Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

all credits go to WALT DISNEY PICTURES and NOT me. anyways i hope you enjoy and plz subscribe.

Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Surf 13 years ago 231,713 views

all credits go to WALT DISNEY PICTURES and NOT me. anyways i hope you enjoy and plz subscribe.

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Most popular comments
for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

Tse Chris
Tse Chris - 7 years ago
Always wanted one of those board when I was younger
raven dark heart
raven dark heart - 7 years ago
I love jim scream
Ryan Allmaras
Ryan Allmaras - 7 years ago
yeah that guitar (or whatever it is) at 0:55 gave me an eargasm as a kid
Sora Ryu
Sora Ryu - 7 years ago
David Romo
David Romo - 7 years ago
i think the reason why this movie failed it's cause looks more it was made by Warner Bros or DreamWorks compare to other disney flims
Dionna Carter
Dionna Carter - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie, I've had a crush on Jim for years.
allthingshyper - 7 years ago
Jim's got balls, flying through the industrial place like he did
Special Fex
Special Fex - 7 years ago
Such an underated movie!!!
Joshinater - 7 years ago
I wanted that board as a kid it was so cool

10. comment for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

MrKajithecat - 7 years ago
Disney let it fail. A grudge taken out on it's wonderfully imaginative creators. This movie is a masterpiece and we can't let them forget it.
mmasongaming - 7 years ago
this dude is why I got into animated movies and why I'm so strong willed. watch this movie if you have not. you will do yourself a favor.
R3systems - 7 years ago
0:18 free falling like a fucking BOSS
Shadow fox
Shadow fox - 7 years ago
I wish they made a sequel of this!
DBG Channel
DBG Channel - 7 years ago
Shadow fox me too! But sadly because this movie disappointed at the box office (aka lost money) Disney cancelled any plans for a sequel, despite Treasure Planet getting good reviews from critics and audiences.
James Arlington
James Arlington - 7 years ago
To the people that have a problem with this movie, I mean this from the bottom of my heart...

Fuck off
Antonio Martinez
Antonio Martinez - 7 years ago
Where the line start to get one of these boards
Stafano - 7 years ago
I remember watching this as a kid all the time and still, 15 years later, I get the same exact goosebumps and excitement from hearing Jim shout, seeing the freedom and adventure Jim had at his age and wanting that for myself....and, I got my adventure.

Just like when I was a kid, I still scream at the top of my lungs like JimxD Can’t thank Disney enough for this movie.
Slothman Zero
Slothman Zero - 7 years ago
Ash Porcupine
Ash Porcupine - 7 years ago
0:00 I want this surfboard ! =D
Xyrik - 7 years ago
Awh you cut it off at the BEST PART

20. comment for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

FireAceDragon - 7 years ago
Honestly, if we ever invented boards like that, I'd definitely want to take it out for a spin.
MJR Taurus
MJR Taurus - 7 years ago
0:29 that's what freedom sounds like.
Der Baum
Der Baum - 7 years ago
Might be one of my favourite movies as a child
Autobot AvengerXL5
Autobot AvengerXL5 - 7 years ago
Jim can be the Red Ranger, for Power Rangers Disney Force.
F. Joel Price
F. Joel Price - 7 years ago
I want one of those! Screw Lambo's and Ferrari's.
Nate Johnson
Nate Johnson - 7 years ago
F. Joel Price heck yeah! Lets make solar surfing happen
Adamantium Lanreb
Adamantium Lanreb - 8 years ago
Forget a Lamborghini, get one of these.

