Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

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for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

enrique guerrero
enrique guerrero - 6 years ago
I'm super high on meth right now and from the desert and I know nothing about surfing, but after watching this and cleaning my mom's house and car port, I confidently answer: Yes. SUP surfing sucks. It just looks stupid. And that's not the meth talking, or the kratom, or phenibut, or the tramadol, or the three cheeseburgers that I ate yesterday. It's the archangel Saraqael talking.
Dennis White
Dennis White - 7 years ago
I'm 66 years old. I first started surfing in 1970 at San Onofre where I was stationed in the Marine Corps. I've surfed short and long boards for decades. Now, I mostly sup even though a long board isn't a problem for me. I usually surf an 8'5" board which is a lot shorter than some of my long boards. I don't get in anyone's way.I don't paddle into a bunch of short boarders or anyone for that matter.I let lots and lots of waves go by even though the majority of the waves prone surfers paddle for they don't get. I don't run over newer surfers who don't know what they're doing. I don't hate on them because they're trying to learn. I've never been disrespected by anyone in the line up while on a sup. Young surfers and others are usually very friendly with me in the ocean and the parking lot, or they ignore me or don't seem interested in conversation. Sup's are a lot of fun for me right now. Like anything that is new or different. I've always shared my love for surfing and will continue to do so. Hope everyone else does to.
Orion9 - 7 years ago
Being a hater makes you a special type of kook. I'll bet the haters don't even know where SUP began...which is really funny. I remember being a kid, thinking I knew everything, saying stupid shit. True surfers, people who truly love the ocean embrace all forms of wave riding.
deano smith
deano smith - 7 years ago
They're talented but the boards are so much like short boards that it has lost the original appeal of a SUP. Why not just have a larger short board?
Kirwan Mactaggart
Kirwan Mactaggart - 7 years ago
Oli Catling
Oli Catling - 7 years ago
surfing is life
7806macca - 7 years ago
Nope, still looks like absolute rubbish
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 7 years ago
Yes, yes it does suck.

10. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

DREDUTORO - 7 years ago
Adding a few nice girls to the video wont make SUP more atracting, it still being boring and yes it sucks
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
this video didnt even prove anything, i mean SUPing is enjoyable, but it still sucks when surfing...
Dee Zee
Dee Zee - 7 years ago
yes i think it sucks coz of this stupid af express urself remix its so gay
a - 7 years ago
Friends don't let friends SUP.
Elle Surfs
Elle Surfs - 7 years ago
its just rude to everyone else in the water, they just drop in on the surfers. one time i had to push one off his board cuz he dropped in on me
baba ganoush
baba ganoush - 7 years ago
not seeing the difference between this and surfing? How do they get out past the waves standing on the board?
a - 7 years ago
No idea how I got here, but to answer the video's question SUP surfing still sucks. I hate SUPs even more now after watching this BTW.
Eric Hirsch
Eric Hirsch - 7 years ago
I surf on a shortboard but have no problem with people who sup
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
Half the fun and challenge of surfing is to paddle, stand up and drop a wave. You cut that off it's like you're assuming you're the most cook that isn't able to do this stuff properly and then you need a bigger boat. It's that it. This is just the problem of Surfing Standing Up. It's like handicap surfing for people that aren't even handicap. What's more gay than that?
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
Yes, I do. What else do you wanna ask me?

20. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

Vitto D
Vitto D - 7 years ago
Yeah cause surfing is a lifestyle huh? Just like skateboarding, just because you skateboard you have to dress like a loser freak ing skateboarder and live a retarded crack smoking life. Well guess what you stupid freaks Im good at what ever I try to do I choose paddle board because I could take it to a river and hit some waves there. I will not live on a beach in a small crappy town and smoke crack. Fun is just fun, you don't have to turn every sport into a professional type of thing and make fun of other sports. Live peacefully or die.
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
SUP sucks big time!!! its redneck!!!!Its the lowest level of surfing!
carport gargoyle
carport gargoyle - 7 years ago
Surfers never catch enough waves, that's why they are always angry, but suppers catch too many waves, that's why they have pity on those poor guys using their hands to paddle their poor little sinking submarines. And if, just if they are lucky enough to catch a wave after sitting for half an hour and not getting their legs bit off and go zip zip zap zip zap ,then , as they spend the next half hour paddling the sub out they can look at suppers on their 134 wave going swooooooooooooosh sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppp sliiiiiiiiiide in slooooooow moooooooootion coz that's how surfing should be! Disagree? la la la la la la la la la etc....
SUP Kaleeks
SUP Kaleeks - 7 years ago
"please be 18"
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
Sooo it's surfing. But with a paddle. Wouldn't the paddle just get in the way when you really start ripping? Why would you even, unless its you're old and cant hand-paddle fast enough to stand up on a short board?
Codgerism - 7 years ago
What is this? A competition to see who can spazz out retardedly and waste the most waves? I am utterly disgusted. SHAME.
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
One time I had sex with my step-dad and I'm still not half as gay as suppers, I refuse to call them surfers
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Oh and he loves sup
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Btw my step dad has a huge fucking cock, like fucking monster truck tire girth brah
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Surfing is all about fun, respect, and intimacy with the ocean, who cares if people wanna SUP or whatever other kinky shit they're into, that's between them and the water, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's GAAYYY as fuck, not to mention they're often not the best surfers and are a nuisance and hazard
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 7 years ago
Ummm.....What about all the short borders and learner Mals that are a nuisance and a hazard. They out number sups 500 to 1...At least where I live anyway... And that's why I escape that crowded point break carnage..
nicole monteros
nicole monteros - 8 years ago
you guys are all posers....i surfed a short board my whole life, but we lived for the big days. You little pussies ...whenever i go sup on a big day im alone all the so called surfers go to seal to do the hop along on their little skateboards. I can do either sup or surf, i challenge any of you to trade boards with me in the water. Putos all of you think you're pro and i respect the chargers but they are few and far between. All i hear is talk.
Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 8 years ago
I'm inspired to see SUP surfers surfing like short boarders

30. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 8 years ago
Cool video
FrankMurphy - 8 years ago
SUP is the fruit booting of surfing...
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
People who hate sup.. Can't do it or have never done it .That's why they say it sucks... It may not look as cool as short boarding. But who gives a fuck.
David Baron
David Baron - 8 years ago
They still suck, only now I have a boner
ornella giampedro
ornella giampedro - 8 years ago
alguém sabe me informar a música desse vídeo ??
79pejeperro - 8 years ago
I ride my bodyboard, my shortboard, my big sup, my surf sup, and I'm an anonymous waterman while most people keep bitchin' and bitchin'
Eric Hirsch
Eric Hirsch - 8 years ago
I short board and I don't care what kind of board other people ride and people who do are assholes
Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 8 years ago
SUP Rules!!
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
bunch of fags. sup surfing is corny
Cycletherapy - 8 years ago
How old are you? 12?
