Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Watch Part 8: https://goo.gl/4gb5JB Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E --------------- In this clip, Tsu Surf listened to Vlad explain why he ultimately decided to interview No Plug in regard to the Bankroll Fresh murder. Tsu Surf knew about the backlash the interview brought but wanted to know how Vlad felt about No Plug talking about the situation and his demeanor.

Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 39

Surf 6 years ago 13,764 views

Watch Part 8: https://goo.gl/4gb5JB Part 1: https://goo.gl/G7EA3E --------------- In this clip, Tsu Surf listened to Vlad explain why he ultimately decided to interview No Plug in regard to the Bankroll Fresh murder. Tsu Surf knew about the backlash the interview brought but wanted to know how Vlad felt about No Plug talking about the situation and his demeanor.

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Most popular comments
for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Reverend X100
Reverend X100 - 6 years ago
All Vlad interviews are something negative that have happened to the person either recently or in the past. I would never go on there if I was a celebrity.
Kicks Since80s
Kicks Since80s - 6 years ago
The video didn’t show no plug shooting back... no plug was dodging bullets not shooting back
Raymond Cothias
Raymond Cothias - 6 years ago
Long live bank roll, the promise kid
Dark Man
Dark Man - 6 years ago
NEVER trust anyone with a LONG face
blax52vet - 6 years ago
No plug looks and seems hella gay.
Otto MC
Otto MC - 6 years ago
Vlad u cant compare NoPlug situation to Surf's and i aint gotta explain why
alex collins
alex collins - 6 years ago
Vlad pulled the passive aggressive suggestive explanation shit...buddy just laid back & let him have that shit. Everybody peeped the move.
Gurilla Boogie
Gurilla Boogie - 6 years ago
Vlad was just saying he doesn't use interviews he doesn't like and now he says he didn't like no plug interview this nigga stay lying hahaa
Forgotten KingzTv
Forgotten KingzTv - 6 years ago
https://youtu.be/KFQTmtomoUM footage later released showed no plug fighting in the lobby of Bankroll Fresh studio ..he leaves the studio to go to the car and the rest is history which would technically make no plug trespassing and putting bankroll in a position of self defense...see why Vlad shouldn't intervene with street shit when he's not a lawyer, journalist, police etc...Check out the link and u tell me what you think?

10. comment for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Kris Rob
Kris Rob - 6 years ago
Surf said 8 words this segment. Lol
Tevin Hemmans
Tevin Hemmans - 6 years ago
Vlad got Taxstone & AR-AB indicted they used the interviews against them in court they should’ve stayed no comment or not even take the interview
Mike Bubb
Mike Bubb - 6 years ago
Vlad trying to wiggle his way out of that bull shit fucking cornball
trapstar707 - 6 years ago
Tsu surf be on officer vlad ass lol n no plug a bitch 120 pound pussy ass dude
Mike Bubb
Mike Bubb - 6 years ago
I hope more people who come on this show will follow surfs lead in question vlat about type of bulshit he says on his platform
Tone7580 - 6 years ago
Look at my nicca Vlad with the W!!!
We disagree a lot,but you got your point across loud and clear to Surf,who was questioning your credibility.
Benjamin From The Tribe of Judah
Benjamin From The Tribe of Judah - 6 years ago
He knows Vlad is the feds
plymkr25 - 6 years ago
Vlad fuck off you capitalizing off the destruction of the community. Please be honest
kieronline 1
kieronline 1 - 6 years ago
Vlad is a cop fuck what anybody thinks he loves incriminating black people
Snoop Dollawood
Snoop Dollawood - 6 years ago
Vlad you ain’t gon get the response you want from Surf...stop reachin’

20. comment for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Karen Brown
Karen Brown - 6 years ago
Shouldn't have never interviewed the nigga . Fuck vlad
Raygun34 - 6 years ago
Vlad let the Bankroll situation go you were a goofy for interviewing no plug and giving him shine
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Dj “here’s that gangster shit” Vlad
Jacob - 6 years ago
no shit he was shooting at your dumb ass you stole his gun but wanted your phone back without giving him his gun back no plug a hoe
Gregory Sweeney
Gregory Sweeney - 6 years ago
Plug wasn't the shooter
Star Lord
Star Lord - 6 years ago
the ppl that are mad are not from the streets.....if you ain't banks family or friends you got no reason to be mad
Will Billi
Will Billi - 6 years ago
You shoot at me I’m popping back fuck u...
ItsObsession NotTalent
ItsObsession NotTalent - 6 years ago
I thought Bank shot, Plug left, then came back.
Jeremy Rain
Jeremy Rain - 6 years ago
Vlad is a culture vulture
Jeremy Rain
Jeremy Rain - 6 years ago
Vlad love keeping shit up with blacks. When will yall learn.

30. comment for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Eddie Kaene Jr.
Eddie Kaene Jr. - 6 years ago
The stack of money though...
B King
B King - 6 years ago
Is that kyrie Irving in the thumbnail
Kwame Williams
Kwame Williams - 6 years ago
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
Kwame William's = closet homo
GTA Boomin
GTA Boomin - 6 years ago
Man shut the fuck up
John Williams
John Williams - 6 years ago
More flashbacks than a Japanese anime
Enzo - 6 years ago
lmao surf looked at vlad like nigga i KNOW what you're saying
Red Ranger
Red Ranger - 6 years ago
Nigga really tried to justify it with bs “reality” vlad you’re a fuck nigga
Los216 - 6 years ago
Change title to "Vlad interviews himself while Tsu Surf sits and listens"
Andres Esquivel
Andres Esquivel - 6 years ago
Vlad sounds pissed off
Damon Taylor
Damon Taylor - 6 years ago
My problem is he said he didn’t like the No Plug interview but he also said in a previous interview how he’ll turn down interviews about shit like that OR if he doesn’t like it after the fact he won’t upload it
Jaraad Padgett
Jaraad Padgett - 6 years ago
Vlad really tryna get surf caught up lmfao
Jay Dson
Jay Dson - 6 years ago
Real shit
cbshine - 6 years ago
Vlad still a sucka for that shit
SUPER LEXX - 6 years ago
Sucka killed his own homie!!!!!
Stay Positive
Stay Positive - 6 years ago
I feel like noplug is proud of what he did smh what a loser
Edward Knowles
Edward Knowles - 6 years ago
Let me tell something vlad... I first introduced Tsu surf to the crips back in 19...90..8 - TK KIRKLAND
Furious 1stNflyt
Furious 1stNflyt - 6 years ago
Vlad you need to stop your shit. Fuck you man. You're getting paid by exploiting black men and their criminal activity. Go interview these white guys who kidnapped kids or go do some to catch a predator type shit and get some of these White sex traffickers off the street. Quit trying to justify your fuckery.
a z
a z - 6 years ago
Fuck no plug bitch ass nigga. He done on site
Ronnell Greene
Ronnell Greene - 6 years ago
No plug ain't dead yet
Roy Odoom
Roy Odoom - 6 years ago
First time I heard Vlad raise his voice. He has a point though
Anthony Maniz
Anthony Maniz - 6 years ago
Go interview a family that was involved in a homicide stop donating to the devil

