Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

This video involves epic, light tackle surf fishing with lures and a visit from a shark in 3 feet deep water!! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 --------------------------------------------------INDEX----------------------------------------------- Fishing Starts-------------------------- 3:04 Sister Fishing-------------------------- 10:18 Mom Fishing--------------------------- 12:24 Shark Encounter---------------------- 12:50 MUSIC: 1st song: "Antarctica" by Andrew Applepie Ft. Redhead Gang https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie/antarctica 2nd song: "Open Up" by Andrew Applepie - https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie

Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Surf 8 years ago 104,323 views

This video involves epic, light tackle surf fishing with lures and a visit from a shark in 3 feet deep water!! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 --------------------------------------------------INDEX----------------------------------------------- Fishing Starts-------------------------- 3:04 Sister Fishing-------------------------- 10:18 Mom Fishing--------------------------- 12:24 Shark Encounter---------------------- 12:50 MUSIC: 1st song: "Antarctica" by Andrew Applepie Ft. Redhead Gang https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie/antarctica 2nd song: "Open Up" by Andrew Applepie - https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie

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Most popular comments
for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

Ducks4Life32 - 6 years ago
We’re you using a pisfun venom? If so what model?
kazuto kirigaya
kazuto kirigaya - 6 years ago
I have the same tackle box but i broke it
Todd Dreher
Todd Dreher - 7 years ago
I don't mind a videos of fishing and stuff but that Music's Got To Go. Don't need all that loud whatever kind of music that is for that long in the beginning should be able just to go straight to the fishing pretty much without having to watch him driving down the road for so long till they get to their spot I mean you could use that and feel that area up just by fishing instead of wasting time just watching him driving down the road which is boring Animusic is something left to be desired. But the fishing part is good
TwentyøneVeilswithsirens - 6 years ago
Todd Dreher just skip instead of being a douche
CS Chanthavong
CS Chanthavong - 7 years ago
Are you from Kentucky?
Tatertot 4242
Tatertot 4242 - 7 years ago
what beach is this is it in destin
piolo pacuang
piolo pacuang - 7 years ago
Are u using a leader line to your ul set up?
DevinMoe - 7 years ago
where In Florida is this? the water is sooo clear!
Mr Mike
Mr Mike - 7 years ago
Holy shit the editing
Andy S.
Andy S. - 7 years ago
It's as hard as animal crossing fishing, hahaha got me there

10. comment for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

ObiWanShinobi1 - 7 years ago
The story of most men visiting Florida - go to the beach and try to let strange women play with your rod.
Isaac10 USA
Isaac10 USA - 7 years ago
Is that in Florida
Rey Banda
Rey Banda - 7 years ago
Love to know gear setup. Trying to see what works. Sweet vid!
Ace Fishing
Ace Fishing - 7 years ago
Those waves come out of no where
Clientor - 7 years ago
wich fishing reel do you fish om your ultra light combo in this video?
DAVID H. - 7 years ago
such a savage
kyle mar
kyle mar - 7 years ago
funny cause i took the same route to destin yesterday and i was on the same beach!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson Beckman
Jackson Beckman - 7 years ago
Where in flordia
Antonio Sannicandro
Antonio Sannicandro - 7 years ago
I hate ladyfish
Mickey L Strickland
Mickey L Strickland - 7 years ago
666 likes Satan confirmed

20. comment for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

Maarten - 8 years ago
what type of fish was that
Justen Bolognese
Justen Bolognese - 8 years ago
was this in Arbua???
Alfie Fallejo
Alfie Fallejo - 8 years ago
When I can't go fishing. I watch your videos :). Thanks for taking the time to create these videos.
Hood Cochrane
Hood Cochrane - 8 years ago
Should of casted at the shark
Luken Boyle
Luken Boyle - 8 years ago
Man this is awsome!!!
Pierce Griffith
Pierce Griffith - 8 years ago
You live in Alabama?
BrazenBullXXX - 8 years ago
@11:45 The game face is real.
Soy Sauce
Soy Sauce - 8 years ago
An could you please send me links on the rod and reels and tackle and line usage
Soy Sauce
Soy Sauce - 8 years ago
Where was this
gamer2morrow - 8 years ago
the lady looks so furious XD