So many bitches lol that's just a bonus.
XELI - 8 years ago
(I'm 16 now)

12 years ago...
Me: Woah, that's cool! Mom-
Mom: no...
MrKajithecat - 8 years ago
Like...this was the best. Totally overlooked. Just an imaginative take on Treasure Island and it's wonderful.
Jean-Luc Martel
Jean-Luc Martel - 8 years ago
love the way that sail pulses!
iYorKeY - 8 years ago
When I saw this in the commercials, this is what made me want to watch the movie, I even wanted the PS2 game cause of solar surfing. I haven't seen this move in over 13 years maybe? I only watched half this video, i'll save the other 30 seconds for the movie, cause i'm gonna watch it again right now, don't wanna spoil this awesome scene. PS: I just noticed how dangerous solar surfing is, look at all the shit he does, I know it's fantasy, but damn, the way he recklessly turns that thing. xd

30. comment for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

seph entrikin
seph entrikin - 8 years ago
They could have ditched the entire treasure island stuff and made a movie solely about solar surfing
audrey9able - 7 years ago
seph entrikin he could have made a career outta that, but since he's a hooligan in Montressor, no one cares for his skills.
Bluejay - 8 years ago
This never made me want to learn to skateboard or surfboard- i wanted a solar surfer! lol
Sam Stowell
Sam Stowell - 8 years ago
What if someone named Diego was put in the movie? I think it would make it even worse.
SpeedOverMe - 8 years ago
That yell when he hit the ground is so fantastic! So much emotion without a single word.
Ajugas - 8 years ago
Holy shit, i fucking love this movie. 99% of my childhood i watched this movie.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
Best disney movie ever made, seriously.
Jean-Luc Martel
Jean-Luc Martel - 8 years ago
surfing the grav tide of black holes & other extreme sports!
The Doctor 2006
The Doctor 2006 - 8 years ago
Grant H agreed and ahhhhhh spider on your icon pic ahhhhhhhh
Adrian - 8 years ago
Grant H eh
Elliott Colledge
Elliott Colledge - 8 years ago
i thought that was a spider on my screen then ^^. and i agree with you
andrue cates
andrue cates - 8 years ago
so this Jim Hawkins is james dean meets macgyver.
L K - 8 years ago
Tarzan was my childhood wonder (Surfing on tree trunks and shit), my Disney journey never crossed paths with this, but i wish it did man. This rocks!
pyrolee17 - 8 years ago
Damn this movie rocked!!
berk bayrak
berk bayrak - 8 years ago
this movie is my childhood and it still gives Me goosebumps
L K - 8 years ago
Sofa-King-Fantastic - 8 years ago
No me puedo creer que frozen fuera un taquillazo cuando esta película es de las mejores MEJORES QUE EXISTEN! POR QUÉ EL MUNDO NO SE DA CUENTA??
Narps - 8 years ago
Am i the only one who gets an orgasm at 0:27?
Dina Agafonova
Dina Agafonova - 8 years ago
Narps Oh course not XDD
Mike Pap
Mike Pap - 8 years ago
I get one at 0:52. This shit was my childhood
Lorenzo Ball
Lorenzo Ball - 8 years ago
now ik where the inspiration from the into of Sonic Riders came from
Ashante Brown
Ashante Brown - 8 years ago
I love this movie
Umbrella Man
Umbrella Man - 8 years ago
So bad they don't make full lenght cartoons anymore.
Baloo 1978
Baloo 1978 - 8 years ago
The Treasure Planet trailer brought me here. ( the beginning of the movie. )
Crema Kids
Crema Kids - 9 years ago
OMG That's my fucking CHILDHOOD.
Top Disney movie
MrStickman1997 - 9 years ago
Who wouldn't want to surf, skydive and fly all at the same time? :D
Team TFHDG - 9 years ago
Best movie evah

