Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

When Tyler went crowd surfing during Car Radio at the Reading and Leeds Festival, he was attacked by the crowd. They tore apart his shirt and took one of his shoes off. After climbing to safety, Tyler decides to stop the show early. #respectfortylerjoseph I DO NOT OWN THIS FOOTAGE ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO BBC

Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds sentiment_very_dissatisfied 367

Surf 8 years ago 800,062 views

When Tyler went crowd surfing during Car Radio at the Reading and Leeds Festival, he was attacked by the crowd. They tore apart his shirt and took one of his shoes off. After climbing to safety, Tyler decides to stop the show early. #respectfortylerjoseph I DO NOT OWN THIS FOOTAGE ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO BBC

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Most popular comments
for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

alston - 8 years ago
Mapleshade - 6 years ago
perfctlywrrong - 6 years ago
how did we go from that to #fucktylerjoseph lmao
ConfusedCharles - 6 years ago
Colin Moments
Colin Moments - 6 years ago
alston Just so everyone knows, FANS DIDNT ATTACK. What happened is it turned into a mosh pit, so there was hardly anyone holding him up in the back. You can see everyone falling. They grabbed him anyway they could so he didn’t fall and get himself, why his shirt was ripped. It wasn’t malicious. He even said so. They said we have to be done bc they were 10 min over the limit. The shoe was not taken off, it fell off and by then he was past the person that found it so he couldn’t get it back. I’m saying this so nobody decides to not go to a concert in case this happens. The “get off me” was not him, it’s the fans because he fell on top of them.
Ben N.
Ben N. - 7 years ago
anie - 7 years ago
alston p
Merakiem - 7 years ago
This video description is false..
yeehaw uwu
yeehaw uwu - 7 years ago
Shadow Play
Shadow Play - 7 years ago
spooky tim christmas I definitely agree #respectfortylerjoseph
Kedrian Spruill
Kedrian Spruill - 7 years ago
Tillmas Gaming ikr they took his shirt and everything and if i'm there tag team me in
TopFan #1
TopFan #1 - 7 years ago
Wuddup you r right
the cameroo
the cameroo - 7 years ago
#respectfortylerjoseph Tyler did not deserve that, Josh looked like he really wanted to jump down and help Tyler but he couldn't because he had to stay on his drums. Tyler is a smol bean but steal he does not deserve this. Stay alive my frens I-/
joshua o'meara
joshua o'meara - 7 years ago
spooky tim christmas well I don't know so..
joshua o'meara
joshua o'meara - 7 years ago
spooky tim christmas
Wasn't this in Winnipeg? And the arrived in like April?
Crybaby! at the Disco
Crybaby! at the Disco - 7 years ago
spooky tim christmas PREACH!!!!
JackSepticeye 101
JackSepticeye 101 - 7 years ago
spooky tim christmas idk y but I'm crying cuz he fell into the crowd ;-; |-/
【smitty】 - 8 years ago
lifestylez apz no
TextingStory Anime
TextingStory Anime - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas yaaaas!!!
d r e m l y
d r e m l y - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas yes
Sassy Tyler Joseph
Sassy Tyler Joseph - 8 years ago
I actually cry from this : ( they ruined the show for all of them and made it short and harmed Tyler in so many ways it just makes me cry over how disrespectful these people are :,(
Jaydan Simpson
Jaydan Simpson - 8 years ago
The next episode - Dr dre ^
Willow Shy
Willow Shy - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas can someone tell me the song being played at the end?
Savannah MacNicoll
Savannah MacNicoll - 8 years ago
Not funny
Nobody - 8 years ago
Should have stayed in his lane boy!
Michael Concul
Michael Concul - 8 years ago
TwentyOneCrybabysAtTheDiscoPhans - 8 years ago
TwentyOneCrybabysAtTheDiscoPhans - 8 years ago
Patricia Santizo
Patricia Santizo - 8 years ago
benjaa cifuentee me alegro de que hay alguien que habla espanol pot cierto te llamas Como mi tio
Valeria Garza
Valeria Garza - 8 years ago
domingo en fuego. y luego el Todavia dijo "are you still with me" and thank you
Haley Pople
Haley Pople - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas exactly. If you are a ture fan if someone, you will respect their privacy, and space.
Romi Stymiest
Romi Stymiest - 8 years ago
Chloe Rain Wise no they actually stole his shoe and sold it
【smitty】 - 8 years ago
Chloe Rain Wise they took his great shoe
BrendonsLyrics - 8 years ago
Jess Xoxo no I meant my bffs sister was there she didn't drop him
jess maree
jess maree - 8 years ago
XamylaurenX they dropped him as many people were pushing them to touch Tyler (yes I know pathetic) don't blame your sisters best friend many people were pushing her and it's actually disgusting to see what some fans did to him he came out of there with half of his t shirt ripped off
BrendonsLyrics - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas he wasn't attacked I know u want views but my best friends sister and that just dropped hisn
cadylady_islit slayy
cadylady_islit slayy - 8 years ago
spooky tim christmas #respectfortylerjoseph
【smitty】 - 8 years ago
AgentBucket he didn't stop the show early
Sarthak - 8 years ago
Pewfik - 8 years ago
AgentBucket ikr those fans didnt know how it feels to be attacked and didnt sing the rest of the song
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 8 years ago
StellaRose X

I do know someone that was there so you can kindly leave these people alone
StellaR M
StellaR M - 8 years ago
+Alexis Graystorm Ok then, my opinion is that if you didn't experience that, or don't know anyone who experienced that, then you are all just making assumptions.
serena - 8 years ago
StellaRose X are you seriously defending these people's behavior?
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 8 years ago
StellaRose X

We're sharing opinions and you have no say in that so.
serena - 8 years ago
AgentBucket yes
Xalvz - 8 years ago
AgentBucket 500th like
Itz King Gamer5
Itz King Gamer5 - 8 years ago
benjaa cifuentee
benjaa cifuentee - 8 years ago
Tyler se tiro y el publico se cayo o no lo aguanto entonces provoco el accidente (No creo que lo hallan querido agredir) y al momento de sacar a Tyler para arriba (Volverlo a subir) le rasgaron la polera y el zapato dicen que un tipo lo encontro tirado y queria devolverlo pero ni idea (Todo lo supe a base de relatos de Instagram de gente que estuvo ahi)
Valery Rivera
Valery Rivera - 8 years ago
+domingo en fuego Tienes razon que poca...!
Diego Méndez
Diego Méndez - 8 years ago
You can explain me in english!
Diego Méndez
Diego Méndez - 8 years ago
Can someone explain me what happen? Im from Spain and my english is not good. I don´t know the social impact that this has taken. Thank you!
/ Enon /
/ Enon / - 8 years ago
+AgentBucket it's ok he's another youtuber who does top stuff and he uploaded a vid like this but with subtitles
alston - 8 years ago
I am sorry, the name is not familiar?
/ Enon /
/ Enon / - 8 years ago
You came from the man by the name of Luca Shepard
Jairopizzadoe - 5 years ago
How dare they disrepspect mother, they will suffer now.
Nacho Is Wack
Nacho Is Wack - 5 years ago
Can somebody tell me when he screamed josh?
Gacha Lemon
Gacha Lemon - 5 years ago
this. is. not. how. you. treat. your. idol.
this. is. not. how. you. treat. anyone.
Hannah F.
Hannah F. - 5 years ago
Kid in the upper right. That was the first sign that I knew this would be bad.
Fluffy Birds
Fluffy Birds - 5 years ago
1:44 OMG POOR TYLER who would do this?!!!!!!!
Dean Bean
Dean Bean - 5 years ago
oh my gosh, Josh's face when he realized Tyler's condition
SugarSkøllz - 5 years ago
tyler: being attacked

jøshler stan here
jøshler stan here - 5 years ago
Josh watching: u kill meh friend I kill u.

Tyler: im gonna die

10. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

Nyankawaiimangle - 5 years ago
People are crazy. Poor Tyler suffering. Poor Josh watching that
MySelfEsteemIsLowerThanTikTok - 5 years ago
This makes me so unbelievably sad
Jop Pasaporte
Jop Pasaporte - 5 years ago
english clique sux
Seth - 5 years ago
He jumped into the crowd at Leedsfest what did he expect?
Alannah Kelly
Alannah Kelly - 5 years ago
I really don’t understand Leeds as a place. Sure there obviously is nice people there but with the bottle incident with Brendon urie and now this? And Tyler still thanked the crowd. It’s just sad how a place like this can get such a bad reputation from a few people you know
Mari Lucena
Mari Lucena - 5 years ago
that's extremly sad :((
Wyatt Reed
Wyatt Reed - 5 years ago
Guys, I'm sorry to break it to you, but tyler is a grown man, and you don't own him, so stop calling him "my little bean"
Nov Oir
Nov Oir - 5 years ago
i kinda felt bad cuz Tyler Screamed "JOSH" But Nothing. No Reply.
ElliAvelio - 5 years ago
Don’t think that was him
Tanner Hatch
Tanner Hatch - 5 years ago
You guys realize that after a show they play, they have fun talking about things that went wrong?. They probably fixed it up and decided to crowd surf in a hamster ball. After that, they didn’t want to crowd surf at all.

20. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

Twisted_upinside_mymind :p
Twisted_upinside_mymind :p - 5 years ago
This was awful but ya gotta give it to them. Josh kept drumming, Tyler made it to the platform, they did a little of the song at the end which was funny, and Tyler stayed respectful to the fans
Diana Guerrero
Diana Guerrero - 6 years ago
maisie garletts
maisie garletts - 6 years ago
Usuario 346
Usuario 346 - 6 years ago
Me sorprende como asumió Tyler lo que le acababan de hacer, yo les hubiera insultado mientras estaba arriba del poste
Olivia Kathryn
Olivia Kathryn - 6 years ago
this idiot just said in an interview that he had fun and can't wait to do it again. if (when) tyler gets torn to shreds again I'm gonna laugh. not #'s for this fool this time
Crazed Fan girl
Crazed Fan girl - 6 years ago
Fricken motherfrickers
gachalife anime & more!
gachalife anime & more! - 6 years ago
At around 1:30 - 1:55 you can hear say get off and please stop and he shouted josh
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique - 6 years ago
ISoulFlower - 6 years ago
Olivia Clippinger
Olivia Clippinger - 6 years ago
They need to be careful,do they want to be hated by there idol?

30. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

Dee._. Cent
Dee._. Cent - 6 years ago
Hasn’t Tyler say that to never stage dive on your front?
jøshler stan here
jøshler stan here - 6 years ago
You could see the look of fear in Joshua’s eyes #RESPECTFORTYLERJOSEPH
Kylee Plays Gacha
Kylee Plays Gacha - 6 years ago
Man, I thought they’d be a little more respectful.
Stranger Ashlyn
Stranger Ashlyn - 6 years ago
it makes me sad because some places they go on tour, people actually help him up, like when he almost fell of the platform & the fans pushed him up. It makes me so sad seeing Tyler like that :(((
Hi I’m still a piece of garbage
Hi I’m still a piece of garbage - 6 years ago
I’m ashamed of my country
Nemrac XD
Nemrac XD - 6 years ago
What's the name of the song 3:21
Can someone please help me?
R. Kelly
R. Kelly - 6 years ago
0:22 when you open a pack of gum in school
Caketin - 6 years ago
i hope nothing like this happens this year... some people are so fucking heartless
alexis daly
alexis daly - 6 years ago
tyler screaming for josh breaks my heart
Rosalie Kalupson
Rosalie Kalupson - 6 years ago
Some people just have to ruin it for everyone
This is why we can’t have nice things
Chloe L
Chloe L - 6 years ago
Wow this is disgusting
Ella Heller
Ella Heller - 6 years ago
At least at the end he didn't yell at the audience (it's all their fault) he said a composed goodbye even though he was pissed that's professionalism but I feel so awful for them that was brutal
Peridot Ok
Peridot Ok - 6 years ago
I really respect Tyler because he keeps his cool in situations like this and it ain’t fair for both of them. I’m glad there is no crowd surfing in the new era ||-//
bunny bun bun
bunny bun bun - 6 years ago
Me: hmm
Also me: Thinks of My blood music video
Izzy Judd
Izzy Judd - 6 years ago
Awww poor bean I just want to hit anyone who hurts him, who would do that to the poor thing
Alex Hoover
Alex Hoover - 6 years ago
Wait I watched and couldn’t see the attack?
Go to bed you piecof shof
Go to bed you piecof shof - 6 years ago
He still was being really polite and still said "we are twenty one pilots and so are you" wthh. I love him.
Maddee - 6 years ago
how can he act like everything is fine
APBM 6 - 6 years ago
I could hear the sarcasm when he said " thank you so much"
Bav Bunni
Bav Bunni - 6 years ago
This is when he learned never to crowd surf on his front

50. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

Lucy-May B
Lucy-May B - 6 years ago
i fucking hate this so much. the people at festivals who arent always proper proper fans dont get it and obviously dont get what their shows are about. this fully broke my heart
The religious haters
The religious haters - 6 years ago
If i was Tyler I would’ve gotten extremely mad and like told them off completely
Deanna Hernandez
Deanna Hernandez - 6 years ago
I will beat the shit out of the people that did this to my little baby Tyler. 1 like= 1 punch and kick for his attackers.
Earle - 6 years ago
when he went down you can tell josh was nervous and scared
tyler dun
tyler dun - 6 years ago
This tears me apart everytime i watch it, this is the last thing tyler deserves some people don't deserve to go to they're shows if this is the behavior they are going to display, I'm sorry they did this to you tyler your a good man.
UnnecessaryDrama - 6 years ago
You can see at the end (3:12) that he is breathing really hard. Oml I feel so bad.
Sophie Nicole
Sophie Nicole - 6 years ago
and after all of that, he still said "thank you very much"
UnnecessaryDrama - 6 years ago
If I was a fan there I would scream, "Get off of him!" And legit push everyone away and save my smol bean
sunsbookishgamesx - 6 years ago
P! TØP - 6 years ago
What’s wrong with people? All he wanted was to give them the experience of an amazing concert and they completely disrespected him
Insidecart76873 - 6 years ago
Is this why there's such long breaks in curtain songs?
Megan Bosley
Megan Bosley - 6 years ago
They’re coming back this year and I’m so excited to see them but I’m also slow-key terrified the same thing will happen
im dun with you
im dun with you - 6 years ago
I know righttt
Magicial Nell nell
Magicial Nell nell - 6 years ago
Should've changed it to "we're twenty one pilots and so are A SELECT AMOUNT of you!"
Magicial Nell nell
Magicial Nell nell - 6 years ago
I'm not gonna get into how fucking terrible this was, but do people seriously think Tyler was yelling for josh? I'm sorry but Tyler isn't a four year old, and he damn well knows that josh couldn't do anything. It was one of the people in the crowd.
happy insanity *millie*
happy insanity *millie* - 6 years ago
To everyone commenting how tyler shouted josh, im sure wasnt tyler that shouted that it was a fan, i mean what does tyler expect josh to do in that time lol?
Huge Disappointment
Huge Disappointment - 6 years ago
This video makes me cry
Violetberry Ertist :3
Violetberry Ertist :3 - 6 years ago
NSPLG - 6 years ago
Trust Tyler to look like a boss after being attacked
NSPLG - 6 years ago
Hate this so much sorry Tyler the UK let them down
aston - 6 years ago
this makes me so sad
els - 6 years ago
these people really had no respect
Sophia Loweland
Sophia Loweland - 6 years ago
I'm sorry but the human race can be disgusting sometimes
Brendons Roses
Brendons Roses - 6 years ago
when he yelled josh i just lost it
Holly colvin
Holly colvin - 6 years ago
I'm going to reading this year and if this happens again I'm going to cry
Amy The Cat
Amy The Cat - 6 years ago
Fans have no self control tbh
Mapleshade - 6 years ago
Gold Trench
Gold Trench - 6 years ago
here’s what supposedly went down, bbc were like nah ur running outta time so your not going to ur podium Tyler was like yeah mate try me ,crowdsurfs to podium also p sure that’s a fan shouting josh at 1:44 it didn’t sound like ty to me
s x
s x - 6 years ago
when ty shouts for josh. this video still makes me cry until this day.
EmoBreeanna - 6 years ago
It’s seem like the people at reading and Leeds are always acting up
Katelyn The Banditø
Katelyn The Banditø - 6 years ago
You can see how nervous Josh got uwu
phantrashtic -
phantrashtic - - 6 years ago
So that's why he doesn't crowd surf anymore...
Makes sense
#respectfortyler my dudes
Zara Williams
Zara Williams - 6 years ago
wow that was really bad for both of them

tyler and his clothes literally got ripped to pieces by really disrespectful ppl, and hearing him shout Josh made me so sad.

and imagine being josh, your bestfriend getting manhandled in a crowd and u can't do anything about it.

this video just makes me really sad. #respectfortylerjoseph
Léa Saint-Jean
Léa Saint-Jean - 6 years ago
1:44 is Tyler screaming Josh?
MediocrityAlive - 6 years ago
People that do this are the reason that band members don't like going into the crowds. Dickheads ruin it for everyone
God of Serotonin Deficiency
God of Serotonin Deficiency - 6 years ago
LakeEffectNoey - 6 years ago
Just fucking respect the band members. This actually made me sick to my stomach and honestly almost made my cry. This also goes back to this like Brendon's death walk. R E S P E C T T H E M E M B E R S P L E A S E
Kit Kat96
Kit Kat96 - 6 years ago
Also fans that didnt want to do something for Tyler were trampled by others
Sára Mauersberger
Sára Mauersberger - 6 years ago
Idiots, just fake fans
løvely - 6 years ago
Gosh. This still makes me sad. Tyler AND Josh didn't deserve this.
k p
k p - 6 years ago
Wtf is everyone pouting?!? He fkn knew what he was getting into! Fuhhhhh
HydraGalaxy - 6 years ago
i have no words..
GandalfTheBlue - 6 years ago
You can hear the fear in his voice at the end that doesn’t sound like him is shaky and he’s talking very quickly
amber yee haw
amber yee haw - 6 years ago
Poor josh has to keep playing the drums knowing his fren is out there and he needs help
Ghaug 3313523
Ghaug 3313523 - 6 years ago
Throwback to when everyone overexaggerated because of a bad crowd surf done by Tyler
Null kreativität
Null kreativität - 6 years ago
That was not well thought through. It’s the fault of both partys the crowd and Tyler. Not to disrespect him but he should’ve crowdsurfed on his back in the first place and not on his belly. That would make it easier for the people to carry him and it would be a lot faster than him trying to crawl over the crowd. It‘s a mixture of not strong enough fans and him crowdsurfing the wrong way.
What really made me mad was the guy intentionally ripping of tylers mask, like damn this is really fricking rude.
Panic! at represent.com/crankthatfrank
Panic! at represent.com/crankthatfrank - 6 years ago
i watched beebo stagedive and someone in the comments mentioned this. i dont listen to 21 pilots (yet im trying to get into new music and 21 pilots is on my list) but his is terrible.
Isla :3
Isla :3 - 6 years ago
This is Leeds for ya. The reason why I am against going there
Adam Grealish
Adam Grealish - 6 years ago
this was reading
daelyn d
daelyn d - 6 years ago
Jay Jello
Jay Jello - 6 years ago
2:54 it literally looks like he's wearing a bib
Colaachaoss - 6 years ago
Car radio is cursed

100. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds

Haley Duck
Haley Duck - 6 years ago
Yeah josh was definitely worried,when I’m stressed out I hit the drums harder too. :(
Løcal Dreamer
Løcal Dreamer - 6 years ago
A-for anonymous Tomato !!
A-for anonymous Tomato !! - 6 years ago
No hate, but beer should NOT be allowed at any concert. Just me? Okay, but this is what happens
#respectfortylerjoseph he even continued
Ivy xox
Ivy xox - 6 years ago
this was disgusting I feel so bad for him and josh :(
sahlo folina
sahlo folina - 6 years ago
i really cant believe they would do this, even 2 years after :( i hope tyler recovered well
perfctlywrrong - 6 years ago
1:06 i swear i heard someone say “bitch what the fuck”
Michelle Nelson
Michelle Nelson - 6 years ago
Josh is atill drumming while this is all happening lol
Alexa Dankis
Alexa Dankis - 6 years ago
"josh!" I'm crying, why would they do that to Tyler. it just breaks my heart
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for them both
Imagine how upset josh was
The fact that he saw his best fiend getting dragged down like that and hurt and he couldn’t do anything
He had to carry on playing
It hurts to know what they did to him
Shouting at him whilst ripping his shirt and grabbing at him
To think people have payed money to go and see him and then the did that and then he had to end the show, it’s actually disgusting
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
Thank you for clearing things up :)
Thylis - 6 years ago
+_stay_alive_ fren_ oh it's alright!! You don't have to apologize at all :)
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
I know it might seem like a cover up
I’m sorry
I read your comment wrong
I’m not with it at the moment
At first I saw it as them attacking him but now I’ve looked more into it
It was them just not being able to help him I guess
Thylis - 6 years ago
+_stay_alive_ fren_ I'm not disagreeing with you at all, because what you said is right, I never tried to deny that :) and ..why argue? I'm not arguing with you at all. I just assumed you thought the people here were attacking him and thinking stuff like "the clique disrespected him" etc., because a lot of people here in the comments do. I replied to a few comments to clear up this misunderstanding.
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
Thylis it’s also the fact there are multiple comments like mine
Yet you are choosing to reply to mine ? Why is that
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
Right all I’m saying is
He fell on the teenagers and then all the drunk guys landed on them
My mate was there and she broke her leg at the gig when then all fell
She was there so when I was saying he got dragged down he did
By and the drunk me and non clique members
I ain’t got time to argue so imma just not answer if you reply
Thylis - 6 years ago
+_stay_alive_ fren_ I'm..not really sure what you mean by that? Yeah, there were also a lot of rowdy and drunk/high people in the crowd that didn't belong to the clique.
With what would you disagree about what I stated?
Thylis - 6 years ago
This video is misleading!! He wasn't attacked. The problem was the teenagers being (understandably) too weak to hold him up, which is why he fell on them. While trying to hold him up again his shirt ripped. Also, he (or someone else, not sure) screamed "get off", because there were also a lot of drunk guys squashing the teenagers and they were trying to grab a hold of them.

