. We are trained proffessionals and have endured a lengthy process learning how to swim and how to balance on a board. All the team is in our last season of surfing as we are all getting old and as mice we live for approx 3-4 years. We have already started showing some of our offspring the ropes and Bunsen's son Junior has already caught a few and will be joining the team soon. The new generation are as keen as mustard and we all look forward to seeing them take over the reins so we can retire. Anyway sit back and enjoy the clip, i think you will be pleasently suprised at our talent, you will be sure to get the giggles too. Look forward to all your responses, Keep surfing always Love The Radical Rodents

The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents sentiment_very_dissatisfied 536

Surf 18 years ago 3,134,153 views

You will not believe your eyes !!! Hello we are the Radical Rodents, the coolest and hippest mice in the world. We are all mad keen surfers and as far as we know are the only rodents in the world that surf, which would make us the world's smallest surfers. Our names are Chopsticks, Bunsen, Harry & Curly and we have been surfing for over 3 years. We love living here up in sunny Queensland because we get to surf most of the year as the water is warm and the weather is mild. Also there are lots of stinking rich folk with massive boats that deliver the waves which we long to ride. We mainly surf in rivers and estuarys as we are only very tiny, but as you will see we get some very nice waves indeed and on the weekends when the boats are out it is very consistent. To all you brave mice out there at home who think this sounds like a groovy idea, please do not try this. We are trained proffessionals and have endured a lengthy process learning how to swim and how to balance on a board. All the team is in our last season of surfing as we are all getting old and as mice we live for approx 3-4 years. We have already started showing some of our offspring the ropes and Bunsen's son Junior has already caught a few and will be joining the team soon. The new generation are as keen as mustard and we all look forward to seeing them take over the reins so we can retire. Anyway sit back and enjoy the clip, i think you will be pleasently suprised at our talent, you will be sure to get the giggles too. Look forward to all your responses, Keep surfing always Love The Radical Rodents

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Most popular comments
for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

Neu Street
Neu Street - 7 years ago
Honestly this is the Greatest video I have ever seen, hands down!
Fatima Conde
Fatima Conde - 7 years ago
Missi died?
Jennifer Wright
Jennifer Wright - 7 years ago
im xan gane
Jennifer Wright
Jennifer Wright - 7 years ago
thats my dad
MilkDilk - 8 years ago
yo... harry
Max Gillespie
Max Gillespie - 8 years ago
I thought finger surfing was bad
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Damn... So I am guessing Master Splinter taught Michelangelo how to surf.Cowabunga!
Taco Batman
Taco Batman - 9 years ago
Rats can surf better than you noobz haha
Tracey Blackwell
Tracey Blackwell - 9 years ago
WTF is this video its amazing what when who did this happen??????????

10. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

TheNameSara - 9 years ago
Domestic rats. Not mice
Doodle Chord
Doodle Chord - 9 years ago
LizzieEspinoza - 9 years ago
So adorable. Not mice though, from what I can tell. Totally looks like adorable rats. Good work!
AuntieUberTuber - 10 years ago
Extremely cool, though I'm pretty sure some of them are rats!  You might want to check on that :)  
cngnc - 9 years ago
+AuntieUberTuber +Range : YES!! :D and when you go to sleep you could wake as zombie :D
Range - 9 years ago
+Paul Sack ...No.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 9 years ago
+AuntieUberTuber But doesn't it become a rat when it goes outside and inside its called a mouse?
Paige Alanko
Paige Alanko - 10 years ago
This is awesome! Your earned a sub!
LEONIE STIFF - 10 years ago
They love it
Daphne Wolfsong
Daphne Wolfsong - 10 years ago
I'm not sure the mice are so happy to do that....
April & Hope Productions
April & Hope Productions - 10 years ago
HOW can there be SO MANY DISLIKES!!! 526!!
April & Hope Productions
April & Hope Productions - 10 years ago
You shouldn't be allowed to dislike. Its just plain MEAN. Except 4 Justin Beiber
Валерия Альдаева
Валерия Альдаева - 10 years ago
Какая умница эта мышка
RaeLogan - 11 years ago
That's pretty cool. It's neat to see people who have discovered other ways to play and bond with their pets. Especially pets who are usually seen as being kept in cages with travel tubes most the time. My second thought after "Wow, surfing mice!" was "How nice, they're getting to be outside in the fresh air and sun, and get to see a world bigger than their enclosure!"

Kinda reminds me of a pet hamster I had as a little girl that I could carry around on my shoulder and have him ride around in my jacket pocket. He had been trained by a guy to do that, but he couldn't keep Brown Sugar (the name he gave the hamster) anymore, and asked my mom if her daughter wanted a cool pet, since we happened to be walking by him at the train station. Got to keep him for a few years before he died.

Anyway, I love seeing people doing cool things with their pets that's well within the pet's natural abilities and aptitudes. It's not only a great bonding experience, but it helps keep the pets from suffering from boredom and the lack of stimulation that generally happens when they're kept in their enclosures 24/7 (even if they have toys and such, there's only so many times a mouse can run in a wheel before getting tired of the thing). Bad things can happen to their health if they get too bored or unstimulated, especially when it's an intelligent critter.

I'll bet these little guys are pretty happy, if they get sunshine, fresh air, exercise, and a little swim after some surf. :3

20. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

woozaburger8 - 11 years ago
Jack langdon
Jack langdon - 11 years ago
WOW harry's first wave was like double over head.
KuwaJet - 11 years ago
Mice surfing dude! (What i mean by mice is nice lol)
cocoaspice5 - 11 years ago
what an exciting life your rats lead!
María Álvarez
María Álvarez - 11 years ago
Awww, so cute
Becky Huffman
Becky Huffman - 11 years ago
Tyler Giesey
Tyler Giesey - 11 years ago
Omg that was flippin amazing
Jasmine Nicole
Jasmine Nicole - 11 years ago
I read it i didnt even know you could make mice surf wow
Elaine Falconer
Elaine Falconer - 11 years ago
Haley G
Haley G - 11 years ago

30. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

mrsfrogandtoad - 11 years ago
Cowabunga Dude!
Alexander Vasiliev
Alexander Vasiliev - 11 years ago
Please don't teach em kill people
Stephen Vella
Stephen Vella - 11 years ago
I herd this dude on ABC Radio and just had to check it out for myself. These little guys must be the happiest of their species. Good work mate. At least these mice aren't in cages locked in laboratories.
sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
misstinwhistle1 - 11 years ago
If you go to professional breeders, many of them breed mice to be large. They can be twice the size of your regular pet shop or wild mice. The same goes for rats. They can be bred to be HUGE!
BlizzardHockey4432 - 11 years ago
Arent they scared shitless
loosy1999 - 11 years ago
they swim........
Kk LaMura
Kk LaMura - 11 years ago
What if the mouse falls off
Jan Eisklar
Jan Eisklar - 11 years ago
Didn't know whether to cry out "freakin' hilarious!" or "animal abuse!" at first. Now that I've learned you trained them to feel comfortable with salt water, I guess these rodents have a much better time than most of their companions in small cages. Can't wait to see parachuting mice, snowboarding mice, freeclimbing mice (that's their natural talent, isn't it?) ... first mice on mars ... the sky is the limit ;)
shane willmott
shane willmott - 11 years ago
No I just train mice if I had rats then they wouldn't be the smallest surfers in the world Faithama and saying that this will some how educate the dickheads that think they are rats to the fact that 1 is bigger than the other mine being the smallest of the 2.
Lexicon 67
Lexicon 67 - 11 years ago
I love this! This is the wildest thing I have ever wonderful that you would take the time and effort to teach your mice how to surf. I don't know why, but it puts a smile on my face to see mice having so much fun and enjoying life!
Piruru - 11 years ago
Considering I had a pet rat while growing up, yes, yes I do know what a rat is.
Kristen Augustyn
Kristen Augustyn - 11 years ago
I believe you, but these guys are definitely bigger than any mice I've ever seen. What type are they? You should tell us more about them so it's more credible, since most people only know of the tiny feeder mice or the also-small wild ones that get in houses sometimes.
tucker guy
tucker guy - 11 years ago
mini pipeline
Quinn Gray
Quinn Gray - 12 years ago
240p, we meet again
Colm Flannery
Colm Flannery - 12 years ago
they do look very like rats but your the expert i guess
Piruru - 12 years ago
Those are rats you retard.
sovietspyguy - 12 years ago
Now that we're in agreement, let's both go do productive things.
Claymore8365 - 12 years ago
sovietspyguy - 12 years ago
#1 on the list: Scouring Youtube looking for ways to disparage the things other people do rather than accomplishing anything yourself.

50. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

Claymore8365 - 12 years ago
101 things that will never get you laid......
Karen Rodriguez
Karen Rodriguez - 12 years ago
Hahaha how cute!
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
have a look at you picture you look retarded and no mice ever get killed they all come home alive to surf another day not like the mice killed in labs around the world every day.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Hey dickbrain you think surfing mice on little waves made by boats going by on the bay more cruel than the 1000's of mice killed in labs everyday to find a cure for you crotch rot.What about the people that drop a live mouse in a tank for their python at least my mice come home alive everytime they surf.Do you know how many assholes like you have said they are gonna report me lots but I never action taken against me so fuck off and when you get there fuck off again.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Yes Faithama I have the 5th generation of radical rodents ripping it up been doing it now for 10 summers and they are surfing alot better these days compared to this filmclip.You can also check out their facebook page under the radical rodents.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Hooray finally some one has believed that my so called surfing rats are mice I can asure you and I should know the breed of what Im teaching to surf are 100% mice.
Kiryu Kazuma
Kiryu Kazuma - 12 years ago
GOD, that's amazing! And cute. XD
BurzoDlint - 12 years ago
Damn, I love the smell of SCIENCE in the morning.
ptichkayt - 12 years ago
Yeah, I can't believe my eyes, all right. I can't believe anyone would be such assholes to subject these animals--which are rats, not mice, idiots--to such fear. No wonder they do so well, they're petrified of falling off! Enjoy practicing cruelty all the way to prison, boys, cause you're being reported now.for animal cruelty.
Christian López
Christian López - 12 years ago
How is this retarded? I bet your a fucking sedentary guy who have never experienced the adrenaline of the ocean. I mean, c'mon the first video in your playlist is "how to get hot woman" pls.
Bee - 12 years ago
I think this is the best video I have ever laid my eyes on... I have reached enlightenment...
LordTothe - 12 years ago
Cracked brought me here.
EatAllYourFish - 12 years ago
awesome music
Martin McNickle
Martin McNickle - 12 years ago
This is retarded. No doubt you didn't kill any mice, but plenty of brain cells.
Weedlord Bonerhitler
Weedlord Bonerhitler - 12 years ago
Now where's our surfing pikachu?
Ch0plol - 12 years ago
I'm guessing by your username you smoked weed instead of going to school.
booty boy
booty boy - 12 years ago
If you are born a rat you have 4 options: a hated pest, a lovable pet, a lab experiment, or....this
Ezra Clark
Ezra Clark - 12 years ago
i love how some of them are just sorta milling around.
Ezra - 12 years ago
Hahaha this made my day
HearthCricket - 12 years ago
Yea those are obviously RATS! Duh!
ferretyluv - 12 years ago
Those look more like rats than mice.
Jordan A.
Jordan A. - 12 years ago
Rats, mice, who gives a fuck what they are either way this is sweet as, big up
lbryant86 - 12 years ago
If you know rats, they definitely will refuse to do anything they don't want to :P
lbryant86 - 12 years ago
I call my pet rats mousies. People that don't know rats tend to freak out when they hear the word rat, but not so much when they hear the word mouse. It feels much cuter to say mouse or mousie than rat. Rats deserve for everyone to know how awesome they are though.
TinyWeasel - 12 years ago
Yep, definitely rats.
TheRealLittleBIGhead - 12 years ago
FYI those are rats....
callanfurlong - 12 years ago
What's the song you used as the backing track?
weenerbunnyable - 12 years ago
Why do you keep calling them mice? They're clearly rats.
lordofengmar - 12 years ago
do you think they enjoy it, somehow?
fltxix - 12 years ago
Too cool! Rats are crazy smart. (You know you're gonna get a lot of hits after _Cracked_ featured this, right?)
Sky Buttrum
Sky Buttrum - 12 years ago
Rats off to ya!
Beerwoman! - 12 years ago
Rat-ical rips, mate.
takkycat - 12 years ago
Those are rats! I love rats and have had a few as pets (as well as one mouse I found in my store's shopvac). They are super smart so being able to teach them to surf doesn't surprise me (though it is adorable), but for some reason it really bugs me that they keep being confused with mice. Its like confusing a parrot with a finch just because they are both birds! Or monkeys and apes!!
Hilary Lockhart
Hilary Lockhart - 12 years ago
I'm assuming that was a typo and he meant to say "large mouse." Still incorrect.
Hilary Lockhart
Hilary Lockhart - 12 years ago
Then why is one Rattus norvegicus and the other Mus musculus? Come on, man, they're not only two different species, they're two different genii...
Jamie Sanders
Jamie Sanders - 12 years ago
The only scientific difference between mice and rats is size. A mouse is a small rat. A rat is a small mouse. And you are awesome!
Sphynra - 12 years ago
Yes. Yes! YEESS!!!
Olivia Corzo
Olivia Corzo - 12 years ago
Guys calm down!!! Funny vid though.. I have a mouse named jules...cutest mouse ever!!!!
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
They all survive they always come home to surf another day have never killed any mice with what I do.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
their not strapped down its their natural ability after their 3 month training that your seeing do you think media companies would fly out to Australia to film a mouse strapped to a surfboard NO they come to film the natural surfing talent of the radical rodents.And about not being seen on video why would I not want to be seen when I have been seen in stories both in Australia and around the world.Go look at the radical rodent facebook page and educate yourself about the radical rodents.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Never had ear problems in 10 years of surfing mice and they are not stuck to the board thats the Mouse's natural ability after the training I give them.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
They are mice and I should know what Im training to surf see I don't know what you guys call these in your country but in Australia these are mice rats are bigger than the mice I have.go to the Radical Rodent facebook page and see for yourself.
james thomas
james thomas - 12 years ago
james thomas
james thomas - 12 years ago
hahahaha what the fuck
KageKC - 12 years ago
Well given that they are not choosing to do this of their own accord, being that they don't have the cognitive faculties to make such a decision, and they are being placed or attached to said surfboard taking away any such volition, and therefore enjoyment. The issue isn't necessarily the surfboard in my opinion, "fancy" rats and other pet rats often do not know how to close off their ear canals, leading to ear infection, and in many cases death.
Ronlowsea - 12 years ago
how do you know they dont like it??? i mean they could be stoked for the ride just like us humans there getting some nice barrels so why dont you fuck off.
Michael Thunderclap
Michael Thunderclap - 12 years ago
Sadly no. example? Africa and india.
Michael Thunderclap
Michael Thunderclap - 12 years ago
also, why are you getting into water with rats clinging to you to begin with?
Michael Thunderclap
Michael Thunderclap - 12 years ago
as long as you videotape the person after you strap them down and dont get yourself on the video, I am for it.
grozz111 - 12 years ago
so how many of them survived?

100. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents

Nicolas Lasson
Nicolas Lasson - 12 years ago
Well that is the problem ! People should care about correct grammar and spelling, otherwise you only understand half of what they are writing. Grammar and spelling are here to enable people to communicate with each other.
3TCozmique - 12 years ago
Now this is yolo.
doctorpsycho1960 - 12 years ago
It's a simple matter of fact -- rats have much larger brains and can learn a lot more than mice, so more intelligent. As for good-natured, consider that when mice are crowded together in too-close quarters, they attack one another, kill babies, defecate on food, &c. Rats stop having babies. As our population grows denser, let us hope humans are more like rats than like mice.
BAT MAN - 12 years ago
Love how he just jumps off at the end "now let's go sky diving".
kaleb smith
kaleb smith - 12 years ago
There is no such thing as a black panther look up what they really are. Black big cats such as jaguars.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Learn to spell you fucking dumbass then fuck off and when you get there fuck off again.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Learn to spell you fucking dumbass.
NerdFight - 12 years ago
This is THE GREATEST thng ive ever seen on Youtube!
Mitsu - 12 years ago
al the mice do is SIT on a surfboard and be misareble umbass
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
No there not fuckwit there elephants,and its not as cruel as being feed to a python or killed in a lab test.Before you have a go at me for surfing mice hae a go at all the labs over the world that kill rodents on a daily basis to find a cure for your crutchrot.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Well if this is cruel then so are zoo's and the circus how many times have you been to a zoo or a circus idiot I bet you enjoyed it and was amused when you did so fuck up and die you stupid cunt.
Potbelly - 12 years ago
May I ask who did the song in this video?
Jungle Gump
Jungle Gump - 12 years ago
A . these are rats B. this is cruelty to animals C. the pale rat is clearly miserable YOU SUCK
ADT - 12 years ago
1:46 :o
gmr199 - 12 years ago
hehehe!!!!! WIPE OUT!!!!!!
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Hey these guys have their own family friendly facebook page now under the tittle the radical rodents check it out and enjoy.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Yeah well you tell me would you rather be feed to a python or used and killed in a lab experiment or ride a few tiny little waves made by boats going buy on the bay.
Sergio Love Rod
Sergio Love Rod - 12 years ago
suck a niggers dick
bacon&taters - 12 years ago
'no one cares bout tht'
fliva017 - 12 years ago
es una monada
BF3Zocker - 12 years ago
;D Great!!
Bram Buesink
Bram Buesink - 12 years ago
Probably forgot that mice are excellent swimmers ;)
kidmonsterbites - 12 years ago
RedDotCityx2 - 12 years ago
Who gives a fuck. It's sick. Quit bitching saying that it is not safe he can do whatever he wants with the mice because they are his
ENjAALE - 12 years ago
Am I the only one who feels sorry for them?
magictrip - 12 years ago
A quote from the uploaders themselves "We love living here up in sunny Queensland because we get to surf most of the year as the water is warm and the weather is mild." and "To all you brave mice out there at home who think this sounds like a groovy idea, please do not try this. We are trained proffessionals and have endured a lengthy process learning how to swim and how to balance on a board."
Mark sebastian Molano
Mark sebastian Molano - 12 years ago
Saw this in K-Zone,Radical dudes
Aliiloa Silva
Aliiloa Silva - 12 years ago
Fraser Robertson
Fraser Robertson - 12 years ago
aww man! now even mice are better at surfing than me!
Cunno - 12 years ago
KageKC - 12 years ago
a. A benign comment as water entering a rats ear canal causes ear infections, and can actually lead to death. (same with mice and other rodents) b. When my rats are scared they cling to me rather than jump off or jump into the tub because they really don't appreciate cold water. For the record I am not a bleeding heart PETA sniveling bitch, I just don't think people should subject animals to things like this for their own amusement or publicity. In summation, how about I strap you to something?
Paula Jerome
Paula Jerome - 12 years ago
Oh and more intelligent? Good-natured? Who said mice can't be? Get a mouse and give it all the love and training a rat would get and you'll just how equal they are. I love rats and mice, but I think it's really unfair that people like you talk about them as if they are stupid.
Paula Jerome
Paula Jerome - 12 years ago
They're mice, I think he knows what his own pets/friends are. I know him on facebook etc and I am always keeping up to date on what the MICE are up to, they are not rats.
Paula Jerome
Paula Jerome - 12 years ago
You're retarded, you watch one video and you assume it's cruelty. Shane loves his mice and he would never pu them through anything if they didn't want to do it. You obviously don't know what an affraid mouse looks like.These mice are happy and very well trained, absolutely nothing cruel about it. They are given the best and happiest life possible.
Chaim Avital
Chaim Avital - 12 years ago
you are annoying !
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
Yeah I hope we don't meet or your gonna end up black,blue and bleeding bitch.
renan da costa
renan da costa - 12 years ago
aafff é montagem
cs_prophet - 12 years ago
What do you mean saltwater is not good for them. Thats a lake honey. Have you ever been to the beach?
Noel Voegeli
Noel Voegeli - 12 years ago
that was funny
Tim Brown
Tim Brown - 12 years ago
master splinter?
doctorpsycho1960 - 12 years ago
Their body proportions are all wrong for them to be mice -- those are rats, a vastly more intelligent and good-natured species anyway.
Skott62 - 12 years ago
Thinking PETA would not like seeing this LOL
jakkater - 12 years ago
but then the mice get high aswell
Virginia Vegan Greenwood-Warner
Virginia Vegan Greenwood-Warner - 12 years ago
Dislike this totally!!! Cruel - these poor things are afraid and cannot jump off. If you want to surf and get a big high from it that's ok but this is absolutely shocking! What kind! Obviously you've been smoking too much gunji!
Marie Caspers
Marie Caspers - 12 years ago
I find this really cool video how do you catch mice have such cool at what I see how much fun the mouse while
jerseyRJ - 12 years ago
...and thats when the mice struggle so hard he churned that milk right inta butta and climbed out
jerseyRJ - 12 years ago
welll ive surfed in 34 degree water till i was completely numb risking hypothermia, in time theres a thing called surfers ear which is from cold water exposure and you get bone deposits in your ear, plus the risk of drowning, get knocked out by the board, shit happens, but i amongst many other surfers still do it......... the only thing im seeing here is THESE MICE KNOW HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND LIVE A MORE EXCITING LIFE THAN YOU!!! quit hating ppl
LittleMissStitches - 12 years ago
I don't know if you know this, but there are several health problems that can arise from this sort of thing. Sure, it's 'cute'. But mice aren't built as tough as humans. You could be killing your mice through respiratory infections, among several other factors. For those of you who say 'those who surf can't understand' YOU yourself must understand that, unlike humans, mice do not enjoy being put on a board in the middle of deep water (for them).
Jens Ugelstad
Jens Ugelstad - 12 years ago
this is the coolest thing ever!
Lycrisa - 12 years ago
They don't look like the mice I have but whatever floats your boat man.
Lycrisa - 12 years ago
Look. I'm a fan of creative ideas but this is a SURE way to kill your pet. Between pneumonia from inhaling water, hypothermia from being cold or heart attack from being freaked out...I'm not even going into how that much sunlight stresses them out. I just.. There is a reason you don't see mice in the ocean.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
@xanthoman01 hahahahah mate we did a photo shoot for a mens mag and they sent a hot topless babe in a g-banger and they had a ball climbing all over her boobies it was like mountain climbing for them.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
@Ninjasaurus97 you have just become our biggest fan,radical rodents rule!!!
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
@WilliamOlsenXD Fucking A man your spot on go to the top of the class bro.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
