Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

Part 6: https://goo.gl/DtWdPa Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E ----- Tsu Surf shared his thoughts on snitching and explained that the only people he sees fit to speak to police are civilians, adding that they don't live by street or gang laws. The conversation then turned to Tsu Surf claiming that DJ Vlad has gotten some of his past guests indicted, which led to a debate between the two. To hear the full dialogue, including DJ Vlad denying that he played a role in getting people indicted, hit the above clip.

Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 55

Surf 6 years ago 27,461 views

Part 6: https://goo.gl/DtWdPa Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E ----- Tsu Surf shared his thoughts on snitching and explained that the only people he sees fit to speak to police are civilians, adding that they don't live by street or gang laws.  The conversation then turned to Tsu Surf claiming that DJ Vlad has gotten some of his past guests indicted, which led to a debate between the two. To hear the full dialogue, including DJ Vlad denying that he played a role in getting people indicted, hit the above clip.

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for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

straightab6 - 6 years ago
Wasn't vlad asking ni66as about they current gang affiliations???
Recency Bias Radio
Recency Bias Radio - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf too real for Vlad. Vlad knows he would never ask these kind of questions if he wasn't protected by Police & his own security. Would Vlad go to the trap house & ask these same incriminating questions? Nope. So he clearly knows where to draw the line for his own safety but doesn't CARE about the safety of the Black Men he interviews.
Franklin Evans
Franklin Evans - 6 years ago
I respect Vlad for standing up 2 him.
Greg Cuttery
Greg Cuttery - 6 years ago
Bull shit u the feds best friend
TJ Streamer
TJ Streamer - 6 years ago
What a great description they put, B.G. Knockout- WILL NEVER SNITCH
Sinister Sith
Sinister Sith - 6 years ago
If you don't like Vlad, simple, don't be on his show.
Edwin Simmonds
Edwin Simmonds - 6 years ago
Thank you tsu surf Vlad is a baiter
duncan penderhughes
duncan penderhughes - 6 years ago
He asked Trey Dee shit that police a ask when they working on cold cases his point is if you dont wanna snitch dont come on vlad Foh
Jahson Star420
Jahson Star420 - 6 years ago
Will these guys ever grow up and leave that street shit in their adolescent?

10. comment for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

Dave Money
Dave Money - 6 years ago
I’m no gangster but I’ve done a little bullshit in my life.... guess what, I never mention my bullshit in mixed company, and I never mention my bullshit on the internet... easy
Tone Loc
Tone Loc - 6 years ago
Who writes these ganglaws? Do they vote like the house of Representatives?
Alan J
Alan J - 6 years ago
I fuck wit surf that much more after this
Sizzla Kolanji
Sizzla Kolanji - 6 years ago
U gangsta? Then be held accountable for what you say, simple ..
T Randles
T Randles - 6 years ago
hahahah Vlad a sneaky white man. Surf know the vibes
Corey White
Corey White - 6 years ago
Vlad got in his feelins!! LMAOOO but facts is facts tho....he be indirectly getting ppl indicted, he know what he be doing
True Tee
True Tee - 6 years ago
Delano Blanco
Delano Blanco - 6 years ago
I would tell the police. These people are crazy
Jawan Brown
Jawan Brown - 6 years ago
I agree with Tsu surf a %100
Penny Isaac
Penny Isaac - 6 years ago
Vlad don’t get ppl indicted, they get themselves indicted. U literally don’t have to answer the questions that he ask if it’s incriminating. If niggas were smart, they’d move like Tray Dee. Niggas need to start holding THEMSELVES accountable for what comes outta their mouth, not Vlad.

20. comment for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

nonya biss
nonya biss - 6 years ago
Jumpoff JD
Jumpoff JD - 6 years ago
Vlad know what he doin gettin ppl to say shit they have no business sayin, esp rappers who just wanna be seen or heard smh
D.J. StretchNutts
D.J. StretchNutts - 6 years ago
Atlstreets - 6 years ago
He let him off the hook
Zone6ZoneSix - 6 years ago
These are grown men if you say some dumb shit on Vlad it’s 100% on you as a man. Live with it
WoTheGreat - 6 years ago
Oh yeah, Tsunami most likely gonna get killed after this. Yall know Vlad be getting niggas locked/docked
Lil Deezle9
Lil Deezle9 - 6 years ago
SURF getttttt ttthhaaat raaaatttt biiiiitcchh real shit bro.n vlad fuck outta here I know what you saying surf
CoreyWilkie - 6 years ago
American rappers need to watch Giggs Interview with Vlad he simply didn’t answer any questions and said ask me about music not crime it’s dead
Luchi Flooddastash
Luchi Flooddastash - 6 years ago
Vlad a real one for not editing out tsu surf accusations. This is a real conversations. 2 men disagreeing peacefully
Eric Bell
Eric Bell - 6 years ago
Facts. Respect Tsu, heavy.... Respect to Vlad for putting this out like a man. Always welcome opposing views or your pu$$y... sweet money. But Vlad... You are illiciting certain types of responses from certain types of people, who may or may not have the tools.... Its like telling a little kid if they pull this trigger... they get all the toys in the store... they dont realize the triggers attached to a catapult-hook that launches them like Wiley E. Coyote into the Grand Canyon/8 rings of hell... That kid just wanted the toys.... they wanted the donut but, theyre was razor blade in it. VLAD aint snitchin... but the line is thin.... *and for dumb n!ggaz the line is non exististent* cuz they dont even have thr written, verbal, life experience, or legal-ese interpretation to know if they just stepped in a pile of sh!t or not... Vlad might not get them caught like Chris Hansen all by himself eith the heat lamp and cops outside.... but you do make SOMEONE OUT THERES JOB EASIER. and whats funny? VLAD NEVER LIED TO ANYONE... and ill bet he makes you clear the video before he releases it(i hope)so I and WE all love watching the sh!t. its why ppl watch NASCAR... sooner than later someone gone fuck up and barrell-roll over the sidewall in flames and we all gone look gassed, horrified... we gone repost the vids, re watch re post... and ask the homies "aye, did you see dat shit?" Yall wanna keep it base; n!ggaz tell Vlad shi!t they wouldnt tell they Moms. And Vlads right... hows that his fault and more so... WTF KINDA SENSE THAT MAKE, why you so thirsty??????!!! Jerry Springer doesnt make you throw blows and pull weaves off on stage... YOU DO. soooooooo..... imma need yall to 'Cash me outside, hoe bout DAT?"

30. comment for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

Sidney Martin
Sidney Martin - 6 years ago
I bet Vlad won’t invite surf after calling him out Lmfao
Sidney Martin
Sidney Martin - 6 years ago
I bet Vlad won’t invite surf after calling him out Lmfao
Flacco Brown
Flacco Brown - 6 years ago
AR-AB got indicted officer vlad and we dont consider you a civilian if youre involved in any way. youre involved by shooting these interview
Rene Carranza
Rene Carranza - 6 years ago
Dumb asses tell on themselves, self snitching era, if you feel this way why you giving a free interview on street shit? Stoopid.
Bo Bellacheck
Bo Bellacheck - 6 years ago
If anyone should know, surf would.
Julius Lykes
Julius Lykes - 6 years ago
Vladimir has a point. Everybody has the right to remain silent.
Brent Dixon
Brent Dixon - 6 years ago
I enjoy some of vlads interviews but how could you not say he hasn’t baited some ppl who are now arrested? Those type of questions can simply be avoided.
GibbyVee - 6 years ago
No wonder his arms crossed
Scott Sophia
Scott Sophia - 6 years ago
Some stories are not to be told.
jazz0 45
jazz0 45 - 6 years ago
If VLAD is indicting people then why the fuck is you letting him interview you. You fucking clown
Dead Presidents
Dead Presidents - 6 years ago
If he believes Vlad really the feds, then why he let himself be interviewed by him then? Niggas so dumb
Scott Sophia
Scott Sophia - 6 years ago
People too busy snitching on themselves these days.
president 96
president 96 - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't get people locked up. Its dumb ass people that get on Vlad tv and start running they mouth.
Kury Sanchez
Kury Sanchez - 6 years ago
Asking how many bodies you got is bait ..
ANGRYFAN007 - 6 years ago
R.I.P TECH.....
Kalief Martin
Kalief Martin - 6 years ago
Niggaz always pointing blame. Them niggaz are just stupid for telling on themselves.
Durrdy NGR
Durrdy NGR - 6 years ago
101wormwood - 6 years ago
that dude on camera is right and vlad is wiggling. he knows he gives people rope, and hes not going to stop them from hanging themselves with it. Its a part of what he does and if you put yourself in that seat you should only do so if you think you can handle an interrogation.
Eazy Gaming
Eazy Gaming - 6 years ago
lmao ive never heard vlad getting shaking up like that before and ive him disagreed on a lot of stuff
mike - 6 years ago
No one comes to Vladtv to listen to rappers talk about music its a autobiography channel. So know what the fuck to expect if he invites you to do an interview

