The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

This was my FAVORITE thing to do in CSGO! NOW ITS IN TF2 BABY Second Channel! Muselk Merch: - use code MUSELK My recording gear: Twitter (best place to message me): Twitch Stream:

The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1153

Surf 5 years ago 1,651,735 views

This was my FAVORITE thing to do in CSGO! NOW ITS IN TF2 BABY Second Channel! Muselk Merch: - use code MUSELK My recording gear: Twitter (best place to message me): Twitch Stream:

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Most popular comments
for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

Ryan Richards
Ryan Richards - 5 years ago
6:19 thats what she said
Isaiah Cabral
Isaiah Cabral - 5 years ago
nok off of the o.g. CS:GOO
Dixie Reckt
Dixie Reckt - 5 years ago
tries level once
Ethan Eggert
Ethan Eggert - 5 years ago
Muselk sucks
Let’s call him musucks
Fortnite Clips
Fortnite Clips - 5 years ago
6:20 that’s wat she said!

Edit: 6:55 too!
Unknown Destination07
Unknown Destination07 - 5 years ago
I’m going to take caryatid to the uptown road I’m gonna ride till I can’t no more.

Muselk: oh I though I can ride you
Ron Ron
Ron Ron - 5 years ago
It is nice to see you happy
Cooper Chungus
Cooper Chungus - 5 years ago
Muselk has PewDiePies camera
Clout Nabu
Clout Nabu - 5 years ago
Almost reminds me of 2f2 muselk

10. comment for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

Wyatt Roberts
Wyatt Roberts - 5 years ago
I played this and it was so hard for me but not for. You because your muselk also code muselk
Thomas Heider
Thomas Heider - 5 years ago
Muselk did u use to be Cosmic space dick
bennies fried chicken
bennies fried chicken - 5 years ago
"im not even getting mad its so much fun :D"

Chris Ouellette
Chris Ouellette - 5 years ago
We don’t need you to rage we have cra
Lakeside - 5 years ago
Ok guys its official surf is dead.
Sonny Walsh
Sonny Walsh - 5 years ago
That's what she said 6:19
Corrin Puno - Fortnite/Creative Destruction
Corrin Puno - Fortnite/Creative Destruction - 5 years ago
Sidmur - 5 years ago
why does it physically hurt me to see elliot do something wrong so many times and not realize it...
3 Bros 1 vlog
3 Bros 1 vlog - 5 years ago
Keep cray out of vids hes annoying
xon anf. longerpongddodjowhf whio
xon anf. longerpongddodjowhf whio - 5 years ago
Nostalgia is real

20. comment for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

Tim McDonald
Tim McDonald - 5 years ago
most dramatic person ive ever watched
Noobist361 - 5 years ago
I beat lvl 11 first try UwU
tu papi
tu papi - 5 years ago
for anyone wanting to play the map
and too lazy like muselk
J Cozi
J Cozi - 5 years ago
6:21 that what she said
Gonzalo Saenz Garza
Gonzalo Saenz Garza - 5 years ago
Well at list is no a door in the level 7 that you almost don’t like but at last you change of opinion and made it
VinnieTheLion1 - 5 years ago
Notice how in the end level when you see Muselks head go up in the quick montage it means he’s raging. Lul
Simon Hansson
Simon Hansson - 5 years ago
I gotta say, I rather see you play these with cray than with Fresh to be honest
THIS GUY HD - 5 years ago
What music is there at the start
? name ?
Austin Harrison
Austin Harrison - 5 years ago
6:19 cray's laugh seems a bit suspicious...
Baddeck stuff
Baddeck stuff - 5 years ago
Watch this 5:08 Then this 14:10

30. comment for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

Baddeck stuff
Baddeck stuff - 5 years ago
That's defiantly not what she said. LOL. 6:18
Fortnite Clips
Fortnite Clips - 5 years ago
Baddeck stuff and 6:55
Fortnite Clips
Fortnite Clips - 5 years ago
I saw that too!
OTF TRue Savag3
OTF TRue Savag3 - 5 years ago
When you ask why did she break up with you

Liam Cooper
Liam Cooper - 5 years ago
whats better
like: fortnite
reply: apex
PingvinEdvin - 5 years ago
6:18 :What she said.. .
Blue Jay1215
Blue Jay1215 - 5 years ago
It took me a hour to do this
Legendary Squad
Legendary Squad - 5 years ago
6:19 It's so small cray so small
Collector Dude
Collector Dude - 5 years ago
Muselk: Fortnite surf map!!
Counterstrike: Look how they massacred my boy
Airsoft Roller
Airsoft Roller - 5 years ago
6:23 that's what she said
Mr.Ghost - 5 years ago
You stopped cray dislike
_.Konstantinos _xydis_.
_.Konstantinos _xydis_. - 5 years ago
In the fuckin last lvl, why u didn’t use the fuckin ballons man.?
TaZeR_TeM - 5 years ago
Literally 90% of the comments: muselk y u no rage?!??

5% of the comments: (nostalgia intensifies)
Andrew Jagers
Andrew Jagers - 5 years ago
Remove doors from fortnite
Kats_YT - 5 years ago
Ailin Martinez
Ailin Martinez - 5 years ago
6:19 to 6:24 that's what she said
Gustavo Pizarro
Gustavo Pizarro - 5 years ago
Not death run, deathFUN
Mikkel Tharaldsen
Mikkel Tharaldsen - 5 years ago
6,19 that was she said
mrrocketleague 99
mrrocketleague 99 - 5 years ago
Whats the code
Toux Br
Toux Br - 5 years ago
I played this map with my brother...