Guillermo Gimenez
Guillermo Gimenez - 8 years ago
I used to hate SUP but one day, the sea was very "stormy", waves were very big but fast and they were pretty far from the normal spot. There were three people on those waves and was just amazing. SUP surfing should not be about regular surfing. No fast turns or aerials. What i saw there was a perfect mix of the stylish longboard movements and the strong of big wave surfing. Also, the fact of standing in a table on those conditions was another level. Btw, a normal surfer tried to go to catch some waves and it spend an hour to arrive there. Then, he didnt catch any wave becouse his paddling wasnt fast enough. Dont get me wrong, i love surfing and i think SUP is not that bad but please, SUP like this videos is just bad surfing. Different thinks IMO
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
his board was to small thats why he didnt catch waves.. you need a "gun" for big wave surfing. sup surfers are faggots
Rhyan Acott
Rhyan Acott - 8 years ago
supin was before surfing ..surfing without a paddle only came about when that Hawaiian threw the paddle away on a wave!
Joseph Shelton
Joseph Shelton - 7 years ago
Rhyan Acott
No, it came after surfing
Luis Alejandro Nagy
Luis Alejandro Nagy - 8 years ago
SUP is great, but this video is totally misogyny. It does contain prejudice against women. At second 0:26 a girl handles the board, at 0:58 is about sex, not sport. At 3:05 the girl looks like a slave...
Gilmour43 - 6 years ago
Luis Alejandro Nagy thank you for showing me these moments screenshot and sent to the news #savethebabes
daan hendriks
daan hendriks - 8 years ago
So actually people here are saying; because i'm injured and therefore not able to surf on a regular surfboard anymore , i have no right to surf a supboard??? Because of???? hahahahaha
I wonder if these haters ever have a smile when they're surfing. I think not, it's not cool to smile.
Maybe someday i post a photo or vid of myself SUP surfing. All you will see is a big smile! SUP's Up!
Chicken Lips
Chicken Lips - 8 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with people. I SUP to enjoy myself and don't give a flying fuck about anyone else on the water. Wakeski, surfers, bodyboarders and windsurfers are all welcome in the ocean. People just like having the little fucken chip on the shoulder to make themselves feel better. But hey, listen up... You're actually a cunt!
AdventureFlorida - 7 years ago
so true
a - 7 years ago
Its not that people hate SUPs for no reason. SUPs just hog all the waves and are a significant danger to other people in the water.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
to enjoy yourself is a gay attitude. no man enjoys himself.
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Nah its like people who Segway. Sure they can Segway wherever they want. Doesn't mean its not stupid as fuck to watch.
TS CLIPS - 8 years ago
iv had a dude drop in on me going full speed on my 10'6 and i run his board over
i had it set as a twin and it took a massive chunk put of his board
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
Chicken Lips right on I sup to and I won't understand the hate
Chicken Lips
Chicken Lips - 8 years ago
and you're a cunt
Argo Life
Argo Life - 8 years ago
You're just a puss.
Michael Jensen
Michael Jensen - 8 years ago
To all the bros putting down SUP, I surfed all my life until I got blown up by an IED and wrecked my shoulder to the point where I can't paddle out. SUP let me get back to catching waves, so if you don't like SUP you are a terrorist that supports IED's and hates soldiers that surf, you probably also hate cake and rainbows that's how messed up you are.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
You should stay out of the water.
Teri JO
Teri JO - 7 years ago
shark bait lmao.... I don't live near an ocean so I do neither. I'm just here for the comedy and you win. I'll be going to Hawaii though so might try a SUP.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 7 years ago
All the short borders at my local have a 20% hit rate 70% of the time..
Codgerism - 7 years ago
If you're paddling for 10 and getting 2 you're doing something wrong.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 7 years ago
thats right... bugger all.... paddle for 10...get 2... Fuck that.. Rather go do something else... But Sup is worth it...
Codgerism - 7 years ago
I ride a shortboard, standup bodyboard, mid-length hull and a log, but I'll never ride a SUP. It just looks gross (see the video above). I can catch waves on my log 30m further out than other surfers as well, but I don't because I'm not a piece of shit ;)
carport gargoyle
carport gargoyle - 7 years ago
Ha ha ! You're acting just like an old codger winding up us younguns' like that. I'm catching waves 30 yards before surfers and the more they hate me the better! They'll all be on a sup soon instead of sitting there as sharkbait all day and catching bugger all
Codgerism - 7 years ago
Looks pretty gay to me, and I like penises. But not SUPs. They're gay.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
It's only gay because u probably tried it and couldn't do it... c'mon..fess up.. Ive proned for 20 years and suped for 5.. Sup aint gay mate.. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion.
TheDudeofDudes - 8 years ago
I've been blown up a few times, sup'ing is still gay bruh. Seriously though, good luck on the wounds. Sup'ing is still ghey.
carport gargoyle
carport gargoyle - 8 years ago
Well said Michael. Here in Westernport Bay Australia there are a handful of small wave pointbreaks that peel off perfectly for long fast rides on SUP. A single fin loosens things up and we have a ball! My shoulders are dodgy too but you can get back fast and catch dozens of peeling bananas. Thanks for your good work mate and long may you ride!
Greg Lucero
Greg Lucero - 8 years ago
if s.u.per's run your local break, its your own fault
79pejeperro - 8 years ago
Come tell me to get away
Steven M M
Steven M M - 8 years ago
So many childish rude people commenting here. Sad.
Facebook Top of SUP
Facebook Top of SUP - 8 years ago
Pat John
Pat John - 8 years ago
Benji Owen
Benji Owen - 8 years ago

50. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

motoz30 - 8 years ago
i remember like 15 or so years ago joel tudor trashing the state of longboarding, basically stating that if you're gonna ride a longboard like a shortboard then just fucking ride a shortboard. i guess this is just the natural progression of sup'ing, just like riding a log like a shortboard was the natural progression (or regression, imo) of longboarding. eh, who cares, really. yeah, it's looks spazzy & twitchy, but as long as everyone's having fun, right? speaking of spazzy & twitchy, can you imagine what this is gonna look like when the brazzos take this shit over in 5-10 years?
sams HQ
sams HQ - 9 years ago
yeah it still sucks..
MrDanielHawes - 9 years ago
Errrrr... yes.
Sherkhan - 9 years ago
Yes. Sorry, still sucks.
Albert Hugo
Albert Hugo - 9 years ago
Fucking kooks
Goomer - 9 years ago
kenjammn - 9 years ago
yep still sucks
The Captain
The Captain - 9 years ago
SUP surfing is for the cool dudes. Try hards with baby dicks can't do it.
G Callen
G Callen - 9 years ago
+Captain Nobache Or maybe the try hards with baby dicks that can't surf turn to SUP. Wider, easier to maintain balance...
Gede Mahandika
Gede Mahandika - 9 years ago
still sucks....
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+Gede Mahandika So do vacuum cleaners.