50. comment for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

Neither Freak Ultima
Neither Freak Ultima - 9 years ago
the way he was flying and all that, it was awesome
Cindy Muzio
Cindy Muzio - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks he looks so hot when he's falling at 0:17?
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows - 8 years ago
+Notmy Realname Yap ^w^
Notmy Realname
Notmy Realname - 8 years ago
+Goddess of Chaos yall wild.
Goddess of Chaos
Goddess of Chaos - 9 years ago
+Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows (Zinta Foxana) of course and omgee thanks! :D
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows - 9 years ago
+Princess Chaos Yaaay that deserves an add on my google+ as both friends and following circles ^v^ 

twitter:@ZintaTheZemix if you got one
Goddess of Chaos
Goddess of Chaos - 9 years ago
+Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows holy cow another furry friend! :D well not a furry myself but one of my best friends is one. And I think there funny and awesome :3
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows - 9 years ago
"*^v^" *wags my anthro furry tail Yaay! I wish I could meet him somewhere in another dimension! ^v^ <3 smiles Even if it's a RPer of JPH (James/Jim Pleiades Hawkins) <3 
(oh, and yea I'm in the furry fandom)
Goddess of Chaos
Goddess of Chaos - 9 years ago
+Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows eeeek ok you deserve a hug for being so adorables♡♡ hugs
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows
Zinta Foxana & The Painted Shadows - 9 years ago
+Cindy Muzio, +Princess Chaos Me too. I'm a gay guy and I think he was cute when he let the wind control him at that point. "*^v^*" He is so cute and has such beautiful eyes and facial structure. ^w^ I get so caught up in him, to the point where I even forget Joesph Gordon-Levitt voices him. <3
Goddess of Chaos
Goddess of Chaos - 9 years ago
Nope not at all... That's when I fell in love with him♡
disconxxcted - 9 years ago
The music just makes this so much better
Elena R
Elena R - 9 years ago
The opening gives me chills. And his screams are so real!
XSharpX - 9 years ago
0:50 C'MON!!!!! I love how Jimbo said it XD
il100374 - 7 years ago
Hunter Caron Yes!
Hunter Caron
Hunter Caron - 8 years ago
his shout sounded like Aladar from Disney's Dinosaur
Munazil - 9 years ago
I like the way he screamed all the time. never gets old.. pretty believable voice acting~
Noah Pfister
Noah Pfister - 7 years ago
ThatOneDude - 7 years ago
i honestly thought Jordan did an absolute phenomenal voicing jim
PalmuJoni - 10 years ago
Jim is like the biggest fucking hipster ever :D
Cassius Jin
Cassius Jin - 9 years ago
+PalmuJoni But he's pretty badass XP
fletch40 - 10 years ago
I always thought Hiccup from HTTYD reminded me of someone, now I finally remember this movie!
SwordAlchemistKiki - 9 years ago
+Bony Bob
I was thinking about how much Jim reminded me of Hiccup.
DragNest48 - 9 years ago
I really want to see Jim driving Toothless
Ocean Sage
Ocean Sage - 10 years ago
I liked this movie when it came out, but it hasn't aged super well. The solar surfing is still cool though.
Hyunsol Shin
Hyunsol Shin - 10 years ago
i can't understand why it failed when it first came out
honestly, it is the best disney animation movie!
if you've not seen it yet, watch it asap!
windrider711 - 7 years ago
It was actually rated well by critics. Overall critics thought it was a good movie. It was even nominated for best animated film from the Oscars.

