Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

PATREON: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: REDDIT: #ILLEGALFREEDOM _______________________ Credits: Edited by me. Filmed by me.
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Most popular comments
for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

shiey - 5 years ago
Video was delayed due to exporting errors. With the following upload, next Wednesday, everything should get back to normal schedule.

I edited this video based on the results from the "video length/edit preference" polls I posted on my youtube, twitter, reddit. It is longer than usual, but also edited/cut to not only be raw footage. I will stick with this style for now. Thoughts?
MTB Wolf
MTB Wolf - 5 years ago
I love this. Keeps everything focused and well-redacted, leaving out some of the useless bits.
Oo_ELECTRO_oO - 5 years ago
Part 2 today? Cheers
John Johansson
John Johansson - 5 years ago
Longer form is better as train hopping ,as a pursuit, is not instant in its results.
Aleksas Podpruginas
Aleksas Podpruginas - 5 years ago
Hey, are you originally from Lithuania?
Benas Lapinas
Benas Lapinas - 5 years ago
Greetings from Lithuania
Chicco Barcenas
Chicco Barcenas - 5 years ago
First time seeing this video and your channel and this caught my attention and want to keep watching so this style is good !
Billy Maramis
Billy Maramis - 5 years ago
when will you upload the 2nd part??
nic27022005 zero
nic27022005 zero - 5 years ago
You a stiupe f+++ Idiot deleted you ACC YT
LoneRenegade - 5 years ago
Love it as it is right now.
Peazy Playz
Peazy Playz - 5 years ago
Get a go pro on your chest like big Dave so you can jump on and film at the same time
XXXGHOSTBOY - 5 years ago
Bro if I find I'm going hart you really bad
RedGaming Studio
RedGaming Studio - 5 years ago
Wheres part 2?
BassMaster - 5 years ago
shiey are you at Home After that Journey?
Gintaras Grikstas
Gintaras Grikstas - 5 years ago
Adrians Krejums
Adrians Krejums - 5 years ago
Hello i m from Latvia
SlyGuy Gaming
SlyGuy Gaming - 5 years ago
666th like
Sp1nks24 - 5 years ago
Felt like you really could have jumped on that train.
げゞるLiqzz - 5 years ago
looks nice
Dima-X – Gotoro
Dima-X – Gotoro - 5 years ago
Good stuff, enjoyed it very much
TheProttotype - 5 years ago
yeah, stick with this
justas budreckas
justas budreckas - 5 years ago
15:00 kadangi sakai kad kaune givenai tai lietuviškai tikriausiai suprant ir gal žinojai gal ne bet pagrindine stotis jei teisingai atsimenu yra Radviliškuose
Note 8 User
Note 8 User - 5 years ago
Deutsche Bahn liked your comment.
Kacpertian - 5 years ago
well, its awesome and never too long
Dead Kampf
Dead Kampf - 5 years ago
Sounds good
Hayden Misenti
Hayden Misenti - 5 years ago
i like the longer videos but i really like the cool warp effect you use when walking long distances
raptureboi - 5 years ago
Agree with everyone here. More length is better for us and for you in editing. Long long long!
Mare - 5 years ago
@Łukasz Słowikowski perfect length. Awesome video
Brian A.
Brian A. - 5 years ago
Loving this format a lot. Definitely feel a lot more into the experience. Great work!
Fei L.
Fei L. - 5 years ago
This is it chief.
J Mach
J Mach - 5 years ago
i like this style
Candy Molina
Candy Molina - 5 years ago
I really love the more lengthy/ vlogging videos!! Really great shiey , your videos are amazing!
Honkman - 5 years ago
this is perfect
BassFartz - 5 years ago
WolfAz3 - 5 years ago
Manau kad viskas gerai
Boba Aldona
Boba Aldona - 5 years ago
Not too short, not too long, interesting to watch
Messicole 12
Messicole 12 - 5 years ago
This is such amazing content! I love these types of video... like a movie. Keep it up!
estra extras
estra extras - 5 years ago
What is that little light you attached to the cable and where did you get it?
It's Renamed
It's Renamed - 5 years ago
I enjoy your trip explanation
It's Renamed
It's Renamed - 5 years ago
I enjoy your trip explanation
Blue-X - 5 years ago
I fucking loved this type!!! And I really love when you talk to the camera makes ut super intresting!!
xNick - 5 years ago
Best type of video length shiey.
Isucc Newton
Isucc Newton - 5 years ago
I think this style is the best, the video was just amazing, cant wait to see the rest of the adventure
Marnix - 5 years ago
This vlogging style is awesome! Not too short, not too long. Every 'important' thing was inside it. Keep going !
Amber Sharp
Amber Sharp - 5 years ago
I really like this new style! The "Talk to you in the morning" at the end was really sweet, too, ahah.
We love ya' shiey, have fun as always!
Donut Beats
Donut Beats - 5 years ago
Really enjoyed the vlogging type style of the video
Rolandas Ulevicius
Rolandas Ulevicius - 5 years ago
Amazing concept and great video!
RyanCarter - 5 years ago
Why is it still daylight at like 9pm?
DEADLIGHT † ExoTruth - 5 years ago
I thought it was a game xD
Sentient Curse
Sentient Curse - 5 years ago
Safe travels
ExplodingPiggy - 5 years ago
Stupid cunt!
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 5 years ago
Yay another dumb fuck with a selfie stick and a YouTube channel. How exciting.
Charles 16
Charles 16 - 5 years ago
My boi Alan Walker trying to get to Baltic Sea
Ben Dawg
Ben Dawg - 5 years ago
Why is this age restricted tho?
Patriot Jorden
Patriot Jorden - 5 years ago
Aye where’s Desmond did y’all fall off or something

10. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

Patriot Jorden
Patriot Jorden - 5 years ago
I think train riding is the coolest shit ever
Jay Fleet
Jay Fleet - 5 years ago
how did I get here and why do I appreciate what this guy is doing so much?
jooshep1 - 5 years ago
What hair supplies do you use? As always, love the videos. The idea of living free and without limits is amazing! Thank You!
MrDachshund99 - 5 years ago
Love your voice, you sound like Blameitonjorge.
Hans Wurst
Hans Wurst - 5 years ago
i love this video
MTB Wolf
MTB Wolf - 5 years ago
Shiey is a country's transportation department's worst nightmare. Haha
Shawn. • Txp
Shawn. • Txp - 5 years ago
When he said its 12 o' clock. Literally it was 00 in my country
osasunaitor - 5 years ago
As a train driver, I disapprove. If you ever get injured the railway company or even the driver himself might be prosecuted. This is no videogame, kiddo. Keep you fuckin ass on the ground for gods sake
Path 2Pro
Path 2Pro - 5 years ago
I don’t know why this is so satisfying to watch...
Winsa Official
Winsa Official - 5 years ago
Part 2??? Please <3

20. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

SeriousDave - 5 years ago
Dayz with working train
tinkybird RBLX!
tinkybird RBLX! - 5 years ago
henri brad
henri brad - 5 years ago
How did you not get electrocuted
Lewis Stubbs
Lewis Stubbs - 5 years ago
I would shit my self if I was on my own in middle of Lithuania
Melonen Farm
Melonen Farm - 5 years ago
Wanna be cool with your cursed language
Ong Bak
Ong Bak - 5 years ago
Why Not take the train the normal way?
tu ošņā !
tu ošņā ! - 5 years ago
Good Video! I Live in LATVIA!
Kubba kubbynator 2005 cze
Kubba kubbynator 2005 cze - 5 years ago
WARNING! This video is NOT age restricted. Youtube is on drugs.
Operations Operations
Operations Operations - 5 years ago
Where is PART 2 ? Pls link
Helmut Roewer
Helmut Roewer - 5 years ago
I prefer to buy my ticket.

30. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

Ronnie Biggs
Ronnie Biggs - 5 years ago
As much as this is entertaining and I AM enjoying it ,isn’t it a shame a young man has to go though this bullshit?
RandomPerson - 5 years ago
I have finals tomorrow and I’m supposed to be asleep but this content...
Ventaga - 5 years ago
R D - 5 years ago
When you are angry that your free ride isn’t going the right way
Boss_ 11680
Boss_ 11680 - 5 years ago
Greetings from Latvia!
mr Ree ree
mr Ree ree - 5 years ago

NewamapenW - 5 years ago
Why does this look like dayz?
Locomotionlotion - 5 years ago
Looks like you need to do more research. Find a freight loop, look at what trains are diagrammed to stop at the location or junction. You’ve got to do that before you set off. The information is usually readily available, if you know where to look. Trainspotters and train enthusiasts local to the area will know.
James Turner
James Turner - 5 years ago
Did it ever cross your mind whilst hanging off the side of a wagon across the 4ft of the opposing running line that if something hits you, you may screw up someone else's life far more than your own?

I think you show a flagrant disregard for the fact that railways are operated by people, and should you be hit by an oncoming train, electrocuted through touching the OHLE, or simply don't wake up due to falling asleep, stopping in a tunnel and never waking from the fumes, someone will find you and will live with that image for the rest of their lives.
GaneshQBNA - 5 years ago
Really enjoyed the video!
Would maybr suggest adding some music to the parts where you're not talking..
Yassine Zaitouni
Yassine Zaitouni - 5 years ago
why are the trains so random. dont they have some sort of schedule?
q - 5 years ago
this just got into my recommended and damn
Trainwatcher 2016
Trainwatcher 2016 - 5 years ago
I hope you die you stupid Idiot
C VA - 5 years ago
You dont life Long enough if u Go so near to the high Vorlage line ... take care!
TPD - 5 years ago
MC Jimmi
MC Jimmi - 5 years ago
HSAL 04 - 5 years ago
why is this age restricted?
Dimitrije Milošević
Dimitrije Milošević - 5 years ago
Dang boy, you don't have a clue what can 25kW do to you
waffly. - 5 years ago
I feel great that he mentioned Lithuania (because I'm from there)
Puncake isLife
Puncake isLife - 5 years ago
You should add a map with your location and update every now and then!

50. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

Yzzii - 5 years ago
just so you know big smoke is proud of you
HMBL lzistrex
HMBL lzistrex - 5 years ago
Youn Fletch
Youn Fletch - 5 years ago
Hi from Riga (:
R 4
R 4 - 5 years ago

chicken joe
chicken joe - 5 years ago
what r the charges if you get caught?
gocrazygostupid - 5 years ago
for what the face mask? your eyes are enough to identify you? at least should wear a sunglasses
Muzflo - 5 years ago
When part 2 coming out?
DeX Story
DeX Story - 5 years ago
is there any part 2? or this boy is allready dead ?
Farmer - 5 years ago
Watch brave daves trainhopping series it's lit great video as well mate
sped ducc
sped ducc - 5 years ago
Im from Lithuania. Don't know what to say :DD if police have caught you, i think it ill be your last video.
Huell - 5 years ago
I only clicked because I thought of subway surfers
Juan Vélez
Juan Vélez - 5 years ago
part 2??
Dylan The Cheese
Dylan The Cheese - 5 years ago
This man is a madlad for sitting in a hammock on a train
xav-3 - 5 years ago
Why did I think this was video game gameplay
Houston 23
Houston 23 - 5 years ago
Shiey the train on the train has my adrenaline going through the roof
Lumbum Trains
Lumbum Trains - 5 years ago
U stupid and an idiot you shouldn’t be trespassing on private property I hope you burn in hell
Enzy Death
Enzy Death - 5 years ago
Looked like dayz in the thumbnail
jocular fr
jocular fr - 5 years ago
I like the train surfing
Doge Man
Doge Man - 5 years ago
yes comrade
AtomFire - 5 years ago
Will never be as good as Brave Dave's Big Fat Freight Hop.
Jack 235
Jack 235 - 5 years ago
You are retarded
PIMP WITH A LIMP - 5 years ago
Hobo stobe spirt still on the tracks even out of the states ride on brother!!!
Adam Nezbeda
Adam Nezbeda - 5 years ago
How do you pee on a running train?
Tom B
Tom B - 5 years ago
Pee in it
Mariet .*.
Mariet .*. - 5 years ago
dude this shit is fucking mad and i like it
DonJoshh - 5 years ago
You should get a watch in case you can’t check on your phone!!!
Sandy Ravage
Sandy Ravage - 5 years ago
I could of been there in about 10 minutes on my dinosaur
Bahnfilmer Sachsen
Bahnfilmer Sachsen - 5 years ago
I hope you get grilled.
Jesus Jesus
Jesus Jesus - 5 years ago
Is... is this allowed?
MattTheLegend - 5 years ago
Dude has classic fuckboy haircut
bad ass
bad ass - 5 years ago
This is so cool bro
Littlelasereaglecat40 - 5 years ago
Bruh this guy is sleeping above the security
James Pearce
James Pearce - 5 years ago
That thumbnail looked like something out of a game
Gert Pullen
Gert Pullen - 5 years ago
No offense, but if you are trying to hide your face on Youtube for a couple of reasons, maybe you should do so on Patreon as well.
TJG239 - 5 years ago
you need to give that overhead line equipment more respect and distance. trust me, I design it. all it would take in some of your clips would be a bird to fly in the wrong place at the wrong time and you would be gone. those are big insulators so probably a 25kv AC system with auxiliary feeder wires making it in effect a 50kv system. it doesn't give second chances. don't die mate, your content is good
Jan We
Jan We - 5 years ago
Where did you buy the little light?
shalom the boss
shalom the boss - 5 years ago
What the fuck why is YouTube recommend me this in 2050 fuck how times have changed I remember watchting this video back when I was 17
l k
l k - 5 years ago
You save money and may give your life
Tom Booth
Tom Booth - 5 years ago
Fall off and end it!
xX_zEnUs_Xx - 5 years ago
This guy just did what I always wanted to, fucking amazing
Calthecool - 5 years ago
Illegal 100
StarWarsftw12 - 5 years ago
Lad, you are literally runnin' your clock up by a dozen a minute doin' this bullox. It's like Ally Law, and the other lot, you are going to get yourself, bloody killed. Excitement is subjective, a quality that can be found anywhere. Exploration is fine, as long as you take the time to go to the place, in a safe manor, and it's legal. For me? I write stories with me doing cool shite like this, when you get to the immersion point, it makes you feel as if you're actually there. This? This is dumb. Though it's your life mate, when you get fried on powerlines, or have your legs crushed by the tracks, don't blame Youtube.
Lukas A
Lukas A - 5 years ago
Stupid idiot.
Train Maniacs
Train Maniacs - 5 years ago
I’m so pissed i couldn’t break the law first time

Well fuck you mate
br0ken - 5 years ago
When u take Subway Surfers too seriously
Pasha Cool
Pasha Cool - 5 years ago
Он русский или мне кажется?
bourbon_parkour - 5 years ago
Age restricted rip
Emre Semerci
Emre Semerci - 5 years ago
Cool video bro. I am glad that I came across with this.
Willerz - 5 years ago
Guess I ain't sleeping for another 20 minutes...
Gustav Smidt
Gustav Smidt - 5 years ago
Son of a demonotized...
Alles Gut
Alles Gut - 5 years ago
dont support that idiot!!! Bad role model for young ppl

100. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

HomeworldChanal - 5 years ago
Do you have to be so vulgar?
Ale Kossak z Matmy
Ale Kossak z Matmy - 5 years ago
Viso2k - 5 years ago
Awesome content, i pretty much enjoyed im excited for part 2! Good luck and stay safe my friend. Greetings from sLOVEnia.
Remu Youtuber
Remu Youtuber - 5 years ago
youtube is recommending some fucking good ass shit lately
hobo roadrunner and princess xena
hobo roadrunner and princess xena - 5 years ago
To Shiey , as a train riding hobo I'm impressed with your videos. I saw you a while back when you did the abandoned bunkers videos and now you also do train riding I love it much love

American hobos
Garion Bracken
Garion Bracken - 5 years ago
Surely a train in Lithuania costs almost nothing. I remember that country being so cheap
ANONYMOUS - 5 years ago
greetings from estonia
AC Ender
AC Ender - 5 years ago
100dblock - 5 years ago
Lmao bro 2:00 hilarious your really pissed lmao
Muzflo - 5 years ago
The perfect painting idea of you and the camp fire with the green train in the background
LowKey233 - 5 years ago
Man swears at trains for 20mins
M - 5 years ago
What hair product did you use?
elios greek
elios greek - 5 years ago
Great video
Applesauce Games
Applesauce Games - 5 years ago
Literally YouTube at 11pm be like
Krish Patel
Krish Patel - 5 years ago
Alan walker?
Zeraora Playz
Zeraora Playz - 5 years ago
My friend says if you jump on a speeding train you get shocked to death
Exraw - 5 years ago
Latvia is so shit u can't even get caught
Carlos De Fonollosa
Carlos De Fonollosa - 5 years ago
I personally wouldnt mind more raw footage. Maybe release it separately
Willy Wanka
Willy Wanka - 5 years ago
Where is dude from
David Medford
David Medford - 5 years ago
How is this age restricted?
Rj Sekerk
Rj Sekerk - 5 years ago
Awesome bro. Wish I was there with ya.
Robert Saks.
Pensacola, fl.
Trickster BoYe
Trickster BoYe - 5 years ago
How the hell is this age restricted?
raechan_bxtch [ ‏‏‎ ]
raechan_bxtch [ ‏‏‎ ] - 5 years ago
im quite suprised how 9:00pm can have so much sunlight. By 7:00pm down where i live it's pitch black already.
raechan_bxtch [ ‏‏‎ ]
raechan_bxtch [ ‏‏‎ ] - 5 years ago
@valtteri Wow that's amazing
valtteri - 5 years ago
raechan_bxtch [ ‏‏‎ ] in finland at this time we have almost 24h of light
toastytoast - 5 years ago
what hammock do you use
oko2708 - 5 years ago
So much negativity in the first two minutes... No reason to continue watching
Martin Septim
Martin Septim - 5 years ago
He looks like a member of Antifa lmao
Golden Souls
Golden Souls - 5 years ago
No one:
Elliott Baleizão
Elliott Baleizão - 5 years ago
This looks awesome ima sub tho
MaceBot - 5 years ago
how do you go to the bathroom?
IvanTheGreat 22
IvanTheGreat 22 - 5 years ago
What ur doing is illegal
L e o n TrxshGxng
L e o n TrxshGxng - 5 years ago
All you had to do was following the damn train CJ
Lloyd FitzGerald
Lloyd FitzGerald - 5 years ago
where is part 2 at
Dávid 私は愛している
Dávid 私は愛している - 5 years ago
Im still waiting for part 2!Im so excited!
Sp1ke - 5 years ago
Idk why YouTube recommended me this but I like this. +1 sub
1000 Subs Challenge
1000 Subs Challenge - 5 years ago
How is this video "Very naughty"
Gruff Sco
Gruff Sco - 5 years ago
Wtf is it age restricted. Seriously...
Disvoid - 5 years ago
Who is from Lithuania

waldo - 5 years ago
How are you able to sleep on that loud train?
Simon T
Simon T - 5 years ago
I finally found you!!!
ProBurkey _
ProBurkey _ - 5 years ago
Balls of steel
Madtrucker - 5 years ago
When is the nest episode gonna be released
\GER E39/
\GER E39/ - 5 years ago
Stay safe, a friend of mine died last year on a train
grove street member
grove street member - 5 years ago
DayZ simulator
Bliink - 5 years ago
Stealth is required for this mission
Shq Shq
Shq Shq - 5 years ago
Let me.join u from holland wher u at
Fnaf Arthur
Fnaf Arthur - 5 years ago
Lithuania amazing
Zack E
Zack E - 5 years ago
Why dont you get a fucking passport then you wanker
TheGhostLegend001 - 5 years ago
Don’t you mean...

Cifier - 5 years ago
This fucking subway surfer: it’s past 9pm
The sun: still not down
Hardbass Kvass
Hardbass Kvass - 5 years ago
Sun sets around 10pm there during summer
Rogerandi Noire
Rogerandi Noire - 5 years ago
Why the fuck would you do that, just buy a Goddam ticket
Rogerandi Noire
Rogerandi Noire - 5 years ago
@touch th dog so you just start fucking endangering yourself and others as an alternative, nice
touch th dog
touch th dog - 5 years ago
What if he doesn't want too?
admin operator
admin operator - 5 years ago
You were under ☠27000V☠. Be more carefull next time
Simon T
Simon T - 5 years ago
He knows not to get too close to the danger rope
Werrz - 5 years ago
Mate, please stop swear
SweGamerHost - 5 years ago
Time to get a haircut? no?
akon 123
akon 123 - 5 years ago
Is this sheldon cooper?
KaizMahBoi YT
KaizMahBoi YT - 5 years ago
Sneak 100
NAME NAME NAME - 5 years ago
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
Rusya's Edits
Rusya's Edits - 5 years ago
what phone does this man have?
Meme Renew
Meme Renew - 5 years ago
Anal bleach
FilmDoggo - 5 years ago
This GTA V mod looks great!
Ryan Connors
Ryan Connors - 5 years ago
bruh it’s still so light so late
KxrvzSZN - 5 years ago
you've got amazing hair
ThumbGod - 5 years ago
Thought it was a graphic intense game
Dan Mihai
Dan Mihai - 5 years ago
This is life i want to live
David Panek
David Panek - 5 years ago
Randomly in my recomended this dude is crazy
Keith Jeranek
Keith Jeranek - 5 years ago
How do u know English
Gene Belcher
Gene Belcher - 5 years ago
"Destination, Republic of Lithuania, Where the fuck am I going if it's not Russia!" For some reason I died.
ClickTypeClick - 5 years ago
Probably got recommended because of BaldAndBankrupt
ztoastednoodle - 5 years ago
This guy: hangs a hammock in a train
Me: cant even put a nail into wood
Kari Krummi
Kari Krummi - 5 years ago
Andrew - 5 years ago
this looks fun as shit. too bad you were alone, but it's probably safer this way..
BingoBight - 5 years ago
Have you ever been on a train before
Crisantos Nazario
Crisantos Nazario - 5 years ago
Keep to cumnity guidelines he is age restricted
Marlon Katsambe
Marlon Katsambe - 5 years ago
Is it just me or does this look like a video game
Johle - 5 years ago
Try train surfing in scandinavia.
tdfitch - 5 years ago
Ronan Linnett
Ronan Linnett - 5 years ago
YouTube recommendations are getting better
Mad Frosty
Mad Frosty - 5 years ago
What country is he from?
Mathias Larsen
Mathias Larsen - 5 years ago
alex felix
alex felix - 5 years ago
I'm doing this for sure
Jules - 5 years ago
This is sooo good
Alec - 5 years ago
i really want to do something like this someday like before i get married and shit
Dovi Wind
Dovi Wind - 5 years ago
I love the way how you say Kaliningrad!
Ed Aguilar
Ed Aguilar - 5 years ago
Well don’t end up on bestgore bud
Jon Col
Jon Col - 5 years ago
Lez go Alan Walker
DeeBoogieTv - 5 years ago
China - 5 years ago
I want to do this
Frozen Water
Frozen Water - 5 years ago
brave dave's spiritual successor
Harrison La time traveler
Harrison La time traveler - 5 years ago
I found this in my recommended, but it's age restricted!
Lars Roodakker
Lars Roodakker - 5 years ago
Okay youtube. I watched it and my man has a new sub
Adnan Pepic
Adnan Pepic - 5 years ago
He did all of that and his video got demontized wow!
Aryan poorasad
Aryan poorasad - 5 years ago
Why do these illegal things always look fun?
StarWarsftw12 - 5 years ago
This is not fun, where the bloody hell did you get that thought? You can die in the most gruesome of ways doin' shit like this. Just read a book, or go for a walk.
Bigmenno - 5 years ago
im not into this but how about all the cameras they have hanging at train transitions. they will probably see you and stop the train asap right?
touch th dog
touch th dog - 5 years ago
I'm not too sure either but I assume he picks and chooses when to get off/on and takes advantage of blindspots
Wybuchowy Chomik
Wybuchowy Chomik - 5 years ago
Bro you're fucking brave
Bosnian Mapper
Bosnian Mapper - 5 years ago
Age restricted?? It doesnt let me watch the video plz remove this
Jezza - 5 years ago
"Didn't want to be suspicious."