Jonathan Halloran
Jonathan Halloran - 9 years ago
Eat more nutsack! Then go SUP'ing. Then felch a rectum! Repeat. Die. The end.
lightningmjm - 9 years ago
yes sup riders suck.
infalliblle - 9 years ago
Mark P.
Mark P. - 9 years ago
SUP is cool because you can surf kid waves?
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
DP surfer...1 in Da booty, 1 in da pie hole!!!
Rob E
Rob E - 9 years ago
After seeing this I am even more convinced.
Guy Ben Ur
Guy Ben Ur - 9 years ago
Yoway Sportwork
Yoway Sportwork - 9 years ago
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Hyped NZ
Hyped NZ - 9 years ago
Try a real surf board WSL all day every day
Hyped NZ
Hyped NZ - 9 years ago
SUP sucks hairy balls
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer hey Double penetrated...I saw you rollerblading in a banana hammock...go home kook
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+HARDERGAMER jason lol you have videos of yourself riding a razor scooter haha and you're fat. Stop over eating you fat lazy hunk of human shit. get in shape and stop making videos of yourself riding razor scooters faggot. lol.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
Sweepers go home..
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer oh and by the way asshole, I've surfed longer than you or your trendy SUP shit has been alive..I surf daily. It's just a matter of time before they have to section you sweepers off back into the bay. No etiquette, dangerous kooks, unless you fucking Laird Hamilton shut the fuck up Double Penetration..
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer I tell them to go home all day, listen asshole take your plastic log and go sweep somewhere else..because if I see you at my break you won't ride anything. What does DP stand for double penetration as in your ass and mouth?
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+Roy Reynolds Do something in real life, tell the next sup surfer you see what you just said here. You're a pussy and would never do that. Pussies gonna pussy.
Sergioalo - 9 years ago
there is more and more waves hog on any kind of boards at different surf spots  for  sure, finally it's just a leading position stand up and forget proned surfing  frustration and have  fun, surfing all way along the wave from its early crest to the shore close out, being radical in his own style is the prime chalenge and fun.
Lauren Carey
Lauren Carey - 9 years ago
You know, as a woman looking for inspiration for my SUP riding this year it would be nice if the videos didn't feel the need to zoom in on women's asses and show women bouncing around like they have two brain cells and they're both for sexing up men.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
surfing contests are pretty stupid- everyone does the same moves..puke.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
a power drill..
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony Jesus Christ you are a tool.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony As you sit in your parents' house watching the YouTube notifications icon all day LoLoLoL
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
yep I am a rolling party..I kick sand on sissies and stuff socks in crying babies mouths..
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony I bet you're a blast to go surfing with, and fun at parties.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
so you can quote point break. how original.

 I was surfing with Jackie Dunn, Roger Erickson   and the North Shore outlaws in the late 60's..rode a dick brewer gun..and I probably balled your Ma if she was decent looking..she cleaned me up with her tongue..and begged for more..
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony I was surfing HI when you were jacking off to the lingerie section of the Sears catalog, crapping in your hands and rubbing it in your face!!!
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
jack me off dead man.
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony I was surfing in HI when you were still eating the corn out of your mom's poop.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony ok tough guy, that's enough out of you.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
I was surfing in HI when you were crapping mustard in a pampers and then smearing it on your pimmply face.  honolua bay maui was my spot in the 70's..early 80's...when it was cool.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony Only for people who don't like to watch painting (and HI stands for Hawaii btw)
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
you are probably from OZ..I am a free surfer..don't care for contests..if you do, that is your trip. I think a surfing contest makes about as much sense as a painting contest.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony Nope, as a HI resident I'm claiming ignorance - I don't know of anything but epic history-making surf contests.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
the eddie is a different kind of know what I mean about contests in general..don't you ?
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony You've clearly never witnessed the Vans Triple Crown or the Eddie on Oahu.
Doug Cromar
Doug Cromar - 9 years ago
And... I still think it sucks.
Nicola Monti
Nicola Monti - 9 years ago
All the sports with a BOARD never SUCKS!! Skate, surf, sup, snowboard, longboard (water and heart), wakeboard, wakesurf, everything! Stop hating! Even kite and windsurf are cool if you can do it! Some surfer here has never tried to do windsurf? I did, and I think is one of the most difficult sport on the planet! All my respect!
I did some surf, wake surf, snowboard, and I'd like to have a Sup too, just to paddling on the lagoon when I can't go to the ocean!
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+Nicola Monti Ironing boards aren't that much fun.
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
True but warranted. You are a cunt tho.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer you post many negative things DP so stop acting righteous and go the fuck home kook
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+Nicola Monti You have to realize the negative cunts writing lame comments are weak, subordinate, mindless zombies who stare at their phone all day except when they surf their small ass waves but they do it "prone style" so they think their cool, lol. All these surfers making weak comments surf small ripples and would never be caught in a million years surfing a real man's wave of 30 plus or more in size waves. Keep surfing your small weak ass ripple waves all you haters. Small dick faggots.
Jason Hart
Jason Hart - 9 years ago
Yeah, I do think they suck. You need a trailer for that thing. These "pros" are paid to surf on these aircraft carriers. I don't think they would be surfing on them otherwise. Lazy ass, shark fearing, fat fuck losers ride these boards. These "pros" weren't good enough to go against Kelly Slater, so they got into this pathetic sport. Just take up golf if you you are a person that is fat, lazy, and fears sharks. Get over it...Everyone at the beach is laughing at you and you fat board. You paddle boarders are the only ones who think you are cool. Surfing with a paddle...What fucking idiot came up with that one.
seba batalla
seba batalla - 8 years ago
+Bob Simmons live your life bro, stop hating whats others do.. peace.
Emily Adams
Emily Adams - 9 years ago
SUP is homoerectus
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
We are all homo erectus, they're just homos
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer DP surfer lives for taking in the ass, DP stand for double penetration, one in da butt one in da pie hole
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+Emily Adams DO you like getting fucked in the ass? You should give it a go sometime use some astroglide you'll dig.
Norwell9 - 9 years ago
+Emily Adams Well said you "Bipedal Entity"!
forsaleau - 9 years ago
Guess Jamie O'Brian dosen't think its gay.
lilomarley2 - 9 years ago
it looks dumb as hell holding that paddle while trying to surf. There is nothing a SUP could do to make it a respected sport.
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
LOL where did you get those stats? I have fucking so many mates that surf and on top I know a ton of others around the coast here and couldn't name one single guy who surfs who has gone and  bought a SUP. The vast majority of people who buy SUPs have never surfed in their lives.
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 8 years ago
Sup's are the biggest growing sport world wide. Increasingly growing more popular than surfing. Many surfers are switching over to sup surfing and I can tell you it's the way to go!
milkmandan77 - 8 years ago
+Ocean Runner Yup.
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 8 years ago
+lilomarley2 Sounds like someones jealous! Sup's get more waves and rule the surf!
