Train Surfing in Soweto

The new craze in the South African townships. Awesome pictures of kids risking their lives for a cheap buzz.

Train Surfing in Soweto sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Surf 18 years ago 430,147 views

The new craze in the South African townships. Awesome pictures of kids risking their lives for a cheap buzz.

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Most popular comments
for Train Surfing in Soweto

Mike Dinan
Mike Dinan - 7 years ago
What dumb niggers
Theresa Metcalf
Theresa Metcalf - 7 years ago
And when something happens they will blame it on poverty which is the cause of apartheid.
Refilwe Mkhwanazi
Refilwe Mkhwanazi - 7 years ago
skhotain girls dance
marvin watkins
marvin watkins - 7 years ago
Do mind the wires and masts, lads. ;)
Jonathan Rohde
Jonathan Rohde - 8 years ago
cameron cassewin
cameron cassewin - 8 years ago
kul As fuck dudes got balls
Xolisa Mfobo
Xolisa Mfobo - 8 years ago
cameron cassewin there is nothing cool about this.
001leystar - 8 years ago
Real Subway surfers
Zephyr Trading
Zephyr Trading - 9 years ago
fucking morons
River Huntingdon
River Huntingdon - 8 years ago
Give the signalmen guns so they can pick them off ...

10. comment for Train Surfing in Soweto

Nekto kto
Nekto kto - 10 years ago
Crazy monkeys,..
Ymaifiyv - 7 years ago
Nekto kto They're humans, just like you.
Njabulo Mzulwini
Njabulo Mzulwini - 7 years ago
Shut up Neanderthal
Ki joong Shim
Ki joong Shim - 10 years ago
Just leave them alone and Dont give a shit to them. i think they want to get other's attention like a crying infant to get mommy's breast milk.
Ian Jake Magrina
Ian Jake Magrina - 10 years ago
Dauntless initiation.
Robert Chutney
Robert Chutney - 10 years ago
Those young idiots are just lucky, that in RSA is in use high voltage current with low amperage, otherwise they will be roasted by electric arching!
River Huntingdon
River Huntingdon - 8 years ago
They use 3000V Direct Current. There's quite a few hundred Amps there too, as you know. If it hits these apes, they'll fry, for sure. Says something about the design of these old electrics that they run steadily enough despite being narrow gauge, 3foot 6inch. Darwin Awards coming up LOL !
Filip Andel
Filip Andel - 9 years ago
high voltage current with low amperage? What a bullshit man. Please, have a look into the book of Elementary school physics ;)
Filip Andel
Filip Andel - 9 years ago
high voltage current with low amperage? What a bullshit man. Please, have a look into the book of Elementary school physics ;)
vesszentrianon75 - 11 years ago
Minus couple monkey is not a problem. ...
Chew Flowers
Chew Flowers - 11 years ago
Lol not biased Just the Facts. Compare this to Indian Train Surfing. No joke. This is Childs Play lol.
Vusi Twala
Vusi Twala - 7 years ago
Nothing to be proud of, this idiocy has killed a lot of young people in South Africa since the 80's!!! Now it's killing young people all over the world as copy cats wanted to do what they saw in documentaries about this stupid sport!!!
Phil - 11 years ago
Hmm.. I wonder if you're biased because you're Indian... Probably not :P
Chew Flowers
Chew Flowers - 11 years ago
INDIAN train surfing is MORE impressive and CRAZY No1 can do this shit like us Indians.
Random Task
Random Task - 11 years ago
these look like starter skateboarders. They should try a 200mph bullet train.
М А К Е Д О Н Е Ц Вардар - Егеј - Пирин
М А К Е Д О Н Е Ц Вардар - Егеј - Пирин - 11 years ago
hehehehehehe :D The Best :))

20. comment for Train Surfing in Soweto

Miki Grobar KRAJIŠNIK - 11 years ago
Isaac Clarke
Isaac Clarke - 11 years ago
Their doing it wrong.
cuapcuap - 11 years ago
dangorelik - 11 years ago
subway surfers in real life!
fresh melon
fresh melon - 11 years ago
לייק מי שהגיע לפה מהכתבה של מקו
ANONYMOUS - 11 years ago
YayLaika - 11 years ago
I'm not going to Africa.
MiTTeNs - 11 years ago
Comment description: In Africa they use trains as surfboards because they don't have enough money to buy real surfboards. That comment was sarcastic and 100% humor. Agree? :-)
Matty Robolakis
Matty Robolakis - 11 years ago
mate? the billabong pro is in south africa every year
Ringo Clark
Ringo Clark - 12 years ago
Let 'em get toasted, more Oxygen for the rest of us !