50. comment for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

Jeff Futrell
Jeff Futrell - 6 years ago
Vlad has the 2peice chicken box and newport on deck #first48
Hakeem Branch
Hakeem Branch - 6 years ago
Vlad I love your channel but we all from the streets know that you def bait people who want clout so they answer your detective questions. You don't do it personally it's just the European man inside you
Jamilla Grant
Jamilla Grant - 6 years ago
Thanks Surf.
svoland2003 - 6 years ago
Vlad at 4:57 almost slipped up and said: "Whatever you say...can and will be used against you in a court of law".
Foreigns 2
Foreigns 2 - 6 years ago
They get themselves indicted a real street guy will never do a Vlad interview period!!!!He gives them what they want ‘attention ‘!!!!
G Money79
G Money79 - 6 years ago
RIP Tech9
Jamie Lee
Jamie Lee - 6 years ago
dont u notice that the details of their arrest sheet are what you talk about on your video u fuckin weirdo? thats the thinbg yall be on vlad too stupid to ask the right questions....its a shame pivk up that book put down that phone
TheWill 415
TheWill 415 - 6 years ago
This guy is trippin,I agree with Vlad on this 100% They know they're micd up,don't agree with the interview then
Rapper de la tara
Rapper de la tara - 6 years ago
this motherfucker is a snitch. you can call it what you want but you are a fuckin rat. you make money off people by making them incriminate themselves on camera making them to think oh this is just an interview when you know damn well you have 3 million subscibers, lord knows how many viewers. Im from Romania and i watch this shit but i dont watch it because of this rat motherfucker, i watch it because of Boosie, Tray Dee, Lord jamar etc. If you go on RatTv, beware, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Kenneth Alexander
Kenneth Alexander - 6 years ago
There was a time when anyone who hung out with criminals as much as Vlad was considered an associate and had to live up to the same standards. The "civilian" thing is something new.
Basick Training
Basick Training - 6 years ago
Rag-gooey Louie
Rag-gooey Louie - 6 years ago
Yo vlad if the police asked you to take the stand cuz of a conversation that you had with a guest.... would you?
Tevin Howell
Tevin Howell - 6 years ago
Let’s be real these niggas come on vald telling everything and get indicted by trying to get brownie points
jacky13game - 6 years ago
Is gayle king responsible for r.kelly's issues?
Chris Malone
Chris Malone - 6 years ago
RIP Tech 9!! Surf part of the BattleRap Community so I had to say that!!!
DJ Armstrong
DJ Armstrong - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf is correct on the point of some people who sit in that seat aren't fast enough or smart enough to dodge some questions Vlad ask
KingNaim Hudson
KingNaim Hudson - 6 years ago
I get both points of view.
The Flyer
The Flyer - 6 years ago
The reason Nas or Hov never gave vlad an interview
hollywood8897 - 6 years ago
TSU surf is right, i just wish he could articulate his point.
TrollinYouNIGGAss Tv
TrollinYouNIGGAss Tv - 6 years ago
Tsu surf is a foo he kept it real and said what other people scared to say
MrTeeWills - 6 years ago
You just asked Tray-Deee if he is currently robbing people tho lol
Sid Joyner
Sid Joyner - 6 years ago
He talking facts n I think VLad know what he means. You dont work for the cops but you get incriminating or stuff that could attract the laws attention out of some slow witted guys
G-MITCH - 6 years ago
VLAD has never gotten anybody indicted, these ignorant ass new niggas continue to self snitch on themselves on a regular basis. Them niggaz ain't in no damn interrogation room, ain't no pressure on them fools whatsoever.
Dsean860 - 6 years ago
I hope vlad youngest daughter or Neice gets rape in the street
Dsean860 - 6 years ago
Vlad is a snitch
The Rap Guru
The Rap Guru - 6 years ago
Talking kinda hot for a "civilian" lol
905 North
905 North - 6 years ago
Perfect example I can't exactly remember who it was I think it might have been China Mac but not sure, the person said they didn't want to talk about a particular incident involving some illegal shit so Vlad cut to a previous interview of the person talking about it just to get that in there..shady haha
margeeter - 6 years ago
Vlad hurt about this one lol
Mr. Simon
Mr. Simon - 6 years ago
Tsu surf told it like it is
905 North
905 North - 6 years ago
vlad know all the tricks of the trade, he playin dumb haha
TrollinYouNIGGAss Tv
TrollinYouNIGGAss Tv - 6 years ago
Facts!! Everyone goes to jail after a vlad interview lol
Krook19 - 6 years ago
"Your a Trickster" lmao
jacky13game - 6 years ago
If vlad asks you these questions its because of your image. If you acting hard all over the internet he gotta ask you these questions cause thats what your fans wanna hear. Now YOU told the world that you a gangster in the first place, otherwise he wouldnt ask you these questions. And again, there is a mic under your shirt, one in front of you and two cameras pointing at you. If this doesnt tell you that he's recoding the whole conversation then you deseve jail
ibn zakariyyaa
ibn zakariyyaa - 6 years ago
That white boy will get you caught up he is not for your best interest but his own.
Hueycrowley - 6 years ago
this dude tried to son Vlad and got rejected
Louisiana Native
Louisiana Native - 6 years ago
Fuck vlad...
Millz ODay
Millz ODay - 6 years ago
YOUNG GUNNA - 6 years ago
Surf keeping it TRILL with Vlad
King Dominic
King Dominic - 6 years ago
Surf put Vlad out there. All FACTS TSU
Dale Cumberbatch
Dale Cumberbatch - 6 years ago
Vlad helps the police for sure. Just listen to the kind of questions.
King Dominic
King Dominic - 6 years ago
Vlad has no idea what Surf is talking about. Niggas don indicte themselves on there
Bro james
Bro james - 6 years ago
Why is this a surprise?? Vlad is thr same person that got punched by Rick Ross and then sued him lol. Vlad is as square as they come.
3Darkvibes - 6 years ago
....all you gotta do is not answer certain questions that is all calling him a “baiter” or the police is stupid
Fugget Aboutit
Fugget Aboutit - 6 years ago
Glad gets a hard on from gun shot stories
Dale Cumberbatch
Dale Cumberbatch - 6 years ago
Vlad playing stupid.
kased on
kased on - 6 years ago
tsu surf caught a Zionist snitch , we all kind know that
paul west
paul west - 6 years ago
Great editing... lol
Charles Waples
Charles Waples - 6 years ago
Vlad knows what your talking about
paul west
paul west - 6 years ago
Finally someone told this clown..
King Ghx5t
King Ghx5t - 6 years ago
Y'all be yelling free my man, i yell at my man stop getting captured

100. comment for Tsu Surf Says VladTV Gets People Indicted, Vlad Responds (Part 7)

brooklynboi11207 - 6 years ago
Guess he won’t get invited back
FamilyTies423 Youtube pg
FamilyTies423 Youtube pg - 6 years ago
fb haze
fb haze - 6 years ago
Vlad says he doesn't talk about active cases but stays talking about the 6ix9ine case
Innerpeace andlive
Innerpeace andlive - 6 years ago
Come on vlad. No talent.
UNCLE TOM TV - 6 years ago
Is Vlad too fast or are niggaz to dumb to be criminals?
djnosleeves85 - 6 years ago
Finally tsu surf got on vlad about his line of questioning.
shaheed dean
shaheed dean - 6 years ago
Vlad is the Fuckin Police I been tellin y’all..listen close to all the questions he asked people..he sound exactly like a detective !
Campslew Fitness Training
Campslew Fitness Training - 6 years ago
Surf got em........ lol
V-TOWN Mai1600
V-TOWN Mai1600 - 6 years ago
Vice vlad. Rules of the street. Dont ask dont tell. I hate the fact that u get views over talking about some dumb shit and u laugh about shit like it's cool. Ur a nerd and u will never be cut from the same cloth as the people u interview.
Tony Jones
Tony Jones - 6 years ago
Hahahaha see vlad you think shit sweet....
Emani Phillips
Emani Phillips - 6 years ago
....lot of niggas don't even like you they like your platform and what you provide...you would have no homies without this...
D JS - 6 years ago
Never listened to TSU Surf. Went to free style off the strength of this interview. Boy raps his ass off.
A Barr
A Barr - 6 years ago
Ppl don't understand that just going on VLAD PUTS YOU ON THE LIST OF INVESTIGATION



B 290
B 290 - 6 years ago
Vlad knows exactly what his doing. It’s clear for everyone to see. Just because they have a camera in their face doesnt mean you ain’t trying to get people caught up. Dame dash said it first joe budden etc both stand up dudes. Charlamayne realised late aswell and bounced. A lot of rappers are very aware of vlads games now so it’s got a lot better
BlackJohnnyCage - 6 years ago
R.I.P. Tech9. Great battle Rapper.
LIMITLESS_CONVO - 6 years ago
My nigga smart af cuz niggas be taking that bait like ain't nobody recording & he do get niggas indicted tho
Malcolm.X.Machina - 6 years ago
Imagine of Vlad had Narduar research skills. Combined with how dudes sound snitch. 100% conviction rate!
Hip Hop
Hip Hop - 6 years ago
Vlad in denial....as most culture vultures are....
051 MattMann
051 MattMann - 6 years ago
Realist nigga ever
Comment Beast
Comment Beast - 6 years ago
What he's trying to say is VladTv don't give af about anybody he interviews
EliminatedByeLOL - 6 years ago
So if somebody goes on ig live or any live and answer comments about a crime there self snitching but if they go to a interview and answer a question the person that asked the question the police no dummy it’s I don’t want to talk about it like u said he fish don’t take the bait if it incriminate u dumb bitch stop talkin close ur mouth u don’t know next question
specs IMF
specs IMF - 6 years ago
How u gonna say no snitching under any circumstances but then blame the person asking the questions for ppl getting locked and not the person actually telling on they self
Lorenzo Sanchez
Lorenzo Sanchez - 6 years ago
Tsu right fr about the bait
christopher porter
christopher porter - 6 years ago
Any man that calls himself a nigga is an ignorant person and a detriment to our race. These fuckers wonder why the inner city community is fucked up.
Edwin - 6 years ago
Why Vlad acting dumb now.. what Tsu is saying is blatant and is common sense. Vlad doesnt stop the person from incriminating himself if they may not know they are, he just let's them go on, and that's what Tsu is saying. Anyone else would've been like, "I don't thing it'll be a good idea to say that."
Jordan Furguson
Jordan Furguson - 6 years ago
I’m shocked Vlad posted this. Vlad knows what he looking for when he ask questions
A-Rock Monster
A-Rock Monster - 6 years ago
This will be tsu last interview for sure
Cosmic Background Radiation
Cosmic Background Radiation - 6 years ago
Why surf sound like that? ☹️
Yabba Dabba
Yabba Dabba - 6 years ago
Facts.. Unfortunately Ralo and AR AB had to learn the hard way...
Eric Wilson
Eric Wilson - 6 years ago
Forget that!! Tell on all of them!!
FreXuency - 6 years ago
David Walker
David Walker - 6 years ago
Vlad get niggas indicted and He know it
Castro Belize
Castro Belize - 6 years ago
Niggas always told him their selves you live in the hood but you driving a Bentley
Loyalty is Everything
Loyalty is Everything - 6 years ago
Hip Hop police
appetite for destruction
appetite for destruction - 6 years ago
This is why dumb niggas go to jail...Vlad didn't get anybody indicted THEY GOT THEMSELVES INDICTED... get this idiot off of here. Its called DISCOVERY if Vlad was an informant his name would be on paper and he'd be called as a witness.... these dummies haven't learned the art of SHUTTING THE FUCK UP
Kamil Harris
Kamil Harris - 6 years ago
They hung themselves. If it was Vlad or in the box .. its on them. Watch YOUR mouth.
Castro Belize
Castro Belize - 6 years ago
Pee-wee what's the smartest black guy to sit in the vlad seat PeeWee Longway
Jeffrey Lightbourn
Jeffrey Lightbourn - 6 years ago
Understand, Surf is in battle mode...he hit Vlad with one of the hardest haymakers of all time this interview, boy. S/o to the wave!!
Mark Kawate
Mark Kawate - 6 years ago
What a bitch.
TheReal C-Nyce
TheReal C-Nyce - 6 years ago
Juris Blumfelds
Juris Blumfelds - 6 years ago
Vlad just asked Tray Dee if he still robbing people in yesterdays clip.
Think Man
Think Man - 6 years ago
Dumb ass are going on camera like he's not known for asking questions about street shit. These dumb ass niggaz tell on themselves. Put guns in videos, talk about street beefs. Don't blame that shit on nobody but yo self.
ThaKing313 - 6 years ago
This nigga dumb. Vladtv is no different than Instagram and Facebook. Dumb niggas get theirselves indicted.
Madisyn Miller
Madisyn Miller - 6 years ago
Tsu surf just put u niggas who get on vlad on game.
In My Humble Opinion
In My Humble Opinion - 6 years ago
I think Vlad missed the part where Tsu Surf tells him he might get held to a different standard than the civilian.

