Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

Following UK teenagers who do stunts on tall buildings and ride on top of trains and buses, then post their dangerous exploits online, with access to a world famous teenage Parkour group from Guildford called Brewman. Co-founder of the group Rikke Brewer’s Train Surfing Paris Metro clip opened a new chapter in British Train Surfing. It sparked a new generation of copycat surfers keen to create their own viral presence and satisfy their need for an adrenaline fix. This film shows how the death of one of the group has created conflict in the crew, and how this and train surfing threatens to rip the group apart and ruin their friendship forever For information and support, the following organisations in the UK may be able to help: -- Click here to subscribe to BBC Three: Did you know that we’re up to other things in other places too? Best of BBC Three: iPlayer: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Oh, we’re on Snapchat too - just incase you were wondering… add us, bbcthree.

Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death sentiment_very_dissatisfied 219

Surf 6 years ago 261,376 views

Following UK teenagers who do stunts on tall buildings and ride on top of trains and buses, then post their dangerous exploits online, with access to a world famous teenage Parkour group from Guildford called Brewman. Co-founder of the group Rikke Brewer’s Train Surfing Paris Metro clip opened a new chapter in British Train Surfing. It sparked a new generation of copycat surfers keen to create their own viral presence and satisfy their need for an adrenaline fix. This film shows how the death of one of the group has created conflict in the crew, and how this and train surfing threatens to rip the group apart and ruin their friendship forever For information and support, the following organisations in the UK may be able to help: -- Click here to subscribe to BBC Three: Did you know that we’re up to other things in other places too? Best of BBC Three: iPlayer: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Oh, we’re on Snapchat too - just incase you were wondering… add us, bbcthree.

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Most popular comments
for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

Chris liam
Chris liam - 6 years ago
Parkour is so gay hahaha
Tren Jerry
Tren Jerry - 6 years ago
Thats rikke the cigrit
hemalXtendking1 - 6 years ago
Arlene Sanders
Arlene Sanders - 6 years ago
"For people who don't fit in" I know for a fact I couldn't do parkour cus I'm terrified and get huge vertigo around heights. So maybe just for us outcasts who can get over that lol.
Hey look it's Rikki from Ally Law's channel lol. I haven't gotten around to looking at Rikki's channel yet but will do some day :) I'm addicted to Ally's videos as it is haha
j0shra - 6 years ago
I do parkour!
Alex Doba
Alex Doba - 6 years ago
You keep saying parkour is uks newiest sport and it’s like ten years old ffs I was born and raised in Guildford and these boys just copied the lads that did it before them. YouTube is just a big thing now days these kids aren’t the first From my area to do parkour and won’t be the last ffs
ChantsWitty - 6 years ago
"who don't fit in" stop tryna feel special
Ben Harris
Ben Harris - 6 years ago
Rickie the clout chaser
blue god
blue god - 6 years ago

10. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

man i need support please anyone subscribe to make my content better
Consistency Mayn
Consistency Mayn - 6 years ago
CallForDestiny - 6 years ago
Is Rickie the person in ally laws vids
Triple Six Goblin
Triple Six Goblin - 6 years ago
That’s sick
BlackPhantom - 6 years ago
They look like all the other white middle class brats with nothing else to do lmao
Jagga - 6 years ago
This is incredible, i once felt so close with these communities and it's crazy to feel that i could've had the opportunity to be more involved with the parkour freerun society - it's all such a strong team and this video portrays the perfect light that people can relate to with such an amazing sport.<3
Space Gost
Space Gost - 6 years ago
Charles Neilson
Charles Neilson - 6 years ago
Is the person doing the voice over post lobotomy?
Tyana Alexandra
Tyana Alexandra - 6 years ago
Ricky is smart for staying away when he is facing prison... do his friends not understand this?
j - 6 years ago
ally law is the main character out of these groups who isnt mentioned here . they climb skyscrapers cranes etc in london . matter of time before another one of them dies , i hope they get locked up before it happens

20. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

James C
James C - 6 years ago
Ricky isn't to blame damn people do what they want, free running is so Kewl so is urban exploration and stay strong everyone
Cat Fomina
Cat Fomina - 6 years ago
ok why are all of these boys so fit though
Pea - 6 years ago
I watch Rikke and Ally Law but I never knew that happened to Rikke. Wow. That’s deep
Valencho - 6 years ago
How rickie died? I didnt understood
Xavierity - 6 years ago
came here to see ally
mr smith
mr smith - 6 years ago
bunch of posh white kids trying to be edgy. glad he got crushed by a train
Ollie Moynihan
Ollie Moynihan - 6 years ago
Good documentary
thejman4795 - 6 years ago
Isn’t one of these guys dyinglama?
DC5VLOGS - 6 years ago
He deserved it for messing about tbh
Tollef S. Roba
Tollef S. Roba - 6 years ago
screw this vid, mate... it presents parkour as a super dangerous "life or death" sport. even though it still was an interesting and good documentary

30. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

Edwin Pope
Edwin Pope - 6 years ago
Random, but anyone know what the font is used in the video..? haha.
Elouise Taylor
Elouise Taylor - 6 years ago
This is awesome
Emendio Brahmen
Emendio Brahmen - 6 years ago
It's A Madness
siimbs - 6 years ago
''...a thirty foot drop... certain death!!'' ehm... no? he would have slid down onto the stairs below, it's like 3 meters..
DemiLeigh Harrison
DemiLeigh Harrison - 6 years ago
Guys why u watching this rikke just got his new video out
F!NLaY - 6 years ago
Rickie and ally are the best parkour explorers
Murray Stenhouse
Murray Stenhouse - 6 years ago
The Brighton wallrun isn't that bad if you just have a decent pair of shoes, people have failed it at the last moment and come out with only a few grazes. The drop is only about 5 meters (if you can't slide down) unless you actively try to kill yourself by jumping away from the stairs below
Daniel Hooglandt
Daniel Hooglandt - 6 years ago
"certain death drop" at that Brighton wall, my ass. It might be 30ft to the beach level, but there is a perfectly fine staircase underneath. Get your shit together BBC
Mubarik Osman
Mubarik Osman - 6 years ago
Subway surfers...?
King Thatcher
King Thatcher - 6 years ago
Captain price 19:01
filthyforlife - 6 years ago
this makes me feel home
Andy wardman
Andy wardman - 6 years ago
10.56 trickstar out of ally laws vids
Kasper Bruun Kristensen Marienborg
Kasper Bruun Kristensen Marienborg - 6 years ago
Rikke is a Girls name
Eoin Molloy
Eoin Molloy - 6 years ago
Is rikke nightscape?
Communist Panda
Communist Panda - 6 years ago
/BLOOD - 6 years ago
Chav parkour
ImaKone MM
ImaKone MM - 6 years ago
I don’t see anything wrong with it. Death is going to happen. But it’s a sport. Either having the youth on the streets doing drugs, and doing worse shit to imagine. Or having them doing what they love. They’ll die either way. I feel like the government are against anyone young. I remember when I use to go out and we’d all just drink and then get complaints young people are drunk. So police ended up patrolling daily. Then we moved to hide n seek through the whole village. And we’d get shit for that because some people would climb and shit.
Christian Marshall
Christian Marshall - 6 years ago
People think this shit is crazy but yet never heard of Berlin kids
Mrog - 6 years ago
What's the music name
Saucecide Geeke
Saucecide Geeke - 6 years ago

50. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

krishxn - 6 years ago
anyone know the jacket on the guy on the left at 19:17
zoot g
zoot g - 6 years ago
I'm not tryna brag but I train surfed a dlr back in like 2011 aha
Tayo Shakur
Tayo Shakur - 6 years ago
it’s a madness
Jack Edmonds
Jack Edmonds - 6 years ago
zhenya1397 - 6 years ago
Man like Ricky from ally law
Noah The boss
Noah The boss - 6 years ago
LP Exploration
LP Exploration - 6 years ago
It’s a madness
Nate Otto
Nate Otto - 6 years ago
14:10 "certain death" not even close. blokes slide down all the time and its not certain death even if you land on your head
Andrew Neil
Andrew Neil - 6 years ago
What a strong mum!
stu sche
stu sche - 6 years ago
Where's #storrorarmy ?
TheLegend26 - 6 years ago
train surfing??? wtf brewman is just a pk group how low has bbc become to portray an entire sport for clickbait??!
Vax Buster
Vax Buster - 6 years ago
Band of dickheads, stop pissing about and get a real job!
Vegan Pat
Vegan Pat - 6 years ago
great documentary, shit title
ALAN LAWRENCE - 6 years ago
All unusual ways to end young lives, or end up in a wheel chair, a quadriplegic. Risk taking is a right of passage I suppose, but these fresh faced kids have made a religion of it.
Ty Morgan
Ty Morgan - 6 years ago
There is risk, but these kids, myself included, did not think, im gonna try a triple front flip off this 30 foot drop into a roll LETS GO! It is years upon years of training and progression, practicing the same move on pads 100, 500, 1000 times before moving on to doing it on concrete at chest height. Until we cant get it wrong, then the next level up and up. We practice till we cant get it wrong before we move on, not till we get it right. The risk is there, but it is almost completely gone after all factors are taken out. Any videos you see of compilations are either people without enough practice, or a weird mental disconnect which messed them up. Such as doubting themselves last second.
Evan Fournet
Evan Fournet - 6 years ago
Finally half decent coverage of this story
Calvin Witt
Calvin Witt - 6 years ago
I understand the thrill of doing this but one thing to keep in mind is when someone gets injured or killed its not just you who gets affected it is the folks disrupted by your actions + those responding to the incident. That said to the true parkour/freerunning folks who are jumping between things and who know their limits I respect them. That said never go past your own limits and keep your safety and others safety in the forefront!
Justin Ryan
Justin Ryan - 6 years ago
nah i do parkour/climbing and i'm always safe. i wouldn't risk dying lol
Justin Ryan
Justin Ryan - 6 years ago
+Wf Mike yes
Wf Mike
Wf Mike - 6 years ago
Justin Ryan do you?
Kirsty Mathieson
Kirsty Mathieson - 6 years ago
"criminal feel to it" shows some quality Ally Law content
XOP BEATS - 6 years ago
Yooo I love crewman, didn't know there was such a sad story behind it all
Teghead - 6 years ago
Disappointed at one bit of unecessary dramatisation: The wallrun at 15mins is not over a deathdrop. It's a slide on a sloped wall to the flat of another staircase, it would hurt and could injure you depending how you land. These lads don't treat deathdrops the same way you see them treat moderate risk here.
Lottie Love
Lottie Love - 6 years ago
A bunch of juvenile idiots.
Lea S.
Lea S. - 6 years ago
Millennials....the dumbest generation.
Vax Buster
Vax Buster - 6 years ago
Natural population control
Joe Hurdman
Joe Hurdman - 6 years ago
A compelling documentary about how the death of a friend affects a group and their passion, but instead let's title it about something that the guy wasn't even doing at the time.
TxRi Y
TxRi Y - 6 years ago
“Parkour is for those who don’t fit in” WHAT?!?!?! Shut the fuck up mate.
Danny McLean
Danny McLean - 6 years ago
Just a bunch of dead best youtuber with parents who never learned anything about controlling there spoiled brats
TeamCrypteia - 6 years ago
Rest In peace Nye we love you buddy BREWMAN AINT DEAD
Connor Bell
Connor Bell - 6 years ago
That mother has no fkn clue what shes talking about
Lightning Jack
Lightning Jack - 6 years ago
TheSpore35 - 6 years ago
man i still remember first watching that paris train video on DyingLlama
thejman4795 - 6 years ago
TheSpore35 same
아쿠아리읏Aquarius - 6 years ago
Rickie and Owen from Allys vids yessssss. Madness
Fatty - 6 years ago
Im surprised that Ally Law and Storror where not mentioned throughout this video, as both seem to have influenced the people reported on. the Brewmen can be seen wearing Storror merch and Ricky does challenges with Ally who is well know and has a big following.
Mackie P
Mackie P - 6 years ago
I think rikke might need some therapy.
StraightToThePoint - 6 years ago
a band of idiots teenage dumb asses who bond through weed
Harry - 6 years ago
Awful documentary. So manipulative and misjudged.
Lester Castro
Lester Castro - 6 years ago
Really god documentary! Big up!
Lester Castro
Lester Castro - 6 years ago
lol, meant good
Ty Morgan
Ty Morgan - 6 years ago
The Flipping Sniper
The Flipping Sniper - 6 years ago
R.I.P. nye, I’m a big brewman and I didn’t know this
Sam Stunts
Sam Stunts - 6 years ago
only just had the time to watch this start to finish
really not a fan of some of the stuff that was voiced over in post but overall insightful informative and for the most part respectful to Nye, rip
039stephen - 6 years ago
They could've done more research for it. Storror and storm are more popular. The wall run isn't that big of a drop. Only in one small part. Also it's a popular spot. He almost had a heart attack, no he didn't he had an adrenaline rush.
TheInsida1 - 6 years ago
This is the story of how a bunch of teens thought they could grow up without limits and through a tragic death, realised that there are limits to what we can do. Without limits, freerunning has morphed into this suicidal acting-out. You guys are great at what you do but you don't have to risk your lives for a few likes lads. Look after yourselves. God and therapy can help you to find meaning, purpose and peace.
Ty Morgan
Ty Morgan - 6 years ago
You can grow out of your limits. Limits are there to be broken.
Sven - 6 years ago
They they're immortal and found out they're not. At 15. Well at least some won't end up in an old ppls home shitting their diapers?
Rana Elle
Rana Elle - 6 years ago
Is that night scape
Hero:in Action
Hero:in Action - 6 years ago
Train-surfing is better than train-spotting. Choose life...