Edit: He had to end the show because they went overtime :)
Vivi - 6 years ago
omg I feel so bad for them...
jtika1978 - 6 years ago
I want to save him so badly
Dan's Dead
Dan's Dead - 6 years ago
Someone stole tyler joseph and now josh sits in silence
aston - 6 years ago
Dan's Dead this made me laugh too much
Tjersero - 6 years ago
And he still trusts the crowd today @
Sara Ashlyn
Sara Ashlyn - 6 years ago
"we gotta be done, josh, that's it. we gotta be done"
Camilla - 6 years ago
poor little coward
Zoey Pinebard
Zoey Pinebard - 6 years ago
fucking drunk idiots

At the show I was at, they had fences by the bar so that the ones with the beer would not get into the pit and get drunk. Pretty smart.
jish moans
jish moans - 6 years ago
I don’t remember where but I heard some fans that were in the crowd say he called out Josh’s name while that happened
Jasmin K.
Jasmin K. - 6 years ago
We gotta be Dun
Max Hoffer
Max Hoffer - 6 years ago
These are the real FAKE fans, with no respect that he's just a human and with the thought that just because he's a celebrity, they can attack him... and take pieces of his property.
Thylis - 6 years ago
This video is misleading. He wasn't attacked. A youtuber made a video about it explaining the whole thing. I think their name was ollie? Not sure.
Dani Vasco
Dani Vasco - 6 years ago
People keep saying how josh should’ve gone into rescue him but I think he did the smart thing and stayed out of it. If he’d have gone in, it would’ve added more fuel to the fire.

The fans are already crazy enough as is (and some are drunk), then Tyler goes into the crowd so their even crazier. So just imagine how much worse it would’ve gotten if josh had went in too
W.w - 5 years ago
Well, the reason Josh kept drumming was because his job is to keep playing. He can't go and help Tyler and he won have gotten thrown around too if he tried to help.
Light Warrior 503 MSP
Light Warrior 503 MSP - 6 years ago
This hurts to watch
Thirishavacado - 6 years ago
i'm so glad that he is okay x
Nate’s Reviews
Nate’s Reviews - 6 years ago
What actually happened was people dropped him and there was a drunk guy near. Nuff said
Chilly Bean
Chilly Bean - 6 years ago
I heard Tyler calling for Josh and cried
Reyx - 6 years ago
They were violent. Against Tyler. They didn't have a bit of respect or affection for their idol, they just cared about themselves and didn't think of Tyler's safety... Damn, have you seen his tshirt??? This shit sucks.
Speed _
Speed _ - 6 years ago
Amazing josh played through the whole thing without stopping. #respectfortylerjoseph
gamer guy
gamer guy - 6 years ago
How did they lose him?
HuMan bEing
HuMan bEing - 6 years ago
I what no car radio is cursed first the security didn't let Tyler in so he crowd surfed but the fans were being idiotic things they stole his shoes his beanie and dropped on the floor several times Tyler he didn't do anything just poor poor Tyler got attacked by creatures
Kirstie Campbell
Kirstie Campbell - 6 years ago
This and Brendon being bottled? I’m ashamed to be English now. These guys are my idols and yet this happens
FlyingFree - 6 years ago
Everytime I watch this I get more pissed, not to mention that many years ago(2006?) Brendon was bottled and passed out on stage. Jfc don't treat people like that
Cass Leslie
Cass Leslie - 6 years ago
of course it was reading and leads
Jemina Viherkanto
Jemina Viherkanto - 6 years ago
Tyler doesn't deserve that. He still continued the crowdsurfing.... and I feel so bad for Josh but I love him as he stayed stong and still kept going even tho he was so worried... Why can't everyone understand they're human beings too, you can't treat them like that...
Anna Bortion
Anna Bortion - 6 years ago
Tyler’s Smol Beans
Tyler’s Smol Beans - 6 years ago
At the end Tyler looks so beat up I feel really bad and I wish I could have helped him
Tyler’s Smol Beans
Tyler’s Smol Beans - 6 years ago
My anxiety was through the roof when he fell
Jazzy Boi
Jazzy Boi - 6 years ago
I dont know how many times I have to say this but it wasnt an attack. The crowd was thinner back there and they could support his weight. While he was going down they accidentally ripped his shirt trying to get him back up. He lost his shoe in the process. The person who had the shoe, wanted to give it back to him but he was already at the other side of the stadium. Now I know there was some drunk people there that didn't have good intentions, but people cant assume everyone near where it happened wasnt trying to help them
Erin Films
Erin Films - 6 years ago
omg D: tyler just yelled “Josh!” but josh had to keep playing! poor tyler..
Mr. Krabs
Mr. Krabs - 6 years ago
I reported this.
neon chlorine
neon chlorine - 6 years ago
Tornado Flopp
Tornado Flopp - 6 years ago
Jayden DeHaven
Jayden DeHaven - 6 years ago
This pisses me off
Emile.Deg - 6 years ago
They stopped for that or because it was the end of the show ?
Winslow - 6 years ago
I can't believe the CLIQUE would do this!
Whoever hurt him is not a real fan!
Winslow - 6 years ago
Poor Tyler!
I feel so so bad for him!!!
Edit: Nevermind I did cry
Ellie Kate
Ellie Kate - 6 years ago
Is it just me that actually cried when you hear him scream for Josh, that broke my heart
Melissa Quijada
Melissa Quijada - 6 years ago
Ok, um, unpopular opinion, but idc who you are or your fame, but I honestly think it’s the dumbest shit to crowd surf. You could get hurt, as seen in this video, or someone in the crowd could get hurt. Ik that singers want to have fun and give fans a great experience, but it’s stupid. You can do other things instead of trusting DRUNK AND HIGH people to carry you to safety and have fun at the same time
Melissa Quijada
Melissa Quijada - 6 years ago
I’m a decent fan of theirs, but I still think it was a dumb move
Band Trash
Band Trash - 6 years ago
poor tyler. you can see him fall and see where it went all wrong. i swear to fucking god i hate the clique. tyler deserves so much better
The Dark Vøid
The Dark Vøid - 6 years ago
i dont think he's going to crowd surf again.
Breath of the wild link 1102
Breath of the wild link 1102 - 6 years ago
Tyler’s shirt
The Dark Vøid
The Dark Vøid - 6 years ago
This is probably the reason why the hiatus happened, so he could recover from this
Kind Of Noodle
Kind Of Noodle - 6 years ago
Anybody else get anxiety over watching this?
Ted Allison
Ted Allison - 6 years ago
What are these guys classed as anyway? Rock? Alternative? Pop? Shite? Bubblegum? No place at a traditionally rock festival whatever they are.
MarleyyTheRat - 6 years ago
jictix - 6 years ago
the man who saved thousands of lives with his voice, getting kicked, his clothes ripped, his shoes stolen, people screaming into his mic, and he still has the courage to finish the show off right. if any of those people who contributed to that are reading this, i don’t respect you.
Eleni Savas
Eleni Savas - 6 years ago
I had an anxiety attack watching this
Band obsessed trash
Band obsessed trash - 6 years ago
When he yells for Josh my heart breaks
Ishani Mazumder
Ishani Mazumder - 6 years ago
I feel rlly bad for the good people in the crowd. And Tyler and Josh of course.
Mouse House
Mouse House - 6 years ago
He wasn’t attacked. The shirt was ripped while people were trying to keep Tyler up. The person saying get off was because some drunk teenagers were at the back falling onto people. Someone not Tyler was screaming josh into Tyler’s mic and his shoe that we’re taking were there and the person was going to give them back but Tyler was already gone. And they ended because they were ten minutes over there booked Time and other people were lining up to get in. For the next act. Everyone needs to chill out
Jessica Doro
Jessica Doro - 6 years ago
He was attacked they poured beer on him, removed his shoes and clothes and completely disrespected him. I have no idea why you are sticking up for those wee rats
Cristian Peinado
Cristian Peinado - 6 years ago
i was there, he was so pissed, rightly so.
Ruby Roberts
Ruby Roberts - 6 years ago
Fuck Tyler looked so worried and scared
Ruby Roberts
Ruby Roberts - 6 years ago
Wow this really hurt me wtf people
Ruby Roberts
Ruby Roberts - 6 years ago
Aw josh is worried
typingbacon - 6 years ago
That's what you get for being a rockstar wannabe
Sicko Abiso
Sicko Abiso - 6 years ago

Bad idea

These guys saved SO many lives, including mine.

