Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

PATREON: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: REDDIT: #ILLEGALFREEDOM _______________________ Credits: Edited by me. Filmed by me.
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Most popular comments
for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

Sendirian - 5 years ago
this is me...

Fr Re
Fr Re - 5 years ago
Why is it shit when you go to the russian border
Oliver Eales
Oliver Eales - 5 years ago
you clearly have no idea what you are doing.
Brian Zampaglione
Brian Zampaglione - 5 years ago
What sleeping bag is that @shiey
TheFpsAssault - 5 years ago
Remember: no Russian
BigEnderTroll Zockt
BigEnderTroll Zockt - 5 years ago
Is that germany?
LoCo - 5 years ago
Part 3 please
Аслан Аслан
Аслан Аслан - 5 years ago
Правильно.Не ездий в fucken Россию
edwards rother
edwards rother - 5 years ago
What music do you like?,tell us one of 6our favorite songs or the bests songs youve heard...

10. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

thacher longstreth
thacher longstreth - 5 years ago
PewterWalnut2 - 5 years ago
I do not get monetizing because this guy swore 1 million times!
Daniel Pan
Daniel Pan - 5 years ago
is that a oneplus 6t?
L L - 5 years ago
dead trim.
Alexander Degtyarev
Alexander Degtyarev - 5 years ago
Are your parents ok with this?
Mega Boom
Mega Boom - 5 years ago
From wich Country is he?
Jiří Kupec
Jiří Kupec - 5 years ago
To je Cityelefant že? On je to Čech?
Henri ツ
Henri ツ - 5 years ago
Other youtubers would have titled the video: Sleeping on a rooftop! Gun pulled (Almost died) no clickbait
Kamryn ththtmc
Kamryn ththtmc - 5 years ago
This guy deserves more attention
IamHypnotized - 5 years ago
What country is this in?

20. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

Connected Textures
Connected Textures - 5 years ago
This is illegal
janis ir stulbs
janis ir stulbs - 5 years ago
Hey im from Latvia cool video
LONE WOLF - 5 years ago
you look like your going to steal from someone you should not use the mask lol id be kinda kreeped out walking past you
no one
no one - 5 years ago
What's the phone he's using?
vaibhav singh
vaibhav singh - 5 years ago
Lowell Smith
Lowell Smith - 5 years ago
How do you prepare for something like this
ⵉⵜⵔⵓⵏⴰⵓⵜ - 5 years ago
Sam Fisher's early years.
Bob Kimmel
Bob Kimmel - 5 years ago
In case it isn't apparent, train hopping is dangerous. I'm not saying don't do it, but if you go, make sure you educate yourself of safer methods. Have fun out there
SQZ rUinŽŽ - 5 years ago
Sub to eme
Sean Davis
Sean Davis - 5 years ago
Why do you have that black face mask?

30. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

Haz . Boz
Haz . Boz - 5 years ago
Builder : Would you like stairs

Shiey : Negative
Playcer - 5 years ago
I've enjoyed these vids so fucking much please upload the next part soon
Sky Is there
Sky Is there - 5 years ago
You look like anarchist-antifa fag.
not in service
not in service - 5 years ago
Just some advice, wear clear or tinted safety glasses and good quality hiking boots laced up well, for metal in the eyes and getting on and off train for ankle protection as it is uneven surfaces, try to get on and off at the leading edge of wagons, try not to jump off, stepping off is better, never go underneath, do not put foot on the skinny part of joint where coupling is made, as some are retractable and will crush your foot, getting on and off safely is about 5km, faster is to 10km, make sure your bags are secure and not untucked as it can tangle in equipment and drag you off balance, do not do in rain requires higher skill level, as your clothes bind to your body and is very cold, always scan the ground for good surface to de-train, when trains are going slowly they are moving to another track and being inspected by other crews, stay low and unseen, I was switch man, conductor and engineer for many years, it is there duty to call police.
DA FUCK IS THIS ABOUT - 5 years ago
Bro you have something wrapped around the lower parts of your face!
Nihal Muniah
Nihal Muniah - 5 years ago
Wow!! Amazing channel! Subscribed!!!!!!
Chemo - 5 years ago
some thing i wanted to do as a kid :D
MG PRO - 5 years ago
What country are you in
Robert McLeod
Robert McLeod - 5 years ago
You don't seem like you're going to live very long doing this. Not very cautious, more worried about recording yourself that staying safe. That vanity will get you killed.
Klaus Hagen
Klaus Hagen - 5 years ago
Protip: Join railfanning forum, pretend you are a train watcher/photographer, ask for freight train schedules. PS: don't die
Latvian potato
Latvian potato - 5 years ago
Piknik chese stucs are the best
spacesondler - 5 years ago
Sorry but this is chraizy and
Rajfell PL
Rajfell PL - 5 years ago
What for dose cuts. It's shit
Michael Wilkinson
Michael Wilkinson - 5 years ago
everything going south for this guy, except the train
abhinav gupta
abhinav gupta - 5 years ago
Woww gud men
Sabre - 5 years ago
Fuck dude I was so sad to see that your recent videos weren't getting a lotta views like your old ones, but this series, which is fuckin amazing is getting loads of attention and people love it. Good luck and keep up that good hard work!
gustavo habitzreiter
gustavo habitzreiter - 5 years ago
I learned so much about how train stations work from those 2 videos
J.A. Tony Clark
J.A. Tony Clark - 5 years ago
You should rename yourself Severian. Based on the Gene Wolfe novel. The Earth of the New Sun. You look like the character Severian.
Takumi Fujiwara
Takumi Fujiwara - 5 years ago
That's what she said
Turbo J4ke
Turbo J4ke - 5 years ago
What does he have against Kaliningrad?

50. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

TREYZZ_FL3X YT - 5 years ago
Ok so I just woke up
Last vid 2 weeks ago
Brendan Hunter
Brendan Hunter - 5 years ago
My man slept on a roof lmao
Postmodern Entropy
Postmodern Entropy - 5 years ago
So very interesting.
TorpedoFan - 5 years ago
It was right decision to get off at russian borders they inspect every bit of it with dogs and if you get caught you go to jail and it's not nice there a tip for next time try to look on map where it's probably gonna go
BASTIKA - 5 years ago
haunted microwave
haunted microwave - 5 years ago
Imagine train surfing in 1945 poland and you get to Auschwitz
Oak - 5 years ago
Part 1 was age restricted

