Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Part 7: https://goo.gl/6m5rNF Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E -------------- Tsu Surf shared his thoughts on Tekashi 6ix9ine's legal situation and how he's working with investigators in his federal case. He explained that the situation is messed up and sad, adding that Tekashi is just 22-years-old and doesn't know a lot. To hear more, including how Tekashi got the streets and the rap world mixed up, hit the above clip.

Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

Surf 6 years ago 40,719 views

Part 7: https://goo.gl/6m5rNF Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E -------------- Tsu Surf shared his thoughts on Tekashi 6ix9ine's legal situation and how he's working with investigators in his federal case. He explained that the situation is messed up and sad, adding that Tekashi is just 22-years-old and doesn't know a lot.  To hear more, including how Tekashi got the streets and the rap world mixed up, hit the above clip.

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for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Realjayrome - 6 years ago
Trenton Dumas
Trenton Dumas - 6 years ago
Surf! Great interview
Realjayrome - 6 years ago
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
Bull snitching I would have his baby momma reading it also. Just put him all the way on blast
Doug Cope
Doug Cope - 6 years ago
Tekashi baby momma -You can’t have baby hair and a Mcgruff voice too
Comment Beast
Comment Beast - 6 years ago
"she was a gd grl?"
DabTime - 6 years ago
The rat is certainly not seen in a negative light by young people, and its mindblowing. Ak and 69 put out a song like two weeks ago and nobody cares that hes the biggest snitch in musical history.
G J - 6 years ago
surf in there justifying this snitchin. smh
Hello Google
Hello Google - 6 years ago
Dude fuck that Sara Molina interview.

10. comment for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Weedy James
Weedy James - 6 years ago
Rip tech9
LeRichie - 6 years ago
Vlad got excited like he slept with his baby mama. Congratulations Sara you played yourself, because he’s gonna be bringing this up for the rest of the year
Kenyard Peacock
Kenyard Peacock - 6 years ago
You act like he told on you Vlad
man horse
man horse - 6 years ago
the pain in his eyes he look like he finna cry
Smoke n Mirrors
Smoke n Mirrors - 6 years ago
No more street standards and morals from these new so called street nuggas. Rappers and the streets don't mix!
Troy Peter
Troy Peter - 6 years ago
69 baby mom getting more flashbacks than boosie
Regal Tone T
Regal Tone T - 6 years ago
Love this guy! Ima battle him one day!
Fela Pegan
Fela Pegan - 6 years ago
She didn't read the hole thing and he's not walking away even the lawyer said it she didn't read it right and this dude that recorded it he's a dick head him self and how u got a problem with it you dick head ,you not in the hood or in the streets and his baby mama just want clout stupid bitch and he told on niggas but still getting time like the lawyer said he is still getting time and they made a mistake on the papers they misreading the hole indicment he's not coming home scout free fuck this dude talking about
Mikey Eastbound
Mikey Eastbound - 6 years ago
I stopped watching this shit quick... FSU Surf and Turf Burrito ass nigga...???? Who???
Jon - 6 years ago
Vlad is a sucker. Straight up!

20. comment for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

KZ1994able - 6 years ago
His battles wit K-Shine was funny af
Deondreclark Clark
Deondreclark Clark - 6 years ago
Real shit surf...
Dylan Perkins
Dylan Perkins - 6 years ago
Vlad got beef with steve lobel or somethin lol
White Rob
White Rob - 6 years ago
Cut it out on the flashback every 2 min vlad ffs.
Wake Up
Wake Up - 6 years ago
Carson Phelps
Carson Phelps - 6 years ago
China Mac ain’t gone be a regular no more. Vlad running outta content.
Gurilla Boogie
Gurilla Boogie - 6 years ago
She got the papers from vlad she didn't bring them or know he was going to have her read em hahaa vlad a slick mf
D Rob
D Rob - 6 years ago
Who is he?
BIG.BO520 - 6 years ago
sad ???? stfu you jump into it then live up to it you fake moafucka
purple Earkle
purple Earkle - 6 years ago
jussie got his charges dropped lmao

30. comment for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Diamondog Samurai
Diamondog Samurai - 6 years ago
Boi I swear vlad be on some lame shit!!
The Lake Elsinore Special News Cast
The Lake Elsinore Special News Cast - 6 years ago
You can’t make excuses for his age being 22. Because there are tons of young African American teen age boys who get trial as adults for crimes committed. He’s a grown man. I like Tsu Surf, he has good points. He was the conductor also
Marlon Hernandez
Marlon Hernandez - 6 years ago
WHAT!??? Who the fuck is this ignorant mother fucker?
Tony Rojas
Tony Rojas - 6 years ago
You're eating off of tekashi for months now bringing him up in every interview now!
eziah johnson
eziah johnson - 6 years ago
Common sense says tell on your enemies they don’t care about you obviously. It’s like y’all expect him to be loyal to his ops
Dominique Vazquez
Dominique Vazquez - 6 years ago
I actually drove TSU SURF to the Doctor after he got shot so I'm the reason he's still alive
-TK Kirkland
SnowmanTone - 6 years ago
I cant believe Tech 9 really checked man
Moe E
Moe E - 6 years ago
Fuck you vlad .
White Rob
White Rob - 6 years ago
Vlad u a whole bitch for this... u take too much joy in someone else downfall. Watch that energy vlad.
GENOthaDRAGON - 6 years ago
"The more you know, the more you know that you don't know shit."
Charlie Clips pops
Charlie Clips pops - 6 years ago
Shows you everybody ain't built for this ball game this grown man shit when it comes to the streets.
Gilbert Estrada
Gilbert Estrada - 6 years ago
Vlad be using 69 bitch ass name way to much to be given a look. Why aren't your interviews about the person your interviewing you always have to make it about another man your worse than a female with this gossip bullshit some woman dont even talk as much as you.
Khari Rollock
Khari Rollock - 6 years ago
Vlad just mad 69 never gave him a interview lol
C Money
C Money - 6 years ago
Someone need to violate vlad
J. Dub206 Rainystate
J. Dub206 Rainystate - 6 years ago
Vlad talks about the same shit over n over
Dre Chillin
Dre Chillin - 6 years ago
At 22 you know damn well not to snitch on the whole gang
B.Y. 3dahardway
B.Y. 3dahardway - 6 years ago
At 14 I knew there is "no snitching"..real shit when u get into the street life niggas let u kno Wat it is beforehand. OGs will try and talk u out of it. 69 a hoe ass nigga and niggas shouldve known. Sub to my channel fa real talk
Tyler The Kid Green
Tyler The Kid Green - 6 years ago
Y'all gonna realize valdtv is working with the feds.
Sanford Lanham
Sanford Lanham - 6 years ago
Raw,Rock Chyna SmackDown We was in the kitchen raw ,Rock Chyna getting SmackDown
SHAWN ATKINS LIVE! - 6 years ago
all the smart og's will tell all you get out the streets. Eventually your a bum and still broke, in jail or dead. Kids are getting jobs and you cant lol. Nobody's gonna give you nothing! Only the weak join gangs.