If you don't like them, why are you even here?
A T L A N T I S - 6 years ago
Why the fuck
Elodie Lefebvre
Elodie Lefebvre - 6 years ago
Actually I feel more bad for josh, playing drums awkwardly and so fucking stressed while is best friend is attacked helpless and yelling at him for help. IF I WAS THERE THOSE GUYS WOULD BE ALL DEAD
Britton Teply
Britton Teply - 6 years ago
alexiaisameme - 6 years ago
josh playing the drums while this was happening was the awkwardest shit ever
Keira King
Keira King - 6 years ago
And that kids is why, if you are tyler joseph, don't crowd surf forwards.
AuraBreaker - 6 years ago
Josh has to watch his poor bean of a fren get torn apart
Eleven_. 011
Eleven_. 011 - 6 years ago
Honestly if I was Josh I would have walked to the microphone and said “Please give my fren back”
Black Bird
Black Bird - 6 years ago
I know it's like no place to ask but what song is it at 2:37 ?
Maci 97
Maci 97 - 6 years ago
We are twenty one pilots and so are you
---i don't think so. not these people
Míñ ýøøňğî
Míñ ýøøňğî - 6 years ago
Why would people do that honestly if you were one of those people who did that to him fuck you. You could see how worried Josh was watching as a bunch of drunk rowdy teens hurt his friend.
Little space kid
Little space kid - 6 years ago
A- his anxiety was probably through the roof and he was probably scared he was already dying or dead.
B- imagine what was going through his head because of the way he was treated during this because most would feel worthless and like they are just an object because humans shouldn’t be treated like that
MsRandømm - 6 years ago
At 1:27 you can’t hear a please stop! From Tyler then people screaming into his mic those aren’t fans
kysike666 - 6 years ago
Fucking people are dumb
Ailurophile Miku
Ailurophile Miku - 6 years ago
this angers me so much and i dont know what else to say because this is disgusting to see what the "fans" did to tyler.
Matt T
Matt T - 6 years ago
I mean they were in the wrong 100% but he shouldn't do that at a festival that big
A Randøm Persøn-
A Randøm Persøn- - 6 years ago
Poor Tyler and Josh....
Lankfordmath - 6 years ago
What is Josh Dun playing at the end???
CatchHoldOfMadness - 6 years ago
The way josh stands at the start when he first starts falling, and his face when he’s drumming at the end and the lights come up
Local Mike
Local Mike - 6 years ago
I don't think its the moth tearing his favorite shirt that he needs to worry about..
weeabo - 6 years ago
1:43 I cried
Artsy Doodles
Artsy Doodles - 6 years ago
This makes me sad, just like when Brendon got hit by a bottle
Dalibor Arestizabal
Dalibor Arestizabal - 6 years ago
this is epic man, i don't think nobody "attacked" him, it was just part of the party, you can't expect to crowdsurf and get out of there totally clean!
Panicked Mia
Panicked Mia - 6 years ago
Jesus Christ that would be scary! Poor thing :(
Blahblahblah - 6 years ago
if I had tylers shoe id smell it every day when I wake up and and then once more before I went to sleep
Pressley Bylsma
Pressley Bylsma - 6 years ago
I know I’m late, but holy shit. Imagine what Josh is thinking. “Where’s tyler? What happened? What’s going on?” While he’s on stage playing the drums. People are so disrespectful. Tyler did nothing to deserve this. He was just trying to have a fun time crowd surfing at his concert with his fans, and people took it to far. I’m honestly disgusted right now. Even thinking about what was going through Tyler’s mind. He’s probably terrified.
Twisted_upinside_mymind :p
Twisted_upinside_mymind :p - 6 years ago
This makes me feel embarrassed. Guys. Seriously?! Like I know he's great and all but he's a person like us! I mean, did you see him when he got up?? It took him so long to get there and his shoe was taken off, he was soaking wet in whether that be beer or sweat, people kept shouting into his mic, his clothes were ripped to shreds, and he was dropped multiple times. I mean, idk about some people but I would LOVE for our band to think of us as great people. Sorry guys. I'm just a bit angry about this. Don't take it personally.
Арина Степаненко
Арина Степаненко - 6 years ago
It's sad and terrible !!
Mel Rowands
Mel Rowands - 6 years ago
I was there and mainly at the front were kids. They couldn't hold him up and because the young teens were at the front (they probs didn't realise if you are at the front you want to be in the mosh pit). So you had a mixture of young teens, drunken/high teens and some odd aggressive guys (because there were a werid bunch of guys there just being dicks throughout the set tbh, I think they were trying to cause trouble).

So you have the young teens trying to hold josh up, drunk/high ones who were trying but couldn't or messing about along with the guys pulling him down. It was just really weird!
TheBanditøKid - 6 years ago
allisøn paige
allisøn paige - 6 years ago
and he finished the song
Jonathan Lustig
Jonathan Lustig - 6 years ago
Ha ha he deserves it
GrassIsGreen - 6 years ago
Guys I was here, I was in the pit Tyler climbed over and this drunk ass bitch pulled him down all the teens where helping him about 4 lads grabbed the drunk guy and beat him quite badly the teens helped Tyler, tyler shouted back off to the drunk guy which caught my attention cause Tyler looked so scared
Yay ll-//
Yay ll-// - 6 years ago
I’m like crying, it’s so sad seeing someone that I look up to and think very highly of have this happen. I’m disappointed
jasmine - 6 years ago
thanks a lot guys. almost killed tyler and scared josh
V A D R - 6 years ago
0:15 "Yo! I need to get there" lol
V A D R - 6 years ago
0:15 "Yo! I need to get there" lol
XxkillerslumberXx X
XxkillerslumberXx X - 6 years ago
josh steps on stage as Tyler is crying on his arms

patrick star voice

XxkillerslumberXx X
XxkillerslumberXx X - 6 years ago
Sofia - 6 years ago
oof the "josh" tore my heart
Jim Finlayson
Jim Finlayson - 6 years ago
That s what they deserve for being shit
World class Goalz
World class Goalz - 6 years ago
That’s because reading and Leeds Festival doesn’t want their shite music
Sicko Abiso
Sicko Abiso - 6 years ago
"Excuse me, could you please leave?"
HollyIsRaging - 6 years ago
R.I.P Tyler's Shirt
Brydie is Cool
Brydie is Cool - 6 years ago
uk for yer
Castiel Novak
Castiel Novak - 6 years ago
It’s been two years now and my heart is still as torn as Tyler’s shirt
ImTrash - 6 years ago
We gotta be Dun... Josh we gotta be Dun.
SaltyOats - 6 years ago
He didn't end it early, they we're playing at a festival, so they had to be done because next band was coming
Seth Shuttleworth
Seth Shuttleworth - 6 years ago
Respect them for coming back after this...
Gav TheGothicChav
Gav TheGothicChav - 6 years ago
Why dive into a festival crowd though in all seriousness??? lol
Nicole Peterson
Nicole Peterson - 6 years ago
the concert starts
Every other song: everything goes good and completely fine
Car radio starts: chaos starts
Car radio in the middle: josh accidentally breaks his drum kit
Car radio at the end: Tyler almost dies

This is just sum fake thing I made but somthing bad always happens during car radio like I freking swear
Ella Cauler
Ella Cauler - 6 years ago

this is not what happened. this is not true. i mean, the event happened and he did crowd surf. he did. but tyler was not attacked.
here is video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFxJgszpcww
i'll still explain.
so, car radio was playing and tyler had bbc set tower that he would climb and sing. but there was a problem; there was no path. so tyler decided that he should crowd surf (being the creative little muffin he is). so he did this. TYLER. WAS. NOT. ATTACKED. the clique was not alone in this festival. there were plenty of drunk/high people in the crowd, too. so the ripped shirt? it was the fans trying to hold onto him and lift him off the ground. his shoe? it fell off. a fan grabbed it accidently, and tyler was off before the fan could return his shoe (i think it got returned after the show). he fell down? it's because towards the back, younger and drunk/high people weren't strong enough to carry him, and he fell. him calling for josh? it was for his own safety, and for the others who had fallen too, because of the drunk/high people who toppled over them. him screaming "get off!"? same thing. he climbed up the tower, and you can see tyler bend over. he's listening to his little ear radio. bbc tells him that they have to stop the show, since they went over their time limit. that's why he yells to josh to tell him that the show is over, and they have to cut it. you can hear tyler say "thank you very much" and "we've been twenty one pilots thank you very much". he even flexes! TYLER IS FINE!
the video i listed does a much better job of describing what really happened.
rejecter - 6 years ago
i’d honestly sock somebody next to me in the pit if i saw them hit tyler or harm him
Alexandria Rake
Alexandria Rake - 6 years ago
Omg.. when I heard him tell josh.. I can’t event breathe I’m crying so hard..
Yeemo Cringe Productions TM
Yeemo Cringe Productions TM - 6 years ago
I don’t usually say I hate people, but I hate those people. What they did was brutal. I hate disrespecting members of the clique, but the crowd at this show (the people who did this) are wild animals.
s e v i t
s e v i t - 6 years ago
Is there closer angle? Time stamp?
Roe Roe's Show
Roe Roe's Show - 6 years ago
Josh should of helped him
Roe Roe's Show
Roe Roe's Show - 6 years ago
Fuck them you guys are gurcs
Canadian Railfan
Canadian Railfan - 6 years ago
This is absolutely awful. Those people are fucking insane why would you do that to an innocent person
Mãfįå Jøşęph
Mãfįå Jøşęph - 6 years ago
Джошик волнуется
Это так мило :333
Skye Hope
Skye Hope - 6 years ago
He crowded surfed on his stomach...he left a piece of himself at that venue...Then he said never again. My poor precious smol bean.
This is Adam
This is Adam - 6 years ago
I am so confused why was it going ladidadida at the end
Rachael Blossom
Rachael Blossom - 6 years ago
y’all thinking tyler said josh when in reality tyler was screaming “get off” makes it even more sad though
I write memes not fanfics
I write memes not fanfics - 6 years ago
Josh was playing hard on the drums

when Josh gets worried he plays the drums hard

jannis joplin
jannis joplin - 6 years ago
stupid fuck
Owl 463
Owl 463 - 6 years ago
I don't think Josh really knew how out of hand it was getting tbh. Tyler crowd surfs all the time it must have looked normal from so far away
matildaedna - 6 years ago
You could hear Tyler screaming for help and it broke my heart
Lorelie Hau Ngo
Lorelie Hau Ngo - 6 years ago
this is why you don't go crowd surfing
Allina Yea
Allina Yea - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for both of them. Tyler got attacked by the people that supposedly love him, and josh just had to watch his bestfriend and bandmate get hurt.
Sade._. - 6 years ago
I haven't even seen what happens yet but reading comments I'm ticked off!!!!!
Appliance Service Central
Appliance Service Central - 6 years ago

Who heard tyler scream JOSH!!! I wonder how sacred tyler was when that happened
Chill Qeen
Chill Qeen - 6 years ago
When I watch this: how dare they!!!! When other people watch this: that’s rude
sonic 3
sonic 3 - 6 years ago
The Dank Panda
The Dank Panda - 6 years ago
WashYourHands - 6 years ago
Brendon urie EMO
Brendon urie EMO - 6 years ago
Ok why reading festival like this happened to Tyler and Brendon got knocked out by a bottle
Elise - 6 years ago
I know this was a while ago, but it messes me up seeing josh look so concerned but just having to keep playing because he literally can’t do anything
Dani Universe
Dani Universe - 6 years ago
Why did I just now find this. This poor bean D:
Question Mark
Question Mark - 6 years ago
This is extremely late but honestlt. Josh and Tyler didn't deserve that. I felt bad for Josh because he had to watch his best friend suffer through that and he couldn't stop preforming. Tyler 100% didn't deserve to suffer like that either. I feel really bad for him.