I killed him
Twrgys Best_Friend
Twrgys Best_Friend - 5 years ago
Dude don’t bring surf to Fortnite that’s gonna ruin a lot of people’s day but csgo is way better than Fortnite in my opponion
Denomote - 5 years ago

50. comment for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

Jay 66n
Jay 66n - 5 years ago
Telltale games text prompt: "Cray will remember that that"
Bendik Evensen Bråtån
Bendik Evensen Bråtån - 5 years ago
I have made it
Connor Greenberg
Connor Greenberg - 5 years ago
Muselk: Through the hole cray through the hole. Me: I didn't know muselk was a girl and is in a relationship with cray
Connor Greenberg
Connor Greenberg - 5 years ago
Muselk: It's so small cray so small!!! Me: Thats what she said and yes I liked my own comment
varun kumaar
varun kumaar - 5 years ago
I missed crays optimism
Sammyjoy_ Playz
Sammyjoy_ Playz - 5 years ago
6:19 when your girl sees your pee pee
Pee Pee Island
Pee Pee Island - 5 years ago
ha penis deth run who agre'
Willg808rayson _
Willg808rayson _ - 5 years ago
ᑕOOᒪ ᐯIᗪEO
Max Van Den Berk
Max Van Den Berk - 5 years ago
You have 4 maps of hooshen played
Ray Fuck
Ray Fuck - 5 years ago
7:32 hit me with your best shot haha
MiniKnight Games
MiniKnight Games - 5 years ago
Cray: are you alright muselk
Muselk: "it's so small cray so small"
oB Toxik
oB Toxik - 5 years ago
6:20 When she asks you to pull down your pants and she sees your peen
Sharon G
Sharon G - 5 years ago
Hooshen please make more maps
Graffiti Shimada
Graffiti Shimada - 5 years ago
Who else did this before muselk?
Noah King
Noah King - 5 years ago
nothing like surfing in csgo
Massefect XY
Massefect XY - 5 years ago
I beat it before the vid lul
The Pixel Reaper
The Pixel Reaper - 5 years ago
at 8:08 Craysator's ice stays on the floor.
Alice Brent
Alice Brent - 5 years ago
I made a poll to see which Muselk channel everyone prefers, Muselk or MoreMuselk? You can vote here:
Slyy Remiix
Slyy Remiix - 5 years ago
I’ve completed this one
James 06
James 06 - 5 years ago
I still play sutf
intelligence - 5 years ago
I could not even beat the first level
Tommy Lingard
Tommy Lingard - 5 years ago
toxic-ghost864 Pro Ghost
toxic-ghost864 Pro Ghost - 5 years ago
Senor Brown
Senor Brown - 5 years ago
This whole map was just me loosing my virginity, “that felt so good” “through the hole” and so many “oh my gods” and many other enthusiastic comments
Ava Quintanilla
Ava Quintanilla - 5 years ago
Your the wierdest fucking kid in the world like are you ok your just fucking retarded and probobly socially akward and you lost your virginity to a toaster
Aaron Clarke
Aaron Clarke - 5 years ago
Fibre is now cheaper than ADSL
Senor Brown
Senor Brown - 5 years ago
Who else had flashbacks to loosing their virginity whenever muselk said “that felt so good”
Ava Quintanilla
Ava Quintanilla - 5 years ago
No one dude what the fuck is wrong with you your probobly a horny 12 year old
Swgdragg0n - 5 years ago
Can we have the link to the video in the beginning? I remember watching it awhile ago but I don't remember the name.
Anim4niac - 5 years ago
muselk and cray are such good friends
Mercury Colton
Mercury Colton - 5 years ago
14:18 someone call PETA
COLONY Olly - 5 years ago
10:11 Muselk smoking or sucking?
ryan himmin
ryan himmin - 5 years ago
6:18 that's what she said (;
Kian Whittaker
Kian Whittaker - 5 years ago
SG MiNi - 5 years ago
“It’s so small cray it’s so small”
I_fanet - 5 years ago
Shane is doing strange things to the cats and now you want to slap a cat ! Jk
Jun Keum
Jun Keum - 5 years ago
I still i'm in the first level....
erezSgmes - 5 years ago
Potato Kin
Potato Kin - 5 years ago
you look hella old
Cam D.
Cam D. - 5 years ago
I love how supportive Cray is
[lega] dofke
[lega] dofke - 5 years ago
Muselk did you ever play CS GO?
Yurtos Jr.
Yurtos Jr. - 5 years ago
That’s what she said
Nathyn Trimper
Nathyn Trimper - 5 years ago
6:44 Austin powers??
Phill Ranerii
Phill Ranerii - 5 years ago
I love how when muselk trolls someone on a level then on the all the other levels he cheers for the person to prevent from being trolled
One Piece Treasure Cruise
One Piece Treasure Cruise - 5 years ago
wauw getting flashback cs 1.5 1.6
GhostDaffy - 5 years ago
That’s what she said 6:20
Sir Leafs A lot
Sir Leafs A lot - 5 years ago
I was waiting for this since I found out you you could slide down mountains in season 1
My wait is over
AlexGalaxy Designer
AlexGalaxy Designer - 5 years ago
This is sliding not surf xD
Mark Taarning
Mark Taarning - 5 years ago
Its called a fun run
anas farah
anas farah - 5 years ago
I played that yesterday
Kanaklata Verma
Kanaklata Verma - 5 years ago
This should've been the cizzorz fun run
Space duck of dreams
Space duck of dreams - 5 years ago
6:19 that’s what she said

100. comment for The *FIRST* SURF MAP In Fortnite!

FaZe Therapy
FaZe Therapy - 5 years ago
Ur voices are shit
Theo Gammelsrød
Theo Gammelsrød - 5 years ago
Any one else than me that prefers the happy Muselk?
Mystic_Carsyn Yt
Mystic_Carsyn Yt - 5 years ago
6:20 that’s what she said
Malachi T
Malachi T - 5 years ago
fresh bullies muselk muselk bullies cray
Malachi T
Malachi T - 5 years ago
when mussels said he would not play with fresh he ment it
Demon Blast
Demon Blast - 5 years ago
Elliot when talking about his penis 6:18
ThinkingOfAGoodName - 5 years ago
Go Longhorns
Go Longhorns - 5 years ago
Muselk is so toxic
Jeremy Epner
Jeremy Epner - 5 years ago
Literall: Cray clapping his hands saying “nice”. In His Head: You stupid fucking ghost looking person, u actually suck and I’m the best because I have the worlds most perfect mustache
Yt RDS - 5 years ago
Like 6 ads chill
Kevintendo23 - 5 years ago
cant cray just give muselk the jetpack
Maxinaitor - 5 years ago
Lol it wasn’t that hard I completed it in like half an hour or less (not trying to flex)
JD H - 5 years ago
I got a five kill solo dub and then I did this course and beat it and I was so happy
Jackson Chang
Jackson Chang - 5 years ago
MY d is 6:22
Rawr_Gordo - 5 years ago
Me unzips pants, her 6:20
UpsetPizza - 5 years ago
The number of likes on the video is how many times Muselk said this is the one
TheDefaultHunter - 5 years ago
only those who remember when salty springs did not have a name can like this.
btw if you get time, checkout my newest video. I make a URGENT Plea To Fortnite.
TheDefaultHunter - 5 years ago
only those who remember when salty springs did not have a name can like this.
btw if you get time, checkout my newest video. I make a URGENT Plea To Fortnite.
Starboss05 - 5 years ago
DAMM, good shit
Cj Da goat
Cj Da goat - 5 years ago
Yohan Song
Yohan Song - 5 years ago
6:18 they were talking about my dick
Dominic NIOH
Dominic NIOH - 5 years ago
What is the code for the map?
formoop - 5 years ago
TheAlmightyOne - 5 years ago
The first sentence in the description
SlaughterMilli - 5 years ago
6:20 muselks gf
5000 subs with no vid Challenge
5000 subs with no vid Challenge - 5 years ago
10:12 tf he doing XD
Ashton Doherty
Ashton Doherty - 5 years ago
6:18 that’s what she said
Thekingofawesome - 5 years ago
6:35 "ha-penis death run"
Jorge Skate
Jorge Skate - 5 years ago
This guy is funny af
occido UL
occido UL - 5 years ago
Showing some of my amazing cs:go memories! Instant upvote.
The Remedy Gaming
The Remedy Gaming - 5 years ago
6:24 that's what she said
Rozz Tilley
Rozz Tilley - 5 years ago
Your garbage cray
ZzshrubzZ Fan
ZzshrubzZ Fan - 5 years ago
U need to put codes muesulk
JammyDodgerXD - 5 years ago
6:15 that’s what she said
6:19 that’s also what she said
Anthony Haggin
Anthony Haggin - 5 years ago
Dude stop playing with fresh and play with Cray because fresh is a cheater and he's a streamer and Cray is super supportive and cool
Jeffbot Classics
Jeffbot Classics - 5 years ago
When Muselk teases the description