Looks like Antifa member.
Kitsune - 5 years ago
Yo nice subway surfers gameplay
Mystery Bag
Mystery Bag - 5 years ago
Patreon - bans people for words. Patreon - allows the monetary support of people committing crimes.
Ah the logic behind these companies.
Roblox Luke
Roblox Luke - 5 years ago
Prepare for the comments of people who don't understand the law mate.
Stnuf •
Stnuf • - 5 years ago
Best thing youtube has ever recommended to me!
Fab Tel
Fab Tel - 5 years ago
What you do is really crazy, I cannot imagine to do this, but I like! Greetings from Germany
Sir Maxfox
Sir Maxfox - 5 years ago
Grüß gott mein Kamerad
sniiperdog _ND
sniiperdog _ND - 5 years ago
Utube recommended works
Peazy Playz
Peazy Playz - 5 years ago
Been looking for someone else that does it like big Dave and i randomly found you this is amazing
HeyGun - Haygen
HeyGun - Haygen - 5 years ago
Now THIS is original content
Peazy Playz
Peazy Playz - 5 years ago
I love this shit
SynTag YT
SynTag YT - 5 years ago
It's so pretty around there.
Peazy Playz
Peazy Playz - 5 years ago
”i guess i’ll uppdate you in the next 2 to 12 hours or some fucking shit”
damn daniel
damn daniel - 5 years ago
Thank you youtube for finally recommending me a good channel
wawe lee
wawe lee - 5 years ago
It feels comfy when watching this, hope to see part 2
The Hyperwall
The Hyperwall - 5 years ago
wow you are crazy i wanna do shit like you
Titas Mazeika
Titas Mazeika - 5 years ago
I live in lituanija i can skeak it labas
7Moons TV
7Moons TV - 5 years ago
Can someone awnser. can you step on the metal part of the railway track?
bastillekianh - 5 years ago
serkan _ 77221
serkan _ 77221 - 5 years ago
Be careful bro
Williamgrahamx - 5 years ago
Time for another
Why’s this in my recommended?
KassGaming2006 - 5 years ago
Why dont u go to estonia? I live there
Mtvrtv - 5 years ago
I live in Lithuania ukmerge how about you
Extra - 5 years ago
you and dave big freight hop two of the craziest mother fuckers alive
Мужики НЕ
Мужики НЕ - 5 years ago
Да хватит придуриваться, у тебя же курский акцент....
Dangerous Driving
Dangerous Driving - 5 years ago
I thought it was in Russia
Rob Schmitt
Rob Schmitt - 5 years ago
Very good video but be careful. Deutsche Bahn is using drones with heat cameras to spot people on tracks.
HAPPY :D - 5 years ago
When the next episode?
Arnau planas gomez
Arnau planas gomez - 5 years ago
Be careful with the high voltage
Wild Cometz
Wild Cometz - 5 years ago
When’s part 2
Okurking Cz
Okurking Cz - 5 years ago
I Love Hentai
I Love Hentai - 5 years ago
Damn I wish I was adventurous as him instead I'm sitting in my room watching hentai all day and trust me I'm sad as hell
StarWarsftw12 - 5 years ago
Atleast you're not going to be in jail, and or a human kebab.
Kmrl Fxzrn
Kmrl Fxzrn - 5 years ago
wow yr content superb
Korrektor - 5 years ago
how about you spend the €10 for a ticket next time, you will arrive on time and wont be pissed!
LEFTBLU - 5 years ago
Free taxi. Baltic style
Around The Good World
Around The Good World - 5 years ago
+ Really interesting content
- Really horrible sound
Sandro Hein
Sandro Hein - 5 years ago
What do you expect from a guy with a bandana being 1 meter apart from the sound receiving device?
FishyBOI - 5 years ago
U should just stay in lithuania its great lol
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
I think his trip is over since he can edit and upload the footage but he'll have to be more carefull in the future from now on since this video kinda blew up. Remeber what happened to Brave Dave.
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
For almost a year, he planned an entirely new trip through Canada but when he finally flew there to make it happen, he couldn't enter the country because CP Rail police put out a warrant for his arrests. His videos probably wouldn't have been noticed by them if they weren't so successful.