You could see how worried Josh was as soon as they started messing with Tyler.
Luke Callaghan
Luke Callaghan - 6 years ago
This makes me really sad because he's dealing with all of these suicidal thoughts and we are supposed to support him through his tough times and all of the people who "love him" steal from him, and beat him up like he is just a doll. Please people, he deserves much more than to be ripped up by his "dedicated fans" for creating this beautiful and meaningful music.
I’m just your average band trash
I’m just your average band trash - 6 years ago
I was at that concert. There weren’t enough people to hold tyler, so when he started to fall, they tried grabbing him, and ripped his shirt. Someone got pushed and spilled their drink on Tyler. Some guy accidentally took his shoe off while trying to grab Tyler, and then later yelled “i have Tyler Josephs shoe!” So he was not attacked, he was just falling from the lack of people helping. And then they tried to help him, and in the process made it look like they attacked him. But they really didnt.
becky smith
becky smith - 6 years ago
Reading is sh*t now they hardly play any rock anymore(for a rock festival), and the crowd has no respect for the artists bottling them and now this. This is really disgraceful I feel so sorry for tyler, I mean what crowd attacks! someone
Jeff Wahl
Jeff Wahl - 6 years ago
Josh:oh god
21Panic!Pilots - 6 years ago
Poor Tyler, like if you agree
Margarétka Jančárová
Margarétka Jančárová - 6 years ago
I am watching this again in 2018 and when I heard him screaming for help I started to cry.
heyitscas - 6 years ago
Fuck everyone who disrespectfully tore off his clothing and blatantly harassed him.

Not cool guys. Not cool.
Sunset vibes
Sunset vibes - 6 years ago
Oh my God Tyler was screaming for help NOOOOOO
Sunset vibes
Sunset vibes - 6 years ago
OMG my poor Tyler!!!
Drew - 6 years ago
him getting up there with dre playing after that shit show is probably the most baller ass thing ive ever seen
Trash Tried
Trash Tried - 6 years ago
chester - 6 years ago
bruh how was this 2 years ago
Superpig63 AJ
Superpig63 AJ - 6 years ago
Idk how you could even attack them like wtf theyre like the sweetest things ever
latvianyeet - 6 years ago
Neo The Hedgehog
Neo The Hedgehog - 6 years ago
3:16 that dance always made me think, just lean and relax
Bug - 6 years ago
You can hear is agonized screams and cries. I’m not okay.
Cuppa Tea
Cuppa Tea - 6 years ago
The saddest part is... he will never get his shoe back. *sheds tear*
SantiTheSeahorse - 6 years ago
1:44 :(
GRACE CAPUTO - 6 years ago
Tyler screaming Josh just my heart break.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
rip tylers shirt
Madison Gossett
Madison Gossett - 6 years ago
rant warning
This is so disrespectful It absolutely disgusts me when idiotic teenagers don’t understand that celebrities are people too. Tyler only wanted to get to the stage. This gives the clique a bad reputation. I’m sure that half those kids were just there to get drunk. He really trusted these kids but they didn’t give a damn. This is so fucking disappointing.
ליזבתרוזה - 6 years ago
Hay papá!!!! 7u7 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hazme mil hijos now XD
june - 6 years ago
dios pobre tyler y josh que tampoco pude hacer nada :( encima se reían en su cara de verdad ellos no se merecen nada de eso
Genie Christensen
Genie Christensen - 6 years ago
Then he shows up full fucking beast mode on that podium. Legendary shit right there.
Clifford the vulture Steve
Clifford the vulture Steve - 6 years ago
What idiots try to pull him down
Mimi.icons AJ
Mimi.icons AJ - 6 years ago
Allegra1510 - 6 years ago
I actually got goosebumps and chills from watching this. I can’t believ the amount of disrespect towards him. Like I honestly feel so bad. People come and ruin the show. He does something special like crowd surfing then people just come and ruin it. Seriously!
INeedANewName - 6 years ago
Fucking Englanders
AXEMURDER19 - 6 years ago
what actually happened is that teens that are like 16 just arent stron enough to hold him up. And then he fell down on top of the teens. You can hear them screaming. Then people tried to put him back up, and his shirt ripped. There was also a drunk guy near those teens. And he started getting aggressive so Tyler yelled "BACK OFF" so the guy wont hurt the teens. And he didnt cut the show short. The managers of the show were telling him through his earpiece "You're going overtime!! You need to end the show already!" And so he ended it.
Johnathan Morgan Productions
Johnathan Morgan Productions - 6 years ago
Was that one of their songs playing after Tyler climbed to safety?
Fairyfire27 - 6 years ago
One minute of silence for: the tyler s shoe. The shirt. And the mask :‘(
K - 6 years ago
wow, so fucked up people is like this...BUT two things make me happy Ono: u can see how Josh freaked out and thats true love there man, and Two: Tyler climbing on top of the thing like a champion... damn boi.
Castial Bolte
Castial Bolte - 6 years ago

This is the REAL story of what happened on this night...from a person that was there. Rest assured when you see this you'll understand. Please watch.

But mind you, it's still not cool. #respectfortylerjoseph
t-gay - 6 years ago
who dare attack mah smol bean
Smithermemes - 6 years ago
You could hear him yell josh!! That’s terrible
Vik - 6 years ago
0:10 lol that guy flipped us off
kam zzz
kam zzz - 6 years ago
i hate when people do things like this. Tyler deserved it better
David Born
David Born - 6 years ago

Holy shit. You can see those scumbags actually pull and tear his shirt. They should have been kicked off the festival immediately...
zephyrr - 6 years ago
man I feel so bad for both of them
adriana silvis
adriana silvis - 6 years ago
omg i feel so bad for Tyler :(
slavette - 6 years ago
english alcoholics
Kassy Marie
Kassy Marie - 6 years ago
Y'all rude for that....
Niamh Murray
Niamh Murray - 6 years ago
You could actually hear people yelling stop it and are you alright
Abigail Alonso
Abigail Alonso - 6 years ago
00:30 retarded taking his mask off
00:58 retarded 2 ripping his shirt

