Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
Surf 8 years ago 800,062 views
When Tyler went crowd surfing during Car Radio at the Reading and Leeds Festival, he was attacked by the crowd. They tore apart his shirt and took one of his shoes off. After climbing to safety, Tyler decides to stop the show early. #respectfortylerjoseph I DO NOT OWN THIS FOOTAGE ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO BBC
This video description is false..
Wasn't this in Winnipeg? And the arrived in like April?
I do know someone that was there so you can kindly leave these people alone
We're sharing opinions and you have no say in that so.
this. is. not. how. you. treat. anyone.
Kid in the upper right. That was the first sign that I knew this would be bad.
Tyler: im gonna die
10. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
20. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
30. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
Can someone please help me?
This is why we can’t have nice things
Also me: Thinks of My blood music video
50. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
Makes sense
#respectfortyler my dudes
tyler and his clothes literally got ripped to pieces by really disrespectful ppl, and hearing him shout Josh made me so sad.
and imagine being josh, your bestfriend getting manhandled in a crowd and u can't do anything about it.
this video just makes me really sad. #respectfortylerjoseph
What really made me mad was the guy intentionally ripping of tylers mask, like damn this is really fricking rude.
100. comment for Tyler Joseph Attacked While Crowd-Surfing at Reading and Leeds
#respectfortylerjoseph he even continued
Imagine how upset josh was
The fact that he saw his best fiend getting dragged down like that and hurt and he couldn’t do anything
He had to carry on playing
It hurts to know what they did to him
Shouting at him whilst ripping his shirt and grabbing at him
To think people have payed money to go and see him and then the did that and then he had to end the show, it’s actually disgusting
Thank you for clearing things up :)
I know it might seem like a cover up
I’m sorry
I read your comment wrong
I’m not with it at the moment
At first I saw it as them attacking him but now I’ve looked more into it
It was them just not being able to help him I guess
Yet you are choosing to reply to mine ? Why is that
Right all I’m saying is
He fell on the teenagers and then all the drunk guys landed on them
My mate was there and she broke her leg at the gig when then all fell
She was there so when I was saying he got dragged down he did
By and the drunk me and non clique members
I ain’t got time to argue so imma just not answer if you reply
With what would you disagree about what I stated?
Edit: He had to end the show because they went overtime :)
At the show I was at, they had fences by the bar so that the ones with the beer would not get into the pit and get drunk. Pretty smart.
The fans are already crazy enough as is (and some are drunk), then Tyler goes into the crowd so their even crazier. So just imagine how much worse it would’ve gotten if josh had went in too
Whoever hurt him is not a real fan!
Poor Tyler!
I feel so so bad for him!!!
Edit: Nevermind I did cry
Bad idea
These guys saved SO many lives, including mine.
If you don't like them, why are you even here?
---i don't think so. not these people
B- imagine what was going through his head because of the way he was treated during this because most would feel worthless and like they are just an object because humans shouldn’t be treated like that
So you have the young teens trying to hold josh up, drunk/high ones who were trying but couldn't or messing about along with the guys pulling him down. It was just really weird!
patrick star voice
Every other song: everything goes good and completely fine
Car radio starts: chaos starts
Car radio in the middle: josh accidentally breaks his drum kit
Car radio at the end: Tyler almost dies
This is just sum fake thing I made but somthing bad always happens during car radio like I freking swear
this is not what happened. this is not true. i mean, the event happened and he did crowd surf. he did. but tyler was not attacked.
here is video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFxJgszpcww
i'll still explain.
so, car radio was playing and tyler had bbc set tower that he would climb and sing. but there was a problem; there was no path. so tyler decided that he should crowd surf (being the creative little muffin he is). so he did this. TYLER. WAS. NOT. ATTACKED. the clique was not alone in this festival. there were plenty of drunk/high people in the crowd, too. so the ripped shirt? it was the fans trying to hold onto him and lift him off the ground. his shoe? it fell off. a fan grabbed it accidently, and tyler was off before the fan could return his shoe (i think it got returned after the show). he fell down? it's because towards the back, younger and drunk/high people weren't strong enough to carry him, and he fell. him calling for josh? it was for his own safety, and for the others who had fallen too, because of the drunk/high people who toppled over them. him screaming "get off!"? same thing. he climbed up the tower, and you can see tyler bend over. he's listening to his little ear radio. bbc tells him that they have to stop the show, since they went over their time limit. that's why he yells to josh to tell him that the show is over, and they have to cut it. you can hear tyler say "thank you very much" and "we've been twenty one pilots thank you very much". he even flexes! TYLER IS FINE!
the video i listed does a much better job of describing what really happened.
Это так мило :333
when Josh gets worried he plays the drums hard
Who heard tyler scream JOSH!!! I wonder how sacred tyler was when that happened
You could see how worried Josh was as soon as they started messing with Tyler.
