Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
Surf 6 years ago 261,376 views
Following UK teenagers who do stunts on tall buildings and ride on top of trains and buses, then post their dangerous exploits online, with access to a world famous teenage Parkour group from Guildford called Brewman. Co-founder of the group Rikke Brewer’s Train Surfing Paris Metro clip opened a new chapter in British Train Surfing. It sparked a new generation of copycat surfers keen to create their own viral presence and satisfy their need for an adrenaline fix. This film shows how the death of one of the group has created conflict in the crew, and how this and train surfing threatens to rip the group apart and ruin their friendship forever For information and support, the following organisations in the UK may be able to help: -- Click here to subscribe to BBC Three: Did you know that we’re up to other things in other places too? Best of BBC Three: iPlayer: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Oh, we’re on Snapchat too - just incase you were wondering… add us, bbcthree.
Hey look it's Rikki from Ally Law's channel lol. I haven't gotten around to looking at Rikki's channel yet but will do some day :) I'm addicted to Ally's videos as it is haha
10. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
20. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
30. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
50. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
really not a fan of some of the stuff that was voiced over in post but overall insightful informative and for the most part respectful to Nye, rip
100. comment for Train Surfing Wars: A Matter Of Life & Death
Theres probably been more deaths but these are the ones local to me on this side of the City alone.
Please be careful out there, if you don't kill yourself train surfing or in some crazy urbex you could end up a quadrupplegic or with brain damage. Watching some of this parkour I'm thinking wow that incredible but at the same time wow how close did you just come to breaking your neck? And especially at a young age you wouldn't want to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair.
Really cool docu. Good editing and I like the storytelling.
It can't be easy for anyone to go through that, but if he feels he influences people into making life changing mistakes, he'd rather it be from his own back, and not on yours. I think his mother's testimony speaks words, that his actions are like self harm, and from watching Ally's videos I had no idea what Rikke has been through until now.
It's wonderful how you all had Nye's ashes as speed them all over the world, I think that was such a wonderful thought, and rest in piece to him, and all the best wishes to his family and friends.
Be safe, but be brave, this is the start of a new generation.
I personally would never hang of the side of a building or off a crane, why would I? I know my own risks and as long as you use common sense it's not going to be that bad. Just watch out for yourself and all your mates, keep each other safe. I do my fair share of climbing roofs, but the majority of them were very low-risk and didn't involve much effort at all, you just have to know how to get up there. Same for abandoned places, you just need to be aware of any possible dangers and keep an eye out for them.
...he isn't the devil incarnate you know.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! While Outside of the Acela Express, that is one of the funniest comments I have read. We may have a robust freight rail network here in the US... but our trains are certainly not "fast".
Yeah :/ I don’t get how their parents aren’t disciplining them... if I did that my parents would take away all my cameras, ground me, not give me any money, report me to the police, etc. If it got really bad they wouldn’t let me out of their sight. After all it’s life / death.
Imagine the intense grief their parents feel knowing their children are consistently courting death to chase a new adrenaline high.
No but if they died skateboarding on a mountain you would say that they died skateboarding on a mountain... just like these guys doing parkour on top of buildings.
What do you mean nobody has died from parkour? They definitely have if you google it... many are injured too. I mean people do parkour on top of massive buildings and shit so of course people are going to mess up and kill themselves sometimes.
Okay maybe that was badly worded, I said that they did more and more dangerous stunts *just for the cameras*... I intended that to mean that there wouldn't be the crazy progression of more and more wild stunts without the audience. Sure, most of them would do it without the cameras but they wouldn't feel the need to go that far.
Above, you literally said (emphasis mine): "They admitted they do more and more dangerous stunts ***JUST for the cameras***." Views, rankings, salaries, goals, scores, stats, etc have some level of relevance to most people. But as Rikke says at the end: "Carry on being free. Create memories and share them to the public. Show them how to live."
Not saying that it’s the main reason why they do it, just saying that the existence of social media pushes them to go further and further.. putting themselves at more and more of a risk, partly because they feel pressured by the views. Each to their own but I feel sorry for their mothers, must be worried sick!
They admitted they do more and more dangerous stunts just for the cameras.
I don’t think he stuck his head out a window.. I think he climbed in between two carriages on a moving train, then stuck his head up to take a photo and bashed his head. He’d also been drinking. Very sad.
I love nightscape as well but he never uploads
Edit: same goes for Nightscape, but he's better imo cause he got better technique
You are living to work.
I work so that I may live. I am going for FIRE so that I can buck the system entirely.
Had her son died in a car accident from drink driving. Do you think she would then watch his mates do the same in tribute?
Also, overnight challenges are not urbex.
Admire these guys for what they do and i think your comments are disrespectful Alex Anderson . People do mountain climbing and there have been a lot of deaths by people doing this . Everybody has a choice in life in what they wish to do . It is their choice . There is danger around us all the time . At least they are doing something in their life that they enjoy doing . R.I.P Nye ! ........... Condolences to your family .
I used to do a lot of dangerous shit but I have always helped out anybody in need and led a good life.
How is it up there on that horse?
I'm talking about the "Train Surfing" bit.