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+lilomarley2 Not even with we wear pink tutus and Batman masks?
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 here in socal we call em sweepers.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
I'd respect them more if they took that shit to the bay..
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+lilomarley2 In the Hawaii lineups they are called 'janitors' xD
LowKeyLivin - 9 years ago
Confirmed that every guy that SUP has tribal tattoo, is over 40, wears a trucker hat, and has a Ron Jon sticker on their truck.
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+LowKeyLivin I have RonJon tattooed on my penis. My trucker hat advertises being a Christian Devil worshipper. No tribal tattoos though.
Matt B
Matt B - 10 years ago
Yup, I still think it sucks a fat one...
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+Matt B So does your mom while you eat the corn out of her poop.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer and an SUP is somehow not more like a couch than a real surfboard. Dude go home....go back to your boyfriend DP...go ride his stick. Or get a life and stop trolling here...fucking look go home...
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+Matt B lol you surf a longboard hahahaha. what a faggot riding a couch, might as well stay home. and that profile pic with your gay ass cowboy hat and all tatted up with popeye and other gay ass cartoon characters. funny you talkin shit but look gay as fuck. btw taking "selfies" is for faggots and young girls. get your shit together dummy.
wrybread - 10 years ago
Put me in the camp who thinks its weird that SUPers do all these shortboard moves on a giant board. Personally I love seeing a SUPer cross step and surf with some classic style. But who knows, maybe its really fun to swing that thing around.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+wrybread yeah he was looking for a battle, I replied to every single one of his comments and now he is nowhere to be found..good riddance
wrybread - 9 years ago
+Roy Reynolds I think he knew that, he's just an internet troll looking for a YouTube battle.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer hey DP he meant the board is fun to swing around..not a cock like what you were thinking..
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+wrybread It is, and camps are for faggots.
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 10 years ago
Sup surfing is like walking into a restaurant and eating a boner, it's gay
C6Roadster - 7 years ago
Kaveh Espili who would've thought. What else is going in your mind? You must be dreaming about a mans private parts all day and night.
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Joey Gale ha I would like to say dislexia but no I just can't spell
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 7 years ago
only real posers cant spell the word poser
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Kaveh Espili and if I was a posser I would surf.
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Paul Kennedy ha funny I could post a horrible comment but I can't be asked. why can't you just accepted a new sport you don't have to like us just don't be mean what ever happened to all the surfer going out having fun and cheering each other on?
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Stopthegreed coming from me and u sitting here typing coments
Long Journeys
Long Journeys - 7 years ago
Run along to mommy and get her to untie your bib and wipe away your milk mustache
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 7 years ago
i feel like sup surfers are just trying to compensate for their pathetic dick size with a massive blow up pool toy
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Nah most SUP paddlers are just old dudes with nothing better to do.
TS CLIPS - 7 years ago
i think i have surfed longer than you have been alive
Long Journeys
Long Journeys - 7 years ago
No basketball where I'm from but at least you've expressed your sexual fantasies on a public forum
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 7 years ago
Paul Kennedy I suspect you havnt progressed past riding your middle school basketball coach who invites young boys on youth camping trips in his excluded cabin in Montreal where he serves cheese and wine mixed with sleeping pills and boners
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Yer for sure. Lived  in Indo for the past 25 years surfing some of the best waves in the world. Finally got the paddling thing sorted ...I think.
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Suping is totally gay. The sooner people realise they look stupid standing on a log the sooner the hobby will die a natural death.
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 7 years ago
Nirvana Sup no hate, just fun teasing
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Kaveh Espili your only jelous because you only get 2 waves in one hour and we get tones. i love surfing but i cant physically do it but i don't know where u are coming from. all the best surfers sup. eh Kelly slater, laird Hamilton ect
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Kaveh Espili or they have sup surfing. Since when has surfing become so horrible surfing used to be about have fun with everyone doing something u love no matter wat craft there on. why do u have such a hate for us?
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Sebastian Harrington they have wheelchair basketball
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Paul Kennedy lol you're dangerous haole, that board could wipe out the entire lineup
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Paul Kennedy let's have a duck diving competition
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
Kaveh Espili alot of supers have injuries or just can't physically surf
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Sebastian Harrington your mom is surfing
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
Kaveh Espili u are surfing
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
TS CLIPS or at least stop calling it surfing, it's stand up paddle boarding you're not surfing you're boarding
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
TS CLIPS and so is sup
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
TS CLIPS you're gay
TS CLIPS - 8 years ago
lol i have surfed for 26 years ill sup if i want too ill do 21 mile downwind runs if i want too
ill dominate your little wank stain ass in the pack if i want too
T 89
T 89 - 8 years ago
Chris Thomas I bet he eats boner or breakfast lunch n dinner and when he's not eating them its all he can think about hahahaa
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
no it's not
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 8 years ago
+Kaveh Espili Only in your mind.
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+magorkel Right on.
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Chris Thomas Weinerschnitzel, of course. Or Tommy's Tubesteaks. surfers eat there
Cycletherapy - 9 years ago
+Kaveh Espili What restaurants do you go to the serve boners?
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Kaveh Espili yeah, i'll have the man meat please."
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 10 years ago
Nobody thinks sup surfing sucks, we just think it's gay as fuck, it's like two guys at a picnic rubbing bbq sauce on each other's boners while talking about football, it's just not cool
East coast surf films
East coast surf films - 7 years ago
thank you for that
rider118 - 7 years ago
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
I don't think there's something wrong with a guy SUP in small waves, though it looks kinda gay. But these other guys doing it everytime they surf are just tryharders. It's like if someone will come with a bigger boat than a SUP trying to look cool surfing it, you know? SUP'ers will think that's gay. So it's true, SUP is gay.
Teri JO
Teri JO - 7 years ago
Sure as hell works for me! I'd stare at him for an hour THEN go SUP boarding and fantasize about him for 3 more. You, child, have a homophobia problem AND apparently are insecure about people that SUP board.
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 7 years ago
Stopthegreed suppers remind of that model who stands in front of Abercrombie at the mall in 1998 with his shirt off while they blast techno music and cologne from inside
Lizard Mechanic
Lizard Mechanic - 7 years ago
Kaveh-Oh I get it, your'e not only obsessed with boners, but with boners in your ass.
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Cracks me up when people who Sup call others names. Its like a flamer calling everyone else gay. Go figure.
carport gargoyle
carport gargoyle - 7 years ago
Wow you surfers are all obsessed with dicks. And that's the way it's always been !
Lizard Mechanic
Lizard Mechanic - 7 years ago
Kaveh-I'll tell you where I live, Durango Colorado. Come out here this summer, we can surf some river waves. You can tell the surfers how gay they are for using a paddle, just don't try to suck anyone's dads dicks.