@scenetk421 Just did a TV show with 1 of Australia's celebrity vets and he said their mice are you gonna argue with him.If you think you know it all dickbrain google surfing mice on Better Homes & Gardens and educate yourself you idiot.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 12 years ago
@mf2230 oh derrr the mouse didn't the camera you fucking bonehead the camera was zooming forward as the mouse was surfing towards it when it fell of the surfboard didn't come any where near the camera do you understand retard grow a fucking brain.
Camille683 - 12 years ago
that's a rat and they are so cute!!!!
Naive Cynic
Naive Cynic - 12 years ago
lol smh
oxygenlifeless - 12 years ago
@TheHihi555 you're right bro
TheScottkelley - 12 years ago
these mice are cruisin....:)
sailorstarrr - 12 years ago
@TheHihi555 how is that different from surfing?
Emily, Justin, Lily & Lucy
Emily, Justin, Lily & Lucy - 13 years ago
lol mice out
Ariel Terrason
Ariel Terrason - 13 years ago
For what it matters, I thought this was pretty freaking awesome. I have a rat here at home that I love to death, and I think it's great that you're doing this. Looks like they're having fun to me...
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK well I don't know where you live cock head and if I did I would come put you on life support.How about I pay for a plane ticket for you to come out here so you say it to my face your probably pissing in your pants right you little bitch."I don't care to argue with an ignoramus goodbye"If your saying goodbye then I won the argument like I do everytime when it comes goat fuckers like you.Crawl back to the crack in the gutter where you came from and don't come back.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK what do you mean you didn't do anything wrong you got on my youtube and shot your mouth off with your narrow minded view.Now your saying "I never said that I knew for sure how they felt"mate get off the drugs oh and turning the comment around on you did work because you answered back you took the bait,hook,line and sinker.
totekannibalin - 13 years ago
that't so funny . Love it! :D
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
Bitchshitcuntfuck have a look at how many people have watched the Rad Rodents 2,919,241 so don't you think I would have come across your kinda comments before or do you think your the first. Your only in a small minority group have a look at the ratio of good comments to piss poor comments like yours yep about 200 to 1.You know what nob jockey know 1 in ten years of me surfing mice has ever said that Im cruel to my face its only piss weak pricks like you that can only criticize using a keyboard
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK I have no argument because I don't argue with fuckwits like you.The reason I call you names is because your deserve to be called names because your a fucking idiot.Tell me this is it ok for a dog to go surfing but not a mouse whats the fucking difference they both have fur,4 legs and a tail so to give you undeveloped brain some help the difference between a surfing dog and a surfing mouse is the size.Before you answer this go leave a "your cruel" comment on a surfing dog clip
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK well how the fuck do you know how they feel they might enjoy surfing for all WE know so what makes you an expert on rodent thinking are you the fucking mouse whisperer you probably don't own a rat/mouse.All Im getting from you is your 1 sided opinion and no I don't force my mice to surf because they can bite me.And why are you worried about being called names when you go by the name of Bitchshitcuntfuck your the 1 thats not making sence so grow a brain idiot.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK dickhead they don't die you dumb cunt they swim better than you.And if it was cruel then do you think Australia's most respected celebrity vets would come do a story for Australian TV on the surfing mice 2 weeks.If it was cruel wouldn't that give him a bad name.You don't know what your on about dick smoker go jump off a fucking cliff.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK hey dickhead do you leave your piss poor comments on surfing dog youtube clips then go do so because your fucking boring me.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
How quick do people become experts when they don't know what the fuck their on about.
SurfinCalibitch - 13 years ago
@BITCHSHITCUNTFUCK u dont know what a mouse feels it could be having fun dumbass.
ketxxx1 - 13 years ago
That... is SO COOL! Surfs up my furry friends! :D
dickylobster - 13 years ago
I love your Rat Pack, much better entertainment than Sinatra, Davis and that bunch ---- and screw all those ass wipe wankers with the negative vibes. Surf On Little ones !!
Erik Ehlen
Erik Ehlen - 13 years ago
Chris Evernden
Chris Evernden - 13 years ago
@15CRAZYKIDS So if they were ugly it'd be okay?
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
Before you fuckwits start pointing the cruelty stick my way have a think what is more cruel pushing a mouse onto a little wave made by a boat going by on the bay and if the mouse falls of Im right there to pick it up.Or mice being feed alive to pet snakes or killed in labs everyday all over the world and even poisoned or being snapped by a mouse trap pinned down to die a slow horrible death.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@MrYummyRiceball you just hit the nail right on the head with that comment as Billabong says"Only a surfer knows the feeling"
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@15CRAZYKIDS well dude are you trying to say that pushing a mouse onto a little wave made by a boat going by on the bay is worst than feeding a live mouse to a python what about all the mice they kill in labs everyday. and if you think about it and wanna get down to the wire what about mousetraps/poisons you by from the store.If I was a mouse I would rather surf than be killed in a lab,feed to a snake or killed by a trap or poison.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@Delgadillo99 just like the real ones mate.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@thehappytimeharry tell me wise 1 is pushing a mouse onto a little wave made by a boat going by is more cruel than feeding a live mouse to a fucking python or killing them wholesale in labs everyday around the world.Before you start pointing the cruelty stick dickhead try using you brain and think what worst things people do to mice.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@triotrees well idiot they like it better than being feed to a fucking python or killed in a lab test like people do everyday.My guys come home alive ready to surf another day,so before you point the cruelty stick use your fucking brain.
Jane-Amelia Cherry Love Lee
Jane-Amelia Cherry Love Lee - 13 years ago
Iv seen a doco on this guy & the mice,He trains them from an early age & they seem happy as to jump on their little boards....So if you think its cruel...think again.THEY LOVE IT!
Michael Liu
Michael Liu - 13 years ago
If the haters dont surf, they cant understand.
Charlie Parsons
Charlie Parsons - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 I think this is quite a cruel thing to do to a rat because they are such beautiful creatures. As I am the owner of two hamsters I am shocked with your doings.
Delgadillo99 - 13 years ago
What I want to know is how you made those boards?
Mekenzy calico
Mekenzy calico - 13 years ago
@ SuperTruth77, your sick
triotrees - 13 years ago
That's so cruel! Have you ever thought that they don't like being plumbed by 30 foot waves?!
silverspaceflyer - 13 years ago
man, those mice can surf better than my mate Steve MacPhail . . .
flavio scarel
flavio scarel - 13 years ago
the mice dont look happy..not cool at all
thehappytimeharry - 13 years ago
Thats animal cruelty
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@SuperTruth77 your a sick cunt go jump of a cliff.
mgmtlover100 - 13 years ago
Jett Barela
Jett Barela - 13 years ago
this is the coolest video on youtube!!
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 13 years ago
@peepchick101 they are rats who cares, its different if it was a dog or an animal that isn't vermin
peckawoodd - 13 years ago
these mice are riding some heavy waves for mice
oiler man
oiler man - 13 years ago
Penny Gerber
Penny Gerber - 13 years ago
y is it cute?:(
artemisfair - 13 years ago
Ho did you teach them this? This is amazing and adorable!
Guni Zeph
Guni Zeph - 13 years ago
hahahahahahahaha!! cute