50. comment for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Dee Irv
Dee Irv - 6 years ago
Vlad lit a cigarette after 69 bm interview. He knew he got some exclusive heat that day.
PERCEPTIVEONE - 6 years ago
Ok people real harsh truth. If someone tells or offers to pay you to do something illegal for them and you do it it then becomes your fault and you are therefore liable for any consequences afterwards even being told on because you didn't say NO or tell them to go handle it themselves. Think before you act. So yes Tekashi can and sadly has the right to tell on you because you didn't make him clean up his own mess making all of you fools and pawns at his disposal. Enjoy life.
Solidcompa - 6 years ago
Why the hell do these street dudes come to get interviewed ? Vlad is a self proclaimed snitch and he is a sneaky shitstarter !
NO AMOUNT of money should convince them. Dudes like Vlad are disregarded and probably wooped because of their ways.
Glen Chrispin
Glen Chrispin - 6 years ago
People don’t understand I’m glad they caught him doing that. One cause he came outa nowhere and was the loudest bitch made nigga we ever seen
Demetri Brave
Demetri Brave - 6 years ago
I fuck with you Vlad but enough of the 6ix9ine hate already what he do to you ?
Reggie Nobles
Reggie Nobles - 6 years ago
So no one is gonna bring up the fact that the “gang” was already Snitching?
Toney Tha Tyger
Toney Tha Tyger - 6 years ago
LOL .... the love how Surf... stated "allegedly" .... Surf is right that Vlad be getting people indicted... lol.. this is wild.. have a guys baby momma read his paper work.
Michael Cobbs
Michael Cobbs - 6 years ago
Good interview. I’m glad 69 got caught.
DJ Extrodinare
DJ Extrodinare - 6 years ago
I been telling people who want to become rapper's the industry is a music business. They put on a front because it's there job not saying they don't come from the streets but the industry still want business minded people and the street act because hip hop has always been about the streets mostly since the beginning of it
Lance K
Lance K - 6 years ago
Anybody else taking a poop while watching this. Smash that like button.
Richard Asante
Richard Asante - 6 years ago
U notice VLAD laughs to cover himself when he talks on certain points. Pay attention
Peewee Valenzuela
Peewee Valenzuela - 6 years ago
Why vlad talking like he getting credit for explaining the situation
John Becknell
John Becknell - 6 years ago
I looked up how much Vlad makes monthly with these interviews. TRUST ME, he ain't worried about the shit we talk.
vaughn Moorer
vaughn Moorer - 6 years ago
Tekshia ain’t start those beefs
boris Odor
boris Odor - 6 years ago
Kooda did that shit for money and clout, dude was posting pics before he did it... he didnt do it because he was loyal, fuck out of here
Sleep mage
Sleep mage - 6 years ago
The people he snitched deserved to he snitched on. They knew he was soft and wasn't about that life. And nobody put him on. That's just sloppy business.
Y'all used him for a check and he used yall for clout sne protection. Y'all relationship was purely transactions
Censordat - 6 years ago
the thing is Tekashi is not a gangsta....he a bitch nigguh who got affiliated with real gangstas. So, in the Feds eyes he is no threat to society, but the real gangstas and the who Treyway organization is a threat to society. So, letting Tekashi go for a whole organization is a super come up!
OneLyfes VeryOwn
OneLyfes VeryOwn - 6 years ago
I'm a lil tired of surf capping for 69 saying he young at 22? Cops kill niggas younger than 22, cops arrest niggas younger than 22 and charge them as grown men, so don't give me that young shit
DeChane Cameron
DeChane Cameron - 6 years ago
OneLyfes VeryOwn bruh, 22 itself is young. No excuse for what he did but trying to argue that it isn’t is not a good look lol. That’s shit people that expect to die at 26 say.
Wil Perez
Wil Perez - 6 years ago
“I actually had his baby momma reading his plea” get this fake fuck outta here, this guy is a lame foh Vladimir
dripzzz 200
dripzzz 200 - 6 years ago
Vlad sucking 69 dick
Julio Perez
Julio Perez - 6 years ago
Never heard surf real voice since he always screaming lol
Night Rider
Night Rider - 6 years ago
90% Of vlads viewers complain about Vlad. STFU and enjoy free content or go make better videos yourself if you dont like it.
Joseph Sawyer
Joseph Sawyer - 6 years ago
Fuck that dude he is proof that no matter how fake you are niggas will fuck with you. No more G Code no more silence and secrecy just rap and name gangs and these lames will accept you. Niggas still fuck with Rick Ross officer Ross. Name a gang put together some rhymes lying about your work on the street and you can make it big too
A- Tre
A- Tre - 6 years ago
These flashbacks are getting old
Ace Walker.
Ace Walker. - 6 years ago
Who wants some gang bs in they legit business? What planet do you mf be on cause it aint earth
Angelo King
Angelo King - 6 years ago
I dont blame Vlad for this you know,. I blame people like Lord Jamar and Mysonne. I respect Mysonne but this aint right. Vlad probably dont understand his content danger. He would put 69 content out there but wouldnt do it to Taxstone content out there. Taxstone is his boy so he didnt cover that case like this. He didnt want pile on to that case. So he knows better but he dosent do better. Say what you want bout Charlamange, but when he said he easing off vlad i had to agree with him. Vlad may not be a bad person, but black men suppose to pull him in and say this aint for the culture. Especially getting into details while the trial is still going on.
The Guy
The Guy - 6 years ago
Vlad.. I think you wrong about the beef. I think he was responding to the hate he was getting because he was getting big. They could’ve resolved it but they wanted to show they had muscle..
Big homie Soulja
Big homie Soulja - 6 years ago
Snitch nine bby moms think she the shit,like bitch your claim to faim is you got nutted in congrats hoe.
El Omarsillo653
El Omarsillo653 - 6 years ago
U stay on 6ix9ines dick vladdddd
Icekilla3hunna - 6 years ago
I am a civilian
modap3000 - 6 years ago
What's up with this clown saying the n-word every time he opens his mouth?
robert lewis
robert lewis - 6 years ago
RIP TECH 9. Loaded lux put your BODY BAG....in a BODY BAG!!
j m
j m - 6 years ago
Enough of shorty reading the docs. Is this clip going to be replayed in all future interviews?
Sicarii San Francisco
Sicarii San Francisco - 6 years ago
Vlad sets up blacks and Hispanics with these interrogation interviews. He's a real agent of the govt
the man the myth
the man the myth - 6 years ago
How many times Vlad gonna show that reading clip? Gottttt damn!
lordicu canuseeme
lordicu canuseeme - 6 years ago
So for everyone that’s about to comment there is a local rhyme for the incarcerated. It goes tell on three then go free. The police need the criminals to do their legwork for them. I don’t condone this behavior but I’m not about to blast someone for it because I don’t know dude. If it was my people best believe he’s not knowing what I’m doing especially if he’s posting on Facebook and Instagram.
call me randumb
call me randumb - 6 years ago
What happened to his gun charges thou????
Felix Jones
Felix Jones - 6 years ago
Vlad will you please leave the 69 stuff be. Damn man. So tired of hearing you get hard over it.
Weedy James
Weedy James - 6 years ago
An Suge 2...
lordicu canuseeme
lordicu canuseeme - 6 years ago
So vlad you said you would snitch on someone but you have an opinion on someone dropping a dime? Hypocrite. And another thing how in the hell did you get his plea agreement and why the hell would you be telling on the snitch. I am not a gangster but a father so pardon my opinion but that’s just like being on the mainline and pointing out a snitch. Confidential informants should be confidential to the public let the defendants exact their justice
DeChane Cameron
DeChane Cameron - 6 years ago
lordicu canuseeme in his defense, Vlads not a criminal. Him going to the cops is exactly what he’s supposed to do. 69 snitching is something he’s not supposed to do, in that gang culture.
Rlewis5221 - 6 years ago
Vlad is a fed bro lol. You def gotta watch your mouth around him
Eddie Jones
Eddie Jones - 6 years ago
2:15 "Allegedly"
MMG Ridge
MMG Ridge - 6 years ago
Vlad gets too excited about 69 am surprised he didn't bring up the L.A strip club story
51 50
51 50 - 6 years ago
This guy really thinks he’s saying something smh
Squad Holiday
Squad Holiday - 6 years ago
Vlad loves asking street dudes how they feel about 69 snitching
The one
The one - 6 years ago
surf is a real smart dude minus the rap shit.
Khyree Battle
Khyree Battle - 6 years ago
Vlad got something personal against 69 but when he get out he gon ask for a interview
Taj Jones
Taj Jones - 6 years ago
Bitch ass surf jus lost my respect. He 22 a grown ass man andu giving excuses on a nigga snitching, bu tryna justify the shit
Bg Geezy
Bg Geezy - 6 years ago
This generation full of pussy ass feminine niggas
SUGAR BLK - 6 years ago
TSU SURF: She a good girl?
Vlad: Yeah she cool

Frank Nitti
Frank Nitti - 6 years ago
Please stop showing her read those papers...the shit is disgusting