He's saying Vlad might not be directly involved in illegal activity but he associates with too many street individuals and police for that matter to not understand and possibly be expected to live by the codes.

Vlad is the most dangerous type of dude because he's the type to blur the lines. People better be extremely careful what they say to Vlad on AND OFF camera.
Cash_NYC - 6 years ago
Surf a idiot to say that about vlad then let him interview him.. vlad ask the question he dont set nobody up to go jail or to catch a charge..
HeadEnterprise - 6 years ago
That indicated comment hit a little to close at home for Officer Vlad LOL
We is gang
We is gang - 6 years ago
The only nigga who went up there and said what everybody feel
Slim3 Tim3
Slim3 Tim3 - 6 years ago
Vlad FBI mane!
To Pimp A Pharcyde
To Pimp A Pharcyde - 6 years ago
Vlad dont even play dumb you always find slick ways to ask about criminal activity
mistaseeforce - 6 years ago
Ni@@as are so dumb including this dude ... stop making stupid f@cks famous I doubt his songs are that good
Landofcapone - 6 years ago
Nigga the only person here who is dumb is YOU! Surf a battle rap legend, has some of the dopest freestyles on all platforms & his music is A1. Do your research for you comment goofy. He's actually someone who deserves to be famous...
John Balkcom
John Balkcom - 6 years ago
Thanks for calling VLAD out !!!
king 93706
king 93706 - 6 years ago
Niggas come on vladtv trying to show off and get themselves in trouble.
Shut Up
Shut Up - 6 years ago
There Informants that aren't on Paperwork Vlad..that's fact..for real..you're a lil too nosey at times
Ante Zelenika
Ante Zelenika - 6 years ago
Kyrie irving.
WestCraven - 6 years ago
Cody Foster
Cody Foster - 6 years ago
Somebody needs to wash Vlads dishes if ya catch my drift.
Kent - 6 years ago
This dude was on point and Vlad couldn't deny it.... he tried, but couldn't get around it
youngfase5 - 6 years ago
Vlad asked this man what would he do if the person who shot him walked in the room.. That is exactly what surf said its BAIT granted these niggas decide to do these interviews but Yea vlad questions is wild
mastdark81 - 6 years ago
I think the guy is just trying to say VLAD will ask questions that could incriminate a person. Probably not the only one but hiphop media in the past was mostly about the content of music. VLAD gets personal. Remember the days of "who on your album?" we dont even get promotion or release dates on his interviews lol.
Ashley Ramon Howard
Ashley Ramon Howard - 6 years ago
He ask Trey Dee how he robbed people and do he still do it. I don't ask you doing illegal crimes. Get the fuck out of here
Deron Walker
Deron Walker - 6 years ago
If he really feel like Vlad get people indicted why would he do a interview wtf nigga ass backwards
CodeName Mottz
CodeName Mottz - 6 years ago
Officer Vlad felt offended with that 1 .... good shit Surf
b jones
b jones - 6 years ago
Smh vlad trying to act like he don’t get what this nigga saying like nah you not a snitch but you allow niggas to incriminate themselves on your platform as homie said most niggas vlad interview aren’t articulate enough to conduct an interview without giving to much info
Z Dog
Z Dog - 6 years ago
I guess we don't see Surf on Vlad anymore
Flashy Merty
Flashy Merty - 6 years ago
Surf is right Vlad be baiting people
Corey Harvey
Corey Harvey - 6 years ago
Vlad ain't detective Henderson in this bitch he ain't putting nobody in jail. Don't come on the show then' stay on the streets running and hiding from the police
Fantomas Fanto
Fantomas Fanto - 6 years ago
unedited interview portion missing:

vlad: i don’t get anyone indicted
tsu surf: you seem to plant loaded questions
vlad: i have indicted no one.
tsu : if you say so, vlad
vlad: would you name a serial killer?
tsu: nah
vlad: what if this serial killer was responsible for other unforgivable acts
tsu: like?
vlad: like..... picking nas’s beat’s
tsu: are you serious?
vlad: no no i mean, he made the wrong choice for his career , that isn’t debatable
tsu: that ain’t unforgivable
vlad: it is:....
tsu: you talking past the first album?
vlad: of course
tsu : :thinks for a minute: is that really an immoral act?
vlad: we had to witness it time n time again
tsu: you could always shut it off
vlad: not if you were at a crowded club & “made you look” comes on ! you are trapped
Dutch3k5 - 6 years ago
Just like he said. He not making y’all get up there. Do they not know these interviews are uploaded to yt for everyone to see ? Most of these dudes doing dirt already snitching on they self in their songs and videos.
Rapper BigSho Louisiana
Rapper BigSho Louisiana - 6 years ago
He’s basically saying that most people are dumb that sits across from Vlad in those interviews. It’s not Vlad fault tho, they speak freely of their crimes
mhvichy - 6 years ago
Ha haaaaaaa on blast..... ha haaaaaaaaa You dont have to ask a straight question to get someone hemmed up
Nico365 - 6 years ago
Born Sinner 24
Born Sinner 24 - 6 years ago
Surf a Real One, he said vlad you out here getting ppl lock up
mhvichy - 6 years ago
Tell it Tsu!!!! Tell it!!!!!
ashton cody
ashton cody - 6 years ago
grown men going on camera telling on themselves then blame someone for their position ... grow up and be accountable cuz vlads not gonna do those years for you
MYviewMYview - 6 years ago
The Ar-ab shit was deep. He shouldnt have put those interviews out. Ab was clearly on drugs throughout those interviews. Was unethical to say the least lol
troy ramos
troy ramos - 6 years ago
Finally someone called out Vlad on baiting people into talking about dirt they did.
Cash Mayes 716
Cash Mayes 716 - 6 years ago
Stop it tsu niggas ben snitchn on themselves n gtn snitched on wayyy b4 vlad lol
Honorable - 6 years ago
Surf was the first to say something
Mo Hazzam
Mo Hazzam - 6 years ago
Actually, Lord Jamar & Star stayed pointing that out to him.
Jersey Majormedia
Jersey Majormedia - 6 years ago
Stop it Vlad!! You just asked him if he seen the guy that shot him again what would he do.
Oso legend
Oso legend - 6 years ago
Vlad: Who did I get indicted?
And I watch interviews when Vlad ask if his street guests shot people
kieronline 1
kieronline 1 - 6 years ago
Surf is too real
QuanThaGod - 6 years ago
I wouldn't disagree with you but you will disagree with me. Vlad is a baiter
geee eeeg
geee eeeg - 6 years ago
pure ignorance, what a damn cornball. this thinking is played out and childish. grow up already.
QuanThaGod - 6 years ago
You haven't grown up til you realize life is a game and every aspect of it has rules...including the streets
Ras Kefentse
Ras Kefentse - 6 years ago
Son you just asked tray dee if he's still robbing people
Ronald Murphy
Ronald Murphy - 6 years ago
VLAD is asking about nothing but street stuff, the F*)*&^!
Brodie Pownall
Brodie Pownall - 6 years ago
He back tracked.
If they there not fast for vlad what would they be like under police interrogation. Tsu surf isnt fast enough.
MJW - 6 years ago
Dang Surf is a bold dude, he told Vlad straight up that he's a baiter.
Baba Rudu
Baba Rudu - 6 years ago
He knows what surf talking about
ROLL TIDE 808 - 6 years ago
Feds love vlad
Oloruntola Deed
Oloruntola Deed - 6 years ago
0:50 vlad try to say surf snitched
Kevin Wicke
Kevin Wicke - 6 years ago
He's a journalist lol ya your definitely no educated enough your an idiot I'd you think he's getting your I troubal your dumb as you look you agree to talk about your life you know it's on the internet the. You cry later , you know I saying lol fucking idiot you say shit then you can't explain yourself , typical idiot that's crying saying poor me poor me lol
B Bop
B Bop - 6 years ago
If you not ready to talk about real street shit or yo street stories don't accept a vladtv interview
Peter Tilaon
Peter Tilaon - 6 years ago
LMAO! He told Vlad to his face he got people indicted!!! VLADPD is the unknown confidential informant!
Just call me daddy
Just call me daddy - 6 years ago
Officer vlad back pedaling
Rasool Zakee
Rasool Zakee - 6 years ago
That's not dj glad you don't have to come home and show if you don't want to for if you don't know how to answer questions
yung black
yung black - 6 years ago
I see it like this if you feel or have seen an interviewer do something you disagree with don't get interview by them that's just my opinion.....
Blac 76
Blac 76 - 6 years ago
Vlad just told the robbers to kill him ..smh .
LoyaltyOutvalues Everything
LoyaltyOutvalues Everything - 6 years ago
Errbody that talks n incriminated themselves would snitch then? Why talk bout shi knowin feds use the internet is way easier for em now self snitchin mfs
joseph contreras
joseph contreras - 6 years ago
Surf is funny af
Christian Figueroa
Christian Figueroa - 6 years ago
Vlad I’m gonna be honest. I always defend you when ppl say youre the feds or a snitch but tsu didn’t say that. He said you get people indicted && THAT IS 100% true. Tsu also said you would be held to a higher standard & that too is true. In this world either you mind ya business or once you know the business you become part of it in a sense. Now you not purposely getting people in trouble. But lemme tell you, if you would have ever been doing these interviews or questioning people like this in person with no cam and mic, you would be murdered for knowing info you have no business knowing. STOP ASKING PEOPLE THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT CRIMES THEYVE COMMITED OR BEEN A PART OF. That’s fuckin snitching bro. Vlad I love when you give financial advice but cut the street shit out bro, you’re becoming a pure definition of a culture vulture. All these black men be ya friends until they get locked up and now you talking bout “well you had a mic on” stop bro.
drunknmasta12 - 6 years ago
If I'm talkin to the "homie" on camera and he starts in on somethin that might incriminate himself, I'm sayin "pause" or cutting that part out #friends
05justus - 6 years ago
He put Vlad in his place with that fishing analogy.
BILLY the HO - 6 years ago
not being funny but people could have died from a Vlad Interview, I mean shit last month he pieced the 2pac interviews together to the point of naming people in the hood that payed money over for Biggies Murder and even had the EX-POLICE naming informants on the motherfucker even if they dead the next of KIN have hard time so Vlad couldn't give a fuckkkkkk about people in the hood or if people say to much in a interview....snakes they slither in the grass unseen....
Blac 76
Blac 76 - 6 years ago
Officer Vladimir lmbao hilarious!!
SUPER LEXX - 6 years ago
Let me explain something. A interview and an interrogation are the same exact thing. Period. Along with all the other evidence submitted in indictments, these interviews are absolutely a part of those submissions!!!!
Yamah's World 1⃣6⃣3⃣
Yamah's World 1⃣6⃣3⃣ - 6 years ago
Lol! Even tho he knew exactly where Tsu was coming from, Vlad like hold on nigga you can’t play wit dat shit
S A V A G E - 6 years ago
Still waiting for Surf to make a basketball reference.
REBELLIOUS MUSIC - 6 years ago
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 6 years ago
I hope 1 day a gangster gets pissed and smokes his goofy ass
Derek Shelton
Derek Shelton - 6 years ago
Ah, yes. Been waiting on this for a few years: JEALOUSY
Benji Brooks
Benji Brooks - 6 years ago
I agree with TSU Surf 100 percent. Vlad might not mean no harm but he definitely does bait these guys with his questioning
christopher porter
christopher porter - 6 years ago
Then their stupid motherfuckers, it's their own fault for fucking up in the first place.
Omar Jones
Omar Jones - 6 years ago
Vlad in denial..
Paul Perry
Paul Perry - 6 years ago
Best interview ever! Thank you Tsu for pointing out Vlads interrogation techniques!!!!
coney 718
coney 718 - 6 years ago
You don't have to answer any questions that you don't want to.
Jujuan Richardson
Jujuan Richardson - 6 years ago
Vlad is not the police tired of I stupid mfuckas thinking that, he’s a interviewer ppl willingly come to Vlad sometimes beg to be on Vlad niggas don’t beg to go in police interrogations room smmfh
Hash Money Justice
Hash Money Justice - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace Tec
Paul Perry
Paul Perry - 6 years ago
Tsu speaking Facts! Vlad is a Cop!
Petty Ass Petty
Petty Ass Petty - 6 years ago
I hate vlad bitch ass always tryna play dumb like he dont know wtf he doing....BOY YOU THE POLICE IDGAF HOW YOU TRY TO SLICE THE PIE
someone else
someone else - 6 years ago
So what. .. vlad got money in GEO group and CoreCivic ... he got to get return on his investments! Lol
Is not his fault some criminals are slow.
Marcus Cadiz
Marcus Cadiz - 6 years ago
This nigga Vlad in one breath says "You shoot me, I'm telling." Then gets a little upset with Tsu when Tsu says "VladTV gets niggas indicted"..... Get it together Vladimir.
g355150 - 6 years ago
Not everyone subscribes to that same bullshit.