30. comment for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

K1LLA SK1TTLEZ - 8 years ago
bruh why do you keep coming where i live all the time ? XD how do you like destin/Niceville?
Jake Visser
Jake Visser - 8 years ago
where were you in florida
Reptilian Spags
Reptilian Spags - 7 years ago
Jake Visser :c
Jake Visser
Jake Visser - 8 years ago
Tinydanceing Monk
Tinydanceing Monk - 8 years ago
Are u fishing in new Smyrna
Marcus Kuok
Marcus Kuok - 8 years ago
that wave came out of nowhere lol
Novation Hax
Novation Hax - 8 years ago
What Part Of Florida?
Clamp God
Clamp God - 8 years ago
MISTER KLIENFELD - 8 years ago
Dude. Awesome video
kavahn boyce
kavahn boyce - 8 years ago
Editing on point
julio barrera
julio barrera - 8 years ago
para ser una pesca ultra light la caña y el carrete esta muy pasado o pesado, deberia ser una caña y un carrete mas suaves
Chase Corriveau
Chase Corriveau - 8 years ago
u have the best video editing I've seen any channel
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Chase I really appreciate it! :D
Ezra C
Ezra C - 8 years ago
what watch do you have?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
That is a Casio dive watch. Bought it on amazon for around $40 but the battery finally started failing after 2 years so I had to get another watch
Cameron O'Connor123
Cameron O'Connor123 - 8 years ago
What's the Utes light reel called
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
That was the Mitchell 310 Pro. Great little reel for around $60
Richard Do
Richard Do - 8 years ago
ive never seen someone so awkward reel in a fish like that before. lmao
Grey Brewer
Grey Brewer - 8 years ago
So I take it you like the Florida fishing? I live in this state ( I call it El Pantano del Diablo ), and I must say the fishing is nice. Both Salt and Fresh.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I'm jealous! Yeah I love fishing in Florida! The variety of fish you can catch on a daily basis is amazing
Landon Mullaney
Landon Mullaney - 8 years ago
I'm going to destin tommorrow!!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I'm jealous! Have fun man
Doug Powell
Doug Powell - 8 years ago
you can tell the reel is not set up for her to reel right handed, making it harder for her to reel the fish in.
Devin Galvan
Devin Galvan - 8 years ago
What was that fish at the end of the video swimming right at you?
BankFISHINGguy - 8 years ago
what month was this?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This was in May
MC - 8 years ago
what rod do you use
Heinrich Broodryk
Heinrich Broodryk - 8 years ago
nice vid, but that isn't true light tackle
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher - 8 years ago
Where are you fishing in Florida? I'm in destin right now and looking for a place to catch a bunch of fish
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing thank you!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
+andrew fish I highly recommend the jetties just be sure to bring water, sunscreen, food, and lots of brine shrimp! Congrats on those sharks though, I love catching em!
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing they were sand sharks and about 2 1/2 feet long a piece. We caught them on a piece of channel mullet. I will definitely have to try out the jetties sometime!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
+andrew fish nice, what size and species were the Sharks? I usually have good luck catching pompano with sand fleas in the morning and redfish every now and then while using lady fish chunks. If you want a bunch of different species I would suggest checking out the jetties! Lots of pinfish, but you never know what you might catch!
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing thanks so much man. We've caught a bunch of catfish and a couple sharks but are looking for more species. We have only caught two lady fish
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This was in Destin. Idk the current fishing report, but if you use fresh shrimp on the beach you should be able to catch a bunch in the morning and evening! Or try out the Destin jetties!

