Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

Trevor has a discussion with a surfer in Malibu. BUY "THAT'S RACIST" NOW: Follow Trevor on Twitter: Subscribe to Trevor Noah:

Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 615

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Trevor has a discussion with a surfer in Malibu. BUY "THAT'S RACIST" NOW: Follow Trevor on Twitter: Subscribe to Trevor Noah:

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for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

Jay Davis
Jay Davis - 7 years ago
LowKey Cali girl was trying to get it in sounds like.
Philipp Schmid
Philipp Schmid - 7 years ago
There are many stupid questions "How did you get here" is not one of them. Generally it implies a question of purpouse rather than actual physical transportation. Example the why might be because of educational pursuits. The how could be an enabling exchange program a relative, a buisness venture ect. almost nobody cares about your mode of transportation.

Also please excuse all the Idiots thinking africa is just full of huts that is the shit rhetoric we are being fed by various orgs leaching off of charity.
Jozie Ash
Jozie Ash - 7 years ago
I get asked questions like these a lot . It's so annoying.
genericfighter - 7 years ago
Not to put to fine a fuckin' point on it, but the gulf of Mexico hasn't got shit for waves, and the Atlantic coast, at least in Georgia, has NOTHING for them, so it's not like it's an invalid question... I mean, she surfs. It is one of her interests. Could she, a surfer, could have possibly meant that she wanted to know if South Africa has waves that are worth a transcontinental flight to do a thing she has at least a mild interest in?
DeltaSceptile - 7 years ago
"Question. Why take diet pills when you can enjoy AYDS?" - AYDS commercial
Spooks McGhie
Spooks McGhie - 7 years ago
Explain the last joke
Oliver Farfan
Oliver Farfan - 7 years ago
OMG just take a shower jock, was disturbing and hilarious!! It's 3 am and I can't stop laughing about the stupidity of people in power in SA.
yaakov jizchak
yaakov jizchak - 7 years ago
A einen asked me in New York if WE got Streets and light in Europe
Juhee Nam
Juhee Nam - 7 years ago
I am a Korean but i lived in Africa for most of my whole life, so when i went back to my country they would ask the dumbest question and would also get shocked if i took my phone out and told them that theres wifi here and tv to watch. Somrtimes im ashamed of my own race smhh

10. comment for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

KenTube.Co.Ke - 7 years ago
Tired waves lol
Le Kek Tessera
Le Kek Tessera - 7 years ago
Now imagine if we were to change the white bimbo into a black negress? There would be a riot.
Buford T justice
Buford T justice - 7 years ago
This dude is the least funniest guy ive seen. Now joe rogan thats a funny motherfucker man. this guy here is sub par in my opinion but opinions vary.
Randell Porter
Randell Porter - 7 years ago
The truth is Black Crime Matters. The majority of black crime is black on black crime. Where is the white prejudice now?
AFRIQUIKA1 - 7 years ago
A school teacher once asked me how come my skin tone is lighter than another Ghanaian student. I said cause your ancestors raped mine. Safe to say she never bothered me again.
Guns of boom gamer Mohammed
Guns of boom gamer Mohammed - 7 years ago
This got me I’m fan of Trevor noah
plastic Spoon
plastic Spoon - 7 years ago
This is trevor noah everything is racist to him.
The One 2099
The One 2099 - 7 years ago
I think the majority of the American Population are racist,rude and stupid. NO OFFENCE AMERICA, DON'T SHOOT ME DOWN!!!
Me Dwight
Me Dwight - 7 years ago
Eh just to let all you hosers know we Canadians love maple syrup, have a nice day.

suestroude - 7 years ago
Stupid things people from so called developed nations ask foreigners.

20. comment for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

Great video!
Have a nice evening :D
Chardala Simons
Chardala Simons - 7 years ago
I'm from Bermuda, and while travelling to the States or Canada, people have asked me how did I get to the States, if I am from the Bermuda triangle, and if we ride horses to work and have running water. Like really people?
Chardala Simons
Chardala Simons - 7 years ago
I'm from Bermuda, and while travelling to the States or Canada, people have asked me how did I get to the States, if I am from the Bermuda triangle, and if we ride horses to work and have running water. Like really people?
Ottts22 - 7 years ago
The surf lady made me laugh so hard. I was an exchange student in a small US community and was asked, how I got there ( by bus!) and was asked whether we spoke German in Germany, even in school ( yes we do) :-)
Alwyn Agenbag
Alwyn Agenbag - 7 years ago
AIDS- Alcohol In Da System
Tommy Wagner
Tommy Wagner - 7 years ago
We have the waves down in Africa
3165dwayne - 7 years ago
I’m from Jamaica and Americans have asked me if I lived in trees. Most times I didn’t answer but since I was a kid I sometimes said, “Yes, with your mom”.
Jeremy Wright
Jeremy Wright - 7 years ago
If she was a surfer she probably would have known about J-bay, I'm just sayin' ^^
Apple Goodness
Apple Goodness - 7 years ago
Omg your so funny
Diamel Mapping
Diamel Mapping - 7 years ago
First of all I feel the need to apologize for America's ignorance as one of the very FEW Americans who has ever lived outside of America or cares for international issues and events. I must also apologize for how stupid Californians are compared to even the rest of America. I lived there for a year, and will never go back do to the ignorance. Please be careful when you go to California, so you don't catch a new Oriental disease called "O-Son-a-Bitch-I-Stupid". Thank you

30. comment for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

hunter marlow
hunter marlow - 7 years ago
To be fair. We don't really have waves in Texas.
Bobthedj - 7 years ago
I went to America and everyone was really great and polite but the instant I pulled out some Aussie money like I kid you not the store clerk and some random family wanted to have a look and I was like HOLD UP it's still real money get your hands off it. You would think I pulled out a stack of hundreds. It's just got more than one colour?

I loved America, everyone was super polite and easy to talk to (I went more into the county but also spent some time in NY)
Bobthedj - 7 years ago
3:30 Aussie?
LetsLearnFarsi - 7 years ago
I'm originally from the Middle East, but grew up in US. I'm pretty good at geography, and am informed about a good portion of the world since 'my area' is always on the news, so I try to learn a lot about other countries and stuff anyways...if I wasn't middle eastern I'm sad to say that I wouldn't know 99% of the things I know about this kind of stuff. Our education system sucks and I would have the knowledge of that blonde on the beach.
Jeannette Kwame
Jeannette Kwame - 7 years ago
I fucking love this man.
Ankit Arya
Ankit Arya - 7 years ago
omg comment section > Trevor Noah
oli godendrocyte
oli godendrocyte - 7 years ago
bone marrow transplants supposedly can cause "ever had aids" ... at least for a few patients..... again supposedly
Gurgle - 7 years ago
There actually did used to be a chocolate brand called aides that was supposed to help people lose weight.
Samar Iqbal
Samar Iqbal - 7 years ago
This dude is very contagious but u can't help laughing at his witty sense of humour! ;-0)
Peer Music
Peer Music - 7 years ago
This plays out like a hetalia episode
Lee J
Lee J - 7 years ago
I went to a highschool in the U.S., when kids found out that I'm Korean they asked me questions like 'Do you have refrigerators in Korea'. waaaat? That was probably back in 2003 but I still remember it since it was the dumbest question I had to answer in my life.
Emily Robinson
Emily Robinson - 7 years ago
Thought this was gonna be some half-assed routine about that tweet. (You know which one I’m talking about) I’m glad to be proven wrong.
Mercury _ii
Mercury _ii - 7 years ago
“Africa is my COUNTRY
Gabriella DePaula
Gabriella DePaula - 7 years ago
I've been asked if it rained spiders in Brazil..
I told her it did, but that our xamã would conduct a ritual, we danced and it would stop. Her response was "wooow!"
Alexis Lopez
Alexis Lopez - 7 years ago
Surfers are not the brightest group of people around.
Alexis Lopez
Alexis Lopez - 7 years ago
I know that not all surfers are dumb. I'm just saying that surfers are not known for their intellect, but that doesn't mean they can't be intelligent.
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
Alexis Lopez not all surfers are dumb I surf and I was watching this thinking what a dumb cunt. May I add I have blonde hair lol
James Dick
James Dick - 7 years ago
LaterMimmi - 7 years ago
Is that Mark Zuckerberg at 4:59????
Comments And Likes
Comments And Likes - 7 years ago
Californian are dumber than the average American. The Californian girl is dumber than the average Californian. The female Californian Surfer is the dumbest of all
E2 M5
E2 M5 - 7 years ago
I didnt get the shower joke
Tshilidzi Munyai
Tshilidzi Munyai - 7 years ago
LOL Jacob Zuma once said you could cure AIDS by taking a shower
Tom Y
Tom Y - 7 years ago
See if you can spot Mark Zuckerberg at 05:02...

50. comment for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

ismail mahmood
ismail mahmood - 7 years ago
Can someone explain the last bit to me about laughing at his president
Angel Gray
Angel Gray - 7 years ago
Most people go through life, living and learning. That blond girl just lives
thenaynaycat - 7 years ago
I told a person I'm from Turkey once and they said "Doesn't everyone get thrown in jail or something?"
And well that is true but not my point.
Andy One
Andy One - 7 years ago
He's one to talk. I'm African, not some half Nazi like this dirtbag.
Alganesh Ucbayonas
Alganesh Ucbayonas - 7 years ago
He is the best
Christian Kamin
Christian Kamin - 7 years ago
The funny thing AYDs is a chocolate. Search up AYDs commercial
Nicolas YLB
Nicolas YLB - 7 years ago
One day in high school, a girl was adamant that there were no buildings in Africa. Like no buildings at all, no "proper houses", no towers, and so on. Only mud huts.
It didn't matter to her that I was black myself, or that I had been in Cameroon several times. She just wouldn't understand.
In her defence... hm... no, nothing comes.
Meytal Yasser
Meytal Yasser - 7 years ago
must question we North African be asked (Morocco.Algeria.Libya.Tunisia) if you're from Africa then why are you white , like seriously ._.
Kzizzles - 7 years ago
I was in Science class in my freshmen year and I was the person everyone went to for help because I did very well. We were covering Ionic bonds and this girl who sat across from me asked me the absolute best question ever, "Is bondage the same thing as this bonding thing we are learning about..?"
Angela Qi
Angela Qi - 7 years ago
Africa is a continent. Not a country.
Naive Girl
Naive Girl - 7 years ago
I'm North-European and american one asked me if we are allowed to travel to U.S.A ...
Kimathi Kevin
Kimathi Kevin - 7 years ago
That AIDS narrative is so real. Experienced it a couple of times
Earth Man
Earth Man - 7 years ago
Colin MacLaughlanWeir
Colin MacLaughlanWeir - 7 years ago
Fresh Air and Sun Shine are bad for your brain. Thats why I like to sit at home in a dark room all alone
LilFlais - 7 years ago
Once an American ask me if we had electricity in Italy!! Like for real..
Jarrett Henderson
Jarrett Henderson - 7 years ago
Lmaooo! Stupid Americans
Fionn Krahforst
Fionn Krahforst - 7 years ago
fuck cali surfers east coast
Paloma Thomas
Paloma Thomas - 7 years ago
Dude in the audience at 4:59 looks like Zuckerberg
Shadownet - 7 years ago
what was the thing about his president?
eTHEREAL. - 7 years ago
Wow, this can't be a real conversation. But it was still hilarious.
Zadex - 7 years ago
eTHEREAL. It's very possible lol
Nellie K. Adaba
Nellie K. Adaba - 7 years ago
Lau knowsbest
Lau knowsbest - 7 years ago
You will be surprised how ignorant are people from the ''so called developed countries''
J Apps
J Apps - 7 years ago
An American thought Ireland didn't have water taps, electricity or pretty much anything
Brandon Adams
Brandon Adams - 7 years ago
people think africa is a country XD but its friend who moved oversea said she was from zambia the people oversea asked whos that haha dumb people
B-Pick - 7 years ago
I hate it whenever people from the states are dumb because it adds to the stereotype that Americans are stupid and ignorant. Which isn't true......kinda
Rachel Dannheisser
Rachel Dannheisser - 7 years ago
I'd feel so bad if I was the surfing girl he was talking about in the beginning
skye dietrechsen
skye dietrechsen - 7 years ago
in your recent video... your accent sucks !! that American accent isn't at all why south africa fell in love with you...YOU WERE THE BEST IMPERSONATOR...until America...
Sarah Al yami
Sarah Al yami - 7 years ago
I love him because he's sarcastic
Sarah Al yami
Sarah Al yami - 7 years ago
I l be him because he's sarcastic
Lana Сергеева
Lana Сергеева - 7 years ago
I have similar story. Me and my best friend Nehita (she's from Lagos) were walking through the corridor and so this girl comes and asks her:"Hey can u teach me to talk black?"
Lukas Mei
Lukas Mei - 7 years ago
some americans are just so fucking dumb...i come from Germany (which is not that mysterious and unknown lbr) and i was asked if we "dress like normal europeans" and whether we have trains and cars.
Sizankosi Nqentsu
Sizankosi Nqentsu - 7 years ago
"then you just take a shower"
Janne Winsemann
Janne Winsemann - 7 years ago
This reminds me of the one time I went to Capetown for a couple of days. I come from Germany where every person crossing the street without the traffic light being gree is pretty much a bad person and if you do this in front of children you just are the Antichrist.
So in Capetown it was just like Trevor said and we managed to adapt within a hour or so.But the we were on huge crossing and a school class with a teacher was waiting for the green light and everyone really everyone was just crossing including us. The teacher,teaching the chdren how to behave right in traffic, looked me in the eye while I was crossing and I had the feeling in her eyes I had a 666 written on my forehead.
jessie james
jessie james - 7 years ago
hes so brilliaint
jessie james
jessie james - 7 years ago
many people say americans are so ignorant of cultures of other countries
Truther 416
Truther 416 - 7 years ago
is that Mark Zuckerberg at 5:00
steve wickens
steve wickens - 7 years ago
tons of surfing in Cape Town.
Steph Powell
Steph Powell - 7 years ago
I don't get it? why did they all laugh?
giligara30492 - 7 years ago
It also works if they only know ONE thing about your country. I'm Colombian, and almost the first thing an American classmate asked me was if my dad could get him a cheap deal on cocaine.
joseph daouda Sene
joseph daouda Sene - 7 years ago
A fat dude at new york told me one day "" take me to africa so that i will loose weight""
Vanadiumoxid - 7 years ago
I can proudly state that, as a European, I have been to Africa. Once (It was South Africa). But it does make one more sensitive to the differences throughout Africa and that "Africa" is not a country. I just hate it when people say things like: "yeah and there was one guy from Italy, one from Switzerland and one from Africa." Africa is big, people! :D
Vanadiumoxid - 7 years ago
I can proudly state that, as a European, I have been to Africa. Once (It was South Africa). But it does make one more sensitive to the differences throughout Africa and that "Africa" is not a country. I just hate it when people say things like: "yeah and there was one guy from Italy, one from Switzerland and one from Africa." Africa is big, people! :D
Ali Abulafah
Ali Abulafah - 7 years ago
can someone explain the part about the shower in the end and why the crowd were laughing so hard at it please?
Ali Abulafah
Ali Abulafah - 7 years ago
Sam Soxa thanks for telling me, that's really funny did he try it on himself lol
Sam Soxa
Sam Soxa - 7 years ago
It's a reference to a statement by Jacob Zuma. He said something about one being able to wash HIV off if one takes a shower right after sex.
AL HD - 7 years ago
I'm From Syria nobody ask me anything.
Shari Scott
Shari Scott - 7 years ago
I don't get the last joke about the shower. what happened to his president??
Joseph Perez
Joseph Perez - 7 years ago
Johannesburg? Oh damn, I wonder if things got crazy after that District 9 movie.
Jerron Primus
Jerron Primus - 7 years ago
Fuhu Xiao
Fuhu Xiao - 7 years ago
This one is SOOOO good...
Linah Madiba
Linah Madiba - 7 years ago
a guy from dernmark just last nite asked me if us blacks we have christmas trees ? at our houses i was like lol
AnimatedDisc - 7 years ago
This entire story sounds incredibly fake.

100. comment for Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Surfing AIDS

Jello Shot
Jello Shot - 7 years ago
Is it just me or the California babe wanted to fuck him?
Theo Rompas
Theo Rompas - 7 years ago
i met this girl online.. and i said that i was from indonesia and ask her if she knew?? she said, i dont know much about India..

Really?? india?? smh
Drea Granig
Drea Granig - 7 years ago
this ignorance is getting me down
Logan Cooper
Logan Cooper - 7 years ago
Sounds like Trevor Noah ran into Karen Smith...
Twiggy Morris
Twiggy Morris - 7 years ago
I'm an American, and I often get asked why I don't have an accent, don't use the word 'like', have a preference for oxford commas and why I'm not stupid. It's funny to me, considering that people hate it when American's generalize them - yet they do the same to Americans. lol
*다람쥐* - 7 years ago
03:52 Yes...that feeling I know, really wished I didn't have to deal with it though.
SouldierToTheEnd - 7 years ago
Someone once asked me if we had cars in Mexico...
rrafka - 7 years ago
a kid in my class asked if we had apples in indonesia. you know apples? not that thing you use to send texts no. the apples you eat
SmokeAndClickCircles - 7 years ago
Fuck that cali girl accent was so annoying to me. I know that's the point, and he nailed it. But still...
Big Schäck
Big Schäck - 7 years ago
i dont get the shower part
Stephen Barlow
Stephen Barlow - 7 years ago
Could someone explain the shower joke at the end?
TheBeauella - 7 years ago
I don't get the joke at the end..
awabatiti - 8 years ago
If Morocco is in Africa so why aren't you black ? _'
France CHAPRIER - 8 years ago
funny show but i didn't get the shower joke at the end
IanYoutubIan - 8 years ago
google, Jacob Zuma aid shower... you will then find out why it is funny.
Tiki80 - 8 years ago
stupid ignorant white ppl lool! like my heritage is from bangladesh n some ppl is like oh you're seriously? ? we are just neighbour of india.. n we never had issues with them with independence. we got into war with pakistan bcuz we were under their state n they wanted to ban our language n only speak urdu so bengalis fought a bloody 9month war for freedom its like how it is with israel n palestine.. n we've been independent for 40+ years now...
Kawthar Bakhach
Kawthar Bakhach - 8 years ago
Does his surfer girl accent remind anyone else of Ryan Higa's Regina accent XD
13holdera - 8 years ago
LOL the audience though (shower)
sphamandla cyril
sphamandla cyril - 8 years ago
For people that have been meaning to understand the "shower joke", it was basically to ridicule the current South African president(Jacob Zuma). He was once charged with a rape case by supposedly a female whom it was later discovered he was in a relationship with. There were suspicions about her being HIV positive and so in his defence (president) stated that "he had taken a shower".
XxHexxesxX XxJibril The FlügelxX
XxHexxesxX XxJibril The FlügelxX - 8 years ago
There's a chocolate brand called....

Aids dietary supplements

now with more fiber and regrets!
Shelby Abbott
Shelby Abbott - 8 years ago
Lots of places don't have waves..... Seems like he doesn't know that and that is kind of ignorant.
Michelle Ziems
Michelle Ziems - 8 years ago
Hamdi Ali hassan I am an American girl depends on where you're from, there's a bunch of different accents here
Linda Khadenje
Linda Khadenje - 8 years ago
he is always funny
Marcus Hudson
Marcus Hudson - 8 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg at 5:00
NNS 12
NNS 12 - 8 years ago
People like that really exist?? I thought it was just in movies LOL
Patty Nayyar
Patty Nayyar - 7 years ago
Schwartzbruder1 z
Schwartzbruder1 - 8 years ago
NNS 12 they usually come from privileged upbringings. Even living out here seeing is beleiving
NNS 12
NNS 12 - 8 years ago
+Schwartzbruder1 I mean I've ever been so I couldn't believe it was real xD
Schwartzbruder1 - 8 years ago
NNS 12 fucking California man....
ζσμηδ Λαμɩτ
ζσμηδ Λαμɩτ - 8 years ago
MORE sex robots = LESS aids
Akash Kumar
Akash Kumar - 8 years ago
holy Christ the accent
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 8 years ago
Oh my god those facial expressions killed me xDD
prince anderson
prince anderson - 8 years ago
Trevor Noah > Kevin Hart
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 8 years ago
As a surfer I find this so funny and South Africa has some of the best waves I mean common J-Bay get outta here amazing wave
Zeemas - 8 years ago
Im not fom South Africa but you won't know how much people who think that the country has people living in jungles and chasing lions and shit.
Neela Saha
Neela Saha - 8 years ago
Everyone confused about the shower joke: Jacob Zuma was charged with rape in 2005 (found not guilty; the accuser was granted asylum by the Netherlands). During the trial, Zuma said he knew the accuser was HIV positive, so he took a shower to decrease the risk of contracting HIV. That statement generated a lot of extra controversy on top of the controversy from the rape charge itself because taking a shower doesn't do anything to prevent HIV transmission.
Lacey Thiessen
Lacey Thiessen - 8 years ago
California girl in Miami beach?!!?
J Wei
J Wei - 8 years ago
Lacey Thiessen Malibu
Venatix_ 92
Venatix_ 92 - 8 years ago
Trevor's face when he says "how'd you get here?", got me guffawing! XD
Ashia Keys
Ashia Keys - 8 years ago
I miss Trevor Noah before he Hosted the Daily show...
White Trash
White Trash - 7 years ago
Please, take him ...
I miss Jon Stewart.
ZeeRock - 8 years ago
when he did the chocolate move, I immediately felt Louis C.K in there
Andréa Labonair
Andréa Labonair - 8 years ago
My experience with Americans in a nutshell. Sincerely, A Scott
Andréa Labonair
Andréa Labonair - 8 years ago
+Traumglanz What do you even mean?
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
Woah, a schott. Do you drink like Whisky everyday? And are you a fighting for independence still? scnr
XxxlilmizzzxxX - 8 years ago a Jamaican, I have constantly heard people's failed attempt at Patois...
mannelshah - 8 years ago
yeah, the common american guy/girl are stupid as hell lol
Moataz A
Moataz A - 8 years ago
At 5:00 is this Mark Zuckerberg on the left of screen?
Scott Pinto
Scott Pinto - 8 years ago
Moataz Abdalla its his stunt double
Henry von Rintelen
Henry von Rintelen - 8 years ago
What is the background for the shower joke?
Henry von Rintelen
Henry von Rintelen - 8 years ago
+Luvo Mveli
Ahhhhh, thanks for the explanation!
Luvo Mveli
Luvo Mveli - 8 years ago
Few years before his presidency, South African president Jacob Zuma was facing rape charges. It so happened that the woman pressing charges was also HIV positive. So during an interview, Zuma was ask if about this and his reply was a confident "I TOOK A SHOWER AFTERWARDS", like that would wash away the infection. Classic guy, he's our Trump.
Edgar Diaz
Edgar Diaz - 8 years ago
Henry von Rintelen didn't understand it either
polymphus - 8 years ago
It's funny because there used to be a chocolate bar called AYDS, which sold itself as a weight-loss product.
Lydia Rose
Lydia Rose - 8 years ago
OMG so funny I love the accents. Trevor is the best ever love it!!!!!!
t3h51d3w1nd3r - 8 years ago
I was talking to an american girl online and she couldnt believe that i was able to speak english or understand how i knew slang, she said she thought all the irish live in cottages, speak irish and ride donkeys, so i informed her and i thought i got thru but then she started asking me how i had access to a computer, was it a community one, like the whole county had just one, i told her i built it another thing she couldnt understand, so i gave up, i mean ill straight up admit i dont know things about every country but i try to learn. Ppl poke fun at north korea for being introverted or self centered but the us is almost as bad, i know its just a few idiots that gives every1 a bad name, given the chance id easily live there
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
Guess everyone is always meeting the same "just a few idiots" than ^-^
marxxmann - 8 years ago
My Americans neighbours whom I left in California to go and live in Thailand where i'm still presently, asked me if they have movie theaters and microwave ovens there. I swear....., and you wonder why so many people around the world look down on these people for their monumental ignorance. SMH!
A-REECE Tyopo - 8 years ago
I don't think you should watch trevor if you are faint harted to those critics I say. trevor is to high to pull down they say you can't beat just join him #proud south african
Leticia S.
Leticia S. - 8 years ago
Ahh the good old fashion shower that cures and prevents it all... lol Brilliant!
panicatdx - 8 years ago
i love his sense of humour!
Samantha Geso
Samantha Geso - 8 years ago
It's the same with Australians. So many foreigners think we ride kangaroos here
Anti Christ
Anti Christ - 8 years ago
Really american here, never thought a australian rode a kangaroo haha wouldn't they kick you if you tried lol
Delani Mbele
Delani Mbele - 8 years ago
this guy is dope!
Muddassir khan
Muddassir khan - 8 years ago
2:15 had me in splits :D
JUSTIN O.K. - 8 years ago
Gets hellbent When subtitles said Nigga.
Reuben Kiboi
Reuben Kiboi - 8 years ago
Ignorant Americans.
Hopeful Hyena
Hopeful Hyena - 8 years ago
I wonder if the people in his stories ever hear this stuff and are like "hey that's me! Was I that stupid?"
Tragoudistros.MPH - 7 years ago
Hopeful Hyena Lol, I have friends in Malibu. I will put the word out!
DerJojo20 - Montages & More!
DerJojo20 - Montages & More! - 8 years ago
this guy is a genius xD
moe joe099
moe joe099 - 8 years ago
Yo he the funniest comedian out here..
john lewis
john lewis - 8 years ago
i saw how many views Mr Noahs videos were getting so i thought i would watch a few. I know comedy is a person thing and what makes some people laugh does not do it for others I must he missing something here because i see so many likes and yet i found him about as funny has toothache
The Traveler
The Traveler - 8 years ago
Trever has shown his enormous ignorance. "unnecessary surfer movements". A joke is a cleaver way to point out the truth. There is no truth to "unnecessary movements". Just ignorance there. It's called a life's skill. If you don't have these skills, you will be sitting on your ass on the beach. Doing nothing. Just running your ignorant mouth.
Anonymous Channel
Anonymous Channel - 8 years ago
Look I'm American and I'm sorry for my people. But I think I might know why they do this. Maybe because the rest of the world hates America so they hate back? It's just a guess. But there shouldn't be any hate at all.
Naning Widyastuti
Naning Widyastuti - 8 years ago
what's the type of his sneakers?
Kayla Samuel
Kayla Samuel - 8 years ago
There people who ask me "What are you?"
I say "I'm a pacific Islander."
then they say "Omg so your HAWAIIAN?!"
I swear if I had a dollar for every time they said I was Hawaiian, I'd probably be able to buy as many chicken nuggests if I can.
Lolx caekae
Lolx caekae - 7 years ago
I'm Micronesian and people think I'm Hawaiian. No matter what I say. I'm either Hawaiian or Marshallese. It's crazy.
Kayla Samuel
Kayla Samuel - 8 years ago
Lmao "You cant be an Islander if your from Somalia." Wow.
Rockart9 - 8 years ago
Pacific Islander is such a broad term. What specifically? Hawaiians are pacific Islanders so they're not wrong. So what exactly? Fijian, Samoan?