I used to do dumb shit, AS A KID, and yeah you don't tell on the people you running with. I get caught, bail my ass out.

But, if someone kills my daughter or my momma in front of me, I'm telling. Simple as that. Some dumb ass code against snitching isnt going to make that pain go away. But seeing the people responsible be held accountable can soften the blow.
watchful news
watchful news - 6 years ago
Vlad caught feelings, you want to hurt his ass, get his money moving slow, and if enough niggaz fall back frim Vlad, his money will dry up.
Jarvis Woods
Jarvis Woods - 6 years ago
He know he be wording shit in a way that mutha fuckas be slipping up lbs
SouthSideWill - 6 years ago
Dudes in these streets they dont own really are dumb to even go about life like that just so they can lose by being in jail or dead..
ClevelandGOAT - 6 years ago
Hasn't the hood brainwashed y'all toooooo much when you say you wont tell on a nigga that kills your kid. Lmao. Sad. I'll rat in a heartbeat. Black people are so misguided
g355150 - 6 years ago
Bruh. We glorifying that stupid shit in one breath, then be like it's the white man's fault the next. Be better than that. They building jails for this. It's big business. Why do what they expect?
michael DjMikeSkillz walker
michael DjMikeSkillz walker - 6 years ago
3:14 .....REPEAT ×100 ...
bryan robinson
bryan robinson - 6 years ago
So basically people snitch on themselves and it’s vlad fault lol ?? Y’all just not smart
italioraucci - 6 years ago
EZZY GREZZY - 6 years ago
Nigga you labeled as a snitch out here you deliberately ask shit that you know shouldnt talk about and you know this you know this and you up there lien about not knowing bitch stop it
Ray Swann
Ray Swann - 6 years ago
Vlad should just put the Miranda Right on the beginning of all his videos so people wouldn't indict themselves
SLIIMM BANDIITT - 6 years ago
Everybody should be able to protect and defend themselves at all times it stays between who it stays between if anyone goes to the police they’re putting their lives in someone else hands civilian or not and you know anyone else outside of your family (barely family nowadays) don’t give a fuck about you. The problem nowadays with my argument is that people are so quick to go to war for the smallest things with no gain.
ClevelandGOAT - 6 years ago
Real niggas know what to say and not too. Vlad ain't asking these dudes to tell. They want the fame.
J James
J James - 6 years ago
If you are still actively committing crimes and you’re getting on VLAD discussing it VLADs not the rat you self snitching. Cats can easily dismiss all questions like ‘PeeWee Longway’ but a lot of our black people gotta be on scene they want their name out there so bad that they’ll indict themselves the shit is sad. Cats just can’t sit back and get quiet money they want the world to know they got it and all the fucked up shit they did to get it. It’s the dumbest ideology I ever seen.. and people still postin everything they do on their IG story, Snap, and Facebook live the authorities thank you.
Manny DeRosa
Manny DeRosa - 6 years ago
on some real shit it's really not Vlad. It's the dumb ass niggas who be doing all the talking. He just simply ask the questions. Willie D so far is the only one who doesn't get into details about his past.
Brandon Womack
Brandon Womack - 6 years ago
Shot out to surf for calling vladtv on The finesse, vlad doesnt do the hanging necessarily, but he damn sure supply the Rope
illamax - 6 years ago
Respect to Surf... called him 'Trickster' to his face. A spade is a spade.
tlig - 6 years ago
I'm a Surf fan all of a sudden.
Robert Antonetti
Robert Antonetti - 6 years ago
Vlad has to be for real about himself. Tsu was a 100% right.
Todd Tollfree
Todd Tollfree - 6 years ago
Valad is then ppl. CONTROLLED opposition..
Jeff Cockmann
Jeff Cockmann - 6 years ago
both of them are retarded as fuck.
Page Ealk
Page Ealk - 6 years ago
This nigga retarded
Antwaun Clark
Antwaun Clark - 6 years ago
Vlad gon cry in the car lmao
Dee B
Dee B - 6 years ago
Vlad you do be indicting ppl tho...the questions you ask can be used as a form of evidence...you dont mean to but it happens tho...some ppl cant handle that pressure
Willie Jackson
Willie Jackson - 6 years ago
Rip Tec 9
Patrick Elston
Patrick Elston - 6 years ago
Why the fuck are you wanksters even giving this guy the time of day, if you're in the shit? My generation (70's babies) would rob VLAD. Old school rules.......NO CAMERAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
FlawdaBoy4 - 6 years ago
Surf just hurt Vlad wittle feelings lol
Smitty Benzo
Smitty Benzo - 6 years ago
Surf: You got a couple niggas
Vlad: Who did I get indicted?