30. comment for Train Surfing in Soweto

MrDrimogemon - 12 years ago
I wonder how many volts voltage in the catenary?
NickPullMan - 12 years ago
IF I was those people I wouldn't be doing that
bajuszsp - 12 years ago
Try it here. 25 000 Volts ahead xD
MiTTeNs - 12 years ago
In Africa they don't have surfboards but they have trains instead because that's obviously cheaper.
MiTTeNs - 12 years ago
The 34 dislikes are the janitors of the people who tried this at home.
MiTTeNs - 12 years ago
In Soviet Russia, you ride internet and surf train!
zak - 12 years ago
yeah cause that makes sense
G0IMB - 12 years ago
Seems like suicide has it's cheerleaders. From what some trainsurfers say it seems like drinking brandy is their downfall. Keep off the Old Rhino Skin!! Just imagine watching your mates get mangled up or fried to death! Some entertainment:-(
magnus rørbæk
magnus rørbæk - 12 years ago
wtf cool, i will try this in my city
ROHAN7182 - 12 years ago
Offensive Username
Offensive Username - 12 years ago
The worst about this is that the crowd standing around is cheering on these idiots.
Offensive Username
Offensive Username - 12 years ago
In Russia, kids do the same stupid thing of surfing on trains.
Julian Wyngaard
Julian Wyngaard - 12 years ago
As jy dom is moet jy KAK!
Jerram - 12 years ago
Hahaha.. stupid bloody kaffirs
mattew heasly
mattew heasly - 12 years ago
so what went wrong !!!!!!!!!!!
GottaMoveThatGearUp2 - 12 years ago
Wouldn't it be "The train surfs you?" -Grammar Nazi
dachicagoan - 12 years ago
and also live
StringsCrusader - 12 years ago
so they can become fat as fuck and sit on their ass all day?
gorepit - 12 years ago
46: seconds to see south african stanky leg.
rfvtgbzhn - 12 years ago
I just have seen, that I must have mistaken something, of course it should be about the voltage in south africa, not in pakistan.