100. comment for Tsu Surf Weighs on Tekashi 6ix9ine Snitching on His Co-Defendents (Part 8)

Roddy G
Roddy G - 6 years ago
i had to fast forward his bm reading that shit. how niggas comfortable with that? fucking weirdo
2pac.legendary - 6 years ago
why is this nigga vlad keep talking about 69??
Arione Stewart
Arione Stewart - 6 years ago
Dante Gonzalez
Dante Gonzalez - 6 years ago
2:26 lowkey clowned vlad and he ain't even know lmao
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
Froggy cuz 69 never gave you that interview.
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
Captain Spaulding is a hating ass vermin
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
Tekashi didn't start all his beefs, Vlad is a fucking moron, though I will say is that 69 did antagonized situations, but the thing is that muchfuckas would start shit with him primarily, but what do you expect, 69 is from Brooklyn that never hold his tongue on people that talked shit about him.
Manny Tello
Manny Tello - 6 years ago
Bullshit interview. Clown ass nigga vlad nothing but a culture vulture
ghostphoto beats
ghostphoto beats - 6 years ago
Every Vlad interview in 2019
Vlad: Tekashi 69?
Guest: Yea snitching is fucked up
Vlad: Would you kill him if he snitched on you?
Guest: Idk man I don't wanna talk about that
Vlad: Word word
Twistedhickory Juice
Twistedhickory Juice - 6 years ago
0-100-REAL QUICK - 6 years ago
"I personally got a problem with that" man shut fuck up envious schmohawk, There's still no given quotes of Tekashi saying something in that court room, but muchfuckas like Captain Spualding are jumping the gun. What a dumb fuck face.
zan zy
zan zy - 6 years ago
Vlad was jacking off while 69 baby mama was reading.. "yeah keep going"
Black Coder
Black Coder - 6 years ago
Vlad wouldn't be able to get me to incriminate myself or talk about anybody else's business...... Shit will get you caught in the mix

$Arlano (don't @ me , cash app me)
Smitty Benzo
Smitty Benzo - 6 years ago
Vlad is a lowkey scumbag
Martin Potter
Martin Potter - 6 years ago
Dude vlad how many times are you gonna show 69 baby mother read the papers ,We get it man .
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
Nope never gets old put him on blast every chance he get. Matter of fact, Somebody go get Sarah. Kev Mac Videos got a premier also tonight. Check it out. Tell him Ike Dola sent you
Christopher Montalvo
Christopher Montalvo - 6 years ago
69 baby mom had a harrrd time reading lol
Eli Hill
Eli Hill - 6 years ago
Tk Kirkland DA GOat... Don't ask GOD:::!!!:::''' @SK TK Kirkland!!! HE KNOWS!!!!!!
Mental Mind
Mental Mind - 6 years ago
0:15 What did he say
True Story
True Story - 6 years ago
Karlito Freeze
Karlito Freeze - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t mind hearing a Surf and China Mac song

Or China Mac interview Surf on Mac Talk
True Story
True Story - 6 years ago
There should be someone on the drums back there to hit "Ba Dum Tsss" when appropriate.
Sizzla Kolanji
Sizzla Kolanji - 6 years ago
Vlad worth millions , tf would he be elated to have that half ass groupie ho on here ?? Yall dick be hard from hating ..
Big Bodega248
Big Bodega248 - 6 years ago
Surf so tuff in these interviews
HighlevelRecords - 6 years ago
Surf a Clown too
omar cordova
omar cordova - 6 years ago
He keeps saying they’re getting the rico charge because of the beefs no they’re getting that from real street shit vlad like too spin it his way and he’s a civilian why he have so much problems with street shit
Snoop Dollawood
Snoop Dollawood - 6 years ago
Damn Vlad, we gettin tired of this bitch poppin I’m on everybody else’s interviews
Coon66 - 6 years ago
I came here to give them bitches over at the Breakfast Club a break, now I’m dam near ready to give this mutha fucker the same break!!
Tony Wilson
Tony Wilson - 6 years ago
This is y vlad is not a civilian he always wanna talk about gangsta shit and expose people that's not a civilian
Paranoid Android
Paranoid Android - 6 years ago
And people still show up for vlad interviews self snitchin n shit..lmao
JokerL1000 - 6 years ago
Tekashi baby moms is one of those girls who think they bad, but really they just know how to put themselves together. Also why all hoes have that exact same personality.
D Gayle
D Gayle - 6 years ago
And all niggas don't...?
Ginsuma - 6 years ago
7 billion people on the planet...we aint all unique and different...thats why these hoes the same...
Two-G'z Up
Two-G'z Up - 6 years ago
The way this nigga vlad say baby momma he a fucking cornball
whenever a bitch asks "you want me to keep going"........ automatic YES
Philk K
Philk K - 6 years ago
Sara’s non reading ass again...
Al Phamale
Al Phamale - 6 years ago
Home girl should get royalties everytime that clip plays.she would be rich
Ginsuma - 6 years ago
Probably too dumb to file a motion
Small Axe
Small Axe - 6 years ago
Vlad proud as hell he got 69 bm to read that guilty plea. Lame ass
Ginsuma - 6 years ago
Vlad just wanted to make that goofy bitxh read out loud to see how slow she was LMFAOOOO
Mr. HitThatHoe
Mr. HitThatHoe - 6 years ago
Why would vlad feel some type of way that 69 snitch? Your just a civilian remember vlad? ... the way he said I made his baby mother read his court scriptures is kind weird to me ... vlad needs his ass whooped in front of his security
iJay Rizzy
iJay Rizzy - 6 years ago
Zues Adams
Zues Adams - 6 years ago
Surf....he had a couple million dollars...not a few hundred gees...
Escobar Rich
Escobar Rich - 6 years ago
Feds only seized a mill from him
Octavia Whaley
Octavia Whaley - 6 years ago