Vlad think people stupid and some guests are.
muscleteam norm
muscleteam norm - 6 years ago
Sh Sheesh
Sh Sheesh - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn’t understand he dry snitching.
J S - 6 years ago
TSU SURF is a skraight g
Noon Allen
Noon Allen - 6 years ago
He no he full of shit u know u have a lot to do with it even if it’s just the question u ask
RudeBoyRebel frm MISSISSIPPI
RudeBoyRebel frm MISSISSIPPI - 6 years ago
Well why telling all yo business to him
pellis1981 - 6 years ago
Your lips are your lips. It’s all on you to tell on yourself. The easiest statement is “no comment “
the face
the face - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf-giving the raw truth to this putrid kyke-and he is struggling to fend it off-!!!!!!!!
Erick Johnson
Erick Johnson - 6 years ago
This nigga is the truth.
Lazeroc - 6 years ago
These dumbasses love to brag and tell on themselves, then blame the white boy. I’ve never seen vlad force none of these fools to talk. Lose lips sink ships.
DABDADDY Jefe - 6 years ago
You fished for the truth
jay bee
jay bee - 6 years ago
Vlad is here to make money. Period! He dont care bout nothing else! If anybody comes on here blabbing bout they bizness its on them. “Oh vlad tricked me into talking” lmfao. If u get tricked by vlad then ur not that smart to begin with and u gona get bagged anyway sooner or later. Prolly sooner.....
Corey Adams
Corey Adams - 6 years ago
Quit getting interviewed by Vlad! Case closed
DRa Pacino
DRa Pacino - 6 years ago
Vlad stop acting like u don't know what this man is explaining to u..u know exactly what u be doing
UltraBayAreaInstict5 510
UltraBayAreaInstict5 510 - 6 years ago
This shit is getting outta pocket...very one sided...get a active norteno or sureno to hear that side....o wait never mind they dnt speak on Camera...
Hamilton Buchanan
Hamilton Buchanan - 6 years ago
Vlad in his feelins
Da Real Frigid Wicked
Da Real Frigid Wicked - 6 years ago
Damn vlad got very defensive
BR - 6 years ago
If they didnt have vlad they would be snitching on themselves on instagram
Mark Mccloud
Mark Mccloud - 6 years ago
Vlad is unintellegent he scared as hell
PREEMINENCE - 6 years ago
People that think he is getting people locked up dont know how to take accountability
Donnie - 6 years ago
If you come on a public platform for exposure..... you made that decision.
Tyree Brown
Tyree Brown - 6 years ago
Aye VLAD guess what? HE’S RIGHT LOL
Live Evil
Live Evil - 6 years ago
RIP Tech gone but never forgotten
We Are Victorious
We Are Victorious - 6 years ago
Man my homie got 20 years just for looking at Vladtv the wrong way.
Hippy VT420
Hippy VT420 - 6 years ago
Vlad your interviews are repetitive and pointless asking the same shit over and over and showing the same clips again and again like they are ground breaking. We should all start boycotting your videos and unsubscribe from your culture raping videos. You profiting off other people's story and exploiting them in the process. Karma gonna catch up with u eventually.
AmericanGamesta - 6 years ago
He means u Dry Snitchen VLAD
charlie kingston
charlie kingston - 6 years ago
R.I.P tech 9
Franklin Helire
Franklin Helire - 6 years ago
Ha Ha Vlad the man is trying to say you ask leading questions! I know every journalist is familiar with that term! Leading questions is baiting! Especially when you apply the art of war Vlad! Ha Ha dude just ain't got the polished vernacular to directly dick slap you with the question! I love the interviews but h8 your methods and tactics! You using an industrial education against a classical education! Bet you can't chop this footage up! Ha Ha
Charlie Barz
Charlie Barz - 6 years ago
Lmao damn this make blk ppl look worse ..so tsu just pointed out a fact that as ppl we not smart enough to know when ee being baited lol so thats the white man fault? This is the real world nobodys going to hold your hand .niggas chase clout then blame the white guy lol one of our main problems no accountability the bottom race .no vlad nots getting anybody lock up .its the criminal shit u doing so instead of saying lets just not commit crimes its they better not snitch .We keep our selfs down .talking about the street laws and code lol do you think any other race of ppl besides maybe spanish gives a fuck about dum shit like that dum ass laws design to get u locked or killed lmao the funny race
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson - 6 years ago
Smh them niggas got themselves indicted. If you in the streets your business should not Broadcasted on social media or you shouldn’t talk about your business openly. Them niggas locked up because they wanted clout.
Michael M.
Michael M. - 6 years ago
Vlad aint bringin this guy back lmao
Hiram Baker
Hiram Baker - 6 years ago
Also like Tsu said you are held to a higher standard. Because you are calling folks "the homie" or thinking y'all really cool. When y'all not. But what you don't realize is by you always interviewing real ones whether you a real one or NOT. You're automatically held to a different standard. No different from the sqaure who cool with ALL THE DBOYS. BUT the sqaure don't slang at all. But betz believe the sqaure is held accountable. Cuss the sqaure (you in this case) is claiming "they homies".
Rarebreed Gray
Rarebreed Gray - 6 years ago
I don’t know shit about Surfing or where this guy is from. But he nailed the fishing question he threw at Vlad. Way 2 Go young man, way 2 go.
David Taylor
David Taylor - 6 years ago
Finally someone gets it. Vlad is a master interrogator. He creates a environment where his guest is relaxed and totally unaware of the repercussions of his line of questions. His denial that his platform has assisted in the prosecution of many of his guests is laughable. Vlad continues to solicit recurring guests to cosign his supposed innocence. But Vlad essentially confirmed what anyone with intelligence can see. When he stated, " I don't get people locked up. Its the crime that they commit." He confirmed his involvement in the prosecution of some of his guests.
Zach Lee
Zach Lee - 6 years ago
Vlad u can’t try to play the civilian roll if u involving urself in street shit and askin about real shit that’s a mark move. If u wanna be a civilian then yo lame ass need to leave the streets to the niggas in it.
NolaMade - 6 years ago
If they ain’t fast enough they probably was gone talk in interrogation anyway so
Cris Dorcas
Cris Dorcas - 6 years ago
If u go on vladtv u need 7 yrs before u open up about any cases
Love Henegan
Love Henegan - 6 years ago
Vlad (and his guest) gotta know that certain things that are asked and answered does wind up at on the law's radar. At the very least.
King Trev
King Trev - 6 years ago
Vlad:”i don’t get people locked up”
10 seconds later
Vlad: if you rob me or beef with me I’m going to the police”
Kany Kabeya
Kany Kabeya - 6 years ago
But if I am at war with someone I am going against them 100%
Kany Kabeya
Kany Kabeya - 6 years ago
If they did something really bad I would want to take care of them myself
Yuo BandZi
Yuo BandZi - 6 years ago
Ariel Avi
Ariel Avi - 6 years ago
So basically Tsu Surf is saying that some Dumb Assed Niggas CAN'T articulate their words & responses because they're too STUPID & respond by incriminating themselves.
Hiram Baker
Hiram Baker - 6 years ago
Vlad stop it fam. You know full well you ask people incriminating questions constantly. What you're not understanding is that real folks or real niggas or whoever real. Wouldn't ask people the questions you ask folks knowing full well they can and will incriminate themselves. Then post it online, that's dry snitching fam. Its shady business. So whether you are physically the cops or not. By you asking questions then posting it knowing ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN SEE IT INCLUDING COPS IS YOU BEING THE COPS. You do their work for them and you're playing dumb for the sake of views and blowing up your platform at the expense of the culture.
Haas Squadda
Haas Squadda - 6 years ago
Vladimir's feelings are hurt.
DB 49er
DB 49er - 6 years ago
Surf wasn’t believing that shit lol
M. Derek Mohamed
M. Derek Mohamed - 6 years ago
What he trying to say is , he bring attentions to dudes........
So Cal
So Cal - 6 years ago
At the end of the day Vlad can bait you all he wants but the individual speaks what he wants to speak about. If you up here telling like so many have done why is it Vlads fault?
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
Respect to Tsu Surf for calling Captain Spualding on his bullshit.
M-Pak - 6 years ago
Damn Vlad eating good off this tsu surf interview...how many parts did he break it into for separate views ???
Buick Debaron
Buick Debaron - 6 years ago
Although I usually think the "Vlad=feds" argument is played out, I thought Surf implicitly brought up a good rebuttal to Vlad's defense that he's a civilian. Surf's example of a civilian was of a gramma who kept her nose out of the streets, went to church & paid taxes, who could call the cops in her own defense, and not catch heat for it. Whereas Surf noted that while Vlad isn't in the streets he does keep his nose in street business and profits off it so as Surf said, the community will "hold Vlad to a different standard" because of that.

So while I think it's stupid that, for example, people think Vlad is a rat for suing Rick Ross for setting him up to get jumped on the pretext of doing an interview after Vlad asked questions about Ross being a fucking cop himself I do think that when it comes to street beef and Vlad's part in it, he does need to take some accountability and expect that the community will assume that if he's not on one side of the streets, then he's on the other. IOW, while I disagree with Surf's line of thinking, and don't understand his reasoning for not giving examples of dudes that Vlad got jammed up, I still think it's dope he brought up the issue, and held his ground with Vlad, because it lets everyone take a closer look at the grey areas when it comes to street codes and culture and so on.
ozzie jones
ozzie jones - 6 years ago
Its so frustrating that vlad is acting like he doesn't understand what this man is saying. It's like listening to a politician. Gross.
word60 - 6 years ago
ralo gone vlad... and ar-ab.......................................... ...
Chris Alvarez
Chris Alvarez - 6 years ago
You keep knockin on that door long enough... Vlad under no circumstances should be asking about street shit
Hilltop Slim 614
Hilltop Slim 614 - 6 years ago
All you dumb mfers always crying about vlads interviews. Maybe talk shit to the retards that are so fame & clout thirsty they can't wait to talk about every crime they ever did. "Vlad da police" hey Vlad want to interview you " fo real? Hells yeah let me bring the video of me shooting the mfer to show him. Ha ya boy about to blow up!"
NorthSide Ace
NorthSide Ace - 6 years ago
Vlad... why do you always ask people that are cased up about criminal shit? Just stop doing that... you know Surf just went through some wild shit... how you gonna ask him if he know who shot him? I'm pretty sure you did your homework and you know that nobody was locked up for shooting him... you tries to pull some bullshit outta him... you do that type of stuff all the time...
FRANK CASTLE - 6 years ago
Of course Vlad a rat
flacko zoe
flacko zoe - 6 years ago
Peewee longway had 2 questions that coulda got him locked up & moonwalked away from the question.. niggas just dumb.. like they around some bitches “ AYE BRO, remember i shot up the block yesterday”
bink11798 - 6 years ago
Only a goofy dude would go on Vlad talking some crime murder shit especially if you’re in the middle of that lifestyle as we speak use some common sense, talk about the music and keep it moving.
Xavier Collier
Xavier Collier - 6 years ago
Vlad need to stop with the I don't work with the police I haven't got anybody indicted bull shit... he definitely likes to assist the police and help sway decisions like with interviewing everybody that was involved with Shug, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby at one time or another before and after their cases... ir makes for great content but he knows the police looks at his interviews for evidence he's probably the number 1 or 2 source for the Police/ Hip Hop Cops
matthew grow
matthew grow - 6 years ago
That clip he put in of dude he was going thru opioid withdrawal w them tears
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
Why does Captain Spualding keep regurgitating this same question to street du's, he's going basically going to receive the same cliché answer. It's redundant already stop with the bullshit.
Blackgate Global Logistics
Blackgate Global Logistics - 6 years ago
Finally someone calls vlad out
Luke Huelsman
Luke Huelsman - 6 years ago
This mentality is fucking retarded. Vlad didn't get anybody indicted. Shooting people and selling drugs is what got them indicted. Coming on a well known volga on YouTube and talking about doing dirt is what gets people indicted. Don't be fucking stupid.
zorro - 6 years ago
Im with vlad and a big fan of him and i agree with him he didnt get no one indicted, these dumbasses like to glorifie and speak about there criminal life on there own so gtfoh with blaming vlad for your stupidity
FRANK CASTLE - 6 years ago
Just don't answer his questions, simple.
Matthew Demonroe
Matthew Demonroe - 6 years ago
The Real SyXx Team Syxx Productions
The Real SyXx Team Syxx Productions - 6 years ago
At least surf is fully aware. But hes a real street nigga so he knows what to say n how. But he never asks them fukin cops about that blue wall of silence the way he asks our people about snitching
GARDEN STATE SMOKE - 6 years ago
Travis Lyles
Travis Lyles - 6 years ago
Niggaz will go live on Facebook and Instagram while committing crimes, have hot ass lyrics naming crimes and co conspirators then blame Vlad when they get locked up. Lmao
FourOneOohh - 6 years ago
Vlad was gettin mad lowkey lmao
Black Superman
Black Superman - 6 years ago
Vlad seem like he fucking LOVES telling on mfs.
90's Baby
90's Baby - 6 years ago
"Don't stopppp, I'm almost there.......I'm about to nutt.... ughhhhhh!!"