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Lizard Mechanic I'll find out where you live, dress up like a pretty girl, seduce your dad into taking me on a date to the mall, suck his penis gently for a $5 pretzel, and I'd still only be 31% as gay as a sup "surfer"
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Rusty Maverick I'll throw buckets on you all day like saltwater bukkake aggro boy
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Lizard Mechanic your mom has a boner my ass
Lizard Mechanic
Lizard Mechanic - 8 years ago
Kaveh Espili-Boner Boy
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 8 years ago
Lizard Mechanic you eat boners in Walmart while buying boner cheese for your dads golf cart surf rack Mexican donkey fart Bradley jones hamburger helper paired with Cabernet Sauvignon being ordered just so you can say cabsau and smell your own farts under the table at the sizzler with your mom and her boyfriends retarded cousin from Arizona who keeps asking
The waiter if they have Olive Garden breadsticks for his ass cause he's a supsurfer and he loves putting things in his butt indiscriminately
Lizard Mechanic
Lizard Mechanic - 8 years ago
Kaveh-you got a thing about boners.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
I think you need to come out of the closet.
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 8 years ago
+Kaveh Espili Sounds like this is a regular practice for you!
Kaveh Espili
Kaveh Espili - 9 years ago
You probably shred wavestorms brah put a leash on it or go back to Costco you fucking encino kook
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
I think two guys at a picnic rubbing boners with barbecue sauce actually invented SUP
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer and you'll always be a kook
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+Kaveh Espili lol you're a weak faggot caring about how you look and what people think of you. You have a lame but tough road ahead of yourself cuz you're a pussy. Grow some balls pussy and stop caring what you think people think is cool. Weak motherfuckers people like you are. You'll always be a faggot and a pussy.
sweet hair
sweet hair - 10 years ago
whats with all the bitches in this video, fuckn corny
soren c
soren c - 10 years ago
These surf crafts are so dangerous please Ban them from crowded surf breaks!
alyinsanfran - 10 years ago
I'm always happy to share a wave with any surf vehicle if the rider knows what they're doing. The only problem I have with SUP is that learners are able to skip the whole 'learning how to stand/caught inside/seeing how surf etiquette works' period. They spend their first day paddling straight outside, and then going over the falls with a 30lb board aimed at my head. And then they go out and do it again. And again. By skipping the most important part of learning they put us all at risk. Zero consequences for themselves, big consequences for the rest of us. It's like giving a teenager the keys to a Mack truck and telling them to go enjoy themselves.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
I sup and I agree...
wolf galaxy
wolf galaxy - 9 years ago
+alyinsanfran Id have to agree I have thought the same thing
sup boards SHOULD be in a separate part of beach
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
I don't think it sucks- I just think it looks weird.  Like many people who surf, I have been trying to make peace with the whole paddle boats in surf lineups thing.  We have about 6 or 7 on any given morning where I surf and some of them are pretty good folks.  Granted, three of them are absolute douchebags, but I think you could probably find that same ratio among surfers, so let's call that one a wash. So one day my buddy and I are surfing some knee high California mush and there is a guy on a paddle boat just going full spaz- I mean 360's, ridiculous looking cutbacks, etc. etc.  My buddy and I just start laughing because it just looked so out of place- I don't know, like a school bus on a go cart track or something.  I ask my buddy "who the f*** does this guy think he is?"  I didn't realize there was a SUP about 10 feet behind me and this guy paddles up to us and looks at me like I just stole his bike or something and says (I'm paraphrasing, but you'll get the gist) "That is 'such and such' (I can't remember his name)- he is one of the best amateur paddle surfers in SoCal- he can do things on that board that no one can".  Despite knowing this guy was a complete tool (seriously, who uses the term SoCal?), I actually felt kind of bad- I thought the conversation and laughter was between my buddy an me, but I forgot for a second how much sound carries on the water.  So just as I am about to man up and apologize, my buddy chimes in full monotone and says "it doesn't matter what he does on that thing- it doesn't make it any less lame".  SUP guy just looked kind of stunned and turned around and paddled away.  I asked my buddy to marry me.  Neither of us are gay, but it was still a nice moment.
Steve Peterson
Steve Peterson - 10 years ago
Easier to paddle out. Less meat for the sharks to nibble on while you're waiting on the next set---you're completely out of the water. But once you've caught your wave the paddle seems like an annoyance that you might as well just hold in one hand. After riding the wave and jumping off, recovering the paddle seems complicated. I see benefits to paddleboarding in the surfzone and I see disadvantages. Pros and Cons. The paddle can be used as a weapon when the locals get aggressive and give you shit for surfing their break. 
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+Steve Pete first off you said the paddle would be good for hitting surfers at their breaks....their breaks? Naw man the beaches are for everyone. I'm a surfer but under no illusion of being the owner of any break..but if you say the best use of a paddle is to whack a surfer what response did you want, some might have agreed with you, not me. Yes the electronic world sucks, and people have seemed to lose patience and empathy. Sorry you feel like a zombie, but don't be a martyr man...get out and paddle bodysurf snorkel do whatever makes you feel good again, just please don't whack me with a paddle...if you do I may somehow finagle it back and hit you back, all I'm stop with the boo-hoo and make with the stoke man!
Steve Peterson
Steve Peterson - 9 years ago
+Roy Reynolds Good luck smashing my skull with a plastic and graphite paddle. But please smash my skull. I can't exist in this fake world of "likes" and buying shit on Amazon. Just hit me hard enough to knock me out so I can sleep eternally under water and not have to pay any more bills or buy any more or eat anymore shit in this Hell of Consumer Land we call America. I want to die like a baby turtle swimming out to sea but gulped down by a big predator fish like a Redfish or Cobia. This electronic world took my soul. I'm just a body walking around like a zombie because I mentally checked out about 4 months ago.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
Yeah until I get the paddle from you and smash your skull
forsaleau - 10 years ago
Its funny to see testosterone short boards knocking sups, I have surfed a short board my whole life in competition and free surfing at some of the best breaks around world, and now also ride a short sup on small days (more fun than a mal), these guys deserve credit, I'll guarantee any short boarder will look like an idiot if they tried to paddle a wave sup with out a lot of practice, If short boarders and mal riders think sup guys suck, then I guess they should tell Kelly Slater, Luke Egan, Mark Occolupo, Tom Carroll, and other pro's that their all wankers, because guess what, they all Sup. Enjoy the Ocean dont be a hater it makes you look foolish.
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Ive seen SUPs harassed out of the water many times. 99% of the time the SUPs are just big old kooks tho. Never seen a young guy on a SUP around yet.
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
Your still a fucking kook
rider118 - 7 years ago
I can guarantee I'd look gay on rollerblades too.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
They don't sup. You idiot. Don't make up things to tell us. They surf.
magentawave - 7 years ago
Roy Reynolds 90% to 95% of of regular surfers are kooks so what's your point?
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
Just because you are a pro surfer doesn't mean you cant be a dick for a change. They are still all amazing surfers. Cant see Kelly or any of them giving up surfing for a sup.