seriously?? I mean, are you f*ckin' serious?? Tyler didn't deserve that
;( I can only imagine Josh sitting there, frustrated, terrified, mad, watching as his best friend was being attacked and he couldn't do anything.
stayalivefrensforme - 6 years ago
Josh just had to watch his best fren get shredded that's awful
Kaitlin Kampers
Kaitlin Kampers - 6 years ago
The night before Tyler said “We did it.”
Now that’s gone to
“We’re done.”
I’m so disappointed
Karys Harrison
Karys Harrison - 6 years ago
People have this all wrong. He didn't stop the show early and he wasn't attacked. His shoe had fallen off and wasn't taken off. His shirt was ripped from people trying to get him back on top of the crowd. They were ten minutes over time so they had to stop the show.
Karys Harrison
Karys Harrison - 6 years ago
Oml he wasn't fucking attacked.
That kid on YouTube
That kid on YouTube - 6 years ago
I hate when people show no respect for the people they chose to see
Sipping _Chlorine
Sipping _Chlorine - 6 years ago
Poor Tyler. He did not deserve that.
Castiel Novak
Castiel Novak - 6 years ago
What the fuck is up with Britain being so aggressive at concerts? Like first Brendon urie gets knocked out now this?
Alee Belle
Alee Belle - 6 years ago
I just realized that you can see josh's eyeshadow smudged and almost dripping at 2:31...
Lemon Milk
Lemon Milk - 6 years ago
It almost seemed like Josh was about to bust the drums. It's truly heartbreaking. You could tell Josh was REALLY worried for him.
Sophia Bobia
Sophia Bobia - 6 years ago
o _ o
o _ o - 6 years ago
From what show was that also poor Tyler rip
Beebos_giantForehead 101
Beebos_giantForehead 101 - 6 years ago
Lilian K a full bottle hit him in the head and knocked him out at Reading and Leeds in 2006
Lilian K
Lilian K - 6 years ago
Beebos_giantForehead 101 what happened to b?
Bodie Clarke
Bodie Clarke - 6 years ago
This was F'd up but seriously can everyone treat Tyler like human being and not call him bean or what ever he didn't deserve this but he's not your dog
Ballmuncher 7000
Ballmuncher 7000 - 6 years ago
At 0:59 you can see the heartless sack pull Tyler's shirt... man my heart fades when I see him getting hurt. If you like someone, you wouldn't want them to get hurt... SO WHY HURT HIM?
•obsessive• - 6 years ago
oml i remember watching this live on TV and my mum (she likes tøp aswell) and i we were so shocked and confused for what had happened then we felt so sorry for poor tyjo :(
Holdingontobrooklyn - 6 years ago
Did he scream Josh or get off?
Holdingontobrooklyn - 6 years ago
Josh looks so concerned
Holdingontobrooklyn - 6 years ago
the clique is way too fucking crazy to stage dive
Abby1500 1048
Abby1500 1048 - 6 years ago
I actually cried during this. “Fans” are so disrespectful. They bring it all for them and this is the Thanks they get.
sweet sweetie
sweet sweetie - 6 years ago
i want to cry... i feel so bad fro him
Ode To Spaghetti
Ode To Spaghetti - 6 years ago
Omg I was so close to crying this made me so sad!! ;-; he did not deserve that
Blurryface snatched My wig
Blurryface snatched My wig - 6 years ago
WHO WOULD DO DAT!! ATTACK MY BABY BOY!! Josh was probably trying so hard to stay calm and not beat the crap out of whoever did dat
Pwner 1492
Pwner 1492 - 6 years ago
he wasn't attacked and he didn't end the show early
the younger audience wasn't strong enough to hold him up and there were drunk people who couldn't help the younger audience
the reason why the show ended is because it took overtime for him to get to the scaffolding (he ends the show after listening to his earpiece because they told him it was overtime)
tyler wouldn't just decide to end the show early. christians are taught to put others over themselves (not saying anything against anyone else), and it is shown in his shows
he cares for his fans, even if they actually purposely attack him
Kayla Wegner
Kayla Wegner - 6 years ago
people are such shit heads and Tyler had to scream out for Josh and people were says get up you're alright wtf
josh dun
josh dun - 6 years ago
I love how calm josh was. People need to calm down.
semi automatic
semi automatic - 6 years ago
Illuminati - chan
Illuminati - chan - 6 years ago
this gave me an anxiety attack hhh
Tre Weise
Tre Weise - 6 years ago
He screamed for josh. It broke my heart
sc_rlette - 6 years ago
how do y’all hear “back off” or “Josh” to me it sounds like he’s saying “kyah” 1:44
sc_rlette - 6 years ago
lol this is why I hate crowd surfing
Tylers Jumpsūit
Tylers Jumpsūit - 6 years ago
@ 1:44 "jOSH"
Jozé Dlc
Jozé Dlc - 6 years ago
Siento feo :(
Cómo le pueden hacer eso? T.T
Zoe Pertzborn
Zoe Pertzborn - 6 years ago
I fucking hate this video. What kind of fucking respect is this. I’m pissed every single time I watch this. #respectfortylerjoseph
t ø p p ! a t d m c r
t ø p p ! a t d m c r - 6 years ago
You can hear Tyler yelling, omg I'm crying.
t ø p p ! a t d m c r
t ø p p ! a t d m c r - 6 years ago
This is disgusting. Why would people do that to Tyler? He's an human being too ya know. That is wrong.
Don’t sub To me
Don’t sub To me - 6 years ago
get fucked bitch
Leonardo Carolo
Leonardo Carolo - 6 years ago
We are twenty one pliots, and so are you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Epephanie LaBoy
Epephanie LaBoy - 6 years ago
Josh got piiiiiiiiissed he was drumming so hard
libby gomo
libby gomo - 6 years ago
i hate this so much
Kermit - 6 years ago
He was not attacked at least on purpose he was not their were girls and teens at the back quite young and drunk etc people back there who could not hold him up and they fell since their were kids and teens Tyler tried to get up off them and was hurt in the process his shirt and shoes and hat was pulled when falling and the reason they ended it was because they ran out of time not because of Ruthless fans (most were not just drunk GROWN men) and the drunk people did not help they kept him and the teens down
Char Love
Char Love - 6 years ago
at 1:44 did he scream josh
Onk M
Onk M - 6 years ago
Jab ox
Jab ox - 6 years ago
Never crowd surf on your front. Or in a crowd of drunk guys.
Pug productions
Pug productions - 6 years ago
I cannot stand when “fans” do shit like this
priscilla - 6 years ago
ok. am i the only one who saw him flex when he got on the tower ?
Aaron Sanz
Aaron Sanz - 6 years ago
It’s the fucking brits mate! They’re fucking retarded!!!!
i̶t̶s̶ e̶d̶i̶t̶h̶
i̶t̶s̶ e̶d̶i̶t̶h̶ - 6 years ago
I swear those people are animals yeah sure a pat on the back and and a high five or something but that's ridiculous
Maya - 6 years ago
This is not what happened! I was very close, close enough to have a good look and to hear what was happening. The audience around where he begun to crowdsurf was not strong enough. Tyler sunk and they attempted to pull him up. This ripped his shirt. There was only one drunk guy but the kids and teens were pretty good at keeping Tyler away from him. The guy kept hitting Them and touching them so that he could hold Tyler that's why you can hear Tyler yelling.
jasmine - 6 years ago
kimkartaeshian - 6 years ago
Tarcher 22 they actually didn’t finish the show early, apparently their manager told him over his earpiece that they were already going overtime so they had to end the show ^^
but you’re right, some people like that drunk guy were being disrespectful
Tarcher - 6 years ago
If it was just that, I feel like he wouldn’t have ended the show like that...I don’t think he was “attacked”, but I think some people were definitely disrespectful. That’s why it’s such a bad idea to crowd surf, I suppose...
Robotic Raptor
Robotic Raptor - 6 years ago
People were trying to Tyler back up, and his shirt ripped. (That’s what I get from Maya’s comment anyway.) Shirts are quite easy to rip (or at least what looks to be the type of Tyler’s shirt) especially in stressful situations like that.
Lankfordmath - 6 years ago
But when did his shirt get ripped???
Tøxic Nightmare
Tøxic Nightmare - 6 years ago
Poor bean. But even after, he still thanked everyone for coming out. He's so sweet, and he didn't deserved to be attacked.
Randomly Casual
Randomly Casual - 6 years ago
he doesn’t seem mad
squoosh - 6 years ago
You can tell that Josh was so concerned Tyler looks so scared
Lordfarquabs I I
Lordfarquabs I I - 6 years ago
Hearing Tyler in actual fear and in desperate need for help hurts me so much. His little voice crying for help is so sad ||-//
R - 6 years ago
can someone please tell me what the second song is? Like the one at the end, tyler didn't sing it was just a tune
Jac 098123
Jac 098123 - 6 years ago
its really dumb how people are saying he should have not ended the concert early. he was getting hurt and if he aint in the mood respect it piss off
Wolf Chick
Wolf Chick - 6 years ago
Mad Respect
• •DinoMcPiLoT• ••\••
• •DinoMcPiLoT• ••\•• - 6 years ago
These type of people are the ones we need to call fake fans.
Justin gaming 01
Justin gaming 01 - 6 years ago
To all the individuals who attacked him and you know who u are , y’all suck and are a big problem to this band , if I were them I wouldn’t come back to ur city ever again , respect them
Kat311 - 6 years ago
Josh was playing but kept hisneyes on tyler all the time
Johnna Stewart
Johnna Stewart - 6 years ago
If Josh was down there stuff would've gotten BAD
Colin Moments
Colin Moments - 6 years ago
Just so everyone knows, FANS DIDNT ATTACK. What happened is it turned into a mosh pit, so there was hardly anyone holding him up in the back. You can see everyone falling. They grabbed him anyway they could so he didn’t fall and get himself, why his shirt was ripped. It wasn’t malicious. He even said so. They said we have to be done bc they were 10 min over the limit. The shoe was not taken off, it fell off and by then he was past the person that found it so he couldn’t get it back. I’m saying this so nobody decides to not go to a concert in case this happens. The “get off me” was not him, it’s the fans because he fell on top of them.
Kassandra Adams
Kassandra Adams - 6 years ago
him just climbing up he just looks so tired poor guy
samantha lyons
samantha lyons - 6 years ago
Ok but these venues shouldn’t allow alcohol because people get out of hand and do things like this. Tyler didn’t deserve this
Jeffrey Klima
Jeffrey Klima - 6 years ago
Proved to be false. Video should be removed
your creepy emo cousin
your creepy emo cousin - 6 years ago
Am i the only one who was kind of trying not to laugh? I mean its such a shit show its kind of funny...sorry...i mean he was okay tho so i guess its ok
Nico TØP
Nico TØP - 6 years ago
PANIC! AT THE FANDOMS - 6 years ago
I can’t fucking believe people sometimes, what the hell was wrong with these people
Vxnilla Mxlk
Vxnilla Mxlk - 6 years ago
I'm so disappointed. Poor baby. They all need to calm down.
evelyn denise
evelyn denise - 6 years ago
i heard it wasn’t even the clique, this is fucking disgusting.
jessica barsati
jessica barsati - 6 years ago
“josh we gotta be done”
Wandaful - 6 years ago
1:44 was that Tyler screaming 'JOSH!!!'?????????
Wandaful - 6 years ago
Those 325 dislikes are from the ripped-off pieces of Tyler's shirt
Wandaful - 6 years ago
I think the title should've been 'Tyler Joseph gets CONSUMED by crowd'
Wandaful - 6 years ago
You can see how worried Josh was
Canned Bread
Canned Bread - 6 years ago
0:47 wtf is that Tyler's shoe or did someone take their shoe off
Luna Games200
Luna Games200 - 6 years ago
i literally started screaming when he started to fall

and then when it showed that his shirt was completely ripped i was like 'oh my god, they're really aggressive'
ash. - 6 years ago
why do i watch these sad sad things??
Iconic Doof
Iconic Doof - 6 years ago
Poor baby
Brianna Robertson
Brianna Robertson - 6 years ago
Maria Rosana Barrios Vargas
Maria Rosana Barrios Vargas - 6 years ago
lA CONCHA DE LA LORA A TYLER ¡NO! LPM NO SOMOS ESE TIPO DE FANDOM ¡NO LO SOMOS CARAJO! *ganas de aplastat la cabeza de los pajeros culpables*
Slash Zadkins
Slash Zadkins - 6 years ago
Am I the only one that laughed when they started playing the snoop dog meme
Mr. Yeet
Mr. Yeet - 6 years ago
*Tyler gets to top of tower*

Mission passed
Alectora - 6 years ago
Watching this for the first time I had to stop it every five seconds because I was so scared to see him hurt...
(I also want to say please don’t blame it on Brits, we are not all barbarians...)
Peter parkers ass
Peter parkers ass - 6 years ago
Milai - 6 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I still have a concern for Tyler's safety and all that.
But it's sadder for me when I saw Josh looking at Tyler. He's got like anxiety and he probably didn't know what to do to help his friend
beebosandvirtues - 6 years ago
Allie - 6 years ago
He must of been so embarrassed
Level X
Level X - 6 years ago
I love how he flexes at the end, a massive fuck you to them, kinda like, "yeah I got through"
Amyachan Moore
Amyachan Moore - 6 years ago
poor josh he didn't know what to do
Deborah - 6 years ago
i guess thats why he stopped crowd surfing
Natalie Bloop
Natalie Bloop - 6 years ago
Reasons people shouldn't allowed to get drunk at concerts. TØP concerts anyway
jamie skeleton
jamie skeleton - 6 years ago
Honestly its sad to think the fans would do that... And you can see how worried josh is and how much he wants to help tyler..
Kinza Ahmed
Kinza Ahmed - 6 years ago
Ok but why does Josh look like a Mexican wrestler with some cheesy name like "The Nacho"
Huntley - 6 years ago
Tyler "Oh sh*t, I'm not going back..."
Kaiya Mancinelli
Kaiya Mancinelli - 6 years ago
1:22 who had the flip phone
Alanna The llama
Alanna The llama - 6 years ago
At 1:44 you can hear how scarred Tyler is as he called for josh I’m going to cry
Alanna The llama
Alanna The llama - 6 years ago
You can tell josh is scared for Tyler because he is beating in his drums really hard
vikingv45 - 6 years ago
Bah... He should've hit people with his microphone and jumped off the thing he was standing on.
cut my nip
cut my nip - 6 years ago
It’s been like two years and i still come back to this.