I remember hearing/reading somewhere that Disney didn't give a big effort to market this movie. There were some marketing, but Disney didn't put their hearts into it. They were actually surprised it was nominated in the Oscars, but by then it was already too late. And as someone pointed out, 2nd hand drawn animation was coming to an end. Bad timing. It was so unfortunate because the staff actually had a sequel story boarded out. All in all, Disney simply undermined this movie.
Jokke The Dank Pheonix
Jokke The Dank Pheonix - 7 years ago
It's supposed to be an victorian (instead of steampunk) treasure island with some elements of sci-fi and personally i do not find it that confusing.
Vabzuycin - 7 years ago
People released it right after big title opened up instead of the month after where there was literally no competition. :')
David McAninch
David McAninch - 7 years ago
Hyunsol Shin critics hated it, I bet
ztslovebird - 7 years ago
Hyunsol Shin It's not horrible, but it is confused. Does it want to be a steampunk Treasure Island, or a Star Trek Treasure Island? But the animation is nice, Silver and Jim have the right balance of chemistry, and there are some genuinely funny moments.
Sofa-King-Fantastic - 8 years ago
I think if this movie had come out a few years later (2013-2016) It could have been a success.
Aleaha Thomas
Aleaha Thomas - 9 years ago
+171QA Hm...maybe Disney should bring it back like Lion King in 3D.
Daniel Ribeiro
Daniel Ribeiro - 9 years ago
Yeah right I even have the game on the ps2 and it features some parts where you pilot the solar surf which are awesome parts but the game itself is really hard
pixstix - 9 years ago
+171QA Also the era of 2d hand-drawn animation was coming to an end unfortunately. It was just bad timing all around.
171QA - 10 years ago
It was up against Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Die Another Day.... so yeah it had a bit of competition that month. XP
Liz Ghal
Liz Ghal - 10 years ago
0:52-0:56 gives me goosebumps!!!
iskremape - 10 years ago
Soon its 12 years later :P
Julia Kwiatkowska
Julia Kwiatkowska - 10 years ago
01:27 "seven ... dicks ..."
wow zers
wow zers - 10 years ago
lol............ why would the robot trololol?
Melanie McBride
Melanie McBride - 10 years ago
I swear we need to have a big uproar embracing the awesomeness of this movie to put it back on the map. I like Frozen and all, but this movie can be liked by more than just girls
Humans Are Hateful and Hopeless
Humans Are Hateful and Hopeless - 10 years ago
Physics state that that board went flying and left him in the dust. I know this is a cartoon, but how do his feet stick to that thing? I asked myself that question during the entirety of the movie when I was a kid.
Matthew Seligman
Matthew Seligman - 9 years ago
+Barney The Swagasaur Yeah, he did (on the solar surfer, not the destroyed cannon)
Humans Are Hateful and Hopeless
Humans Are Hateful and Hopeless - 9 years ago
+ShinoAburame37 But he didn't have straps, now did he?
Benkei's Random Thoughts
Benkei's Random Thoughts - 9 years ago
+Barney The Niggasaur You realize that foot straps would solve that issue, right? It'd be like riding a snowboard through the air.
Luch0510 - 10 years ago
If their ships has artifitial gravity why solar surfers wouldn't?
gamescomgamer - 10 years ago
 i mean, they got sail boats flying through space, i guess they figured that out.
KingCrimson - 10 years ago
Well, this may be a late answer, but remember that this is the future (or something) I'm pretty sure they solved that problem in some way, either by magnets or just some sort of increased gravity
AquaThunderKnight17 - 10 years ago
I'm so stoked that this is going to be in Kingdom Hearts 3
Hideyuki Hayabusa
Hideyuki Hayabusa - 7 years ago
AquaThunderKnight17 Solar Surfing with Sora
AquaThunderKnight17 - 9 years ago
+ShinoAburame37 What do you mean it hasn't been confirmed? I thought it WAS confirmed
Benkei's Random Thoughts
Benkei's Random Thoughts - 9 years ago
+jade bennett It hasn't been confirmed yet, BUT WE ALL WANT IT TO BE!
Jade x Jade
Jade x Jade - 10 years ago
I feel you bro XD
GuyThatCreepy - 10 years ago
By far the most favored and cherished movie of my childhood. I can't wait to sit my own children down and watch it with them one day.
Bey3030 - 11 years ago