As a Filipino, what really grinds my gears are Filipinos (mostly American-Filipinos who've never visited the country) who claim they're Pacific islanders. No Filipino who actually lives in the Philippines would claim that.
Alex Walker
Alex Walker - 8 years ago
What on earth does that mean: "I'd probably be able to buy as many chicken nuggets if I can"
bjam89 - 8 years ago
Lemlem Arey why are you talking about children songs
Lemlem Arey
Lemlem Arey - 8 years ago
norsk barn julesang
Esh LR
Esh LR - 8 years ago
Kayla Samuel frickin feeeeels
Sophia Yamaguchi
Sophia Yamaguchi - 8 years ago
Moses Nyirinkindi
Moses Nyirinkindi - 8 years ago
How else do you get clean? You go surfing
Hiro Mahtava
Hiro Mahtava - 8 years ago
I guess every Hongkonese love Jackie Chan And know Kung Fu , Stereo type stuff?
mannelshah - 8 years ago
jakie chan is actually very hated in parts of china... so i hear
StevieTheAwesome - 8 years ago
how dare u turn my jokes against me !
Justanotherconsumer - 8 years ago
Nnena Uchendu
Nnena Uchendu - 8 years ago
I'm telling you. Many Americans are so dumb that they ask useless questions
Kelvin Jackson
Kelvin Jackson - 8 years ago
can someone explain the last bit about the shower and the president.. I don't get that
Kelvin Jackson
Kelvin Jackson - 8 years ago
+Neo Thulo it is on relation to when Jacob Zuma had unprotected sex with a HIV patient and thought showering will stop him from getting aids
Neo Thulo
Neo Thulo - 8 years ago
+Daniel Pienaar Really now? I don't understand how the guy taking a shower, has to do with increasing votes for the ANC. Like Wtf dude. Dude don't be stupid.
Daniel Pienaar
Daniel Pienaar - 8 years ago
He told the Africans in South Africa that after they have unprotected sex all you need to do is take a shower and it will wash the aids away, this was so they could increase the population of blacks in South Africa to vote for the ANC, they wanted to be sure that the whites wouldn't out vote them.
Pheap Original
Pheap Original - 8 years ago
His dimples melts me.... sigh
Namo rin
Namo rin - 8 years ago
didn't get the last joke about the shower and then the president. like what happened to their president?
Drea Granig
Drea Granig - 8 years ago
Nani rin our dear president once said that u can get rid of aids by showering
Ashley Maria
Ashley Maria - 8 years ago
+masego maeci No one here is being rasict. It's simply a matter of personal hygiene
naveen kala
naveen kala - 8 years ago
masego maeci sarcasm... something not every1 understands specially self appreciative dumb cunt americans but its ok
Ashley Crank
Ashley Crank - 8 years ago
Ashley Maria nah B it's not... you're just accustomed to the casting of aspersions against black people that's why you agree with the statement... the cold hard truth is that all races have people who are unhygienic. I know white people who don't shower in the mornings... they stink too... it's not about where you live or what race you are. yall are just racist B... but that's cool. do you
Ashley Maria
Ashley Maria - 8 years ago
+OGTrapQueen KillemAll It not being Rasict, it's the Cold hard serious Truth.
Ashley Maria
Ashley Maria - 8 years ago
masego maeci They also have really bad BO. that's not all of them just some of them.
masego maeci
masego maeci - 8 years ago
+naveen kala​ Indian life ! Lol and u wonder why Indian houses are infested with lice.
Ashley Crank
Ashley Crank - 8 years ago
Shivam Sharma get your lying racist ass the fuck outta here b
naveen kala
naveen kala - 8 years ago
+masego maeci yes and we make it a point to take bath only thrice a lifetime... when we are born one we retire and we try to avoid the 3rd time expecting that we will die beforehand
DeadMan the Hekatonkheire
DeadMan the Hekatonkheire - 8 years ago
+Nani rin the joke pokes fun at South Africa's idiot president, Jacob Zuma, who, after having been accused of raping a woman who turned out to have HIV, claimed that he couldn't have contracted the virus since he took a shower right after he had sex with her. Get it now?
Oriane Nsengiyumva
Oriane Nsengiyumva - 8 years ago
nope that wasnt it at all...there are parts of S.A. that may not get water but that doesn't mean they dont know about hygiene
Namo rin
Namo rin - 8 years ago
+masego maeci well they're meant to be dirty, it's the waste chute, but should be cleaned. Why wouldn't you wash your butt of all places? And soap will cause an infection. The butt isn't fifth free but can be cleaned.
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
+masego maeci Well butts can be smelly and filthy. You should have thought of that before putting your tongue in there. That's basic common sense.
Namo rin
Namo rin - 8 years ago
+masego maeci they use their left hand to wash and right hand to eat. Most people do this. It's better than walking around with a dirty butt.
Shivam Sharma
Shivam Sharma - 8 years ago
hahaha calm down friend, I did not mean any of that as an Insult. It is just how it is, I stated facts, from what I saw around me when I lived in South Africa. Is any of what I said untrue?

btw, nothing cleans better than hands and water. Read this up to know yourself :]
rosedaline valetine
rosedaline valetine - 8 years ago
+Shivam Sharma Dang, are they mirroring the Europeans? Especially the Brits. Look what happened to them: black plaque.
Shivam Sharma
Shivam Sharma - 8 years ago
Blacks in non city areas of south africa don't shower often enough, like once a week, that's just how they are and have been. AIDS is also a disease common in blacks in South Africa. So Jacob Zuma, south african president, once tried to link aids to showers in order to get blacks to take better care of their hygiene. He said aids wouldn't be such a big problem if people took shower more often. It came out terribly and became a joke on the president himself in popular culture.
Lilly N.
Lilly N. - 8 years ago
Jacob Zuma, the current SA president said that.
Wes Köhler
Wes Köhler - 8 years ago
He basically said and don't quote me on this, having a shower would cure you from hiv/AIDS
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
xD lolololol
MJforever5690 - 8 years ago
I'm Australian born and bred but my ethnic background is Sri Lankan. People in America were so confused when I said I was from Australia. One guy literally refused to believe I was from Australia and said I looked like I was from "New Delhi or something". P.S I do not look like I'm from New Delhi. One lady also didn't know where or what Sydney was.
Nus ko
Nus ko - 8 years ago
Mufti Menk's accent
Don Cohrs
Don Cohrs - 8 years ago
AIDS= Alcohol Induced Drippy Shits
some person
some person - 8 years ago
As a Canadian, i think in every developed Western country, high schools should have mandatory assemblies once a year, where they teach us the basics about Africa and Asia. Because as it is, we really don't learn much about them.
alana king
alana king - 8 years ago
There was no hope, lol
Ahmad Fauzi Purwandono
Ahmad Fauzi Purwandono - 8 years ago
is it only me that needs to scroll down the comments, to get the shower jokes thing?
Thembinkosi Sibiya
Thembinkosi Sibiya - 7 years ago
Hes still president until 2019 lol i know many people want him out but his still the first South African
Neo Mphahlele
Neo Mphahlele - 7 years ago
If only he was the ex president
Rakano - 8 years ago
south african ex president jacob zuma took a shower after having sex with a positive hiv woman, thinking he will prevent infection
zinhle Mercator
zinhle Mercator - 8 years ago
no he didn't actually say we must take a shower,he said he takes a shower to get rid of Aids.He was accused of raping someone that had Aids and he said he didn't get infected by it because he took a shower
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
Sadly she is just the typical average american.
Stephanie Julia
Stephanie Julia - 7 years ago
LOL I'm shocked that she was aware that Africa existed and that you shouldn't breathe water while surfing -_-
swamidude - 7 years ago
Traumglanz well a lot of countries in Europe at least have some neighbour countries. Which languages you learn + English always. But the English speaking world is pretty lazy, scince everyone can speak English... I think a lot of people in Europe also know French or/and German. Depends which country you live in and what countries it borders. I would personally recommend one Germanic language, one latin language and one slavic language as a base as a kid, from there on you can easily pick up almost any other European language as an adult. As many languages in the same linguistic group share enough similarities to easily learn them if you know one of them well.
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
Wow. Speaking another language, that makes you like, totally educated. 3 languages are the minimum requirements for college in a lot of countries ;-)
Kory Kwon
Kory Kwon - 8 years ago
More like what we call basic white girl in
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
Anti Christ, suck Trump tiny dick, you whiny little emo bitch.
Anti Christ
Anti Christ - 8 years ago
MrAirBender choke on a dick dude american or not why are you stereo typing people?
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
+Shafer Wilkerson , don't worry dude, i know no everyone is like that, there's always good people all around, they're just harder to find. Dumb people are more noticeable.
Shafer Wilkerson
Shafer Wilkerson - 8 years ago
+MrAirbender32 Yikes, well I'm sorry to hear that man. Come down to Dallas sometime. We'll treat you right, lol.
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
+MrAirbender32, i also travel a lot and i found that the average american traveler is super ignorant and rarely speak anything but English.
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
+Shafer Wilkerson, dude I'm american also but the typical mainland white american is exactly like that in my experience.
Shafer Wilkerson
Shafer Wilkerson - 8 years ago
See, this. This offends me. I can't stand the fact that people automatically assume that this is the typical American. I'm from New York originally, and now I love in Dallas. That being said, I have rarely found an ignorant numbskull like the one Trevor was playing. A lot of us are actually educated in foreign affairs, and can speak another language...
naomi costello
naomi costello - 8 years ago
I think she meant if you guys have BIG waves in Africa like in California.
Arkeeny - 8 years ago
can someone explain the showa president joke?
Arkeeny - 8 years ago
Oh.... O_o. Don't know what to say to that..
Ornela Emanuel
Ornela Emanuel - 8 years ago
Well the South African president Jacob Zuma , was involved in a scandal where he had unprotected sex with a HIV+ woman. When asked about this in court he said he took a cold shower after the sex so that he could not get AIDS and everyone lost their minds  -the end.By: Lwando Lawrence Moshani comments
khan baba
khan baba - 8 years ago
I didn't get his last joke about shower and president?
Aldemar Depuy
Aldemar Depuy - 8 years ago
WildlifeObsessed - 8 years ago
Thanks for brightening a crap day - you really are a genius.

You script writers are quite cool too !
Nicola Mendonca
Nicola Mendonca - 8 years ago
Hilarious and clever!
Nicola Mendonca
Nicola Mendonca - 8 years ago
Hilarious and clever!
ekaiLo - 8 years ago
Is it weird that I find his accent sexy? (sigh)
Nathan Stein
Nathan Stein - 7 years ago
I, as an American, proclaim that we as an accent sound the most like robots out of all the other accents of English.
maddythinks - 7 years ago
ekaiLo he is really sexy. Accent. Looks. Intelligence. Everything
Ryan M.
Ryan M. - 8 years ago
There is a fuck ton of stupidity in this comment section
Landon Horton
Landon Horton - 8 years ago
An accent isn't what language you speak, it's your tone and cadence when speaking that language.
Mahnoor S
Mahnoor S - 8 years ago
Traumglanz he's from South Africa
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
Nah, the americans are the ones with heavy accents, barely understandable, just like the aussies.
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
What accent? He speaks english …
Ashia Keys
Ashia Keys - 8 years ago
+21stCtesc yeah I guess, but I always thought us english south africans sound like americans....
21stCtesc - 8 years ago
Everyone has an accent.
Ashia Keys
Ashia Keys - 8 years ago
do south africans have accents? (im south african?)
ekaiLo - 8 years ago
edd st Actitud Caribe
edd st Actitud Caribe - 8 years ago
Not his accent is cool!
sf e
sf e - 8 years ago
No. It really is.
Amani H
Amani H - 8 years ago
Victor Vaiopoulos
Victor Vaiopoulos - 8 years ago
No it's not weird at all
Treeninja1999 - 8 years ago
Lukhanyo Mtshingana
Lukhanyo Mtshingana - 8 years ago
I think Africans should start investing in movies which will show the world how we live at present in the 21st century, I mean most Africans no American life through movies and media! we should never be ashamed of who we are and were we come from as society, just because we close to our traditions and culture does not mean we are not educated, just because most countries are in wars and poverty does not mean we are not intellectuals and have talents from different spheres of life!
DuchAmagi - 7 years ago
Lukhanyo Mtshingana
Do you understand he was just being helpful and nice to you?
KeyboardWarrior - 7 years ago
Biased Sherman iah yes chappie. What a great representation of south africa.....
some person
some person - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
I understand the resentment but I think it's kind of ridiculous that someone can fail to understand that if no one had taught them a language in the first place, they wouldn't be able to be speaking it right now to talk to me and the other people here.
Btw, I get that stereotyping is a serious issue, and there's a lot of it. Everyone lumps countries together. But it's worth considering that we all do it, even though we don't always notice we're doing it - you both seem to think I'm from the USA, and I'm Canadian. Different culture, much more multicultural, more knowledge about different countries. That just came to mind, so I thought I might as well point it out :)
MrError90 - 8 years ago
Mtshingana hey fuckface, what's up? I see you are angry. man, I'm in a situation just like you but truth should be said. America has many stupid people but the smart people there are more. and overall IQ there is way higher than your fucking country! just don't be sad and try to make your way out to another better country and live there. good luck
MrError90 - 8 years ago
some person wow I announce that he's so stupid to answer you like this. I'm not a native english speaker and I would be thankful to anyone helping me with it. just don't be sad and don't stop offering help to others. I scrutinized through every word you've written in order not be annoying to him but he still didn't get it. I bet he's angry of the bad situation in his country and that Americans are underestimating their qualifications. so he acted his anger out this way. I know this because I, myself, am from a third world country, Iraq, and can understand, though not agree, his feelings. when smart hardworking people see many lazy stupid folks in america, they see this situation as unfair, so they become angry. but he has no right to do this because he's not even smart. he's dump as fuck! lol. I'm trying to piss him off. I know I wrote alot but I thought you need this clarification. thanks
Cuppid Thomas
Cuppid Thomas - 8 years ago
Lukhanyo Mtshingana true I love that as Africans we have great culture that...shaped us to be respectful not like this Tomi lahren...
D4RKBRU73 - 8 years ago
Have you ever heard of District 9 ???
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+some person I thought about that possibility the very second I clicked on "post reply", but I'm really sorry I just felt like I had to say this after having seen this unfortunate situation so many times XD
I may have travelled too much on virtual places like Youtube, lol.
some person
some person - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwaf
I dropped it a month ago XD
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+some person Just... Drop it. I mean, I know this conversation was over a month ago, and I shouldn't even be here or say this, but several... moods float around youtube, and even when you're legit trying to help someone, the understanding of what you're doing will be different, misinterpreted, and you'll end up being punished for it.
Kinda relates to Trevor's "there's no hope line."
Hopefully, you won't have to get into this kind of trouble next time - I, too, I trying to help here. Sorry for interrupting.
Lukhanyo Mtshingana
Lukhanyo Mtshingana - 8 years ago
I do not need your help!
some person
some person - 8 years ago
I thought you were saying it was 'absolutely not,' annoying. I didn't realize you were saying it wasn't helpful.
Again, not trying to change culture or whitewash things. English is a useful language to know, since so many people speak it. If you don't want to perfect it, I have no issue with that, but you're being really over-aggressive, since I was just trying to help...
Lukhanyo Mtshingana
Lukhanyo Mtshingana - 8 years ago
+some person , fuck off!
some person
some person - 8 years ago
Good to hear it :)
I'm not trying to make you white. I was saying it just in case you wanted to learn more, since English is a fairly useful, but incredibly confusing, language to learn.
Lukhanyo Mtshingana
Lukhanyo Mtshingana - 8 years ago
+some person , you were not! I do not care about being perfect in English, My home language is "IsiXhosa " I am not the want to be white African!
some person
some person - 8 years ago
+Faisal Ismail
Based on the commenter's non-English same, I thought it was fairly likely that English was their second language. I was trying to be helpful - I even stated that I hoped it was helpful and not annoying.
I used to study French, and I know that if I said something wrong in French, I'd want someone to correct me so I wouldn't repeat the mistake.
With your 'You yank piece of shit,' you're being worse than patronizing, yourself. You seem to think you're superior to all Americans - so much so, that you both assumed that I was trying to be patronizing, and assumed that I was American. Which I'm not.
Faisal Ismail
Faisal Ismail - 8 years ago
+some person You patronising yank piece of shit, its youtube not an english test
some person
some person - 8 years ago
It's a great idea, but I'm not sure many Americans would watch them.

Not sure if it's a typo or if English is your second language, but:
'No,' always means negative. So, if you know about American life, you use know. Hope this helps :) (and hope it wasn't annoying).
Biased Sherman
Biased Sherman - 8 years ago
District 9, Chappie etc
taifhamid1 - 8 years ago
a girl once asked me if we had national anthem or and she thought that we didn't have and we ride camels and horses, I was laughing so hard, I thought she was just trying to offend me but than I realized she us dead serious I was speechless...
Some Person
Some Person - 8 years ago
+lauren felton
They can hold it in, then laugh once they get home :)
lauren felton
lauren felton - 8 years ago
+some person if the did that than they wouldn't make any money lol
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
+some person, so true, i like to take advantage of their ignorance and have a little fun at their expenses.
some person
some person - 8 years ago
I'm Canadian, and I've seen people online who seem to think Canada's just a bunch of igloos XD
On the bright side, you can laugh at the ridiculous tourists :)
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
+some person, don't worry, I'm from Puerto Rico a US territory and americans come here and are amazed to discover they don't need their passports and that we have electricity, internet, roads and buildings but when they discover that we also have Starbucks and Walmart then they go ape shit crazy, is funny to watch and simultaneously annoying and offensive.
some person
some person - 8 years ago
Cars are easier to have than cities :) Having brick houses indicates wealth far more than having cars.
A lot of charities show images of people in huts, in villages without electricity or running water. I understand why they do that - to raise money for the people who actually live in those conditions - but I think it's the main reason some people think African civilization is just a bunch of straw huts. Those ads should start mentioning the fraction of people per country who actually live in those conditions.
taifhamid1 - 8 years ago
+some person
forget about cities, everyone have CARS lol
some person
some person - 8 years ago
People don't realize that even the least developed countries have cities and institutions.
sseven hakim
sseven hakim - 8 years ago
what do u expect from most americans? an intelligent conversation? lol
nam e puthpong
nam e puthpong - 8 years ago
how much time have you spent with western culture? you seem so accustomed to it.
qfadfnbseden - 8 years ago
hey, boss..?
Abdirahman CB
Abdirahman CB - 8 years ago
there are ignorant people in every country around the world but what makes the average american's ignorance very distinct is their lack of care to learn about anything outside america which is arrogance.
Debby Dares
Debby Dares - 7 years ago
Debbie Marquis gee... thanks....
omar ahmed
omar ahmed - 7 years ago
Exactly wallahi
sonofaballer96 - 7 years ago
Jazzy well maybe your ancestors did but mine we brought on ships and made slaves but they fought for independence and equal opportunity but even black Americans are close minded. We sometimes don’t refer to people as “black-black” or “really black” if they don’t use slang and aren’t from the states. We like people from the
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
I can assure u all that while American ignorance is very distinctly portrayed in the media it's only a small portion that's actually like that if anything other countries are more ignorant such as Haiti parts of Africa, North Korea, etc
If anything America is one of the least ignorant and most accepting and for some reason people seem to forget that
(From a Haitian guy)
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
Joanne Njau
Other countries and cultures are vastly different from each other especially America
What you said makes no sense to me
Ignorance stems from people who are unwilling to accept other cultures regardless of how different they are
Go Jojo
Go Jojo - 7 years ago
Abdirahman CB Americans have this idea that other countries and cultures are vastly different from theirs. That's the basis of all the confusion & ignorance.
DuchAmagi - 7 years ago
I have a theory why so many Americans look dumb. It's maybe because they teach them at schools to always have their own opinions about everything and they have an extrovertic culture. So for them it's kind of a virtue if you're active and say something all the time, engage in something and express your opinions even if all of that is completely stupid. And there are very stupid people outside of the US but they're more likely to be quiet and not have opinions about everything (you can't really know everything anyway) because they don't want to look stupid while Americans just don't care.
Trey Atkins
Trey Atkins - 7 years ago
Abdirahman CB America is doomed... please help me.
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
What makes American ignorance distinct is that the media likes to portray Americans as complete idiots who remain ignorant of the world around them when in actuality that isn't true at all
Corylus Bluefox
Corylus Bluefox - 7 years ago
Ah yes, the charming duo ignorance and apathy: don't know, don't care!
Debbie Marquis
Debbie Marquis - 8 years ago
Abdirahman CB so true...actually...they're some of the dumbest ppl on the planet!!!!
Kawthar Bakhach
Kawthar Bakhach - 8 years ago
I agree....You can be ignorant and not know it, but then there's being ignorant, knowing it, and just not caring.
YouCan'tHateMeMoreThaniHateMyself - 8 years ago
Pinguino del Rio Heavy consumerism and capatilism aren't exclusive American traits nor do they originate from it.
Pinguino del Rio
Pinguino del Rio - 8 years ago
+Nikita Salcedo

I'm American, and I feel the same way. Its kind of weird though. The United States is a country with a culture that is spread around the world, yet so many of the people here don't seem to know anything, or care to know anything about the rest of the world.
Nikita Salcedo
Nikita Salcedo - 8 years ago
I'm an American but I agree with you! Most American people take an education for granted and they don't care about broadening their minds. They tend to believe that their opinion is all that matters. :(
Drea Granig
Drea Granig - 8 years ago
Abdirahman CB ur right there
sf e
sf e - 8 years ago
They barely know about their own country
YouCan'tHateMeMoreThaniHateMyself - 8 years ago
right no representation in what taxes were put in place
InfinityArch - 8 years ago
Raptor3614 - 8 years ago
"And even as an educated adult" you're fucking stupid then. You should know that the American Revolution was NOT because we didn't want to pay taxes. It's because us as a colony didn't have any representation. Dumbass learn some history before stating you know what you're talking about.^^
Jazzy - 8 years ago
but really, is American arrogance all that surprising? we came here, saw other people already living here, and fucked their world up because we could and we felt entitled to do so. the damn American revolution was basically America throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't want to pay taxes, Britain said "fine, but you're on your own" and us being the eternal toddlers we are, that wasn't good enough. our county was founded on arrogance and false entitlement. this might be my American arrogance emerging, but I think our country as a whole feels the most entitled than any other country in the world.
Jazzy - 8 years ago
there's a culture here of "nowhere else matters" and even as an educated adult, I feel it a bit, but it feels more like.. isolation and distance. all we (America) have is Canada and Mexico, and we (north America) are somewhat isolated from the rest of the world, and when you mix in American arrogance.. people be stupid, yo
Between the Panels
Between the Panels - 8 years ago
finding the countries they invade is too much.
JmmiP 20
JmmiP 20 - 8 years ago
What a title
sarah mthiyane
sarah mthiyane - 8 years ago
Trevor's really good and funny
Faith Uchiha
Faith Uchiha - 8 years ago
he has dimples so cute haha
Faith Uchiha
Faith Uchiha - 8 years ago
haha wouldve been awkward if the girl was at his show haha
marcopg1 - 8 years ago
Its not just Africa, Americans ask the darnest thing to anyone outside of the U.S. Her are some question I have been asked in my lifetime (I am from Venezuela). Do you have cars? How did you get here? Do you know what a tv is? i am dumbfounded by those questions. I just want say, bitch have you ever taken a geography class and learned anything from the world?
Xo - 8 years ago
80% of Whytes american so stupod
Syco Sikk
Syco Sikk - 8 years ago
It's white dumb ass.
okamus panulirus
okamus panulirus - 7 years ago
ItzKavya is it racist that i read it with an indian accent
majooismajor - 8 years ago
only at weddings ... streets are shut down ......

source : lived in india.
Lenoah Chacko
Lenoah Chacko - 8 years ago
Hahaha....those people watch too many bollywood songs.
Many beautiful reasons to be happy !
Many beautiful reasons to be happy ! - 8 years ago
That smile at 3.57... sigh
Shamarky Nomand
Shamarky Nomand - 8 years ago
Someone asked me "how to say Hi in Algebra" before!
Joel Bullock
Joel Bullock - 8 years ago
+Shamarky Nomand Algebra? Like math algebra? Are you Asian?
Nihal Salim
Nihal Salim - 8 years ago
Could someone explain the shower joke, the one at the end? I didn't get it.
Nihal Salim
Nihal Salim - 8 years ago
thanks for explaining that.
liez rams
liez rams - 8 years ago
Our president once raped and the girl was allegedly HIV + , so they asked the president abt him having had the chance to contract it,..... then said he took a shower after the rape....... meaning he washed the HIV off his dick
Oguz Caylak
Oguz Caylak - 8 years ago
i coudn't get it 4:57 joke can someone tell me please?
Oguz Caylak
Oguz Caylak - 8 years ago
its already very funny story didnt need add any joke.thanks man
Zihnne Riley Demor
Zihnne Riley Demor - 8 years ago
South African President Jacob Zuma had sex with a woman and didn't use a condom and was asked if did he tested for HIV after and he said he took a shower so he cant be contacted with HIV. So ppl make fun of it that if u sleep with someone without knowing if they hv HIV/AIDS or not u must take a shower afterwards
Sabrina Venegas
Sabrina Venegas - 8 years ago
I'm a Mexican-American in California and not all of us are that me lol.
K Family
K Family - 8 years ago
Lol funny man
Niya V
Niya V - 8 years ago
I come from the carribean. I feel your pain. I was outside shopping with my mom, this tourist came up to me and asked if I knew what a phone was.... I then pulled out my own phone. then the lady is like, thats coooooool saying it in a really slow and annoying female surfer dude voice. she then said, so like... do you climb trees for coconuts and swim all day? I bet you hang with the monkeys and stuff. I was so frickin mad and so deeply frustrated by the american education system I told my mom and she bursted out laughing...... then she went to go try on more clothes. I saw the lady coming to me again. she started another sentence with a: So like......... then I interrupted and said " I'm sorry miss but you have like no commense and I have no tolerance for you at the moment, not everybody from a foreign country is an animal, you must know this before someone who is ghetto tells you this in another way, I then said these three words very loudly LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEE!!!!! everyone stared at me. I walked away silently. Yes, I'm not lying it literally happened, most awkard ten minutes of my life.... TOURIST WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! thankyou for giving me your time :)
Lili Reyes
Lili Reyes - 8 years ago
Some people cant believe that people in mexico have internet access
Inedy ngoma
Inedy ngoma - 8 years ago
i love u Trevor
Gaia Hemp
Gaia Hemp - 8 years ago
are you the real Trevor Noah or just a fan made a fan account. Well im an Afrikaans guy and a big fan of you! and im not a boer! im not growing anything lol
Barbie Kerry
Barbie Kerry - 9 years ago
people the wild animals in Africa you see on tv are all in national parks
john smith
john smith - 9 years ago
guys tell me he is joking and there are not such uneducated human beings out there be able to vote for the government of the strongest country in the world........
lone_cherryblossom - 9 years ago
LMFAO! Helloooo Africa! ... Hellooo Americaaaa... >.< I cannot even... Categorizing the entire continent as being made of only one country rather than many different countries. Watching so many of Trevor Noah's videos can really open your mind and reveal the power of mass media to push everyone into basically one category and even skew geography and perception. Whoa... He's so intelligent and funny! Keep up the marvelous work! :D
Sierra Davis
Sierra Davis - 9 years ago
I once asked a guy from India if they have tigers where he lived. o.o
Toussaints' Wrath
Toussaints' Wrath - 8 years ago
+Sierra Davis Did he? Well, did he have tigers where he lived?
Gasparagus Productions
Gasparagus Productions - 9 years ago
"I used my monkey grip..."
The Silver Spooner
The Silver Spooner - 9 years ago
The jokes is kinda funnier because there was a brand of chocolate named "AIDS"
Alex Fraser
Alex Fraser - 8 years ago
First Name
First Name - 9 years ago
can someone explain the president joke lol?
First Name
First Name - 9 years ago
+nontobeko goba oh ok lol, tahhnks
nontobeko goba
nontobeko goba - 9 years ago
Allegedly president zuma said that he took a shower to clean out hiv... Allegedly
Michael Travis Matthews Walls
Michael Travis Matthews Walls - 9 years ago
The irony of this routine is that South Africa's own president (Jacob Zuma) truly believes he can "wash" AIDS off in a shower, or rape a child to cure himself. There's nothing funny about this level of stupidity, and it's far more 'hopeless' than any Malibu surfer girl. (It still doesn't make Trevor Noah any less funny. The guy is gold!)
Jerry K
Jerry K - 9 years ago
Who went, and watched Team America again, after this? xD
some person
some person - 9 years ago
ow...Ow...OW! The ignorance is crushing my brain!
Aminu Yakubu
Aminu Yakubu - 9 years ago
Gee B
Gee B - 9 years ago
Lmao!! Yes Ive had americans ask me if we ride kangaroos to school smh and they can't grasp the fact that there are black ppl in Australia (even tho the indigenous ppl are black) smh. Its sad but sometimes i just gotta laugh and smh at the ignorance foreal!
Angelo Cudal
Angelo Cudal - 8 years ago
Gee B is it also ignorant to take jokes seriously?
Gee B
Gee B - 8 years ago
+MJforever5690 lol I cant...the ignorance is real
MJforever5690 - 8 years ago
I had a mixed race black and white guy refuse to believe I was Australian cos I had dark skin. I wanted to ask him where he was from and then refuse to believe he was from America.
ZhangtheGreat - 8 years ago
As an American, you're always free to ask me if I have two guns fucking each other constantly...because I do =P
Bahaa Bujazia
Bahaa Bujazia - 8 years ago
+Jaysen Leolo you should've told him that charlez throne is from South africa ..
narmaK - 8 years ago
Lol typical
Amberley Canegitta
Amberley Canegitta - 9 years ago
Even Americans get asked questions like these. Some people are just so genuinely stupid. A girl once asked me if I was sure I was black. WTF YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE BLACK." Some Americans will say "where are you from?" "uhh New York..." "no. Where are you frrrooommmm" WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO. I KNOW WHERE I WAS BORN.
DuchAmagi - 7 years ago
You could ask them the same, unless they're not Native Americans their origins are not "American" but e.g. European.
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
Oh I got that one a LOT, too. They're not interested about where you were born, but what your ORIGIN is, because since you "look different", you must have exotic things they can ask about.