He explains the whole situation in: "Brave Dave 2017: Life As A Wanted Criminal"
Alex K
Alex K - 5 years ago
What did happen to brave Dave?
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
It'd be cool if you sometimes showed a map on screen so we can better understand where you come from and where you're going. Thanks for the awesome video by the way, will subscribe for more!
Brauner Panther
Brauner Panther - 5 years ago
Do not do this bro
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
He could use the OSM transport map, it displays rail lines very clearly.
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
First of all, the fact that he is editting and uploading this footage means the trip is already over. Second, he tells us the names of the places where he is and even tries to show it with his phone.
XVIII - 5 years ago
Lmao he’s not gonna snitch on himself
David Medford
David Medford - 5 years ago
That's a good way to get caught.
Eric Stevens
Eric Stevens - 5 years ago
Until the cops see his videos and arrest him
Your Boss
Your Boss - 5 years ago
Great idea!
Kevin Jackson
Kevin Jackson - 5 years ago
Nothing compares to brave Dave’s big freight hop
Chuck Beef
Chuck Beef - 5 years ago
I work for the railway in Canada. Last year my boss found a leg on the tracks, then a pile of hamburger the ravens were picking at. Turned out to be a train jumper. Be careful my dude.
Damo Play's
Damo Play's - 5 years ago
I can't see how this has age restricted content in it, well done Youtube, you have an negative number of brain cells.
TheZui - 5 years ago
"can't see how this has age restricted content" - Trespassing with the possibility of getting electrocuted, by the catenary? Maybe that's why?
well done Damo Play's, you have an negative number of brain cells.
Drewspacicis - 5 years ago
subway surfing irl
TheMaxStar - 5 years ago
Крутое видео
Victor nope
Victor nope - 5 years ago
How can a man be so ugly
Shadow LetsPlay
Shadow LetsPlay - 5 years ago
Well ask your mother
yeet man
yeet man - 5 years ago
Grustaras - 5 years ago
fastest way to die
MANIC_BUNNY - 5 years ago
your hiding the bottom half of your face but the bottom half of your face is in your channel banner, just thought id let you know your not hiding anything from the cops (also good vid looks fun)
VENATUS [R6] - 5 years ago
Where exactly was this filmed? Country? City?
Gvidazzz - 5 years ago
Subscribed :D
GirlsWant MySpaghetti
GirlsWant MySpaghetti - 5 years ago
If you are a lithuanian that jesus christ u talk perfectly, every time i talk in english i just mess up xd
Jacob Stangoni
Jacob Stangoni - 5 years ago
Where do you shit
Vincent Oude
Vincent Oude - 5 years ago
He looks like Basshunter
owen bengco
owen bengco - 5 years ago
Im nervouse for you lol
krasser typ
krasser typ - 5 years ago
Great Video, interesting person anf very nice to warch
Murray - 5 years ago
Big fat freight hop anyone?
CrYz Dragz / Gaming Channel
CrYz Dragz / Gaming Channel - 5 years ago
next episode on wednesday?
Nahim Gonzalez
Nahim Gonzalez - 5 years ago
Hi, can you help me with something? Is for a bet, i need to reach the 400 followers on instagram, and i will be able to get Metro exodus game! I love this game!
It will be very cool if you help me on this,
My user account nahgonz1
Thanks to everyone!
Gimli Son of Glóin
Gimli Son of Glóin - 5 years ago
"where is this train going? It's going west now... fuck!"
Dawson Miller
Dawson Miller - 5 years ago
Dude looks like a skinny dovydas
Simko - 5 years ago
Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
DelticMatt - 5 years ago
One day I'm gonna laugh the day u get serious hurt when u get hit by a train. U should be arrested for tress passing too.
Bastian Mann
Bastian Mann - 5 years ago
You are not just risking your life but the mental health of the railway workers. Think about it and stop doing this.
Selalu Denis
Selalu Denis - 5 years ago
Soo different country has different time to sun to set? Cuz my country set at 18.00
Eduardo Crispin Rocha
Eduardo Crispin Rocha - 5 years ago
This content is so good I feel guilty for not paying for it. So much respect Shiey, you are amazing.
J van der Hulst
J van der Hulst - 5 years ago
i cant belive they made DayZ into a real thing 2:42 hes at mil base
Mohammad Zaid
Mohammad Zaid - 5 years ago
Well i think you might be able to catch the first train if you would have tried from behind
Ben Mitchell
Ben Mitchell - 5 years ago
seeing your dinner hit me in the empathy muscle
NJR 》 MALAYA GAMING - 5 years ago
Are you alan walker?
Jack Goethals
Jack Goethals - 5 years ago
Which backpack?
Pushpender Singh
Pushpender Singh - 5 years ago
i likes that
cumlesslife - 5 years ago
but Where's the water?
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Giannis Antetokounmpo - 5 years ago
What do you eat if you go to a place where you’ve never been
Mac's Motovlog
Mac's Motovlog - 5 years ago
Fantastic video
Danny Geerts
Danny Geerts - 5 years ago
Climbing on a train filled with stealwire and holding up a selfiestick near high voltagelines.And jumping from wagon to wagon on a moving train...Yep, I have found a new competitor for the upcoming Darwinawards !!!
Koseiku - 5 years ago
lol damn i totally forgot this was a thing. thanks for the flashback.
Evan Huang
Evan Huang - 5 years ago
Damn this looks so fun
Travels of fastjet
Travels of fastjet - 5 years ago
Yo your so much more chill that your North American counterparts
Dylan Wilson
Dylan Wilson - 5 years ago
Who here are brave Dave fans
ProMrLecoq01 - 5 years ago
This shit mad dangerous
brentbuenconsejo - 5 years ago
yorshka - 5 years ago
This is so edgy with his Mask and stuff haha
Your Average Joe 2
Your Average Joe 2 - 5 years ago
* CaptainZ15 *
* CaptainZ15 * - 5 years ago
YUS!! I've been waiting ever so patiently for someone to do freight hopping ever since Brave Dave's "Big Fat Freight Hop". Bless the algorithm!
Baconslasher - 5 years ago
* CaptainZ15 * OMG DUDE SAME
Nagy Norbert
Nagy Norbert - 5 years ago
Be careful up there man. I live next to the rails and sometimes trains stops next to our house. About half a year ago we were in the garden with my family and we heard an awful scream. As we found out 2 teenagers were playing around the train that happened to stop. One of them climbed up on a wagon and stood up. He didn't touch the cables, just got a little close to them but he god electrocuted. The high voltage literally threw him down to the ground and hes whole body burned. So please next time you do such thing be careful and watch how close you get to the cables! Also good luck on your journey! :)
Conrad Overstreet
Conrad Overstreet - 5 years ago
Please don't do this is a great way to get shot
Mr.VORPAL - 5 years ago
im calling the cops
Lostexpat Bert Diggs
Lostexpat Bert Diggs - 5 years ago
Great video
Ryan Haun Non School acc
Ryan Haun Non School acc - 5 years ago
This whole traveling on trains is illegal and since you do it your plain up stupid
Amartya Shri
Amartya Shri - 5 years ago
How the heck can he charge his phone
Amartya Shri
Amartya Shri - 5 years ago
Is his bag full of just powerbanks then. How long do you think they last?
Random Guy
Random Guy - 5 years ago
powerbanks have you heard of them
Morgan Daly
Morgan Daly - 5 years ago
13:17 that was so trippy what
Hannes Jansen
Hannes Jansen - 5 years ago
Show your gear!
Martin Castellanos
Martin Castellanos - 5 years ago
Martin Castellanos
Martin Castellanos - 5 years ago
What the woomy
Blame - 5 years ago
you sound like a triggered libtard.
Jauchi - 5 years ago
Dont really see the point... if you wanna go somewhere take a fucking bus or whatever and dont wait for hours to die under high voltage 2 mins later... or to get arrested
floyd dinicolantonio
floyd dinicolantonio - 5 years ago
Good content xx
Deadly Night wolf 117
Deadly Night wolf 117 - 5 years ago
Wow first time seeing your YouTube but I envy you literally going out and having adventures but good for you at the same time I'm subscribing.
Cookie Hunter Productions
Cookie Hunter Productions - 5 years ago
That sounds like a steam!
Rasmus Bro
Rasmus Bro - 5 years ago
How do you poop?
Zulficar Ali
Zulficar Ali - 5 years ago
Where r u from ?
Tagz - 5 years ago
Owen Mather
Owen Mather - 5 years ago
This dumass couldn't even get on the train the 1st try. All u need to do is press x like bruhh
Tgf R shit
Tgf R shit - 5 years ago
Or you could just get a normal train for £3
Zentiphy - 5 years ago
You shouldhave brought better travel food tbh
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem - 5 years ago
You complain way too much. Every other minute, you’re crying about something new.
Daniil Oxyuk
Daniil Oxyuk - 5 years ago
4:00 at least it's not 20 below
x-Destiny - 5 years ago
where is the 10k subscriber gang ??????
Kaltkiller - 5 years ago
I tought this was a video game when I saw the thumbnail
Henrik Tinjar
Henrik Tinjar - 5 years ago
When does the next part come? Am so hyped for what happens next
Derin Aşır
Derin Aşır - 5 years ago
FBI wants to know your location.
AdzSONLINE - 5 years ago
Interesting video, any idea when the next part is due?
Marzelmusik - 5 years ago
This is HIGHLY dangerous. You are sitting on top of metal with your head close to an electric wiring that carries enough electricity to roast you instantly..
Well this is not unlikely but it's your life
RuLeZ1988 - 5 years ago
02:05 You are pissed by your own choices ? I mean you choose your own adventure, which in your case is train surfing and nobody is forcing you to do this. That things go the wrong way, especially with illegal train surfing, should be common and known... If iam always pissed by what is going on with my own adventure, i would start to rethink if that what iam doing is really the right thing for me ?
Jan Petráš
Jan Petráš - 5 years ago
space gaming
space gaming - 5 years ago
how is this video inapropiat for some users
space gaming
space gaming - 5 years ago
@sztszk yeah but every other video i have seen with illegal and dangures stuff there not warning
sztszk - 5 years ago
I don't know, maybe it's showing illegal and highly dangerous things?
nottacop - 5 years ago
Waiting for a Shiey / Dovydas collab!
Evan A.
Evan A. - 5 years ago
Ok ok this is kinda awesome
George King
George King - 5 years ago
I like trains
Doppel Keks
Doppel Keks - 5 years ago
George King
George King - 5 years ago
I like this vid
dAe WhAle
dAe WhAle - 5 years ago
I live in Lithuania
Oskars Ozoliņš
Oskars Ozoliņš - 5 years ago
Everything is "fuck" "fucking" and "shit" !
James Donnelly
James Donnelly - 5 years ago
Why does he not just pay to go where ever he is going
XXXGHOSTBOY - 5 years ago
Bro if I find you in going to Hart you really bad
Kreizijs - 5 years ago
Part 2?
BlueberryNeko - 5 years ago
This is insane.
Imagine what could Happen to the Cargo and the Person itself
Karka OPS
Karka OPS - 5 years ago
If u know lithuanian prisidirbsi ir pasodins bet px kontentas xd
Nick Is bad at mc
Nick Is bad at mc - 5 years ago
Roses are red violets aren’t blue this guys a champ what about you?
Lilly Theone
Lilly Theone - 5 years ago
Illegalfreedom , YES
luke - 5 years ago
i have never heard a you tuber curse so much lmao
N1c0HD - 5 years ago
1:34 you mean Königsberg!
The Real Patticakes
The Real Patticakes - 5 years ago
Where did you get on the train? I'd like to know for future freight train photography reference.
PaulEaxe - 5 years ago
This guy has balls of steel
KRLA - 5 years ago
Just buy a car 4Head
WhiteKyuremGaming 03
WhiteKyuremGaming 03 - 5 years ago
I remember when I subbed to shiey and he was at like 800 or 1k subs he has came a long way
Florin Hullpoi
Florin Hullpoi - 5 years ago
Clap Clap Clap
Slorky - 5 years ago
1 more sub 4 u
Daniel Mann
Daniel Mann - 5 years ago
pog content
Gewel ✔
Gewel ✔ - 5 years ago
"I do not wanna end up there again"
Emanuel - 5 years ago
take a sip every time he is swearing