I was so young when this came out and I still remember watching it as a little kid. I grew up with this Disney movie along with Hercules and Tarzan. Honestly, Disney needs to make more 2D movies again. I love the 3D don't get me wrong, but the 2D movies were amazing. I'm still shocked that this movie failed at the box office. >:(
TheKalabeth - 11 years ago
That looks like so much fun!!!
jmonline1 - 11 years ago
0:54 isnt there just a whole bit of that?
RageCloud - 10 years ago
i wish
Rocco G.
Rocco G. - 11 years ago
I have this on VCR old school style!
iNsAN3xkillfeed - 11 years ago
I use to love this movie when I was younger :)
Demon Tiger
Demon Tiger - 11 years ago
1: Stop the video 2: open new tab and go to YouTube 3: type in We Owe You Our Lives by Epic Score 4: play both at the same time 5: Enjoy the epicness
MrDisneyfan101 - 11 years ago
This movie is a cross between Treasure Island and Star Wars
Edmund564 - 11 years ago
Couldn't have said it any better, was my fave movie as a child. Nowadays not many people know about this movie :(
LIKEABO$$ - 11 years ago
Is it just me or does jim look like colin farrel mixed with john connor.
allyourfreindshateyo - 11 years ago
This is what got me into sci-fi and steampunk
lionheart heroine
lionheart heroine - 11 years ago
Nguyên Nguyễn
Nguyên Nguyễn - 11 years ago
But it only for The Rich. Not for The Poor like me
Griffa - 11 years ago
00:50 "Comeee Onnnn" this is my favorite part if any.
Akari Sakura Taisho Higurashi
Akari Sakura Taisho Higurashi - 11 years ago
Jim es super lindo <3 <3 <3 Yo tambien quiero practicar surfing solar
chassity smith
chassity smith - 11 years ago
There are so many things that I admire about Jim. One: He's adventurous. Two: He's emotional and Three: He finally opens up during the whole movie. Almost forgot, his skills with that solar surfer are FANTASTIC! Love you, Jim.
Ben Zombie
Ben Zombie - 11 years ago
windsurfing is on the sea, not in the freaking sky.
Moonusi - 8 years ago
But his is Solar Surfing, not windsurfing.
Soreina Summers
Soreina Summers - 11 years ago
I know right!?! So cool!
Attiladesigner22 - 11 years ago
More like stupid standards and safety regulations. A company makes this and F.A.A. goes nuts.
HighOnCaffeine1101 - 11 years ago
And instead of inventing stuff this awesome, stupid big-time corporate companies are making useless digital glasses (google) and renovations to the iPod (Apple). -.- I am SO disappointed....
Alec Hamlin
Alec Hamlin - 11 years ago
If you upload the ending scene to Varsity Blues, then I will subscribe.
Emily Kangas
Emily Kangas - 11 years ago
Actually my fav part
Brian F
Brian F - 11 years ago
its called windsurifng B)
cloudstar772 - 11 years ago
0:50 Where he's like "COME ON!" is always the part that I'm like "omg Jim -drools-"
William Miles
William Miles - 11 years ago
Jim looks like Trunks
Leonardo Azevedo
Leonardo Azevedo - 11 years ago
muito foda essa prancha .. será que um dia vai ...?
900keyblade - 11 years ago
man this movie was beast
Eli Kid
Eli Kid - 11 years ago
Favorite scene out of the whole movie! I swear if those solar boards were real I would do anything to ride one of those!:o some one needs to invent it-_-
Peter Campbell
Peter Campbell - 11 years ago
I'd say the reason that this movie has aged better than Titan A.E. is that this scene still looks fucking cool.
Clamhead939 - 12 years ago
I disagree. We have rockets, engines, propulsion systems ... however, they are way too powerful and uncontrollable for something such as consumer enjoyment. People would be going way too fast and driving themselves into walls at over 100mph. If something like this were to really come out. I don't see it using rockets or any type of combustion type of force to drive it. People wouldn't be able to control themselves. Something we haven't figured out is how to achieve solid, reliable levitation.
SacredHeart18 - 12 years ago
I think I was about 8 years old when this movie came out (only saw it on DVD though, so I was about 9 then) and I'm sure it was that first solar surfing scene that got my attention because that was the coolest thing I had ever seen in a movie, at the time XD Like, I wanted to do that! LOL
helljumpr5150 - 12 years ago
Aerospace for me, and taking skydiving lessons.
Edmund564 - 12 years ago
If you have not , Please Subscribe (IT KEEPS ME MOTIVATED) lately I havent been getting much subscribers, so please. thanks.
Colin McGrath
Colin McGrath - 12 years ago
WHOO! HAHAHA! WHOO HOO!!! I love Jim Hawkins and this movie.