Jon Reynolds
Jon Reynolds - 6 years ago
Why is the narrator in slow motion?
UnorthdoxCleric - 6 years ago
I see alot of Ally Laws boys there. I guess they are all in it together really.
tonymontana 46
tonymontana 46 - 6 years ago
Its a madness
Brobofet 1
Brobofet 1 - 6 years ago
good documentary, yet you could change the title to something more appropriate and fitting than "train surfing"
Esme Deer
Esme Deer - 6 years ago
What was the “condition” that the boy got at 18?
To Dai4
To Dai4 - 6 years ago
Poor Rikke
To Dai4
To Dai4 - 6 years ago
Alex C
Alex C - 6 years ago
3:35 I don't know how he didn't break a leg there, I've been there in Dorking and it's proper high about 4 meters.

100. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death

Narque - 6 years ago
I dont understand how his friend fell out the train from what he said? anyone explain
Trufe - 6 years ago
rikke ftw
Good Game
Good Game - 6 years ago
Top Notch
Top Notch - 6 years ago
We've had three young lads die from train surfing here in this City past 15 years. One other guy died hanging out of a train doing graf. about 25 years ago.
Theres probably been more deaths but these are the ones local to me on this side of the City alone.
Please be careful out there, if you don't kill yourself train surfing or in some crazy urbex you could end up a quadrupplegic or with brain damage. Watching some of this parkour I'm thinking wow that incredible but at the same time wow how close did you just come to breaking your neck? And especially at a young age you wouldn't want to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair.
Dougie  Mitchell
Dougie Mitchell - 6 years ago
is this guy in Ally Laws vlogs?
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Dougie Mitchell I won’t suit blonde hair ?
Dougie  Mitchell
Dougie Mitchell - 6 years ago
Must be hard for him but FFS man u do no suit blonde hair lol
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Dougie Mitchell yes
Jim Doherty
Jim Doherty - 6 years ago
Good decent bunch of lads who’ll be haunted by this tragic accident. RIP to the lad and all the best to the others on their futures..... you’re awesome
stoikes - 6 years ago
It is the greatest crime of the modern day that Alan Partridge was not asked to host this.
donnie B
donnie B - 6 years ago
Storror is Parkour. The other shit is exactly that.

Amy Watson
Amy Watson - 6 years ago
This made me cry well done amazing documentary
Tyler Metcalf
Tyler Metcalf - 6 years ago
Urbex isn't just train surfing or climbing illegal shit, it's also exploring and photographing beautiful abandoned places!
Adam Szania
Adam Szania - 6 years ago
So much generalisation in this, as well as media twisting and exaggerating things to make them seem 20 times worse or more dangerous than things actually are smh..
WhiteSky38 - 6 years ago
Top documentary; it's just a shame they had to name it after the train surfing which is obviously not what those boys are about, dark days when the UK's first television broadcaster has stooped down to the low of clickbait titles however who is surprised when they don't even report the real news anyway?
Jagga - 6 years ago
110% it really portrays it from such a vague and belittling standpoint when there's so much more to freerunning as contradicted in the video.
ninamphotog - 6 years ago
Agreed. I’m a runner
UsoShigo - 6 years ago
Rakes in them clicks bruv
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 6 years ago
Is Ricky now part of Ally Laws gang now? I think he might be but I’m not sure
Konan Is Best Girl
Konan Is Best Girl - 6 years ago
Yeah he is
Armed Titanium
Armed Titanium - 6 years ago
Wait so what happened to his friend? I know he died but I didn't hear how it happened coz he mumbled
ADAM GRIFFITHS - 6 years ago
Got hit by something when he was switching carriages in a metro in Paris.
TheDwarfTheyLeftOutOfTheFilm - 6 years ago
Shark attack.
Jamie Nisherig
Jamie Nisherig - 6 years ago
That's not music, all the best lads. Be safe.
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Exciting times, but I've had t-shirts that lasted longer than that kid.
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
Yeeessss Rikke! Brewski gang.
TheDwarfTheyLeftOutOfTheFilm - 6 years ago
You're incredibly welcome
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
+TheDwarfTheyLeftOutOfTheFilm thanks!
TheDwarfTheyLeftOutOfTheFilm - 6 years ago
He loved getting his head impacted at 125km/h thereby rendering his entire cranium a messy blob of jelly?
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
Very sad about the lad that died, but I guess he died doing what he loved.
TheRey best
TheRey best - 6 years ago
Seems like there are going to be more parkour documentary soon
Philosophy & Magick
Philosophy & Magick - 6 years ago
What you are doing has the same risk as the trainsurfing. After one of you nearly died at the wallrun, you look back at the footage as if it's cool...I don't understand what's happening here. The sport is not at risk at all. Everyone who goes so far and risks their life, still risks everything. Nothing wrong with that. I love doing extreme stuff and I risked my life many times before. I just think you got confused about something really simple. If it's about the legality and the possible punishments it makes sense to me. But the sport is not in danger and the stuff Ricky? (the guy who was invited, but didn't come) does is just as risky as what some of the other guys in the crew do. Why create this story around it? Why the drama?