50. comment for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

Jonathan Burla
Jonathan Burla - 8 years ago
Hey man just subscribed! I'm in Florida for vaca, where did you go in this video? I need to explore more than just Hollywood Beach. I wanna go to this place
Jonathan Burla
Jonathan Burla - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing thanks man! I appreciate it a lot! I'm gonna make some GoPro vids of fishing too :D
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Im jealous I wish I was down there still! This was in Destin, FL by the Topsail hill preserve state park.
1bat1ball_ Sports
1bat1ball_ Sports - 8 years ago
awesome videos but tighten your drag just a little it'll be easier to set the hook
Shane Haney
Shane Haney - 8 years ago
I may have missed it but....where are you fishing in this video?
Shane Haney
Shane Haney - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing Very beautiful water! I was in Perdido Key last year. Would like to get back.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Don't think I said it in the vid but this was in Destin, Florida
Dan 2c plus
Dan 2c plus - 8 years ago
Not to diss on 1rod, and I know he does mainly bass, but there is no reason this guy should have less subs than him. These videos are beautiful and very well done. Keep uploading and you will soar my friend
Keith McPherson
Keith McPherson - 8 years ago
I subscribed, great editing by the way! I look forward to your next vid!
riner9 - 8 years ago
My coworkers made fun of me when I told them I like catching ladyfish.
Evan Rice
Evan Rice - 8 years ago
It's a shame I just saw this, I live in Destin and could have got you a good opportunity on a real tarpon!
Evan Rice
Evan Rice - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing you normally loose a lot before the first catch but their jumps are out of this world
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Tarpon are pretty dang high up on my bucket list of fish to catch. Looks like a very tough fish to catch!
Drew - 8 years ago
Awesome editing and good content
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you Drew!
Cfb Baller
Cfb Baller - 8 years ago
What beach
Clamp God
Clamp God - 8 years ago
Crampiq - 8 years ago
very cool catches! and what ultra light rod do you use?
Isaiah Hines 23
Isaiah Hines 23 - 8 years ago
What part of Florida
Isaiah Hines 23
Isaiah Hines 23 - 8 years ago
I'm from fort Walton 10minutes away and I catch a lot of lady fish off of the shalimar bridge
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin, FL
reelhooked - 8 years ago
Good Job bro keep up the good work! You got another sub here!! I want to get up there with views!! Check my vids out!
Luis Colon
Luis Colon - 8 years ago
I absolutely love your videos! Keep up the awesome work man, btw what rod and reel do you use for your light fishing?
Frat Boy Fishing
Frat Boy Fishing - 8 years ago
I orgasm over your editing skills at the beginning. The intro is a little long is the only criticism but I enjoyed every bit of it as a fellow youtuber and producer. Collab would be a dream some day.
mark villarreal
mark villarreal - 8 years ago
what's your ultra light set up
Cy Cadence
Cy Cadence - 8 years ago
618 Fishing...Nicely Done!!!
I fish at Camp Gulf (RV Resort) - Destin/Miramar - typically in early May using a light to medium 7ft spinning rig with 8 to 10lb test throwing 3/4oz Kastmaster. In early May decent sized Spanish Mackerel are in between the sand bars along with an occasional Cobia and Redfish thrown in. Fun to catch!!!!!
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 8 years ago
What beach is this?
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 8 years ago
+Clamp God thank you
Clamp God
Clamp God - 8 years ago
jakob - 8 years ago
set up u useing ?
day man
day man - 8 years ago
this is the first time I've come to this channel and I'm only 38 seconds into this vid and am subbed now
Colby Muirhead
Colby Muirhead - 8 years ago
Same here
thunerOCEAN - 8 years ago
great catch mate,what tackle you using?
Ekko - 8 years ago
Hess using a spoon he said it like a million times
Steven DeAnda
Steven DeAnda - 8 years ago
where did u get that rod holder from, I'm looking for one
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Got them from bass pro for $7 but you can easily make your own for a lot cheaper!
bob parker
bob parker - 8 years ago
Just make sure u are always wiping off the lens
bob parker
bob parker - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing other than that it was a great video bud
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
So true haha it can easily ruin a shot, I was constantly wiping of the lens yet still had some shots get ruined!
HookedOnFishingTv - 8 years ago
Where are you in Florida
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin, fl
Clark Vue
Clark Vue - 8 years ago
You're editing is awesome and nice video!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you I appreciate it!:D
Jackson Wages
Jackson Wages - 8 years ago
What lure are you fishing
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
UL was a bass pro brand spoon
Joel Overesch
Joel Overesch - 8 years ago
Good work man keep it up
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Joel!
Cody Odom
Cody Odom - 8 years ago
what kind of camera and microphone setup were you using with that chest mount?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
GoPro hero 3+ black with Rode smartlav + recording to my iPhone in a life proof case(would recommend a waterproof recorder instead of phone because mine ended up getting wet a few days later)
