Tools to better your surfing "Soloshot 3" Surf Vlog by Noel Salas Ep.10
Surf 6 years ago 3,311 views
This video is about Tools to better your surfing "Soloshot 3" Surf Vlog by Noel Salas Ep.10 To join in the review and get your own Soloshot 3, click here: No obligation, but these links & ads help support the site and keeps the reviews coming! If you decide to buy somewhere else but would like to support the show, feel free to donate at In this Vlog I introduce our community to Soloshot 3 as a tool to better our surfing. Studying yourself surf is a great way to see what you are doing well and what you need to work on so you can surf better. Shooting video is vital to growth in surfing along with dialing in your equipment. I am also inviting our surf community to join us in surfboard reviews. Pretty simple.... get a camera man or Soloshot to shoot you on 5-6 waves then a quick interview of how the felt under your feet. Then send them over via Wetransfer so I can edit them into our review.
10. comment for Tools to better your surfing "Soloshot 3" Surf Vlog by Noel Salas Ep.10
Regarding solo shot I must tell you about my experience with this company.
When solo shot 2 was still in development I had pre purchased a base unit with two tags. It had finally released about 4 months after they said it was going to originally. That was no big deal however as I was stoked to finally get the product and start checking it out.
It worked as advertised and after I got used to setting it up correctly I really enjoyed using it. However I lost a tag about five moths later out in the surf as the elastic armband is super stretchy and can rip off your arm in moderate to strong surf. About two months after hat it happened again and I lost the second tag. I was bummed but was ready to buy more tags which were originally $99 each.
The real frustration for was when I contacted soloshot they no longer supported SS2 as they were working on SS3 Model. I had about a little under a year of use with a $850 purchase that no was no longer supported. I looked everywhere for replacement tags and quickly realized there are none available. All solo shot was able to do was offer me discount on a pre purchase for solo shot 3 Model. I have the emails from them saying just that.
I can’t express enough how disappointed I was with SoloShot’s abandonment of there product support. I see them as an R&D company looking to sell their patents and don’t think they are trying to build they’re brand for the long term. SS3 wasn’t even out yet and they no longer supported SS2. That’s just bad business and potential buyers need to know what they’re investing in.
They’re products are built well and do work as advertised, but they’re quick to move on to newer tech and don’t have the means or desire to support they’re previous generations.
I’d be interested to hear from others who have SS1 and SS2 models as to whether or not they’ve had similar experiences.
Love your show!
So sorry to hear about your difficulties with Soloshot 2 and they your situation was felt with. I know all companies have there issues and how they handle them is a big deal to us consumers. Thank you for posting your experiences and I hope others post theirs too... good or bad.
I know one of my friends Soloshot 1 or 2 and he uses his every time I see him out there surfing. No issues with his from what he has told me.
Yes there is a link below and at the end of this Vlog for an affiliate program. We just implemented the Amazon Affiliate link on the last Xcel wetsuit review we did. So the ball is in motion..., another thing we added to our website is a no obligation donate tab so our community can support our show if they buy from there local surf shops.