50. comment for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Z J - 6 years ago
I fw surf
He givin it up 100
Universoul Man
Universoul Man - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who realizes Vlad monetizes and makes money from flashback videos?
Halfman Halftree
Halfman Halftree - 6 years ago
The title should be vlad on no plug killing bankroll lol tsu ain’t say anything u didn’t give him a chance to even speak
Dappa Don
Dappa Don - 6 years ago
This nigga surf is a meme lmao
FragrantBodyOilz FBO
FragrantBodyOilz FBO - 6 years ago
Vlad didn’t like him smiling and the way he presented it, but he laughs all the time when people talk about their hardships, prison, etc.
G-Block 053
G-Block 053 - 6 years ago
Somebody need to beat vlad ass tired of his bitch ass
Philip Theimer
Philip Theimer - 6 years ago
Tsu surf did he bring his lawyer with him keeps looking to right before he answers.
kay Viti
kay Viti - 6 years ago
That's the last thing I'm going to say and I'm done have Vlade TV ever interview Michael Brown's family. No but interview this idiot no plug. Talking about black on black crime. I don't know Vlad you better do some positive real quick. Because you really looking like a culture vulture
Mr. Ball
Mr. Ball - 6 years ago
Tsu tripping off vlad lol
Dappa Don
Dappa Don - 6 years ago
I’m convinced Vlad is a lil Slow nbs, if he wasn’t white he wouldn’t be where he is
StreetMoney Polo
StreetMoney Polo - 6 years ago
Fuck NoPlug.
THE BRAN WAY - 6 years ago
Mr. Beasley
Mr. Beasley - 6 years ago
Vlad being acting tuff lately he need to pipe down
wiifii 5.0
wiifii 5.0 - 6 years ago
officer vlad is rite ninjas yall fooolios better quitt crying when them slugz fly
Kevin Mitchell
Kevin Mitchell - 6 years ago
Killing yo supposed to be homie over jealousy ain't gangster shit, Vuh-Lad!!! Weak sauce...
THE BRAN WAY - 6 years ago
VLAD tried it at the end lmaoooooooo. Tsunami. 3-0 BODY BAG. VLAD BODY BAG IN A BODY BAG.
Vedo Vandyke
Vedo Vandyke - 6 years ago
Fuck Vlad
TheFlY ENT - 6 years ago
Vlad gone get beat up soon this gotta be the realist interview ever.
THE BRAN WAY - 6 years ago
Surf 3-0 body.
J Johnson
J Johnson - 6 years ago
I agree with Vlad. If a nigga try and kill me, then I get blamed for his death...I should be able to tell my side. And not feel bad about it either. If Bankroll would have killed him and talked about it a record he would be looked at as “real”.
Nat Turner’s Revenge
Nat Turner’s Revenge - 6 years ago
”... And that’s how he got the name No Plug. Because after the whole Bankroll incident, I stopped supplying him. He really didn’t have a plug.” — TK Kirkland
jason jones
jason jones - 6 years ago
Im ready for vulture vlad interview someone trill. N the smack fire out his ass.
Daniel T. Wratee
Daniel T. Wratee - 6 years ago
kathaleen whitney-tucker you sound like a Bitch
jason jones
jason jones - 6 years ago
When it happens to you officer vlad dont say anything because you say you want that gangster shit too.
James Harden
James Harden - 6 years ago
No plug seem like he likes to plug other men...
Martin Lee
Martin Lee - 6 years ago
"You was about to say something"?
Lollll...shout out to vlad for not being intimidated by these niggaz...shout em down..they gangstaz?...then be gangsta
Brandi Johnson
Brandi Johnson - 6 years ago
Vlad sounded scared
kay Viti
kay Viti - 6 years ago
See vlade you don't get it we as black people we don't talk about things like that on camera. If you were a black man you wouldn't let him do that interview to interview him after he killed this man laying up with a pile of money that's taunting the family. And that's why you looking like a culture vulture right now we don't do that
Matthew TheButcher
Matthew TheButcher - 6 years ago
Yeah Vlad you know that interview with Butt Plugg was some clout chasing bull shit. That's why Charlemagne says he won't do your show anymore, it just showed what you're willing to exploit in the name of Journalism.
Sophisticated Ignorance
Sophisticated Ignorance - 6 years ago
When it comes to bein shot at, being in a car is where youre most vulnerable. Its scary and you cant help to shoot back to get niggas off you.
Air McNair
Air McNair - 6 years ago
This dude a real nigga !!!
Mike ADHD - 6 years ago
This dude dont wanna get locked up over an interview
GlobalDrippin Funny Vidz
GlobalDrippin Funny Vidz - 6 years ago
tsu surf should become a regular
NijahovaWorld - 6 years ago
Vlad letting his nuts hang on this nigga
Christopher Rivera
Christopher Rivera - 6 years ago
This interview is boring, pls dont bring him back. It's like pulling teeth with this guy. This an interview not just sit there and say yeah ok, yeah ok. Vlad interview more artists have something to bring to the table.
Chad Butler
Chad Butler - 6 years ago
He need more guest like surf, bro need answers lol
Dana McKenney
Dana McKenney - 6 years ago
But vlad Bank didn't try to kill him he let off 1 shot. Then them folks let off a dozen fuck them n I know you peeped the fight video between them. How can you still say that???
Eshaw205 - 6 years ago
Tried to jam bro yo at the end vlad. Ten toes
FILFY - 6 years ago
Tsu Surf on guard in this interview.
Didn't allow Vlad to lead him with his questioning.
On point.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Hey vlad good luck trying to get Surf to fuck up..... ain't gon happen tho the man thorough Tsu Surf 3-0

Did em dirtyyy
Jay 757
Jay 757 - 6 years ago
Who gives AF what Surf's opinion is on this topic Vlad?? Surf don't even care. C'mon with the goofy shit
shine - 6 years ago
Tsu surf will not be on anymore officer vladtv interviews lol
Redd Hatten
Redd Hatten - 6 years ago
Vlad just a milker slash culture vulture Ross need to put hands on em again
yokohama83 - 6 years ago
Ladd's getting a little aggressive
Chief Scrill
Chief Scrill - 6 years ago
Vlad just said he the police....and y’all still go up there...
Joaquin Brar
Joaquin Brar - 6 years ago
No plug smiling like he don't even care bout the shit. Big peanut head mofo
shawn da loc 2
shawn da loc 2 - 6 years ago
Surf got vlad figured out lmaooooo
Mister B
Mister B - 6 years ago
I feel Vlad though, all these dumb ass Niggaz do is glorify stupid shit then when it really happens Niggaz wanna cry
rpvictor88 - 6 years ago
Of all people...Surf coming off as one of the realest on this platform...he aint go for the bait Vlad threw out at the end...he talkin...without really saying nothing. One time for SURF...Surf up here countering and checkin everything Vlad sayin, lmao...HE needs to be a mainstay up here.....OAN it was pointless to have a whole minute plus clip of No Plug's interview...this Surf intervew..no features...It's J. Cole
walkwithme - 6 years ago
My son TSU look disgusted to be in the presence of officer Vlad...