(Read the first sentence in the description)
Phoebe sta123
Phoebe sta123 - 5 years ago
that’s what she said..
UnnamedBro - 5 years ago
When Elliot finishes first:

Cray:well done

Elliot:suck it cray
Kappa Chedder
Kappa Chedder - 5 years ago
6:16 that's what she said
Iwan Spilker
Iwan Spilker - 5 years ago
i like how cray is first on more levels and when cray gets the last level Muselk: i smoke him at every level and he gets lucky one time
danny9940 - 5 years ago
This isnt a surf map
Youtube Pxrry
Youtube Pxrry - 5 years ago
Level 5 4:23
poods - 5 years ago
6:20 that's what she said
Unknown_Jay - 5 years ago
Nice vid like the map
Neil Hsia
Neil Hsia - 5 years ago
Fun run
La Levesque
La Levesque - 5 years ago
This is hardly even surfing
Amogh Upadhyaya
Amogh Upadhyaya - 5 years ago
Cray is such a positive guy. Muselk on the other hand...
Eddy Boekdrukker
Eddy Boekdrukker - 5 years ago
6:18 TWSS
Jonathan Ammary
Jonathan Ammary - 5 years ago
6:21 That's what she said ;)
john ehsman
john ehsman - 5 years ago
9:00 rage starts . Quite fun
Ville Appelkvist
Ville Appelkvist - 5 years ago
How can satans son be holy?
atif ahmad
atif ahmad - 5 years ago
Hooshen made the storm attack deathrun
MOAB Soaron
MOAB Soaron - 5 years ago
HOLY SON OF A SATIN - Muselk 2019
Meena Vaidy
Meena Vaidy - 5 years ago
Do deathrun with fresh
Ansley Ig
Ansley Ig - 5 years ago
This has leafyishere all over it
Guacumole Boi
Guacumole Boi - 5 years ago
Is it true that Larry is your editor, on Larry’s newest video, he said he was like a co-editor or something like that
Posta - 5 years ago
is there one thing this game doesn't rip off
King_Taj - 5 years ago
“Holy son of a Satan...”
hoggy mac
hoggy mac - 5 years ago
“Through the hole cray”
C0mpl3t3 NEMO
C0mpl3t3 NEMO - 5 years ago
6:18 that’s what she said to muselk
Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer - 5 years ago
mussels is the worst friend in the entire world for level 10
Luis Nino
Luis Nino - 5 years ago
Through the hole cray-Muselk 2019
Robert Lorenz
Robert Lorenz - 5 years ago
Omg crainer has a ego you have an ego every death run vido
Smuby - 5 years ago
Its so lazy, muselk says the same stuff in craytors video. Cray for life
Meg Patel
Meg Patel - 5 years ago
You and cray are so funny
jack_smith50 3
jack_smith50 3 - 5 years ago
There are so many that’s what she said In the vid
Henry Langford
Henry Langford - 5 years ago
ur girl 6:22
Very Nice
Very Nice - 5 years ago
6:20 that’s what she said
Prime - 5 years ago
This is a fun run
Addisyn Adkins
Addisyn Adkins - 5 years ago
You’ve been hanging out with fresh too much, blocking door ways and stuff
Callofdutygames COD
Callofdutygames COD - 5 years ago
6:17 that what she said
Addisyn Adkins
Addisyn Adkins - 5 years ago
“Holy son of a Satan”
Courtney G
Courtney G - 5 years ago
This is the first death run hes ever actually had FUN at
Animation squad i guess Lit
Animation squad i guess Lit - 5 years ago
Cool cool
JambobPlays YT
JambobPlays YT - 5 years ago
What is that game at the beginning
Monica Carrera
Monica Carrera - 5 years ago
I dont think muselk was properly thinking when he said " i thought i could ride you"
Taj Cauvin
Taj Cauvin - 5 years ago
I love your vids
Taj Cauvin
Taj Cauvin - 5 years ago
U,mm hiiiiii
O. Officially Steven
O. Officially Steven - 5 years ago
11:42 the phone emot was sidways
ELI Winter
ELI Winter - 5 years ago
I completed this on 150 ping in 40 mins (flook)
Elijah Caraballo
Elijah Caraballo - 5 years ago
I just finished that death run, with some help from this awesome video that you made. So thank you, I love your video's and I use your code. #use code Muselk in the shop
J Dog
J Dog - 5 years ago
deathrun more like funrun