james cabornay
james cabornay - 13 years ago
ahahahaa..!!! this mice is amazing ahaha.>!! i wish i can have that kind of mice..!!
bdonbdsful - 13 years ago
whoever dislikes this vid is deff jealous cuz the rats are better than them
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 13 years ago
@AndreasFalk8 i bet you're saying this is animal cruelty, if so you are a gay cunt
jake - 13 years ago
Sadanio Batista
Sadanio Batista - 13 years ago
I'd love to know what they think about that!
Hendrik Flügel
Hendrik Flügel - 13 years ago
You should put them on the BIG once!
BAILEY GARRATT - 13 years ago
wtf my rock can surf better then that
bax missey
bax missey - 13 years ago
Epic dude
pigeon901 - 13 years ago
Actually it's 1:39 surfing baby chicken
pigeon901 - 13 years ago
1:43 surfing baby chicken???? :P
oliver burkhart
oliver burkhart - 13 years ago
sooo cute
Brannon Hall
Brannon Hall - 13 years ago
Yeahh!!! Mice getting ultra shacked!!
Jacqui Cuff
Jacqui Cuff - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 thats good to know. As long as they enjoy doing it and it ain't animal cruelty then i LOVE this film :) thanks for responding as was concerned :)
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@JayC4shaw well they have a choice if they don't like it they can bit me everytime I go to get them out of there cage to take them surfing.And they can give you a nasty little bit if you piss them off,I don't like getting bitten so if they were to bit me when I went to get them for a surf you would not be watching this film clip it would have never have been made.Thanks for checking out the radical rodents.
xmisguidedxsoulsx - 13 years ago
so cute!!!!! he said the mice like to surf and have never gotten hurt . still so cute!!!!
Jacqui Cuff
Jacqui Cuff - 13 years ago
Do the mice enjoy this? thats all I want to know, that they arent afraid of doing it and love doing it
Con - 13 years ago
i hope this will be added at 'the guineas book of records!"
neeseypup - 13 years ago
I saw a snake at the local vet recently who had been bitten by his live food. Poor thing ended up with a large puss filled 'hole' in it's face!! But it's fuckwits like @milldabeast that is the cause of those injuries. Unfortunately, blind ignorance, or in the case of @milldabeast, the need to see cruelty to animals to satisfy his own greedy, sick need is something that is hard to wipe out from society.
neeseypup - 13 years ago
I'm struggling to understand the 'english' of @milldabeast . Is he even speaking english or is that 'retard'? I feel so sorry for his snakes. I'm sure they too are confused by his stupidity. A snake should not be subjected to this kind of lack of intelligence. Do you think that when he 'strokes his snake' that the snake (if it is the reptile he is talking about here..) looks up at him with nothing but pity? Next he is going to tell us he is 'a vet'.Heard that before..bahahahaha
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
hang on @milldabeast did I read right your gonna go and stroke your snake,so in other words your letting the whole world know your a wanker.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
first of all you will never get a point across with me penis breath because I don't take a point from a mere drop of anal sweat like you.No I never make people history with a block because I love breaking them down to the bottem of the food chain.Just looked at your site and you have deleted my comments I think your true colours are starting to show before mine keyboard pussy bitch and you will never upset me because 25 year old faggots like you have no effect on me.hahahaha
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 just relax kid ur true colours are showing...
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 im not trying to get on ur skin kid. its just ur weak mind is easily minipulated.... u talk a lotta shit keyboard warrior u gona make me history with a block loser? i got my point across i dont wanna upset u too much. im gona go stroke my snake u go shove ur rats up in ur toilet paper tube and hoop em goof
perthratrescue - 13 years ago
@milldabeast - What are you going to do when one of these rodents of yours does injure your precious reptiles Dipstick? It's not just about the suffering of YOUR mice that are being fed live by YOU but your reptiles that you so proudly say you have kept for 11 years, you obviously don't give a damn about their safety. Do the world a favor, go feed yourself to a Croc/Alligator/Lion whatever, on second thought jump in front of a bus, you would probably give an animal an incurable disease.
perthratrescue - 13 years ago
@milldabeast - They are MICE to start with, surfing MICE and if you were even slightly literate you would see the heading "The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents ", just goes to show how very ignorant and stupid you really are. You bitch about the surfing mice, to make yourself look better for what you do you Tosser!! I agree with Neesey, i hope your reptiles give you a nasty bite which gets infected. God forbid if one of the mice fights back.
neeseypup - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 - you're an ignorant fuck!!! people like you just piss me right off. Here's a comparison for time you take a dump, observe the shit stain you just left on the bowl, then check your reflection in the mirror...see much of a difference?? Thought not...
neeseypup - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 are you aware fuck knuckle that you can feed your snakes non-live food??I swear to god I hate people like you that get a kick out of animal cruelty.Karma's a bitch fuckwit & I hope to god one of your reptiles bites you on the cock & leaves the most painful fucking infection.Take a good look at the surfing mice videos and tell me exactly where they look frightened.They love this shit. You have no fucking idea. Please don't procreate, we don't need anymore retards in our society.
neeseypup - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 -one word to describe you..'cunt'.How the fuck can you compare the surfing of these mice to your cruelty feeding!?Yes,your snake has to eat,I don't deny that! But to live feed is totally unacceptable & barbaric.Out in the wild - it is nature and the rodent has at least a chance to get away.Held captive in your tank, the rodent doesn't stand a chance of survival.Think of your snake also. Hope your snakes haven't had to endure the last painful bite from a rodent before its death.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
Hahaha mr @milldabeast519 says he has been handling snakes for 11 years that would make him the CEO of the IWC(International Wankers Club)
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 no you haven't because Im the deadliest keyboard warrior in the world not like you a keyboard pussy that can only give insult in front of a computer screen.See gutless fucks like you wouldn't say it to my face so the only way you can try to get under my skin is via the internet and you no what sunshine its never gonna happen.Had a fuckhead try what your trying to do 2 weeks ago and he came of second best his now history just like you will be so go and stroke your snake you tosser
AP_Thomas - 13 years ago
AP_Thomas - 13 years ago
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 my real point was that ppl will like videos if they are amused regardless of how the animals feels and a prime example would be this video and my feeding vid. they dont really care about the welfare of the animal
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 listen keyboard warrior dont get all hyped up like u gona do somthn goof bitch. im just sayn people bitch at me constantly for my feeding vids then i come here and seen this ,ppl love it. yes the mice are scared shitless when i feed them (sometimes) i dont care , im not pita or whatvr the fuck they call them . i have been a reptile owner for 11 years ive came across many keyboard warriors like u.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 your point will never stand with me fuckwit because I don't take a point from a fucking idiot like you.Don't you think a mouse is scared to death when you drop 1 in your snake tank you fucking brainless git,have a look at how many people have left comments don't you think I would have come across cock smokers like you before over the last 8 years or do you think your the first,well give yourself an upper cut and get to the end of the line of assholes that have tried before you.