100. comment for Tsu Surf on VladTV Interviewing No Plug After Bankroll Fresh Shooting (Part 9)

Jax Teller662
Jax Teller662 - 6 years ago
"I actually brought both guys we're all in the same gang t-shirts during the shoot out Vlad"

TK Kirkland
So Cal
So Cal - 6 years ago
Why doesn't Vlad ask the officers if they know what he is saying when he interviews them?
Techwood16 - 6 years ago
He aint feeling Vlad at all
Keep it real
Keep it real - 6 years ago
Bankroll Fresh had no friends at all.
someone else
someone else - 6 years ago
Vlad you are laughing about 69 snitching on his whole click and forcing that poor chick to read his police agreement
Fernando Vasquez
Fernando Vasquez - 6 years ago
Vlad your are the feds
omar cordova
omar cordova - 6 years ago
You know what I’m saying he laughs because you don’t know what your talking about he should be telling you that
There goes vlad tries too open these guys up too talk by bringing someone up who they might like or respect doesn’t work here
Squad Holiday
Squad Holiday - 6 years ago
Vlad should have atleast let bankroll fresh ppl tell they side
ChiefTv - 6 years ago
Vlad swea he a civilian but he keep puttin himself in the middle of gangsta shit.
Darius Kilpatrick
Darius Kilpatrick - 6 years ago
No plug look real sweet demeanor just seems a lil fishy
BattlerapDAY1 BattlerapDay1
BattlerapDAY1 BattlerapDay1 - 6 years ago
Vlad never asked surf a question lol
durrell carter
durrell carter - 6 years ago
Vlad really think he’s about that gangsta lifestyle
Leroy Peeples
Leroy Peeples - 6 years ago
I fuck wit Surf, but why go on Vlad just to be like this? What point does it prove? Just dont do the interview....
Mr. Simon
Mr. Simon - 6 years ago
Vlad aint a fed. He's giving people a platform to run the mouth. And HE'S getting paid because WE ARE EATING THIS SHIT UP. ITS CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND.
Gaddis The Great
Gaddis The Great - 6 years ago
Vlad be on that bullshit creating fire content
Logo Secret Vvs
Logo Secret Vvs - 6 years ago
...Surf look at the end tells it all..No more need to be said”
DNutty26 - 6 years ago
Atlanta niggaz be looking gay af
D Moneyy
D Moneyy - 6 years ago
ofcourse u post this
Boxing Stuff
Boxing Stuff - 6 years ago
Vlad pushes the boundaries because he knows people cant help but watch
PowdaToastFace Killah
PowdaToastFace Killah - 6 years ago
You can see Tsu forming his opinion on Vlad in every interview
Terrence C
Terrence C - 6 years ago
I skip all of this dude surf interviews but this one .rip Bankroll
Terrence C
Terrence C - 6 years ago
No plug still not bigger than bank roll
Willie Dynamite
Willie Dynamite - 6 years ago
What i can't understand is these so called gangsters want to call VLAD the feds but they are the first ones on his channel flapping their gums. If you don't trust VLAD don't let him interview you. Go somewhere else, oh wait VLAD channel has over 3 million subscribers.
Tj Bost
Tj Bost - 6 years ago
Tsu Suff kill somebody in self defense and everybody is attacking and tryna sabotage his career, he is gonna want somebody to give him a bigger platform to tell the true story. Niggas have half brains and tunnel vision. Not 2nd thought
Alex  Nelson
Alex Nelson - 6 years ago
Vlad first nigga to have a pyramid scheme with YT vids... one video is inserted into another one which feeds the other one etc etc
workaholick - 6 years ago
Vlad acts like he's just reporting the facts, but in reality he's exploiting peopkes lives for more eyes on his content.
LaChawnda Horton
LaChawnda Horton - 6 years ago
+J James I truly agree
I often wonder how do they think it is cool to talk about ANYTHING with him????
That is what HELPS THE FEDS
J James
J James - 6 years ago
LaChawnda Horton if these niggas never sat down.. VLAD wouldn’t be shit but since niggas want to be on front street these are the results
Lou Brock
Lou Brock - 6 years ago
Facts! Culture Buzzard
LaChawnda Horton
LaChawnda Horton - 6 years ago
And giving the FEDS all they NEED
Danny Dreadnought
Danny Dreadnought - 6 years ago
I've got Tsu Surf 3-0
Donney Simpson Jr
Donney Simpson Jr - 6 years ago
Love the ending knowwhatimsayin. Lmao
TruBlue82 - 6 years ago
TK Kirkland Said He Told No Plug To Go See A Doctor Because He Might Have A Brain Tumor. TK Kirkland said No Plug looks like he has a Lot On His Mind!
Latoya Collins
Latoya Collins - 6 years ago
I applaud this brother Tsu Surf. I've watched all segments of his interview thus far, and he stays ON CODE at all times, the mark of a real street dude! I don't advocate gang banging or criminal activities, but shout out to brothers like Surf who don't take Vlad's bait. I've cringed sometimes watching dudes incriminate themselves in interviews with Vlad. It's astounding what people will say when they have mic and camera in their face.
DRUMPLAY - 6 years ago
vlad looking like dj akademiks in the light
Donald Lamar
Donald Lamar - 6 years ago
Stop interviewing tsu surf worst interviews ever he obviously lying and don’t know shit never answer simple questions
simpsons and the bluff
simpsons and the bluff - 6 years ago
The video of No Plug and Bankroll dont tell the entire story and Vlad you a whole bitch for only telling one side of the fight. You coulda got Bank family to do a interview but you didnt and now 5 million people gon believe this melon head ass hatin ass nigga over the truth
Wig Splitta
Wig Splitta - 6 years ago
I'm still pissed that Bankroll went out like that
tyrus brown
tyrus brown - 6 years ago
Me too bro
1KG 4life
1KG 4life - 6 years ago
Then he had 21 Savage fake azz vouch for no plug. All these dudes in videos around 21 like they knew him his whole life and don’t even know this nigga.
Twizz The Whiz Kid
Twizz The Whiz Kid - 6 years ago
Long Live Bankroll Fre$h
Ashen One
Ashen One - 6 years ago
Vlad is a real dude. Point blank.
Ashen One
Ashen One - 6 years ago
But have a nice day...
Ashen One
Ashen One - 6 years ago
Nigga stfu
Curly Hair Messiah
Curly Hair Messiah - 6 years ago
Stop making burner accounts Vlad
Cancel-That-Bitch - 6 years ago
I doubt this guy will be back because he's onto vlads bullshit......Vlad says its all fucked up shit behind this gangster stuff going on and i don't condone it blah blah blah....... but he so obsessed with it at the same time....stop only asking crack....gun....and jail questions for fuck sake......I swear Vlad gunna be dodging those bullets one day........ thats what happens when you keep pushin the negative stories......There's real emotions and turmoil behind this content man.
COA 1980
COA 1980 - 6 years ago
I didn’t know who Tsu Surf was but cuz is a gangsta that happens to rap. Most of these rappers should interview the interviewer back to see what their motives are.
kay Viti
kay Viti - 6 years ago
I'm a fan but you starting to look like a culture vulture bro
bang bang
bang bang - 6 years ago
black people's hero guys, look what blacks look up to. im fucking dead. this homie thinks that he's some high iq unit lol
kay Viti
kay Viti - 6 years ago
Vlad the reason why people was mad is because who are you to put that out there like that if it was one of your family members you wouldn't be interviewing the person who killed them
Ariana Grande's Butthole
Ariana Grande's Butthole - 6 years ago
To anyone reading this, I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you
King Keeb
King Keeb - 6 years ago
Bankroll beat his ass in the studio according to the video. Why he had to grab the strap? Damn bro. RIP Bank
MacKnowMafiosoVIII - 6 years ago
Why agree to interview if you really dont want to be interviewed? It's really sad to watch a grown man act like a child. Smdh
TrueLies - 6 years ago
No plug came to flex his money and get clout points for killing bankroll fresh
Curry Shot You
Curry Shot You - 6 years ago
I didn't need to be reminded that Bankroll Fresh is gone and No Plug is still here!
Jay's luggage
Jay's luggage - 6 years ago
What "No plug" did wasn't no gangster shit...what Bankroll did wasn't no gangster shit either. Really gangsters don't need guns,they'll use them but they don't need them. Dumb,emotionally challenged muthafuk@$ do this type shit and laugh about it. Meanwhile,white people like vlad gets a kick out of all the fuckery we're doing...
SLAP CARTEL - 6 years ago
I was waiting for this fool to slap Vlad any second
elfraz12 - 6 years ago
Surf see the bait a mile away........jus kept smiling and being quiet.
Mopsic Worldwide
Mopsic Worldwide - 6 years ago
Interviewing no plug was sucker shit. Culture vulture shit.
LaChawnda Horton
LaChawnda Horton - 6 years ago
Like he said "People get indicted after talking to u"
Lol love this cat Tsu Surf
K Dowdell
K Dowdell - 6 years ago
Does he wanna say something? Ain’t he the one being interviewed? This nigga need to set up a mirror and a camera and interview himself. He just wrong and the reason he’s explaining himself so much is because he knows it!
goontube TV
goontube TV - 6 years ago
Vlad speakin facts
C Dollars
C Dollars - 6 years ago
Im sayin a nigga tryna kill u wtf u pose to be sad..i understand u took somebody life and u mite not brag or gloat abt the shit but im not gonna feel sad like i did something to a innocent person,this person tried to take ya life its fucked up but it is what it is
Strains Of The Bay
Strains Of The Bay - 6 years ago
RIP Bankroll Fresh
Cracka Smyle
Cracka Smyle - 6 years ago
Vlad had someone in here that killed someone in self defense and cried/she'd tears over it
James Osborne
James Osborne - 6 years ago
This the get indicted hotline caller line 2 ..
MFYrising mayo
MFYrising mayo - 6 years ago
hold up he turned himseld in......niggas killed bankroll AND SNITCHED??
mwangithomas - 6 years ago
At the end of the interview Surf had that I know how that feels smirk
Chin Beats
Chin Beats - 6 years ago
Surf not saying nothing..in his head like "this dude Vlad is a fucking clown wow"
Tee NickelPlated357
Tee NickelPlated357 - 6 years ago
When DJVLAD uses black/urban slang, he sounds like one of those nerd ass cornball White MFs. #ZachSlater #NapoleonDynamite
karateflix - 6 years ago
One day Vlad is gonna do a flashback.. but in THAT flashback he will flashing back again.
DMCdaJUICE - 6 years ago
I like this interview never heard of dude gotta check him out got a cool demeanor
Nathaniel Anderson
Nathaniel Anderson - 6 years ago
No plug didnt kill bankroll. He was just there when it happened. He didnt physically shoot him.
simpsons and the bluff
simpsons and the bluff - 6 years ago
This is facts and Bank was shot at while his back was turned
JOSH - 6 years ago
The title should be Tsu Surf interviews VLADTV..
CALICOTV301 - 6 years ago
As much as I didn't like the smiling, and I do know people who just smile at everything so maybe no plug is just one of those who thinks everything is funny.