Edit ) i changed my mind
MORRIS 123 - 5 years ago
6:19 When Muselk sees his dick
Bradley fowler
Bradley fowler - 5 years ago
I like how when Elliot is playing with fresh.Fresh gets mad when Muselk beats a level,but with Cray he’s actually nice about it.
Anastazja Machon
Anastazja Machon - 5 years ago
Damn boys got a very good trick on how to get vB ucks, it's new and private one so better hurry up before it's patched
Thumbs up if it works
Nathan Mooney
Nathan Mooney - 5 years ago
I'm gOnNa SlAp A cAt - elliot 2019
Morning Nigth
Morning Nigth - 5 years ago
Hylas Blooding
Hylas Blooding - 5 years ago
6:20 thats what she said
Fear Gaming
Fear Gaming - 5 years ago
It's fun until scizors makes his own surf map.
Clinton Destiny
Clinton Destiny - 5 years ago
For more views he should do more Fortnite creative
Clifford Irving
Clifford Irving - 5 years ago
Girl after hanging out with a dude 9:53
mr clapzasians
mr clapzasians - 5 years ago
Muselk :im not going to rage
Also muselk:rages after cray beats him
Ivan Cerpa
Ivan Cerpa - 5 years ago
6:20 that's what sh said
ADCM REX - 5 years ago
6:20 after walking outside in the winter
ADCM REX - 5 years ago
6:16 what they tell each other after recording videos
Ridzzy Mo
Ridzzy Mo - 5 years ago
Where’s the rage at boiii
Chipperbubble - 5 years ago
6:16 - 6:23 thas wha she said ;)

btw i spelt it like that on purpose
lil Jimmy
lil Jimmy - 5 years ago
“It’s so small”
E O E - 5 years ago
Love you and cray

Yes I liked my own comment
Big Bris 60
Big Bris 60 - 5 years ago
You gay af for 14:59
Straight Into Awesomeness
Straight Into Awesomeness - 5 years ago
Mr mc chicken
Mr mc chicken - 5 years ago
What’s the code where’s the code?
Dina Craner
Dina Craner - 5 years ago
I died on this map over 9999999999900000000 times
Ashton Wood
Ashton Wood - 5 years ago
More cray videos please
Isaiah Thomas
Isaiah Thomas - 5 years ago
6:20 When my girlfriend looks at my dick
Tomy Andreetta
Tomy Andreetta - 5 years ago
Elliot every single death run video:
“I love this map”
Nek minut
“I hate this map”
striker gg
striker gg - 5 years ago
Damn it, I wanted loud noises and an instgram story from LoserFruit showing what it's like in the rest of the house when you rage!

JK, love your videos [yee] [yee] - 5 years ago
What block is that thing you surf on
Ernie Brown
Ernie Brown - 5 years ago
No rage???
Yikes! With the OOF Queen
Yikes! With the OOF Queen - 5 years ago
12:46 Muselk apologizes for the first time.

Nate Wilsey
Nate Wilsey - 5 years ago
This is a disgrace to cs surf it’s nothing like cs surf
TheYoungWolf219 - 5 years ago
That's what she said
Christian Freitus
Christian Freitus - 5 years ago
elliot: I am not going to rage. last level : I had to make you rage.
Spaget XD
Spaget XD - 5 years ago
Muselk can’t penetrate
Yacine Bek
Yacine Bek - 5 years ago
Cray is sooooo positive he gets happy when you finish a level
Silverinfernoblaster - 5 years ago
“You have to fit through this tiny hole”
Silverinfernoblaster - 5 years ago
These Australians be surfing
Fortnite Plays
Fortnite Plays - 5 years ago
you r best bet for having them is pretty cool
G Mirv
G Mirv - 5 years ago
this is da real fun run
Try Xmas
Try Xmas - 5 years ago
That was she said
Erik Fagher
Erik Fagher - 5 years ago
Go to 14:50
Jc_Striker - 5 years ago
why does cray scream when Eliot failed?
Erik Fagher
Erik Fagher - 5 years ago
Go to 6:20 that what she Said
Izi360 Gaming
Izi360 Gaming - 5 years ago
This is one of the best videos from muselk because he doesnt rage
stryker pin0105
stryker pin0105 - 5 years ago
Very wholesome duo
I wish they cough play more togethrre
woodfull99 - 5 years ago
You live with a Kat, Just film Marcus reaction..I'd double click that!
ttv clapzy
ttv clapzy - 5 years ago
Through the hole. that's what she said lol
Sir Slushi
Sir Slushi - 5 years ago
Now you have to prove your good at CS surfing my making a video!!!
Gizze_Misse - 5 years ago
It’s a fun run
dat vo
dat vo - 5 years ago
When there’s too much tryhards in fortnite and the only content u can make is on custom map. That’s sad
Hippety - 5 years ago
Play Csgo Or i will eat water
Anthony Sce
Anthony Sce - 5 years ago
Who agrees that museum should go back to over watch
Helen Marsden
Helen Marsden - 5 years ago
Sorry to say but you are bad
Helen Marsden
Helen Marsden - 5 years ago
Holy shit. That is sick
Amy Isabella
Amy Isabella - 5 years ago
Me and my friend actually played it, I got to lvl 7 and she got to lvl 6. But the server restarted so we gave up
Emilio Gamboa
Emilio Gamboa - 5 years ago
11:56 cray remembers
Total Numbness
Total Numbness - 5 years ago
6:21 that's what she said
Hero George
Hero George - 5 years ago
6:25 that noise is SUS
Bustr Bustr
Bustr Bustr - 5 years ago
6:16 that's what she said
Eww - 5 years ago
this is the real fun run
Kryptic Toxicc
Kryptic Toxicc - 5 years ago
Sayz I thought it was the last level after looking at the next level wtf elliet
Zombe killer
Zombe killer - 5 years ago
Alexthaboss13 - 5 years ago
The RSPCA is coming for you
SmartAce Cookie
SmartAce Cookie - 5 years ago
Ironically enough my friends and I just did this map before I watched the video...
Arash Samiei
Arash Samiei - 5 years ago
Feels good not to play with fresh
lime ish
lime ish - 5 years ago
Cath Jules
Cath Jules - 5 years ago
Cray the new fresh?!
Jjacobo - 5 years ago
Muselk: I’m going to slap a cat

Me: is he secretly Shane Dawson
chevi minas
chevi minas - 5 years ago
im not a lady im not a gentelmen im a BOY say boys and girls
Parcival 4321
Parcival 4321 - 5 years ago
Don’t slap cats
Gareth Reilly
Gareth Reilly - 5 years ago
6:21 Thats what she said...
itw - 5 years ago
Was it just me or were you just staring at the hair springing around
FierceFX - 5 years ago
Played the map before he uploaded this video.
Flarpy_Marty - 5 years ago
No. You don’t know what real fun is... until you’ve played the enrichment center. It’s the funnest map ever
Anjana Dogra
Anjana Dogra - 5 years ago
6.23 that's what she said
Bob the builder
Bob the builder - 5 years ago
6:19 that's what she said