...That's dumb, but y'know.
Eid - 9 years ago
I was chatting with an American girl who couldn't believe that I come from Egypt. She thought that I was lying because how come I use the internet while we don't have electricity in Egypt :D
Eid - 9 years ago
+some person
:) I did explain. I myself had some misconception about Europe but I read and fix.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
Carefully and politely explain to her, that ANCIENT EGYPT ISN'T MODERN EGYPT, GODDAMN IT!
Ayanda Ngcobo
Ayanda Ngcobo - 9 years ago
His accents is just amazing
Mahdee Reda
Mahdee Reda - 9 years ago
I love kevin hart and i just found out about this guy yesterday and i kinda find him funnier than hart. Am i the only one?
TJ MuziK
TJ MuziK - 8 years ago
+Mahdee Reda ... no you're not. I came across him today...he's funnier, makes more sense and has a real world view of things, I still like Kevin.
Marc Touss
Marc Touss - 9 years ago
i see why trevvor was tapped for the daily show gig.. he's hilarious and irreverent.. and he's doing a great job on the show..
ago - 9 years ago
"If you're from Africa, why are you white?"
cj wins
cj wins - 9 years ago
I love his jokes.
Ken Aguilar
Ken Aguilar - 9 years ago
a lot of americans actually speak like that. lol.
Ashley Stinfil
Ashley Stinfil - 9 years ago
hmm thats weird lol .. I'm from the east coast 
Ken Aguilar
Ken Aguilar - 9 years ago
+Ashley Stinfil i've lived in texas, virginia, washington, and vegas. And i've always heard that accent a lot. I having nothing against. Its just funny.
Ashley Stinfil
Ashley Stinfil - 9 years ago
+Ken Aguilar lol noooo.. a lot of california people state out of 50
Jacob Kreppeneck
Jacob Kreppeneck - 9 years ago
as American I feel the need to apologize for all the stupid comments that have been said to forigen people like they come from a different planet or something.
cuki-Face - 7 years ago
Jacob Kreppeneck nah stop tight there. I understand your intent but there are stupid ppl all over the world. Trust me. I went to school in the Caribbean, and I was so behind when I moved out there. But it's gotten much better here in the states. And those kids had stupid ideas of America that made me furious and a bully victim.. trying to defend NY. Lot of ass beatings were taken and given. Made me stronger. I travelled Europe and you meet ignorant ppl as well.
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
Why are we acting like americas got the worst of the idiots, it's just that American idiots are shown way more often cuz it's much better to see the super power of the world produce idiots as well
I can assure u other countries have just as many ignorant idiots like in china where they regulate immigration so they have very few black people and literally they think that black people are dark becuz they just got dirty
MrError90 - 8 years ago
you guys voted for trump! this is even worse than these stupid comments. lol just kidding
MrAirbender32 - 8 years ago
sadly the thing about americans is that they manage to hit the perfect spot between dumb and offensive, also unlike people from other nations, they don't seem to learn anything.
Sunshine - 8 years ago
Sometimes I feel that way. Then I remember all the ignorant things people from other countries have said to me. Then I realize that, while America has their own monopoly on a certain kind of stupidity, it's still true that stupidity is still a universal trait.
Joshua Chittick
Joshua Chittick - 8 years ago
+Jacob Kreppeneck don't worry there's plenty of twats in England as well. I'm English btw
Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes - 8 years ago
+Alan Mackey&#160; Says the Irishman :-) Its a joke, no offence mate
Rusnurmat - 8 years ago
Dude, chill out:-), we are on same side... 
Jacob Kreppeneck
Jacob Kreppeneck - 8 years ago
I know I'm not stupid. I'm apologizeing for my country.
Rusnurmat - 8 years ago
+Jacob Kreppeneck don't feel like that, we all are stupid, I work as a tour guide... and I know about stupid questions from whole of the world... Americans are funny :-)
TheYasmineFlower - 9 years ago
+Jacob Kreppeneck Don't worry, you're not the only idiots in the world. There's plenty others in Europe too. And possibly Asia. And... everywhere, I guess.
firenight - 9 years ago
I'm American to and i agree
That_llama_in_a_tuxedo - 9 years ago
And this is why I will never move to California.
MagicianFlip69 - 9 years ago
My family is from the Philippines. But I was born and raised in the US. When I tell people about my background. They always ask the dumbest questions like. So have you tried a dog before. and I reply. "Ofcourse... I ate your girlfriend who barks like a bitch all the time!"
zegh8578 - 9 years ago
Americans have asked me if we have cars in Norway, if we have tv in my country, if we have tv shows to watch on tv or if our tv sets are just for staring at static. I was nice and responded honestly, patiently... so patiently... and this is Americans. Anyone else, Chinese, Brazilians, Kenyans, will typically go "oh, very cold yes?", which is true, but they'll all assume that we have both cars and tv here.
Tia-Marie Schaeffer
Tia-Marie Schaeffer - 9 years ago
I read surfing is the most relaxing past time you can engage in... I think it's bc it some how destroys brain cells
Sachin Patel
Sachin Patel - 9 years ago
Hey Trevor,

Where did you get those shoes from Man? Pretty cool!
Eyerusalem G
Eyerusalem G - 9 years ago
"There's no hope" I died
Cycy Mg
Cycy Mg - 9 years ago
So, do u like come from Africa, Africa?
No the one next to it
alexa mahara sofka bottega
alexa mahara sofka bottega - 9 years ago
The north americans(not all but some) think that any country outside europe and USA, is just lots of forest.(I'm from Brazil)
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+alexa mahara sofka bottega
Some think Europe is forest. I've seen others in this comments sections talking about people who asked if there's TV in the netherlands, or who complimented people from Scotland and the Wales on their english.
Brony Time
Brony Time - 9 years ago
this guy is the best
F ms
F ms - 9 years ago
trevor. trevor. I am from zambia and currently living in Deutschland. I was flying with SA as u was coming here and I was just watching yo videos. you are born with this talent and I am happy for yo new job in USA.God bless u bro.i watch u every day in mainz
KayNineLP - 9 years ago
Too much AIDS, ooo more AIDS AIDS AIDS
Matt Graham
Matt Graham - 9 years ago
"I don't surf" ... then... "all those unnecessary surfing moves" ....okay
Angela Halliwell
Angela Halliwell - 9 years ago
right so making the classic "dumb blonde" joke as a way to criticise cliches about race,,,,, ironic...
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Angela Halliwell Pretty sure that was intentional. I could be wrong though.
veyron4213 - 9 years ago
I didn't get the shower joke. Can someone please explain?
some person
some person - 9 years ago
The president of South Africa said that he could shower to get rid of AIDS. He's an idiot.
ZipplyZane - 9 years ago
So, where was this? I'm curious who knows about the South African president. Not just who, but actual details like this where they'd get a joke about him.

Also, great surfer accent. I would totally believe he grew up around people who talk that way.
Cali Fresh
Cali Fresh - 9 years ago
If she was a real surfer she would know that some of the best waves in the world are in Africa like skeleton bay in Namibia, and Jefferey's Bay South Africa. She's just a kook.
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 9 years ago
+Cali Fresh thats what i found pretty funny lol
lkrnpk - 9 years ago
I'm from a country called ISIS and when I went to America, some ignorant guy asked me if I had ever cut off someone's head. Then I asked him "Have you ever shot up a school?" How prejudiced people can be! It's not like all people from ISIS are like that, there are doctors, teachers, social media analysts, televangelists, digital prophets, suicide bombers, stoners (like people who stone others to death), slavers, stabbers, shooters, rapists etc. A lot of other interesting professions to choose from, like in any other country
Nasen Bär
Nasen Bär - 9 years ago
I didn't get the president joke at the end. what happend.
Thabo Lefleur
Thabo Lefleur - 9 years ago
+Pai Chan He actually did that
Nasen Bär
Nasen Bär - 9 years ago
+Pai Chan Thank you
Leano Mkulise
Leano Mkulise - 9 years ago
lol, lol, lol!!!!! Have u like ever had aids
LUFC Holmesy
LUFC Holmesy - 9 years ago
I went to Florida last year and I swear at least 5 people asked me if I knew the queen haha. Their was this girl at my hotel and on the day I was leaving I said to her "I was actually lying about not knowing the queen, I'm part of MI6 and was here to learn Obamas secrets." Then I left and never spoke to her again
jason enriquez
jason enriquez - 9 years ago
I bet that surfer girl was the one who grew up from that little girl who "cut the dookie" with the other languages like Britishen,canadian,alaskan. Yep she is still on her mission to let all the people learn Americanish
Automatic No Static
Automatic No Static - 9 years ago
South Africa has some of the best waves in the world. And a huge Bull Shark problem.
Boss Nl
Boss Nl - 9 years ago
Euan - 9 years ago
I'm Scottish and an American said to me once "WOW! Your English is great!"
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Well if we can understand you through your accent that's hard to imitate, then yes. Your english is, in fact, great! Lol
ali ahmed
ali ahmed - 9 years ago
i'm from Tunisia in north africa, and we are white . once I chatted with an indian and he asked me why i'm not black and did we have lions and elephants at home hhh xD
hamad AL-Sulaiti
hamad AL-Sulaiti - 8 years ago
+Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት no he is white look at zidane
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት - 9 years ago
+titi owo They are very much part of the AU. I'm Ethiopian and live there. I see all the North African presidents in my country coming to attend the AU meetings, since the headquarters for the AU is in Ethiopia. The only North African country that isn't part of the AU is Morocco. They got kicked out because they aren't willing to acknowledge the Saharawi people their independence. But, once they do they will have the privilege of rejoining.
titi owo
titi owo - 9 years ago
+Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት They do not refer to themselves as Africans but Arabs. There are not even in AU (African union).
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት - 9 years ago
+ali ahmed You're not white dummy! You just have lighter skin just like i have straight hair and look Indian even though i'm from East Africa. White people let you know that you're not white. White people don't like you guys. White people hate Arabs with a passion! Just look how they are treating the Arabs in Europe. You should be proud to be African. Because Africans are the only ones who accept you Arabs even though Arabs have brought hell on the Continent. Besides i can tell an Arab from a white person very easily! lol. The self hate is real. Pathetic.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
You should have told him "i own 50 elephants. And you must pray to all of them for my amusement"
JejeBabe - 9 years ago
You guys are lucky, when I tell someone I'm from Saudi Arabia they just run away!
some person
some person - 9 years ago
To be fair, there are some pretty terrifying laws in Saudi. Things like execution for sorcery. (There was an execution for it in 2014, so not exactly an old, forgotten law). To be more fair, you didn't put those laws in place.
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Aksum Princess We aren't all clueless bigots, you know... Those exist everywhere.
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long They will think he said Osama. Then they will really avoid him.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Tell them you're from Oman. I guarantee you, nobody will know where that is.
Smoke - 9 years ago
Sounds like a typical American.
pureindian407 - 8 years ago
lol, what part of New York are you going to where girls sound like that?
Viserion Targaryen
Viserion Targaryen - 9 years ago
+The_Communist_ Texan But you are right about SoHo and Williamsburg.
Viserion Targaryen
Viserion Targaryen - 9 years ago
+The_Communist_ Texan I am myself from Yorkville ("am from" is a bit of a strech, i live there) Not so much Hipsters as White Collars tho. The few times I've been to LA though, the most of white girls there had that accent...
That_llama_in_a_tuxedo - 9 years ago
+Viserion Targaryen I live in New York. The hipster ones who live in soho or Williamsburg all sound like that. Hell even the ones in LIC sound like that as well.
Viserion Targaryen
Viserion Targaryen - 9 years ago
+The_Communist_ Texan LA people tho...nailed.
Viserion Targaryen
Viserion Targaryen - 9 years ago
+The_Communist_ Texan No, Us New Yorkers are not like that.
That_llama_in_a_tuxedo - 9 years ago
It is the Cali girl and the standard New York girl.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Nicholas Peterman i must be doing something right then. Lol
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long I think your sarcasm went over his head.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Yaaah you're so raaaiiiight. We always talk like thiiiiiiiis. Especially like in SoCaaaal! Yaaaah!
Livid Imp
Livid Imp - 9 years ago
The California accent DOES NOT EXIST. The "valley girl" accent was a joke started by Frank Zappa's daughter, and the news media was stupid enough to pick it up as a real story. The footage is even on YouTube, look it up. California's have been saddled with this stupid assumption ever since. We sound just like the rest of the country with the exception of the few idiots that believed the hype and started talking that way. You are much more likely to hear an Okie southern drawl from all the dustbowl immigrants than a valley girl accent.
Noah Aist
Noah Aist - 9 years ago
+Livid Imp I am californian, so I understand, and can see why it's annoying, but personally I just find it funny. Differing opinions I guess. :)
Livid Imp
Livid Imp - 9 years ago
I understand that, but it's the same stupid joke from every comedian on Earth. People just love to bash on California, despite the fact that they all love to move here once they have the money to.
Noah Aist
Noah Aist - 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure he knows that, he's just playing it up and hyperbolizing.
Patrice Rock
Patrice Rock - 9 years ago
I'm from an island in the Caribbean called Barbados and Americans always ask me what part of Jamaica that is.
Patrice Rock
Patrice Rock - 9 years ago
Lool very funny. I'm glad at least some of you know that they are other Caribbean islands besides The Bahamas and Jamaica
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Those americans are wrong. Everyone knows Barbados is part of Puerto Rico.

Im kidding. I know where Barbados is and i know it isnt part of jamaica. Lol
Rimu N
Rimu N - 9 years ago
As a Kenyan, he is not exaggerating. I've been asked some of the most dumbest shit here. Do we live in huts, ride elephants. I was asked if we read books in Africa when I told this girl, I had read Lord of the Flies in 7th grade.
caroline ngondoki
caroline ngondoki - 7 years ago
some person we have over 42 languages. But the official languages are Kiswahili and English
Indogene Doctor
Indogene Doctor - 7 years ago
Oh, by the way, you read Lord of the Flies in 7th grade?! We didn't read it until the 9th, and it was kind of a mouthful at that age.
Indogene Doctor
Indogene Doctor - 7 years ago
Well, to be fair, whenever we (we meaning the western world, or at least Denmark where I'm from) are shown or tought anything about Africa it goes a lot like this: 1) huts, 2) AIDS, 3) hardly any schooling, 4) poor people, 5) sick people etc. Back in school no teacher ever even bothered to tell us that Africa is a continent, not a country 0_o Must be freaking annoying to be asked all those dumb questions though -_-
Go Jojo
Go Jojo - 7 years ago
Rimu N I've gotten the "your hair grew so fast" comment too. I've also had an American ask me, "Do Kenyans like peanut butter?" Lol. I didn't even understand the question. How would I know if everyone "likes" it. Asking if Kenyans "eat" peanut butter would make more sense, but not much.
MegaBall PowerBall
MegaBall PowerBall - 7 years ago
Varoon When you write a sentence it would be wise to stay consistent in the language. You should use the English spelling of Cameroon as you wrote the paragraph in English. The French spelling confused me for a second and if it wasn’t for knowing the Cote D’Ivoire was the French spelling of Ivory Coast, I probably would never have realized what you were saying.
Zesani Tesfayohannes
Zesani Tesfayohannes - 7 years ago
Rimu N You read Lord of the Flies in 7th grade?? In America, we read that in high school.
Niobesnuppa - 7 years ago
If it makes you feel any better, I get the same dumb questions even though I'm from a European country (Norway). I've been asked over the internet if I'm afraid to leave the house because of all the polar bears roaming the streets, I've been asked if Norway is a city in Sweden or a city in the USA, or if Norway's in Asia, if we have electricity in Norway (got asked this over the internet, mind you), and if we wear folk costumes every day. It's hilarious.
Phedre Delaunay
Phedre Delaunay - 7 years ago
Notoya Arthur Maybe they confused Guyana with Guiana (the french speaking country)? they have the same pronunciation (at least in Italy)
Kenyan14 - 8 years ago
Drea Granig
Drea Granig - 8 years ago
Rimu N that is so sad that people are so ignorant! i hate it
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Varoon ...Bon, j'me coucherais moins bête ce soir,lol, mais sérieux qu'est-ce qu'ils foutent, pourquoi les DOM-TOM sont jamais au programme scolaire? Je sais ou elles -sont géographiquement, mais j'avais aucune connaissance de ça, et je devrais, puisque je suis quand même français.

Lol. Connaissant le côté ultra ironique de La Vie, il est très possible qu'elle en rencontre un un jour XD

Bon, un peu comme la France et la Belgique, j'ai l'impression.
Belle et triste image. C'est en effet toujours en après coup que les souffrances passées deviennent drôles (sauf en cas de cynisme genre moi), mais bon, on survit bien.

Thank you. Again: human suffering. I know people can get it.
And yes! Precisely. I started with French and THEN Portuguese/English, but it's sitll something few people here are used to.
Varoon - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwag Au fait les Antilles font référence à la Martinique et à la Guadeloupe ensembles et souvent ils s'aiment pas trop lol

J'avais un job étudiant et ma patronne, très sympa d'ailleurs, était martiniquaise et elle répétait à tout le monde que jamais elle ne sortirait avec un homme martiniquais, c'était assez drôle à entendre :D

Sinon les Mauriciens et les Réunionnais aiment bien s'envoyer des pics aussi

Oui sa réplique était drôle après coup, mais moi je savais pas au début du coup entendre ça au téléphone ça te plonge le coeur dans un bac glacé

Don't worry, I sincerely got your point. I had a client who was from Brasil. She was black and of course spoke Portuguese. Portuguese speaking Blacks are not that common in France so people are still getting used to it.
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Varoon I hope that you do - and I don't mean that in a mean-spirited way. I can believe that you do, though. We've all suffered enough at some point to understand these things, especially if we're part of minorities.

Don't worry, I was just trying to make sure everything was clarified. I know that my situation is uncommon in France and more common elsewhere, I really do get that a lot. My Mom did a lot more, obviously.

J'ai entendu cette réplique quelques fois quand ma mère était au téléphone. C'est pire dans son cas, vu qu'encore une fois, la plupart des français manquent d'information sur les pays lusophones (donc qui parlent portugais, hein)

...Ok, c'est un peu cruel, mais d'un point de vue cynique, sa réplique est plutôt drôle XD C'est un peu comme si une japonaise s'excusait d'un commentaire aux abords racistes au téléphone avec un Coréen x)

Tiens tu vois par exemple, j'avais aucune idée que les Martiniquais et les Antillais ne s'aimait pas, alors que si je venais des Dom-Tom, je suis sûr que j'aurais fini par le découvrir.
Varoon - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwag Ok, I get your point.

I have no reason to put your words in question. If you went through that, you are better placed to speak about it. My bad.

Je suis Mauricien, étudiant à Paris et une fois au téléphone au travail, une dame m'a dit "de toutes façon, vos origines ne me conviennent pas"

Elle a rappelé cinq minutes plus tard et quand mon collègue s'est mis à l'engueuler, elle a rigolé en disant "Je ne suis pas raciste, je suis Martiniquaise"

Je pense qu'elle a cru que j'étais Antillais à cause de mon accent. Ils s'aiment pas entre eux :)
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Varoon I think you missed one of the things I mentioned. First off, I've lived France all my life (putting aside occasionally traveling left and right), I was born there, so I got to see enough and remember enough to know - like you - what I'm talking about. Paris is where I was born and I frequently came back to it during every year's holidays, so there too, I know what I saw and heard.

Second, unlike most black people that are in France, my origins and culture don't come from the DOM-TOM. They come from Angola. This is why I mentioned that I faced Racism from both sides: because some black people didn't acknowledge me as "one of them" because my customs are different, and some white people didn't either for the obvious reason that I'm black. To put this in perspective, it's like you're a black person from the DOM-TOM moving to South Africa. Black people there may or may not act xenophobic with you for the simple reason that, obviously, your customs are not the same.

So you see, what I meant was pretty simple too. But again, it's not all of the people who are like this - and i mean heck, it was worst 30 years ago, so I can't complain too much.

Of course you're surprised. You're like the 10th person this year telling me you're surprised this year. Mais sérieusement, mec, t'as raison d'être surpris, mais moi je n'ai pas de raison d'exagérer. C'est ma vie. En fait, c'est la vie en général. Je suis pas le seul dans mon cas.
Varoon - 8 years ago
+Rimu N I wouldn't say "huge" but you are right

To put things into perspective, there are 11% afro-americans while blacks make up like 5% of the whole french population, citizens plus residents.

But that's still sufficient for people not to be surprised by a french speaking black because well many come from former french colonies like Côte d'Ivoire or Cameroune
Rimu N
Rimu N - 8 years ago
+Varoon I also thought France had a huge black population. One of my friends here in the U.S is black and French and she's from Bordeaux.
Varoon - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwag What I meant is pretty simple. France has an "indigenous" black population from the DOM-TOM so no one is surprised to find a black speaking french well.

I don't know where you live but I'm pretty sure it's not in the Paris region.

I'm not minimising your experience, i'm just surprised having lived here for nearly 7 years
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
Meanwhile the stereotype in europe goes: Black and European? Must be a Frenchmen. Stereotypes can be like super annoying. ;-)
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
To be fair, I don't think you are required to know the languages spoken in every country in the world. So you really should have replied that Guyana is a english speaking country.

And even when australia is a english speaking country, no one understands them anyway. ;-)
Traumglanz - 8 years ago
People believe reality TV is real, so your story just fits in with all the other silly stuff people believe ^-^
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Emerald Medford Yeeeeah, that's the logic most of the people you'll find usually get behind. It's like if you have Asian facial features, you automatically come from "China", a friend of mine usually has to deal with that, and he was born in France to.
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Varoon "Aren't you over-exaggerating?" I'm sorry but this is the LAST thing a person who's been through racism wants to hear. You probably heard it too, so you know what I mean.
Anyway, I wish I was.
Point is, there's something you don't seem to realize. The Black people you're talking about are French-speaking ones from overseas. I, on the other hand, come from a family that mostly speaks Portuguese (because they were born in Angola), so my culture is vastly different from theirs, even if I'm French too. In fact, go around the country and ask French people if they know what is and where is Angola. Most of them won't know, but they will know where and what Martinique and Congo are. Because, again, it's part of their French culture, while Angola was colonized by Portugal.
I've faced racism from both sides: a few (so not all of them, because France is still an awesome country) white people who didn't want anything to do with me 'cause I'm black, and black people who told me I was "too white" to suit them because of the way I spoke.

If you've faced racism too, which you apparently have, then you should know that someone talking about their lives and asking if they're "exaggerating" can be quite offensive. Please be careful: I'm cool with it 'cause I'm used to it, but France isn't the same everywhere. We both know that.
Varoon - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwag I live in France and aren't you over-exaggerating? There are many black french people especially from the overseas department so noone is surprised to hear a well spoken black french.

I've actually faced racism from some blacks who said my origins (Indian) didn't suit them.
Emerald Medford
Emerald Medford - 8 years ago
+Shell Master Tortwag I'm from the Caribbean and because I have a Bajan accent they ask if I'm from Africa
But what gets me is because I have an accent and black I'm African
Shell Master Tortwag
Shell Master Tortwag - 8 years ago
+Rimu The funniest thing about this is that I've lived the exact same things... But in France. And I'm French myself. But because I'm dark-skinned and therefore labelled as "African" (I've only been to my country of origins for two years and 3 weeks), I got the EXACT SAME qustions or ignorant remarks, such as how my French or English were so good, and what was my origin, which of course would explain my apparently "superior intellect" or "superior English" or "superior French". While all I did was reading, watching cartoons and movies, or like, play video games.
Coming across the exact same questions from Americans (though that was mostly online, I haven't been there myself yet) didn't even surprise me. Oh, except the part where they refused to believe that I was Black AND French. But seriously, it's just ignorants or people who don't travel much in general. I've had even some good friends who totally forgot that I was French, despite me hanging out with them.
Danielle L-S
Danielle L-S - 8 years ago
I'm from SA, and, guys, it's not limited to the Americans. Scotland exchange with a friend, we were asked if we lived in the same tribe, and whether we rode lions to school. My friend said we only rode lions if we were in a hurry, otherwise we got the zebras. XD
zizwop - 8 years ago
+Rimu N -that's funny. I have a friend through a social media site that lives in Nairobi, his English is better than a lot of my American friends -hahahaha
Jack Amling
Jack Amling - 8 years ago
I'm from Australia and when I went to America they asked if we road kangaroos to school so I see where ur coming from
Mimi N. K. O.
Mimi N. K. O. - 8 years ago
+Rimu N I'm Kenyan too, and I literally had someone ask me how I got here (Australia) and I was fed up with those kinds of questions, so I told them that I had a special connection with all animals, so lions and elephants and rhinos carried me to the ocean and then killer whales and dolphins swam with me to the shore and then kangaroos and dingoes carried me the rest of the way. They asked me whether it was just me and I was like: "No, it's just the way things are in Africa, like we're all connected in the Circle of Life, so we all live together in peace and harmony". They asked where I got my clothes and I told them that ants had made them for me (never mind the fact that the clothes were clearly NOT even close to looking like plant matter). They believed it all, and I was able to hold it together, until they asked how my English was so good. I said the air hostesses on the plane taught me and they were so amazed...
I thought that was the end of it, but it turns out they went and told all their friends so I was asked to repeat the story over and over. I changed it each time, exaggerating more and more, and they STILL believed me (so did their friends). Finally, one of their friends was like: "Wait, didn't you say you were brought here by animals? So then how does an air hostess teach you English on a plane???"
That person hated me for the rest of our (unfortunate) encounters with one another but I honestly didn't care. I try to surround myself with people who think for themselves. If you're gonna sit there and let me drag you in circles that you buy into just because of stereotypes......BYE FELICIA!

Another thing I'm tired of constantly hearing:
"Is your hair real?"
"Can I touch it?"
"Is that your actual hair?"
"(after I went to school with natural hair one day and had extensions in by the next day) OMG, your hair grows so fast! I wish I had hair like that!"

Rimu N
Rimu N - 9 years ago
Oh they even ask you how you came to America, like they think we came by ship. I once told someone I swam here and they were like "Really?" Another one is they think we live in the middle of the maasai mara and live a topless lifestyle in huts roaming free with animals. They think we have lions in our gardens and shit like that. I remember when I had only been here for two weeks and people kept asking my sister and I how our English was so good. We were so confused until we figured out they thought we learned English in America in the mere two weeks we had been there...They wanted to put us in ESL like the education was so superior. Pssh, aced regular English and ended up in honors classes. In college, actually helped people write literature papers... 
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+wangui njoroge
What language do you speak in Kenya?
It's so stupid how some people think that a person who's immigrated across an ocean was born in a hut...
Rimu N
Rimu N - 9 years ago
+wangui njoroge A classic one isn't even that. "Do you speak African?" Like what even?
Vinny Raptor
Vinny Raptor - 9 years ago
Wow. Were the people who asked these questions American?
wangui njoroge
wangui njoroge - 9 years ago
I was once asked, do you speak Kenyan?
ateh dieudonne
ateh dieudonne - 9 years ago
I told a Romanian once am from Africa and she asked me if I have ever owned a lion for a pet. I have never seen a lion or any wild animal in my life time. She was so supprised. Some ask me why I speak African. Lol
Kyma Nwagboso
Kyma Nwagboso - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long sublime
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+ateh dieudonne
Tell her you were chased by a tiger. See if she ever figures out that tigers are form Asia :)
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
You should have said "yes. His name is Aslan and we defend Narnia together"
Jimmy Qi
Jimmy Qi - 9 years ago
Southern Californian accent sounds really stupid, just like speaking with a sticky and melting taffy under the tongue.
Martha Durham
Martha Durham - 9 years ago
Hello Trevor, Have you ever considered being a singer? I bet you would be amazing.
Spaceish - 9 years ago
MachineGunMouth - 9 years ago
everybody has a got damm story to tell. no one cares........ burp.....
dude - 9 years ago
Once an American guy, and I was present, asked a couple of middle easterners;"Are you two like rich? Do you have oil wells?"
dude - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long I didn't say he asked me. Someone asks a question that stupid, people just laugh at him.
" Dont tell me he planned to invade you on his own."
What's the deal with you, saying that? You don't believe me? who cares!
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
What did you tell him? Dont tell me he planned to invade you on his own.
Palash Aggrawal
Palash Aggrawal - 9 years ago
What was the last part about?? like what was so funny when he said about "shower"?
stackfl0w - 9 years ago
Oh I had a bit of the AIDs. It's cool tho. I washed it off.
Jakira Kumahata
Jakira Kumahata - 9 years ago
Dumb question but why did people laugh at the shower joke?
Jovan Blom
Jovan Blom - 8 years ago
Yeah, and he should've gotten AIDS for that - why the frak didn't he? This world is skewed......
ZhangtheGreat - 8 years ago
That is hilarious...and sad at the same time. This is the damn president of a major rising power we're talking about after all.
Ivan Lopez
Ivan Lopez - 9 years ago
+Lwando Lawrence Moshani jajajaja thanks now i can laugh too jajajajaja
Jakira Kumahata
Jakira Kumahata - 9 years ago
+Lwando Lawrence Moshani That's amazing. Thank you so much.
Lwando Lawrence Moshani
Lwando Lawrence Moshani - 9 years ago
Well the South African president Jacob Zuma , was involved in a scandal where he had unprotected sex with a HIV+ woman. When asked about this in court he said he took a cold shower after the sex so that he could not get AIDS and everyone lost their minds -the end.
betelhem assefa
betelhem assefa - 9 years ago
... freshening the stupidity!