Not cool guys. Not cool.
This is so disrespectful It absolutely disgusts me when idiotic teenagers don’t understand that celebrities are people too. Tyler only wanted to get to the stage. This gives the clique a bad reputation. I’m sure that half those kids were just there to get drunk. He really trusted these kids but they didn’t give a damn. This is so fucking disappointing.
Hazme mil hijos now XD
This is the REAL story of what happened on this night...from a person that was there. Rest assured when you see this you'll understand. Please watch.
But mind you, it's still not cool. #respectfortylerjoseph
Holy shit. You can see those scumbags actually pull and tear his shirt. They should have been kicked off the festival immediately...
00:58 retarded 2 ripping his shirt
seriously?? I mean, are you f*ckin' serious?? Tyler didn't deserve that
;( I can only imagine Josh sitting there, frustrated, terrified, mad, watching as his best friend was being attacked and he couldn't do anything.
Now that’s gone to
“We’re done.”
I’m so disappointed
the younger audience wasn't strong enough to hold him up and there were drunk people who couldn't help the younger audience
the reason why the show ended is because it took overtime for him to get to the scaffolding (he ends the show after listening to his earpiece because they told him it was overtime)
tyler wouldn't just decide to end the show early. christians are taught to put others over themselves (not saying anything against anyone else), and it is shown in his shows
he cares for his fans, even if they actually purposely attack him
Cómo le pueden hacer eso? T.T
but you’re right, some people like that drunk guy were being disrespectful
People were trying to Tyler back up, and his shirt ripped. (That’s what I get from Maya’s comment anyway.) Shirts are quite easy to rip (or at least what looks to be the type of Tyler’s shirt) especially in stressful situations like that.
and then when it showed that his shirt was completely ripped i was like 'oh my god, they're really aggressive'
Mission passed
(I also want to say please don’t blame it on Brits, we are not all barbarians...)
But it's sadder for me when I saw Josh looking at Tyler. He's got like anxiety and he probably didn't know what to do to help his friend
Tyler "Oh sh*t, I'm not going back..."
it was Tylers fault, he wanted to get to the tall tower. the fans were intoxicated as hell and they WERE helping tyler, but ripped his shirt in the process. i agree tho some were being rude by yelling in the mic
When Tyler was in the crowd, he got into a bad spot. People lost their hold on him, and he started to fall. Because of that, everyone tried to rush in and hold him up. People were fighting and trying to keep away this one drunk guy (Tyler screamed back off at the drunk guy because he didn’t want us fans to get hurt). In that process, beers were spilled, he somehow lost his shoe in the mess (probably by someone holding his foot to keep him up, but since he was thrown around they accidentally pulled the shoe off), and while people were trying to hold him up they accidentally ripped his shirt. He had enough at the end, since he was thrown around, his outfit was messed up and he was told to end it because he was already going overtime. It was only a few people/one person who tried to “hurt” him, but the majority of the damage was made by people trying to save/help him. Teenagers aren’t that strong, it’s all just a misunderstanding. I know it’s hard right now, but we gotta have faith in the Clique.
Tyler is fucking strong. Have you seen his muscles? He must be heavy (muscle mass) for teenagers to hold up, no wonder he fell. He’s no wimp, he can very easily fight against teenagers, and he even has the attitude to protect himself. He may seem sweet and like an innocent little man, but he’s god damn tough and well-built. He makes so many sexual-innuendos and is not innocent at all. Josh if anyone is the innocent one, not the tough guy. Tyler would be the one to hurt a fly, not Josh. Crowd surfing isn’t easy, but Tyler can protect himself quite well, and Josh has anxiety, not knowing what was happening to his friend must’ve made him really anxious.
Tip: when he is crowd surfing, DONT FRICKIN EAT HIS CLOTHES OFF
true frenship
and when he said JOSH ;(
He said he always drums harder when he’s worried about Tyler
Most of you probably know this by now, but Tyler was NOT attacked. This person can probably explain it better than I can, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFxJgszpcww&feature=youtu.be , but I'll try my best.
Pretty much, Tyler had to crowd surf to his stand because the BBC cut off his entrance. In the front were a bunch of strong people that could have held him up, but as he got further to the back; more people back there were either teenagers or drunk/high. So he fell.
The reason his shirt was ripped was because people were struggling and trying to get him back up and hold him up again. His shoe fell off, and they did not cut the show short. You can see at one point when he's on his stand he leans over; the person in the video I linked explains that is because BBC said they were about seven or so minutes over time. Yes, he did scream for Josh. And yes, he did scream for them to get off of him. This is because most of the people on him were the drunk people in the back.
Jish: Nu I must kep druming
Tyjo: *disappears into the crowd*
Jish: *drums*
Tyjo: *climbs tower*
Tyjo: jish I'm back