good luck
DrumtotheBass Woop
DrumtotheBass Woop - 5 years ago
Travel Adventure video, without music. This is some interesting shiz.
Kajus - 5 years ago
My guy playing Subway Surfer irl
Papajus - 5 years ago
you were in lithuania where i am living
Notice Studios
Notice Studios - 5 years ago
Nice! check out our adventures
Vishweshwar 5031
Vishweshwar 5031 - 5 years ago
Be safe bud.
Motmoteel . League of legends
Motmoteel . League of legends - 5 years ago
It is day still at 8pm?
Hardbass Kvass
Hardbass Kvass - 5 years ago
Daylights are long during summer in northern part of Europe. Sun sets around 10pm in mid summer
AndroidHackz - 5 years ago
I wouldn't want to do this alone why don't you have a friend for this?
AndreTurboDiesel - 5 years ago
i was never hungryer when i saw your greasy food casserole
2B or not 2B
2B or not 2B - 5 years ago
This randomly got in my recommended and this is just, mad lad 100.
thealmighty loaf
thealmighty loaf - 5 years ago
WILDTIGER bp - 5 years ago
Same here bud
Pyro - 5 years ago
Be 2b
VenoX - 5 years ago
Lol my name is Toebie (2b)
Austin Statin
Austin Statin - 5 years ago
2B or not 2B 2 be2
ֆɨʍɨօռ ʊֆαȶօv̟
ֆɨʍɨօռ ʊֆαȶօv̟ - 5 years ago
Those pesky Russians
Eric Moonwalk
Eric Moonwalk - 5 years ago
that is very stupid. kids that follow your example could get killed on tracks
_finneeey - 5 years ago
This is so fucking dangerous, id never do that but it’s interesting to watch
RoarFN - 5 years ago
so glad I found your channel again
KyleDillaDay LaDecker
KyleDillaDay LaDecker - 5 years ago
What camera did you use on the selfie stick?
Thomas Zhang
Thomas Zhang - 5 years ago
how do you fit that big tarp tent in ur bag
KyleDillaDay LaDecker
KyleDillaDay LaDecker - 5 years ago
What did you use to record?
Tendigten - 5 years ago
I am really lookin forward to second part
Squinqz's Life
Squinqz's Life - 5 years ago
BraveDave Anyone? He's from my town lol...
Sad Sam
Sad Sam - 5 years ago
Damn i feel like im free from this world just by watching you travel illegaly from train to train. Love it man gonna watch more
Бублик Литвинов
Бублик Литвинов - 5 years ago
Ты из Калининграда?
Happy Frog
Happy Frog - 5 years ago
How can he not pee? I would literally starts peeing as soon as i was on top of the train. Because it's fucking amazing
Happy Frog
Happy Frog - 5 years ago
@un_registered maybe tell us?
un_registered - 5 years ago
why would he film that
done dane
done dane - 5 years ago
Jump on the flat bed next time
Might hurt but it works
Also when needing to get off look for grass or soft dirt or even gravel and dangle yourself off the train and let go may hurt but if you practice it's fine
Matthew Lopez
Matthew Lopez - 5 years ago
For some reason i love the transitions between clips were it goes completely quiet and then picks back up
Claiv 1
Claiv 1 - 5 years ago
Is that russia?
Deivids - 5 years ago
Greetings from Latvia =D
DEAD TOUCH - 5 years ago
lmao i can record through train window as well and just be like "I surved on it" hahaha so fake
Nils_ haferkekes
Nils_ haferkekes - 5 years ago
An alle deutschen die ein deutsches Kommentar suchen hier ist es xD
whyamihere - 5 years ago
do your train surfing journey during night and you can sleep in the train you'll need the daylight to walk. it might be more safe
Howard Murphy
Howard Murphy - 5 years ago
Subway surfers
AdineX 2
AdineX 2 - 5 years ago
People in India: hold my beer
Julicat 56
Julicat 56 - 5 years ago
Wait a Sec. I live at the Baltic sea (Fehmarn)
Alex Pan
Alex Pan - 5 years ago
Man, your vids are amazing . That is 100% better than watching an adventure film. Keep it up.
Noah Killeen
Noah Killeen - 5 years ago
when she says her parents aren't home
Erebos - 5 years ago
Dinodoge3 - 5 years ago
Why does he want to leave
high C 35
high C 35 - 5 years ago
better support this guy so he can afford a ticket
Michael Dineen
Michael Dineen - 5 years ago
wheres part two
D . A .
D . A . - 5 years ago
How come you speak without an accent? Your english is very good.
BamiBlaster - 5 years ago
Negative cunt
Train - 5 years ago
Wish you luck on your travels
Leo Gemini
Leo Gemini - 5 years ago
Wtf when he said its 8:30 and after 9:00 PM... Like it's so bright out even tho I understand it's getting close to summer and but still that's probably how 5:30 to 6:00 looks where I'm from. But I'm in the Caribbean closer to the equator so that's why I guess.
Ossama Manzate
Ossama Manzate - 5 years ago
Why is this the best shit youtube ever recommended me period?
solitare four47
solitare four47 - 5 years ago
Hei shiey I am from Estonia and a big fan of yours so (video idea) try making it to Estonia with a freight train so you should hop on another train in Riga and try making it to pärnu and stay for 1 day and explore the city of pärnu
I fu#@ing love you and your videos and hope you read this comment
игорь гордеев
игорь гордеев - 5 years ago
По россии на поездах
Український Уpод
Український Уpод - 5 years ago
5:30 that is russian
definitely going to kaliningrad
TheGobenas - 5 years ago
those are lithuanian they always go through the tracks i see them all the time.
Justas Vaškelevičius
Justas Vaškelevičius - 5 years ago
Im lithuanian
Sean Logan
Sean Logan - 5 years ago
“Plus I don’t have a passport”, wait are you Lithuanian then? You don’t have an accent if so
Jokūbas Stankaitis
Jokūbas Stankaitis - 5 years ago
Hes Lithuanian, Lithuanian accent is non existant
Muck2014 - 5 years ago
Always take care of the catenary!
aktw1234 - 5 years ago
Get off the train tracks you dickhead
Pascal - 5 years ago
Wow dude you got some balls!!
LordGummibär - 5 years ago
GTA V in real life
Crimson Plains183
Crimson Plains183 - 5 years ago
fbi: interesting
Marek Hatala
Marek Hatala - 5 years ago
What kind of boots did you wear?
They look comfortable yet perfect for this kind of activities
Leviath40 - 5 years ago
I imagine he's wearing rubber gloves and shoes to avoid electric shocks.
PanderFFA - 5 years ago
Really interesting. Can’t wait for part two.
Anderson Craft
Anderson Craft - 5 years ago
Get to the damn train, CJ !
FrozenFrost - 5 years ago
Alan Walker is that you ?
FrozenFrost - 5 years ago
@Stu John On my way
Stu John
Stu John - 5 years ago
FrozenFrost where are you now ?
Ivo Stirling
Ivo Stirling - 5 years ago
Again another episode of why is this on my startpage
the kitty cats
the kitty cats - 5 years ago
so this is like brave dave but not banned from the US and Canada
valentin. - 5 years ago
Why are you swearing all time, it's annoying
Josh Funnell
Josh Funnell - 5 years ago
my brothers friend was playing with mates with a football and his ball went near a track . he went to collect his ball and wasnt even on the tracks at the time and the electricity jumped and he got killed there and then in front of his mates . please be careful around trains and overhead lines it doesn't take much for it to jump . one of his friends ran to him straight away and burnt his hands very badly aswell. anyone reading this just be careful .
Tomas Grigaravicius
Tomas Grigaravicius - 5 years ago
Ar ir kalbėti lietuviškai, kad galėčiau suprasti priežastį aš nekalbu angliškai, todėl jūs galite kalbėti Lietuvių ir savo iš savo namų į
christian cala
christian cala - 5 years ago
Subway surfer in real life?
Sean Binar
Sean Binar - 5 years ago
My mother and grandmother comes from Kaliningrad
Nate Wasylik
Nate Wasylik - 5 years ago
20 degrees is tolerable. The hell. Oh yea, C exists
Melben Hondos
Melben Hondos - 5 years ago
Cool content looking forward seeing your videos (y)
Gaboom - 5 years ago
Heyy im from latvia
Bertil Fohrmann
Bertil Fohrmann - 5 years ago
This is all I want to do whit my life
Tiger 3818
Tiger 3818 - 5 years ago
Are you lithuanian?
Chris Hansen
Chris Hansen - 5 years ago
This Subway surfer update is fire...
Akhilesh Kumar
Akhilesh Kumar - 5 years ago
All You Had To Do Was Follow The Damn Train Shiey
LoCo - 5 years ago
No part 2?
R T - 5 years ago
Selfie stick getting way to close to those overhead lines.
Jack o Fish
Jack o Fish - 5 years ago
Do not do this at home...
Brother Of The Stone
Brother Of The Stone - 5 years ago
He dared and he came prepared love it!
Ma jus
Ma jus - 5 years ago
Who else is from Lithuania
JetpackDino - 5 years ago
Lol why is the sun still up at 9pm?
Friedrich Siefferman
Friedrich Siefferman - 5 years ago
So I’m... where do you defecate?
Nada - 5 years ago
Kaliningrad, sounds like a town in skyrim
Ryley STAKER - 5 years ago
Your so angry mate
Tornade - 5 years ago
Swearing for no reason :/
Kill Bot
Kill Bot - 5 years ago
Why is it age restricted?
MGSBESTProductions - 5 years ago
Lol those lines could've arched to his selfie stick
Hoodnetwork ktg
Hoodnetwork ktg - 5 years ago
D. Coulon
D. Coulon - 5 years ago
Love your videos man
潮風チャンネル - 5 years ago
Frank A
Frank A - 5 years ago
How to travel without CO2-Emissions ;-)
Frank A
Frank A - 5 years ago
@j7rfg96fvsr6uv y
Yes, of course, it was a joke, the man travel without extra CO2
j7rfg96fvsr6uv y
j7rfg96fvsr6uv y - 5 years ago
Yes, because somehow the energy that is needed to keep the train running doesn't produce co2 :)
Unterarzt - 5 years ago
That's crazy that at 8pm it's still bright outside. Where I live it goes dark at 4:30pm....
Sean Fries
Sean Fries - 5 years ago
8:30pm and theres still sun!?!?!
Salvatore Caforio
Salvatore Caforio - 5 years ago
I mean yeah, it’s summer time. Doesn’t get dark here in the summer (upstate NY) till like 8:45
Dog Fetus
Dog Fetus - 5 years ago
Good luck man
Alexander In Absentia
Alexander In Absentia - 5 years ago
Ride on brother . That's cool
X G - 5 years ago
What hotels do you prefer after these fake vids?
Jak e
Jak e - 5 years ago
That’s 8:30 there
Jak e
Jak e - 5 years ago
And 9 where are you
Guus Frijns
Guus Frijns - 5 years ago
16:45 "shit forgot my backpack....!"
coooolibri - 5 years ago
if these are cables, you are actually dumb to risk your life. one connection between them, and the top lines, and its over.
The Dark Dragon
The Dark Dragon - 5 years ago
You should get one of those solar panel phone chargers
SourGuru - 5 years ago
Balls of steel this man have
The Purple Orange
The Purple Orange - 5 years ago
Yo I'm so happy I found you again. I forgot what the fuck your channel name was. Shit made my day better.
Malte Spielt
Malte Spielt - 5 years ago
@bravedave did this in canada. thanks so much for also doing it
Truck Spotting
Truck Spotting - 5 years ago
Truck Spotting
Truck Spotting - 5 years ago
Captain_Husky_55 - 5 years ago
Tomcat958 - 5 years ago
follow the damn train cj
Tomcat958 - 5 years ago
follow the damn train cj
Mihael Tibinac
Mihael Tibinac - 5 years ago
I don't know what to think of this on one hand it looks stupid and on the other adventerous
Ted Striker
Ted Striker - 5 years ago
Alright YouTube, I watched it.
rmm2000 - 5 years ago
Wear face mask. I am scared. I have a small dick.
Bartek Fras1
Bartek Fras1 - 5 years ago
Try something in Poland :D
BlagonUA12 - 5 years ago
323 Kaliningrad niggas disliked this video
Ben Mackay
Ben Mackay - 5 years ago
Be careful, youtubers have died doing this.
10.000 subs with 0 minecraft Let’s Play’s
10.000 subs with 0 minecraft Let’s Play’s - 5 years ago
I don’t really support train lifting but this was pretty epic.
lol Bic
lol Bic - 5 years ago
I live in latvia
Chris Greenbag
Chris Greenbag - 5 years ago
i love how you are standing 2 meters below a powerline, on a metal train with a metal rod in your hand :D :D
Josh Hsu
Josh Hsu - 5 years ago
yorshka88 or maybe because he’s filming so you can watch this video
yorshka - 5 years ago
He is just stupid.
There are people who do this right and people who want to be Edgy.
This dude Cleary just wants to be edgy
Brandon Dow
Brandon Dow - 5 years ago
when's part 2 coming?
Mikki Hintikka
Mikki Hintikka - 5 years ago
forst though it was DayZ
TheVenator - 5 years ago
Oh look, a big fat freight hop, but in Europe!
villevirtanen00 - 5 years ago
I hear passenger trains in Latvia are really irregular(?). Estonia and Lithuania better.. And very few trains crossing the border? So strange, would think that EU membership would help.
Good for you that you dont have to worry about that.
Flos FitnessTV
Flos FitnessTV - 5 years ago
Disliked!!! This is super dangerous, dumb, illegal, and these videos motivate other people, especially young people, to do the same. Many people die every week!
Luke Hunter
Luke Hunter - 5 years ago
That’s crazy man! You could just walk around in that rail yard like that. In America you’d most likely just get shot (sarcasm) by the railway police
FANFULZ - 5 years ago
I was born in Latvia ahaha
BmC - 5 years ago
attitude is everything
La Lo
La Lo - 5 years ago
It’s the same place that is a little hard on you you have a good one to your face to you I know that is the golden gate and the chicken and the United is the golden egg you have a great idea and I am a big and a strong woman that you know that I have the feeling I know what is your favorite part in that I have been a bad thing for you I know I am a lot of that you have no control of what I am and what I have is that I have no
Rian Young
Rian Young - 5 years ago
Is there going to be more parts to this?

