Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

http://surfcoaches.com/ - Free 5 Day Surfing Video Course http://surfcoachesmag.com/?feed=podcast - Surf Coaches PodCast This video talks about how to interpret all the data that is often given to us when looking at surf forecasts & surf reports..including swell height, period, and direction.

Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Surf 10 years ago 75,859 views

http://surfcoaches.com/ - Free 5 Day Surfing Video Course http://surfcoachesmag.com/?feed=podcast - Surf Coaches PodCast This video talks about how to interpret all the data that is often given to us when looking at surf forecasts & surf reports..including swell height, period, and direction.

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Most popular comments
for Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

Miguel Marquina
Miguel Marquina - 7 years ago
Not sure if you noticed but you said that there were two due west in the degrees chart.
anf355 - 7 years ago
legend. Thanks heaps
Fish - 7 years ago
i have been trying to better understand surf forecasts and this has helped me VERY WELL super good explanation thank you so much dude ur a legend
Mike McDermid
Mike McDermid - 7 years ago
Great video man.. just got into freestyle jetskis this year so lots to learn!
Amazing movie!
Have a nice day :)
usmcgsxr1 - 7 years ago
I watched this to learn about waves for fishing. No interest in surfing. But I wanted to say I think it was a great presentation.
Stephen McClintic
Stephen McClintic - 7 years ago
This helped a lot! Thank You!
Phaidrus - 7 years ago
Excellent tutorial! Thanks!
Awid Vahedi
Awid Vahedi - 7 years ago
Seriously one of the best Videos to Unterstand ! Thank You

10. comment for Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

Neal johnson
Neal johnson - 7 years ago
The best description of swell and direction !
ryan montez
ryan montez - 7 years ago
You lost me at 16 car pile up & Running into a brick wall.
Florencio Fontecilla
Florencio Fontecilla - 7 years ago
Nice teaching. Thank, pal.
Pica - 7 years ago
this tutorial was awesome! thumbs up!!!
robakacanadianbob - 7 years ago
Frank Aguilar
Frank Aguilar - 7 years ago
Awesome explanation!
Bullefly - 7 years ago
Haha isn't 180 degrees S and not 190
BREAZE - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Megz Montalvan
Megz Montalvan - 7 years ago
Omg thank you for using Florida as an example. Everyone Always uses cali or Costa Rica and Florida is completely different! Great explanation!
alextheskaterdude07 - 7 years ago
5:47 You said its fifteen seconds from the front of the wave (trough) to the back of the wave. I think you meant that it should be fifteen seconds to the front of the next wave since there is flat space between the waves.

20. comment for Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

Doctor Hill
Doctor Hill - 7 years ago
Great explanation. thank you.
Denise Litt
Denise Litt - 7 years ago
This was amazing thank you! I am a physics and bio teacher in San Diego, and you did such a great job. I finally understand the wave period/wave height logistics!
Favian Soto
Favian Soto - 7 years ago
I'm glad I got a chance to wook at this video.
Ashley Guzman
Ashley Guzman - 7 years ago
I'm watching this because I am totally lost in my college earth science class. I have a project due on oceanography and I'm so confused! BUT this dude explained it 1000 times better than my professor!!!!
iSURFTRIBE - 7 years ago
Awesome to hear, good luck in your class
Georgie Armstrong
Georgie Armstrong - 7 years ago
This was such an easy watch. I completely understood everything he said. So impressed.
life-enjoyer101 - 7 years ago
luckely my beach has a Webcam to and i live 5 km of the beach
Jacob Shaw
Jacob Shaw - 8 years ago
PS great tutorial!
Mickey Ma
Mickey Ma - 8 years ago
cool alles klar!!!
Sophie Brock
Sophie Brock - 8 years ago
Thanks. This is really useful.
Jacob Cohen
Jacob Cohen - 8 years ago
Is there an app that tells you how the waves and swells are going to be ??
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago

30. comment for Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

Lil Boat Sailing team
Lil Boat Sailing team - 8 years ago
This is great! I am a surf coach in Malibu and I have been looking for videos for my students to be able to practice at home and this is the perfect channel
Dale G
Dale G - 8 years ago
awesome video. thank you!
hooktenpushups - 8 years ago
got schooled~
Perfect Forecast
Perfect Forecast - 8 years ago
Very useful video, but if you are tired of checking the forecast every day! This Android App is for you!
Just put the conditions you want for each spot and wait for the notification.
Perfect Forecast in Android Google Store.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.perfectforecast
Carenna Willmont
Carenna Willmont - 8 years ago
Informative. Thank you!
Suzanne Dickson
Suzanne Dickson - 9 years ago
This guy is a fucking idiot.   I wouldn't let this clown sweep my driveway.   How can anyone take this retard seriously.   He is an obvious dumbass.
Jake Baynie
Jake Baynie - 9 years ago
You are an awesome teacher! Thanks for your help with this.
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
Great job Ive always looked at the surf report like today it says 10-16 in San Diego but I had a feeling there was more to it. It does say +15 face though with 15s WNW winds.So I guess this is good.
Matt Leaf
Matt Leaf - 9 years ago
whats a 'bui'. is that the same as buoy?
Jamie Smith
Jamie Smith - 9 years ago
+Matt Leaf. It's the same word. Pronounced 'boy' in England, 'booee' in the US.
Kate K
Kate K - 9 years ago
you are AWESOME!! This is so helpful - thanks!!
Kate K
Kate K - 9 years ago
you are AWESOME!! This is so helpful - thanks!!
Kate K
Kate K - 9 years ago
you are AWESOME!! This is so helpful - thanks!!
Von Israel Lacsina
Von Israel Lacsina - 9 years ago
thank you for the brief but crystal clear explanation. im just starting to learn surfing.
Von Israel Lacsina
Von Israel Lacsina - 9 years ago
thank you for the brief but crystal clear explanation. im just starting to learn surfing.
SoSickWidit - 9 years ago
finally, I get it, thank you.
Alex A
Alex A - 9 years ago
Hey thanks allot guys this really made it clear but I have one question. I normally use msw for my forecast and they normally have the wind direction as well. My question is what is the better condition the wind going against the swell (what I have heard to be better because the wind forms the pocket within the wave) or the wind pushing with the wind?
Skwarrrk - 9 years ago
1 more like for 300 ;-)
Joe v
Joe v - 9 years ago
are waves measured from the back or front(front facing the beach)?
Nick Jenkins
Nick Jenkins - 9 years ago
Easy to understand, ideal explanation , Thanks
Zeb Hall
Zeb Hall - 9 years ago
Question please, what effect does low and high pressure weather have on the surface of the ocean? I cant find any information about this, anyone have an explanation for me please?

50. comment for Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

Maxime Olsson
Maxime Olsson - 9 years ago
The clearest explanation ever! Thanks a lot
Airborne Addie
Airborne Addie - 9 years ago
Very informative video. I was never sure about what swell direction and swell period was until this video and it is definitely going to help with future forecast readings! Thank you guys!
Melissa Salgado
Melissa Salgado - 10 years ago
Thank you!  Loving your videos and you explain everything so clearly.  Aloha!
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 10 years ago
thanks bro, it was really helpful
Fernando Meneses
Fernando Meneses - 10 years ago
Owww and the wind?
Clifford - 10 years ago
Does it matter whether tide is getting higher or getting lower? I always hear that high tide is at (blank) time and low tide is at (blank) time. But what is the influence on waves whether the tide is going out versus coming in. For example, if tide is 2 ft and approaching high tide, will the waves be the same if the tide is 2 ft and falling? Thanks guys!!
hayden brooke
hayden brooke - 8 years ago
+Clifford ye at many beaches that i surf (5 beaches) the tide has to be low even if its 8 foot for their to be breaking waves its very weird
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Clifford Really depends on the beach you are surfing...some waves are only good at high tide, some only at low etc...typically in a beach break though, the waves can get a little extra push (tide push) when the tide goes from low to high, and can get a little drained out and not so good on the low tide, but like I said, it really differs from beach to beach...
Kingdingaling - 10 years ago
Awesome video series. Thnx for putting these out there
Todd Tracy
Todd Tracy - 10 years ago
I surf NSB, FL so this was great!  Thanks for the info and making me a better surfer!!
Maria Silva
Maria Silva - 10 years ago
Always wanted to have those infos. Thanks!!
Samuel Zamora
Samuel Zamora - 10 years ago
Yeah! so complete and clear. Good teacher
Marvin Rafael Solis
Marvin Rafael Solis - 10 years ago
Excellent explanaiton guys! Keep up the good work, your guys' channel is one of my favorites! Saludos desde Nicaragua !
Samantha Helm
Samantha Helm - 10 years ago
You killed it on that !!! Sooo helpful!
John Daivitson
John Daivitson - 10 years ago
I love your videos, but I have a problem getting a good trun, ( I'm about the sizes of Atūa 97 pounds )
陳源鑫 - 10 years ago
nice video ! 
JB Martinez
JB Martinez - 10 years ago
That was well-explained! Cheers mate!
Marco Bettega
Marco Bettega - 10 years ago
Thank you !!!!!
Roman Izaboss
Roman Izaboss - 10 years ago
Keep the vids coming!!! This was very helpful!!! Thx for the upload.
Andrew Stevens
Andrew Stevens - 10 years ago
Well done.  I'm from Australia and this information is not given to those starting out and as commented it takes them years to work it out.  Looking forward to watching the rest of your stuff
Clifford - 10 years ago
Really great vid. Haven't seen anyone else put up a vid to describe this stuff. That's why I subscribe to surf coaches!
1k1ngst0n - 10 years ago
This is a great explanation of something that took me years to figure out on my own. Excellent!!
Triiiop - 10 years ago
A+ stuff.  I have a pretty good understanding of meteorology but when it comes to shore/bottom interaction I'm lost. Do you all have any insight on how to get a feel for the way the swell wraps around coastal features?  I know that the wrapping effect coupled with bathymetry can sort of magnify waves at certain breaks.  It seems pretty hard to predict beyond just learning your local break from past experiences.  Surfline has the LOLA nearshore model, but its only for limited locations.

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About Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials

The "Understanding Waves Size & Surf Reports - Surfing Tutorials" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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