So how surf say Vlad gets niggas indicated but in the same breath don’t think snitch 9 didn’t get niggas indicated either. I fucks with you dude I know toddlers that know snitching ain’t right we can’t keep giving this clown a pass. Hold everybody accountable!!!
City of trees
City of trees - 6 years ago
Wow Vlad u had his baby mommy read the document u a gangsta!!!!!f**** clown
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg - 6 years ago
Vlad is making a lot of money with these “6ix9ine Snitching” videos
Main Event Money
Main Event Money - 6 years ago
Real Facts!! Everybody at the age of 21 was chasing bitches, drinking and partying, out doing whatever not giving a fuck. You get older and you look back like dam I shoulda knew better on certain shit. It's life
Emmett Lester
Emmett Lester - 6 years ago
"I use to sneak Vlad into The Roots practice room at 2 am so he could do his interviews" - TK Kirkland
osmosis zulu
osmosis zulu - 6 years ago
“ This lifestyle is like a wild bull.. You either gonna control it or it’s gonna trample you “ - Jersey
Rasul Daniels
Rasul Daniels - 6 years ago
That street shit overrated just dumb shit we glorify. Most hood niqqaz are bitches with no weapon or ppl backing them
Lionel Laurent
Lionel Laurent - 6 years ago
Thats a third round
Charlie Barz
Charlie Barz - 6 years ago
Wow greatest knowledge drop of all time huh
Ryan Guidos
Ryan Guidos - 6 years ago
Vlad Really is a dummy!! You really think 69 would have talked all that shit without Shotti pumping him up putting that battery in his back!?? Hell naa shotti said it him self “69 talks that shit because of me”
30savageman - 6 years ago
Tsu is speaking true facts period
Monee Boiii
Monee Boiii - 6 years ago
Is 22 the new 12?? Wtf is wrong wit y'all feelin bad for that nigga talkin bout it's sad.... that's why all this corny shit fly these days kuz y'all went soft on callin a spade a spade. Fuck that nigga
Kendra Anton
Kendra Anton - 6 years ago
Making her read that was a punk move then replaying the video a 100 times. I dont wanna keep rewatching that.
Firstno way
Firstno way - 6 years ago
Summer J
Summer J - 6 years ago
Hold up wasn't Takashe 12 in jersey fucking with surf
MBRFosterchild - 6 years ago
“She a good girl ? “ ... surf u slick mf lol
Boxing Stuff
Boxing Stuff - 6 years ago
Fuck that dirty snitch
DonPapi mo
DonPapi mo - 6 years ago
This nigga vlad loves 6ix9ines cock in his mouth. He always got his name in his mouth
Marvin Greer
Marvin Greer - 6 years ago
I use to fuck with surf heavy but I don’t believe half the shit he talks about straight up niggas be fraud
J R Minor
J R Minor - 6 years ago
Surf be spittin so much dam game special type dude
Diego2kMT - 6 years ago
Vlad always talking some police shit man the foh with this cracka
GFG416 Ent.
GFG416 Ent. - 6 years ago
VLAD be super on 69’s dick
King Keeb
King Keeb - 6 years ago
Lol wow, she can’t read. Smh
o k
o k - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf is a mug
Mikal Hardy
Mikal Hardy - 6 years ago
Man everytime they show his BM I skip it up you are a rat and vlad got yo stupid ass all on camera reading his paperwork, that's a big no no where a lot of us are from
pimp8946 - 6 years ago
Tsu surf interviews and talks well, I can see it kinda throw vlad off
Reel Deal
Reel Deal - 6 years ago
pimp8946 lowkey wants us to sound illiterate
Rodney Chassagne
Rodney Chassagne - 6 years ago
Is she a good girl?
Joe-L Garcia Chop-Shop Records 619
Joe-L Garcia Chop-Shop Records 619 - 6 years ago
dyserunsjerz - 6 years ago
Nothing but a buncha niggas complaining and whining about how vlad does this and vlad does that and wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhhh boo boo but all yall still subscribe and watch everything he puts out SMH niggas need to just shut the fukk up and enjoy cuz the man does some dope ass interviews
Neek Da Uno
Neek Da Uno - 6 years ago
I follow the case also had his baby mama talk about the case.Wtf
Wow Seb
Wow Seb - 6 years ago
vLad got this hate towards 69 but if the nigga come out you would reach out for an interview
mba5 - 6 years ago
Vlad owe 69 a check because he is still eating off his story. Running outta content
Ginsuma - 6 years ago
Depends on if 69 still got his media team working for him...they claim royalties on videos with his name in the title ect... that's why Vlad breaks his videos into parts like that...so if a company claims royalties on the video because of a name it's not the entire interview.
Stackie Robinson
Stackie Robinson - 6 years ago
He owes him and Suge a check.
rontavius snipes
rontavius snipes - 6 years ago
TK Kirkland: I actually know the dude that recorded the reference track for Gummo. He slept in my apartment in NY
C W - 6 years ago
@jackson Ironically Tk was the guy who taught Stan Lee how to draw. True story.
Jackson Cruz
Jackson Cruz - 6 years ago
+rell man in TK's recent interview, almost every time Vlad asked about a certain celebrity, TK would almost always respond with a story on how he knew that person & it was always before they blew up. He like Stan Lee in every Marvel movie showing up outta nowhere lol
rell man
rell man - 6 years ago
rontavius snipes what did tk do to make ppl make these comments lol. I need to see the original video
I love TellaVision
I love TellaVision - 6 years ago
Vlad Goes Hard On Snitches To Advert attention from himself
Honestly Speaking
Honestly Speaking - 6 years ago
I think Tsu surf a lil slow. Almost sounds like he was making excuses for 69. These new "street niggas" weird frfr.
Phresh Boii!!!
Phresh Boii!!! - 6 years ago
How many years you think Vlad will use Tekashi as content for interviews?
bob hope
bob hope - 6 years ago
DJ Suave
DJ Suave - 6 years ago
Surf trying his hardest to shoot tekashi bail....that nigga was mindful of all the fuck shit he was doing.