100. comment for Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing

LoneSoul06 - 12 years ago
never ceases to bring out my adventurous side
126mx - 12 years ago!
CHRIS WOLFF - 12 years ago
It's awesome when he does that!!!
KraziChidi - 12 years ago
I love Joseph Gordon Levitt's WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
CHRIS WOLFF - 12 years ago
This movie is so damn underrated it's a crime.
Sweet Dandy
Sweet Dandy - 12 years ago
looks like he's..*puts glasses on* spacing out 0:29
KookieQueen - 12 years ago
I would love to take that to school!!
8696sam - 12 years ago
Dat skill..... Jim I wish like hell you were real!! <3 <3
Bavarian Banshee
Bavarian Banshee - 12 years ago
Curse that fucking alarm-board!
Bavarian Banshee
Bavarian Banshee - 12 years ago
Please tell me there is some way this could be possible in the future.
PixieHollowins - 12 years ago
VlogManInfinite - 12 years ago
Joseph Gordon Levitt does pretty cool "WOOAAAWW" s
Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale - 12 years ago
Ugh.. His voice..
93rsolis - 12 years ago
Such an underrated film!
Nicole Willard-Moore
Nicole Willard-Moore - 12 years ago
Me too!
Richard Gijsbers
Richard Gijsbers - 12 years ago
I still want one! years later and I still want one!
Skipper Films
Skipper Films - 12 years ago
This theme makes you feel like your actually are Solar Surfing with Jim! It's so awesome! This and How to Train your Dragon OST "Test Drive" makes you wanna fly!
Liwiathan - 12 years ago
Hey, it's Shawn White!
VeenaXShea - 12 years ago
Okay, I see people build small jet engines all the time, we have solar technology and hover technology; not to mention we were promised to have hovering skateboards two years ago by 'Back to the Future', SO WHY DON'T WE HAVE SOLAR SURFERS!?!?!?!?!?
purplecapes - 12 years ago
0:18 *sighs. He's
What Is Your Worldview? - Creation or Evolutionism?
What Is Your Worldview? - Creation or Evolutionism? - 12 years ago
my favorite part is from 0:00 ~ 1:34
iinsanecyco - 12 years ago
it is...if you have the money :(
Sophisticated Flower
Sophisticated Flower - 12 years ago
Someone...anyone...PLEASE invent this thing! If that thing was made, I swear I would never want to drive again! That board is AWESOME!!!!
Maria Isabel Huertas Criado
Maria Isabel Huertas Criado - 12 years ago
THANKS FOR UPLOADING! You know this arrangment for the movie is different from the score?? In this version a electric guitar can be heread in the acore version wich I used to hear doesn't SO THANKS AGAIN!!!
Tiff Wey
Tiff Wey - 12 years ago
This movie kicked so much ass! I remember watching this on repeat when I was a kid XD
TH3PREVENT3R - 12 years ago
I always tried to build this board with my Legos when I was little
TH3PREVENT3R - 12 years ago
Yeah, I want one
Mizuki Hikawa
Mizuki Hikawa - 12 years ago
thumbs up if u wish solar surfing was real
TH3PREVENT3R - 12 years ago
Awesome movie
TheYoungGuardian - 12 years ago
valkiriforce - 12 years ago
Wow, glad I'm not the only one who must have watched this a thousand times. I used to watch this movie every Sunday night. It was sort of like a "Treasure Planet Night" thing.
Phantomeria - 12 years ago
OMG i loved this movie i loved it sooo much iv e watched it over a thousand times my strangest part though is when he yells at 30 seconts it sounds like a robot. O__o
SgtBeta - 12 years ago
K254 - 12 years ago
my favorite disney movie
Shadowreeper213 - 12 years ago