It’s really good, but I was surprised to see more unrelated videos going up before a part 2.
Lyrantes - 5 years ago
Holy shit, I never knew how much I missed swearing in videos, these days everyone tries their best to make everything kid friendly to get ads.
I fucking miss old YouTube.
Gintaras Grikstas
Gintaras Grikstas - 5 years ago
wait r u from Lithuania?
TheGobenas - 5 years ago
hes not
Keiran George
Keiran George - 5 years ago
Looks so free, love it.
Vlad Shutovich
Vlad Shutovich - 5 years ago
Ух омереконцы лезут в Рассиюшку
MR Dull
MR Dull - 5 years ago
Nice hollydays
Daan Willemsen
Daan Willemsen - 5 years ago
This boy will gain speed when Rail Baltica opens...
Keithius Prime
Keithius Prime - 5 years ago
Adventurey... 10/10 for the hammock in the train-car...
ShomyTKD - 5 years ago
You got a new subscriber! Very interesting video! You have a really good accent, even though you are from Lithuania, video quality is top notch, loved it :)
GPianistR - 5 years ago
I don't want to be suspicious 'builds fire near the train'
Falcuu - 5 years ago
This is amazing man
Luis Zombiekiller
Luis Zombiekiller - 5 years ago
pretty cool.
SoulzyFN - 5 years ago
Are you Lithuanian or just visiting there?
paul - 5 years ago
Incredible Video

