This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

CLICK for more from their scientific surf trip: Scientists and Surfers travel to Mexico to test technology in hope of improving athlete performance. The goal of the Red Bull Surf Science project is not to revolutionize the way we approach surfing, or even try to elevate it to next level, instead the objective is to further the technology that is being developed, and test it in the harshest conditions possible. If we can get this technology to work and produce credible results, we'll be able to take key learnings and hopefully improve athlete performance, not only in the water but with other sports as well. Learn more about the action sports tracker, "Trace" here: Learn more about the auto following drone here: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and YouTube exclusive series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 135

Surf 10 years ago 370,451 views

CLICK for more from their scientific surf trip: Scientists and Surfers travel to Mexico to test technology in hope of improving athlete performance. The goal of the Red Bull Surf Science project is not to revolutionize the way we approach surfing, or even try to elevate it to next level, instead the objective is to further the technology that is being developed, and test it in the harshest conditions possible. If we can get this technology to work and produce credible results, we'll be able to take key learnings and hopefully improve athlete performance, not only in the water but with other sports as well. Learn more about the action sports tracker, "Trace" here: Learn more about the auto following drone here: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and YouTube exclusive series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

Ewald Stander
Ewald Stander - 7 years ago
How to remove all the passion out of surfing and everything it stands for. Thank America.
Alan DeRossett
Alan DeRossett - 7 years ago
nice video its time to update our tech many will not make it
WaterBucket - 7 years ago
i want those eye trackers to replace my go pro
Amazing movie!
Have a nice evening :-)
Nunya Bizness
Nunya Bizness - 7 years ago
Another reason why I want my own wave pool.
Joe Wind
Joe Wind - 7 years ago
as if surfing wasn't ruined enough.
Elisheval - 7 years ago
Drones should be banned from beaches. such a menace.
Eric Hirsch
Eric Hirsch - 7 years ago
part of the fun of surfing is being in nature and not using electronics if you are going to do this minus well surf in virtual reality and not in real life.
Robert Freeman
Robert Freeman - 7 years ago
Dumb.....techo out a soul sport......why?

10. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

sVMZ - 7 years ago
Surfing was an escape for me, to be alone or with a few friends. Getting up early or travelling for something special something awesome, and to learn on my own and be at one with nature. This kinda defeats that purpose, its more jockish, but thats pro sports for ya. I guess I wouldn't mind the pros paycheque, and I am sure they love it too. Maybe not such a free spirit feeling though?
Stefan Zivkovic Media
Stefan Zivkovic Media - 7 years ago
Now we know what they think, next we are going to insert a canera directly into the anus and track vowel movment to see when they get scared.
michael kuipers
michael kuipers - 7 years ago
stupid science bitches
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
Funny is that these guys don't need no training. They're already good. haha
Patrick Dumas
Patrick Dumas - 7 years ago
drones are cool but i hate the sound they make when youre just trying to enjoy the water
M.W - 8 years ago
Frank Sorry
Frank Sorry - 8 years ago
Jack is ripping!! That's his name, right? Can't be easy surfing with all that gear on. Better still that he is keen too. I remember growing up dreaming of going pro, but I was so young and dumb I blew off so many gigs that in hindsight would have been stepping stones to my goal. I'm just talking about uncool brand sponsors. If anyone asked me to strap all that shit to my head and surf with a laptop on my back... I would have told them to go F*** themselves. And then some. Hmmm. Hindsight.
Good kid! Please get him a smaller computer for his next season.
Frank Sorry
Frank Sorry - 8 years ago
Jack is ripping!! That's his name, right? Can't be easy surfing with all that gear on. Better still that he is keen too. I remember growing up dreaming of going pro, but I was so young and dumb I blew off so many gigs that in hindsight would have been stepping stones to my goal. I'm just talking about uncool brand sponsors. If anyone asked me to strap all that shit to my head and surf with a laptop on my back... I would have told them to go F*** themselves. And then some. Hmmm. Hindsight.
Good kid! Please get him a smaller computer for his next season.
Jaco Taljaard
Jaco Taljaard - 8 years ago
stupid waist of time, work on a new fuel source for cars, and just surf and have fun, dont annalise the fuck out of it!
Jeff Mangum
Jeff Mangum - 8 years ago
You don't have to use the tech. All I'm gonna say.

20. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

papapetad - 8 years ago
"Yeah this is awesome. I will remember to apply 23% more pressure on right toe number 3 as I negociate the bottom turn in front of that massive wall of water about to crash on my head and send me face first into the reef below." When poison money turns art into commercial sport. Welcome to modern corporate greed, when you have to look at a fucking computer screen to tell you how you felt in the water. This is f'd up and a little bit scary.
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 8 years ago
"When science meets surfing"; there i fixed it for you.
Now go back selling your poison to kids...
Oscar Vella
Oscar Vella - 8 years ago
he is clearly 15 years+
Kaussie - 8 years ago
k you can fuck off now
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 8 years ago
Jesus Christ. What are you, ten years old? Whatever man, good for you
Kaussie - 8 years ago
You're the only one taking potshots, im just standing up for scientists
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 8 years ago
Learn how to spell first before you take potshots boy
Kaussie - 8 years ago
Thomas V. Your the defenition of a laugh
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 8 years ago
+Kaussie haha thanks, i needed a good laugh ;)
Kaussie - 8 years ago
your a kook, probally never surfed a day in your life. scientists are actually doing amazing jobs and anyalising data so standard people can find out how to surf like the pro's
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 8 years ago
What beach is this please RED BULL?
Shane Cox
Shane Cox - 7 years ago
Surf Editing Media Salina Cruz
Kingsley Davis
Kingsley Davis - 8 years ago
New technologies = more crap to buy.
mykeydrive - 8 years ago
When I was young we had to pay someone in pot to film from the beach for us; with an analog video recorder... wow things have changed
0 0
0 0 - 8 years ago
sounds like some pretty affordable equipment
Dale Bergeron
Dale Bergeron - 9 years ago
When will the 3D game and home virtual board be coming out? Look I'm pushing 60 so I don't have much time left. Lets step it up.
Fred Jones
Fred Jones - 9 years ago
Maybe redbull can create a drone to wipe my ass for me
Indiana Hill
Indiana Hill - 7 years ago
pbigoud - 8 years ago
actually they know their shit about proper shit as well. just picture yourself after having a few too many of their product and you'll get what i mean. BTW, some different kind of scientists studied the effects of the mix redbull booze, turns out it has the same damage effects on brain cells and other parts of your body than cocaine. but they're probably not gonna make a sweet advertising video on that one
pbigoud - 8 years ago
but i guess they know their shit about making money and use the science to do so
pbigoud - 8 years ago
Thats pretty funny .. and they'd rather spend their time science the shit out this instead of poisoning kids and not anymore kids minds and bodies
Fred Jones
Fred Jones - 9 years ago
Fuck redbull what a fucking sellout company
Bobby Droback
Bobby Droback - 9 years ago
the only way to get better at surfing is by surfing more. everything else we've seen here is truly interesting in a scientific setting. With that said, I stand by my belief of surfing any and all conditions as often as possible will make you a better surfer. 37 years of doing this is proof.

30. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

DarkSagan - 9 years ago
The eye tracking was very cool. I always wanted to know what surfers are looking at when making split second decisions. I would like to see that used on proximity wingsuit sky divers.
Daratheprofessional 1
Daratheprofessional 1 - 9 years ago
Crap vid
Jack Toouli
Jack Toouli - 9 years ago
this is absolute crap, plain and simple
Jocky Rohnson
Jocky Rohnson - 8 years ago
Oh look at you, all manly and shit. Lol
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
+Jack Toouli That's what the religious thought about science way back too.
János Tokity
János Tokity - 9 years ago
How about sensors built within a surfboard that detects sharks nearby...that would be usefull
Indiana Hill
Indiana Hill - 7 years ago
RandomGamer no there's not
RandomGamer - 7 years ago
Jocky Rohnson did you know, there is always a shark within 5 feet of you...
Jocky Rohnson
Jocky Rohnson - 8 years ago
I don't know about that. What if they've always been near and we just don't know. Last thing I need is that sensor just non-stop going off. Lol kinda scary
Silkaz7 - 9 years ago
+János Tokity this!
Bob RK
Bob RK - 9 years ago
As a fan of the sport, and a lover of youtube, I can see why people would watch this video. But this is taking it too far... eye tracking leading to increased performance in non professional surfers.... cmon, please, just let them surf
axt114130 - 9 years ago
It's cool to see the advance metrics involved.
REESE FROIO 11 - 9 years ago
what happened to an amazing sport
actually retarded
actually retarded - 9 years ago
Surf coach lmao
Aidan Gunn
Aidan Gunn - 9 years ago
What is happening surfing ...?  This is not what surfing is about "being better"  its about having fun! parents want there kid to be a pro surf at the age of 12 just have fun surfing and progress
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
+Aidan Gunn Its a competitive sport now day and these test are used in just about every sport you can think of (football, baseball, MMA,golf). If you want to be the best you need to be on top of everything. Having a slight advantage over your opponent can be the difference between a 9 and a 9.5.
Gustavo Ortega
Gustavo Ortega - 9 years ago
I see that a lot of you don't understand the video at all. This is not showing off the future of surfing- nobody's gonna be wearing backpacks and goggles and neuron hats- this is just the tools the scientists use in order to analyze surfing and understand what makes the pros so good in order to improve training techniques as well as technology (best board shapes and materials)
Raul Martinez
Raul Martinez - 9 years ago
What part of Mexico is this?
Malibu LongBoards Surf School
Malibu LongBoards Surf School - 9 years ago
ranndino - 9 years ago
Wow, judging by the comments the surfing community is not as chill as I thought.
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
ranndino these aren't surfers these are fridos and wanna be savages and surfers
joel simpson
joel simpson - 8 years ago
are you kidding me? Only people that want to be surfers act all cool and chilled. Actual surfers are no different to any of us. In fact, they're probably a lot less chilled and hot headed
Elephant Empire
Elephant Empire - 8 years ago
ikr like chill if the don't like it they ignore it this for scientist
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
+ranndino Yeah I noticed that on a lot of videos lately especially after finding out that two Brazilians won.
Tony Ghetoo
Tony Ghetoo - 10 years ago
Dude found this Kid named Justin Louden pretty good content very cool. Check him out guys
manitsmatt - 10 years ago
How bout they show some more results like come on. I want to see the foot pressure on cut backs and airs
raul2hash - 10 years ago
i don't see all this necessary, surfing will loss it's magic. scientist should look for a way to clean the polluted waters, for example...or try to bring artificial surf to the cities with no sea..but all that technology right there has no propose at all. What's the point on measuring facts we all can realize? choosing waves is an instinct that the surfer has to develop by instinct.
Petr Polách
Petr Polách - 10 years ago
its a lol crap...
xtzu2 - 10 years ago
Jorge Ferreira
Jorge Ferreira - 10 years ago
surf doesn't need tech, surf only needs passion!
Christopher Ho
Christopher Ho - 10 years ago
This is really cool and all... but I think the soul of action sports comes from the pure talent, adrenaline, and practice of these dope individuals. Any amount of technology won't substantially progress the sport itself. The people are what make the sports crazier and crazier and crazier... with no technology that is. 

50. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
What happened to Josh Moniz's pec?
Germán Palacios
Germán Palacios - 10 years ago
This test was filmed in a excellent place for surf in Mexico just at the spots of Punta Conejo y Las Salinas; SALINA CRUZ OAXACA- MEXICO!
Mike Foster
Mike Foster - 10 years ago
worst use of technology
Wicked City
Wicked City - 10 years ago
This sux so much. It's so fucking lame to think that in 5-10 years you'll go to paddle out for a relaxing surf and be surrounded by a bunch of rich douch-bags with computers on their backs and drone helicopters hovering overhead filming the whole abomination. GET FUCKED RED BULL.
Ralph Lowe
Ralph Lowe - 10 years ago
Iron Lee hit the nail on the head ,keep  it simple and just go surfing.
Rhodri Hardy
Rhodri Hardy - 10 years ago
I love how surfing has developed. Who needs purity anyway?
finleyyy - 10 years ago
Stop it, just stop things like that. Go out and surf or do whatever you want to do, technology might be good in some points - but it's too much. Saw an ad for a toothbrush with bluetooth for your smartphone, I mean - WHAT THE HELL
Jamey Liddell
Jamey Liddell - 10 years ago
one of the unfortunate symptoms of surfings popularity, 
finleyyy - 10 years ago
Teddy Parker
Teddy Parker - 10 years ago
I can't even express how pointless this "science" was. I can't think of a single thing done here that improved surfing, except maybe putting some money into these kids' pockets so they can surf more which is all they care about. Watching replays encourages self critique which hinders competitor performance. If you want science focus on performance diets, paddling strength training to win paddle battles, and better boards, shorts, and wetsuits. All of this technology serves no significant purpose. Typical Red Bull nonsense. Throw money at a half-baked idea just to promote your company. Great.
lane - 10 years ago
Edwin Ivan
Edwin Ivan - 10 years ago
This is bullshit, u should create something that keeps SHARKS away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samuel rogers
samuel rogers - 10 years ago
ure dont need a brain scan to tell me that I get pumped when I see a good wave.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
Surfing's originally for fun, take your bullshit and fuck off to a beach where it won't annoy anyone, If I see a drone hovering above my head i'll smash it when I come in.
michael cotton
michael cotton - 10 years ago
Nothing wrong with seeing your own footage if your training  at a school or somthing im sure kelly has watched himself a few times and its not like every surfer in the water at snapper would be doing this 
loki475 - 10 years ago
+Damian Benson You would be right, except this is from a caffeine peddling beverage company. Should I smoke a joint and chug a redbull? I'll stick with the joint...
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
Jessica Bjornson
Jessica Bjornson - 10 years ago
"Now that we solved the problem of instant replay in the water..."
Umm... i didnt know that was a problem. This is the kind of shit that ruins things that dont need fixing. This is the stupidest most pointless crap.
Mollie Emery
Mollie Emery - 10 years ago
looks awesome but when will the be available to buy? thesed be great to train and cut out faults.
davrossovich - 10 years ago
'Thats the first time I've had the chance to see Josh paddle in a controlled environment like this' Everyone involved in this video- go kill yourself. Seriously.
Rutger Engbersen
Rutger Engbersen - 10 years ago
What a bunch of red bull shit!
nuhhhhhhh - 10 years ago
leave it to shitty energy drink companys to add pointless shit to surfing... 
nawaz jan
nawaz jan - 10 years ago
+nuhhhhhhh aedyvub
Codgerism - 10 years ago
+omgitsjonnn Red Bull is just a marketing company, they don't even make the energy drinks that they push.
nuhhhhhhh - 10 years ago
aside from being a multi billion dollar corporation that exploits profesional athletes?make pointless things in surfing obviously 
omgitsjonnn - 10 years ago
holy shit you have no idea what Red Bull does, do you? 
Sašo Muc
Sašo Muc - 10 years ago
hm fascinating. That what wave dose he like is interesting.
SandCamer 1
SandCamer 1 - 10 years ago
Putrino Lab
Putrino Lab - 10 years ago
Thanks to RedBull High Performance for this amazing video. Putrino Lab was incredibly honored to take part in "Surf Science". I think it is so important to point out that these projects represent science exploration to a degree that is not being attempted by anybody else. It promotes innovation and dialogue between scientists and tech developers (who ordinarily would not interact as readily) in creative, challenging and fun environments. On behalf of Burke Rehabilitation and Weill-Cornell Medical College we thank you for helping us to develop technologies that will improve the standard of care that we can provide to our patients. 
Scott C
Scott C - 10 years ago
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
Next we install a computer driven robot so surfers don't even have to surf at all.
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
Next we strap on a fax machine to see if we can fax competition details to surfers during the heat. 