To whoever's doesn't like this
Eshu Agni
Eshu Agni - 5 years ago
Try the king of the tower game
Pearl Franz
Pearl Franz - 5 years ago
I wonder what the rest of the Click house thinks when they hear Elliot yelling 

"Oh! Oh-Come on! Through the hole! Through the hole Cray! OHHHHOHOHOHO!"
Dinkle Whisper
Dinkle Whisper - 5 years ago
Your clearly a hacker I can’t beat the first level on any death run your hacking if you make death runs your stupid
sky bash
sky bash - 5 years ago
Whats the code for this?
Zenon Frangoulis
Zenon Frangoulis - 5 years ago
Thats what she sai- WAIT A MINUTE
ntc9600 - 5 years ago
11:14 omg laughing for hours at that GG
Davis Crook
Davis Crook - 5 years ago
such a different dynamic with you playing a deathrun with cray than fresh lol
Viudios - 5 years ago
muselk got fat
Liz Deppner
Liz Deppner - 5 years ago
6:18 I really thought Cray was going to do a 'thats what she said' joke
TheFireMonkey9 - 5 years ago
I am the one sub who hates to see Elliot rage. Sorry if I spelled ur name wrong.
Landon Dunn
Landon Dunn - 5 years ago
Is it just me or do they sound really stoned
Add Server
Add Server - 5 years ago
Number 4 trending for gaming
Undeadcheese - 5 years ago
Muselk I’m a professional

Everyone else shut up
Someone got to do it
"It's so small" 6:19

Coconelephant Epic
Coconelephant Epic - 5 years ago
Pubg better
Derek desouza123
Derek desouza123 - 5 years ago
The Braidenator
The Braidenator - 5 years ago
Powerforceoriginal - 5 years ago
6:18 thats what she said
JJ Moreno
JJ Moreno - 5 years ago
you got mad
hunter T
hunter T - 5 years ago
This isn’t surfing whatsoever
JJ Moreno
JJ Moreno - 5 years ago
this is how many people like muselk
Stealth Daddy
Stealth Daddy - 5 years ago
Is it me our did anyone else think this was boring ( Just a Little bit)btw sorry muselk
mireille leblanc
mireille leblanc - 5 years ago
Haha if ya know wet i mean
Juariah Mansor
Juariah Mansor - 5 years ago
No toksic anytime
Alex - 5 years ago
6:19 when they talk about my peepee
Cassandra Gidney
Cassandra Gidney - 5 years ago
Muselk slaps cats when he's angry. Unsubscribe. ;D
Faulisy - 5 years ago
Cray is such a nice guy
Jhon c100
Jhon c100 - 5 years ago
K Staehlin
K Staehlin - 5 years ago
If I hade a nickel for everyone I would crack a that’s what she said joke I’d be rich
Rosetail The Furrry
Rosetail The Furrry - 5 years ago
i thought this would be hover boards
OstinGaming - 5 years ago
# neonfunrun
SuPrXme KidD
SuPrXme KidD - 5 years ago
How many times did Muselk rage in his whole youtube career???
ChristianLingers - 5 years ago
That’s what she said 6:19
Jaclyn Barreiro
Jaclyn Barreiro - 5 years ago
THEY WERE GETTING ALONG SO WELL!! Until Muselk stood at the doorway -.-
Lolo - 5 years ago
You are a master I can't even get past the first level
Amanda LaFollette
Amanda LaFollette - 5 years ago
Anime squad bros -ASB
Anime squad bros -ASB - 5 years ago
dont you guys love how he spelt fortnite in the descripition
Jan Yang Khor
Jan Yang Khor - 5 years ago
U evil Son of a gun lmao. U literally put an ad just b4 u entered the hole of lvl 10
CarlServi - 5 years ago
I like the haircut Elliot!
Emerson Golladay
Emerson Golladay - 5 years ago
6:22 that's what she said
DeadMazx - 5 years ago
I love when you play with cray his just so happy all the time and sends a good vibe every time you play with him. I love him in your videos. ❤❤❤
Some Goose
Some Goose - 5 years ago
now wheres bhop maps
DeadMazx - 5 years ago
Arama Family
Arama Family - 5 years ago
Muselk: I don’t even know if you can call it a deathrun it’s so easy!
Me: rage quits on level 1
Matt Marr
Matt Marr - 5 years ago
Skip to 13 minutes to c the rage
ItzPeanut 123
ItzPeanut 123 - 5 years ago
Muselk you should play 100 level deafult deathrun itz fun
Eddy - 5 years ago
Not to be an ass just saying something
Eddy - 5 years ago
Your boast mobile ad was so bad how did you even get it
TTV .OPplanexx
TTV .OPplanexx - 5 years ago
Muselk try’s the level once,dies and says the levels hard
Xd Beastz Boi
Xd Beastz Boi - 5 years ago
The true fun run
Xeno Hunter
Xeno Hunter - 5 years ago
Muselk: He gets lucky on one level and he gets an ego
Muselk whenever he beats anyone in a single level: OH IT'S SO EASY
Alpha Bros
Alpha Bros - 5 years ago
11:12 an ad came on..
lifhaksdontwrk - 5 years ago
I dont think epic games realises they cant keep taking stuff from other games
Dylan Zhang
Dylan Zhang - 5 years ago
Held W?
Ta'Jon Anthony
Ta'Jon Anthony - 5 years ago
I support your creator code on fortnight.
wildinbesson - 5 years ago
Who thought it would be about the hover board
CometZ - 5 years ago
jamoms101 - 5 years ago
Not only did Cray post this before you, but he didn't have the decency to leave a chest unopened for you
Bernabe Fernandez
Bernabe Fernandez - 5 years ago
What gallery is the slide thing in?
TSM JAY - 5 years ago
At 5:07 Elliot sounds like that meme when the boy gets hit in his head with the basketball and say yay
L a u g h L a u g h
L a u g h L a u g h - 5 years ago
Cray were you at?
L a u g h L a u g h
L a u g h L a u g h - 5 years ago
Muselk were you at?
Diva Dolphin
Diva Dolphin - 5 years ago
Idek why but I feel like you uploaded this twice...
Drewburz - 5 years ago
lmaooo you have to fit through that tiny hole
SpectorEntity - 5 years ago
14:59 Just, picture it "I thought I could ride you! aw...."
TylerHooo - 5 years ago
CSGO is better
Krista Smith
Krista Smith - 5 years ago
Krista Smith
Krista Smith - 5 years ago
My picture looks like a monster right
PiperPie - 5 years ago
i actually watch because you get excited in a fun way
RILEY1243 KENYON - 5 years ago
I hope u die
leonhard thomasius
leonhard thomasius - 5 years ago
Plz take fresh on this map for toxic comedy
Svecenader - 5 years ago
Try the Troll Run.