If somebody shoots at me I'm not going to have compassion for them no matter who they are.
Yeah your family wants me to have compassion but do you know your son didn't have compassion for me when he started letting out 5 or 10 rounds at me without remorse? So if my land and take him out why am I the bad Guy?

So I get it. We think our heroes are angels but sometimes they are the aggressor like in aTupacs case. Had they not made their move they'd still be here.

RIP though
Kingpin Status
Kingpin Status - 6 years ago
Vigilant Los Angeles Detective TV (VLADTV) has an excuse for all his Bull Shit!!! By the way here we are 2 - 3 year's later & I've yet to hear any songs at all from "No Plug"!
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
The irony is that bankrolls name will live on forever and no plug struggling to stay relevant
Kwame Williams
Kwame Williams - 6 years ago
AirunDevon you trippn. That’s trap Tupac
SouthsideHardhead601 - 6 years ago
All y'all saying his name won't live on smh..Jeezy, Gotti, Tip, Future, Young Thug and plenty more all pay homage to Bankroll.. nobody ever gotta hear one song he ever made
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
AirunDevon and on some adult shit u can always keep your thoughts to yourself and have this conversation with the ppl your around so u can feel justified to some degree if that’s all u care about. Go talk to your homies and sit around agreeing with them all day, doesn’t work like that on the internet.
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
AirunDevon u only hurting yourself by arguing opinions over facts, but there is no win in a debate that’s your opinion stick to your guns.
AirunDevon - 6 years ago
+BigGrand2K My man, ok, he was hot in Atlanta. He will live forever in the minds of you and about 5 other people. You win.
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
AirunDevon and here’s the biggest point your missing.... ITS YOUR OPINION everything your saying is your OPINION. Listen if your ignorant to hip-hop then u shouldn’t speak for the masses of ppl who actually support bankroll fresh and what he was doing while he was here Atlanta was already a household name for mainstream/underground rappers. U gotta give credit where credit is do u can’t knock a city for actually giving artists a platform to shine and building with the ppl from within. Atlanta does a way better job building within than New York does
Curly Hair Messiah
Curly Hair Messiah - 6 years ago
AirunDevon ESPN Freestyle is one Walk in Yo Trap... nigga stop playing like fresh don’t hold weight...
AirunDevon - 6 years ago
+BigGrand2K Listen, you can rock dude music all day but after you gone ain't NOBODY gonna remember his music. And don't push No Plug on me, I couldn't name you 1 of his songs either. If Atlanta dissapeared today trust me NO ONE would remember either of those 2.
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
Mike Jones thank u for understanding my reference
BigGrand2K - 6 years ago
AirunDevon so I’m not speaking to u or any other ignorant ppl, when it comes to hip-hop. But since u like blindly defending someone what’s the last song by no-plug that was hot? And to say bankroll won’t live on forever Is subjective I think it depends on the demographic. But their are some of us who listen to more than jay-z all day even though he’s my favorite MC of all time. Facts are facts no plug trash it sucks on those circumstances that he took someone so talented, but vlad practically tells u he’s clout chasing by reaching out to vlad, by stating this issue was self-defense why should I be worried about clearing my name to the world that shouldn’t matter unless u wanted to be recognized by that which is stuff insecure bitch ass nigga’s do he not wrong in the defense of himself he wrong how he put it out their.
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 6 years ago
"The one in front of the gun lives forever" Kendrick
AirunDevon - 6 years ago
Come on dude. Live Forever? I doubt 90% of the people on here could name 1 Bankroll Fresh song. I can't.
Dominique Vazquez
Dominique Vazquez - 6 years ago
Believe it or not I sold No Plug the gun that killed Bankroll fresh so basic I'm the reason Bankroll is dead.-TK Kirkland
goontube TV
goontube TV - 6 years ago
Jonas GG
Jonas GG - 6 years ago
Dominique Vazquez those jokes dont work no mo
Bryan Holliday
Bryan Holliday - 6 years ago
No plug had a plug then I told him
He didn’t need one- TK Kirkland
Mario Sellers
Mario Sellers - 6 years ago
Chad Butler
Chad Butler - 6 years ago
NYCKY SHOEZZZ - 6 years ago
Bob Blunt
Bob Blunt - 6 years ago
Chance Jolivette
Chance Jolivette - 6 years ago
vlad say he not the laws but fam, i know you want clicks and views u don't see the positions u be trying to put these young men into u want em to admit to yeah i would kill this one and that one or i wont have remorse if this or that happens on film, people have cases and etc goin on that ain't cool
Gregg Moses
Gregg Moses - 6 years ago
Vlad tried to get a murder confession from Surf at the end smh
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
+Gregg Moses come back with something wittier please. And shorter too since you have to edit your 2 sentence masterpieces
Gregg Moses
Gregg Moses - 6 years ago
+josh lastinger He's a felon and not allowed to have a gun. You must Vlad's pedophile older brother cuz yall look just alike
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
You are dumb as fuck. Self defense isn't murder dipshit. Smh. Do yourself a favor and read a fuckin book instead of wasting time posting ignorant shit online.
Gregg Moses
Gregg Moses - 6 years ago
+Galva Tron Im not sure if he's the police or not. But you can tell the police are definitely using his videos for evidence. Some of these questions and the way he tries to get certain answers outta you are crazy!
Galva Tron
Galva Tron - 6 years ago
But yall keep telling me this fukkin jewish russian ain the fuking police? Fuk outta here
NoLifeChronicles - 6 years ago
Vlad : KnaI'msayn
Surf: *Smiles.. This mf trickster
Barack Obama
Barack Obama - 6 years ago
My man vlad talkin dat real shit in da beginin
Reggie Push
Reggie Push - 6 years ago
So who is tsu surf? Bankroll affiliate?
LaQuan Bolds
LaQuan Bolds - 6 years ago
Reggie Push just type in "Tsu Surf vs" in your search bar or go on Apple music and type his name in you'll become a fan
Hill Banx
Hill Banx - 6 years ago
Surf has a nice smile
slimbo denero
slimbo denero - 6 years ago
That was some fuck shit vlad. Your the only one who does that hoe ass shit. Go interview your people. Im sure its rappers in russia go find some.
Barry Moneylow
Barry Moneylow - 6 years ago
VLAD need to stay his ass out of street shit. For real. They'll kill his ass just for asking certain questions if he keep playing around. Talk about music and leave street shit alone fam
Mall La Soul
Mall La Soul - 6 years ago
I understand why you’re mad at vlad , but it’s great journalism , controversy sells is a reality.
Sean Conner
Sean Conner - 6 years ago
Man vlad a straight snake. Bank bitched no plug. No plug came back wit the heat and bank met tht energy wit da arp. But unfortunately was killed. Vlad leaving out alot of info
Ph.40 Lowk
Ph.40 Lowk - 6 years ago
Fucc this miyaté
DabbingIn MaisonMargiela
DabbingIn MaisonMargiela - 6 years ago
Mandatory Thrive
Mandatory Thrive - 6 years ago
+Taharqa Ater factz
Taharqa Ater
Taharqa Ater - 6 years ago
He should be on every week. Bout time somebody questions him.
Yg Bodybuilder
Yg Bodybuilder - 6 years ago