Nick Bayon
Nick Bayon - 8 years ago
shouldve butterflyied the lady fish wait till dusk and used um for tarpon or shark bait
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I did use one for cut bait but had no luck!
rome harris
rome harris - 8 years ago
which rod and reel combo do you use
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Overall favorite combo for surf fishing is the Penn Spinfisher v on a ugly stick BWS rod. UL combo varies but usually nothing too expensive because salt water can destroy a reel pretty quickly
DefyingLogic - 8 years ago
Nice fishing man keep it up :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks man:D
Davis Burdette
Davis Burdette - 8 years ago
where in FL are u fishing. I always try shore
fishing w lures and live bait and can never catch anything
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
It's all about time of day/year/water temp/ luck when surf fishing. This was in Destin Florida during March
Brody Bowman
Brody Bowman - 8 years ago
You have amazing quality videos I love them!!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Brody I appreciate it!
Will Hutchens
Will Hutchens - 8 years ago
Where is this at
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Destin, Fl
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen - 8 years ago
How did you get such good audio
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Had a lav mic recording to my iPhone in a life proof case(phone ended up getting wet and breaking few days later)
Zack Kay
Zack Kay - 8 years ago
ooh hes got that avet
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Good eye, I love avet reels!
WideLordWolf - 8 years ago
type of line you normally use?
Folklore_XD Folklore_XD
Folklore_XD Folklore_XD - 8 years ago
+Martin Cabrera we surf fish for our salmon they are saltwater fish if you want to google it.
lady fish are the same as a giant herring in western australia and our salmon go harder then them caught both species of fish . i land base fish for sharks these days anyways biggest so far is a 3.7m tiger shark on 65lb xtreme braid (my sponsor) with 24kg rod and a tiagra 30w
WideLordWolf - 8 years ago
bro this is surf fishing fish there are alot harder then some wimpy salmon
Folklore_XD Folklore_XD
Folklore_XD Folklore_XD - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing thats not ultra light ultra light is 4lb haha i catck 7kg plus western australian salmon on 1-3kg basspura rod with a 2k reel using 4lb line with 10lb trace
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I usually use power pro as my main line and a ~24" 25lb fluoro leader
Anna D
Anna D - 8 years ago
What's the line capacity on that reel?
Anna D
Anna D - 8 years ago
I didn't think so. I have the 300 pro and it doesn't hold much either. I wasn't sure if the 310 held any more. It's pretty cool to see such nice saltwater species on rods meant for bass and trout. Awesome videos :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Not much at all! Not sure on exact specs but It is a Mitchell 310 pro
matt aytayan
matt aytayan - 8 years ago
Awesome vid
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Matt!
Trevor Bailey
Trevor Bailey - 8 years ago
the lure your using on the ultra light is that a kastmaster?
Trevor Bailey
Trevor Bailey - 8 years ago
It kinda looks like them they works very well with brown trout
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Not sure on exact name but bass pro makes it and I've always had good luck with them
Preston petterson
Preston petterson - 8 years ago
where in florida are you fishing?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin
Preston petterson
Preston petterson - 8 years ago
Why the girl at 11:03 fish? Hopefully they both have licenses to fish.
Preston petterson
Preston petterson - 8 years ago
Ok, just giving a heads up
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Never been checked, but I always buy a valid license before fishing!
Jake Evans
Jake Evans - 8 years ago
Where in Florida is this???
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin
Jon Alas
Jon Alas - 8 years ago
you got my sub, learned a few tips watching your videos. took the kids out yesterday had a blast caught a few little crappies , trout and one largemouth. great vids man
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for watching Jonny! sounds like you had a great day of fishing!:D
WorldWideFishings - 8 years ago
Man this is beautiful work! Where is this! I'm not sure if you mentioned in the video! If you ever stop by New York City I can take you out! Haha tight lines
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks I appreciate it!:D this was in Destin, Florida
Avery Johnson
Avery Johnson - 8 years ago
Where do you live, state?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
i live in Illinois
Austin Anderson
Austin Anderson - 8 years ago
you showed the lisince plates
Austin Anderson
Austin Anderson - 8 years ago
you showed the lisince plates
Ethan Roach
Ethan Roach - 8 years ago
u should have used those ladyfish for bait
Acute Achiever
Acute Achiever - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing I eat them
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I did but didn't have any luck!
Thaison Nguyen
Thaison Nguyen - 8 years ago
Nice camera work and angles
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks Thaison!
941 Life
941 Life - 8 years ago
Next time you go fishing you should cut up the lady fish and use at cut bait
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
that's my favorite bait for shark fishing!