7, 6, 5, 4!, 3!, 2!, (beep beep beep) WTFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuhuhuhaaaahahah!!!!!
bridger jokela
bridger jokela - 12 years ago
bridger jokela
bridger jokela - 12 years ago
pogleable - 12 years ago
watched this movie a million times and still feel the wind on my face and the cop bots taking me to mom
TheYoungGuardian - 12 years ago
MayumiFox - 12 years ago
@javiskatezone *high fives* right on! Same here ;P
Evelyn - 12 years ago
if that actually happens, i don't care how old i am when they come out I'M GETTING ONE!!!
Nanda the Panda
Nanda the Panda - 7 years ago
i'lll come back from the dead just to ride on one
Evelyn - 12 years ago
the score for the first have is called 12 Years Later, i believe. the part you like is in it.
javiskatezone - 12 years ago
and this, gentlemen and ladies, is why i'm studying mechanical engeneering.
maxwellsmart2000 - 12 years ago
I regret not wanting to see this with my dad when i was little :(
WoundTrack - 12 years ago
I have one problem with this video.... he's not wearing a helmet.
Discorama 7
Discorama 7 - 12 years ago
dude same thing!! When i was like 8 or 9 i would build those boards with my lego's. I have always wanted to make that or at least do it
QuiGonJon - 12 years ago
this inspired me so much when I was younger ^_^ the idea of these floating boards was so cool
TheHolyDragons - 12 years ago
I want at least 7 of these things.
K254 - 12 years ago
love the part 0:56 - 0:59
ilovexlamp - 12 years ago
solar surfing is probably going to exist in the next 50 - 100 years, judging by how quickly technology is advancing. ...but I'm just guessing. Still. Yayness :)
ilovexlamp - 12 years ago
1. Jim's hot 2. Jim's hot 3. Jim's hot
TK - 13 years ago
Professor: 2!! *Jim presses moon* Me: AND THEY MAKE IT!!!
Hailey Haring
Hailey Haring - 13 years ago
@TheKingUsbeorn That's what I though when I checked the site. I feel your pain.
Hailey Haring
Hailey Haring - 13 years ago
First - What a BEAST! Second - I die laughing at 0:50 when he goes "COME ON!!!" Third - Is it weird that I love him, even though he's a cartoon character? =D
ifDragon - 13 years ago
The American.
The American. - 13 years ago
Lol..his finger just happened to press the right button.:D
soraroxas123456789 - 13 years ago
I wish I could drive a real solar surfing. I would do all of those spins out and drive them on my way to work or school. It would be awesome :D
linvetta6 - 13 years ago
if only solar surfing were real......
untunedguitar45 - 13 years ago
Imagine if Higher Ground - RHCP was playing with this
* Constellations of Me
* Constellations of Me - 13 years ago
Screw skateboards, I want a god damn solar-surf board! Imagine how much fun that would be in a video game!
agilesalmon - 13 years ago
solar surfing is by far the most bad ass fictional sport of all time
DemonGirl009 - 13 years ago
Im in love <3
00ammy00 - 13 years ago
I want one of those things SOOOOOO bad!!! Plus a dragon named Toothless ;D
TenTenRox1 - 13 years ago
um... 1? XD
Glassrabbits4793 - 13 years ago
Jim is a bad ass mutha fuka!!!
TooMuchFreeTime - 13 years ago
these are my favorite scenes X3
horsegirl2022 - 13 years ago
this is my fave scene in the whole movie
Edmund564 - 13 years ago
@stephanpouw No problem. Yeah, i love the movie sooooo much. And please be sure to check out my other videos.

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The "Treasure Planet - Solar Surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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