Next will install computer software into the board so surfers can trade the stock market while surfing in remote locations.
St. Mark
St. Mark - 7 years ago
the red bull ohmibod will vibrate soon as the surf hits 6 ft at their favourite spot. a plotter will print out the cheapest flights automatically.
Chris Banks
Chris Banks - 10 years ago
Eliot Robinson
Eliot Robinson - 10 years ago
lol just buy one of the Rip Curl watches instead of fucking around with all those gadgets, too much...
SoStoked - 10 years ago
Surfing rhymes with pleasure. These are just useless toys for surfers. Just marketing scientists. Real surfing scientists should develop eco-friendly surfing material and equipment to improve safety in crowded spots.
Qais ' Zix
Qais ' Zix - 10 years ago
Drones to kill the art of cinematography... Thanks Redbull!
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
+Tone Read What Tone said. Agreed and i'm a young fuck.
Tone Read
Tone Read - 10 years ago
I've had enough I think this whole approach to a pastime that was free n easy is frankly so fucked it takes the fun out of the experience and turns it into a money making op from which only those that live on marketing can only gain!!!!!! stick it the can you fucking narcissistic lunatics and let the art of surfing remain forever free
Chris Christy
Chris Christy - 10 years ago
2:05 The Walking Dead Season 1 was definitely filmed there
Digital Insan1ty
Digital Insan1ty - 10 years ago
some of these technologies were kind of lame like the EEG proved that someone who is good and likes surfing gets excited when he starts surfing but the Airdog is super awesome.
igloo productions
igloo productions - 10 years ago
One thing I like about surfing is the simplicity of it. It's me, my board shorts, my board, and the ocean. Half the reason I go surf is to get away from all the technology. Away from my phone and computer, and other people. Plus I don't want to go surfing looking like a fuckin android, sorry.
Fred Jones
Fred Jones - 9 years ago
Hahahhaha amen brother
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
What Iron Lee said.
kay834 - 10 years ago
irishsnowsurfnskate - 10 years ago
amazing how red bull continue to push sport to new heights and limits... fantastic
toby blake
toby blake - 10 years ago
I got my first surfboard in '59, and I gotta say, the sport has really progressed into an amazing thing to watch; we only had long boards so no one was doing acrobatics or spinning the board 360 ; I'm worried if I sat on a short board it would sink; the best surfers out there now, are the best surfers ever. Myself, I'm 67 and couldn't stand on one of those things if my life depended upon it. But surfing is one of the greatest and most beautiful sports this side of Uranus.  
Bradley Strickland
Bradley Strickland - 10 years ago
I am one who is all for enhancing a sport through science but I think they are getting a little crazy with this. What happened to surfing logs, turning with your toes, and avoiding da hui?
Opana Binladen
Opana Binladen - 10 years ago
i used to be one of those 13 year old kids who was good at stuff and just wanted to play sports all day, awesome to see that some of those kids are going pro before 18 and actually doing what i wanted to do when i was their age
Rafael Ruales
Rafael Ruales - 10 years ago
+Red Bull where in mexico is this spot?
DevilishMoth - 10 years ago
You should get this technology tested on a water polo player (me)
Julie Prescott
Julie Prescott - 10 years ago
dream job
Sheni Hamitaj
Sheni Hamitaj - 10 years ago
I don't like this! Its like bike running, but if I do smth, I do it for my pleasure, I guess there is no bigger joy than feeling the water while surfing, why do you need all this stuff that translates surf into shitty challenges
Sheni Hamitaj
Sheni Hamitaj - 10 years ago
Kriztyle - 10 years ago
Its surfing, not rocket science. Keep it simple and natural, guys. Aloha. 
steveo8947 - 10 years ago
Looks like this was a lot of fun, and some cool gadgets out there :D
Michael Bell
Michael Bell - 10 years ago
Robot surfing. Next generation. This is some BS
Shazin - 10 years ago
I absolutely love this video. I must share. appeals to the tech geek in me as well as the sports and film side. Amazing!  
nico nico
nico nico - 10 years ago
last spot in NZ ! 
Red Robot
Red Robot - 10 years ago
Am I the only one bothered that we didn't actually see any scientists surfing?
indyo7 - 10 years ago
no wonder they've got a kid to do this , no way an old school champ would get involved in this mess
indyo7 - 10 years ago
these projects make me sad and disappointed for the future , and the loss of any freedom that comes along with stepping in the water and away from tech
nandoss oss
nandoss oss - 9 years ago
your board have a lot of tech..
Michael - 10 years ago
This is cool and all but its only putting surfing and whatever other sports this evolves to into the the hands wealthier people. I think its a getting a little out of hand nowadays. Eventually the only people who will be able to succeed and move up in sports are the ones who can financially do so.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
+Emmanuel Nunez I hope it gets shoved up your ass you faggot. Don't come to the beach with it or you'll earn yourself a free slap and one less drone.
José Silva
José Silva - 10 years ago
That will never happen in sport, you can have all the money in the world if you dont have quality you will never be sucefull! 
Nightbot - 10 years ago
I got my drone for only about $1500 in Chicago
Edgar Pereira
Edgar Pereira - 10 years ago
In Oporto, Portugal
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Not sure it's what surfing is about but it's a great excuse to get some cool new toys for surfing

100. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

Airdog - 10 years ago
Thanks Red Bull, it was great to be a part of this project! We really hope that our technology will help athletes to analyze and improve their performance. 

AirDog team
ranndino - 9 years ago
+midevilmonkeyterd Don't you think they've already thought of that? Check YT for some sick footage.
I am stupid
I am stupid - 10 years ago
womackke - 10 years ago
+Emmanuel Nunez anyone can buy already up for pre order with freee Feb delivery
Nightbot - 10 years ago
Omg dude. We need that in skateboarding. like this post if u skate. :)
midevilmonkeyterd - 10 years ago
hit up some skateboard teams with that drone thing it would be awesome for filming hill bombs and long lines.
Freaky Links
Freaky Links - 10 years ago
stop the fashion of great caps and big glasses they look like nothing! 
Scott B
Scott B - 10 years ago
Who is this little guy?
goticab - 10 years ago
The blonde gay it seems crying when he has got above of his head these white thing with circles of different colours
Ken Hall
Ken Hall - 10 years ago
i love teknallajee
Robert Houben
Robert Houben - 10 years ago
Adriano Silva
Adriano Silva - 10 years ago
Caden Richter
Caden Richter - 10 years ago
bad ass
jordan ward
jordan ward - 10 years ago
I dont see why people think this is stupid this could really help surfing and change our sport - 10 years ago
Thanks Red Bull! We're excited Trace is helping your athletes improve their performance. Honored to be part of this project. 

- Team Trace
Nathaniel Tambakis
Nathaniel Tambakis - 10 years ago
that technology is unbelievable 
RCAirControl - 10 years ago
Cnasty006 - 10 years ago
Definitely not what surfing's all about but I guess its cool for the pro surfers 
Luis Alemán
Luis Alemán - 10 years ago
Jayson Carey
Jayson Carey - 10 years ago
More like "when product designers go surfing"
Red Robot
Red Robot - 10 years ago
"when product designers watch kids go surfing"
B - 10 years ago
Je suis le premier a maître un commantaire

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About This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

The "This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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