+Taylor Made so he should be up there kssing ass smile and being fake
Taylor Made
Taylor Made - 6 years ago
Yeah Surf should be smiling ear to ear and his demeanor could not have been worse. He's an arrogant asshole.
trabucks - 6 years ago
I dont care what nobody say no plug was happy bankroll gone it felt good killing a hood celebrity smh
trabucks - 6 years ago
+ricky johnson ....
ricky johnson
ricky johnson - 6 years ago
And how do u know that? Did he tell u that?
SolidSixFeet - 6 years ago
Technically according to forensics No Plugs bullet didnt kill Bankroll, another person in the car was shooting bullet killed BR... But all in all RIP Bankroll and Salute No Plug.... I fux with them both just a fuxed up situation. Just your everyday street shit where im from
JetlifeMedia Entertainment
JetlifeMedia Entertainment - 6 years ago
F*** no plug
lil folks
lil folks - 6 years ago
Surf a real nigga and his bars crazy go watch his rap battles
Dickle your Pickle
Dickle your Pickle - 6 years ago
VLAD is a fucking clown. When is the culture gonna stop letting him exploit horror for monetary gain?
Sean Conner
Sean Conner - 6 years ago
Rip bank
400 - 6 years ago
Stop talkin about dead people period.....
Markfield Park
Markfield Park - 6 years ago
Vlad pretending he’s interviewing peeps to discourage criminality when he’s doing it for the views and making money of black peoples fuckery..culture vultures and snakish
JIGSAW !! - 6 years ago
This nigga got more flashbacks than family guy
James Jenkis
James Jenkis - 6 years ago
That's what you call the flip side of s**! I love bankroll fresh to man, sorry he had to go so soon! But the reality is though, that if you shoot at somebody they might shoot back at you and there's a chance you might be shot or killed! But do didn't have to sit up there all smug like that about that incident though either, Never Smile about it because you never know when is your day, even if he was in the right for shooting back because he was shot up on 1st! People know the real story now so you don't have to be smug about it, just let that s** be
MachomusPrime - 6 years ago
Gangster shit.... (Sideshow Bob cringe).
Pure Black
Pure Black - 6 years ago
Surf looking at Vlad in the thumbnail like "nigga you fulla shit"
absolutless - 6 years ago
He's sitting there like Trump
H2O - 6 years ago
Vlad definitely a trickster lol
Solidcompa - 6 years ago
He is a self proclaimed snitch shitstarter ! That's why he had to get like 100 or more stitches because of something that went down in Miami with Rick Ross. Shitstarters cause their own doom . He hasn't learned because he still does it .
Justin Richardson
Justin Richardson - 6 years ago
Corey Hawton
Corey Hawton - 6 years ago
Tsu isn’t about to say shit lol
theerealSIZZLE - 6 years ago
Interview Rick Ross from MMG...
Patriotbadass - 6 years ago
He tried to ,he got lumped up. And Ross had to pay up about 450 racks.
khalil820 - 6 years ago
theerealSIZZLE that will never happen lol
Chuck Taylor
Chuck Taylor - 6 years ago
Never heard of either one of them
The Illuminati
The Illuminati - 6 years ago
The man didn't even speak one sentence, this video was just Vladimir defending his most unscrupulous timing and choice in who to interview within weeks of the unfortunate incident transpiring ..ultimately Bankroll PJ is the one we must gather around as a community and mold. if Vlad wants to empress he's gonna have to interview bankroll PJ and speak to him with compassion
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
+Avure shut the fuck up. Spamming the whole comment section with your dumb bullshit like a fuckin kid
Jerry G
Jerry G - 6 years ago
bIG FACTS!!! now he wanna see he didnt like how no plug told his side of the story.....but u gave this dude the platform to do it anyway
blackdonte24 - 6 years ago
Big LeGoat James
Big LeGoat James - 6 years ago
Surf said all of 15 words...
Thxsltoo - 6 years ago
You know what Vlad? I tried to mentor No Plug. -TK Kirkland #survivingTK
Giorgio Bastien
Giorgio Bastien - 6 years ago
jack ramirez just search TK Kirkland vladtv
Askilled Entertainment Company
Askilled Entertainment Company - 6 years ago
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
+jack ramirez try Google fool
JD Walker
JD Walker - 6 years ago
I'm ctfu
jack ramirez
jack ramirez - 6 years ago
who tf is tk kirkwood and why no people keep referencing him?
Echad - 6 years ago
I don't think he understands Vlad.
Keith. - 6 years ago
U did dat shit for money. Dat shit wasnt cool.
FlawdaBoy4 - 6 years ago
Vlad drops a lot hard er's at the end of his words...Holler, Buster, Gangster, Nig...idk lol
J Lyric
J Lyric - 6 years ago
I LOVE how Tsu Surf handles this culture vulture
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
I love how ignorant fucks like you come here talking shit bout Vlad yet you wouldn't be here commenting if you didn't watch HIS videos lol. You a lame
NicoDa1 - 6 years ago
How exactly did he handle him? he’s still here putting money in vlads pocket. So I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
That nigga needs vlad more than vlad needs him
Killa Kong
Killa Kong - 6 years ago
Vlad is gonna find himself in a lot of trouble one day.
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
+JReece3000 vlad was already doing big shit long before then. Tf you talking about?
kathaleen whitney-tucker
kathaleen whitney-tucker - 6 years ago
How? He is doing his job a journalist and they have a right to not answer the questions vlad ask
Teddrick Johnson
Teddrick Johnson - 6 years ago
Bro I think itz sooner than we think..
JReece3000 - 6 years ago
He’s already gotten his ass whooped once, which actually helped his platform take off because he sued (Rick Ross) and won.
Galva Tron
Galva Tron - 6 years ago
And his security aint gon donshit but duck
Stop Coonin
Stop Coonin - 6 years ago
Why is it so hard for people to understand Vladtv is a platform Nobody forcing these niggas to come up there and Talk ..Nigga sitting on Vladt Complaning about Vladt Tv ? Nigga are u serious
michael DjMikeSkillz walker
michael DjMikeSkillz walker - 6 years ago
TSU the TRUTH.......
BEWallace85 - 6 years ago
This clip was literally Vlad and No Plug talking the whole time.
ricky johnson
ricky johnson - 6 years ago
It made it pointless to even watch the interview lol
American Mysteries & Conspiracies
American Mysteries & Conspiracies - 6 years ago
This is a Russian Jew outlet controlled by GOVERNMENT plants just like that a$$ raped industry Jew Vlad himself. YOU freeloading corporate prostitutes are going to hang in the streets and town squares in civil chaos, civil war, and the coming 3rd World War !
Streetslogic - 6 years ago
No body was really mad Vlad, quit faking outrage.. only folks feeling some type a way was Bank Roll fresh's people.. mad cuz you ain't give them a chance to speak..
sm_juice - 6 years ago
Bankroll beat that nigga up in the studio
Cuzimkj - 6 years ago
No Plug reached out to Vlad, to talk about how he killed someone, and Vlad said "Sure come on in"
They both cruddy ass clout chasers
the man the myth
the man the myth - 6 years ago
Vlad: "Yaknowatimsayin?!".... Tsu Surf keep laughing when he says this lol.
Jerry G
Jerry G - 6 years ago
+westst99 so true
Jerry G
Jerry G - 6 years ago
vlad is really seeking validation for his actions/opinions lolol
Red Ranger
Red Ranger - 6 years ago
Tried to in the beginning too with his bs reasoning
Teddy Jackson Wave
Teddy Jackson Wave - 6 years ago
That's why people think vlad is with the police because of questions like that
Rico King
Rico King - 6 years ago