100. comment for Ultra Light Surf Fishing + SHARK ENCOUNTER

EHz Colorado
EHz Colorado - 8 years ago
Great footage. Awesome day. I remember eating Ladyfish and they may not be Yellow Tail Snapper or Dolphin, but they are better than the muddy swamp Catfish any day and I'll eat them if I'm hungry. :) By the way, could you give some guidance as to location? Was this South, Central, Northern Florida, East or West coast Florida or the Panhandle? I would appreciate it. Thanks for sharing.
EHz Colorado
EHz Colorado - 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing. :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks EHz! Nice, i've never gave them a try I might have to! this was along the panhandle in Destin. thanks for watching!
David Cosimeno
David Cosimeno - 8 years ago
Definitely not a ultra lite
Inshoreangler1301 - 8 years ago
you didn't watch the whole vid right?
Incarnati0n2G - 8 years ago
what rod and reel where u using when u caught the first fish?
Incarnati0n2G - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing ahh thx man
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
that's the Penn Spinfisher v 3500 on a 7' UglyStick BWS rod
Owen Gates
Owen Gates - 8 years ago
Where were you fishing I fished at Grayton beach state park with the same tackle a spoon and light tackle ad had lots of bluefish and LadyFish. In conditions as clear as this
Owen Gates
Owen Gates - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing the video of me catching the bluefish is on my dads channel @tim gates. If you look up timbogates it will show up with a dog as the profile picture :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
this was in Destin, FL which is pretty close to Grayton beach! sounds like you had a great day of fishing!(except for the rod breaking, that's never fun!)
Owen Gates
Owen Gates - 8 years ago
And caught a bluefish that broke my pole, PS Nice vid
Luke Jenkins
Luke Jenkins - 8 years ago
you should try a headcam ! I think it gives a better view
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for the suggestion! i like how steady the body cam footage is and find the head cam footage to have a bit too much movement, but there are a lot of situations where head cam footage is better, surf fishing may be one!
Apex Fishing
Apex Fishing - 8 years ago
What camera are you using?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition for the fishing and Panasonic G7 for the other shots
Kevin Brock
Kevin Brock - 8 years ago
Hey man awesome video. I'm heading to Destin soon, we are staying on miramar beach and I read some of the comments and I was wondering the bait you used to catch the black tips. Was it the lady fish? If so what was the rig you used. Great video again man
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
lady fish are great shark bait! I use a rig 'blacktiph' recommends. here's a link to his video on how to make it! good luck!!