I’m sad because this might get age restricted too
Daniel Johansson
Daniel Johansson - 5 years ago
Noob cant trains surfing
Klaidas - 5 years ago
How did you enjoy your stay in the best city in lithuania, Radviliskis?
Icenflamesrush - 5 years ago
I love this dude. He is actually going on an adventure. This is dope.
El Barto
El Barto - 5 years ago
this looks like any place near the coast in DayZ
korvgris the king
korvgris the king - 5 years ago
One wrong move and hes dead
Jshoro - 5 years ago
Mclaren71Slater - 5 years ago
Free loading wankers.
HL - 5 years ago
is there a part 3 to this series?
LEFTBLU - 5 years ago
a complete copy of Latvia when just looking at the city you go through.
Don'taskme - 5 years ago
sick video !!!! Poped in my recommended
only god can judge me
only god can judge me - 5 years ago
Weird shit
Terabyte7 - 5 years ago
So since he's done all the editing on these videos wouldn't that mean he's already finished this journey and is just now uploading it?
Bart Part
Bart Part - 5 years ago
omg. so shitty montage... MAKE EVEN MORE RANDOM CHAOTIC CUTS!!! damn i cannot watch this after 1min!
Springkle Stuff
Springkle Stuff - 5 years ago
Why do you say fuck so often? It really makes you come across as a frustrated hillbilly and your not even American. Chill out dude the content is good no need to cus so much.
loligaggin YT
loligaggin YT - 5 years ago
Is this minecraft with ray tracing?
MiYegro - 5 years ago
Luckily I live 100m away from the baltic sea and can just walk there
Seamus - 5 years ago
why do you keep the mask on all the time?
Peter Vandall
Peter Vandall - 5 years ago
You come across as negative with all the swearing. Stobe the Hobo would not approve.
[CoolVideos] - 5 years ago
Awesome video... Hoping to see more
americanalltheway Redneck
americanalltheway Redneck - 5 years ago
ur one dumb fuck...
IavafaII - 5 years ago
Kaliningrad is plot filler
Gartenteich - 5 years ago
You will fame, but the day will coming and you die by a train
The Great Cuck Lord
The Great Cuck Lord - 5 years ago
All the "fucking" in the video is so forced and cringy...
Cuarentaydos - 5 years ago
Show, don't tell.
Xemon - 5 years ago
This i my longest video to watch without skipping
Leo - 5 years ago
The black pause screen makes it feel like an old vacation video. I like it.
Thilo Kaminsky
Thilo Kaminsky - 5 years ago
Why you confrontate the train drivers with your fun..... I mean when you probably die because you fall from train or what ever do you think the train driver will be happy he have his whole life problems or depressions because a you guy of you die with such stupid things.... dry but I can't give this thumbs up or other promotion.... play football or other normal things your mother wishes the same I'm sure you do all that for donations and positive ratings that's not good boy
Proto Man
Proto Man - 5 years ago
8:50 when you realize Lithuania's trains are literally newer and more comfortable than German ones.
Cmdr RobMetal
Cmdr RobMetal - 5 years ago
Stupid Idiot
awdrifter3 - 5 years ago
Part 3: Live from Russia, sponsored by NordVPN.
MrPricey GT
MrPricey GT - 5 years ago
Are u latvian
Cristopher - 5 years ago
Pripyat exploration when?
Jay rich
Jay rich - 5 years ago
man escapes from GTA
XcNdDavid - 5 years ago
Hey shiey what kind of camera are you usin? Imma be doing the same like you in a couple of months.
T Guthrie
T Guthrie - 5 years ago
Love it when YouTube pushes illigal shit but doesn't PewDiePie who doesn't do it.
Impuls - 5 years ago
Illegal freedom !!! Train "Surfing" !!! buys 3 train tickets.....
Marshall Gibson
Marshall Gibson - 5 years ago
Video should be titled: antifa guy takes a train ride.
vallejo ca
vallejo ca - 5 years ago
Thank you for all the hard work you put in to make these videos great. and you actually listen to your subs hope to see some more old ghillie suit action in work stay safe. And much love man
Fantumn - 5 years ago
thank god ive been waiting for this video
Danske - 5 years ago
I love this stuff Bro, cant wait for the next Episode!
Alyssa Stapley
Alyssa Stapley - 5 years ago
Your Insane! Insanely Awsome! I had to sub!
mad ass
mad ass - 5 years ago
Train surfing?
Thatters - 5 years ago
Waited for part 2 eagerly, can't wait for part 3! Keep it up and stay safe

100. comment for Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt

Tom Tavassoli
Tom Tavassoli - 5 years ago
I feel you bruv. I play DayZ.
Qwerty's Spam Upload
Qwerty's Spam Upload - 5 years ago
17:00 what you came for
Pendulous Testicularis
Pendulous Testicularis - 5 years ago
GTA 5 in real life.
Pop Corn
Pop Corn - 5 years ago
7 N0rth
7 N0rth - 5 years ago
make illegal freedom merch. that would be fucking sick
Luke *blox*
Luke *blox* - 5 years ago
At 1:28 he said ‘pretty good’ in the vid but the subtitles said ‘retty good’ ummm I think there is a mistake there like if you saw it!
Charles Roberts
Charles Roberts - 5 years ago
Anyone else hoping for a low bridge, that he doesn't see, when he's on top of the train? ;-)
bigegg7170 - 5 years ago
yet another youtube arsehole.i want to watch when you fall under the train
Lightbulb Studios
Lightbulb Studios - 5 years ago
Wait do you have a home
Julian Hilgemann
Julian Hilgemann - 5 years ago
Best ad for the gloves :D Which are those?
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 5 years ago
You dont have to say shit after every word, dude. Its pretty annoying
Liam Chapman
Liam Chapman - 5 years ago
Started watching earlier today. Subbed seconds after I hit the first video 5 minute mark.
Maelus - 5 years ago
Cool video dude
Adam T
Adam T - 5 years ago
No one:

Literally no one:

Shiey: starts raving on top of a train
Adam T
Adam T - 5 years ago
Word of the day - Convoluted
Karavay - 5 years ago
Stop being a pussy and go to fucking Russia. Drink vodka, play balalaika, dance with bears on snow, vote for Putin. As all strait Russians do.
Julian Van Helden
Julian Van Helden - 5 years ago
When part 3?
Dzintra - 5 years ago
That is illegal. I hope you fall and die. It would be good leason to teach others to not to be a piece of shit like you.
Joe Hughes
Joe Hughes - 5 years ago
Love your videos!
TheMaskedDrummer 2162
TheMaskedDrummer 2162 - 5 years ago
When did u learn English you spoke more Russian during your exploration vids
hsiiida - 5 years ago
"fuck" "fucking" "motherfucker" "fuckingfuck"
Theo Dom
Theo Dom - 5 years ago
Ey mate if you ever make it to Belgium hit me up i’ll help u out
Keen - 5 years ago
How do you shower
george luckaas
george luckaas - 5 years ago
My mans out here playing DayZ in real life
MK05 - 5 years ago
In which country you filmed this video because it looked a beautiful place?
Casual Carnage
Casual Carnage - 5 years ago
Hey at the start of the video we woke up at the same time but mine was in the UK
Alfa147GTA - 5 years ago
Why do you wear a scarf in the summer?
Arrow Head
Arrow Head - 5 years ago
Why is he always wearing a mask?
Tomas Dabašinskas
Tomas Dabašinskas - 5 years ago
Too much artificial swearing, but great in general! The views! Šauniai.
Siris - 5 years ago
Amazing production throughout your videos.