.... Ha Ha Ha ...
Hockey Patriot
Hockey Patriot - 9 years ago
Sounds like Meegan from those Key & Peele sketches
Max - 9 years ago
This stupid american girl he is describing...god i hate those bitches
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 9 years ago
Those unnecessary moves in surfing absolutely serve a purpose. U do it to gain more speed and get by sections and it also feels amazing.
TheRegalEagle2014 - 9 years ago
LMAO! He's hilarious. I know of the sort of girls he speaks....they've never left LA county or the OC for very long, so what do you expect?
TickleMeShlomo - 9 years ago
actually south africa has some of the best surfing and best surfers in the world.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
And it has sharks....lots and lots of sharks.....
Abdulrahman Alnafia
Abdulrahman Alnafia - 9 years ago
This fella is too funny
Aniket Rudraksha
Aniket Rudraksha - 9 years ago
his Californian accent rofl :D
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Im from california and we dont all talk like that. Well...where im from at least. Im from northern california. That accent is your typical SoCal (southern california) accent.
Tiztu - 9 years ago
A couple years back, I used to go on Omegle for shits and giggles, and I remember talking to this Canadian guy who was like "oh you're Brazilian, so you like soccer", and I said to him "oh you're Canadian, so you like hockey?", then he just said "check-mate".
Cathrine Lundqvist
Cathrine Lundqvist - 8 years ago
To be even more fair, Brazil is pretty damn religiously attached to it's futbol ;P
LrsLzk - 9 years ago
+Tiztu He probably did like hockey to be fair...
Vinny Raptor
Vinny Raptor - 9 years ago
Lol. You took him to school! XD
Memefield - 9 years ago
As a south African myself, I would love to bring some knowledge down on murica.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 8 years ago
+Kel0390 your state voted for rick perry and ted cruz. You lose all credibility as a state
Kel0390 - 8 years ago
+Anthony Long Wow, I live in Texas. Why do you say that?
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long I'm an atheist with a college degree and a moral compass so...
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Nicholas Peterman christian redneck assholes cant grasp onto that concept
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long That's idiotic.  But, it being legal does not imply that everyone does it or that it is a common practice.  Just like legalizing gay marriage won't suddenly make everyone decide to be gay.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Nicholas Peterman in half the country, it's legal to bang a horse.
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Disciple Of Dishonest Truth Aren't there states where that is legal?  Florida isn't one.
AB Original
AB Original - 9 years ago
Didn't someone in Florida have sex with a dog. The only good thing in Florida is the sexy ladies.
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Disciple Of Dishonest Truth Florida isn't so bad. Plenty of decent people over here, so watch where you aim please. :D
AB Original
AB Original - 9 years ago
Yeah the Southern part of America sucks.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
As an american...drop the knowledge on the southern US and drop it really hard on them. Make a second grand canyon out of it.
Me_2 - 9 years ago
this guy isn't funny at all
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+123lowp Your opinion. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Me_2 - 9 years ago
they picked this guy for Daily Show??? wow... I'm done watching Daily Show
Bee. Happy
Bee. Happy - 9 years ago
Can someone please explain the shower joke at the end? Didn't get the reference.
Daniel Ngongang
Daniel Ngongang - 9 years ago
+Bee. Happy the South African President, Jacob Zuma was once accused of of raping a young woman. he denied the accusation saying the sex was consensual. Someone asked him if he wasn't afraid of getting AIDS, he said he took a shower right after and so he couldn't contract HIV
EsammyE820 E
EsammyE820 E - 9 years ago
How come SA is the rape capital of the world ?
Bee. Happy
Bee. Happy - 9 years ago
+Thapelo Radebe OMG! Unbelievable! People like him shouldn't exist.
Bee. Happy
Bee. Happy - 9 years ago
+Thapelo Radebe wait so he confessed to raping her and got away with it??! Sadly such politicians are in every party in any country.
Yulia Matveev
Yulia Matveev - 9 years ago
This is shocking!!! What is his name? He did he manage to get aeay from it?!
Yulia Matveev
Yulia Matveev - 9 years ago
+Thapelo Radebe OMG
Veritas - 9 years ago
Can someone explain the shower/president joke?
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Veritas Some idiot said that you can cure AIDS by taking a shower. Guess he was a president.
Guesstahw - 9 years ago
Trevor is hilarious. and he's not even using explicit sexual jokes which many comedians (like Russel Peters recently) use as their biggest leverage ..
toseeornot2see - 9 years ago
An American once asked a friend of mine if we have internet in New Zealand. She told him that since New Zealand is so far away from everyone, we don't have the basic technology every other developed nation takes for granted.
JP Sfeir
JP Sfeir - 9 years ago
I'm from Lebanon, what I get is Lesbian.
titi owo
titi owo - 9 years ago
+ali ahmed what does Lebanon have to do with Tunisia. Tunisia is African while Lebanon is Middle East
ali ahmed
ali ahmed - 9 years ago
hhhh I'm Tunisian , nice to meet uu
manuvaa1 - 9 years ago
In Texas, I was once asked if I had seen any lions in my backyard when I lived in Africa. This question came from a Veterinarian.
Peter Bynoe
Peter Bynoe - 9 years ago
welcome racist American
Ben O
Ben O - 9 years ago
How many people got the Shower reference?
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Ben O Retroactively.
Tankiso Komako
Tankiso Komako - 9 years ago
hahahahahah this is funny .......
Znander Pertander
Znander Pertander - 9 years ago
0:17 Turn on Close Captions
Marco Mejia
Marco Mejia - 9 years ago
Sooo, The Last Part Was An Inside Joke ?
Percy N.D
Percy N.D - 9 years ago
+Marco Mejia Definitely. Check the comments above, it's explained...
Muarif Sumahar
Muarif Sumahar - 9 years ago
love the impression
Olivier Mosimann
Olivier Mosimann - 9 years ago
is this bloke supposed to be funny..??
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Olivier Mosimann Humor is subjective.
anissast - 9 years ago
I don't get the reference at the end. Someone help out please
TheGreatCat123 - 9 years ago
I can totally relate... to the experience Trevor has with some Americans...
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+TheGreatCat123 Thank you for saying some.
NO DATA - 9 years ago
yeah people damn you
Juan Potgieter
Juan Potgieter - 9 years ago
I know exactly what he is talking about my family moved to Australia in 1998 and sometime after that I was in school and it came up that I was from south Africa and these girls became very interested in me asking all these questions like Did I live in a hut? or did I have a Zebra as a pet? but the one that made me laugh was the one girl asked if I was eaten by a lion?!
Nicholas Farrell
Nicholas Farrell - 7 years ago
Us Australians cop it bad as well though. Once was having a conversation with an American online and when asked where I live he was surprised to find that we have metropolitan areas, Internet and was shocked that kangaroos roaming the streets and being rideable wasn't a thing. Of course he asked about the bugs and asked me "Don't you guys have spiders the size of car tyres ". Now that's just ridiculous.
Stephanie Julia
Stephanie Julia - 7 years ago
Ever seen a chupacabra though? Most traumatic event of my life.
Stephanie Julia
Stephanie Julia - 7 years ago
Did they have data plans in1998? This guy could be sending out a plea for help from inside a lion...
Unlimited517 - 7 years ago
Just ask about them if they'd ever been attacked by a drop bear
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
Mark Richardson
Blatant Racism at its finest, thx u for proving that not only whites can be racist
Mark Richardson
Mark Richardson - 8 years ago
saying it again, can't help it, stupid ass, white people.
Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee - 9 years ago
+Gasparagus Productions A lot of the white people were afraid of black people taking over after apartheid. Trevor made a joke about it in one of his other shows, how all the white people were running off to Australia.
Gasparagus Productions
Gasparagus Productions - 9 years ago
There seem to be a surplus of South Africans I'm finding in Australia these days! I love it.
Feras Al Hati
Feras Al Hati - 9 years ago
Dude they were fucking with you.
Joni Rose
Joni Rose - 9 years ago
+Juan Potgieter Well, were you?
Bts_slays_my_life - 9 years ago
lol u made ma day
Itscooliknowryt? Yeah!
Itscooliknowryt? Yeah! - 9 years ago
lmao !
Jan - 9 years ago
I'm from Nepal and I've met a few tourists on the road and they ask me if I have climbed Mount Everest, like that's something we Nepalese do everyday. XD
John Patrick
John Patrick - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, but if I lived in Nepal that's definitely something I would do at least once.
Maybe not climb it but go visit and see it.
But I get that not everyone is outdoorsy or even has the means or time but I can definitely see why people ask you.
Chiyu Akimoto
Chiyu Akimoto - 7 years ago
Jan Don't you?
Kanika Garal
Kanika Garal - 7 years ago
Jan i still laugh at this comment
lexandlens - 7 years ago
ayyy eccentric !
Impala 67
Impala 67 - 7 years ago
Jan well it can be worse. I'm from Germany and when I did an exchange to France they asked me if I like Hitler and if he was my grandfather. To be fair tho this happens not always when we travel, most people are very very nice. I guess every country has its stereotypes and associations, some are funny and positive and others are not. I've always found it very funny when I was asked if all I drank was beer and so on ^^
Jan - 7 years ago
Hey, thank you, mate. It's nice of you to say that. :)
Alex R.
Alex R. - 7 years ago
so, did you tho? :D:D
Het D Shah
Het D Shah - 7 years ago
Man your country is not small. Its beautiful and has huge potential.
Btw I'm from your southern neighbour
and we simply love your country
MaryAnn - 8 years ago
say "Yes , yes i have climbed mount everest. Many many times. We climb it every other weekend. Without an oxygen tank. "
Tiki80 - 8 years ago
Jan lmaoo
Jan - 8 years ago
Haha. I put that name intentionally because I'm a Chelsea fan.
Sigart - 8 years ago
Amazingly, coming from Denmark, I hjave never been confronted directly with this sort of stupidity. Though I've heard of it. My favourite is "So... the capital of Ikea, right?" although to be fair... those kinds of tales tends to get embellighed.
Paul S.
Paul S. - 8 years ago
Yes, our tab water is also bottled and sold all over europe. No, I don't wear a berret. I am not 80 years old. I do eat baguette and I drive a peugeot. And sod you, I'm not french.
schplafff - 8 years ago
+Paul S.
Is water/milk/whatever safe to drink ? (even the water that goes down the toilet is safe to drink over here)
Do you shower ?
Do you have a moustache / wear a beret insert cartoon stereotype here ?
Do your rifles come with a white flag instead of a bayonet ?
I could probably go on. Like, forever. =)
Soul S.
Soul S. - 8 years ago
dude.... just say Yea and brag about it... if you don't know an answer to their question, invent some shit... Like You got the best 'weapon' to get laid and you're not abusing it...
crupeople - 8 years ago
i know how you feel. im British and you have had no idea how many times Americans have asked me if i drink tea or have bad teeth...
Paul S.
Paul S. - 8 years ago
+schplafff What do you mean?
ABCD12345 - 8 years ago
+Jan Terry hahaha i know right! I told them Mt. Everest is in my backyard. LOL
schplafff - 8 years ago
+Jan Terry For awkward questions, try being french... some are mindblowstupidingly amazing. ^^
Jan - 8 years ago
+Toussaints' Wrath Haha. No. Climbing the Mt. Everest takes fortune. I don't have that kind of money. XD
Toussaints' Wrath
Toussaints' Wrath - 8 years ago
+Jan Terry Did you? Did you climb the, ever?
Spanish Inquisition
Spanish Inquisition - 9 years ago
+danny -EF us brits are too busy drinking tea for stuff like the Big Ben.
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
+TheYasmineFlower haha funny reply fish head haha. How come they call you fish heads?
TheYasmineFlower - 9 years ago
+Libby Bollinger You could always open an atlas... couldn't you? Or try one of those cute Jigsaw puzzles on the web where you have to drag the right state (or perhaps federal state in this case) to it's place on the map.

But you could also swing by with a knowledge of where which big city is and where what culture is predominant. That's really easy: West and southwest is carnival, south is Lederhosen, east is Nazis, north is fishheads.
Me, I'm a fishhead myself.
Paul S.
Paul S. - 9 years ago
Depends on where you're from... If you're german thats quite a lack in knowledge, but if you're from australia, I absolutely understand you haven't got a clue. But its a Grand-duchy, so its a real monarchist, although democratic form of state. We have our own language etc. But we did belong to France, Spain and the Netherlands for quite a while, hence the multicultural environment
Libby Bollinger
Libby Bollinger - 9 years ago
+Paul S. Until recently, I had thought that Luxembourg was like a duchy in Germany. Granted, my knowledge of Germany is more related to medieval geography, so I think of everything in the Holy Roman Empire (minus Italy of course) as being part of modern day Germany.
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry I'm certainly going to try to visit before I pop my clogs.
CaptainFluff - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry So you're from Nepal. But why is your name Jan Terry?
Jan - 9 years ago
+Stephen Howe History says so too. Do visit the country. It's absolute bliss :)
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
+Lalita Budathoki I'd love to visit Nepal. I've met quite a few ghurkkas and they are the nicest most humble people you could wish to meet and really tough.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry also when people look at your name, do they mistake you for John Terry? A footballer for Chelsea FC? Lol
Bharat Rasali
Bharat Rasali - 9 years ago
fells bro
Jan - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long They haven't asked me yet. But people do mistake Nepal as a part of India. And when the news breaks out, every Nepalese people turn into god mode and abuse that particular person or group. XD
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry im curious. Has anyone ever asked you if Nepal is part of India? Lol
Lennon Clifford
Lennon Clifford - 9 years ago
+danny -EF Northampton I'm from there to lol
Paul S.
Paul S. - 9 years ago
Yes, some people haven't got a clue... but yeah. the last time someone though it was somewhere in england it was a girl from londonshire. 
Not So FlappyBird
Not So FlappyBird - 9 years ago
That was a joke in case anyone questioned it.
Not So FlappyBird
Not So FlappyBird - 9 years ago
+Paul S. England? Realyl? Every city / town / whatever  in England ends in Shire!
Paul S.
Paul S. - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry This is quite amusing. I'm also from a small country, very very small actually. I'm from Luxembourg, so immediately people assume my parents own a bank and are billionaires if they have ever heard of the country. If not, they think its Germany, france belgium or even in england...
Not So FlappyBird
Not So FlappyBird - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long're kinda scaring because your so passionate about this subject.....X3
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Im american. People ask me "do you like McDonalds?" To me all the time.....i prefer Wendy's. I prefer an attractive redhead and i think clowns are creepy as fuck.
Not So FlappyBird
Not So FlappyBird - 9 years ago
+The0Skeleton123 Ok if you guys have actually experienced that from Americans i'm gonna shove my head into a car's exhaust pipe. X3
The0Skeleton123 - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry :D mate it doesn't help, if you live in a more "popular" country like, Germany. Some people (cough 'Mericans) also think that every German wears Lederhosen, drinks beer all the time and eat Bretzeln all day. 
People have their sterotypes and stupid or uneducated think they are true.
Not So FlappyBird
Not So FlappyBird - 9 years ago
+Nischal Prajapati I don't, I doesn't make sense to. I would be a different story if that person was from New York or Liaoning. I wouldn't ask someone from Alabama or Beijing.
Jan - 9 years ago
+Jon Snow I am.
Jan - 9 years ago
+JayPii Kudos!
Lusitani Mendes
Lusitani Mendes - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry i know where nepal is....
Salome Mkervalidze
Salome Mkervalidze - 9 years ago
Roblox Ninja56
Roblox Ninja56 - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry like do you have roads, like is that super new there? no sorry just joking
Jan - 9 years ago
+Lalita Budathoki Aah. Tell me about it. I guess this "missing home while abroad" syndrome happens to everyone. But I'm looking forward to new challenges. Living in the same country for a long time can be monotonous and I believe a change in the environment could help refresh my body and mind. Anyways, you have a good time there. Cheers :)
Lalu B
Lalu B - 9 years ago
+Jan Terry it is but you will definitely miss our country. Especially all the big commotions about the festivals. And the people and food.
Jan - 9 years ago
+Lalita Budathoki Haha. Aah. Being a citizen of a small and unknown country has its disadvantages. Anyways, I'll be leaving Nepal soon. I hear New Zealand is a really nice place. :)
Lalu B
Lalu B - 9 years ago
I too am from Nepal and I'm now living in New Zealand and I get asked that. But some people don't even know that Mouth Everest is in Nepal, there was a person that actually thought that it was located in New Zealand.
danny -EF
danny -EF - 9 years ago
in Northampton, nearly 100km from London.. crazy, right?
Jan - 9 years ago
+danny -EF Haha! Where do you live? In Hull?
danny -EF
danny -EF - 9 years ago
dude I'm living in England and I have never seen Big Ben in real life
Nischal Prajapati
Nischal Prajapati - 9 years ago
+danny -EF i'm not trying to be rude but if someone says they're american, do you ask them if they've been to the top of the statue of liberty or ask someone from china if they've been to their great wall
danny -EF
danny -EF - 9 years ago
or maybe they think that would be something amazing and they are curious if you did it because you are from Nepal so you have big oppourtunity to make it happen
Stephen Morris
Stephen Morris - 9 years ago
Suid-Afrika het 'n paar van die beste plekke om te navigeer op die aarde!
Joshua Ward
Joshua Ward - 9 years ago
+Stephen Morris Dis waar.
Cruxador - 9 years ago
I feel like a lot of people assume Californians are dumber than is really the case; those sorts of questions are intentionally that way to give you a chance to shoot the shit. She didn't actually care about the answers to her questions, she was just giving an opportunity to have something to talk about and be knowledgeable. She was trying to be friendly. This is a totally normal thing to do here.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
I'm not talking about all Californians, or stupid questions in general, if that's what you're thinking. I'm talking about this specific scenario.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
'Are there waves in Africa,' is not a legitimate question to start a conversation. That would be 'what are the waves like in Africa,' and even then there's an element of ignorance, since waves are different in different parts of Africa.
And if she was trying to give him an opportunity to say something smart, she wouldn't have run back to go surfing the second she got it out. Which she did.
If that was the one stupid question, I'd agree that there's a possibility she's just just bad at social interaction. But after two or three mind-numbing questions, there's no doubt that she actually does think these are legitimate questions.
Cruxador - 9 years ago
The latter, as I said from the beginning. As you're demonstrating, some people are quite bad at conversation and need all the help they can get. "are there waves in Africa" gives him the opportunity to talk about what the waves are like. Of course the short answer is "yes" but it's not supposed to just be a yes or no question unless he wants to blow her off.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
Are you saying she was trying to learn? Or trying to let him say something smart?
Because whatever reason she said those things for, she was highlighting her own ignorance. If she thinks 'Are there waves in Africa' is a legitimate question that will give him the opportunity to say something, she really is uninformed.
As for 'Have you ever had AIDS?' from what he was saying, she believed him when he said you can get AIDS and recover. And she wasn't trying to learn about something general, if she was asking if he personally had it.
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+some person She wasn't trying to be knowledgeable herself, but to give an opportunity to be knowledgeable.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
She was trying to be knowledgeable, but in asking questions, she showed that she's never so much as looked at a map with African countries labelled on it.
Mustafa M
Mustafa M - 9 years ago
I agree actually
Bella Vita
Bella Vita - 9 years ago
"She was trying to be friendly." "She didn't actually care about the answers."
Yeah that's really polite & friendly
Kabelo Kay
Kabelo Kay - 9 years ago
+jeddy benson Lmao
jeddy benson
jeddy benson - 9 years ago
you must be related to her
abyssiniyangirl - 9 years ago
True story, my coworker once asked me if South Africa was like the new york of Africa.
Faisel Muktar
Faisel Muktar - 9 years ago
I was studying somewhere in Asia, an associate professor asked me to stand up in a class and asked "DO YOU HAVE ANY UNIVERSITY IN YOUR COUNTRY?" lolz
SamIAm - 9 years ago
what the hell was he ranting about at the end?  was he serious or just being funny?  I didn't get it.
SamIAm - 9 years ago
Thanks for clarifying....!
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
President of South Africa claimed to have taken a shower to keep himself from getting AIDS. People laughed at the joke and he pretended to defend the president's actions by ranting. It was sarcasm basically
Sixth Jayhawk
Sixth Jayhawk - 9 years ago
@1:54-- isn't the South African coast one of the best surfing spots in the world?
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+Sixth Jayhawk
Maybe in most of SA, but not Johannesburg?
SuperCrazybumblebee - 9 years ago
+Sixth Jayhawk J. Bay awesome but sharks ya know.
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
yeah it's the best bra,but there are too many sharks
Mayadah Maher
Mayadah Maher - 9 years ago
He says a word in the middle of that show that sounds like "fotak" or something .. what does it mean???
Mayadah Maher
Mayadah Maher - 9 years ago
+Jetaime Gallant
I found out what it was. It's "Voetsek" and it means get lost. thanx for replying anyways :D
davidenko speed
davidenko speed - 9 years ago
Daaaaaaam thats LSP NOT GIRL
Shawn Summers
Shawn Summers - 9 years ago
I don't get the last joke about taking a shower and the president? Someone please help.
Carla Venter
Carla Venter - 9 years ago
+Shawn Summers The South African president Jacob Zuma once said he took a shower because he was afraid of getting HIV after not using protection. Been a joke ever since. (Trevor is South AFrican)
Ivan Kyle Alele acuda
Ivan Kyle Alele acuda - 9 years ago
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
You should have said "i reenacted 'the life of pi'"
Ben Netherway
Ben Netherway - 9 years ago
I once told an American person than I was Welsh and he said:
"Wow you picked English up well.."
Couldn't help but think that he didn't. ..
SW K - 7 years ago
Ben Netherway lol from far east
TotalRookie_LV - 7 years ago
I guess each individual case is different, there are 1,4 million people of my "tribe" in whole world (which is approximately three times fewer than Welsh people), yet most of us speak our native language as the first one, but, of course, since we are so few, most of us speak at least 2-3 languages, as there is no way only one would be enough, unless someone lives in a rural area. History shows, language will not die out, if people speak it at home among themselves, then it doesn't matter if it's official or on contrary - suppressed by the state, which has happened in my country while it was under some empires.
Phoebe Mae
Phoebe Mae - 7 years ago
Ben Netherway actually i was born in wales in a real rural village and didnt know any english til i moved to Australia so
theJade - 8 years ago
Ben Netherway On the brighter side of things, at least he didn't say, "You speak English good".
VideoRocketz007 Millar
VideoRocketz007 Millar - 8 years ago
Don't feel bad. I went to Ohio and told ppl I live in San Francisco. They ignored what I said and wanted to know about los Angeles. Ughhhhh they think the entire state of California is one city.. Such weenies..
Caster090 - 8 years ago
+Pieter Botha the british
Pieter Botha
Pieter Botha - 8 years ago
+cristian proust Who are you actually referring to as the people with a sophisticated profile in your last paragraph? The Americans?
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 8 years ago
+Alejandro Romero that's some people's mentality. I've heard El Salvador has some amazing scenery and the people are meant to be so nice
Alejandro Romero
Alejandro Romero - 8 years ago
I once told some people that I was from El Salvador (it's a Spanish Latin American country, please look it up). I told them that I went there for about 3 months and as soon as I said that they jumped on me asking if I had been mugged or had any drugs with the gangs. this was extremely offensive because even though El Salvador does have violent gangs, it has extensive natural beauty and a very interesting culture and way of life. it hurts to see how so many people automatically jump to conclusions about countries they don't know about.
some person
some person - 9 years ago
It's the spring break crowd, but that's a crowd that's mostly American.
Again, I understand that most Americans wouldn't act like that.
But if you average out respectfulness across all tourists from each country, the US would definitely not be at the top. Yes, every country has some disrespectful tourists. But the US's worst tourists are some of the world's worst.
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
It is a city of drugs and prostitutes I lived there and Americans were terrible
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+Stephen Howe Amsterdam has a reputation in the US as a city of drugs and prostitution.
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
+some person I've seen loads of Americans been proper dicks in Amsterdam and they were far from respectful they were a bunch of ignorant loud mouthed racist cunts
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+some person That behavior would be considered inappropriate in America too. Sounds like it was probably the spring break crowd, who are notorious for being a crowd of oversexed drunken partiers that fuck everything up but also pay a ton of money (which is the only reason they're tolerated anywhere).
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+cristian proust
Please don't go on about how respectful americans are abroad. I went to the Dominican Republic, and went on a boat ride. It was supposed to be a family-friendly thing, but most of the passengers were americans, and they were incredibly drunk. Once we were off the boat, they were grinding against each other in public, and one fell over and couldn't get up...
I understand not all Americans act that way, but Americans are certainly NOT the role model for respectful behavior abroad. For many Americans, there's a strong sense of pride, but for quite a few, the strongest sense is one of entitlement.
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
+cristian proust I'm English and you got it about perfect
Ben Netherway
Ben Netherway - 9 years ago
+jayjaydubful It's ridiculous ain't it, an American was amazed I bought a book in America and was reading it.
Jessica - 9 years ago
I've had that happen to me in America as an English person. People also asked if we had buses in England, and doctors
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+Brandon Dollar I bet you didn't even really know that and had to go look up the city's name.
Brandon Dollar
Brandon Dollar - 9 years ago
+Mark Coetzee The only thing I know about Wales is that they have a city called:

david yang
david yang - 9 years ago
+Ben Netherway In US, we have people that live here as US citizens without speaking any English at all. So, at least from our perspective, it is not that ridiculous.
cristian proust
cristian proust - 9 years ago
+Ben Netherway Well dude,stupid?. In europe people would struggle to know the same and we share political alliances (how much Catalan it is spoken in Cataluña?. Do you know?). 
Americans are way more respectful than brits abroad, because as another guy said, they believe people are proud, and they show deep respect. I don't know welsh that much (I hook up with a girl once, just the accent was particular), but english tend to criticize a lot and (less than the french of course, but far from Irish, the most friendly), and the drinking and the "overweight" ladies.. damn, americans behave a lot better in that respect than brits (excluding northern Irish) . 

To be honest, I think you "oxford englishmen" exported to US show a sophisticated profile that most brits don't fulfill at all. There is a gloomy lack of hope, social resentment and all comes out with the alcohol (a great deal of violence in not absent either). Don't take this as an attempt too be acid, I'm interested in your opinion, maybe welsh people are way different.
Gabriel S
Gabriel S - 9 years ago
+Ben Netherway definitely funny, but somewhat understandable considering the general ignorance people have of knowledge they're not spoon-fed or exposed to. she prob thought welsh was like being dutch haha
Ben Netherway
Ben Netherway - 9 years ago
+Cruxador well its pretty stupid to assume that the most widespread language in the world wouldnt be spoken in the country next to it, especially with such a small language like welsh as the alternative.
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+Ben Netherway Americans tend to assume other people have pride in their own countries/heritage, since in the US that's seen as a good and aspirational thing. Implying that you don't speak Welsh as your first language would have been a potential insult.
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
+Mark Coetzee I'm a springbok lol
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
+Ben Netherway I don't really know so much about Wales besides their great rugby lol but I always thought most of them speak English,or coherent English
Ben Netherway
Ben Netherway - 9 years ago
Yeah we do have english as the primary language, as we are part of the UK, and welsh isnt really spoken at all
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
lmfao,but don't the Welsh speak English as their first language?? aren't use part of the British colony??? correct me if I'm wrong king
Crow Face
Crow Face - 9 years ago
What's sad is that there are people that are actually that stupid. As a Canadian who works for a popular American fast-food chain. Three guesses which. I can assure you that a good 95 percent of the American customers I've encounter have had less than average intellect.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Bella Vita dont worry. We are nice people for the most part.
Bella Vita
Bella Vita - 9 years ago
+Crow Face Sounds very familiar..Here in Europe, the Americans I've met haven't exactly impressed. And since those were mostly students from US universities, you'd expect a higher standard. Hell I don't wanna know what the rest is like
James Thomo
James Thomo - 9 years ago
The most gifted comedian in the world. Keep it up bro.
deadbirdy - 9 years ago
That's first time I've heard in and said he wasn't funny he just was not funny at all
Athena SuperHeldin
Athena SuperHeldin - 9 years ago
I come from a small country in Africa and am currently a student in Germany. We were talking about languages and then he asked me if I speak african. -_- I then just asked him if he speaks European.
Marshall Walton
Marshall Walton - 7 years ago
Africa has there own national language in his defence and Europe does not as it's structured different and is developed and has culture Africa not so much
Crazy Wolfgang
Crazy Wolfgang - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin Well, you haven't even told us what country you're from
James Dick
James Dick - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin u wanna be white bruh? you so beautiful
James Dick
James Dick - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin i love you
Niki91-HR - 7 years ago
I saw that someone mentioned SLAVIC people... we do have latin alphabet... Croatia (south slavic) for example where I am from uses latin alphabet.... Serbia, Russia, Ukraine use for example cyrillic
Niki91-HR - 7 years ago
I was born in Germany and was also raised there (I am originally from another country)...german aren't that stupid...but even there are some hopeless cases xD
Ang _56
Ang _56 - 7 years ago
Mase T Youre right that is a long shot, a VEERRYY long shot.
M Anon
M Anon - 7 years ago
Or... this is a long shot, but maybe, just maybe... he was asking if you speak "Afrikaan" and not "African".
Maybe he just pronounced it incorrectly and instead of correcting him, you've chosen to assume he's ignorant and didn't know the difference between a continent and a language used on that continent.

Now who's ignorant?
Ang _56
Ang _56 - 7 years ago
Brad Geffrard No dude. No. If I "accidentally" said to a French person "Do you speak European?" That's not a common mistake, that's just stupid.....
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
Ang _56
That's my point some populations share the same name as their country and some don't, so if u don't really know which are which ur bound to accidentally say something like that
Ang _56
Ang _56 - 7 years ago
Brad Geffrard Okay? Puerto Rican people are called Puerto Rican but there's not a language called "Puerto Rican". Nigerians (myself) are called Nigerian but there is no language called " Nigerian" or "African"
Brad Geffrard
Brad Geffrard - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin
Well Americans/British are called the English and their language is also called English
Ang _56
Ang _56 - 7 years ago
swamidude I think you are thinking of the language Afrikaans, not African. And I doubt that the people who ask "do you speak African" are referring to the South African language. They are just ignorant and think African is is language . Just as there are people who think Mexican and American are languages. Just sad
swamidude - 7 years ago
African actually is a lanuage, spoken in South Africa and a sister language of Dutch. However if someone isnt from South Africa its weird to ask. However did you also introduce yourself as being from Africa? As I could hardly imagine somebody from Eritrea would get that question. As it should be overall well known that its North east Africa. My topographical knowledge might sometimes be lacking when it comes to Africa, I'll be honest, but at least when I hear a countries name I can place it reasonably well, as not on the complete opposite of the fucking continent.

But then again, ignorant people live everywhere, America doesnt have a patent on them :p
Ang _56
Ang _56 - 7 years ago
Yes! I'm Nigerian and a Hispanic girl asked me if I speak African, so I asked her if she spoke Mexican .......
Toyin Thomas
Toyin Thomas - 7 years ago
amber o me too!
amber o
amber o - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin oh god im half german half nigerian and i get that question all the time
Zoë - 7 years ago
roxen moore Afrikaans is similar to Dutch though. Are you sure it's a tribal thing? >.>;
TokyoGhouls 4 eva
TokyoGhouls 4 eva - 7 years ago
Same, its funny how germans think we have an universal language in india ;D
roxen moore
roxen moore - 7 years ago
alice kumwenda its actually afrikaans...and its tribal. Its not for all Africans
JG - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin Hey I am An Indian student in Germany too and my friends also asked me what Indian sounds like! XDBut it's ok when I told them we have over 22 languages they found it amusing :) But I guess I have also asked a lot of silly questions to my German friends but I think that how we learn .We should respect different cultures and learn from each other
alice kumwenda
alice kumwenda - 7 years ago
Carveros yes there is language called africans and its found in south africa
angryjunkyard Professor
angryjunkyard Professor - 7 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin what about affrikaans?
Elfaia - 7 years ago
What, you don't speak african?!
hauptmann25 - 7 years ago
Do you tough?
Niobesnuppa - 7 years ago
LOL, we had some exchange students from Kenya in my class (Norway), and somebody in my class asked them that exact same question.
MaryAnn - 8 years ago
haha same, people ask me if i speak indian XD
2ossy - 8 years ago
Athena SuperHeldin

Well do you?
Debbie Marquis
Debbie Marquis - 8 years ago
good answer!
Toussaints' Wrath
Toussaints' Wrath - 8 years ago
+Mimi N. K. O.
lmfao What are you talking about? And, I know that. Fuck you, and the honkeys.
Mimi N. K. O.
Mimi N. K. O. - 8 years ago
+Toussaints&#39; Wrath There are literally over 50 countries in Africa, and you think that they all share one language??? (That's not even taking into account the fact that some countries have tribes, which also have their own dialects)
Toussaints' Wrath
Toussaints' Wrath - 8 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Do you? Well, do you speak African?
TheYasmineFlower - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Well, we like to think we do speak European... I remember, one of my classmates kept insisting, sometime in 9th grade or 10th grade or so, that all African people live in huts and are poor. I was like "WTF? We had a textbook with one picture and an article by a girl from an African country explaining how they were more modern than people knew", but I was unsuccessful in explaining it to her.
But then again, German education. Not much hope there.

