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작은 도미노 조각이 커다란 도미노를 넘어 뜨립니다. 외국의 도미노를 주제로 한 축제의 현장 입니다. 도미노 파도는 시간과 공간을 넘어 계속적으로 이어질 수 있음을 보여 줍니다. (A small domino...
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17,769 likes 21,508,773 views 12 years ago
Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...
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We went to the Moon Palace Grand Resort in Cancun Mexico to see what this new hotel was all about! Here is part 1 of...
34,966 likes 9,495,663 views 7 years ago
작은 도미노 조각이 커다란 도미노를 넘어 뜨립니다. 외국의 도미노를 주제로 한 축제의 현장 입니다. 도미노 파도는 시간과 공간을 넘어 계속적으로 이어질 수 있음을 보여 줍니다. (A small domino...
6,369 likes 8,416,899 views 15 years ago
The "Think SUP Surfing Sucks?" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?
20. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?
30. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?
No, it came after surfing
I wonder if these haters ever have a smile when they're surfing. I think not, it's not cool to smile.
Maybe someday i post a photo or vid of myself SUP surfing. All you will see is a big smile! SUP's Up!
i had it set as a twin and it took a massive chunk put of his board
50. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?
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I was surfing with Jackie Dunn, Roger Erickson and the North Shore outlaws in the late 60's..rode a dick brewer gun..and I probably balled your Ma if she was decent looking..she cleaned me up with her tongue..and begged for more..
I did some surf, wake surf, snowboard, and I'd like to have a Sup too, just to paddling on the lagoon when I can't go to the ocean!
ill dominate your little wank stain ass in the pack if i want too
...in my ass
The waiter if they have Olive Garden breadsticks for his ass cause he's a supsurfer and he loves putting things in his butt indiscriminately
sup boards SHOULD be in a separate part of beach
Wow- you totally owned me with those three little words.
100. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?
Well if you can't do some flippy shit around walkers, then maybe parkour just isn't your thing? I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just that I have 10,003 hours of parkour under my belt and I can run the opposite way of the rock 'n' roll marathon without hardly touching a soul. Do you know how many flips and cartwheels that is bro? Yeah, lots. As for the blade-wheeling folks vs. tai-chi folks, we have a huge problem with that here too. The fights are kind of slow and awkward, but pretty fun to watch if you bring snacks. I'll try and get some video.
I think it was two things: 1. The title of this video is kind of catchy. I mean, it asks the the question in such a way that almost dares you to hate the idea of folks stand up paddle boating where people are trying to surf. 2. Rollerblading videos are really hard to find.
Longboard for life 3>
Then again it's like cheating because you can get the wave easier and further out on a SUP.
I'd say... SUP but only where there's noone there, personally I find SUP's annoying to paddle around. If I had my own way i'd go back in time and slap the person who invented it.
oh shit they took my wave because there sitting freaking 5 miles away paddiling for this wave for 20 minutes on there little gay ass sweeper. bitch. you can air reverse on a sup. if you can.. they ile say u have some skill,
have you ever tried getting a big barrel or punting a air? on a shortboard. thats harder than standing on a 7,0 haha
sick! Good for you then! thats fine by me ? haha idk