What's up NUB NATION!! Today I went for the Van Life surf experience when I went surfing. Heated up the Dodge Promaster, changed in her & treated it like I was on the road trip. Stoked on how Big Rob operates & so stoked to take her out of New Jersey & on the novelty wave dream run. The waves today weren't amazing for most surfer 's but I was ON IT!!! Thanks for all the love! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 824 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! Music - Trust Myself by Great Scott Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Music for Creators Longing by Joakim Karud Music promoted by Audio Library Daybreak by Electric Mantis Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library

VAN LIFE SURF EXPERIENCE sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Surf 6 years ago 9,048 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Today I went for the Van Life surf experience when I went surfing. Heated up the Dodge Promaster, changed in her & treated it like I was on the road trip. Stoked on how Big Rob operates & so stoked to take her out of New Jersey & on the novelty wave dream run. The waves today weren't amazing for most surfer 's but I was ON IT!!! Thanks for all the love! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 824 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! Music - Trust Myself by Great Scott Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Music for Creators Longing by Joakim Karud Music promoted by Audio Library Daybreak by Electric Mantis Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library

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Most popular comments

Chris Peters
Chris Peters - 6 years ago
J.B.P - 6 years ago
Great vid....Seen ya in your brothers vid.. way too funny! You have to think of something now! hahaha yewwwww
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
Hi Jordan! I’m a huge fan .
Kyle Connelly
Kyle Connelly - 6 years ago
Van looks awesome! yewww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Christopher Rovinski
Christopher Rovinski - 6 years ago
Your a legend pulling 360 airs in wind chop!
For the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha little guys
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
Ben thanks for the shout out today I've been I'll these last few days and having a shout out off you really made my day a better one thanks so much xxxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
your welcome :)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha yes!!
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 6 years ago
....In winter, I used to take a hot shower in my wetsuit and run into the water...Kept me toasty for quite a bit...When I moved, I used to bring 2 hot, 2 liter bottles...One for before to warm up and one for after to, well, warm up...sigh, SO RAD....
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha yes fully works!!
bodhi tree
bodhi tree - 6 years ago
board went alright for scummy waves
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
definitely !


Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Awesome! Thanks & enjoy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I would love to!!
Steven Martinez
Steven Martinez - 6 years ago
Can I have your old board for the dream #yewww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
where do u live??
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels - 6 years ago
The experience is real dude. Stoked to get out there. Yewwww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Joe!!
William Parkinson
William Parkinson - 6 years ago
What a great wind swell and fun floater.  I went to a talk last night,given by Jack McCoy( a deeper shade of blue) and Wayne Lynch, dream chasers like you. I was dismayed at how heavy Jack's high speed camera was. We are so fortunate  with our light digital cameras. Check out my underwater videos Cottesloe fish 2016-2017 etc. on Youtube. Surfing here and Perth, Western Australia has mushroomed since I started surfing single fins in the seventies. On my twin fin I was able to swerve like on a skateboard to build momentum.  I put two sets of wheels on the back of my skate board to be able to carve like a surfboard.  I enjoy watching your ups and downs.  I get shivers up my legs every time you come to grief on the rocks. I came to grief on the rocks at Jake's Point, Kalbarri and at Cathedral Rocks, Rottnest island. A bloody mess both times! I suppose that is what life is all about.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I love this comment, THANK YOU!!
Chael Slater
Chael Slater - 6 years ago
That board looks like it has got POP!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
Sup Ben . Question I have is there a world record you could win for daily vlogs? Your videos entertain and inspire me btw . I am starting to appreciate the effort it takes to do that . Keep it up dude
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much Charles!!
TheStump - 6 years ago
good vid.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
thanks so much!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Today I went banana, 4 strawberries, 2 scoops of the protein powder, bunch of ice, blueberries and filled the blender 1/4 with almond milk!