Really cool docu. Good editing and I like the storytelling.
Ty Morgan
Ty Morgan - 6 years ago
That was not a near death. The worst that woulda happened is he injured his leg if he landed badly. The wall was sloped, even if he just stopped mid run and slid down he woulda been fine, save for a few scrapes going down the wall lol.
Sana Iwao
Sana Iwao - 6 years ago
The commentator makes it seem like every aspect of parkour is dangerous and reckless, which is completely false. If you watch storror or any video by any parkour group, you will know that there is a huge amount of preparation and calculation which goes into any single jump. The physical and mental aspects of the jump/movement is wholly taken into account, the bail, the drop, everything, and each of those aspects are eliminated from the athletes doubt whilst they are preparing for the move. Parkour is a sport which places emphasis on bringing the mental and physical ability to the same level. Idiots who do things without consideration of their own safety are not welcome in this community.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Definitely agree. I consider parkour to be in the same vein as alpine skiing. You need to have a strong grasp of physics and your own abilities to succeed in these sorts of sports.
Bai - 6 years ago
Ally law destroyed the rep of rooftopping
STrang - 6 years ago
17:20 yea cops is just my friends ashes not coke
Falcon - 6 years ago
Aren't these guys associated with ally law? The mad man himself
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Falcon yes rikke is
Wolf WarMaster
Wolf WarMaster - 6 years ago
Why not do a documentry with Nightscape
Targetted Individual New York
Targetted Individual New York - 6 years ago
Why don't you do a documentary with Nightlight?
Nino Anin
Nino Anin - 6 years ago
I love this. As long as they don't put other people into danger. At least they don't go crazy with alcohol and drugs, and behave like morons in the street. Those are the real bad guys.
Vanessa - 6 years ago
16:40 wasn‘t that the one from Trollstation at the disco thingi
Wf Mike
Wf Mike - 6 years ago
Vanessa hi
Vanessa - 6 years ago
Alex is hot lmao
N.A.R Channel
N.A.R Channel - 6 years ago
"Parkour aka Freerunning" nah don't think so
Xzaona Plays
Xzaona Plays - 6 years ago
I live in aldershot so patkour and sister knew kelan
4 20
4 20 - 6 years ago
It's a Madness
Keanu Wood
Keanu Wood - 6 years ago
“Parkour, aka freerunning” seriously...
Clarke Klein
Clarke Klein - 6 years ago
Wait can someone tell me what happened to nye? Confused
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Clarke Klein he stuck his head out of a train and and hit his head
M. M.
M. M. - 6 years ago
Literally why? Natural selection at work...
ggcyuio;vbuop; - 6 years ago
My g Rikke Brewer
Hetakuso 1234
Hetakuso 1234 - 6 years ago
My birthday is in the 3rd of march
Vlisk - 6 years ago
All those stunts in Brighton were basically copied from storror, one of them even had a storror jersey on!
Harry Best
Harry Best - 6 years ago
My friends brother is kelan Ryan and he saw this guy get ripped to shreds by sticking his head out of a window and getting hit by a sign
Shot by Ferg
Shot by Ferg - 6 years ago
why does hector look like a lizard
boxingdaft - 6 years ago
Very good and very fair portrayal of the young lads glad it showed they r good kids and not vandals trouble makers
Jordan Carter
Jordan Carter - 6 years ago
It really changed my life? Your mate died and you carried on? Not reaaaaalllly changing your life is it but loved the clip nether the less
Jacob - 6 years ago
Its A Madness
LothianOwl - 6 years ago
These guys are like monkeys! I wonder how they would do in the military as their physical skills might come in handy.
Ty Morgan
Ty Morgan - 6 years ago
Parkour is more spacial awareness than it is fitness
Waifu - 6 years ago
Are they apart of storror
Cynical 。
Cynical 。 - 6 years ago
Initially I was rather confused when i saw Brewman haha
Tyson Kennedy
Tyson Kennedy - 6 years ago
Ally law?
Mishka Allen
Mishka Allen - 6 years ago
Ricky has moved on from this now and is doing well in his new path xxxx
tomstickland - 6 years ago
Oh no, it's a gritty documentary. You're better off watching their YouTube uploads.
Opticendymion 96
Opticendymion 96 - 6 years ago
I can't imagine how horrifying watching ur best friend die would be
Fat_Turtle - 6 years ago
night scape is big daddy
Euan unmentionable
Euan unmentionable - 6 years ago
Shout out ally law
deadlypineapple satsumas
deadlypineapple satsumas - 6 years ago
”Britains best parkour team”? Yall just forgot storror exists?
Akira Kush
Akira Kush - 6 years ago
r.i.p Nye one day i will go to Nye's jam in london
Akira Kush
Akira Kush - 6 years ago
I started doing urban exploration and met parkour trough that. now i only care about parkour. i still go on cranes and stuff but mostly i want to be a better athlete in parkour, and urbex and stunts are just for fun and pictures
FreeAgent Sleazy
FreeAgent Sleazy - 6 years ago
Rickee Geez is literally just a BTEC nightscape
Rikke Brewer
Rikke Brewer - 6 years ago
hmmm, btec huh? nah i'm just rikke brewer
nico 310
nico 310 - 6 years ago
Not trying to be a bitch but I really don’t think he would’ve died from the wall run but he might have slid down and maby broke his leg or something
elekonas - 6 years ago
Ikr. How is that a 30 foot drop. The only danger is a broken leg at most, not death.
Bannana133 - 6 years ago
Yo wtf rikkie lmfao
Roni Leviäkangas
Roni Leviäkangas - 6 years ago
wheres ally?
David Tang
David Tang - 6 years ago
Dumbest shit
Look At The Sky 111
Look At The Sky 111 - 6 years ago
Silly kids with their 'coolness'.
Liam Wilkinson is my name
Liam Wilkinson is my name - 6 years ago
It's a fucking madness!!!!
• Vasu •
• Vasu • - 6 years ago
Ally law
AK Media
AK Media - 6 years ago
Even this documentary is titled “train surfing wars” yet they wanted to show a distinction between parkour and train surfing, this really shows how the media twist everything
leangreenhighmachine - 6 years ago
i dont really get how he died was his head crushed in between the carriages or something ?
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
+leangreenhighmachine no drama matey, i was just as curious as you to be fair. A good documentary i thought although it actually left allot of questions unanswered.
leangreenhighmachine - 6 years ago
fair call man, i responded that way because most people just comment shit to look like the good guy or whatever reason they comment stuff, didnt mean to be disrespectful was jw what happened but thats a good reason so no arguments there.
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
+leangreenhighmachine lol! I'm no keyboard hero, I've simply noticed that people close to the event including Rikke himself are in the comments. Do the details of his horrific accident really need to be dragged up in detail. If you really want to know the facts google is your friend! No offence was meant by the way!
leangreenhighmachine - 6 years ago
Obviously its tragic i realize that i just didnt understand how it happened when they were explaining it. theres always a keyboard hero..
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
Does it really matter how he died? Either way it's sad and very tragic, that's all that matters.
Blake Griffin
Blake Griffin - 6 years ago
How did he die? He didnt explain it clearly. They were on the train, the doors opened, then what?
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Hit his head
The Neon Network
The Neon Network - 6 years ago
He got hit by a passing train or object i'm assuming
Henryppt - 6 years ago
The Soothsayer42
The Soothsayer42 - 6 years ago
Live it up, kids. Old age is overrated.
Squirrel Mark McGuire
Squirrel Mark McGuire - 6 years ago
1:40 Parkour is about style and showing off and free running is about the quickest way from point a to b so they’re different
Such Supercars
Such Supercars - 6 years ago
Whats with the overly patronising commentary?
DR Barry
DR Barry - 6 years ago
you cant blame rikkie for inspiring other train surfers
Fake usk member
Fake usk member - 6 years ago
Ally law is in the gang of people at the start
Kacper Olszewski
Kacper Olszewski - 6 years ago
Pk and Fr are britains New sport? Parkour was in britain since late 19s
Adam Walsh Work
Adam Walsh Work - 6 years ago
Im still here baby!
Dr Deadbeat
Dr Deadbeat - 6 years ago
More respect for these than the droves in clubs
Scotty J
Scotty J - 6 years ago
Can't be that famous. I live in Guildford.
Jalypso - 6 years ago
Don't really understand why this is trying to paint Rickie as a bad guy. He lost his best friend, people deal with grief in different ways. He obviously wants to distance himself from the memories and start fresh, can't really blame him.
Jalypso - 6 years ago
+michael o'mahony Have you lost your best friend?
michael o'mahony
michael o'mahony - 6 years ago
Jalypso grieving for your friend by abandoning the rest of them ok then
100 subscribers with no videos
100 subscribers with no videos - 6 years ago
I'm from bournemouth
Fo fa
Fo fa - 6 years ago
brewski gang gang
Ben Wiggins
Ben Wiggins - 6 years ago
Shit rikkes in ally laws vids
Reece Johnson
Reece Johnson - 6 years ago
Rip brother. But top documentary
P U N 0 7
P U N 0 7 - 6 years ago
Ally Law?
Rayhan Miah
Rayhan Miah - 6 years ago
Isn't this guy on ally law
rastalt - 6 years ago
Rayhan Miah yeah Rikke Brewer
James Johnston
James Johnston - 6 years ago
KPM6000 - 6 years ago
Ally Law anyone?
MashMaslah - 6 years ago
Nightscape shows you the difference
GLOSSY - 6 years ago
Darren Ford
Darren Ford - 6 years ago
If you live by the sword ......
Itz Ben
Itz Ben - 6 years ago
Rickie totally abandoned brewman
kash p
kash p - 6 years ago
does anyone know the tune @16:43 please, Ive tried everything but cant find it.
Ronan ONeill
Ronan ONeill - 6 years ago
Your not scared of eating oh dont eat that your not ment to if your not scared
Dean Games _ 7
Dean Games _ 7 - 6 years ago
did nye die
Ben Walton
Ben Walton - 6 years ago
Do one on garden trampolining
rob rob
rob rob - 6 years ago
tv is dead
Boomer112 - 6 years ago
I understand Rikke didn't wanna talk about the train surfing topic but atleast he could've talked about ''his'' parkour company. Why he kind of left it, etc. That's like the only thing i was interested to hear about when Rikke started talking at the end.
Charlie Neath
Charlie Neath - 6 years ago
Threw in a bit of Ally Law I see
NoT So SteaLthy NINJA
NoT So SteaLthy NINJA - 6 years ago
The only reason I clicked on the video was because big boy brewwer was in the thumbnail
polk - 6 years ago
Rikke Brewer in the thumbnail btw
Got7 Jackson
Got7 Jackson - 6 years ago
I'm reminded of Ally Law
Joshes Vlogs
Joshes Vlogs - 6 years ago
Yo Rickie is in most of ally laws vids
getupstairstobed - 6 years ago
Watched this today, such a good docu, well made, shame there seems to be that rift between Rikke and the others that I didnt realise was there before today.
Ciaran W.
Ciaran W. - 6 years ago
Much love Rikke, head high and keep pushing forward ❤️❤️
David - 6 years ago
Is this the crew nightscape and Ryan Taylor run w/ when there in London
Harry - 6 years ago
Wait he got trapped between the train doors but I thought if something gets trapped in the doors they just automatically open themselves
dat boi
dat boi - 6 years ago
It's also not a near death spot in Brighton it's a massive parkour place which is not that bad. This doc is not too accurate when regarding the parkour community
Classic Mail
Classic Mail - 6 years ago
I'm not gonna try and pretend that I know what Rikke thinks. But from the documentary I get the impression that Rikke knows the path of self destruction he's on, but doesn't want to taint Brewman from his behaviour more than it already has been.

It can't be easy for anyone to go through that, but if he feels he influences people into making life changing mistakes, he'd rather it be from his own back, and not on yours. I think his mother's testimony speaks words, that his actions are like self harm, and from watching Ally's videos I had no idea what Rikke has been through until now.

It's wonderful how you all had Nye's ashes as speed them all over the world, I think that was such a wonderful thought, and rest in piece to him, and all the best wishes to his family and friends.