“i understand” is a golden reply.
GhosT sheLLz 75
GhosT sheLLz 75 - 6 years ago
#Agreed He is to smart for this he has been round he knows what's up!
Cash_NYC - 6 years ago
+Nigel Stanford niggz is stupid bro im looking like what bait.... is everybody doing illegal stuff these days that vlad interview? If they are they fucking fools
Nigel Stanford
Nigel Stanford - 6 years ago
MrDylanJoshua but how is this gon get him caught up?? Video of the shooting has already been released
itskmarvelmann - 6 years ago
"I understand" lol
MrDylanJoshua - 6 years ago
This whole series Vlad trying to bait Surf into saying some shit that can get him caught up later. Surf too smart for that nigga tho.
Nigel Stanford
Nigel Stanford - 6 years ago
Jersey Mac what bait tho?? Was vlad saying anything false?
D Robson
D Robson - 6 years ago
lol yup i noticed surf way too smart for that
tlig - 6 years ago
Like, what's Surf's favourite word, like?
Billy Boudin
Billy Boudin - 6 years ago
I wanna see a pinky and nyommi banxx video!
Real LiveTV
Real LiveTV - 6 years ago
Fuck Vlad and No Plug
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
Vlad thinks he's Socrates or something.
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+eppskevin yea, ive never heard of Tsu Surf before but he's got one helluva background it seems plus anything that has to do with NJ/LA gang stuff is interesting to me. thats why im here to listen to what HE has to say Vlad.
eppskevin - 6 years ago
+Friendly white guy hahaha man for real. So cringeworthy. I definitely get the meat from the bones, because the in the midst of that rhetoric, I do get glimpses of hearing the guest's sides haha. I think the interviews would be so much more profound if the guests talked more than the interviewer haha
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+eppskevin yea vlad was trying to philosophize in that first minute and a half, he even cuts off his guest to do it. He doesn't say anything smart but he thinks he's being profound... I'll be honest, I started watching these because I have a weird obsession with Orlando Anderson (no homo), but the more I see its obvious Vlad is not much of an interviewer/journalist. Cringeworthy shit to be sure
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+Jimmy South Park CRIP I should never have doubted you Jimmy.
eppskevin - 6 years ago
+Friendly white guy Exactly, so when people think of people like Socrates, they should also understand that fact. But I doubt Socrates was the type to not honor the origins of his teaching. The problem with Vlad is that he thinks IS the origin. But all in all, that comment was meant to show the similarities between the two. Taking a borrowed mindset and making it their own(respectfully or not), and being seen as the originator(or believing they are). That part was the humorous part to me.
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+eppskevin i don't doubt it. A good philosopher should steal though
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+Jimmy South Park CRIP i think plato was Socrates teacher, don't quote me on that tho
eppskevin - 6 years ago
And even Plato and Socrates are copycats haha
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+Avure ok i will do that.
Jimmy South Park CRIP
Jimmy South Park CRIP - 6 years ago
Word. But hes not. He aint even Plato.
the man the myth
the man the myth - 6 years ago
Vlad has great content marketing people around who has mastered the art of linking to old content... This is why he is way ahead of the others doing similar.
the man the myth
the man the myth - 6 years ago
+Big Tone :) :) :)
Big Tone
Big Tone - 6 years ago
You need some grammar people around.
Yatham Ban Yasharahla 144
Yatham Ban Yasharahla 144 - 6 years ago
WAKE UP!!! Yahawah's Judgment Has Arrived. To all Israelites that do not know that you are Israelites. God's Chosen People. We are NOT blacks, latinos or native americans. We are the Israelites. We are NOT a religion. We ARE a nation. The scriptures say, there is going to be a massive slaughter (The Purge) of the Israelites scattered throughout the world. 2/3rd's will die (dumb ass niggas) and 1/3rd will be saved (righteous Israelites). It's called Jacob's Trouble or The Great Tribulation (storms, earthquakes, meteor showers, world war 3, economic collapse, race war, martial law, FEMA concentration camps (empty Walmart's and Sam's Club's), famine, the RFID microchip [mark of the beast] DO NOT accept it, and nuclear warfare). Only those Israelites that obey The Laws of our Father Yahawah (His name is not God or Yahweh) and pray to Him in the name of our big brother, Lord and King Yahawashi (His name is not Jesus or Yeshua and He is not white) will be protected. Learn who you are, REPENT and obey All the commandments. Look up Israelites on YouTube. Time is running out. And you can't say, no one warned you. Yes, of course, I know. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. RIGHT?
Check it out. (FOR NEGROS) https://youtu.be/QxhHk5htu-0
Just Saying
Just Saying - 6 years ago
You know wham sayin
Prince Jaren
Prince Jaren - 6 years ago
VLAD is the J Edgar Hoover of Hip Hop
facts, thats gonna go over niggas heads tho
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
+Caine Falco dammit u beat me to it, well met
Howell Consultations
Howell Consultations - 6 years ago
To anyone reading this, know that success is coming this year, hope our channel helps!
Peter T
Peter T - 6 years ago
i hate these dumbass comments
Howell Consultations
Howell Consultations - 6 years ago
+Green Gold ✊ #Salute !!
Green Gold
Green Gold - 6 years ago
Howell Consultations Good look & same to you
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor - 6 years ago
Ima interview what ever kills vlad
K Gee
K Gee - 6 years ago
So he had the to the story with all the money and smiling?
Jonas GG
Jonas GG - 6 years ago
Vlad the flashback undisputed king
Axum ገብረመድሂን
Axum ገብረመድሂን - 6 years ago
No plug look like a sheisty assnigga
Graham Jonathan
Graham Jonathan - 6 years ago
+The Guy Can you imagine the Titanic without a lisp......It's Unthinkable
Garion Bush
Garion Bush - 6 years ago
Yep he got that "Ho azz nigga" look
The Guy
The Guy - 6 years ago