Love from Scotland.
wil flores jr
wil flores jr - 5 years ago
clicks on video to see epic chase down of train hopping

video: 8:42

me: lul
Kim sung Un
Kim sung Un - 5 years ago
in Bangladesh, this is a normal Wednesday
Syntact - 5 years ago
Do more
OverloadTV - 5 years ago
16:28 that overhead wire was close, wasn't it?
starlord - 5 years ago
This is pretty illegal cause you didn't pay
JROB 79 - 5 years ago
Post more
steamtrain27 9
steamtrain27 9 - 5 years ago
Not only he trespassed on railway property he also endangered his own life he's willing to risk just for the views and clicks not to mention he could get locked up for these kind of stunts, it's also very irresponsible.
Lerbyn - 5 years ago
Isn't it illegal to train surf I thought it was against tos to show illegal acts on youtube ?
XSenteniel - 5 years ago
Train surf on a passenger train all the way
Luke Keegan
Luke Keegan - 5 years ago
Can we get a shit counter
Agne Urbonaite
Agne Urbonaite - 5 years ago
Video sory-line'as neitiketinas, turi gabumu netik sneakint :)
Lòrd GårøX
Lòrd GårøX - 5 years ago
Yo your music is dope man..
TheMatex88 - 5 years ago
These series should be called "Trying to catch a train going north"
LuckyChicken - 5 years ago
you shouldve surfed on the bus
Lord Gaben
Lord Gaben - 5 years ago
Real talk
dreamer77uk - 5 years ago
Comedy of errors.
ARNUXAS x - 5 years ago
You in Lithuanian I from Lithuanian <3
Thomas Fundgrube
Thomas Fundgrube - 5 years ago
Ultra Experiments
Ultra Experiments - 5 years ago
man, you should buy earplugs to sleep anywhere
vitalijus 15jakunovas
vitalijus 15jakunovas - 5 years ago
I'm from lithuanian
Dovynight - 5 years ago
Those tracks to kaliningrad are going like right next to my home. Lmao once i'm gonna see Shiey on the train
Stefano Festinese
Stefano Festinese - 5 years ago
which gopro model are you using?
Aperture Laboratories
Aperture Laboratories - 5 years ago
Ladder: Am I a joke to you?
MikaelGreenFly - 5 years ago
What a legend! You got my sub.
Blarg Margh
Blarg Margh - 5 years ago
Your videos are such an inspiration dude! Thanks for showing us
Static1010 - 5 years ago
Dont swear so much
tu ošņā !
tu ošņā ! - 5 years ago
Niceee i live in Latvia
RandomStranger_3 - 5 years ago
Shiey: “There’s a cat on the roof”

Dat cat is your spirit animal
Pogboomx YT
Pogboomx YT - 5 years ago
I need to see this
Dryst Krab
Dryst Krab - 5 years ago
swrong with goin thru russia?
Rubel Uddin
Rubel Uddin - 5 years ago
Just subscribed. Amazing content. We need part 3 can’t wait
ApeHead - 5 years ago
Now this is what I want to see on my recommended this shit is nuts
Master Baiter
Master Baiter - 5 years ago
Man climbing over the knuckles is soooo sketchy.
kfjdusydu gsn
kfjdusydu gsn - 5 years ago
This is advendangerous
Leemer - 5 years ago
You know i don’t really give patreon money because most of them are either douchetubers or just cunts. But you my man. You fuckin got my dollar with no hesitation. Keep up the amazing fucking work.
Jānis Svaigais
Jānis Svaigais - 5 years ago
In Latvia we have Rimi too
Jai Fallows
Jai Fallows - 5 years ago
cliff hanger
Philip Eg
Philip Eg - 5 years ago
Love this series!!
Charles Ray
Charles Ray - 5 years ago
So this is a completely honest question. Why do the police and officials not allow people to train hop. Is it because of the danger to themselves, is it because they think their going to tamper with the train? What?
Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts - 5 years ago
I was hoping that cat would become his little friend and join him on his adventure
Ruely - 5 years ago
My guy looks like a watch dogs character
almostevil 665
almostevil 665 - 5 years ago
like this style better the comentary and peacefull moments make it 100 times better
Michael big D Daniels
Michael big D Daniels - 5 years ago
What he wearing for shoes/boots
noob gamer
noob gamer - 5 years ago
Where is he from and why don't u wanna go to the UK the weather is bad at the moe lol
Barry Soetorro
Barry Soetorro - 5 years ago
Nice vid. You still swear too much for no reason.
Capt. Raptor
Capt. Raptor - 5 years ago
muh suspense
Kaiden Rogers
Kaiden Rogers - 5 years ago
What's at the Baltic Sea?
latency - 5 years ago
RAVE IM ANUS - 5 years ago
james seabrook
james seabrook - 5 years ago
Does anyone else kinda think he already filmed all so this but is just releasing it in parts so we don't get bored of it? Cause there's no way he uploaded the first part while he was sleeping in that tent on the roof
Vqkes - 5 years ago
Episode 3 bows grrr
Riley Marshall
Riley Marshall - 5 years ago
Mr. Satan Senpai thanks
Mr. Satan Senpai
Mr. Satan Senpai - 5 years ago
He's in Lithuania, trying to go to the baltic sea and trying not to go to kaliningrad
J B - 5 years ago
next part plz
Mountain Mike
Mountain Mike - 5 years ago
Might be a good idea to get a neater haircut so that you're less identifiable. Great series so far though.
StephenAndrew777 - 5 years ago
I've always loved the scenery on trains. Getting pulled safely and comfortably through the wilderness is great. Even when there's snow on everything.
chucky - 5 years ago
this shit reminds me of dayz or something its cool as
Morgan Black
Morgan Black - 5 years ago
Getting into Gulag is easier than you might've thought.
Patrick Tweedy
Patrick Tweedy - 5 years ago
Keep living free dude
MrNinjatastic - 5 years ago
I'm loving this short series
Bulat Baimov
Bulat Baimov - 5 years ago
Another useless day..nice!
UFO - 5 years ago
INDIANS: Hold my beer
theJman - 5 years ago
I watched part 1 a few days ago. Never watched this guy before but now I need to know how this ends up. Hopefully the YouTube home page will let me know when part 3 is up.
TheOlenyash - 5 years ago
shiey: 3:32
Jacobus Hanley
Jacobus Hanley - 5 years ago
So why cant you be in russia?
Familyski - 5 years ago
Don’t try this at home folks
eduardijs - 5 years ago
I bet there will be storms somwhere in the future (because in latvia its storming alot rn)
Moldy Friends
Moldy Friends - 5 years ago
Sneak 1000
Jokl92 - 5 years ago
If you wouldn't be swearing all the time I might really enjoy your videos...
Something Witty
Something Witty - 5 years ago
Somehow all the trains you hop onto go to kaliningrad.
mark v
mark v - 5 years ago
Because he is close to russian border
Mariet .*.
Mariet .*. - 5 years ago
this literally makes my day bro
SeventhKing - 5 years ago
I dont do illegal stuff but maybe i can learn usefull things here.
vcokltfre - 5 years ago
Ladder: Exists
Shiey: Fuck ladders, I'll go down the outside
GoldPaws - 5 years ago
I keep thinking psft I can do that but in reality this is some tough shit mad respect
HappyQuails - 5 years ago
There are some great self inflating mattress pads, you press the air out through a one way valve and pack it. It fills by itself, no pressurized cannisters of air or anything!
Planes, Trains, Everything.
Planes, Trains, Everything. - 5 years ago
You really need to be patient for this hobby, but the reward is worth it. Great video.
Neveerek - 5 years ago
oooh yeeee I was waiting
Lewis Bryan Gmür
Lewis Bryan Gmür - 5 years ago
know we need to wait for part 3 :/
Jesselburg - 5 years ago
Can someone explain why he can't go to Russia?
Pascal Fliege
Pascal Fliege - 5 years ago
cheers from germany
VaidoVinc - 5 years ago
Your english is so well, have you lived in US or ....?
repoman - 5 years ago
if you are going to do this. you are going to need a power bank and/or a solar charger.
Rail Rider74
Rail Rider74 - 5 years ago
You’ll probably be dead by the time this airs so no point really. Poor driver & passengers.
Kcuda - 5 years ago
Cannot wait for the next episode! I don't usually watch these types of videos, but this is a great watch.
põder - 5 years ago
are you estonian?
martin gaming
martin gaming - 5 years ago
What country u in personly from Lithuania
Jorge Alvarez
Jorge Alvarez - 5 years ago
Super cool video . From USA hobo rock n roll
Overload lp
Overload lp - 5 years ago
I like this very much. U became a sub from me.