TS CLIPS - 8 years ago
its a sick change after 26 years
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
I agree but about 80% of short borders are kooks too..
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
I actually enjoyed reading your comment. I agree with all you said except for the double penetration attack on the dp surfer.
Roy Reynolds
Roy Reynolds - 9 years ago
+DP Surfer I've had it out with many SUP my break we will circle you so you won't ride anything unless it's straight back to shore. We aren't aggressive but 80% of the SUP people are kooks. If you have good ocean etiquette no worries, but just like double penetrated here if you are a dick you'll be treated accordingly... I don't think double penetrated even surfs or SUPs I think he's a gay boy whacking off to surf vids..
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 9 years ago
+forsaleau Actually they are cunts but really they're just weak young boys talking that way. I have never seen a single surfer disrespect a SUP sufer face to face for no reason like they do in comment sections on youtube. They are all pussies if they cant talk this same shit in person face to face. I prone and sup surf and never ever hear these little pussies talking shit in real life. Funny to read comments from cunts though I come here for the lulz. So to the pussies reading this please please please go up to the next sup surfer you see in person too you fucking cunts and tell them they suck and whatever else you got, please do this because hopefully the dude you do it to will be me but I know you wont because your pussies.
forsaleau - 9 years ago
+villageofidiots Free surfing is where you get paid to make video's, I hope you get that straightened out
forsaleau - 9 years ago
+villageofidiots Free surfing is where you get paid to make video's, I hope you get that straightened out
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
Wow- you totally owned me with those three little words. 
forsaleau - 10 years ago
+villageofidiots Haters are fools
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
Kelly Slater, Luke Egan, Mark Occolupo, Tom Carroll, and other pro's- you're all wankers.  What's next?  By the way, what is free surfing?  If you're not competing, aren't you just surfing?  I hope you get things straightened out-
CyRanchTx - 10 years ago
I've done it all; short, long, windsurf. As long as you are out in the line up I'm OK with it; just don't be a wave hog and pass a few around.
Robby Sondak
Robby Sondak - 10 years ago
I like SUP for its multifunction. It's just a matter of perception. This is like comparing old cellphones and smartphones hahaha
scott pitches
scott pitches - 10 years ago
I think it sucks even more now after watching this. thank you very much.
Dishonestneill - 10 years ago
Yes I do think SUP surfing SUCKS!!!
Akira Cornell
Akira Cornell - 10 years ago
. some these guys piss me off when theyre wave hogs. it is what it is, a boat. but its hard to dog something laird hamilton does. 
TheElectricSalad - 10 years ago
whats the point of the paddle
Onechill Braj
Onechill Braj - 10 years ago
i dont get it. whats the point in imitating short boarding but not as good. at least long boarding has a completely different style
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
Yea. It's just these fuckers need 'bigger' objects than the majority to think they're 'bigger' cool, or more cool, just cuz their instruments are bigger they think they'd have bigger fun. It's just the most stupid logical retarded mentality ever thought.
TS CLIPS - 8 years ago
Toataly agree
aaron elswick
aaron elswick - 10 years ago
Shane Stader
Shane Stader - 10 years ago
yep still think it sucks
Stuart Marshall
Stuart Marshall - 10 years ago
 So unless you want to full on surf you can’t go on the water lol. I like sup and yes im 42 which just means I’m not a kid wanting to rag it about. I just want to get out and enjoy myself. If you don’t like sup then don’t do it. If you want to surf then go do it. It’s a big ocean I’m sure we can all fit. Just do your thing and let everyone else do theirs.

100. comment for Think SUP Surfing Sucks?

L B - 10 years ago
everyone rides a shortboard; a longboard and sup is only for who knows; get a life 
L B - 8 years ago
Talking about sheep.... Don´t shake your head too much because the ears can beat each other...
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
Sheep man... prisoner to pop culture and peer pressure.
Kim Edmonds
Kim Edmonds - 10 years ago
SUP for life!
kineticsurf - 10 years ago
That's some really rad surfing except they are holding brooms. Maybe they should get points for knocking the other dude off, like jousting. That would be fun to watch.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
These chicks are addicted to cleaning they need to carry a broom everywhere.
Nathan Yokum
Nathan Yokum - 10 years ago
only hot chicks in small bikinis should SUP
rider118 - 7 years ago
good call nathan
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
nah. the hot chicks in small bikinis should surf something else that's in between my legs.
Martin Barski
Martin Barski - 10 years ago
the thing that sucks about SUP's are that they can catch waves earlier than everyone else and they tend to stay way out the back and pick off the good ones. I'm a shortboard rider but was on my mini mal the other day and told off a stupid SUP rider for blatantly dropping in on me when we both scratched for a set, I was a little closer to shore but deeper and he was further out but on the outside. needless to say I got him back on a left and he got the point and got out.
Erik Stols
Erik Stols - 10 years ago
surfing is surfing. Its great. Im happy that i can surf again after a knee surgery. Bye Bye bodyboard. Share the wave you haters. Its like snowboarding/skiing, skateboarding/rollerblading. Its the fun that counts. Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deano smith
deano smith - 7 years ago
Share the waves? With SUP riders getting everything first out the back, where is the sharing?
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
Erik Stols I can't pop up on a surfboard because I have a problem in my Achilles, so I sup surfed insted! it is great
Mrsoggywheatbix - 10 years ago
thats just sooo horrible to watch 
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
I don't think oar boarding sucks- I just think I would rather watch someone rollerblade. 
wulf67 - 10 years ago
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
Well if you can't do some flippy shit around walkers, then maybe parkour just isn't your thing?  I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just that I have 10,003 hours of parkour under my belt and I can run the opposite way of the rock 'n' roll marathon without hardly touching a soul.  Do you know how many flips and cartwheels that is bro?  Yeah, lots.  As for the blade-wheeling folks vs. tai-chi folks, we have a huge problem with that here too.  The fights are kind of slow and awkward, but pretty fun to watch if you bring snacks.  I'll try and get some video.
wulf67 - 10 years ago
What about people who are blade-wheeling where people are trying to do tai-chi? What about people who are walking to work where I'm trying to do parkour?
villageofidiots - 10 years ago
I think it was two things:  1. The title of this video is kind of catchy.  I mean, it asks the the question in such a way that almost dares you to hate the idea of folks stand up paddle boating where people are trying to surf.  2. Rollerblading videos are really hard to find.
wulf67 - 10 years ago
Then what made you watch this video instead of a fucking rollerblading video?
Dave Schleifer
Dave Schleifer - 11 years ago
I dont think this is anything to brag about as a SUPer , All i do is SUP, surfed for 25 yrs and i only SUP now, but the sweeping and hacking on small surf aint proving anything, choose your battles wisley and use better ammo, as far as the DUSH haters, i SUP bigger waves than you..Dont hate it makes you and who bred you look ugly
Todd Piper
Todd Piper - 11 years ago
Chances are the guys in this video surf better than you on shorrtboards.