it was Tylers fault, he wanted to get to the tall tower. the fans were intoxicated as hell and they WERE helping tyler, but ripped his shirt in the process. i agree tho some were being rude by yelling in the mic
SpookyDoggo - 6 years ago
I only disliked this because I did not like how they were mean to him
Amelia Danielle
Amelia Danielle - 6 years ago
Tyler trusted us. And the fans there hurt him in return. Does anybody care how much damage that can do to someone mentally. If he didn't make it out safely and let's say broke his arm that could have ended all live shows
Gracie Morrison
Gracie Morrison - 6 years ago
0:10 that guy on the right was flipping someone off lmao
Madison - 6 years ago
Tyler didn’t get attacked by fans. I’ve talked to someone at the show and know a friend who went and he wasn’t attacked. Tyler was crowd surfing with a bunch of teenagers and drunk guys. The teenagers couldn’t hold him up and he fell. His shirt was ripped because the drunk guys who were holding on to him and the clique members were trying to get him back up. His shoe fell off while surfing as well. He screamed get off and josh because he fell on a bunch of teenagers and the drunk guys were grabbing him. He wasn’t attacked but rather made a tiny mistake but we still love him so who cares ❤️❤️❤️ watch olithegays video
Tayo Odebunmi
Tayo Odebunmi - 6 years ago
Oh... so that's why he said never crowd surf on your front...
Magicial Nell nell
Magicial Nell nell - 6 years ago
Autumn Baggett
Autumn Baggett - 6 years ago
I'm sorry Tyler! I understand why you have to be careful. Love you Tyler.
im emo Trash11
im emo Trash11 - 6 years ago
My baby smol bean I'm just happy he made it out safe
Snaps do Edukof Amenic
Snaps do Edukof Amenic - 6 years ago
Kamil Wrobel
Kamil Wrobel - 6 years ago
Okay, just to clear up some things because some people are still confused. Tyler wasn't assaulted, the crowd didn't pull him down to rip his clothes and steal his shoe etc. They just struggled to keep him up as many of them were either teenagers or drunk. For full info on the situation watch this video https://youtu.be/AFxJgszpcww, the person was actually there and saw what happend.
THATguy 22
THATguy 22 - 6 years ago
Although this was a year ago, Tyler climbing at 2:45 after getting through that crowd is probably the most badass thing I’ve ever seen.
Chicken Squad
Chicken Squad - 6 years ago
Silly Goose
Splashstorm04 - 6 years ago
this makes me soo mad!?!
BeanieOnEdge - 6 years ago
Bro that sucks. People love someone but they can’t respect them in person. And they attack them and they tear their clothes apart. They become selfish and don’t realize what harm they’re doing.
Kamil Wrobel
Kamil Wrobel - 6 years ago
BeanieOnEdge The crowd didn't attack him, watch olithegay, https://youtu.be/AFxJgszpcww... in the video he explains what actually happend... This video is really misleading and not properly researched.
polerizethus I
polerizethus I - 7 years ago
That's when you know your famous
ZachTheGamer 812
ZachTheGamer 812 - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ people are crazy that’s one thing i would hate about being famous is reaching out to a crowd and people just ripping me apart like zombies like holy shit he came out half way alive.
Kamil Wrobel
Kamil Wrobel - 6 years ago
Watch this https://youtu.be/AFxJgszpcww, this video is really misleading.
Kaylee Ann
Kaylee Ann - 7 years ago
This is when he said he crowd surfed on his stomach and it went horribly
LickMyPussy - 7 years ago
No my bean must be safe
sasha the emo sorceress
sasha the emo sorceress - 7 years ago
Ok but like hella respect for Josh for continuing to play during the commotion. He kept his cool. Good job dude.
chloescoffin - 7 years ago
lol k
Hxlden Caulfield
Hxlden Caulfield - 7 years ago
VenusBlue - 7 years ago
Fuck, That Kind Of Scared Me When He Just Appeared There, Climbing Up That Poll.
Foxthorix - 7 years ago
In the beginning this kid Flipped off the camera
Rylee The default420
Rylee The default420 - 7 years ago
This is the type of crap you see on a cartoon not irl like wth
october band productions
october band productions - 7 years ago
Guys, I was just as upset as you guys, but they were not attacked. Take it from a person who was there. Teenagers couldn’t hold him up and were being trampled by drunk men and high guys. Tyler’s clothes were ripped because fans were trying to hold him up, plus the drunk people.
october band productions
october band productions - 7 years ago
Also, I heard “get up” from Tyler because supposedly crazy and drunk people were falling on young teenage girls, squashing them, not to mention Tyler being shoved around by other careless people. Not all were trying to harm him.
gee it's grace
gee it's grace - 7 years ago
josh is just like "I'll keep drumming"
Mr.Alpaca - 7 years ago
Snoop dog
Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan - 7 years ago
MY BEAN!!!!!
Ashley Tremblay
Ashley Tremblay - 7 years ago
What song was playing in the beginning
Totally Not A Furry
Totally Not A Furry - 7 years ago
He wasn't attacked, they're clearly struggling to hold him up
little louie
little louie - 7 years ago
When he yelled JOSH I started crying.
Carlee Desborough
Carlee Desborough - 7 years ago
He ain't gonna crowed surf again, poor guy that would suck
WolfBlood3900 - 7 years ago
WolfBlood3900 - 7 years ago
Twenty Øne Piløts are best
Joshua Perea
Joshua Perea - 7 years ago
I think they broke tyler
Daisy Gardiner
Daisy Gardiner - 7 years ago
people disgust me sometimes
Kamil Wrobel
Kamil Wrobel - 6 years ago
https://youtu.be/AFxJgszpcww, the video explains what actually happened, this video is very misleading.
Daisy Gardiner
Daisy Gardiner - 7 years ago
3:28 the concern on his face :((
Twenty - 7 years ago
i get goosebumps listening to the bass
Cheyenne Dodds
Cheyenne Dodds - 7 years ago
I don't like that they did that .tyler really cares for the clique and for him to crowd surf he really trusts the clique but for ppl to go and disown him like that make me mad he didn't deserve any of that that poor bean he just wanted to give them a great concert and trust his fans but he couldn't trust that crowed of ppl that makes me sad to think about oh well that's just my opinion of course.
Kamil Wrobel
Kamil Wrobel - 6 years ago
https://youtu.be/AFxJgszpcww, the video explains what actually happened there. Tyler did not get assaulted.
Kiera David
Kiera David - 7 years ago
The people in this video aren't fans. They aren't part of the Clique. This is at Reading festival in the UK which is where a lot of different bands and artists play over the course of a few days. People basically go to have a good time and get drunk. The people in this video did not go to the festival to see Twenty One Pilots specifically. 99% of them are drunk teenagers who probably thought this whole thing was a laugh.
David Z
David Z - 7 years ago
Actually, he looks pretty good like that ...
ignorant - 7 years ago
At 1:25 im the only one that thinks josh llokswa bit concerned while playing the drums?
Fidel RMZ
Fidel RMZ - 6 years ago
Obviously nOt
Huge Disappointment
Huge Disappointment - 6 years ago
Because he probably is
• •DinoMcPiLoT• ••\••
• •DinoMcPiLoT• ••\•• - 6 years ago
ignorant no,he is tense and looking in the crowd for Ty....its so sad my heart hurts..
winsome rain
winsome rain - 7 years ago
I felt so anxious for the first time ever and it was awful, and I wasn’t even there. To see someone I look up to so disrespected by his own fans is disgusting. Please please be respectful to people.
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
Olah :'v
ahke 247
ahke 247 - 7 years ago
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
Lautaro :v Villalba jsjsj
ahke 247
ahke 247 - 7 years ago
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
Lautaro :v Villalba ia lo vi :vv
ahke 247
ahke 247 - 7 years ago
Ola pvtos :v
ahke 247
ahke 247 - 7 years ago
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
Lautaro :v Villalba ajzjisnzlsoam biolasion
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
Belen Acuña
Belen Acuña - 7 years ago
ahke 247
ahke 247 - 7 years ago
Me encontraste :v
Nahuel 04
Nahuel 04 - 7 years ago
Lautaro :v Villalba pero madre mía Willy qué haces aquí compañero
Nahuel 04
Nahuel 04 - 7 years ago
Lautaro :v Villalba pero madre mía Willy qué haces aquí compañero
Megoon - 7 years ago
One cool fact about josh. He starts drumming harder when he’s nervous and you can tell how nervous he is when he sits down in the middle of the video and starts drumming like his life depends on it. He does the same thing when Tyler climbs
Herculean Bleu
Herculean Bleu - 7 years ago
Josh must have been scared AF for his friend
¡Mark it gamer
¡Mark it gamer - 7 years ago
Literally josh was sit on silence
hailey emerson
hailey emerson - 7 years ago
When he yelled for Josh... I started crying. Oh my god.
Huge Disappointment
Huge Disappointment - 6 years ago
cønfetti tyler don't think it was Tyler
Derrick Leitch
Derrick Leitch - 7 years ago
Bo romb
Bo romb - 7 years ago
Why is josh steel drumming.... ITS HIS FLOPPING FRIEND
Bo romb
Bo romb - 7 years ago
When did he attackt
Bo romb
Bo romb - 7 years ago
Oh yeah i see it
Bo romb
Bo romb - 7 years ago
*attacked sorry
Ching Chong from Hong Kong Sucky sucky
Ching Chong from Hong Kong Sucky sucky - 7 years ago
Poor Tyler what did he do wrong nothing is the answer
Linoy Mirtsina
Linoy Mirtsina - 7 years ago
Candy Ackerman
Candy Ackerman - 7 years ago
All I can hear is Tyler screaming for help and Josh has no clue what to do
Morgandi Dennison
Morgandi Dennison - 7 years ago
TheGuavaArtist - 7 years ago
This is so uncomfortable for me to watch :(
constantly pissedat everyone and everything
constantly pissedat everyone and everything - 7 years ago
Me: watching him get pulled out
Jmck27 - 7 years ago
When Tyler screamed out for josh (1:44) I herd some guy say ‘Stop it, mate, your alright’. This is just horrible... I feel so bad to be part of the UK (Scotland, but it still counts)
just lola
just lola - 7 years ago
Seriously I want to cry
arctic pilots
arctic pilots - 7 years ago

When Tyler was in the crowd, he got into a bad spot. People lost their hold on him, and he started to fall. Because of that, everyone tried to rush in and hold him up. People were fighting and trying to keep away this one drunk guy (Tyler screamed back off at the drunk guy because he didn’t want us fans to get hurt). In that process, beers were spilled, he somehow lost his shoe in the mess (probably by someone holding his foot to keep him up, but since he was thrown around they accidentally pulled the shoe off), and while people were trying to hold him up they accidentally ripped his shirt. He had enough at the end, since he was thrown around, his outfit was messed up and he was told to end it because he was already going overtime. It was only a few people/one person who tried to “hurt” him, but the majority of the damage was made by people trying to save/help him. Teenagers aren’t that strong, it’s all just a misunderstanding. I know it’s hard right now, but we gotta have faith in the Clique.