50. comment for Train Surfing in Soweto

ca294 - 12 years ago
Yes, they are, if they are dumb enough to think in getting contact with electricity, like the guy of India who died for it
rfvtgbzhn - 12 years ago
I don't know what voltage is used in Pakistan, but if they use 15 kV like most european railways, they are close enouugh to get killed by an electric arc if the humidity is high enough.
ca294 - 12 years ago
Take it easy dude, they know what they're doing, it won't happen anything if they don't have any kind of contact with electricity, and don't fall out from trains
Brendan Murphy
Brendan Murphy - 12 years ago
waiting for the sparks : (
FGA Vuurwerkgroep
FGA Vuurwerkgroep - 12 years ago
stupid people who don't want to live anymore
reaperofsilk - 12 years ago
very true, this is a bigger thrill than sitting on your ass eating cheetos playing with your thumbs
Gaming Palooza Empire
Gaming Palooza Empire - 12 years ago
Why? It will only break within a year after the warranty runs out, and then they will be back to train surfing all over again.
MiTTeNs - 12 years ago
They'd be barbecued if they had physical contact with the high voltage power line. Awesome pastime though :D
Daniel Villanueva
Daniel Villanueva - 12 years ago
2:12 usher singing the thong song !
Graft er
Graft er - 12 years ago
If health and safety saw this.. LOL
ChumChumHoliday Agungs
ChumChumHoliday Agungs - 12 years ago
follow the customs of Indonesia
Jaime Fontes.
Jaime Fontes. - 12 years ago
Railroad works back in the day used to do this all the time on the job, not impressed.
skyhigh90210 - 12 years ago
Ghost ride the whip!
Mike Bugatti
Mike Bugatti - 12 years ago
That is YOLO right there!
Philip Li 李佖立 이필립
Philip Li 李佖立 이필립 - 12 years ago
Crazy!!!!! Idiot!!!!!!
Jan Meppe
Jan Meppe - 12 years ago
Hit one of those cables and you're dead.
2011118 - 12 years ago
Awesome! Fuck those who dont like it!
T0mahawk3r - 12 years ago
Who let the monkeys out?
redacted187 - 12 years ago
Its a website and magazine
rolloutthebarrel - 12 years ago
Can you really consider this a "cheap buzz?" They're going to be paying for mistakes with their lives. What's the difference really between train surfing and say, illegally base jumping from the Burj Khalifa?
guy reefer
guy reefer - 12 years ago
i wanna see one of these idiots ground one of those high voltage wires and explode!! ssssssssppppppplllllllatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notinuserightnow - 12 years ago
I hope they fall off..
Dante550505 - 12 years ago
In Soviet Russia train surfing you!!!!
nanajoth - 12 years ago
Jenkem just doesn't cut it anymore for these kids.
Son Goku
Son Goku - 12 years ago
this is living
01984lockyer - 12 years ago
They're escaping Kony LOL haha *sigh* im going to hell.
jack - 13 years ago
28 are euro fags
JEIWILBER - 13 years ago
Chimps gonna Monkey !
nanitesnodes - 13 years ago
They are doing the gene pool a great favor thank you guys! For those feeling in a generous mood pls do this at home,
imNOZR - 13 years ago
how do you practice this...
natetechrock - 13 years ago
doin it like bernie
Scratch Denim : Video
Scratch Denim : Video - 13 years ago
They're from Dauntless. Duh.
jasperasillyfurry - 13 years ago
racist mother f*****s in the comments...
jasperasillyfurry - 13 years ago
@SoltmanSSS so... you really just said that.... -.-
Dmitry Davydov
Dmitry Davydov - 13 years ago
Really good way to decrease black population!
luke legrice
luke legrice - 13 years ago
All the stupid pussies who are ghost riding the whip should try this shit
slinkeepy - 13 years ago
Awesome... this is *living* people :) (*without* fear...)
José Gomes
José Gomes - 13 years ago
free train trips fk yea - 13 years ago
Fredfredbug4 - 13 years ago
R Kelly
R Kelly - 13 years ago
0:50 he hit that train dougie
RoyalMystic - 13 years ago
@Superbradman1 no actually i am here because its my hobby! But you still get a thumb up +1 ^_^
cocojumbo - 13 years ago
i think i saw a banana in their hands
Icicle Fledglings
Icicle Fledglings - 13 years ago
50 cal.
GT - 13 years ago
this is nothing as compared to indian train surfing...just search it
nicermog - 13 years ago
yeah, after than mumbai local stunt video this just looks superlame
Stoogemeister420 - 13 years ago
ya im here cause of that one indian dude in that other vid lol
checkThingsOutGuy - 13 years ago
You have'nt seen the indian train surfing yet.
dachicagoan - 13 years ago
someone by these kids an x-box.
fallingwatersnz - 13 years ago
wtf is cracked?