Ethan Connellan
Ethan Connellan - 11 years ago
still gay
gv54te4 - 11 years ago
I dont think sup SUCKS, but the people who SUP are mostly Douch 40 years old..
Longboard for life 3>
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
so when u turn 40, I guess u will become a douche too....yeh...
wulf67 - 10 years ago
If you live long enough you will be 40. And you're already a douche so...
MrBuranimal - 11 years ago
yes ..fuck you sup ... even if your friends don't tell you, they think you are a giant douche for riding one .. nobody wants to look at your dick barney.. keep on sweepin..
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
short board or go home
wulf67 - 10 years ago
+Saxon Morris It's hard for them to learn the culture getting vibed out in the lineup. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. 
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 10 years ago
actually im sorry, i need to clarify. yes i hate sups, but i have surfed with cools sups who arent stingy and trade off sets waves and are chill, i wish they had more sups who werent greedy.
Spurge Dawg
Spurge Dawg - 10 years ago
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 10 years ago
yah yah your good bro +cody spurgeon 
Spurge Dawg
Spurge Dawg - 10 years ago
A bodyboard is short. so ill follow your rule 
Quinn Sakihara
Quinn Sakihara - 11 years ago
The fact that this video is on youtube shows in itself why Sup sucks. They think they are sick... they are not. Stop trying to prove yourselves you are all retarded.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 11 years ago
It's arguable I suppose.. All those hating probably have no money to afford one and just hate it cause they can't buy one.
Then again it's like cheating because you can get the wave easier and further out on a SUP. 
I'd say... SUP but only where there's noone there, personally I find SUP's annoying to paddle around. If I had my own way i'd go back in time and slap the person who invented it.
jthaete598 - 11 years ago
so stupid.
TawhangaBramley - 11 years ago
SUP riders at all levels should all just F#$K OFF and die. The only way you can get people to watch this post is by having some Yank Seppo ho flash her ass. F$%K YOU ALL.
muttonbuster - 11 years ago
Coming up next. Outboard motor kayak surfing. Sponsored by Evinrude.
Blaise Michna
Blaise Michna - 11 years ago
Sup looks so much more fun than regular surfing
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
I know a guy (complete fuktard) who takes his jetski out in surf. Gets way more waves than any SUP and way more fun and doesn't look as much a cock as a SUP. But he still is a cock.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
yea. cuz you're lame retarded non-good surfers. If you're a good surfer you get 10000 times more waves on a shortboard when you're trying to manuever this huge stupid thing I'll get waves and you're falling down when you'll see me paddling to the wave and you get scared cuz' it may shock and you just down and I'm up.
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 8 years ago
Blaise Michna you get 2 times they amount of waves
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
It is....If u compare it by how much fun you get out of a session, it wins hands down 99% of the time.. It's just waaaaay more fun...
Kim Edmonds
Kim Edmonds - 10 years ago
I prefer it... more relaxed.
emj5052 - 11 years ago
why not just surf, I still hate sups
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
Ill tell you why... oh, i'm too deep,,oh too late,, oh wave is too fat,, didn't see that one coming.. meanwhile supper has probably caught 5 plus waves.. And u can link up flat sections though gutters using the paddle.. =way longer rides,.. I do both but sup 99% so my opinion has merit.. Im sure the majority of posters here have never really committed to learning it and going down to a short sup.. Also, because your paddling and balancing your always in the zone.. Prone can become quite boring at times.. To me and my sup mates, we've done the maths,, it's a no brainer.. we laugh at all the short borders huddled together like a flock of sheep,sitting there like spectators whilst we're on the next bank across just killing it... But hey...It's probably best to keep the stigma... otherwise we will have more competition.. Proners cate hate all they want but really, they're all missing out on a lot of fun "big time".
j ray
j ray - 11 years ago
I still think SUP sucks
lilomarley2 - 11 years ago
SUP is about to have regulations here in Hawaii, it already is banned in Jersey. It is as obnoxious as a kayak in the lineup. All you people that SUP and say "its the future" are about to have your feelings hurt all across the globe. It's called a ten man rule......10 surfers and no sup allowed.......i can't wait
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
I better buy a sniper rifle then..
SurfRC - 11 years ago
haha the people i hate the most when i go surfing and i look to my right and theres some old man on a paddle board trying to get the wave -_-
peterb6245 - 7 years ago
one day you too will be old.......but you will still enjoy getting out
SUPSurf Canada
SUPSurf Canada - 11 years ago
So many haters here!  It's only in Canada and the USA that SUP Surfing is frowned upon at some of the breaks!  Tofino and California being the worst, the rest of the world welcomes it for the most part!  Geez, get out of your damn shell!  The only problem I see is the lack of respect for other surfers/paddlesurfers and a lot of people have no knowledge of etiquette or would rather ignore it, that goes for both surfing and paddlesurfing!
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
Yep Sups do suck. they sit way far outside and sweep there way into every wave that's decent... But then Again i think the same thing with some long boarders. but suping takes no skill at all honestly.. that's why i stick to my 5.8 channel islands haha
Stopthegreed - 7 years ago
A paddle is like having a Turbo? lol Its more like havng an old mans  walker.
keepinitreal 11
keepinitreal 11 - 8 years ago
its the dynamics of the padde that make it so much fun...A paddle is like having a turbo..
GerOffYeWeeBastard - 10 years ago
+liamLG MC Ummm...if they didn't have the paddle, it wouldn't be SUP, would it?
liamLG MC
liamLG MC - 10 years ago
+kaidad1 You do realize SUPs have big paddles to help them with their turns, half these people would suck at SUP if they didn't have that paddle.
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
ive tried suping its like nothing. Surfing a big barrel is way harder. i promise you
kaidad1 - 11 years ago
you try Supping then if you believe it is easy...look at the people surfing barrels with them kooks are people who look down on others. In other means of speaking,you...
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
you dont surf either. Supping isnt even surfing. All you sups are Kooks
3Slim3Shady3 - 11 years ago
+Saxon Morris if I did I would be lying, I don't SUP yet, but I will be soon, now sit down and shut up and stop whining  
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
oh shit they took my wave because there sitting freaking 5 miles away paddiling for this wave for 20 minutes on there little gay ass sweeper. bitch. you can air reverse on a sup. if you can.. they ile say u have some skill,
3Slim3Shady3 - 11 years ago
you sound a little butt hurt mate, if you cant beat them which you clearly cant, you may as well join them, beats whining like a little bitch "oh they took my wave because they have less skill than me" pfft that's actually kind of funny 
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
+Pedro Bessa
have you ever tried getting a big barrel or punting a air? on a shortboard. thats harder than standing on a 7,0 haha
Pedro Bessa
Pedro Bessa - 11 years ago
have you ever tried to stand up on a 7'0?????try it an after say something about SUP dont need skills     (sorry for my bad english)
A Rodriguez
A Rodriguez - 11 years ago
SUP sucks! and surfing a longboard like a shortboard does not make it cool...SUP SUCK......Greedy pigs of the ocean
Jim Goyich
Jim Goyich - 7 years ago
There are a lot of things that suck in the surf world, including wave hog suppers, grouchy old longboarders, and overly aggros gods-in-their-own-mind shortboarders, and every form of kook. Share the waves and stay safe, and your life will turn out just fine. The only difference between today's 16 year old shortboarder and a 50 year old sup surfer is 39 years of gettin' old.