Were you on a semester abroad or are you a long-term student in Germany? (It's late, I don't know if that's the right word. Whatever)
some person
some person - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin
You had a great response XD
Howzer The man
Howzer The man - 9 years ago
Haha the African continent has 100s if not 1000s of different languages
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin where was this people are really dumb in America, hence the hatred of Donald trump
Athena SuperHeldin
Athena SuperHeldin - 9 years ago
+Sebastian M That is a language spoken in south africa and is even spelled differently. The guy asked me if I spoke african. There is no such language.
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
+Sebastian M I gave hiv to ur mother 
Sebastian M
Sebastian M - 9 years ago
isn't there a language "afrikaans"? I think it came from the colonial states of the Netherlands
Zhi Chen
Zhi Chen - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin I get asked if i speak China... it's common... among idiots
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Hey but in case that don't work out and mine don't work, how would u like to move to  amurrrca
Athena SuperHeldin
Athena SuperHeldin - 9 years ago
+Collin Hennessy Thank you very much. And what you said about meeting someone before the love is exactly what I am going through right now. Thank you very much for your advice. I truly needed it. 
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin you are gorgeous, read my comments below plz 
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
now i've known that trick for a while girls, and if we had all just met up in a bar tonight, then hey who knows.  I get the feeling that you are both about 21ish, what I've learned recently though is that love is forever, and sometimes ppl meet when that love for each other isn't quite ready, maybe you'll get lucky and find another compatible person who is ready be fore said original love matures.  From my observations, however, that is unlikely.  Anyways the moral of this story is get to know each other also be forgiving and patient with each other, and don't have kids til you're married, and have been for a couple years, or at least have lived with each other for a couple years. with that being said, I don't think anyone will listen to me, but hey at least im happy, and tried to make this world a better place
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
goddess o'wisdom, only 1 way to find out, kelsie, you know it.
Kelsie Shipley
Kelsie Shipley - 9 years ago
+Collin Hennessy Wow. What a pickup line.
Collin Hennessy
Collin Hennessy - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin from what I can tell you';re pretty cute I have a theory that Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Somali girls are the prettiest on earth, you don't fit those standards, so I wonder where u r from
gerais padilla
gerais padilla - 9 years ago
Wow! That's awesome!
Uyarasuk - 9 years ago
+gerais padilla Over one thousand, maybe two thousand or more. It depends on things like whether something is a language or dialect.
gerais padilla
gerais padilla - 9 years ago
That's funny! How many languages to they speak in Africa?
Uyarasuk - 9 years ago
+Michael Park South Africa is a land of many languages. The official languages are Sepedi (or Northern Sotho), Sesotho (or Southern Sotho), Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenḓa, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu. Trevor Noah is from Johannesburg where English, Zulu, and Afrikaans are the major languages (all of which he speaks). Xhosa is also spoken there, his mother's tongue, which he also speaks. There are many other languages spoken across the republic as well. The Pan South African Language Board promotes the various Khoi, Nama, and San languages, South African Sign Language, German (his father's tongue), Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Portuguese, Tamil, Telegu, Urdu, Arabic, Hebrew, and Sanskrit. And there are creole and pidgin languages as well.
TheSilentAngel - 9 years ago
Language in general is quite complicated. I've recently started reading on ancient languages, Semitic and Latin languages, to see the similarities and differences. We can't just come up with some stupid concept to unify a group of languages when even if you put these people in a room they won't be able to speak/understand each other fluently. No there is no such thing as African, European, Asian or American language. An Igbo man won't be able to converse with Dinka man, A Japanese man won't be able to converse with a Chinese man who speaks mandarin etc.
TheSilentAngel - 9 years ago
+Abdulrahman Alnafia Does that mean most South Americans speak European since they use Latin Alphabets. The Dinka language also has some Latin alphabets does that mean we speak European. Please give it up already you are wrong don't be ashamed it's ok everyone can be wrong sometimes.
Lukas Schulte
Lukas Schulte - 9 years ago
Ich muss mich für solche dummen Menschen entschuldigen ( ._.)
Joni Rose
Joni Rose - 9 years ago
+Abdulrahman Alnafia The Slavic people don't have a latin alphabet, and they make up quite a bug chunk of Europe, but that's besides the point. The point is, you don't ask a person if they speak African, or European. You ask them "tell me something about your country, or your language". It's just people are so ignorant they can't admit they're ignorant about a subject (which is normal, cause the world is vast), so instead of asking to know more about it, they just make dumb assumptions and generalizations.
Abdulrahman Alnafia
Abdulrahman Alnafia - 9 years ago
+Saleh Alarfaj well. if one asks another person if he speaks European but his real language is German, then the answer is yes I do speak European. Because almost all of Europe use Latin alphabet. So the question was do the African people excluding the Arab states speak African language.
Nduduzo Mngomezulu
Nduduzo Mngomezulu - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin wow I've never heard of that country, where is it situated ?
Saleh Alarfaj
Saleh Alarfaj - 9 years ago
+Abdulrahman Alnafia Think of it this way. Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, they're all in Africa. Each with Arabic as its main language but with different dialects. Sudan has more than 100 languages, and more than 500 dialects. Ghana officially speaks English. Kenya, Swahili. List goes on. Africa is a continent so just like there is no Asian or European language, there is no African language.
Khanya Mashabela
Khanya Mashabela - 9 years ago
+Abdulrahman Alnafia Nooooo honey, there is no 'African language with different dialects'. There are thousands of African languages and some of them are as different from each other as French and Chinese.
Abdulrahman Alnafia
Abdulrahman Alnafia - 9 years ago
But honestly, he still got point. Because there's an African language which consist of African dialects. Well from my point of a view I think he meant to say that do you have your own language or only English or French. Athena superheldin
lordofdarkdudes - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin did he speak european?
Grim Reefer
Grim Reefer - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Have you ever had AIDS?
Joy Adewumi
Joy Adewumi - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin i get that a lot. don't worry you are not a alone. sometimes they say do you speak south african. i am like.'which one' .
it's annoying
Pooledogg - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Did he?
Carveros - 9 years ago
+challenge accepted Yup
emeg losota
emeg losota - 9 years ago
+julien de broissia I think you can understand that the intention of the question was not that. Afrikaans is small language with 6 million speakers, which probably very few foreigners outside of South Africa know the existence of the language.
Ben Perlmutter
Ben Perlmutter - 9 years ago
Lol. This is the only appropriate response. You did well
Carveros - 9 years ago
+Putumani Nomzaza I know the pronounciation is different, I mean he might just not have known that. Or just mispronounced it. Just looking for a logical reasoning (because no "he is an idiot" isn't a logical reasoning ^^) an idiot remains an idiot until he learns (therefore are we all idiots? Since we can't know everything? OoO, philosophical mindfuck)
Putumani Nomzaza
Putumani Nomzaza - 9 years ago
+julien de broissia actually it's Afrikaans the pronunciation is totally different
Stimulator7 - 9 years ago
+julien de broissia it's "Afrikaans"
Irene Ailin
Irene Ailin - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin I've met quite a few people from Europe (mostly England and Ireland) who have asked me if I speak Asian. I just started walking away from people who ask me things like that haha.
Just Ben
Just Ben - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Good one Athena what country in Africa do you come from ?
Samuel Hailai
Samuel Hailai - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin there is no even eritrean language ...u must speak tigrina ...
PrivacyForever - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin
I work in a restaurant in Victoria, BC (Canada). A group of American ladies (a little in their cups), asked me: "Does Canada have a capital?" Without missing a beat, I told her "Yes, Moncton, New Brunswick."

sweetclariss - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin I live in germany too and people ask me the SAME question, like did they forget that it is a continent?
The Doctor
The Doctor - 9 years ago
+Martian Devil just because there are countries smaller than it doesn't make it suddenly not small... It's a small country. Deal with it...
Martian Devil
Martian Devil - 9 years ago
+The Doctor ever heard of comoros , zanzibar,Mauritius,Swaziland. it's small but not that small :v
The Doctor
The Doctor - 9 years ago
+Martian Devil I'd call it a small country... It's long though.
Martian Devil
Martian Devil - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Eritrea is not small country my friend
Carveros - 9 years ago
Well, there is a language called Afrikaan. No? Maybe he meant that?
Niya Abdullahi
Niya Abdullahi - 9 years ago
+Daniel Yohannes Selma Daniel! Yes you are right I forgot the most important tigrinye! But it's not called Eritrean or ethiopian
Daniel Yohannes
Daniel Yohannes - 9 years ago
+Niya Abdullahi it also exist the language tigrinia and thats right eritrean
Vishak Raman
Vishak Raman - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin Haha! But are you sure he didn't say Afrikaans?
Niya Abdullahi
Niya Abdullahi - 9 years ago
+Athena SuperHeldin You probably speak either tigray, amharic, arabic, italian or something else because eritrean isn't a language ;) This is due to the seperation between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Athena SuperHeldin
Athena SuperHeldin - 9 years ago
I am from a small country known as I speak eritrean...and not swahili :)
Michael Park
Michael Park - 9 years ago
I get that question all the time. Do you speak chinese or any asian. I just look at them and tell them I was born in America and they act all shocked. Like wtf you don't start off a conversation with "can you speak English, or do you speak chinese or asian." Wtf asian ain't even a fuckn language. Also what language do you speak in that part of Africa. I know the eastern part of Africa speaks swahili right?
theadrix92 - 9 years ago
Ahah! I got the same experience
Daniel Yohannes
Daniel Yohannes - 9 years ago
I can only agree with u honey. I get also so shitty questions
FKalo - 9 years ago
The waves just get too tired...
qsdf qsdf
qsdf qsdf - 9 years ago
this guy is the next king
Alexander Kopanakis
Alexander Kopanakis - 9 years ago
I didnt understand the last part with the shower.Explanation please?
kinotii - 9 years ago
+Alexander Kopanakis The South African president said he showered after having sex with a HIV+ woman to reduce the chances of getting infected
Benjamin Walker
Benjamin Walker - 9 years ago
Dude reminds me of Mickey from Dr. Who
Em Hu
Em Hu - 9 years ago
Dear Trevor Noah:  Please go home.  Thanks.
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
he lost his monkey grip.
Rofhiwa Rambane
Rofhiwa Rambane - 9 years ago
+Em Hu Shame man. Change sucks don't it....................................... Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaks, you go do the show
Em Hu
Em Hu - 9 years ago
he's lurking under Jon's desk.
Caleb Wossen
Caleb Wossen - 9 years ago
+Em Hu Where is he now?
Worthless Car
Worthless Car - 9 years ago
Please for the love of God know that not all Americans are idiots
zigzaggered - 9 years ago
Just COMEDY !!!!
Flippity Floppity
Flippity Floppity - 9 years ago
This feels a lot like a story that would never happen
LylaN93 - 9 years ago
Few Americans have asked me if New Zealand is a real country, and while I was in LA I was told several times that I speak good English. 'Murica.
Iki Niuhulu Green
Iki Niuhulu Green - 7 years ago
Its funny coz majority of people in all other countries know most of existing countries all over the map other than main common heard of
sonofaballer96 - 7 years ago
Well in America people often say they’re from a city or town or state and if you’re foreign we usually expect you to say the continent you’re from we almost never hear about New Zealand, the only thing I know about New Zealand is Flight of the Conchords. Most Americans forget everything they learn in geography, if it isn’t in the USA, we usually don’t care unless it’s Europe or the Caribbean.
Guillermo Sulvale
Guillermo Sulvale - 9 years ago
+LylaN93 I'm saying that New Zealand is a conspiracy, or an "inside job". The implication here is that New Zealand isn't real, and that it is a conspiracy. Why would someone doubt you when you said you come from New Zealand is my question. And in response to such oddity, I exaggerate the question and make it a declaration. It's also a barb against conspiracy theorists who take certainty from a lack of knowledge and export their looniness onto others. Does that make sense?
LylaN93 - 9 years ago
+Guillermo Sulvale I'm confused. What inside job?
Guillermo Sulvale
Guillermo Sulvale - 9 years ago
+LylaN93 The kiwis were an inside job! What?
danny -EF
danny -EF - 9 years ago
+LylaN93 haha
Fiy Ade
Fiy Ade - 9 years ago
Being foreign in America can be so tiring.
GOapeshit14 - 9 years ago
did he do a Kiwi accent there?
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 9 years ago
it was a white South African accent
Faine Pearl
Faine Pearl - 9 years ago
+GOapeshit14 nope :)
Stewie Griffin
Stewie Griffin - 9 years ago
I ask my friend the same question every time, do you guys live in houses made of shit? Shithouse? Funny everytime :)
Divya Kondapi
Divya Kondapi - 9 years ago
Hahaha Trevor!! You are the perfect sub for Jon Stewart
The Sultin Of Smack
The Sultin Of Smack - 9 years ago
Frost Archer
Frost Archer - 9 years ago
Do you have waves in Africa?

Yes. Yes there are. Heat waves.
Elemental Three
Elemental Three - 7 years ago
zigzaggered Has just been hit by a stress wave
Big Dog
Big Dog - 7 years ago
zigzaggered r/wooosh
Young Ethiopian98
Young Ethiopian98 - 7 years ago
Your ignorance just proves his WHOLE point.
Siduri - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered Thanks! I had no bloody idea that you could have heat waves on a continent which has a desert the size of Brazil and I'm sure last month when we had lectures canceled due to the "heat wave" they got our forecast confused with Europe. Silly me. Good to know mate. xD
lovell - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered you dobt always die from a heat wave
Jeremy Simms
Jeremy Simms - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered missed the tolerant intelligence gene...
Jeremy Simms
Jeremy Simms - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered cruncht
Frost Archer
Frost Archer - 9 years ago
^Thanks for the geographical lesson. If only I gave two shits.
zigzaggered - 9 years ago
No cunt, you lie. Have you heard anyone dying from heat waves in Africa ? It happens in Europe and America all the time. I guess you didn't even know that Australia is the world driest habitable continent.
Kevin Matla
Kevin Matla - 9 years ago
2:16 is the funniest part
Oberon Blackwood
Oberon Blackwood - 9 years ago
"Do you have waves?"

Reminds me of how Japanese people don't realize that other countries have seasons.
Jonathan Jacob
Jonathan Jacob - 9 years ago
Barack Obama???
juukame - 9 years ago
God, I love his dry and sarcastic style of humor XD.
Steph - 7 years ago
It's not dry at all. He's very animated and expressive.
Jetaime Gallant
Jetaime Gallant - 9 years ago
The South African way.
Josh Sinclair
Josh Sinclair - 9 years ago
Americans are retards
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 8 years ago
+Kel0390 pretty much
Kel0390 - 8 years ago
+Anthony Long I live in Texas and I'm not a retard either. Is that literally what everyone thinks?
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Josh Sinclair Someone buys into stereotypes too easily.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
Dont label me as a retard. I dont live in Texas. Therefore i am not a retard.
Patrick Cheptoek
Patrick Cheptoek - 9 years ago
Rubana Manzur
Rubana Manzur - 9 years ago
When I first came to the US, and someone would ask me how I got here, I would go into a LOOONG explaination of how i started with a dingy, then a Elephant ride, and I would use the names of cities I would think the person might have heard about.
Sigart - 9 years ago
+Guillermo Sulvale It's never just to expect anything of a person you've never met. Reality isn't always just, though.
Guillermo Sulvale
Guillermo Sulvale - 9 years ago
+Sigart I do expect this. I simply ask if it is just or unjust.
Sigart - 9 years ago
+Guillermo Sulvale That's a risk you take, though most decent people know whether what they believe is a stereotype. You may have to prove yourself to not be an idiot, though.
Livid Imp
Livid Imp - 9 years ago
+DeepBlue That is bullshit. "How'd you get here" is just an American idiom for "why'd you come to the US" or "what's your story". They are most likely just genuinely interested in your story. That's not to say there aren't any racists, because there are, but you can't make that assumption based on a single question.

As far as the Republican debates go, they are pandering to the most extreme right-wing, nationalist 20% of Americans that actually vote in the Republican primaries. Once the general election starts, they'll all drop the racist rhetoric because they know they have to speak to the normal Americans that won't put up with that shit.
Guillermo Sulvale
Guillermo Sulvale - 9 years ago
+Rubana Manzur And this is the sort of stuff that will make me wonder when I study abroad, it is just that I be considered a clown solely because of a stereotype associated with my country?
Rubana Manzur
Rubana Manzur - 9 years ago
I know they are clowns
DeepBlue - 9 years ago
+Rubana Manzur
IF you are still in the USA, just listen to the Republican debates. All of them (directly or indirectly) keep hinting that most colored (latino, mid eastern, south Asians, etc)  are illegals & should be sent back .... even though one of the candidates (Bobby Jindal) is a colored fellow, born of immigrant south Asian parents.  
Rubana Manzur
Rubana Manzur - 9 years ago
+DeepBlue Did not know that, LOL 
DeepBlue - 9 years ago
+Rubana Manzur
( I am presuming you are non-white).... in USA, when they ask this question to a (non black / non native) colored person, they usually are "politely" trying to find out if you are legally or illegally there in the USA.
Most white Americans assume that most colored people in USA have entered illegally (and the rest as refugees).
Dubai892JK - 9 years ago
I didn't find him funny !!
Dubai892JK - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki yep I won't, I came here through qura, a guy recommended his video. Still Russell Peter the number 1 comedian.
Demian Haki
Demian Haki - 9 years ago
+Dubai892JK Then don't watch his videos in the future!!^^
zyxwut321 - 9 years ago
I'm sure if the conversation with the surfer girl went anything like he said it did she was probably at least partly playing dumb to flirt and mess with him. That possibility seemed to go over his head.
Blade56762 - 9 years ago
+zyxwut321 Not much goes over TN's head - If she thought she needed to "play dumb" to attract a man what does it say about men in USA? Is THAT what they go for?PS: Read the other posts - it appears that this stupidity is not quite as rare as one would have thought over there!
The Bisexual Centrist
The Bisexual Centrist - 9 years ago
I still don't think this guy is funny
Dominic Mercurio
Dominic Mercurio - 9 years ago
Noah seems to do really great with the simmering sort of humor.  Not sure if that'll jive with the Daily Show style, which is loud, fast, and bombastic.  Will watch with cautious optimism.
Cindy Seifen
Cindy Seifen - 9 years ago
So happy your the New Host of  "The Daily Show".
Cindy Seifen
Cindy Seifen - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long You're right. 
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago

Vania Jean Louis
Vania Jean Louis - 9 years ago
the part where he says there is no hope omg done!!!!!
Jes Amp
Jes Amp - 9 years ago
That was a pretty funny bit but i had to look up the part about the showering president, im behind on south african current events, now its REALLY funny!!
Hemant Karasala
Hemant Karasala - 9 years ago
This has got to be made up.
Ezra mf
Ezra mf - 9 years ago
that chick was so coming onto him
Mac2point1 - 9 years ago
Don't like this guy
TallManGamer - 9 years ago
Trevor you spoiled man! Hot surfer chicks don't talk to guys like us. In the minute chance that they do, we can't pay any attention to what they are saying anyway. More focused on not peeing our pants. 
Megan Sawyer
Megan Sawyer - 9 years ago
Oh my god, his valley girl accent made it about 50 times better
BONZO KILBOURN - 9 years ago
For everyone with an opinion of Americans, there are 320 million of us. There are many different types of people here. We have our share of good and bad just like every other country. Please keep that in mind.
Demian Haki
Demian Haki - 9 years ago
+Joe Folly Unfortunately, like everywhere else, the idiots are often the loudest and most noticeable and thus shape the public image
Dino Morell
Dino Morell - 9 years ago
The waves part was the best!
Nellie K. Adaba
Nellie K. Adaba - 9 years ago
I agree
Graham Wellington
Graham Wellington - 9 years ago
I watched him in another YT clip and he tried to get a laugh with a British audience by stating that "American's don't know much about anything." But now I hear he's landed himself a sweet high-paying TV gig here in the States and I can't say I'm thrilled about it. I find his material to be weak ... and he resorts to throwing racial shit out to disparage Caucasians so as to compensate for any genuine comedic talent.
Aisling Bolton
Aisling Bolton - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki Great reply :)
Graham Wellington
Graham Wellington - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki Well, I just looked at the clip and you can see the comment I left there. **I think maybe our little discourse is loosing some focus and so I'd just like to bring it back to the comedian, but also comment a little about the sentiment in your remarks... While this fellow in the red shoes counts for being a spark of the Divine (like the rest of us), as I said I can't say I like it that he should come to my country and get big bucks while brazenly going about attacking us Citizens and those whom were involved in creating it. One would think one should straighten out the problems of his/her own country before hopping on a plane to go to a far away place and "humorously" crapping on everything and everyone! (I know; "some" of his routine probably is neutral or even complimentary..., but we all know how the game is played, as the progenitor of this kind of crap was taught to us by British-born Ted Koppel...) Yes; like any country that's ever been or ever will be, the US has its share of problems throughout. But knowing that is just commonsense and doesn't excuse any thinking person from not also acknowledging that the glass is also half-full. As far as folks that maybe go a little too far with bragging and waving the flag goes? Well, so what? Things are very much polarized politically here and while I get your point about it being a bit silly to go overboard with the boasting, it's just human nature venting itself in (some) folks that maybe need a little more growth in how they think about things, no biggie. I strongly suspect that if you take a good look at some of the folks in your own country you'd find there are probably just as many of them that are of the same mentality that live in my wonderful country (and in every country around the world), no?
Graham Wellington
Graham Wellington - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki Hello again! For reasons I don't understand, YT didn't give me any notice that you'd responded. (Molane's comment triggered the thing, letting me know..) At the moment I'm dead tired but will give a proper response tomorrow, if I get some sleep. See you then.:-)
Zeefu M
Zeefu M - 9 years ago
+Michael Melling dude - what a double standard. Chris Rock does racial humour and exploits stereotypes. even that Russel dude.
Graham Wellington
Graham Wellington - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki I suspect, sir, that English is not your first language as I'm having a very difficult time trying to understand what exactly it is that you're trying to say. I don't say that to be unkind, but rather to be honest. As far as your remark about too many Americans thinking that there's something to "American exceptionalism" goes, might you be a sport and expand on why such a way of thinking has no foundation in fact? Thanks! (By the way, your English is a million times better than my Japanese!;-)
Demian Haki
Demian Haki - 9 years ago
+Michael Melling The main negative cliche that the world holds about American culture is that people (not just "Caucasians") are ignorant (& fat). While this is obviously a false generalization, it certainly applies to a certain percentage of the (or any) population, but the fact that this kind of idiocy is even promoted or legitimized in the U.S. through channels like FoxNews, focussing on irrational, emotionally-biased and sensationalist "debate", makes the stereotype even more powerful. Hence, you can get a laugh everywhere in the world by referring to this stereotype and everyone's gonna shake their head at the "silly Americans" while, at the same time, being a bit concerned about the fact that such occasional silliness is combined with such economic and political power.
It should be added though that Noah has never used this stereotype in a condescending way. He actually mentioned that it is obvious for a big country, which is also a world power, to not pay as much attention to other cultures than the other cultures pay to the U.S. But, of course, that doesn't mean that ignorance is a good thing, and Stewart himself has frequently pointed towards that. That is the second difference & cliche: When an American criticises aspects of U.S. culture, people can say "Yeah, that's true!" and they are ok with it, because they'll simply say that they themselves don't belong to that group of Americans who are being made fun of. But as soon as an outsider criticizes an aspect about U.S. culture, many Americans react as the stereotype would have it, namely very insecure and overcompensatingly patriotic, as if any criticism was always directed at everybody. Which is sad, because how can you face imperfections if you're too insecure to face them. In this regard, the stereotype that the world has about the U.S. is that of an immature & insecure culture that has to showboat all the time, like a teenager who wants to seem tough and perfect and gets angry as soon as somebody thinks differently. In that regard, people might also say that, for all the stereotypes that exist about them, countries like Britain or Germany are a bit more mature in that respect. History clearly showed them their imperfections and, hence, many people there will be more willing to acknowledge issues within the country/culture and hesitate to use the patriotic defense mechanism. American culture, on the other hand, still seems largely committed to the exaggerations & myths of American exceptionalism, instead of holding a more balanced view of its achievements and imperfections.
In this regard, Noah might be a great help to the U.S. audience, because he likes to point out issues without being mean or condescending. And that's important: If you know that someone likes you and doesn't mean any harm, you'll be more willing to listen and maybe accept criticisms here or there, especially if that person jokes about himself as well. If people are just mean and "hate America" then obviously nobody wants to listen to them.
Still, it is certainly clear that facing up to social issues, which is the center of any satire show, can be uncomfortable. So if some people need the old "U!S!A! U!S!A!" patriotic wellness treatment, then they'll probably not gonna like Noah. I expect "If you don't like it, go home!" to appear very frequently in comment sections under future Daily Show videos.  
Graham Wellington
Graham Wellington - 9 years ago
+Demian Haki Please explain.
Demian Haki
Demian Haki - 9 years ago
+Michael Melling I mean, as far as cliches about Americans go, he's basically saying what we're all thinking. And Fox News doesn't help
Coo - 9 years ago
+Michael Melling It's not really Caucasians, it's Americans (and specifically caucasian americans as they are the majority power here.)
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 9 years ago
I guess people find this funny.
The Sultin Of Smack
The Sultin Of Smack - 9 years ago
+Rofhiwa Rambane Dude he is just making fun of American stereotypes. It's funny but not exactly real.
Rofhiwa Rambane
Rofhiwa Rambane - 9 years ago
+Joe Smith Yeah its all relevant buddy if you aint from South Africa you will never get it. Most Americans are perceived as ignorant, he is just displaying the obvious
Kitoko - 9 years ago
He is not even saying it all
zigzaggered - 9 years ago
This is COMEDY. Get over it. However, some people are really dumb, they can say anything.
Diego - 9 years ago
Awe. Some has ignorance
greger2045 - 9 years ago
Is he talking about ayds the diet chocolate?
Tshidiso Makoti
Tshidiso Makoti - 9 years ago
No Aids brother
Hugh Llewellyn
Hugh Llewellyn - 9 years ago
So this is the new crown prince of the Daily Show. Good choice. :)
Yes Theory
Yes Theory - 9 years ago
Trevor's got some big shoes to fill on the Daily Show replacing John Stewart, but he's pretty damn hilarious. Pretty stoked to see how he's gonna turn out
ManOfEngland12 - 7 years ago
Oh shit, yes theory, I literally just got done watching some videos from you guys, weird.
Farzeen Ajmal
Farzeen Ajmal - 7 years ago
Farzeen Ajmal
Farzeen Ajmal - 7 years ago
Farzeen Ajmal
Farzeen Ajmal - 7 years ago
Sofia Gallegos
Sofia Gallegos - 7 years ago
omg hi yes theory
Turtle Magic
Turtle Magic - 7 years ago
Sam Jack
Sam Jack - 9 years ago
+Generation Y Not
Big shoes? this man is funnier than John Stewart ever was. I think the generic repetitive format of the "daily show" is bad for him, and perfect for a cable-tv hack like John Stewart.
Marko Prološčić
Marko Prološčić - 9 years ago
+Practical Procrastination wait he is replacing John?! I dont really like him :/ i hope i will get used to him
rdelrosso2001 - 9 years ago
This Trevor Noah is really funny.  But i was hoping to find one of his videos that was longer than 10 minutes in length.
rdelrosso2001 - 9 years ago
+komborero lexios Thank you.
KW11 xox
KW11 xox - 9 years ago
there are 1 hour ones he did in South Africa. Don't worry its in English cos SA speak 11 languages. Try " that's my culture"
Jan Priddy
Jan Priddy - 9 years ago
I've been watching Noah's videos and this is the first one that completely lost me. First the accent—a surfing valley girl—and then her ignorance of places to surf in the world—every surfer I know is aware of great places to surf off every continent, like totally. (Two women in the dozen routines I've watched. The other one "shat herself.")
MRWDL800 - 9 years ago
+Jan Priddy Yeah, I know, but remember the part where he mentioned all those "unnecessary hand motions" while she was surfing? And that she was surfing alone? That tells me she is a rookie surfer, probably just some random, dumb valley girl. If the waves were good, she would definitely not be surfing alone (it's Malibu), and since the waves were small, she is obv. a new/bad surfer for struggling. She doesn't represent Malibu or surfers or America; she was just some random dumb person. ;(
joshua abdulazeez
joshua abdulazeez - 10 years ago
so like.....does everyone in America talk like that? 
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Anthony Long It isn't even a real accent.
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
No. Not all of us do. It's just a stereotype. And granted, im used to it
Elibariki Kilewo
Elibariki Kilewo - 10 years ago
Zhang Chi
Zhang Chi - 10 years ago
U know...She's
Ethan Zeccola
Ethan Zeccola - 10 years ago
ffs why are you so funny. i was laughing the whole video
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
The last part he said "don't you laugh at my president" I don't really get that one
Can anyone explain me what this joke is about?
Taking shower to clean sticky smudge?
D.S Brian
D.S Brian - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered What? U are lying the president of South Africa said that...out ear shot of other way.....
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 9 years ago
+zigzaggered he just a dump ass then. Is prostitution in S. Africa illegal?
薄熙来 - 9 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
I guess there is South Africa and then there is the other Africa.
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 9 years ago
+Vuyiswa Nyathikazi
lol how many Africas are there?
Vuyiswa Nyathikazi
Vuyiswa Nyathikazi - 9 years ago
+Sir Richard Burton no,thats a different Africa
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 9 years ago
no it's not.
薄熙来 - 9 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo Is that the same president who says that lemon juice is a cure for aids?
Thulz Nkoni
Thulz Nkoni - 9 years ago
+SWalkerTTU I'm not going to defend the shenanigans of the A.N.C today. IFP worked with the Apartheid government for some reason known to them. (SACP/COSATU ) Those parties don't contest the elections you know why ? Because they are the ANC . COSATU was a vehicle the ANC could use when they were banned in the country. SACP well, most current ANC members are also communists.  
SWalkerTTU - 9 years ago
+Thulz Nkoni Sure, the ANC takes a lot of the credit for ending apartheid (SACP/COSATU and Inkatha had nothing to do with it?), but what have they done for South Africa lately?
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 9 years ago
+Adolfo Pedregosa I though so. lol 
Adolfo Pedregosa
Adolfo Pedregosa - 9 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod He's referring to the lovable Pres. Zuma.
Thulz Nkoni
Thulz Nkoni - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod :) no advantages for the country except to me it kind of proves that he is not as stupid as people perceive him to be.  He didn't get formal education because he joined the struggle at a young age. He was kind of home schooled by the movement ( ANC)
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Thulz Nkoni There are also many parties in my country, but from it's seems like he's a sane man due to he's former hed intelligence and trained as soldier btw are there any advantage for your country that he can speak Russian? and in case of rape it's that about hiv+ female?
Thulz Nkoni
Thulz Nkoni - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod 13 parties represented in parliament. A lot more contest elections. It's one of the most vibrant democracies in the world. Black people vote for Jacob Zuma's party (Nelson Mandela's ANC)  because it liberated them from the evil system of apartheid. Jacob Zuma said he took a shower after having  unprotected sex with a female who later it was discovered she was HIV positive.He said this while answering questions in court. He was next inline to become President of his party at the time he was accused of rape. He believes it was a political conspiracy by the then president to prevent him from becoming the next president of SA. He was head of intelligence for the ANC during the struggle against apartheid. He was trained in the soviet Union as a soldier. He apparently speaks good Russian.       
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+YuTuuSan How many party do they have?
Jisoos - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod South African politics is rigged. Over there, white South Africans are a minority compared to the amount of black South Africans. Majority of black South Africans vote for the same party, doesn't matter the candidate. 
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo What the hell he didn't finish high school? How could anyone let such person control the whole nation?
Covalent Bond
Covalent Bond - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod me neither haha
I don't even watch the news
Innocent Khusela Mphokeli
Innocent Khusela Mphokeli - 10 years ago
You would not understand it if your're not South African Sira. Jacob Zuma , the president of South Africa had unprotected sex with a woman that was allegedly HIV positive, when asked if he got infected he said NO he didn't get infected because he took a bath after he f*cked the woman.....that sounds more like "He washed HIV aids away" -so that joke is on President Jacob Zuma loool
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod well i would say he is nuts. the comments and things he does are questionable. by the way he did not even finish high school. 
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 10 years ago
+Covalent Bond it is common knowleged in South Africa co he was asked by the media and that was his response.
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Covalent Bond duh not for me, I'm from Thailand. The TV news bearly mention other nation's political situation and international stuff.
Covalent Bond
Covalent Bond - 10 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo is this is common knowledge?
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo ... Material for comedy, srsly Is he's a nuts who rigged an election to make his way up and when he's a president he can't do his job?
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 10 years ago
yea and lots of local comedians always have him as part of their material.
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Rofhiwa Tshikonelo Lol he's fucked up then.
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo
Rofhiwa Tshikonelo - 10 years ago
+Sirapob Klarod current South African president, Mr Jacob Zuma, during questions about a
rape allegation by press, was asked, if he worried about getting HIV from
having unprotected sex with the woman that he didn't know her status; he replied saying, "no,
because I took a shower straight after". He went to court for this and was acquitted.
Gerrard Eccles
Gerrard Eccles - 10 years ago
A lot of sarcasm 
Sirapob Klarod
Sirapob Klarod - 10 years ago
+Gerrard Eccles And what about "don't you laugh at my president there's nothing to do with that great man"?
Gerrard Eccles
Gerrard Eccles - 10 years ago
He was up on rape charges and when asked if he was worried about catching HIV, as he had had unprotected sex, he replied that it was ok as he had a shower afterwards
Kaleb Bruwer
Kaleb Bruwer - 10 years ago
Captain here, the last joke was qbout South Africa's president that thinks you can prevent getting aids by taking a shower after, Well, you know. flies away
brown Jones
brown Jones - 10 years ago
a Brasilian woman… ask  me when i was in holidays in brazil…. if in EUROPE:…. we had RICE….. hehehe….. i was like…. hmmmm----…. u serious?--- i give an smile…  looking into her eyes….   shake my head…. then i told her.. in Europe  they did have rice…. but another brand.. then what she uses in BRASIL… hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaha best experience ever with dumb ass ppl
Tom Pasquill
Tom Pasquill - 10 years ago
This isn't the point he was trying to make, but he gave an example of the best attributes of an American.  enthusiastic, friendly and open.  She didn't know shit about Africa but was keen to learn.  God Bless