-Vlad hearing crime stories.
Fugget Aboutit
Fugget Aboutit - 6 years ago
90's Baby ayoooooo lmaooooo
TheAllnPttrsn - 6 years ago
Detective Vlad’s cover was officially blown
Marlon Morris
Marlon Morris - 6 years ago
come Vlad don't play dumb,you know exactly what he mean's.
Brandon Myles
Brandon Myles - 6 years ago
Vlad got OFFENDED !
Makaveli Disciple
Makaveli Disciple - 6 years ago
But the past 6 parts of the interview you were doing enough tellin on your own... about inside info on the crip sets in NJ, past shootings, etc and now you gonna cry about Vlad doing it on the 7th part? You been snitching yourself the previous 6 parts. Lmaoo he don't force them to talk, they talk and self snitch on their own. Vlad just smart enough to profit off it.
Jose Chivo
Jose Chivo - 6 years ago
Bullshit BG KO dumb asf. Mexicans can't tell on anybody.
They will get greenlighted
The Real SyXx Team Syxx Productions
The Real SyXx Team Syxx Productions - 6 years ago
Vlad is fully aware to know what hes doing. Especially when he speaks on snitching. Somebody like vlad is more useful to police then him being on a stand. The police watch Vlads shit big time. They are reading this very comment. Fukin pigs!!!
jizl corleone
jizl corleone - 6 years ago
Its niggas dat cant wait to get on here to tell this dude Vlad he police. And den its niggas dat cant wait to get in front of dem cameras to brag and gloat about shit that they are ACTIVELY involved in as it pertains to illegal activity. Smh How bout yall talk about where you tryna go wit ya career? You got a platform now, talk about shit you hate peoe dont love you for. Now if that's the "illegal" shit you doin, den expect to have what you glorified be a confession.
OTF TV - 6 years ago
Vlad isn't the police. Niggaz just clout chase to much for the camera. Vlad can ask a nigga if he getting money..next thing you know....oh I'm the biggest dealer in my city, I got bricks and halfs for this much. Everybody in my city know. I made this amount of money. Now you locked trying blame vlad. Noooo, nigga you told on yourself.
Kt Calibur
Kt Calibur - 6 years ago
Vlad got scared when Tsu said he gets people indicted. Lmao had to give hella explaination.
Antwan Vaughn
Antwan Vaughn - 6 years ago
The new generation of street guys/rappers blames everyone but themselves for their downfall. If you are detained by the police and they ask you questions and you give the information, it's your fault for releasing the info. If Vlad ask you questions about any sort of crime and you answer, it's completely your fault for answering the questions.... VlAD ISN'T THE POLICE; YOU ARE THE SNITCH!!! Stop trying to look like a boss and be one!
Jose Chivo
Jose Chivo - 6 years ago
Chris Wink
Chris Wink - 6 years ago
Black folks so dum!!!!! Stop talking to that man!! Y'all b letting the mayonnaise Nation no all are business!!
Shawn Brown
Shawn Brown - 6 years ago
I always thought serial killers and rapists were exceptions to the rule
Lorenzo Taylor
Lorenzo Taylor - 6 years ago
Remember Tsu Surf is Joe Buddens man's and you know how Joe feels about vlad.
michael creightney
michael creightney - 6 years ago
Let the man talk damn vlad
Kevin Miles
Kevin Miles - 6 years ago
Yeah we on to you Vlad..
Caitlin Wolf
Caitlin Wolf - 6 years ago
Vlad is always fresh with the bait, all questions are calculated. Vlad with his YouTube interigation room. Many ways to get tricked out here, Vlad just another example.
premothegod1 - 6 years ago
Vlad is always fishing for stories about illegal activities
Jihad Da God
Jihad Da God - 6 years ago
Well he's a fed sooo.... (In Jake from State Farm voice).
Boxing Stuff
Boxing Stuff - 6 years ago
Leon Rodriguez
Leon Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Dam vlad he talkin bout the questions u be askin .
Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell - 6 years ago
Vlad ask you indirect self incriminating questions....#mfs need to stay off his shyt
Rigo Bryant
Rigo Bryant - 6 years ago
All yall talk shit about Vlad but stay watching his interviews. Niggas love Vlad get off the ⛽
boston2chi - 6 years ago
People don't understand the role of the interviewer. It's that simple.
LoyaltyOverEveryting - 6 years ago
Goddamn y'all are dumb, Vlad ask questions. You don't like them don't answer them.
How bout if your a fuckin criminal don't go on a platform with over 3 Million subscribers to be interviewed and talk about illegal activities you've done so you can sound cool
RiGOr MORtis
RiGOr MORtis - 6 years ago
U take the "bait" its on YOU. Regardless. U think ppl give a fuck about the next man "not being fast enough" to duck the question? Take responsibility homeboy. No one has a gun to your head. PERIOD.
Clowd Nyne
Clowd Nyne - 6 years ago
Vlad u don't blatantly get people indicted, but the powers that be watch your show, and u know what kinda questions to ask and people who aren't good at interviews get on there and fall for ya incrimination tactics
Korale Monte
Korale Monte - 6 years ago
Vlad so lame he is obsessed with these hood stories
Sofa King Awesome
Sofa King Awesome - 6 years ago
My man covering up them flames tough
Zack W.
Zack W. - 6 years ago
Vlad knows what Surf is saying. He tries all the time with these questions but the ones with common sense don’t fall in that trap. On another note R.I.P. Battle rapper Tech 9.
Wilfri Castillo
Wilfri Castillo - 6 years ago
VLADPD PUTIN this nigga is kind of smart and dumb at the same time hurry up and lock him up
Rhymsceme DLow
Rhymsceme DLow - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't like that, lol
D Winkler
D Winkler - 6 years ago
What he meant is that Vlad be asking questions that can get people indicted. For example, any regular person would know not to ask somebody have they ever killed someone or shot someone, but Vlad would ask someone that question and even if they give a yes or no answer, police can still go off of that to start an investigation.
TheRealilly Mount
TheRealilly Mount - 6 years ago
How does he get people indicted when they literally come for an interview and tell all?
ABOUD - 6 years ago
Vlad is a piece of sh*t who only cares about himself. I can't believe a punk like him can have any type of fame. We live in a F**cked up world.
FLOATS the WORLD - 6 years ago
He gives them rope they hang them selves
Joseph Bertucci
Joseph Bertucci - 6 years ago
This dude spittin facts!!! Vlad stay trying to trick people to tell on themselves. If u dont want the person to incriminate themselves you shouldn't be asking incriminating questions
Mr. Marques
Mr. Marques - 6 years ago
This nigga don't know he is a civilian! Soldiers take orders fool!
44 250
44 250 - 6 years ago
Vlad should ask the question, would you tell if your kids got kidnapped knowing they could be taken anywhere in the world also knowing u don’t have the resources and man power to hunt for your kids
Fucc Yoo
Fucc Yoo - 6 years ago
Lmao vlad knows he guilty
Dwayne White
Dwayne White - 6 years ago
So if you know that you got final say in editing then why post it, BECAUSE YOU ARE AN AGENT, AND A ENEMY TO HIP HOP AND BLACK CULTURE
FoodStampzzz - 6 years ago
For the people saying why is Tsu Surf talking to Vlad if he thinks Vlad gets people Indicted...

