The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents
Surf 18 years ago 3,134,152 views
You will not believe your eyes !!! Hello we are the Radical Rodents, the coolest and hippest mice in the world. We are all mad keen surfers and as far as we know are the only rodents in the world that surf, which would make us the world's smallest surfers. Our names are Chopsticks, Bunsen, Harry & Curly and we have been surfing for over 3 years. We love living here up in sunny Queensland because we get to surf most of the year as the water is warm and the weather is mild. Also there are lots of stinking rich folk with massive boats that deliver the waves which we long to ride. We mainly surf in rivers and estuarys as we are only very tiny, but as you will see we get some very nice waves indeed and on the weekends when the boats are out it is very consistent. To all you brave mice out there at home who think this sounds like a groovy idea, please do not try this. We are trained proffessionals and have endured a lengthy process learning how to swim and how to balance on a board. All the team is in our last season of surfing as we are all getting old and as mice we live for approx 3-4 years. We have already started showing some of our offspring the ropes and Bunsen's son Junior has already caught a few and will be joining the team soon. The new generation are as keen as mustard and we all look forward to seeing them take over the reins so we can retire. Anyway sit back and enjoy the clip, i think you will be pleasently suprised at our talent, you will be sure to get the giggles too. Look forward to all your responses, Keep surfing always Love The Radical Rodents
10. comment for The World's First Surfing Mice - The Radical Rodents
Kinda reminds me of a pet hamster I had as a little girl that I could carry around on my shoulder and have him ride around in my jacket pocket. He had been trained by a guy to do that, but he couldn't keep Brown Sugar (the name he gave the hamster) anymore, and asked my mom if her daughter wanted a cool pet, since we happened to be walking by him at the train station. Got to keep him for a few years before he died.
Anyway, I love seeing people doing cool things with their pets that's well within the pet's natural abilities and aptitudes. It's not only a great bonding experience, but it helps keep the pets from suffering from boredom and the lack of stimulation that generally happens when they're kept in their enclosures 24/7 (even if they have toys and such, there's only so many times a mouse can run in a wheel before getting tired of the thing). Bad things can happen to their health if they get too bored or unstimulated, especially when it's an intelligent critter.
I'll bet these little guys are pretty happy, if they get sunshine, fresh air, exercise, and a little swim after some surf. :3
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