I love your madness
MilchintolleranteSchokolade Mit ADS
MilchintolleranteSchokolade Mit ADS - 5 years ago
where do you charge your phone, camera what ever??
Mark Stevic
Mark Stevic - 5 years ago
It would be cool to see the route you took on a map!
Lsdap Pnfag
Lsdap Pnfag - 5 years ago
That's a lot of swearing for no reason... but it's a cool adventure tho.
mateusz mateusz
mateusz mateusz - 5 years ago
u have nice hair
Random autist
Random autist - 5 years ago
i mean it's dangerous but if you're sewersidal go ahead
c o d r a
c o d r a - 5 years ago
Кто от Ильи Бондарева?
Павел Рудис
Павел Рудис - 5 years ago
if by any chance you will get to Jurmala, let me know, i'l try to show you Latvia
Αλέξανδρος Κωστόπουλος
Αλέξανδρος Κωστόπουλος - 5 years ago
I personally wouldn't do that first of all because it's illegal and second because if you had another person with you I think it would be better. If I were you would be afraid to travel by myself. But if you are willing to do such thing for content ok... A have nothing to say.
boney boy
boney boy - 5 years ago
I don't think that's quite legal
Day & Night TV
Day & Night TV - 5 years ago
M8 take care wearing a mask there wont pass good for you take care.
Day & Night TV
Day & Night TV - 5 years ago
Rabbit Piet nope
Rabbit Piet
Rabbit Piet - 5 years ago
Are you German?
Black Ice
Black Ice - 5 years ago
nice men
IceVash - 5 years ago
Are you lithuanian?
Måffe - 5 years ago
Yes! Nobody makes train surfing videos anymore so this is nice
IamOmkarD - 5 years ago
I felt really sorry for you mate!
I kinda understand you!
claudiu burlacu
claudiu burlacu - 5 years ago
You have to be more careful with the powerlines above your head,your keys or selfiestick can create an electric arm even if they don't touch it
Lupo Casanova
Lupo Casanova - 5 years ago
Oh im ready for this!
ROVINE SUD HOUSE - 5 years ago
be careful mate , you can be electrical
Ville Pietarinen
Ville Pietarinen - 5 years ago
moar! :D
RandomPerson - 5 years ago
Watching this before I go to sleep. I have to say this looks like a great series so I'm definitely subbing.
johannes - 5 years ago
diebe hassen diesen trick
HugezziBoe - 5 years ago
Thank you YouTube for suggesting this for me!
twight - 5 years ago
Respect from Latvia! :)
Kriti-Ker - 5 years ago
damn i bet u will get killed by a power strike :/ keep attention dude and dont lift ure stick up to high
Tvnble •
Tvnble • - 5 years ago
5:54 why this is make this noise?
Niksatar Again
Niksatar Again - 5 years ago
I've never been to the Baltic states but it looks pretty cool.
SAD_KID_101 - 5 years ago
I'm a simple man.

I see train surfing - I like and subscribe.
The Wanderer
The Wanderer - 5 years ago
Lithuanian police want to know your location
Aj Meipalu
Aj Meipalu - 5 years ago
If you surf in Estonia, I'm gonna fucking flip out
Lucas Herzog
Lucas Herzog - 5 years ago
You are fucking stupid
SumoGermany - 5 years ago
You've got olight Patches man I live you xD
Dinky Cactus
Dinky Cactus - 5 years ago
In Australia it’s usually night time at about 7pm
Dinky Cactus
Dinky Cactus - 5 years ago
It’s after 9pm and your sun is not down yet where you livin at bro
Mitzqua - 5 years ago
Did you not watch the video
Supcio13 - 5 years ago
Rytis Rytis
Rytis Rytis - 5 years ago
Blet net nezinojau kad lietuvis kai pradejau ziuret
Bet geras vid
tim - 5 years ago
Didn't want to be suspicious he says walking around with his face covered lol
Killz Pixel
Killz Pixel - 5 years ago
Lithuanian Police Has Joined The Chat
nedo - 5 years ago
@Thicc Boi You think police doesn't care about shit like this just because it's not america?
Thicc Boi
Thicc Boi - 5 years ago
@TheGobenas oh cmon it is Lithuania
TheGobenas - 5 years ago
@Thicc Boi boi you are wrong
Thicc Boi
Thicc Boi - 5 years ago
I don't really think they care
Feliday - 5 years ago
haha, is it really possible to end in Kaliningrad by accident? doesnt the train stop before border? hoe do you get back?

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About Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start

The "Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 1: Rough Start" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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