In the Business field.. there’s a term called Calculated Risk.! Tsu suspects these things about Vlad.. but Vlad has a Larger Platform and Reach... Tsu is a Crip.. but Also a Rapper.. and is trying to get his story out and Broaden his Fan Base.. trying to Make a Real Career.! The Opps are Everywhere.. you just gotta kno how to Move and be Cautious.. Calculated Risk.!
mike - 6 years ago
What risk? Don't admit anything and ur all good
Jaxon Dakota
Jaxon Dakota - 6 years ago
I’m pretty sure if someone self incriminates themselves, Vlad will prob stop the interview and edit that out. Dude got like 3M followers, he would put that all at jeopardy if someone gets convicted due to one of his interviews. Him getting people convicted would hurt Vlad more than anyone he’s interviewing
Isaiah Watson
Isaiah Watson - 6 years ago
I’ll forever think Vlad a snitch. He interviews some dope mfs but the questions he asks make him sound suspicious.
T N - 6 years ago
How can a non street nigga snitch? He don’t live by those codes. He’s a civilian so he would “tell” and the people he interviews don’t have to answer questions if they don’t want to
RAIN MAYHEM - 6 years ago
You may not tell but ur boys will tell on you cause there ain't no loyalty in the streets
The People's Paradise Podcast
The People's Paradise Podcast - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't get people indicted, if you are a stupid enough to do crime and actually speak about the crimes you did on camera then you are stupid. "No response, next question " is in the English lexicon for a reason.
Ghost of Daniel Robitaille
Ghost of Daniel Robitaille - 6 years ago
U run yo mouth to chase clout and the police chase yo ass into an indictment. Plan and simple
Sa Hu
Sa Hu - 6 years ago
Im not religious but i just said a pray to Tech9 .... Rest in Power Beloved... Tsu put that pressure on Vlad .. Microwave stopper
Eric H
Eric H - 6 years ago
Who tf is dis lame ass nigha
Jaxon Dakota
Jaxon Dakota - 6 years ago
Kudos for the first dude to challenge Vlad’s incriminating interviews
Rob Daniels
Rob Daniels - 6 years ago
(See Surf coding his body language with the hand over his mouth)
Great response Tsu! BUT...
Anyone can indict themselves by telling their business, sending a message like “no comment!” “Next question!” would be the safer rout for telling someone to mind they own business, if they’re not going on VLAD the impaler they use FB, IG, Snap etc. and put they business out there anyway which I think is the wrong move if you in the game like that! Upset the setup y’all
RAIN MAYHEM - 6 years ago
The ART of war isn't allowed in most prisons anymore especially California prisons
Rudy Ceron
Rudy Ceron - 6 years ago
shits pry written by hand now they pry know it word by word lmao they don't need the book
Christian O
Christian O - 6 years ago
Lmaoooo Vlad was hurt
skaterdude10107 - 6 years ago
I guess he means that he indirectly* gets people idicted but even then, the guest themself is doing that.
sandeep singh
sandeep singh - 6 years ago
Police don’t need vlad these idiots are recording themselves doing stupid stuff.
RAIN MAYHEM - 6 years ago
BG can claim he wouldn't rat if someone murdered his kids or other family members but until someone actually shoots them he don't know what he would do
Joey Focus
Joey Focus - 6 years ago
Anything that is spoken about on here is public knowledge.. all those stories are about shit that has been through the court system. Tsu seems like a intelligent dude so I dont see why he'd say some shit like that with no situation to back it.. Unfortunately we(hip hop peoples) are in a culture that glorifies street life and im just as guilty of judging Emcees/Rappers street claims if they portray themselves in that light.. but this is why you build yourself a platform for your music and leave the street shit alone. If you were G before the music peoples will see that... We live in a era where anything you say or do on camera goes directly to the world where any person with a phone can watch and listen. No matter how new you are or how G you are if you are sitting in front of Vlad you have already caught a buzz and attention. Do not incriminate yourself trying to look cool!! These youngins need to learn from the 69 kid...
Beautiful Boy
Beautiful Boy - 6 years ago
Vlad Responds “yes”
King Rod The Trainer
King Rod The Trainer - 6 years ago
Man if you doing illegal activity yo ass dont need to be on TV doing an interview. Secondly people get indicted because of substantial evidence not for no interview
Ace Walker.
Ace Walker. - 6 years ago
Mr surf those crossed arms signify your holding back. Were all friends here
kmew94 - 6 years ago
'BG Knocc Out
Will Never Snitch" Slayed me lmao
MJW - 6 years ago
"I was Tsu Surfs ghost writer for most of his battles"
-T.K. Kirkland
Italian Spaghetti
Italian Spaghetti - 6 years ago
why Vlad point out with emphasis He's a civilian?? C'mon noww.
Mo Hazzam
Mo Hazzam - 6 years ago
'Cause Charlamagne would always point that out.
Eric Peacock
Eric Peacock - 6 years ago
People get theirselves caught up in the interview and end up telling on themselves.
Nat Turner
Nat Turner - 6 years ago
You mean like a stupid mother fucker like you?you know all that and still sitting up there yapping!I don't get these so called street dudes man.one of the worst yappers I've seen up there is Mob James,he was telling and naming names.
Omar Scruggs
Omar Scruggs - 6 years ago
He basically told Vlad nah mofo you aint no civilian. U tell the cops then u a snitch
Shad Hills
Shad Hills - 6 years ago
R.I.P. TECH 9#Philly
Rashid Jargon
Rashid Jargon - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf told Vlad the truth
Lewis Gray
Lewis Gray - 6 years ago
Rip tech 9
RichSoul 985
RichSoul 985 - 6 years ago
Vlad police
31Uconn - 6 years ago
vlad tv will ask the cop questions to you people dnt need to do a vlad interview
ONEMANMUSIC - 6 years ago
OneMan comments on the DJ Vlad/Tsu Surf interview
Shabba Khan
Shabba Khan - 6 years ago
Get him surf vlad a reall snitch
Galva Tron
Galva Tron - 6 years ago
alex jonjon
alex jonjon - 6 years ago
he is talking about that Ralo interview...but Ralo didnt get baited he was just a ignorant big fish
Omnipotent Goldie
Omnipotent Goldie - 6 years ago
Its VLad line of questioning that questionable. He always asking about criminal things. Surf is right. You can get tangled up in a VLad interview. If them people run down on VLad and ask for that footage he not gone say no if they apply that pressure. Don't be a fool.
deboii100 - 6 years ago
Vlad is lying when people said no comment he still push the question example ras b interview
Anyae's Way
Anyae's Way - 6 years ago
Twan The Stone
Twan The Stone - 6 years ago
Vlad had a right to get defensive...Tsu had the right to call it like he sees it. Good, friendly debate.
The System
The System - 6 years ago
It's a stupid enough to tell what they did then they deserve to be in jail
ILove SuperPawgs
ILove SuperPawgs - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf looks exactly ike God Shammgod.
Brooklyn Saratoga
Brooklyn Saratoga - 6 years ago
Hahaha surf was like u ain't getting me fool....yo VLAD get DAS EFX UP THERE MAN PLZZZZ!!!
Bg Geezy
Bg Geezy - 6 years ago
Feds watch VLAD interviews..he asked these police ass questions to get niggas jammed up
MacTown 222
MacTown 222 - 6 years ago
Surf smart enough not to get caught up he came for the look it's a big platform but he smarter than most we all know the form of questions sounds policey and makes it look like Vlad them folks he just tryna get info...but his line of questioning is funny style
21deangelo - 6 years ago
So if tsu says that the rappers that com on vlad telling on themselves aren't smart enough or swift enough to dodge the questions to keep themselves out of trouble then wat do u think is goin to happen wen they get questioned period by the police. The police have way better tactics than vlad. They gone get in their and snitch on themselves.
Derik Ayers
Derik Ayers - 6 years ago
Just ask trey dee if he's cop. Trey dee got vlads back!
Larry Boards
Larry Boards - 6 years ago
They get themselves indicted, real gangsters move in silence and they don't be on social media or take pictures , the fed's is watching !!!!
Kort Latimore
Kort Latimore - 6 years ago
Nah some of you say rappers fuck themselves up which is true , but some rappers aren’t smart enough to be honest with you. Like some rappers aren’t smart that’s what surf is saying. Some niggas is dumb so they don’t realize the tricks coming
This is Laflare Tv
This is Laflare Tv - 6 years ago
By the way Vlad is dope
HENRY BUSH - 6 years ago
Lol we might as well blame Instagram for getting people indicted when people flash guns, drugs, robberies and other illegal activities on the Gram lol I guess Instagram baited them too lol why we as people cant own up to our fukk ups lol simply say we told on ourself smh
AUDE SAPERE - 6 years ago
A L - 6 years ago
Not gonna lie, ima always I’m here talking shit about Vladimir for jokes.

People need to take accountability for the shit they do, always looking to blame someone. No one makes them come down and snitch on themselves. At the end of the day these rappers are retarded and need more education
Mike Brooks
Mike Brooks - 6 years ago
He don’t get people indicted he wrong
WallyWest - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't get people indited, he tries to give his fans a good interview by exploring all the aspects of the guest life as well as giving the guest their own platform to say things they have wanted to say or share left out details and of their situations. Just because dumb mutherfuckers get on here and name drop people and share sensitive information while their fighting cases doesn't mean he's a snitch it means the people he interviews have no common sense to avoid what he ask them its that simple. He's not a snitch for being a good interviewer and asking in depth questions. Any nigga with common sense understands that
Ghost of Daniel Robitaille
Ghost of Daniel Robitaille - 6 years ago
Who the fuck is this guy? And tech 9 dead?? When this happen?
Darrell Chavez719
Darrell Chavez719 - 6 years ago
If they don't speak well and might tell on themselves they shouldn't go up there and do an interview then dumasses
Mike Bubb
Mike Bubb - 6 years ago
Notice how vlad wouldn't let surf get his thoughts all the way out when he called him a trickster or he asked bait questions?
Yo Ma
Yo Ma - 6 years ago
ain't no debate. ain't no stand your ground. You are the POLICE. You ask incriminating questions like the police. Granted, it's up to the interviewee to answer. Regardless, your line of questioning is very POLICE like. and you do it to get the "juicy" shit so your views can go up. Cuz you know the SHEEP buy into negativity. so yes, you are a POLICE ASS NIGGA. Then, your tone is very disrespectful at times. How tf you feel like you can speak to people however, cut em off, etc but run to the POLICE if a man wants to deal with you for being disrespectful. Vlad won't even go head up with you, he'll disrespect you, spit in your face, THEN call the police if you retaliate. Vlad is THAT type of nigga.
Stefan Lane
Stefan Lane - 6 years ago
Vlad don't have to speak. These dudes want street credit so bad that they'll dry snitch themselves out. If you get indicted...its because your game was no match for "real game". Come on now, tough guys. You ate the cookie, but don't have the balls to tell people that you ate it? Is that really what a "G" is supposed to sound like?
Joseph Milo
Joseph Milo - 6 years ago
Baiter was a great description of Vlad
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg - 6 years ago
These wannabe niggas they they wouldn’t call the cops because they think they would have the balls to go out and murder the person instead of telling police. All these nights thi k they are all gangster
Blake Burd
Blake Burd - 6 years ago
tsu is right and vlad is a baiter and vlad aint a civilian and aint get treated like one that why he got armed security he aint stand any ground like he claims
Juswan - 6 years ago
Vlad is a master of his craft. His guests don’t have to speak on things & yet they do. That’s not on him. Each man needs to be accountable for themselves.
DOE PLATFORM - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf should be a regular guest, he real man! Would be so dope having him as a high level battlerapper that knows how to talk on here steady
Lex ?!?!
Lex ?!?! - 6 years ago
Its not hard to turn down a vlad interview. I wouldn't go on there.
Ty Mills
Ty Mills - 6 years ago
Shout-out Vlad man, defending himself, he not a narc, he don't "interview" u then feds bust ya door like we know what ur doing lmao.
This is Laflare Tv
This is Laflare Tv - 6 years ago
Dumbasses get they ownselfs indicted. If you educate yourself instead holding money up to your ear you might know how to navigate his questions like a true G. Case in point the homie TreyD and Pee Wee Longway
dinkdaplaymaka - 6 years ago
Its accountability Vlad. You’re not signing statements but you an contributing factor.