He got a lisp.. can’t trust him
rashaddow - 6 years ago
Low key moisture to me
kathaleen whitney-tucker
kathaleen whitney-tucker - 6 years ago
Most definitely, looking real grimy
L Jones
L Jones - 6 years ago
+LXRYLXRYTV He got that sweet tea look too.
D Moneyy
D Moneyy - 6 years ago
he look like shotti thats why
LXRYLXRYTV - 6 years ago
he def got that look to em.
Galva Tron
Galva Tron - 6 years ago
Too stunt on these haters and opps
ricky johnson
ricky johnson - 6 years ago
They want attention bro
Threez n Trees
Threez n Trees - 6 years ago
It's just flash money
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
Its called nigga shit bro
ivanduvok - 6 years ago
Banks charge too high an interest rate
Tha. Kid
Tha. Kid - 6 years ago
Alien head no plug
Cody Carpenter
Cody Carpenter - 6 years ago
Damn, tsu surf putting Vlad in a verbal headlock!!!!!!
Mike Bubb
Mike Bubb - 6 years ago
+Terrell Brown Okay so?
Domeo - 6 years ago
+Terrell Brown So what you cant check a nigga with more money than you? Bitch you sound stupid
Mjvkobe - 6 years ago
Terrell Brown u a goofy
Francisco Estrada
Francisco Estrada - 6 years ago
+Terrell Brown u sound like a straight bitch homie, a PUTO. Ur da type to get punked for ur money lmao
TheGreat1 - 6 years ago
Terrell Brown wtf does that have to do with this mans comment. Clown
R D - 6 years ago
Matter fact with us!!!
R D - 6 years ago
Terrell Brown dick eater , you a employee right with him
Twizz The Whiz Kid
Twizz The Whiz Kid - 6 years ago
Clayton Brown Exactly, niggas always want to bring money into the equation. You can have all the ca$h in the world & still be a bitch nigga, a coward, a lame, a piece of shit, etc. Money does not make you a real person.
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
+Clayton Brown go fuck yourself bitch
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 6 years ago
Terrell Brown Money has nothing to do with debate.
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
And vlads bank account makes tsu's look like a baskin robbin employee
Myxxx Gambino
Myxxx Gambino - 6 years ago
Facts bruh
Rico King
Rico King - 6 years ago
lmfao that thumbnail is perfect definitely using that as a meme in my group texts
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
Arms crossed, very skeptical and on guard. Seems like a bright young man.
Yung Suave'
Yung Suave' - 6 years ago
Wus Poppin Mayne facts
Taylor Clarke
Taylor Clarke - 6 years ago
Know da vibes
Taylor Clarke
Taylor Clarke - 6 years ago
Jersey shit
Imadethistocomment13 - 6 years ago
His body language looks like he does not want to be interviewed.
smokedoubt - 6 years ago
He simply knows Vlad is a snake lol
Galva Tron
Galva Tron - 6 years ago
He just got his guard up
Imadethistocomment13 - 6 years ago
+goontube TV I agree
goontube TV
goontube TV - 6 years ago
Then why go do it lls
roberto bravo
roberto bravo - 6 years ago
+Cali tell yo mama to stop smoking crack. And clean your house. That bitch look like aunt jamima! But she can't cook pancakes.....
roberto bravo
roberto bravo - 6 years ago
+Friendly white guy lmao
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
Everyone comes back.
roberto bravo
roberto bravo - 6 years ago
+Cali pinche maricon. If hip hop ever goes back to skills, rappers like this dude will be obsolete.
Cali - 6 years ago
+roberto bravo And yet no one knows you at all, you're here watching as a FAN!
Donnnation TV
Donnnation TV - 6 years ago
He’ll be back
Friendly white guy
Friendly white guy - 6 years ago
I will remember him, as God as my witness I will.
FrankWonderBeantown - 6 years ago
roberto bravo Surf been doing his thing for a minute. We will remember him.
roberto bravo
roberto bravo - 6 years ago
In 4 years nobody will remember surf.
96_Wide_Body - 6 years ago
FOH. People weren't mad about seeing no gangsta shit. They were mad because he was sitting there playing with money & laughing & shit. Justified or not it came across like he was boasting more than anything.
MacMarley 1983
MacMarley 1983 - 6 years ago
Bankroll shot at him 1st
lwwarren9485 - 6 years ago
96_Wide_Body ain’t that what they do in the music? Boast about killing & drug dealing? Art in real life.
Gifted Dee
Gifted Dee - 6 years ago
I would be happy to I'm alive and killed the person who came after me
ReaperPLUR - 6 years ago
They said that in the actual footage, bankroll shot first, is this nigga supposed to act sad and shit that he killed someone who shot at him.
Tez Pool
Tez Pool - 6 years ago
96_Wide_Body yea I don’t like this shit at all.He tryna make it seem like bankroll was a crash dummy when in reality no plug let his people rob fresh and they friends.
96_Wide_Body - 6 years ago
+Monee Boiii definitely. I get that 100%. My issue is Vlad tryna explain it as if he was keeping it tall & people couldn't handle how real it was. He did it for views & when it came out people got pissed. He spinning it like he did something noble or something.
Monee Boiii
Monee Boiii - 6 years ago
Facts but that mean niggas should be mad at no plug goof ass for tryna flex during the interview vs vlad for interviewin him. That's what vlad sayin
Ambition - 6 years ago
Savage did. Not no plug. He just said he did for clout
Prolific Beatz
Prolific Beatz - 6 years ago
Didn't look like he agreed with Vlad at all lol....kept it cool tho
Michaelveli9 - 6 years ago
273 rd viewer Yaaay me
HipHopR&BLover Jon
HipHopR&BLover Jon - 6 years ago
People be mad at Vlad for doing his job...lol. No Plug, Ralo, and AR-AB did it to themselves. If Vlad is the police why continue to do interviews with him? What's funny is that all of you subscribed to Vlad's channel live to hear this shit. They're the ones telling us what they do in their songs and social media platforms anyways.
josh lastinger
josh lastinger - 6 years ago
+Smoke_ sumthin you're a bitch. And I mean that in a disrespectful way. Stfu clown
HipHopR&BLover Jon
HipHopR&BLover Jon - 6 years ago
Smoke_ sumthin Bullshit...the #1 rule to the streets is always keep your mouth shut. They know what they got themselves into. They just wanted a platform to boast about shit.
Donta' Nichols
Donta' Nichols - 6 years ago
Smoke_ sumthin u being a bitch, I dnt mean that in a disrespectful way.