Cheers from Germany
Otto von Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck - 5 years ago
become heißt werden und nicht bekommen. bekommen heißt get ;D
jack fogle
jack fogle - 5 years ago
Shawshank anyone?
Fuzzi Potato
Fuzzi Potato - 5 years ago
Bro I got so worry that something happened to him.
UrbanXploringNorwich - 5 years ago
Video starts at 14:30
qqqrwa - 5 years ago
so im normie could someone tell me how he knows which train goes where?
Lukáš - 5 years ago
Alexander Horn
Alexander Horn - 5 years ago
Can someone explain me in german whats his plan/mission is?
Davids Salzmann
Davids Salzmann - 5 years ago
Gerry K
Gerry K - 5 years ago
Like wearing a half mask really does anything to hide your Mug!
El Homo
El Homo - 5 years ago
Looks pretty badass tho
Nothankyou - 5 years ago
Maybe you could add a map so we know where you are going
Nothankyou - 5 years ago
I love that you added subtitles
Igaa K.
Igaa K. - 5 years ago
ok I think we need to know the story behind Kaliningrad
Jonas Neulinger
Jonas Neulinger - 5 years ago
What do you do when you have to take a shit when you are on a train? Just do it on the wagon?
KaumalatLP - 5 years ago
Balls of steal !!
Aqua :D
Aqua :D - 5 years ago
Imagine falling through the roof
Sociologicals - 5 years ago
This is so sick, kept refreshing now and then to get here early :) I love these so much dude!!!
sergiR37 - 5 years ago
Train: How much Kaliningrad do you want Shiey?

Shiey: No

Train: Ok, let's go to Kaliningrad
AbsolutGaming - 5 years ago
When you watch this with headphones you hear that disgusting Wind. It sounds so awful
Edgar van Schleck
Edgar van Schleck - 5 years ago
The biggest mistake you made was planning a specific location to reach while trainsurfing. Just hop on and see where it gets you...
Valeri Ballestar
Valeri Ballestar - 5 years ago
0:19 morning wood
lex m
lex m - 5 years ago
We're u from
Civis Hamburgensis
Civis Hamburgensis - 5 years ago
You should wait for the trains at night, freight does not really trevel at daylight, because then all the passenger trains crowd the tracks.
Expliteron Boom
Expliteron Boom - 5 years ago
Alliteration - 5 years ago
When part 3
Gábor Galda
Gábor Galda - 5 years ago
9:40 "I'm getting to that Baltic sea god damn it... my way." is one of the best one-liners and it's not even a movie.
AmazKan - 5 years ago
Why dont u want to go to kalingrad ?
GrayMate - 5 years ago
Too much plastic,greta thunberg will send you to gulag blyat
Aaron Ouwejan
Aaron Ouwejan - 5 years ago
Awesome videos! But pls do something about that annoying noice that your gopro makes
Mad EyE
Mad EyE - 5 years ago
It's not kaliningrad

FBI - 5 years ago
Shiey : sometimes curses and does illegal stuff

Verpal - 5 years ago
@xXGIMpL0rdXx member u no arrest than all iz legal, ezi peasi.
xXGIMpL0rdXx - 5 years ago
@BlutSoldat wtf
BlutSoldat - 5 years ago
You dont arrest him. So its legal
FoxInA_Box - 5 years ago
wait what are the consequences of getting caught train surfing
nathan whitworth
nathan whitworth - 5 years ago
Cool video what an adventure , I liked Stove the Hobo and Brave Dave's train hopping Canada and your video's are just as good . Will the next video be in Russia or the Baltic coast , hopefully the latter :-)
TheWatchingEye0099 - 5 years ago
I've stumbled across your videos in the past but this series is definetly up my track, can't wait for part 3!!
Reuben Moss
Reuben Moss - 5 years ago
This is an amazing sereies
Hendrik Witbooi
Hendrik Witbooi - 5 years ago
Sweet cheese? What the hell? What's it like? Sounds weird
GomoOutdoors - 5 years ago
Cheers from the United States!
CRAIG ARMY - 5 years ago
its weird i am jealous
KerhoFani22 - 5 years ago
Finally its out :)
CZERcrew - 5 years ago
2B or not 2B
2B or not 2B - 5 years ago
This GENUINE unit oh my
J Stak
J Stak - 5 years ago
Alan walker , is that you ?
Leo Harrison
Leo Harrison - 5 years ago
I really enjoy watching these videos
UpdateDotExe - 5 years ago
Finally some High Quality Content on YouTube.
Hibini - 5 years ago
Basically you didn’t really do much in this episode :/ looking forward to part 3 though!!
Jesus - 5 years ago
Does your mother know what you're up to?
JoyTheGeek - 5 years ago
train surfing journey
Takes the bus to the city center
Like no shade I understand it's just kinda funny
Kirmukarmu - 5 years ago
Stop swearing so much, every sentence "fucking, fuck motherfucking, fuck shit fuck" you dont have to act cooler than you are. Just makes you look like an idiot.
Yaboinamed B L A N K
Yaboinamed B L A N K - 5 years ago
0:24 You should have brought a small pillow
junesuprise - 5 years ago
Nice progress
Owen Cook
Owen Cook - 5 years ago
Can you tilt your GoPro up slightly so we don’t see the handle pls ❤️
Owen Cook
Owen Cook - 5 years ago
Ian Witten I have a GoPro and use the same exact settings when recording, along with the handle... it’s completely possible.
Ian Witten
Ian Witten - 5 years ago
That's pretty much impossible because they have wide angle lenses
Creex - 5 years ago
1:27 [...] retty good..
George Oxley
George Oxley - 5 years ago
Had to watch this quickly before it gets age restricted
haz - 5 years ago
I’m so excited:)
Karl Lagerfeld
Karl Lagerfeld - 5 years ago
Love ya bre
Riven Sword
Riven Sword - 5 years ago
''I do not want to go to Russia''
Me neither bud
IzeTV - 5 years ago
Mother Russia has spoken, it is not for you to decide
Henry Munafo
Henry Munafo - 5 years ago
Homeless simulator
Yassine Zaitouni
Yassine Zaitouni - 5 years ago
is it me or did you just gain 200k subscribers from last video
Alex Kirk
Alex Kirk - 5 years ago
stop swearing
Albertani Oliveira De Souza
Albertani Oliveira De Souza - 5 years ago
e eu achando que soh existiam por aqui esses idiotas escrotos ridiculos!!!o brasilzeco acabou mesmooooo!!!
Starej Chmatak
Starej Chmatak - 5 years ago
omg love this so much .... keep uploading
Eemuumi - 5 years ago
you should take the ferry to Finland and continue going up north!
UpTheWhites - 5 years ago
Cool video man!