Island Code is 0565-4202-7306.

Looks epic. Watching another live streamer playing it right now. Think it would be entertaining/cissorz like and generate some good views for you too.
Soyer Dake
Soyer Dake - 5 years ago
Where are swagersouls gay babies at???
Jake Shoup
Jake Shoup - 5 years ago
Pls play overwatch again
Cinnamonkey 8648
Cinnamonkey 8648 - 5 years ago
Muselk 2019

Grant Frye
Grant Frye - 5 years ago
come and look at my Chanel
Oscar Cranshaw
Oscar Cranshaw - 5 years ago
To many ads
TTV Lucas btw
TTV Lucas btw - 5 years ago
ChessLlama - 5 years ago
6:18 That's what she said
Elnaco 08
Elnaco 08 - 5 years ago
Muselk I need your help for death run my name is nicolico09
Kidgamer Tango
Kidgamer Tango - 5 years ago
So like i think he so salty because lazer bean is daiting his sister
Kayla Krawczyk
Kayla Krawczyk - 5 years ago
Taiwo EGBEYEMI - 5 years ago
MY CoCoNut guN Fires inSPuRts
k h
k h - 5 years ago
Yo me and my friend nick took so long to finish it it took us like an 1:30
Tony Texaco
Tony Texaco - 5 years ago
subscribe to my channel to win free xbox 1 or ps4
Bias: RM
Bias: RM - 5 years ago
This is a set up for thats what she said jokes
Ethan Graham
Ethan Graham - 5 years ago
The code is 0983-2790-7319
Claudia Consiglio
Claudia Consiglio - 5 years ago
I was literally playing with my cat when you said that you were going to slap a cat. Then he ran into the other room
Bert - TF2
Bert - TF2 - 5 years ago
Come on muselk, that video description is just mean lol
Marc Cantos
Marc Cantos - 5 years ago
Do the troll deathrun with Fresh pleasee
Herc breadboy
Herc breadboy - 5 years ago
6:22 that's what she said to muselk
General Jew
General Jew - 5 years ago
I drank a 44 year old coke
-E_C_L_I_P_S_E- - 5 years ago
RAGE plz :)
L S G - 5 years ago
6:19 that’s what she said
ZerMJ09 _
ZerMJ09 _ - 5 years ago
Who else missed him saying far out
Kevin Davenport
Kevin Davenport - 5 years ago
I MISS WHEN MUSELK AND CRAY USED TO PLAY FORTNITE ALL THE TIME. throwback to season 4! Their chemistry is so positive
Kevin Davenport
Kevin Davenport - 5 years ago
6:20 that’s what she said
Outlet .
Outlet . - 5 years ago
I saw this on crayators channel first
Andres Vizcarra
Andres Vizcarra - 5 years ago
You talk way to much in your intros
alaa nighty
alaa nighty - 5 years ago
I love when you and cray play !!!
OTB NoK1N9 - 5 years ago
hes playin deathfun
ShocKollar - 5 years ago
Hey I qualified for the Fortnite World Cup online semi finals if you know anyone who needs a partner I can be there partner my PlayStation and epic name is BagBoy316 really could use a hand finding a partner lol. Reply if you or someone you know needs a duo Cup partner tomorrow like to help people see my comment it will be appreciated
Ahmed Zahar
Ahmed Zahar - 5 years ago
is anyone else waiting for cray's revenge on elliot blocking the door?
Enraged Human
Enraged Human - 5 years ago
6:19 that's what she said.
Micheal Kneebone
Micheal Kneebone - 5 years ago
cray with those positive vibes, his encouragement. Thats the content craytor I subscribed to <3 <3 u cray
Michael Perrault
Michael Perrault - 5 years ago
Why does Cray sound like Ebony Maw?
Saeed Killion
Saeed Killion - 5 years ago
Hey @Muselk you should the the locked load-out challenge. What happens is that the first 5 items that you see, you have to pick up, and that is your load-out for the whole game . The only way you can pick something new is if you run out of something like balloons or shields. You can still pick up meds if you use them right away, but you must take your previous item back after you use the meds.
AnimaydenYT - 5 years ago
loke arias
loke arias - 5 years ago
hey wait why did he make it surf_kitsune?
TC Skillz
TC Skillz - 5 years ago
6:17 sexxxxx lifeeeee
Aaron Bell
Aaron Bell - 5 years ago
Makes me sad, your the best YouTuber
Aaron Bell
Aaron Bell - 5 years ago
I hate watching you rage
Vedant Deokar
Vedant Deokar - 5 years ago
Saddest moment of Elliot’s life when he can’t ride Cray
Gray Wolf Gamer
Gray Wolf Gamer - 5 years ago
6:19 that's what she said
BlueJGaming - 5 years ago
For real tho when was the last time we saw Elliot and Lachy play together???
Nug NATION - 5 years ago
klick bate hedass
Sebastian Board
Sebastian Board - 5 years ago
That’s what she siad
Lunas Cleaning Inc
Lunas Cleaning Inc - 5 years ago
I would slap all the cats in the world
Cella Taki
Cella Taki - 5 years ago
PETA: I’ve heard enough, cuff him!
Jack’s Music Stuff
Jack’s Music Stuff - 5 years ago
What’s the code for the deathrun
MUFC_News_Edits Centre
MUFC_News_Edits Centre - 5 years ago
Play w Cray not fresh
Diamond Eyes Mc
Diamond Eyes Mc - 5 years ago
Level was easy
Diamond Eyes Mc
Diamond Eyes Mc - 5 years ago
Kareena Almanza
Kareena Almanza - 5 years ago
"I will have my revenge...EVERY TIME."
Fergus Warnock
Fergus Warnock - 5 years ago
Oh yeah yeah
Fergus Warnock
Fergus Warnock - 5 years ago
We love cray
john mark
john mark - 5 years ago
close your eyes and listen to 6:20
Big Ligma
Big Ligma - 5 years ago
Press f for leafy
subscribetoQJB - 5 years ago
its so small (like his d**k) JK I LOVE YOU MUSELK
ii conquistor
ii conquistor - 5 years ago
I THOUGHT i could RIDE you
Thats what a female said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ii conquistor
ii conquistor - 5 years ago
+ChEt! You know that im trying to be origibal here xd
ChEt! - 5 years ago
ii conquistor omg you are literally making me cringe so much what a female said? It’s that’s what she said get it right god!
Kane Lee
Kane Lee - 5 years ago
Myself being disappointed he couldn’t ride cray is every female to have ever lived
Brainy Pear91
Brainy Pear91 - 5 years ago
You shude do crouchde only chalenge
Dingelnator - 5 years ago
6:18 that's what she said
D Hollywood
D Hollywood - 5 years ago
6:16 that’s what she said
Maena Hernandez
Maena Hernandez - 5 years ago
More Rage plz
Suraj Dhariwal
Suraj Dhariwal - 5 years ago
You’re shit but quite smart
Kaly Newsome
Kaly Newsome - 5 years ago
Thats what she said !!