Be safe, but be brave, this is the start of a new generation.
dat boi
dat boi - 6 years ago
'Pakrkour attracts people who don't fit in' I can c how u could say this but it's a wide spread sport that is enjoyed as fun so not really true , and unfair comment as I fit in w my friends, some of whom do parkour w me some who don't
Da BJ - 6 years ago
It`s Rikki!
FBV Vlogs
FBV Vlogs - 6 years ago
Eyy rikke
Ry Man
Ry Man - 6 years ago
It's a Madness!
Matthew Handley
Matthew Handley - 6 years ago
My mums dad and brother were both killed working on the tracks( I never got to meet either( I think i would have liked them
Gold of The Hawk
Gold of The Hawk - 6 years ago
It's a madness!!
Yxng Wiggle
Yxng Wiggle - 6 years ago
Interesting documentary, hope to see storror next!
Ramen540k - 6 years ago
DylanCee 96
DylanCee 96 - 6 years ago
What you mean britains newest sport its been around for years
pro_seige_gameplay 1
pro_seige_gameplay 1 - 6 years ago
DylanCee 96 officially recognised
Stuart The Turtle
Stuart The Turtle - 6 years ago
Eyy rikke
Mark Cullen
Mark Cullen - 6 years ago
Where is the link to their channel?
rastalt - 6 years ago
Mark Cullen look up Brewman or Rikke Brewer on YouTube
Archie Wallace
Archie Wallace - 6 years ago
I'm so glad u didn't say that Nye died train surfing
bobjimwilly - 6 years ago
Bit of a misleading title - the video doesn't show much of the train surfing scene as Brewman isn't really about that.
Noah Taylor
Noah Taylor - 6 years ago
rip Nye x
Conorbland Bland
Conorbland Bland - 6 years ago
There all the best youtubers
RatletagMT254 - 6 years ago
Ally law is better
Harry Sharpe
Harry Sharpe - 6 years ago
Ally law Ricky?
Harry Sharpe
Harry Sharpe - 6 years ago
+Sullyvlog S thx man
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Harry Sharpe yep
BW - 6 years ago
Really interesting. Never knew the story behind Brewman
R27 - 6 years ago
You talk about this but storror blogs is so much bigger
els x
els x - 6 years ago
Myles Playyz
Myles Playyz - 6 years ago
Fuck the media
Stayx - 6 years ago
ricky hangs out with ally law and co, he started out with brewman, and now brewman are collaborating with storror. 3 of the uk's biggest all coming together. Who are we to bash it?
Lucian schwartz-croft
Lucian schwartz-croft - 6 years ago
Yo didn't think ide see rikke on here lmao! Not much about ally law tho :/
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 6 years ago
Rip Ricky x
Kasam - 6 years ago
Hes from ally laws videos
Matra - 6 years ago
No offence but I like storror, They're more clean and respectable
DustFreerun - 6 years ago
Matra good point, I’m more of a Team Farang guy.
NFF UK - 6 years ago
Darwin award
Tommi V.
Tommi V. - 6 years ago
It's a madness.
Charlie W
Charlie W - 6 years ago
Who else saw that wall run on storror
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Charlie W ye
trg1408 - 6 years ago
Rikke has his own way with dealing with his friends death. As does everyone. So that's what you are seeing. It's unfortunate, but it's true. And the attacks on him are messed up.
Moofy - 6 years ago
People say "you should feel bad for your parents and loved ones" unfortunately they don't realise that the reason people do these things is because they and I feel forced into society and want to break free. You all dont seem to feel bad for us
Moofy - 6 years ago
+Bob Smith I wonder if that will ever happen, it may and likely will to an extent. But what's the point in living if your not going to live in the moment
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Bob Smith, a scientific discussion of the earth's rotation around the sun has nothing to do with this. I really can't see how doing parkour is substantially different than, for example, alpine skiing in terms of danger... but I guess that's ridiculously "pre-Copernican" to even contemplate doing a fun fulfilling activity that ~might~ get me injured.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
Bollocks. Every generation thinks that, then grows up and is thankful not to have a pre-Copernican view of the universe any more.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Exactly. They seem to think that we just need to be shoe-horned in to one particular life track.
Moofy - 6 years ago
Parkour, climbing cranes etc. Is actually safe. Yep, with the right progression and precaution theres no reason why anything should go wrong. Alot safer than driving a car on the freeway to get to work
Mou Shindeiru
Mou Shindeiru - 6 years ago
Yes so many people dont understand this.
Moofy - 6 years ago
Been a while since I've seen a parkour freerunning doc
Ben N
Ben N - 6 years ago
25:55 he's off his nut. Look at his eyes
BenRhysFisher - 6 years ago
TenseMurm - 6 years ago
Rather leave the world behind in 80 years than 20.
mkw9999vr - 6 years ago
Ross Denvir
Ross Denvir - 6 years ago
Great story but how shit was the voice over??
Keenan Cox
Keenan Cox - 6 years ago
Street monkeys on YouTube go watch based in Lancashire
Liam Bailey FR
Liam Bailey FR - 6 years ago
But he wasn’t even train surfing apparently yet that’s the more appealing title cool who cares about truth anymore
Lou Po
Lou Po - 6 years ago
Rip Nye
ARTFX - 6 years ago
I do urban exploration quite a bit as a photographer, but I always keep my own safety priority number one. See most urban explorers go to abandoned places and don't really aim to climb the highest buildings. During this documentary urbex is portrayed as something dangerous while most of us who call ourselves urban explorers don't think it's that dangerous at all. You just have to be aware of the possible dangers so you can reduce the possible risk of injury. In this documentary a small part of urbex is shown, namely the part we call rooftopping, however there is so much more to urban exploration than climbing rooftops or cranes.

I personally would never hang of the side of a building or off a crane, why would I? I know my own risks and as long as you use common sense it's not going to be that bad. Just watch out for yourself and all your mates, keep each other safe. I do my fair share of climbing roofs, but the majority of them were very low-risk and didn't involve much effort at all, you just have to know how to get up there. Same for abandoned places, you just need to be aware of any possible dangers and keep an eye out for them.
maybe sub to me bro
Packhorse Triumph
Packhorse Triumph - 6 years ago
chill loser everyone already thinks youre a pussy
Mikaelson Game of War
Mikaelson Game of War - 6 years ago
Well common sense is kind of lost now tbh
Evan Fournet
Evan Fournet - 6 years ago
+WoodyGaming watch out everyone we have a pro here :P
Scotty mackay
Scotty mackay - 6 years ago
but do you thooo
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
WoodyGaming I think you are reading into this a bit too much pal, it's just about maintaining a good public profile, especially with rooftoppers with inadequate training sullying the discipline. Educate yourself on the issue man, a good wikipedia read, look up some TCT pkgen articles. Self reflection on the philosophy of A.D.D. Take some time and read up some stuff by Julie Angel on the our sport, you can find her books online or even in a public library, I'd definitely recommend Breaking the Jump, less so for Ciné Parkour, but still, if filmography is your thing, go for it. Good luck, have fun!
WoodyGaming - 6 years ago
sooo. what you are saying is that a group of people, trying to make a name for themselves, in a country where nobody who would be any use to us as a platform to help our company has any idea what the sport is, let alone know all the different sub cultures and words for different parts of said sport, cannot take one word and make it more simple and easier to explain to people so we dont have to explain yet another part of the sport.... your pettiness and need for recognition astounds me
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
WoodyGaming ummm no, you don't just make up a word for the practitioner of a sport. The name stays the same regardless of culture, as long as it's in English
WoodyGaming - 6 years ago
1. unlike many people, i do many sports, downhill enduro mtb, parkour, freerunning, and skateboarding, and i bring many of them into one sesh, i can do more than one thing at a time. 2. if you read a little more closely, you would see that im worried for the people who do parkour, then realise their new skill and go doing overnight challenges, then cant control themselvs and get into doing bad and illegal stuff, like they did. as a Buddhist, ive learned to always be in control, but i get worried when i see people like them. 3. have a bit of bloody conscience about other cultures, in ireland, its parkourist, get over it... yeah, sit down.
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
WoodyGaming yo, that's bad rep, we don't do that, parkour is for the streets and occasionally for the heights, shredding lines is strictly skater mate, and no its not parkourist, it's traceur
WoodyGaming - 6 years ago
as a parkourist i hate when people get mad at people for urban exploration, but i see why they would, whenever i see a place thats abandoned or with low security, its like instinct, i just get in there with my friends, shredding lines and doing death defying stunts. when you have the skill its so hard not to use it to your advantage. i can outrun anyone and feel like i can do anything, and some people just dont have to control to stay safe, it sucks.
MaybeMisha - 6 years ago
I agree! My thoughts exactly while watching this.
SLOTH GAMING - 6 years ago
One is urbex other is roof topping I'm more of a rurex guy I lvo3 my abandoned farms and quarry hospitals left to rot
KillStarReder //
KillStarReder // - 6 years ago
ARTFX subbed
Hamza Ahmed
Hamza Ahmed - 6 years ago
kaylee chambers
kaylee chambers - 6 years ago
This documentary makes riki look like the bad guy yes they do reckless things yes they can be idiots but he doesn’t make them do it it’s up to them to decide wether to do it or not yes I feel bad they lost a friend
shaolinskunks88 - 6 years ago
If sex is a pain in the ass then your doing it wrong
B - 6 years ago
Darwin award candidates. If that lad who slipped running the wall had been a metre further from the railing he'd be dead now
harry tooke
harry tooke - 6 years ago
wait so how did nye actually die?
harry tooke
harry tooke - 6 years ago
nye would be proud of how far he has come in the urbex community
Trident Remixes
Trident Remixes - 6 years ago
+harry tooke yeah it definitely adds a darker side to the whole thing
harry tooke
harry tooke - 6 years ago
+Meme Lord damn thats deep, always watched ally law thinking rikke was always happy and now I know this it just makes me feel sorry for them all
Meme Lord
Meme Lord - 6 years ago
harry tooke he was taking a picture out of the window/between the carriages and a light/sign hit him knocking him out therefore causing him to get fucked up by the wheels
Lauren X
Lauren X - 6 years ago
Aiden is a sweetheart ❤️
XxMr GamesxX
XxMr GamesxX - 6 years ago
Mark Synth:RealityIzPainful
Mark Synth:RealityIzPainful - 6 years ago
This is like a diss track on Rikke