(I'm British)
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
You're not supposed to say nice things about us. Lol
worldstarnekkas - 10 years ago
This guy is cheesy. His "white people" jokes are tiresome and lame. yawn*
Khomotjo Setseta
Khomotjo Setseta - 10 years ago
Trevor Noah is hilarious!
Yuran Pereira
Yuran Pereira - 10 years ago
When I was an exchange student in the USA a girl asked me that same question: "Did you ever get AIDS?", and I was like whaaat?!
cleodontina1 - 9 years ago
+Danny R Excellent response! lol
Danny R
Danny R - 9 years ago
+BLVCK LORD BEATS Yeah, but he took a shower!
CASSO BLVCK - 9 years ago
Well....did you?
Yoraan Rafael Reuben
Yoraan Rafael Reuben - 10 years ago
Christopher Rodriguez
Christopher Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Better take some Nyquil Cold and AIDS! :D
Neo Kgatla
Neo Kgatla - 10 years ago
America, there's no hope..
AWildBard - 10 years ago
funny but fake story- every surfer knows some of the best waves in the world are in South Africa
Ngukz Zaaruka
Ngukz Zaaruka - 10 years ago
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
Umm Brother she was trying to pick you up.  She might be stupid but you're a fool.

I mean that with no disrespect.  As a younger man I was horrible at picking up clues when a woman was interested in me.
The Sultin Of Smack
The Sultin Of Smack - 9 years ago
+squidly1117 It's funny but fake, you guys are smart I'm sure you knew that.
squidly1117 - 9 years ago
+Ro Tang fake but accurate - hehe
Hemi Carr
Hemi Carr - 9 years ago
Indeed the story could be fake, but what he is portraying isn't. For a story to be a story doesn't mean needs to be real, what would be the point in telling them..
matsta177 - 9 years ago
Story's are fake you morons. All comedians story's are fake. 
Hemi Carr
Hemi Carr - 9 years ago
Stupidity isn't as attractive as you think my friend.
Pwrinkle Johnson
Pwrinkle Johnson - 9 years ago
And you're also a fool for not thinking further on the topic before answering. Perhaps he only likes hooking up with an educated person so he ignored her advances. It was plain to see she was running on only a few brain cells.
InfiniteRandom - 9 years ago
+Samuel Epicurus But...she's a damn Gogdamned idiot. :(

Also, this guy is smart & perspective, and seems to have standards. I doubt he would have had any "fun" with her that wouldn't quickly be negated by her being stupid.

Its not good to take everything that's offered to you anyway.
real madrid forever
real madrid forever - 10 years ago
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+real madrid forever
blah blah blah
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+Ziggaman Lethetsa
And I was being 100% serious.
Ziggaman Lethetsa
Ziggaman Lethetsa - 10 years ago
its jst a joke u dumb ass... Damn dude u so stupid
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+real madrid forever

   I find you amusing and pitiful.  I guess those could be labeled as emotions but the term emotional wouldn't really apply.
real madrid forever
real madrid forever - 10 years ago
lol why you being emotinal dude 
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+real madrid forever
What the one where I tried to pass on words of wisdom to someone that was missing out on a lot of fun?  Or the one were I stated I am a faithful man no longer chasing after women?

Shrug  Keep attacking random strangers online I am sure it makes you happy... there is no way deep down this is just a manifestation of your dissatisfaction with your own life.
real madrid forever
real madrid forever - 10 years ago
lol you should read back your foolish comment
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+real madrid forever
I am happily married and faithful so nice attempt troll. 
real madrid forever
real madrid forever - 10 years ago
difference is he is not desperate like you so he dont have to jump on any opportunity to get laid
Samuel Epicurus
Samuel Epicurus - 10 years ago
+Russell Tyrone Jones perhaps but he didn't mention passing on her or knowing she was into him. 

And no one told him to marry her and have lots of babies.
Mimi Zilliacus
Mimi Zilliacus - 10 years ago
This exact thing happened to me at the airport in Nairobi! 1000 people were in a small space waiting to get screened for Ebola before proceeding to immigration (that it itself is pretty funny). 3 British dudes travelling together and the one dude says to his friends "yeh like every time they get AIDS they develop a bit of immunity so the next time it's not as bad so yeh like when they get AIDS it's not that bad". I say to him "that's malaria not AIDS" and then British dude says "I thought it was AIDS" me: "nope. AIDS you have for life" people around him start shaking their heads one guy looks at me and says "some people are so ignorant" the British dude then went bright red and stopped talking. How are people so stupid?????
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 10 years ago
+Mimi Zilliacus I get that all paces I have gone in Asia...people are so ignorant
Mimi Zilliacus
Mimi Zilliacus - 10 years ago
+Manita Dosanjh you are taught what?? by the way this might be useful
Manita Dosanjh
Manita Dosanjh - 10 years ago
It's been proven that some African prostitutes who are continuously infected with varying strands of the HIV virus from different sexual partners build up a form of immunity that prevents the virus from ever developing into AIDS. British students are taught this during high school biology, most likely what this man was referring to. 
joelle adams
joelle adams - 10 years ago
do we have waves hahaha 
TeeDee215 - 10 years ago
I like him!
theoriginalsuzycat - 10 years ago
I love the fact that Trevor appears to be oblivious to the fact that this girl is hitting on him.
Sean Cherry
Sean Cherry - 10 years ago
Seen his stand up hour show on i'm a fan for life...
Kgagamatso Lizzy Elzabeth
Kgagamatso Lizzy Elzabeth - 10 years ago
That was awesome
venus1608 - 10 years ago
Fishing for stupidity
Shakeel - 10 years ago
This one was rlly boring.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 10 years ago
an american once asked me if we have computers in africa, i mean dude seriously what do you think im chatting with you with? elephant trunk? ignorance
alexander reusens
alexander reusens - 7 years ago
Still, American ignorance is best ignorance :)
TheSuperFanPop - 7 years ago
kathy shiimi
My shop teacher asked a foreign exchange student from Japan if they had phones where she was from and how she got her clothes because he assumed everyone lived in temples on the mountains and wore kimonos all day.
Artica - 7 years ago
Dude I’m from Canada and an American asked me if I lived in an igloo
jacob preßen
jacob preßen - 7 years ago
Africa is pretty underdolved most of them dont. Stop being triggred.
TheGennen - 7 years ago
My favourite conversation with an American was when I told one (in person) that I came from New Zealand.
Him: Where's that?
Me: Island nation off the coast of Australia.
Him: You mean Austria.
Me: No. No I do not. Because 1) Austria is landlocked and 2) NO. I mean Australia.
Him: Australia isn't a real country. It's made up; like Oz or Narnia.
Me: ...
Karrington Smith
Karrington Smith - 7 years ago
"Elephant trunk" omg
Eneachril Beneathar
Eneachril Beneathar - 7 years ago
Don't be too offended... they ask those Questions to anybody, even europeans or chinese people. (Personal favourite: Do you have cars in germany? followoed by: Is germany still governed by Adolf Hitler)

Americans know shit about any other country or continent.

In fact all in all they know shit about anything.

I guess this is neccessary to stay in the opinion that the mess of a third world country they live in is "the greates country in the world"
swamidude - 7 years ago
Now dont get mad, but statiscally less Africans have acces to computers then in the western world. Also its well know that mobile usage in Africa is actually huge and mobiles are the most important way to acces the internet. Now Africa is a huge continent, but everyone here introduces themselfs as African, so I dont know how it is in your country. Im just pointing out that I am also typing this on a smartphone and thus wouldnt need a computer to communicate this.

I do however agree that asking if they have computers in Africa is a dumb and ignorant question. However I do think acces to computers and the internet outside major cities is limited and instead many people use mobile devices to acces the internet. I do not believe his question was remotely meant to be anything into the direction of how accesable computers and the internet are in the rural areas of your country though :p
Shane Desmond
Shane Desmond - 7 years ago
"elephant trunk" priceless ahahahaha
Dione Zerva
Dione Zerva - 7 years ago
kathy shiimi The stupidity needs to stop.. It's just ridiculous
lucas07700 - 7 years ago
kathy shiimi i know how It feels, met this guy from spain who asked me "do you guys have internet in Brazil?"
Drea Granig
Drea Granig - 7 years ago
kathy shiimi dumbness..
Jeremiah Cross
Jeremiah Cross - 8 years ago
The thing you have to know about a lot of people in America is that they are brainwashed and their minds have been limited by the the things they see physically and the things we see and hear on TV. Our schools use outdated textbooks because we have put education on the back burner of our society all because we like to believe we are better than everyone else. We actually have People who think that American slavery helped and saved Black Americans. We have people who live be this America is the greatest nation in the world philosophy and everyone else is beneath us.
Jayjay Myers
Jayjay Myers - 8 years ago
kathy shiimi looool
faiz abbas
faiz abbas - 8 years ago
kathy shiimi that was the the first comment to make me laugh
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
+Car Var  :-)
Mercedes HG
Mercedes HG - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi omg that was so hilarious hahaha
Cruxador - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi What he was actually asking about was how prevalent it is to have access to that kind of stuff.
7Nexus21 - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi lol reminds me of what a friend of mine said when he was asked if there are toilets in the Philippines. Yeah, my country is a third world country and has poverty in it, but that doesn't mean we are all poor. Jesus, Americans are amazingly good at being ignorant about everything from other countries to the status of their society and government.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
its sad, i don't even know where they get their news from.. we live like developed countries +traumaaofficialpage 
TrauMaa - 9 years ago
those are the people who watch american news all the time haha+kathy shiimi
MoseTUBE1 - 9 years ago
recently when Nairobi was featured on snapchat, whites were crazy because they thought we dont have phones. ignorance!!
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 9 years ago
+MrScrubbys You're right's just one huge propaganda machine. But, thanks to the internet, more information about Africa is available...the hellevision is only there to tell folks what they should think and how they should think not arming them with information.
Eric Katsikaris
Eric Katsikaris - 9 years ago
Parts of Europe are on the decline, yes...but Scandinavia is doing very well.
Crimson Phoenix
Crimson Phoenix - 9 years ago
+Eric Katsikaris Europe's no different. Trust me.
wildmantis1 - 9 years ago
Lol!!! Good one
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
for real tho +Db. xto haha
Db. xto
Db. xto - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi Elephant trunk LOL
Chikenzie Harry
Chikenzie Harry - 9 years ago
+Mark Macleod Oops! 
DeRosas Buddy
DeRosas Buddy - 9 years ago
+Chikenzie Harry That's simply not true. I'm going to assume you're speaking of Mark Dean. Dr. Dean is a brilliant man who has played a pivotal role in developing and helping to develop a lot of wonderful technologies. He is also widely known and held in high-esteem by people who work in his field. His contributions have been recognized and awarded many times. Just because you likely do not have a detailed knowledge of the industry (which is evident based on how you presented that he "invented the computer at IBM" Which is far from accurate, but you get pass since you're clearly not educated in computer systems) That being said, that doesn't detract from his work leading the teams that developed the ISA bus, and the numerous other things he has done. The fact is that the brilliant engineers who build and designs these systems rarely get the public attention. Instead we give all of our attention to people like Steve Job and even Bill Gates who put themselves in the spotlight. Although at least Bill Gates at one point probably did some technical work, unlike Steve Jobs.

I'm all for spreading the word about the accomplishments of intelligent people like Mark Dean, but please try to be accurate when doing it. I doubt he would appreciate people going around telling the world that he invented the computer for IBM.
Chikenzie Harry
Chikenzie Harry - 9 years ago
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
you just blew up my mind +Chikenzie Harry 
Chikenzie Harry
Chikenzie Harry - 9 years ago
fairy bliss
fairy bliss - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi I am from Alaska and I have been asked the dumbest questions all my life. Like are there TV there and cars.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
hahaha you are funny, the movies got me thinking that pickup trucks are dangerous. But thank you for the info.. 1.2 million? that is as much as the population in Namibia (my country).. I cannot wait, hope they are not that ignorant.. 

thank you for the luck love +RobotShlomo 
RobotShlomo - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi
 You'll be fine. Just get ready for a lot of people saying "You talk funny. where you from?" (said with a laugh, I don't like doing the "LOL"). Dallas is a fairly big city with about 1.2 million residents, and it has a large Hispanic population.

The pickup truck is a hugely popular vehicle in the United States, mainly because it's versatile and many use it for work purposes. You can bolt a toolbox on the back and use it to carry all your tools. The company I used to work for had three of them.

I wish you luck in your internship.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
oh my, well thank you so much for the information, i will be going to dallas,  I saw a couple of pics and It looks fine, or am I being deceived lol  +RobotShlomo I hope there are no guys with pick up trucks there
RobotShlomo - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi It depends what part of Texas you're moving to. Texas is a HUGE state, roughly a little larger than the size of Spain. Austin is in the middle of the state, and it's this little bohemian paradise in the middle of a huge bastion of conservatism. It's very hot, and very dry in most places. A buddy of mine described living in Austin when he said it's really cool, but if you travel outside the city limits there's a lot of guys with pick up trucks.

Where are you moving to?
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
For real? I didn't know that +RobotShlomo​ visiting Texas in November to do my intern in med.. How is it there?
RobotShlomo - 9 years ago
Not for nothing, but I still run into a lot of Europeans and people from other parts of the world who think the U.S. is still open spaces, and cowboys.

Yeah, we're not taught anything about Africa. By the same token, we're barely taught anything about our own country. Only about 33% of us know the three branches of government, which is sad.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
+MrScrubbys yes you are absolutely right about that, the media in america wants it that way, to discourage investors and people all over the world to not step a foot in Africa, they know the potential we have, all the resources.. that is just one way for them to control our economy,, THE MEDIA
Kyle D
Kyle D - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi The reason for this ignorance is because when you grow up in America you are taught as a child that America is number 1 and Africa is the jungle and they have lions and tigers and blah blah blah then you go home and see a commercial on t.v. talking about "You can support a starving African child for just a dollar a day!"..or "Help starving African kids get clean water and food for $100 a month"..Or something along those lines then you flip the channel to the discovery channel where its 100% Tribe and animal documentaries....And that about as far as you can go without actually digging into the internet and researching shit..
RobotShlomo - 9 years ago
+Chris Fuu The most commonly ridden "animal" in Texas these days is the pickup truck.
Lorena Flores Agüero
Lorena Flores Agüero - 9 years ago
+Chris Fuu but... llamas don't have air conditioner! lol... it is too damn hot in here. We are close to the Ecuator which is even hotter plus... they are not animals to ride, like horses, They are just good for agriculture. They eat grass. No one rides them, they get hurt :-/
Lorena Flores Agüero
Lorena Flores Agüero - 9 years ago
+Chris Fuu oh god, you should see the traffic in Lima (Peru). It would be animal cruelty: the smog and crazy bus drivers. Plus It will take me forever. By car is faster. Llamas live in the mountains. We only have mountains in the middle of the country (Andes), not all. :)
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
invent one elephant trunk telephone. that is epic +Chris Fuu 
Lorena Flores Agüero
Lorena Flores Agüero - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi It is the same with south-american people. Once they asked me if we ride LLAMAS to work. hahahaha wtf? As if we didn't have cars and buildings and offices and stuff. So weird.
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
I know right +RobotShlomo​
kathy shiimi
kathy shiimi - 9 years ago
Lmao no +ZoomZip​
ZoomZip - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi well, do you have computers over there?
RobotShlomo - 9 years ago
+kathy shiimi They think you're banging on a big hollow log.
Psikhicheskiy Irodov
Psikhicheskiy Irodov - 9 years ago
+Eric Katsikaris Hey man! Lol. Watching his videos after The Daily Show announcement? PS: Its Sannidhya!
Nellie K. Adaba
Nellie K. Adaba - 9 years ago
Yes, people are like so uninformed.
Eric Katsikaris
Eric Katsikaris - 9 years ago
America: Home of the ignorant and arrogant; all bundled up nicely into one highly efficient package.
Ziwco Nawalean
Ziwco Nawalean - 10 years ago
I watched him on daily show too ....
David Mikic
David Mikic - 10 years ago
Didn't get the last joke :(
Said Alhayek
Said Alhayek - 9 years ago
+Goobeer thanks for explaining that!
lkrnpk - 9 years ago
+YourNextStop its South Africa, the show was filmed there so I would think at least part of audience got it. I immediately understood that it is South Africa related and about the president, so it took me just few seconds to google Zuma wash away AIDS to find out the origin
Saniaa Shah
Saniaa Shah - 9 years ago
+Goobeer thanks for the clarity - I had no idea! now I watch again and the joke kinda makes sense :)
manche110 - 9 years ago
+Goobeer tnx sir
NaturalNono - 9 years ago
+Goobeer Love how you now have to explain satire so that the whole thing doesn't blow up in the media, lol. Well explained.
Joshua M. Patton
Joshua M. Patton - 9 years ago
+Davedosa Pretty sure it's a callback to an earlier joke in the set.
ChubbyMonkeys - 9 years ago
Sadly, I don't think the audience got the joke either. I think they found it funny because the sticky part had to do with bodily fluids and it just made sense in a sexual way. But once he talked about the real intent of the joke, people weren't exploding with laughter, meaning they were confused at why he was mentioning something "irrelevant."
TheBloodyBasterd - 9 years ago
+stingy hass u look like a offence.. may there be peace on earth
stingy hass
stingy hass - 9 years ago
+Coolfir7 ever heard of the word allegedly ? huh?
Zia Monique
Zia Monique - 9 years ago
+Goobeer LOL I love South African humor (shyt I love South Africa period, one of my favorite countries on the planet)...but the bicycle generator for power comment is hilarious.  You should write for Trevor LOL! 
Coolfir7 - 10 years ago
South african president Zuma raped someone and the press asked him if he wasnt afraid of getting aids.. So he replied with "no , i took a shower afterwards..."
Goobeer - 10 years ago
Russell… almost all good comedy has some of its origins in basic truth. Quite often South Africans regale each other with incredible (funny, unbelievable, ridiculous) stories from their recent visits overseas – mainly the US. South African's are very often asked the craziest things, so although I doubt Trevor had an encounter exactly like that, the chances something close happened to him or a friend are near to 100%. 

I'd write more about it, but my wife is getting tired – she's peddling away on the bicycle generator that is supplying the electricity for me to connect to the internet. Better give her a break!

TheBloodyBasterd - 10 years ago
rofl a shower, thanks for explaining bro
David Mikic
David Mikic - 10 years ago
Goobeer - 10 years ago
SA president Zuma was brought up on rape charges in 2006. This followed on from the fact that he had sex with the daughter of a close friend of his. She had AIDS (or at least was HIV+). During his deposition, when asked what steps he took to ensure he did not contract AIDS from the girl, he replied: "I took a shower". This from the... ahem... former head of the… ahem… National AIDS council.

Trevor is not joking about the facts (a long story), he is taking a satirical stab at Zuma's approach and response to the situation. He is definitely being sarcastic and in a way tearing into the people who supported Zuma during the trial despite the evidence against him.

Amazingly, despite this evidence, he was acquitted. 
Alfred Siolufres
Alfred Siolufres - 10 years ago
I assume the end bit was a local joke, anyone enlighten me?
Alfred Siolufres
Alfred Siolufres - 10 years ago
+C White Thank you
C White
C White - 10 years ago
Our current president was once on trial for rape, but he claims it was consensual sex. He said in the trial that he showered afterwards as he was worried about HIV/AIDS... It is a big joke here as you obviously cannot prevent the transmission of HIV by showering after sex. Hope that clears it up?
Desmond Pat-Ekeji
Desmond Pat-Ekeji - 10 years ago
I relate to this entirely. The rampant ignorance in this country sucker-punched me upon my arrival. 
FJ MUSIC - 10 years ago
LMFAO. Clever joke... shower :) 
FJ MUSIC - 10 years ago
The first 3 things I have watched of yours and I THANK GOD for a 'new to me' brilliant comedian. When you come to England, please tweet us first!!! I am coming to see you. Francis, England.
Nicky T
Nicky T - 10 years ago
Girls are taught here that asking outrageous questions will get them attention, the fact that she kept coming back to him and asking him worse things probably meant she wanted him to flirt or just converse :) Maybe to make boys feel special or something. I know quite a few girls like this and they're all really intelligent once you get to know them.
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister - 10 years ago
If you're just getting here, All the comments below are from idiots who think the surfer girl was a real person. Seriously people, these actual people are stupider than Trevor's made up stupid girl:
Now enjoy the trip
The Sultin Of Smack
The Sultin Of Smack - 9 years ago
+Sabrina Benskin Funny red herring, smart joke.
Sabrina - 9 years ago
And this is coming from the fictional character made up by George R R Martin? +Tyrion Lannister
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 10 years ago
We got a troll in the house
LordEirikr - 10 years ago
I discovered this guy because of Daily Show, he's fucking hilarious.
kelly tobin
kelly tobin - 10 years ago
khar hime
khar hime - 10 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the shoes that he's wearing?
EzraBenj B
EzraBenj B - 10 years ago
mellowman1001 - 10 years ago
Saw Trevor at The Ice House, Pasadena... where he brought the house down. Brilliantly funny guy!
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Maximus Decimus Meridius - 10 years ago
Americans don't even know America is a continent lol start from there... Noa great bid :)
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
+Jay TS greenland is property of denmark which is part of europe
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 9 years ago
America is a province. It's a goddamn province.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Maximus Decimus Meridius - 9 years ago
+S Hansson That is part of the Continent of America that has America in it and North and South and Central and a country and a bag of secrets. I am guessing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow as well.  Heck too confusing
Black To Grace
Black To Grace - 9 years ago
+Maximus Decimus Meridius More accurately, CA is a state in America which is a country in the continent of North America.
Malos Kain
Malos Kain - 9 years ago
+Maximus Decimus Meridius
You're not understanding what I'm saying. It's no worries though I just looked it up.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Maximus Decimus Meridius - 9 years ago
OMG +Malos Kain really really is there no end to geography stupidity , really? That is the point America (not the USA) used to refer to the USA by using a continent so now that you are on that train.. keep going because CA is not a continent!!! is part of America (the continent) get it?
Malos Kain
Malos Kain - 9 years ago
+Maximus Decimus Meridius
Central America is not one of the 7 continents.
So what continent do the Caribbean Islands and the countries between Mexico and Columbia belong to?
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Maximus Decimus Meridius - 9 years ago
+Malos Kain Not even close, The Caribbean is another thing , America (continent) Discovered by the spaniards led by an Italian, divided in 3 North America (canada to mexico) Central America (Guatemala to Panama) and South would be the rest including Brasil.
Malos Kain
Malos Kain - 9 years ago
+Jay TS I believe the Caribbean islands are also part of North America too, as well as the countries south of Mexico to Panama, right?

But I think in Spanish The Americas is one giant continent called America and that's where people keep getting this from.