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
true +kaidad1 
kaidad1 - 11 years ago
Most people who talk like that simply do not know how to surf with longboarders and SUP riders Why? because they suck and can't surf.
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
+Kim Edmonds
sick! Good for you then! thats fine by me ? haha idk
Kim Edmonds
Kim Edmonds - 11 years ago
+Saxon Morris its not about skill for me, it's about relaxation and exercise. I use it more as a means to explore on flat water lakes and rivers that aren't easily accessible by foot. I have surfboards to ride waves at the beach.
Saxon Morris
Saxon Morris - 11 years ago
i agree with you..Sups do suck. they sit way far outside and sweep there way into every wave that's decent... takes no skill..
A Rodriguez
A Rodriguez - 11 years ago
+Kim Edmonds Kim sorry to rattle you, I really don't care that much about this subject.
A Rodriguez
A Rodriguez - 11 years ago
+Kim Edmonds If you are having fun on your SUP, that is all that matters. SCREW EVERYONE ELSE.. TAKE ALL THE SET WAVES. THE OCEAN BELONGS TO EVERYONE. EVEN THE UNSKILLED.. Have a good day Kim.
Kim Edmonds
Kim Edmonds - 11 years ago
Well thankfully I am not as narrow minded as you, it is purely another avenue of enjoyment. I also have a longboard and a shortboard. So I am not as restricted by surf conditions as someone that only has a short board. Oh, and your attitude sucks.
A Rodriguez
A Rodriguez - 11 years ago
+Kim Edmonds They need to change the name to boating and only women and old people should do it only then will it be acceptable.."Little Bitch" who are you that character from breaking bad.."BITCH"... lol SUP SUCK!!
Kim Edmonds
Kim Edmonds - 11 years ago
Cry me a river, ya little bitch!
The6Witch6Burner6 - 11 years ago
I agree with winston.  Ive been at sup 3yrs now, learn alot every outing. I have the good judgement to look out for all in the water, its my(our ) responsibility. This means im aware, practice the etiquette, respect etc. That said, there are dickheads out there all the time. fuck em. drive on with your passions whatever form of surfing you do, make no mistake, its all surfing. ooooh deep i know LOL   peace all.
Michael P
Michael P - 11 years ago
surfing waves is not surfing? lol wtf @staticclay
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 11 years ago
Word of advise: don't wear your boxer shorts under you surf baggies and sticking out the back. It makes you look like a tourist from the city.
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 11 years ago
Listen man, it's not hard. All you have to do is go to one of the local tourist surf schools and sneak up on them while they are teaching the little girls how to lay down and paddle a surfboard and then pop up to their feet. Just hide in the bush's and listen and then rent a real surfboard and go practice. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 11 years ago
Oh, look, staticclay got his panties all ruffled up.
Jarrod Poirot
Jarrod Poirot - 11 years ago
Skated street in the 80's. Meat heads thought we were "Gay". We're some of the first guys snowboarding Park City when only one resort would have us. It was banned at most resorts. Meat heads thought it was "Gay". Haven't let you( apparently homophobic) assholes stop me yet. Step aside while we pave the way. Historically, meat heads always come around. See ya at the bottom of the curve!
Josh Arias
Josh Arias - 11 years ago
sweepers need to leave
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 11 years ago
Sup heads need to sty right where they belong: With the wind surfers and kite surfers and skidoo riders.
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 11 years ago
At least they kept showing shots of the one and only girl at the sup contest in the video. How come those guys don't just get surfboards and learn how to surf??
Conor Hegarty
Conor Hegarty - 11 years ago
I don't know why you all talk shit about what other people do. If it makes them happy and isn't hurting anyone, then FUCK OFF.
mark Chapman
mark Chapman - 11 years ago
ocean janitors just be cleanin' it up every day, showing those surfer fags how a real cutback is done... with a motha flippin' paddle. kooks go home, SUPers for life!
Liz Mocias
Liz Mocias - 11 years ago
sidshocking - 11 years ago
SUP surfing doesn't suck. SUP surfers, on the other hand...
btimberlake01 - 11 years ago
Fags. May as well just surf if you're going to ride a wave like that.
Yetishark - 11 years ago
Go fly a fcking kite and stay out of the ocean,.,.,.barnyard fcks
Winston S
Winston S - 11 years ago
Some SUP surfers yield to surfers and don't go for every wave, but take turns. I guess that's not all, but I will give up waves out of respect.
Winston S
Winston S - 11 years ago
What about flatwater SUPing for crosstraining? Does it suck in all aspects, or just in the waves?
Marc Halikas
Marc Halikas - 11 years ago
This is obviously excellent SUP surfing on a pro level. Nice wave riding, guys.
Kevan Kraushaar
Kevan Kraushaar - 11 years ago
I'm all for people riding what they like, but SUP surfers have the ability to catch every god damn wave and no respect / restraint. Inexperienced SUPers are incredibly dangerous, to boot.
Cory G
Cory G - 11 years ago
people just need to think what they are doing is right by telling other people what they are doing is wrong, its called low self esteem. Its hillarious when they miss the entire point of Stand Up and the advantages it can have.
Cory G
Cory G - 11 years ago
Oh that is some great scientific evidence you have provided. Here is some just logical common sense for you. A surfer couldn't catch these waves, these waves are tiny and hardly have the power the only reason these guys are shredding on these waves is because they have that paddle and can increase or descrease their speed whenever they want to. You don't have that capability on a surfboard. Great explanation but not a lot of it is practical.
Great athletes on equipment that limits their ability to do what they are trying to do: surf in tight critical areas of the wave face performing vertical moves with power style and flow. If the objective is to shred then physics will verify that a 27" board that is 3" inches thick is not the ideal equipment. Physics is objective. It does not lie. Again, great athletes, performing at a very high level, but square peg round hole, the equipment limits them. Sort of like NASCAR trucks series.
William III
William III - 11 years ago
Still sucks.
Hugo Hugo
Hugo Hugo - 11 years ago
MO FREITAS - 11 years ago
awesome footage and edit! thanks for sharing!!
tsomoyog - 11 years ago
luisgemeolda - 11 years ago
Shortboading like a boss
Kyle Davis
Kyle Davis - 11 years ago
SUPs are gay. Enough said
Tyler Bennett
Tyler Bennett - 11 years ago
sweepers have no style
jonmalizia - 11 years ago
Was there a week ago

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