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 i dont care how long u have been surfing/abusing animals for.... my point stands. mice/rats scared to death and ur dumbass thinks they enjoy it. DUMBASS, vagas?? lol fuck ur an idiot.....
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@milldabeast519 1st dickhead I have been surfing mice for 10 years and mice only live for 2 thats why you see different mice.And 2nd remote controlled board dickhead do you think media would waste money to come from all over the world to film something that is radio controlled.Thats right motherfucker I make a living from surfing mice where you make your living selling your ass on a corner in Vagas.
bert berty
bert berty - 13 years ago
thats so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nickolas233 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 haha hell yea i will! You need to bring your mice over to Fort Walton Beach. We have some really good ankle snappers that they could carve, lol
tashload - 13 years ago
These are the only surfers in the world who have to worry about cats, not sharks.
Urbanized .Television
Urbanized .Television - 13 years ago
: @ 1:13 Harry paddles in LMAO ...
chris stimpfl
chris stimpfl - 13 years ago
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
wow people bitch at me for feeding mice to my snakes that need to eat , then i see this video where u have mice/rats riding a remote control board ..... people dont relize the rodents are scared to death these idiot actaully think they enjoy it , how is this any diffferent from my feedind vids??! o yea ur purposely torturing the rodent for ur amusement while i feed my snakes so they can survive........
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
anybdy else wonder why theres a different rat everytime they crash??? lol
Oscar Winzo
Oscar Winzo - 13 years ago
hahah i fucking hate rats and mices but this is SO cute and hilarious
bamboohatman - 13 years ago
harry is the best!
Jasmin Klingler
Jasmin Klingler - 13 years ago
haha hazzy rules! xD
WarblesOnALot - 13 years ago
@patriotmyass G'day... Yep. What a relief. Not all Norte Amerikanos are Psycho-Sheeple... You prove it ! Rodents are good at not falling off.. In '76 I had a Whìte Mouse that clung to the A-Frame of a Balsa & Tissue Rogallo Hang-Glider. From 4 Storeys, & it didn' run away, after landing; either, appeared to enjoy the fright ! To see Marsupials outgun the Hunters, search 'Warbles In The Wilderness' series ; # 4, & it's true, too ! Enjoy... Ciao.
Sahil Zubair
Sahil Zubair - 13 years ago
isabellafrances123 - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents1 okay, what? Aside from the fact that it was my friend who made this comment and not me, when does it ever say that this is not real? You really shouldn't insult people for no reason, buddy.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@isabellafrances123 if its not real then why do media outlets from all over the world come to film them.Do you think they would spend money and pay me to come to Australia and film something thats not real.You can't film something thats not there idiot.
isabellafrances123 - 13 years ago
@goskatecity THATS KOOKY OMG!
roachtoasties - 13 years ago
@PainInTheAssKid97 It seems nobody can figure out humor around here.
Jimpints - 13 years ago
@roachtoasties You do know its not real don't you? LOL dumb asshole
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@roachtoasties none you fucking idiot they can swim.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@HiPPoKryPtiC bullshit I challenged Kelly to surf in a contest against the mice but he chickened out he didn't want the world to see him get beaten by a rodent.
Rouillie Wilkerson
Rouillie Wilkerson - 13 years ago
OMG, wtf?! Lol
Amanda Howell
Amanda Howell - 13 years ago
pretty sure those are rats. rats can swim plus you can teach them almost anything
roachtoasties - 13 years ago
How many mice were lost during the production of this video?
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@maurits999 Because youtube loves this shit thats why they don't remove it look how long its been on for you dick smoker.Look to the right see the surfing dog if surfing my mice is cruel then why is surfing a dog not they both have 4 legs,fur and a tail the only differents the size thats it.Why don't you go call the guy with the surfing dog cruel you dumb fuck.Mice are killed in labs everyday and do you think surfing mice is more cruel than dropping a live mouse in a snake tank.
aceey2 - 13 years ago
Even if this is supposed animal cruelty, these rodents are still living pretty gnar lives compared to the rats and mice that are used to test skin care and bathing products on... Just sayin.
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@nickolas233 hahaha nice one mate I go to the Hoggsbreath cafe for a bleeding steak every Good Friday!!!
snowboarder5211 - 13 years ago
did anyone else notice at 0:29 he got a barrel then fell
Meyee - 13 years ago
Yeah... they probably have a lot of fun...
Alfred Sanz
Alfred Sanz - 13 years ago
Shane Dorian ? just kidding ;D
nickolas233 - 13 years ago
all u peta faggots need to stfu. also i'm eating cow RIGHT NOW
Angeleah Salamone
Angeleah Salamone - 13 years ago
pretty sure that's a rat and not a mouse...
zborkan - 13 years ago
where did you get the mini surfboard
Young Primate
Young Primate - 13 years ago
animal torture , cool surfing you bastars
GardenFuchsia - 13 years ago
That doesn't look like a mouse...
CaptBeanerzzz - 13 years ago
Those are rats...
TGAT - 13 years ago
omg what did you do when they fell!!!
Freysn - 13 years ago
-•-_-•- wow
candyman2911 - 13 years ago
455 people cant surf as good as these mice (;
shane willmott
shane willmott - 13 years ago
@Narnianchick I don't surf them in the ocean I surf them on a bay and the waves are made by the boats thats go buy.The mice are also great swimmers and when they fall off I have them in my hand within seconds.Look on youtube under radical rodents new clip and you will see when Im surfing them the background is land so if it was ocean you would see the horizon.
Tyler Barrett
Tyler Barrett - 13 years ago
Hey everyone! Look what mr jingles can do!
Sam Burrows
Sam Burrows - 13 years ago
please tell me what song this is! anyone ?
izzmasta5tousand - 13 years ago
I just watched mice surf -__-
marmalraffica - 13 years ago
tanrat7 - 13 years ago
very cute but I hope no rats were harmed or drowned.
coopsvs - 13 years ago
funny wipe out at 1:24
LightsoutHamster - 13 years ago
@mreshayz100 nope rats and mice are considered varmint so you can pretty much do what ever you want to them, they have no protection
Narnianchick - 13 years ago
what happens if they fall off? isn't there a significant chance they could be swept out into the ocean?
Billy Poulden
Billy Poulden - 13 years ago
isn't there animal cruelty laws for this or something. but lol who cares
Jessica Sirnic
Jessica Sirnic - 13 years ago
I want one of those mini surfboards! haha and do they like that??(:
Jessica Sirnic
Jessica Sirnic - 13 years ago
Thats soo cutee!! (:
sowhatevs - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if bethany sent you here :)
sowhatevs - 13 years ago
There better than me
kamryn macdougall
kamryn macdougall - 13 years ago
wow.....if these rodents can surf, WHY CANT I?!
Saltydog Productions
Saltydog Productions - 13 years ago
hey that beach is garatjagan right?
GetStoked21 - 13 years ago
Harry is a boss
Aliya - 13 years ago
if thats real - thats unfair and a bit cruel if its not - then thats quite funny and neat effects :P
MetalGoat90 - 13 years ago
*-* *-* ♥
Saltydog Productions
Saltydog Productions - 13 years ago
Checkout Chopsticks tail in the face of tha wave...thats a rodent stall! lol
sla8er - 13 years ago
nothing like a wet rat
Spinning man
Spinning man - 13 years ago
I wanna see one of those rats, go to a whole bunch of other surfers, shouting out, 'OUTTA MAH WAY BITCHES!'
Joe Stein
Joe Stein - 13 years ago
is hazzy dead?
Spicolli - 13 years ago
@roobysoho a few were very trim right
Alex Bellafaire
Alex Bellafaire - 13 years ago
I want to see them on like 5 footers, that would be pretty funny... but this is pretty cool
PedroThePie - 13 years ago
are they okay? I saw one drown i think!
TheMrFunktastic2 - 13 years ago
00:30 that one drowned...
baliwavesurf - 13 years ago
@ 0:30 EPIC WAVE
baliwavesurf - 13 years ago
mice are like " THESE WAVES ARE HUGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Phoenix Kassidy
Phoenix Kassidy - 13 years ago
@nijayjayjay u have to have the skill
Fearfactorycats - 13 years ago
CLAP Productions
CLAP Productions - 13 years ago
1:22 nosedive..what an amature
dangerouswater - 13 years ago
RIP Harry...
Nicole - 13 years ago