100. comment for Train Surfing in Soweto

MAspotter617 - 13 years ago
I bet if someone did that captain Morgan thing, they would probably look badass
Wat Dat
Wat Dat - 13 years ago
Theres never a good tunnel around when you need it
MagicalMelan - 13 years ago
@Joggemand Well you're sat at home watching it on youtube
Joachim Hansen
Joachim Hansen - 13 years ago
Niggers need a life
nagz-youtube - 13 years ago
@Superbradman1 NOT obligatory.
Natsume - 13 years ago
At 00:39, he said hakuna matata wrong.
superbradman - 13 years ago
@Theriot6592 I agree, that's kinda why I did it.
coolbones - 13 years ago
yabooo yabooo yabooo yabeee yabeee yabeee souuu damatrak la
Shippoyasha - 13 years ago
Videogames - 1 Real life Boredom - Death
wyssmaster - 13 years ago
they should try the electric slide
Sean Harvey
Sean Harvey - 13 years ago
@Zebonka You are fucking clown shoes. That is all.
Scuddy Guitars & Things
Scuddy Guitars & Things - 13 years ago
Stupid niggers.
GameSnippets_Jimmy - 13 years ago
Don't need no ps3!
nae2cute - 13 years ago
Anyone else watched this expecting someone to fall off?
bkparty84 - 13 years ago
yeah, so this isnt a sport.
chrispylikecheeze - 13 years ago
swag surfing
marsvoltian - 13 years ago
Ahh so thats how they learn to run so fast!
Sly0the0Snake - 13 years ago
That dance is even more ridiculous than they train surfing part.
anonymous243124 - 13 years ago
Nelson Mandela was right, these people are clearly capable of running their own country
donbasuradenuevo - 13 years ago
The next Darwin Award goes to...
Austin Neumeyer
Austin Neumeyer - 13 years ago
@jaaan17 Eh. It is a popular site.
Gherson069 - 13 years ago
The Evolution at work. Next the Darwin award.
Nujj - 13 years ago
I love how 1 comment which has been on top for 1 year can be outdone by 1 comment about cracked in 8 hours.
frankensteinmoneymac - 13 years ago
at 0:23 is he saying "redull, redbull, redbull"?.......I suppose he could use some wings about then.
rokaotter - 13 years ago
See what happens when you don't oppress blacks? They start climbing on top of trains and start dancing like intoxicated monkeys.
EaglesRugby - 13 years ago
@Superbradman1 That's not at all obligatory it's just annoying
David Pham
David Pham - 13 years ago
omg these people are insane
Ninjistic - 13 years ago
@Superbradman1 it isnt obligatory, youre fucking gay
Kingoftherodeo - 13 years ago
The Uncharted 2 fan club re-enacts iconic scene from the game
criceto - 13 years ago
@Brucey69 just image one of this guys getting decapitated and his hiv blood floods the sits inside the train..
Skougz - 13 years ago
@Superbradman1 seen it before though
Alexander - 13 years ago
I hope they at least bought a ticket :P
superbradman - 13 years ago
Obligatory: Who else is here because of Cracked?
KarnmanGT500 - 13 years ago
i used to live in India I call this a commute
Nick - 13 years ago
I wonder how well train surfing works in Japan.....
Lapatilla DeMenem
Lapatilla DeMenem - 13 years ago
que imbeciles!
2Durr - 13 years ago
When they hangin out the rain they want 2 run just like Goku did when he was smalll ahhaha
dansacqpr - 14 years ago
fair enough but dancing just takes the piss
Sprokie van Gistraand
Sprokie van Gistraand - 14 years ago
@thelammantor Who are you, as a americunt, to insult the people of this wonderful country?? Go fight a war you sleazebag, go grab a big mac before you go, uncle SAM wants your fat ass!!
Mc Wrogi
Mc Wrogi - 14 years ago
Wow...the Soweto trains have some graffiti :D 1:30 - 1:39 ... some some ...but they are :D
mattec2 - 14 years ago
.... and here comes the tunnel!
youcreatea X
youcreatea X - 14 years ago
is this supposed to be racist? or it just turns out that way
Rob Dekker
Rob Dekker - 14 years ago
Nice video!!! Where do you record him?
Robert Chutney
Robert Chutney - 14 years ago
Those "surfers" are still alive only due to high voltage, but relatively low amperage! Otherwise, they will reduced to nice charcoal...:-D
Robert Chutney
Robert Chutney - 14 years ago
@lutendoram, why?
Ronald Rambebu
Ronald Rambebu - 14 years ago
I wish some one can design a safe train for these boys to train and use it as a sports...
Simon - 14 years ago
0:49 Crip walkin.
T-bomb - 14 years ago
Hope them monkeys get electrocuted very soon.
sleepdep - 14 years ago
2:07 is flavor
Niel Bekker
Niel Bekker - 14 years ago
A white guy does base jumping and it's "extreme" but a black guy surfs a friggin' TRAIN and you all (loyaltodeath, uncjax) have a problem with it. Go to hell.