Ian N.
Ian N. - 6 years ago
van life heavy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sean K Moore
Sean K Moore - 6 years ago
All Weather/Wave Ben: the second shooting from the Solo Shot was less shaky. Wonder if you added weight to the tripod to minimize the wind effect. Put a few Gravy Stickers on your Solo Shot and engraving to CLAIM it; that is if warranty allows. Great second footage of a man alone in the lineup among 4' chop pulling rotations with INDEFATIGABLE stoke.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah the first half of the session the wind was about 40mph!! Then it calmed down and turned a little more west. It can handle about 25mph before it starts shaking. I have a sand bag for it!!
Ian N.
Ian N. - 6 years ago
board looked on point
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sean O'Connell
Sean O'Connell - 6 years ago
The Upper Brothers with the heavy claims! Yew
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha yew!!
Ian N.
Ian N. - 6 years ago
glad to see smoothies...
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
they're so good!!
checkthewater39 - 6 years ago
Dude that unit was flying through the slop chop!! Had some speed to it.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Works so well in small surf!!
BEEFS_OFFICIAL - 6 years ago
Made into!! Haha yess!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Lucas Hoj
Lucas Hoj - 6 years ago
Middle of the bay!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for the dream!
Goomer - 6 years ago
Good rides in the mush
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago


Surf Rats
Surf Rats - 6 years ago
That first part of the video wave!!!!YEEWWA
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Jonas M
Jonas M - 6 years ago
That you went out in that slop is to be Fu**kn killed it.
C - 6 years ago
i can see that new stick responds well
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Loving it!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ryan Burdon
Ryan Burdon - 6 years ago
What's your favorite super brand model you have ever had
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Prob the Unit!!
David Smeaton
David Smeaton - 6 years ago
So this might be a stupid question but when your out surfing with alot of people how does the camera know who you are out of everyone? Or does it record anyone
David Smeaton
David Smeaton - 6 years ago
Ahhhh ok thanks for letting me know!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
i wear an armband so it knows who to follow!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) !!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) !!
surfmatanzas - 6 years ago
Oh and is Barley trying to be the next Ben Gravy? Digging his Vlogs but seems to copy a lot of your manuerisms. Or is that the Super Brand business model? Hahaha
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha! He's a really cool guy!
Daniel Blecker
Daniel Blecker - 6 years ago
Rip fish
surfmatanzas - 6 years ago
I do the same protien smoothie but also use powdered peanut butter (from Walmart) and being diabetic i use ground Flax seed for the omega 3 and fiber. Once a day between lunch and dinner. Works wonders.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
So good!!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
loved all your songs by the way all was epic great music Hun oh looked up on your surfing videos in the UK couldn't find anything yet xx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
thanks man!!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
Ben any competitions or giveaways would be epic xx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
yeah im thinking about a good one!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
great video Ben can't wait to send your parcel to you that shake looked yummy xx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
it wasss
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
other merchandise ideas Ben Ben gravy guitar picks,Ben gravy beanies,Ben gravy pens, tattoos i thought it would be great to have things for all age groups and various prices dear and cheap products for all adults and kids to buy your stuff xxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
love that idea!
lee barnes
lee barnes - 6 years ago
Onshore. It's the new off shore.#airitout
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha truth!!
BEEFS_OFFICIAL - 6 years ago
lee barnes totally is!!
Dave2D Vlogs
Dave2D Vlogs - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You're the man!
Martin Schmidt
Martin Schmidt - 6 years ago
2:05 = my homebreak firing...
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
hahah 3 minutes to spare!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago


phu cue
phu cue - 6 years ago
Wow ! You make it look so easy to surf 2 foot windslop ! You could probably make my home break of Captiva island look like an actual wave !
phu cue
phu cue - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy the best you can hope to see Captiva island is for a cat 3 or bigger to sit out in the gulf for a couple days and send 6-8 swell from the SW with lite east wind ! Doesn't happen often but when it does it can be much more hollow than the east coast of Florida ! I've seen carloads of Dade county surfers come over with one board and break it from not timing the paddle out ! Its a shallow sandbar where you can catch the wave of your life or a beating you'd be ashamed to admit happened to you in the gulf ! Look at it on google maps ! Sanibel/Captiva islands look like a reverse j ! Oh yeah the most common good swells are from the NW with NE winds ! Killer rights ! But don't go left even if it looks make able from the beach ! Its not ! At low tide if its head high the impact zone can be like 2' deep ! And the sand bars can be pact like concrete from all the broken shells !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I'd love to try!
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Giddy up! The dream. 90 days sober today Bruh!!! NN4TW
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Jack Quarantillo thanks Man!!!
Jack Quarantillo
Jack Quarantillo - 6 years ago
You're on a roll now!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
jeff klem thanks
Bruh!!! Legit, Nub Nation sobriety inspired....Imagine that. Yewwww!
jeff klem
jeff klem - 6 years ago
Good job! Keep it up! For the dream.... YEW!!!
chillidawg40 - 6 years ago
Sick van Ben! Nice little sesh out there in that slop!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
thanks man!
oyarzaboul - 6 years ago
The new american's surfers disease . Vlogging And ACT like they are pro. So lame
Susan Marie
Susan Marie - 6 years ago
Ben will delete him. He doesn't promote negativity on his Ch or in his Life. Bye Bye Felicia
nicole coops
nicole coops - 6 years ago
Haters are gunna hate, Ben too stoked to be brought down by envy yieeewwww
phu cue
phu cue - 6 years ago
oyarzaboul Sorry.....who the fuck are you ? Huh ? Shut up and go watch your "my little ponies" episodes ! Do you have a wetsuit sponsor ? Your own surfboard model ? A marketable name even ! For the love of God man just go away !
oyarzaboul - 6 years ago
Too many stickers dude stop lying to yourself
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 6 years ago
You made something out of a chaotic mess, board held up in the conditions, and you even snuck in a day between beefs and kalani in the intro! Blair conklin was in that too. Yew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic!! Going to have a guest appearance by that crew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Misde Sixtysix
Misde Sixtysix - 6 years ago
Ben, you need to check out Dave2DVlogs. Vandweller and loves to surf Pacific coast
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah I've been talking to him!!
Susan Marie
Susan Marie - 6 years ago
Misde Sixtysix
Dave2D told me about Ben's ch
Ethan ziv
Ethan ziv - 6 years ago
Not bodybaging anymore huh
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thought I was
Andy Blanco
Andy Blanco - 6 years ago
That was perfect real life illustration of - Blindly chasing a dollar can cost you your life.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha! fully
Didymostruespeak - 6 years ago
Wow new solo shot is shaking like crazy is it the wind? Maybe need to bury the feet of the tripod. I had a 1978 Chinook Newport and I rigged a bitchin shower I used to be able to shower after a session hot water. You waterproof the floor for a reason. My new breakfast for the last month or so has been coffee and gravy LOL
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha coffee and gravy! yeah its the wind...I have a huge sand bag holding down my whole unit, but if the wind is high enough it still shakes
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
New stick looks sick!
Van life for the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Misde Sixtysix
Misde Sixtysix - 6 years ago
I'm enjoying your infectious personality. You're a really good guy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Was checking with a local dive shop owner who buys Henderson wetsuits to see if he can order me a Ben Gravy Hyperflex wetsuit later this year through his Canadian distributor...we're working on it Ben!...wish me luck! That was an amazingly rad session on that new stick as it looked like, to the untrained eye, like me, that there was nothing surfable in that frothy mess...yet you pulled off a truly gnarly session there Mr. Gravy! YEEWWW! Mr. Soloshot seemed to work great...but you need to try my weight pendulum idea for wind stabilization to see if that works...footage kinda jittery as you well know. Fun with the fam Tucker and Sammy!...and Jordan ( Hi Jordan! )...good times, eh? NNFTW!!! Cheers, John ;)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah John, stoked!!!
Eet given new name in eternal life Holy spirit
Eet given new name in eternal life Holy spirit - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy is a total pro grom. #vanlife follow me on Instagram and see my schizophrenic art @c7adams