Cheers from Canada.
DaiKuwabara TioStudio
DaiKuwabara TioStudio - 9 years ago
+Jay TS In English "The Americas" is divided in 2 continents North and South. Meanwhile, in Spanish (and a lot of other languages) America is just one continent subdivided in 3 regions: North, Central and South.
Jay TS
Jay TS - 9 years ago
+Maximus Decimus Meridius how is he showing stupidity, America is a country while North America is the continent compose of USA, Canada, Mexico, Greenland
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Maximus Decimus Meridius - 10 years ago
+Jordan House you just illustrated the stupidity at the next level , thank you.
Jordan House
Jordan House - 10 years ago
dumbass melissa, we dont even think our country is a whole continent, fucking canada is above us, THATS OBVIOUSLY NORTH TOO. and it is not one, "central is part of north, and the rest after is south.
melissa vazquez
melissa vazquez - 10 years ago
+Jordan House Actually it is one, but it have sub divisions south, north and central but still being a continent. People from USA need to stop being too self centred and stop thinking they country is a hole continent.
David H
David H - 10 years ago
+Jordan House I believe it is in the Spanish speaking world.
Jordan House
Jordan House - 10 years ago
america isn't a continent dumbass, north america is, south america is, but not "america"
Krontok - 10 years ago
Americans have Mexican waves. Those crafty bastards will try anything to keep Mexicans away!
JOHNNY jun - 10 years ago
As a huge fan of comedy for most of my life i have to say I didnt laugh once at this guy. And it is really easy to make me laugh but his humour seemed predictable and kind of old. 
KrissKringle Sprinkle
KrissKringle Sprinkle - 10 years ago
A grown human being asks???...thank you
Fregdar - 10 years ago
Holy shit, that shower joke at the end was a fucking burn
barnumeffect5 - 10 years ago
the south african president bathing joke flew right over my head
Luna Boms
Luna Boms - 10 years ago
Lol I've loved this guy from day 1! The part about the shower was hilarious! Joh! Making us South Africans proud.
Hail Crom
Hail Crom - 10 years ago
Americans are so very stupid
TheSanismo - 7 years ago
Nicholas Peterman owww Nicholas Peter Pan
Nicholas Peterman
Nicholas Peterman - 9 years ago
+Dean Whitley You really shouldn't buy into stereotypes.
jawkdna - 10 years ago
If you are creating a fake conversation that did not really happen at least make it funny.
jawkdna - 10 years ago
+Mark Coetzee There is nothing ignorant about using the english language correctly, let me help you:
1a :  having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement
1b :  marked by stiffness and soreness <a lame shoulder>
2:  lacking needful or desirable substance :  weak, ineffectual <a lame excuse>
3: slang :  not being in the know :  square
4a :  inferior <a lame school>
4b :  contemptible, nasty <lame racist jokes>
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 10 years ago
The word "lame" is so stupid to use. Most ignorant people use it.
rodbob11 - 10 years ago
THIS GUY SUCKS!!....really bad
crochett90 - 10 years ago
Amy A
Amy A - 10 years ago
I have trouble believing that such people exist. I mean come on!
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - 10 years ago
The shark bit killed me a hahahahah
Philile Mabaso
Philile Mabaso - 10 years ago
It nc bt ined smthng differen
Romi Lozano
Romi Lozano - 10 years ago
very good rendition of a balloon head American blondie
Martin Johnson
Martin Johnson - 10 years ago
Love this comidy
Daniel rogers
Daniel rogers - 10 years ago
This is coming from a developed country that doesn't have statutory maternity pay holiday pay (a rare thing in this modern world) so Americans on average have to be pretty stupid to have been so duped by all these big businesses making a killing by claiming any government control atall is a sign of communism while happily having beyond communist water laws/ NSA etc when is suites these coperations. what a corrupt country man!
Francis Chola
Francis Chola - 10 years ago
This guy is a marval! So crezy.
PersianWarlock - 10 years ago
haha I actually know a lot of chicks that talk like that.
WanderAbroad - 10 years ago
Oh yes, being from Africa (in the U.S.) and getting asked these questions, some of them many times and from adults.
1. You can't be from Africa, your white!
2. You can't be from West Africa! The only white people are in South Africa!
3. Did you wear shoes?
4. Did you grow up in a mud hut?
5. How long a drive is that? (yes they really asked that)
To a friend of mine...
Does anyone wear clothes in Africa?
Where is Africa south of Mexico?
WanderAbroad - 10 years ago
wow, that's a new one.
Selam Mussie
Selam Mussie - 10 years ago
I've been asked it i had a pet tiger and if I rode elephants to school.
WanderAbroad - 10 years ago
At least they know they cant WALK to America! sigh
Okuhle Osh
Okuhle Osh - 10 years ago
lol now I think people in Africa are the most intelligent people
Demor Sikhosana
Demor Sikhosana - 10 years ago
Big up Trevor!!! Representing!!
Sercan A
Sercan A - 10 years ago
I could watch Trevor Noah all day and still laugh at every joke. He's just so amazing!
Akita /Abi\ Scarlet
Akita /Abi\ Scarlet - 10 years ago
Awesome! I'm a South African American 14 year old girl. My father is from Cape Town and my mom is from Dallas TX. My adopted older brothers family had AIDs, it really is a problem over there. But, please, slap her xDD

(First time I've seen ya man! Your hilarious)
Winenut.TV - 10 years ago
Soccercrazyigboman - 10 years ago
Can someone explain the shower part at the end?
Sesona Mtyela
Sesona Mtyela - 7 years ago
Tumelo Mogale no he raped a woman who was an hiv activist
Lazeni Yeo
Lazeni Yeo - 7 years ago
Zack Silver and platinum and your friends
Lazeni Yeo
Lazeni Yeo - 7 years ago
Soccercrazyigboman _78. z qa7635
Lazeni Yeo
Lazeni Yeo - 7 years ago
Soccercrazyigboman 5u, 8th
Zack Silver
Zack Silver - 10 years ago
The current South African president, Jacob Zuma, during questions about a rape allegation, was asked, if he worried about getting HIV from sleeping with the woman that he didn't know; he replied saying, "no, because I took a shower straight after".
Tyler Perkins
Tyler Perkins - 10 years ago
+Soccercrazyigboman Jacob Zuma... he's a moron. He said he didn't need to worry about AIDS because he took a shower.
Matt - 10 years ago
Cos shower power umshiniwam
Anthony Schooling
Anthony Schooling - 10 years ago
+Soccercrazyigboman South African President, and in South Africa we don't have secrets ;)
Soccercrazyigboman - 10 years ago
+Tumelo Mogale
which president and how did people find out
Tumelo Mogale
Tumelo Mogale - 10 years ago
The president of South Africa once had unprotected sex and the first thing he did (supposedly to protect against AIDS) was to take a shower.
John B
John B - 10 years ago
The best part is when he says "It's like chocolate...", there was actually a diet chocolate product back in the 1980s called Ayds. Coincedentally, it ended up failing when AIDS became a huge epidemic.
InfiniteRandom - 9 years ago
+John B Best comment on this video. XD
Andy A
Andy A - 10 years ago
the south african accent is the cutest ever. and he's so awesome
ziphelele Maretlane
ziphelele Maretlane - 10 years ago
ooh i love this guy Africa
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
Most Americans actually think Africa is a country. There are some great intelligent people there but most are ignorant trust me.
Nicholas - 7 years ago
Well... look at interviews here on youtube, when they are asking people in the streets,, shows that americans dont know georaphics AT ALL
Ann Simard
Ann Simard - 7 years ago
Well...once i was in Maine in a school trip and someone asked me where i was from. "I'm from Québec, Cana..." they didn't let me finish and just said: Oh i know the state of is near Alaska, right?" I was like...."Hum...Seriously, dude? I'm not from far far away, we're" I was 14 at the time -_-
Metamorphis Chris
Metamorphis Chris - 7 years ago
@Valahallaxe Well good, you can name quite a few. However, comparing states to African countries is not a valid comparison. How many S. African provinces can you name? How many provinces of Algeria can you name? Start there perhaps, before asking someone to name off states. And when it comes to talking about the ignorance of people in the USA, your knowledge of geography does not change the fact that folks are sadly ignorant when it comes to world affairs and geography. It gets even worse when it comes to Africa. There are plenty of studies that show that western media is bias when reporting about Africa. The media focus on the negative stories at a high proportion. And I am a white guy from the USA. It's hard to read all these comments about Americans being ignorant and I hope I'm somewhat of an exception but I will accept the comments because it's earned for my country. And instead of denying the reality, I'd like to focus my energies on change.
ShadingVaz - 7 years ago
and that England is a city
santoshjudedsouza - 8 years ago
Wilkinson Makenstein
Trust me bro, lots of people in my country India believe Africa is a country. smh
Christopher Vera
Christopher Vera - 8 years ago
Wilkinson Makenstein Man, people here don't even know hardly anything ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE HERE! I moved to a different state and got asked "so how are you so smart?" Like WOW. Not even to mention that we call ourselves America but we're not, we're the United States, America is two continents. People here need to travel more, or maybe just use the internet to gain knowledge
Emma Richards
Emma Richards - 8 years ago
No, not most of us think it is--- they just treat it like one by not learning about the mass cultural diversity between countries. Yeah man, we have ignorant idiots here, but it's not most of us.
j esco
j esco - 8 years ago
Wilkinson Makenstein very true unfortunately
faiz abbas
faiz abbas - 8 years ago
Wilkinson Makenstein your lying
Desmond Pat-Ekeji
Desmond Pat-Ekeji - 10 years ago
+Steve Penisman i don't know about it being very few. I'm a Nigerian, and the number of people that I met here who didn't know that Africa is a continent shocked me. I assumed everyone that went to school knew all the seven continents. I was so wrong. 
hopethataintyodaughter - 10 years ago
You mean "DARK AGES" not because someone still believes in following God strictly, or ding things the old ways means they are ignorant?
every where and species have their way of life.
we are humans and also animals but still different as you see black and white hispanic and all and 
same way the birds are together but there are herons and eagles, both different but living a particular way of life not influencing each other.
If not for the white mans influence would we care about riches so much in our great continent or flying to the edge of the world just for some nice views and short pleasures? Or worst to be like the white man. (NO HARM MEANT)
Ignorance is a deep word to use in a place of life like AFRICA.

PLEASE What is ignorance anyway ?
Is it ignorant to pick a couple of leaves stitch together and be barely able to cover yourself 
or is it ignorant to go to a forest, massacre a lot of plants to get cotton, linen or whatsome don't and that is logical.

Tarrix - 10 years ago
im with you man the people here are really stupid.
Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate - 10 years ago
some English people think that South Africa isn't a country.....
Eve Mnyr
Eve Mnyr - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance come to africa where teachers are better appreciated and students are dying to learn and be good at it
Samantha Embery
Samantha Embery - 10 years ago
+Wilkinson Macon
America may be ONE of the richest countries in the world but that doesn't mean everyone is highly educated. Nor does it mean that those with an higher education don't lack common sense or aren't just plain assholes. Since you've spent time in our country I would like to assume that you studied the history of America as well. Also please don't say "most people" because you don't know "most people" in America. It's better to say, the majority of Americans I've met". 
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Matthew R That's the worst thing, when people have their degree and can't distinguish between country and continent... (Just saying)
Chris Devitt
Chris Devitt - 10 years ago
You sir, are the ignorant motherfucker you so speak of. I can guarantee you most people in America don't think Africa is a country, that's just absurd.
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Matthew R because you replied to my comment. Usually the username of the person you are addressing appears next to yours... 
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Matthew R Please don't embarrass yourself. " There are some great intelligent people there". Please read it carefully, and try to understand.... 
Epic Otaku Cherry
Epic Otaku Cherry - 10 years ago
+Jerry Mouse Okay. I'll admit that the specific examples that you had were definitely disappointing, and were a low reflection of what most of us really think, but rest assured that most of us know that "hispanic/latino" is more of an umbrella term referring to those belonging to a mix of several individual ethnicity in different countries, and a reference to the Latin-based language they speak (whether it be Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) or really, simply from a place that had some serious Spanish and Portuguese influence. 
I think I can explain why it may sound like the opposite case:
The biggest umbrella terms when referring to race or ethnicity to someone in the US are Black/African American (if not solely African), Asian, White/Caucasian, Native American, and Hispanic/Latino. You can look at someone, and likely tell which of those category they belong in. And I'm fully aware that they are ridiculously broad terms - and they're actually used in real documents. The Census, official tests like what we call the SATs (the scores of which are pivotal to which college/university you can go to - biggest test in high school), and many other official-y documents. A lot of people want more specific terms, especially for one like Asian - that actually refers to Eastern Asians. Asia has several countries in them. Just because you don't look Eastern Asian doesn't mean you're not Asia. And Africa has several countries within it too. And black is just a color. You can be black and Brazilian. And Caucasians? Seriously? Let's not even go there.
But anyway, when someone says someone else is hispanic, they don't really believe that that person is from a country called Hispania or something. They just mean that the blood in their veins probably comes from a Spanish speaking country.
They know that "hispanic" isn't actually a race or anything. It's just an umbrella term.

I'm sorry, I rambled. I hope I actually answered your question though. I have a habit of rambling and never getting to the point. XP
Jerry Mouse
Jerry Mouse - 10 years ago
+Epic Otaku Cherry i have spoken to ppl and attempted to explain to them that  spanish/potuguese comes from europe, that spanish/portuguese people are europeans and many non euro ppl have names that come from these languages as a result of colonization in the same way that ppl from many countries have dutch, french, english, etc. names because of colonization, they rarely comprehend this, especially when i attempt to explain that many of the ppl who come from the mainland parts of the americas who they call "hispanic" are actually a mix race typically of indigenous ppl of the americas and europeans and they think that i am wrong when i am not, they are also confused when i explain to them that the reason most people in the dominican republic look as if they are part SSA is because that is exactly what they are and this is result of the slave trade they also seem to be confused by this, I have also heard them say things such as "Pele isnt black, he's brazilian", and one time while listening to a radio broadcast i heard former nfl player lavar arrington state verbatum in regard to golfer sergio garcia "well the dudes not white hes spanish", another example is when the bachelor happened last season and ABC said that juan pablo galavis was the first non white other words it seems americans do not get that until the 1500s none of these languages were spoken in the americas, and that the look of the modern day people that they call hispanic is actually a mixed look as a result of colonization, it seems that they many also think that someone like george lopez for instance is how a typical person in spain would look and that if you have a spanish/portugues name or come from any country that speaks that language that you are part of this fraudulent "hispanic/latino" race that doesnt from what ican tell, most ppl in the usa do not just think of this terms as classifications for ppl from spanish speaking countries but rather that they are a race
Epic Otaku Cherry
Epic Otaku Cherry - 10 years ago
+Jerry Mouse That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
Most people know those terms refer to those from Spanish-speaking countries (because they're so many of them). A decent part of the population is hispanic. Especially in the southern part. Arizona alone is expected, by 2050, to have 50% of the population comprised of Mexicans. Not Colombians, Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans, etc. Just Mexican. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know someone who's hispanic, and you probably know which country they or their parents are from.

We know. Trust me, we Americans know. Well, most of us, anyway.
Jerry Mouse
Jerry Mouse - 10 years ago
99.9999999% of americans also think theirs a real race of people called "hispanics" and "latinos"
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
You are welcome.
Carlos A. Larramendi
Carlos A. Larramendi - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance I could not agree more. I apologize for English is not my 1st language, Spanish is, and i meant indeed "an". Yeah, well when i said the people i did not mean all of them, hahaha, you can rest assured that it is not my full-time occupation either. Thank you for this rare case of an intelligent discussion in the battlefields of nonsense that are comment sections today.
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
If it helps at all, I don't ever refer to myself or others in the Unites States as THE Americans.  We're Americans; I'm AN American...2nd generation Italian and 3rd generation Pole.  My designations are, no doubt, important mainly to me, but we all need designations for our personal sense of identity.  Many in the US have no knowledge (nor do many care) where their ancestors originally came from, so their designation, identity, whatever is "American."

Which article is placed before that term..."the" or "an" useful only if one needs to shout something like "The Americans are coming" or "The Americans are so rude" or whatever else goes into the sentence afterward.

I'm glad you don't lose sleep over the whole situation, but as far as people being aware, of knowing, and not just assuming everything...well, Carlos, you've got a long wait for that to happen.  I gave up on it some time ago after years of seeing how fruitless my endeavors were to teach students to think for themselves, ask questions, not accept everything at face value, dig deeper for the truth. I might have reached a few, but it's a losing battle, and I've given it up as a full-time occupation...that is, as a teacher.  Now I can only throw around a few cautions about using common sense and checking things out before jumping on bandwagons, and I can only hope that somewhere along the line someone takes it to heart.

So, we are both Americans...North, South, or Central...and neither of us happy about the hidebound attitudes of a lot of people.  But that's about all we can do...besides fill up commenting spaces, of course.
Carlos A. Larramendi
Carlos A. Larramendi - 10 years ago
Dear +Cathill Chance, i always agreed that, despite the fact that it bothered me, it was never going to change because it has been used for too long. It bothers me a little, but it is not getting in the way of my sleep through the nights. The situation with "Southamericans" is different, as we are actually southamericans, but we don't call ourselves that way, every country uses their own demonym in relation with the country's name, do i explain myself? People from the USA are infact americans (as they live in the continent), but also, they call themselves THE Americans, ergo the situation of wich we talk about. Mexico don't apply because there is no bigger geografical or political entity named the same way, so they can use the demonym Mexican without creating confusion. 

I just have my point of view. Is it going to matter in the end? No. I'm not asking for a change, i stated it before, i just want the people to know, to actually know and be aware of why they do what they do, and not just assume everything is the way it is because that is the way it should be. 
Best regards.
Jakob Moller
Jakob Moller - 10 years ago
The average IQ among american people is quite high actually, it's like 107 or something that which is similar to most western European countries. The rest of the world seem to think that they're stupid because in american culture it's not frowned upon asking "dumb" questions and they prioritize learning different things as well in school. I mean can most of you name the capital of Iowa without using google or wikipedia? many americans can...
Barbara Danley
Barbara Danley - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance, my point was that around the world people say stuff that is wrong and sounds stupid, but if you asked, I bet plenty of them would acknowledge the error.
Epic Otaku Cherry
Epic Otaku Cherry - 10 years ago
IKR? It doesn't help that it's talked about as if it was one, even by those who know it isn't.
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
Whoa, Carlos!  I only made a simple statement about terminology.  Regardless of what people from the USA are called in other countries' languages, in the US citizens are referred to as "Americans."  It is, as you wrote, something that's been going on for a very, very long time, and I really don't think it's going to change any time soon, just as citizens of the United Kingdom aren't going to suddenly be called Unitedkindomers.  They'll still be referred to, in the English language, as British or Brits...something that, no doubt, the Irish and Welsh dislike (Scotland is now voting on the whole deal).

Americans don't refer to themselves as North Americans, and, in spite of the decrease in good education, they don't think Canada and Mexico are part of the United States of America. I have heard and read, more than a few times, references to South Americans.  How do the people from the individual countries feel about that?  Do they feel slighted in Chile or Bolivia if they're referred to as simply South Americans?

What about Mexico?  One of the official names of that country is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, so are they to be called "Estadounidenses," too?

You can dislike and gripe about names all you want, but the fact remains that Americans will probably continue to be referred to as "Americans,"  not USAmericans," by a great many people.  There are certainly many more serious issues to get upset...and do something...about than a name for a people that's been used for close to 2 centuries.
Carlos A. Larramendi
Carlos A. Larramendi - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance , Hello dear youtuber, It all comes down to a simple snowball effect, i mean, i totally understand that it is difficult to obtain something pretty and practical from the name "USA" other than "The people from the United States of America", and i get that in all of their history there were some moments when just the term "american(s)" was necessary. And it all began, some leaders (great and small ones) said to the people: "Because when America..." and then the teachers to the children, and the children to their future ones and so on. Then came the INEXORABLE and overwhelming machine that is USA's creative and cultural influence overseas, represented at most by Hollywood, and all these productions that hail "American" patriotism and freedom and, of course, the "American dream". When the people from other countries received those products ( and, must be said, that the ones from USA were almost the only ones, or at least the most famous, that the whole continent exported) and when the makers of the products called themselves "Americans"; well, it was just a matter of time for the other countries just to call them that way. And it's so settled down in the USA culture that they don't even think about it anymore, the just assume it's ok. In Spanish, for example, the country is named "Los Estados Unidos de América" and the people are "Estadounidenses", of course, nobody is asking a "Unitedstatans" from you, but a simple "USamerican" would have been nice. It is too late now, it bothers me a little, but whatever, the people from the byzantine empire called themselves "Romans" at one point... 
Best regards.
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
Well, the full name of the country is the United States of America, so it seems reasonable to refer to citizens of that country as Americans.  The name is not the United States of North America, after all, so it's not like being called Americans implies the entire continent.
Barbara Danley
Barbara Danley - 10 years ago
I would say not most. However, people around the world refer to residents of the US as "Americans". How much better is that? Canadians, Mexicans, Gautemalans, Ecudorians, Brazilians, etc. are also all American. And people the world over use the terms European/Asian/Middle Eastern.
Jerry Mouse
Jerry Mouse - 10 years ago
this is true
Carlos A. Larramendi
Carlos A. Larramendi - 10 years ago
It's funny because the greatest mistake of "americans" is not believing that other continents are countries, but to do it with their own one. America is not the United States of America and i´m tired of the condescendence given by other non-american countries. But hey, i guess the other 640.000.000 people that somehow share the continent... ...Who am i kidding, this is worthless... Great work, Trevor! Nice stand-up, i really enjoy your work.
Fatelvis2 - 10 years ago
they didn't know the curriculum had been dumbed down they made the honor roll so they thought all was good
Fatelvis2 - 10 years ago
//Americans: we're insulated from the world to a greater degree than most other countries.  You can drive for days here and still be in one country.// I think this contributes towards it

in terms of being prepared for college my lack of skills is MY OWN FAULT but I knew more studious kids who were SHOCKED to find they werent prepared to do college level work
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
+Wilkinson Macon

(Prepare yourself; the following is a rant!)

Yes, the richer the country, the more educated.  But that's going by how many people graduate high school, how many go on for associates', bachelor's, and master's degrees or higher. Those statistics don't measure the quality of the education that got people those degrees.

One of the reasons I took early retirement from teaching college was because of the consistently poor preparation given to high school graduates to deal with college.  I was banging my head against the wall of inadeqaute public school education and the narrow-mindness of college administration for years. Many high school graduates had never written an essay, and, of those that had, their teachers had given out passing grades if the content had gotten even close to the topic, ignoring the horrible grammar and punctuation entirely.  Even one of my colleagues, an English professor, passed students in the basic college writing courses based on content (generally with topics like "What I Did Over the Summer.").  I then got these same students in my courses, and they were unable to write the necessary essays...didn't understand formatting, didn't know where to put a period (!), and couldn't express their own ideas.  Every semester, I had students who plagiarized because they didn't know how to put information into their own words.  Some of these students actually had Honors English as seniors in high school, but this is how badly the public schools had let them down.

These are not isolated instances from one college either.  The quality of education in the US is definitely not good. Just look at the errors on the Internet in articles written by journalists...people with degrees in writing.  Nor has it been a sudden dumbing down; it's been happening for decades.  The middle school and high school I went to in the 1960s no longer had geography as a subject (luckily, I went to a parochial elementary school through 8th grade, so I had a better educational foundation).

And one part of the problem with not knowing much about Africa is, of course, a degree of racism.  However, another, larger part is the attitude of many Americans: we're insulated from the world to a greater degree than most other countries.  You can drive for days here and still be in one country...America. Even though there are regional differences, the language, the basic customs, the money, the laws, etc. are all pretty much the same  You can't do that in Africa or most countries in Europe. The American perspective is insular, and the majority of people simply don't care about the geography or country boundaries of the rest of the world.  The most you'll get, by way of a world view, is when it comes to food...we love lasagna, tacos, egg drop soup, sushi.  Eventually, we'll probably try to claim some ethnic dishes as "all-American"!  Pizza has probably come close to that already!

If it's any consolation, a whole lot of Americans know very little about America, either!  Few can name the capitals of most states or can tell you the names of most states on an unlabeled map or even know much about the state they live in. More of them, though, can tell you that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt finally got married!
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance You are right, but remember The richer a country is the more educated people you'll find there. It upset me to find people with Bachelor saying things like: the president of Africa is not good"
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
+Wilkinson Macon
 I agree, but wealth does not equal common sense or good education. There is so much corruption, so much stupidity among so-called representatives of the people that education has been given less and less importance: funding cut, teachers devalued, and the knowledge the children should be getting turned into rote and "teaching to the test," and the almighty dollar made a prime concern.  Stupid people can't be changed, no matter what their nationality or ethnicity, but ignorant people can be educated.  Sadly, too much money goes into the pockets of those who have more than enough already, too many of the laws and decisions are made by big industry rather than the people, and the ignorant stay ignorant...even encouraged to be ignorant because that type of population is easier to control.  America is like this, as are many other countries...countries that are rich, "civilized," and so on.  It's a façade, and it's crumbling. I worry about what will happen when it's all torn down and enough Americans finally wake up and realize that "for the people, by the people" have become empty words.
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Cathill Chance I understand, but coming from the richest country in the world is not acceptable (just my opinion)
Cathill Chance
Cathill Chance - 10 years ago
Wilkinson Macon...Not most Americans, but quite a few.  I am a retired college prof, and I've seen enough stupidity to worry about the future of this country.  The worst part is, though, that stupidity is not limited by the boundaries of countries or even continents. No matter where you go, you will find stupid people and ignorant people.  Stupid ones have little hope of changing, but ignorant ones can learn to not be ignorant...unless they are also stupid, and there's no hope of change for them either.

I lucked out by having a father who was born in Italy and a mother whose parents were Polish immigrants; I grew up in an ethnic household where I learned that the world was not comprised of one huge United States and a lot of little places called "other countries" scattered around it.  But that type of attitude isn't true of just happens in states and in counties as well where some people are so insular that they treat their own state or county...or even though it's the center of the universe.  It's a hard wall to break through, but the Internet has helped, especially by giving us a chance to share videos of people like Trevor Noah.
Fatelvis2 - 10 years ago
+THEORIGINALEXSCAPER Delaware,NJ,NY,NH,Vermont.Maine,RI,Connecticut,S.D,ND,NM,PA,California,Arizona,Iowa
I could go on but since I'm an American I dont think it really counts  
VALHALLAXE - 10 years ago
+Fatelvis2 Egypt,  Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Angola, S. Africa, Chad,... That's just off the top of my head without looking at a map. Name me an equal number of American states without looking at a map, "...well good luck with that."
Fatelvis2 - 10 years ago
ay I would hope them most would recognize it as a continent
but if you asked them to name some african countries...well good luck with that  
Wilkinson Makenstein
Wilkinson Makenstein - 10 years ago
+Teknoman1981 I don't think you know what the word generalize means if you replied to my comment... 
Teknoman1981 - 10 years ago
I'm sorry but what did I say about generalizing? when you say it like that, your still saying All Americans are stupid so your including EVERBODY, and I am an American BUT I am not stupid. When people confuse information or they just don't know, then they are ignorant some more then others 
Aziza M
Aziza M - 10 years ago
+Teknoman1981 Please, once my English teacher asked me about the country of Africa. My ENGLISH TEACHER. Let's not pretend like Americans aren't stupid. Coming from an American-African.
Nikoleta Simunekova
Nikoleta Simunekova - 10 years ago
Some Americans thing Europe is a country. But then try to ask a UK person to show you where Albania is on a map, or an Eastern European to name all the US states- it's all hit an miss, some people are more interested in geography than others. It's just those arrogant know-it-alls who speak of things they have no idea about and don't want to admit they're wrong, or the dumb simpletons who speak of global issues like they don't matter that drive me crazy- and you can find those everywhere you go, all around the globe.
Teknoman1981 - 10 years ago
+teehee1604 Not ALL Americans, its not nice to generalize
teehee1604 - 10 years ago
+Rob Sollory I think the difference is that in Britain, when people say stupid things like that, they are quite happy to be corrected as crassly as they deserve. Stupid Americans seem to think they have a right to be stupid, and everyone else should respect their stupidity without making fun of them.
Rob Sollory
Rob Sollory - 10 years ago
what??Some British think that too. I once had a friend who actually thought Mugabe was president of Africa. Even this week i was asked what currency they used in Africa also how much it was to fly there. 
I'm surrounded by idiots here!!
SimbaBringinIT - 10 years ago
But I like to play around with them to see how dumb they actually are
ryan Smith
ryan Smith - 10 years ago
He is half South African and half Swiss - what is it with people understanding Sweden and Switzerland are different places - kind of like comparing Austria to Australia 
MM88 - 10 years ago
+Bert Ernie

You clearly have never been to America. 
Luna Boms
Luna Boms - 10 years ago
Actually no, you're wrong. He's 100% South African. But he's half Xhosa and half Swiss-German.
Bert Ernie
Bert Ernie - 10 years ago
Nope. It is clearly different. My point is that one cannot just let stupidity like that go on unchecked as the information was verifiably wrong. The US is one country with one culture, one (main) language, one political system, one common shared history, one administrative system and one people (americans). That is not comparable to two thousand years of cultural segregation between tribes resulting in the nation-states and people that live in europe today.
MM88 - 10 years ago
Getting mad at an American for not understanding the difference between Swiss and Swedish is like getting mad at a Norwegian for not knowing the names of all 50 States. 
susanna0703 - 10 years ago
+Heidi Grutter
The thing that annoys me most about that is that nobody in Sweden knows what Swedish Fish are. It's not a thing in Sweden. Sorry, America: we don't know what you're talking about. And you can keep Swedish Fish, we've got really good candy in Sweden.
Heidi Grutter
Heidi Grutter - 10 years ago
As a half Korean half Swiss person, one of my biggest pet peeves is people saying "Oh you're Swedish! Like Swedish Fish!" Seriously people, seriously? +ryan Smith +Snip3r97 +Bert Ernie +susanna0703 
susanna0703 - 10 years ago
+Bert Ernie
As a Swedish person, thanks for clearing up that common confusion.
Bert Ernie
Bert Ernie - 10 years ago
+Snip3r97 Thats just wrong. Sweden is a consitutional Monarchy with a parliament, while Swtizerland is a direct democracy with no head of state, but a group elected from each canton (region) that rules its own region independently.

Secondly, switzerland is in central/south europe, just north of Italy. Sweden is 2000 kilometers away. That is longer away than New York is from Miami.

Thirdly, Swedes speak swedish, a north-germanic language, while Switzerland is a multi-lingual nation of Italian, French, German and Romansh. So, their "dialect" is not similar, as they dont speak the same language.Language =/= dialect. Language groups like germanic have a huge range of languages and variants, just listen to a dutch or Icelandic and tell me they are similar. 

