This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
Surf 10 years ago 370,451 views
CLICK for more from their scientific surf trip: Scientists and Surfers travel to Mexico to test technology in hope of improving athlete performance. The goal of the Red Bull Surf Science project is not to revolutionize the way we approach surfing, or even try to elevate it to next level, instead the objective is to further the technology that is being developed, and test it in the harshest conditions possible. If we can get this technology to work and produce credible results, we'll be able to take key learnings and hopefully improve athlete performance, not only in the water but with other sports as well. Learn more about the action sports tracker, "Trace" here: Learn more about the auto following drone here: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and YouTube exclusive series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
Amazing movie!
Have a nice evening :-)
10. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
Good kid! Please get him a smaller computer for his next season.
Good kid! Please get him a smaller computer for his next season.
20. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
Now go back selling your poison to kids...
30. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
50. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
Umm... i didnt know that was a problem. This is the kind of shit that ruins things that dont need fixing. This is the stupidest most pointless crap.
Next will install computer software into the board so surfers can trade the stock market while surfing in remote locations.
100. comment for This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing
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