Good job you didn't get the UK bound train. The last thing you want to do is end up in Britain, it's a hellhole.
kuprelis - 5 years ago
I dare u to go under a train and film it.
Michael Franks
Michael Franks - 5 years ago
Be safe my son.
Blackdavid2011 - 5 years ago
Love the videos, love the talking and subtitles, you could maybe talk more about where your location is, or maybe put a mini map once in a while that shows where you are
Foxtrot Oscar
Foxtrot Oscar - 5 years ago
Great fun mate. You should’ve seen the smile on my face when you were surfing that wagon.
Jackson Short
Jackson Short - 5 years ago
I'm talking about in public not when you're lurking around
Jackson Short
Jackson Short - 5 years ago
Why do you just walk around in broad day masked up
Pavneet Johal
Pavneet Johal - 5 years ago
Use your head genius.maybe he doesn't want to be identified by authorities..
Henrik Tinjar
Henrik Tinjar - 5 years ago
Paldiski or som shit
Henrik Tinjar
Henrik Tinjar - 5 years ago
Which Baltic pport are you going to. Klaipedia or estonia
GamingDonkey - 5 years ago
2:11 had me dead HAHHAHA
LAS3R_PARADOX - 5 years ago
i feel embarrassed for you when you walk around in public like that lmao
OOF - Roblox
OOF - Roblox - 5 years ago
11:52 Very nice subtitle skills xD
J's forge
J's forge - 5 years ago
Love these videos. Just dont end up like hobo stobe
Rtep PWR
Rtep PWR - 5 years ago
RocheCity - 5 years ago
* aggressively makes tweaker noises at cat*
“Ehh yeah cat is not that friendly”
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
8:44 he paid for a ticket in a normal passenger train?

Where is the real Shiey and what did you do to him!?????
Georg - 5 years ago
dude can't wait for the next part coming up
? ?
? ? - 5 years ago
Yoooo, i saw you passing by in my city and now i saw ur video. Cool!
varjag - 5 years ago
I like both train videos, but to be honest you are the worst train surfer :) :P but I like it! Keep up with the good job
Matelis - 5 years ago
What a great series. Love from the UK
Ali's Station
Ali's Station - 5 years ago
You’re so far the YouTuber I’m watching the most at this time
Jordan the Railfanner
Jordan the Railfanner - 5 years ago
Hi!So I’m a 10 year old and I was wondering if this train or car is easier then the ones in Colorado!If you respond that would be awesome!
Mysterious Mystery
Mysterious Mystery - 5 years ago
I've been waiting for the episode constantly looking at my phone but only got the notification now :( love the series :)
alex - 5 years ago
16:59 don't do this gay shit
Hugo Skarbalius
Hugo Skarbalius - 5 years ago
very nice Jorney. How are you able to edit and upload your videos during it?
G tubedude
G tubedude - 5 years ago
Come to the US and train hop, it will be much easier to catch one because the US has so many freight trains.
TPN - 5 years ago
Sick new Watch Dogs gameplay
Donata Petrutiene
Donata Petrutiene - 5 years ago
Ar tu lietuvis
Eggbert08 - 5 years ago
Why not carry a roll out solar panel to recharge ur shit
Yl Pea
Yl Pea - 5 years ago
Stobe brought me here!
tiefgruen - 5 years ago
Go together with Brave Dave on a freight train hop! That would be awsome
KERIK 03 - 5 years ago
why you dont want to get so close to russia
PrimalExtinction Games
PrimalExtinction Games - 5 years ago
7:07 holy shit that voice crack
Bread_loof - 5 years ago
it's and odd way of travelling and all you're doing is putting yourself at risk. But I mean, how else do you get exhilaration.
aToxicTeemoMain 101
aToxicTeemoMain 101 - 5 years ago
Hope you can actually get somewhere

So you can see how depressing Latvia is
Worsts / Surfs
Worsts / Surfs - 5 years ago
this is so entertaining lmao, please more. I CAN'T WAIT. I'm hooked as if it's a netflex series.
Ashton Jespersen
Ashton Jespersen - 5 years ago
When are there coming part 3
AviationLSZR - 5 years ago
that abrupt end was making me really hyped for the third of these series :(
Simply Uran Playz
Simply Uran Playz - 5 years ago
Wow this is insane!! Love from Estonia!
Sub to Pewdiepie
Sub to Pewdiepie - 5 years ago
Normal people: climbs down the ladder the normal way the first time.
Him: Nah let's climb on the damn side
NiBoR - 5 years ago
Your best video ever!
Legitboss 101
Legitboss 101 - 5 years ago
I love this series I have been waiting for this
EVERT_Phantom - 5 years ago
Why the face mask
John Grammaticus
John Grammaticus - 5 years ago
Logistics question - how the hell or to be precise - where do you take a shit on those ventures?
Lil Matteo
Lil Matteo - 5 years ago
Lov the vids
Witchcatgaming - 5 years ago
Idk who you are but 10 minutes in the video and I already want to be you
Gabasto - 5 years ago
I’m gonna do this
lemonjuice_101 - 5 years ago
5:00 casually jumps into poison ivy
Dziuris - 5 years ago
Hi į think ur lithuanian bc ur buying that food from Rimi and ur drinking Neptūnas
Matt Tele
Matt Tele - 5 years ago
What's the matter with Russia? Why can't you go there?
PreJazu - 5 years ago
Wait did I miss something or why are you f*cked when you cross the border to russia?
Kai Eason
Kai Eason - 5 years ago
How do u brush ur teeth and wash wen ur doing this crazy shit
KÄRMA_ MoZz - 5 years ago
Yasss part 2 is finally out. I love watching these things
Maximilien Armand
Maximilien Armand - 5 years ago
stop swearing all the time omg
Pascalle Z
Pascalle Z - 5 years ago
Damn you're killing it with those videos! Keep it up c:
haha ha
haha ha - 5 years ago
Why is he always saying kaliningrad its ,,Königsberg" :-)
ROHAN SAHOO - 5 years ago
probably the first subscriber from india.....your videos are addictive bro love ur work
Annyonny - 5 years ago
Russian trolls strike again!
nob0dy27 - 5 years ago
i really enjoy watching this :D
Dennis P
Dennis P - 5 years ago
How much money did u take ??
worldsmostretardedperson 4715472
worldsmostretardedperson 4715472 - 5 years ago
This is why you go to school kids
Black Skull
Black Skull - 5 years ago
I just subscribe the channel looks amazing
Didi - 5 years ago
Juliand22 - 5 years ago
Yo man this is crazy man. Its f*cking good shit man.