Yes ppl are at fault nd its mostly their fault but Vlad you’re in denial.
cushe83 - 6 years ago
It's his fault these idiots get on here and tell on himself trying to stunt
K Dazee
K Dazee - 6 years ago
Vlad ask questions as if it’s interrogation which makes it easy for these niggas to spill the beans
michael white
michael white - 6 years ago
Vlad be like: I interviewed the feds about me getting people indicted did you see it? Here’s what they said.*cuts to tape of feds interview
Kamal Patterson
Kamal Patterson - 6 years ago
Finally some kalled his ass out!
SpiderLoco97 ECC
SpiderLoco97 ECC - 6 years ago
leave it to the Jersey guy to checc you them ppl over there in that state dont hold their tongue for shit cuh.
Delancy Leek
Delancy Leek - 6 years ago
Ducks incriminate themselves.
busymike - 6 years ago
This guy is so corny. lmao stfu already.
Abdul Abdallah
Abdul Abdallah - 6 years ago
3:52 vlad edited that quick
Dyshon Ro.
Dyshon Ro. - 6 years ago
R.I.P. tech 9
Jamal Wilson
Jamal Wilson - 6 years ago
He dont ask about current situations but he be running all these hypotheticals “what if your shooter was in the room right now” and shit like that. Now if a person answers that honestly and they already cleaned up their work in real life they might get indicted
ruhith mohammed
ruhith mohammed - 6 years ago
If u can handle ur self in a vladtv interview how u gonna handle in a police interrogation
luis delcazzo
luis delcazzo - 6 years ago
jajajjjaja first ever!!!! yeah!!! great
Brooks_Stunna - 6 years ago
Vlad: I am a civilian u shoot me I am telling hehe.
JAy JaY - 6 years ago
The baiter! Bars!!!
louiethexiii1 - 6 years ago
Vlad c’mon man you know surf has a point... you look at it like you’re just asking questions and they know they’re being recorded... but like surf said u ask incriminating questions and if a dude not quick enough to catch it they damn sho will incriminate themselves speaking freely to u
allstarme3000 Basile
allstarme3000 Basile - 6 years ago
MEN NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS. If you say something, THATS ON YOU! Vlad is a slimy fuck but people who talk thats on them. No comment or i dont wanna answer that is a real thing. let lone NO ONE says the REAL SHIT, They got booked for WHAT THEY DID, not what they said
rbush431 - 6 years ago
Didn't the Feds use a Vlad interview for AR indicated?
shawnjohn7744 - 6 years ago
tsu last n first vlad interview
Tizzie Smalls
Tizzie Smalls - 6 years ago
Vlad just lied. Crazy part is we see an example of this conversation with the tray Dee interview. Vlad pokes for questions like Surf said. It’s about the principals and that’s what Surf was speaking about.
Frank Camacho
Frank Camacho - 6 years ago
Stfu u needa be smarter when talking on a public platform dumbass
Sean JOHN - 6 years ago
His line of questioning is definitely suspect. Simple and plain
andres hernandez
andres hernandez - 6 years ago
You facilitate , self incrimination... lets just put it that way . The way you ask questions. Dont act like a fool .
Judah Morn
Judah Morn - 6 years ago
the types of questions this vulture asks has the possibility of getting caught up period
CY On The Beat
CY On The Beat - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't twist anyone's arm to talk so how does he get people indicted
Dodgy Grizzly
Dodgy Grizzly - 6 years ago
FACTS! And when people get indicted...people start feeling hoodwinked, bamboozled, coaxed or coerced you may not be considered a civilian and it might not be up for debate. But, ultimately it's not on Vlad when these cats want recognition, out here clout chasing.
D Simpson
D Simpson - 6 years ago
Vlad "I don't work with the police "
Tsu "No no of course not"
Comment Gawd
Comment Gawd - 6 years ago
Disc Jockey Vladimir can’t deny he’s a baiter.. You’ve baited & your footage has been used.
laffy krea
laffy krea - 6 years ago
Same way he's trying to sell an aids flu shot.. this guy all evil. And won't admit it
mike - 6 years ago
seriously he's selling vaccines? Fuck why'd i trust the jew
CTMob1729 - 6 years ago
RiP Tech 9
ThomasTekno - 6 years ago
People dumb asf sayin like “oh they got themselves indicted” , uh. If you got Vlad hittin then up for a interview and they need exposure they gon do it , then when you got Vlad asking them personal shit in that moment they might answer tha question thinkin shit coo , and even when they say no comment , Vlad flip the question and try to ask it in a different way... ain’t nobody stupid . Then the feds n shit go on Vlad channel and be watching the interviews. Vlad interview the young dumb desperate mfs cus he know he can get them to say some shit the easiest. Cus these young new era social media niggas will quickly say something in a interview accidentally cus they feel comfortable. But mfs now feel like Vlad be on some funny shit so now a lot of niggas watch how they move and what they say when he ask them for a interview.
gmf357 - 6 years ago
Soon as Vlad got tight it went from "You shoot or rob me, Im telling"..... to "I'll Stand my ground". We know what that means....jk...I think ;/
dtowntexg - 6 years ago
Street laws are bs.. y'all listen and think this fake shit is real if you want
Diamond paradise
Diamond paradise - 6 years ago
It’s a YouTube interview Not the streets I would just come on and plug my music and not answer any questions unless they was about my music promo then I’m out
Bullets Are Flying
Bullets Are Flying - 6 years ago
This whole shit about stop snitching is bullshit. Niggas say they wont snitch untill a pistol is held against they girls head infront of them... so you mean to tell me...if someone puts a pistol to ya daughters head..bust her checks out infront of you..bust all kinda nuts in her ass...then blows her head off.... you telling me you aint gonna tell? You wanna be loyal to the streets?? Streets aint loyal to no one. No love what so ever. Fake hating bitch ass niggas only.

This clown says that if its someones grandma who pays her taxes and goes to church tells. She gets a pass... BULLSHIT.....cause you know she will be killed if niggas find out she told and got niggas locked up. The streets again so stop it. I hope he gets shot the fuck up
AUDE SAPERE - 6 years ago
Vlad is up to no good in the past 2 years..Latest example is interviewing 69's ex who is a nobody, but Vlad doin dis in order to do damage to 69's crew,,Vlad, u should not have gave her a platform. Are u no longer interviewing those related to the rap game..She wanted to do damage to ongoing cases & u allowed it..My nigga, u gonna run into da wrong nigga, or da right one & he gonna fuk u & ur cop escorts up
KissMySOLES - 6 years ago
I disagree if niggas was smart they would no wat and wat not to say mfs want cool points and start talks too much
JD Walker
JD Walker - 6 years ago
I'm surprised Surf didn't make a basketball analogy
Tupac Makaveli
Tupac Makaveli - 6 years ago
I like how ppl say vlads working with the feds. Even though the ppl who are being interviewed know the interview will be put on youtube. They have the option to just not answer whatever question vlad asks or not do the interview at all.
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
V Supreme
V Supreme - 6 years ago
It's Vlad's fault dudes love running their mouths? Vlad just puts a camera in their face and asks questions. Them cats do everything else. People can't take responsibility for their own actions.
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
Tony Amaru
Tony Amaru - 6 years ago
Go surf!real ish..
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
ajenee7773 - 6 years ago
Thats the homie... lol cringe
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad a bitch
TruL1fe - 6 years ago
APOLLOLEGACY - 6 years ago
VLAD is a cultural appropriator. He get people indicted for a clicks and views
John Berry
John Berry - 6 years ago
Why do you rappers keep sitting down with this govt agent
James adams
James adams - 6 years ago
I understand what surf saying henot saying it right tho, vlad yes you're interviews do get people indicted by the questions you ask and the dumb ass's they respond them the police will watch and use the video so yes you telling wit out telling
Jay Emory
Jay Emory - 6 years ago
Vlad doesn't realize we see through his bullshit
George Sterling
George Sterling - 6 years ago
Rip tech 9...
SHAWN ATKINS LIVE! - 6 years ago
An artist will have a #1 song and the interview will go...

vlad: so, welcome to the show

artist: thanks for having me

vlad: so, when did you start gang banging

artist: uh I dont gang bang

vlad: okay well when did you start carrying a gun... how many people have you shot.
Halloffame G
Halloffame G - 6 years ago
He telling truth surf i got to respect that
MONEY UP - 6 years ago
Vlad is not the police y’all are fucking idiots it’s simple don’t answer the fucking question
Grum Pee
Grum Pee - 6 years ago
The word is “inadvertently” . Vlad has gotten ppl indicted, inadvertently.
Strife Fresh
Strife Fresh - 6 years ago
Like Tsu said vlad is a BAITER. Vlad ask a incriminating question all you have to do is say no comment. 3 questions later vlad pulls that baiting shit again
Kylee Lee
Kylee Lee - 6 years ago
Glad someone called him out fact of the matter is VLAD IS A TRICKSTER! Like the true colonizer he is of course his police ass questions aren’t blatant they are sneaky and conniving
G Wop
G Wop - 6 years ago
Vlad sound like a creepy police ass bitch #noOFFENSE
Tre Mack
Tre Mack - 6 years ago
Vladimir got defensive hella quick. This dude was right
Huawei Honor 6 Black Batman
Huawei Honor 6 Black Batman - 6 years ago
Vlad can communicate his arguments better but dude is right
Jay Evans
Jay Evans - 6 years ago
yeah this is surf last interview on Vlad for that shit
Aaron Mich
Aaron Mich - 6 years ago
Who he get indicted tho?
Sergio Resendez
Sergio Resendez - 6 years ago
Sergio Resendez
Sergio Resendez - 6 years ago
royalaok1 - 6 years ago
this brother has told the truth, I've always said Vlad bitch ass is dry snitching. Brothers stop trusting these white people, they are not your friend
Divine Thoughts
Divine Thoughts - 6 years ago
Get'em Surf!
Tony Cruz
Tony Cruz - 6 years ago
Niggas is crazy. Niggas hate to take responsibility for the dumb shit they do. So I guess you gotta blame Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all that shit niggas willingly put they own business on right? GTFOH! If I was a rapper me and Vlad could never talk about anything other than entertainment. Anything other then that is on YOU!
jayo - 6 years ago
He talking about AR AB.
Mike Easley
Mike Easley - 6 years ago
NA mean NA mean NA mean
Pach'e 81
Pach'e 81 - 6 years ago
Vlad definitely is an interrogator,, he gets them in a comfortable state,, then the interrogation starts,,, then niggas forget the shit is being recorded
Jrdeaux - 6 years ago
Anonymous - 6 years ago
Wtf is a tsu surf dumb name change it
kasuno - 6 years ago
Nowadays we (most black men) aren’t sharp enough to play the game and not allow the game to play us..

We have to use the platform but don’t bury ourselves.

On Vlad we get ourselves indicted... Vlad just sets it up for us. And we jump in the bear trap.
954shootahs Shooters
954shootahs Shooters - 6 years ago
Just like a cop play victim when yo cover blown

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