He just a product of this attention hungry fuck nigga society that will do and say anything to be seen and heard.

Fuck that snitch ass bitch
wallbanga17 - 6 years ago
Flashbacks are the only time I use the fast forward
ROHAN - 6 years ago
You want me to keep going ?
That is her catch phrase lol
Nathan Fraser
Nathan Fraser - 6 years ago
All I learned from watching this is money is the root of all evil
LeBrick Lames
LeBrick Lames - 6 years ago
Nathan Fraser money isnt bad it’s a necessity but when people are willing to do anything for it that’s when it’s bad
LeBrick Lames
LeBrick Lames - 6 years ago
Nathan Fraser love of money*
ewillthegod - 6 years ago
He's really smart
Edwin - 6 years ago
Tekashi's girl's googoogaga hairs are all grown up.
mickey dickey
mickey dickey - 6 years ago
Vlad-pac : that's why interviewed yo bitch you rainbow haired mother fucker!
MAURIICE KIING - 6 years ago
4:20 - 4:25 He sums the whole thing up perfectly.
J. Kelly
J. Kelly - 6 years ago
Vlad could have gotten anybody to read that Tekashi paperwork. He is super excited that it was his baby mom. I fast forward when he post her clip every time.
BK 215
BK 215 - 6 years ago
You need to show some slim jesus flashbacks
Danladi Allen
Danladi Allen - 6 years ago
Vlad needs help. Why is he so related that he asked her to read the documents. Vlad you paid her to be on there. After hearing her story, did you think she was going to say no? I guess this clip will replace the Boosie clip
Skurrow - 6 years ago
Snitch weighs in on snitch about snitching.
Tommy Jones
Tommy Jones - 6 years ago
Big Dog
Big Dog - 6 years ago
New York tha home of tha rats
Lotti Dotti
Lotti Dotti - 6 years ago
"Give a mufucka some type of juice that they ain't even supposed to have"....what I call Lames with money, and that's a fact with a lot of clowns out here
Pre Law
Pre Law - 6 years ago
I love the fact that Vlad never mentions that fact that those guys he’s telling on tried to Kill Tekashi & his mother. Vlad is a true propagandist
Pre Law
Pre Law - 6 years ago
Escobar Rich 50% of gangstas snitch anyway so all them codes really don’t mean shit. How about the code of brotherhood? The niggas you banging with tryna kill you & your family, but that’s cool right? Ain’t that a violation of street code?
Escobar Rich
Escobar Rich - 6 years ago
Pre Law nothing nuanced no telling period you talk all that gangsta shit no crying when you get shot in the head or In jail
Pre Law
Pre Law - 6 years ago
Escobar Rich I get it, but it’s a nuanced situation
Escobar Rich
Escobar Rich - 6 years ago
Still a rat once you in the streets no snitching.
Blood Cousin
Blood Cousin - 6 years ago
Vlad been working with the feds
402 - 6 years ago
Yo Vlad you a dickhead for gettin dude BM to read his guilty plea
Jay Pee
Jay Pee - 6 years ago
He never started a beef he responded name one beef he created her got caught up he was never a street person from the jump so how you gone expect him to stand tall with the Feds and the ppl who on your case not your day ones and robbed you slept with your girl and was trying to kill you we all know that want him y'all act like it's a shock a lot of real street ppl fold to the Feds I looked at him as a civilian just using a image ppl don't want to deal with real street ppl cuz they loose money they invest then there past catch up and there out of money
BK 215
BK 215 - 6 years ago
Yusuf - 6 years ago
Get more battle rappers up here Vlad!!
MRhoodmoney20 - 6 years ago
Lol 69 ain’t conduct shit putting bread on somebody head that’s regular that don’t mean u the leader of shit kuz the leader ain’t paying for no hit he making the lil guys smoke shit for nun
J I - 6 years ago
So true bro. He didn't know what the fuck he was doing. You can't play gangster and expect everything to be sweet . Likes playing the Gangster for views. He's gone down for being a cock, basically. Wtf is his ex doing aswell !! He was and never will be a Gangster. Thought it would be good for his music. It worked to some degree and now he's locked up
tyshawn anderson
tyshawn anderson - 6 years ago
Lol Surf a genius he told vlad he get niggas indicted that shit gon get a million views
Yatham Ban Yasharahla 144
Yatham Ban Yasharahla 144 - 6 years ago
WAKE UP!!! Yahawah's Judgment Has Arrived. To all Israelites that do not know that you are Israelites. God's Chosen People. We are NOT blacks, latinos or native americans. We are the Israelites. We are NOT a religion. We ARE a nation. The scriptures say, there is going to be a massive slaughter (The Purge) of the Israelites scattered throughout the world. 2/3rd's will die (dumb ass niggas) and 1/3rd will be saved (righteous Israelites). It's called Jacob's Trouble or The Great Tribulation (storms, earthquakes, meteor showers, world war 3, economic collapse, race war, martial law, FEMA concentration camps (empty Walmart's and Sam's Club's), famine, the RFID microchip [mark of the beast] DO NOT accept it, and nuclear warfare). Only those Israelites that obey The Laws of our Father Yahawah (His name is not God or Yahweh) and pray to Him in the name of our big brother, Lord and King Yahawashi (His name is not Jesus or Yeshua and He is not white) will be protected. Learn who you are, REPENT and obey All the commandments. Look up Israelites on YouTube. Time is running out. And you can't say, no one warned you. Yes, of course, I know. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. RIGHT?
Check it out. (FOR NEGROS) https://youtu.be/QxhHk5htu-0
ski da boss
ski da boss - 6 years ago
Better as Friends
Better as Friends - 6 years ago
Joshua Hasan
Joshua Hasan - 6 years ago
+P R faaacts
P R - 6 years ago
No Treyway member is accused of murder. The system's looking at it like "the more guys he can bring us to enslave the more power we have".
Hulk DeMullah
Hulk DeMullah - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf is very wise. No surprise to how talented he is.
C W - 6 years ago
@christopher Bryson I’m flattered that your wrote a thesis about me. Since you’re unimportant though, I’m just going to call you a bitch and move on.
C W - 6 years ago
@tracy Morgan’s belly you need to let your boyfriend fight his own battles tough guy.
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
+C W damn you bodied him
SKUNK AP - 6 years ago
i did everything the streets told me was cool to do now i rather prove it to myself than i prove to you
Huntley Thomas
Huntley Thomas - 6 years ago
+Caleb Pratt word
IRyZaah - 6 years ago
+Christopher Bryson You're the reason black people are in the state we are in, you're why we are the laughing stocks of the entire world, you're the reason we have all these statistics about being a low part of the population yet commit most of the crimes and take up most of the prisons. Normal black people gotta defend their own race while trying to achieve things because of dumb nigga's like you. I hope you get 100 years in prison and everyone you know committing crimes, I hope they bury you under the jail
IRyZaah - 6 years ago
+Christopher Bryson You a dumb lost nigga. You're really a sad person.
Kendrick s-p
Kendrick s-p - 6 years ago
As far as being a rat shiiiit. I knew that as a kid. There's been time my mom whooped me for doing the crime and then whooping my brother for telling lol
Kendrick s-p
Kendrick s-p - 6 years ago
I dont think that what surf was just referring to. Hes talking about life in general. At 22 a lot of us (Not all) thought we knew everything. And when older ppl told us what not to do. It's hard to listen, because you think you got the answers. But as you get older and bump your head a few times. You realise how dumb you were to not listen
DeChane Cameron
DeChane Cameron - 6 years ago
IRyZaah niggas don’t understand that.
Christopher Bryson
Christopher Bryson - 6 years ago
D Nyce nah I just know if I’m in a situation do that shit by myself so then who can you tell on but yourself but ok
D Nyce
D Nyce - 6 years ago
Y’all talking, and I hope you’re not ever facing a 47 min. But only the very strong stand up to that type of pressure.,
Tracy Morgan's Belly
Tracy Morgan's Belly - 6 years ago
+C W fool damn near everybody's mom's was a jump off to somebody. Your mama was gargling nuts just like everybody else's. Matter of fact based on your dumbass comment she was probably gargling every nigga in the hoods balls before AND after she pushed your sorry ass out that ran through box.
Christopher Bryson
Christopher Bryson - 6 years ago
C W I know you a white boy who can’t live his life in the real world but just online! You pedos kill me getting on here thinking talking tough is doing anything! I bet you get or got bullied in school and fell sorry for yourself but the only one you should blame is your father or your dead ass grandmother for not swallowing your mom but it will be ok little billy
C W - 6 years ago
@iryzaah I knew at 22 that your mom was a jumpoff.
Jay Money
Jay Money - 6 years ago
I knew at 9 no lie we called it tattle tale shit back in the day
Steve Sherrell
Steve Sherrell - 6 years ago
+Caleb Pratt classic
Taj Jones
Taj Jones - 6 years ago
Facts. Nigga
Edmond Taverdyan
Edmond Taverdyan - 6 years ago
i took a case 4 someone at 18........it was made CLEAR to me........snitch on that guy and u can go.......i said NO!.......those r MY DRUGS....i DONT KNOW that guy......not to brag but just saying........thats on record....i got locked up 4 that
Disgruntled K-Black
Disgruntled K-Black - 6 years ago
At least we know she can read......
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
"Are. As. Follows (angrily exhales due to frustration with poor reading skills). You want me to keep going (seductively asks the question in hope to get Vlad's mind off the task at hand, only to find out that the Vulture ain't budging)?"