andyg3 - 14 years ago
wtf is up with the absolutely stupid dancing. fucking idiots
似鳥健三 - 14 years ago
Until mid-'90s, most of countries condemned what the gov had done in its territory. Seeing not only this video but also what is going on in SA now, we have to say that they were just hypocrites. The former order was just realistic.
meatpie29 - 14 years ago
Jesus, this train is electric, how come they are not hit by a vault?
YomanitsG - 14 years ago
25000 or 50000 Volt isn't friendly..
GentlemanHobo - 14 years ago
imagine if they died and were in the afterlife and then all the worlds greatest leaders were like "so, what was it that took your life, son?" these guys would just be like "...ugh...we got bored so we jumped on to the top of a moving least it looked badass?" lol
LorEmedia - 15 years ago
my mother's classmate surfed on trains also. ... ... he can move only with walking sticks , becouse his toes were cut by a train...
yuki sakuramoto
yuki sakuramoto - 15 years ago
i bet thoes people felt cool..
Manime Chef
Manime Chef - 15 years ago
ignorant fucks
_avds - 15 years ago
and aids
Mluka1 - 15 years ago
In case you don't know these people are South Africans.....I know because I am a South African my self.
reno raines
reno raines - 15 years ago
accorn group bringing in more voters
ElDesmadreGriego - 15 years ago
Not knowing that whites do it too in Europe..ignorant fucks
mabbitstown - 15 years ago
Twist and Shout!
kuno86 - 15 years ago
lol, wohl kein Geld für Tickets ^^
Karl - 15 years ago
train rides with open doors wtf?!
Dont care
Dont care - 15 years ago
ha-ha . The Soweto Tourist attraction ' Poor Man's Surfing'. there is a part of me that wants to travel to S.A and train surf
- 15 years ago
touch that electric line and you win
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - 15 years ago
i hope they all die!
Brucey69 - 15 years ago
This is fun IF... you are INSIDE the train.
Michael W
Michael W - 15 years ago
its not something your going to forget easily, and if comparing Id say these dudes have lived life more than any of US have
Michael W
Michael W - 15 years ago
it all comes down to opinion, would you rather stay cooped up inside your house all your life and then regret not living life when you had the chance? im not condoning it*
Michael W
Michael W - 15 years ago
people HAVE been 'fried' & 'smashed up' as you put it, if you watch the other video they say the danger and loss of freinds doesnt deter them at all.
Guapwong - 15 years ago
Those racist here are just jealous. Even they see something extraordinary done by non-whites.
Sebbe Grip
Sebbe Grip - 16 years ago
Jonesmclaren - 16 years ago
Soweto the town of Sarafina
you kolam
you kolam - 16 years ago
i wish they only got payd to do such thingz and turn it into a movie......
Hans-Peter Y. Qvist
Hans-Peter Y. Qvist - 16 years ago
i wanna try this.!
clemens101 - 16 years ago
very dangerous but nice dance moves ^^ SEARCH FOR "TRAINRIDER", he rides an ICE with 330 km/h
clemens101 - 16 years ago
ahahhahahahah LOL xD
Toyin Olivia Jibowu
Toyin Olivia Jibowu - 16 years ago
if u dont like black ppl dont watch clips with thme in it u fool
Janneman Vaarwater
Janneman Vaarwater - 16 years ago
They have no life there! Thats what make them proud of what there doing, on those trains :-S
Zan Lai
Zan Lai - 16 years ago
they trying to kill them self arent they?
Grant Johnstone
Grant Johnstone - 17 years ago
25.000 volts those cables if they hit one they would explode
Moon Moon
Moon Moon - 17 years ago
Ey fellas, those power lines could cook a two ton steak in nothing flat, watch out!
simdisiwe ngcobo
simdisiwe ngcobo - 17 years ago
do they have time to go to school rather than this stupid game
spleens07 - 17 years ago
U dumb ass africans as soon as u fall off and get ur head smashed or paralized 4 life it aint goign to be any fun now will it??
robbie2g2 - 17 years ago
man...u just plain racist!!
Souperfro - 18 years ago
There were no apartied days in Africa you dolt.
petelovesbevsills - 18 years ago
hopefullly next time these useless pieces of shit get electrocuted and leave the gene pool permanently
bonichetti - 18 years ago
hahahahaha thats heaps crazy i'd love to see them go under a tunnel

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The "Train Surfing in Soweto" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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