Cheers from the netherlands
Roberrtplayz_ YT
Roberrtplayz_ YT - 5 years ago
What’s with the mask fr.
Ryan Zam
Ryan Zam - 5 years ago
these type of videos are the best ones.

also why tf am i watching this
Ryan Zam
Ryan Zam - 5 years ago
bart hopman true
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
Cause it's amazing
KoS Reject
KoS Reject - 5 years ago
Been watching since illegal freedom pt 1, loving this content now
Selfproclaimedgod - 5 years ago
the fact that he's uploading this in parts means that he made it and that really calms my heart
FQY PW - 5 years ago
The videos would be more amusing without the fuck fucking fuck fuck all the time
Bunda Par
Bunda Par - 5 years ago
Louis Holt
Louis Holt - 5 years ago
Anyone else think dayZ ????
Kushy224 - 5 years ago
Next episode: How I got arrested by Russian Border Patrol.
Doggo - 5 years ago
@El Homo My experience from 10 years of gulag
El Homo
El Homo - 5 years ago
Uploaded 10 years later
TuxeFN - 5 years ago
6:38 Nice comic sans store
WE Are numBOO one
WE Are numBOO one - 5 years ago
There should be a simulator game for this
su4q - 5 years ago
Where r u from bruh?
David Medford
David Medford - 5 years ago
Thank you! I've been waiting for this. lol
Jonmichal Walker
Jonmichal Walker - 5 years ago
You are nuts to ride on a Damm train and don't use bad language please. You don't know if younger kids are watching your videos
Filip Yolo
Filip Yolo - 5 years ago
Take a shot everytime he says "Kaliningrad" or "Motherfucker"
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
YLK 212
YLK 212 - 5 years ago
ֆɨʍɨօռ ʊֆαȶօv̟
ֆɨʍɨօռ ʊֆαȶօv̟ - 5 years ago
Buy a yellow vest so workers might think you're one of them
Cloud 6 Trick shots
Cloud 6 Trick shots - 5 years ago
Cheers from latvia
Julian Windt
Julian Windt - 5 years ago
Why does he not want to go to Kaliningrad?
Julian Windt
Julian Windt - 5 years ago
@Agne Urbonaite okay, i see. thank you
Agne Urbonaite
Agne Urbonaite - 5 years ago
You need Visa to get there. Without Visa you will end up in russian prison, which trust me - you really don't want.
Vortrexz - 5 years ago
Greetings from latvia !
Minor League Gaming
Minor League Gaming - 5 years ago
You able to get a USB solar panel?
Sajal K. Mitra
Sajal K. Mitra - 5 years ago
great content! loved it. waiting for part 3.
Plxl kun
Plxl kun - 5 years ago
Thought after 2 weeks of no uploads ,about the journey, that you git caught
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
Click on my channel and you will get a bread!
Click on my channel and you will get a bread! - 5 years ago
Lmao illegal freedom sounds gay asf
KONG Yeet - 5 years ago
This dude got PATIENCE
Rafael1008 RAFAEL
Rafael1008 RAFAEL - 5 years ago
Love it
Acceptable Channel
Acceptable Channel - 5 years ago
if your gonna do this again there should be records of train schedules online and for food and water you need to get a 3 day water hydration bag and MRE's meals ready to eat. they can be pricey but they will not go bad and you can heat them up with no flame just takes water. i strongly suggest you look into MRE's. hugs and love :D
aPro96 - 5 years ago
Your Awesome! Bro I love your Vid Rly :')
S K J - 5 years ago
The video starts at 7:10
Ksson - 5 years ago
Can’t wait for part 3
Depression - 5 years ago
But Kaliningrad is in lithuania near the baltic sea. I dont get it. :/ explain me the journey.
Siloso Duobė
Siloso Duobė - 5 years ago
@Depression since Shiey is lithuanian, he needs a visa to travel to Russia or else it would be illegal, he could face charges if he was cought. That's why he needs to take a train which doesn't cross russian borders
Depression - 5 years ago
@Siloso Duobė oh i get it now but its near baltic sea why dosent he go there?
Siloso Duobė
Siloso Duobė - 5 years ago
@Depression check again. Kaliningrad is a russian exclave, it only borders Lithuania
Depression - 5 years ago
@Siloso Duobė no its not google maps it.
Siloso Duobė
Siloso Duobė - 5 years ago
Kaliningrad is in Russia, you need to have a visa to visit it
lyg 21mg
lyg 21mg - 5 years ago
Linksmos kelionės toliau
y e t visuals
y e t visuals - 5 years ago
When shiey visits your home town.
Should've asked me for help, would've sorted witch train to hop onto
karol Z04
karol Z04 - 5 years ago
Why do you want to go to the Baltic Sea ?
Remu Youtuber
Remu Youtuber - 5 years ago
Yessss finally part 2 omgggg
Essa Diallo
Essa Diallo - 5 years ago
what country is this????
Dislike My Videos
Dislike My Videos - 5 years ago
Where do you go to the washroom
brade0g1 - 5 years ago
Cool videos man!!! Super amazing
Matter - 5 years ago
In latvia you can't even enter the railway station there's cameras and security everywhere only way is hopping on mid track
Agne Urbonaite
Agne Urbonaite - 5 years ago
I bet shiey can :))
nguyenhoang long
nguyenhoang long - 5 years ago
Zac Leeson
Zac Leeson - 5 years ago
Tent on the roof... zombie apocalypse, completed it mate.
Husky Gaming
Husky Gaming - 5 years ago
I am already waiting for episode 3 :D

Keep up the good work.
JohannesGames04 - 5 years ago
'Alright i Just woke up'