- Sara Molina, AKA IQ of a child.
BK 215
BK 215 - 6 years ago
That exhale lmao she was super flustered
P R - 6 years ago
Literacy & intelligence quotient are NOT hand-in-hand. Do all people who were born blind have child-like IQ's?
Billy Boudin
Billy Boudin - 6 years ago
Tsu looks like he eats chicken wings and shrimp fried rice out of a styrofoam container in front of the hood Chinese spot
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
That shit sound good as hell. Don't forget tonight
Kev Mac Videos got a new premier. Go check it out and let him know Ike Dola sent you
RapJunkiez - 6 years ago
Everyone in Newark does that fk u lmao
Cocaine Mitch
Cocaine Mitch - 6 years ago
That’s Cuz he does
BK 215
BK 215 - 6 years ago
On the hood of the whip
Chris Da Crisis
Chris Da Crisis - 6 years ago
LOLLLLLL broooo. U tripping but it's kinda true.
God Sun
God Sun - 6 years ago
With every flashback to her, 69's babymom realizes more and more that she played herself
ShowTime Glo
ShowTime Glo - 6 years ago
Vlad gone agree she coo and a good girl lmao lien ass she dirty af for that interview
Jevon Burke
Jevon Burke - 6 years ago
Best ending to an interview ever..hope artists wise up
These battle rappers and even youtube rappers are having success independently,we have the technology where anyone
can promote themselves. Not all labels are bad,but mostly Tsu is right,they could care less and they are exploiting what happens in the street
to make a dollar...smh
Mike Franks
Mike Franks - 6 years ago
ski da boss
ski da boss - 6 years ago
trabucks - 6 years ago
TK: it pains me to see this young kid get caught up in something that started out in my living room and...
VLAD: you started treyway?
TK: yea and you know what's crazy I sold the rights to SHOTTI because I didnt think it would be shit
Mandingo Perez
Mandingo Perez - 6 years ago
you have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now
rontavius snipes
rontavius snipes - 6 years ago
trabucks lmao damn TK
Trillasshole Trill asshole
Trillasshole Trill asshole - 6 years ago
Lmfao omg vlad a instigating ass nigga he gone get 69 knocked.
Carlton Fripp
Carlton Fripp - 6 years ago
Got his baby mama reading his papers tho ...
Angelique Pickett
Angelique Pickett - 6 years ago
Keye T
Keye T - 6 years ago
Yabba Dabba lmaoo EACH ONE, TEACH ONE
René - 6 years ago
I don’t wanna hear her dumbass struggle reading skip right through her parts all the time
Land Mark
Land Mark - 6 years ago
He’s so proud of himself for getting her to read the papers lmao
Land Mark
Land Mark - 6 years ago
Terrell Brown well it nice to know you read the same thing 15 times, repetition is key cock sucka.
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
Im sure you are aware that 15 other people in this comment section said that already right fucktard
Tony Gallo
Tony Gallo - 6 years ago
Vlad sounds really tight talking about this shit... To me it sounds like he wants to be the only one who gets people indicted. Just my 2 pennies
Chase Boogie
Chase Boogie - 6 years ago
I can tell this dude spent his time in jail thinking a lot. A real street dude who is able to articulate intelligent insight. I fuck wit boy.
Jamule Corothers
Jamule Corothers - 6 years ago
I wish vlad stop showing old clips in new videos,its like watching a rerun
MayfallTribe - 6 years ago
+Isaiah Oden ya don't say.
Isaiah Oden
Isaiah Oden - 6 years ago
To show ppl something they don’t know
MayfallTribe - 6 years ago
And he plays the whole damn flashback omg nigga why... Tf...
Tony Gallo
Tony Gallo - 6 years ago
"I actually typed out the paperwork she was reading...that was back when I was workin with Vlad"
-Tk Kirkland
Marlon Smith
Marlon Smith - 6 years ago
Don't know who more of a bitch this hoe reading her kids father shit on the internet or vlad fuck boi ass for pulling this
Brian A.
Brian A. - 6 years ago
Tekashi babymoms was struggling reading that testimony.
Ginsuma - 6 years ago
Right she was sweating her edges off
Horus - 6 years ago
Tsurf so real
killa ja
killa ja - 6 years ago
us as people have to master talking in complete sentences
Evan Device
Evan Device - 6 years ago
English itself is full of mistakes and rule bending. Our version just sounds better
Jordan Bryant
Jordan Bryant - 6 years ago
Why? Fuck this kkkracker ass language. Whole time kkkrackers try to imitate are lingo
allstarme3000 Basile
allstarme3000 Basile - 6 years ago
AGAIN Vlad is a MORON, here ya go Vlad kemme explain why they did it. Let one person go and get the WHOLE gang locked up. ANDDD it sends the message that if you snitch they'll take care of you. Stop acting like you never heard this shit before. No one cares what offends you. Im offended that you run your mouth and call the law when Rick Ross and them ran down on you, but wait youre a civilian, i guess you dont have to be responsible for your words/actions...
Xolani Sibanyoni
Xolani Sibanyoni - 6 years ago
Vlad want Surf to talk shit so bad. Lol!
Danno596 - 6 years ago
Vlad so proud to have his “baby momma” read the plea agreement.
RayFromDa Bay
RayFromDa Bay - 6 years ago
STFU Vlad! Shotti & the rest of those dumb muthafuckaz had a little Spanish Gold Mine & screwed it up! Because of their Stupidity they deserve everything that's happening to them.
Julius Torres
Julius Torres - 6 years ago
I feel like he wants to be seen as gangster and it doesn't make me wanna check his music
FoodStampzzz - 6 years ago
Julius Torres ummm type in Seven25.. that’s his newest album... his Newark album was coo too..
Julius Torres
Julius Torres - 6 years ago
FoodStampzzz I like freestyles but idk. You got a song you can suggest?
1162hunter - 6 years ago
Vlad you’ve showed her reading that in like 20 other videos now, you don’t need to keep showing it
jarvis miller
jarvis miller - 6 years ago
Respect to surf he didn't allow Vlad to flip his mind and goes on full blast 6ix9ine mode
HipHopR&BLover Jon
HipHopR&BLover Jon - 6 years ago
Snitch9 deserves to get blasted. He's a snitch and Surf is just caping for him because he's from the northeast. That's why the West Coast don't respect these fake ass east coast nuthuggers.
Dennis Hazel
Dennis Hazel - 6 years ago
That's fucked up Vlad
T Rucker
T Rucker - 6 years ago
Uploaded 4 min ago and already 1k views vald interviews go fast like crack in the 80s lol
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
BIG K N.F.L. - 6 years ago
69 baby moms: Want me to keep going?

Vlad: Yeah baby don't stop!
Alan J
Alan J - 6 years ago
Comment too funny
KyGoat SwIrving
KyGoat SwIrving - 6 years ago
Beatin his meat to her reading it lmaoo “that really turns me on” lookin ass
Comment Beast
Comment Beast - 6 years ago
I wanna eyebrow fk her tho
Damon Martin
Damon Martin - 6 years ago
Dee Irv
Dee Irv - 6 years ago
I swear that’s how he sounded lmao
Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson - 6 years ago
I hate when a chick. Ask me. Do you want me to keep going?
The Bizness
The Bizness - 6 years ago
He jerkin off to the words of the snitch statement
The one
The one - 6 years ago
your a fool.
Dlorenzo680 - 6 years ago
Vlad Edgar Hoover frfr
j atta
j atta - 6 years ago
lee - 6 years ago
What is Vlad gonna do when he runs out of black people to interview ?
Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
I wonder how people like you can think with half a brain
absolutless - 6 years ago
Why do Vlad's fans all hate him?
Tre Mack
Tre Mack - 6 years ago
Vladimir "Lemme use Tekashi's name for views" Lyubovny
steven rubio
steven rubio - 6 years ago
Vlad is so PROUD to have sara molina read off tekashis court documents lmfao
zan zy
zan zy - 6 years ago
he was getting off on that "yeah.. keep goin" she probably topped him off after the interview.
The Cowboy
The Cowboy - 6 years ago
Vlad' a pimp, he made a hoe read.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
"Nice girl?" = "Would you smash/Is she good looking?" (2:30).
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. Kev Mac Videos got a new video facts. World premier. Tell him Ike Dola sent you facts
Ike Dola
Ike Dola - 6 years ago
Facts lol. Don't forget to check out Kev Mac Videos tonight new world premier Facts. Don't forget to tell him Ike Dola sent you
John Davis
John Davis - 6 years ago
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
DatGuyWelbz, gotcha. Thanks for the advice.
DatGuyWelbz - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. sure. But I'll tell you know I'm from the UK and never watched a game of basketball a day in my life. So probably won't be interested in too much of your content but I do have some advice. Firstly, it'll probably be better to add audio reading out the text, nobody has time to read text in YouTube videos. Also, I was thinking about getting into basketball but there arent any YouTube channels dedicated to teaching people how the sport works, which team should you pick, how does the league's work, how does drafting and transfers work etc
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
DatGuyWelbz, tell me about it, lol. I appreciate the love, though. Also, if you can, check out the channel from the link above and subscribe if you like the content, homie.
DatGuyWelbz - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. ignore those butthurt weirdos. It was funny because it's 100% true.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Malik H, 38 people (and counting) actually think it was a good joke.

Please feel free to check out and support the link above. Thanks!
Malik H
Malik H - 6 years ago
KING B.H.Y. It was a bad joke if you had to explain it
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Donald Woodlin, it was a joke, lol. Please give that link a try!
HAYN’ Ru 856554
HAYN’ Ru 856554 - 6 years ago
Nah, He making Vlad recognize her as an individual. Not just “69 baby mama” so he asked what Vlad thought of her as a person. You gotta listen to surf; He’s a deep thinker.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Please give my brand new sports and facts channel a try! Hopefully you'll like it and subscribe! Thanks!

AJ Jackson
AJ Jackson - 6 years ago
Add Me On Ig 9Mucch
sixburgh64ss - 6 years ago
What does Slim Jesus think about all this though?
Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
He just dropped on WS, supa trash
MTNT 05 - 6 years ago
Bruh...I just read that the charges against Jussie Smollett....have been dropped...the gay Tupac about to have a gayngsta party....Haha
Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
Supa facts
REGULA TV - 6 years ago
That’s a lie vlad you a lie Mel Murda paper work out mentioning indictments that got them charged! It’s only 3 charges they got on 69 behalf far as his beef stop it
LondonTown - 6 years ago
This was surprisingly a dope interview!
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Seeing Sara's reading frustration causes me frustration.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Isidro salas, I agree 100%!

Please give my brand new sports and facts channel a try! Hopefully you'll like it and subscribe! Thanks!

Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
It hurts my brain... Vlad is the ultimate opportunist
Air McNair
Air McNair - 6 years ago
Sven TheButcher
Sven TheButcher - 6 years ago
R.I.P Tech9 I didn't always agree with his opinion but I always respected the man. Long live Tech
Htown Lifer
Htown Lifer - 6 years ago
Tech was real battle rapper....the true essence of it
trabucks - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. you feel like a man trolling behind the safety of the internet?
dada dadad
dada dadad - 6 years ago
What respect u have for an as whole. Ya nigs flare fuming fuking stupid
BlackJohnnyCage - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. Man you Trolls are pathetic! Nigga would disfigure you if you spoke like that in real life but this the internet Continue to have fun & hiding behind your fake Channel.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Fuck tech nine
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Sven TheButcher lmao glad he’s dead gives more room for newer artist get over it kiddo
Retroscope Cinema
Retroscope Cinema - 6 years ago
Lol surf said
she a good girl?
Malik H
Malik H - 6 years ago
It’s because he referred to her as baby momma and not by her name. If you from NY you would know these people are familiar w each other via theccshow
Thxsltoo - 6 years ago
TK: You know what Vlad? You gotta have liiiiiiiiife insurance.
Rich Harrow
Rich Harrow - 6 years ago
Every part vlad releases surf gets a little less high lol.. because part one homie was on the moon... RIP Tech 9...
jahmezis45 - 6 years ago
Hahaha I was saying the same exact thing
BeatBox You.Lunch
BeatBox You.Lunch - 6 years ago
Damn this out of all the lame "jersey" comments should a got .. jersey'd
stephen white
stephen white - 6 years ago
Moses Jones he passed away
mgthaking - 6 years ago
Moses Jones do ya googles
THE BRAN WAY - 6 years ago
Word lmaoooo.
Moses Jones
Moses Jones - 6 years ago
What happened to tech9?
Zanny Manny
Zanny Manny - 6 years ago
well these interviews do be hours long lol
Dreadhead King
Dreadhead King - 6 years ago
Afrika Smith nah you wasn’t the only one who notice. Most of the people on there that get interviewed by Vlad be off something but once them questions kick in, they sober up quick af
Afrika Smith
Afrika Smith - 6 years ago
Thought i was the only one who noticed that
Mgrsdgfsd Afsdgrsdgfsdg
Mgrsdgfsd Afsdgrsdgfsdg - 6 years ago
Det 313
Det 313 - 6 years ago
It’s obvious Vlad hate 69 he be on his dick way to much. Mad 69 hoed him and wouldn’t give him a interview
Marty - 6 years ago
Vlad sounds ELATED about getting 69 baby mom to read papers
Randy McDuffie
Randy McDuffie - 6 years ago
+Jack RIPPER Russian
purple Earkle
purple Earkle - 6 years ago
Marty He a goofy
corinda Merino
corinda Merino - 6 years ago
KING B.H.Y. GFOH damm troll. African Americans are more than half of the people he interviewed stupid... go take your dumb ass somewhere else don’t try and start shit on VLAD channel stay the fuck of his shit and stop watching his interviews.
CrummieBeatslive - 6 years ago
Yeah. This is getting extremely weird. Yo vlad timeout
The Bizness
The Bizness - 6 years ago
He proud to show he got Tekashi snitching on paper. He like “Atta boy! That’s my son!”
Kay - 6 years ago
He was
Kadeem - 6 years ago
Right that was strange, like his tone was too joyful
Frank Nitti
Frank Nitti - 6 years ago
+Revo Joe both of y'all are full of shit
Frank Nitti
Frank Nitti - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. you full of shit
Frank Nitti
Frank Nitti - 6 years ago
+28 Nate he's just running his mouth
Deuces Wild
Deuces Wild - 6 years ago
Let’s talk about how 69 is not being seen and they’re removing all the tattoos and unknowingly moving him out the jail and putting a decoy in there while he’s secretly moved to Cuba.
Jack RIPPER - 6 years ago
He's a jew
28 Nate
28 Nate - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. fuck you talkin my guy? Smh
Zues Adams
Zues Adams - 6 years ago
That's that j.ew trickery
DonPapi mo
DonPapi mo - 6 years ago
tlig fuck vlads bitch ass.
402 - 6 years ago
He a dickhead
John - 6 years ago
legit he tryna make it seemed like he punked her.
Htown Lifer
Htown Lifer - 6 years ago
it was fucked up...But Vlad is a square and he knows an even squarer square when he sees one