She also said that
Michel Brouwer
Michel Brouwer - 5 years ago
Muselk, you where mad, you shouldn’t be mad...
The Gamertron
The Gamertron - 5 years ago
CS:GO : * Has surf maps*

Fortnite : Ayy fam can I copy your homework
Chad L
Chad L - 5 years ago
6:54 that's what she said
T3 VIDEOS - 5 years ago
OffWorld - 5 years ago
Read the description and then press f for respecc
Zadex - 5 years ago
Maybe you should play "subway surfers" on the other channel
Anonymous Viewer
Anonymous Viewer - 5 years ago
My GF when we’re in bed.
MLG _Gamer07207
MLG _Gamer07207 - 5 years ago

Nils Askelund
Nils Askelund - 5 years ago
I like that Cray gets happy when Muselk succses
Fresh clan For life
Fresh clan For life - 5 years ago
Guys I’m live if u wanna check me out
PALdingo II
PALdingo II - 5 years ago
Muselk: I’m not gonna rage
Hey Yo You People
Hey Yo You People - 5 years ago
I absolutely love how Muselk says stuff like Oh my GOD! And Noooo! But then he says stuff like let’s go and I’m a god like nothing happened
Wasbeer 3000
Wasbeer 3000 - 5 years ago
6:16 when you're wife her p#ssy is to smal
Martin Ledezma
Martin Ledezma - 5 years ago
I have a Meme strat the new bunker under dog house when yu are in there yu cant get out the only way out is where you came through maybe yu should try to trap some bots down there like the og turret trap like this so muselk can see it
Cipher - 5 years ago
Anyone ever wonder why Elliot never has his ping or fps counter on. It really pisses me off
gaming_reapers 216
gaming_reapers 216 - 5 years ago
U used to have more than lannan but he just beat you so hard
Jake - 5 years ago
(ALL OF LEVEL SEVEN) - That's what he said
Fernando Vargas
Fernando Vargas - 5 years ago
Fortnite just copies everything ping from cod
Respawn from apex
Now surf from CS:GO?
THE Mompool
THE Mompool - 5 years ago
15:08 every muselk video ever
sufyaan amod
sufyaan amod - 5 years ago
Goku 1101876
Goku 1101876 - 5 years ago
6:18 Thats what she said
mohammed fahad
mohammed fahad - 5 years ago
I have a vid idea
You are not allowed to touch the floor the whole game and if you touch the floor you will have to leave the game
You can build ,stand on things and anything that you can fly with.
And if you rage or have a mental breakdown you must leave the game ok just kidding
b boy
b boy - 5 years ago
Cray is the best death run partner because of his never ending moral support. It’s really wholesome well done Cray
Thomas Lacy
Thomas Lacy - 5 years ago
Th fourth level at the end that means pole is probably a stripper pole
Vinnie Zoots
Vinnie Zoots - 5 years ago
Love your channel and content. It be great if you could share the creative code for these maps so others can play them in case they miss it when they are featured.
Swagger Dagger
Swagger Dagger - 5 years ago
6:19 Thats what she said
James Morgan
James Morgan - 5 years ago
I mean ruin skin
Kelan Hickman
Kelan Hickman - 5 years ago
This game mode sucks.
Tiffany Banks
Tiffany Banks - 5 years ago
Music get as many people as you can stream if you have to get all string stoppers everyone you know come to shifty shaft there’s an alien species you half to destroy it I hope you come join the battle
Mffkfkkffkkf - 5 years ago
6:20 that’s what she said and yes I know this is a bad joke
Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 5 years ago
ADZ _ - 5 years ago
When crays gf first sees his penis 6:19

DIKNA Q - 5 years ago
it is made by hooshen the same storm map guy
CreeperFace752 - 5 years ago
You should do the the random skin random rarity but with a twist you also have.To have your backbling and pickaxe as the same to use heals and your backbling has to be a animal/plant to use vechials. Also if you do dicide to use my idea could you credit me for the idea
Luke Srubar
Luke Srubar - 5 years ago
6:19 that’s what she said
Aakash’s Vids
Aakash’s Vids - 5 years ago
Cray: You can do it
Fresh: Blocks Muselk
Zachary Uniza
Zachary Uniza - 5 years ago
I haven't turned on my PS4 or played fortunate in 2 months. I'm turning it on and updating it just so I can play this map. throwback to CSS obstacle courses and death run!
Sad Cardinals fan
Sad Cardinals fan - 5 years ago
6:19 insert penis joke
Zer0_ Kills
Zer0_ Kills - 5 years ago
I just watch to be entertained
The Dude
The Dude - 5 years ago
Crayator: uhhh uhhhh -2019
Ttv daddybaum
Ttv daddybaum - 5 years ago
i’m sorry but he’s just very un entertaining
muriofin - 5 years ago
I want overwatch back fortnite is shit
Shaplin - 5 years ago
Finaly facecam
Just game 4 life
Just game 4 life - 5 years ago
The real fun run is here
CrunchyFrog - 5 years ago
@Muselk: Hooshen made the awesome baller pinball machine.
Youtube Silkyy
Youtube Silkyy - 5 years ago
Starts at 1:15 sub to me for helping you lmao
STOP - 5 years ago
I remember compilations of parents destroying kids consoles with some teenager playing counterstrike in intervals
CrunchyFrog - 5 years ago
Fortnite: adds Surf mechanisms to the engine (How? I always thought surfing in Valve's HL2/Source engine was a side effect of oddities of their physics engine, picking up speed when strafe-sliding over surfaces at certain angles, same with TF2's blastjumping?)
Muselk: mentions "nostalgia", then talks about ancient Counterstrike surf maps instead of Team Fortress 2 surf maps (which still have an active community).
Connor Crowe
Connor Crowe - 5 years ago
6:21 that’s what liv said
Zone Duckey
Zone Duckey - 5 years ago
Only OGs will remember when Muselk got his first Fortnite win.