I think there might be another addition to nub vocabulary...." sugary goodness "...if I heard that right....the Dream continues
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha!! YES
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I actually just don't have the reactor and I lost all my right fins for the performer so I went with what I had and they worked well!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
I'm glad you all escaped the room!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) !!
Louis Anthony
Louis Anthony - 6 years ago
Ever since you started the van project, I now find myself kinda wanting a van so I can build it into an epic travel pad. Love the vlogs man, keep up the awesome work, you truly inspire us.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha it's contagious!!
neutered10mm - 6 years ago
The camera shake from the wind might be minimized by hanging weight from the center of the tripod if it has a spring loaded hook like most tripods have. Since you are always shooting from a beach, check out a quick sandbag that you can fill on the fly and hang from this hook if it exists on your tripod ... if not, look into such a tripod ... makes a huge difference.
Jerseyboards - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy since the shake is minimal you could probably stabilize the clips in final cut or iMovie. It would crop it a bit but could help.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I actually have a big sand bag hanging down off the middle. I'll show you guys next video, but the wind effects just the top portion of the cammera. Anything over 25mph is tough
toolhog10 - 6 years ago
epic veelog, per usual. What do you think about taping your good camera on top of the soloshot and setting zoom for a better picture maybe, or maybe not. yew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I think I just need to use the 4k function on the soloshot and maybe the medium view instead of wide, but when i starting using 4k before my cam broke so I'm scared!!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
Janene PSS that is cool John Egan is helping you with your vlog, that is very nice of him, I also watched his seagull video, it made me laugh so hard I shared it on my Facebook. I also watched his slushie ski contest videos and that was pretty funny too, along with some others.
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
That is cool you are starting to make videos on your channel. I watched them and they are good for starting out, I see your improvements as you go along. I have no idea how to make a video for YouTube but would like to try someday, maybe this summer when my daughter is home from college and can help, she's a film major. I'm not sure we have all the equipment we would need as she rents most of her equipment from the college and won't have access in the summer when she's home, but we'll see what we can do. Last spring we did get a pretty cool video of a bird that flew into my van and landed on her ice skating team bag right near the pirate logo. Other than that I'm not sure what I would post about though. I watch Life With Beans and The Rybka Twins sometimes, they live in Perth so I guess that's kinda near you. I also watch Sabre Norris and the Norris Nuts over in Sydney. I love how you have so many beaches and awesome playgrounds there! (Not that my family is playground age anymore but I still like viewing the cool stuff some of them have.) Maybe you could have one of your friends film you surfing in one of your upcoming vlogs. Your Aussie accent is just fine, but I agree BG's is more over the top, lol. :) PS I usually do my taxes early too but this year I have just not been motivated but time is running out so I guess I better rip that bandaid off today! :)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha!! Thanks Janene!!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
Hi Janene, I'm fine just procrastinating getting my taxes done. Yuk! I keep seeing people trying Vegemite and everyone saying they are eating it wrong, so at least I know you're supposed to spread a small amount on toast with butter. :) I'm curious if I would like it because I like some foods a lot of people don't like such as umeboshi and seaweed because I lived in the Philippines for 3 years as a kid and my best friend was Okinawan. Maybe I will order some on Amazon and try it out. I'm also curious if it is good for digestion as I have colitis. I love reading your comments and always read them with an ozzy accent in my brain. (You also type ozzy very well so makes it easy.) :) I've been binge watching Bondi Rescue this past week and I feel like I've been to Australia now! Do you live near Sydney?
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
I always wondered what that Vegemite was for. ;)
Oliver Howson
Oliver Howson - 6 years ago
Mate, you're making it impossible to sleep with you maxing out everyone's stoke level over here!!
It's 12:30 am here in Aus btw!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha!! for the dream!!
TPJN VOID - 6 years ago
1st comment at 2am in NZ!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Dmoorzy - 6 years ago
Australia mate! Yew!

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