4 weeks later
Don't click on my Profile
Don't click on my Profile - 5 years ago
What City are you going and why do you not want to go to Kaliningrad?
Someone - 5 years ago
this is a nice series
I always wanted to see how hard / cool it is to hop from train to train
gugli - 5 years ago
3:35 you dont know how to use a ladder?
Maxime K-G
Maxime K-G - 5 years ago
Haha, I read "Train suffering journey" at first.
O(∩_∩)O - 5 years ago
Respect dude for being honest at 2:00. Roofers and co. tend to play cool, like it is nothing to them. You don't want that fake facade and straight out tell us the reality.
richard - 5 years ago
This man really likes his chicken
Stream Music
Stream Music - 5 years ago
IF iam right i heard Hungary talking People in bus are you from Hungária?
Agne Urbonaite
Agne Urbonaite - 5 years ago
It's in Lithuania
SCKORHAL - 5 years ago
Good luck man
Lars Jungbluth
Lars Jungbluth - 5 years ago
you like to swear a lot 20:07 - 20:50 : 6x ...f*ck... I mean I don't have a problem with that, it's just very unusual to see so many swearing in a youtube video :)
Oblivion - 5 years ago
Why are you avoiding Russia?
UKEssexBoyUK - 5 years ago
I am a new subscriber and I love your content keep up the good work bro what would happen if you got caught going into Russia ?
Tom The Kaiju
Tom The Kaiju - 5 years ago
Since (from what I heard) Shiey is Lithuanian, he needs a visa to go to Russia, and if he goes to Russia without a visa he might face charges or worst case scenario jail.
Watsqeburt - 5 years ago
you have a nice editing style, i like the black screen pauses at the end of a sequence. also cool clothing/hairstyle (nohomo)
The Last
The Last - 5 years ago
Where is this
Geo SAN - 5 years ago
Where is the train surf? Half of the video its you walking.
Tupsyy Tupsyy
Tupsyy Tupsyy - 5 years ago
Felix Photography k, I’m ready to debate/argue. He wants to see the world from another perspective. Also that’s why it’s called illegal freedom, retard
ozk_ffm - 5 years ago
Damn what a cliffhanger
2stroke power
2stroke power - 5 years ago
Polska :D
5000 subs without video
5000 subs without video - 5 years ago
Louise Jones
Louise Jones - 5 years ago
Legit watched part one last night wondering when part two was coming !
geordie e
geordie e - 5 years ago
literally no one:

shiey:Kckckckkckckckckckkckckck 4:54
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
Very underrated comment
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Giannis Antetokounmpo - 5 years ago
I love when you wake up on roofs it’s so funny but cool
Mosee - 5 years ago
You fucking idiot Kaliningrad is also Baltic country and it's small part of Russia so you will be soon in Poland ANOTHER BALTIC COUNTRY
HalbHerz HalbHerz
HalbHerz HalbHerz - 5 years ago
More of this pleas!
Adi Gangsta
Adi Gangsta - 5 years ago
Get a small pair of earbuds for noise canceling when sleeping ;D
Harpunny - 5 years ago
whats wrong with russia?
Vilma Macenaite
Vilma Macenaite - 5 years ago
Needs visa I guess
Mystirious Life
Mystirious Life - 5 years ago
Oml how'd you get your hair to be so damn soft
PappiTorb - 5 years ago
Do you get worried when going through towns incase people see you
Grabbarna Grus
Grabbarna Grus - 5 years ago
and were are you?
Grabbarna Grus
Grabbarna Grus - 5 years ago
were du you come from?
Feliday - 5 years ago
real talk: where do you poop?
LieTuvis125 - 5 years ago
gal iskust ponas?
Sandorro - 5 years ago
This mission turned from going to the baltic sea into trying not to go to russia
Jack Aylward
Jack Aylward - 5 years ago
Mate keep these videos coming, they're brilliant to watch and your getting a ton of views from them so might as well :)
RevScythe - 5 years ago
You dont know How long Ive been Waiting for this
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
We know
Zane Mahoney
Zane Mahoney - 5 years ago
Love this video style
Kirill Oleynik
Kirill Oleynik - 5 years ago
Hey! Greetings from Latvia!
Btw what backpack do you use?
Puza_HeavyZenta - 5 years ago
Hi i am from latvia and i saw you making a vid but i didnt know you then.:(
Roby Hatz
Roby Hatz - 5 years ago
Sunkist - 5 years ago
Love your videos been subscribed since 100k and loved them all since