...he isn't the devil incarnate you know.
Katie Harrod
Katie Harrod - 6 years ago
They make him out to be a villain when him and nye were so close and I don’t think he really knew how to deal with his grief x
William Zimmermann
William Zimmermann - 6 years ago
The devil loves you :-)
AlexS - 6 years ago
Yeah, Rikke definitely called out the journalists on their bullshit. He wasn't even really in the documentary and they still bashed him the entire time.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
I feel awful with what happened to Nye and what everyone went through, but it rankles me how this film seems to somewhat mis-represent Rikke and even it's own title.
Gabriel Goddard
Gabriel Goddard - 6 years ago
Big up the Brewman bois.
Mini Raino
Mini Raino - 6 years ago
Same rikke n Owen from ally law ahahahah
Francis Monaghan
Francis Monaghan - 6 years ago
Living life as it should be.... Happy, Joyous and Free. Great video, even greater people. RIP Nye
B - 6 years ago
And dying at 17?
DramasRS - 6 years ago
how are white man from surrey 'people who dont fit in'? from guildford flying to munich at 15 but no money? lol
L King
L King - 6 years ago
You can be different at school for lots of reasons: ADHD, autism, mental health problems, or all or none of the above -- just having different interests and ways of expressing yourself. Being seen as a misfit in one way or the other growing up really can have severe affects on peoples lives when their brain is still developing.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
It's not about race. Like these guys, I never "fit in" growing up: I had different interests and ideas and was bullied for not caring what the popular kids were up to.
Joe Brooks
Joe Brooks - 6 years ago
I don’t know why they don’t take safety gear like the chance of dying if your just take a little bit you can reduce the chance of dying by alot
Sunburnt prick
Sunburnt prick - 6 years ago
We did worse than this as kids , where’s our documentary
Snipers HD
Snipers HD - 6 years ago
white people smh
JessRyePlayz - 6 years ago
Wait how did nye die??
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
JessRyePlayz he stuck his out the door and hit his head
charlie wilson
charlie wilson - 6 years ago
Ns Nation Anyone? (nightscape)
JessRyePlayz - 6 years ago
Holy shit this was uploaded on my birthday lmao
JessRyePlayz - 6 years ago
Rikke brewer! We have eachother on snapchat and he is best mates with ally law
burrowsgod - 6 years ago
middle class kids with expensive cameras promoting danger to kids who look up to them...classic BBC.
burrowsgod - 6 years ago
+vilnius my demise im just saying what i see.
vilnius my demise
vilnius my demise - 6 years ago
"middle class kids with expensive cameras", why are you making this purposedly sound like it's bad?
Targetted Individual New York
Targetted Individual New York - 6 years ago
Gillenz Fluff
Gillenz Fluff - 6 years ago
burrowsgod At least they ain't becoming obese!
theefishlippedone - 6 years ago
We live in the age of stupid
Callam MJ
Callam MJ - 6 years ago
Anonym Anonym
Anonym Anonym - 6 years ago
spencer needham
spencer needham - 6 years ago
litterally a guy talking about how journalists twist things and make rikke seem worse than he is. yet the whole video paints him as a villain
Bonesy - 6 years ago
like hate speech laws and bans on potato peelers in Scotland?
TenseMurm - 6 years ago
+Bonesy It literally does decide what's right and wrong. Lots of this stuff is illegal, and rightfully so.
Art Of motion
Art Of motion - 6 years ago
Because it's the truth
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
I blame mass-immigration.
Bonesy - 6 years ago
Law isn't god. It can't decide what's right and wrong since it's arbitrarily made by corrupt politicians.
Jack Henderson
Jack Henderson - 6 years ago
flippin_son but we know thecontext and who he really is, the others watching don’t and this will be their first impression
Rob Fitz
Rob Fitz - 6 years ago
spencer needham well what they're doing is illegal. So of course they aren't going to praise him, who would?
flippin_son - 6 years ago
I don't think it was like that at all. They didn't make him look like a villain, it made it look more like he's hurting from the loss of his mate.
Jack Henderson
Jack Henderson - 6 years ago
BluRacer7 - 6 years ago
BBC knows he's right about them and what they're doing yet they do it anyway since that's what real villains do
Boshie Alexander
Boshie Alexander - 6 years ago
The brightion wall run is like a slid and if he slips he will slid down the wall
GWPN - 6 years ago
It's like Paradox or the Berlin Kidz, only a much softer, tamer version.
xMinJ - 6 years ago
It’s a madness Ricky and Owen
I'm high off Pufferfish
I'm high off Pufferfish - 6 years ago
Why the fuck is nobody talking about how crazy 0:44 is?
Will Humphries
Will Humphries - 6 years ago
Its a madness
Barry Scott
Barry Scott - 6 years ago
Think I got pissed on that roof at 3:04 on a school trip, can anyone tell me if it's the roof of a hostel?
I Don't Know
I Don't Know - 6 years ago
They killed their friend! Then they risk the lives of others? DISGUSTING! Ally Law does videos but he doesn't risk lives as much!
Alex - 6 years ago
But they don’t encourage others to join in, they literally say in the video to NOT do what they’re doing?
I Don't Know
I Don't Know - 6 years ago
Alex Well maybe they shouldn't encourage others to join in!
Alex - 6 years ago
They didn’t kill their friends though, they weren’t even train surfing when It happened he just opened the carriage door and was taking a photo out of it when he got hit by an object next to the train. His friends didn’t have any influence on his death
Get me 100k subs with no Vids
Get me 100k subs with no Vids - 6 years ago
It’s a madness
The Commenter
The Commenter - 6 years ago
This is called having a CHILDHOOD everyone.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
As a child, I climbed trees... and getting on top of roofs was a natural part of that. Will never forget the first time I got up on my parent's roof at the age of 9. :)
The Commenter
The Commenter - 6 years ago
+Joe Brooks What i mean is that having fun in life is one of the key moments you do in your life.
Joe Brooks
Joe Brooks - 6 years ago
The Commenter no it’s not. most people don’t climb roofs and jump off trains in their childhood
Just Chani
Just Chani - 6 years ago
I met rick last summer with his friends in Bournemouth.. quite mad we never spoke ever again.
Dallex Parkour
Dallex Parkour - 6 years ago
theirs some proper fucked up comments here jheez.
Can we get to 5000 subs ?
Can we get to 5000 subs ? - 6 years ago
Toast there you go mate hope you enjoy his energy
Toast - 6 years ago
Jimmy Savels Link me a song, i tried finding him but couldn’t
Ben Vanstone
Ben Vanstone - 6 years ago
still it aint BERLIN KIDZ
Marius Tamosiunas
Marius Tamosiunas - 6 years ago
Subtitles would be nice. BBC......
taxidermyable - 6 years ago
if you see them climbers please don't hate. have an open mind, think of it, try and relate.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
"Trains in the US are fast"
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! While Outside of the Acela Express, that is one of the funniest comments I have read. We may have a robust freight rail network here in the US... but our trains are certainly not "fast".
JustStayAlive - 6 years ago
taxidermyable As long as people don't start doing this with trains in the US it'll be fine. Trains in the US are fast, jerk almost uncontrollably and will kill you if you don't know what you're doing
Ryan Brunning
Ryan Brunning - 6 years ago
Loved the documentary ❤️
Harvey baker541 vlogs
Harvey baker541 vlogs - 6 years ago
its a madnessssssssssssssssssssssss
Adam Eaton
Adam Eaton - 6 years ago
Rikki Brewer is an absolute wanna'be. Not a patch on Ally Law , Nightscape or Ryan Taylor
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
I'd say he's his own person. Even ally, ryan and harry had to start somewhere. No need for the hate, he's doing what he loves.
rastalt - 6 years ago
More like Storror
Adz - 6 years ago
Adam Eaton Well Nightscape admitted to ditching the group as it all became a bit too mad for what he wanted and Ryan Taylor is literally a BMX rider who gives out this fake view of what BMX riders are like and Rikke was part of the group before Nightscape and Ryan Taylor
Trident Remixes
Trident Remixes - 6 years ago
Yeah he just needs more time for his following to grow that's all he's a cool guy
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Absolutely not. Rikke is legit with a vibe and cool ideas of his own.
Jay Mc
Jay Mc - 6 years ago
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
I'm from Guildford, and I'm almost nine.
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf - 6 years ago
igoo nice lol where u from Guildford'
igoo - 6 years ago
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf yeah, i actually met storror on a few
Finn - 6 years ago
nye would be proud
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
So the grieving mother watches another mothers child risk his life to honour her dead son who died as a result of such stupid actions??
Wf Mike
Wf Mike - 6 years ago
Joe Hill hey man
TheIrisTmusic - 6 years ago
@veikka luimula Do you know where I can find that interview?
Bonesy - 6 years ago
can it do a backflip?
Bonesy - 6 years ago
sticking your bloody head out of a train window isn't parkour
Joe Hill
Joe Hill - 6 years ago
Parkour isn't about risking your life at all, we all train for years to do what we do and we understand our limits. Nyes death was a tragedy and rocked the whole community
Ben MacKay
Ben MacKay - 6 years ago
If you aren’t doing what you love are you even living? And if you don’t know what you love you need to step out of your comfort zone.
veikka luimula
veikka luimula - 6 years ago
The guy died because of some scrap metal that flew up in from the open Window some body had a key To. The details were recently Released by Rikke In an interview.
wizard - 6 years ago
georgina cat
Yeah :/ I don’t get how their parents aren’t disciplining them... if I did that my parents would take away all my cameras, ground me, not give me any money, report me to the police, etc. If it got really bad they wouldn’t let me out of their sight. After all it’s life / death.
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
So NYE dies on NYE spooky
Oliver Eales
Oliver Eales - 6 years ago
"parkour classes" hahaha fucking posh bellends.
The Neon Network
The Neon Network - 6 years ago
I'd think golf and tennis classes are a bit more "posh" than parkour, i guess you must be a tramp if you think parkour is posh.
HOIX THE GREAT - 6 years ago
It's like any other sport - I mean getting people out there and actually doing physical activity is much better than fortnite training or some shit
Oliver Eales
Oliver Eales - 6 years ago
you fucking millenial bellends, leave the trains to the graff writers.
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 6 years ago
These are just btec berlin kids !!! All there doing is copying other people who have already done all this shit nothing new or original here just silly little boys haha
William Hosking
William Hosking - 6 years ago
Storror is better
Chris Kane
Chris Kane - 6 years ago
gary sage
gary sage - 6 years ago
Stay safe boys. Live life x
Zeeshan Muhammad
Zeeshan Muhammad - 6 years ago
Honestly feel sorry for them. They're literally chasing validation through YouTube "fame" and keep going on about the video view counts. In reality, they're NEETs who are struggling to fit into modern society and are now doing extreme death-risk events to feel "something" and to get a sense of belonging.