Phenix Carney
Phenix Carney - 8 years ago
Hey what part are you in? I'm down there now and looking for some good fishing
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
this is in Destin Florida. try fresh shrimp on the beach, jetties, or pier and you'll get a lot of action!
Renray - 8 years ago
Nice video and great quality. What camera did you use?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Renray! for the fishing shots I was using the GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition and a Panasonic G7 for the other shots
Chases Rides everyday
Chases Rides everyday - 8 years ago
That is kinda like the condo we stayed in in Florida fort walton
James Horton
James Horton - 8 years ago
great video man!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks James!:D
NICK GREER - 8 years ago
do you know what kinda shark
NICK GREER - 8 years ago
Did you happen to see more than one
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Pretty sure it was a blacktip!
ExoticGaming - 8 years ago
I also live in edwardsville and glen Carbon area, nice to see someone cool that lives here.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Haha small world, thanks for watching!
Lance Bailey
Lance Bailey - 8 years ago
I'm from Tennessee too
Lance Bailey
Lance Bailey - 8 years ago
+Mac McGee right in between Nashville and Memphis
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
Same what part of Tennessee
Vivichi - 8 years ago
I live in Tennessee
Reelin' N Killin'
Reelin' N Killin' - 8 years ago
what could I do surf fishing wise with a 6'6 medium rod? what rig do you recommend for that and where should I fish it?
Reelin' N Killin'
Reelin' N Killin' - 8 years ago
thanks a lot man!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
+Reelin' N Killin' no problem! Don't use three swivels, just look for "3-way swivels" at your tackle shop and use one of those. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00AU5T4VG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466706822&sr=8-1&pi=SX200_QL40&keywords=3+way+swivel&dpPl=1&dpID=41Kcc5CnbTL&ref=plSrch
Reelin' N Killin'
Reelin' N Killin' - 8 years ago
thank you very much man! I love that you took it out of your time to help me with awesome information! So I should buy swivels and put 3 of them on my line?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I would suggest using a spoon up to what the rod is rated for. If that doesn't work, I also like casting a weightless rig. I tie my main line to a 3-way swivel with a circle hook tied onto each of the other two eyelets. You could also use a Carolina rig with a single circle hook. Either way, use fresh shrimp, cast into a deep pool between the sandbars, if the tide is going out let it take your bait with it while keeping light tension on the line, and be ready for a fight! Hope this helps and good luck!
Karma - 8 years ago
618 as in Madison County Illinois??
It's Tug
It's Tug - 8 years ago
OMG yes fishing in Madison for flatheads is the best
Karma - 8 years ago
618 as in Madison County Illinois??
Giuseppe C
Giuseppe C - 8 years ago
618 is jasper county as well!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
joel Johnsson
joel Johnsson - 8 years ago
Loving your videos! keep it up, youtube needs more channels like this :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I appreciate it, thanks for watching Joel!:D
Kilkees Own
Kilkees Own - 8 years ago
horsing them fish in
Charles3102 - 8 years ago
What are good saltwater baits to fish on the shore
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Fresh shrimp are my go to bait. Also sand fleas work great if you can find em!
Sebastian Birnbaum
Sebastian Birnbaum - 8 years ago
Amazing Florida Video again. Like i said before: Having subscribed to over a dozen fishing channels (mostly from germany), i still think your videos are the best. Spoon Fishing for the win. But that shark....get out of there dude ^^....sincerly Sebastian :-=)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you Sebastian I really appreciate the support!!:D yeah getting out of the water would have been the smart decision! Haha
NorthWestFishing - 8 years ago
What camera gear do you use besides go pro?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I use the Panasonic G7
Vic's kicks
Vic's kicks - 8 years ago
were is this?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is tops'l resort in Destin,FL
ur_boi_tactical_celery - 8 years ago
+vickilla Florida
Vic's kicks
Vic's kicks - 8 years ago
and I mean the beach
William Parrish
William Parrish - 8 years ago
What brand spoon was that?
William Parrish
William Parrish - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing thank you
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
The big one was a Krocodile spoon and the small ones were BassPro brand spoons
Hot Reels LA
Hot Reels LA - 8 years ago
My son and I enjoy your videos! You should come fish with us in Louisiana, we could do a video collaboration.
Hot Reels LA
Hot Reels LA - 8 years ago
Fishing is really good here end of summer into early fall, just FYI.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you guys for watching! That'd be really cool, I've only been to Louisiana a couple times but it is a great place!
TheCore - 8 years ago
You remind me of Casey neistat these videos are amazing. More please
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you! That dude is a huge inspiration to me!
GONE FISHING - 8 years ago
great video editing was spot on mate. what kind of shark was that?
GONE FISHING - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing wow I bet your heart was beating fast. Im all booked and ready to go on my trip on the 7th july for 18 days cant wait
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
As always, thanks for watching and commenting man! I'm 95% sure it was a blacktip shark
Buddey Whizkey
Buddey Whizkey - 8 years ago
I love your videos! And your editing is insanely good!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you Buddey I really appreciate it!
klownyou1 - 8 years ago
I'm going to try ultralight at sakakwea next week
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Good luck, it's a lot of fun!!
Sawyer Bartel
Sawyer Bartel - 8 years ago
Upload more and your sub count will explode. These are amazing. People need more.
Bubba George529
Bubba George529 - 7 years ago
kool kid me too a month ago
kool kid
kool kid - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing I have been there before
Fishboi 1977
Fishboi 1977 - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing ok thank you for replying
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
+Fishboi 1977 this is in Destin by the Tops'l resort
Fishboi 1977
Fishboi 1977 - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing what is the beach? cause I live in Fl
Joel Overesch
Joel Overesch - 8 years ago
I agree that's 100 k easy if u do that
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks man I really appreciate it! I'm working on improving my editing workflow so hopefully I'll be able to finish videos faster. Right now it take me a long time haha :D
More Than Fishing
More Than Fishing - 8 years ago
Nice video as always!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!:D
AK Fishing
AK Fishing - 8 years ago
Good job bro! good editing
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks man!:D
Isaac's Fishing Corner
Isaac's Fishing Corner - 8 years ago
Looks like you had a blast man! Those lady fish look like they give a great fight. But I'll be honest, when that shark showed up I would have been out of there faster than anybody else. Keep up the great work!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Isaac! Yeah those lady fish are a blast to catch and release! Haha the shark encounter was actually really cool but looking back on it, it was pretty creepy looking over and seeing a big shadow swimming directly at me
ThePhestor - 8 years ago
Dude just go ahead and move down here! Lol

