Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
Surf 5 years ago 502,044 views
PATREON: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: REDDIT: #ILLEGALFREEDOM _______________________ Credits: Edited by me. Filmed by me.
I edited this video based on the results from the "video length/edit preference" polls I posted on my youtube, twitter, reddit. It is longer than usual, but also edited/cut to not only be raw footage. I will stick with this style for now. Thoughts?
We love ya' shiey, have fun as always!
10. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
20. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
30. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
I think you show a flagrant disregard for the fact that railways are operated by people, and should you be hit by an oncoming train, electrocuted through touching the OHLE, or simply don't wake up due to falling asleep, stopping in a tunnel and never waking from the fumes, someone will find you and will live with that image for the rest of their lives.
Would maybr suggest adding some music to the parts where you're not talking..
50. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
Well fuck you mate
100. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start
American hobos
Robert Saks.
Pensacola, fl.
Don’t you mean...
The sun: still not down
Me: cant even put a nail into wood
Looks like Antifa member.
Ah the logic behind these companies.
Why’s this in my recommended?
- Really horrible sound
He explains the whole situation in: "Brave Dave 2017: Life As A Wanted Criminal"
well done Damo Play's, you have an negative number of brain cells.
It will be very cool if you help me on this,
My user account nahgonz1
Thanks to everyone!
Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
That sounds like a steam!
Well this is not unlikely but it's your life
Imagine what could Happen to the Cargo and the Person itself
good luck
Might hurt but it works
Also when needing to get off look for grass or soft dirt or even gravel and dangle yourself off the train and let go may hurt but if you practice it's fine
I fu#@ing love you and your videos and hope you read this comment
definitely going to kaliningrad
They look comfortable yet perfect for this kind of activities
Yes, of course, it was a joke, the man travel without extra CO2
There are people who do this right and people who want to be Edgy.
This dude Cleary just wants to be edgy
Good for you that you dont have to worry about that.
It’s really good, but I was surprised to see more unrelated videos going up before a part 2.
I fucking miss old YouTube.
I love your madness
I felt really sorry for you mate!
I kinda understand you!
I see train surfing - I like and subscribe.
Bet geras vid