He took advantage of her not knowing how to handle this situation
Krafti _cpt
Krafti _cpt - 6 years ago
He sounded like he got off on making her read them papers
Revo Joe
Revo Joe - 6 years ago
@Marty yeah I caught that too
Marty - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. huh lmao you. Are REACHING
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Blacks are jealous of vlads power
tlig - 6 years ago
Vlad has gotten really powerful in the last few years, of course he's feeling himself a little.
Kyle Watson
Kyle Watson - 6 years ago
Kyle Watson
Kyle Watson - 6 years ago
+tlig Vlad dont give a damn about Mike Tyson. He's obsessed with gangsta rappers.
tlig - 6 years ago
Mike Tyson was released from jail that very same day and it was much bigger news.
Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby - 6 years ago
What up with vlad getting off on the tekashi bm clip?
Andrew Chatmon
Andrew Chatmon - 6 years ago
Nemo Beep
Nemo Beep - 6 years ago
Philly snitching crazy... stay focused blacks
TaB BlAcK - 6 years ago
I love me some surf!
Leroy Stankums
Leroy Stankums - 6 years ago
you wouldve though tekashi snitched on vlad or something
purple Earkle
purple Earkle - 6 years ago
Leroy Stankums he mad he ain’t get an interview
White Rob
White Rob - 6 years ago
Facts... vlad acting real shaky getting hype over someone else going down.
Acre - 6 years ago
+Isidro salas 100%
Jack RIPPER - 6 years ago
+Isidro salas that's exactly what happened
Malik H
Malik H - 6 years ago
KING B.H.Y. You’re not funny and you don’t talk like this off the internet.
Minoe Mann
Minoe Mann - 6 years ago
KING B.H.Y. He’s interviewing one.
Minoe Mann
Minoe Mann - 6 years ago
Leroy Stankums probably did.
Whodoyoutrust ?
Whodoyoutrust ? - 6 years ago
He keeps bringing it up to guest because y'all keep watching.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Blacks are also snitches
Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
He refused an interview... I'm almost sure that's what happened
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Eddy ‘
Eddy ‘ - 6 years ago
N e g r i t o [tenfold] “threatened by my intelligence” but your dumbass doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Stupid blacks stfu
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Foolish Ways get out of my country
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Foolish Ways your a Mexican loving piece of garbage threatened by my intelligence
Foolish Ways
Foolish Ways - 6 years ago
You live a sad life
Z 03
Z 03 - 6 years ago
+N e g r i t o [tenfold] so how black is black? Im Hispanic, speak English & spanish, have a darkskinned spanish speaking mother and have 50% African blood with Nigerian at the top with 14%...
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Beezy King
Beezy King - 6 years ago
The 6.9 situation isnt surprising. This new wave of rap is inspired by chicago drill music. Im from chicago and saw multiple guys surrounding the music or directly involved in the music get caught up and tell on lesser known members. Thats reality and he was living a scripted version of what he idolized. Shit hit the fan because the streets have no script.
Beezy King
Beezy King - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. 69 isnt black. Good try though. Hes the negative stereotypes of black men put in one body.
atomicdagod - 6 years ago
Real shit homie
Steve Sherrell
Steve Sherrell - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. really? Whites call the cops on blacks for barbecuing
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Beezy King blacks are the biggest snitches of all time
Mr AtWorkAllTheTime
Mr AtWorkAllTheTime - 6 years ago
When vlad says "you know i had ....on the show" a flashback is following
boris Odor
boris Odor - 6 years ago
Well that's kinda his thing you dumb ass
Sebastian Martinez
Sebastian Martinez - 6 years ago
I hope one day a nigga be like vlad we actually got some flashback on you helping the feds....
No Love
No Love - 6 years ago
Mr AtWorkAllTheTime facts
Robert Lundy
Robert Lundy - 6 years ago
the Tsu Surf interviews good
No Name Just Game
No Name Just Game - 6 years ago
Mojo Miles
Mojo Miles - 6 years ago
When that Mack 10 interview dropping ?
Whodoyoutrust ?
Whodoyoutrust ? - 6 years ago
+tlig the man who fucked your mom
tlig - 6 years ago
Nemo Beep
Nemo Beep - 6 years ago
His baby mama look like she should have 3 tits
M H - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf?? .... are people running out of good aliases?
M H - 6 years ago
+N e g r i t o [tenfold] What a noob!! Tell that to Vanilla Ice!!!!!
tlig - 6 years ago
Battle rappers have the most silly names..
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Tee NickelPlated357
Tee NickelPlated357 - 6 years ago
Damn I got another razor bump underneath my jawline.
Apedemaks Den
Apedemaks Den - 6 years ago
Shit is like this because niggas glorify frank Lucas and nicky barnes and alpo for quick examples. 1st thing out niggas mouths was frank snitched on cops so he gets a pass NAH he told on people he a rat
SagSeasonTV - 6 years ago
If you’re still a Street Dude & or Gangbanging in 2019, Hold This L! Only guaranteed rewards for that life are getting Snaked, Sitting in Prison & being buried 6ft under in a Casket.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Blacks need to blame themselves stay out my neighborhood
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
SagSeasonTV it’s in the black gene pool you crack babies can’t help yourself
John Alonzo
John Alonzo - 6 years ago
SagSeasonTV bro your comment is in point. Seriously how the fuck are people still trying to "gang bang" like we're still in the mf 90's? It makes me cringe whenever i see a Hispanic "gangster" "cholo", " homo cholo" whatever the fuck thay call themselves these days. Or when u see a black talkn bout wad up cah, on blood cah, on my momma cah, on my socks cah, on my bus pass cah, like cmon man its 2019 and gangs have been gone for over 10 years now so just get yo shit together and get a life!
Arealproducer - 6 years ago
True but dont be quick to judge....some people live in different situations
Joe Easterly
Joe Easterly - 6 years ago
Vlad: I interviewed his baby momma
purple Earkle
purple Earkle - 6 years ago
He a goofy
Andrew Chatmon
Andrew Chatmon - 6 years ago
Nemo Beep
Nemo Beep - 6 years ago
Joe Easterly Lmao fr he on 1
B Drippy
B Drippy - 6 years ago
wasgood surf rip lil bro
Angel Santana
Angel Santana - 6 years ago
Elothi KUNZIMITSU - 6 years ago
Make Sue a Regular Guest. He's been spitting knowledge.
tlig - 6 years ago
Sue? The disrespect!
mistaseeforce - 6 years ago
Brilliant take on it
Apedemaks Den
Apedemaks Den - 6 years ago
At 22 years old i was fully aware of what was going on in my life at 22.
R Turner
R Turner - 6 years ago
You were the chairman of the redundancy committee chairman.
Rasul Daniels
Rasul Daniels - 6 years ago
True its just a weak generation
Naz™ - 6 years ago
some people are slower than some
Acre - 6 years ago
if you would be a smartass like you think you are you would know that everybody is different. Different iq, different start in life, everybody also matures different. Some 16 yr olds are more mature in their head than 22 yr old
No Name Just Game
No Name Just Game - 6 years ago
You understand that you are doing stuff.....but you dont fully understand what you are doing.
Kay - 6 years ago
No u wasn't, stfu
Just a Man Trying To Learn
Just a Man Trying To Learn - 6 years ago
+Non-Existant that is true. Some people dont get the chance to grow as kids that much tho . Then shit you should've learned at 16 you dont learn till 18 or 19. Wverybody different
hollyhoodj - 6 years ago
Maybe. But looking back do you feel like you could've done so much more at 22, knowing what you know now?
Allekxavian Culpepper
Allekxavian Culpepper - 6 years ago
I don't even think he literally meant didn't know what's going on it was just lack of a better phrase. I think he meant at that age you move more recklessly you young and don't fully think things through. Not saying it true for everyone some ppl didn't and props to them.
Dreamer 91
Dreamer 91 - 6 years ago
Nigga a 22 year old is a senior in college if not a graduate you kno better for sure its no excuse at all STOP IT
Non-Existant - 6 years ago
Im 20 im in great control of my life it depends on mentality some of us grow up as kids
Just a Man Trying To Learn
Just a Man Trying To Learn - 6 years ago
Most people dont. I'm 24 and I was just going with the flow at 22
Isidro salas
Isidro salas - 6 years ago
Ones brain isn't fully developed at that age... You have no clue wtf you're doing now, B
RayFromDa Bay
RayFromDa Bay - 6 years ago
& now you're 23 huh....
Senpai Stacks
Senpai Stacks - 6 years ago
Apedemaks Den me too lmao
Foolish Ways
Foolish Ways - 6 years ago
+N e g r i t o [tenfold] you probably aren't even black
LondonTown - 6 years ago
Akademiks Token Brother Kevin
Akademiks Token Brother Kevin - 6 years ago
Black women are the biggest pimps
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Apedemaks Den
Apedemaks Den - 6 years ago
Almost Sad ?? How ?? He a GROWN MAN at 22 years old. Stop making excuses for him he a rat just like frank Lucas and nicky barnes
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Imadethistocomment13 - 6 years ago
Who is really shocked at what 6ix9ine is doing? Did anyone really believe that clown? His lucky he made it out of LA on his last trip
Imadethistocomment13 - 6 years ago
+N e g r i t o [tenfold] That's a broad statement, but hey, sometimes you just have to 'grab them by the pussy'
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Imadethistocomment13 Hispanics are all pedophiles
Tha. Kid
Tha. Kid - 6 years ago
Tekashi must’ve took Vlad’s girl or something, he’s too emotionally involved
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Fuck you black People bunch of snitches
Nemo Beep
Nemo Beep - 6 years ago
Tha. Kid truuuu
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
Mexicans are nothing but dirty beenurs
surge sosa
surge sosa - 6 years ago
Sara could read i guess ny public schools aint really that bad.
surge sosa
surge sosa - 6 years ago
+N e g r i t o [tenfold] i agree
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
surge sosa you beenurs should learn how to speak English
bremlomuzic - 6 years ago
Vlad foul for having het read that an she foul for doin it
Escobar Rich
Escobar Rich - 6 years ago
bremlomuzic fuck that snitch nigga 69
Akademiks Token Brother Kevin
Akademiks Token Brother Kevin - 6 years ago
Y'all young niggas are lame for having a child molesting snitch as a role model for hispanics. Lets not start about Cardi "puddin pop" B
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
bremlomuzic lmao Hispanics are retarded
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony - 6 years ago
Stop giving this piece of shit air play. This dude don't care about us. His interviews spew the negative side of things n HR profits off of us fuck this dude stop giving him interviews
bremlomuzic - 6 years ago
Son done ..
anal secs
anal secs - 6 years ago
I could picture Dj vlad as a prison warden in an alternate universe
D Gayle
D Gayle - 6 years ago
I can picture him as one in THIS universe.
John E. Blaze Sr.
John E. Blaze Sr. - 6 years ago
So... You fell for the bait that the troll layed down so now you win a:

"Suck a fucking dick and die" award! Congrats!
anal secs
anal secs - 6 years ago
+KING B.H.Y. I dont think blacks belong in prison. I think it's just a problem in communities that facilitates people of color going to jail and prison. If you've ever been to jail theres more then just black people they're. Latinos, blacks, muslims, asians, white dudes.
KING B.H.Y. - 6 years ago
Blacks belong in prison
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
DEEPROT - 6 years ago
Darren Brown
Darren Brown - 6 years ago
DEEPROT they wack as hell for that
Nemo Beep
Nemo Beep - 6 years ago
Vbandz Productions
Vbandz Productions - 6 years ago
N e g r i t o [tenfold]
N e g r i t o [tenfold] - 6 years ago
I’m the first dislike

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