Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
Surf 7 years ago 1,929,282 views
A full length journey to the capital of Lithuania and back, starting from a train station in Kaunas city. We do pay to go back, just because we were exhausted, but it is definitely possible, to go back to the place we hopped off and get on a freight train again (I've tried). Friend in the video: desmond ( The following footage is the as little cut as possible of train surfing shown in ILLEGAL FREEDOM EP. 4. Updates: Photos:
camera to the other guy and again again again again
10. comment for Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
20. comment for Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
"Boundaries are arbitrary"
I've saved you 20 minutes, you're welcome
30. comment for Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
Security = -1
Cuorage = 1000
want prowit labas
50. comment for Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
100. comment for Train surfing across cities (Co-Op)
Whole vid
You know what screw me
Lets go
Really! Cool
Sister: Hey Billy What You Doing?
is guys don,t like sitting home and watch tv
Gobflyfdsaw uueada
years later 955
Fucking legands
Violets are blue
The title is English
So why aren't you