G’day from Australia
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
I LOVE AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mladen Lupsa
Mladen Lupsa - 5 years ago
Well hopefully you wont get arrested
ThisIsABot - 5 years ago
10:34 what the hell was that
usman azam
usman azam - 5 years ago
best adventure
Bob No
Bob No - 5 years ago
My man woke up in auschwitz
matiss gaming
matiss gaming - 5 years ago
are you from latvia or in latvia becuese you had a check that said rimi sorry for my bad english i love your videos
TheFiXaS - 5 years ago
reikejo iki pagegiu varyt ir tada sokt ant raukinio link silutes ... jie nevaziuoja is pagegiu i kalingrada tiesiogiai nes turi silumvezis is kalinigrado atvaziuot vagonus pasiimt :) dirbau LG visa sistema ten paprasta kai padirbi kelis menesius :D
SUIXDE_VII {XIKU} - 5 years ago
I've always wanted to do this looks awesome but really dangerous but u kno I love dangerous shit! Keep going bro
Douwe Evenhuis
Douwe Evenhuis - 5 years ago
siiiiiiicckk man keep it up
Lugal_ ki_en_000-0001
Lugal_ ki_en_000-0001 - 5 years ago
its hot outside, how can you rock all that clothes and shit, and walk towards people with that thing on your face, just sayin
nemo - 5 years ago
part three!!!!!!
Daweed Kovacs
Daweed Kovacs - 5 years ago
okey, im waiting part 3
Callum Hurley
Callum Hurley - 5 years ago
Someone explain his hatred of Kaliningrad
Agne Urbonaite
Agne Urbonaite - 5 years ago
You need Visa to enter the kaliningrad, and even with VISA if they catch you traveling like this -99% you will end up in Russian prison, which is not the best thing that might happen to you.
Explore with Rick Gaming
Explore with Rick Gaming - 5 years ago
This mf is crazy.
Davide Castagno
Davide Castagno - 5 years ago
Bro, this is the perfect rappresentatipn of american train surfing travelling culture.... Amazing, can't wait for part 3
P.s. what Gopro are you using?
Ian Witten
Ian Witten - 5 years ago
@Davide Castagno ah okay, I was already trying to figure out how someone could mistake a former Soviet state for the US
Davide Castagno
Davide Castagno - 5 years ago
@Ian Witten i know, i was talking about the original cult of freight hopping that comes from the after second World war in America
Ian Witten
Ian Witten - 5 years ago
You know this is in Lithuania right?
MCut - 5 years ago
finally part 2 yeahh
Yung Quick
Yung Quick - 5 years ago
I saw this episode come out and i saved it until before bed
Wunix - 5 years ago
1:27 retty good
Centurio Numerouno
Centurio Numerouno - 5 years ago
This Guy need's a Women, as soon is possible!
BWG - 5 years ago
This is great
Electro LK
Electro LK - 5 years ago
Hey dude your crazy man..
Just now I subscribed to your channel..
Love from TAMIL NADU..
Ra De
Ra De - 5 years ago
Electro LK What is Tamil Nadu
Bla Fil
Bla Fil - 5 years ago
lmao i thought that for a second on the thumbnail you are standing on a coffin
40kq plays
40kq plays - 5 years ago
Thanos - 5 years ago
This dude mastered the ability to stand so still that he becomes invisible to the eye, But sometimes he just vanishes from the video.
Laxe - 5 years ago
just too bad it doesn't work like expected...
CommunistGoddesSixtySeven - 5 years ago
Yeah i dont think the baltics are a good place for train hopping
KPUrbex - 5 years ago
This style of video works really well, quite like it.
moris cahyadi
moris cahyadi - 5 years ago
Next plane surving ok
what duhek
what duhek - 5 years ago
hi, i am from indonesia, my dream is to do what you do on a train and adventure,
what duhek
what duhek - 5 years ago
@bart hopman im not speak inggris sory
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
Isn't that like REALLY easy in Indonesia???
fiko - 5 years ago
UNDEAD ms13 - 5 years ago
biski susipisai xd
willy hofmans
willy hofmans - 5 years ago
Christopher Lacroix
Christopher Lacroix - 5 years ago
He's squirly.
Eelis Kröger
Eelis Kröger - 5 years ago
i like watc train hopping
Aj Meipalu
Aj Meipalu - 5 years ago
Rimi da best
Kawaii Loli Chan
Kawaii Loli Chan - 5 years ago
Hyped for part 3. We'll see us in 2 weeks
pijuskri - 5 years ago
Really cool seeing my city getting some attention
Dan Watt
Dan Watt - 5 years ago
This seems. I'll advised.
Aditya - 5 years ago
Mr.īç3 - 5 years ago
Bro luv your vids
Shpritza - 5 years ago
I was so excited when i saw you uploaded part 2. of this journey. Loved the first part, hope you keep 'em coming. Cheers brother
Kreizijs - 5 years ago
When will part 3 come out?? Cheers from Latvia
Nikos Kalantzis
Nikos Kalantzis - 5 years ago
Wait... Shiey rode a bus like a normal person???
Lukas Pocius
Lukas Pocius - 5 years ago
How the fuck is he not boiling in those black clothes?
Johe Villalobos
Johe Villalobos - 5 years ago
no_ one
no_ one - 5 years ago
This is why we need Rail-Baltic
Willi Lindt
Willi Lindt - 5 years ago
part 3?????????
FutureLit Official
FutureLit Official - 5 years ago
waited a few days for this.
Deus0tiosus - 5 years ago
Loved it. From most of your vids it seems like your adventures go 100% smooth, but it is nice to get an idea how to act when stuff goes wrong.
RuneCS - 5 years ago
I've literally watched part 1 yesterday and u uploud part 2 today this is what i call epic
PaxOps - 5 years ago
Where do you take a shit if you have to ??
random ostrich
random ostrich - 5 years ago
There must be 24 people that work for the railroad that can be the only explanation for 24 dislikes
Freex - 5 years ago
Cant wait for Part 3!
STARSLAV - 5 years ago
Opaa! Part 2! Love this series
SUBSCRAIB ME FLYY - 5 years ago
Hey shiey can you put more This jorney ? i mean not so long Time to wait of it. And make pls 50min - 1 hour its realy ok. Just dont cut to much we will see all the stuff
Jan - 5 years ago
Fred Hoffman
Fred Hoffman - 5 years ago
Lyezard 207
Lyezard 207 - 5 years ago
Finally... I love these videos
wizzard - 5 years ago
Your content is sick
Extreme Boys Gabrovo
Extreme Boys Gabrovo - 5 years ago
This remind me when we slept in Bucharest on the roof. Shiey make a hitchhiking trip is big adventure!
Marc Dittmann
Marc Dittmann - 5 years ago
what's sweet cheese?
Ebbe Karlstad
Ebbe Karlstad - 5 years ago
Love your videos! When you talk english and put subtitles, it is so much more enjoyable to watch!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Pug
Your Friendly Neighborhood Pug - 5 years ago
You curse too much
Max Fitz
Max Fitz - 5 years ago
love this shit man keep it up
D Žar
D Žar - 5 years ago
Every other youtuber would just get busted, how u still alive doing this stuff? Anyway, keep it up
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
bart hopman
bart hopman - 5 years ago
nightknight911 - 5 years ago
shout out shiey for being patient as fuck i wouldve packed my shit and went back home
Wensk Wensk
Wensk Wensk - 5 years ago
Ei men you say this shit this shit this shit anywhere, This all shit keep a move the citys whit food, elctrics, medicines, in the buldings delivery the trains all hauling
John Uferbach
John Uferbach - 5 years ago
i don't think he really means shit, i think he uses it instead of stuff?
Beojib Explore
Beojib Explore - 5 years ago
Lithuania thumbs up ! ❤❤❤
Armands J
Armands J - 5 years ago
there are 3 towersin latvia Kūldīga . they are 220m long. just type in "kuldigs adata" and look.. if you wan more info ..just ask.
Emeny {E}
Emeny {E} - 5 years ago
Love this series
Apasche Raider
Apasche Raider - 5 years ago
I would love to do this, will be hard in Germany tho.
Hazed Out
Hazed Out - 5 years ago
If You ever in Latvia , Jelgava.. hit me up.. ill help with any help u need.. food,shelter,water etc :)
great video btw
ImInTheWittyCommittee - 5 years ago
Don’t ad subtitles!! Don’t waist your time we can understand you ;)
tosh - 5 years ago
why are you scared of it going to russia
LEMO - 5 years ago
Because its external border of the european union and hes need visa
mike minaki
mike minaki - 5 years ago
Been waiting for this..thx u
Johnny Dickshot
Johnny Dickshot - 5 years ago
Real adventure shit here
Sus AtmosGaming
Sus AtmosGaming - 5 years ago
literally looks like the pubg map
Eden Valley Drones UK
Eden Valley Drones UK - 5 years ago
Good luck on your journey
James Turner
James Turner - 5 years ago
Did it ever cross your mind whilst hanging off the side of a wagon across the 4ft of the opposing running line that if something hits you, you may screw up someone else's life far more than your own?

I think you show a flagrant disregard for the fact that railways are operated by people, and should you be hit by an oncoming train, electrocuted through touching the OHLE, or simply don't wake up due to falling asleep, stopping in a tunnel and never waking from the fumes, someone will find you and will live with that image for the rest of their lives.
James Turner
James Turner - 5 years ago
@Paul Klement If my death has occured from doing something that's highly likely to invoke such a situation, then yes. The only reason for you being 'almost certain to die' is from doing something that was completely preventable had you put the thought of others before yourself.

The point of my message is that the poster seems to be oblivious of the consequences of his actions on others. He only appears to be thinking inwardly of himself and his own life.

What about his family? What about the family of the driver, or the family of person or people who find him? A callous disregard...
Paul Klement
Paul Klement - 5 years ago
@James Turner I don't know what point in life you are writing this from, but if you had to choose seeing someone die in front of you (not choosing their death, they would die anyway) or die urself, would you really choose the latter?
James Turner
James Turner - 5 years ago
@Paul Klement What is that supposed to mean? My comment is put across from a factual point of view, and I apologise if you interpreted it as condescending.

If a person is hit by a train and killed, it is instant for them. The driver on the other hand has to live the rest of their life with guilt and mental anguish, completely unable to accept that, deep down, they couldn't do anything to save another human from dying.

Now, once you've had a chance to reread my post as well as your own, you tell me which is worse.
Paul Klement
Paul Klement - 5 years ago
@James Turner Are you aware of the things called "value of life" and "being a condescending ****"?
James Turner
James Turner - 5 years ago
@Paul Klement Are you aware of a thing called mental health?
Paul Klement
Paul Klement - 5 years ago
How would that screw someone else's life up harder then his own? Seeing a corpse < dying?
xaiik - 5 years ago
get this on trending

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The "Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea | Part 2: The Hunt" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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