Three Surfers
Surf 11 years ago 2,366,386 views
Jimmy needs three surfers for a new sketch. Filmed by: Chris Thompson Starring: Jimmy Tatro Christian A. Pierce King Bach DeStorm JD Witherspoon Written by: Jimmy Tatro and Christian A. Pierce Follow me! Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Christian Subscribe for new comedy sketches every Monday! Welcome to Life According to Jimmy. Check in every Monday as I'm joined by Christian Pierce or other guests for weekly sketches, balcony conversations, and more!
10. comment for Three Surfers
20. comment for Three Surfers
30. comment for Three Surfers
50. comment for Three Surfers
Destorm- COOCOOO
"i like to eat it cool my nigga"
Now I'm watching this again and when JD comes out I'm like wtf hahaha
can anyone explain this? :D how is that even serious if he says nigger?
Give it a like ples
"I like to eat it nigga"
100. comment for Three Surfers
Still funny.
Duuude hahahaha
"I like to keep it cool my nigga!"
I can't XD
- OHHH you said NIGGA!?!
good job dude ^^
ole insecure ass fuckboy. I bet you hop on yo dusty PS3 n talk shit to niggas on CoD. lmao. bet you ain't over the age of 16. troll boy you talkin to a grown Chicago nigga. I know niggas that would trunk you n throw you in the lake with a fresh pair of cinderblock shoes just for a lil clout.
nomo talk. cause every time you reply you take double L's. you getting more L's than Meek MiLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
I deleted your last response cause I aint tryna do this back n forth shit with some random fuckboy on the internet.
you wanted a angry response, now you're getting one.
so pull out of your sister before she gets pregnant and go shoot up a school, cause that's what you white boys love doing.
get off my dick faggot and hold this fat ass L 2.0
cause we both know you clench yo asshole when a black man walks in your direction.
but alla the videoes about rasism that i've seen before are all about just white people acting rasiste to black people,so now i challenge you to make a video where BLACK PEOPLE ACT RASIST TO WHiTE PEOPLE
I like to keep it cool!!!!!!!
"ya'll ready to hit the pool"
surfing: the sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard.
swimming: the sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs.
I don't think there are waves in a swimming pool
long live KingBach lol
I laughed too damn hard
Typical ignorant bitch, always making stupid youtube comments instead of handling it mano a mano like a man.
*best line ever
Im black and the best swimmer in my fucking class
Destorm: COOKOO!
cant tell if troll aids or downs
For example, compared to a Caucasian male applying at a state university, to an African American male, who both share the same given qualities; it is now more likely for the African American to get picked over the racism/discrimination.
Or like in this video, the African Americans played the "victim" when that was simply not the case. If you care to learn more I would be happy to send you some links, or just message me! I would like to respectfully add that I'm not racist, or "hating" I'm just again, stating what is going on with race in our current culture right now.
Bach's ''Wooooooow' hahahahahahahaha
"I like to eat it cool my nigga" Lol!!