Tyler is fucking strong. Have you seen his muscles? He must be heavy (muscle mass) for teenagers to hold up, no wonder he fell. He’s no wimp, he can very easily fight against teenagers, and he even has the attitude to protect himself. He may seem sweet and like an innocent little man, but he’s god damn tough and well-built. He makes so many sexual-innuendos and is not innocent at all. Josh if anyone is the innocent one, not the tough guy. Tyler would be the one to hurt a fly, not Josh. Crowd surfing isn’t easy, but Tyler can protect himself quite well, and Josh has anxiety, not knowing what was happening to his friend must’ve made him really anxious.
Thylis - 6 years ago
+Nicolioliravioli did you even read the comment? That's not what happened at all. Tyler FELL on those teenagers because they were too weak to hold him up. The reason why he (or someone else, not sure) screamed "back off" was because there were drunk guys trying to grab a hold of him and the teenagers. It was all a big misunderstanding, he wasn't attacked.
Nicolioliravioli - 6 years ago
arctic pilots no matter how strong you are, a whole huge crowd of people can easily hold you down, and you can’t literally hear him screaming for josh and saying “stop it,” it’s horrifying, how can you justify something like that??
izzy cooke
izzy cooke - 7 years ago
2:56 what is the name of this song
BasicOtaku Potato
BasicOtaku Potato - 7 years ago
yall wildin' LMAOOO

Tip: when he is crowd surfing, DONT FRICKIN EAT HIS CLOTHES OFF
Heidi Allen
Heidi Allen - 7 years ago
He's my bean. You hurt him. You deal with me. And another 1000000 people who like tøp!
Kevin - 7 years ago
Shouldn't crowd surf if you aren't prepared for this sorta thing though, like it's nothing new for clothes to go missing
tia wc
tia wc - 7 years ago
no wonder they haven't ended the hiatus.
Ariana - 7 years ago
I hate that Tyler got attacked but at least Josh got a solo moment
oodles.and.noodles - 7 years ago
I think when he yelled I dont think he yelled josh it sounds more like he yelled guard like calling for security guard for help
Charlene Canulette
Charlene Canulette - 7 years ago
And josh never stops the music......
Pink Sparker
Pink Sparker - 7 years ago
Whats the song they played in the aend
ashislame - 7 years ago
This makes me so sad :(
Aden Owlsey
Aden Owlsey - 7 years ago
The Last Piløt
The Last Piløt - 7 years ago
This really pisses me off... they had NO respect for Tyler, who has done so much for all of the clique, and I'm extremely disappointed in any clique members who did that to Tyler. (I'm aware that some weren't real fans and that it wasn't a TØP concert) I'm really upset at how they tore up his clothes, dropped him multiple times, yelled into his microphone, and did who knows what else. I hope that Tyler is okay now and that this never happens again. Like I said before, I'm extremely disappointed and mad.
burrito kitten
burrito kitten - 6 years ago
They were like 13 or 14 so the accidently dropped him and it wasnt their fault
Pink Sparker
Pink Sparker - 7 years ago
The look Josh gave Tyler at the end.
Edible Trash
Edible Trash - 7 years ago
It's sad but this is just how Britain treats others
fatima Shaikh
fatima Shaikh - 7 years ago
OMG they torn his tee shirt
W HATTTEVER - 7 years ago
His fricking shirt was completely cut
W HATTTEVER - 7 years ago
Brent Smith
Brent Smith - 7 years ago
Could anyone please tell me what the song is that they’re playing at 2:36?
Inactive - 7 years ago
Really, I'm from Leeds and we are not supposed to act like this. I'm disappointed to live here.
Mkay Maddie
Mkay Maddie - 7 years ago
Nicole Keff
Nicole Keff - 7 years ago
Holy crap! He screamed, “JOSH!” In that high pitched squeak scream thing..
Chloe Hampsey
Chloe Hampsey - 7 years ago
I love how he slowly sinks and someone takes his hat and josh still plays drums , but it was sad how Tyler had to scream Josh and his hat was stolen
fish - 7 years ago
That was ridiculous. I hate people who do that honestly. #RespectTyjo
Brendon Uries Lost Band Member
Brendon Uries Lost Band Member - 7 years ago
josh was hitting his drums harder when he was being attacked because he was nervous

true frenship
jazzmyne - 7 years ago
t e a r s
Helpless Lobster
Helpless Lobster - 7 years ago
That was sad, but that snoop dog at the end,
damariis chambergo
damariis chambergo - 7 years ago
Josh's face at 3:28 express all about his preocupation about this
Daniandphilu Xx
Daniandphilu Xx - 7 years ago
Donna Tock
Donna Tock - 7 years ago
Why did josh just started druming to snoop dogg
Amelia Quintero
Amelia Quintero - 7 years ago
Nicholas Fomchenko
Nicholas Fomchenko - 7 years ago
Omg I feel so bad for both ty and josh and how people were also still taking video of him when his shirt was ripped
Ella Mayo
Ella Mayo - 7 years ago
Omg that looked like it hurt I feel sorry for him those fans are so stupid!!
Azurite Galaxy
Azurite Galaxy - 7 years ago
crowd surfing looks so uncomfortable :0
Jacqueline Reyes
Jacqueline Reyes - 7 years ago
This is so petrifying to watch. In one video Josh says that whenever he is scared for Ty he hits the drums harder.I cried when poor Ty yelled JOSH at 1:44.It’s just so unbelievable that these people call themselves “fans” smh.Poor little bean. D;
My neck my back my panic at the disco rap Emo bitch
My neck my back my panic at the disco rap Emo bitch - 6 years ago
Jacqueline Reyes how do u know ty said that it just sounded like a voice idk lol
B *insert bee emoji here*
B *insert bee emoji here* - 6 years ago
It’s not him screaming tho u can tell by the voice. Also he’s a grown man not a ‘poor little bean’ don’t infantilise him lmao
jasmine - 6 years ago
That wasn’t Tylerrrrrrrrrrrrrr
løvely - 6 years ago
Jacqueline Reyes Tyler wasn't the one who yelled
i am too much of a fanatic
i am too much of a fanatic - 6 years ago
that isn't tyler lmao
road kill
road kill - 6 years ago
He sounds petrified when he yelled josh i could never even begin to think about that thats terrifying on both ends
Celine S42
Celine S42 - 6 years ago
Where did he say that? Do you know the name of the video?
TheBanditøKid - 6 years ago
TheBanditøKid - 6 years ago
Alyxwithoutthe 'e' it was ty
PippenandSmitty - 6 years ago
I think if it was Tyler he said get off...not josh lol
Alyxwithoutthe 'e'
Alyxwithoutthe 'e' - 6 years ago
+Diba Nazaliah we don't know but probably, he was scared so his voice was higher probably but we don't know
Moon Pilot
Moon Pilot - 6 years ago
I don't think that's Tyler
Diba Nazaliah
Diba Nazaliah - 6 years ago
Jacqueline Reyes wait that was Tyler, it didn’t sound like him
R/ Iamverysmart
R/ Iamverysmart - 7 years ago
XXX Aseel
XXX Aseel - 7 years ago
I'm so mad uhhhhh they ate him wtf
Roosa - 7 years ago
I'm obsessed 2:43-3:30
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 7 years ago
Fair play to him for at least carrying on to the podium, a lot of people would just call in security and leave
Corrie Bruning
Corrie Bruning - 7 years ago
I get that they want keepsakes. But he is still just a person. Attacking him is not the way to get positive attention from him. It's awful.
•Smol Chickens•
•Smol Chickens• - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for him.They even tore his shirt :'(. #RepsectForTylerJoseph
Emily's Old Account
Emily's Old Account - 7 years ago
Those people are obviously not fans. So disrespectful.
Nick Jones
Nick Jones - 7 years ago
Rip shirt
Melanie_ the human?
Melanie_ the human? - 7 years ago
Respects to Tyler for continuing the show calmly after LITERALLY TEARING HIS SHIRT OFF AND POURING BEER ALL OVER HIM :(
and when he said JOSH ;(
Allisøn S.
Allisøn S. - 7 years ago
ok but can we just talk about josh's drumming at 3:16 like wow
_stay_alive_ fren_
_stay_alive_ fren_ - 6 years ago
It’s cuz he’s worried about Tyler
He said he always drums harder when he’s worried about Tyler
Superpig63 AJ
Superpig63 AJ - 6 years ago
Allisøn S. He was hitting so hard because of how nervous he was for tyler
your boi
your boi - 7 years ago
I laughed when Josh was just looking out over the crowd when Tyler got attacked like "Staph, just don't."
Emily Monk
Emily Monk - 7 years ago
Hannah F.
Hannah F. - 5 years ago
I could hear how angrily he was drumming. I'd be upset too in that situation.
Elodie Lefebvre
Elodie Lefebvre - 6 years ago
CsJ interview to josh dun he said that around 6min don't thanks me
Celine S42
Celine S42 - 6 years ago
Which interview?
AaronLyons42069 - 6 years ago
Kristina Salazar
Kristina Salazar - 6 years ago
What is the interview ???
Madison - 6 years ago
Freaking Unicorn Zebra-McGiraffe yeah what’s the interview
tg72201 - 7 years ago
He does look cool as fuck triumphantly atop that little tower with the ripped shirt and nothing to hold on to.
brin berons
brin berons - 7 years ago
rip tyler . he needs space jesus fucc . that really gets on my nerves
Carlomagno - 7 years ago
Im happy now
Wheres Lauraa
Wheres Lauraa - 7 years ago
This makes me so mad. Look at him, he was a wreck, his pants were pulled off and his shirt was torn to pieces shame on you
dootr - 7 years ago
Most of you probably know this by now, but Tyler was NOT attacked. This person can probably explain it better than I can, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFxJgszpcww&feature=youtu.be , but I'll try my best.
Pretty much, Tyler had to crowd surf to his stand because the BBC cut off his entrance. In the front were a bunch of strong people that could have held him up, but as he got further to the back; more people back there were either teenagers or drunk/high. So he fell.
The reason his shirt was ripped was because people were struggling and trying to get him back up and hold him up again. His shoe fell off, and they did not cut the show short. You can see at one point when he's on his stand he leans over; the person in the video I linked explains that is because BBC said they were about seven or so minutes over time. Yes, he did scream for Josh. And yes, he did scream for them to get off of him. This is because most of the people on him were the drunk people in the back.
Panic! At the Chemical Fall Out Piløts
Panic! At the Chemical Fall Out Piløts - 7 years ago
Jish: Nu I must kep druming
Tyjo: *disappears into the crowd*
Jish: *drums*

Tyjo: *climbs tower*
Tyjo: jish I'm back
Dee Hhhh
Dee Hhhh - 7 years ago
"Were twenty one pilots and so r u!" Beautiful

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