P.S. I don't even remember LOL!
Lousada SCP
Lousada SCP - 5 years ago
please stop talking like that, i like your videos but i can't stand the way you talk, it is so forced c'mon you're not a kid anymore
Rpm1097 - 5 years ago
I’m just watching this so I can take your advice and do it by my self
Razzar - 5 years ago
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
XxJazminenightcoreXx - 5 years ago
Ima girl
XxJazminenightcoreXx - 5 years ago
im By the way, lots of people ask that. :(
XxJazminenightcoreXx - 5 years ago
Was there a Sware in that? Idk but that was a good vid.
Jacobi is Sad
Jacobi is Sad - 5 years ago
Please play the entertainment center death run
The RavenGamer
The RavenGamer - 5 years ago
Jesus Padilla
Jesus Padilla - 5 years ago
His Videos are better when he plays with Cray
Julius Hihnala
Julius Hihnala - 5 years ago
More Cray, less Fresh
Marvel Rhy
Marvel Rhy - 5 years ago
Wtf muselk wheres the mental breakdown and rage
_wafflz _
_wafflz _ - 5 years ago
There’s another one
Georgio Akiki
Georgio Akiki - 5 years ago
When cray plays with muselk always expect an ELLIOTTTTTT
Milos Van Der Horst
Milos Van Der Horst - 5 years ago
I prefer the real fun run
I said the REAL fun run

Satania - 5 years ago
still playing Surf on Zombie Escape on Cs:Go
Minato Namikaze
Minato Namikaze - 5 years ago
U shouldn't say God's name in vain it's a sin

If u believe in God which u should
Lucid 2xy
Lucid 2xy - 5 years ago
bro - 5 years ago
elliot: YOU SON OF A- not mad not mad i said i wasn't getting mad this is gonna be a no mad deathrun happiness happiness deathrun *next attemp* HOLY SON OF A SATAN
Lozer Moose
Lozer Moose - 5 years ago
6:16 and 6:20 that’s what she said
Max Babenko
Max Babenko - 5 years ago
Muselk has a little of life back when he playing with cary
maria neri
maria neri - 5 years ago
TheFiery Finalist
TheFiery Finalist - 5 years ago
Mark O Sullivan
Mark O Sullivan - 5 years ago
Subject Delta
Subject Delta - 5 years ago
Cray is so supportive, I love it.
xNitro - 5 years ago
6:17 that’s what he said
Juju Gilbrough
Juju Gilbrough - 5 years ago
Number 2
Enidza Velazquez
Enidza Velazquez - 5 years ago
6:20 Muselk talking about his penis.
lastbuilders - 5 years ago
Pls make this the most liked comment
Mark O Sullivan
Mark O Sullivan - 5 years ago
Sub to muselk
Fe4r LEsS24
Fe4r LEsS24 - 5 years ago
6:21 thats what she said
David Carpenter
David Carpenter - 5 years ago
"its so small" (Muselk). Thats what she said
Zxi ø
Zxi ø - 5 years ago
Um am i a weirdo cause if i close my eyes when hearing this and this, i think of something else :-i 6:16 and 6:54??
Atlantia 555
Atlantia 555 - 5 years ago
The one time Eliot has a time to show off and cray steals his thunder
Dislodged Grump
Dislodged Grump - 5 years ago
Please do more vids with cray, no offense fresh but I like cray way more than fresh
Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Ali - 5 years ago
Muselk: I love this death run

What my mind thinks Muselk is saying: I love to die! Yaaaaaaaay!
Kyle Morrison
Kyle Morrison - 5 years ago
Great channel, but get good at deathruns. It's not that hard
Alec Takaki
Alec Takaki - 5 years ago
This vid made me hard
Wesley Rittenhouse
Wesley Rittenhouse - 5 years ago
Bobby Blast
Bobby Blast - 5 years ago
Omg this was such a funny video
Jackson Curley
Jackson Curley - 5 years ago
I was watching fresh when you and cray were blocking each other
Kinley Lewis
Kinley Lewis - 5 years ago
MUSELK: I’m gonna slap a CAT

Me:(laughs for 15 minutes straight )
Theodore Hom
Theodore Hom - 5 years ago
OMG I found the best fortnite montage ever check it out!
(I did not make it)
Oscar Lagan
Oscar Lagan - 5 years ago
6:15 when you try anal for the first time
skeleimisplays - 5 years ago
It's so small

That's what she said
Salem YT
Salem YT - 5 years ago
16:03 was the funniest part of the video
Justin Taylor
Justin Taylor - 5 years ago
Bruv I made one when creative first came out bitch
Ezekiel - 5 years ago
Please Like and Subscribe.....and yeah I'm that guy
Red Shadow
Red Shadow - 5 years ago
I need to play csgo again
JustinTime - 5 years ago
卩卄丨ㄥ - 5 years ago
Storm Attack V2 was the map you played by Hooshen.
Christian Monte
Christian Monte - 5 years ago
I knew there was no way he did a deathrun map and not rage
Scudly - 5 years ago
If the like button is grey, you're a T Series supporter
An Existing Thing
An Existing Thing - 5 years ago
Scudly Which like button?
Scudly - 5 years ago
nichole henry
nichole henry - 5 years ago
Muselk you should do csgo surf
Wixt TV
Wixt TV - 5 years ago
I just played this yesterday and couldn't get past level 4 ughhh
Almightyknight - 5 years ago
Big L muselk jk nice vid
Aiden Helmick
Aiden Helmick - 5 years ago
Muselk, you once said hooshen was harder cizzors death run because of the storm barriers
that gaming boy
that gaming boy - 5 years ago
6:20 that's what she said
Gabriela Donțu
Gabriela Donțu - 5 years ago
Its horrible, because there's no Lannan

This is a joke, not hate
Alex Jeffery
Alex Jeffery - 5 years ago
Muselk:There is going 2 be no rage
Me: clicks off the video

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