They look so pimp on their little surf boards :3
ta mere
ta mere - 13 years ago
this is jaws for a mouse 0:29
bhempy9 - 13 years ago
nijayjayjay - 13 years ago
@FrizzStudios hehe i've never tried to surf tbh however I can't swim... YET! :L
Nabooti615 - 13 years ago
i have been looking for this and i found it:)
likequiscoyo - 13 years ago
where do you get those surfboards ??
jthedarkwolf - 13 years ago
poor rats
Saltydog Productions
Saltydog Productions - 13 years ago
those rats are the shit!! *thumbs up*
rob camacho
rob camacho - 13 years ago
Wow that's 5 min of my life I will never get back
Becky Firth
Becky Firth - 13 years ago
@MsMagikid What the hell does as cared mean?
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 13 years ago
Damn........they ride better than I do!
MsMagikid - 13 years ago
U idiot just imagine how as cared the rats are
Michael Fleming
Michael Fleming - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents My rats loved to go swimming. theres a guy with a video of his rat skiing behind a r/c boat
Sahleem Henry
Sahleem Henry - 13 years ago
@radicalrodents and why do you have to be o rude nobody is arguing ppl these days are so ignorant
ipodUser242 - 13 years ago
poor mouse.... it's not natural for him, you cannot make entertainant from it :O
Bunsaur - 13 years ago
Crab Shell
Crab Shell - 13 years ago
radical rats
Chris Instinct Sparsis
Chris Instinct Sparsis - 13 years ago
Are they sponsored by Quicksilver..,.,.,..?
bluebe11a - 13 years ago
I was just watching this on TV in London, a show about the videos with the most hits and was proud to see it was a fellow these mice, they're very cute and having a great time too. Thanks.
nijayjayjay - 13 years ago
So if these rats can surf... WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I?!
Peter F
Peter F - 14 years ago
the second wave is massive dood. this is not cruel
hamsterjovial55 - 14 years ago
harry the big wave rider!!
Jason Wagner
Jason Wagner - 14 years ago
those RATS are the coolest RATS i have ever seen .and i have seen alot of RATS lol, you should try using mice though, they are much better surfers:))
Dani DaxxEE
Dani DaxxEE - 14 years ago
Le Belfields
Le Belfields - 14 years ago
this is not cruel, quiet the opposite. The mice are not strapped on, they have a choice.... Much nicer life then being kept in a cage. Mice are quite good swimmes to (storm drains!)
Bone Gonsalves
Bone Gonsalves - 14 years ago
1:45 dropped in fat wave lol
scarymary66 - 14 years ago
That's cute as heck. But I think they are rats.
Steezy SinceNinteySeven
Steezy SinceNinteySeven - 14 years ago
@ganey71 did the mice know how to swim?
upsidedahead - 14 years ago
Tell ya what... I wish I was one of these mice. What a LIFE !!!
Jbirtwisle - 14 years ago
haha, closed out at 0:55 bet he was pissed
misskat1985 - 14 years ago
They look more like rats to me than mice!?
mark ansell
mark ansell - 14 years ago
harry's first wave is epic
Bromers95 - 14 years ago
0:29 quad over head followed by gnarly wipe out ;)
KuiNoah - 14 years ago
dam! Harry's better than me!
PineRidgeKids - 14 years ago
@jmjon8334 its called a joke douchebag
PineRidgeKids - 14 years ago
@jungleface13 its called a joke you fucking asshole
RaidersLego - 14 years ago
Yeah Harry charge um! did he survive that wipeout?
Staci Lynn
Staci Lynn - 14 years ago
Thats really cute, are mice in Australia just really large? They look like rats..
ThornSakura - 14 years ago
These are rats not mice ^^"
waffamoto - 14 years ago
now i have a market for my tiny wet suits, awesome.
Metallicuss - 14 years ago
It's amazing what humans can get little animals to do. I'd like to see a baby chick to surf.
Riki Sikisu
Riki Sikisu - 14 years ago
This is how food chain works from small animals to mammals (Insects to people)
Kona Vienna
Kona Vienna - 14 years ago
Suzlouie - 14 years ago
So cute... but wait wut if u lose one
fwe ewf
fwe ewf - 14 years ago
wow he's better than me!!:D
Cheryl Hanson
Cheryl Hanson - 14 years ago
are you sure these are mice? wow!!! cool surfing...
guitarsurfer2010 - 14 years ago
Cool Daddy-O
Ricardo II Mendoza
Ricardo II Mendoza - 14 years ago
this is true i seen it at k-zone
ʬRoyal Mizfitʬ
ʬRoyal Mizfitʬ - 14 years ago
when they get wiped out how do you get them back
Rebecca Mueller
Rebecca Mueller - 14 years ago
volodian2201 - 14 years ago
poor mice :)
lecrapauddejerri9 - 14 years ago
hahaha they look so stupid! good work :) try and get one do a barrell
Ryan Sheckler
Ryan Sheckler - 14 years ago
@radicalrodents where do u get the boards? they stay up really well
nikthepilot - 14 years ago
Mice are so fucking cute!!! :DD THis must be so much fun ^^
shadowgrinch - 14 years ago
@SkyOne1111 None. No rats feet were glued to the boards obviously. If you watch the video closely you can see that the rats jump off the board at some point. Those 4 legged rodents have better balance than us 2 legged animals. That's why they don't easily 'wipe out'. The rats would rather want to stay in the board than get totally wet if they didn't stay on the board.
shadowgrinch - 14 years ago
@jesse29841 I believe you're an idiot. Plural is mouses, seriously?
HolypaloozaConcert - 14 years ago
My Gosh, did you see that mouse catch that "right" @ 1:45!
HolypaloozaConcert - 14 years ago
My Gosh, did you see that mouse catch that "right" @ 1:45!
Jawa - 14 years ago
@divyasakura1604 Idiot.
Erik Monahan
Erik Monahan - 14 years ago
what fucking champ
weegieonayoshi - 14 years ago
they are actually rats im pretty sure.
TheSpartanlx99 - 14 years ago
@divyasakura1604 you are a tree huger!!!!!!!!! shut up nuthing going to happen to the rodents
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 14 years ago
a bit cruel but a wicked video. nice
Jason West Jones
Jason West Jones - 14 years ago
To cool, I love how they even have the form down, and are riding the face of the wave. These guys have it much better than those in a lab being used for testing drugs on. As with any human who surfs. ; )
JackTazz - 14 years ago
430 people cant surf
wingtorn - 14 years ago
Pikachu used HM03!! (Surf)
wingtorn - 14 years ago
how many mice were sacrificed in this filming?
kiwa007 - 14 years ago
I would totally buy a surfing rodent calendar. Who's with me?
Stan Callahan
Stan Callahan - 14 years ago
so sick
kiwa007 - 14 years ago
Those rats surf better than I do. It would be cool to see a rat ride from start to finish. I am interested to see the rats initial reaction when being placed on the wave. Thanks for posting. Also, the dismount at 2:10 was awesome. Let's see Kelly slater do that.
DJ7412 - 14 years ago
that is awesome!
cwinter - 14 years ago
That is the coolest thing I have ever seen!! And it looks like they are really enjoying it.
Dylan Cuatt
Dylan Cuatt - 14 years ago
that is big wavs for the mice
yeye bonel
yeye bonel - 14 years ago
omg but thats not mice thats rat omg
sailorstarrr - 14 years ago
sweet but I hope the rats don't accidentally drown
AppelseedDatei - 14 years ago
@ChristopherDWilcock chill. no animals were harmed cause the rats doing this all by it self.
AppelseedDatei - 14 years ago
nice saw ya on rude tube.
Jynxkitten - 14 years ago
i was laughing so hard at 0:42 it jumps off the board hahaha
theskimdude - 14 years ago
whats this song
robert hutchins
robert hutchins - 14 years ago
for there size surfing waves like that would be at least 20 feet
CDWilcock - 14 years ago
What the... ? Nearly 3 million views! How many animals were harmed in the making of this!!
gobig67 - 14 years ago
nice custom shaped boards
MyFishCare101 - 14 years ago
That's cool. If the rats didn't like it they would run away or bite, right? SO this isn't cruel...
morke6 - 14 years ago
dioss yeahhh!!
Badonkajunky - 14 years ago
"Kill me"
Shami Smith-Sandhu
Shami Smith-Sandhu - 14 years ago
imagine these guys at teahupoo..
lolo133t - 14 years ago
this is so coolio!!!
dickylobster - 14 years ago
Cowabunga Dude !!!!
glueforall - 14 years ago
You guys look like wet rats out there!
Anthony Rosa
Anthony Rosa - 14 years ago
extreme sports dude
nicolas dyrehauge
nicolas dyrehauge - 14 years ago
you can tell they just wanna surf! it's all they live for.. I bet it was the mice themselves who got the idea. Not stupid retarded dickless teenagers
Heather  Smith
Heather Smith - 14 years ago
gingergabe93 - 14 years ago
shoulda named one kelly slater
Michelle Savoy
Michelle Savoy - 14 years ago
For crying out loud, people, they are MICE, not rats! Granted, they are BIG mice, but mice nonetheless.
Philip Liborio Gangi
Philip Liborio Gangi - 14 years ago
Now I've seen everything!!!
bahgheera - 14 years ago
matti1804 - 14 years ago
wtf nice surfing mice!! ^^
Der Hauke
Der Hauke - 14 years ago