In short, only lazy ignorace is the reason for people getting the two mixed up. The only similarities they share (except for a democratic system that most western nations have anyway) is that they both start with the letter S, and both were neutral during the second world war. 
Snip3r97 - 10 years ago
People may have been mistaken for the mere fact that Sweden and Switzerland have more similarities than differences. For instance, they're both located in Northern Europe, their dialect is similar, they have similar political systems and cultural similarities. Austria and australia have none of the above similarities that could confuse an individual, therefore i came to the conclusion that you're retarded, said conclusion has been bolstered by your reply. +ryan Smith
ryan Smith
ryan Smith - 10 years ago
I think you are missing the point - I am not talking about the people that live there or anything else except the names of the places which sound similar and if you start with a torrent of abuse I will just get you banned all I am doing is making a point and you have kind of proven you are what you call me by completely missing that point.
Snip3r97 - 10 years ago
No it's not you retard.
Filomena Santos
Filomena Santos - 10 years ago
Trevor is really good! I enjoy very much his performances!
sepuko - 10 years ago
I like his diction and how his English is comprehensible by any and all English speakers. Unlike some other black comedians who lean heavily on using black American accent and slang which makes it incomprehensible for people outside of their ghetto.
Taylan Safak
Taylan Safak - 10 years ago
Lavi Rabi Walker
Lavi Rabi Walker - 10 years ago
He's not black though. In South Africa he is considered coloured and coloured people tend to speak either English or Afrikaans without any strange accents.
PDK - 10 years ago
That might be because he is not black American.
Martha Benedict
Martha Benedict - 10 years ago
AIDS like chocolate really...
OU812 - 10 years ago
His "tired wave" impression killed me. lol
Tonny - 10 years ago
I live in Southern California and I encounter these kinds of questions very often. He got the accent so well!
Nkansah Rexford
Nkansah Rexford - 10 years ago
"Do you have waves in Africa?" What a question?

We have vibrations instead, not waves
Chriss Sapi
Chriss Sapi - 10 years ago
Haha the part about the president is,when Mr jacob Z,had sex and washed his whoohaa with liquor not toget aids in the shower :-)
Little Red Hen Videos - Dalston
Little Red Hen Videos - Dalston - 10 years ago
Nice one Trev. 
NYJanus - 10 years ago
I'm not rolling on the floor laughing, but I am very impressed with your storytelling abilities. It's spot on. 
Edna Ella
Edna Ella - 10 years ago
"No we don't have waves" OMG
Im dead of laughing
Maria Amutenya
Maria Amutenya - 10 years ago
This guy is hilarious. I enjoy his jokes....:-))
Daniel Mumbonde
Daniel Mumbonde - 10 years ago
Like which part is your favourite.
bach5861 - 10 years ago

"It would be so funny, if it wasn't so sad..."
killerfc909 - 10 years ago
In South Africa the president was once involved in a sex scandal. It was found that he also didn't use a condom and when asked what he did to prevent contracting HIV/AIDS he replied that he had a shower. It became a national joke and is commonly used by the satirical cartoonist Zapiro
Michael Nouel
Michael Nouel - 7 years ago
killerfc909 thank you for explaining that
Hans Cascante
Hans Cascante - 7 years ago
killerfc909 ah yes the Zuma scandal hahahaha
Darchias - 7 years ago
Thanks for the context!
Puddle Zerg
Puddle Zerg - 7 years ago
Thank you.
andrea cardona
andrea cardona - 7 years ago
killerfc909 ooooooh now I get it! Thanks !
Juan - 7 years ago
killerfc909 Jacob Zuma song utube
Johanna Müller
Johanna Müller - 7 years ago
It's weird that people don't know the story. Im german and it was all over the news when he had to defend himself in court.
Hayden Murray
Hayden Murray - 7 years ago
Thank you! Lol
JokerAkaAntihero - 7 years ago
thanks, i didn't get this part infact!
Ryan Lynch
Ryan Lynch - 7 years ago
killerfc909 thx for explaining the joke :P
Adrita R. Siddiqui
Adrita R. Siddiqui - 8 years ago
Thank you I was going to ask someone to explain the shower joke lol
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 9 years ago
+killerfc909 sonnuvabitch probably took prophylaxis so, he didn't worry one bit.
Robin Redbreast
Robin Redbreast - 9 years ago
Thank you for explaining it.
bomb skwad
bomb skwad - 9 years ago
You left out that He knew that the woman was HIV+ but he still did not use a condom.
LadyTea123 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the explanation!! :-)
VigLou - 10 years ago
Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering what he was talking about :)
RachelNo1mjfan88 - 10 years ago
Ithought that , and i love eddie izzard :)
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
My buddie asked me if we had pizza in Africa and I was like..."Well, it seems this Italian invention managed to find it's way to Africa to every corner of the earth, so yes we do." The question made me shake my head first though.
whiplash - 7 years ago
@ Thembile Matebesi 100% true..bravo, just to add, the reason is to keep black americans in check, indirectly telling them to chill and keep in line because they are better off in america than their cousins in africa,,to constantly demoralise and don't start sh*t
0Latasha! - 9 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi . Ignorance is so LOUD that no matter what country it is, it always, ALWAYS covers up all the knowledable people.

"Wow you listen to music from Nigeria? How is that possible? Wait, Africa HAS a music industry?" I'm from California, USA. This is the response I mostly get....California is one of the most diverse places in U.S.
The same thing applies when I state I listen to Laotian, Trinidad and Tobago or Bulgarian music. 

I think certain people should rely less on the news to get information on other countries because news here RARELY reports about other countries and when they do it's always about negative stuff. More books should be read! Or at least use more than wikipedia to try to research about other countries. 

Of course, not all Americans are like this. It's just ignorance is so LOUD that it covers up all the knowledagble matter what the country is. I am very fortunate to be associated with people that do research about other countries.
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት - 9 years ago
+tejo that doesn't insult me at all! I almost married an Indian man once. I love Bollywood, especially Rani and Kajol. It's the other things that bother me.
tejo - 9 years ago
+Aksum Princess You do look a little Indian (I mean from india). In India too we eat our food with our hands. We too sit on the floor while eating. I think India and Ethiopia have lot in common. I wouldn't feel insulted if somebody asked me if I am Ethiopian. Hope you don't feel insulted if somebody says you look Indian.
XZDrake - 9 years ago
+Forevermore A Liar
 I've been to Jordan, Saudi, Morocco, Qatar, Israel, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, the UAE, Kuwait, and Oman.

I saw a pizza hut ONCE in Dubai.
Lady Crysella
Lady Crysella - 9 years ago
+XZDrake Dude,The Middle East is more than one country, and unless you've been to each country, then you can't say that. I've lived in the UAE, and they have pizza, God forbid that over 10 countries just don't have pizza because you've never seen it.
lulun97 - 9 years ago
+XZDrake what
XZDrake - 9 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi Lots of places don't have pizza. I've never seen pizza in the middle east.
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 9 years ago
+Aksum Princess That one about the time difference takes the cake! Some of these folks reinvent what it means to be dumb. John Oliver once asked random people on the street if they knew who Edward Snowden is...the answers were nothing short of appalling!
Blade56762 - 9 years ago
+kate john HAHAHAHAHA!  The twelve hour time difference is because Ethiopians don't have watches!  THAT one should definitely be on Trevor Noah's show!  Love it!
Barbara Danley
Barbara Danley - 9 years ago
+kate john, that truly horrifies me, but I still object to you saying "most" Americans based on random idiots. Maybe "some" or even "a lot". Most signifies a strong majority, and while my average countryman doesn't impress me I wouldn't say most Americans are stupid.
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት
Aksum አክሱም ፣ ንግሥት - 9 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi I'm Ethiopian, born and raised. Here are some of the things people have asked me: 1). Do Ethiopians like coffee? This was asked of me while i was in Starbucks drinking coffee. facepalm
2). There is a 12 hour difference between Ethiopia and the USA. A lady once said to me, the reason for that was because Ethiopians don't have watches!!!!! I can't
3). Can you guys read and write? This is despite the fact that Ethiopia is the only country in Africa that has it's own alphabet and writing system!!
3). This is the number one question i get asked, Where is Ethiopia? You don't look African, Are you Indian? Do you guys have food? *ugh*

There are so many more, but out of sheer embarrassment i won't write them down. It's incomprehensible how dumb most American can be.
Mishal Aminullah
Mishal Aminullah - 9 years ago
+Chale Shannon I don't know how competitive south africa is, but America is actually falling behind. We used to produce a lot. Now a lot of our research is collaborations with other countries or in competition with other countries meaning everyone is inventing the same thing at the same time. The US is up there, but it hasn't been number one for a while, probably bc the US likes to invest in the wrong places. It's usually countries that emphasize and invest the most in education end up with the best thinkers and so contribute the most. TheUK has actually contributed the most inventions historically up until now, more than half of the most important inventions in the last century or so are from the UK. Maybe 1/4 are from the US, its a big amount, but its hardly the vast majority. And many of those inventions are older inventions. Like I said, the US has fallen behind. We're starting to pick up speed, but don't delude yourself into thinking we're number one.  
Chale Shannon
Chale Shannon - 9 years ago
+Henning Pantke you can walk the streets in ANY country, and the average person is an idiot. But it's interesting how the vast majority of the world's innovation comes from America, yet people in other countries think American's are stupid. If American's are dumb, and inventing 100 times as many things as the people in your country, what does that say about how stupid you are? lol
Never mind the fact that those people who walk the streets asking questions edit out all of the smart people who know the answers.
Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch - 9 years ago
In Florida, we used to tell Australians their English was very good. Most are either shocked, or try to tell us they're not from Austria. It's funny as hell.
EpicMetrajes - 10 years ago
Pfff. I've been asked if we have english music in my country. (I'm from Mexico. Directly south of the USA.)
Barbara Danley
Barbara Danley - 10 years ago
Right here inside the US-in 1985 I had a roommate in Albuquerque. She was from Wisconsin. When her parents came to visit, they asked if the water was safe and if they needed to get some money changed at their home bank. She asked me about using a dried chile from a ristra my mom gave me from her garden, "is it safe?"
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Henning Pantke
lol, I call attention to it all over the place on here. I do it in person as well. I was not raised to think like that. To generalize is to be rather silly and unrealistic. Like I said before, it defies logic. I point it out whenever I see people doing it. It does not matter what race, gender, nationality or whatever you are. I have had this conversation with many people online and offline. You know what usually happens? People generally realize that yeah, it is a rather narrow minded thing to do. Evolve your thoughts on this, it won't hurt you I swear. If anything, you might learn a thing or two and that is not a bad thing.
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Henning Pantke
LMAO, oh stop, you are being silly. The only one who is butthurt here is you since you are the one being condescending and angry. I've lived here my whole life. I think I know more about the people who live here than your boss who only worked here a few years. Also, give me a break with that BS logic so many of you foreigners seem to have about all Americans thinking they are some how superior. There you go with that generalizing again. It got you nowhere before and it will get you nowhere now. It's just pure ignorance. I can't even take you seriously because you can only see things one way. How can you expect me to when you keep invalidating your arguments with the same bit of warped logic. Get real. I stand by what I said.  You don't have to like it. You can keep being willfully ignorant all you want to. It won't make what I said wrong. You can not generalize an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. It is what it is. Take it or leave it. You acted like an ass for a split second. Does that mean everyone from your country will do the same? NO, IT DOES NOT. Nor would I think that the majority of people from your country would do the same. That is just you and you do not speak for all of them. This is simple, basic, common sense. I'm not explaining a complex concept here. Don't get upset because what I'm saying points out how flawed your thinking is. Maybe try to learn something from it instead. Truth can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes. Would the medicine go down better if I sugar coated it instead of being very matter-of-fact about it? Like I said, it is what it is and you can either stay with the flawed thinking or open your mind. The choice is yours.
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi
There's nothing to chill out about, I'm perfectly calm, I'm just saying what I think. Why do you assume that Americans would not know anything of African culture because of our media? You would be wrong. I've seen many positive things about Africans in our media. In case you haven't noticed, we do have more than one media outlet to get information from. I've seen Africans depicted in many ways much like I see other people depicted in many ways. People/cultures are multifaceted and I've never seen them only depicted in just one way. I've seen the best, I've seen the worst, and I've seen everything in between. But, I can't expect you to know that if you haven't lived here long enough to be exposed to it or people who know this. I find it funny that you have so many assumptions based on so few people though. I've met plenty of Africans, a lot of them pushy and arrogant. That however, has not shaped my entire view of the African people and I do not expect that every time I meet one, that they will be like those few. Also, when someone asks me something because they genuinely don't know any better, I educate them. Being black around a lot of white people, you get that sometimes because some are just not exposed to black people very much or at all. I'm not upset about it and I don't take offense. I understand. The best way to learn something, is to ask a question no matter how silly or simple it seems.They walk away knowing better, I walk away knowing that their horizons are a little more broadened. So yeah, you probably get a lot of silly questions, but that is pretty human and to be expected if one is not exposed to some things. Much like some of the things you say, they come from a place of not fully knowing. Do I fault you for it? No, you just haven't really been exposed to anything else, so that is all you have to really go on. So I understand why you see things that way. I'm just saying, it's rather faulty to only see them that way.
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Henning Pantke Your boss didn't know what he was talking about because he was also generalizing. Again, that is plain ignorance. He did not meet that many people to know if they can all be considered morons. Your argument is weak and only tries to reinforce that generalizing is some how still the best way to make a judgement. Sorry, but in reality, it is not.
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+Evonne77 Whoa! Chill out buddy, I'm not trying to say ignorance (about Africa specifically) is a uniquely American thing or that Africans are not ignorant about other cultures as well but, in my personal experience with Americans, I've observed that, more often than not, they know very little or nothing about Africa and most of the little knowledge they consume about Africa is from Western media which has, systematically for decades, for reasons unclear to me, presented to Western societies and America a version of Africa where everyone is supposedly dying of AIDS, in a jungle, in our little mud houses, eating wildebeets, going for reed dances, and that it's a basically just a stinking shithole. Tell me, how many times in your lifetime have you seen news in American media presenting a positive or fuller picture of Africa? Many Americans I met didn't even think a modern city exists in Africa. Because they never hear about such things in the news. Either I'm one unlucky son of a gun or the gods must be crazy because most of Americans I've had the pleasure of coming across have demonstrated this level of ignorance and many other Africans have had similar experiences. I know Africans are ignorant too, as are other societies, and I never argued otherwise.
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi  Well, that's exactly like saying most Africans do have AIDS or that most of them are uneducated, poor, and live in dirt floor huts. It's completely silly. Have you talked to most of the Americans in America to know what they do or do not know in order to be convinced that most of them are ignorant? No, you have not. So stop generalizing.That alone is ignorance. Use your common sense. It will tell you that a few do not represent the many. Making assumptions about an entire group of people based on your experiences with a few of them, is the worst way to form an opinion. If you are smart, you will realize that those few only represent themselves, not everyone. If you are wise, you will realize that ignorance is a universal thing, not specific to any one group of people. There are most certainly ignorant Africans as proven by the way some of them handled that whole Ebola outbreak there.There's ignorant people EVERYWHERE. So stop trying to make it seem like it is something that is specific to certain people or nationalities.In the real world, that is not even true. Like I said, use that common sense.
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+Henning Pantke haha! you got it worse bro but, in the spirit of humanity, never get tired of teaching them about your country. when all is said and done, ordinary American folks are really nice people.
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+Evonne77 Granted, some Americans are well..not that ignorant about Africa but, most of them certainly are. 
Evonne77 - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi  Now now, that depends on the Americans you encounter. Not all are like that, lol. A few silly ones don't speak for the entire country.
TropicLightning808 - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi Awesome city I loved it. It's a modern metropolitan city that doesn't feel like a large city. It's great
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+TropicLightning808 Hahaha! Hilarious! They can be so frustrating. By the way, I was at Portland last year. I love that city.
TropicLightning808 - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi that was only the first time. When I went to college in Oregon, as soon as I stepped into the airport in Portland I got asked "what (Indian/ Native American)tribe are you?" all the while wearing a "Hawaiian Born and Raised" T-shirt. Also throughout college I was thought to be African American or Mexican it was both hilarious and frustrating. The best part is when the Latinos talked to me like I was a black guy and vice versa with the black guys. When I tell any of them I was Hawaiian the first thing I get asked is if I can get them Hawaii Weed.....
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+TropicLightning808 typical Americans. they have such a narrow wold view.
TropicLightning808 - 10 years ago
When I first went to the continental US (coming from Hawaii) they always asked if I lived in a grass shack
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+foshou citron some questions are so stupid. they go beyond acceptable ignorance.
Smash - 10 years ago
+Thembile Matebesi I don't see anything wrong with the pizza question.
Italy did own a significant portion of the world at one point (Including some of northern africa) 
Also, in schools in America we only learn the geography of Africa, not the history or anything important.
Thembile Matebesi
Thembile Matebesi - 10 years ago
+jajajah86 yeah bro haha!
jajajah86 - 10 years ago
Wow! You have internet in Africa?! :)
LassKefiloe - 10 years ago
Golden,a couple of years back, Jacob Zuma, our president in RSA, was involved in some "rape scandel", and he was asked if he wasn't afraid of contracting AIDS, he replied, "no, because I took a shower immediatly after". . . Like you can just show AIDS off.

Love u Trevor
Yoshua Joustra
Yoshua Joustra - 10 years ago
respect bra
Yoshua Joustra
Yoshua Joustra - 10 years ago
because his cloured like arse
Josh Gordon
Josh Gordon - 10 years ago
i found this guy randomly but he is HILARIOUS! im glad i found him lol
Debbie Marquis
Debbie Marquis - 8 years ago
check out the daily show!
Blive K
Blive K - 10 years ago
watch the Oprah bit its the best! :)
Hesam0000 - 10 years ago
+Jonathan Archer  Me three, I love his "Hitlerish" joke in sandwish shop :))
Arch Diggity91
Arch Diggity91 - 10 years ago
Me too! lol
emmanuel uanseru
emmanuel uanseru - 10 years ago
Alexander Di tonio
Alexander Di tonio - 10 years ago
+OKUHLE MZINYATHI americans in general... they have one of the most ignorant culture out there. Not only blondes..
Okuhle Osh
Okuhle Osh - 10 years ago
the blonds seem to be super stupid
Amanda Vieira
Amanda Vieira - 10 years ago
Mats Trienen
Mats Trienen - 10 years ago
I Am no. homo but his accent is sexy!
Fhatu Luvhengo
Fhatu Luvhengo - 10 years ago
Steph I
Steph I - 10 years ago
5:02      mark zuckerberg stays low key on the left
Cam4Jess - 10 years ago
Girl: How did you get heeere??
Trevor: What? I used my monkey grip under the plane.
know Body
know Body - 10 years ago
The Weeknd does comedy now? Lol.
bsauce420 - 10 years ago
can someone tell me what the "shower" joke was about at the end?
Jabu Makhoba
Jabu Makhoba - 10 years ago
South African president, Jacob Zuma, was involved in a sexual scandal - "slept with an HIV positive woman" and he claimed to have showered to get rid of AIDS. This became a national craze and somewhat a joke. cc Google for more...
bsauce420 - 10 years ago
this dude is so dam funny!
Fei O
Fei O - 10 years ago
lol I would ask where he was from with that accent, I'm from west Africa, nobody talks like that there
Isaaco Mhlongo
Isaaco Mhlongo - 10 years ago
We are from South Africa.
Noel Down
Noel Down - 10 years ago
When you look into someone's eyes... and there is no hope.
Been there. Haven't we all been there?
Ryan Lederer
Ryan Lederer - 10 years ago
"I used my monkey grip to get here"
htfcm - 10 years ago
Ha ha ha Jacob zuma! That guy is an idiot lol.
jharrod123 - 10 years ago
In case you don't get that last bit, and why it was so funny, Jacob Zuma the now ex-Deputy President of South Africa once said, after he had sex with an HIV positive woman he took a shower because he believed that would reduce his risk of contracting the disease.
Tsega Sileshi
Tsega Sileshi - 10 years ago
as much as i hate to say it most ppl are ignorant here in the states..... i like how he imitate the accent tho
Laura  Nwogu
Laura Nwogu - 10 years ago
Chocolate AIDS hahahaha
Sonia Ham
Sonia Ham - 10 years ago
Tired waves...
I love you!
Mark shane Coetzee
Mark shane Coetzee - 10 years ago
ILY too.haha , I'm joking
Mal Cors
Mal Cors - 10 years ago
"too much aids" xD
Malinda Barren
Malinda Barren - 10 years ago
The shark: ask him this...
furogh ep
furogh ep - 10 years ago
smart and funny
Thandi M
Thandi M - 10 years ago
Trevor - lol you are funny but I refused to teach anyone in America about Africa (yes Africa is a country to most  America))  I did perpetuate the stero-type though, I talked about South Africa in terms of the lion king and the Flinstones and they bought it hook line and sinker.  Not saying every America is stupid  but the stupid ones are in the majority.  Does not help that California has a lot of ex-white south africans who say a lot of nonsense anout Africa as a continent
Innsmouth_Mike - 10 years ago
there's no hope lol
Lawrence Sibusiso
Lawrence Sibusiso - 10 years ago
Matt Le Roux
Matt Le Roux - 10 years ago
Ah, Africa, my nickname since coming to america. Very original.
Jama Ka Sijadu
Jama Ka Sijadu - 10 years ago
ola Bhakajuju!!
lesterclaypool1 - 10 years ago
When I left Cali in '79 my IQ went up 30 point from mere geographic change.
Painfully stupid people in California (Reference Frank Zappa's "Flakes.")
Amy Hanson
Amy Hanson - 10 years ago
I used my monkey grip hahahha.
Maksims Ivanovs
Maksims Ivanovs - 11 years ago
Best impression of waves I've seen. 

The only impression of waves I've seen actually.
Offended Badly then Subscribed
Offended Badly then Subscribed - 10 years ago
Yo dog, when u is gon send da check fo dat new monitor imma been needen from yo bug ben havin AIDS on da screen?
iHateSpoilerz - 11 years ago
/) Blondes (\
Golden pen
Golden pen - 11 years ago
I don't get the last part with the president thing
Golden pen
Golden pen - 11 years ago
aha thanks
Rowan Evans
Rowan Evans - 11 years ago
so our president said (quite long ago) that if you have had unprotected sex, then you don't need to be worried about AIDS because if you have a shower then you cant get AIDS. which is sooooooo not true, so we make fun of him every now and again
Guilherme George
Guilherme George - 11 years ago
If Anyone has this video, watsapp me PLEASE +353 86 248 5249
Petrum Slamrot
Petrum Slamrot - 11 years ago
Trevor Noah vs. Terra Nova
Baby Doll
Baby Doll - 11 years ago
"My monkey grip under the plane" I die of laughter
NDIVHUWO MASWOBA - 11 years ago
trevor noah u kill me man....good stuff 
edmis90 - 11 years ago
About the waves - how does he know that she didn't ask if there are any good surfing waves and not if there are waves in general?
Here at the Baltic Sea - we would never get any waves that are good for surfing.
sbowen737 - 10 years ago
+Jack Dinnie it took you 2 months to respond as if anybody even gives a shit and all you did was waste time writing nonsense... does it make u feel smart to be a grammar nazi towards people who arent professional writers? cuz its pretty redundant especially over the internet... all you did was explain why u have no sense of humor so way to go  =)  now lets see if u write another stupid comeback 
AWildBard - 10 years ago
The story is totally fake.  His parody is just based on exaggerated stereotype, which plays well to South Africans I guess. Although people probably can be that stupid about AIDS, the story about surfing doesn't make sense, surfers aren't generally that friendly, girls never randomly talk to strangers, the water in Malibu would never have only one surfer out, and anyone who is really good at surfing will know something about surfing in South Africa.  It's a place that has "waves" as in waves for surfing, you don't need to qualify the term waves at all.  In the context of talking about surfing, you could say something like, "are there any waves?" or "are there any good waves?" and since you are talking about surfing, it would be redundant to say surfing waves, and no surfer really talks exactly like that. And by the way, there were waves in Lake Tahoe in California earlier this year as extremely unusually high winds blew over the Sierra Mountains- and people got in the freezing cold water and went surfing.  Also in the Great Lakes between the US and Canada there are videos of people surfing while its snowing and the wind is blowing and the temperature is 10 below freezing or whatever. So when you say there are never any waves for surfing in the Baltic Sea, I believe you, except once in a while, the conditions probably exist for surfing waves, even if no one would notice and then have the gear, the skill and the will to get in and surf.
sbowen737 - 10 years ago
+Jack Dinnie but your just assuming his story is real...
sbowen737 - 10 years ago
+Jack Dinnie "she" didnt say anything, it was HIS story
bakedbean37 - 11 years ago
That last gag was brilliant. And brilliantly delivered.
manny magz
manny magz - 11 years ago
because decent population of white in South Africa Retard
Mpho Potlo
Mpho Potlo - 11 years ago
Lol Trevor u making fun of our President! I'll also take a shower so I won't get Aids lolest Trevor
Mpho Potlo
Mpho Potlo - 11 years ago
Lol Trevor u making fun of our President! I'll also take a shower so I won't get Aids lolest Trevor
outlawruffryder - 11 years ago
Didnt get the president part either.
lutho dinisile
lutho dinisile - 11 years ago
wont get it if u''re not from SA
AmamMcMam - 11 years ago
I don't get the shower part. Could someone elaborate?
drahtseilakt - 11 years ago
Listening to Germans on the frontlines to martyrdom. Oh murky elephants. Oh blistering Jesus. Sex has got five new holes, I heard it on the news. They say it tastes stereotypically. Bumfighting wizards shy away from this goofy spectator. It's greatness.
Amanda Crossman
Amanda Crossman - 11 years ago
Ever had AIDs , I cracked up at this part.
yeoworld - 11 years ago
So funny and who's from Africa has not once or more met an American or European asking the very same questions or even worse? Often it is as he puts it. You look at them in the eyes and know any human being can only go so low.
Mbeko Nobomvu
Mbeko Nobomvu - 11 years ago
Felix Tan
Felix Tan - 11 years ago
damn his fat already !
Char Star
Char Star - 11 years ago
Plo. The joke about the president is based on the fact he once did a speech and said that if you shower after you sleep with someone who's infected with Aids then you won't contract it.
kiwali - 11 years ago
there is actually a chocolate named AIDS. BACK IN THE 80's!
Clint Love
Clint Love - 11 years ago
I remember that! It was actually a diet/appetite suppressant kind of thing. Yes. The AIDS chocolate bar diet. It really happened. 
Monique Mizzi
Monique Mizzi - 11 years ago
Sweet sweet Trevor, I just discovered you today.. and I wanna have your babies xD 

hot and funny.. what more could a girl ask for?
LExx3n - 11 years ago
this is tooooooo awesome
Filip Jacobsson
Filip Jacobsson - 11 years ago
5:00 Is that Mark Zuckerberg?
King Pharaoh
King Pharaoh - 11 years ago
looked like him lol
RockstahRolln - 11 years ago
So funny and true how they speak in certain parts of the US!
Amiel Moodley
Amiel Moodley - 10 years ago
+Filip Molin shot mate
Robert D. Nelson
Robert D. Nelson - 10 years ago
Well, this was an exaggerated southern Californian accent. I would feel offended by it but some people are actually that dumb, also I'm from northern California. There is a huge difference.
Powder - 10 years ago
+Jo M watch the video and you'll understand the comment FOOL! 
Piteng - 11 years ago
+Jo M
he's from south african, I'm fully aware of that, but he's mimicking cali girls' accent
Amiel Moodley
Amiel Moodley - 11 years ago
+Jo M Swedish and Xhosa mate
Piteng - 11 years ago
isn't that cali girls' accent ?
PABWECG - 11 years ago
Certain parts? Everybody has an accent, lol.
Maya ___
Maya ___ - 11 years ago
He is just so fine... omg and he's South African and Swiss/Germain
Benny Ubub
Benny Ubub - 11 years ago
yoh... DEAD, DEAD.
 lmao hahha
NotsilYmerej - 11 years ago
I think she was playing along.
Isaac Sikoway
Isaac Sikoway - 11 years ago
this is my favorite...
Plo Soldier
Plo Soldier - 11 years ago
i don't get the president part. Anyone care to explain?
Plo Soldier
Plo Soldier - 10 years ago
+shashaman88 If I told you Abbas, would you know who he is? Abdullah? Khalifa? Do you happen to know any of them? Correspondingly, they are: the president of Palestine, King of Jordan, and President of the UAE. I guess that makes you a "damn as*" for not recognizing them. 
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson - 10 years ago
shashaman88 - 10 years ago
He's talking about Zuma damn ass, when Zuma had sex with a HIV infected woman and went to take shower asap..
Michel Chibana
Michel Chibana - 11 years ago
+Clo5BleachXX He's still the president
T. Kibbel
T. Kibbel - 11 years ago
+Jonathan Chiappero
thanks for the advice
pikanoob - 11 years ago
+Jonathan Chiappero not sure which is stupider, thinking you could have "had" AIDS, or thinking that taking a shower does anything to prevent infection.
Plo Soldier
Plo Soldier - 11 years ago
Jonathan Chiappero
Jonathan Chiappero - 11 years ago
+Clo5BleachXX He is still the president and has announced that he is running for another term in office, despite being asked by two separate bishops to step down
Jonathan Chiappero
Jonathan Chiappero - 11 years ago
The current South African president, just before his presidency, was accused of raping an HIV positive woman (since he became president the charges had to be dismissed since a president may not have pending charges against him). He admitted to having sexual relations with the woman saying it was consensual and when he was asked whether he was aware the woman has HIV and if he was afraid of being infected he replied that he did know she was HIV positive and he was not afraid of being infected because he took a shower afterwards... I am South African and our current president is an embarrassment....
Clo5BleachXX - 11 years ago
One of the ex-presidents, Zuma, once said in a trial about his posssibly non-consensual sex with a woman that he "took a shower after to minimize the risks of contracting aids". Yup, and people never let it go after that.
J Brown
J Brown - 11 years ago
ATdaBomb - 11 years ago
Can someone explain the president-shower reference at the the end to me?
Nakishka - 11 years ago
South Africa's president Jacob Zuma said that after having sex with an HIV positive woman, he took a shower which made him less likely to contract the disease
Farner Vanzant
Farner Vanzant - 11 years ago
She sure sounds a lot like LSP from Adventure Time.
Mariano Salvatore
Mariano Salvatore - 11 years ago
he is LEGEND.....wait for it .......DARY ==.> LEGENDARY
Helga Björnsdóttir
Helga Björnsdóttir - 11 years ago
Trevor you rock :P From Iceland :O

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