Imagine the intense grief their parents feel knowing their children are consistently courting death to chase a new adrenaline high.
iwe timer
iwe timer - 6 years ago
This is nothing compare to Indian surfers.
michael gill
michael gill - 6 years ago
All so they can be accepted on the internet . How pathetic
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
They have a passion... why not get paid enjoying doing what they love!
wizard - 6 years ago
Davis Johnson
No but if they died skateboarding on a mountain you would say that they died skateboarding on a mountain... just like these guys doing parkour on top of buildings.
Davis Johnson
Davis Johnson - 6 years ago
wizard Actually nobody has died of doing parkour. There are parkour athletes that have unfortunately died while doing other, more dangerous activities. Climbing roofs and trains isn't what Parkour is all about. If you knew someone that was a skateboarder that died riding an ironing board down a mountain you wouldn't say they died skateboarding. Nonetheless, their deaths are very tragic and my heart goes out to their friends and families.
wizard - 6 years ago
What do you mean nobody has died from parkour? They definitely have if you google it... many are injured too. I mean people do parkour on top of massive buildings and shit so of course people are going to mess up and kill themselves sometimes.
Adz - 6 years ago
B I do parkour myself and do you know the amount of people that have died from parkour? 0. Nobody has ever died from doing parkour so it’s very unlikely that any of the Brewman’s (that train parkour) will die before 25. It’s also unlikely Rikke will die too
wizard - 6 years ago
Okay maybe that was badly worded, I said that they did more and more dangerous stunts *just for the cameras*... I intended that to mean that there wouldn't be the crazy progression of more and more wild stunts without the audience. Sure, most of them would do it without the cameras but they wouldn't feel the need to go that far.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Above, you literally said (emphasis mine): "They admitted they do more and more dangerous stunts ***JUST for the cameras***." Views, rankings, salaries, goals, scores, stats, etc have some level of relevance to most people. But as Rikke says at the end: "Carry on being free. Create memories and share them to the public. Show them how to live."
wizard - 6 years ago
Not saying that it’s the main reason why they do it, just saying that the existence of social media pushes them to go further and further.. putting themselves at more and more of a risk, partly because they feel pressured by the views. Each to their own but I feel sorry for their mothers, must be worried sick!
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
I could just as easily die accidentally skiing off the edge of a cliff in an Alpine accident. Does that mean I wasn't making the best of life on the slopes, because I willingly risked death for "stunts"?
B - 6 years ago
Dying at 17 isn't making the best of it. If they carry on, half of these boys will be dead by 25.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
wizard, Rikke says why he does it, and you are trying to say that the main reason he gives isn't really the main reason.
wizard - 6 years ago
They admitted they do more and more dangerous stunts just for the cameras.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
A person with an adventuresome spirit is going to explore with or without cameras. I do. These boys are making the best of their lives; what are you doing?
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
tpeg.explores it really is. Its an ego wank. They would not do this... as much if no one saw it
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
That's really not what it's about...
Jack Cannon
Jack Cannon - 6 years ago
This is for total pricks. BBC stay pandering to everyone. Madness is if they was painting trains and people weren't dying or being sentenced to lengthy prison sentences then the BBC wouldn't post this clickbait crap for 11 teen year olds. Ass holes
A J - 6 years ago
How did they afford all this at 15?!?
Sortary - 6 years ago
A J clothing line, i know a couple of them do performance or filming work and then like any normal human being, id assume they had a job at some point. There are ways to make money at 15
B - 6 years ago
bank of mum and dad
wasolop - 6 years ago
it really doesn't cost much
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
UK, Dole? xD
Consistency Mayn
Consistency Mayn - 6 years ago
You're the fat paedo that drives them around looking like and old fella trying to be down with the kids aren't u. Uugghh
michael gill
michael gill - 6 years ago
More like Pathetic documentary lads like most of your stuff
DemiLeigh Harrison
DemiLeigh Harrison - 6 years ago
Ik rikke has done well to recover from this
Trufe - 6 years ago
Thomas Dilley
Thomas Dilley - 6 years ago
Isn't this lad Ricky the boy rolling with ali law?
Trufe - 6 years ago
you're just wondering why ally isn't in it lol
Conorbland Bland
Conorbland Bland - 6 years ago
Discoboy hmmm lee I hear a big disco
BluRacer7 - 6 years ago
shame they kept antagonizing Rikke like he's the villain when he's not, now he's with Ally (although I have a feeling the next Doc they might plan could be about him) but glad he's moving forward, I didn't know anything about what happened during his Train Surf vids til his friend's death brought up, may his friend Nyes rest in peace.
Suicide Christ
Suicide Christ - 6 years ago
Little shoutout in the documentary well done
Alekai Don
Alekai Don - 6 years ago
Alright Lee
Frank Ford
Frank Ford - 6 years ago
Jimmy Savels that sounds like a madness see you there bro!
Can we get to 5000 subs ?
Can we get to 5000 subs ? - 6 years ago
Frank Ford Newport here can’t wait for him to come on tour with ally and climb the transporter Bridge
Frank Ford
Frank Ford - 6 years ago
Disco boy best underrated you tuber about get to barry South Wales my man got some mad all nighters if your game!
Discoboy - 6 years ago
yer ha ha I saw I got a little cameo
Can we get to 5000 subs ?
Can we get to 5000 subs ? - 6 years ago
Discoboy hmmm mr lee is that u I see
Mark H
Mark H - 6 years ago
Natural selection. Let them carry on, it's a bit crowded in the UK.
TenseMurm - 6 years ago
+vilnius my demise I'm guessing you're one of those whose gonna be picked off by natural selection..
vilnius my demise
vilnius my demise - 6 years ago
You're a horrendous, despicable piece of shit and I hope you realize how disgusting your statement is
Bonesy - 6 years ago
let's welcome ISIS too while we're at it
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
That is such an obviously racist statement. Shame on you, you're obviously talking about refugees, and I for one welcome the poor lambs into our wonderbar country.
[Nocebo] Derperfier
[Nocebo] Derperfier - 6 years ago
I’d rather have the fatter and chavs die...
Joe Hill
Joe Hill - 6 years ago
wizard what you're saying is categorically wrong. It's not an opinion that he stuck his head between the carriages, it's a fact. He was against the train surfing and shit that Rikke did. I knew the guy and he just gave off energy. You're saying that a kid deserved to die...
wizard - 6 years ago
Matthew Chow
I don’t think he stuck his head out a window.. I think he climbed in between two carriages on a moving train, then stuck his head up to take a photo and bashed his head. He’d also been drinking. Very sad.
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
well someone did die, I won't give a shit if they die falling off a crane, in fact I would agree with your statement if that was the context. But sticking your head out of a train to get a pic is a comparatively innocent way to go. idk man
michael gill
michael gill - 6 years ago
here here
DanTheMemeMan - 6 years ago
Good documentary
Ollie h
Ollie h - 6 years ago
ggcyuio;vbuop; - 6 years ago
Martin Waby Rikke* I got you
presley afonso
presley afonso - 6 years ago
Martin Waby and kill their lives
tectac - 6 years ago
That is the cringiest intro !!! Jeez that narrator is cheesy as !
Rifle YT
Rifle YT - 6 years ago
Rikke Brewer, the one that hangs out with Ally, damn
Alberts stuff
Alberts stuff - 6 years ago
That poor kid who had to witness that. Heart goes out to them all x
Average Commenter
Average Commenter - 6 years ago
I don't understand how Nye died?
HOIX THE GREAT - 6 years ago
It's not clear who, but someone had a skeleton key which opened the window at the crossing between carriages, opened a window, and Nye stuck his head out to take a selfie and hit his head on something
ChanelSea - 6 years ago
He stuck his head out to take a selfie and it hit something
ChaBudZ - 6 years ago
I'm guessing he must have stuck his head out and got hit
Peakzer - 6 years ago
We go outside , they moan . We stay inside they moan . We have fun they moan . We do nothing they moan .
Hobo Bobo
Hobo Bobo - 6 years ago
Thank you Kim very cool
Targetted Individual New York
Targetted Individual New York - 6 years ago
You paint a fence they moan, you commit global genocide they moan, you break into their house while they're away, re-decorate the interior in garish colours and leave the bathroom taps on they moan, you kill your cleaning lady and hide the body in the basement until the neighbours begin to complain about the smell of rotting flesh so you kill them too and hide their bodies in the basement and they still moan.
Shrek the all star
Shrek the all star - 6 years ago
Jt4vjiimgejhm you nuke America, they moan
a - 6 years ago
Real life Subway surfers
LeCatLova - 6 years ago
Dead proud of Rikke for managing to make it this big, he deserves a spotlight as much as Ryan and Ally
Vythz - 6 years ago
LeCatLova agreed
David - 6 years ago
LeCatLova nightscape is good aswell
Arthur Vincent
Arthur Vincent - 6 years ago
It’s a madness
Daniel Evans
Daniel Evans - 6 years ago
Its so cool to see young people getting activite and inspiring others but I hope they can also inspire a new generation to learn from their mistakes and do it safely
TheManJordo - 6 years ago
How did he die? Taking a photo?
ChanelSea - 6 years ago
Yeah, he was trying to take a selfie and his head hit something
KPUrbex KP3
KPUrbex KP3 - 6 years ago
There are quite a few forms of Urbex. Just remember that....
Skaterbun - 6 years ago
Sam E
Sam E - 6 years ago
I don’t understand how he died, was he in the carriage or on top? Someone explain
Vax Buster
Vax Buster - 6 years ago
He died being a dickhead.. he climbed up between carriages and struck his head
Sam E
Sam E - 6 years ago
HOIX THE GREAT oh right, unfortunate
HOIX THE GREAT - 6 years ago
It's not clear who, but someone had a skeleton key which opened the window at the crossing between carriages, opened a window, and Nye stuck his head out to take a selfie and hit his head on something
Purple21 - 6 years ago
I see them repping storror
BMRS - 6 years ago
Wow as if they put his ashes in a snap baggy. Lol that’s abit disrespectful
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Apparantly you got off yer face if you snort em.
Danny Taylor
Danny Taylor - 6 years ago
His mum did it
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
BMRS they seemed to be reverent with it, and that's what matters.
LAvids - 6 years ago
I recognise loads of people in this video from ally and I live near them aswell (Guildford, Southampton, Aldershot ect)
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
LAvids I don't do parkour for the adrenaline, but I get the sentiment with freedom
LAvids - 6 years ago
Matthew Chow I can see why you think that but ally has the same aspirations as me, being free and getting that adrenaline

I love nightscape as well but he never uploads
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
LAvids I don't "hate" hate him, but I genuinely dislike his trespassing, his overnight challenges and the cringey pov escape videos