C’mon my nigga, the world turns every second. You can boycott VLAD or u can raise the consciousness and then u dnt have to boycott. Americans no matter the skin want to be entertained almost above anything else.

U should create a show be positive and see if u ever become bigger than VLAD. Probably not because majority feeds off gossip, confusion, instant entertainment.

Just like instead of making a difference , we spending our l time in this comment box complaining. Fuck outta here and do something about it. Salute.
Smoke_ sumthin
Smoke_ sumthin - 6 years ago
No, that's bullshit.. He knows these people have IQ's under 70, thats like coercing a chick with down syndrome to give you mouth love, vlad needs to be boycotted.
Donta' Nichols
Donta' Nichols - 6 years ago
Honestly , that’s what it comes down too. U have to hold yourself accountable.
Tek Rizzy
Tek Rizzy - 6 years ago
Some dudes ain’t gonna answer the questions the way you like, Vlad
AuraHolyUltima 1981babyBABY
AuraHolyUltima 1981babyBABY - 6 years ago
One of the most overated battlers ever, hands down. You ain't hard, bro. Pipe down.
Kenny Lafortune
Kenny Lafortune - 6 years ago
these clowns are mad at Vlad for asking them about a lifestyle that they promote foh, people are hypocrites.... and same goes niggas in the comments bitchin , you don’t like it, unsubscribe
Isiah Thomas
Isiah Thomas - 6 years ago
The interview only 4:17
NewYork Medical Marijuana
NewYork Medical Marijuana - 6 years ago
do you understand videos have to be a certain length to be MONETIZED you all are sheep that watch vlad
im here to spread the word to unsubscribe and de monetize him
bolaji egunjobi
bolaji egunjobi - 6 years ago
Cmalo08 TK Kirkland taught Vlad how to do that... Just so you know
negusdawoo - 6 years ago
Its corny... it was ok once in a while ... I get the cross selling.... but enough with the bs
Tee NickelPlated357
Tee NickelPlated357 - 6 years ago
He recylces videos to get more money. Now the nigga has his website linked to YouTube to get even more recycled videos for more recycled money.
Mall La Soul
Mall La Soul - 6 years ago
Cmalo08 it’s great journalism, it brings a better debate when you actually quote someone
ΨEddie JojoΨ
ΨEddie JojoΨ - 6 years ago
Vlad STFU you still wrong for interviewing that man
Arealproducer - 6 years ago
Wonder if officer vlad did an interview in the interrogation room also
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
BeautifulNBoojie - 6 years ago
Look at all that money next to him!
Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote - 6 years ago
Wish you had some of it huh....? You know what.......? Fuck it, I'm not going to comment... Your name speaks for itself..
adam quenano
adam quenano - 6 years ago
Vlads wire is in his beard
Aaron Webb
Aaron Webb - 6 years ago
Why does he need a wire when he has video? Its 2019 who doesn't know the rumors about vlad so why go on there. If it wasn't vlad platform that they use it'll be someone else...fuck it just let them talk
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
Lame ass
bigsmilie07 - 6 years ago
Vlad got more enemies than 50 cent Smh
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
+Smoke_ sumthin thats what i thought bitch ur a fucktard lame who wear orange skinny jeans
UrbanMaxx TV
UrbanMaxx TV - 6 years ago
And probably just as much money too
Smoke_ sumthin
Smoke_ sumthin - 6 years ago
+Terrell Brown lil dookie hole
Terrell Brown
Terrell Brown - 6 years ago
Name some of vlads enemies idiot
BAW Entertainment
BAW Entertainment - 6 years ago
Glorie Mpaka I’m just talking shit
BAW Entertainment
BAW Entertainment - 6 years ago
ricky johnson Factz
ricky johnson
ricky johnson - 6 years ago
Theres always 2 different sides of a story and bankroll not here to tell his side of the story
ricky johnson
ricky johnson - 6 years ago
I don't know the real story because i don't even know what they was beefing about and i don't even know them. U ppl always think yall know everything about these rappers and their situation lol
Big LeGoat James
Big LeGoat James - 6 years ago
+Smoke_ sumthin lmao take that Harry Potter shit somewhere else
Smoke_ sumthin
Smoke_ sumthin - 6 years ago
He used mk ultra on him, and forced him to come to the studio, lose his cell phone, and shoot at him first, so that he justifiably sacrifice him. Never underestimate 21 savage, he's a cia illuminati member who drink asian children's blood 7 times a year. This shit gets deeper than young thugs dookpuss ya feel me..
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor - 6 years ago
I know he dont know shit
Glorie Mpaka
Glorie Mpaka - 6 years ago
Tell us what happened detective
Arjen Robbery
Arjen Robbery - 6 years ago
what’s the real story
Ke' Shawn
Ke' Shawn - 6 years ago
BAW Entertainment boy the internet think everything a setup
Daequan Curry
Daequan Curry - 6 years ago
lmao I'm woke headass nigga
Marlon Smith
Marlon Smith - 6 years ago
Vlad bitch ass go catch gangsta shit his way one day
IonlyROBwhite DrugDealers
IonlyROBwhite DrugDealers - 6 years ago
Vultures like VladTv LEACH off Black People... and I mean LEACH... He wouldn't interview someone if they killed some white Russian bitch
JokerL1000 - 6 years ago
People hate Vlad because of the way he ask questions. It feels very exploitative. Not cause hes white
UrbanMaxx TV
UrbanMaxx TV - 6 years ago
Yet they still come here and watch.
Almighty Dov
Almighty Dov - 6 years ago
First lol

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