und was ist daran toll? dass die Tiere Lebensangst haben? Oder doch, dass die tiere schwerste, ggf. sogar tödlich verlaufende Atemwegsinfektionen davontragen? Das ist tierquälerei in milderen Maßen (im Vergleich zu anderen Fällen), aber es bleibt tierquälerei.
xXxdaguitarfreakxXx - 14 years ago
dieter vink
dieter vink - 14 years ago
lol, I want one......
Taylor-Ebony - 14 years ago
wtf... thats kinda wied O_o
daniyellowjello - 14 years ago
cute!!!!!!!! lil surfboards.
Toasteee1986 - 14 years ago
poor little guys are scared to death haha
Rich Hill
Rich Hill - 14 years ago
PineRidgeKids - 14 years ago
they cant even cutback
JonnTheOne - 14 years ago
do they like to surf ?
Apex - 14 years ago
omg wtf that is awesome
Nyx Roar
Nyx Roar - 14 years ago
sooooooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Logendary - 14 years ago
0:32 thats like a triple overhead wave for mice, try and get them barreled hahahaha.
MidnightClub - 14 years ago
They should stick to surfing and not selling Kia souls.
stwright - 14 years ago
@2003cr125rider WET!
MrMartind15 - 14 years ago
Oh My God ! These Guys Surf Better Then most People !!!!!!
MrMartind15 - 14 years ago
WOW ! WOW ! WOW ! These Guys Rip Hard !
mmfilmsproductions - 14 years ago
joserP2009 - 14 years ago
Harry looks like he's at Wiemea @ 0:35 seconds
CandaceBabsi - 14 years ago
very cool jump at the end :D
skeet c
skeet c - 14 years ago
thats sad i bet u spend ur hole life training for this
thisisyourboss - 14 years ago
imagine if a shark just jumped out and ate that thing
donkiyboy - 14 years ago
Nobody drops in either...saftey is #1.
AtheistBrit - 14 years ago
Those are rats, not mice :)
Realfoxhawk - 14 years ago
isnt this something that all rats and mice know how to do automatically for survival
Melody Veylupek
Melody Veylupek - 14 years ago
kai ming ho
kai ming ho - 14 years ago
Green Lane
Green Lane - 14 years ago
. . . . . . why .
jetaddicted - 14 years ago
@runes3ape go see "bear kungfu" vid...not only are we doomed, but we're about to get a bear whoppin'...
Monica Harris
Monica Harris - 14 years ago
EmotionalShredd - 14 years ago
wtf hhaahahhaha this is apic
kbbjedi - 14 years ago
ohhroach - 14 years ago
whoa chopsticks with an in-and-out barrel at :55
Tyler P.
Tyler P. - 14 years ago
this is epic
Nijul Rivas-Hefner
Nijul Rivas-Hefner - 14 years ago
they can surf now?! we are doomed!
Mat2001uk - 14 years ago
Is this the coolest thing Ever? Well unless you have a contender...
MutilateYOU - 14 years ago
THat's some good shit right there :) I feel like surfing now.... :)
Yoshiling - 14 years ago
Our society has come to a point where people can't even watch a video of surfing rats without getting offended. =/
Nela Lipe
Nela Lipe - 14 years ago
lol... who came up with this and how??... did they just think one day: hey let´s put some rats on mini surf bords... genius... seriously pfffff
Luiz Vitor Manzoli
Luiz Vitor Manzoli - 14 years ago
0:31 big wave!!! 60ft
xxximreallycoolxxx - 14 years ago
lol why are they so good
Charlie R
Charlie R - 14 years ago
ok, as cute as it is would anyone here want to be forced to surf against their will? of course not. you would all be suing for a million dollars and psychological abuse. but i guess since the mice can't speak it's fine, right? no, it's not.
ethan1el - 14 years ago
I think they just lost Harry on this vid.
Julien L
Julien L - 14 years ago
Those are rats, not mice. I've got mice at home and the biggest of my male mouse wasn't as big as those on this video.
Rafael Araújo
Rafael Araújo - 14 years ago
fodaaaa !!!!
sutadauu - 14 years ago
poor rat
The Cronicdr
The Cronicdr - 14 years ago
@journal What a life....................
Nemsson - 14 years ago
@MsChingola say what u want, but it seems to me that they are enjoying in this ^^
kit1544 - 14 years ago
No female mice surfing?
Duckie - 14 years ago
This is an EPIC video, and don't worry, the rats are fine, they're actually brilliant swimmers.
soulofshiver - 14 years ago
Why do some people insist on inflicting their idea of fun on creatures that can have no say in the matter. How could a mouse possibly feel safe/happy in such alien conditions as a surf board in water?
gronnelg - 14 years ago
3dAngelStudios - 14 years ago
Those look like rats to me... look at the tails. Rats are AMAZING swimmers.
Kathy Beagan
Kathy Beagan - 14 years ago
Lmao!That's so sick!:D I wanna meet them(:
Rhythmrancher1 - 14 years ago
hahahah.....too cool! hang ten! :-))
BigFishingShop - 14 years ago
I grew up surfing and I am here t o tell you, they really are surfung lol, we are all here to experience and enjoy the thrill of it all, ALL of us ; )
SuperAkebono - 14 years ago
Most rodents, terrified of drowning, would cling on for dear life to any floating object onto which they were placed. Take away the waves, the beach and the good time surf music and all you have is poor rats being stranded on planks. Notice how they literally jump off the planks and scramble for land as they get near the shore. I wonder how many times they went into the drink and got placed back on again (and again...and again) for the sake of this video. But hey, someone said rodents love water
Luringchannel - 14 years ago
Do you use XD smiles couse your chinese ?
Anh Vuong
Anh Vuong - 14 years ago
@Luringchannel You need to calm down. Apparently youtubing has done a number to your temper XD XD XD
Luringchannel - 14 years ago
@agentspotter fake ? Shut the fuck up i come with two chop chop sticks and shut up your aassssssssssss !!!!!!!!
Anh Vuong
Anh Vuong - 14 years ago
Fake and gay.
fiarydeath - 14 years ago
This was so cute and cool! That must of been hard trainning them
Regan Fairlie
Regan Fairlie - 14 years ago
Im sure humans do much worse things then this to the little rodents. The dismount at the end was legendary!
lewis curtis
lewis curtis - 14 years ago
Dont you just hate that feeling u get when you KNOW youre about to nose dive
aurorajubes - 14 years ago
0:31 Harry is tearing that wave up!!
Sporky - 14 years ago
Damn i bet them mice score all the babes!
deunidocristobendito - 14 years ago
pure rats, pure.....
Gloria G.
Gloria G. - 14 years ago
This is simply animal mistreatment... And these aren't rats! I got rats myself.
Borja BC
Borja BC - 14 years ago
Diarmuidp07 - 14 years ago
their rats not mice
kayleighraven - 14 years ago
It baffles me how people don't seem to know the difference between rats and mice.
MzM5e659 - 14 years ago
lol, this is adorable, I laughed through the entire vid!!
bossudude420 - 14 years ago
S - 14 years ago
They surf like that because mice don`t like water and if theres something above the water they will stay on it unless the fall off. I know this because i have mice and i have tryed it out I filled a container about half a centimetre put a boat in it then they just climed on to the boat and would not come of the boat. also one of my mice sniffles jumped out of the container when I put her in!!!
Heisenberg - 14 years ago
lol their better than me.
jajidejumbo - 14 years ago
that are rats. mice arent wise enough for that... and they cant swim but rats can. rats are sweet :P
racergsxr1 - 14 years ago
@JRBeaman i already know its not fake and gay. shut up please.
miclam - 14 years ago
uahahahahaaaa cant believe
racergsxr1 - 14 years ago
@JRBeaman i could say the same about you. you dont know what your talkin about dude
racergsxr1 - 14 years ago
@JOHNY19DIRTBOARDS im fucking kidding geez...
angel caravantes
angel caravantes - 14 years ago
This is Mavericks to these little guys!
Jack Polanowski
Jack Polanowski - 14 years ago
hazzy kicks arse
racergsxr1 - 14 years ago
@JRBeaman no one gives a shit about a surfing squirrel in the middle of a war.
SenutoUzomaki - 14 years ago
I´ve seen this Video on Rudetube! It´s so funny and if they´re enyoing it, why not?
Toby Manson
Toby Manson - 14 years ago
haha harry is like a mavericks surfer XD
Bruno Noz - Feraz
Bruno Noz - Feraz - 14 years ago
Vibrações Positivas ! watch?v=8SyfG0IOKNo
DM Fisher
DM Fisher - 14 years ago
i want one
racergsxr1 - 14 years ago
caradamata - 14 years ago
@Dedebynha2001 mas a água é morna, né?
scaramouchenebula7 - 14 years ago
That's so so awesome :D ..but they're rats not mice..
Brad Wolaver
Brad Wolaver - 14 years ago
Thomas Drysdale
Thomas Drysdale - 14 years ago
Rats can tread water for 2 days - true story!
ThaRatChick - 14 years ago
These are actually ratties :) I'm guessing they went through a rigorous training course lol
ThaRatChick - 14 years ago
Most rodents do. By the way, these are rats :)
ThaRatChick - 14 years ago
They're rats xD
ThaRatChick - 14 years ago
They are rats.

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