Edit: same goes for Nightscape, but he's better imo cause he got better technique
LAvids - 6 years ago
Matthew Chow what makes you hate ally
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
man, fuck Ally Law
Irfan Khan
Irfan Khan - 6 years ago
Train surfing is like skateboarding on steroids,,
Falcon - 6 years ago
Matthew Chow stupid decisions make good stories life is a game embrace it or stick to survival your choice
Falcon - 6 years ago
Irfan Khan skateboarding and free running go hand in hand they're both really awesome sports when you become good at them and if you start free running and than decide to move on to skateboarding the scare of dropping in / doing stairs or gaps is much less
flippin_son - 6 years ago
Skateboarding takes skill and balls. Train surfing just takes balls and stupidity.
i thirzty
i thirzty - 6 years ago
or on crack
Irfan Khan
Irfan Khan - 6 years ago
James Edwards ,,,Yes much like evolution in reverse,,,,have a great day,,
James Edwards
James Edwards - 6 years ago
Irfan Khan train surfing is for people wanting to achieve a place in the Darwin awards
Rekkless EU
Rekkless EU - 6 years ago
nothing like it. this is a really stupid comment
Alex C
Alex C - 6 years ago
im so glad this is the top comment
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
Irfan Khan more like stupidity
Drizzy - 6 years ago
3:57 autism
Austin Post
Austin Post - 6 years ago
Shut the fuck up
I LOVE KAYS CHICKEN - 6 years ago
Patrick.0.5 - 6 years ago
Pea - 6 years ago
Communist Panda
Communist Panda - 6 years ago
Phase Racers
Phase Racers - 6 years ago
It’s a madddneessss
Grey leigion
Grey leigion - 6 years ago
Patrick Mallon
Patrick Mallon - 6 years ago
Utter wet wipe
HRINO_TRAVEL - 6 years ago
ellie _ red44
ellie _ red44 - 6 years ago
Hell yeah!!
nero - 6 years ago
Itzzconner - 6 years ago
He lives next to me
Gold of The Hawk
Gold of The Hawk - 6 years ago
It's a madness
Skaterbun - 6 years ago
Hell yeah, surprised to see this on the BBC channel
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 6 years ago
It's a madness
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke - 6 years ago
Is that the same Ricky who is with Ally Law?
Itz Zee
Itz Zee - 6 years ago
It’s a madness
Tren Jerry
Tren Jerry - 6 years ago
Rikke the cigrit
KyleG03 - 6 years ago
DC5VLOGS - 6 years ago
cryyz - 6 years ago
Phase Racers
Phase Racers - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke yeah
DemiLeigh Harrison
DemiLeigh Harrison - 6 years ago
Yes poor rikke
PANDA QUEEN - 6 years ago
Scotty mackay
Scotty mackay - 6 years ago
na its not him its a fake
Alex C
Alex C - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke I think Ally Laws got some sence though, it's not train surfing - it's mainly not parkour it's just having fun escaping security guards
ggcyuio;vbuop; - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke Rikke* and yh
TMR SIDE - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke yep
Bannana133 - 6 years ago
Roni Leviäkangas
Roni Leviäkangas - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke ye
Im Socially awkward
Im Socially awkward - 6 years ago
That’s what i was thinking
Boomer112 - 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure it is... I've heard his full name before and i immediately recognized him. I never knew he was the co-founder of a parkour company. I also recognized him from the thumbnail.
Chunkyjr123 Gaming
Chunkyjr123 Gaming - 6 years ago
Fri3nd's - 6 years ago
yes I know u had man replyes saying yes but I think main part is to realise that rickey aint bad cause I fell like people will start hating him but is just him felling different
__Ethan__murton __
__Ethan__murton __ - 6 years ago
I think
Gold of The Hawk
Gold of The Hawk - 6 years ago
Stuart The Turtle
Stuart The Turtle - 6 years ago
Hell yeah
Pointless Raccoon
Pointless Raccoon - 6 years ago
I think it is
Odin •
Odin • - 6 years ago
it´s not ricky it´s rikke
The Candy Floss King
The Candy Floss King - 6 years ago
Yup, Ally Law, Nightscape, Discoboy (lee marshal)/troll station.
TheAtomicBomb123 - 6 years ago
Shit I don’t know the story of everyone yes it’s the same guy
XxMr GamesxX
XxMr GamesxX - 6 years ago
MemezOfThePS4 7296
MemezOfThePS4 7296 - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke yep
Becky Crabtree
Becky Crabtree - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke yeah
Oliver Healy
Oliver Healy - 6 years ago
It's a madness
H4RRY Afgh
H4RRY Afgh - 6 years ago
Connor Eadie
Connor Eadie - 6 years ago
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf wrong Connor mate
drenahmeti22 - 6 years ago
3xceedingly Wealthy Bloke you hear ally at 4:45 screaming
The Commenter
The Commenter - 6 years ago
I know right.
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf - 6 years ago
Connor Eadie its Shane man crazy
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf - 6 years ago
Connor Eadie you are from Guildford looool
Connor Eadie
Connor Eadie - 6 years ago
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
SIMUL8TOR still is
Idk - 6 years ago
It's a madness
SIMUL8TOR - 6 years ago
There is a brief moment where I do believe we ally at the beginning
Jack 001
Jack 001 - 6 years ago
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
For those of us who follow him, Rikke is awesome because he's so relatable to our own lives. I too was bullied and had different, interests, my best friend kept me sane. Rikke's parkour was my skiing and cycling. And my love of urbex is how I stumbled across Rikke's channel which was so different and refreshing from others on YouTube: he is open and honest. He might be on the opposite side of the world of me, but his vids bring me such joy that I consider him a bro and I wish him all the slices of banana!
spoonTUBE - СПУН
spoonTUBE - СПУН - 6 years ago
So what happened to his friend? How did he die? Wasn't really clear.
g3tr3ktl0l - 6 years ago
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Ligma, or shark attack, one of the two.
Sam 123
Sam 123 - 6 years ago
Christian Edwards  where is the interview
zxidy - 6 years ago
Wow, that’s crazy, never heard of them until this documentary appeared in my sub box only knew of nightscape and storror
Christian Edwards
Christian Edwards - 6 years ago
ChanelSea A piece of metal flew up from under the train and struck him in the head. The details were recently released in an interview with Ricky.
ChanelSea - 6 years ago
Someone had a skeleton key to some window or something like that. Nye stuck his head out to take a selfie and his head hit something(that's what I've gathered from the information surrounding the events).
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 6 years ago
There are young people every generation that do stuff like this - always a little different but always that same rush. Typical humans
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Apparently I have touched a nerve - and perhaps you know in your heart that there is a great big world beyond a computer screen that demands you get out into it.
You are living to work.
I work so that I may live. I am going for FIRE so that I can buck the system entirely.
Pix - 6 years ago
tpeg.explores lol what. I created a company and am living my dream as a dev, i WAS meant to live my life infront of screen, i WAS meant to work an office job, because its what i LOVE. Speak for yourself but dont speak for others. its my no means "unfullfilling" or "depressing", quite the opposite actually.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
+ike legaog, people aren't meant to live life in front of TV screens. It's not healthy, and it's not fulfilling -- it's depressing. I want everyone to live a joyous life by being the best version of himself or herself, but that means being out IN the world.
ikeara f
ikeara f - 6 years ago
+tpeg.explores Everyone's different, you may feel as if someone is wasting their life but to them it may be the life they want to live. Don't judge on what people do with their lives.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Oh yeah! A ridiculous number of people I work with stare at a screen all day in the office, get in their cars to go home, and then stare at a TV screen for hours instead of creating their own adventures. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a few shows and movies but mostly when the weather is bad. It's pathetic how some people can let their lives waste away.
Seth Bryan
Seth Bryan - 6 years ago
+tpeg.explores what I ment from that is the stereotypical vibes you get when you hear office job. Just boring 8 hours sitting infront of a computer. I know its not always like that but doing what ally is doing is so much better than what they're doing
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Seth, honestly lots of cool people happen to work in offices. The problem is when people "live to work" and make the office their life to the point that they don't do anything beyond going to work and going home. That's no kind of life to live. But if you work to live -- then the time you put in at the office can fund the rest of your passions.
Seth Bryan
Seth Bryan - 6 years ago
Anonymous User yep and while u are working a boring a job in a office infront of a computer all day these guys are experiencing a life time
thor selckmo
thor selckmo - 6 years ago
when your a young man you don't tealise your actions have impacts on the people who love you. the urban ex stuff looks cool but the risk vs perceived risk is often warped when there is a crowd around etc. ... play with fire get burnt. personally they all semi ok with the risk. sadly Nye has left his mum to struggle with grief everyday fort he test of her life - that sucks bad. get close to the line and buffer against it not literally jump through the line...that's what it is there fort to keep you safe - climbing cranes in damp conditions etc.. running ladders is sheer madness
Jack Morris
Jack Morris - 6 years ago
There will be more deaths
Esme Deer
Esme Deer - 6 years ago
Jack Morris and there previously has been
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
Skaterbun i hope he goes to prison
Skaterbun - 6 years ago
Jack Morris I think YouTube is encouraging more extreme acts and bigger risks from increasing hits, comments and likes so I suspect yeah, sadly it could happen but also criminal records. Look at Ryan he can't get a Visa the big brother trial is going to be crucial.
Faisal baita
Faisal baita - 6 years ago
genevieve bradford
genevieve bradford - 6 years ago
Oh look, it's content that i subscribed for
Jordan The AllRound Angler
Jordan The AllRound Angler - 6 years ago
That's such a heart breaking story. RIP
Ave Rekriz
Ave Rekriz - 6 years ago
nye's mum's a real hero
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
getupstairstobed she did indeed.
Had her son died in a car accident from drink driving. Do you think she would then watch his mates do the same in tribute?
getupstairstobed - 6 years ago
Georgina Cat what a real fuckknuckle you are.... She has amazing strength. Was suprised she kept it together so well
melissat922 - 6 years ago
Ave Rekriz I thought this, her strength to carry on is amazing. I’m not sure I would be able to cope if I lost a child!
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
Ave Rekriz why?
ihax4uv1 - 6 years ago
GoReign - 6 years ago
They shouldn't have generalised urbex like that. Most of the "dangerous" urbex shown in this video are roofing.
Also, overnight challenges are not urbex.
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly - 6 years ago
urbex is sort of roofing as you are exploring the roof in an urban way
Asian Urbexer
Asian Urbexer - 6 years ago
Sub to my channel for quality urbex content
Matthew Chow
Matthew Chow - 6 years ago
Urbex has little to do with parkour, its just that you would generally find ppl who do both. Urbex is only illegal in the context of trespassing or breaking and entering
303cerebral - 6 years ago
I always thought UrbEx was exploring abandoned buildings and had little to do with Parkour.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
They have an element of urbex to them tho, because they are infiltration. But there certainly is a difference between an overnight challenge at a water park vs a haunted insane asylum!
ali3nch1ck - 6 years ago
GoReign Also UrbX doesn’t have to be/isn’t always illegal.
Amanda Horgan
Amanda Horgan - 6 years ago
Omg its Ricky from Ally Laws videos....ITS A MADNESSSSSS
Julian Edwards
Julian Edwards - 6 years ago
just young lads being lads. better than acting like little gangsters, smoking zoots and getting drunk (like I did). make some cool memories and love your friends. what could b better.
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Quite to the contrary Partridge, myself and my contemporaries curtailed the anti-social activities of a considerable number of ruffians and scallywags.
Patrick Mallon
Patrick Mallon - 6 years ago
desmondo fivefive This has gotta be a joke.. fr
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
When I was young we used to renovate steam engines so we could have jolly adventures in the countryside. If we saw any lower-class ruffians smoking zoots and getting drunk we informed the local constabulary so they could be confined to gaol for their tawdry base behaviour.
Patrick Mallon
Patrick Mallon - 6 years ago
But.. they do smoke zoots and act like gangsters! Absolute G-starsssss <3
Ambrose Witherspoon
Ambrose Witherspoon - 6 years ago
Thank you Julian, very cool!
Jack Henderson
Jack Henderson - 6 years ago
Ave Rekriz you can die doing anything anytime sure some stuff s more risky but nothing is risk free
William Verdonck
William Verdonck - 6 years ago
2:28 LMAO
How many subscribers can I get with no videos?
How many subscribers can I get with no videos? - 6 years ago
In today’s society “lads being lads” isn’t accepted especially in education.
TheStuntdude12 - 6 years ago
Better smoking and getting drunk than getting ran over by a train or electrocuted by train tracks and reliving death several times
Faouzane Kaloucha
Faouzane Kaloucha - 6 years ago
Julian Edwards tru but always gotta be safe
Bork Iamdoggo
Bork Iamdoggo - 6 years ago
Yeah it might be bad but it didn’t kill you did it
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf - 6 years ago
Julian Edwards bro well said! Well bloody said mate.
101stbob - 6 years ago
Ave Rekriz like he says though it's lads been lads yeh it would have been better if one of them didn't die but that was never meant to happen and that happened because lads were been lads
Ave Rekriz
Ave Rekriz - 6 years ago
Julian Edwards not having your friends die
Tom Liddy
Tom Liddy - 6 years ago
Ally law
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
iLikeD ick
iLikeD ick - 6 years ago
Night scape
Kian Oliver
Kian Oliver - 6 years ago
19:49 Harry Davies
Max B
Max B - 6 years ago
Fuck the bbc
jakeTboss - 6 years ago
syk0 - 6 years ago
Pak Raillion
Pak Raillion - 6 years ago
Awesome video
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Fin - 6 years ago
The madness is real
Serena G
Serena G - 6 years ago
Amazing and so so interesting, everyone came across so well too.
karolina Kowalik
karolina Kowalik - 6 years ago
You can really see the pain of losing Nye when they speak about him. Past all the laughs and jokes, you see there mournful eyes. Bless them. Carry on doing what ur doing but carefully and legally❤️
TheHornyEnglishMan - 6 years ago
Don't take advantage of life or what happened to your best friend will happen to you. Live life to the fullest without being careless and stupid.
TenseMurm - 6 years ago
+Boylo Boyle They're also breaking laws and making their family suffer. They're just dickheads.
Bonesy - 6 years ago
I guess 5 years of training doesn't mean much to you
Boylo Boyle
Boylo Boyle - 6 years ago
you live your life however you want - let them live theirs however they want... they already are living their lives to the fullest - you just have a different opinion on what that means... they are only really putting themselves in danger - they could be doing a hell of a lot worse...
TheHornyEnglishMan - 6 years ago
bigdaddy kewl
bigdaddy kewl - 6 years ago
Usama commentary??????
HOIX THE GREAT - 6 years ago
100% is him
Entity - 6 years ago
saw a ally law clip yoo
SuperAsdaLad - 6 years ago
leon lockwood not really I was at your age I’m only 15 now lol
leon lockwood
leon lockwood - 6 years ago
SuperAsdaLad is this bad that I’m 12 and a size 9?
Poopallah - 6 years ago
What is it with this country? People here seem to get dumber and dumber every year. They're the reason why I don't go out much nowadays.
Sullyvlog S
Sullyvlog S - 6 years ago
Let them do what they want to do
Steve Knight
Steve Knight - 6 years ago
+Rikke Brewer well said Rikke! He can't continue to be a keyboard warrior if he goes outside!
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Nick Mayfield the reality is that we're out and about enjoying life while you're stuck inside whining about us. Lame.
Poopallah - 6 years ago
the man with the green cortina I don't know. Our streets are becoming more like Mad Max than anything, except instead of guys with spiky mohawks and sleeveless leather jackets, it's guys in Adidas tracksuits and ski masks. Either way, the underfunding of the police is pushing us closer to a completely anarchic society by the day. It's even worse for me because I don't have a driving license, so I have to walk everywhere, which makes me more of a target. All it takes is for you to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and you could become the next stabbing or acid attack victim. Anyone walking the streets could. This is the reality in 2018.
the man with the green cortina
the man with the green cortina - 6 years ago
Nick Mayfield watch a film called idiocracy and you will see it's a vision of a fast approaching future.
Bennington Mark Brandon Wesley Smith Taylor
Bennington Mark Brandon Wesley Smith Taylor - 6 years ago
Calling other people dumb yet you think adolescent wrecklessnes is exclusive to the UK AND you refuse to leave the house cos young lads like hopping on trains? The fuck is wrong with u mate? Lool
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
Nick Mayfield that is the most pathetic reason I have read to not leave the house. Just... wow...
Quest - 6 years ago
Rikke Brewer woiii
Afchenry - 6 years ago
Rikke Brewer true shit
Rikke Brewer
Rikke Brewer - 6 years ago
The reason you don’t go out is because you have social issues!
Andrew Doherty
Andrew Doherty - 6 years ago
haha, the reason you don't go out is because your lazy
Alex Anderson
Alex Anderson - 6 years ago
this is what happens when 12 year olds think theyre big men
TenseMurm - 6 years ago
+Esme Deer And who's fault is it? Their own. No sympathy, no loss for humanity.
Esme Deer
Esme Deer - 6 years ago
Piss if, can’t you see how devastating this is for all of them?
Alex Anderson
Alex Anderson - 6 years ago
bravery? No - Bravery is something that firemen process. Timing? No, thats why he's dead, skill? no, thats why he's dead. Tight rope walkers who do it without a safety net are stupid and have a death wish. Mountain Climbers usually have a safety harness. Nye is no longer doing anything he enjoys because of his stupidity.
John Cameron
John Cameron - 6 years ago
I Agree with Marthjs and what they do is not acting like big men . Actually takes a lot of bravery , timing and skill . Tight rope walkers do their thing without a safety net and have seen one fall to his death .
Admire these guys for what they do and i think your comments are disrespectful Alex Anderson . People do mountain climbing and there have been a lot of deaths by people doing this . Everybody has a choice in life in what they wish to do . It is their choice . There is danger around us all the time . At least they are doing something in their life that they enjoy doing . R.I.P Nye ! ........... Condolences to your family .
Alex Anderson
Alex Anderson - 6 years ago
You are too kind. Me and my youthful genes thanks you
Kucingd Terbakard
Kucingd Terbakard - 6 years ago
Alex Anderson u look about six in ur photo
Marthjs - 6 years ago
Alex Anderson again, they are older than twelve. Yes they should have known better but loads of people die from small stupid mistakes like this. It’s not right to say they were acting like ‘big men’, making them seem like they deserved it, when they made a little mistake that ended tragically.
Alex Anderson
Alex Anderson - 6 years ago
only stupid 12 year olds hang out of a moving train to take a selfie. At least according to Darwins theory, he helped humanity by getting himself killed.
Marthjs - 6 years ago
Alex Anderson They’re not as young as twelve and if you actually watched the video you’d know that the death had nothing to do with the stunts they were doing, he lent out a train door to take a picture and hit his head. How is that them acting like ‘big men’? It’s a disrespectful comment to make considering how the death could’ve happened to anyone
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
now please make a doc on graffiti after the deaths of trip kbag and lover
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
I don't argue with criminals.
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
+desmondo fivefive great argument man
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Absolute nonsense. Too much crack has rendered you incomprehensible and unable to think properly, like a normal person.
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
+desmondo fivefive what a load of bs. They cause plenty of damage to public property, waste police time, and cause huge delays on public transport, just like Graff artists. I'm not someone who thinks graffiti is completely justifiable. You have a clear bias and are not approaching this logically.
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Urban explorers are risking their lives for a thrill, but they're not damaging vital infrastructure and engaging in criminal behaviour - thereby increasing public spending on reversing the damage they have done and being an all round pain in the ass, as well as the cost of scraping them off the front of trains when they're too out of their heads on heroin to get out of the way in time.
Jack Banks
Jack Banks - 6 years ago
KBAG, LOVER and TRIPS. My mate knew them all. Tributes all over my area.
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
+desmondo fivefive ok so how are urban explorers not risking their lives for a cheap thrill? Cognitive dissonance much.
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
Try to keep up peggie, we're talking about scumbag graffti merchant who haven't got the brains to jump out of the way of a train, not good to honest urban eplorers, totally different thing old bean, try to keep that big nose of yours out of the crack bag for long enough to make sense.
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
desmondo fivefive yet here you are, watching and commenting on it yourself. Hypocrite, much?
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
I think there are enough documentaries about criminals, the cost of crime and the destruction of personal property already. I think a feature on such low-level criminality and the inevitable end of such limited-intelligence specimens would only be of interest to professionals within the psychiatric sphere, parole officers, members of the law-enforcement community and other respectable citizens who require as much information as possible about the trifecta of social blights comprising of vandalism, graffiti and hard-core drug addiction, in order to wipe them out completely
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
Well dickhead, if that's how someone felt, i think they might want to make a documentary exploring the supposed thousands they are costing the taxpayer and all the loved, valued and picturesque urban railway infrastructure they are brutally defacing, no?
desmondo fivefive
desmondo fivefive - 6 years ago
But they were just criminals risking their lives for a cheap thrill and the chance to damage someone's property, why would anyone make a documentary about them?
krisTbolt - 6 years ago
Com Lag
Com Lag - 6 years ago
I get the train right past where it happened to work. Every day i think of them
pat ski
pat ski - 6 years ago
Com Lag rip tragic
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf
SubOhmYa MumsTitsOf - 6 years ago
Com Lag needs to be done. I lost a mate who fell of a bridge and was hit by a virgin express while he was bombing. Sad he was so talented. RIP Specks
M cameraman
M cameraman - 6 years ago
I saw some work near brick lane with rip kbag
Joe Gaskell
Joe Gaskell - 6 years ago
Jake.J they were the 3 graffiti writers who died
Jake.J - 6 years ago
Who are they?
Joe Gaskell
Joe Gaskell - 6 years ago
ben bell
ben bell - 6 years ago
someone do it
OG Cookie Monster
OG Cookie Monster - 6 years ago
Have you ever smoked a cigarette in your car and tried to throw it out the window and a minute later you smell something and turn around to find your grandma fingering herself in the back seat?
Consistency Mayn
Consistency Mayn - 6 years ago
I see your grandma twatting one off all the time bro she's always at it, dirty old filth
002 - 6 years ago
yikes you copied this and actually got likes... -_-
Caspar Røthing
Caspar Røthing - 6 years ago
Yup man
Cam kirkhams Ma/da
Cam kirkhams Ma/da - 6 years ago
Care bear vlogs leave my son alone
Sunburnt prick
Sunburnt prick - 6 years ago
OG Cookie Monster yeah but I turned round it was my dad in the back lol
Care bear vlogs
Care bear vlogs - 6 years ago
Drizzy - 6 years ago
OG Cookie Monster i bet ur uglier than me bro
OG Cookie Monster
OG Cookie Monster - 6 years ago
Drizzy you’re a goofy for saying shit like that
Drizzy - 6 years ago
im jealous of that sam dude in the vid i wanna look like him
Adam Fears
Adam Fears - 6 years ago
That’s when she gets sprayed with the water bottle...again
genevieve bradford
genevieve bradford - 6 years ago
xD HAHA so random and funny
Kitsune Foxx
Kitsune Foxx - 6 years ago
Have you ever seen a comment and thought hmmm this sounds familiar then you realise that its just some copy and pasted garbage
Josie Crinson
Josie Crinson - 6 years ago
Are you joking? Happens every day. Nothing new mate
John Johnston
John Johnston - 6 years ago
OG Cookie Monster happens all the time man
Robski - 6 years ago
BBC: Promoting crime if it fits our agenda.
Lachlan100801 - 6 years ago
Hey! No wrongthink!
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
georgina cat, the ridiculous comment was robski saying "They are not good people." which is what my comments were aimed towards...
Kade Xite
Kade Xite - 6 years ago
Tom Phillips Agreed
Kade Xite
Kade Xite - 6 years ago
Robski fuck u what they do isn’t event illegal it’s a civil offence these dudes here are good people after meeting most of them I know thy aren’t criminals they are just young people like me with a passion
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
tpeg.explores lol what a ridiculous comment. Kindness and good heartedness are not anything to do with their activities. Nor does anything to do with them being " nice " people
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
georgina cat does it surprise you that someone who trespasses might be nice?
georgina cat
georgina cat - 6 years ago
tpeg.explores kind hearted?
Kucingd Terbakard
Kucingd Terbakard - 6 years ago
Robski u defo have never had sex and never will
the man with the green cortina
the man with the green cortina - 6 years ago
vksepe it's called natural selection leave them to it. Lol
the man with the green cortina
the man with the green cortina - 6 years ago
Robski how do you know non are good people?????????
I used to do a lot of dangerous shit but I have always helped out anybody in need and led a good life.
How is it up there on that horse?
tpeg.explores - 6 years ago
robski "They are not good people." Bullshit. Rikke and his crew are awesome, kind-hearted people who have been rightfully disillusioned with this societal system we have going on right now that tries to slot people into these "one size fits all" life tracks that just make people miserable. These guys have chosen to question that, and I respect them for that.
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips - 6 years ago
fair enough
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips - 6 years ago
explain why u have problem with parkour vksepe
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips - 6 years ago
oh yeah my bad
Robski - 6 years ago
That wasn't me, thats vksepe.
Robski - 6 years ago
Title: "Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death"