Bought me a couple new spoons for some surf fishing this week at Treasure Island Beach!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Man I'd love to move down there someday, it's just too much fun! Good luck on your fishing trip!
JustMe - 8 years ago
I cry great tears of joy when i see your videos in my sub box
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Haha thanks man I appreciate it! :D
William Parrish
William Parrish - 8 years ago
Nice video!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks William!:D
Will Hoy
Will Hoy - 8 years ago
hey man what do you use for the audio because it seems like you have the watehousing on the go pro so i was just curious as to what you use for the audio
Will Hoy
Will Hoy - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing man that stinks I use a microphone connected to the GoPro but that only works with the frame housing so I wouldn't be able to surf fish great video
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I had a LAV mic recording to my iPhone in a life proof case. Matched up the audio in post. (worked for a few days then my phone got wet and broke)
Dan k
Dan k - 8 years ago
I love your vids they are too good
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you!:D
David Davis
David Davis - 8 years ago
what test line are you using
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I like using power pro braid. The larger rod had 50lb braid with 30lb fluoro leader. My light rod had 10lb braid also with 30lb fluoro leader
ryan metz
ryan metz - 8 years ago
What part of Florida is this in?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin, FL
Cammie 5446
Cammie 5446 - 8 years ago
Wat other types of fish could u expect to find here and should I use a trace
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
From the surf we mostly catch lady fish, gulf kingfish(whiting), redfish, pompano, blacktip Sharks, stingray, and jack crevalle. I would recommend a strong mono/fluoro leader(30-50lb) instead of wire because of how clear the water is and you will land all those fish listed above except for the larger blacktips
Chin Chin
Chin Chin - 8 years ago
5iwot5 - 8 years ago
making fishing videos entertaining for everyone!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks man I appreciate it!:D
Felipe H
Felipe H - 8 years ago
Where os this beach
Tyreek Hill
Tyreek Hill - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing omfg
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This is in Destin, FL
Fishing Is Boomin
Fishing Is Boomin - 8 years ago
what kind of camera are you using?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
for the fishing shots i'm using a GoPro hero 3+ and for the other shots im using the Panasonic G7
sidstergames - 8 years ago
Wannabe Casey niestat
Drake Thompson
Drake Thompson - 8 years ago
Because he has good editing skills he is a Casey wannabe? Get out of here you little 10 year old
Austin - 8 years ago
I don't get this comment Casey doesn't fish? I watch both of these youtubers and I see no resemblance.
Logan Hudson
Logan Hudson - 8 years ago
he doesn't want to be Casey. he takes inspiration from him.
Grant M
Grant M - 8 years ago
Nice video
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Andrei Tamas
Andrei Tamas - 8 years ago
where were you
Andrei Tamas
Andrei Tamas - 8 years ago
i went to clear water just came back good fishing
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
This was in Destin, FL
jacco - 8 years ago
Radek Chromik
Radek Chromik - 8 years ago
great video like always I really want to go to florida
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks radek and hopefully you make it there someday, it's a great place to fish!
Ducks 'Til Dusk Outdoors
Ducks 'Til Dusk Outdoors - 8 years ago
I'm addicted to light surf fishing, myself.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Right?! It's a lot of fun!
Cody Jaquysh
Cody Jaquysh - 8 years ago
looks like a lot of fun and such beautiful beach
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I love surf fishing! Thanks for watching Cody!
Alex Rudd Fishing
Alex Rudd Fishing - 8 years ago
I didn't know you were from Tennessee man! Great video as always.
Alex Rudd Fishing
Alex Rudd Fishing - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing ahhhh got you lol
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Alex! Actually from southern Illinois but we drive through Nashville on our way to Florida
Huntergy 1
Huntergy 1 - 8 years ago
Awesome video
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Hunter!
Reel Royalty
Reel Royalty - 8 years ago
Sweet video
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks man!:D

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