I'm talking about the "Train Surfing" bit.
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips - 6 years ago
not all parkour people are doing train surfing or "jumping around buildings" so please don't think we are
Robski - 6 years ago
Train surfing is against railway by-laws and results in arrest. The criminal system is broken and the BBC is promoting this as a good thing.
vksepe - 6 years ago
Robski While I agree what theyre doing is dangerous, illegal and deadly. I highly doubt the criminal justice system will lock up a bunch of 18 year olds jumping around buildings. Hell they give people who have commited far worse a max of 10 years.
Robski - 6 years ago
The documentary puts the people who do this in a good light. They are not good people. They should be locked up.
vksepe - 6 years ago
It's BBC Three. Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.
Tappin - 6 years ago
I will be live-streaming the ksi vs Logan Paul fight on my channel aug 25th for FREE!@!!
SLOTH GAMING - 6 years ago
Die in a hole
Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong Un - 6 years ago
cheers m8
† SiNNEЯ †
† SiNNEЯ † - 6 years ago
Tappin I bet it’s taken down before the bell of the first round
Tom Derby
Tom Derby - 6 years ago
Will you tho
skux - 6 years ago
markcer2 - 6 years ago
don't care
Boris Johnson On job
Boris Johnson On job - 6 years ago
"Augus twientiefyif"-Deji
Don't Read My Profile Picture
Don't Read My Profile Picture - 6 years ago
Kindred - 6 years ago
Aylin.cam113 - 6 years ago
5th view!!

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